Ideal place to live егэ


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Country and City. Деревня или город

Country and City

People are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place to live. If there is one preference-which I take leave to make a conclusion-then it is the country rather than the city that provides people with optimal living conditions. There widespread testimonies for it and the primary ones are listed as follows.

The foremost reason for dwelling in the countryside is the soothing and comfortable life provided by the pastoral view. Hardly anyone could resist the clean atmosphere, the friendly neighbors, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. Those who have enjoyed the first cock crow in the morning, the twittering of birds in the tress and the breathtaking sight of the rising sun would go into rapture at only mere mention of the idyllic life. Relaxed suburban dwellers are able to hold a more positive attitude for life and achieve more accomplishment.

Another subtle explanation rests on the fact that country habitants are fortunate enough to enjoy the cozy and pleasant ambience of the family without exhausting social life. How satisfactory and refreshing it must be to have dinner together with your loved ones in the spacious and pastoral surroundings after a frustrating day! Furthermore, nothing can be compared with the joy of watching heart warming TV programs, playing convivial games and sleeping in the tranquil and relaxing atmosphere.

It would be far more difficult to acquire such pleasure for those urbanites. Consecutive and excessive recreations not only thrift money but also deteriorate people’s health, which is the last thing one would like to encounter. Still, it will be a mistake to argue that nothing beneficial combines with city life since several accompanying merits also come along with it. Living in the metropolis means having more accesses to various people involved in multiple attractive cultures. Living in the metropolis also provides plentiful opportunities, both in career and studies.

Nevertheless, the fact that city life makes it more convenient to get a job does not prevent us from concluding that country life is more enjoyable as well as healthful.

Деревня или город

Людям всегда интересно где жить лучше — в деревне или в городе. Если судить всего по одному критерию, то это скорее деревня чем город, предоставляет людям оптимальные условия для жизни. Многочисленные свидетельства и аргументы будут перечислены ниже.

Главная причина для проживания в сельской местности это спокойная и комфортная жизнь на фоне прекрасной природы. Вряд ли кто-то может противостоять против чистой атмосферы, дружественных соседей, близости к природе и спокойного темпа жизни. Те, кто наслаждается первым криком петуха утром, щебетанием птиц и захватывающим видом восходящего солнца приходит в восторг при одном упоминании об идиллической жизни. Умиротворение пригородных жителей приводит к более позитивному отношению к жизни и позволяет добиться больших достижений.

Ещё одно объяснение опирается на тот факт, что сельским жителям посчастливилось наслаждаться уютной и приятной атмосферой в семье, а не утомляющей светской жизнью. Как приятно должно быть пообедать вместе со своими близкими в просторных и тихих окрестностях после тяжелого дня! Кроме того, ничто не может сравниться с радостью смотреть сердечные телевизионные программы, играть в тихие игры и спать в спокойной и расслабляющей атмосфере.

Для горожан было бы гораздо труднее приобрести такое удовольствие. Чрезмерные удовольствия горожан не только тратят деньги, но и ухудшают здоровье людей, что является последним с чем бы хотелось бы встретиться. Тем не менее было бы ошибкой утверждать что нет ничего хорошего в городской жизни. Жизнь в мегаполисе означает наличие доступа к различным людям, вовлеченных в интересные культуры. Жизнь в мегаполис также дает большие возможности, как в карьере так и и учебе.

Тем не менее, тот факт, что жизнь в городе более удобна для получения работы не мешает нам прийти к выводу, что сельская жизнь более приятна а также полезна для здоровья.

Данная методическая разработка раздела уроков по теме «An Ideal Place to Live» предназначена для работы с учащимися 10 класса. Также может быть использована для подготовки к ЕГЭ. На этих уроках активно формируется коммуникативная компетенция и идет подготовка к монологическим высказываниям обучающихся. К тому же, благодаря разнообразным методам использования современных технологий наряду с традиционными методами обучения формируется устойчивый интерес к предмету. В рамках работы над проектом, рассмотренного в данной методической разработке, тренируются различные виды речевой деятельности в различных комбинациях и создаются коммуникативные ситуации.

Этот файл скачали 104 раза.
Автор: Кулябина Нина Александровна
учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №10 городского округа г. Бор
Дата публикации: 06.12.2014

Публикация в сети: 2014-12-06

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A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends he spends his time with. Everybody has in mind an “ideal house” and an “ideal home”. How do I see my “ideal house”, how do I see my life there?

