Frm экзамен подготовка

После внесения регистрационного взноса и оплаты FRM exam 1, открывается доступ к учебным материалам GARP. Однако, все учебники необходимо покупать. Электронные версии учебников обойдутся в 250$. При желании можно заказать бумажные книги для обучения на сертификат FRM, стоимость составляет 300$ плюс доставка.

На сайте предоставлен список необходимых материалов для чтения и дополнительные нормативно-правовые акты. В процессе подготовки к экзамену FRM будут предоставляться, так называемые, модули. Они помогут лучше ориентироваться в материале и применять его на практике.

GARP имеет базу сторонних поставщиков учебных материалов и онлайн или офлайн курсов. Несмотря на то, что Ассоциация вносит в этот список не всех желающих, ответственности за качество предоставленных материалов она не несет.

Kaplan-Schwezer предлагают учебники и курсы для обучения и для этой программы. Материал неплохо изложен и многие обучающие центры пользуются книгами этого производителя. Для самостоятельного обучения также можно использовать эти материалы. В Интернете есть видео материалы, которые освещают отдельные темы. Такими ресурсами пользоваться полезно, но в том случае, если тема вызывает затруднения и нужно лучше в ней разобраться.

Преимущество официальных учебников FRM в том, что каждый год они подстраиваются под изменения в программе тестов. Так как управление рисками — динамичная дисциплина, и каждый год добавляет новые детали, то изменения порой вносятся значительные. Так быстро сторонние организации могут не отреагировать, и есть вариант попасть на старые материалы.

Что касается подготовки к экзамену — первое, что должно присутствовать у кандидата на звание Financial Risk Manager – дисциплина. Приступать к изучению надо минимум за 4 месяца до теста. Всего подготовка к FRM part 1 займет от 300 до 400 часов.

Заниматься следует каждый день по 1,5-2 часа. Без выходных и праздников. Это сложный путь, однако, только он приведет к успеху. Есть хорошая новость – экзамена всего два и минимальное время для получения сертификата FRM часть 1 всего год, так как каждая часть сдается сейчас два-три раза в год.

Практические занятия следует выполнять после каждой пройденной темы и после полного прохождения курса. Всего рекомендуется повторить весь курс три раза. После третьего можно пробовать силы в пробных экзаменах. Они представлены и на сайте GARP и у других организаций, предлагающих обучение. Важно попробовать свои силы и распределить время ответов на вопросы. В FRM part 1 100 вопросов и четыре часа времени. Стоит отметить, что время на посещение туалета или перерыв на обед не будет отниматься от общего.

Нужно много времени уделять решению задач с использованием разрешенного калькулятора. Пользоваться во время подготовки компьютерными программами неправильно, так как в процессе теста нужно будет быстро считать именно на разрешенном калькуляторе.

Программа подготовки к сдаче квалификационного экзамена первого уровня на сертификат FRM® (Financial Risk Manager® )

с 29 февраля 2020
по 26 апреля 2020

8 суббот и 3 воскресенья
11.00 – 18.50

Что такое FRM?

Financial Risk Manager® (FRM®) — признанный на каждом крупном рынке, является ведущей сертификацией для риск-менеджеров. Он постоянно востребован почти всеми крупными банками и фирмами в мире и присуждается только профессионалам, которые демонстрируют знания и способность предвидеть, реагировать и адаптироваться к критическим проблемам риска.

Узнаваемость и признание

Financial Risk Manager (FRM) — одно из самых авторитетных званий в области управления рисками.

Высокая квалификация

Сертификат FRM — это международный профессиональный сертификат для финансовых риск менеджеров, принимаемый во всем мире как доказательство профессиональной компетентности в области управления рисками.

Знания и навыки

Программа FRM нацелена на освоение следующих разделов: основы управления финансовыми рисками, количественный анализ (математики и статистика), рыночный риск, кредитный риск, операционный риск, управление рисками при управлении инвестициями, моделирование рисков, текущие проблемы финансовых рынков.

Сообщество профессионалов

Степень FRM позволяет присоединиться к сообществу уважаемых профессионалов в области инвестиций (свыше 325 000 по всему миру), а также получить доступ к их опыту, связям и ресурсам.

Что входит в программу экзамена FRM Part I?

Программа FRM нацелена на освоение следующих разделов:

  • основы управления финансовыми рисками,
  • количественный анализ (математики и статистика),
  • рыночный риск,
  • кредитный риск,
  • операционный риск,
  • управление рисками при управлении инвестициями,
  • моделирование рисков,
  • текущие проблемы финансовых рынков.

Курс покрывает все разделы (4 topics of FRM® Part I syllabus) программы FRM® Part I.


Слушатели перед занятием получают в электронном виде материал для прочтения.


На занятии преподаватель подробно разбирает материал и отвечает на вопросы.
Регулярно на занятиях проводятся тесты, основанные на разобранных материалах.

Домашнее задание

После очных занятий слушатели должны решить тесты в онлайне.


Вопросы, которые остались у слушателя после очных занятий или возникли при решении домашнего задания, обсуждаются в закрытом чате в Slack.

Наши преподаватели

Сочетание фундаментального образования
и многолетней практики

Андрей Михайлович


Текущее место работы: Murex, менеджер.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: CFA, FRM.
Образование: механико-математический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Александр Ильич


Текущее место работы: WorldQuant, консультант; НИУ ВШЭ, заместитель директора.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: CFA, ФСФР 1.0, ФСФР 5.0.
Образование: Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ.

Григорий Александрович


Текущее место работы: арбитражный управляющий.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: CFA, FRM, ФСФР 1.0, ФСФР 5.0.
Образование: физический факультет МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова.

Сергей Георгиевич

кандидат физико-математических наук

Текущее место работы: лаборатория теории вероятностей механико-математического факультета МГУ.
Образование: механико-математический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Артем Геннадьевич


Текущее место работы: VTB Capital, риск-аналитик.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: FRM.
Образование: высшая школа экономики (Национальный исследовательский университет).

Максим Михайлович


Текущее место работы: Тинькофф Инвестиции, руководитель департамента риск менеджмента.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: FRM, CFA.
Образование: высшая школа экономики (Национальный исследовательский университет).

Марина Юрьевна


Текущее место работы: Сбербанк, управляющий директор.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: FRM, CFA level III candidate.
Образование:механико-математический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Александр Михайлович Дьяченко

FRM, кандидат физико-математических наук

Текущее место работы: KPMG, менеджер.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: FRM.
Образование:механико-математический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Ирина Борисовна

Текущее место работы: ВТБ, управляющий проектами;.
Сертификаты/аттестаты: CFA level I passed, ФСФР 1.0, ФСФР 5.0.
Образование:механико-математический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Кто у нас учится

Нашу программу по подготовке к экзамену
FRM Part I закончили сотрудники банков, инвестиционных компаний,
а также студенты крупнейших вузов.

Какие документы я получу после окончания курса?

После успешного прохождения обучения вы получаете

  • удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца, если у Вас есть высшее образование или Вы студент выпускного курса;
  • сертификат о прохождении обучения, если Вы учитесь на младших курсах.

65 000 рублей

Для новых слушателей.

30 000 рублей

Для слушателей, которые прошли обучение на нашей программе подготовки к CFA Level I.

