How can you resist peer pressure сочинение на английском

  • «О себе» — все топики.
    Peer pressure
    There is no doubt that negative peer pressure is one of the most burning problems in the modern world. To begin with, let us find out what peer pressure means. According to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, peer pressure is the pressure that you feel to behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your group expect it. Peer pressure can influence how teenagers dress, what hobbies they choose and how they behave and treat other people.
    Experts say that there is tremendous peer pressure among teenagers to dress a certain way. For instance, at schools where there are no uniforms children may feel pressured to wear fashionable and expensive clothes just to fit in and to be accepted by the peers. One solution that can be put forward is making wearing school uniforms compulsory. In this case there will be no distinction between the rich and the poor and schoolchildren will focus on their studies rather than on trendy clothes and perform academically better.
    It should also be noted that peer pressure is also an important factor when it comes to using drugs or alcohol among teenagers. Experts say that most under-age drug addicts are introduced to this dangerous behavior by their peers. In this case the desire to fit in can lead to serious problems in the future. You must have heard the appeal: «Everyone is doing it.» However, if you know what is «right» and «wrong», your common sense will definitely stop you from harming or killing yourself. So, no matter how hard it may be for you to say «no», you should stand your ground. Think about the possible consequences. Drug and alcohol abuse ruins health and overall destroys people’s lives.
    There is also peer pressure among youngsters to behave violently or physically harm other people, especially those who are weak or disabled. So, we now speak about bullying, intentional frightening of someone who is smaller or weaker than you. Bullying is not only a physical act of violence but also emotional or psychological abuse. As far as I am concerned, since childhood my parents have taught me not to bully. I think that any aggressive behavior or fighting will in the long run lead people to jail.
    All in all, if you want to be a strong personality, you should set your own rules but not to follow someone else’s rules.
    Давление со стороны сверстников
    Вне всяких сомнений, негативное влияние со стороны сверстников является одной из самых острых проблем в современном мире. Для начала давайте разберемся, что означает этот термин. Кембриджский учебный словарь дает нам следующее определение: «давление со стороны сверстников — это давление, которое ты ощущаешь со стороны своих друзей или сверстников, и, как следствие, подражание определенному поведению, установленному пиринговой группой, в целях угождения ей». Давление сверстников может сказываться на том, как одеваются подростки, какие выбирают себе увлечения, как они себя ведут и относятся к другим людям.
    По мнению экспертов, влияние со стороны сверстников превалирует в вопросах выбора одежды. К примеру, в школах, где не введена форма, дети могут чувствовать давление со стороны сверстников, и, пытаясь влиться в компанию, им приходится носить только модную и дорогую одежду. Одним из возможных решений этой проблемы может быть обязательное введение школьной формы. В этом случае исчезнет разграничение на богатых и бедных, дети сосредоточатся на изучении предметов, а не на выборе модной одежды, и будут лучше учиться.
    Следует отметить, что влияние со стороны сверстников является важным фактором, когда речь заходит о злоупотреблении наркотиками и алкоголем подростками. По мнению экспертов, большинство несовершеннолетних наркоманов начинают употреблять наркотики, следуя примеру своих сверстников. В этом случае желание «соответствовать» может привести к серьезным проблемам в будущем. Скорее всего, вы не раз слышали подобный призыв: «Все делают это». Однако, если вы умеете отличать, что «хорошо», а что «плохо», здравый разум не позволит вам погубить себя или причинить вред. А значит, неважно, насколько сложно вам будет сказать «нет», вы должны проявить твердость и настоять на своем. Подумайте о возможных последствиях. Употребление наркотиков и алкоголя губит здоровье и всецело разрушает жизни людей.
    Из-за губительного влияния со стороны сверстников подростки часто начинают себя вести агрессивно или наносить физический вред другим людям, особенно слабым и неполноценным. В данном случае мы говорим о так называемом «буллинге», то есть о намеренном запугивании того, кто меньше или слабее. Запугивание может быть не только физическим актом насилия, но также эмоциональной или психологической травлей. Что касается лично меня, то с детства родители учили меня не обижать слабых. Я считаю, что любое агрессивное поведение или драки, в конечном счете, приведут агрессоров за тюремную решетку.
    Так или иначе, если вы хотите быть сильной личностью, вы должны устанавливать свои правила, а не идти у кого-то на поводу.
    Topical Vocabulary:
    1) peer pressure — давление со стороны членов своего круга (в особенности сверстников, одноклассников и т. д.)
    2) peer [рю] — сверстник
    3) burning problem — актуальная проблема
    4) to expect — ожидать
    5) to behave — вести себя
    6) behavior [bi’heivja] — поведение
    7) tremendous [tn’mendas] — огромный, гигантский, громадный
    8) to fit in — соответствовать
    9) to be accepted — быть принятым
    10) when it comes to — когда речь заходит
    11) under-age — несовершеннолетний
    12) drug addict — наркоман
    13) dangerous [‘demck^res] — опасный, рискованный
    14) appeal [a’piil] — призыв
    15) common sense — здравый смысл
    16) harm [ha:m] — причинять вред
    17) to stand one’s ground — проявлять твердость, стоять на своем
    18) consequences [fkon(t)sikw9nsiz] — последствия
    19) drug abuse [a’bjuis] — злоупотребление наркотиками
    20) alcohol abuse — злоупотребление спиртными напитками
    21) to ruin health — пагубно сказываться на здоровье
    22) to destroy [di’stroi] — разрушать
    23) youngster [‘JAn(k)st9] — юноша, девушка
    24) adolescent [iaed(9)’les(9)nt] — молодой человек, юноша, девушка
    25) disabled [dis’eibld] — неполноценный, страдающий от увечья; инвалиды
    26) bullying [‘bulin] — запугивание; «буллинг» (травля в отношении ребенка со стороны группы сверстников)
    27) to bully [‘bull] — запугивать, стращать
    28) bully — хулиган, драчун, задира
    29) frightening [‘frait(b)nin] — устрашение, запугивание
    30) violence [Vai9l(9)n(t)s] — жестокость, насилие, применение силы
    31) fighting [‘faitin] — драка, бой
    32) in the long run — в конечном счете
    33) strong personality — сильная личность
    34) jail [d5eil] — тюрьма; тюремное заключение
    35) to set rules — устанавливать правила
    36) to follow somebody else’s rules — идти на поводу у кого-либо

