Elon Musk, The Real Life Iron Man
Elon Musk is often called «the man changing the future», and I totally agree with that. He is also compared to Iron Man (Tony Stark), a superhero from the Marvel Universe, as both Stark and Musk can be described with those famous words «genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist».
Elon Musk was born and spent his childhood in South Africa where at the age of twelve, he created a video game and sold it for $500. As a teenager, he invested in the shares of a pharmaceutical company, and with the proceeds (several thousand dollars) he moved to Canada where he entered the university. Some time later, Elon co-founded such companies as PayPal, Tesla and SolarCity, created from scratch the most advanced space company SpaceX and the artificial intelligence research company OpenAI. Musk also co-founded the neurotech company Neuralink. The aim of the company is to enable people to control their gadgets just by thinking. Another creation of Elon’s is The Boring Company, a tunnel-digging company that builds tunnels for cars that will move at speeds up to 240 kmph. Finally, his latest idea is to colonise Mars by 2050.
Obviously, some of Musk’s ideas seem crazy, but there are a few things that make us admire this person. They can be called his secrets to success and include his reading habits to expand horizons and get new insights and ideas, his risk-taking, his ability to work hard and his desire to change the world for the better.
Илон Маск, Железный человек из реальной жизни
Илона Маска часто называют «человеком, меняющим будущее», и я с этим полностью согласен. Его также сравнивают с Железным Человеком (Тони Старком), супергероем из вселенной Marvel, поскольку и Старка, и Маска можно описать этими знаменитыми словами «гений, миллиардер, плейбой, филантроп».
Илон Маск родился и провел детские годы в Южной Африке, где в возрасте двенадцати лет создал видеоигру и продал ее за 500 долларов. Подростком он вложился в акции фармацевтической компании, а на вырученные деньги (несколько тысяч долларов) переехал в Канаду, где поступил в университет. Некоторое время спустя Илон стал соучредителем таких компаний, как PayPal, Tesla и SolarCity, создал с нуля самую передовую космическую компанию SpaceX и компанию по исследованию искусственного интеллекта OpenAI. Маск также стал соучредителем нейротехнологической компании Neuralink. Цель этой компании — дать людям возможность управлять своими гаджетами одной только силой мысли. Еще одно творение Илона — The Boring Company, компания, строящая туннели для автомобилей, которые будут двигаться по ним со скоростью до 240 км/ч. Наконец, его последняя идея — колонизировать Марс к 2050 году.
Очевидно, что некоторые идеи Маска кажутся безумными, но есть несколько вещей, которые заставляют нас восхищаться этим человеком. Их можно назвать его секретами успеха, они включают в себя его привычку к чтению для расширения кругозора и получения новых идей, склонность к риску, способность много работать и желание изменить мир к лучшему.
Илон Рив Маск —
канадско-американский инженер, предприниматель, изобретатель, инвестор. Илон
Маск — основатель компаний Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, а также член совета
директоров компании SolarCity, основанной его двоюродными братьями.
Ранние годы и детство Илона Маска
Илон Маск родился 28 июня 1971 года
в Претории (ЮАР). Мать — Мей Маск, была моделью и известным
диетологом. Отец — Эррол Маск, — пилот, моряк и инженер.
Зарабатывал консультациями.
С детства Илон много читал,
любил фантастику, от Жюля
Верна до Азимова, Хайнлайна и Толкина.
Роман Дугласа Адамса «Автостопом по галактике» помог ему
справиться с личностным кризисом в четырнадцать лет, а книги
«Академия» и «Луна — суровая хозяйка» пробудили в Илоне интерес
к космосу, говорится в биографии Маска на сайте «Мир
Карьера Илона Маска
Zip2 — первая компания, которую организовали
совместно братья Маск в 1996 году. Они занимались производством
программного обеспечения. Их проектом был цифровой аналог «Жёлтых
страниц», с помощью которого в любом районе Сан-Франциско можно было
найти ближайшую пиццерию.
В марте 1999 года Илон Маск стал одним
из основателей X.com (вложив 12 млн собственных сбережений), намереваясь
сделать революцию в сфере банковских платежей. Уже в 2000 году
произошло слияние компаний X.com и Confinity, тем самым объединились
системы X.com и PayPal.
Илон Маск и SpaceX
В июне 2002 года Маск основал свою третью
компанию — SpaceX. Эта компания Илона связана с космическими
разработками, целью ее создания было сокращение расходов на полеты
в космос, способствование его освоению и в частности, будущая
колонизация Марса.
Илон Маск стал главным инженером и СЕО
SpaceX. 24 марта 2006 года состоялся первый для компании запуск
ракеты-носителя Falcon 1, но он завершился аварией. Однако
в том же году компания SpaceX стала одним из победителей
в конкурсе НАСА Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS), получив
суммарное финансирование в размере 396 млн долларов, для разработки
и демонстрации ракеты-носителя Falcon 9 и корабля Dragon.
Одной из фантазий Маска было освоение Марса.
По мнению Илона, исследования Марса позволят установить цену
на транспортные полеты на планету на уровне $ 500 тыс., что
«вполне приемлемо» для жителей развитых стран, а также положить начало
освоению других планет.
«Мне нравится участвовать в проектах, которые меняют мир. Это
сделал интернет, и космос, вероятно, изменит мир больше, чем, что бы
то ни было. Если человечество сможет выйти за пределы Земли,
очевидно, что там будет его будущее» — утверждал предприниматель.
Илон Маск неоднократно высказывался
за колонизацию Марса, в том числе он предлагал сбросить
на полюса Марса термоядерные бомбы, чтобы нагреть поверхность планеты
и сделать ее пригодной для жизни.
