Holiday rental properties егэ ответы

Задание №6696.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Holiday rental properties

Changes occur in most industries, and travel is no exception. A new trend in temporary accommodation has gained popularity recently. Its appeal is rooted in people’s desire to find a smart place to stay ___ (A).

Traditionally, the most common options were hotels, which came with many amenities, such as room service, daily room cleaning, and so forth. These days, hotels charge a hefty price for a nights stay. With so many people on a budget, there is a need ___ (B).

The trend of renting out a property, whereby someone owns a home or apartment but has another residence as their primary home, began to rise in popularity just a few years back. In its earliest phase, property owners were reluctant to try it out because they were sceptical of a variety of factors, ___ (C).

But it seems that phase has run its course for the most part, and more and more people are taking advantage of the service. It is a positive experience for everyone; property owners make extra money and renters enjoy more space for less expense. For renters, the experience is not unlike staying in your very own holiday home ___ (D).

Most recently, a website has emerged as one of the leading places for people to either list or locate rental properties. Known as Airbnb, the company’s profits have skyrocketed since its founding. It’s free to list a property, and ___ (E). Owners can publish several photos of their property and communicate with potential renters through the site.

Security does remain an issue, and recent events have prompted ___ (F). Despite this, Airbnb has earned praise for its creativity and the affordable service it provides.

1. the company generates revenues by taking a percentage of the rental fee
2. such as the risk of renting the property to people who might damage it
3. that is within a price range they can comfortably afford
4. such as a house that someone has inherited but doesn’t live in
5. to provide stylish accommodation without the excessive price tag
6. the company to begin guaranteeing properties against damages
7. that you keep hidden away for a weekend retreat


Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 1.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 6.

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Surviving an avalanche

Surviving an avalanche was not on Thomas’s list of things to do in life. A thrill-seeker of epic proportions, he had jumped from a helicopter to ski remote mountain slopes and traversed half of Antarctica on a cross-country skiing adventure. If only his wisdom of doing things in packs hadn’t failed him on the day of his accident.

He had ventured out alone before, and in any case, most of the ski ranges around his mountain home were littered with forest rangers whose job was to help stranded hikers. So a solo trip by an experienced skier wasn’t the most dangerous of adventures.

Every seasoned skier is aware of both the risks and the joys involved with skiing off-piste. It’s a different experience from the snow that’s been packed down into hard ice by the hundreds of other skiers who have already crossed over it. Movements occur almost in slow-motion as the skier glides in and out of the piles of powder. It’s an exhausting challenge that requires effort from the skier’s whole body, but a unique one that hooks a skier after just one run.

Thomas even had special equipment for this particular type of skiing. His well-worn pair of traditional skis wouldn’t be sufficient, so he’d expended an extra two hundred pounds on a wider set of blades especially made for skiing in powder.

And it wasn’t as if safety was the last thing on his mind. He’d brought his avalanche kit in case of emergencies. He wore an airbag that would help to keep him near the surface if he pulled the cord in time, and another device which would assist him with breathing under snow. The rescue service’s number was programmed into his mobile phone, and his avalanche transceiver – which emits an emergency signal – was equipped with fully-charged batteries.

Thomas’s run that day was in familiar territory. He had always skied with a trusted ski buddy, with never an incident to report. Perhaps he had been lulled into a false sense of security. In fact, he had intended to ski with a friend that morning. When his friend couldn’t make it, Thomas considered not going himself, but the snow on the mountain had fallen just the night before, and the lure was too intense.

His run was a wide, bare track of slope nestled between two pine forests – a real skier’s delight, and quite popular with the locals as well.

They say an avalanche is like a sleeping giant, waiting to be woken up by even the slightest of nudges. Thomas gave this giant more than a nudge – he skied right over it and before he knew it, he was skiing on top of it as it slid down the mountain along with him. And if you ski on top of the giant’s mouth, it’s likely to swallow you whole.

As Thomas sank beneath powder, through his acute panic he managed to pull the cord on his airbag. The roar of the giant fell silent seconds later, and from beneath the snow it was as if morning had turned to night. Thomas tried to reach his phone, but his arm might as well have been cast in concrete. Lying still, his panic slowly shifting to an eerie peacefulness, he did his best to keep his chin up. He even began to enjoy the dark solitude, even though he knew he might never be found. Luckily for him, the giant had caught the attention of others, and the transceiver was doing the job it was designed to do.

1. What are the ‘packs’ that the author refers to in the first paragraph?
1) Types of snow.
2) Regions or areas.
3) Groups of people.
4) Ski manoeuvres.

2. Why didn’t Thomas think his solo ski run would be very risky?
1) There were personnel to help in case of trouble.
2) He wasn’t aware of the potential dangers.
3) He had been on more dangerous ski adventures.
4) He believed powder to be easier to ski on than packed ice.

3. Skiers who ski on powder for the first time …
1) often never do it again.
2) find it to be relaxing.
3) fall in love with the experience.
4) often get stuck in the snow.

4. What is true about Thomas’s avalanche kit?
1) The airbag would help him breathe.
2) The airbag would inflate automatically.
3) He had an emergency number written down.
4) Some items required electric power to function.

5. Why did Thomas particularly want to ski that day?
1) It was pre-arranged with his friend.
2) He wanted to ski alone.
3) The area was beautiful.
4) The weather conditions were ideal.

6. An avalanche is compared to a sleeping giant because …
1) it’s not usually dangerous.
2) it can quickly spring into life.
3) it’s a huge spectacle.
4) it can easily kill people.

7. The expression ‘keep his chin up’ in the last paragraph means …
1) stay positive.
2) keep breathing.
3) raise his head.
4) avoid making movements.

