How can we save our planet сочинение

Each living being on Earth knows the importance of Earth in our lives. Without Earth, we cannot even imagine living. Have you ever thought how we would walk if there is no Earth, there will be no water to drink, there will not be animals living here, and of course, no cultivation, so no food to eat. This means to say that the life of humans, as well as other living beings, cannot be imagined without Earth. 

Life is possible on the planet Earth and its related resources. Can you imagine a life on the Earth if resources are not available here. And, the answer comes not at all. The resources like air, sunlight, water, creatures, minerals, and vegetation are integral parts of the Earth. But with the increasing level of pollution, these resources are getting affected and either humans are destroying or depleting recklessly. If we have not taken a calculative step to save the Earth, it is going to be difficult to establish a sustainable future on the earth. Let’s understand why is it so crucial to save the Earth from these things: 

WhyiIs Saving The Earth Necessary?

In order to save the earth, we must understand that resources that are provided by earth are limited. However, the majority of us are unaware of this fact and we are not judiciously utilizing the resources. In order to safeguard the existence of humans, we need to protect the earth and take care of it. All living beings are dependent on the earth for their survival and so we should use the gist of nature in a thoughtful way. The increase in pollution and damage caused by humans are affecting the earth so rapidly that it is threatening our survival.  

Saving earth is not merely the need of the hour but much more. The extent of degradation caused by humans is becoming irreparable. This is one of the reasons why all the resources are getting highly polluted. The change in climate is also one of the examples that are caused due to severe pollution. Moreover, animals, birds are getting extinct and the worlds around us are slowly approaching the end. Nothing could be scarier than this. Therefore, saving the earth is the primary need and we should make conscious decisions to make the earth a better and sustainable place to live in. 

It is and has been our responsibility to protect the planet that we live in but rather we become selfish and do such things that create more pollution in our environment. As the most evolved species of the environment, we should understand that our planet is the only planet that supports life. So when the earth will be in peril, we will not have the option to move to another planet for our safety.

Hence, it is important to make the most use of what we have right now in a sustainable manner. Our approach will not only save the earth but our lives as well. Moreover, our future generation will be bestowed with a healthy environment to live in. 

Ten Simple Things to Save the Earth

  1. Live by the mantra- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 

  2. Keep our surroundings clean 

  3. Plant more trees

  4. Conserve water and water bodies

  5. Educate people about the significance of conserving nature

  6. Shop wisely

  7. Cycle more and drive fewer cars on the road

  8. Use LED lights

  9. Don’t discharge industrial effluents in the river or other water bodies

  10. Choose sustainability in every step of life

Therefore, by making small changes in our lifestyle we can make a huge difference. By restoring ecological balance, we can save the earth from getting dreadfully polluted and uninhabitable. 

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Спасите нашу планету/ Save Our Planet с переводом на русский язык.

Save Our Planet Спасите нашу планету
If you look at the Earth from the orbit then you will see a beautiful blue planet that seems to be surrounded by mysterious white fog. This is the only planet in our universe that has life and everything that is necessary for it — water and the atmosphere. It’s hard to believe but this planet is dying! Если взглянуть на Землю из космоса, то можно увидеть прекрасную голубую планету, которая как будто окружена загадочным белым туманом. Это единственная планета в нашей вселенной, на которой есть жизнь и все необходимые для этого условия — вода и атмосфера. И сложно поверить, что эта планета погибает!
The Earth is dying in the hands of humans who brutally take advantage of it. People kill animals, deforest, dry out bodies of water and pollute the air. It is time to stop and think about your actions! Земля гибнет в руках человека, безжалостно эксплуатирующего ее в своих целях. Люди убивают животных, вырубают леса, иссушают водоемы и загрязняют воздух. Но настало время остановиться и задуматься о своих действиях!
According to the scientists, pollution of air and soil with hazardous waste will lead to a terrible ecological situation very soon. As a result, our planet will be uninhabitable. If people are not able to restore crop lands, forests and pastures then in the future the animals will face hunger and death. По прогнозам ученых, засорение воздуха и почвы вредными отходами в скором времени приведет к катастрофическому ухудшению экологической обстановки. В результате наша планета станет просто непригодной для жизни. Если люди не смогут восстановить паховые земли, леса и пастбища, то в будущем их также ожидает массовый голод и неминуемая гибель.
The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that is caused by coal and oil burning will be a reason for a temperature rise and glaciers will melt so we won’t have any more fresh water. Besides, it will lead to natural disasters and you cannot predict the outcome of them. Выброс в атмосферу углекислого газа, получаемого при сгорании угля и нефти, станет причиной того, что температура на нашей планете значительно возрастет, ледники растают и мы лишимся запасов пресной воды. Кроме того, на земле начнутся различные природные катаклизмы, предсказать исход которых совершенно невозможно.
It has to be stopped! People, save our planet! You can start with small things. You don’t have to join various societies that protect the nature. You should only start being careful with the environment: don’t litter everywhere, save up some gas and water, don’t hunt endangered animals and don’t leave any fire burning in the forests. Потому всему этому нужно положить конец! Люди, спасите нашу планету! Начать можно с малого. Для этого необязательно сразу же вступать в различные общества, занимающиеся охраной природы. Нужно лишь начать бережно относится к окружающей среде: не выкидывать мусор в неподобающих местах, экономить газ и воду, перестать охотиться на редких вымирающих животных, оставлять непотушенный огонь в лесу.
If every person changes his behavior at least a little bit and turns his consumer attitude towards nature into taking care of the planet then the Earth and people living here have a chance. The chance for happy future without hunger, disasters and diseases. Если каждый человек хоть немного изменит свое поведение, превратив потребительское отношение к дарам природы в нежную заботу о нашей планете, то у Земли и живущих на ней людей появится шанс. Шанс на счастливое здоровое будущее без голода, катастроф и болезней.