Tesla Илона Маска
В 2003 году Илон организовал компанию,
которую назвал в честь Николы Теслы «Tesla Motors». Сферой
деятельности этой компании является создание экологически чистых
27 сентября 2012 была
запущена революционная сеть супер-заправок для путешествия на дальние
дистанции. Были апробированы два электроавтомобиля Tesla Model S, которые
с 28 января по 2 февраля 2014 года совершили путешествие
с западного побережья до восточного. Для подзарядки использовались
только «суперчарджеры»
(электро-заправочные станции). Поездка из Лос-Анджелеса заняла 76
с половиной часов, и стоила $ 0, установив тем самым рекорд
Гиннеса. В 2016 году «Тесла» получила не менее 373 тысяч заявок
на покупку своей самой доступной модели — Model 3. Маск заявил, что
в связи с очень большим количеством заказов на автомобиль
компания постарается «увеличить объемы производства настолько быстро, насколько
это возможно». Тогда же Илон Маск выпустил перспективный план развития
деятельности Tesla, пообещав, что уже в 2017 году будут презентованы новые
модели транспорта, которые работают на электрической энергии: тяжелые
грузовые автомобили и городской пассажирский транспорт.
Илон Маск также заявил, что Tesla Motors вполне
может создать летающий автомобиль, для того чтобы он просто был,
но гораздо сложнее сделать его тихим и безопасным. «Вряд ли люди
будут рады ревущей над их головами машине», — цитировали СМИ слова Маска
Hyperloop Илона Маска
Hyperloop Илона Маска
В 2012 году Маск, кроме объявления
о своих планах по покорению космоса, анонсировал еще один
проект — высокоскоростной трубопроводный пассажирский транспорт Hyperloop
(«гиперпетля»). В 2012 году Маск заявил в интервью, что новое
транспортное средство станет в 2 раза быстрее самолета и в 3−4
раза — скоростного поезда, будет безопасным и работать
на солнечной энергии, при этом Hyperloop станет намного дешевле проекта
California High-Speed Rail*. В январе 2015 года Илон Маск также сообщил
о желании построить пробную трассу Hyperloop длиной 5 миль в Техасе.
Летом 2017 года власти США
выдали Илону Маску разрешение на начало
работ по строительству тоннеля между Нью-Йорком и Вашингтоном для
реализации проекта Hyperloop. Бизнесмен обещает, что его проект поможет жителям
этих двух городов преодолевать расстояние в 250 км между ними менее
чем за полчаса.
Elon Reeve Musk is a Canadian-American engineer, entrepreneur, inventor,
and investor. Elon Musk is the founder of Paypal, SpaceX, and Tesla, as well as
a member of the board of directors of SolarCity, a company founded by his
Elon Musk’s early years and childhood
Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria (South Africa).
mother, May Musk, was a model and a well-known nutritionist. His father, Errol
Musk, is a pilot, sailor, and engineer. He earned money by consulting.
childhood, Elon read a lot, loved science fiction, from Jules Verne to Asimov,
Heinlein and Tolkien. Douglas Adams ‘novel» The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy «helped him cope with a personal crisis at the age of fourteen, and
the books «The Academy» and «The Moon is a harsh mistress»
aroused Elon’s interest in space, according to a biography of Musk on the
website «World of Fiction».
Elon Musk’s career
Zip2 is the first company that the Musk brothers co-founded in 1996. They
were engaged in the production of software. Their project was a digital
equivalent of the «Yellow Pages», with which you could find the
nearest pizzeria in any area of San Francisco.
In March 1999, Elon Musk became one of the founders of X.com (by
investing 12 million of their own savings), intending to make a revolution in
the field of bank payments. Already in 2000 there was a merger of the companies
X.com and Confinity, thus combining the systems X.com and PayPal.
Elon Musk and SpaceX
In June 2002, Musk founded his third company, SpaceX. This company of
Ilona is connected with space developments, the purpose of its creation
there was a reduction in the cost of flying into space, promoting its
development and, in particular, the future colonization of Mars.
Elon Musk became the chief engineer and CEO of SpaceX. On March 24, 2006,
the company’s first launch of a Falcon 1 launch vehicle took place, but it
ended in an accident. However, in the same year, SpaceX became one of the
winners in the NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS)
competition, receiving a total funding of $ 396 million, for the development
and demonstration of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle and the Dragon spacecraft.
One of Musk’s fantasies was the exploration of Mars. According to Elon,
the exploration of Mars will allow you to set the price of transport flights to
the planet at $ 500 thousand, which is «quite acceptable» for
residents of developed countries, as well as to start the development of other
«I like to participate in projects that change the world. The
Internet did it, and space is likely to change the world more than anything
else. If humanity can go beyond the Earth, it is obvious that its future will
be there, » the entrepreneur claimed.
Elon Musk has repeatedly spoken out in favor of colonizing Mars,
including he proposed dropping thermonuclear bombs on the poles of Mars to heat
the surface of the planet and make it habitable.
Elon Musk’s Tesla
In 2003, Elon organized a company that he named after Nikola Tesla
«Tesla Motors». The field of activity of this company is the creation
of environmentally friendly electric vehicles.
On September 27, 2012, a revolutionary network of super-refueling
stations for long-distance travel was launched. Two Tesla Model S electric cars
were tested, which traveled from the west coast to the east coast from January
28 to February 2, 2014. Only «superchargers» were used for
recharging» (electric gas stations). The trip from Los Angeles took 76 and a
half hours, and cost $ 0, thus setting a Guinness World record. In 2016, Tesla
received at least 373 thousand applications for the purchase of its most
affordable model — the Model 3. Musk said that due to the very large number of
orders for the car, the company will try to «increase production volumes
as quickly as possible.» At the same time, Elon Musk released a long-term
plan for the development of Tesla’s activities, promising that in 2017 new
models of transport that run on electric energy will be presented: heavy trucks
and urban passenger transport.