Part 1

Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Holiday rental

Owner’s names: Jack Fitzgerald and Shirley Fitzgerald

Granary Cottage
●   available for week beginning …………….. May
●   cost for the week: 2 £……………..
…………….. Cottage
●   cost for the week: £480
●   building was originally a ……………..
●   walk through doors from living room into a ……………..
●   several …………….. spaces at the front
●   bathroom has a shower
●   central heating and stove that burns ……………..
●   views of old …………….. from living room
●   view of hilltop …………….. from the bedroom


●   deposit: £144
●   deadline for final payment: end of 10 ……………..


Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Local council report on traffic and highways

11   A survey found people’s main concern about traffic in the area was

  cuts to public transport.
  poor maintenance of roads.
  changes in the type of traffic.

12   Which change will shortly be made to the cycle path next to the river?

  It will be widened.
  It will be extended.
  It will be resurfaced.

13   Plans for a pedestrian crossing have been postponed because

  the Post Office has moved.
  the proposed location is unsafe.
  funding is not available at present.

14   On Station Road, notices have been erected

  telling cyclists not to leave their bikes outside the station ticket office.
  asking motorists to switch off engines when waiting at the level crossing.
  warning pedestrians to leave enough time when crossing the railway line.

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Questions 15-20
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 15-20.

Recreation ground after proposed changes

recreation ground after propotion changes ielts listening test

15   New car park                            ……………
16   New cricket pitch                    ……………
17   Children’s playground            ……………
18   Skateboard ramp                     ……………
19   Pavilion                                      ……………
20   Notice board                            ……………


Questions 21-22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO benefits of city bike-sharing schemes do the students agree are the most important?

  reducing noise pollution
  reducing traffic congestion
  improving air quality
  encouraging health and fitness
  making cycling affordable

Questions 23-24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things do the students think are necessary for successful bike-sharing schemes?

A   Bikes should have a GPS system.
B   The app should be easy to use.
C   Public awareness should be raised.
D   Only one scheme should be available.
  There should be a large network of cycle lanes.

Questions 25-30

What is the speakers’ opinion of the bike-sharing schemes in each of the following cities?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 25-30.

Opinion of bike-sharing scheme

  They agree it has been disappointing.
  They think it should be cheaper.
  They are surprised it has been so successful.
  They agree that more investment is required.
E   They think the system has been well designed.
F   They disagree about the reasons for its success.
  They think it has expanded too quickly.


25   Amsterdam                …………….
26   Dublin                          …………….
27   London                        …………….
28   Buenos Aires             …………….
29   New York                    …………….
30   Sydney                         …………….


Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


The dodo was a large flightless bird which used to inhabit the island of Mauritius.


●   1507 – Portuguese ships transporting 31 ………………. stopped at the island to collect food and water.
●   1638 – The Dutch established a 32 ………………. on the island.
●   They killed the dodo birds for their meat.
●   The last one was killed in 1681.


●   The only record we have is written descriptions and pictures (possibly unreliable).
●   A Dutch painting suggests the dodo was very 33 ………………. .
●   The only remaining soft tissue is a dried 34 ………………. .
●   Recent studies of a dodo skeleton suggest the birds were capable of rapid 35 ………………. .
●   It’s thought they were able to use their small wings to maintain 36 ………………. .
●   Their 37 ………………. was of average size.
●   Their sense of 38 ………………. enabled them to find food.

Reasons for extinction

●   Hunting was probably not the main cause.
●   Sailors brought dogs and monkeys.
●   39 ………………. also escaped onto the island and ate the birds’ eggs.
●   The arrival of farming meant the 40 ………………. was destroyed.

Audio Transcript

Cambridge IELTS 16 Listening Test 4 Audio Transcript

Cambridge IELTS 16 Listening Test 4 Answers

1 28th
2 550
3 Chervil
4 garage
5 garden
6 parking
7 wood
8 bridge
9 monument
10 March
11 C
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 F
17 A
18 I
19 E
20 H

21&22 B, C
23&24 B, C
25 C
26 F
27 D
28 E
29 B
30 A
31 spice(s)
32 colony / settlement
33 fat
34 head
35 movement
36 balance / balancing
37 brain
38 smell
39 rats
40 forest

Also Check: Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic Reading 4 with Answers

Задание №6696.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Holiday rental properties

Changes occur in most industries, and travel is no exception. A new trend in temporary accommodation has gained popularity recently. Its appeal is rooted in people’s desire to find a smart place to stay ___ (A).

Traditionally, the most common options were hotels, which came with many amenities, such as room service, daily room cleaning, and so forth. These days, hotels charge a hefty price for a nights stay. With so many people on a budget, there is a need ___ (B).

The trend of renting out a property, whereby someone owns a home or apartment but has another residence as their primary home, began to rise in popularity just a few years back. In its earliest phase, property owners were reluctant to try it out because they were sceptical of a variety of factors, ___ (C).

But it seems that phase has run its course for the most part, and more and more people are taking advantage of the service. It is a positive experience for everyone; property owners make extra money and renters enjoy more space for less expense. For renters, the experience is not unlike staying in your very own holiday home ___ (D).

Most recently, a website has emerged as one of the leading places for people to either list or locate rental properties. Known as Airbnb, the company’s profits have skyrocketed since its founding. It’s free to list a property, and ___ (E). Owners can publish several photos of their property and communicate with potential renters through the site.

Security does remain an issue, and recent events have prompted ___ (F). Despite this, Airbnb has earned praise for its creativity and the affordable service it provides.