Essay on save earth, Saving the earth is one of the most important things that concern the whole world these days, as the climate has deteriorated and the warming has increased.The warming or global warming of the issues of concern in the hearts of those interested in the environment.

The cause of global warming is due to the increasing pollutants day after day. These pollutants come out of various factories such as brick factories and chemical factories.

Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from car exhaust, and below we will provide all the details on this important topic.

Essay on save earth

Global warming is a matter of concern to those concerned with the environment. The cause of global warming is due to the increasing pollutants day after day. These pollutants come out of various factories such as brick factories and chemical factories.

Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from car exhaust, and below we will provide all the details on this important topic.

One of the most important issues that concern the whole world is to make a great effort to save the earth. The condition of the earth has deteriorated significantly in previous years. This deterioration is due to the widespread pollution.

We have seen many types of pollution, including air pollution, which has reached dangerous stages. When exhaust comes out of cars, it causes air pollution.

There are several types of factories that release their waste into the air, causing an increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide, which causes global warming.

There is also targeted water pollution, as factory waste is dumped into any nearby water source. The waste that comes out of residential cities, including dead animals and others, is dumped.

As for the widespread type of water pollution, it is the dumping of sewage into water sources, causing them to be polluted heavily.

As for the waters of the seas and oceans, they are polluted by oil spills while being transported from one country to another, which destroys fisheries and kills some birds that live near the seas.

Now that we know the different pollutants that threaten the integrity of the earth, we must come together to save the earth from destruction.

One of the ways we must follow to save the earth is for each of us to start with himself and not pollute the water or the air.

Governments must do outreach to school children and university students. The purpose of this awareness is for everyone to know the danger of pollution, and to learn the correct way to dispose of waste.

Mother earth essay

The Earth is called the Mother earth because it embraces humans and provides them with all the appropriate means of subsistence.

This planet is located within the solar system, which is called by this name because of its presence around the sun. Planet Earth is the number three planet in terms of its distance from the sun.

Earth was created to become the only planet that has the ingredients for life for humans and all other living creatures. There is one moon of the planet Earth, unlike other planets that may revolve around several moons.

The Earth is made up of four layers on top of each other. What appears on the surface of the globe is the outer crust and then the so-called mantle.

Then there is the so-called inner core and outer core. The inner layers of the earth are characterized by high temperatures.

There is a barrier separating the crust and the mantle, which scientists called the Moho. As for what separates the Earth’s crust and the core, it is called the mantle, and it consists of iron and magnesium.

The last layer is the Earth’s core, and it consists of the inner core and the outer core. The temperature of the Earth’s interior rises to about 5270 Kelvin. It consists of uranium, potassium.

Mother nature essay

Mother Nature means everything that surrounds us on earth, including water, air, and oxygen. These things are among the basic components of life that help us to live safely.

If we look at the other planets, we will not find water in them. If we lose water, it is impossible to live without it. There is also no oxygen on other planets, which prevents us from simply going to any planet and living on it.

As for the earth, it is equipped for life and contains mother nature that embraces man and provides him with all the necessities of life.

Therefore, we must preserve Mother Nature from destruction and pollution. Nature is like mother to us, protecting us from dangers.

But some people meet it with unworthy treatment, as they cut down trees and eliminate forests. Others pollute fresh and salt water.

And we will not forget those who pollute the air, causing global warming, and causing a hole in the ozone layer that protects the planet from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Essay on save environment 150 words

In order to save environment around us, we must recycle our garbage instead of throwing it in unsuitable places.