Elon Musk also said that Tesla Motors may well create a flying car, so
that it just was, but it is much more difficult to make it quiet and safe.
«It is unlikely that people will be happy with a car roaring over their
heads,» the media quoted Musk as saying
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop
In 2012, Musk, in addition to announcing his plans to conquer space,
announced another project — the high-speed pipeline passenger transport
Hyperloop («hyperpet»). In 2012, Musk said in an interview that the
new vehicle will be 2 times faster than an airplane and 3-4 times faster than a
high-speed train, will be safe and run on solar energy, while the Hyperloop
will be much cheaper than the California High-Speed Rail project*. In January
2015, Elon Musk also announced his desire to build a 5-mile Hyperloop test
track in Texas.
In the summer of 2017, the US authorities gave Elon Musk permission to
start work on the construction of a tunnel between New York and Washington for
the Hyperloop project. The businessman promises that his project will help the
residents of these two cities to overcome the distance of 250 km between them
in less than half an hour.
Сочинение о знаменитости на английском языке пишут, чтобы оценить умение ученика описывать характер и род деятельности человека, использовать специальную лексику.
Здесь вы найдете топики о знаменитости, которые содержат всю необходимую информацию. Данную тему часто задают в качестве классной работы и домашнего задания. Мы предоставили ниже эссе о знаменитости, чтобы помочь учащимся в выполнении их задания.
- Тематическая лексика
- Cочинение «Человек, которым я восхищаюсь» на английском
- Сочинение Моя любимая знаменитость!
- Эссе на английском О знаменитости
- Рассказ О знаменитости на английском
- Топик «О знаменитости» на английском
Тематическая лексика
Когда вы пишете эссе на какую-либо тему, например, на тему «Знаменитость», вы должны сначала узнать о различных словах или выражениях, которые люди используют, говоря на эту тему. Затем вы должны попытаться использовать их в своем сочинении. Вот некоторые слова, которые часто используются, чтобы рассказать о знаменитости на английском языке:
Используемые слова и фразы для сочинения о знаменитости | |
outstanding writers | выдающиеся писатели |
talented actors | талантливые актёры |
passionate singers or bands | влюблённые в своё дело певцы или музыкальные группы |
inspiring composers | вдохновляющие композиторы |
intelligent politicians | умные политики |
charismatic TV presenters (TV hosts) | харизматичныеведущие |
beautiful models | красивые модели |
strong athletes | сильные спортсмены |
creative film directors | креативныекинорежиссёры |
graceful dancers | грациозные танцоры |
innovative inventors | новаторские изобретатели |
prodigious artists | гениальные художники |
С таким словарным запасом уже можно попробовать написать сочинение о знаменитости по английскому языку. Кроме того, приведенные ниже примеры топиков на тему «Знаменитость» на английском с переводом также помогут вам в этом деле.
Cочинение «Человек, которым я восхищаюсь» на английском
«Человек, которым я восхищаюсь» сочинение на английском с переводом:
The person I admire
The person I admire is Elon Musk. He is a very successful man. He is an engineer, entrepreneur and investor. He believes that we need to colonize other planets to secure the future of humanity from numerous risks. And he is not just a dreamer but a man of action. He founded SpaceX company, which already succeeded in reducing the cost of space flights.
Musk is a rich man now. But he did not inherit the fortune or win the lottery. He earned the money by developing innovative businesses. In youth he founded a software company called Zip2 with his brother.
Later he sold it and became a cofounder of X.com company. Now we know it as PayPal. It is a popular service of online payments and money transfers. Also Elon Musk became a CEO of Tesla Inc. which produces electro cars.
Who can be more inspiring, than a person literally shaping our future? Elon Musk makes the science fiction come true. A few years ago he founded Neuralink company to develop implantable brain-machine interfaces. Such implants will give people capabilities they never had before.
One of Musk’s projects is called Hyperloop. He is going to build new high-speed transportation system, where pods will move in reduced-pressure tubes.
Most people have pretty down to earth life goals. Elon Musk stands out because he is a strategic thinker and he is concerned about the future of the whole mankind. I am very excited about all his projects. I hope eventually his plans will be implemented.
Человек, которым я восхищаюсь – это Илон Маск. Он очень успешный человек. Он инженер, предприниматель и инвестор. Он считает, что нам нужно колонизировать другие планеты, чтобы обезопасить будущее человечества от многочисленных рисков. И он не просто мечтатель, а человек действия. Он основал компанию SpaceX, которой уже удалось снизить стоимость космических полетов.
Сейчас Маск – богатый человек. Но он не унаследовал состояние и не выиграл в лотерею. Он заработал эти деньги, развивая инновационный бизнес. В юности он вместе со своим братом основал компанию по разработке программного обеспечения Zip2.
Позже он продал ее и стал соучредителем компании X.com. Сейчас она известна как PayPal. Это популярный сервис онлайн-платежей и денежных переводов. Также Илон Маск стал генеральным директором Tesla Inc. которая производит электромобили.
Кто может быть более вдохновляющим, чем человек, буквально формирующий наше будущее? Илон Маск делает научную фантастику реальностью. Несколько лет назад он основал компанию Neuralink для разработки имплантируемых компьютерно-мозговых интерфейсов. Такие импланты дадут людям возможности, которых у них никогда не было.
Один из проектов Маска называется Hyperloop. Он собирается построить новую высокоскоростную транспортную систему, где капсулы будут перемещаться в трубах с пониженным давлением.
Большинство людей имеют довольно приземленные жизненные цели. Илон Маск выделяется тем, что он обладает стратегическим мышлением и озабочен будущим всего человечества. Я очень интересуюсь его проектами. Надеюсь, со временем его планы будут реализованы.
Сочинение Моя любимая знаменитость!
