In thick fog егэ ответы

1) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Amos Finnister was a private detective. In all his years as a policeman and a private investigator, he had learned about people. He gained a psychological insight into most as he ___ them do foolish things. He was at ease with people from all walks of life, and in consequence they were at ease with him.

1) looked
2) watched
3) stared
4) gazed

2) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

And this was most apparent on Friday evening, when Major Cedric Crawford dined with him at the Ritz restaurant. Amos ___ to dine there when he lived in New York.

1) took
2) kept
3) held
4) used

3) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

By the time they were halfway through dinner, Amos had the major laughing and sharing stories, some of which were funny. By the time they had eaten the main course, Amos felt comfortable enough to ___ the answer to an important question. “I wonder if you have ever come across Tabitha James.”

1) search
2) ask
3) seek
4) pose

4) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Cedric ___ knowing Tabitha with no sign of embarrassment or reluctance.

1) accepted
2) agreed
3) admitted
4) adopted

5) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“To ___ the truth, I knew her quite well, actually. She was a close friend of a fellow guards officer, Sebastian Lawford. She fell in love with him at first sight. They were going to marry but unfortunately that did not come to pass.”

1) tell
2) say
3) speak
4) talk

6) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“And why was that, Major, do you know?” “Oh, yes, I’m afraid I do. Tabitha had contracted pneumonia but ___ no attention to her illness.

1) brought
2) paid
3) took
4) turned

7) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Before I knew it, she was dead and gone. As for Sebastian, he rejoined the army when the war broke out and was killed. A sad story, isn’t it?” Amos nodded. So much depended ___ this information.

1) on
2) at
3) in
4) of

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

In thick fog

It was a foggy night. In a very thick fog, a ship ___ (SAIL) very slowly. Suddenly lights appeared forward on a collision course. The Captain shouted through the mouthpiece: “Get out of my way! I am the carrier ‘Manchester’! My displacement is 30,000 tons!”

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

A voice ___ (COME) through the fog in reply:

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“You ___ (WELL) turn away yourself. I’m the light house!”

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The purpose of education

A famous professor greeted the first year undergraduates at the beginning of the academic year. He ___ (TELL) them in his opening remarks:

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“Nothing you learn here at the university will be of slightest use to you ___ (LATE), but one thing.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

If you work hard, if you train your brain, you should be able to understand when a man ___ (TALK) nonsense. And that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education.”

Вы отправили работу на проверку эксперту. Укажите номер телефона на него придет СМС


НезнайкаОГЭАнглийский → Вариант 4 → Задание 28

Задание № 13341

TRAGEDY The ships had been sailing in the thick fog for twelve days when the _____ accident occurred.



Показать ответ

Cуществительное accident требует перед собой прилагательного, образованного с помощью суффикса -ic.
Ответ: tragic

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Уже готовятся к ЕГЭ, ОГЭ и ВПР.

Мы ничего не публикуем от вашего имени

В этом задании проверяется, насколько успешно вы овладели грам­матическими навыками. Предполагается, что вы уже должны знать, как образовать нужную грамматическую форму от предложенного вам слова в начальной форме.

Стратегия выполнения задания

• Внимательно прочитайте предложение, определите по обстоятель­ствам времени или по имеющимся глагольным формам, в каком времени написано предложение.

• Определите, какую часть речи вы должны изменить из предложенной вам начальной формы, чаще всего это глаголы.

• Если это глагол:

— подумайте, какую форму имел в виду автор (личную, инфинитив, герундий или причастие);

— посмотрите, нужна ли форма активного или пассивного залога;

— и только после этого поставьте глагол в нужную грамматическую форму, необходимую для этого предложения.

• Если это прилагательное или наречие, посмотрите, нет ли сравнитель­ной или превосходной степени, подсчитайте количество слогов, поду­майте, не является ли это слово исключением, только после этого по­ставьте его в нужную форму.

• Если вы изменяете существительное, по соседнему глаголу или дру­гим местоимениям определите, в каком числе (единственном или мно­жественном) употреблено слово в предложении.

