Gre экзамен пробник

Один мудрец сказал: «Чем больше я практикуюсь, тем удачливее становлюсь». И если бы вы были студентом колледжа, то непременно согласились бы с ним. Многие из наших учеников сталкивались с подобными ситуациями. Чем больше пробных тестов они решили перед настоящим экзаменом GRE, тем выше оказывался их реальный результат.

Недавно мы провели блиц-опрос среди студентов, чтобы выяснить, почему большинству из них не удается получить желаемую оценку. И самый очевидный ответ был таким: большинство учащихся не воспринимают тренировочные тесты всерьез. Львиная доля студентов решает их не более одного раза. В результате их баллы в день экзамена оказываются ниже просто потому, что они не готовы к тесту в полной мере. Итак, как усовершенствовать практические занятия? Где найти ресурсы и пробные тесты GRE?

Существует немало компаний, занимающихся подготовкой к экзамену и предлагающих тренировочные тесты GRE. По запросу можно отыскать как платные, так и бесплатные варианты. Но много — не значит хорошо. Поэтому мы составили список качественных бесплатных пробных экзаменов из интернета, а также руководство, касающееся того, когда и как решать каждый из них. Вот полный перечень всех хороших бесплатных пробных тестов GRE, которые можно отыскать в интернете.

Важное замечание

Вот что вам необходимо знать, прежде чем переходить к списку.

Скорее всего, вам не нужно решать все 33 теста. И хотя мы приводим обширный список тренировочных заданий для GRE, вы можете выбрать только наиболее важные для себя. К каждому тесту приводится краткое описание. Основываясь на этих сведениях, а также собственных изысканиях, выбирайте лишь самые интересные пункты. Если у вас много времени, решайте все подряд. Но если у вас и так много дел, и нужно быстро проверить себя с помощью 1—2 тренировочных тестов, прочтите описания и остановитесь на тех, которые, по-вашему, принесут больше пользы.

Лучшие пробные тесты GRE

Итак, если вы занятой студент, работающий профессионал или ограничены по времени, вот 5 наиболее важных и полезных тестов. Они не только бесплатны, но и ничем не хуже реального GRE. А это поможет вам оценить сложность и схему построения самого экзамена.

Тренировочные тесты PowerPrep GRE от ETS (Оценка 5++)

PowerPrep — это набор из 2 пробных тестов, предлагаемый ETS. Поскольку эти задания составлены самими создателями экзамена, PowerPrep, безусловно, является наилучшим источником практических задач по GRE. Вопросы, входящие в PowerPrep, ранее уже встречались в настоящем GRE, а потому они помогут вам точно понять, чего ждать на экзамене, и насколько он сложен на самом деле.

Пользовательский интерфейс абсолютно идентичен тому, который реализован в настоящем тесте. И если вы справитесь с PowerPrep, то в день Х вам будет гораздо проще: исчезнет повод для беспокойства о таких мелочах, как обучающий раздел или выбор варианта ответа и пропуск вопроса. К тому же существует общепринятое мнение, что результат GRE слабо отличается от отметки, полученной на PowerPrep, и это чистая правда.

Пробный тест CrunchPrep GRE (Оценка 5+)

Полноценные по продолжительности тесты на CrunchPrep очень близки к GRE и имитируют настоящий экзамен. Их активно рекомендуют в качестве диагностического теста перед началом подготовки. Это объясняется достаточно высоким качеством вопросов и тем, что в конце вы получаете комплексный анализ своей работы.

Данное заключение отражает такие ключевые статистические данные, как информацию о знаниях, обзор производительности и анализ вопросов, что позволяет вам составить четкое представление о собственной аккуратности, умении распределять время, слабых местах и т. д. Более того, вы получаете еще и очень точный предполагаемый результат. Подобный анализ крайне важен для подготовки к GRE, особенно если вам хочется создать учебный план на основе диагностического теста. Кроме того, ваши ответы на вопросы раздела AWA получат бесплатную оценку, и у вас появится возможность составить полное представление о результатах экзамена.

