Girls and boys should be taught in separate schools сочинение

Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reason and examples to support your answer.

Some people said that it would be better for students to attend separate schools. In my opinion, student should not attend separate schools for following reasons.

 First and foremost, that boys and girls are studying in a school means that they can get an equal education. The girls even study what the boys study. They are in the same classroom, studying from the same books. If they are in separate schools, these may be different. By studying together, girls get the same education as boys. This helps them work toward having equality in society.

Furthermore, studying in the same school helps students understand each other. I still remember a very meaningful statement of Chinese famous educator Confucius. He said: “There is always someone to learn from”. “That means others can be our teachers in various occasions”. When boys and girls study in the same school, they may have the chance to become friends. They see each other as normal people. On the contrary, attending separate schools, students may be like a fish out of water. Boys and girls can lose their confidence when facing up to each other because they are studying in separate schools and rarely see each other.

Last but not least, by attending the same school, boys and girls learn to work together. Some people say that they should study separate because they have many different learning styles. I think it is better to study together. This gives them a precious opportunity for exchanging their learning styles. I believe that it will help them work more professionally in the future.

To sum up, that boys and girls study in the same school is really an effective and popular form of education. Once again, I totally support the idea that boys and girls should not attend separate schools.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 September 2022 11:52
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 219170

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The topic of whether boys and girls should be taught in mixed schools has been a contentious issue ever since the initiation of women’s rights movements. Some argue that the practice of teaching boys and girls in the same school should be upheld, while others refute this.  Both sides of this debate will be analysed in this essay before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.

In one camp, it is believed that educating boys and girls in a co-education system reaps numerous bounties. For example, most women rights activists contend that instructing males and females together enhances the understanding between the two genders. This equips members of both genders with the necessary skills which can later be transferred into their personal lives, and as result enjoy a higher degree of matrimonial bliss. Thus, it is clear why many people support the idea of co-education.

On the other hand, many consider the practice of educating girls and boys separately is best. For example, Saudi Arabia is often mocked for its conservative culture. Despite this, Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest rape and sexual assault rates in the world. One of the reasons cited for this is the segregation on the basis of gender in the educational institutes. When looking at this side of the debate, the benefits that are derived from separate schools for girls and boys can be seen.

Although both sides of this argument have indisputable virtues, it is felt that practice of educating male and female pupils in the same school is much more of a positive development than negative. Therefore, it is hoped that the trend of co-education schools will continue to be the norm the world over into the foreseeable future.

[ Written by — Sameed Qureshi ]

Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay:

Essay Type: Discuss both views + Opinion.

Main question of this IELTS Essay:

A. Discuss the first view: It is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools.

B. Discuss the second view: It is better to have coeducation schools.

C. Give your own opinion and say which one do you support and why?

First View: It is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools.

  • Better concentration in the class and achieving higher grades because they spend less time on other activities.
  • Reduction the rate of inappropriate sexual relationship.
  • This does not contradict with some religious beliefs like Islamic belief.
  • It is observed that when boys and girls are separated, it would make them more disciplined.
  • Less report of sex discrimination (giving more opportunity to specific gender)
  • In this system, students tend to be more focused on studies rather than being distracted to all fantasies of teenage.
  • This system is better in terms of students’ engagement in extra-curricular activities like sports.

Second View: It is better to have coeducation schools.

  • Better communication with opposite gender in real life (work, family, marriage).
  • Participation in more team working.
  • Being respectful to opposite gender.
  • Both genders have different abilities to learn different study materials, so they can help the opposite sex to learn better.
  • Co-education system enhances the understanding between the two genders.
  • Maintaining co-education system would be less costly. Clearly, to divide girls and boys, governments have to spend more money on education.
  • Each gender would be able to co-work as well as participate in competition with the other gender. Such friendly competition and co-working would enhance the overall performance of the students.

My opinion:

1. Both sides of the discussion have indisputable virtues and benefits. However, I agree that co-education system is far better than the unisexual schools. 
2. I opine that separate schooling for boys and girls has far more benefits and that’s why I support this system.

[These ideas should be helpful for you to generate your own ideas and writing an excellent essay on the given IELTS Essay topic should be easier for you. If you have new ideas that we might have missed, add them in the comment section and we will publish it.]

Sample Answer 2:
Nowadays, the co-educational system is considered as the best option in many countries. Some believe that it is better that young females and males study separately, while others mention that studying together can be more beneficial. I will discuss both sides and will give my opinion.