Прежде чем приступить к выполнению заданий на проверку знаний по грамматике английского языка, лучше повторить базовые структуры ан­глийского языка по таблице времен и по краткому теоретическому спра­вочнику.

Краткий теоретический справочник

В данной главе предложено обобщённое изложение основного грам­матического материала, уже освоенного учащимися. Главной задачей спра­вочника является сведение воедино наиболее важных грамматических пра­вил английского языка, использование которых поможет успешно спра­виться с практическими заданиями из второй части пособия.

При изучении английского языка следует чётко понимать, что его ос­новным отличием является строгий порядок слов в предложении. Приве­дённые в справочнике таблицы помогут освежить в памяти базовые струк­туры построения предложений в английском языке.


Любое из предложений может быть сформулировано как в действи­тельном (активном) залоге, так и в страдательном (пассивном). В первом случае действие выполняет подлежащее, а во втором — дополнение, кото­рое может быть указано в предложении или нет. Действительный залог в речи используется гораздо чаще, поэтому именно он взят за основу в си­стеме времён. Под основные правила не подпадают глагол To beИ модаль­ные глаголы.

В таблице использованы следующие сокращения:

Пед. ч. — Подлежащее в единственном числе (существительное или местоимения He, she, it);

Пмн. ч. — Подлежащее во множественном числе (существительное или местоимения You, we, they);

— Vr2 — правильный глагол с окончанием — ed, неправильный во вто­рой форме в таблице неправильных глаголов;

— V3 — правильный глагол с окончанием — ed, неправильный в тре­тьей форме в таблице неправильных глаголов;

^in9 глагол с окончанием — ing.






Действие регулярное, обычное, повторяющееся

Always∕never, often/seldom, today, usually∕sometimes, every day.

+ I/ Пмн. ч V

Пед. ч V+s

— I/ Пмн. ч don’t V

Пед. ч doesn’t V

? Do I/ Пмн. ч V

Does Пед. ч V

Действие, которое прои­зошло в прошлом Yesterday, last, ago

+ ∏ V2

— ∏ didn’t V

? Did ∏ V

Действие, которое

Произойдёт в буду­щем

Tomorrow, soon, in 2 days + ∏ will V — ∏ won’t V? Shalll/weV

Will ∏ V

Progressive (Continuous) Длительность действия = несовершен­ный вид

— действие, происходящее в момент речи;

— запланированное в будущем действие Now, at the moment

+ I am

Пед. ч is Vin5

Пмн. ч are

— I am not

Пед. ч isn’t V7715

Пмн. ч aren’t

? Am I Пед. ч

Is Пед. ч Vjns

Are Пмн. ч

Искл.: Не употребляется с глаголами со значением умственной деятельности и чувственного восприятия

— действие, происходящее в определённый момент вре­мени в прошлом

At 5 o’clock yesterday, the whole day, from 3 to 5, while, when

÷ Пед. ч was V777 5

Пмн. ч were Ning

~ Пед. ч wasn’t Ning Пмн. ч weren’t Ning

? Was Пед. ч V7775

Were Пмн. ч V7n5

— действие, которое бу­дет длиться в опреде­лённый момент време­ни в будущем

At 5 o’clock tomorrow + ∏ will be V7775

— ∏ won’t be V777 5

? Will ∏ be Ning

Activevoice (действительный залог)





(результат действия)

— действие выполнено или не выпол­нено к настоящему моменту, резуль­тат важен сейчас;

— действие началось в прошлом и (не)закончено к моменту речи Ever/never, just, already, yet, recently, lately, for, since + l/ Пмн. ч have V3

Пед. ч has V3

— I/ Пмн. ч haven’t V3

Пед. ч hasn’t V3

? Have I/ Пмн. ч V3

Has Пед. ч V3

— действие завершено к определённому моменту


— действие в прошлом, ко­торое предшествует другому прошедшему действию + ∏ had V3

— ∏ hadn’t V3

? Had ∏ V3

— действие завершится к определённому мо­менту времени в буду­щем

By 5 o’clock tomorrow + ∏ will have V3

— ∏ won’t have V3

? Will ∏ have V3

Perfect Progressive (как долго длит­ся действие)

