Prepare a computer presentation on the topic “In Harmony with Others”. You may consider these golden rules:
• I try to treat others the way I want to be treated myself;
• I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends;
• knowing how to avoid quarrels is a way to harmony.
Be ready to give your presentation in class. It shouldn’t take longer than five minutes. Try to make your presentation interesting, illustrate it with photos, pictures etc.
ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. Project Work Two. Номер №1
Перевод задания
Подготовьте компьютерную презентацию на тему «В гармонии с другими». Вы можете рассмотреть эти золотые правила:
• я стараюсь относиться к другим так, как хочу, чтобы относились ко мне;
• не могу представить свою жизнь без семьи и друзей;
• умение избегать ссор – путь к гармонии.
Будьте готовы сделать презентацию в классе. Это не должно занимать больше пяти минут. Постарайтесь сделать вашу презентацию интересной, проиллюстрируйте ее фотографиями, картинками и т.д.
In Harmony with Others
As for me you can’t be happy if you are not in harmony with people around you.
Living with harmony with people around you sounds easy, but in real it’s difficult to do, especially in a world full of conflicts and catastrophes. People can have different opinions and you may struggle to feel in harmony with people close to you and with society at large. But you should start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbours. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous way with people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, because it will help you feel in harmony with others.
Here are some ways to be in harmony with people around you:
• Say «hello» to your neighbours on the street. Be friendly and sociable with them so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.
• Spend time with good friends so you can stay connected with them and not lose touch.
• Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable.
• Open yourself up to your friends and family when you need them. Don’t hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them.
• Be open to compromise. Sometimes, things just don’t go your way. You may need to find common ground with someone you do not agree with or let go of your pride and accept a compromise.
These little pieces of advice can help you be in harmony with people around you.
Перевод ответа
В гармонии с другими
Как по мне, ты не можешь быть счастлив, если ты не в гармонии с окружающими тебя людьми.
Жить в гармонии с окружающими людьми звучит легко, но на самом деле это трудно сделать, особенно в мире, полном конфликтов и катастроф. У людей могут быть разные мнения, и вам может быть трудно чувствовать себя в гармонии с близкими вам людьми и с обществом в целом. Но вы должны начать с общения с друзьями, семьей, партнерами и соседями. Сосредоточьтесь на том, чтобы справляться с любыми дисгармониями в своей жизни, проявляя великодушие к людям в вашем сообществе. Убедитесь, что вы также поддерживаете свое личное чувство гармонии, потому что это поможет вам чувствовать себя в гармонии с другими.
Вот несколько способов быть в гармонии с окружающими:
• Здоровайтесь с соседями по улице. Будьте дружелюбны и общительны с ними, чтобы вы могли создать чувство общности по соседству.
• Проводите время с хорошими друзьями, чтобы оставаться с ними на связи и не теряться.
• Постарайтесь сделать время, проведенное с семьей, значимым и запоминающимся.
• Откройтесь своим друзьям и семье, когда они вам понадобятся. Не скрывайте своих чувств и не стесняйтесь делиться с ними своими эмоциями.
• Будьте открыты для компромиссов. Иногда что−то идет не по−вашему. Возможно, вам придется найти общий язык с кем−то, с кем вы не согласны, или отпустить свою гордость и пойти на компромисс.
Эти маленькие советы помогут вам быть в гармонии с окружающими.
In Harmony with Others
I try to treat others the way I want to be treated myself
- I always treat everyone with respect, especially adults.
- I always try to help people in different situations.
- I always try not to conflict with people.
- I rely on myself, because friends can’t always help.
I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends
My family is nuclear: dad, mom, me and my younger sister. Also I have a lot of good friends. They always support me and help me in different situations. I respect and love them all. Without them, my life would be very difficult, mindless.
Knowing how to avoid quarrels is a way to harmony.
Quarrel is the worst thing that can happen in relationship between people. They always lead to sad consequences. People often quarrel over trifles, turning them into a serious problems. I’m a peaceful person, I don’t like quarrels. If I foresee further quarrel I always try to avoid it .
Проект по программе «В гармонии с окружающими»
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Подписи к слайдам:
Слайд 1
In Harmony with Others Polkovnikova Diana
Слайд 2
Friends Hello! My name is Diana. I study in the 10 th from high school. I am friendly and sociable with others people , but I try to choose my best friends carefully. I have 2-3 best friends .They are attentive , honest , sociable and loyal. I am appreciate them very much !
Слайд 5
Family My family is small. It consists of 4 people and 2 pets : it is my mother , father , my younger brother , cat and small dog. I cant imagine my life without family , because she is my support. And my mom is my best friend .
Слайд 7
Connection between people T he ability to respect other people opinions and compromise helps to keep warm and strong relationships with loved people. Accordingly I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated.
Слайд 9
Family budget My family has an average family budget. Family budget consists of parents income. It is spent on food , clothing , public utilities , tution and entertainments.