Несомненно, если вы хотите понять, что такое реальный экзамен GRE, то вам стоит решить этот тест наряду с PowerPrep.

Тренировочный тест ManhattanPrep GRE (Оценка 5+)

Пробные тесты ManhattanPrep очень хороши и популярны среди студентов, сдающих GRE. Благодаря качеству вопросов, их часто используют в качестве диагностических тестов. По завершению экзамена вы получите анализ своих результатов. Да, он не столь подробен, как в случае в CrunchPrep, но все же, учитывая баллы, поможет вам оценить собственное положение. Пользовательский интерфейс достаточно привлекателен даже для новичков, что упрощает процедуру прохождения теста.

Пробный тест Kaplan GRE (Оценка 5)

Тест Kaplan в какой-то степени похож на аналог от ManhattanPrep, и качество вопросов в нем действительно высоко. Однако задания от Kaplan по праву считаются одними из самых сложных среди тех, с которыми вы столкнетесь во время подготовки. Вопросы в этом тренировочном тесте чуть сложнее, чем в реальном GRE. Следовательно, ваши результаты, скорее всего, окажутся несколько ниже нормы, но об этом не стоит беспокоиться. К тому же, решая более сложные задачи, вы становитесь лишь сильнее.

Практический тест Princeton Review GRE (Оценка 5)

Пробный экзамен Princeton Review тоже чем-то напоминает тест от ManhattanPrep, но вопросы в нем сравнительно проще. И хотя по качеству задачи хороши, ваш результат может оказаться чуть выше, чем, скажем, в тестах от Kaplan или Manhattan. А значит, его не следует принимать на веру. С другой стороны, экзамен от Princeton Review — это отличный источник практики перед GRE, да и пользовательский интерфейс здесь тоже неплох.

Дополнительные тренировочные тесты GRE

Если вы относитесь к числу счастливых обладателей большого количества свободного времени, или у вас есть 2—3 месяца на подготовку, то вот еще несколько интернет-ресурсов, где можно пройти тест бесплатно. Но не забывайте: в ваших интересах сначала решить все 5 перечисленных выше приоритетных заданий и лишь затем перейти к дополнительным. Да, данные тесты полезны для тренировки, но они не являются таким точным показателем результатов, как, скажем, экзамен от ManhattanPrep. Но все же уровень их сложности не слишком отличается от настоящего GRE, и потому их можно считать неплохой проверкой для себя.

Тренировочный тест McGraw-Hill GRE (Оценка 4+)

McGraw-Hill предлагает на своем сайте лишь 1 бесплатный тест. Он чем-то близок к Princeton Review, но его результаты можно считать актуальными. Они будут отличаться от настоящей оценки лишь на пару баллов за каждый из разделов, если не меньше. К тому же, ко всем вопросам даны объяснения, и после экзамена вы сможете сравнить с ними свои ответы.

Пробный тест Peterson’s GRE (Оценка 4)

Практический тест GRE (Оценка 4)

Тренировочный тест Testden GRE (Оценка 4)

Эти 3 теста очень похожи друг на друга по качеству, близости к настоящему GRE и степени полезности для подготовки. Если учитывать все перечисленные критерии, задание от McGraw-Hill их несколько превосходит, и потому мы поставили им 4.

Автор перевода — Давиденко Вячеслав, основатель компании MBA Consult


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Online GRE practice tests

Our advanced online testing platform allows you to practice GRE subject questions on the computer and generate Diagnostic Reports for each test.  By using our online GRE tests and the Diagnostic Reports, you will be able to:

•  Assess your knowledge of different topics tested on your GRE subject test  

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•  Learn important scientific topics and concepts

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•  Improve your test taking skills by solving numerous practice questions


Cellular and Molecular Biology
Eukaryotic Cell: Structure and Function

68 questions [ID:1]

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Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes

50 questions [ID:2]

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Cellular Metabolism and Enzymes

