Friendship егэ listening

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7  — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Friendship and Love

A strong friendship takes a significant amount of time to develop. It will not just magically mature overnight. A friendship involves committing oneself to help another person A ______ . I believe that, nothing can replace a true friend, not material objects, or money, and definitely not a boy.

I met this guy a couple summers ago who I ended up spending almost all of my free time with. His parents did not approve of our dating because of our age difference, В ______ . He had told me the day we met that he had joined the air force and would leave for overseas that coming October. After three months had past, the time came when he had to leave. This left me feeling completely alone.

I turned to my friends for support, but to my surprise, С ______ . I had spent so much time with this guy and so little time with them, that they did not feel sorry for me when he left. For so long they had become the only constant in my life, and I had taken them for granted over something D ______ .

When my boyfriend came back, our relationship changed. I tried to fix all the aspects in my life that had gone so wrong in the previous six months.

This experience taught me that true friendships will only survive if one puts forth effort to make them last. Keeping friends close will guarantee that E ______ . When a relationship falls apart, a friend will always do everything in their power to make everything less painful. As for me, I try to keep my friends as close as I can. I know they will always support me in whatever I do, and to them, I F ______ .

1.  but we did anyway.

2.  whenever a need arises.

3.  they did not really care.

4.  whenever they need your help.

5.  could not guarantee would even last.

6.  am eternally grateful for a second chance.

7.  someone will always have a shoulder to cry on.

Пропуск A B C D E F
Часть предложения

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 — 8. Определите, какой вариант ответа соответствует данному пропуску.

a true friend

 … [Making/Doing/Producing/Building]  friends is one of the most difficult and worthwhile experiences of human life  … [because/seeing/owing/due]  it requires time and  … [effort/deed/attempt/feat]  and patience and understanding and acceptance and honesty. Many people  … [confuse/argue/mix/blend]  friendship with acquaintances and they’re not the same at  … [all/best/control/ease]. Acquaintances are people you  … [hang out/hang up/hang on/hang back]  with; they’re convenient but interchangeable. 

Friends are people you actively seek out, people with whom you have something in  …[common/touch/regards/advance] , and the link is deeper and stronger. It is very possible for one to become the other, and everyone who becomes a friend had to be an acquaintance first. (Friendship can be downgraded, for example, when two people move apart geographically or emotionally or situationally — changing jobs,  … [marital/marriage/martial/marry]  status, and so on). If you’ve taken yourself off house arrest, you’ve begun making acquaintances. The question then is how to turn an acquaintance into a friend.



GAP 1 (MAKING)  Making friends is one of the most difficult and worthwhile experiences of human life …
MAKE FRIENDS => to become friendly with.
Other Collocations:

GAP 2 (BECAUSE) … experiences of human life because it requires time and effort and patience and understanding …
BECAUSE must be followed by a verb!
BECAUSE => (CONJUNCTION), used when you are giving the reason for something.
Common Errors:
She couldn’t go because her illness. X
She couldn’t go because she was ill. V

GAP 3 (EFFORT) … because it requires time and effort and patience and understanding and acceptance …
EFFORT => physical or mental energy needed to do something.
Other Collocations:

GAP 4 (CONFUSE) … and honesty. Many people confuse friendship with acquaintances and they’re …
CONFUSE STH WITH STH => to think wrongly that somebody/something is somebody/something else.
Common Errors:
I don’t see how anybody could confuse my brother for my father. X We use CONFUSE somebody WITH somebody!
I don’t see how anybody could confuse my brother with my father. V 

GAP 5 (ALL) … and they’re not the same at all Acquaintances are people you hang out with; they’re …
AT ALL => used in negative statements and questions to emphasize what you are saying. 
Other Fixed Phrases and Idioms:
ALL IN ALL => used to show that you are considering every part of a situation.
ALL OVER => everywhere.
ALL AT ONCE => suddenly.

GAP 6 (HANG OUT) … Acquaintances are people you hang out with; they’re convenient but interchangeable. …
HANG OUT WITH sb => to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people.
Common Errors:
She spent a couple of days hanging with her old friends out. X HANG OUT => INTRANSITIVE PHRASAL VERB!
She spent a couple of days hanging out with her old friends. V 

GAP 7 (COMMON) … with whom you have something in common, and the link is deeper and stronger …
HAVE sth IN COMMON => to have the same interests, ideas, etc. as somebody else. 
Common Errors:
There are so many things in common between Bob and Jane. X
Bob and Jane have so many things in common. V

GAP 8 (MARITAL) … or situationally — changing jobs, marital status, and so on). If you’ve taken yourself … 
MARITAL STATUS => the condition of being married or unmarried.
Other Collocations:

1) Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Not Just Fun
2. Running For Heart and Mind
3. United By The Game
4. I Want To Be A Coach
5. Team Work in Sport and Life
6. Next Year We Win
7. Learning From Father
8. School between Practices

A. I believe playing sports is more than an activity to fill your day, it can teach important life lessons. When I was a child, my dad spent a lot of time teaching me how to play different sports. He told me that if I can succeed in sports, I can succeed at anything in life. He used to say, ‘It’s not about how good you become. It’s about working hard to get where you want to be.’