— действие длилось до момента речи;

— действие длилось в прошлом и (не)завершилось к моменту речи + I/ Пмн. ч have been Ving

Пед. ч has been Ning

-1/ Пмн. ч haven’t been Ning

Пед. ч hasn’t been Vfn9

? Have I/ Пмн. ч been Ning Has Пед. ч been Ning

— длительное прошедшее действие, которое заверши­лось раньше определённого момента в прошлом

+ ∏ had been Vfn9

— ∏ hadn’t been Vfn9

? Had ∏ been Vfn9

Употребление времён в действительном и страдательном залогах полностью совпадает. Форма страда­тельного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола To beВ нужной форме и Participle П (тре­тья форма) смыслового глагола.

Английский язык. ЕГЭ—2016. Тренинг





+ I am

Пед. ч is V3 Пмн. ч are

— I am not

Пед. ч isn’t V3 Пмн. ч aren’t

? Is Пед. ч V3

Are Пмн. ч V3

+ Пед. ч was V3 Пмн. ч were V3

— Пед. ч wasn’t V3

Пмн. ч weren’t V3

? Was Пед. ч V3

Were Пмн. ч V3

+ ∏ will be V3

— ∏ won’t be V3

? Will ∏ be V3

Shall I/We be V3

Progressive (Continuous)

+ I am

Пед. ч is being V3

Пмн. ч are

— I am not

Пед. ч isn’t being V3

Пмн. ч aren’t

? Is Пед. ч being V3

Are Пмн. ч being V3

+ Пед. ч was being V3

Пмн. ч were being V3

— Пед. ч wasn’t being V3

Пмн. ч weren’t being V3

? Was Пед. ч being V3

Were Пмн. ч being V3


+ I/ Пмн. ч have been V3 Пед. ч has been V3

— I/ ∏ haven’t been V3 ∏ hasn’t been V3

? Have I/ Пмн. ч been V3

Has Пед. ч been V3

+ ∏ had been V3

— ∏ hadn’t been V3

? Had ∏ been V3

Passive voice (страдательный залог)

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Модальные глаголы отличаются от остальных глаголов тем, что са­ми не обозначают действие. Они выражают отношение к нему говорящего. Они не могут употребляться самостоятельно, после них обязательно дол­жен стоять смысловой глагол в начальной форме. Они могут сами обра­зовывать отрицательные и вопросительные предложения, им не требуются вспомогательные глаголы, но это правило не распространяется на их эк­виваленты.

Модальные глаголы в настоящем времени и их значения

Форма в прошедшем времени

Форма в будущем времени


Возможность, способность, умение выполнить действие


Will be able to


— разрешение

— предположение с оттенком сомнения


Will be allowed to


Обязанность, приказание, необходимость

Эквивалент Had to

Will have to

Should/ ought to

Следует выполнить действие

(совет, рекомендация)

Need/ needn’t

Нужно/не нужно выполнять действие

Неличные формы глагола

В английском языке есть три неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий и причастие. Рассмотрим особенности их употребления. Инфи­нитив Может выполнять функции подлежащего, части сказуемого, пря­мого дополнения, обстоятельства цели и сложного дополнения (Complex Object, Complex Subject). Инфинитив в английском языке имеет формы действительного и страдательного залогов, также может быть перфект­ным и неперфектным, это единственная неличная форма глагола, имеющая форму Progressive.






Perfect Progr.


To V

Tθ be VI∏g

To have V3

To have been Ving (употребляется редко)


To be V3

To have been V3 (употребляется редко)

Герундий Имеет, кроме глагольных свойств, свойства имени существи­тельного. Соответствующей формы в русском языке не существует; по зна­чению к герундию близки отглагольные существительные, также его значе­ние может передаваться инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме.