63 questions [ID:5]

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Specialized Cells and Tissues

58 questions [ID:6]

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57 questions [ID:7]

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58 questions [ID:9]

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Ecology | Genetics | Evolution and Diversity
Energy Flow, Nutrient Cycles, Ecosystems, Biomes

57 questions [ID:8]

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Populations, Communities, Conservation Biology

70 questions [ID:11]

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DNA and Protein Synthesis (Test 1)

41 questions [ID:12]

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DNA and Protein Synthesis (Test 2)

40 questions [ID:15]

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Mendelian Genetics, Inheritance Patterns (Test 1)

44 questions [ID:13]

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Mendelian Genetics, Inheritance Patterns (Test 2)

43 questions [ID:16]

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Evolution (Test 1)

62 questions [ID:14]

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Evolution (Test 2)

61 questions [ID:17]

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Organismal Biology
Plants: Structure, Function, Reproduction

69 questions [ID:18]

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Endocrine System

58 questions [ID:19]

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Nervous System

60 questions [ID:20]

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Circulatory System

59 questions [ID:21]

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Lymphatic and Immune Systems

60 questions [ID:22]

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Digestive System

61 questions [ID:23]

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Excretory System

59 questions [ID:24]

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Muscle System

60 questions [ID:25]

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Skeletal System

58 questions [ID:26]

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Respiratory System

57 questions [ID:27]

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Skin System

56 questions [ID:28]

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Reproductive System

49 questions [ID:29]

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58 questions [ID:30]

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Animal Behavior

32 questions [ID:31]

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GRE Chemistry

GRE Inorganic Chemistry Practice Questions
Electronic Structure and Periodic Table (set 1)

52 questions [ID:99]

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Electronic Structure and Periodic Table (set 2)

52 questions [ID:100]

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Bonding (set 1)

45 questions [ID:101]

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Bonding (set 2)

43 questions [ID:102]

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Phases & Phase Equilibria (set 1)

49 questions [ID:103]

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Phases & Phase Equilibria (set 2)

49 questions [ID:104]

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Stoichiometry (set 1)

47 questions [ID:105]

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Stoichiometry (set 2)

47 questions [ID:106]

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Stoichiometry (set 3)

46 questions [ID:107]

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Thermochemistry (set 1)

39 questions [ID:108]

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Thermochemistry (set 2)

38 questions [ID:109]

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Equilibrium and Reaction Rates (set 1)

40 questions [ID:110]

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Equilibrium and Reaction Rates (set 2)

40 questions [ID:111]

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Equilibrium and Reaction Rates (set 3)

39 questions [ID:112]

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Solution Chemistry (set 1)

54 questions [ID:113]

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Solution Chemistry (set 2)

53 questions [ID:114]

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Acids and Bases (set 1)

47 questions [ID:116]

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Acids and Bases (set 2)

47 questions [ID:117]

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Acids and Bases (set 3)

46 questions [ID:118]

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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions (set 1)

40 questions [ID:119]

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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions (set 2)

40 questions [ID:120]

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GRE Organic Chemistry Practice Questions

46 questions [ID:131]

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Covalent Bond

48 questions [ID:132]

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47 questions [ID:133]

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Molecular Structure and Spectra

36 questions [ID:134]

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Alkanes and Alkyl Halides

36 questions [ID:135]

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36 questions [ID:136]

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36 questions [ID:137]

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Aromatic Compounds

36 questions [ID:138]

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36 questions [ID:139]

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Aldehydes and Ketones

36 questions [ID:140]

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Carboxylic Acids

36 questions [ID:141]

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COOH Derivatives

36 questions [ID:142]

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36 questions [ID:143]

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Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins

48 questions [ID:144]

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48 questions [ID:145]

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48 questions [ID:146]

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Nucleic Acids

48 questions [ID:147]

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GRE Physics

GRE Physics Diagnostic Tests
GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #1

100 questions [ID:121]

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GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #2

100 questions [ID:122]