  • Peer pressure

    There is no doubt
    that negative peer pressure is one of the most burning problems
    in the modern world. To begin with, let us find out what peer
    pressure means. According to the Cambridge Academic Content
    Dictionary, peer pressure is the pressure that you feel to
    behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your
    group expect it. Peer pressure can influence how teenagers
    dress, what hobbies they choose and how they behave and treat
    other people.
    Experts say that
    there is tremendous peer pressure among teenagers to dress a
    certain way. For instance, at schools where there are no
    uniforms children may feel pressured to wear fashionable and
    expensive clothes just to fit in and to be accepted by the
    peers. One solution that can be put forward is making wearing
    school uniforms compulsory. In this case there will be no
    distinction between the rich and the poor and schoolchildren
    will focus on their studies rather than on trendy clothes and
    perform academically better.
    It should also be
    noted that peer pressure is also an important factor when it
    comes to using drugs or alcohol among teenagers. Experts say
    that most under-age drug addicts are introduced to this
    dangerous behavior by their peers. In this case the desire to
    fit in can lead to serious problems in the future. You must have
    heard the appeal: “Everyone is doing it.” However, if you know
    what is “right” and “wrong”, your common sense will definitely
    stop you from harming or killing yourself. So, no matter how
    hard it may be for you to say “no”, you should stand your
    ground. Think about the possible consequences. Drug and alcohol
    abuse ruins health and overall destroys people’s lives.
    There is also
    peer pressure among youngsters to behave violently or physically
    harm other people, especially those who are weak or disabled.
    So, we now speak about bullying, intentional frightening of
    someone who is smaller or weaker than you. Bullying is not only
    a physical act of violence but also emotional or psychological
    abuse. As far as I am concerned, since childhood my parents have
    taught me not to bully. I think that any aggressive behavior or
    fighting will in the long run lead people to jail.
    All in all, if
    you want to be a strong personality, you should set your own
    rules but not to follow someone else’s rules.
    Давление со стороны сверстников
    Вне всяких сомнений, негативное
    влияние со стороны сверстников является одной из самых острых
    проблем в современном мире. Для начала давайте разберемся, что
    означает этот термин. Кембриджский учебный словарь дает нам
    следующее определение: «давление со стороны сверстников — это
    давление, которое ты ощущаешь со стороны своих друзей или
    сверстников, и, как следствие, подражание определенному
    поведению, установленному пиринговой группой, в целях угождения
    ей». Давление сверстников может сказываться на том, как
    одеваются подростки, какие выбирают себе увлечения, как они себя
    ведут и относятся к другим людям.
    По мнению экспертов, влияние со
    стороны сверстников превалирует в вопросах выбора одежды. К
    примеру, в школах, где не введена форма, дети могут чувствовать
    давление со стороны сверстников, и, пытаясь влиться в компанию,
    им приходится носить только модную и дорогую одежду. Одним из
    возможных решений этой проблемы может быть обязательное введение
    школьной формы. В этом случае исчезнет разграничение на богатых
    и бедных, дети сосредоточатся на изучении предметов, а не на
    выборе модной одежды, и будут лучше учиться.
    Следует отметить, что влияние со
    стороны сверстников является важным фактором, когда речь заходит
    о злоупотреблении наркотиками и алкоголем подростками. По мнению
    экспертов, большинство несовершеннолетних наркоманов начинают
    употреблять наркотики, следуя примеру своих сверстников. В этом
    случае желание «соответствовать» может привести к серьезным
    проблемам в будущем. Скорее всего, вы не раз слышали подобный
    призыв: «Все делают это». Однако, если вы умеете отличать, что
    «хорошо», а что «плохо», здравый разум не позволит вам погубить
    себя или причинить вред. А значит, неважно, насколько сложно вам
    будет сказать «нет», вы должны проявить твердость и настоять на
    своем. Подумайте о возможных последствиях. Употребление
    наркотиков и алкоголя губит здоровье и всецело разрушает жизни
    Из-за губительного влияния со
    стороны сверстников подростки часто начинают себя вести
    агрессивно или наносить физический вред другим людям, особенно
    слабым и неполноценным. В данном случае мы говорим о так
    называемом «буллинге», то есть о намеренном запугивании того,
    кто меньше или слабее. Запугивание может быть не только
    физическим актом насилия, но также эмоциональной или
    психологической травлей. Что касается лично меня, то с детства
    родители учили меня не обижать слабых. Я считаю, что любое
    агрессивное поведение или драки, в конечном счете, приведут
    агрессоров за тюремную решетку.
    Так или иначе, если вы хотите быть
    сильной личностью, вы должны устанавливать свои правила, а не
    идти у кого-то на поводу.

    1) peer
    pressure — давление со стороны членов своего круга (в
    особенности сверстников, одноклассников и т.д.)
    2) peer [рю] — сверстник
    3) burning problem — актуальная проблема
    4) to expect — ожидать
    5) to behave — вести себя
    6) behavior [bi’heivja] — поведение
    7) tremendous [tn’mendas] — огромный, гигантский, громадный
    8) to fit in — соответствовать
    9) to be accepted — быть принятым
    10) when it comes to — когда речь заходит
    11) under-age — несовершеннолетний
    12) drug addict — наркоман
    13) dangerous [‘demck^res] — опасный, рискованный
    14) appeal [a’piil] — призыв
    15) common sense — здравый смысл
    16) harm [ha:m] — причинять вред
    17) to stand one’s ground — проявлять твердость, стоять на своем
    18) consequences [fkon(t)sikw9nsiz] — последствия
    19) drug abuse [a’bjuis] — злоупотребление наркотиками
    20) alcohol abuse — злоупотребление спиртными напитками
    21) to ruin health — пагубно сказываться на здоровье
    22) to destroy [di’stroi] — разрушать
    23) youngster [‘JAn(k)st9] — юноша, девушка
    24) adolescent [iaed(9)’les(9)nt] — молодой человек, юноша,
    25) disabled [dis’eibld] — неполноценный, страдающий от уве¬чья;
    26) bullying [‘bulin] — запугивание; «буллинг» (травля в
    отно¬шении ребенка со стороны группы сверстников)
    27) to bully [‘bull] — запугивать, стращать
    28) bully — хулиган, драчун, задира
    29) frightening [‘frait(b)nin] — устрашение, запугивание
    30) violence [Vai9l(9)n(t)s] — жестокость, насилие, примене¬ние
    31) fighting [‘faitin] — драка, бой
    32) in the long run — в конечном счете
    33) strong personality — сильная личность
    34) jail [d5eil] — тюрьма; тюремное заключение
    35) to set rules — устанавливать правила
    36) to follow somebody else’s rules — идти на поводу у кого-либо