V — vГпд

Being V3


Having V3

Having been V3

Перед герундием может стоять притяжательное местоимение или суще­ствительное в притяжательном падеже, предлог. Случаи употребления ге­рундия следует запомнить:

— как прямое дополнение после глаголов Like, need, prefer, remember, enjoy, mind, excuse, be busy, be worth;

— как предложное дополнение может употребляться после любого глаго­ла или прилагательного, требующего предлога: To depend on, to rely on, to object to, to blame for, to thank for, to praise for, to be responsible for, to be fond of, to be tired of, to be afraid of, to look forward to, to feel like.

Причастие В английском языке может быть в предложении определением или входить в состав причастного оборота (в русском языке соответствует причастному и деепричастному обороту). В качестве определения высту­пают Participle I Simple (несовершенного вида) и Participle II (совершен­ного вида).

Причастие, употреблённое в качестве обстоятельства времени и причины, может выражать относительное время. Так, причастие I простое показы­вает, что выражаемое им действие происходит одновременно с действием глагола-сказуемого, а причастие I перфектное показывает, что действие произошло ранее действия сказуемого. Необходимо помнить, что перед причастием предлог не употребляется.



Participle I Simple (Present)

VingОпределение/ обстоятельство

Being V3 обстоятель­ство

Participle I Perfect

Having ⅛ обстоятель­ство

Having been V3 обстоя­тельство

Participle Il

V⅛ определение

Закон согласования времён Используется в английском языке при пере­воде предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Основное его положение: если главная часть стоит в прошедшем времени, то и в зависимой части необходимо употреблять только одно из прошедших времён.

Время предложения

Время в придаточном

В прямой речи

Предложении в косвенной


Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Simple

→ Past Perfect

Past Progressive

Past Perfect Progressive

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Progressive


Future in the Past

Также нужно обращать внимание на то, какой тип предложения был в пря­мой речи.

Повествовательное Предложение имеет следующую структуру: Подл. + said / told + That + Подл. + сказуемое в нужном прошедшем времени.

Вопросительное Предложение:

Подл. + asked + if (whether) / вопросительное слово + подл. + сказуемое в нужном прошедшем времени.

Повелительное Предложение:

Подл. + asked / ordered + to + инфинитив.

Необходимо согласовать и обстоятельства времени.






That day




→ there


The next (the following) day




The day before∕the previous day

Last week

The week before

В английском языке, как и в русском, существуют Три наклонения: А) Повелительное наклонение, которое выражает побуждение к действию, просьбу или приказание: Go at once! Don’t be late!

6) Изъявительное наклонение, которое выражает реальное действие в на­стоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени;

В) Сослагательное наклонение, которое выражает возможность, предпо­ложение или нереальность действия.

Рассмотрим более подробно сослагательное наклонение.

The Subjunctive Mood. Выделяют две формы сослагательного наклоне­ния: Subjunctive I (совпадает с формой Future in the Past), которое упо­требляется в простом предложении и в главной части сложноподчинён­ного предложения, и Subjunctive II (совпадает с формой Past Simple / Past Perfect), которое употребляется в придаточном предложении. Сосла­гательное наклонение часто используется в сложных предложениях с при­даточным условия.

Условные предложения:

1-й тип — Реальное действие, которое может произойти в будущем при каком-то условии.

2-й тип — Нереальное на данный момент действие, которое невозможно в настоящем или будущем.

3-й тип — нереальное действие, которое не произошло в прошлом. Второй и третий типы переводятся с частицей Бы.

Главная часть

Условная часть

1-й тип

Future Simple

Подл, will V

Lf(When…) Present Simple

Подл. V∕Vs

2-й тип

Future in the Past

Подл, would V

If Past Simple

Подл. V2

3-й тип

Future in the Past

Подл, would have V3

If Past Perfect

Подл* had V3


Множественное число имён существительных

1. Традиционным способом Образования множественного числа яв­ляется прибавление окончания -S/-ES.

2. К существительным, оканчивающимся в единственном числе на — s, SS, — sh, — ch, Прибавляется окончание -es (Xerox-xeroxes).

3. Некоторые имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на — f∕-fe, ме­няют окончания на -ve+s (wife-wives).

4. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на — у с предшествующей со­гласной, меняют её на -i+es (victory-victories).