Слайд 11
House chores Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Parents earn money and support family. My mom cook food for all family. I do household chores so that my parents can relax after work. I think everyone in the family should fulfill their duties
Слайд 13
Thank you for attention !
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Презентация по английскому языку на тему В гармонии с другими (10 класс) -
I try to treat others the way -
I can’t imagine my life without my -
My family and friends: -
Knowing how to avoid quarrels is the -
And the most important thing! Appreciate other -
Thanks for your attention!
I try to treat others the way I want others to treat me. People are sometimes very touchy and do not always understand my jokes, so I try to avoid awkward situations, so as not to
Слайд 1In harmony with others.
Prepared by: Bobrysheva Svetlana 10 class
Слайд 2I try to treat others the way I want others to
treat me. People are sometimes very touchy and do not always understand my jokes, so I try to avoid awkward situations, so as not to hurt other people’s feelings.
Слайд 3I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends. My
family supports me in any situation, and my friends always cheer me up. Through their advice, I can also support others, and those people will help others and so on. It is a cycle of good in society.
Слайд 5Knowing how to avoid quarrels is the best way to be
in harmony. How to do it?
It is necessary to observe the rules of etiquette and know the norms of morality;
In any case, do not insult or humiliate people!
Don’t be too Intrusive;
Listen and understand other people;
Don’t ignore other people’s feelings;
Compromise ;
To be able to forgive, though it is sometimes difficult;
Слайд 6And the most important thing! Appreciate other people’s support. Be in
harmony not only with yourself, but also with others.
Английский язык
›Презентации›Презентация по английскому языку на тему «В гармонии с другими» (10 класс)
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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
In harmony with others.
Prepared by: Bobrysheva Svetlana 10 class -
2 слайд
I try to treat others the way I want others to treat me. People are sometimes very touchy and do not always understand my jokes, so I try to avoid awkward situations, so as not to hurt other people’s feelings.
3 слайд
I can’t imagine my life without my family and friends. My family supports me in any situation, and my friends always cheer me up. Through their advice, I can also support others, and those people will help others and so on. It is a cycle of good in society.
4 слайд
My family and friends:
5 слайд
Knowing how to avoid quarrels is the best way to be in harmony. How to do it?
It is necessary to observe the rules of etiquette and know the norms of morality;
In any case, do not insult or humiliate people!
Don’t be too Intrusive;
Listen and understand other people;
Don’t ignore other people’s feelings;
Compromise ;
To be able to forgive, though it is sometimes difficult; -
6 слайд
And the most important thing! Appreciate other people’s support. Be in harmony not only with yourself, but also with others.
7 слайд
Thanks for your attention!
Краткое описание документа:
Эта презентация составлена ученицей десятого класса к итоговому уроку по теме «В гармонии с другими». Заданная тема хорошо раскрыта, использованы слова и выражения, дается свое отношение к таким понятиям, как дружба и семья, Ученица использует иллюстрации и фотографии, но все это сделано в меру. Презентация является итоговым проектом.
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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе «В гармонии с другими» -
Living with harmony with others is easier -
1.Participate in community events. Check the local community -
2.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people -
3.Hang out with friends on a regular -
4.Spend quality time with family. Try to make -
5.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and -
Слайд 8 -
Скачать презентанцию
Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close
Слайды и текст этой презентации
Слайд 2Living with harmony with others is easier said than
done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and
differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close to you and with society at large. Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others.
Слайд 31.Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for
postings about events like a block party or a community
garage sale. Volunteer at community events and donate goods or money to local events. This can help you feel more connected to your neighbors.
Слайд 42.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live
around you. Knock on their door and bring over baked
goods. Say “hello” to them on the street. Be friendly and sociable with your neighbors so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.
Слайд 53.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend
time with good friends so you can stay connected with
them and not lose touch. Schedule regular hang outs once a week or once a month with different friends. Make an effort to keep your friendships alive and active.
Слайд 64.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time
you spend with your family meaningful and memorable. Have regular
family dinners or invite your family over. Plan a trip with your family, especially if it’s been awhile since you have all traveled together.
Слайд 75.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself
up to your friends and family when you need them.
Don’t hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them. Instead, be vulnerable so you can feel more authentic and real around those close to you.
In harmony with Others
Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close to you and with society at large. Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others.
1. Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for postings about events like a block party or a community garage sale. Volunteer at community events and donate goods or money to local events. This can help you feel more connected to your neighbors.
2.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live around you. Knock on their door and bring over baked goods. Say “hello” to them on the street. Be friendly and sociable with your neighbors so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.
3.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend time with good friends so you can stay connected with them and not lose touch. Schedule regular hang outs once a week or once a month with different friends. Make an effort to keep your friendships alive and active.
4.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable. Have regular family dinners or invite your family over. Plan a trip with your family, especially if it’s been awhile since you have all traveled together.
5.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself up to your friends and family when you need them. Don’t hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them. Instead, be vulnerable so you can feel more authentic and real around those close to you.