  • Говорят, что дети – это самый жестокий народ. А о подростковом возрасте известно каждому. Кто-то помнит свой, кто-то вспоминает своих детей, а кому-то только предстоит пережить это время некоторым в качестве родителя, а кому-то и в качестве ребёнка.
    Конечно, не поспоришь с тем, что это- довольно сложное время. Особенно, для детей. Хотя, некоторые родители могут, конечно, с этим не согласиться.
    Психологи говорят, что этот сложный подростковый период начинается, приблизительно к 12годам и продолжается , в среднем, до 17- летия. Именно в этом возрасте большинство детей пробуют первую сигарету, спиртное, первый секс, а кто-то наркотики. И частой причиной получения опыта такого рода, бывает именно давление со стороны сверстников. Кто-то может ему противостоять, но большинство поддаётся и начинает плясать под дудку более «крутых» или сильных ребят. Что же является причиной таких поступков?
    Каждый, кто может вспомнить себя в таком возрасте, а так же те, кто бывал в подобных ситуациях, знает это чувство растерянности и неуверенности в себе. За довольно короткий промежуток времени и в теле и в эмоциях происходят перемены. Некоторые непонятны, многие огорчают и заставляют думать, что ты не такой как все. Что и твоя семья и твой привычный образ жизни – это причина проблем. В голове появляется много странных противоречивых мыслей. И кажется, что ты бесконечно одинок… Родители не понимают, вся их жизнь – полный отстой. Учителя – сплошная проблема. И не у кого спросить совета, да и кто сможет его дать, если я знаю обо всем лучше, чем кто-либо другой… и от этого ощущение безысходности становиться ещё острее…
    И ребёнок идёт искать «свою стаю». Тех людей, которые могут понять и подсказать ,что же со всем этим делать. Конечно, чаще всего это такие же подростки. А для того, чтобы в компанию приняли и считали его там «своим», этот подрастающий человек, часто готов на всё. Думаю многим не понаслышке знакомо это.
    Часто среди подростков очень поощряется пользоваться слабостью и самоутверждаться за счет других. Как парни сталкиваются с проблемой курить или не курить, пить или не пить, употреблять наркотики или нет, так и девушки попадают под давление сверстников, которые говорят о том, что если девушка хочет быть популярной и нравиться мальчикам, ей нужно заниматься сексом. Самое страшное для ребёнка в таком возрасте прослыть неудачником.
    И хотя родителям может казаться, что достучаться до здравого смысла подростка просто не возможно, это не так. В это время родитель может стать для своего ребёнка другом, но этому должны предшествовать годы общения и присутствия в жизни друг друга. Для того, чтобы стать другом своему подросшему чаду, нужно доказать ему, что он- ваш друг. А отношение к ребёнку и к другу разное. Постепенно, по мере взросления, поучительный и покровительственный тон заменяйте на совет, и чаще спрашивайте мнение ребёнка по поводу происходящего в семье, прислушивайтесь к нему. Ни крики, ни уговоры не помогают в отношениях, помните, что ребёнок не ваша собственность и у него есть своя жизнь и свой опыт. Доверяйте ему. Но проявляйте бдительность, будьте внимательны к переменам, происходящим в жизни ребёнка, и ни в коем случае не пускайте всё на самотёк. Человек, не набравшийся опыта и знаний, может наломать дров, а особенно, если есть в его окружении те, кто может воспользоваться этим положением.
    Но иногда бывают случаи, когда ситуация требует резкого вмешательства. Бывают родители, которые не видят того, что происходит, а ребёнок боится им рассказать. И оказывается в ситуации давления с обеих сторон. С одной стороны родители, которые могут наказать, накричать, а с другой – издевательства и давление сверстников. Ребёнку очень сложно бывает в таком случае, а родители не понимают, почему же их прежде такой удобный сын или дочка сейчас вдруг начинает приносить проблемы. Даже те дети, которые с помощью своей силы или авторитета давят на других, тоже не понимаемы своими близкими. Часто их не ценят в собственных семьях, им бывает страшно и чтобы почувствовать свою значимость и силу, они унижают других.
    Если вы заметили, что с вашим ребёнком что-то не так, обратитесь к психологу, попробуйте в непринуждённой атмосфере выяснить, что происходит, но не устраивайте допрос с пристрастием, это только нарушит доверие.
    Да, всё это нужно пережить. Пройдёт время и плоды терпения, проявленного к повзрослевшему ребенку, обязательно появятся. Главное – не упустить. Постараться понять и показать направление, двигаясь в котором, подросток сможет из слабого стать сильным, из неуверенного в себе превратиться в человека, который себя ценит, у него появятся мечты и цели, к которым он будет стремиться.
    Ольга Гонтарь.

  • Ваш ребенок сталкивается с некоторым давлением со стороны сверстников во время его/ее учебы в университете. Что делает это достаточно острой проблемой для вашего ребенка, так это то, что большинство родителей не понимает степень давления, которой подвергаются их дети.
    – Сигареты и алкоголь.
    Сигареты и алкоголь – это то, на что будут двигать вашего ребенка сверстники в первую очередь. Обычно в фильмах и по телевидению ярко показывают, как несовершеннолетние дети курят и злоупотребляют алкоголем, и большинство подростков видят в этих привычках только положительные стороны.
    Во время учебы в университете все стараются соперничать друг с другом, и ваш ребенок также старается не отставать от других и соперничать с остальной частью своих сверстников. Призвание «неудачник» является самым обидным оскорблением для современных подростков.
    Для того чтобы избежать этого призвания, иногда подростки будут строить из себя жесткую, бунтарскую и независимую от своих родителей личность. Для современных подростков курение и злоупотребление алкоголем являются наиболее легкими способами для того, чтобы показать свою независимость.
    – Наркотики.
    Большую опасность здоровью и угрозу жизни представляют наркотики, которыми злостно пытаются надавить на вашего ребенка его сверстники. Первое и наиболее доступное наркотическое средство – это марихуана. Это дешевый и доступный наркотик в современном мире, и большинство подростков считают его безвредным. В их представлении, марихуана не вызывает сильной привязанности, как, например, героин или амфетамины. Употребление марихуаны, часто изображаемое в кинофильмах и по телевидению, не показывает подросткам то, что марихуана является нелегальным продуктом и что если подростка поймают под влиянием этого наркотика, то это может разрушить их будущую жизнь. К тому же курение марихуаны может привести к употреблению более серьезных наркотиков, таких как: героин, кокаин или амфетамины.
    – Секс.
    С каждый годом возраст, в котором подростки начинают заниматься сексом, становится все ниже и ниже. Для того чтобы быть популярным или нравится мальчикам, девочка должна быть готова заняться сексом. Иначе их будут считать «скованными». и на них никто не будет обращать внимания. Парней, которые не готовы заняться случайным сексом с девушкой, считают слабаками. Оральный секс стал особо популярным среди современных подростков из-за убеждения подростков в том, что это не влечет за собой никаких последствий, поскольку риск беременности отсутствует.
    – Чем родители могут помочь?
    Объяснение вашему ребенку того, что не нужно поддаваться подобному давлению со стороны их сверстников, мало или вообще не повлияет на их решение. Ваш подросток приравнивает свою популярность среди его друзей к своей самооценке. Чем более не защищен ваш подросток, тем наиболее вероятнее он будет подвергнут подобному давлению.
    Угрозы и наказания оказывают дополнительное давление на подростков. В этом случае с одной стороны они сталкиваются с давлением от их сверстников, а с другой стороны с угрозами и наказаниями своих родителей. Стараясь избегать давления с одной стороны, подростки могут избегать общения со своими родителями или просто не говорить им правду.
    Вместо этого вы должны осознать, что соответствовать каким-либо стандартам и не быть прозванным неудачником – очень серьезные и важные вещи для вашего ребенка. Дайте знать вашему ребенку, что вы понимаете то, что она сталкивается с неким давлением. Предложите искренне обсудить ситуации и проблемы, без угрозы наказания или осуждения. Это подтолкнет вашего ребенка к открытой беседе и приведет к тому, что они прислушаются к совету об отдельных проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются. Посредством открытых разговоров с вами о давлении, с которым они сталкиваются, у вас появится возможность выразить ваше мнение и вашу любовь к ним. Ваш подросток будет гораздо более восприимчивым к вашим предложениям и советам, если проблемы обсуждаются мирным образом.
    Будьте откровенным(ой) с вашим подростком обо всех формах половых сношений. Объясните о том, что существуют причины, по которым детям не нужно начинать заниматься сексом слишком рано. Помимо беспокойства о беременности и развитии болезней, передаваемых половым путем, и СПИДа, расскажите вашему ребенку о том, что им также нужно иметь чувство собственного достоинства и гордость.

  • Peer pressure can constitute direct or indirect pressure from a friend or associate which can be very influential in certain situations. It is important that peer pressure is tackled with kindness, respect and most importantly, the person accepts his or her real form, without being influenced by a certain group. Writing essays is a very important part of any curriculum. Here are two useful samples of writing an essay on peer pressure. 