On the one hand, those believing that education systems should be a separate gender-based system have their own reasons. One is that this method can be safer. Every year, numerous sexual offences are reported by the local or national news, regarding of rape or other inappropriate sexual behaviours, especially in countries permitting both genders to study in one school. However, studying in single-gender-institutions can reduce the rate of these figures. As a prime example, thousands of sexual assaults are reported in the U.S. schools annually but had the government considered unisex education, these rates would have dramatically decreased. Another reason is that this system may raise religious conflicts. In some countries, some opponents are not interested in sending their children to these types of schools, and this has become hot potato between different religious groups. For instance, French Islamic citizens prefer their children to study in a single sex school, whereas the administration admits both genders in one educational place.

On the other hand, I personally give a green light to those supporting co-educational system. The first reason behind it is that this system definitely would be less costly. Clearly, to divide girls and boys, governments have to spend more money on education because they cannot use empty spaces of a female school for a male one, or vice versa. As a result, less educational facilities should be provided for scholars, declining the total education budget. Furthermore, this method can improve students’ communication skills. Obviously, having a better relationship with the opposite sex, juveniles will have a closer relationship not only during their study but during their matrimonial life. They generally have fewer marriage problems with their partner due to having a better experience before. In this way, Sigmund Freud, a very familiar former psychologist, believe that humans’ social skills are fundamentally developed as they have closer feelings to their opposite sex during childhood.

In conclusion, although in some countries co-educational system is not popular, I agree with it. Not only in this measure more governmental budget can be saved, but youth can have better relationships with the opposite gender. Hopefully, a global tendency will propagate this method of education in the near future.

[Written by — Rambod Taghaodi]

Sample Answer 3:
In this era of globalisation,” Education “, has become a part of every individual’s identity. But the bone of contention is whether to get educated in separate or co-education schools. This has been a debatable topic since the inception of the education system. The following essay will discuss the beneficial aspects of both schools and my opinion.

In regard to the citizens who believe that segregated schools are better places for their children, there are several positive impacts; firstly, it is believed that when boys and girls are separated, it would make them more disciplined. Secondly, they tend to be more focused on studies rather than being distracted to all fantasies of teenage. So this would likely bring out them with flying colours and prosper in life.

On the flip side, it is undeniable that co-education schools are also far more beneficial. This is because the interaction which occurs in this environment between boys and girls creates a healthy relationship, which naturally tends to make them more comfortable in later stages of life. This is not all; this education system makes her free from shyness and fear. For illustration, if a girl who is educated in co-education school joins a company for a job, she will feel free to communicate and socialise with others, since she would have shredded all her hesitations and nervousness in her school days. This would definitely lead her on the right path both in career and life.

In a nutshell, mixed education imparts more and more benefits on students and these would facilitate them to progress in life. In my perspective, when both genders are educated together, it would bring out the best citizens who could serve as a torch bearer for posterity by making them aware of their own limits and culture of the society.

[ Written by — Nivetha ]

Essay topic

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample response

Throughout the history, there has always been a gender gap. Only in recent years have we started ‘breaking the walls’ between the genders. Even so, it is still a hot topic whether there should be mixed-gender schools or not.
From my perspective, boys and girls have much to learn from each other. Therefore, they should study together. In this essay, I am going to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of mixed-gender and single-gender schools.

To begin with, we live in a world full of different nationalities, races, genders, and cultures. It is important for an individual to treat everyone around them with respect. That is why we need mixed-sex education. It will help children to understand each other’s uniqueness and provide them with the opportunity to acquire interpersonal skills.

On the flip side, single-sex schools focus on gender-specific activities like knitting or cooking for girls and mechanics, electronics or carpentry for boys. Consequently, graduates from this type of institutions will have greater skills and knowledge in those activities. That, potentially, can provide them with benefits in their careers. For instance, a girl who learned cooking or designing at school can easily become a professional cook or a designer when she grows up.

To recapitulate, both types of educational systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, mixed-gender institutions tend to prepare their graduates to the real world situations better than single-gender schools. It is essential to remember that every successful person should know how to interact/communicate with different categories of people. This skill can only be obtained from a diverse environment such as mixed-sex schools.