Polina Gagarina is a popular Russian singer, songwriter and actress. Polina was born in Moscow, but she spent four years of her childhood in Greece. Gagarina studied singing at Moscow’s State Jazz College.
In 2003 she became the winner of season two of the famous Star Factory show in Russia. After winning Star Factory, Gagarina was invited to perform in the group Playgirls. The group received a recording contract with ARS Records, but ultimately disbanded.
Polina continued to sing and perfomance. She released nineteen singles and three studio albums. In 2015 Polina represented Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest where she finished second. Gagarina performed the English-language song »A Million Voices». Her final vote tally was 303, which was the highest received by Russia since it began participating in the Eurovision in 1994.
Полина Гагарина – популярная российская певица, автор песен и актриса. Полина родилась в Москве, но 4 года детства она провела в Греции. Гагарина обучалась вокалу в Московском государственном джазовом училище.
В 2003 году она стала победителем второго сезона знаменитого в России шоу «Фабрика звезд». После победы на «Фабрике», Гагарину пригласили выступать в группе Playgirls. Группа подписала контракт с музыкальным лейблом ARS, но, к сожалению, распалась.
Полина продолжила петь и выступать. Она выпустила 19 синглов и 3 студийных альбома. В 2015 году Полина представляла Россию на конкурсе «Евровидение», где заняла второе место. Гагарина выступала с песней на английском языке «Миллион голосов». Ее финальное выступление набрало 303 бала, что является высочайшей оценкой выступления России со времен начала ее участия на конкурсе «Евровидение» в 1994 году.
Cочинение «О знаменитости» на английском
Сочинение О знаменитости (Celebrity) на английском с переводом на русский язык:
My Favourite Celebrity
There are many famous people that I admire. Most of them are talented in one or more fields. They lead a busy life, travelling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favourite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Although he had starred in many interesting movies, his best role was Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean.
In my opinion, he is a multi-talented person. Apart from being a famous actor, he is a film producer and a musician. At the moment he is 51 years old, but he doesn’t look his age. I would assume he is only 30 or 35. He was born in Kentucky, the USA, in a poor background.
His family often moved from one place to another, because of his father’s job. When he was 15, his parents divorced. He started dreaming about the career of a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. He then joined various garage bands to come closer to his dream.
The first big movie where he starred was “Nightmare on Elm Street”, although he had taken some smaller parts before. He became really popular after appearing in television series for teens “21 Jump Street”. I also liked his performance in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Alice in Wonderland”.
I know that Johnny Depp has been nominated for major acting awards many times, although his best achievement is the Golden Globe Award. He has a certain style of acting, which distinguishes him from the crowd of other actors. I like his manner of conduct at the ceremonies or during the interviews. He seems to be a level-headed and reserved person.
By the way, acting is not his only passion. He also grows grapes and makes his own wine.
Моя любимая знаменитость
Я восхищаюсь многими известными людьми. Многие из них талантливы в одной или нескольких областях. Они ведут насыщенный образ жизнь, путешествуя из одного места в другое, чтобы встретиться со своими поклонниками. Моя любимая знаменитость – Джонни Депп. Хоть он и снялся во многих интересных фильмах, его лучшей ролью считается капитан Джек Воробей в «Пиратах Карибского моря».
На мой взгляд, у этого человека множество талантов. Помимо того, что он известный актер, он является продюсером и музыкантом. На данный момент ему 51 год, но он не выглядит на свой возраст. Я бы дала ему 30 или 35 лет. Он родился в штате Кентукки, США, в небогатой семье.
Его семья часто переезжала из одного места в другое по работе отца. Когда ему было 15 лет, его родители развелись. О карьере рок-звезды он стал задумываться в возрасте 12 лет, когда мама купила ему гитару. Затем он играл в различных группах гаражный рок, чтобы как-то приблизиться к своей мечте.
Первый крупный фильм, в котором он снялся это «Кошмар на улице Вязов», хотя у него и прежде бывали какие-то маленькие роли. Он стал очень популярным после появления в телесериале для подростков «Джамп стрит, 21». Мне также понравилось его игра в фильмах «Чарли и шоколадная фабрика» и «Алиса в стране чудес».
Я знаю, что Джонни Депп был не раз номинирован на получение основных наград, но его лучшим достижением стала премия «Золотой глобус». У него определенный стиль актерской игры, который выделяет его из толпы других актеров. Мне нравится его манера поведения на церемониях или во время интервью. Он кажется уравновешенным и сдержанным человеком.
Кстати, актерство не единственное его увлечение. Он также занимается разведением винограда и делает свое вино.
Эссе на английском О знаменитости
Celebrity – О знаменитости
Alexander Ovechkin is a Russian professional ice hockey player. At the time he plays as a left winger for the Washington Capitals of the NHL.
Alexander was born in Moscow in 1985. Ovechkin’s parents are famous athletes. Alexander’s father, Mikhail, is a professional soccer player, and Alex’s mother, Tatyana, has won two ‘Olympic’ gold medals as part of the Russian women’s basketball team.
Ovechkin cultivated an interest in hockey at a very tender age. Alexander was two years old when he first picked up a hockey stick. The boy very loved watching hockey games, and always protesting whenever his parents tried to switch the channel. When Alex was 8, he began to go to the hockey section. His parents were against hobbies of their son, considering this sport very traumatic. So Alexander had to leave the section.
But later Ovechkin returned to the sport. He became hard train and soon Alex was invited to Dynamo Moscow’s sports school. He made a name for himself in the Dynamo Moscow system when at 11 he scored 56 goals, breaking Pavel Bure’s record of 53. At the age of 16 Alexander began his professional career. He played for ‘Dynamo Moscow’ during the 2001–2005 season.