5. Существительные на Образуют множественное число с -S Или -es (нужно запоминать каждый конкретный случай).

6. Нетрадиционные способы Образования множественного числа:

Man — men

Woman — women foot — feet tooth — teeth goose — geese mouse — mice child — children ox — oxen

7. Единственное число = множественному числу

Sheep fish deer

8. Неисчисляемые существительные, употребляющиеся только в единственном числе: Sand (Песок), food, meat, water, air, politics, economics, physics, mathematics, spaghetti, advice, information, knowledge, progress, news, money, hair.

9. Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном чис­ле: Jeans, tongs (Щипцы), glasses, trousers, tights, scissors, goods, clothes, contents, wages (Зарплата).


The definite article

А) перед нарицательными существительными.

1. Перед существительным, обозначающим конкретный предмет, о ко­тором даются или выясняются дополнительные сведения.

The flat is quite large and comfortable.

2. Перед существительным, являющимся единственным в своём роде или в данной обстановке.

When we went out, the moon was shining.

3. Перед существительным в функции обстоятельства места, если не подчёркивается значение Один из.

They went into the restaurant and sat down at the table by the window.

4. Перед существительным, обозначающим вещество в определённом количестве или определённом месте в данной обстановке.

Pass me the salt, please.

5. Перед приложением, характеризующим известное историческое лицо.

Dreiser, the famous American writer, joined the Communist Party at the age of 74.

6. После слов One of, some of, many of, each of, most of;Обычно по­сле слов All, both.

Give me one of the books.

7. Перед существительным, имеющим определение, выраженное при­лагательным в превосходной степени, перед словами Same, followingИ порядковыми числительными, а также словами NextВ значении Следую­щий по порядку и LastВ значении Последний.

This is the most responsible task of all.

8. Перед прилагательными и причастиями в значении существитель­ного и перед словом PeopleВ значении Народ.

The old don’t always understand the young.

9. Перед существительными, обозначающими социальные классы лю­дей.

The workers

The bourgeoisie

10. Перед существительными в единственном числе, обозначающими целый класс предметов.

The dog is a friend of man.

Б) перед именами собственными

1. Перед именем собственным, обозначающим целиком всю семью.

/ haven’t met the Browns since they returned from London.

2. Перед именами собственными, имеющими ограничивающие опре­деление.

Не was again the Charles she used to know years ago.

3. Перед названиями некоторых стран и местностей.

Не travelled widely throughout the United States.

4. Перед названиями океанов, морей, рек и горных цепей.

Не travelled twice across the Pacific Ocean.

5. Перед названиями четырёх сторон света.

Have you ever been to the South?

6. Перед названиями судов, гостиниц и английских газет. Не reads the Morning Star regularly.

The indefinite article

1. Для обозначения принадлежности предмета к какому-либо классу предметов (с глаголами To have, to seeИ др., с оборотом There is,В имен­ной части составного сказуемого) при наличии описательного определения и без него.

A man’s waiting for you.

2. Перед абстрактным существительным при наличии описательного определения.

They lived a quiet life.

3. Перед существительным в приложении, если не подчеркивается из­вестность лица, к которому оно относится.

Mr Petrov, an engineer at our factory, spoke at the meeting yesterday.

4. В значении Один перед исчисляемыми существительными, обозна­чающими время.

Will you be back in an hour?

5. В восклицательных предложениях после WhatИ перед исчисляемы­ми существительными в единственном числе.

What a lonely day!

6. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, оп­ределяемыми словами Such, quite, rather, most(в значении Очень).

It is such a difficult sentence that 1 can’t translate it.

7. Перед существительным, определяемым порядковым числитель­ным в значении Другой, ещё один.

Suddenly we heard a shot, then a second and a third.

8. В сочетаниях A littleИ A few.

If I have a little free time today, I’ll drop in.

No article

1. Перед абстрактными существительными; перед названием веще­ства, если речь не идёт о каком-либо конкретном количестве; перед су­ществительными во множественном числе в случаях, перечисленных выше (пункт 1, 5, 6 — The indefinite article).

The work gives him satisfaction.

2. Перед именами собственными.