    Table of contents

    • Essay on Peer Pressure (200-300 words)
    • Essay on Peer Pressure (400 – 500 words)

    Essay on Women Empowerment

    Essay on Peer Pressure (200-300 words)

    “Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because someone’s version of reality is not your reality.”

    Peer pressure is an issue that affects many teenagers today. Society offers misleading advertisements that seem to lead teens in unnecessary directions. It is rightly said that if the youth of today are more educated, the future of our world will be a lot better off.

    There are many kinds of pressures that children face today. Many times, others put pressure on you to participate in something you might not want to do.

    Peer pressure can be stressful because a child might feel pressured by friends and schoolmates to act, behave, think and look a certain way. This kind of pressure can cover everything. Teens face numerous problems that can hamper the decisions they make. Sometimes these decisions are negative ones to fulfil their desire to fit in. Although peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to resist, there are ways to fight it. 

    Peer pressure can be tackled by inner strength and self-confidence, through resistance to doing something when you know better. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you to know the right thing to do.

    Also Read: Essay on Education System

    Essay on Peer Pressure (400 – 500 words)

    Studies have shown how peer pressure can change the mind, despite knowing what is right and wrong. Also, it has been said that all it takes for someone to stand their ground on what they know is right is for one other peer to agree with them. If you face peer pressure on a daily basis, it is always better to talk to someone you trust.

    Though peer pressure can have certain advantages like it helps to create a sense of motivation in the person, which further forces the person to cross the barrier and achieve something great. There are many disadvantages of peer pressure which can harm a person in plenty of ways. If any person is not willing to perform a certain task then the peer pressure can be frustrating to him.

    It is very easy to get influenced by someone during the glorious youth years. Youth these days are much influenced by the glamorous life of celebrities. It is necessary to judge the outcome of a deed before getting influenced by peers. ( Furthermore, peer pressure should always be secondary. Your own thoughts and wants should always have the first priority.

    Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature — but some children are more likely to give in than others, who are better at resisting and standing their ground. Children who are low on confidence and those ones who tend to follow rather than lead could be more likely to seek their peers’ approval by giving in to a risky and unwanted challenge or suggestion. People who are unsure of themselves, new to the group, or inexperienced with peer pressure may also be more likely to give in to peer pressure. 

    It is not always easy to resist negative peer pressure, but when you do, it is important and likely that you feel good about it afterwards. And you may even be a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way — often it just takes one person to speak out or take a different action to change a situation. Your friends may follow if you have the courage to do something different or refuse to go along with the group. Consider yourself a leader, and know that you have the potential to make a difference. As the saying goes, “Peer pressure is not always negative. Sometimes, it inculcates new hobbies, habits, attitudes, health conscience or a strong urge to succeed amongst people and where this happens, it is positive.”

    Essay Topics:

    • Essay on India
    • Essay on Global Warming
    • Essay On Subhash Chandra Bose
    • Essay on Scientific Discoveries
    • Holi Essay

    This was all about the sample essays on peer pressure. We hope that this blog helps you in writing a perfect essay on peer pressure and the problems associated with it. For the latest updates on education and more such informative reads, follow Leverage Edu on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.

    Peer pressure can constitute direct or indirect pressure from a friend or associate which can be very influential in certain situations. It is important that peer pressure is tackled with kindness, respect and most importantly, the person accepts his or her real form, without being influenced by a certain group. Writing essays is a very important part of any curriculum. Here are two useful samples of writing an essay on peer pressure. 

    Table of contents

    • Essay on Peer Pressure (200-300 words)
    • Essay on Peer Pressure (400 – 500 words)

    Essay on Women Empowerment

    Essay on Peer Pressure (200-300 words)

    “Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because someone’s version of reality is not your reality.”

    Peer pressure is an issue that affects many teenagers today. Society offers misleading advertisements that seem to lead teens in unnecessary directions. It is rightly said that if the youth of today are more educated, the future of our world will be a lot better off.

    There are many kinds of pressures that children face today. Many times, others put pressure on you to participate in something you might not want to do.

    Peer pressure can be stressful because a child might feel pressured by friends and schoolmates to act, behave, think and look a certain way. This kind of pressure can cover everything. Teens face numerous problems that can hamper the decisions they make. Sometimes these decisions are negative ones to fulfil their desire to fit in. Although peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to resist, there are ways to fight it. 

    Peer pressure can be tackled by inner strength and self-confidence, through resistance to doing something when you know better. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you to know the right thing to do.

    Also Read: Essay on Education System

    Essay on Peer Pressure (400 – 500 words)

    Studies have shown how peer pressure can change the mind, despite knowing what is right and wrong. Also, it has been said that all it takes for someone to stand their ground on what they know is right is for one other peer to agree with them. If you face peer pressure on a daily basis, it is always better to talk to someone you trust.

    Though peer pressure can have certain advantages like it helps to create a sense of motivation in the person, which further forces the person to cross the barrier and achieve something great. There are many disadvantages of peer pressure which can harm a person in plenty of ways. If any person is not willing to perform a certain task then the peer pressure can be frustrating to him.

    It is very easy to get influenced by someone during the glorious youth years. Youth these days are much influenced by the glamorous life of celebrities. It is necessary to judge the outcome of a deed before getting influenced by peers. ( Furthermore, peer pressure should always be secondary. Your own thoughts and wants should always have the first priority.

    Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature — but some children are more likely to give in than others, who are better at resisting and standing their ground. Children who are low on confidence and those ones who tend to follow rather than lead could be more likely to seek their peers’ approval by giving in to a risky and unwanted challenge or suggestion. People who are unsure of themselves, new to the group, or inexperienced with peer pressure may also be more likely to give in to peer pressure. 

    It is not always easy to resist negative peer pressure, but when you do, it is important and likely that you feel good about it afterwards. And you may even be a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way — often it just takes one person to speak out or take a different action to change a situation. Your friends may follow if you have the courage to do something different or refuse to go along with the group. Consider yourself a leader, and know that you have the potential to make a difference. As the saying goes, “Peer pressure is not always negative. Sometimes, it inculcates new hobbies, habits, attitudes, health conscience or a strong urge to succeed amongst people and where this happens, it is positive.”

    Essay Topics:

    • Essay on India
    • Essay on Global Warming
    • Essay On Subhash Chandra Bose
    • Essay on Scientific Discoveries
    • Holi Essay

    This was all about the sample essays on peer pressure. We hope that this blog helps you in writing a perfect essay on peer pressure and the problems associated with it. For the latest updates on education and more such informative reads, follow Leverage Edu on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.

    At some point in oner’s life, one is exposed to some form of peer pressure. Undoubtedly, most teenagers have moments where they do things to try to be cool and fit in with the popular kids. The pressure that is felt is very overwhelming and can cause them act in ways that they would normally not act. For example, in the essay, White Lies by Erin Murphy in Models for Writers, an albino girl is bullied in school. She felt like she had to lie to her peers in order to be liked by them. Teens now are exposed to many harmful outlets that can have negative effects on their lives. The pressure to conform is very prominent among adolescents especially, but it is not limited to only teenagers. There are so many different reasons people are exposed to peer pressure, and it is fairly common in most school environments. Peer pressure has negative effects on the lives involved because it could cause a person to engage in dangerous activities, can cause decreased academic performance, and leads people to have negative opinions on themselves and things they enjoy.