Ovechkin always dreamed of playing in the NHL and he joined the ‘Washington Capitals in 2005. Alex has still been playing in this team. In April 2018, he became the first ‘Washington Capitals’ player to reach the thousand-game mark. Nowadays Alexander Ovechkin is a captain of the NHL club Washington Capitals, winner of Stanley Cup and three-time world champion (2008, 2012, 2014) as a member of the Russian national team.
Александр Овечкин – профессиональный российский хоккеист. В настоящее время играет на позиции нападающего левого фланга в команде Вашингтон Кэпиталз.
Александр родился в Москве в 1985 году. Его родители – знаменитые спортсмены. Отец Александра, Михаил – профессиональный футболист, а мама Алекса, Татьяна, дважды завоевала Олимпийское золото в составе национальной женской сборной по баскетболу.
Овечкин начал интересоваться хоккеем в очень раннем возрасте. Александру было два года, когда он первый раз взял в руки хоккейную клюшку. Мальчику очень нравилось смотреть матчи по хоккею, и он всегда бойко возражал, ели родители пытались переключить канал. Когда Алексу было 8, он начал ходить в секцию по хоккею. Его родители были против увлечений сына, считая этот спорт очень травомоопасным. Так Александр вынужден был покинуть секцию.
Но позднее Овечкин возвратился в спорт. Он стал много тренироваться, и вскоре Алекса пригласили в спортивную школу Динамо Москва. Там он сделал себе имя и забил в 11 лет 56 голов, побив тем самым рекорд Павла Буре в 53 гола. В возрасте 16 лет Александр начал свою профессиональную карьеру. Он играл за московское Динамо в сезонах с 2001 по 2005 год.
Овечкин всегда мечтал играть в НХЛ, и в 2005 году он присоединился к команде Вашингтон Кэпиталз. Алекс до сих пор играет в этой команде. В апреле 2018, он стал первым игроком Вашингтон Кэпиталз, достигшим отметки в 1000 игр. Сейчас Александр Овечкин – капитан клуба Вашингтон Кэпиталз в НХЛ, обладатель кубка Стэнли и трижды чемпион мира, как участник национальной сборной России.
Рассказ О знаменитости на английском
Celebrity – Рассказ О знаменитости на английском с переводом:
My favorite singer is Billie Eilish. She is a very young but world-famous American girl. It is difficult to define the genre of her songs. It is a mix of pop, electropop, alternative and trap.
Billie’s parents are actors. Her brother Finneas is a musician and songwriter. They often work on songs together. Billie was homeschooled. She took dance lessons and sang in a choir.
Eilish says that her family is very united and supportive. Nevertheless she also mentioned that she has to fight depression.
Horror films inspire Billie to create new compositions. She says she likes to imagine being one of the characters. I wonder what kind of personal experience is behind her songs.
The singer prefers baggy clothes. She is in a good shape, but she does not want to draw attention to her body.
Her career started when users of SoundCloud appreciated her single “Ocean Eyes”. She was only 15 years old by then! The single also became popular on other internet-platforms. Then record labels noticed her. And her first album was a great success.
So, no doubt, Billie Eilish is very talented. I am looking forward to new songs.
Моя любимая певица – Билли Айлиш. Она очень молодая, но уже всемирно известная, американская девушка. Трудно определить жанр ее песен. Это смесь поп-музыки, электропопа, альтернативы и трэпа.
Родители Билли – актеры. Ее брат Финнеас-музыкант и автор песен. Они часто работают над песнями вместе. Билли училась на дому. Она брала уроки танцев и пела в хоре.
Эйлиш говорит, что ее семья очень дружная и поддерживает ее. Тем не менее, она также отметила, что ей приходилось бороться с депрессией.
Фильмы ужасов вдохновляют Билли на создание новых композиций. Она говорит, что ей нравится представлять себя одним из персонажей. Интересно, какой личный опыт стоит за ее песнями?
Певица предпочитает мешковатую одежду. Она в хорошей форме, но не хочет привлекать внимание к своему телу.
Ее карьера началась, когда пользователи SoundCloud оценили ее сингл “Ocean Eyes”. Ей тогда было всего 15 лет! Сингл также стал популярен на других интернет-платформах. Тогда звукозаписывающие компании ее заметили. И ее первый альбом имел большой успех.
Так что, без сомнения, Билли Айлиш очень талантлива. Я с нетерпением жду новых песен.
Топик «О знаменитости» на английском
Сочинение (топик) «О знаменитости / My Celebrity» на английском языке:
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799—1837) is an outstanding Russian poet, playwriter and novelist. He was born in Moscow in a noble family. However, he spent his youth mainly in the village near Saint-Patersburg where he was studying in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Despite being extremely talented, young Pushkin was also known for his quick temper. He was jealous, explosive and had no fear. In general, he had 29 duels, the last of which was fatal for the great writer. That time he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes who was trying to seduce his wife.
Alexander Pushkin was only 37 when he died. But his name and many of his works are still known by millions of people all over the world. He was a famous writer of Romantic era.
He wrote the magnificent drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, different short stories, numerous fairy-tales (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”,The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”) and innumerable poems.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин (1799—1837) – выдающийся русский поэт, драматург и прозаик. Он родился в дворянской семье в Москве. Однако большую часть юности он провел в селе возле Санкт-Петербурга, где учился в Царскосельском лицее.
Несмотря на свой непревзойденный талант, Пушкин был также известен своим горячим нравом. Он был ревнив, вспыльчив и не имел страха. В общей сложности, он участвовал в 29 дуэлях, последняя из которых стала для великого поэта роковой. На ней он соперничал с французским офицером Дантесом, который пытался соблазнить жену Пушкина.
Александру Пушкину было всего 37, когда он погиб. Но его имя и многие его работы до сих пор знакомы миллионным людей по всему миру. Он был известным писателем эпохи романтизма.
