Гармония с другими сочинение на английском

Prepare a computer presentation on the topic “In Harmony with Others”. You may consider these golden rules:

• I try to treat others the way I want to be treated myself;

• I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends;

• knowing how to avoid quarrels is a way to harmony.

Be ready to give your presentation in class. It shouldn’t take longer than five minutes. Try to make your presentation interesting, illustrate it with photos, pictures etc.


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. Project Work Two. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Подготовьте компьютерную презентацию на тему «В гармонии с другими». Вы можете рассмотреть эти золотые правила:
• я стараюсь относиться к другим так, как хочу, чтобы относились ко мне;
• не могу представить свою жизнь без семьи и друзей;
• умение избегать ссор – путь к гармонии.
Будьте готовы сделать презентацию в классе. Это не должно занимать больше пяти минут. Постарайтесь сделать вашу презентацию интересной, проиллюстрируйте ее фотографиями, картинками и т.д.

In Harmony with Others

As for me you can’t be happy if you are not in harmony with people around you.

Living with harmony with people around you sounds easy, but in real it’s difficult to do, especially in a world full of conflicts and catastrophes. People can have different opinions and you may struggle to feel in harmony with people close to you and with society at large. But you should start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbours. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous way with people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, because it will help you feel in harmony with others.

Here are some ways to be in harmony with people around you:

• Say «hello» to your neighbours on the street. Be friendly and sociable with them so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.

• Spend time with good friends so you can stay connected with them and not lose touch.

• Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable.

• Open yourself up to your friends and family when you need them. Don’t hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them.

• Be open to compromise. Sometimes, things just don’t go your way. You may need to find common ground with someone you do not agree with or let go of your pride and accept a compromise.

These little pieces of advice can help you be in harmony with people around you.

Перевод ответа
В гармонии с другими
Как по мне, ты не можешь быть счастлив, если ты не в гармонии с окружающими тебя людьми.
Жить в гармонии с окружающими людьми звучит легко, но на самом деле это трудно сделать, особенно в мире, полном конфликтов и катастроф. У людей могут быть разные мнения, и вам может быть трудно чувствовать себя в гармонии с близкими вам людьми и с обществом в целом. Но вы должны начать с общения с друзьями, семьей, партнерами и соседями. Сосредоточьтесь на том, чтобы справляться с любыми дисгармониями в своей жизни, проявляя великодушие к людям в вашем сообществе. Убедитесь, что вы также поддерживаете свое личное чувство гармонии, потому что это поможет вам чувствовать себя в гармонии с другими.
Вот несколько способов быть в гармонии с окружающими:
• Здоровайтесь с соседями по улице. Будьте дружелюбны и общительны с ними, чтобы вы могли создать чувство общности по соседству.
• Проводите время с хорошими друзьями, чтобы оставаться с ними на связи и не теряться.
• Постарайтесь сделать время, проведенное с семьей, значимым и запоминающимся.
• Откройтесь своим друзьям и семье, когда они вам понадобятся. Не скрывайте своих чувств и не стесняйтесь делиться с ними своими эмоциями.
• Будьте открыты для компромиссов. Иногда что−то идет не по−вашему. Возможно, вам придется найти общий язык с кем−то, с кем вы не согласны, или отпустить свою гордость и пойти на компромисс.
Эти маленькие советы помогут вам быть в гармонии с окружающими.

Проект по программе «В гармонии с окружающими»


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

In Harmony with Others Polkovnikova Diana

Слайд 2

Friends Hello! My name is Diana. I study in the 10 th from high school. I am friendly and sociable with others people , but I try to choose my best friends carefully. I have 2-3 best friends .They are attentive , honest , sociable and loyal. I am appreciate them very much !

Слайд 5

Family My family is small. It consists of 4 people and 2 pets : it is my mother , father , my younger brother , cat and small dog. I cant imagine my life without family , because she is my support. And my mom is my best friend .

Слайд 7

Connection between people T he ability to respect other people opinions and compromise helps to keep warm and strong relationships with loved people. Accordingly I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated.

Слайд 9

Family budget My family has an average family budget. Family budget consists of parents income. It is spent on food , clothing , public utilities , tution and entertainments.

Слайд 11

House chores Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Parents earn money and support family. My mom cook food for all family. I do household chores so that my parents can relax after work. I think everyone in the family should fulfill their duties

Слайд 13

Thank you for attention !

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  • 1.

    Презентация по английскому языку In harmony with others

  • 2.

    What is harmony?In the philosophy of harmony

  • 3.

    Harmony is internal and external.Internal harmony is

  • 4.

    To be with others in harmony ,

  • 5.

    Avoid people who are able to undermine

  • 6.

    Many programs also help to achieve harmony.YogaReading booksLesson needlework

  • 7.