London is the capital of England.

3. Перед существительным, определяемым словами NextВ значении Будущий и LastВ значении Прошлый.

/ went to the Ukraine for my holiday last year, and I am going there next year, too.

4. Перед названиями наук.

I like Literature and History, but / don’t like Mathematics.

5. Перед существительными Mother, Father, Uncle, AuntИ др. в речи членов одной и той же семьи.

Has Mother come back yet?

6. В некоторых сочетаниях существительного с предлогом, когда все сочетание носит наречный характер: In time, at home, at night, by train, by heart, by day, from year to year, from head to footИ др.

You can get there in time if you goby train.

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Существуют три степени сравнения прилагательных: положительная, сравнительная и превосходная. В зависимости от способов образования степеней сравнения выделяют три группы прилагательных.

1-я группа:

1) односложные прилагательные (low, nice, hot);

2) двусложные прилагательные на — у, -ow, -le, — er (pretty, clever);

3) двусложные с ударением на втором слоге (severe);

4) трёхсложные прилагательные с приставкой Un(unhappy).

Все эти прилагательные образуют степени сравнения с помощью суффик­сов.

Iow — lower — the lowest
clever — cleverer — the cleverest
2-я группа: Все остальные двусложные и многосложные прилагательные
образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов MoreИ The most.

Modern — More Modem — The most Modem terrible — More Terrible — The most Terrible 3-я группа: Особые случаи, когда прилагательные образуют степени срав­нения от разных основ.

Good — better — the best
— worse — the worst
— farther — the farthest

Far — further — the furthest
— more — the most
— less — the least

Степени сравнения наречий

1. Односложные — так же, как и прилагательные 1 — й группы (без ар­тикля):

Iate — later — latest

2. Многосложные — так же, как и прилагательные 2-й группы (без артикля):

Seldom — More Seldom — Most Seldom

3. Особые случаи:

Badly — worse — worst
— less — least
— more — most
— better— best


1. Личные — I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

2. Притяжательные — My, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Абсолютная форма — Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.

3. Объектные (косв. падежи) — Me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

4. Вопросительные/ Относительные/ Союзные в зависимости от типа предложения — Who(whom), whose, which, what.

5. Возвратные — Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves.

6. Взаимные — Each other, one another.

7. Отрицательные — No, nobody, no one, none, nothing, nowhere.

8. Неопределённые — Some(+), any(-, ?), every И их производные, All, both, each, other, another, one.


1. Количественные числительные Обозначают количество предме­тов, номера комнат, домов, автобусов и т. д., хронологические даты.

1,201 books (one thousand two hundred and one books) on page 305 (three hundred and five)

In 1900 ( nineteen hundred)

In 1905 (nineteen ou five)

In 1956 (nineteen fifty six)

In 2008 (two thousand and eight)

Дробные числительные (простые и десятичные):

1/5 ton (one fifth of a ton)

1/2 kilometre (half a kilometre)

1/4 mile (quarter of a mile)

0.5 (zero point five)

3.215 (three point two one five)

2. Порядковые числительные Служат для обозначения дат, порядка предмета по счёту (употребляются с артиклем the).

35th day (the thirty-fifth day)

16th January (the sixteenth of January)

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, на­печатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных но­мерами 1 — 9, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

Задание 1


People in the UK are used to___________ excellent

Customer service in the shops and



Are not used to doing things___________ . We saw

A TV programme about IKEA. The main idea of it was a bad customer service, inconvenience customers suffer putting furniture together.



All_______ complaints looked ridiculous to us.

Manuals from IKEA on assembling furniture are so clear that a child can do it.



They contain no words at all — just________ steps


On how to assemble it.

I remember hall furniture in our apartment in Russia. 30% of holes were not matching and I had to drill holes with a bigger diameter or at different angles to put pieces together.

The mirror was much than the place for

It and I had to drill new holes and cut metal shelf holders to make everything fit. It took me a week. I am sure that many Russian people have the same ’nice’ memories about assembling fumiture.

We bought a bookcase with several shelves in British IKEA once. ’Cheap and cheerful’ as people say. I assembled the thing in 15 minutes.