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GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #3

100 questions [ID:123]

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GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #4

100 questions [ID:124]

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GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #5

100 questions [ID:125]

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GRE Physics Diagnostic Test #6

100 questions [ID:126]

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GRE Physics Topical Practice Questions
Kinematics and Dynamics

50 questions [ID:75]

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Force, Motion, Gravitation

50 questions [ID:76]

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Equilibrium and Momentum

50 questions [ID:77]

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Rotational Motion

46 questions [ID:79]

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Work and Energy

50 questions [ID:78]

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Waves and Periodic Motion

50 questions [ID:80]

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50 questions [ID:82]

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Fluids and Solids

50 questions [ID:83]

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Electrostatics and Electromagnetism

50 questions [ID:84]

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Electric Circuits

50 questions [ID:85]

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Light and Optics

50 questions [ID:86]

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Heat and Thermodynamics

50 questions [ID:127]

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Quantum Mechanics

43 questions [ID:128]

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Atomic and Nuclear Structure

49 questions [ID:129]

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Special Relativity

50 questions [ID:130]

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What’s not to love about free GRE practice questions? We have devised a list that runs the gamut in terms of question type and level of difficulty. If practice makes perfect—which we think it does—then these free practice questions are just what you need to further enhance your hard work. Our Free Practice Questions are designed to give you the thorough understanding of how to go about solving a problem that you need to earn that top score.

Our explanations and breakdowns reveal what to expect from each each GRE question, calling specific attention to common test-taking traps and question-specific challenges. The high caliber of practice questions offers a great diversity of question types spanning across all GRE sections. You won’t find a shortage of breakthroughs since each is accompanied with straightforward insights you can easily implement on test day. So what are you waiting for? You’ve spent hours reading and studying up on the exam, why not take a crack at the 140 free practice questions we have waiting for you at your disposal?

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Welcome to the GRE practice test page! The links below will take you to our sample GRE practice tests. These GRE practice questions will give you a better idea of what to study for your exam.

If you need additional practice questions, get our GRE study guide, online course, and flashcards. Good luck with your studying!

Exam Outline Review

Throughout the GRE test, there is a combination of question types:

  • Multiple-choice questions: You must select only one correct answer.
  • Multiple-select questions: You must select one or more correct answers.
  • Select-in-passage questions: You will read a passage and then select the correct answer from the material you have read.
  • Fill-in-the-blank questions

The exam is divided into three sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Reasoning.

Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning section contains two tests. Each test contains 20 questions with a time limit of 30 minutes.

You will be evaluated on the following:

  • Your ability to analyze written material and draw conclusions from that material
  • Your ability to determine levels of meaning in a passage, such as the literal meaning, the figurative meaning, or the author’s intention
  • Your ability to understand the meaning of individual words or phrases
  • Your ability to choose an important point from a written piece of material
  • Your understanding of the relationships between words

Quantitative Reasoning

The Quantitative Reasoning section contains two tests. Each test contains 20 questions with a time limit of 35 minutes.

You will be evaluated on the following:

  • Your ability to comprehend and understand quantitative information
  • Your ability to analyze quantitative information
  • Your ability to apply mathematical models to solve a problem
  • Your skills in the elementary concepts of arithmetic
  • Your understanding of algebra and geometry
  • Your ability to review and understand data analysis

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Analytical Writing

There are two writing tasks within this section of the GRE. You will be asked to write an essay that displays your ability to analyze a particular issue, and you will be asked to write an essay that displays your ability to analyze a particular argument. The time limit for each essay is 30 minutes.