There are a large number of materials that can be recycled such as plastic, paper, glass.

In order to be able to recycle waste, we must put bins in residential neighborhoods. The benefit of these bins is that the garbage is sorted and each type of garbage is placed in a different bin.

After this garbage is sorted, it is sent to factories specialized in recycling garbage. And each type of these materials is placed in specialized machines, there are machines for paper and another type of metal.

As for plastic recycling, it is one of the most important and most widespread types of recycling, as it produces a large number of plastic products that are used for various household purposes.

One of the most important ways to preserve the environment is to reduce the cutting of trees and the elimination of forests.

People cut down trees because wood is used for all household purposes. Paper is made from wood, which leads to the accumulation of paper waste, which pollutes the environment. Paper use should be reduced or do not produce any  new paper , but it should be reused.

Save our planet essay

Our planet, Planet Earth is the planet that embraces life and keeps it going. That is why we must preserve our planet and not expose it to pollution so as not to be destroyed.

There are several causes that lead to the pollution of  our planet, including the contamination of the soil on which man depends on growing his food.

When burial of waste occurs in the soil, it causes the destruction of agriculture and poisoning of plants, making them unfit for human use.

One of the pollutants that raise the degree of pollution to great degrees, is air pollution due to gasoline-powered cars.

In order to eliminate this pollution, we must use cars that run on electricity or on solar energy.

Electricity and solar energy are called clean energy, because they do not produce residuals that pollute the environment, but they perform the required purpose while preserving the surrounding environment.

One of the most important things that are used to preserve our planet is for governments to educate citizens and children in schools. And impose deterrent fines on those who pollute the environment. Especially the huge factories that pour their waste into water sources.

It must also encourage citizens to dispose of garbage in a proper manner, such as placing each type of waste in a designated bin.

Paragraph on save environment

Scientists have figured out after several years of experiments and research how to protect and save the environment from pollutants.

One of the most important of these means is to replace unclean energy with clean energy such as electricity.

We can also use renewable energy such as solar and wind energy.

These species do not have any damage to the air.

The reason why scientists use such types is due to the severe damage caused by the energy currently used, which depends on petroleum and its derivatives.

Also, we could expand the agricultural area as much as possible so that we could clean the air around it and provide great distances of shade, and protect cities from storms and sand that destroy roads.

Save trees save earth essay

There is a great relationship between preserving trees and preserving the planet. Trees are like a sponge that absorbs all that is harmful, as they absorb the carbon dioxide that causes huge problems in the Earth’s climate.

Unfortunately, humans have got used to chopping down trees, so that they can use wood to make homes and furniture.

For this, there was a massive shortage of forests, which led to global warming and an increase in the proportion of harmful carbon dioxide.

This prompted scientists all over the world to make critical decisions about planting millions of trees a year.

Scientists say that planting these millions of trees absorbs millions of tons of carbon dioxide, which may reach about 70 million tons.

As for the cultivation process, young people may volunteer to do it, in addition to using several types of modern equipment that speed up the cultivation process and save effort on humans.

Save environment essay 200 words

The environment is everything that surrounds us of the components of life. In order for life to continue, we must save the environment and preserve the elements of life. If we contaminate these basic ingredients, we will lose ourselves and our health.

One of the most important components of life around us is water that is exposed to drought or pollution. Water pollution occurs because all kinds of dirt are thrown into it, where chemicals and waste of all kinds, including dead animals, are thrown into it, causing many diseases for humans.

There is a type of pollution that is natural without human intervention, as it is due to the increase in floods that destroy large areas and sweep dirt from one place to another.

And there is pollution resulting from volcanoes, which cause huge amounts of gasses and smoke to come out, causing the surrounding areas to be greatly polluted.

Sometimes the wind causes dust to pollute cities because it carries it from the deserts and nearby empty places, and then throws it inside these cities.

My bicycle essay for class 7

My father designed to teach me to ride a bike. In the morning we went to a spacious place with no cars or crowds. Dad said that we might practice in the garden.

My father made me wear things that covered the arm and leg so that I wouldn’t get injured from the fall. He had bought me a condom to be placed on the elbow and knee in order to protect them from severe fracture.

My father told me that it was necessary to wear a helmet in order to save the head from hitting the ground, which could cause a head hemorrhage or a concussion.

He told me that I had to be patient and courageous to be able to drive in a balanced way. He told me that I would fall many times but that I must continue to learn and not be afraid of falling. And indeed, that’s what I’ve been doing every morning. I am determined to go out to practice riding a bike.

When I fell I would remember my father’s words and go clean the wound and then ride again. And I stayed like this until I learned to ride the bike. These days I teach my little sister how to ride so she can play with me on her bike.