6 400 рублей

Для слушателей, прошедших обучение на нашей программе FRM Part I и желающих прослушать курс повторно.

Запись на обучение
по программе FRM Part I

Нажимая кнопку «записаться» даю согласие на обработку моих персональных данных.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Да, если Вы планируете в ближайшее время сдавать квалификационный экзамен первого уровня на сертификат FRM, либо для продвижения по карьерной лестнице Вам нужно структурировать имеющиеся и получить новые знания в области управления рисками.

Обучение идет на русском языке. Но учебные материалы составлены на английском языке. Это помогает лучше понимать специальную терминологию и привыкнуть к формату официального экзамена FRM.

Итоговая аттестация проходит в виде письменного теста, максимально приближенного по форме к официальному экзамену — 100 вопросов на 4 часа.

После успешного прохождения обучения вы получаете

  • удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца, если у Вас уже есть высшее образование или Вы студент выпускного курса;
  • сертификат о прохождении обучения, если Вы учитесь на младших курсах.

We recommend the best products through an independent review process, and advertisers do not influence our picks. We may receive compensation if you visit partners we recommend. Read our advertiser disclosure for more info.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the demand for certified Financial Risk Managers (FRM) has skyrocketed. In anticipation of future calamities, banks, corporations, hedge funds, and portfolio managers have become more risk-centric, attracting greater numbers to FRM certification. 

However, the challenging two-part exam has proven to be an obstacle for many, with more than half failing to clear the first part on their first attempt. For those who manage to clear that hurdle, full FRM certification can only be achieved after two years of work experience in financial risk management. 

Considering the time commitment and cost of going through the FRM certification process, the stakes for aspiring risk managers couldn’t be higher. Anyone who has been through the process will tell you that the only way to mitigate the risk of failure is with a solid, well-designed FRM exam prep course. We reviewed 12 exam prep course providers to identify the very best in five different categories. 

The 5 Best FRM Exam Prep Courses of 2023

  • Best Overall:
    Bionic Turtle

  • Best Learning Platform:
    Wiley Efficient Learning

  • Best Comprehensive Premium Package:
    Kaplan Schweser

  • Best Value Premium Package:

  • Best Low-Cost All-Inclusive Package:

Best Overall


Bionic Turtle

With its resource-rich e-learning platform, high-quality video tutorials, massive test bank, and more than 65,000-member community forum, Bionic Turtle is our choice as the best overall FRM exam prep course provider.


  • Singular focus on FRM exam prep

  • Extensive question bank

  • Large interactive community forum

  • Three packages to meet most study needs and learning styles

Bionic Turtle has been perfecting its FRM exam prep course since 2005. With such singular focus over that time, you might expect Bionic Turtle’s FRM materials to be exceptional, if not best-in-class. You would be right, which is why Bionic Turtle makes our list as the best overall FRM exam prep course provider. 

Bionic Turtle has been perfecting its FRM exam prep course for 15 years. Its multi-media offering checks all the boxes for candidates looking for the right mix of resources to efficiently and effectively move them down the path to exam preparedness. The course’s cornerstone is the instructional videos with straightforward explanations and visual examples to help students solve exam questions. The videos are accompanied by study notes to guide students through complex quantitative concepts. 

Most FRM candidates will tell you that a course’s question bank is a critical component in the study process, and Bionic Turtle’s massive question bank with more than 4,500 questions is a few notches above the rest. The questions, which are continuously updated to match changes to the exam, can be used standalone or to feed a vast number of practice exams. The practice exams and mock exams, which are designed to mimic real testing conditions, are interactive, responding to your answers to track your progress and continuously update your study needs.

Another vital feature sought by FRM candidates is a community forum, where students can engage with one another to brainstorm and commiserate over exam questions. Bionic Turtle’s forum has over 65,000 members discussing 35 test-related topics. Course instructors also dip into the discussions to provide their insight and advice. 

Bionic Turtle offers three tiers of courses separately as Part 1 and Part 2, or as a bundle combining both. The Basic course for $249 per year for each part separately ($399 for the bundle) includes full forum access, question bank, study notes, and interactive mock exams. 

The Advanced course offered at $349 each for Part 1 and 2 (bundled for $599) adds the instructional videos and interactive quizzes. For $449 each ($799 for the bundle), the Professional course adds focus review videos and the learning spreadsheets. All courses are accessible for one year and can be extended for three months for an additional fee. 

One drawback of Bionic Turtle’s courses is they don’t appear to offer a pass guarantee, unlike some of the other providers on this list who allow students to extend their access to course materials as long as needed to pass the exam. However, Bionic Turtle’s pass rate of 73% is substantially higher than the average pass rates on the exams.

Best Learning Platform


Wiley Efficient Learning

With its proprietary modular learning platform and all-inclusive toolset, Wiley Efficient Learning makes our list for the FRM exam prep course provider with the best learning platform.


  • Solid reputation in financial education and exam prep

  • Innovative modular learning format for greater learning efficiency

  • Multi-faceted tool set to match any learning style

  • Mobile app

Having expanded into industry-leading financial content worldwide since its founding in 1807, Wiley is a trusted name in financial education. When it acquired Efficient Learning Systems in 2012, it became an immediate leader in the FRM space as Wiley Efficient Learning (WEL). True to its reputation and name, WEL has created a powerful, easy-to-use learning platform stacked with essential and efficient learning tools, making it our choice as the FRM exam prep course provider with the best learning platform.

WEL’s FRM Self-Study course stands out for its modular format, allowing students to bite off smaller, 30- to 45-minute chunks of the course through video instruction. This enables students to more efficiently plan their study time amid otherwise busy schedules. Each module ends with a practice quizzes to test comprehension and reinforce concepts. An exam planner tracks students’ progress through the modules and testing to help them stay on track. 

The course, which is also supported by a Wiley study manual in print or online formats, layers on 40+ pages of formula sheets, flashcards, note-taking tools, and real-time analytics to help guide students to areas that need additional study. 

One drawback of the course is it only offers one mock exam, but it is full-length and designed to closely simulate the actual exam. However, students have access to plenty of practice exam questions throughout the course. 

Students can also access a free mobile app to view 12+ hours of video lectures, practice with 450+ exam questions, and flag questions for review, all synced to their online dashboard.

WEL also offers reliable student support in the form of one-on-one mentoring and an interactive community message forum that includes study groups. 

At $295 (each for Parts 1 and 2), the WEL study course is a good value, made even better by its «pay once» guarantee. Students only pay once for continuous access until they pass.

Best Comprehensive Premium Package


Kaplan Schweser

By adding OnDemand online instruction to its feature-packed Premium Packages, Kaplan Schweser makes our list as the FRM exam prep course provider with the best comprehensive premium package.


  • Long track record of successful exam prep

  • Comprehensive list of offerings for any learning style

  • Robust question bank and practice test application

  • Pass guarantee


  • Only sells Parts 1 & 2 separately

Kaplan Financial has been a standard-bearer in financial education for more than five decades. But, when it acquired the Schweser Study Program in 1999, it became one of the best exam prep course providers for the CFA and FRM exams. Anyone who has taken one of Kaplan’s securities exam prep courses knows how comprehensive those offerings are. For the more challenging FRM exam, Kaplan has stepped up again with a resource-rich package that includes 30 hours of online learning, a robust question bank, ability to build quizzes, all backed by reliable instructor support, and a pass guarantee.