    Harmony is the love for everything that

What is harmony?In the philosophy of harmony — a category, reflecting the natural character of development of reality, internal and external coherence. In the aesthetics of harmony is one of the forms of the beautiful, concept,

Слайд 2What is harmony?
In the philosophy of harmony — a category, reflecting

the natural character of development of reality, internal and external coherence.
In the aesthetics of harmony is one of the forms of the beautiful, concept, meaning order.

What is harmony?In the philosophy of harmony — a category, reflecting the natural character of development of

Слайд 3Harmony is internal and external.
Internal harmony is the balance of man’s

inner world , which provides vitality and peace.

External harmony is balance with the people around them.

Harmony is internal and external.Internal harmony is the balance of man's inner world , which provides vitality

Слайд 4To be with others in harmony , you should:
accept people for

who they are

Not trying to change them or change their minds

not keep grudges against other people, what would they do

Resentment to anything good will not ,it is better to be happy than proud and resentful

create your social circle, which is as much more General views on life

Circle is one of the most powerful factors that determines the level of human consciousness

To be with others in harmony , you should:accept people for who they areNot trying to change

Слайд 5Avoid people who are able to undermine the belief in yourself

have a high degree of conflict, prone to quarrels

To be able to rejoice and for others

The person who is happy for others will always be happy

Be sincere and be able to talk with other people, to make conversation

The ability to maintain a conversation – a very valuable skill that will come in handy in a friendly team and family and at work

Avoid people who are able to undermine the belief in yourselfThat have a high degree of conflict,

Слайд 6Many programs also help to achieve harmony.

Reading books
Lesson needlework

Many programs also help to achieve harmony.YogaReading booksLesson needlework

Слайд 7Harmony is the love for everything that surrounds you. And not

a hatred of everything that is happening.

Harmony is the love for everything that surrounds you. And not a hatred of everything that is

Обновлено: 09.03.2023

• Некоторые люди говорят, что можно добиться гармонии с собой только, если у тебя есть определенные интересы в жизни.

The problem of healthy life style has been bothering people for a long time, some think that happiness and healthy life style do not necessarily go together; others have an opposite point of view. And where is the truth?

I personally share the first opinion and there are some reasons for that. First of all, I’ve been having healthy lifestyle for a long time and I can say that I wasn’t happy all the time, because happiness is not about sport and good nutrition. Secondly, if it were so, everyone would start having a lifestyle, because every person wants to be happy.

As I’ve said, some people believe that if you have healthy life style, you are always happy. They say that this lifestyle keeps their health in a good state, and it makes their mental health also good, so that they become happy.

I totally don’t agree with this opinion, because it doesn’t work this way. Even if you have healthy lifestyle, you can have serious problems at work — this fact won’t make you happy for sure.

Проблема здорового образа жизни беспокоила людей долгое время, некоторые думают, что счастье и здоровый образ жизни обязательно неотделимы друг от друга, у других иная точка зрения. И где же правда?

Я лично разделяю первое мнение, и этому есть некоторые причины. Во-первых, я вела здоровый образ жизни долгое время, и я могу сказать, что не была всегда счастлива, потому что счастье – это не спорт и не хорошее питание. Во-вторых, если бы это так и было, каждый бы начал вести здоровый образ жизни, потому что каждый хочет быть счастливым.

Как я и сказала, некоторые люди думают, что, если ты ведёшь здоровый образ жизни, ты всегда счастлив. Они говорят, что такой образ жизни поддерживает их здоровье в хорошем состоянии, и что он также оказывает хорошее воздействие на душевное здоровье, поэтому они становятся счастливыми.

Я полностью не согласна с такой точкой зрения, потому что это не работает таким образом. Даже если ты ведёшь здоровый образ жизни, у тебя могут быть серьёзные проблемы на работе – данный факт точно не сделает тебя счастливым.

7. Вы получили письмо от своей подруги по переписке, говорящей на английском, которую зовут Линда. В своем письме Линда пишет:

В прошлом месяце наш класс посетил некоторые исторические места в Бельгии, включая Ватерлоо. Это было довольно интересно. Я была в Бельгии до этого со своими родителями, но путешествовать с друзьями намного веселее. Ты часто путешествуешь? С кем ты обычно путешествуешь? Куда ты предпочитаешь отправляться: куда-то в своей стране или за границу? Куда ты ездил(а) в последний раз?

• были ли проблемы, о которых говорилось в разделе, которые Вас удивили или заставили о них подумать еще раз;

Подготовьте компьютерную презентацию по теме “В гармонии с собой”. Она может содержать две части под названиями:

Приготовьтесь выступать с презентацией в классе. Она не должна занимать более 5 минут. Постарайтесь сделать свою презентацию интересной, проиллюстрируйте ее, используйте фотографии, рисунки и т.д.