B. I like bicycles. Group rides help me to get new skills and make new friends. I try to apply the tactics of group riding to team work in the real world. In the perfect group ride, each rider takes a turn leading the pack, while the others enjoy the benefits of drafting. I think this way of working is a great method for approaching a group task anywhere.

C. I believe in the power of running. Running should not be a battle for your body but rather a rest for your mind. I felt this last fall, when I was running in the park. Suddenly I felt as if I could have run forever, as if I could use running as a source of therapy for my body. Running allows the body to release different types of stress and even change our understanding of life.

D. My father coached basketball every day of his life, and I was right there with him in the gym watching him work his magic. Basketball appears entertaining and exciting. But the path to success is not simple. My father always told me, ‘Nothing is free.’ I took this advice and ran with it. I truly believe that only practice and determination lead to success.

E. Baseball is so much more than a sport. One of the powers of baseball is that it brings people together. It unites fans of all ages, genders, and nationalities. No matter who you are, you can be a baseball fan. My mom and I have one unspoken rule: no matter what has been going on before, no fighting at the game.

F. I believe that you must always be loyal to the sport teams you support. The teams I follow in the United States generally lose many more than they win. The start of each season brings dreams of victory in baseball, basketball or football, dreams that fade away soon. But then there is always next year. It will be our year for sure.

G. I was determined to join the swim team. I knew I would get my strengths and learn my weaknesses there. Waking up early for 6:30 a.m. practices is what swim team is all about, as it helps us get into state. On a long school day you think about the practice in the pool after school. You want to hear the crowd cheering you, telling you that you have to do more than your best.


2) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Friendship and Love

A strong friendship takes a significant amount of time to develop. It will not just magically mature overnight. A friendship involves committing oneself to help another person ___ (A). I believe that, nothing can replace a true friend, not material objects, or money, and definitely not a boy.

I met this guy a couple summers ago who I ended up spending almost all of my free time with. His parents did not approve of our dating because of our age difference, ___ (B). He had told me the day we met that he had joined the air force and would leave for overseas that coming October. After three months had past, the time came when he had to leave. This left me feeling completely alone.

I turned to my friends for support, but to my surprise, ___ (C). I had spent so much time with this guy and so little time with them, that they did not feel sorry for me when he left. For so long they had become the only constant in my life, and I had taken them for granted over something ___ (D).

When my boyfriend came back, our relationship changed. I tried to fix all the aspects in my life that had gone so wrong in the previous six months.

This experience taught me that true friendships will only survive if one puts forth effort to make them last. Keeping friends close will guarantee that ___ (E). When a relationship falls apart, a friend will always do everything in their power to make everything less painful. As for me, I try to keep my friends as close as I can. I know they will always support me in whatever I do, and to them, ___ (F).

1. but we did anyway.
2. whenever a need arises.
3. they did not really care.
4. whenever they need your help.
5. I could not guarantee would even last.
6. I am eternally grateful’for a second chance.
7. someone will always have a shoulder to cry on.


3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The unlimited liberty of reading for the narrator means
1) access to different types of books.
2) freedom in choosing and interpreting books.
3) possibility to challenge other opinions on the book.
4) opportunity to select what to read according to the mood.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The narrator thinks that his love of reading
1) is an inborn quality.
2) developed early at school.
3) was initially fostered by Mr. Buxton.
4) is all due to the efforts of his Shakespeare teacher.

5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The narrator gives credit to Mr. Buxton for teaching him how to
1) love classical literature.
2) read Shakespeare aloud.
3) interpret stylistic devices.
4) find the meaning of a book for oneself.

6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The history teacher quoted famous historians to prove that people
1) are often blind or deaf to learning.
2) understand historical texts too literally.
3) can’t understand the meaning of historical events.
4) should learn from history not to make similar mistakes.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

According to Umberto Eco, an open text is a text
1) commented on by the author.
2) plus the reader’s attitude to it.
3) that the author has not finished.
4) with different variants of an end.

8) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Some critics say about text interpretation that
1) only philosophers should interpret texts.
2) people should enjoy books but not interpret them.
3) there are several ways to interpret a text.
4) there is the right interpretation to every book.

9) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The narrator believes that
1) it is impossible to interpret good writers.
2) interpreting is collective intellectual work.
3) authorities in interpreting will appear in future.
4) one should find a proper interpretation by oneself.

Listen to the video and answer the questions below.

Then, scroll to the bottom of the page for the answers and a transcript of the recording.

Friendship & vulnerability

This is a very short video and some of the answers are close together, so
listen carefully right from the start.


Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

It can seem something of a 1 ………………..
as to how friendships are formed.

The basis of many close
relationships is 2 ……………..… .