In addition to the online courses, Kaplan provides multiple tools to enhance learning, including the SchweserPro QBank™ containing hundreds of questions to fuel numerous practice quizzes. The Premium packages also feature online OnDemand workshops, online mock exams, and a resource library. Along the way, students can take check-in exams to track their progress and refocus their efforts on areas that need improvement. 

While the Premium Package includes all these tools, the Essential Package excludes the online review workshop and online mock exams. Kaplan prices its courses a little differently than other providers, choosing to offer Parts 1 and 2 courses as separate packages instead of offering them as a bundle. The all-inclusive Premium Package goes for $799, while the Essential Package costs $399. Understanding what they’re up against, many students would be happy to pay the extra $400 for the extra help, plus Kaplan offers zero percent financing.

All of Kaplan’s FRM courses, including the $399 Essentials Package, include a pass guarantee, whereby, if they don’t clear the FRM exam on their first attempt, Kaplan will cover the cost of the next study round. While Kaplan doesn’t publish a pass rate for the FRM exam, it does state that 95% of its students would recommend the course.

Best Value Premium Package



With its massive question bank, unlimited practice quizzes, video library, community forum access, private tutoring, mock exams, and downloadable notes and lessons, AnalystPrep has one of the most stacked premium packages at a reasonable cost, making it our choice as the best value premium package.


  • Lifetime access to course materials

  • Big bang for the buck

  • Vast video library

  • Extensive question bank plus unlimited practice quizzes

  • Private tutors


  • No online instruction

Founded in 2014, AnalystPrep is one of the newest exam prep course providers. But, what it might lack in operational experience, it more than makes up for with an innovative, feature-rich learning platform selling at a reasonable price, which is why it is our choice as the best value premium package. 

Most FRM candidates would find tremendous value in AnalystPrep’s massive question bank with more than 3,000 questions to feed an unlimited number of practice quizzes. These practice quizzes can be customized with questions from sections or topic areas that need additional study.

When students are ready, they can move on to the mock exams designed to accurately simulate the actual testing experience. The exams can be downloaded and printed, including answers, for studying on the run. Also, utilizing their personal dashboard, students can identify their strong and weak points, helping them gauge where they stand in their study progress.

While users may find AnalystPrep lacking in online instruction, it excels with its vast video library, which is broken down by chapter topics. The high-quality videos are accessed through your personal dashboard or specially curated YouTube channel. Each video is accompanied by efficient summary notes and includes practice quizzes fed by a large bank of questions. 

In addition to mobile access to all course materials, students can download materials and practice questions in PDF format to maximize study time anywhere. 

For additional support, students have access to private tutors to assist with questions or concepts. Students can access community forums to exchange questions and advice with both students and faculty. 

The basic Practice Package for Parts 1 and 2 includes a limited set of materials including the question bank, mock exams, and performance tools for $249 per year. The Learn+ Practice Package for Parts 1 and 2 adds video lessons and study notes at $399 per year. A better value is the bundle that includes both parts for $599. When you enroll in the bundle, you get unlimited lifetime access to your account, which is your guarantee if you fail the exam. 

AnalystPrep doesn’t publish a pass rate for its FRM exam students.

Best Low-Cost All-Inclusive Package



While it may not have all the bells and whistles of other exam prep providers on this list, the ApnaCourse FRM exam prep course has everything students need to prepare successfully at a very reasonable price, making it our choice as the best low-cost all-inclusive package.


  • Lowest-cost all-inclusive learning platform

  • Three full-length mock exams

  • Interactive forums plus WhatsApp study groups

  • Lifetime access to most course materials


  • Part 2 course materials are a bit thin

  • No online instruction

Launched in August 2013, ApnaCourse is another relative newcomer to the FRM space. Its FRM course offerings provides students with everything they need to prepare for the FRM exam successfully while leaving out some extraneous features, allowing ApnaCourse to price it at the low end of the spectrum. For that, ApnaCourse is our choice as the best low-cost all-inclusive FRM study package. 

Considering that all the top providers include practice and mock exams, hundreds of practice questions, instructional videos, an e-book, and access to community forums, ApnaCourse consists of all of that for $346.67 (Part 1). 

Specifically, ApnaCourse includes more than 46 hours of video lectures covering 100 topics, over 71 practice tests, a question bank with more than 300 questions, three full-length mock exams, and an e-book that houses all course materials. The three full-length mock exams alone make this course a pretty good value because many courses only offer one. 

Students also have access to an interactive discussion forum with close to 150 threads discussing questions, formulas, and exam tips. For a deeper brainstorming dive, students can join a WhatsApp study group. 

At $106.67, the ApnaCourse Part 2 course is even cheaper. However, it’s also a lot thinner in terms of tools. That’s because it is still in the process of being built out. Still, the course includes almost everything students need to prepare, including more than 11 hours of video lectures covering 40 topics, the question bank, flashcards, the interactive discussion forum, and a WhatsApp study group. 

Students have 180-day access to the video lectures, but they have lifetime access to all other materials with updates. There’s no formal pass guarantee on the course. ApnaCourse doesn’t publish a pass rate for the FRM exam. 

Budget-minded students looking for a no-frills and efficient learning platform at an affordable cost won’t find a better option than ApnaCourse.

What Is the FRM Exam?

The FRM (Financial Risk Management) exam is the first step in Global Association of Risk Professionals’ (GARP) certification process for candidates seeking a career in risk management. The exam is divided into two 4-hour sections.

The first part, with 100 questions, is more general, covering the foundation of risk management, along with quantitative analysis, financial markets and products, and valuation and risk models. With 80 questions, the second part takes a deeper dive into the different types of risk, such as market risk measure and management, credit risk, and operational risk. Candidates must clear both parts of the exam and then work for a minimum of two years in risk management before receiving GARP certification.

Is the FRM Exam Difficult?

The FRM exam is considered one of the more challenging exams in the financial arena. Its subject matter can be dry, which makes it difficult to absorb, and there is a heavy emphasis on quantitative issues, requiring that you master the many formulas. 

The questions are multiple-choice, but they can be especially tricky, using double and even triple negatives in their format. Between the two parts of the FRM exam, you have, on average, about 2.6 minutes to answer each question, which can be challenging if you haven’t truly mastered the concepts. That’s why, as GARP reports, the average number of hours students spend studying for each part of the exam is approximately 240 hours. With that investment of time, a well-designed, comprehensive exam prep course generates the best investment return. 

The FRM vs. CFA Exam

The closest comparison to the FRM exam is the CFA exam, which is considered one of the more challenging tests one can take in the financial services industry. Many people who have taken both exams say the FRM exam’s difficulty is a notch above the level 1 CFA exam. 

The FRM dives deeper into quantitative questions, requiring the mastering of formulas, with more analytical and critical thinking application that goes into decision-making. The CFA curriculum is much more comprehensive but with less focus on the quantitative side. Some consider the level 2 and 3 CFA exams to be more challenging than parts 1 and 2 of the FRM exam, but then it’s not a meaningful comparison.

While the CFA certification leads to a more general application in investments, FRM certification has a more niche application in various types of risk management in the broader financial services arena. Because the two certifications complement each other, it’s not uncommon for some people to seek certification in both, which creates more opportunities. 