200 Word Essay Save Our Environment

Man causes great destruction to the environment around him, as he performs a large number of harmful practices without thinking about the consequences.

When man began to think how to build a house, he could not find better than wood to use in construction. But where did the wood come from? He started cutting down trees in huge quantities. The biggest mistake is not cutting down trees, but not planting trees to replace what was cut down.

And after man knew the importance of trees, he tried to correct his mistake by trying to plant millions of trees. But the problem is that these trees will need many years to grow. And a number of them will die from diseases that affect plants and can not be treated.

Which will lead to the lack of enough trees to improve the state of the environment, which is increasing in collapse and pollution on a daily and rapid basis.

2 Minute speech on save mother earth

Earth is the mother of all living things, but it has started to deteriorate in recent years. But we cannot stand idly by without interfering and trying to fix and save mother earth .

But we must know what is required of us in order to be able to save the earth? The most important thing is for each of us to start with his own and change the bad habits that caused the earth to reach such destruction.

And when people commit themselves one by one, we will notice a huge change in the conditions of the climate and the environment.

One of the most important negative things that most people do, which we must focus on eliminating, is wasting water.

Where we find most homes do not care about conserving water, and housewives are accustomed to operating the tap with great force, even though they only use a quarter of the consumed water. Therefore, any leaking faucet must be repaired.

Washing clothes and dishes should be done in a small amount of water and not under a tap that pours out a huge amount of water.

Save our environment essay

The surest way to save our environment is to reduce the use of pesticides. We must try to grow natural plants and vegetables without spraying them with harmful chemicals.

As for the chemicals, you must dispose of them in a place designated for them, because throwing them in water sources or pouring them on the ground damages the soil and pollutes the water.

If you know someone throwing harmful waste into a nearby water source or spilling it on the ground, you should report it.

There are also a large number of voluntary associations that accept volunteers of all ages to go on clean-up missions in the same neighborhood or city where you live.

Some of these campaigns are aimed at cleaning water of all kinds, including planting young trees and taking care of them until they grow.

When every member of the community helps in campaigns to save our environment, the situation will improve with time.

Save earth essay in english

If you want to save the earth, you must know what pollutants are causing the destruction of the earth. One of the most important pollutants is coal and natural gas, as they are used extensively in all aspects of our lives.

But is it possible to dispense with them? Yes, scientists have invented modern methods that generate electricity without polluting the environment, including solar energy. Solar energy can be used in homes, cars, and factories.

There are other ways to reduce the use of electrical energy, including reducing the temperature of the heater and refrigerator.

When you drive a car, it emits harmful gases that cause great pollution to the environment. This pollution is air pollution that causes global warming. In order to avoid these dangerous environmental impacts, we must stay away from cars as much as possible.

Fortunately, a suitable alternative to cars is the bicycle. The bike has several advantages, including that it is healthy for the human body, and it travels lightly without getting stuck in traffic jams.

Essay on save trees save environment

Trees are very useful as they act as windbreaks, not allowing large amounts of sand to seep into cities. And when destructive floods occur, strong barriers of trees act as a protective shield so that the city is not flooded with excessive amounts of water.

For all industries, wood is included in them, and therefore wood from cutting trees is used in the manufacture of paper and furniture.

But if we look at the destruction and cutting of trees during the previous years, we see that the land has been polluted and dangerous climatic phenomena such as global warming and the ozone hole have occurred.

But is there a connection between this pollution and cutting down trees? Of course, cutting down trees causes an increase in the proportion of harmful gases that cause global warming.

The solution is to replant these trees and distribute them on the planet in a way that restores the ecological balance again.

Save the environment essay in english 150 words

Every human being living on planet earth must save the environment around him. You can start with yourself so that others will imitate you later.

As for food and various products, we must be satisfied with what is near us so that we do not find ourselves in front of the transportation problem, which causes burning large amounts of fuel, causing a major pollution to the environment.

There are also certain types of meat, such as beef, which are known to emit harmful gases such as methane. That is why we should reduce the consumption of beef.

The most important thing is to start with yourself and not wait for others. You can join associations that organize individual and group work.

This work will be campaigns to clean up and remove harmful waste and place it in designated places. You will learn how to plant trees in order to benefit from the shade and reduce the use of air-conditioning that pollutes the environment.

That is why the major countries tend to plant millions of trees around homes and around cities, and therefore we must also start afforestation campaigns.

We have provided you with an Essay on save earth, and you can read more through the following link:

  • Essay on cycling
  • A journey by train paragraph
  • Essay on decision making

Save earth is a slogan used to spread awareness among people about the importance of earth and why we should save our mother earth. Save earth slogan motivates people to save earth and its natural resources to give our future generations a safe and healthy environment.