    Peer pressure could cause a person to engage in dangerous activities. The pressure to fit in and be liked can be as simple as a friend telling another friend to try this alcohol. Some people are able remove themselves from the situation if they do not want to engage in the drinking, while other people feel like they have to say yes in order to be liked. Another example of this pressure is seeing a close friend engage in something dangerous and feeling an internal pressure that would cause one to want to engage in that same activity. According to an article entitled, Tight-Knit Teammates May Conform to Each Otherr’s Behavior, it talks about the peer pressure that is not directly stated. In a study with NCAA athletes, researchers found that the more closely a player identified as being a part of their team, the more likely they were to conform to their teammates behavior. This was true for both risky and positive behaviors. (Teammates May Conform to Each Otherr’s Behavior). This illustrates the internal pressure that is felt when one is close with their friends or teammates. They feel like they should do the same thing because their teammate or friend did it. There are some situations in which the need to conform can have a positive outcome, but there are a lot more situations that can produce negative results.

    Secondly, peer pressure can cause decreased academic performance. This is fairly common in middle school and high school students because they are in a different environment, there is a lot more social pressure to make new friends, fit in and be liked by them. In an article talking about academics and peer pressure, Lowry writes, These parents may not have the credentials of the esteemed researchers, but they see the focus on academic achievement shift as social pressures to fit in as class clown or social butterfly are embraced. The students academic achievement was decreasing because they felt the need to neglect their academics in order to be accepted by peers or friends. This change normally occurs during the transition from elementary school to middle school or high school. A lot of kids feel like they have to be the most popular student in school and have the most friends. The important thing for school is to focus on the education and having an overall memorable experience. With friends, learning that quality over quantity is very significant. A person could have 30 friends that do not talk very often versus a person having three or four really important friends that talk quite often and help each other. Making and having friends is an important part of being in school, but it should not shift the focus away from the academics.

    Peer pressure can also lead a person to have negative opinions on themselves and certain things they used to enjoy. In the essay, White Lies, from Models for Writers, an albino girl named Connie is bullied by students in her school. She develops a very negative opinion on herself because people were bullying her for something that she had no control over. So, after being bullied quite a bit, Connie told her peers that her father got a new job working for a candy company and that she could get candy for them. She started taking orders from kids and they began to stop teasing her. The other Lebanese girl who was in the same class thought she saw Connie and her mother at 7-Eleven buying all the candy for the kids in her class. (Murphy 210-211). In this situation, Connie was experiencing a lot of bullying and probably felt so awful after being called horrible names, so she made up a lie to get the kids in her class to like her. Preschoolers also experience a small form of peer pressure. After they begin interacting with other children, preschoolers are conforming their ideas and feelings about certain things. They are altering their feelings on foods that they had previously enjoyed eating, after hearing one of their peers say that food is gross. (Lowry). Peer pressure is very widespread and is even evident in preschoolers, who are only between the ages of three and five years old. When a person hears someone talk badly about a certain thing they enjoy, it makes them feel bad about liking it so they sometimes will change their opinion on it. With the example about preschoolers and food, it may not be as prominent but the child most likely felt bad about liking that food so they changed their opinion to be more like their peer.

    New research is indicating that peer pressure has some form of a positive side to it. As far as the research goes, I agree that there can be some form of positivity that could come from peer pressure. For example, a friend could help motivate another friend to improve their grades or do something positive. The research was done by a Psychologist named Laurence Steinberg. He had participants playing a computerized card game in room by themselves and separately with people their age in the room. He basically found that teenagers learn faster and efficiently when they are in the company of their peers or people their own age. (Paul). Personally, I believe that there is a larger amount of negative aspects in terms of peer pressure. The research is interesting and there is something to be learned from it, but the constant pressure and need for individuals to conform is at large. So many kids feel like they have to conform in order to fit in with the popular crowd. I think we need to do a better job in explaining that one does not have to conform and do things that one would not normally do to fit in with a certain group of people. If a group of people is going to put an individual at risk then there is no reason to try and be friends with them.

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    How To Resist Peer Pressure. (2019, May 29).
    Retrieved March 10, 2023 , from

    Essay on Peer Pressure: Building up of negative influences within young adolescent minds to excel among peers is called peer pressure. It can create disturbed mind patterns and lead a person to suicidal thoughts, stress and depression. The outcome of such behaviour can negatively alter a person’s behaviour. It may misguide him to consume alcohol and drugs and risk his own life. It may also lead to anti-social behaviours amongst teenagers pushing them into criminal activities.

    Below we have provided Peer Pressure Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

    It’s Better To Walk Alone Than With A Crowd Going In The Wrong Direction. – Diane Grant

    Human beings are social animals. We all make a lot of relations in our life. In choosing some relationships, we do not have a choice, but for some others, we do. Making friends and hanging out with them at school and other places is fun but we need to choose our friends wisely. Suppose your friend calls you to the basement stairs of the school and asks you to share a cigarette with him. You deny it. But then he says that if you do not smoke, he will spread your secrets in the whole class. This is known as peer pressure.

    It is getting someone to do something that they might not like to do or might not be comfortable doing. Peer pressure is not always bad. Sometimes, it even makes you want to put in more effort and reach your potential. Positive peer pressure is beneficial and healthy, but it is the negative side of it, that can prove to be harmful. School children and teenagers are more prone to peer pressure. This is the age where they indulge themselves in alcohol, smoking, drugs, ragging, beating up others, stealing and what not!

    Hence, it becomes necessary first to identify when we are trying to be peer pressured. We should know how to recognise when someone is trying to make us a victim of this. Whenever you feel like this, remember to ask yourself some questions. Is this right what they are asking me to do? Does it feel wrong to me? Am I uncomfortable while doing this? Would I still do this if my parents or some adult were around? There are many ways in which your friends can pressurise you. They may blackmail, threaten or even bribe you. But you should know what is right for you and that saying “NO” has so much power.

    Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

    Peer pressure can harm us. It results in grades at school getting lowered, a disrespect towards our parents, teachers and other adults, resorting to violent or aggressive acts and bunking or skipping classes. It may even lead to us getting addicted to various harmful substances and becoming insensitive towards others and their feelings. Imagine that you are playing with your friends in the park and your parents have told you to be back home by 7:00 p.m. But as soon as you say to your friends that you are leaving, one of them forces you to come to his house to play video games.

    He says that if you do not agree to go, then you and he are no longer friends. What do you do in such a situation? Do you give in and go to his house and disobey your parents? Or do you make him understand that you must be home today and maybe tomorrow you can come to his house after taking permission from your mom and dad? There are numerous ways to resist peer pressure, and we should not hesitate to take them. We can simply walk away and even warn others about the consequences of what they are doing. We can say no firmly and also call for an adult in situations we feel that require their help.

    Positive Effects of Peer Pressure

    On the opposite side, we have good or positive peer pressure which is beneficial for us. If your friends do social work or volunteering, it is apparent that you too would want to indulge in such an activity. Say suppose at the time of after school activities, your friends already in a school sports team encourage you to join in. This is positive peer pressure because on the field; you get to collaborate and work together as a team. Thus, spending your time productively. If you have friends who encourage you to study more when your marks dip, then you indeed have found good friends who look out for you.

