Going solar егэ текст ответы is solar a smart long term

1) Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Recognize Your Limitations
2. Take a Rest
3. Clear Out Distractions
4. Have Help Handy
5. Plan Your Work
6. Stay Calm Under Pressure
7. Work With Interest
8. Stay Focused

A. The overriding idea is to go for simplicity. A quiet basement, a library table or the ground next to a big tree outside allow you to focus on what you’re doing. Examples of poor locations would include the kitchen table, common areas where you’re likely to encounter friends, or even your own room, as it’s usually stocked with a computer, television, and video games that seem a lot more appealing than what you’re doing. You have to remove yourself far enough from any potential disturbance. This is the key to any successful session of work.

B. Making your work relate to your leisure activities or hobbies eliminates much of the tedium associated with it. Whenever possible, make your schoolwork centre around something you love, and run with it. Essay assignment? Write about your favourite hobby. History report? Write about your favourite historical battle. Just pick anything to make your reports and assignments less mundane. As long as you meet all the requirements of the assignment, the rest is yours to choose.

C. It’s okay to reward a long session of hard work with a quick break here or there. Eat something, watch a TV show, play a bit of your favourite video game, pick up a musical instrument and practise a little bit. Trying to work too long at too hard a pace without a break is only going to spoil your work in the end, as you’ll start to tire, grow apathetic, and make mistakes. Taking semi-frequent breaks proportional to the amount of time you spent working keeps your mind fresh and your spirits up.

D. Ultimately, you are going to have to make executive decisions about the importance of various assignments relative to how much time and effort you’re expending on them. Don’t get bogged down worrying about finishing a small assignment that is worth a negligible fraction of your grade if it means that finishing it will cost you important points on a far more important project or paper for another class. Always rank assignments based on their due date and importance. In the grand scheme of things, it’s always best to do what will get you the best overall average of grade points.

E. If you have multiple assignments to do, don’t try and work on more than one at a time. Pick the most immediately due assignment and stick with it like glue until it’s done. Then move on to the next most pressing assignment. This way, you resist the temptation to bypass hard, looming assignments to jump to easier but less pressing assignments for your sense of accomplishment. Concentrating your efforts on one task is the key to any successful session of work.

F. Often, you’ll be tempted to pull all-nighters simply to get things done and out of your head. This is extremely counterproductive. If you feel very tired, you can just drop off at any moment. If you sense you’re giving less and less effort to your work, then stop. It’s always better to pick it up the next day when you’re focused than to run a marathon all night and wind up with substandard work that you aren’t proud of.

G. It’s not always easy to stay on the ball in college, but if you know how to stay calm, and make your assignments work for you, you can simplify things tremendously. If you have no idea how to even start an assignment, always feel free to contact your professor, campus tutoring office, or even your parents for advice. Don’t let your fears get in the way of your doing well. If asking a professor for assistance is the difference between a C and an A on an assignment, you should not care about your pride, you should care about your college marks.


2) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Solar panels on the roof aren’t just providing clean power; they are cooling the house. Using thermal imaging, researchers determined that during the day, a building’s ceiling was 5 degrees Fahrenheit cooler under solar panels than under an exposed roof. At night, the panels help hold heat in, ___ (A).

As solar panels sprout on an increasing number of residential and commercial roofs, it becomes more important to consider their impact on buildings’ total energy costs. Data for the study was gathered over three days on the roof of the San Diego School of Engineering with a thermal infrared camera. The building is equipped with tilted solar panels and solar panels ___ (B). Some portions of the roof are not covered by panels.

The panels essentially act as roof shades. Rather than the sun beating down onto the roof, ___ (C), photovoltaic panels take the solar beating. Then much of the heat is removed by wind blowing between the panels and the roof. The benefits are greater if there is an open gap ___ (D), so tilted panels provide more cooling. Also, the more efficient the solar panels, the bigger the cooling effect. For the building researchers analyzed, the panels reduced the amount of heat reaching the roof by about 38 percent.

Although the measurements took place over a limited period of time, the team developed a model that allows them to extrapolate their findings to predict cooling effects throughout the year.

For example, in winter, the panels would keep the sun from heating up the building. But at night, they would also keep in ___ (E).

There are more efficient ways to passively cool buildings ___ (F). But, if you are considering installing solar photovoltaic, depending on your roof thermal properties, you can expect a large reduction in the amount of energy you use to cool your residence or business.

1. which causes heat to be pushed through the roof
2. where air can circulate between the building and the solar panel
3. that are flush with the roof
4. such as reflective roof membranes
5. reducing heating costs in the winter
6. that was not covered with panels
7. whatever heat accumulated inside


3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

The main aim of Sean’s visit to Spain was
1) to climb the highest peak on the Spanish mainland.
2) touring and walking.
3) to try the regional cuisine.
4) to enjoy the country’s robust red wines.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

At that time of year, the mountain’s snowy trails were
1) icy.
2) slippery.
3) difficult.
4) uncomplicated.