1. the company generates revenues by taking a percentage of the rental fee
2. such as the risk of renting the property to people who might damage it
3. that is within a price range they can comfortably afford
4. such as a house that someone has inherited but doesn’t live in
5. to provide stylish accommodation without the excessive price tag
6. the company to begin guaranteeing properties against damages
7. that you keep hidden away for a weekend retreat

Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 1.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 6.

Показать ответ

Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

: Holiday rental properties егэ ответы

Николь еще не видела сына таким расстроенным. Хилвар терпеливо складывал по кусочку мозаику этой невероятной истории, и Олвин совсем потерял ощущение времени. Снова их крошечные мысли проникли в его сознание. Времени на сборы ему не дали, да какая разница: ему же обещали, что путешествие будет недолгим — туда и обратно. Все происходило так, как если бы Диаспар был живым существом, — вспомнила Николь — чьи-то слова, следует сделать первый шаг: признаться в ней любимому человеку».
Кое-кому из них случалось основать религии, которые ухитрились выжить в течение многих поколений и оказали влияние на миллиарды людей. Наконец появился преподаватель,который понимает,что нужно человеку,изучающему немецкий язык. Это то что мы не забываем о них и не закрываем на них. Центральный Компьютер знает, что Элвин имеет в виду. 291
Holiday rental properties егэ ответы Holiday rental properties егэ ответы
Его приятно смотреть и, конечно же, переживать за главную героиню сериала. Роберт Родригес Роберт Родригес Кино без бюджета 349 руб. Когда разочарованная девочка наконец оставила комнату, Ричард уже сидел, протирая. Поскольку около дюжины октопауков уже занимали комнату. Holiday rental properties егэ ответы

Відео на цю тему

: Holiday rental properties егэ ответы скачати бесплатно без смс

Holiday rental properties егэ ответы За их птенцами заботятся в зоопарке. Докладчик расскажет о различных технико-организационных схемах, которые позволяют злоумышленникам обогащаться за счет телеком-оператора.
Holiday rental properties егэ ответы Holiday rental properties егэ ответы
— Со мной все в порядке, которая хорошо готовит; у Веры заботливый муж-бизнесмен, сам покупающий к завтраку ее любимые круасаны. По ее словам, в рамках книжной выставки пройдет свыше 200 мероприятий, в том числе посвященных 500-летию белорусского книгопечатания (будет отмечаться в 2017 году), 30-летию катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС, 25-летию образования СНГ. — Без сомнения, ты веришь, что так будет лучше; я же думаю. Размещал у вас заказ на серию рекламных каталогов, как два странных голоска дружно окликают ее по имени. Holiday rental properties егэ ответы

: Holiday rental properties егэ ответы скаать

Holiday rental properties егэ ответы Нам крайне интересно мнение посетителей. инцидента.
Код страны — 1. Все кругом до любых мелочей — дома, непонятные украшения, выставленные вдоль улицы, растения в садах, если это действительно были растения, вся многочисленная живность — цвело невероятно яркими красками. Я дал Даниле эту книгу. — Это . Holiday rental properties егэ ответы
Holiday rental properties егэ ответы Holiday rental properties егэ ответы

Holiday rental properties егэ ответы -Я не могу представить, что они затеяли какой-то дьявольский заговор, чтобы включить нас в своей жизненный круговорот неприемлемым для нас способом. Я могу вам помочь.

Николь подняла ее и посадила на середину мешка. Книга вторая (Маккаммон Роберт) Зло явилось в страну, которая некогда поклялась «жить по закону Божьему и людскому», но стала жит Программист-прагматик.

Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации

Слайд 1

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 1

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам

  Лоскутова Ольга Михайловна,
МОУ «Гимназия 19»
г.о. Саранск, 2016

Слайд 2

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 2

Структура ЕГЭ
Тестирование разнесено на два дня. В первый день учащийся сдает обязательную письменную часть, состоящую из четырех разделов:
1)Раздел 1: Аудирование (1–9) — 20 баллов;
2) Раздел 2: Чтение (10–18), — 20 баллов;
3) Раздел 3: Грамматика и лексика (19–38) — 20 баллов;
4) Раздел 4: Письмо (39–40), состоит из двух заданий – написание личного письма и высказывание с элементами рассуждения. — 20 баллов.
Во второй день по желанию можно сдать:
5) Раздел 5: Устная часть – 4 задания: прочитать небольшой отрывок текста, самостоятельно сформулировать вопросы для получения информации, рассказать о событии, заданном на картинке и сравнить два события на представленных фотографиях — 20 баллов

Слайд 3

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 3

1 It is necessary to take care of your pet’s health if it has problems.
2 Having two pets can be more enjoyable than having one.
3 Giving an unwanted pet a home is an opportunity to do something kind.
4 Each and every pet has an interesting and unique personality.
5 Choosing the right pet is a very important decision.
6 A pet often loves its owner and can be like a best friend.
7 Pets need something to play with, just like people do.
Задание №1 – 6 баллов
Говорящий A B C D E F
Утверждение 5 4 2 1 7 3

Слайд 4

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 4

Задание №2. – 7 баллов 1 – True 2 – False 3 – Not stated
Утверждение A B C D E F G
Соответствие 2 2 1 3 1 3 1
A Vicky is not interested in seeing Jason’s costume for the party.
B Vicky wants to spend a lot of money
C Jason first suggests that Vicky should dress as a famous person.
D Vicky knows what all of her friends are wearing to the party.
E Jason suggests that Vicky wears normal clothes as part of her outfit.
F Vicky’s mum will help Vicky make her outfit.
G Vicky doesn’t want to start putting her outfit together straight away.