What Is the Pass Rate of the FRM Exam?

Although GARP does not publish an official FRM exam pass rate, industry research reveals that the long-term average pass rate for FRM Part 1 is 46% and 57% for Part 2.

There is no fixed pass score for the exam, but industry experts estimate that a score of higher than 70% is more than sufficient for passing. Generally, your exam results are measured against other test-takers, and GARP only passes those who scored in the top-two quartiles. When you complete the FRM exam, you are not provided with any score—just a pass/fail—and you won’t receive that until approximately eight weeks following the exam. 

If you fail the exam, you can retake it as many times as you need or want. The problem is the exam is only conducted a certain number of times each year, so you could experience a wait time of up to a year to retake the exam. Each retake requires the registration fee payment, which for 2022 is $750 per each part of the exam. 

If you clear Part 1, you have four years to successfully clear Part 2. If you don’t clear Part 2 within that time frame, you could be required to re-register for Part 1.

Is an FRM Exam Prep Course Worth the Cost?

Registering for the FRM exam is not inexpensive. In 2022, the cost to register for either Part 1 or Part 2 is $750. Additionally, GARP requires a one-time $400 enrollment fee before registering for your first exam. The best way to protect that $750 investment is with a solid exam prep course, which depending on the course provider and your particular study needs, can cost another more than $105 to close to $800 per part—and double that to cover the cost of exam prep for both parts of the FRM exam. 

Because the FRM course is very challenging, it’s recommended that students dig a little deeper for a comprehensive course to maximize the approximately 240 study hours required. Premium courses based on multi-faceted and resource-rich learning platforms range from almost $300 to close to $800, which is worth the cost if you don’t want to spend another 240 study hours and another $750 to register for a retake. Plus, some course providers offer lifetime access to the course materials, saving you money if you need to retake the test. 

There are no educational or sponsorship requirements to sit for the exam.

How We Chose the Best FRM Exam Prep Courses

There are many moving parts to the FRM exam and certification process, and the exam is very challenging for most students. That’s why selecting the right FRM exam prep course is especially crucial. Because the stakes are very high, you will need to do your own due diligence in finding the course that best matches your needs. We got the process started for you with this roundup of top FRM exam prep course providers.

Starting with a list of a dozen providers, we considered experience, cost, breadth of study tools, student support, practice testing capabilities, and unique features to narrow the list. We wanted to be sure the courses offered ample lessons and a comprehensive study bank. Preference was given to courses with large networks of support. Based on those attributes, we chose the best providers in five categories—best overall, best learning platform, best comprehensive premium package, best value premium package, and best low-cost package.

Getty Images / alexsl

We recommend the best products through an independent review process, and advertisers do not influence our picks. We may receive compensation if you visit partners we recommend. Read our advertiser disclosure for more info.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the demand for certified Financial Risk Managers (FRM) has skyrocketed. In anticipation of future calamities, banks, corporations, hedge funds, and portfolio managers have become more risk-centric, attracting greater numbers to FRM certification. 

However, the challenging two-part exam has proven to be an obstacle for many, with more than half failing to clear the first part on their first attempt. For those who manage to clear that hurdle, full FRM certification can only be achieved after two years of work experience in financial risk management. 

Considering the time commitment and cost of going through the FRM certification process, the stakes for aspiring risk managers couldn’t be higher. Anyone who has been through the process will tell you that the only way to mitigate the risk of failure is with a solid, well-designed FRM exam prep course. We reviewed 12 exam prep course providers to identify the very best in five different categories. 

The 5 Best FRM Exam Prep Courses of 2023

  • Best Overall:
    Bionic Turtle

  • Best Learning Platform:
    Wiley Efficient Learning

  • Best Comprehensive Premium Package:
    Kaplan Schweser

  • Best Value Premium Package:

  • Best Low-Cost All-Inclusive Package:

Best Overall


Bionic Turtle

With its resource-rich e-learning platform, high-quality video tutorials, massive test bank, and more than 65,000-member community forum, Bionic Turtle is our choice as the best overall FRM exam prep course provider.


  • Singular focus on FRM exam prep

  • Extensive question bank

  • Large interactive community forum

  • Three packages to meet most study needs and learning styles

Bionic Turtle has been perfecting its FRM exam prep course since 2005. With such singular focus over that time, you might expect Bionic Turtle’s FRM materials to be exceptional, if not best-in-class. You would be right, which is why Bionic Turtle makes our list as the best overall FRM exam prep course provider. 

Bionic Turtle has been perfecting its FRM exam prep course for 15 years. Its multi-media offering checks all the boxes for candidates looking for the right mix of resources to efficiently and effectively move them down the path to exam preparedness. The course’s cornerstone is the instructional videos with straightforward explanations and visual examples to help students solve exam questions. The videos are accompanied by study notes to guide students through complex quantitative concepts. 

Most FRM candidates will tell you that a course’s question bank is a critical component in the study process, and Bionic Turtle’s massive question bank with more than 4,500 questions is a few notches above the rest. The questions, which are continuously updated to match changes to the exam, can be used standalone or to feed a vast number of practice exams. The practice exams and mock exams, which are designed to mimic real testing conditions, are interactive, responding to your answers to track your progress and continuously update your study needs.

Another vital feature sought by FRM candidates is a community forum, where students can engage with one another to brainstorm and commiserate over exam questions. Bionic Turtle’s forum has over 65,000 members discussing 35 test-related topics. Course instructors also dip into the discussions to provide their insight and advice. 

Bionic Turtle offers three tiers of courses separately as Part 1 and Part 2, or as a bundle combining both. The Basic course for $249 per year for each part separately ($399 for the bundle) includes full forum access, question bank, study notes, and interactive mock exams. 

The Advanced course offered at $349 each for Part 1 and 2 (bundled for $599) adds the instructional videos and interactive quizzes. For $449 each ($799 for the bundle), the Professional course adds focus review videos and the learning spreadsheets. All courses are accessible for one year and can be extended for three months for an additional fee. 

One drawback of Bionic Turtle’s courses is they don’t appear to offer a pass guarantee, unlike some of the other providers on this list who allow students to extend their access to course materials as long as needed to pass the exam. However, Bionic Turtle’s pass rate of 73% is substantially higher than the average pass rates on the exams.

Best Learning Platform


Wiley Efficient Learning

With its proprietary modular learning platform and all-inclusive toolset, Wiley Efficient Learning makes our list for the FRM exam prep course provider with the best learning platform.


  • Solid reputation in financial education and exam prep

  • Innovative modular learning format for greater learning efficiency

  • Multi-faceted tool set to match any learning style

  • Mobile app

Having expanded into industry-leading financial content worldwide since its founding in 1807, Wiley is a trusted name in financial education. When it acquired Efficient Learning Systems in 2012, it became an immediate leader in the FRM space as Wiley Efficient Learning (WEL). True to its reputation and name, WEL has created a powerful, easy-to-use learning platform stacked with essential and efficient learning tools, making it our choice as the FRM exam prep course provider with the best learning platform.

WEL’s FRM Self-Study course stands out for its modular format, allowing students to bite off smaller, 30- to 45-minute chunks of the course through video instruction. This enables students to more efficiently plan their study time amid otherwise busy schedules. Each module ends with a practice quizzes to test comprehension and reinforce concepts. An exam planner tracks students’ progress through the modules and testing to help them stay on track. 