There are many kinds of dwellings, from town houses, which include terraced houses, semi-detached, detached houses, to country houses.

I want to live in my own house, maybe in a cottage in the suburbs. My house will consist of the ground and the first floor. There will be six rooms in it. In front of the house I will have a small garden with different flowers. I’ll also have a garage for my car.

Here is a brief description of the house I dream of. My bathroom is very good-looking: the walls are tiled in cream, the washbasin, the toilet are pastel pink. My towels are also pink. Then I go to the kitchen to have breakfast. It is always pleasant to cook in it because it is very comfortable. I make my tea and sandwiches and have breakfast. Then I go to my work, but in the evening “there is no place like home”. I have rest in the living-room. I can sit on the sofa and read or watch TV. Then I go to the bedroom. It is my favourite room. Here I sleep and see my sweet dreams.

Идеальный дом

Дом человека в такой же степени является отражением его личности, как и одежда, которую он носит, пища, которую он ест и друзья, с которыми он проводит свое время. Каждый мысленно представляет себе «идеальный дом». Как я вижу мой «идеальный дом» и представляю свою жизнь там?

Есть много видов жилья: таун-хаусы, которые включают в себя террасные дома, сблокированные коттеджи, особняки и сельские дома.

Я хочу жить в своем доме, может быть, в коттедже в пригороде. Мой дом будет состоять из двух этажей. Там будет шесть комнат. Перед домом у меня будет небольшой сад с различными цветами. У меня также будет гараж для машины.

Вот краткое описание дома, о котором я только мечтаю. Моя ванная комната очень хороша: стены облицованы плиткой бежевого цвета, умывальник и унитаз — пастельно розовые. Мои полотенца также розовые. Потом я иду на кухню позавтракать. В ней всегда приятно готовить, потому что она очень удобная. Я делаю чай с бутербродами и завтракаю. Потом я иду на работу, а вечером — «в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше». Я отдыхаю в гостиной. Я могу сидеть на диване и читать или смотреть телевизор. Потом я иду в спальню. Это моя любимая комната. Здесь я сплю и вижу сладкие сны.

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Ideal place to live егэ

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ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему «My ideal place in the world»

My ideal place to live

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • My ideal place to live

    1 слайд

    My ideal place to live

  • In my opinion Spain is the ideal place in the world.

    2 слайд

    In my opinion Spain is the ideal place in the world.

  • It’s the country of the brightest sun, the clearest waters of the Atlantic oc...

    3 слайд

    It’s the country of the brightest sun, the clearest waters of the Atlantic ocean.

  • Spain is the only place in the world where palm trees grow.

    4 слайд

    Spain is the only place in the world where palm trees grow.

  • I would like to live in one of the ancient cities like Madrid or Barcelona.

    5 слайд

    I would like to live in one of the ancient cities like Madrid or Barcelona.

  • Spaniards are beautiful, cheerful and friendly people.

    6 слайд

    Spaniards are beautiful, cheerful and friendly people.

  • I like Spanish carnivals, traditional music and dances.

    7 слайд

    I like Spanish carnivals, traditional music and dances.

  • Every part of this country is different from other parts.

    8 слайд

    Every part of this country is different from other parts.

Краткое описание документа:

Эта презентация подготовлена для работы с УМК Счастливый английский.ру для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Авторы-составители К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман.

Раздел 3 данного учебника знакомит учащихся с социокультурными портретами и культурным наследием России, Канады и Австралии. В конце раздела в рамках проектной деятельности ученикам предлагается использовать приобретённые знания и создать презентацию о выбранной ими стране. Подготовка монологической речи и презентации осуществляется по следующему плану:

1) Nature

2) Climate

3) Landscape

4) People

5) Places of interest

6) Culture/Historical landmarks

В рассказ также включаются элементы личностного отношения к этой стране.

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2) Were there good pictures? Did the pictures help to understand the material better?

3) Was the presentation informative enough?

4) Has the speaker chosen an interesting form of the presentation?

5) Were there any grammar mistakes?

6) Were there any factual mistakes?

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Данная методическая разработка раздела уроков по теме «An Ideal Place to Live» предназначена для работы с учащимися 10 класса. Также может быть использована для подготовки к ЕГЭ. На этих уроках активно формируется коммуникативная компетенция и идет подготовка к монологическим высказываниям обучающихся. К тому же, благодаря разнообразным методам использования современных технологий наряду с традиционными методами обучения формируется устойчивый интерес к предмету. В рамках работы над проектом, рассмотренного в данной методической разработке, тренируются различные виды речевой деятельности в различных комбинациях и создаются коммуникативные ситуации.

