Forest on fire егэ

Play высказывания

1. Sadly, many forests are cut down so that homes can be built.
2. In some ways, people can help a forest grow.
3. An unattended fire is a forests worst enemy.
4. We should try to avoid sacrificing forests for farmland.
5. Whatever you bring into the forest must leave with you.
6. A persons wooden furniture was once an animal’s home.
7. Eco-tourism can raise money to protect forests and the species that live in them.

A – 5
B – 1
C – 3
D – 4
E – 2
F – 6

Speaker A: My family and I used to go camping when I was a kid. We had such great fun together, sitting by the campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling stories. I didn’t pay much attention to it then, but some of our fellow campers had some bad habits. You would see empty crisp packets and plastic bottles here and there. It wasn’t enough to put you off, but still, the campers should have taken those things with them on their way out.

Speaker B: We’ve all read those terrible stories about the state of the worlds forests, that they’re being cut down or burnt down and little is being done to stop it. It’s disheartening to say the least. I realise that countries grow and need space to accommodate their expanding populations. But still, whenever they clear the woods to build a new residential area, they are destroying wildlife habitat. Where are the birds and the animals going to live?

Speaker С: Camping is a terrific pastime. Still, there are rules to follow when camping in a forest. Breaking some of the rules might not land you in hot water, but one that will is walking away from a campfire while its still burning. Even if its just on its last smoking embers, all it takes is a few dried leaves to create a raging inferno. You’ll destroy the forest and harm the animals who live there.

Speaker D: Forests are cleared for a number of reasons, and sadly, the progress of mankind has been bad news for our planets trees. As our population continues to grow, more people need food to put on their dinner table. And that means more needs to be grown. Forests have disappeared because land was needed to grow vegetables or herd cattle. Its too bad we cant find a way to produce the things we cat without tearing down a forest to do it.

Speaker E: When a fire is ravaging a forest, it’s hard to stop it. The firemen do their job, although their main concern is saving homes. After the fire ends, there’s a mess left to deal with. A forest regenerates over time, but there are organisations that can give it a boost. They gather seeds and plant them in individual containers. When the trees are big enough, they plant them in the forest, giving it a chance to regenerate faster.

Speaker F: On a recent camping trip, my friend spotted a raccoon while we were sitting by the campfire. It quickly ran away when we noticed it, and my friend left the fire to see where it went. She found its whole family in a tree! But I remember her saying, “One day, their home could be gone!” She was right. Many trees are cut down just to end up as someone’s desk. I hope that never happens to that tree.


Forest fires ….. for many different reasons.


Droughts as well as high temperatures and excessive winds ….. forest fires.


Lightning ….. are also responsible for starting forest fires at times.


Sometimes, humans also start forest fires by being ….. with cigarettes and campfires. They may not completely put out their campfires, and this behavior is dangerous and irresponsible.


Some fires are deliberately started by arsonists. Arsonists’ ….. may vary, but starting a wild fire is always dangerous and thoughtless.


Some arsonists may start a fire because they want to file an insurance …… Others may seek revenge, or the actions might be politically motivated.


However, not all forest fires are bad. Some are essential to natural ……


If natural forest fires are not allowed to take place, forest floors may become overcrowded and new plant ….. doesn’t occur.


Some trees actually require fires in order to grow. Their seeds will not ….. without them.


However, fires that are out of control can ….. quickly and devastate large areas in a short time.

The fire broke out in a basement that just below me at 3 a. m. I live on the ground floor of . I could smell smoke from somewhere when I woke up at around quarter past three.

I ran to the door and saw . I panicked and ran back into the living room where I escaped .

It took a long time before . The police said that this was due to the fact that the flats didn’t have any smoke alarms.

The building . Within a few minutes it had spread to the upper floors. It was horrible. I could hear people who . One family on the fifth floor were all killed. It’s tragic. Another fifty people have been sent to hospital. 

I was told that it might have started when an elderly man in the basement flat fell asleep while smoking.

All this could have been averted. The four members of the Jones family might have been alive today if . It’s just been like hell. I`m so relieved to be safe. I hope that I never have to experience anything like this again.

the apartment block in central London

the whole hallway in flames

by jumping out of the window

a fire brigade arrived

seemed to go up in flames very quickly

were trapped in their flats screaming

smoke alarms had been installed

Раздел 1. Аудирование.