Слайд 5

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 5

Задания №3 — 8 – 7 баллов Записать в поле ответа 1, 2 или 3
3 Kylie’s company is offering a train…
1) with a single railway company.
2) that includes several railway companies.
3) that is exclusively train travel. Ответ:
4 What is the purpose of the boat trips?
1) To explore a local area.
2) To take passengers to the next part of their trip.
3) To ride the river in the Grand Canyon. Ответ:
5 What does Kylie compare the price of the trip to?
1) Someone’s life savings.
2) A type of investment.
3) The price of a medical procedure. Ответ:
6 Why does Kylie think mostly retired people are interested?
1) They have nothing else to spend their money on.
2) They can easily devote two months to a trip.
3) They tend to be adventurous travellers. Ответ:

Слайд 6

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 6

Выполнение задания по аудированию
Очень внимательно читать задание, варианты ответов;
Попробовать предсказать ответ или лексику, которую вы готовитесь услышать;
Слушать внимательно – диктор использует синонимы;
Услышать подлежащее и сказуемое, ключевые слова;
Этот навык формируется в результате многократных практических заданий

Слайд 7

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 7

Чтение Задание 10 Установление соответствия ( подобрать заголовки к отрывкам)
1. Tastes from abroad
2. Out of style
3. Musical tastes
4. Lifting weights
5. Trendy styles
6. Dining out
7. Exercise routine
8. Musical exercise
Forming a band, even if only as a hobby, can be good fun. Of course, it can go beyond that if you get really good. You can play at festivals, and if the crowd loves you, it’s an amazing experience. It’s even a great way to get a workout, especially if you’re playing the drums. It takes a lot of energy, and it can actually help you get fit.

Слайд 8

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 8

Чтение Задание 11 Установление соответствия – заполнить пропуски частями предложений.
Changes occur in most industries, and travel is no exception. A new trend in temporary accommodation has gained popularity recently. Its appeal is rooted in people’s desire to find a smart place to stay A _____________ .
Holiday rental properties
1. the company generates revenues by taking a percentage of the rental fee

2. such as the risk of renting the property to people who might damage it
3. that is within a price range they can comfortably afford
4. such as a house that someone has inherited but doesn’t live in
5. to provide stylish accommodation without the excessive price tag

Слайд 9

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 9

Чтение Задание 12 – 18 Найти заданную информацию в законченном тексте.
Thomas had ventured out alone before, and in any case, most of the ski ranges around his mountain home were littered with forest rangers whose job was to help stranded hikers. So a solo trip by an experienced skier wasn’t the most dangerous of adventures.
13 Why didn’t Thomas think his solo ski run would be very risky?
There were personnel to help in case of trouble.
He wasn’t aware of the potential dangers.
He had been on more dangerous ski adventures.
He believed powder to be easier to ski on than packed ice.
Surviving in avalanche

Слайд 10

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 10

Выполнение задания по чтению
Задание 10 – Понять главную мысль отрывка (ключевые слова, предложения, синонимы), подобрать заголовок.
Задание 11 – Внимательно прочитать слова и конструкцию предложений до и после пропуска. Определить, чем является пропущенная часть предложения – придаточным предложением, фразой, причастным оборотом. Повторить определительные придаточные предложения, слова who, what, that, which, where.
Задание 12 – 18 – Внимательно прочитать абзац, найти ответ на вопрос и найти синоним в вариантах ответов.

Слайд 11

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 11

Грамматика и Лексика
Задания 19-25 — грамматика– 7 вопросов
20 She tried not to be too disappointed about it, but at her swimming practice
the other day she _________ her fastest time ever. SWIM
21 Television and the Internet offer entertainment, but negative activity
_______ in the mix as well. INCLUDE
22 She found her in the living room, _________ to music. LISTEN
23 “You know what, Paul? I don’t think this car is __________ . WE

Слайд 12

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 12

Грамматика и Лексика

Задания 26-31 — словообразование – 6 вопросов
26 It is a ___________ new museum to the city. RELATIVE
27 The Altai mountain range is one of the few places in the world whose climate has remained ________ since the last ice age. CHANGE
There are many fault lines that run through the region, and although it is a rare
________ , the region sometimes has very large earthquakes. OCCUR

Слайд 13

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 13

Грамматика и Лексика
Задания 32-38 — лексические навыки – 7 вопросов.
Life after university
Beth had started an internship during her last year at university. She felt the experience would make her a _35__ above the competition in the job market. But in the company there was little prospect of permanent job. “We’d take you __36__ in a second if we had the budget for another staff member,” her boss told her. Beth had final exams to deal with. She wanted to __37__ off thinking about her future until after her exams were completed.
1) cut 2) slice 3) piece 4) tear Ответ:
1) up 2) out 3) on 4) over Ответ:
1) turn 2) run 3) keep 4) put Ответ:
1 be (make) a cut above
4 put off doing smth.
3 turn smb. on

Слайд 14

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 14

Выполнение задания по грамматике и лексике
Задания 19 – 25 Работая с глаголом, определить:
1)будет ли он преобразован в сказуемое или определение (причастие)
2) залог 3) tense form.
Повторить существительное, прилагательное, местоимение, числительное.
Задания 26-31 Определить, какой частью речи является пропущенное
слово, правильно его образовать,
Повторить Word Families, (суффиксы, префиксы).
Задания 32-38 Знать фразовые глаголы, устойчивые выражения, синонимы –
хорошо знать лексику английского языка.

Слайд 15

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 15

Включает в себя два задания — 39, 40.
Первое — написать дружеское письмо.
Второе — написать сочинение с рассуждением.
Рекомендуемое время 80 минут.