Long and Short Essay on Save Earth in English

Earth is our planet and a most important need for the continuity of life. It is full of all the basic resources to continue a life however; it is getting declined continuously because of some unethical behavior of the human being. Saving earth is the most important social awareness which everyone must know about to bring some positive changes on the earth. In order to spread awareness among students, teachers may assign them to write some paragraph or complete essay on save earth. Now-a-days, essay writing is one of the good strategies followed by teachers in the schools and colleges. It enhances the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is also an effective way to get views, ideas and positive suggestions about any topic by the students. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on save earth to help students in completing their task. All the save earth essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

Save Earth Essay 1 (100 words)

As we all know that earth is the only known planet having life in this universe. So we should respect and maintain everything we get from our mother earth. We should save the mother earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. We can save the earth by saving trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources, electricity, etc. We should strictly follow all the possible measures to control the environmental pollution and global warming. Everyone should plant more trees in the surrounding areas to curb the pollution and reduce the effects of global warming. Afforestation, reforestation, recycling of used paper and other natural products, saving of natural resources (minerals, coal, stones, oil, etc), electricity, water and environment should be supported and promoted.

Save Earth

Save Earth Essay 2 (150 words)

We do not have any other known planet beside earth in this universe where life is possible. It is the only known planet where the combination of most essential natural resources oxygen, water and gravity is found which makes the possibility of successful life here. We do not have time to think more about it and start saving earth seriously by following various effective measures in order to handover a healthy earth to our future generations. People should plant more trees to get sufficient oxygen and curb the effect of air pollution and global warming.

We should stop cutting down rain-forests to our life, atmosphere and homes of many different species. People should limit their use of electricity and use less fossil fuel to save the environment from global warming. They should promote the use of solar lights and wind energy to save destroying earth. Following the 3R rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) can be proved very effective in saving our precious earth.

Save Earth Essay 3 (200 words)

Earth is the most precious thing in this universe having oxygen and water, essential things for life. The natural resources found on earth are deteriorating day by day because of various wrong practices of human beings. It keeps life on earth in danger. Various forest animals have been extinct completely because of the lack of their favorable environment.

The rate of various types of pollution, global warming and other environmental issues is increasing day by day. It is very necessary to stop all the bad practices to reduce the negative effects of same. Earth day is celebrated every year on 22nd of April to spread awareness among people all over the world. It is observed annually to appreciate people to maintain the earth’s natural environment.

Our earth takes nothing in return from us however it demands to maintain it for the continuity of health life on earth. We are not alone to live on the earth; there are various unknown living species that live on earth.

So, we should not be selfish and think about all the living species on the earth. We should save our earth and environment by reducing the amount of wastes, plastic, paper, woods, etc. we should make the habit of reuse and recycle things (clothes, toys, furniture, books, papers, etc) in order to generate less waste. We should stop all the bad practices involved in increasing the level of pollution and global warming.

Save Earth Essay 4 (250 words)

The present condition of the earth has been very challenging for the healthy existence of life because of the toxic environment, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, deforestation, and many more environmental issues. There are numerous easy ways we can save our planet however, depends on the dedication and rate of good habit followers. It should be promoted the development of environment friendly technologies so that they could not harm the planet. People should make the habit of reduction in usage of harmful things, re-usage and recycle of things in order to generate less amount of wastes.

Generally, many people use variety of house cleansers in order to keep their houses clean and disinfected. They never see the chemical constituents of that particular cleanser which can be very destructive to the water, soil and air. We should be very clear about what products we are using in daily life and always select eco-friendly cleansing products. Pollutions and global warming are generally being spread by the commercial industries to a great extent. They should follow the government rules and regulations made for controlling the same.

They should limit their harmful commercial-grade production and involve in producing environment friendly products. Awareness regarding save earth should be promoted among youths by including this topic to their study. They should be involved in the activities like planting, group discussion, essay writing, speech recitation, banner making, slogan writing competition, theme based drama play, etc in the school and college. The event named as Earth Day is celebrated annually on 22nd of April to spread awareness regarding save earth among public.

Save Earth Essay 5 (300 words)


Earth is the only known planet in this universe where life is possible as it has basic necessities of life. We need to maintain the natural quality of our mother earth in order to continue the healthy life here. Save earth save environment and save earth save life are the most famous slogans to increase awareness about save earth among people. There are various means the condition of our earth is getting declined day by day due to the pollution, greenhouse gases, etc. It is generating the harmful impact on environment and thus health of people. It is the responsibility of human beings to keep earth safe, clean and natural.

What is Earth Day

Earth Day is a global annual observance celebrated on 22nd of April since 1970 to protect the environment and save earth. The aim of this event is to inspire people for healthy earth’s environment.