I like travelling too! Such a good pastime, don’t you think? I go travelling as soon as I have the opportunity. Besides, I usually travel with my parents, but I dream of going somewhere alone or with my friends. I prefer to go to some places in my own country, because I want to explore my county’s locations first. By the way, last time I was in Sochi.

Anyway, how long are you going to stay in London? Will you do something special during holidays? Will you go somewhere else?

Я тоже люблю путешествовать! Такое хорошее времяпрепровождение, ты так не думаешь? Я еду путешествовать, как только у меня появляется возможность. Кроме того, я обычно путешествую с родителями, но я мечтаю о том, чтобы поехать куда-либо одной или с друзьями. Я предпочитаю посещать места в моей стране, потому что для начала я хочу изучить места здесь. Кстати, в последний раз я была в Сочи.

В любом случае, как долго ты собираешь оставаться в Лондоне? Сделаешь ли то что-нибудь особенное на каникулах? Поедешь ли ты куда-нибудь ещё?

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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In Harmony with Myself Besedina.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

In Harmony with Myself Besedina.

In Harmony with Myself Besedina.

Five important things about me

Five important things about me

The first important thing about me is healhy way of life. Bad habits influenc.

The first important thing about me is healhy way of life. Bad habits influence our lives.Smoking,drinking alcohol,taking drugs are the worst ones. Smoking leads to a namber of heart and lung diseases,makes your teeth yellow and you look unhealthy. Drugs tend to lead drug users to early deaths. All it can shorten our lives,so I don’t Smoke.I don’t drink alcohol.I don’t take drugs.

The second important thing about me is healthy diet. A healthy diet helps mai.

The second important thing about me is healthy diet. A healthy diet helps maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition. humans need to eat a lot of vegetables,fruits,meat, dairy products for their health.All It is important for me..

The third important thing about me is doing sports. Nowadays the popularity o.

The third important thing about me is doing sports. Nowadays the popularity of sports is increasing. I believe that physical activity has many advantages and brings us great benefit. it is the best way to do our life,health, mood and appearance much better.

The fourth important thing about me is reading books. reading books makes me.

The fourth important thing about me is reading books. reading books makes me better. I need read books to increase my intellectual abilities and skills.

The fifth important thing about me is kindliness. Kindliness helps to feel ha.

The fifth important thing about me is kindliness. Kindliness helps to feel happy. Kindliness prolongs life.

What I do to be my own best mate. I must be kindliness. I must be good-nature.

What I do to be my own best mate. I must be kindliness. I must be good-natured. I must be sociable. I must be easy-going.

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Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему In Harmony with Myself. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 8 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас — поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


The first important thing about me is healhy way of life. Bad habits influence our lives. Smoking,drinking alcohol,taking drugs are the worst ones. Smoking leads to a namber of heart and lung diseases,makes your teeth yellow and you look unhealthy. Drugs tend to lead drug users to early deaths. All it can shorten our lives,so I don’t smoke. I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t take drugs.

The second important thing about me is healthy diet. A healthy diet helps maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition. Нumans need to eat a lot of vegetables,fruits,meat, dairy products for their health. All It is important for me.

The third important thing about me is doing sports. Nowadays the popularity of sports is increasing. I believe that physical activity has many advantages and brings us great benefit. It is the best way to do our life,health, mood and appearance much better.

The fourth important thing about me is reading books. Reading books makes me better. I need read books to increase my intellectual abilities and skills.

The fifth important thing about me is kindliness. Kindliness helps to feel happy. Kindliness prolongs life.

What I do to be my own best mate. 1) I must be kindliness. 2) I must be good-natured. 3) I must be sociable. 4) I must be easy-going.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

1. For me important to be a healthy. It’s not difficult. Importantly it’s refuse from bad habbits such as: alcohol, smoking, drugs and other. All this can shorten our live. So I don’t smoke, use drugs and other.

Five important facts about me 2. I have healthy eating. First of all it’s fruits, meat, vegetables. Because they have many vitamins and useful substance. I think that every people should have healthy eating. This helps as to keep yourself in shape.

Five important facts about me

2. I have healthy eating. First of all it’s fruits, meat, vegetables. Because they have many vitamins and useful substance. I think that every people should have healthy eating. This helps as to keep yourself in shape.

Five important facts about me 3. I like computer games. It one of the most popular hobby. I believe that they is interesting and useful. They helps forget about study, about work. Games developt our mind, and helping relax.

Five important facts about me

3. I like computer games. It one of the most popular hobby. I believe that they is interesting and useful. They helps forget about study, about work. Games developt our mind, and helping relax.

Five important facts about me 4. I like listen music. I do it all time even when i sleep. You can walk away from the real world. All you need is headphones and couple good tracks.

Five important facts about me

4. I like listen music. I do it all time even when i sleep. You can walk away from the real world. All you need is headphones and couple good tracks.