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Задание 1

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker A

My absolute favourite film of all time is ‘Local Hero’. Peter Riegert plays a Texas oil man who’s sent to a stunningly picturesque Scottish fishing town to negotiate with the locals to buy the whole town, so that his company can raze it to build an enormous oil refinery. This film, while being warm and hilarious, is also one of the most subtle films I’ve ever seen. The humour of some of the scenes can slip by if you’re not paying attention; in fact, I picked up more and of its subtleties with each subsequent viewing.

Speaker B

‘Manhattan’ is a film that could make a boy like me, who’s never been to New York, fall in love with the place. Funny, bitter-sweet, sad, pulsing to the great tunes of George Gershwin and shot in stunningly gorgeous widescreen black-and-white by Gordon Willis. And I almost always cry at the ending. I think this is Woody Allen’s greatest film, despite the fact that ‘Annie Hall’ won more accolades from Hollywood. It’s far more sophisticated, more bitter-sweet, still bitingly funny, but more of a ride for your emotions. A masterpiece.

Speaker C

Mere words fail to describe this film. You’ve heard of it. It’s ‘A Space Odyssey’. See it if you haven’t, and prepare to have your mind blown. It is a film that sort of encompasses art as a whole rather than just utilizing the cinema. It is a movie, it is a painting, it is a philosophy book, and finally a musical symphony. Do not watch it on video, or you’ll miss 2/3 of the images. Douglas Trumbull and the people who brought Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s vision to the screen set a standard of visual effects that’s still hard to beat, in my opinion.

Speaker D

My favourite film, The Jetty, is in black and white. It’s in French, it’s only 30 minutes long, and except for one briefly moving image, is told entirely in still images. After the destruction of Paris in World War III, a man obsessed by an image from his childhood is sent by the rulers of the survivors as an emissary to the past, in search of food and medicine, precisely because this image seems to be the only thing keeping the journey through time from failing. There, he falls in love … It’s one of the most amazing, brilliant, poetic and emotionally powerful films ever made.

Speaker E

I never used to like cartoons but ‘Ratatouille’ is, in a word, perfect. It’s the essence of ‘cinematic’. It is beautifully ‘photographed’, amazing fluid, sailing, flying camera movement, wonderful storytelling, endearing characters and acting, and it’s all about the love of food and finding the artist within yourself, being true to yourself and your abilities and passions. I absolutely adore this film and hope to see it again and again.

Speaker F

This is one of a handful of movies to earn a five-star rating from me. WALL-E should be recognized as the first film to truly reconcile digital technology with a human soul. Every single frame reflected back into itself as the artists and engineers created a mechanical character who gleaned the essence of humanity by sifting through all the things we tossed away. In the end, the machine captured the human condition and presented it back to us, using sophisticated and frequently brilliant film references. The movie successfully showed us how our rush toward digitization could destroy the fragile physical world we call home.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1) My favourite film is made in an unusual format.
2) The idea behind the film is truly significant.
3) This film causes feelings of happiness and sadness at the same time.
4) I have watched this film several times
5) The film has won a Hollywood award.
6) This film should be seen on the big screen.
7) My favourite film is entirely computer-animated.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 2

Now we are ready to start.