We generally believe that it’s
our strengths and 3 ……………….. that people like us for.

We keep many things a secret for
fear that other people will 4 ……………….. at us if they know the truth.

Two of the most valuable
things we possess are our self-respect and 5 ……………….. .

Answers & transcript

Scroll down for the answers and recording transcript.


    1.  mystery

    2.  vulnerability

    3.  accomplishments

    4.  laugh

    5.  dignity


Friendship & vulnerability

We’re sometimes not too
sure how we get into good friendships. It seems to happen rather mysteriously. We
talk of somewhat randomly clicking with people. Trying to plan for this sounds
like cheating. But there is something at the heart of many friendships that
seemed important to identify and in a way to get good at: vulnerability.

It’s too easy to assume
that what makes us likeable are our strengths and accomplishments, the things
we’re proud of. Certainly this impresses, but it isn’t what draws others to us.
We get close to someone the more they and we find ourselves able gracefully to
depart from the official story of what human beings are like and can start to
show the awkward truths which underlie the cheerful facade.

These are the truths
with which we’ve been lonely for too long. How unlike normal sexuality our sex lives
actually are; how full of envy our careers are proving; how unsatisfactory our
family can be; how worried we are, all the time. Revealing any of these things
places us in great danger. Others could laugh; social media would have a field
day. That’s the point. We can only get close by revealing things which would,
in the wrong hands, be capable of inflicting appalling humiliation on us.

Friendship is the
dividend of gratitude that flows from acknowledgement that one has offered
something very valuable to someone. Not a fancy present, but something even
more precious: the key to one’s self-esteem and dignity. It’s deeply poignant
that we should expend so much effort on trying to look strong before the world.
When all the while, it’s really only ever the revelation of the somewhat
embarrassing, sad, melancholy and anxious bits of us that are what makes us
endearing to others and can transform strangers into friends.

Source: TED Ed  Video
created by
 The School of Life

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    Now friendship is another form of love that you spend time exploring in your book. Tell me what science has revealed there.

    What’s really interesting about friendship, and what I love about friendship, is in a way it’s the love we underestimate, I think, a little bit.

    You know, we place romantic love on a pedestal. We place parental love on a pedestal. But friendship, we kind of neglect a little bit.

    But what all the science is showing is that as far, as our brains are concerned, as far as our bio-behavioral synchrony is concerned, as far as the neurochemicals
    that are released when you interact with your friends, you love them.

    And maybe partly I think here in the West, and particularly in the northern countries, we are quite restrained about saying that we love our friends.

    It’s so funny. I spoke to quite a lot of British people and said to them, «Do you love your friends?»

    And they would go, «Oh I suppose so.» And then I would say to them, «Do you love your dog?»

    «Oh yeah. You know I love my dog.»

    And it’s just funny we have this slightly odd attitude to it.

    Whereas actually, when I spoke to people in the more Mediterranean countries or maybe the South Americas, they are much more passionate about their friends.

    But what I love about friends is friends fulfill something that romantic love in particular can’t fulfill.

    For women, a study we did at Oxford showed that women are more emotionally intimate with their best friends than they are with their lover. They are more likely to be completely
    open with their best friend and find that their best friend is their greatest emotional support, which I find fascinating.

    And when we look at men and they talk about their best friends, their best friends are a source of relaxation and release. They’re somewhere where they can truly be

    So we kind of got these two people in a romantic relationship who maybe are still displaying a little bit to each other to keep each other attracted. But when
    they’re with their best friends, they can truly be who they are. And I think that’s really interesting.

    And certainly what now we’re looking particularly more more and more people being single. You know, the rates of single habitation are going up. People are choosing not
    to to be in relationships. Friends, in a way, are coming forward to replace that romantic partner for those people. Their friends are really their family and their lover.

    You compare our need for love to our need for food and air. So why ultimately is it so important to us?

    This is the argument that says love is not an emotion. And love is not an emotion love is far too complex to be an emotion. Even people who research emotions are like,
    «Oh yeah. We can’t put it in that box.»

    It contains emotion. Obviously, it contains passion and affection and anger and fear and all these different emotions. But it contains so many other things.

    And really if we look at it, and particularly its role in motivating us and the role that dopamine in particular has in motivating us, it seems to be more a motivation
    meeting a need than it is in fact an emotion.

    And if we look at the needs, the fundamental needs you have in life, they are you know water, food, shelter, safety. And there is a big argument now to add to that, love.
    Because if you don’t have love, whether it’s cooperating with your friends or it’s love for your partner or your children, you’re not going to get very far in life.
    You’re not going to survive. You know, babies need love because otherwise they don’t survive, or they are developmentally very damaged.

    So we argue now that actually love is a fundamental need that sits at the very basis of that need pyramid. And it sits alongside things like the air we breathe and the
    water we drink and the food we eat. It’s a fundamental life need.

    So love it or hate it, you can’t live without it.

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