5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Megan and Aidan had to wait till morning because
1) Megan didn’t speak Spanish.
2) the chairlifts didn’t work at night.
3) they couldn’t find any help.
4) a hotel clerk’s directions were wrong.

6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

1) reached Mulhacen’s summit by mid-afternoon.
2) lost his way.
3) descended until dawn.
4) decided to spend the night in the wooden hut.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

Sean could not make the ridge because
1) it was too far.
2) he was very tired.
3) of a blizzard.
4) of a strong wind and poor visibility.

8) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Sean fell down the slope because
1) a strong wind was blowing.
2) the slope was too steep.
3) he didn’t have special equipment.
4) he didn’t use his trekking poles.

9) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Показать текст. ⇓

While falling, Sean
1) was not injured.
2) injured his head.
3) shattered his kneecap.
4) broke his leg.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.


Play высказывания

1. I feel unhappy because I can’t change public attitude to our planet.
2. I would like to see new energy saving laws introduced.
3. I am afraid of the after-effects of human activities.
4. I am sure that wise attitude to basic earth supplies is necessary.
5. I do not want my family to live in polluted environment.
6. I am for the use of energy saving practices in house construction.
7. I find many simple ways to help our planet in everyday life.

A – 7
B – 5
C – 3
D – 4
E – 1
F – 6

Speaker A: I try to care about our planet. Some people argue that it’s impossible for an individual to affect major changes, but I disagree as there’re many things everyone can do to help our planet. Let’s start with our homes. Encouraging your family to recycle regularly is a good thing to start with. Every glass bottle you recycle saves enough energy to run a TV for an hour, while recycling an aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours! It’s not difficult to turn out the lights when you leave a room or use re-useable containers for your lunches.

Speaker B: My name is Walton and I’m from the USA. I’m personally concerned about our environment pollution. I try to protect the environment, to preserve it and leave it clean and undamaged for the next generations who are at risk of not being able to leave their homes due to the high city pollution. Yet now, in my native city (Boston) the smog has increased to such a threatening level that my family and I had to move, because the air was harmful to the health of my 4-year-old son.

Speaker С: In my country, England, there is hardly a part of it that is within its natural state. The typical English countryside, the hills and fields, have all been shaped by generations of cultivation. In fact, taking the planet as a whole there is hardly a part of it that humans have not changed. I fear that by our pollution humans are changing the places where they do not live and where they live. Deserts are becoming hotter, arctic ice is melting and wherever you look you can see the ugly footprint of humanity.

Speaker D: Of course we should care more about our planet water supplies. When you use water wisely, you help the environment. You save water for fish and animals. You help preserve drinking water supplies as well. You save the energy that your water supplier uses to move water to you and the energy your family uses to heat your water. When you use water wisely, you save money as your family pays for the water you use. So if kids start learning to use water wisely today, they will be helping themselves in the future.

Speaker E: My name is Susan and I’m 17 years old. I think the earth is the home we all live in but many people simply don’t care. I get depressed by all those warnings that we hear daily, acid rain, global warming and on and on. It is likely that there will always be some people who litter in towns and in the country, despite fines and knowledge of the environmental consequences. You cannot influence the way other people care for our planet and that makes me very sad.

Speaker F: I suggest we should use all resources in the most efficient way possible. A green home will be a good solution here as it helps to conserve energy as well as water. Waste and pollution will be decreased too. A green home protects the environment by using renewable solar energy. Solar panels on the roof of a home collect sunlight, which is then converted into power to heat the home and run the home equipment. So a green home will save energy as well as money in addition to having other health benefits.

Упр. 37 | 38 | 39

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Space could solve water problems
Have you ever tasted saltwater? I guess you have and if so, you will agreewith me that it’s not very refreshing. In fact, drinking more than a few cups worthcan kill you.