Interviewer: I know you’ve always been interested in painting even when you were a young boy. Now, I’m particularly interested in this new project of yours which is aimed at encouraging the under-16s to paint.
Artist: Yeah — I can’t imagine life without painting. But you’re right, my main passion at the moment is getting through to kids. A few months ago I was doing a TV show and at the end of the programme I asked kids to write in and tell me how many of them spent time at home painting.
Interviewer: Did you get many replies?
Artist: I was amazed at the response. I thought if I get a 100 replies, I’ll be pleased, but do you know, I got more than 4000 and from kids all over the world. They wrote and told me what they paint, whether they use oils, watercolour, crayons or even make their own special paint mixtures! And in a way it proved my theory because I was convinced that there must be loads of young people out there painting, even though most TV art programmes are targeted at adult audiences.
Interviewer: And have you discovered things about this age group that do surprise you?
Artist: Yeah! I guess I thought these kids would be painting for their friends but what’s really nice is that they’re painting for their families. In most cases kids put up their pictures on the kitchen walls, stick them on the fridge door or a cup cupboard somewhere, but if everyone really likes it, they’ll get a frame and hang it somewhere it can be admired by all. I think that’s great!
Interviewer: I can remember when I was a kid that my mother used to get fed up with me if I spread things all over the kitchen table and then didn’t clear away. Do you think this generation is any different?
Artist: Probably not! But some kids mentioned a great idea which is that their parents set aside special times for them to take over the kitchen. One lad said he’d been painting since he was eight and that he’d learnt good practice automatically and now clears away and washes up his brushes without being told.
Interviewer: Is it difficult trying to experiment with mixing your own paints?
An artist: Hm — expensive, if not difficult! I used to ask my parents to buy all sorts of different kinds of oil paints so I could try out new ideas. They were pretty good about it but I know they weren’t happy if I wasted the paint or it was such a disgusting colour that it had to be thrown away. They preferred it if I played safe.
Interviewer: So what happens now with all the information you’ve collected?
Artist: The next thing is to select about twenty kids and involve them in my own TV art programme but using their ideas and pictures. I’m reading through things to see who sounds adventurous and who has really tried to create something individual. It’s also important to get a good range of ages into the programme, from about 8 to 16 and obviously a mix of boys and girls.
Interviewer: I thought the advice was to never work with animals or children!
Artist: Yeah, I think it is. You’ll never see me on an art programme with animals, that’s for sure!
But what I’d like is to create a relaxed atmosphere where viewers can learn as well as enjoy what’s going on. I can imagine we’re all going to get in each other’s way, but then that’s what an artist’s studio is usually like. My Dad would offer to help and just get in the way, messing up my paints and trying out different colours before I’d finished. It was maddening.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for talking to us today and good luck …

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)

2. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A The artist had expected a large number of replies from children.
B The artist was sure that painting attracted many young people.

C The artist is surprised that children paint for their families.
D The artist thinks allowing children into a kitchen can be a problem.
E The artist’s parents taught him to experiment.
F The artist wants children to run their own TV show.
G The artist used to get annoyed when his father helped him.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Задание 3-9

Now we are ready to start.