    Ask your friends to participate in marathons, cleanliness drives, social campaigns etc. Positive peer pressure leads to socialising with others as well as learning new experiences. We also abide by laws and do not land ourselves in trouble. It may lead to us learning a lot more unique and helpful skills which may come handy not only in school but in our workplace and our general life as well. Always have the courage to say no when you are being pushed to do destructive activities.

    Peer Pressure Essay, Research Paper

    “Peer Pressure is an influence that creates or the desire for change.” Most teenagers agree that they will follow a peer’s decision rather than their parents’ or the authority’s. Peers are more influential in a teen’s life and tend to have more power than parents. Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is merely and influence; either a negative or a positive one. WHAT IS NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE?Negative peer pressure is an influence exerted on a person to do something wrong. This may be stealing, drugs or other. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered negative peer pressure. We can help reduce peer pressure by teaching coping skills at an early age. Many teenagers who give in easily to negative pressures had a difficult child hood; low self-esteem, feeling of not belonging, poor communication and judgemental skills. HOW TO RECOGNIZE NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURENegative peer pressure gives something significant to teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self-image. SOME NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE AREASNegative peer pressure can often be observed in areas such as:+ Sexuality+ Narcotics+ Alcohol+ Cults+ Groups and gangs+ Tobacco products+ Stealing+ School+ Etc… THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF PEER PRESSUREDuring adolescence, a teenager is subjected to lots of peer pressure. This pressure can effect the child mentally, physically and socially. Some of the effects on a person when dealing with negative peer pressure are: Low Self-Esteem: This is the main and most common effect. When a person’s peers mock him/her, or make them feel bad, this person becomes insecure. They begin to feel down and rejected. They feel as if they are worthless to the world. And anybody who has experienced this at one time or another knows that this is one of, if not the, worst feeling you can possess. Substance Abuse: Peers often pressure one another to do something they do not want to do. Offering drugs or alcohol is very common during adolescence. And after constant persisting, and insisting that “everyone is doing it” and that “it’s cool to do so” one gives into this horrible disease. And more often than not, a person can become addicted and dependent on this substance. Obsessions or Depression: People are often subjected to constant portrayals of what you are SUPPOSED to look like or act. If a person sees people that are always thin and happy, one becomes obsessed with that image, and thinks that if they do not look or act that way, that nobody will love them. So these people turn to such eating diseases as bulimia nervosa (regurgitating after one eats) or anorexia nervosa (eating too little). They also become seriously depressed and feel that life is not worth living, and think about or attempt committing suicide. Other actions: Teenagers also conform to the people around them very easily and quickly. If a friend decides to skip school, sometimes you decide to join him. However you may think it’s your decision, but in fact it is this person pressuring you simply by implanting the thought into your mind. This is also true for lying to teachers and parents etc., not doing homework/schoolwork and cheating on tests. WHY DO TEENS GIVE IN TO PEER PRESSUREPeople give in to Peer pressure for many different reasons. One of these reasons is low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem, will do almost anything to become a cool guy. Others give in to peer pressure, because people they think are cool say to do something. These people are just hurting themselves, because if that person is really cool, he isn’t going to make you cool, because you are his little helper. Peer pressure is present in one’s life as long as they have peers (school, workplace,…). Therefore, it is normal for a person to give in to peer pressure. At the beginning of teenage years, teens develop a sense of independence from their parents. Teens want to shape their identity and experiment new things. One may join a group if he is insecure about himself or if he has low self-esteem or self-worth. SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-WORTHSelf-Esteem and Self-Worth affect people very deeply. When peer pressure is exerted on people with low self-esteem the reaction is often the same. A person with low esteem for himself will try to raise his self-esteem but often in the wrong way. When someone changes his personality to conform with what others expect from them will always hurt them in the end.Teens must understand that the choices they make today will absolutely affect their future. Teens must also realise that their future is much more important than simply pleasing their friends today. Some things that you or your parents could do to build someones self-esttem are:+ Have frequent discussions with friends or children

    + Spend quality time with them+ Keep you eyes and ears open for new ways to offer support+ Respect their feelings and encourage him or her to share them with you+ Share your own beliefs and values+ Explain that you learned from your mistakes+ Encourage achievement but avoid adding undue pressure+ Always offer praise when your friends make good decisions HOW TO RESIST PEER PRESSUREThere are many different ways by which one may resist peer pressure. One very effective way is by simply saying ‘no’. Often we feel that they will persist but often an affirmative ‘no’ is enough. However, we must express clearly our choice, we mustn’t express the least sign of indecision. You may also walk away from the situation, no matter how much you want to fit in. You must realise that you are the one who makes the decisions for yourself, not your peers. If you feel uncomfortable with the people you are with, consider finding new friends, some which have a good reputation, which would eliminate any negative pressure. Another alternative would be to hang around many different types of people. That way you reduce the chances of being pressured. It is good to set yourself goals knowing that everything you do affects your future. WHY DO PEER GROUPS HAVE POWERThe main reason why peer groups have so much power over individuals is that they give something significant to a person such as self-esteem, security or even enhances their self-image. Peer groups are so powerful, they overcome the morals of family and society. Teenagers tend to go toward other teens with similar problems and in the same situation as they are. There is a very strong desire to satisfy the need for unity and acceptance. This causes peers to have more influence than parents. THE IMPORTANCE OF PEER PRESSURE Peer pressure plays a very influential role in our everyday lives. It affects, not only adolescents, but children, teens, adults, even senior citizens. Although some people think they aren’t affected by peer pressure, almost everyone is. Resisting even the smallest things is very hard. Peer pressure, affects the way we speak, walk, dress, act, our attitudes, who we hang out with, our friends, and what we do. Although peer pressure is often negative, but along with that negative, is also the positive. Peers, can make you do the smallest things, yet still be a large influence. Although most of the effects heard about are negative, the world would be a much different place without peer pressure, and not necessarily for the better. How would a world of individuals get together? If one group of individuals and another, can’t get together, and therefore proclaim war. How could a couple billion individuals survive together? Nevertheless, some things would get better. If many teenagers start smoking because of peer pressure, without it, fewer teens would probably be smoking. Could we survive without peer pressure? If there were no peer pressure, many things would be changed, the way we speak to friends, would be changed dramatically. We wouldn’t be able to say such common things as, “Those shoes are really cool,” because they could interpret this be a friend, to mean that wearing those shoes is cool, therefore being pressured. As you can see, peer pressure plays a very important role in our everyday lives. Without it, no one would be the same, a world of total individuals, who didn’t listen to what anyone had to say about everything. Yet with it, a world where teens start smoking at the age of 12, having babies at the age of 14, and stealing to get money to buy drugs at 18. IS PEER PRESSURE REALLY THAT BAD?We’ve established the fact that peer pressure affects everyone, but is it really that bad? There are many, many examples of disastrous consequencesto peer pressure. Following is the example of David Duren. David Duren is awaiting execution on Alabama death row. For the last couple years he been asking himself: “What am i doing here?” By piecing together the events in his life. He says that his real problem was growing up with peer pressure. “I was a skinny little weekling, a straight kid.” So, for company and fun he hung out with the kids in his apartment complex. He wasn’t accepted at first because he didn’t smoke, drink or curse. But he discovered that if he wanted to fit in he had to do all those things. So, at age 12, he inhaled his first cigarette, drank his first beer, smoked his first joint of pot, and cursed regularly. He then discovered that by succombing to peer pressure,he surrounded himself with so-called friends who smoked, drank, did drugs and cursed. Bye exposing yourself to the drug world you discover many, many different drugs. Then suddenly, he wasn’t just smoking pot, he was crushing quaaludes and mixing it with his pot. He then discovered his favorite drug, LSD. He was doing it even when in the army on the average of four or five times a week. One night, he killed a 16 year old girl while he was doing LSD. “Why??? All because I gave in to peer pressure! That’s where it all started.” He explains. ” Your friends can make you or break you.” David Duren now wishes he had taken the advice of 1Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be deceived: bad companions corrupt good morals.”