According to the United States Geological Survey, whose mission is tocollect and disseminate reliable, impartial, and timely information that is needed tounderstand the nation’s water resources, about ninety-seven percent of the water onour planet is saltwater; the rest is stored in lakes, rivers, glaciers and aquifersunderground. Moreover, only about one-third of the world’s potential fresh watercan be used for human needs. As pollution increases, the amount of usable waterdecreases.
Water is the most precious and taken-for-granted resource we have on Earth.It is also one of the most threatened resources. Increased population and possibleclimate change will put more and more strain on supplies of this vital resource astime goes on. What could we do in this situation? Though it may seem like sciencefiction, the solution could lie in outer space.
I’m not saying we’re going to be teleporting to a spring on the other side ofthe galaxy or colonizing another planet just to have longer showers – it’s muchmore mundane than that. What we could achieve realistically in this century is thesuccessful use of the solar system’s rare metals and water, barring the invention ofthe matrix.
You may be surprised to learn that the metal in your keys, coins, cell phone,computer, car and everywhere else, originally came to this planet from space.When Earth formed, the heavy metals sank to the center and formed a solid core.The lighter elements formed the mantle and the crust we live on. Asteroids andcomets that struck the Earth brought water and metals to the surface.
There are thousands of asteroids orbiting near Earth. Most asteroids aremade of rock, but some are composed of metal, mostly nickel and iron. Probescould be sent out to these to identify useful ones. Then larger probes could pushthem towards the Earth where they can be handled in orbit.
In order to fuel ships and probes, we simply need to find a source of water,such as a comet or the surface of the moon. We collect the water and pass anelectric current through it from a solar panel. The water separates into oxygen andhydrogen, which in liquid form is a powerful rocket fuel.
Is this really possible? We may soon find out. Private company SpaceX hasalready started delivering equipment to the International Space Station (ISS).The ISS is proof that countries once at each other’s throats, like America andRussia, can work together and pull off multi-billion dollar projects.
Recently, a company called Planetary Resources Inc. made the news forgetting big names like Google and Microsoft to invest in exploring asteroids for material gain. Although it will take many decades, it is wise to put the gears in motion now.
We’ve already landed probes on the surface of asteroids and taken samples from them. We can put something as large as the ISS, which weighs just short of 500 tons, according to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in orbit.
We can make a half-million-mile round-trip to get rocks from the moon. We can do all of these things already. They just need to be applied and developed in a smart way.

Задание 1.

Установите соответствие между заголовками A – F и текстами писем 1 – 5, опубликованных в журнале для изучающих английский язык. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.







1. I’m a 24-year-old business student from Malaysia and I’ve been going to English classes at night school for the past 5 years. Up to now I’ve thought that I’m a good student. Last month I went to Britain. Nobody could understand me and I couldn’t understand them. What went wrong? My English teacher is very good and I always get the highest mark for my grammar test.

2. I’m writing to ask your opinion on my problem. My English teacher never corrects my mistakes when I’m speaking. Isn’t that her job? How am I going to learn to speak better? Also she’s always telling me that I should forget all the rules of grammar that I learnt when I was younger.

3. I am looking after two small English children. I love my job but the way that English people speak is a little surprising. For example, I often hear them say things like ‘more friendlier’, and I thought it should be ‘more friendly’. Many of them say ‘we was’ instead of ‘we were’. Can you explain this? Would it be impolite of me to correct them?

4. I have been studying English for three years. I’m quite good at reading and writing but listening is very difficult for me. My teacher suggested that I listen to the BBC World Service every day in order to understand English better. The problem is that it’s hard for me to understand every word. Do you have any ideas about how to make listening to the radio less difficult? I like to listen to news very much.

5. I have studied English for five years at school but for the past six months I have been using the Internet and books to learn. There are lots of materials to choose but I’m not sure what is best for me and how I should use them. I really would like to take some international examination but don’t know how to study without help. Should I take a course in my local school – which is a little expensive for me now – or is it possible to prepare for the exam on my own?

Задание 2.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This museum tells you about the history of




а city











1. Step inside this magical 1850s »Cinema» for an exciting tour of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. As the lights go down a brilliant moving image of the capital appears before you, while the guide tells the story of Edinburgh’s historic past.

2. The National Waterways Museum of Gloucester brings to life the time when Britain’s waterways were dug between towns. Transport by these ways was cheaper than transport by land. Many exhibits give visitors the chance to relive the Age which helped to revolutionize Britain’s water system.

3. Black Country Museum is an open-air museum. Your visit there is always exciting and enjoyable. Guides in national costumes and working demonstrators tell visitors a story of the time when different machines were invented in Britain and factories began to develop very quickly.

4. Travel through time and discover the colourful story of travel. See shiny buses, tube trains and trams of different centuries. As you step into the past you’ll meet people who’ve kept London moving for 200 years. Hold tight as you put yourself in the driving seat and enjoy your journey.

5. This museum is full of wonderful models of trains, buses, ships and cars. See the 1920s model Story Land Park and play the old slot-machines. It also has a nursery of the beginning of the 20th century. The wonderful collection of dolls contains different marionettes from Ancient Roman Gladiator doll to figures of today.

6. This museum illustrates the development of human knowledge through different instruments. The museum has a clockwork model of the solar system from1750 as well as microscopes, telescopes, navigation instruments, electrical machines and tools.