‘Girls and boys should be taught in separate schools.’
Write an essay giving arguments for and against this statement and also state your own opinion.
1. Everyone agrees that education is a very important matter, but not everyone agrees about the best way to teach children. One controversial question that people disagree on is whether girls and boys should be educated separately.
2. There are several advantages to single-sex schools. Firstly, schools can concentrate on teaching subjects that interest students most. For example, girls are often more interested in languages and an all-girl school can find more time for such subjects in the timetable. Secondly, many people think that girls and boys learn better in classes of the same sex. They say that there is more competition between students and that generally results are better. Finally, supporters of single-sex schools also believe that students are calmer and behave better, too.
(отрывок из текста)
«Девочки и мальчики должны обучаться в отдельных школах»
Напишите эссе приводя аргументы за и против этого заявления, а также сформулируйте собственное мнение.
1. Все согласны с тем, что образование является очень важным вопросом, но не все согласны с лучшим способом научить детей. Один спорный вопрос, люди не согласны должны ли девочки и мальчики обучаться отдельно.
2. Есть несколько преимуществ школ одного пола. Во-первых, школы могут сосредоточиться на преподавании предметов, которые интересуют студентов больше всего. Например, девочки часто больше заинтересованы в языках и школа для девочек может найти больше времени для таких предметов в расписании. Во-вторых, многие люди думают, что девочки и мальчики учатся лучше в классах того же пола. Они говорят, что есть больше конкуренции между студентами и что в целом результаты лучше. Наконец, сторонники однополых школ также считают, что студенты ведут себя спокойнее и лучше, тоже.
3. Тем не менее, есть много аргументов против однополых школ. Во-первых, критики таких школ говорят, что они поощряют молодых людей, чтобы сделать выбор стереотипным о своем будущем. Это потому, что студенты часто не имеют возможности попробовать вещи, которые являются менее типичными для их пола. Но, пожалуй, самым большим, недостатком является то, что они не дают мальчикам и девочкам возможность общаться друг с другом. Это может сделать трудным для людей приспособиться к «нормальному» миру после того, как они заканчивают школу.
4. В заключение, хотя однополые школы могут быть хорошей вещью, особенно в учебе, они также имеют отрицательную сторону. По моему мнению, самый большой аргумент против этих школ является то, что они не дают молодым мужчинам и женщинам возможность лучше понять друг друга.
Essay Plan — План эссе
Paragraph 1: Introduction — Введение
Paragraph 2: Arguments for – Аргументы за
Paragraph 3: Arguments against — Аргументы против
Paragraph 4: Conclusion — Вывод


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Should boys and girls attend separate schools? This question is very arguable. Before rendering my opinion, let»s consider the advantages for boys and girls to attend separate schools. Since boys and girls are different in many ways, they have different hobbies and the ways to learn new things. If they attend separate schools, the education can be more efficient because the school can teach them differently according to their personalities. But the disadvantages are greater. While boys and girls attend separate schools, there are few chances for them to communicate with opposite sexes, which will become a handicap for them to communicate with each other in their future.

As far as I concerned, boys and girls should not attend separate schools. The first and foremost reason is that people should have experience with the opposite sex when they are at school, because the society consists of both male and female members, and people have to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex.

Moreover, people have to learn from the opposite sex. For example, while females should learn braveness from males, males should learn carefulness from females. In addition, in a family, to learn from the opposite sex becomes more important to keep the family harmonious. In addition, the knowledge of the opposite sex is also important. Without such knowledge, dealing with the opposite sex in a relationship becomes extremely difficult.

Finally, as we can see, it is definitely important for boys and girls to attend schools together, so that they can learn from each other, communicate with each other and they can understand each other well, which is very valuable for their future.

some people think that is better to educate boys and girls in separate school. other, however , belive that they should be taught in mixed schools. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It is common to see a debate among the


Remove the redundancy

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Correct word choice

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boys and girls should be taught at same school or not. In


there are valid reasons to show each argument is correct, I believe


Correct article usage

show examples

of keeping them together

over weigh

Correct your spelling

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the disadvantages and it is


Change the article

show examples

good for the lives of


to learn together.

Of course, there are advantages


Change preposition

show examples



isolated based on


Replace the word

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. Because of




Correct pronoun usage

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could help children to keep their minds more


Wrong verb form

show examples

on education.




mechanism limits


‘ ability to learn and understand the feelings of

Correct article usage

show examples

other party

Change the wording

another party

other parties

show examples


As a result

of it, by the time they become


, it might lead to a curiosity left behind in the minds of children.