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    Updated: May 10th, 2022

    Peer pressure is an important problem for teenagers. The primary reason behind it is the need to belong. At a particular age, a teenager starts to feel a need to figure out their identities and belong to a particular group. Often, group members are required to behave in a certain way. They feel pressure from other peers if they do not do it. Such conflicts can negatively affect children’s psychological and social behavior. Therefore, it is highly important to understand the reasons for peer pressure and possible ways to withstand it.

    One of the most popular types of peer pressure is forcing someone to smoke or use alcohol or drugs (MacArthur et al. 392). It is a widespread situation when a teenager starts to practice unhealthy behavior under the pressure of peers of their group. For example, let us imagine Jack, who is forced to smoke by his friends John and James.

    It is important to understand that there are several ways to resist the pressure. First of all, everyone who feels peer pressure should remember that he or she has a right to say “no” to other people if he or she does not want to do something (“20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure”). Thus, the most effective way for Jack to refuse to smoke is to say “no.” If it is necessary, he should repeat this “no” several times. He should look into his friends’ eyes and be confident.

    Also, it is important for Jack to avoid situations that are bringing him under peer pressure, for example, parties where people smoke (“20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure”). If Jack does not stay in a company where everybody smokes, he will not feel the pressure to do it. However, this measure could be a way to isolation. Thus, Jack should not avoid all social activities.

    Jack could feel afraid that he would lose his friends, but it is not the only possible outcome. For example, he could ask John and James why they smoke, how long they do it, what benefits they obtain from smoking (“20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure”). A dialog is a good way to resist the pressure because, in dialogs, peers’ roles can change, and a victim can become a leader. If it does not help, and Jack continues to feel pressure, it is possible for him to find support from other teenagers who do not smoke (“20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure”). In this situation, Jack will not be alone.

    Finally, Jack can find other friends who do not smoke and/or do not want him to do that (“20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure”). These friends will accept Jack’s personality and will not want him to change, which is the most important in a friendship. In conclusion, everyone could use the refusal skills to say “no” and not to do something against one’s will.

    Works Cited

    “20 Ways to Avoid Peer Pressure.” Your Life Counts, 2017, Web.

    MacArthur, Georgie J., et al. “Peer‐led Interventions to Prevent Tobacco, Alcohol and/or Drug Use among Young People Aged 11–21 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis.” Addiction, vol. 111, no. 3, 2016, pp. 391-407.

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    Peers are basically the people of your age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to yours. Peers form an integral part of our life. As we become more independent, our peers naturally play a greater role in your life.

    Peer pressure is the influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviours to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. It’s natural for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they wish to be or think they should be, or what they want to achieve. People are influenced by peers because they want to fit in, be like peers they admire, do what others are doing, or have what others have.

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    Peer pressure may be in a direct way or an indirect way. Friends asking us directly to do something is direct peer pressure. This is a powerful form of peer pressure and is difficult to resist. Indirect peer pressure is when someone sees and hears what their friends are doing and gets influenced by it.

    People from all age groups face peer pressure in some form or the other. Usually, school going children demand things from their parents, which their friends own. They want to participate in activities which their friends do. This is peer pressure for them.

    As college and other activities take adolescents away from home, they may spend more time with their peers than they do with their parents and siblings. They probably develop close friendships with some of their peers, and they may feel so connected to them that they are like an extended family. Some common peer pressure-based situations for teenagers are academic pressure due to comparison with better performing students, wasting precious time on social media, consumption of alcohol, substance abuse.

    Even adults aren’t immune to peer pressure. Adults are just as subject to peer pressure as children and youth. Some forms in which adults face peer are buying expensive and unwanted things like to match status with peers, pressure to work at a highly paying and reputed job, pressure to get married and to have children.

    When talking about peer pressure everyone thinks that it would have a negative influence. We usually tend to ignore the positive side of peer pressure. If we take two friends out and we know that one who is more influential is going to set the tone for the influence. So, if the one who is more influential doesn’t like to drink, the other friend might not drink. But if the influential friend likes to drink, we see the negative face of peer pressure.

    Teenage is the time when a person is most susceptible to peer pressure because peers become an important influence on behaviour during this period.

    So, we interviewed some teenagers to know how peer pressure has affected them during this age. We also analysed some macro-level peer pressure issues for teenagers in India.


    Q.1) Have you faced peer pressure in any form? Has peer pressure stopped you from being you?

    Yes, I have faced peer pressure. Sometimes it made me do things I didn’t want to do.

    Q.2) Could you list down some instances when you faced peer pressure?

    1. I consumed alcohol during a treat given by my seniors.
    2. I started playing computer games because all my friends used to play them.
    3. I used to hang out with my friends even if I had some important work left as they forced me.
    4. I had to participate in various extra-curricular activities due to peer pressure by seniors.

    Q.3) Could you elaborate one event where peer pressure had negative effects on you?

    I had consumed alcohol during a treat given by seniors. Even though I had a little urge to have it from my side, but due to constant nagging from seniors and my friends I had to drink so that I won’t feel left out. Now, I am an occasional drinker and I have hidden this fact from my parents. I now find it very hard to resist alcohol.

    Q.4) How did you cope up with the pressure? What steps did you take to resist that pressure?

    I still haven’t found a way to avoid such peer pressure-based incidents. I have to control myself a few times but that was of no use.

    Q.5) Whom do you talk to when you are affected due to peer pressure?

    I usually talk to my close friends as they cheer me up. I avoid talking to my parents about such things.

    Q.6) Could you elaborate one event where peer pressure had positive effects on you?

    Initially I didn’t have seriousness during my JEE preparation days at FIITJEE, but my friends were studying very hard. I got inspired by them and started preparing well for JEE and managed to clear with a good rank.

    Q.7) What were your initial thoughts when you faced this pressure? Did you try to resist that pressure?

    Initially I didn’t study regularly and used to spend time watching TV series and playing sports. But when I actually started feeling the pressure, I didn’t try to resist it as I knew that it is positive peer pressure.

    Q.8) How did you feel when that pressure brought good results for you?

    I was very elated and grateful to my friends because of them I am here in IIT Bombay.

    Q.9) Have you created peer pressure on people you know?

    Yes, I have done it. Even when some of my friends have quizzes and other important jobs and I want to do something else I pressurize them a bit to hang out with me.

    Q.10) How do you plan to face such peer pressure-based incidents in future?

    I would choose my upcoming friend circle wisely and would make plans with people who always think of my good. If someone forces too much and if I could not resist that pressure, I will make sure that I don’t hang out with that person too much.


    Q.1) Have you faced peer pressure in any form? Has peer pressure stopped you from being you?

    Yes, I have faced peer pressure. I have done things which I didn’t want to do just because of peer pressure.

    Q.2) Could you list down some instances when you faced peer pressure?