Задание 3.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.




Imaginary person






Food and drink





1. Irish hand-made tweed is famous all over the world for its individual look, its quality and different colours. This cloth is made from wool and widely used for caps, hats, skirts, trousers, and jackets. Tweeds can be bought in most of the larger cities as well as in the specialist tweed shops. The most famous place for tweed production in Ireland is Donegal.

2. Ceili consists of hundreds of people. They join arms together, dance up and down a hall at high speeds to the fast sounds of Irish traditional music. Men and women move so quickly turning round and round, that if they don’t fall at least once, it means that they are not trying hard enough.

3. Gaelic is not widely used today in Ireland. With hundreds of years of colonisation by the British it lost its significance and was used less and less. It wasn’t allowed to be taught in the schools, and it became impossible to use Gaelic in most jobs.

4. Irish products are very popular. Irish hand-made farmhouse cheeses, chocolates and wild smoked salmon taste so nice that they are known everywhere. Many people like Irish coffee which is a hot drink made with coffee, whiskey, and cream. Baileys, a cream liqueur, is becoming known internationally. We must also mention Guinness, is a type of beer, which for many years has been as the meal in a glass.

5. Children in Ireland love to listen to stories about leprechaun, a small wizard with magic powers who could make impossible things happen. He is dressed in green velvet and wears a shiny black belt and magic shoes. He is very small, no more than half a metre tall. He has a pot of gold and gets very angry if he thinks someone is trying to steal it.

6. Irish products are of great value and high quality. They can always tell a story of the history, culture and geography of the place where they were made. Most visitors know of Aran sweaters, Irish lace, Ulster linen table-cloths and bed covers, Galway glasses, Tara plates and cups. Hardly any visitor leaves the country without buying something which will remind them of the country later.

Задание 4.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.




Safety rules











1. On most downtown Manhattan streets people are not allowed to leave their cars. Midtown car parks and garages are about $6.75 an hour. Some restaurants and hotels have free car parks. If you are staying at a hotel with this service, it is easiest to leave your car in the garage and use public transport or taxis.

2. Start your day with a laugh, enjoy the funniest pictures in The New York Daily News. Turn over the pages of The NY Times which has won a total of 108 Pulitzer prizes. Read 11 English and foreign language papers which come out every day and you will be in touch with serious problems in the world and in the country.

3. Seasons in New York are distinct. Summers are generally hot and humid, with practically no difference between daytime and evening temperatures. Winters tend to be bitter, although snow and sleet are not that often. Spring and autumn are mild in the day time and cool at nights.

4. This is a great way to see New York. Drivers are experienced and you will feel safe; buses are comfortable and you will feel fine in any weather. They are all air-conditioned. You are offered different excursions. The all-day excursions visit the top tourist attractions and other excursions which last from 2 to 4 hours can be interesting for people with different tastes.

5. No visit to Long Island is complete without the Marriot. Centrally located near Roosevelt Raceway and Roosevelt Field Indoor Mall, it offers expensive and comfortable rooms, fine restaurants, a lively nightclub with an indoor pool. You will be offered outstanding service and hospitality. For information and reservation call (800)228-9290.

6. Drivers, front seat passengers and all back seat passengers younger than 10 must fasten their seat belts around themselves. The state law takes these precautions to protect people against possible trouble. Drivers pay if their passengers are younger than 16 and not wearing seat belts.


Установите соответствие между заголовками A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


First computers


Professional sport


Risky sport


Shopping from home


Shopping in comfort


New users


Difficult task

1. A group of university students from Brazil have been given the job of discovering and locating all the waterfalls in their country. It is not easy because very often the maps are not detailed. The students have to remain in water for long periods of time. Every day they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.

2. For many years now, mail-order shopping has served the needs of a certain kind of customers. Everything they order from a catalogue is delivered to their door. Now, though, e-mail shopping on the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for this kind of shopping.

3. Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing with much enthusiasm. It is particularly interesting for people suffering from arthritis as computers offer a way of writing nice clear letters. Now pensioners have discovered the Internet and at the moment they make up the fastest growing membership.

4. Shopping centres are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained towns where you can find everything you want. In a large centre, shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.

5. Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow. They took up complete floors of a building, and were less powerful, and much slower than any of today’s compact portable computers. At first, the data they had to process and record was fed in on punched-out paper; later magnetic tape was used, but both systems were completely inconvenient.

6. Potholing is a dull name for a most interesting and adventurous sport. Deep underground, on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals who have adapted to life without light, finding unusual landscapes and underground lakes, the potholer lives an exciting adventure. You mustn’t forget, though, that it can be quite dangerous. Without the proper equipment you can fall, get injured or lost.