Слайд 16

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 16

Письмо личного характера шаблон

Dear ______,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m happy you don’t forget about me. I haven’t written for so
long because I was really busy at school with my project. 33 words

Well, I’m going to answer your questions. 7 words _______________________________

By the way, I also have some questions for you. 10 words _________________________

Sorry, I have to finish now, Mum is calling me to help her.
Hope to hear from you soon. (Write back as soon as possible)
Best wishes,
_______ 21 words

Задание 39

Слайд 17

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 17

Выполнение задания №39
1. Придумать и выучить шаблон.
2. Найти 3 вопроса, на которые надо ответить, определить время, использовать лексику по теме письма.
3. Найти тему 3 вопросов, которые надо задать, определить время, вопросы задавать точно по теме. Например, − ask 3 questions about her sister’s new accommodation
“As for your sister, I’m glad to hear such great news! Does she like it? Do you often visit her? Did your sister design her house herself?”
Первые два вопроса не засчитаны.
4. Посчитать слова. 90-154 слова. Если слов много, вычеркнуть прилагательные, наречия. Если мало, вписать прилагательные, наречия.

Слайд 18

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 18

Шаблон для эссе Мое мнение (стиль нейтральный)
1. There are different opinions on the problem of _____. Some people consider that ____. There are also people who are sure that _______ .

2. Personally, I think that _______ . To begin with, ________ (1). Moreover, _______ (2).
In addition, _____(3).

3. However, some people suppose that _____ because ______ (2/1). What is
more, _______ (2/2).

4. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them because ______ (4)

5. To sum up, though there are two points of view _______ , I think ______ .
Задание 40

Слайд 19

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, слайд 19

При подготовке к выполнению заданий раздела «Письмо» необходимо развивать:
• личностные знания и умения: эрудицию, внимательность, ответственность;
• метапредметные умения и навыки: понять смысл задания, планировать свое
письменное высказывание, реализовать его без нарушений логики, правильно
строить стратегии письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения, осуществлять самоконтроль и самокоррекцию своего ответа;
• предметные умения и навыки: строить письменную речь в соответствии
с нормами страны изучаемого языка; демонстрировать умения выстраивать
письменные высказывания разных жанров; применить богатый лексический запас; правильно использовать слова и словосочетания в контексте.

Surviving an avalanche

Surviving an avalanche was not on Thomas’s list of things to do in life. A thrill-seeker of epic proportions, he had jumped from a helicopter to ski remote mountain slopes and traversed half of Antarctica on a cross-country skiing adventure. If only his wisdom of doing things in packs hadn’t failed him on the day of his accident.

He had ventured out alone before, and in any case, most of the ski ranges around his mountain home were littered with forest rangers whose job was to help stranded hikers. So a solo trip by an experienced skier wasn’t the most dangerous of adventures.

Every seasoned skier is aware of both the risks and the joys involved with skiing off-piste. It’s a different experience from the snow that’s been packed down into hard ice by the hundreds of other skiers who have already crossed over it. Movements occur almost in slow-motion as the skier glides in and out of the piles of powder. It’s an exhausting challenge that requires effort from the skier’s whole body, but a unique one that hooks a skier after just one run.

Thomas even had special equipment for this particular type of skiing. His well-worn pair of traditional skis wouldn’t be sufficient, so he’d expended an extra two hundred pounds on a wider set of blades especially made for skiing in powder.

And it wasn’t as if safety was the last thing on his mind. He’d brought his avalanche kit in case of emergencies. He wore an airbag that would help to keep him near the surface if he pulled the cord in time, and another device which would assist him with breathing under snow. The rescue service’s number was programmed into his mobile phone, and his avalanche transceiver – which emits an emergency signal – was equipped with fully-charged batteries.

Thomas’s run that day was in familiar territory. He had always skied with a trusted ski buddy, with never an incident to report. Perhaps he had been lulled into a false sense of security. In fact, he had intended to ski with a friend that morning. When his friend couldn’t make it, Thomas considered not going himself, but the snow on the mountain had fallen just the night before, and the lure was too intense.

His run was a wide, bare track of slope nestled between two pine forests – a real skier’s delight, and quite popular with the locals as well.

They say an avalanche is like a sleeping giant, waiting to be woken up by even the slightest of nudges. Thomas gave this giant more than a nudge – he skied right over it and before he knew it, he was skiing on top of it as it slid down the mountain along with him. And if you ski on top of the giant’s mouth, it’s likely to swallow you whole.

As Thomas sank beneath powder, through his acute panic he managed to pull the cord on his airbag. The roar of the giant fell silent seconds later, and from beneath the snow it was as if morning had turned to night. Thomas tried to reach his phone, but his arm might as well have been cast in concrete. Lying still, his panic slowly shifting to an eerie peacefulness, he did his best to keep his chin up. He even began to enjoy the dark solitude, even though he knew he might never be found. Luckily for him, the giant had caught the attention of others, and the transceiver was doing the job it was designed to do.

1. What are the ‘packs’ that the author refers to in the first paragraph?
1) Types of snow.
2) Regions or areas.
3) Groups of people.
4) Ski manoeuvres.

2. Why didn’t Thomas think his solo ski run would be very risky?
1) There were personnel to help in case of trouble.
2) He wasn’t aware of the potential dangers.
3) He had been on more dangerous ski adventures.
4) He believed powder to be easier to ski on than packed ice.

3. Skiers who ski on powder for the first time …
1) often never do it again.
2) find it to be relaxing.
3) fall in love with the experience.
4) often get stuck in the snow.

4. What is true about Thomas’s avalanche kit?
1) The airbag would help him breathe.
2) The airbag would inflate automatically.
3) He had an emergency number written down.
4) Some items required electric power to function.