    1. I started to drink alcoholic drinks after I joined college just because my friends were doing it.
    2. My friends eat at lavish restaurants and spend a lot of money there regularly. Even I started doing the same even when I didn’t want to do it.
    3. I tried weed and cigarettes under peer pressure.
    4. I started going to the gym as many of my friends had joined.

    Q.3) Could you elaborate one event where peer pressure had negative effects on you?

    I tried weed first time when I went on a trip with my friends when all my friends were doing the same. I did it 4-5 times after that partly because of peer pressure and also due to addiction. My energy used to drain out when I did that. I tried cigarettes just once when a school friend offered me.

    Q.4) How did you cope up with the pressure? What steps did you take to resist that pressure?

    Initially I couldn’t refuse my friends for anything. I thought that saying no would cause problems in our friendship. However, later on I observed that when I myself made any plans, many times my friends would refuse it saying that they have other priorities. So, one day I decided that from now on I won’t get influenced much by anyone and I will do only what I want to do.

    Q.5) Who do you talk to when you are affected due to peer pressure?

    I talk to my girlfriend and my close friends who I think will give me unbiased advice to deal with peer pressure.

    Q.6) Could you elaborate one event where peer pressure had positive effects on you?

    I attended and participated in various workshops and sessions conducted in the institute which helped me explore various fields and enhanced my knowledge base. This happened mainly because some of my friends were also attending them.

    Q.7) What were your initial thoughts when you faced this pressure? Did you try to resist that pressure?

    I was very lazy in the beginning and thought that I would rather spend that time enjoying, like watching TV series.

    Q.8) How did you feel when that pressure brought good results for you?

    I had a feeling of satisfaction as I think I got really benefited by attending those sessions and now I know exactly which sessions will be useful for me before attending the session itself.

    Q.9) Have you created peer pressure on people you know?

    Yes, I have done it. I have forced many people to hang out with me in spite of knowing that they have some important things to do. I have also encouraged my friends to bunk classes with me.

    Q.10) How do you plan to face such peer pressure-based incidents in future?

    Having learnt from the past, now I have learnt the art of saying no. I will do only what I want to do and will set priorities accordingly. I plan to keep my thoughts rigid and maintain discipline so that I could avert such incidents in future.

    Macro-Level Case Studies On Peer Pressure

    1) Entrance Exams

    In the billion-dollar coaching industry, many uninterested children are still being enrolled by their parents to prepare for the entrance exams years before the actual exam just because their friend’s child started preparing for that exam.

    Gone are the days when going to coaching class was an added advantage, now not going to a coaching class is considered a disadvantage as almost every serious entrance exam aspirant is affiliated to at least one coaching class.

    Parents have to pay hefty fees of those coaching classes for many years so as to ensure that their child isn’t at any disadvantage during the exam. Some parents are not in a financial situation where they pay the fees easily and they have to sacrifice something to pay the fees which in turn creates stress for the student.

    Students are under a lot of stress to outperform their peers in the class.

    Not getting satisfactory results in the entrance exams and seeing their peer’s good performance may lead to depression for a student, which in its extreme form may lead to suicide. Suicides are not very rare in Kota, the coaching capital of the country. These are some negative aspects of peer pressure in this case.

    However, there are also positive effects of peer pressure here. For the students who are genuinely interested in the subject, the competition enhances their performance and they end up learning more about the subject. They also learn crucial life skills like stress management, time management.

    2) Substance Abuse

    One of the major cases that comes to mind while thinking about peer pressure is that of substance abuse. People start taking alcohol, cigarettes and drugs mainly when their peers ask them to do so. Let us take an example which is quite realistic: If a group of teenagers are discussing their plans for the weekend with the majority of them saying they are going to a party and are going to be drinking and when one person says he/she is going to stay at home to study instead, the others will roll their eyes or whisper among themselves. The student who was planning to study may then feel under pressure to go to the party and drink just to prove how cool he or she really is. Or it could be that everyone laughs when one teenager refuses to drink at a party. This individual may then feel embarrassed and will take the drink even if he or she really doesn’t want it. The fear of missing out is the reason why these people fall prey to peer pressure and fall into a deep well from which coming out becomes a daunting task.

    3) Social media

    Social media has a severe impact on teens. Social media has given peer pressure the power to ruin the lives of teens who feel pressurized to do things mainly because all their friends are doing them. Nowadays, teens spend hours on different social media accounts, which may boost their social standing, but at the same time compel them to do things they shouldn’t or even aren’t too keen to do.

    According to several studies conducted lately, viewing posts, images and statuses of friends indulging in inappropriate activities encourage teens to do the same. For instance, in one study, 75% of the teens accepted the fact that the pressure to blend in after seeing posts of their friends openly drinking alcohol and taking drugs forced them to repeat this behaviour. Going through the posts and stories of friends and seeing them going to late night parties, drinking alcohol, trying drugs, being in a relationship, make teens feel that everyone except them are enjoying their life.

    The fear of missing out is so strong that they unintentionally start getting attracted towards these activities. This ‘virtual peer pressure’ has proved to be very dangerous. The social media platforms which were made with a motive to connect friends has this negative face as well.


    Based on the interviews and the case studies done it can be understood that peer pressure plays a huge role in a teenagers’ life. Many choices that teenagers make in their day to day life are based on what their peers do.

    We observed that peer pressure has both positive and negative impact on teenagers.

    The most common and serious effects of peer pressure on teenagers are:

    1. Consumption of alcohol at parties when friends are doing it.
    2. Smoking, using drugs and other addictive substances due to peer pressure.
    3. Doing undesirable activities like the ones mentioned above after watching posts and stories by their friends on social media.
    4. Constant comparison of academics with peers to build a good career leading to depression and suicides.
    5. Picking up a particular career stream just because everyone is doing it without having any real interest for the same. This is one of the reasons why we have so many applicants for JEE and such a huge number of engineers in the country.

    Situations, where peer pressure has positive impact on teenagers, are:

    1. Comparison of academics with peers brings out better performance for many students.
    2. Participation in sports, joining a gym, having healthier diets after watching their friends who have become fit and look good. We noticed that the negative effects of peer pressure are more prevalent than the positive effects of peer pressure in teenagers. People tend to get attracted towards doing the wrong thing more easily than doing something which benefits them.

    C Wright Mills asserts that sociological imagination is about making connections between personal challenges and larger social issues. Substance abuse, consumption of alcohol, misuse of social media, suicides due to academic pressure in teenagers has become far more common to be termed as personal trouble. Peer pressure has played a huge role to promote these things as seen in the interviews and case studies. Efforts must be taken at the country level to reduce these awful activities that are destroying so many teenagers’ lives. For instance, the government conduct awareness sessions on these topics in all the schools and colleges every 6 months and can ensure that schools and colleges have a team of professional counsellors to help students deal with such issues. Stricter laws can be imposed by government to restrict teenagers from getting alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Unfortunately, no such measures are taken and the issue of peer pressure doesn’t get much attention by the authorities which implies that the teenagers are left to themselves to deal with it.

    As seen from interviews and case studies, one’s lack of self-confidence has led to peer pressure affecting the teenagers. One should be confident enough so that he/she can refuse doing something which will have a negative impact on him/her as suggested by their peers. One should also not ignore the good suggestions given by friends for their betterment, like we saw in the interviews where peer pressure had a positive effect.

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