How to Save our Earth

Following are some easy and effective ways of saving earth:

  • We should not waste water and use only according to the requirement. We should wash dirty clothes only and in the cold water. In this way, we can save many gallons of water per day.
  • People should share private cars and generally use public transport in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
  • People should use bicycle to perform work in local areas.
  • People should follow 3R methods means reduce, reuse and recycle things.
  • People should make compost which is a great natural fertilizer for the crops.
  • We should use Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) instead of common bulbs as they are more durable and use two-third less energy which will reduce the use of electricity and greenhouse gases emissions.
  • We should not use electric heater or air conditioner unnecessarily without necessity.
  • We should maintain our private transport and drive smartly in order to reduce pollution.
  • We should switch off lights, fans and unplug other electric appliances to use less electricity.
  • We should plant more trees in the surrounding areas to reduce pollution and effect of green house gases.


Earth is our mother planet which gives us all the necessary things we need for living a life. So, we are also responsible to maintain its natural quality and greenery environment. We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for our small benefits.

Save Earth Essay 6 (400 words)


Save earth and save environment both related to the safety of life on the earth. As being human being, we should strictly involve in the activities reducing pollution and global warming and save the earth.

Easy Ways to Save Earth

There are various easy ways which can be helpful in saving the earth. Earth is the only known planet of the solar system having life. In the ancient time, people were not involved in any type of destructive work, so there was no any fear of pollution and other environmental issues. After explosion in the population, people started developing cities and industries for the modern lifestyle and easy life for everyone. For industrialization man learned misusing the natural resources beyond the limit. People involved in deforestation which resulted in extinction of various wild animals, pollution, and global warming. Due to the global warming the protective ozone layer got a hole, rise in sea level, melting of ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, etc negative changes occurred. Such types of environmental changes are alarming sign to us. Following are some ways regarding save earth:

  • We should save forest through afforestation and reforestation. Plants are the most basic need of life whether human beings, animals or other living things. They give us food, oxygen, shelter, fuel, medicines, safety, and furniture. They are very necessary to maintain the natural balance between environment, climate, weather, and atmosphere.
  • We should take care of the wildlife by stopping deforestation and promoting reforestation. Thousands of species and birds have been extinct because of destruction of their habitat. They are very necessary to balance the food chain in the nature.
  • Our environment is being declined continuously as a result of deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, and pollution. It is threatening the lives through global warming and climate changes because of the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. We should save our environment to balance all the natural cycles.
  • We are needed to bring huge level changes in our unnatural lifestyle as much as possible to save the earth.
  • There is need to transform cities into Eco-cities to maintain the ecological balance in the atmosphere.
  • The government of all the countries need to work together to bring global changes.

Why to Save Earth

There is urgent need to save our earth because of the continuous rising in global temperature, melting of polar ice caps, bleaching of coral reefs, and increasing risks of tsunami, floods and droughts. The condition of our mother earth is getting poor which is reducing the chances of healthy life. Earth is the most important source of all the basic elements required to keep us alive. Bad human activities have given rise to various environmental issues due to release of toxic fumes, chemical wastes and excessive noise.


Government has taken various effective steps regarding save earth, save life and save earth, save environment in order to continue the healthy life on the earth. Without earth, life is not possible anywhere in the universe. Human activities related to the destruction of natural resources of earth are impacting the earth environment very badly. So, it is our sole responsibility to save the earth by practicing Eco-friendly activities.

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Save the Earth essay – Read Here. Save the Earth essay – Read Here. Save the Earth essay – Read Here. Save the Earth essay – Read Here. We must all think of our planet as a living entity with feelings. It looks kind of like a bowl of spaghetti—a very large bowl, it must be said, with a very large number of strands of spaghetti, all of which are interconnected with those of other strands, all of which are interconnected with those of other strands, and so on, for as far as the eye can see and beyond. We must treat this entity with respect, and we must do our utmost to ensure that it survives, for the sake of ourselves. But what does the phrase “we must do our

On June 1, 2017, NASA finally launched an asteroid investigation, called the OSIRIS-REx mission, to the near-Earth asteroid Bennu. OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security – Regolith Explorer) will be mapping the asteroid’s surface and characterizing its composition and internal structure. In addition, the mission will obtain samples of asteroid material to return to Earth for analysis. In all, OSIRIS-REx is expected to spend two years orbiting Bennu, collecting and returning samples of the asteroid’s material.

If you want to know how to write an essay on save the earth for students in easy words, you have come to the right place. We have a lot of essay samples that can help you. Do you want to know how to save the earth without harming any living organism? How to save environment without harming the planet? How to save the earth without harming the wildlife?


In today’s world, environmental protection is a shared responsibility shared by all humans, since the marvels that nature provides are essential to our survival.