Задание 6.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


An office at home


Saving energy


Computers for making films


Saving space


“No” to computer games


Driving in the future


Computers for building up team spirit

1. Safe, comfortable and, above all, green. Electric-powered cars will not produce any substances which are dangerous for either people or the environment. In 10-20 years all cars will have their own built-in computers. These computers will help choose the best way to go and avoid accidents. You can even sit back and let the computer do the driving!

2. As you know personal computers use a lot of power. In fact, with their printers and monitors, computers in the USA use each year as much electricity as the whole state of Oregon. Not to waste electricity, new “green” computers are being developed by more than a hundred personal computer firms in the USA. When left on but unused for more than a few minutes, they go down to a standby, using 80 per cent less energy. At a command the PCs return to full power.

3. Nowadays, people working in offices use computers, which contain hundreds of documents. Do you know how much space these documents would take up, if they were printed on paper? They’d occupy whole rooms! In many offices computers are linked in a network. This way, employees can exchange information and messages without moving from their tables.

4. Technology has allowed more and more people to work from the place where they live. Using a modem on a telephone line connected to their computer, everyone can be linked to the company computer. In this way, they don’t waste so much time, because they don’t have to go to the office every day. It also means less pollution in the atmosphere caused by transport.

5. Good-bye, pencils! Farewell, sheets of paper! These days cartoons are being made with a computer. The first-ever cartoon to be created by computer was “Toy Story” produced by Steve Jobs. A typical Walt Disney cartoon usually needs up to 600 designers. “Toy Story” was made using only 100. So, like so much of modern life, today’s cinema seems to be falling more and more into the hands of the computer.

6. If someone asked you about the negative aspects of a computer game, probably the first thing that would come to your mind is that it isolates a person from other people. Now the first virtual reality computer game has appeared which can be played in a group of 6 people at the same time. The game is called “The Loch Ness Expedition.” Each player is given a role in the underwater expedition. Players have to cooperate to achieve the goal.

Задание 7.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


Colours for royal families


Colours around you


Origin of the toy’s name


Toys for all ages


Popular names


Lovely animals


Personal names

1. People say that red, yellow and orange are “warm”, and that blue and green are “cool”. But if you touch a red wool sweater, it doesn’t feel warmer than a blue wool sweater. Scientists have taken the temperature of colours with a special instrument called a thermopile and have found that reds and oranges are warmer than blues and greens.

2. Pandas are wonderful. They look so nice, rather like soft furry toys. No wonder people love them. At any zoo they are always the centre of attention. The most striking thing about pandas is their black and white colouring. Pandas are strict vegetarians. They eat only young bamboo stems and nothing else. Pandas are peaceful, friendly and harmless. They have no enemies.

3. Imagine being arrested and thrown into prison for wearing a certain colour! It could have happened back in the days when kings and emperors ruled. In ancient Rome only the emperor and his wife could have purple or gold clothes. In China, only the emperor could wear yellow. And in France, in the past, only a princess could wear a scarlet dress.

4. Today we can hardly imagine a world without this eager listener and loyal friend, the teddy bear. But why is it called Teddy? The story goes back to 1902, when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States. The press and the people fondly called him Teddy. Once on a hunting trip, he couldn’t bring himself to shoot a defenseless bear cub. The owners of a candy store in New York made a little toy bear cub and put it in their shop window with a handwritten notice saying “Teddy’s bear”. The bear became a hit with the public.

5. Pet names, like human ones, go in and out of fashion. According to Bairbre O’Malley, a London vet, they reflect larger trends in society. The computer boom, for example, has produced dogs called Mac, Apple and, for smaller breeds, Microchip, or Laptop. Hollywood’s influence has inspired names like Conan and Terminator for bull terriers and other strong breeds. Mr O’Malley also remarked that many animals he treated after road accidents were called Lucky.

6. One of the most popular tourist attractions today is Legoland Windsor, the newest theme park in Europe. It is a theme park and the theme is bricks. Lego bricks, to be specific. You know those little plastic toy bricks children use to build castles, bridges, all sorts of things. Some grown-ups play with Lego bricks, too. One hundred of them worked for two and a half years to design buildings, trains, cars, boats, fountains and people for Legoland Windsor.

Задание 8.

Установите соответствие тем A-H текстам 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

















1. Ask your parents for permission to have a party. Decide what kind of party you want and whether it will be held indoors or outdoors. Send written invitations to your friends. Tell them what kind of party you are having, at what time, where, and whether or not the guests should wear costumes. Make a list of games you would like to play. Ask your mother to help you prepare refreshments. Ice cream, cake, cookies, and lemonade are good for any party.