Overall, this section evaluates:

  • Your effectiveness in articulating complex ideas
  • Your ability to support your ideas with examples
  • Your ability to examine other views
  • Your ability to create a coherent and focused discussion
  • Your control and understanding of the standard written English

Exam outline for the GRE test, which contains 2 verbal reasoning sections, 2 quantitative reasoning sections, and one analytical writing section with a total time limit of 3 hours and 45 minutes

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How to Study Effectively

Your success on GRE test day depends not only on how many hours you put into preparing but also on whether you prepared the right way. It’s good to check along the way to see whether your studying is paying off. One of the most effective ways to do this is by taking GRE practice tests to evaluate your progress. Practice tests are useful because they show exactly where you need to improve. Every time you take a free GRE practice test, pay special attention to these three groups of questions:

  • The questions you got wrong
  • The ones you had to guess on, even if you guessed right
  • The ones you found difficult or slow to work through

This will show you exactly what your weak areas are, and where you need to devote more study time. Ask yourself why each of these questions gave you trouble. Was it because you didn’t understand the material? Was it because you didn’t remember the vocabulary? Do you need more repetitions on this type of question to build speed and confidence? Dig into those questions and figure out how you can strengthen your weak areas as you go back to review the material.

Answer Explanations

Additionally, many GRE practice tests have a section explaining the answer choices. It can be tempting to read the explanation and think that you now have a good understanding of the concept. However, an explanation likely only covers part of the question’s broader context. Even if the explanation makes sense, go back and investigate every concept related to the question until you’re positive you have a thorough understanding.

Comprehend Each Topic

As you go along, keep in mind that the GRE practice test is just that: practice. Memorizing these questions and answers will not be very helpful on the actual test because it is unlikely to have any of the same exact questions. If you only know the right answers to the sample questions, you won’t be prepared for the real thing. Study the concepts until you understand them fully, and then you’ll be able to answer any question that shows up on the test.

Strategy for GRE Practice

When you’re ready to start taking practice tests, follow this strategy:

  • Remove Limitations. Take the first test with no time constraints and with your notes and GRE study guide handy. Take your time and focus on applying the strategies you’ve learned.
  • Time Yourself. Take the second practice test “open book” as well, but set a timer and practice pacing yourself to finish in time.
  • Simulate Test Day. Take any other practice tests as if it were test day. Set a timer and put away your study materials. Sit at a table or desk in a quiet room, imagine yourself at the testing center, and answer questions as quickly and accurately as possible.
  • Keep Practicing. Keep taking practice tests on a regular basis until you run out of practice tests or it’s time for the actual test. Your mind will be ready for the schedule and stress of test day, and you’ll be able to focus on recalling the material you’ve learned.

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Online GRE Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online GRE Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The GRE Course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 450+ GRE Practice Questions
  • More than 500 Digital Flashcards
  • Over 230 Instructional Videos
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The GRE Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their GRE exam. Click below to check it out!

GRE Practice Questions

Sample Issue Question:

All students should study the same national curriculum until college.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Sample Argument Question:The following is a recommendation from the Board of Directors at a bookstore.

We recommend that this bookstore open a café. This bookstore has been in business for over twenty years and has a large customer base due to its wide selection of books. Opening the café would obviously attract more customers. We could open space for the café by closing the children’s book section, which will most likely become less profitable due to a recent national census showing a significant decline in the population under age ten. Opening a café will allow our store to attract more customers and compete with rival bookstores that recently opened their own cafes.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

The essays are typically scored by university literature/writing professors. However, ETS has recently developed an “E-Rater”, an automated essay grader. This does not replace the human essay grader; rather, it ensures that the human grader is paying attention to their job. If the E-Rater’s score differs by one point or more, it is sent to another human grader. The final score is the average of your two essays rounded up to .5.

The graders are looking for clarity, coherency, and cogency. In other words, your ideas must be expressed in a clear manner with the ideas logically connected and backed up by convincing evidence. Style is important as well; your sentences should be well-written and use sophisticated vocabulary. You must also pay attention to proper grammar; a couple of mistakes won’t impact your score all that much as long as the rest of the essay is well-done, but the grader will notice if you make too many mistakes, and it will negatively impact your score.

Longer essays tend to score higher than shorter ones (although substance definitely matters). It is recommended that your essay consist of at least five paragraphs: an intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


What is a GRE test for?