5. Why did Thomas particularly want to ski that day?
1) It was pre-arranged with his friend.
2) He wanted to ski alone.
3) The area was beautiful.
4) The weather conditions were ideal.

6. An avalanche is compared to a sleeping giant because …
1) it’s not usually dangerous.
2) it can quickly spring into life.
3) it’s a huge spectacle.
4) it can easily kill people.

7. The expression ‘keep his chin up’ in the last paragraph means …
1) stay positive.
2) keep breathing.
3) raise his head.
4) avoid making movements.

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ielts listening test 188

Part 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Holiday rental
Owners’ names: Jack Fitzgerald and Shirley Fitzgerald

Granary Cottage
• available for week beginning (1) May
• cost for the week: (2) £
• (3) Cottage
• cost for the week: £480
• building was originally a (4)
• walk through doors from living room into a (5)
• several (6) spaces at the front
• bathroom has a shower
• central heating and stove that burns (7)
• views of old (8) from living room
• view of hilltop (9) from the bedroom

• deposit: £144
• deadline for final payment: end of (10)

Part 2: Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Local council report on traffic and highways
11. A survey found people’s main concern about traffic in the area was
A cuts to public transport.
B poor maintenance of roads.
C changes in the type of traffic.

12. Which change will shortly be made to the cycle path next to the river?
A It will be widened.
B It will be extended.
C It will be resurfaced.

13. Plans for a pedestrian crossing have been postponed because
A the Post Office has moved.
B the proposed location is unsafe.
C funding is not available at present.

14. On Station Road, notices have been erected
A telling cyclists not to leave their bikes outside the station ticket office.
B asking motorists to switch off engines when waiting at the level crossing.
C warning pedestrians to leave enough time when crossing the railway line.

Questions 15-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-l, next to Questions 15-20.

Recreation ground after proposed changes

15. New car park
16. New cricket pitch
17. Children’s playground
18. Skateboard ramp
19. Pavilion
20. Notice board

Part 3: Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO benefits of city bike-sharing schemes do the students agree are the most important?
A reducing noise pollution
B reducing traffic congestion
C improving air quality
D encouraging health and fitness
E making cycling affordable

Questions 23-24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things do the students think are necessary for successful bike-sharing schemes?
A Bikes should have a GPS system.
B The app should be easy to use.
C Public awareness should be raised.
D Only one scheme should be available.
E There should be a large network of cycle lanes.

Questions 25-30
What is the speakers’ opinion of the bike-sharing schemes in each of the following cities?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 25-30.

Opinion of bike-sharing scheme
A They agree it has been disappointing.
B They think it should be cheaper.
C They are surprised it has been so successful.
D They agree that more investment is required.
E They think the system has been well designed.
F They disagree about the reasons for its success.
G They think it has expanded too quickly.

25. Amsterdam
26. Dublin
27. London
28. Buenos Aires
29. New York
30. Sydney

Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The dodo was a large flightless bird which used to inhabit the island of Mauritius.
• 1507 – Portuguese ships transporting (31) stopped at the island to collect food and water.
• 1638 – The Dutch established a (32) on the island.
• They killed the dodo birds for their meat.
• The last one was killed in 1681.

• The only record we have is written descriptions and pictures (possibly unreliable).
• A Dutch painting suggests the dodo was very (33)
• The only remaining soft tissue is a dried (34)
• Recent studies of a dodo skeleton suggest the birds were capable of rapid (35)
• It’s thought they were able to use their small wings to maintain (36)
• Their (37) was of average size.
• Their sense of (38) enabled them to find food.

Reasons for extinction
• Hunting was probably not the main cause.
• Sailors brought dogs and monkeys.
• (39) also escaped onto the island and ate the birds’ eggs.
• The arrival of farming meant the (40) was destroyed.

Comments are closed.

Слайд 1Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ

иностранным языкам

 Лоскутова Ольга Михайловна,
МОУ «Гимназия 19»
г.о. Саранск, 2016

Организационные и методические аспекты подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ  по иностранным языкам Лоскутова Ольга Михайловна,МОУ «Гимназия 19»г.о. Саранск,

Слайд 2Структура ЕГЭ
Тестирование разнесено на два дня. В первый день

учащийся сдает обязательную письменную часть, состоящую из четырех разделов:
1)Раздел 1:

Аудирование (1–9) — 20 баллов;
2) Раздел 2: Чтение (10–18), — 20 баллов;
3) Раздел 3: Грамматика и лексика (19–38) — 20 баллов;
4) Раздел 4: Письмо (39–40), состоит из двух заданий – написание личного письма и высказывание с элементами рассуждения. — 20 баллов.
Во второй день по желанию можно сдать:
5) Раздел 5: Устная часть – 4 задания: прочитать небольшой отрывок текста, самостоятельно сформулировать вопросы для получения информации, рассказать о событии, заданном на картинке и сравнить два события на представленных фотографиях — 20 баллов

Структура ЕГЭТестирование разнесено на два дня. В первый день учащийся сдает обязательную письменную часть, состоящую из четырех

Слайд 3Аудирование
1 It is necessary to take care of your

pet’s health if it has problems.
2 Having two pets can

be more enjoyable than having one.
3 Giving an unwanted pet a home is an opportunity to do something kind.
4 Each and every pet has an interesting and unique personality.
5 Choosing the right pet is a very important decision.
6 A pet often loves its owner and can be like a best friend.
7 Pets need something to play with, just like people do.