2. This activity makes everybody laugh. Have the guests sit around the room. Choose one person to be a pussycat. The pussy must go over to a guest and do his/her best to make the guest laugh. He/she can make funny meows and walk around like a cat. The pussy goes from one guest to another until someone laughs. The first one to laugh becomes the new pussy.

3. It’s easy to make a cake from a cake mix that you get from the grocery store. You usually add only water or milk. Cake mixes come in many flavours, such as chocolate, lemon, banana, vanilla and others. When you make a cake from a mix, always follow the directions on the package carefully. Then you can be sure that your cake will turn out right and your guests will enjoy it. Many mixes have a small envelope of powdered frosting hidden inside the flour.

4. As you ride on a bus with your friends, get someone to start singing. Everyone joins in. At the first crossroad, another person starts a different song, and everyone joins in. Keep changing songs at every crossroad.

5. Looking after cats is easy. They wash themselves every day and eat almost any food. Cats like to drink milk and cream. But they need to be fed fish, beef, liver, and other kinds of meat. They need a clean, dry bed at night. You can use a basket or a cardboard box for your cat’s bed. Cats like to play with a rubber ball or chase a string.

6. You can have a whole army of toy soldiers made of tin, wood or plastic. Some may be dressed in fancy uniforms, some may be sitting on horses. Others may be ready for battle, carrying guns and shoulder packs. You can have soldiers from other countries, or only Civil War soldiers or only modern soldiers. If you get two soldiers that are alike, trade your extra soldier with another toy soldier lover.

7. Even animals get involved in elections. The donkey and elephant have been political symbols in the USA for more than 100 years. Why? In 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson ran for president. Critics said he was stubborn as a donkey. The donkey has been the symbol of the Democratic Party ever since. In the 1870s, newspaper cartoonists began using the elephant to stand for the Republican Party.

Задание 9.

Установите соответствие тем A – H текстам 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


Musical performance


Film for all ages


Attractive landscape


Exciting hobby


Perfect holidays


Colourful festival


Portrait of a girl


Interesting book

1. This is a full-length (ninety minutes) cartoon, which is entertaining for both adults and children over six. The animation and colour are of very high quality and the story has lots of fun and excitement. The plot is quick moving and full of surprises. There’s romance, action, comedy, music and lots of fantastic songs and dances.

2. This is a full-blooded magnificently written portrait of history’s most fascinating woman. Readers will lose themselves for hours in this richly entertaining novel full of dramatic twists and turns. From the spectacular era that bears her name comes the spellbinding story of Elizabeth I – her tragic childhood, her confrontation with Mary, Queen of Scots and her brilliant reign.

3. The young woman is shown in a “shepherdess” hat and white dress, recalling a classical chiton. The background landscape, common in such paintings, seems to indicate the heroine’s closeness to nature, to the ordinary joys of life. The painter’s colour range – at times us translucent as porcelain, at others muted like mother-of-pearl – is based upon subtle plays of gray and green, light blue and pink.

4. In this picture one is struck by artist’s absolute mastery in portraying natural details, whether the dry, sandy soil of the forest, the clear stream of water in the foreground, the yellow bark and fluffy needles of the pines, or the sense of a bright, clear, calm summer day. The artist managed to create an image familiar to anyone who has seen a Russian forest.

5. Have a good time on the most lively and exciting island in the Caribbean. Relax under a palm tree on the white sandy beaches. Swim in the clear, blue sea. Listen to the bands playing Calypso music. Or get really adventurous and go scuba diving for sunken treasure on the sea bed. Join in the many cultural celebrations we offer, for example the sugar harvest festival.

6. This event is considered the greatest attraction for visitors to the Isle of Man. No definite date can be given, but it is normally held between 5th and 15th July. The Pageant begins at about 8 p.m. First we are given a glimpse of village life in Celtic times. Then suddenly Viking long ships appear and then there are scenes of war. Then Celts and Vikings unite, and the Manx nation is born. The actual Pageant is followed by a grand torchlight procession and firework display.

7. Do you like Latin American dancing? Do you want to dance like you see in the films and on the stage? Do you want to feel the rhythm of the music in your body and in your soul? Do you want to meet other people who have a love for the same music as you? If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, join our Latin dance classes on Thursday night between seven and ten. All are welcome.

Задание 10.

Установите соответствие тем A – H текстам 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


A taste of everything


Activities for the adventurous and hardy


Shop till you drop


On the crossroads of religions


City’s tourist attractions


For the body, mind and soul


Ancient traditions live on


From the high peaks to the deep seas

1. Today Jakarta has much to offer, ranging from museums, art and antique markets, first class shopping to accommodations and a wide variety of cultural activities. Jakarta’s most famous landmark, the National Monument or Monas is a 137m obelisk topped with a flame sculpture coated with 35 kg of gold. Among other places one can mention the National museum that holds an extensive collection of ethnographic artifacts and relics, the Maritime Museum that exhibits Indonesia’s seafaring traditions, including models of sea going vessels.