Этот файл скачали 104 раза.
Автор: Кулябина Нина Александровна
учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №10 городского округа г. Бор
Дата публикации: 06.12.2014

Публикация в сети: 2014-12-06



Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. То take from home

2. Evening drinks

3. Food for relaxation

4. Skipping the meal

5. Foreign cuisine

6. Unusual meals

7. Traditional morning meal

8. Take it ready to eat

A. If you go to a hotel in Britain and ask for a typical English breakfast, you will probably get bacon and eggs, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, tea and toast. When porridge juice are offered as well, the meal is sometimes advertised as a «full Engilsh breakfast». Many years ago people couldn’t imagine their breakfast without a bowl of cerea or usual bacon and eggs.

B. But how many people in England actually eat an English breakfast? Only one person in ten. One in five people say all they have for breakfast is a cup of coffee, and many children go to school without eating anything. That is happening because people lack time. They are always in a hurry and prefer to choose something light and ready-made, especially in the morning.

C. If in Britain you stay with a family, you will almost certainly be given a «packed lunch» to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where a packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch usually consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple, and a can of something to drink, for example, Coca-Cola. The quality of the packed lunch can vary.

D. Fish and chips is the classic English takeaway food. It is usually bought ready cooked at special shops — fish and chip shops, or «chippies» as they are sometimes called. This takeaway food is wrapped in paper to be eaten at home or outside. If you go to a fish and chip shop, you’ll be asked if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be careful because sometimes they give you too much.

E. If you have trouble getting off to sleep, don’t panic. There are plenty of healthy, low fat alternatives to pills to help you nod off. Why not try a glass of warm skimmed milk, or even a cup of camomile tea? These natural and low-fat drinks will help you to get asleep. They can also relax you after a difficult day.

F. Every British town has Indian or Chinese restaurants. There are more Chinese takeaways than there are fish and chips shops in the UK. But most people are eating curry Curry is now Britain’s most popular meal because the majority of British people like spicy food. But British people like food from other countries, too. They say it allows them to understand other cultures better.

G. Eating carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, cereal, rice and pasta causes the production of serotonin, which makes us feel calm. Fruit and vegetables also set off the production of this chemical. Milk and cheese are also useful. The next time you feel stressed, try a little piece of bread and a glass of milk and you’ll feel better in no time.



Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке лишняя.

1. depending on the survey and the time of year

2. rotating disk with holes arranged in a spiral pattern

3. could be measured in the thousands

4. could capture moving images

5. funding a number of research programmes

6. transmitting images 16 years before

7. had lived in a house without electricity


Few inventions have had as much effect on contemporary society, especially American society, as television. Before 1947 the number of U.S. homes with television sets A ______ . By the late 1990s, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets were on for an average of more than seven hours a day. The typical American spends (B ______ ) from two-and-a-half to almost five hours a day watching television.

The invention of TV is not credited to one single person. Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth both played instrumental roles. Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old inventor who C ______ until he was 14. While still in high school, Farnsworth had begun to think of a system that D ______ in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back into a picture on a screen. Boris Rosing and Vladimir Zvorykin in Russia had conducted some experiments in E ______ Farnsworth’s first success.

Also, a mechanical television system, which scanned images using a F ______ , had been demonstrated by John Logic Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States earlier in the 1920s. However, Farnsworth’s invention and Vladimir Zvorykin’s electronic TV system are the direct ancestors of modern television.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Lesson in humility

I was nine when this started. That was in 1964, the year my mother left us. Chess led me to Horatio — chess and my father and my absent mother and the fact that on that day, I broke the rule about not showing what you feel. My form-master of that year at the private day-school I went to was a chess enthusiast. He explained the rules to us, he encouraged us to play. He was kind to me and I admired him, more than admired: I wanted to be where he was. I suppose I was more than usually responsive to kindness just at that time. To please him I tried hard to be good at chess and I discovered that I was good. I had a natural talent, the master said.

I joined the school chess club. I took part in tournaments and distinguished myself. Shining at few things, for a brief season I shone at chess. I studied the game, I read the accounts of historic encounters, the ploys of long-dead masters, and I played them out alone. I would set out the pieces at random, then sweep them off and try to replace them from memory. At night, I would picture the chess board, go through the moves of some legendary end-game and find consolation.