Question: Can you explain the difference between a managed and unmanaged forest before we talk about water quality?
Answer: An example of an unmanaged forest might be a national park where by law, no forest management activities are allowed. They are strictly there to serve as recreation and as just natural areas. That’s one extreme, and then you have, say, land that is owned by the forest industry. We own the land to produce timber, to produce raw materials for our mills. When I speak of a managed forest, I’m talking about a place where trees are planted, they are nurtured through their lifetime, and they’re thinned. There might be some fertilization, then ultimately, they are harvested, taken to a mill to make forest products, and then the next forest is started.
Question: In your view, what is the role of the forest in producing high quality water?
Answer: In any given river basin the best water quality comes from the forest. This is true, whether it’s a national park where basically nothing is going on, or whether it’s a very heavily managed forest.
If you think about a forest, when it rains, some of the rain is intercepted by the tops of the trees and held there. The velocity of the rain is reduced as it falls down through the forest canopy, so that when the rain actually strikes the forest floor, it’s striking it with much less force. Plus, the forest floor is covered with leaves and bushes and other vegetation that also helps to absorb the velocity of the water as it falls. Therefore, you don’t get the rapid surface water runoff from the rainfall that you might get in some other land use, worse case being pavement. In addition to that, the trees have deep root systems, which create opportunities for lots of underground water storage. The water will eventually seep its way through the soil into the streams, rather than running across the surface and perhaps picking up sediment and other pollutants that can get into the water. That’s it in a nutshell, that’s what the forest does for water quality.
Question: What advice would you give to developers or city planners about the importance of trees?
Answer: I think trees are important in cities for a number of reasons. First of all, they make fora more attractive place. Additionally, trees mitigate, to some degree, hot temperatures and provide shade. Trees, especially in a hot climate, can make it more comfortable. As we all know, trees take in carbon dioxide, and give off oxygen and that’s something that we all need and certainly the more trees you have scattered out through developed areas, the more places you have for songbirds and squirrels and other types of wildlife.
Question: When the drought occurred last summer, we had a state of emergency. As an Environmental Manager, what is your view of what was happening and what it may mean from a larger perspective?
Answer: We’ve always had droughts and certainly the drought of last year was an extremely difficult one. Just looking at it from a forestry standpoint, you have to worry about whether the trees are getting enough water and certainly, the trees that had recently been planted just the winter before. That year is a critical year and they need enough water in their first year.
Question: So you really do get worried about it, because it could destroy the forest ultimately, if there wasn’t enough water, especially for the new crops?
Answer: A drought could probably not destroy the forest, but it certainly does slow down its growth. If trees are stressed by drought, it makes them more susceptible to disease and to attack by insects. As I mentioned, the trees that have just recently been planted, are particularly susceptible to drought in that first year.
Question: Speaking about saltwater intrusion, how do you see the problem getting started in the first place?
Answer: The saltwater moving up the river is largely a result of not enough fresh water coming down the river to keep the saltwater out where it’s supposed to be. This holds true particularly in times of drought, it allows the saltwater to come farther and farther up the river.
Question: What are the reasons why water is reduced downstream?
Answer: The freshwater flow can be reduced for a number of reasons. One is natural drought, which we can’t do a whole lot about. Another is interbasin transfer, say, if someone in one river basin is pulling their drinking water out of a particular river, using it, treating it and then discharging it into a different river, then certainly there’s been a net loss of fresh water flow coming down the river where that water was drawn. Consumptive uses can also affect the volume of fresh water. I mean uses where water is taken out of the river for manufacturing practices and released as steam, as opposed to being treated and released back into the river. Certainly as population increases, people need more water for drinking and washing clothes and more and more water is drawn out of the river.
Question: Many industries use water and fresh water is a key to the economy of the areas. What happened last year to your company when salt was making its way up the river? What would the salt have done if it had gotten into your operations?
Answer: If the saltwater comes far enough up the river and gets into the water intake where our manufacturing facility takes in the water, we cannot use saltwater in the process that we use to make pulp and paper. That results in having to shut the operations down and that entails great costs, plus it sends employees home. It puts us in a position where we are no longer able to accept logs from loggers, so it affects the loggers that are out in the countryside.
Question: How concerned are you about the future of saltwater intrusion, as upriver as you are?
Answer: We’ve always experienced saltwater intrusion in these coastal rivers. It is a natural phenomenon. However, more water will be drawn out of the river upstream, as the population increases, or if you have more situations of interbasin transfer. We don’t have a lot of that going on right now, but should that increase in the future, then the obvious result would be more frequent occurrences of saltwater coming up the river and that does give us concern. The intrusion of saltwater in these fresh water rivers not only has an impact, say, on manufacturing, but also has an impact on the biological communities that are in these rivers. I’m not an expert in that but I think I know enough to predict that when the water becomes saltier, the dissolved oxygen content will decrease and in most cases less dissolved oxygen is not good for many of the fish and plant communities that are in these river systems.

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This is the end of the Listening Test.

Вы услышите интервью с учёным. В заданиях 3-9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. A managed forest is a place where

1. people can plant trees but they are not allowed to cut them down.2. people can plant and cut down trees. 3. people can neither plant nor cut down trees.

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4. The forest helps to produce high quality water by

1. increasing the velocity of rainwater as it runs across the surface.2. preventing rainwater from getting into the streams. 3. making it reach the streams through the soil.

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5. What did the manager NOT mention while speaking about the importance of trees in cities?

1. Trees improve air quality and attract wildlife. 2. Trees serve as a natural air-conditioner.3. Trees can prevent the rapid surface water runoff.

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6. The manager is worried that droughts

1. could retard the growth of trees.2. could make trees resistant to disease and attack by insects. 3. could destroy the forest ultimately.

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7. The saltwater intrusion in the river

1. is caused by both natural and artificial reasons. 2. can be reduced by interbasin transfers.3. is lower in time of droughts.

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8. The saltwater intrusion in the river results in

1. using saltwater in production of pulp and paper.2. accepting more logs from loggers.
3. employees’ lay-off.

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9. According to the manager, the saltwater intrusion

1. is a rare and unusual phenomenon.2. may happen more often in the future.
3. could have no impact on wildlife.

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Раздел 2. Чтение.

10. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1) Different Explanations
2) Unexpected Invention
3) Circles on the Water
4) Ancient Ancestor

5) Hidden Menace
6) Solution to the Problem
7) Significant Benefits
8) Artificial Eye

A. Chocolate chip cookies were actually a mistake! One day in 1903, Ruth Wakefield, while baking a batch of cookies, noticed she was out of bakers’ chocolate! As a substitute she broke some semi-sweetened chocolate into small pieces and put them in the dough. She thought that the chocolate would melt in the dough and the dough would absorb it. When she opened up the oven, she realized she had invented the tasty treat called chocolate chip cookies!

B. Computers originally began as calculators. The first calculator was made by Blaise Pascal. It only had eight buttons, and it could only do addition and subtraction. There was a set of wheels, and all of the wheels had the numbers zero through nine on them. The wheels were connected by gears and each turn of one wheel would turn the next wheel one-tenth of a turn. This machine was completed in 1642 when Blaise was twentyone years old.

C. A helicopter has a big advantage over an airplane, especially when people might be trapped in a tight place like on a mountain, where there is not much space to land, or in the water. They are also used for rescuing people from burning buildings or from trees when there are floods. Without the helicopter as a rescue vehicle, many people would lose their lives because the rescuers would be unable to reach them if they were in a difficult area.

D. Cars have always caused air pollution. In the past, there was a lot more air pollution created by cars than there is today. In the future, there will probably be even less. Two good ways for pursuing the dream of less air pollution are cars that run on solar energy and cars that run on fuel cells. Solar energy and fuel cells don’t cause pollution because they do not give off any exhaust.

E. Reporter Rob Spence is planning to have a camera embedded in his eye socket and become a bionic reporter’. Spence, who lost one of his eyes when he was young, says he has a prototype in development and that one day the replacement of even healthy eyes with bionic ones may become commonplace. It seems shocking now, but it will become more and more normal, ’ he said.

F. Crop circles have been appearing in fields all over the world for the past 30 years.
There have been suggestions that they are made by flying saucers landing and flattening the crops, or even that they are messages left by visiting aliens.
Others think they are created by microwave beams from satellites orbiting the Earth. Other more rational suggestions are that crop circles are man-made hoaxes, attempting to convince the public of extra-terrestrial life on Earth.

G. The Egyptian Pyramids have always been surrounded by mystery.
When Egyptologists began to open the tombs of the pharaohs, rumours abounded that anyone who raided them would be cursed. Many think a curse was to blame for the death of Lord Carnarvon, who funded the expedition to open King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1923. He died of pneumonia after being bitten by a mosquito a few weeks after the tomb was opened.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Hogmanay is a Scottish holiday that celebrates the New Year. Observed on December 31, festivities typically spill over into the first couple of days of January. In fact, there’s a tradition known as ‘first-footing’, A___________. Of course, the guest must be dark-haired and preferably male. Redheads and women aren’t nearly as lucky! This tradition stems from the time when a red- or blonde-haired stranger was probably an invading Norseman. Gifts are given to guests, and one of the popular food items on the Hogmanay menu is the black bun, B___________.

In addition to national observance, many local areas have their own customs C___________. In the town of Burghead, Moray, an ancient tradition called ‘burning the clavie’ takes place each year on January, 11. The clavie is a big bonfire, fuelled primarily by split casks. One of these is joined back together with a big nail, filled with flammable material, and lit on fire. Flaming, it’s carried around the village and up to a Roman altar known to residents as the Douro. The bonfire is built around the clavie. When the burnt clavie crumbles, D___________.

In Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, the locals make giant balls of tar, paper and chicken wire. These are attached to several feet of chain or wire, and then set on fire. A designated ‘swinger’ whirls the ball around his head and walks through the village streets to the local harbor. At the end of the festival, any balls still on fire are cast into the water, E___________!

The town of Biggar, Lanarkshire, celebrates with a big holiday bonfire. In the early 1940s, one or two locals complained about the size of the fire, and celebration organizers agreed to have a smaller fire. This was erected as promised, but before it was lit, the local traditionalists trucked in cartload after cartload of coal and wood, making a giant pyre, F___________!

The Presbyterian church disapproved of Hogmanay in the past, but the holiday still enjoys a great deal of popularity.