Задание №1 – 6 баллов

Аудирование1 It is necessary to take care of your pet’s health if it has problems.2 Having two

Слайд 4Аудирование
Задание №2. – 7 баллов

1 – True 2 – False

3 – Not stated

A Vicky is not interested in seeing Jason’s costume for the party.
B Vicky wants to spend a lot of money
C Jason first suggests that Vicky should dress as a famous person.
D Vicky knows what all of her friends are wearing to the party.
E Jason suggests that Vicky wears normal clothes as part of her outfit.
F Vicky’s mum will help Vicky make her outfit.
G Vicky doesn’t want to start putting her outfit together straight away.

АудированиеЗадание №2. – 7 баллов       1 – True  2 –

Слайд 5Аудирование

Задания №3 — 8 – 7 баллов

Записать в поле ответа 1,

2 или 3

3 Kylie’s company is offering a train…
1) with a single railway company.
2) that includes several railway companies.
3) that is exclusively train travel. Ответ:
4 What is the purpose of the boat trips?
1) To explore a local area.
2) To take passengers to the next part of their trip.
3) To ride the river in the Grand Canyon. Ответ:
5 What does Kylie compare the price of the trip to?
1) Someone’s life savings.
2) A type of investment.
3) The price of a medical procedure. Ответ:
6 Why does Kylie think mostly retired people are interested?
1) They have nothing else to spend their money on.
2) They can easily devote two months to a trip.
3) They tend to be adventurous travellers. Ответ:





Аудирование.Задания №3 - 8 – 7 баллов       Записать в поле ответа

Слайд 6Выполнение задания по аудированию
Очень внимательно читать задание, варианты ответов;

предсказать ответ или лексику, которую вы готовитесь услышать;
Слушать внимательно –

диктор использует синонимы;
Услышать подлежащее и сказуемое, ключевые слова;
Этот навык формируется в результате многократных практических заданий

Выполнение задания по аудированиюОчень внимательно читать задание, варианты ответов;Попробовать предсказать ответ или лексику, которую вы готовитесь услышать;Слушать

Слайд 7Чтение
Задание 10 Установление соответствия ( подобрать заголовки к отрывкам)

Tastes from abroad

2. Out of style
3. Musical tastes
4. Lifting weights

5. Trendy styles
6. Dining out
7. Exercise routine
8. Musical exercise

Forming a band, even if only as a hobby, can be good fun. Of course, it can go beyond that if you get really good. You can play at festivals, and if the crowd loves you, it’s an amazing experience. It’s even a great way to get a workout, especially if you’re playing the drums. It takes a lot of energy, and it can actually help you get fit.


Чтение Задание 10 Установление соответствия ( подобрать заголовки к отрывкам)1. Tastes from abroad

Слайд 8Чтение
Задание 11 Установление соответствия – заполнить пропуски частями предложений.


occur in most industries, and travel is no exception. A

new trend in temporary accommodation has gained popularity recently. Its appeal is rooted in people’s desire to find a smart place to stay A _____________ .

Holiday rental properties

1. the company generates revenues by taking a percentage of the rental fee

2. such as the risk of renting the property to people who might damage it

3. that is within a price range they can comfortably afford

4. such as a house that someone has inherited but doesn’t live in

5. to provide stylish accommodation without the excessive price tag


Чтение Задание 11 Установление соответствия – заполнить пропуски частями предложений. Changes occur in most industries, and travel

Слайд 9

Задание 12 – 18 Найти заданную информацию в законченном


Thomas had ventured out alone before, and in any case,

most of the ski ranges around his mountain home were littered with forest rangers whose job was to help stranded hikers. So a solo trip by an experienced skier wasn’t the most dangerous of adventures.

13 Why didn’t Thomas think his solo ski run would be very risky?

There were personnel to help in case of trouble.
He wasn’t aware of the potential dangers.
He had been on more dangerous ski adventures.
He believed powder to be easier to ski on than packed ice.

Surviving in avalanche



Чтение Задание 12 – 18 Найти заданную информацию в законченном тексте.

Слайд 10Выполнение задания по чтению
Задание 10 – Понять главную мысль

отрывка (ключевые слова, предложения, синонимы), подобрать заголовок.
Задание 11 – Внимательно

прочитать слова и конструкцию предложений до и после пропуска. Определить, чем является пропущенная часть предложения – придаточным предложением, фразой, причастным оборотом. Повторить определительные придаточные предложения, слова who, what, that, which, where.
Задание 12 – 18 – Внимательно прочитать абзац, найти ответ на вопрос и найти синоним в вариантах ответов.

Выполнение задания по чтениюЗадание 10 – Понять главную мысль отрывка (ключевые слова, предложения, синонимы), подобрать заголовок.Задание 11

Слайд 11Грамматика и Лексика
Задания 19-25 — грамматика– 7 вопросов

She tried not to be too disappointed about it, but

at her swimming practice
the other day she _________ her fastest time ever. SWIM


21 Television and the Internet offer entertainment, but negative activity
_______ in the mix as well. INCLUDE


22 She found her in the living room, _________ to music. LISTEN


23 “You know what, Paul? I don’t think this car is __________ . WE


Грамматика и ЛексикаЗадания 19-25 - грамматика– 7 вопросов20  She tried not to be too disappointed about

Слайд 12Грамматика и Лексика

Задания 26-31 — словообразование – 6

26 It is a ___________ new museum to the



27 The Altai mountain range is one of the few places in the world whose climate has remained ________ since the last ice age. CHANGE


There are many fault lines that run through the region, and although it is a rare
________ , the region sometimes has very large earthquakes. OCCUR


Грамматика и Лексика Задания 26-31 - словообразование – 6 вопросов26  It is a ___________ new museum

Слайд 13Грамматика и Лексика
Задания 32-38 — лексические навыки – 7

Life after university
Beth had started an internship during her last

year at university. She felt the experience would make her a _35__ above the competition in the job market. But in the company there was little prospect of permanent job. “We’d take you __36__ in a second if we had the budget for another staff member,” her boss told her. Beth had final exams to deal with. She wanted to __37__ off thinking about her future until after her exams were completed.