A colleague of my father was there one Sunday afternoon — my father was a senior official at the Treasury. «Your father tells me you are quite a chess-player.” On his reddish face an indulgent look. «At least by his own report,” my father said with a sarcastic smile. He seemed to suggest I had boasted. Perhaps I had. “Not up to your level, Henry, not yet.» Henry, Harry, Humphrey. A chessplayer ot note. Fancy a game, young man?

We played and I won. He still had half his pieces on the board when l checkmated him. I leasure in victory, expectation of praise — face and voice were not yet practiced enough, I suppose I showed my feelings too clearly. My father looked at me, but uttered no word. He went out, came back with a book from his study, brought it over for me to see. “Look here,” he said, the colleague meanwhile looking on. “Look at these people here.”

He had opened the book roughly in the middle. There were two faces, one on either side: William Pitt the Younger and Horatio Nelson. Neither name meant anything to me at the time. Later, ot course, I knew them tor close contemporaries -Horatio was a year older and died three months earlier.

“Take a good look,” my father said. “These two men saved our country, they had reason to be pleased with themselves.”

He meant it for my benefit or so I like to think. He did not want me to be jubilant in victory, to overrate small achievements. He wanted to inspire me with worthy ambitions. But in his mannei and tone I sensed displeasure; he was not pleased at my success, it had disturbed his sense of the natural order.

My interest in chess did not long survive that day, the lesson in humility proved the death-blow to it. I continued to play during what was left of the term, but my heart was not in it, I lost the appetite for victory, my game fell off. In the autumn, Monty and I were sent away to boarding school and I never played chess again.



The narrator started playing chess because of the encouragement from …

1. his father.

2. his mother.

3. his teacher.

4. Horatio.



In paragraph 2 the words “shining at few things” mean that the boy …

1. did not have many achievements.

2. won a few tournaments.

3. perfected his chess skills.

4. devoted himself to many activities.



The father spoke about his son’s chess talent …

1. enthusiastically.

2. boastfully.

3. happily.

4. ironically.



The father was displeased with his son because …

1. his colleague was hurt by the defeat.

2. the boy couldn’t hide his pleasure.

3. he had hoped for his loss.

4. the boy broke the rules of the game.



What did the boy think about William Pitt and Horatio Nelson?

1. They were models for the boy.

2. He didn’t want to be like them.

3. He knew nothing about them at the time.

4. He liked William Pitt but disposed Horatio Nelson.



The father’s words were meant to …

1. teach his son some history.

2. show his son how wrong he was.

3. show his son how to celebrate a victory.

4. teach his son to evaluate one’s achievements.



The boy stopped playing chess because …

1. he had to leave his school.

2. he lost interest.

3. his father wouldn’t let him play.

4. he had started losing games.





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

идеальное место для

идеальным местом для

идеальное место, чтобы

лучшее место для

идеальным местом, чтобы

отличное место для

идеален для

идеальным местом, где можно расслабиться

An outlet is the ideal place to plant a bug in a hotel.

Give us the date, the road and the ideal place to intervene.

Vassiliki is an ideal place to windsurf, slalom and freestyle with these ideal side shore conditions.

Василики является идеальным местом для виндсерфинга, слалом и фристайл с этих идеальных условиях сторона берега.

The Schlosshotel’s spacious spa area is an ideal place to relax and unwind.

Difficult to imagine a more ideal place to dispose of a body than the foundation of a building.

An ideal place to relax and escape from everyday life.

The radiator isn’t an ideal place to hide something.

Old Boggy has sought out the ideal place to conceal himself.

It was an ideal place to bury it.

At this height the air is much fresher than in the valley below making this an ideal place to relax.

На этой высоте воздух намного более свеж, чем в долине ниже создания этого идеальное место, чтобы расслабиться.

Situated on the famous Warmoestraat, this is the ideal place to meet an array of international guests.

Расположенный на известном Warmoestraat, хостел White Tulip — идеальное место, чтобы встретить множество иностранных гостей.

It is an ideal place to spend a holiday as well as for weekend visits and Saturday walks.

Это идеальное место для проведения отпуска, выезда на выходные или спортивных акций.

The Almirante bar is the ideal place to relax after a busy day, sometimes with live music.

Бар Almirante является идеальным местом для отдыха после занятого дня, иногда здесь играет живая музыка.

What a place, what an ideal place to create an ecosystem that could build the hardware and the software needed for their schools.