The GRE test is used for those who want to enter into graduate school. The GRE is an admissions exam that is used by many graduate schools.

What does the GRE test consist of?

The GRE exam consists of three sections: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. The Analytical Writing section is an essay section that measures how well you can articulate your thoughts and responses to complex ideas. The Verbal Reasoning section consists of two sections that both contain 20 questions each. The Quantitative Reasoning section also contains two separate sections with 20 questions each, and you are given 35 minutes to complete each section.

Is the GRE test difficult?

As with any exam, the difficulty of the exam greatly depends on you, how well you have prepared for the exam as well as which areas of the exam you are strongest in. One section of the GRE exam may be difficult for you while another may not be as difficult.

What is considered a good score on the GRE?

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the GRE are scored on a scale from 130 to 170 with the average scores being 151 and 153. The Analytical Writing section is scored on half-point increments from 0 to 6 with the average score being 4.0. However, a good score on the GRE determines which graduate school or business school you want to attend.

What is a perfect score on a GRE?

There are two sections on the GRE that are scored on a scale of 130 to 170; the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections. The highest score that you can make on these two sections is 170. The Analytical Writing section is scored from 0 to 6, which makes 6 the highest score possible.

How much does it cost to take the GRE?

To register to take the GRE exam, you are required to pay a fee of $205.

How many times can you take the GRE?

If you fail the GRE the first time, or decide to retake the exam to improve your chances of getting a higher score, you can take the GRE every 21 days, and you can do that up to five times during any continuous 365-day period.

Can you fail a GRE test?

You cannot “pass” or “fail” the GRE exam. It is your decision if you want to send the score that you have received to the schools of your choice. Each school has a different cutoff regarding “passing” or “failing”.

What is the GRE score required for Harvard University?

The required score for the GRE to attend Harvard University varies depending on which program you want to enter. For example, you would need to have a higher Quantitative Reasoning score for a computer science program than what you would need for a design program.

How long does it take to prepare for the GRE?

The time it takes to prepare for the GRE is a personal preference. Most people spend one to three months studying for just a few hours a week while others might study 10 or more hours each week.

Who has to take GRE?

Anyone who is planning to attend graduate or business school is usually required to take the GRE exam.

How long is a GRE good for?

Your GRE scores are valid and kept on file for five years following the date that you took your test.

Can you use a calculator on the GRE?

You can use a calculator on the quantitative questions of GRE exam. However, you cannot bring your own. There will be an on-screen calculator that will be provided.

How do I get a GRE fee waiver?

To apply for a fee waiver for the GRE, you must first contact the financial aid office of your school to see if you qualify to receive the waiver. If the office finds that you qualify for the fee waiver, the financial aid office will issue you a Fee Reduction Certificate and a copy of your ISIR. You must follow the instructions located on the certificate in order to receive it.

Is the GRE easier than the GMAT?

The level of difficulty between the GRE and GMAT exams depends on the student. There are significant differences between the two exams which may make one harder than the other.

Is it best to answer all questions on the GRE?

You are not penalized for having an incorrect answer on the GRE exam. Incorrect answers count the same as an answer being left blank, so it is always better to guess the answer rather than skipping.

Is the GRE timed?

The GRE test is timed and takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete the exam. The Analytical Writing section and the Verbal Reasoning sections each consist of two sections that are each timed for 30 minutes. The Quantitative Reasoning section also contains two sections, but each section is timed for 35 minutes.

What business schools accept the GRE?

There are many business schools that accept the GRE. A few of these schools include Harvard Business School, Duke University, and Yale School of Management. If you’re interested in attending a specific school, it would be best for you to contact the school to see if they accept the GRE exam.

Upgrade your studying with our GRE study guide, online course, and our flashcards:
GRE Study Guide
GRE Online Prep Course
GRE Flashcards

Kaily has a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s in Business Administration. Kaily joined Mometrix in 2019 and now serves as managing editor for the company, responsible for overseeing all content editing.

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