1) which then burned for a whopping five days before running out of fuel
2) which is quite an impressive sight in the dark
3) where they are able to follow national traditions
4) the locals each grab a lit piece to kindle a fire in their own hearth
5) in which the first person to cross a home’s threshold brings the residents good luck for the coming year
6) when it comes to celebrating Hogmanay
7) which is a really rich fruitcake

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

There were three of them. There were four of us, and April lay on the campsite and on the river. This was Deer Lodge on the Pine River in New Hampshire. Brother Bentley’s father had found this place sometime after the First World War, a foreign affair that had seriously done him no good but he found solitude abounding here. Now we were here, post World War II, post Korean War, Vietnam War on the brink. Peace was everywhere about us, in the riot of young leaves, in the spree of bird confusion and chatter, in the struggle of pre-dawn animals for the start of a new day.

We had pitched our camp in the near darkness, Ed LeBlanc, Brother Bentley, Walter Ruszkowski and myself. A dozen or more years we had been here and seen no one. Now, into our campsite deep in the forest came an old van. Two elderly men sat in the front seat, felt hats at the slouch and decorated with an assortment of tied flies. ‘Morning, been yet?’ one of them said as he pulled his boots up from the folds at his knees. His hands were large, the fingers long and I could picture them in a shop barn working a primal plane across the face of a maple board.

‘Barely had coffee, ’ Ed LeBlanc said, the most vocal of the four of us, quickest at friendship, at shaking hands. ‘We’ve got a whole pot almost. Have what you want.’ The pot was pointed out sitting on a hunk of grill across the stones of our fire, flames licking lightly at its sides. When we fished the Pine River, coffee was the glue, the morning glue, the late evening glue, even though we’d often unearth our beer from a natural cooler in early evening. Camp coffee has a ritual. It is thick, it is potboiled over a squaw-pine fire, it is strong enough to wake the demon in you. But into that pot has to go fresh eggshells to hold the grounds down, give coffee a taste of history, a sense of place. That means at least one egg must be cracked open for its shells. I suspect that’s where ‘scrambled eggs’ originated, from some camp like ours.

‘You’re early enough for eggs and bacon if you need a start.’ Eddie added, his invitation tossed kindly into the morning air. ‘We have hot cakes and home fries, if you want.’ ‘Been there already, ’ the other man said, his weaponry also noted by us, a little more orderly in its presentation, including an old Boy Scout sash across his chest and the galaxy of flies in supreme positioning. They were old Yankees, in the face and frame, the pair of them undoubtedly brothers. They were taller than we were, no fat on their frames, wideshouldered, big-handed, barely coming out of their reserve, but fishermen. That fact alone would win any of us over.

Then the pounding came from inside the truck and the voice of authority from some place in space, some regal spot in the universe. ‘I’m not sitting here the livelong day whilst you boys gab away.’ ‘Coming, pa, ’ one of them said, the most orderly one. They pulled open the back doors of the van, swung them wide, to show His Venerable Self, ageless, white-bearded, felt hat too loaded with an arsenal of flies, sitting on a white wicker rocker. Across his lap he held three delicate fly rods, old as him, thin, bamboo in colour, probably too slight for a lake’s three-pounder.

Rods were taken from the caring hands and His Venerable Self was lifted from the truck and set by our campfire. The old one looked about the campsite, noted clothes drying from a previous day’s rain, order of equipment and supplies aligned the way we always kept them, the canvas of our tent taut and true in its expanse, our fishing rods off the ground and placed atop the flyleaf so as not to tempt raccoons with smelly cork handles, no garbage in sight. He nodded. We had passed muster.

“You the ones leave it cleaner than you find it every year. We knew something about you. Never disturbed you before. But we share the good spots.’ He looked closely at Brother Bentley, nodded a kind of recognition. ‘Your daddy ever fish here, son?’ Brother must have passed through the years in a hurry, remembering his father bringing him here as a boy. ‘A ways back, ’ Brother said in his clipped North Saugus fashion, outlander, specific, no waste in his words.

(Adapted from ‘The Three Fishermen’ by Tom Sheehan)

12. When Brother Bentley’s father found Deer Lodge, he appreciated that

1. he could listen to the birds singing2. there were lots of animals to hunt3. there were no people there 4. there was no war

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13. The narrator thought that the elderly men could have worked as

1. carpenters2. plumbers 3. mechanics4. shop assistants

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14. Ed LeBlanc

1. was the most modest of the four people2. had the best voice in the company 3. was the most outspoken of the four people4. was the worst at communication

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15. The narrator and his friends

1. always had ‘scrambled eggs’ for breakfast. 2. made coffee in a special way3. drank coffee only in the morning.4. drank only coffee in the camp.