Это же идеальное место для создания экосистемы, которая позволит обеспечить школы компьютерами и программным обеспечением.

The ideal place to spend time with family and friends.

Perfect location in the museum one of the most picturesque places of Ukraine makes it an ideal place to visit.

Прекрасное расположение музея в одном из самых живописных уголков Украины делает его идеальным местом для посещения.

For us, therefore, the United Nations is the ideal place to carry out this vital mission.

Поэтому для нас Организация Объединенных Наций является идеальным местом для осуществления этой важной миссии.

Best Western Hotel Grand is an ideal place to hold a meeting or conference.

Best Western Hotel Grand — это идеальное место для проведения конференций или семинаров.

The hotel is the ideal place to spend your holidays in Cortina, the pearl of the Dolomites.

Отель является идеальным местом для проведения праздников в Кортина, жемчужина Доломитах.

With its inventive and delicate cuisine, this magical Riad is the ideal place to degustate the delicious flavours of Morocco.

С его изобретательской и деликатной кухней, это волшебный Риада является идеальным местом для degustate вкусных ароматов Марокко.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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It is essential for everyone to have a place to live. First of all, our house is our shelter. There we hide ourselves from bad weather and come back tired after work, restoring our strength for the next day. In other words, we feel ourselves safe and secure in our houses. At the same time, our accommodation can be a reflection of our personality as well as our preferences in food, clothing, hairstyle, etc. Despite the fact that we may not always be able to live in the house of our dreams, each of us surely knows how the ideal house is supposed to look like, as well as the location. Here I will try to describe a place which is perfect for me. 

Firstly, the size is important. I understand that someday I will have a family, and since I would like to have at least two children, a small apartment with one bedroom is definitely not an option. Instead, I see my ideal place to live as a big house with at least three bedrooms and two restrooms, a big spacious kitchen with a separate dining room, where we can eat all together and discuss how our day was. Also, it should have two floors with a spiral starcase connecting them. Of course, there must be an attic on the top, where a playroom for children can be settled. 

Secondly, my ideal house can’t be such without proper interior design. If choosing between classic and modern, I will certainly prefer modern Scandinavian interior style, which can be described as quite simple, but very spacious and convenient with its soft natural colors, cozy wooden furniture, several floor-to-ceiling windows without curtains and necessary presence of a fireplace. In the daytime, all the rooms will be full of daylight, and also nice view from the window is a must. I would definitely prefer to have a garden in order to be able to organize summer barbecue in summer. 

Talking about our ideal place to live, it would be wrong not to mention the location of such a place. Some people prefer to live in the center of a big city, others choose the quiet countryside. I live in a big city, but since my big family house is impossible to build there, quiet suburb will be a right choice in my opinion. In this case, we will surely need a car, that’s why my ideal accommodation will be even better with a garage. 

IELTS Cue Card Sample 420 — Describe your ideal home or place to live

Last Updated: Friday, 16 October 2020 12:05
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 218693

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe your ideal home or place to live.

You should say:

  • where it would be
  • how big it would be and what it would contain
  •  why this kind of accommodation attracts you so much

and explain why you think this would be your ideal home or place to live in.

Model Answer 1:
I have had some sketchy thoughts over the years about how my ideal home should exactly look like, but never really had the opportunity to put those thoughts into words. So, thank you for this great cue card topic it will allow me to talk about my ideal home.

My ideal home would preferably be located in the countryside which is not too far from the city. It should be famous for its stunning natural beauty, and it should also have a huge lake, surrounded by some incredibly beautiful rolling hills which catch the sunlight when breaking through the clouds on a beautiful afternoon. And as far as the weather of the location of my ideal home is concerned, it should have pleasant weather all around the year.

Now, talking about some of the features of my ideal home, it should be about 2000 square feet. I would also prefer to be like a two-storey, bungalow type home that has dormer windows and balconies all sides. In my ideal home, there would be a huge living room where a lot of people can sit and enjoy their time comfortable. The kitchen should also be large. On one corner of my home, there should be a room with a pool table and some musical instrument so that I can enjoy some fun time on my own without ever having to go outside. Finally, to give it a country look, I also want some faux animal heads as well as some animal prints on my walls.

By the way, this kind of accommodation attracts me so much because it will allow me to enjoy the outdoors by walking, cycling, sailing, kayaking and so on at my will.

Well, this would be an ideal home, mainly because it would allow me to enjoy nature very much from the comfort of my home. It would be an ideal home also because it would allow me to stay away from the terrible noise and pollution of a busy city life.