Five important facts about me 5. Sometimes i want to read books. Reading books develops our mind, makes us more better. I believe that every people should to read books.

Five important facts about me

5. Sometimes i want to read books. Reading books develops our mind, makes us more better. I believe that every people should to read books.

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 In Harmony with Others

In Harmony with Others

I try to treat others the way I want to be treated myself

I try to treat others the way I want to be treated myself

I always treat everyone with respect, especially adults. I always try to help people in different situations. I always try not to conflict with people. I rely on myself, because friends can’t always help.

  • I always treat everyone with respect, especially adults.
  • I always try to help people in different situations.
  • I always try not to conflict with people.
  • I rely on myself, because friends can’t always help.

I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends

I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends

My family is nuclear: dad, mom, me and my younger sister. Also I have a lot of good friends. They always support me and help me in different situations. I respect and love them all. Without them, my life would be very difficult, mindless.

My family is nuclear: dad, mom, me and my younger sister. Also I have a lot of good friends. They always support me and help me in different situations. I respect and love them all. Without them, my life would be very difficult, mindless.

Knowing how to avoid quarrels is a way to harmony.

Knowing how to avoid quarrels is a way to harmony.

Quarrel is the worst thing that can happen in relationship between people. They always lead to sad consequences. People often quarrel over trifles, turning them into a serious problems. I’m a peaceful person, I don’t like quarrels. If I foresee further quarrel I always try to avoid it .

Quarrel is the worst thing that can happen in relationship between people. They always lead to sad consequences. People often quarrel over trifles, turning them into a serious problems. I’m a peaceful person, I don’t like quarrels. If I foresee further quarrel I always try to avoid it .



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  • 1.

    Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе «В гармонии с другими»

  • 2.

    Living with harmony with others is easier

  • 3.

    1.Participate in community events. Check the local community

  • 4.

    2.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people

  • 5.

    3.Hang out with friends on a regular

  • 6.

    4.Spend quality time with family. Try to make

  • 7.

    5.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and

  • 8.

    Слайд 8

  • 9.
    Скачать презентанцию

Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 2Living with harmony with others is easier said than

done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and

differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close to you and with society at large. Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others.

Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict,

Слайд 31.Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for

postings about events like a block party or a community

garage sale. Volunteer at community events and donate goods or money to local events. This can help you feel more connected to your neighbors.

1.Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for postings about events like a block party or

Слайд 42.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live

around you. Knock on their door and bring over baked

goods. Say “hello” to them on the street. Be friendly and sociable with your neighbors so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.

2.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live around you. Knock on their door and bring

Слайд 53.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend

time with good friends so you can stay connected with

them and not lose touch. Schedule regular hang outs once a week or once a month with different friends. Make an effort to keep your friendships alive and active.

3.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend time with good friends so you can stay

Слайд 64.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time

you spend with your family meaningful and memorable. Have regular

family dinners or invite your family over. Plan a trip with your family, especially if it’s been awhile since you have all traveled together.

4.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable.

Слайд 75.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself

up to your friends and family when you need them.

Don’t hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them. Instead, be vulnerable so you can feel more authentic and real around those close to you.

5.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself up to your friends and family when you

In Harmony with Myself
Project: Kislyakova Irina 10 «Б» class

A little about me…
My name is Irina. I’ll tell you about myself in the project «In Harmony with Yourself».

My character

I am a pessimist. I struggle with it. People should look at the world positively because difficulties can be overcome. Pessimism is a negative trait. But I try to treat other people so as I want them to treat me. I see the man whom I am looking for also as a person with a и and sound body and mind. The person, who is interesting to talk to, whom I can trust and rely on.
As for my interests I am fond of psychology in the sphere of dealing with people and the questions of how to form your thoughts in the most favourable way. I adore travelling, seeing other people, their traditions, customs, to get acquainted with their culture, going sightseeing. Besides I like different kinds of music, I like music with rhythm you can dance to.

My hobby
My Hobbies are watching movies and reading books. I like movies in the drama genre. My favorite movie Director is Ann Fletcher. I also like movies in the genre of Comedy. I like to read books in the genre of drama, tragedy, humor, adventure and Thriller. My favorite author is Terry Pratchett. He writes in the fantasy genre.

My pet
I like animals. I like cats, dogs, and rats. I have a dog. He is six years old. My parents gave me him as a birthday present when he was a cute little puppy.

My character
The exception in this case can only be parents or close friends. They can influence my decision with unobtrusive advice. If I set a goal, then despite the difficulties, I go to it. I also like to help people and support them. An important feature of my character is that I can rarely give up my principles for the sake of people close to me.
I have quite a complex character.
If I’ve made a decision, it’s hard to change my mind.

Care of yourself

I try to be my best friend. I care about my health. I strive for self-development. I’m resting. I try not to eat fast food because it’s bad for my health. Everyone should take care of their health.

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