The course, which is also supported by a Wiley study manual in print or online formats, layers on 40+ pages of formula sheets, flashcards, note-taking tools, and real-time analytics to help guide students to areas that need additional study. 

One drawback of the course is it only offers one mock exam, but it is full-length and designed to closely simulate the actual exam. However, students have access to plenty of practice exam questions throughout the course. 

Students can also access a free mobile app to view 12+ hours of video lectures, practice with 450+ exam questions, and flag questions for review, all synced to their online dashboard.

WEL also offers reliable student support in the form of one-on-one mentoring and an interactive community message forum that includes study groups. 

At $295 (each for Parts 1 and 2), the WEL study course is a good value, made even better by its «pay once» guarantee. Students only pay once for continuous access until they pass.

Best Comprehensive Premium Package


Kaplan Schweser

By adding OnDemand online instruction to its feature-packed Premium Packages, Kaplan Schweser makes our list as the FRM exam prep course provider with the best comprehensive premium package.


  • Long track record of successful exam prep

  • Comprehensive list of offerings for any learning style

  • Robust question bank and practice test application

  • Pass guarantee


  • Only sells Parts 1 & 2 separately

Kaplan Financial has been a standard-bearer in financial education for more than five decades. But, when it acquired the Schweser Study Program in 1999, it became one of the best exam prep course providers for the CFA and FRM exams. Anyone who has taken one of Kaplan’s securities exam prep courses knows how comprehensive those offerings are. For the more challenging FRM exam, Kaplan has stepped up again with a resource-rich package that includes 30 hours of online learning, a robust question bank, ability to build quizzes, all backed by reliable instructor support, and a pass guarantee.

In addition to the online courses, Kaplan provides multiple tools to enhance learning, including the SchweserPro QBank™ containing hundreds of questions to fuel numerous practice quizzes. The Premium packages also feature online OnDemand workshops, online mock exams, and a resource library. Along the way, students can take check-in exams to track their progress and refocus their efforts on areas that need improvement. 

While the Premium Package includes all these tools, the Essential Package excludes the online review workshop and online mock exams. Kaplan prices its courses a little differently than other providers, choosing to offer Parts 1 and 2 courses as separate packages instead of offering them as a bundle. The all-inclusive Premium Package goes for $799, while the Essential Package costs $399. Understanding what they’re up against, many students would be happy to pay the extra $400 for the extra help, plus Kaplan offers zero percent financing.

All of Kaplan’s FRM courses, including the $399 Essentials Package, include a pass guarantee, whereby, if they don’t clear the FRM exam on their first attempt, Kaplan will cover the cost of the next study round. While Kaplan doesn’t publish a pass rate for the FRM exam, it does state that 95% of its students would recommend the course.

Best Value Premium Package



With its massive question bank, unlimited practice quizzes, video library, community forum access, private tutoring, mock exams, and downloadable notes and lessons, AnalystPrep has one of the most stacked premium packages at a reasonable cost, making it our choice as the best value premium package.


  • Lifetime access to course materials

  • Big bang for the buck

  • Vast video library

  • Extensive question bank plus unlimited practice quizzes

  • Private tutors


  • No online instruction

Founded in 2014, AnalystPrep is one of the newest exam prep course providers. But, what it might lack in operational experience, it more than makes up for with an innovative, feature-rich learning platform selling at a reasonable price, which is why it is our choice as the best value premium package. 

Most FRM candidates would find tremendous value in AnalystPrep’s massive question bank with more than 3,000 questions to feed an unlimited number of practice quizzes. These practice quizzes can be customized with questions from sections or topic areas that need additional study.

When students are ready, they can move on to the mock exams designed to accurately simulate the actual testing experience. The exams can be downloaded and printed, including answers, for studying on the run. Also, utilizing their personal dashboard, students can identify their strong and weak points, helping them gauge where they stand in their study progress.

While users may find AnalystPrep lacking in online instruction, it excels with its vast video library, which is broken down by chapter topics. The high-quality videos are accessed through your personal dashboard or specially curated YouTube channel. Each video is accompanied by efficient summary notes and includes practice quizzes fed by a large bank of questions. 

In addition to mobile access to all course materials, students can download materials and practice questions in PDF format to maximize study time anywhere. 

For additional support, students have access to private tutors to assist with questions or concepts. Students can access community forums to exchange questions and advice with both students and faculty. 

The basic Practice Package for Parts 1 and 2 includes a limited set of materials including the question bank, mock exams, and performance tools for $249 per year. The Learn+ Practice Package for Parts 1 and 2 adds video lessons and study notes at $399 per year. A better value is the bundle that includes both parts for $599. When you enroll in the bundle, you get unlimited lifetime access to your account, which is your guarantee if you fail the exam. 

AnalystPrep doesn’t publish a pass rate for its FRM exam students.

Best Low-Cost All-Inclusive Package



While it may not have all the bells and whistles of other exam prep providers on this list, the ApnaCourse FRM exam prep course has everything students need to prepare successfully at a very reasonable price, making it our choice as the best low-cost all-inclusive package.


  • Lowest-cost all-inclusive learning platform

  • Three full-length mock exams

  • Interactive forums plus WhatsApp study groups

  • Lifetime access to most course materials


  • Part 2 course materials are a bit thin

  • No online instruction

Launched in August 2013, ApnaCourse is another relative newcomer to the FRM space. Its FRM course offerings provides students with everything they need to prepare for the FRM exam successfully while leaving out some extraneous features, allowing ApnaCourse to price it at the low end of the spectrum. For that, ApnaCourse is our choice as the best low-cost all-inclusive FRM study package. 

Considering that all the top providers include practice and mock exams, hundreds of practice questions, instructional videos, an e-book, and access to community forums, ApnaCourse consists of all of that for $346.67 (Part 1). 

Specifically, ApnaCourse includes more than 46 hours of video lectures covering 100 topics, over 71 practice tests, a question bank with more than 300 questions, three full-length mock exams, and an e-book that houses all course materials. The three full-length mock exams alone make this course a pretty good value because many courses only offer one. 

Students also have access to an interactive discussion forum with close to 150 threads discussing questions, formulas, and exam tips. For a deeper brainstorming dive, students can join a WhatsApp study group. 

At $106.67, the ApnaCourse Part 2 course is even cheaper. However, it’s also a lot thinner in terms of tools. That’s because it is still in the process of being built out. Still, the course includes almost everything students need to prepare, including more than 11 hours of video lectures covering 40 topics, the question bank, flashcards, the interactive discussion forum, and a WhatsApp study group. 

Students have 180-day access to the video lectures, but they have lifetime access to all other materials with updates. There’s no formal pass guarantee on the course. ApnaCourse doesn’t publish a pass rate for the FRM exam. 

Budget-minded students looking for a no-frills and efficient learning platform at an affordable cost won’t find a better option than ApnaCourse.

What Is the FRM Exam?

The FRM (Financial Risk Management) exam is the first step in Global Association of Risk Professionals’ (GARP) certification process for candidates seeking a career in risk management. The exam is divided into two 4-hour sections.