2. Sumatra is a paradise for nature lovers, its national parks are the largest in the world, home to a variety of monkeys, tigers and elephants. Facing the open sea, the western coastline of Sumatra and the waters surrounding Nias Island have big waves that make them one of the best surfer’s beaches in Indonesia. There are beautiful coral reefs that are ideal for diving. For those whoscavengers of the dark waters.

3. Various establishments offer professional pampering service with floral baths, body scrubs, aromatic oils, massages and meditation; rituals and treatments that use spices and aromatic herbs to promote physical and mental wellness. Various spa hotels are extremely popular. Indonesians believe that when treating the body you cure the mind.

4. Jakarta has a distinctly cosmopolitan flavor. Tantalize your taste buds with a gastronomic spree around the city’s many eateries. Like French gourmet dining, exotic Asian cuisine, American fast food, stylish cafes, restaurants all compete to find a way into your heart through your stomach. The taste of Indonesia’s many cultures can be found in almost any corner of the city: hot and spicy food from West Sumatra, sweet tastes of Dental Java, the tangy fish dishes of North Sulawesi.

5. In the face of constant exposure to modernization and foreign influences, the native people still faithfully cling to their culture and rituals. The pre-Hindu Bali Aga tribe still maintains their own traditions of architecture, pagan religion, dance and music, such as unique rituals of dances and gladiator-like battles between youths. On the island of Siberut native tribes have retained their Neolithic hunter-gathering culture.

6. Whether you are a serious spender or half hearted shopper, there is sure to be something for everybody in Jakarta. Catering to diverse tastes and pockets, the wide variety of things you can buy in Jakarta is mind boggling from the best of local handicrafts to haute couture labels. Modern super and hyper markets, multi-level shopping centers, retail and specialty shops, sell quality goods at a competitive price. Sidewalk bargains range from tropical blooms of vivid colors and scents in attractive bouquets to luscious fruits of the seasons.

7. The land’s long and rich history can’t be separated from the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. There is one of the oldest Hindu temples in Java, the majestic Buddhist ‘monastery on the hill’, Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world. About 17 km away from this monastery is a 9th century temple complex built by the Sanjaya dynasty. Prambanan complex is dedicated to the Hindu trinity: Ciwa, Vishnu and Brahma. The spread of Islam also left interesting monuments such as the 15th century Minaret Mosque in Kudus.

Чтение (базовый уровень):


  1. DAFBC

12723. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Solar panels on the roof aren’t just providing clean power; they are cooling the house. Using thermal imaging, researchers determined that during the day, a building’s ceiling was 5 degrees Fahrenheit cooler under solar panels than under an exposed roof. At night, the panels help hold heat in, A___________.

As solar panels sprout on an increasing number of residential and commercial roofs, it becomes more important to consider their impact on buildings’ total energy costs. Data for the study was gathered over three days on the roof of the San Diego School of Engineering with a thermal infrared camera. The building is equipped with tilted solar panels and solar panels B___________. Some portions of the roof are not covered by panels.

The panels essentially act as roof shades. Rather than the sun beating down onto the roof, C___________, photovoltaic panels take the solar beating. Then much of the heat is removed by wind blowing between the panels and the roof. The benefits are greater if there is an open gap D___________, so tilted panels provide more cooling. Also, the more efficient the solar panels, the bigger the cooling effect. For the building researchers analyzed, the panels reduced the amount of heat reaching the roof by about 38 percent.

Although the measurements took place over a limited period of time, the team developed a model that allows them to extrapolate their findings to predict cooling effects throughout the year.

For example, in winter, the panels would keep the sun from heating up the building. But at night, they would also keep in E___________.

There are more efficient ways to passively cool buildings F___________. But, if you are considering installing solar photovoltaic, depending on your roof thermal properties, you can expect a large reduction in the amount of energy you use to cool your residence or business.

1) that are flush with the roof
2) such as reflective roof membranes
3) which causes heat to be pushed through the roof
4) where air can circulate between the building and the solar panel
5) that was not covered with panels
6) reducing heating costs in the winter
7) whatever heat accumulated inside

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. Understanding the architecture

2. The restoration of the city

3. A difficult choice

4. A multisided person

5. A very strong building

6. A very long construction

7. The last shelter of the architect

8. An intellectual pastime

A. “Architecture aims at Eternity,” said the great British architect Sir Christopher Wren. This may appear a rather arrogant statement today, but in Wren’s case we can forgive such feelings. His great buildings still look beautiful and majestic. His greatest masterpiece, St Paul’s cathedral in London, is a fundamental part of the London skyline. Because it survived the bombing raids during the World War II, it has come to be a symbol of strength and hope.