On the other hand

, keeping them


Change preposition

show examples


Correct article usage

show examples

Correct your spelling

show examples

class room

Correct your spelling

show examples

has many advantages. More importantly, it helps them to understand each other well and

as a result

, make themselves more mature when they become




, in the

Correct your spelling

show examples

class room

Correct your spelling

show examples

atmosphere, it helps them to carry out their education much

Correct quantifier usage

show examples


with the help of mixing ideas between


. As an example,


Change preposition

show examples

a certain age, boys or girls might act, think and express their ideas or feelings in a similar manner.


, mixing with other




to understand how


Change the wording

show examples

party reacts to the same situation. Ultimately, that experience will help them to carry out their family lives when they become



In conclusion, it is obvious to see an argument on the way


should be taught at school considering their


. It is quite

straight forward

Correct your spelling

show examples

to see

Correct determiner usage

show examples


Correct your spelling

show examples


while mixing with other


has multiple benefits for the lives of children and the experience gained will be much

Correct quantifier usage

show examples


Replace the word

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once they become



Submitted by maheshweee on Sat Nov 12 2022

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Examples, if used properly, not only help you get higher marks for ‘Task Response’ but also for ‘Coherence’.

When giving examples it is best to put them after your main idea or topic sentence. They can be used in the middle of supporting sentences or they can be used to start a new sentence. There is no rule for where exactly to give examples in essays, logically they would come after your main idea/topic sentence or just after a supporting sentence.

Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example
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Last Updated: 3rd April 2020

GT Writing Task 2 (Essay Writing) Sample # 6

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer 1: [Discussion on both views & supporting co-educational/mixed-sex school system]
Opinions are split among many when it comes to whether boys and girls get benefits from being taught together or not. Many people prefer single-gender schools, while others argue that mixed schools bring more benefits. However, I incline to view that co-educational schools are the way forward.

Advocates of single-sex schools believe that boys and girls have different attitudes towards learning and teachers can employ particular techniques designed specially to match the gender. For instance, studies reveal that boys learn better when classroom temperature is cool, while girls perform better in warm classrooms. So, the temperature in a single-gender classroom could be set to suit the different needs of male or female students. In addition, when students are not distracted by their opposite sex, they often find it easier to focus on academics. This means that students participate actively in the classes where everybody is the same sex.

On the other hand, the proponents of mixed schools argue that co-ed schools prepare their students better for their future career. That is to say that when boys and girls are taught in the classroom, they can develop teamwork skill with the opposite sex. This is an opportunity that completely lacks in single-gender classrooms. This opportunity is of paramount importance because it mirrors the real world. Moreover, mixed schools provide the chance to understand and communicate with the opposite sex. Boys and girls have different perspectives and in a mixed school, they manage to learn from each other.

In conclusion, the prime objective of education is to prepare students for future life. In co-educational schools, girls and boys learn from each other and can see the world in a different light from different perspectives. Mixed schools, thus, inculcate certain values and principles that are useful for their future.

Sample Answer 2: [Discussion on both views & supporting separate/single-sex school system]
Whether a single-sex or a uni-sex school is more advantageous and yields better results is open for debate. Single-sex schools are prefered by many since they believe that it ensures a better environment for education while the proponents of coeducation argue that boys and girls should be taught together for healthy competition and better mutual understanding. Personally, I prefer the single-sex school method.

The advocates of the mixed-education system often point out that when boys and girls study in the same school, they grow a mutual understanding. As a result, it ensures a wholesome work environment in the future. Moreover, this education system encourages positive competition and helps students excel not only in their studies but also in other important areas. For instance, when boys and girls are assigned to a project, they tend to learn how to work together. Reversely, they often compete to show their supremacy and thus excel in education and learning. But this is not the whole picture.

As a female, and as a student in both coeducational and separate schools, I must outline that I felt more comfortable being with girls than boys. In a perfect world, the mixed-sex schools may produce far-reaching benefits, but not in a world where we are often shattered by the harsh reality. Single-sex schools have less violence, sexual discrimination and abuse. Bringing very young boys and girls together in schools have consequences that often lead to social degradation.

To conclude, despite some advantages, coeducation has severe problems. From my experience, I can say that a separate educational system is healthy, free of discrimination and abuse. I hope that parents would be very thoughtful before deciding to send their children to a particular school type.

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