The first part, with 100 questions, is more general, covering the foundation of risk management, along with quantitative analysis, financial markets and products, and valuation and risk models. With 80 questions, the second part takes a deeper dive into the different types of risk, such as market risk measure and management, credit risk, and operational risk. Candidates must clear both parts of the exam and then work for a minimum of two years in risk management before receiving GARP certification.

Is the FRM Exam Difficult?

The FRM exam is considered one of the more challenging exams in the financial arena. Its subject matter can be dry, which makes it difficult to absorb, and there is a heavy emphasis on quantitative issues, requiring that you master the many formulas. 

The questions are multiple-choice, but they can be especially tricky, using double and even triple negatives in their format. Between the two parts of the FRM exam, you have, on average, about 2.6 minutes to answer each question, which can be challenging if you haven’t truly mastered the concepts. That’s why, as GARP reports, the average number of hours students spend studying for each part of the exam is approximately 240 hours. With that investment of time, a well-designed, comprehensive exam prep course generates the best investment return. 

The FRM vs. CFA Exam

The closest comparison to the FRM exam is the CFA exam, which is considered one of the more challenging tests one can take in the financial services industry. Many people who have taken both exams say the FRM exam’s difficulty is a notch above the level 1 CFA exam. 

The FRM dives deeper into quantitative questions, requiring the mastering of formulas, with more analytical and critical thinking application that goes into decision-making. The CFA curriculum is much more comprehensive but with less focus on the quantitative side. Some consider the level 2 and 3 CFA exams to be more challenging than parts 1 and 2 of the FRM exam, but then it’s not a meaningful comparison.

While the CFA certification leads to a more general application in investments, FRM certification has a more niche application in various types of risk management in the broader financial services arena. Because the two certifications complement each other, it’s not uncommon for some people to seek certification in both, which creates more opportunities. 

What Is the Pass Rate of the FRM Exam?

Although GARP does not publish an official FRM exam pass rate, industry research reveals that the long-term average pass rate for FRM Part 1 is 46% and 57% for Part 2.

There is no fixed pass score for the exam, but industry experts estimate that a score of higher than 70% is more than sufficient for passing. Generally, your exam results are measured against other test-takers, and GARP only passes those who scored in the top-two quartiles. When you complete the FRM exam, you are not provided with any score—just a pass/fail—and you won’t receive that until approximately eight weeks following the exam. 

If you fail the exam, you can retake it as many times as you need or want. The problem is the exam is only conducted a certain number of times each year, so you could experience a wait time of up to a year to retake the exam. Each retake requires the registration fee payment, which for 2022 is $750 per each part of the exam. 

If you clear Part 1, you have four years to successfully clear Part 2. If you don’t clear Part 2 within that time frame, you could be required to re-register for Part 1.

Is an FRM Exam Prep Course Worth the Cost?

Registering for the FRM exam is not inexpensive. In 2022, the cost to register for either Part 1 or Part 2 is $750. Additionally, GARP requires a one-time $400 enrollment fee before registering for your first exam. The best way to protect that $750 investment is with a solid exam prep course, which depending on the course provider and your particular study needs, can cost another more than $105 to close to $800 per part—and double that to cover the cost of exam prep for both parts of the FRM exam. 

Because the FRM course is very challenging, it’s recommended that students dig a little deeper for a comprehensive course to maximize the approximately 240 study hours required. Premium courses based on multi-faceted and resource-rich learning platforms range from almost $300 to close to $800, which is worth the cost if you don’t want to spend another 240 study hours and another $750 to register for a retake. Plus, some course providers offer lifetime access to the course materials, saving you money if you need to retake the test. 

There are no educational or sponsorship requirements to sit for the exam.

How We Chose the Best FRM Exam Prep Courses

There are many moving parts to the FRM exam and certification process, and the exam is very challenging for most students. That’s why selecting the right FRM exam prep course is especially crucial. Because the stakes are very high, you will need to do your own due diligence in finding the course that best matches your needs. We got the process started for you with this roundup of top FRM exam prep course providers.

Starting with a list of a dozen providers, we considered experience, cost, breadth of study tools, student support, practice testing capabilities, and unique features to narrow the list. We wanted to be sure the courses offered ample lessons and a comprehensive study bank. Preference was given to courses with large networks of support. Based on those attributes, we chose the best providers in five categories—best overall, best learning platform, best comprehensive premium package, best value premium package, and best low-cost package.

Getty Images / alexsl

Управление рисками

Сделай управление рисками своим преимуществом

Подготовка к международному экзамену FRM (GARP)

Возьми риски под контроль

Международный сертификат FRM – доказательство профессиональной компетентности в области управления рисками, деньгами или инвестициями. Глубокие знания финансовых инструментов и комплексные концепции финансовых рисков, которые однозначно выделяют Вас среди конкурентов. Вы станете квалифицированным специалистом в управлении рисками, способным координировать перспективы успешной реализации проектов.

FRM-специалисты определяют риск, анализируя финансовые рынки и глобальную среду, чтобы предсказать изменения или тенденции. Роль FRM заключается в разработке стратегий по противодействию воздействию потенциальных рисков.

Экзамен признан более чем в 90 странах и предназначен для оценки способности менеджера по финансовым рискам управлять рисками в глобальной среде.

Стань профессионалом в финансовых рисках

Подходит всем, кто работает в оценке рисков для крупных банков, страховых компаний, бухгалтерских фирм, регулирующих органов и фирм по управлению активами и хочет совершенствовать свои профессиональные навыки. Сертификат позволяет работать в зарубежных компаниях на аналогичных позициях, избавляет от необходимости получения лишних сертификатов. Менеджеры по финансовым рискам (FRM) получают аккредитацию Глобальной ассоциации профессионалов в области рисков (GARP). FRM признается ЦБ РФ, что повышает статус обладателя на профессиональном рынке.

Преимущества сертификата:

  • Международная карьера в области управления финансовыми рисками
  • Доступ к сетевым возможностям с другими FRM
  • Сертификация с растущим интересом и доверием
  • Программа FRM следует основным стратегическим дисциплинам управления рисками: рыночный риск, кредитный риск, операционный риск и управление инвестициями.
  • FRM остается старейшей и самой известной квалификацией в области риск-менеджмента
  • Квалификация FRM является эквивалентом магистерской степени и сопоставима с MBA-Финансы во многих странах
Тема Вес на одном экзамене Общий вес за весь курс Часы (всего 80)
1.1 Foundations of Risk Management 20% 10% 8
1.2 Quantitative Analysis 20% 10% 8
1.3 Financial Markets and Products 30% 15% 12
1.4 Valuation and Risk Models 30% 15% 12
2.1 Market Risk Measurement and Management 20% 10% 8
2.2 Credit Risk Measurement and Management 20% 10% 8
2.3 Operational Risk and Resiliency 20% 10% 8
2.4 Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management 15% 8% 6
2.5 Risk Management and Investment Management 15% 8% 6
2.6 Current Issues in Financial Markets 10% 5% 4

АНО ДПО “Институт фондового рынка и управления”

Телефон: +7 (495) 369-04-02, доб.229, 100.