Он написал великолепную драму «Борис Годунов», роман «Евгений Онегин», различные рассказы, многочисленные сказки («Руслан и Людмила», «Сказка о Попе и работнике его Балде», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Сказка о золотом петушке», «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке») и бесчисленные стихотворения.
Читайте также: Сочинение о Великобритании на английском – примеры с переводом.
Таким образом, написать топик о знаменитости – это частое задание для школьников и студентов. Примеры сочинений о знаменитости на английском с переводом на русский язык, а также таблица с тематической лексикой, помогут вам более точно сформулировать свои мысли на предстоящих экзаменах.
Essay examples
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Elon Musk Success Story
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Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28th 1971 in South Africa during Apartheid. At the age of 17 he fled South Africa to avoid military service. He ended up in Canada and in 1991 he attended the university of pennsylvania received a masters degree in economics and a kept studying for a bachelors in physics. In 1999 he founded X.com and in 2002 PayPal (formerly X.com) was bought by ebay for 1.5 billion. Musk received 11 percent of this. […]
Elon Musk’s Leadership Style
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Elon Reeve Musk is an advancement business visionary, budgetary authority, and specialist. He holds South African, Canadian, and U.S. citizenship and is the Author, CEO, and lead originator of SpaceX prime supporter, CEO, and item draftsman of Tesla, individual advocate and CEO of Neural ink; and individual promoter of PayPal. In December 2016, he was situated 21st on the Forbes summary of The World’s Most Powerful People. As of October 2018, he has an aggregate resource of $22.8 billion and […]
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In 2017 Glassdoor, one of the leading job and recruiting sites published their annual list of the best CEOs in the United States where Elon Musk placed 8th for his space exploration company, SpaceX, reaching a 98% employee approval rating. The importance of this ranking regarding leadership communication is that the rank is based on employee approval where it can be argued that this is as a result of Elon Musk’s interpersonal skills and intellect as a leader. Therefore through […]
Elon Musk Paving the Roads of Tomorrow
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In what ways has Elon Musk revolutionized transportation technology? For the past few decades, not a lot has changed about the way people travel. Everyone has cars, trains, and planes that are powered by fossil fuels. While they have gradually gotten more efficient, these cars are still polluting the environment in production and in use. To get away from using fossil fuels, society is starting to consider renewable sources of energy for fuel, such as electricity. There are a few […]
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Why Elon Musk is a Genius
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Elon and his brother Kimbal created Global Link Information Network, which was an online publishing company and would be renamed Zip2. The company would receive a $3 million investment from a firm and Zip2 changed its business strategy. During this venture Elon became Chief Technology Officer and the venture capital firm brought in some different to be the Chief Executive Officer. Compaq purchased the company and Elon made $22 million from the deal. Because of disagreements with investors Elon vowed […]
Elon Musk Tesla SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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1. A summary of the book Elon Musk born in 1971 to a Canadian mother and an Afrikaner father in Pretoria, South Africa. He grew up mostly in Texas. His parents divorced when he was young. In either eighth or ninth grade Musk was attacked by a group, kicked in the head, thrown down stairs, then kicked and beaten bloody until blacked out. Musk exhausted the resources of the school library and reads the entire encyclopedia. He would answer all […]
Elon Musk Biography: Success Story of the 21st Century Innovator
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Elon Musk is a CEO and entrepreneur who has founded or co-founded several companies. Musk is best known today for his ambition of putting a colony on Mars and for being the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Musk and his proposed projects would help propel humanity into the future. Unfortunately, many of these projects are not feasible or realistic now or any time in the near future and especially not in the time that Musk has claimed. Musk was not […]
Elon Musk’s Influence
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Elon Musk is a self-made billionaire by being an inventor, entrepreneur, and CEO of the best selling car company in the world. Elon Musk has ran many companies. His main companies consists of Tesla his car company, SpaceX his space exploration company, and The Boring Company which is currently building hyperloop tunnels which will forever change the way we travel from city to city. Elon Musk has influenced the technological world by creating eco safe cars, reusable rockets, and hyperloop […]
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Elon Musk, who joined Tesla’s board of directors as its chairman from February 2004 after leading the Series A round of investment. In the year of 2008, Musk assumed leadership of the company as CEO and product architect, positions he still holds until September 2018. In the past years, Musk was able to bring in both Daimler and Toyota companies as long-term investors in Tesla. In addition, Musk has favored building a value which is less than 30 thousand dollars […]
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Ray Kroc and Elon Musk are both entrepreneurs and great visionaries. Although they operated in different eras and fields of business’ they were highly involved in innovating and revolutionizing their fields forever. They both put in hard work and dedication to turn their visions into reality. Kroc and Musk are great examples of role models in the business world. Ray Kroc was an American businessman who built Mcdonald’s, the largest fast food chain in the world. He originated from Oak […]
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Elon Reeve Musk, despite his South African roots, is currently one of the most astounding, and important, American Inventor and Innovator of all time. Throughout his life he has founded many companies, and been an extremely successful, and helpful, entrepreneur. From his company Space X to Tesla, he is working to forward human kinds growth, development, and making the world an all-around better place. Elon has gained a great name for himself and massive success, but he is still working […]
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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, is commonly known as “the Henry Ford of today’s time.” Both iconic men, Ford and Musk, are undoubtedly similar ? both are known for working from an engineer’s mindset rather than a strictly business-oriented one. Henry Ford and Elon Musk show similarities through their business practices, anti-union laws, and innovations. Henry Ford’s business practices could be easily described as an outlier for his time. Elon Musk has followed in Henry Ford’s footsteps for […]
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Elon Musk is mostly known for his contributions to Tesla motors starting in 2004, but how he came to become worth $22 billion is not just due to the success of Tesla, but the extraordinary entrepreneurial talent and his technological aptitude. However, due to recent actions, he has come under scrutiny for his unethical and unprofessional behavior. Throughout this paper we will discuss the events leading up to his act of smoking marijuana on air and the aftermath and repercussions. […]
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The Future of our World
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“AI is something that is risky at the civilization level, not merely at the individual risk level, and that’s why it really demands a lot of safety research.” Entrepreneur and investor Elon Musk said this about Artificial Intelligence, this quote shows how our world could look in the future. Musk is saying AI could be a good idea but it could also be dangerous if given to someone that has no reason to have it. In the short story “The […]
Elon Musk is a Billionaire Today
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Managerial Ethics & Social Responsibility
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Childhood & Early Life
Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. The oldest of three siblings with a prodigious family name, he grew up in the last decades of Apartheid.