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16. The four men liked newcomers because

1. were old Yankees. 2. they were fisherman.3. they had a notable weaponry.4. they were friendly.

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17. In paragraph 6 ‘We had passed muster’ means that

1. we felt a surge of relief. 2. we had to leave our camp in a clean state.3. the old man approved of our camp.4. we were considered to be experienced fishermen.

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18. The old fisherman

1. was a friend of Brother Bentley’s father.2. didn’t want to disturb Brother Bentley.3. had already seen Brother Bentley here. 4. did not recognize Brother Bentley.

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Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, предложения которого распределены по заданиям 19-25. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

19. Cristiano Ronaldo, the World’s Best Football Player

Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is a special man. What makes Ronaldo special is that he is a football great who ____________(DOMINATE) the soccer world today.

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Верный ответ: Isdominating;Dominates

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20. Only last Sunday, Ronaldo became the ____________(ONE) Premier League player to be named the FIFA World Player of the Year.

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21. Ronaldo ____________(HAND) a golden trophy and he expressed his joy, speaking to the audience.

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22. ‘This is a special moment in my life. I ____________(NOT THINK) (even) about winning this award, ’ said Ronaldo.

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Верный ответ: Havenoteventhought;Havenotthought

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23. However, it ____________(SEEM) that football players can demonstrate much more experience at controlling a game on the pitch than a powerful car on the road.

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24. Ten days ago, Ronaldo ruined his Ferrari in a tunnel near Manchester Airport while he ____________(HAVE) a race with Van der Sar.

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25. According to The Guardian, Ronaldo ____________(OWN) his Ferrari for just two days before the accident.

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Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, распределенный по заданиям 26-31. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

26. The Internet — a Blessing or a Curse?

We live in the age of information technology and the Internet is a unique ____________(INVENT), which has influenced all areas of our lives.

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27. Yet some people are ____________(CERTAIN) about the importance of the Web. Is it a blessing or a curse?

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28. On the one hand, with the Internet, it is now possible to communicate ____________(EASY) with people all over the world.

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29. In addition, the Internet is very useful, because it makes the world of facts and knowledge ____________(ACCESS) to everyone.

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30. However, a huge amount of information on the Internet is also one of its ____________(WEAK). This diversity makes it difficult to find the type of information you want.

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31. Moreover, the Internet can become ____________(DANGER) for our society, because of cybercriminals. The information wars of the future may be fought on Web sites.

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Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов вместе с предложениями из текста ниже.

Leisure Activities in Japan

The use of leisure time has become an ever greater focus of attention in Japan, as a result of higher 32___________, expanding leisure time and a growing interest in nature. This trend is reflected in the increasing popularity of sports and recreational activities. Examples of recently developed leisure activities include boating, yachting and marine sports on Lake Inawashiro and off the Pacific Coast, paragliding and family auto-camping in the mountains of the Aizu region.

Japanese 33___________ nature, combined with extensive leisure facilities, attracts sports and leisure-minded people all year round. There are three national parks in Kyushu providing excellent opportunities for sports and leisure activities. A number of golf 34___________ take full advantage of extensive land areas and superb natural settings. Each year this region sees a rise 35___________ the number of ski resorts, featuring resort hotels and other facilities. And, as one of the most attractive hot spring areas in Japan, Kyushu 36___________ a large number of visitors from around the country.

Kyushu is upgrading and enlarging its high-quality resort facilities to meet the demand 37___________ increased leisure opportunities, while at the same time giving full consideration to nature preservation. It is hoped that this rapid development can be 38___________ in the future.

32. Выберите пропущенное слово

The use of leisure time has become an ever greater focus of attention in Japan, as a result of higher 32___________, expanding leisure time and a growing interest in nature.

1. incomes2. perks3. taxes4. outcomes

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33. Выберите пропущенное слово

Japanese 33___________ nature, combined with extensive leisure facilities, attracts sports and leisure-minded people all year round.

1. abandoned2. redundant3. abundant4. enormous

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34. Выберите пропущенное слово

A number of golf 34___________ take full advantage of extensive land areas and superb natural settings.