Адрес: г. Москва Сущевский Вал д.16 стр.4

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  • Телефон: +7 (495) 369-04-02, доб.229, 100.
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  • Адрес: г. Москва Сущевский Вал д.16 стр.4 1 подъезд 3 этаж. М. Марьина Роща или Савеловская (пешком 10 мин. от метро)

Оставьте Ваши контактные данные и наш менеджер свяжется с Вами

To help candidates prepare for the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) Exam, GARP provides study materials, practice exams, and information on approved, third-party exam preparation providers. The following official resources are available to help candidates prepare for both parts of the FRM Exam.

Study Documents



The FRM Learning Objectives document provides a comprehensive framework to guide candidates as they self-study for the FRM Exam. It contains a syllabus and approximate weightings for each of the broad knowledge domains covered by the Exam, specific curriculum readings associated with each knowledge domain, and individual learning objectives for each reading. Since every FRM Exam question maps to at least one learning objective, the FRM Learning Objectives document is an important study resource and should be referred to regularly during exam preparation.



The 2023 FRM Exam Study Guide sets forth primary topics and required readings for exam preparation. The FRM curriculum is revised annually under the direction of GARP’s FRM Committee to ensure that the FRM Exam remains a valid assessment of the knowledge and skills necessary to manage financial risk.

Official Books



To succeed on the FRM Exam Part I, candidates are strongly encouraged to study directly from GARP’s official FRM Exam Part I books. Updated each calendar year to ensure they remain current and reflect any Part I curriculum changes, these books cover all the readings and themes that comprise the Part I Exam:

  • Foundations of Risk Management
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Financial Markets and Products
  • Valuation and Risk Models

Note: Once hard books are purchased there is no guarantee they can be canceled.

Cost: USD 300, plus shipping



To succeed on the FRM Exam Part II, candidates are strongly encouraged to study directly from GARP’s official FRM Exam Part II books. Updated each calendar year to ensure they remain current and reflect any Part II curriculum changes, these books cover all the readings and themes that comprise the Part II Exam:

  • Market Risk Measurement and Management
  • Credit Risk Measurement and Management
  • Operational Risk and Resilience
  • Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management
  • Risk Management and Investment Management

Note: Once hard books are purchased there is no guarantee they can be canceled.

Cost: USD 300, plus shipping



GARP’s official FRM Exam Part I eBooks are updated each calendar year to ensure they remain current and reflect any Part I curriculum changes. The eBooks cover all the readings and themes that comprise the Part I Exam:

  • Foundations of Risk Management
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Financial Markets and Products
  • Valuation and Risk Models

Note: FRM eBooks are non-refundable. Once you purchase, please follow the instructions to access them. Access is for three years online via web browser and two years offline via desktop or mobile applications. Limited printing is supported.

Part I eBooks are included free of charge with your FRM Part I Exam registration. 

Cost: USD 250 (without registration)



GARP’s official FRM Exam Part II eBooks are updated each calendar year to ensure they remain current and to reflect any Part II curriculum changes. The eBooks cover all the readings and themes that comprise the Part II Exam:

  • Market Risk Measurement and Management
  • Credit Risk Measurement and Management
  • Operational Risk and Resilience
  • Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management
  • Risk Management and Investment Management

Note: FRM eBooks are non-refundable. Once you purchase, please follow the instructions to access them. Access is for three years online via web browser and two years offline via desktop or mobile applications. Limited printing is supported.

Cost: USD 250

Required Readings

In addition to the information contained in the books, the FRM Exam covers a selection of material from leading academics and practitioners. These online readings are a required part of the FRM curriculum.

Optional Regulatory Readings

These additional readings contain the full texts of some Basel regulations covered in the FRM curriculum. While not required, these readings provide additional insights into the context and mechanics of the Basel regulations and are therefore highly recommended.

Study Modules

As you prepare, GARP will highlight modules that appear on the FRM Exam to help you pace yourself through the exam material. These modules directly correspond to the FRM Study Guide and to the related readings in the official FRM books.

Practice Exams

The 2023 FRM Practice Exams present sample questions for exam preparation.



Part I has two full-length exams with 100 questions.

Please note: When you click on the Download button, you will be prompted with a zip file. Both the full and abbreviated versions will be provided.



Part II has two full-length exams with 80 questions.

Please note: When you click on the Download button, you will be prompted with a zip file. Both the full and abbreviated versions will be provided.

Exam Preparation Providers

Some candidates for the FRM Exam may wish to study the exam material with the assistance of an FRM exam preparation provider (EPP). EPPs may offer courses online or in person. As a service GARP provides FRM candidates with a list of providers on its website. Please note that GARP does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by EPPs of FRM-related information, nor does it endorse any pass rates claimed by the EPP. Further, GARP is not responsible for any fees or costs paid by the user to an FRM EPP.

Curriculum Errata

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Financial Risk Manager
FRM Certification Practice Test

What is FRM?

The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) has a professional designation called Financial Risk Manager (FRM). The GARP FRM accreditation is widely regarded as the gold standard for GARP financial risk managers who work in financial markets. Candidates must pass two tough exams and work two years in the field of risk management to get the FRM Risk Management certification.

What are the Financial Risk Management jobs? FRM jobs for big banks, insurance companies, accounting firms, regulatory agencies, and asset management organizations, and have specific understanding in risk assessment. 

An FRM identifies threats to an organization’s assets, earning capacity, or success. FRMs operate in a variety of industries, including financial services, banking, loan origination, trading, and marketing. Many focus on areas such as credit or market risk.

The GARP FRM exam examines how risk management tools and strategies can be used to the investment management process. Market risk, credit risk, operational risk, and investment management are the major strategic disciplines of risk management that the FRM program follows. The Financial Risk Management exam, which is accepted in more than 90 countries, is meant to assess a certified financial risk manager’s competence to manage risk in a global setting.

FRM Practice Exams

The 2022 FRM Practice Exam includes sample FRM questions to help you prepare for the exam. The GARP FRM Committee reviews the FRM curriculum every year to ensure that the FRM Exam remains a legitimate assessment of the knowledge and abilities required to manage financial risk. The Practice Exam now has two sections: a full-length version and a shorter version for assessment reasons, with 25 questions in Part I and 20 questions in Part II.

Take the FRM Practice Test Now!

The Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Program

The questions are practical in nature and are based on real-life job situations. Candidates must be able to apply risk management concepts and methodologies to the day-to-day tasks of a risk manager.

Part 1 of the FRM test consists of 100 questions covering the following four subjects (in order of importance):

  • Foundations of risk management (20%)
  • Quantitative analysis (20%)
  • Financial markets and products (30%)
  • Valuation and risk models (30%)

Part 2 of the exam consists of 80 questions (weighted as follows) on the following topics:

  • Market risk measurement and management (20%)
  • Credit risk measurement and management (20%)
  • Operational risk and resiliency (20%)
  • Liquidity and treasury risk measurement and management (15%)
  • Risk management and investment management (15%)
  • Current issues in financial markets (10%)

FRM Certification Requirements

  • Pass the FRM Exam Part 1
  • Pass the FRM Part 2 by December 31 of the fourth year of passing the FRM Part I
  • Submit two years of full-time relevant financial risk management work experience

FRM Study Books

Candidates are strongly advised to study straight from official GARP FRM books (Financial Risk Management books) in order to pass the FRM Exam. These best FRM study material, which are updated every calendar year to ensure that they remain current and reflect any curriculum revisions to the subject, cover all of the texts and themes that make up exam. You can also read the handbook of Financial Risk Management (FRM handbook). This Financial Risk Manager handbook gives readers the opportunity to gain a thorough grasp of financial products and the mathematical models that underpin them, as well as to learn how to manage risks.