Environmental protection is essential.

1625962635_892_Essay-On-Rainwater-Harvesting-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211The environment includes everything that surrounds us, including trees, birds, air, water, people, and other living things. It is important to preserve and care for the environment of plants and animals so that they may continue to exist on our world.

The Earth’s Contamination

Essay-On-Save-Mother-Earth-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsThe environment is polluted by littering, using pesticides, detergents, and aerosols, industries that emit smoke into the atmosphere while driving, cutting trees, and burning trash, and by this bad attitude, the air, soil, and water are contaminated.

What Exactly Is Pollution?

Garbage PollutionPollution of the environment has now become a major societal issue. It is the presence of any chemical agent, physical or biological, in the environment in locations, forms, and concentrations that are detrimental to the population’s health, safety, or welfare, as well as animal and plant life. Pollution is defined as anything that hinders people from using or enjoying recreational areas.

There is much to change in daily life, both personally and collectively, to mitigate environmental deterioration. Around the world, measures are being taken to preserve the environment in order to conserve animal and plant species, as well as other resources such as water, soil, and climate. Laws have also been created to protect the ecological balance and the environment, with the goal of promoting sustainable development.

The Law’s Implementation

1625964913_57_Essay-On-Save-Earth-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211If one truly wishes to save the planet, it is time to act, not only by creating rules but also by enforcing them on a personal and collective level; otherwise, the number of gases in the atmosphere will continue to rise, with severe consequences such as the melting of the poles, rising sea levels, rising sea temperatures, disturbances in plant and animal balance, fires, and diseases.

Resources of Natural Origin

1625964913_999_Essay-On-Save-Earth-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211The natural resources we need to live are under jeopardy, and many of them, such as water and plants and animals, are in danger of extinction.

Increasing Public Awareness

1625964915_560_Essay-On-Save-Earth-For-Students-In-Easy-Words-8211It is essential to take environmental action, reach out to the general public via lectures, campaigns, the creation of leaflets, posters, and booklets, and the formation of organizations to preserve the situation.

People should carry out the project, which includes the separation of trash, organic, recyclable, and miscellaneous waste. It will seem tough at first, but people will get used to it. Some measures are being taken to increase public awareness, such as distributing leaflets explaining how trash should be segregated, putting up signs, and broadcasting on the radio.


We have a window of opportunity to rescue the world. The environment is everyone’s responsibility, regardless of age, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status. The government has completed their training; now it is the turn of a global citizen.

If we really desire a better world for future generations to avoid the repercussions of our activities, we will accomplish it together.

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Do you want to have a change in your life? Then go for it. Do you want to save the Earth? Then go for it. Do you want to have a peaceful life and you will be in good terms with your parents? Then go for it. These are the reasons why you should go for it.. Read more about save earth essay 200 words and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we save our earth write 10 lines?

The earth is a big place, but you can start by taking care of your own planet.

How can we save the earth essay for kids?

You can save the earth by recycling, not using plastic bags, and turning off your lights when you leave a room.

How can we save the earth essay?

You can save the earth by recycling, using less electricity, and not being wasteful.

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500+ Words Essay on Save Earth

Taking care of our Earth is no longer an option – it is a necessity. There is no other alternative planet where life is possible other than Earth. Since the beginning of our existence, we have exploited nature by cutting innumerable trees to build infrastructure and killing animals for food. We have extracted minerals, crystals, and gems from the womb of the Earth. We have taken and used whatever natural wealth there is to take and are now facing the grave consequences of nature’s pushback. We must realise that the Earth’s resources are not limitless. They are depleting fast, and this threatens our existence on the planet that we call home. Thus, it’s crucial that we should take care of and save mother Earth. This essay on ‘Save Earth’ will help us to understand the current condition of our planet and what measures we can take to save Earth. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays for students to boost their essay-writing skills.

Alarming Situation of Earth

The Earth has reached an alarming state. It’s high time for us to take action. Human activities have impacted the atmosphere and climate conditions of the Earth. It has had such an impact that the seasons have shifted. Now, there is a delay in the monsoon. The summer is becoming too hot and glaciers are melting. The sea level is rising and aquatic life is on the verge of extinction. Pollution is increasing, and the air quality is getting worse day by day. The water is getting polluted and the noise level is rising due to which most of the people are getting ill. Global warming, the greenhouse effect, all these are the result of human activities, which are now causing threats to human life itself. So, if we are not going to act now, then it will be too late, and till then, the existence of life on Earth will end.