Every hole was exactly in its place, it easy to assemble it even without instruction manuals just using common sense. So we are very pleased with shop services here and don’t understand why people complain.

Задание 2

Looking at the runners as they prepare to set off on a 48 hour endurance race, you can’t


Help_______ their stubborn toughness as they

Face the less than promising weather conditions.



The first few drops of rain________ already_______

To fall. But the runners seem quite unperturbed.



They set off in pairs in a staggered start,__________

With a tent, sleeping bag and essential food supplies, plus a map and compass.



In the next 48 hours they________ as they run over


The steep hills and mountains around the valley. They must navigate the course, and report at a series of pre-arranged check points


Before______ it back to the starting point. It’s a

Tough sport for tough people.

In some events the fell runner has to run up and down a specified number of peaks in a given time. This kind of race first began in 1932 when Bob Graham ran up and down 42 peaks in the Lake District in a single day.



That record_______ many times since then.



The current record of 77 peaks________ in 1997 by

Mark Harfell. The women’s record of 62 peaks belongs to Anne Stentiford.


Задание 3

_1 Iup for my girlfriend’s birthday for a few

Months and wanted to treat her to something really special. Then a friend recommended a balloon flight.

2 He one just a month before which was

A real success. It sounded ideal so I went for the ’celebration package’ with a flexible booking date, an hour in the balloon, champagne and a DVD ofthe flight.

3 I thought that it perfect. Milly was delighted and she wanted to do the flight on her actual birthday. This is where the problems started.

4 It turned out that the birthday date. When I insisted, they just said, ’There’s nothing we can do. We appreciate your booking.’ No explanation, no apology, nothing. We finally got a flight three days later but things didn’t improve. We were up in the air for only 35 minutes, the champagne glasses were cracked and the DVD arrived scratched. I promised Milly I would get a refund and we would go away for the weekend.

5 Three months later I still I can’t get through to customer services and

6 the company to my emails for all this

Time. Without wanting to sound over the top, it’s the most stressful thing

7 I ever to organize.

Задание 4

Mary, queen of Scots, was one of the most fascinating and controversial monarchs of the 16th century Europe. Her physical beauty and kind heart were acknowledged even by her enemies. Yet she lacked the political skills to rule in Scotland. Her second marriage was unpopular and ended in murder and scandal;

Her third was even and ended in forced

Abdication in favour of her infant son.

She fled to England in 1568 for the help

Of her cousin, Elizabeth I. Her presence was dangerous

For the English queen, who Catholic plotting on Mary’s behalf. The two queens never met and Mary remained imprisoned for the next nineteen years.

She in 1587, only forty-four years old.

By orders of the English government, all of her possessions were burnt. In 1603, upon Elizabeth’s death Mary’s son became the king of England as James I. Certainly the end of her life marked the beginning of her legend.

The Catholic nations which her behavior

During Darnley’s murder and the marriage to Bothwell now celebrated her as a martyr.

6 Her former brother-in-law a funeral mass at Notre-Dame. Accounts of her execution, illustrated by crude woodcuts, were sold throughout Europe. She was now the sympathetic heroine;

7 the past could.

Задание 5

A colony on Mars

It is one thing to land scientific instruments on Mars; however, it is quite another to establish a base for humans to explore the planet.

Even if we, we would probably freeze to death. Living on Mars would be a bit like living in a giant fridge, just.

Daytime temperatures can rise above freezing, but because of the thin atmosphere, the sun’s heat radiates back into space. Even at the equator, the temperature drops to -50oC at night. In fact, there is no ozone layer to keep out ultraviolet radiation and

Hardly any oxygen for. It is not possible to bum conventional fuels either, which is yet another problem. But despite all these issues, at the present time scientists on transport and clothing for Mars and an artificial environment in which colonists will be able to live. Teams from around the world are sharing their experience and expertise.

So far scientists substantial success in

Their research.