FRM Syllabus 2022

The FRM exam 2022 will be computer-based, with numerous windows available throughout the year, according to GARP. The FRM exam syllabus has not changed or been updated in any way, and the FRM registration dates for the 2022 sessions have been released.

Here’s the dates for November FRM exam dates 2022:

                                                          FRM Exam November Session 2022
Early FRM Exam Registration May 1, 2022 – July 31, 2022
Standard Exam FRM Registration August 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022
Exam Window Part 1 November 13- November 26, 2022
Exam Window Part 2 December 4-10, 2022

FRM Prep Course

Here’s the best FRM training course (FRM course) and FRM coaching program:

  • Best Overall: Bionic Turtle
  • Best Learning Platform: Wiley FRM Efficient Learning
  • Best Comprehensive Premium Package: Kaplan FRM Schweser
  • Best Value Premium Package: AnalystPrep
  • Best Low-Cost All-Inclusive Package: ApnaCourse

FRM Passing Score

The FRM exam result passing score is expected to be about 70%. Part I of the May 2022 FRM Exam had a success rate of 42% and Part II had a pass rate of 60%. Part I passed 46 percent of the time, and Part 2 passed 59 percent of the time in the November 2021 FRM Exam. Since 2013, the pass rates have been around 40% to 60%.

FRM Salary

FRM holders might earn anywhere from $51,000 to $130,000 per year, depending on the employment position, company, and location. In the United States, the average pay for a FRM holder is $98,000.

FRM Course Details & FRM Price

If you want to test yourself by solving financial risks, becoming a qualified FRM holder is the right professional choice for you.

Course  FRM
Full form Financial Risk Management
Eligibility Minimum graduation
Duration Exams will be conducted twice in a year
Fee Offered for exam  $350
Course Type Certified Exam
Starting salary offered  INR 900,000
Advance Courses Advance Certificate in Financial Accounting, Advance Certificate in Financial Statement Analysis
Employment opportunities Market Risk Manager, Regulatory Risk Manager, Commercial Risk Manager

FRM Course Duration

It takes at least one year to finish both FRM tests, depending on the candidate’s dedication and focus. Candidates can take both Part I and Part II of the exam. The Part I exam is available in the months of May, July, and November. In addition, the Part II exam is administered twice a year, in May and December. The exams are computer-based tests (CBT).

The FRM test is valid for a period of five years from the date of registration. That is, during this time frame, the candidate must pass both tests, get two years of experience, and obtain the certificate.

FRM Mock Exam PDF

The FRM exam necessitates a large investment of both time and money. Self-study needs a great deal of determination, perseverance, patience, confidence, self-awareness, and some knowledge to learn to do it independently. Some people are capable of doing things this way. Study products such as FRM 2022 books PDF and FRM practice exam 2022 PDF are available for individuals who require assistance. The learning objectives in the FRM study guide provide an overview of the subject that will be assessed on the FRM exam. We recommend taking the free FRM exam for the best exam preparation. FRM Practice Test provides practice questions for the FRM exam.

FRM Questions and Answers

Globally, there are about 50,000 FRMs who have been certified.

Yes. Candidates have five years to submit their work experience after passing the FRM Exam Part II, otherwise they will have to repeat the exams and re-enroll in the program as a new candidate.

Prepare for the FRM test with a study plan. You should try to have a basic understanding of each idea covered in these areas. You must have a solid understanding of the principles and how to apply them. Don’t ignore your weak spots. Take this practice exam as seriously as you would a real one. Take a break before the exam.

None. In FRM exams, there is no negative marking.

To perform well on this exam, you will need to know a lot of formulas. To complete the test, you must know the average time spent on each question. Make sure you’re familiar with all of the required functions and shortcuts until you’re totally at ease with your calculator. You’ll need a lot of practice before you feel comfortable walking into that room.

Yes. In 10 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and India, FRM was recognized equivalent to a master’s degree.

Understanding the concepts first is the best method to prepare for FRM. Sitting for long periods of time will help you in learning and practicing at the same time so that you truly understand everything. Perform the practice questions on a regular basis.

The FRM test is one of the most difficult in finance to pass.

The FRM stands for Financial Risk Manager.

Both course are highly respected across the world, and neither one is better than the other. The FRM certificate is highly specialized and focuses on risk management, whereas the CFA covers a larger range of financial analysis and investment topics.

The FRM exam is very quantitative, and mastering the curriculum takes a long period.

The FRM test is divided into two parts, each of which is a four-hour multiple-choice exam.

The FRM test is estimated to have a passing score of 70%.

Yes. Individually, CFA and FRM are excellent, but when combined, they form a good combination.

The FRM is administered by Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), and the content for Part I and Part II of the FRM Exam is provided by GARP.

Yes. Many candidates pursue both the CFA and the FRM certificates, and having both will earn you a better benefits.

You must study for a total of 200–240 hours for both exams.

All full-time graduating students are eligible for GARP scholarships. The exam fees for GARP’s Part I tests will be covered by this scholarship. This scholarship is also available to university teachers who are taking the FRM Part 1 tests. For Part II of the FRM tests, however, there are no scholarships available. Students must first register for the exams and pay the enrollment and exam costs in order to be considered for this scholarship. Following that, they will be able to apply for a scholarship.

Candidates must pass a two-part comprehensive test and have two years of work experience in financial risk management to acquire the FRM certification.

Log in to your account, navigate to “My Programs,” and click the Exam Setup option to defer an Exam until the next available Exam. To switch exam months, candidates must have a paid registration and may only do it once for a charge of USD 200.

By visiting, anybody may register to take the test. The Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Exam requires you to pass both parts. The last step in becoming a Certified FRM is to show that you’ve worked in the risk field for at least two years full-time. GARP will confirm that you are a Certified FRM holder and that your information has been included into its registry once you submit your description.

You should get started as soon as possible so that you have enough time to study for the exam. Take notes while you read the books. Make time in your regular schedule to do some studying. It’s also important to practice questions. To solve complex risk management challenges, you’ll need to use a variety of formulas. Study on a regular basis.

Yes. If you work in a quantitative role for a bank or investment business, or if you have a quantitative background and wish to work in finance, the FRM is a must-have.

Yes. In several national educational systems, the FRM course has been independently examined and assessed as being equal to a Master’s degree program.

The FRM certification will almost surely increase your chances of securing a job or better understanding how finance works in today’s environment.

Yes. In both India and abroad, the scope of FRM in terms of knowledge and employment opportunities is huge.

The Schweser notes are enough to pass both FRM levels. However, if you truly want to ace the exam, look for more resources.

The Financial Risk Management Course is a certification program for risk managers.

You will be qualified to manage higher-level duties and provide greater value to the organization once you have completed your qualification.

The FRM results are sent to each applicant through e-mail within six weeks after the exam date.

If you’re pretty sure you want to work in Risk Management, Investment Management, or Corporate Finance, and you’re confident in your ability to pass the test, you should consider enrolling in this program.

The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) awards the professional designation of Financial Risk Manager (FRM) to applicants who successfully complete this certification program.

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