His parents were Maye Musk, a British-Canadian model and Errol Musk, a South Africa born British electrical engineer. When they divorced in 1980, Elon stayed mainly with his father in South Africa. A few years later, he began teaching himself computer programming and sold his first video game at the age of 12.
For his undergraduate education he attended the Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, in 1990. He eventually transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, earning dual degree in Physics and Economics.
In addition to the bachelor’s degrees, he earned in physics and economics, he also holds an honorary doctorate in Design from the ‘Art Center College of Design’ and an honorary doctorate in Aerospace Engineering from the ‘University of Surrey’.
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He moved to California to attend Stanford for a PhD in applied physics in 1995, but quit within a few of days to pursue his own interests in avenues of technology and entrepreneurship. Later that year, he worked with his brother, Kimbal Musk, to develop the software company ‘Zip2’, which provided services to high end newspaper clients like ‘The New York Times’ and the ‘Chicago Tribune’.
After the successful sale of Zip2 to Compaq in 1999, Musk went straight into his next venture, an online financial service called ‘X.com’. Shortly after the company acquired a money transfer service called ‘PayPal’, through a merger, they began to focus their efforts exclusively on building this internet payment service. The success of ‘PayPal’ led Musk to sell his stock in the company to ‘eBay’ for $165 million.
In 2002, he invested his millions in his third company ‘Space Exploration Technologies’ or just ‘SpaceX’. Within seven years, the company had designed the ‘Falcon’ line of space launch vehicles and the ‘Dragon’ line of multi-purpose spacecraft and was making history with their privately funded innovation. ‘SpaceX’ received contracts from NASA to create a launch craft to deliver cargo to the ‘International Space Station’.
Tesla Motors was founded with the mission of designing and building electric cars. Musk invested in the company and became its chairman in 2004, a year after its inception, taking on an active role in the design of the ‘Roadster’, which won the ‘Global Green’ product award. During the recession when the company was adversely affected, he went on to become the CEO and product architect of the company, a role he holds till today.
After designing the initial concept for ‘SolarCity’, Musk remains its biggest shareholder. Today, it is the second largest provider of solar energy in the United States, with a focus on combating global warming.
On August 12, 2013, Musk announced revolutionary plans for a high speed travel technology that, in theory, could replace airplane travel as a faster and cheaper option. His company ‘SpaceX’ is currently working on putting his plans into practice, with the design intended to run entirely on solar energy.
He has envisioned a high-speed transportation system known as the Hyperloop. It incorporates reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on air bearings driven by linear induction motors and air compressors.
In July 2017, he announced that first successful test run of Hyperloop has been done in Nevada. He also said that he has got verbal approval to build a hyperloop from New York City to Washington D.C.
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In September 2018, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Musk for a tweet in which he claimed that funding had been secured for taking Tesla. Musk reached a private. The lawsuit sought to bar Musk from serving as CEO on publicly traded companies.
Later on Musk reached a settlement with the SEC. Under it terms, Musk and Tesla were fined $20 million each and Musk had to step down as Tesla chairman while remaining Tesla’s CEO. In place of Musk, Robyn Denholm was named as Tesla’s acting Chairman
Major Works
SpaceX has completed several contracts for NASA, sending its Falcon 9 spacecraft to the International Space Station with cargo. This spacecraft replaced the space shuttle when it retired in 2011.
Musk was heavily involved in the design of Tesla Motors’ first electric sports car, the ‘Tesla Roadster’. Musk received the 2006 ‘Global Green’ product design award for this vehicle, presented by Mikhail Gorbachev.
Awards & Achievements
In 2010, the premier world organization for aerospace records, the ‘Fédération Aéronautique Internationale’ awarded Musk the ‘FAI Gold Space Medal. He shares this highest honor with prominent personalities like Neil Armstrong and John Glenn.
He has won multiple awards and recognitions for his many advancements in science, technology and business alike and in 2013 was named ‘Fortune’ magazine’s ‘Businessperson of the Year’ for his companies ‘SpaceX’, ‘Tesla Motors’ and ‘SolarCity’
In 2016, he was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World’s Most Powerful People.
He was ranked 21st wealthiest person in America in the 2017 Forbes 400 list.
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Family & Personal Life
Elon Musk has married thrice and twice to the same woman. His first marriage was to Canadian author Justine Wilson in 2000. They had six children together: all sons. Their first son, Nevada Alexander Musk, died at the age of 10 weeks. The couple had five more sons through IVF; twins in 2004, followed by triplets in 2006. Elon Musk and Justine Wilson divorced in 2008.
In 2008, he began dating English actress, Talulah Riley, and the two of them got married in 2010. The couple separated in 2012.
In 2013, Elon Musk remarried Talulah Riley but the couple filed for divorce in 2014 and it was finalised in 2016.
Elon Musk was briefly in a relationship with American actress Amber Heard in 2016, but the couple split owing to their conflicting schedules.