1. courses2. pitches3. fields4. courts

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35. Выберите пропущенное слово

Each year this region sees a rise 35___________ the number of ski resorts, featuring resort hotels and other facilities.

1. between2. in3. of4. at

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36. Выберите пропущенное слово

And, as one of the most attractive hot spring areas in Japan, Kyushu 36___________ a large number of visitors from around the country.

1. drags2. collects3. picks4. draws

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37. Выберите пропущенное слово

Kyushu is upgrading and enlarging its high-quality resort facilities to meet the demand 37___________ increased leisure opportunities, while at the same time giving full consideration to nature preservation.

1. on2. of3. for4. in

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38. Выберите пропущенное слово

It is hoped that this rapid development can be 38___________ in the future.

1. obtained2. abstained3. maintained4. contained

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Раздел 4. Письмо.

Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него.

39. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tina who writes:

I can’t really understand why all my friends are crazy about soap operas. I think soaps are silly and boring. They don’t show life realistically, do they? And what about you? What kind of films do you like watching? Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why?

We all miss you, too. Everybody sends their love. Can’t wait to see you in the summer. Write back soon.

Write a letter to Tina.
In your letter

— answer her questions

— ask 3 questions about her family

Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

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40. Comment on the following statement.

Everyone would like to be rich.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200 — 250 words.
Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)

— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

— make a conclusion restating your position

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11.1 You are going to listen to a talk about forest fires. Before listening, match the words to their definitions:

1. devastating a) the hard outer covering of a tree
2. fatal b) to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions, the use of force, etc.
3. injury c) causing a lot of damage or destruction
4. bark d) the quality of being easily influenced, harmed or infected
5. tree trunk e) capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt
6. susceptibility f) causing death or very serious damage and having an important bad effect in the future
7. to determine g) physical damage or hurt
8. vulnerable h) to shape or influence; give direction to
9. to withstand i) to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or time survive j) the thick main stem of a tree, from which its branches grow

11.2 Listen to the talk and fill in the gaps:

Forest fires have a devastating 1) _______ trees. Often, as would be expected, trees are killed 2) _______ fire. 120 degrees centigrade for one or more hours is, 3) ________, enough to cause fatal injury. Some trees, however, like the redwoods, have 4) _______ thick bark and can take higher temperatures 5) _______ before the inner layers of their tree trunks are damaged. Trees with thick bark are not always killed in a fire.

Bark thickness is only one of many factors affecting a tree’s susceptibility 6) _______. A tree’s leaf type is also important in determining fire damage. Trees with a lot of large leaves burn 7) _______ trees with only a few small leaves.

A tree’s rooting habit is also important. Trees whose roots grow 8) _______ the surface are more vulnerable to fire damage. These trees may be killed by a ground fire even if a fire does not develop in the treetops.

The tops of trees are called their crowns, and fires that take place in treetops are called 9) _______. Crown fires are very common and are especially 10) _______ trees that carry most of their leaves at the top.

As you can see, there are a number of factors that 11) _______ a tree’s ability to withstand fire. No tree, however, can survive a serious hot fire that 12) _____ more than a few hours.

11.3 Answer the following questions choosing from the four options. There is only one best answer to each question:

1. What would be a good title for this talk?

a) Preventing forest fires.

b) Factors Affecting a Tree’s Resistance to Fire.

c) The Redwoods Ability to Withstand Fire.

d) Ground Fires and Crown Fires.

2. What fire temperature causes fatal injury to most trees?

a) 100 degrees centigrade.

b) 20 degrees centigrade.

c) 40 degrees centigrade.

d) 120 degrees centigrade.

3. Why do redwoods sometimes survive forest fires?

a) They have deep roots.

b) They have few leaves.

c) They have thick bark.

d) They grow close together.

4. What does the speaker say about trees with roots growing close to the surface of the ground?

a) They are more likely to have large leaves.

b) They are susceptible to ground fires.

c) They have a high resistance to all types of fire.

d) They usually fall down during a fire.

5. According to the speaker, what is a crown?

a) The top of a tree.

b) A very hot fire.

c) Tree roots that grow close to the surface.

d) The highest flame in a fire.

(Based on The Heinemann ELT TOEFL Preparation Course by M. Kathleen Mahnke and Carolyn B. Duffy)

Task 12. Watch the video presentation on global warming given by a former USA vice-president AlGore and answer the following questions:

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