Different Ways to Save Earth

To save Earth, we all have to come up together to make a difference. One person can not make up the difference, but we all together can do the miracle. We have to take care of small things in our daily routines, such as switching off the lights when not in need, closing the tap and using the water properly, and avoiding the use of plastic and non-biodegradable material at home. We should focus on solar and renewable sources of energy such as solar heaters and panels. Take out the private vehicle or car only when required and prefer using public transport.

We should try to educate other people about the alarming situation on Earth and guide them on how they can contribute to saving the Earth. For this, various campaigns or group activities can be performed in public places to raise awareness. Also, we should plant more and more trees in our neighbourhood. We should adopt and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. We must teach our kids the value of our planet, so they will also adapt to sustainable living and not exploit our planet. Remember, every little step does make a difference!

Students must have found this essay on saving Earth useful for practising their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams, at BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Saving our Earth Essay

What are the simple steps to be followed to save our Earth?

Simple steps to save our Earth include volunteering for cleaning up the community and public places, ensuring water and soil conservation, planting trees on special occasions and making this a habit, avoiding shopping for unwanted things and controlling pollution.

Is Global warming connected to the ‘Save our Earth’ notion?

Yes, global warming is a situation that is causing a lot of natural calamities around the world. Saving the Earth is said to definitely reduce the effects of Global warming.

Are we destroying planet Earth by expanding infrastructure?

Several acres of forest area is now being converted into construction sites as a part of infrastructure development. In turn, the wildlife and animals which belong to these forests are left homeless, thereby causing a great natural imbalance.

More and more people are thinking about the environmental issues and ecological condition of Earth nowadays. Why has this problem become so relevant? What should we do to save our future? In my opinion, people have understood that their irresponsibility causes harm to the natural environment. Our planet suffers from numerous problems, which have been caused by the results of the excessive anthropogenic activity. The entire planet suffers from pollution, global warming, deforestation, extinction of biological species, etc. These problems are extremely relevant and require rapid and intensive solutions. It is possible to defeat these problems if the entire humanity changes its approach towards nature, natural resources and the value of nature for its wellbeing. In simple words, people should go green to save Earth.

Why should we take efforts now in order to save Earth in future?

Very few people understand that it is important to change their lifestyle now in order to see the results of these changes in a few decades. Doubtless, you will not grow a big forest in a year. You can plant a small tree but it will grow to its proper height only in ten or fifteen years. To my mind, this activity resembles investment into a small firm. In a few years, the firm develops into a big company, which will provide you with the solid profit. Consequently, it is not right to say that the idea of going green is useless. When you do not see the results of your activity now, it does not mean that you will not see them in ten years.

Consider future generation

Furthermore, we must not be selfish. It is important to think about the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren. We are responsible for the natural environment and problems, which will become the burden for our children.

I know that many people do not care about the condition of Earth after their death. They say that it is the headache of our future generations. I suppose, it is the main problem. People do not care about future and they do not appreciate what they have.

This approach is caused by greediness and consumerism. People want more money and material values in order to satisfy their needs. They are ready to exhaust the world they live in. They cut down forests, kill animals, birds and fish and pollute rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. They care about their profit and nothing more. No wonder, people open new and new plants, factories and power stations, which cause harm to the natural environment but provide them with money.

It looks ridiculous when people are ready to destroy forests and pollute rivers in order to gain profit. People do not appreciate fresh air and water, though they cannot survive a minute without them. They are ready to live in the unhealthy, terribly-looking and polluted environment in order to receive more money. Finally, they will have to pay for their treatment at a hospital, because they breathe in polluted air and consume contaminated food and water.

There are a number of companies who are already into having a ‘greener’ business system. An example is Movegreen, who are using an eco-conscious approach for doing business. These specialized movers in Orange County are providing excellent services for anyone wanting to move in Southern California.

How can we save our planet from the results of our harmful activity?

To begin with, we should reduce pollution, because it the cause of numerous problems. We must not litter in the street, parks and forests. We should recycle wastes in order to save our priceless natural recourses and we should always responsibly recycle electronics and e-waste, not just dump them in the landfills.

We should use public transport more frequently, because it does not release numerous harmful gases, which cause greenhouse effect and global warming. Next, entrepreneurs should use special filters at plants, factories and power stations in order to reduce the amount of poisonous emissions into the air and water. Then, people should stop cutting down forests, because they are the lungs of Earth.

Moreover, every forest is a home for thousands of animals, birds and insects, which improve the balance of ecosystems.

In conclusion, our unwise and extensive activity causes harm to the natural environment. We lose priceless natural resources, fresh air, water, forests, animals, birds, fish, insects, etc. People should change their lifestyle rapidly in order to stop deforestation, global warming, pollution and other problems, which can destroy the life on the planet. We ought to go green in order to save the life of future generations.

This short essay on such a popular topic is provided by writing company which produces custom written essays.

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