B. Wren was not only an architect. He was interested in everything and was a great man of science, or natural philosophy as it was known in the 17th century. In fact, he came relatively late to architecture. When he was still a teenager, he began doing his own scientific experiments. For example, he made models of the solar system and of how muscles work. When he was a student at Oxford University, he did experiments in anatomy and made detailed drawings of the human brain.

C. Wren was a friend of the other great scientists of the day and was a founding member of the Royal Society. Wren once organized a competition for his friends to see which of them could prove that the force that keeps the planets in their orbit decreases as an inverse square of the distance from the sun. They didn’t succeed. Three years later, Newton published his proof together with his Law of Universal Gravitation.

D. Wren was interested in everything in the world around him, including, naturally, architecture. He had read “On Architecture” by the Roman writer Vitruvius and later visited Rome, where he was very impressed by the magnificent buildings. Wren had very clear ideas about the purpose of architecture. It was about beauty, elegance and power. At the same time, it was about mathematics and geometry, and providing simple solutions to complex engineering problems.

E. In 1664, Wren was asked to design the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. A year later, he designed a chapel for Pembroke College, Cambridge. In 1666, most of London was destroyed in the Great Fire. Now was the time for a great architect to come forward and rebuild the city in a grand style that was suitable for the English capital. Wren produced detailed plans. He replaced the old, winding streets with a geometrical plan of the street. The plan was never approved. However, it did influence on other architects, especially in America.

F. The building of St Paul’s Cathedral took 35 years to complete. The large dome of it is still a prominent feature of the London skyline. The design and construction of the dome shows clearly how Wren wanted to provide a simple, beautiful solution to a difficult engineering problem. Architecture writer Harry Mount comments, “Wren used all his engineering skill to create something beautiful that hid the complex structures that supported it.”

G. St Paul’s is Wren’s greatest work. So it seems appropriate that Wren is buried in the cathedral that he created. The epitaph on the tomb stone is written in Latin. In English, it translates as, “Here lies buried Christopher Wren, the builder of this church and city; who lived beyond the age of ninety years, not for himself, but for the public good. If you want to see his memorial, look around you.”

Английский язык (Вариант 8)

  • 1
  • 2

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами АG, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 

  1. A useful gadget                                                    
  2. Safer than ever!
  3. Saving money
  4. New thinking — environmental friendly
  5. Human threat
  6. Wind farm
  7. Newcoming disaster
  8. Fast-growing technology

A. Solar heat can be stored in solar panels so it is available on demand at any time. In a solar efficient designed house, the building elements store the energy for nighttime comfort and for cloudy days. Some solar technologies require no additional costs. Solar equipment costs less than other alternatives to buy and has lower running costs.

B. Volkswagen will soon announce the first car made out of carbon-reinforced rubber with an internal floating passenger capsule. Tests have shown that even at impact of 160 km per hour the car simply bounces back to its original shape and the passengers (provided they are strapped in) remain a bit shaken but unhurt.

C. Sometimes it appears that the human mark on this planet is indelible. In only a blink of geological time, 200 years or so, human construction and expansion has resulted in the destruction of more than one-fifth of the world’s forests, the melting of the polar icecaps, and the creation of a huge hole in the ozone layer. Additionally, industrial activity has damaged rivers and oceans. Environmental scientists and activists warn that humankind could very well destroy the planet.

D. The latest phone that looks like a wristwatch presented by Sieko at the Tokyo Hi-Tec exhibition features a button that when pressed can locate your position anywhere in the world to within a two-metre square. It will be essential equipment for adventurous travelers and dodgy taxi drivers.

E. Harvest time in Esperance is constant. As long as the wind blows — which is pretty much all the time — nine identical wind turbines reap the benefits of the dependable winds. These sleek, white, robot-like wind turbines loom up on the horizon. They’re not only functional machines that help provide electricity for this coastal town, but they’re also drawcards for curious tourists.

F. Biometrics involves the use of physical or biological characteristics to identify individuals. Biometric security systems operate by storing a digitised record of some unique human feature. Systems using fingerprints, hands, voices, irises, retinas and faces are already on the market. Others using typing patterns and even body odours are in various stages of development.

G. Some scientists predict that if we think of ecology we should think of changing our thinking completely. For instance, by 2058 with help of new technology Britain may announce that pollution levels are one twentieth of what they were in the year 2000. This is largely due to all non-local road transport being safely underground and the recycling of industrial by-products before reaching the atmosphere.

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