Sample Answer 2:
I must say that this is a very interesting topic to talk about. I really thank you for this nice cue card topic and the time you gave me to talk about it.

Well, I like the house I currently live in but it is not the ideal home I have in my mind. My perfect home would be far away from the city crowd and pollutions. It would be quite large; to be more specific, not less than 2 acres. I would like it to be located near a small river where the sweet southern breeze would flow all the time and would keep the house and its gardens fresh and airy. My imagination would go further and would want to have hills on the North and West side of this area. I will often go hiking in the hills and during the summer season, I will enjoy camping. My dream house to live in would not be merely a house with bricks, but also the view and the things surrounded this house.

Getting back to the house, it would be a Cottage with large rooms. The guest house would be just beside the main house. Different plants and trees would make a vista at the entrance of the house. The Spring would fill the house with a dazzling and sweet aroma of different flowers while the gardens would be a safe harbour for different birds. The ground, garden, rooms, and the whole premises would be meticulously maintained.

Personally, I would love to live with my family and I would often invite my friends and relatives to have parties at our house. The open space for the barbeque party would be reserved for family parties. I would have a large library in my house and would like to have the modern technology that I find useful for myself. Modern facilities like the internet connection, satellite  phone, TV, modern household appliance, and security system would be present at my house. My living room would be large enough and the window must have a lovely view.

Currently, I live with my family in an apartment in a large city. This city is quite crowded and has got large buildings, factories, buses, trains, busy people and offer almost no natural scene. I do not have any complaints about the apartment we live in but if you ask, this is not the ideal house I dream about. In my mind, the idea of an ideal house emerged when I visited a bungalow in Switzerland as a tourist many years ago. This was a remote area and the surrounding could  not have been better with the river, hills, fountain, hilly roads, natural beauty and moreover the tranquillity of nature. The location as well as the house we stayed it impressed me a lot. I thoroughly enjoyed staying there, even though this lasted only for a few days, and I would like to own such a house at such a gorgeous place.

Sample Answer 3:
Living under shade is one of the basic needs of the human being. In fact, this a precondition to living on this planet that everyone should have their own home. Though I have a place to live in, I have a dream of an ideal home for me. I am lucky to describe the dream here and thank you for asking to explain the issue.

Firstly, I am a nature lover. So, I want my place to be close to nature. In fact, I love to breathe in a natural environment. Fresh air revives me and provides the necessary to complete my daily tasks. But the current place I am living in is unable to provide such a calm and serene environment at all. It is filled with hustle and bustle of city life. Moreover, the entire locality is excessively crowded with people and vehicle round the day. So, there are fewer chances to spend some leisure hours peacefully.

I am single and not planning to get married for the next five years. So, I do not need a large home to live in. Rather, I am in a dream of a moderate place where I could accommodate my necessary belongings. I want that the place should have at least two spacious rooms with other necessary modern facilities. I have a plan that I will make a living room and a bedroom in the place. The living room will be decorated with a large bookshelf, three of four chairs or sofas, a reading table, a television set and other things. In opposite, I will set the personal computer in my bedroom. I have a single bed and the room should be spacious enough to hold my other furniture. An approximate measure would be 10 by 12 for each of the rooms.

The place would contain all the necessary stuff I use in my everyday life. But the most important thing is that the location should be calm and quiet. I would prefer the trees around the place. Besides, I also have a plan for pot planting inside the rooms I will live in. My current place is unsuitable for pot planting as it is devoid of sunlight. Hence, I want that place to be illuminated naturally so that I could use the daylight perfectly. Further, the place should also come with security measures. It should be able to prevent intruders. It is better if the place comes with a boundary and the house will be in the centre of the boundary. I have a dream of planting trees in each corner of the boundary wall while I will insert some plants as well on the walls of the house. This is really a dream for me to materialise.

I am a writer by profession. So, I need a suitable environment to expand my imagination. This is nearly impossible to create some notable tasks in a busy and noisy environment. Hence, the necessity of a serene atmosphere is required. Besides, I am attracted to such kind of accommodation for many reasons. Firstly, living in such a calm and quiet place helps to bring satisfaction of mind. It also expands the mental faculty and as a result, the imaginations become free to move. The fiction plots are found. Besides, being an introvert in nature, I love to lead an isolated life. Such a place will ensure isolation. Considering the issues, such accommodation system attracts me much.

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