Elon Musk started dating Canadian musician Grimes in 2018. In May 2020, Grimes gave birth to their son. In March 2021, Musk stated that he was single. In March 2022, Grimes revealed that they have broken up and she further stated that they welcomed a daughter through surrogacy in December 2021.
In 2022, Insider, an American financial and business news website published court documents stating that Musk fathered twins with Shivon Zilis, the company’s top executive, in November 2021. As of June 2022, Elon Musk has nine children with three different women.
Elon Musk’s sister, Tosca Musk, is the founder of Musk Entertainment and has produced several movies.
In 2004, the famous inventor attended the ‘Burning Man’ arts festival in Nevada. According to him, it was at this notoriously radical art and music festival that he came up with the idea of ‘SolarCity’.
Elon Musk believes there could be simple life on other planets, but he is not sure about the possibility of other intelligent life.
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Elon Musk is a South African American who has created many great things. He started by co-founding PayPal the leading global payment transfer provider. The company came to be with the help of two companies, X.com created by Elon Musk and Confinity created by Peter Theil and Max Levichin. Elon was the chairman of PayPal until he sold it to eBay in 2002 for 1.5 billion.
After selling PayPal in 2002 he founded spaceX a space technology company. He has invested 100 million dollars into SpaceX.
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This company works on creating new technology for space. They have created several rockets and spacecrafts. In 2008 SpaceX received a 1.6 billion Dollar contract from NASA to build 12 cargo flights replacing the space shuttle. The Falcon1 is the first liquid fueled rocket to reach Earth’s orbit successfully. It is also the only rocket developed by a private company, as well as the Falcon 9 and the Dragon Spacecraft. The dragon is the first commercial spacecraft to attach to the international space station successfully on May 25th, 2012.
SpaceX stands as the only commercial company to recover a spacecraft from earth’s orbit successfully. They plan their first manned flight in 2015.
In 2003 Elon founded Tesla Motors an electric car company. He went into this company with several different investors Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, Ian Wright, and JB Straubel. He personally invested 70 million dollars into Tesla Motors. With the other investors the combined investment is more than 180 million dollars. Elon became CEO of the company after a performance review replacing Ze’ev Drori.
Elon said that Tesla needed to cut about 10 percent of the company’s workforce to reduce their burn rate in 2008. After becoming more efficient they introduced their first car an electric two seat sports car in 2009. Then they introduced the Model S an electric car in 2012.
After that they introduced the Model X an electric suv on February 29, 2012 and will start production in 2013. Elon has been very involved in the creation and design of these electric cars. Tesla started to build a structure for electric cars. The biggest problem with electric cars is range. In solving this problem Tesla has started to build charging stations called superchargers. They are places on widely traveled routes. Places like Los Angeles to Los Vegas, Las Angeles to Lake Tahoe, and many more. The stations are free and placed next to malls and restaurants. Tesla provides this service for free thanks to the collaboration with SolarCity. Tesla is now delivering both the roadster and model S to thousands of happy customers.
Elon is also an investor in SolarCity a renewable energy company. He has invested about 10 million dollars. SolarCity was the number one residential installer in 2011. The company was started by two brothers Peter and Lyndon Rive. They have worked with Tesla motors on installing superchargers around Los Angeles and other locations. SolarCity is a very respectable company that Elon is becoming more involved with.
Elon Musk is a South African-born Canadian-American business magnate. He is also an investor, engineer, and inventor. He is the founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX, co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Motors, co-founder, and chairman of SolarCity, co-chairman of OpenAI, co-founder of Zip2, and founder of X.com which is merged with PayPal of Confinity. As of June 2016, he has an estimated net worth of US$11.5 billion, making him the 83rd wealthiest person in the world.
Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa. He is the son of Maye Musk, who is a Canadian model and dietitian. His full name is Elon Revee musk. After his parents divorced in 1980, Musk lived mostly with his father in locations in South Africa. Musk’s childhood was quite rough. Musk was severely bullied throughout his childhood. He was also hospitalized once. Because a group of boys threw him down a flight of stairs. Then they beat him until he blacked out. But he survived.
Elon Musk became interested in computing and computer programming at the age of 10. Two years later, he sold the code for a BASIC-based video game called Blastar. He sold it to a magazine called PC and Office Technology for approximately 500US$.
At the age of 19, Musk started his undergraduate study at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in 1992. After spending two years at Queen’s University, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. At the age of 24, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences. He also got a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business. Musk extended his studies for one year to finish the second bachelor’s degree.
While at the University of Pennsylvania, Elon Musk and fellow Penn student Adeo Ressi rented a 10-bedroom fraternity house. After that, They used it as an unofficial nightclub. In 1995, at age 24, Musk moved to California to begin a Ph.D. in applied physics and materials science at Stanford University. But he left the program after two days to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations in the areas of the Internet, renewable energy, and outer space. In 2002, he became a U.S. citizen.
In 1995, Musk and his brother, Kimbal, started Zip2, a web software company. The company developed and marketed an Internet “city guide” for the newspaper publishing industry. Musk also obtained contracts with The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune.
In March 1999, Musk co-founded X.com, an online financial services, and e-mail payment company, with US$10 million from the sale of Zip2. One year later, the company merged with Confinity, which had a money transfer service called PayPal.
- Born: June 28, 1971
- Birth Place: Pretoria, South Africa
- Height: 6′ 2″
- Net worth: 12 billion USD (2017) Forbes
- Education: Stanford University (1995–1995), More
- Spouse: Talulah Riley (m. 2013–2016), Talulah Riley (m. 2010–2012), Justine Musk (m. 2000–2008)
- Children: Xavier Musk, Kai Musk, Griffin Musk, Nevada Alexander Musk, Damian Musk, Saxon Musk
External Links
More Info: Wiki | Twitter | Official Website
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