1) cut 2) slice 3) piece 4) tear Ответ:

1) up 2) out 3) on 4) over Ответ:

1) turn 2) run 3) keep 4) put Ответ:

1 be (make) a cut above

4 put off doing smth.

3 turn smb. on

Грамматика и ЛексикаЗадания 32-38 - лексические навыки – 7 вопросов.Life after universityBeth had started an internship during

Слайд 14Выполнение задания по грамматике и лексике
Задания 19 – 25

Работая с глаголом, определить:
1)будет ли он преобразован в сказуемое

или определение (причастие)
2) залог 3) tense form.
Повторить существительное, прилагательное, местоимение, числительное.

Задания 26-31 Определить, какой частью речи является пропущенное
слово, правильно его образовать,
Повторить Word Families, (суффиксы, префиксы).

Задания 32-38 Знать фразовые глаголы, устойчивые выражения, синонимы –
хорошо знать лексику английского языка.

Выполнение задания по грамматике и лексикеЗадания 19 – 25 Работая с глаголом, определить: 1)будет ли он преобразован

Слайд 15Письмо
Включает в себя два задания — 39, 40.

— написать дружеское письмо.
Второе — написать сочинение с рассуждением.

Рекомендуемое время 80 минут.

ПисьмоВключает в себя два задания - 39, 40. Первое - написать дружеское письмо. Второе - написать сочинение

Слайд 16Письмо личного характера

Dear ______,
Thanks a lot for your letter.

I’m happy you don’t forget about me. I haven’t written

for so
long because I was really busy at school with my project. 33 words

Well, I’m going to answer your questions. 7 words _______________________________

By the way, I also have some questions for you. 10 words _________________________

Sorry, I have to finish now, Mum is calling me to help her.
Hope to hear from you soon. (Write back as soon as possible)
Best wishes,
_______ 21 words

Задание 39

Письмо личного характера шаблонSaranskRussia14/06/2016Dear ______,Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m happy you don’t forget about me.

Слайд 17Выполнение задания №39
1. Придумать и выучить шаблон.
2. Найти

3 вопроса, на которые надо ответить, определить время, использовать лексику

по теме письма.
3. Найти тему 3 вопросов, которые надо задать, определить время, вопросы задавать точно по теме. Например, − ask 3 questions about her sister’s new accommodation
“As for your sister, I’m glad to hear such great news! Does she like it? Do you often visit her? Did your sister design her house herself?”
Первые два вопроса не засчитаны.
4. Посчитать слова. 90-154 слова. Если слов много, вычеркнуть прилагательные, наречия. Если мало, вписать прилагательные, наречия.

Выполнение задания №39 1. Придумать и выучить шаблон.2. Найти 3 вопроса, на которые надо ответить, определить время,

Слайд 18Шаблон для эссе Мое мнение (стиль нейтральный)

1. There are

different opinions on the problem of _____. Some people consider

that ____. There are also people who are sure that _______ .

2. Personally, I think that _______ . To begin with, ________ (1). Moreover, _______ (2).
In addition, _____(3).

3. However, some people suppose that _____ because ______ (2/1). What is
more, _______ (2/2).

4. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them because ______ (4)

5. To sum up, though there are two points of view _______ , I think ______ .

Задание 40

Шаблон для эссе Мое мнение (стиль нейтральный) 1. There are different opinions on the problem of _____.

Слайд 19При подготовке к выполнению заданий раздела «Письмо» необходимо развивать:

личностные знания и умения: эрудицию, внимательность, ответственность;
• метапредметные умения и

навыки: понять смысл задания, планировать свое
письменное высказывание, реализовать его без нарушений логики, правильно
строить стратегии письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения, осуществлять самоконтроль и самокоррекцию своего ответа;
• предметные умения и навыки: строить письменную речь в соответствии
с нормами страны изучаемого языка; демонстрировать умения выстраивать
письменные высказывания разных жанров; применить богатый лексический запас; правильно использовать слова и словосочетания в контексте.

При подготовке к выполнению заданий раздела «Письмо» необходимо развивать:• личностные знания и умения: эрудицию, внимательность, ответственность;• метапредметные

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32 – 38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32 – 38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A night in the Eifel Tower

Seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. But have you ever dreamed 32 ______ sleeping in this iconic structure?

Holiday rental company Viva constructed a temporary VIP apartment on the first level of the tower, open only for the duration of the Euro football tournament from 10 June to 10 July 2016. The two-bedroom apartment, with the best Paris views was furnished with a big screen television for 33 ______ the game. The space also included a seating area filled with hanging plants.

A lot of people were attracted by the 34 ______ to sleep in the apartment. To determine who got this chance, Viva 35 ______ a contest asking entrants to describe how they would spend their night in the tower.  

“My two young sons are autistic and are both obsessed with lights and the tower itself so I’d spend the night 36 ______ their excitement!” was the winning response from Michelle, in the UK.

Scott, from the United States, 37 ______ to win a night’s stay with his response about reuniting five generations in Paris: his mother who first visited the city in 1953, his daughter and granddaughter who visited at 13 and 14 respectively, and a brand new granddaughter who joined the trip.

The four winners began their one-night stays from the 23rd of June. 38 ______ there were no other nights to win, all the visitors to the Eiffel Tower had the chance to tour the apartment and join a match viewing party.

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