However, the potential cost the idea of human life on Mars nothing more than a fantastic dream. It won’t happen in our lifetime or that of our but maybe one day…

Задание 6

Anyone can do it

David Thomas failed all his exams and left school with no qualifications,


Yet this 30-year-old fire-fighter__________ into the Guinness

Book of Records by reciting from memory 22,500 digits of the mathematical constant, pi.



After______ for five months, in which he spent ten hours a

Day memorizing a quarter of million digits, David Thomas took part in a 16-hour mental battle. Witnesses watched in awe as Thomas set a new European Record, earning the title ’most Powerful Memory in the Western Hemisphere’.



David says, ’My education __________ very. My father left

Home when I was six years old, and my mother and stepfather didn’t open my eyes much. When I was at school I was hopeless. I couldn’t remember anything, but now I can remember more facts than anyone in Europe.



If there was a memory Olympics, I_________ a good chance

Of a gold medal’. So how Thomas do it?



One night he________ a TV programme and there was an

Interview with a man called Dominic O’Brien,



Who _______ the world memory champion five times.

Thomas was fascinated by O’ Brien’s theory that anyone can improve their memory by using specialized techniques. These techniques involve linking everything to familiar peopleorobjects. If David is trying to remember facts he also links them to an image.



You might wonder what the point is of__________ remember

22,500 numbers. But David is soon going to appear on TV’s Record Breakers, and this week he is teaching memory training.


Задание 7

Late last night Rebecca Richards, an 18-year-old student, had an argument with her boyfriend, so she left his house at 3.30 in the morning and
drove off. She in thick fog along a road in

Cornwall when she misjudged a comer and went off the road. Her car fell over a 150 m cliff.

Rebecca out and landed 20 m from the sea.

When she regained consciousness, she realized that she still had her mobile phone. She dialed 999 (the emergency number) but she was

So confused that she make several calls before

They could finally understand her. While she was waiting for help to come she could see that the sea was coming closer every moment.

She lay there terrified. Suddenly she heard the

Noise of a helicopter in the sky above. The helicopter took half an hour to see exactly where Rebecca was but in the end it managed to reach her. By the time the helicopter took off,

The waves just one metre away. Eventually she

Got to the nearest hospital where

She now. ’It was so lucky that I had my mobile

Phone with me,’ she said to journalists, ’because if I hadn’t been able to phone for help

I definitely.’

Задание 8

My Favourite Pastime

As a child, my mother had bought me a book about dinosaurs. Thinkingback, I Supposethat is what sparked my interest in palaeontology.

_1_ I by their size and the fact that some of them were

As big as a house.

2 I spent a lot of my free time dinosaurs and copying

Illustrations from books. Later, in fourth class we were taken on an excursion to a museum.

That is when I saw a real dinosaur for the first time. In actual fact, it was a life-size replica of one. It made such a big impression on me!


During that time I _________ every book on dinosaurs I

Could get my hands on. Of course, my favourite film is Jurassic Park,



Which I_______ twelve times! Today I work part-time at a


There, during my break I get to look at the displays and study them. I also do some volunteer work with a palaeontologist who I met at the museum.



I help clean dinosaur bones which_________ together with a

Metal frame and put on display in museums as complete skeletons. I find what I do fascinating. Did you know that there are more than a thousand species of dinosaurs which have been discovered?



And who_______ how many are still to be discovered.

As I learn more about our past and what the earth was like millions of years ago, I realise that I want to learn more.



I hope once by the time I finish university, I ______________

A palaeontologist myself. I may even make my own discovery one day.


Задание 9

Cracking the code

In the 1845, in Virginia, USA, a hotel owner named Robert Morris

J__ decided to break open a locked box that to

Him for safekeeping by a guest named Thomas Beale. Twenty years before, Beale had stayed at the hotel for two months and then vanished, never to be seen again. His box contained

2 three sheets of paper in different codes, all numbers. There was a note in English Sayingthat Beale had found a large amount of gold, which he had hidden in a secret location. Unfortunately, there was no key to the code. Morris worked on the codes without success,

Beforethem over to someone else in 1860. This

Person, whose identity remains unknown, managed to crack the second code, which on a sentence from the American Declaration of Independence. The decoded message revealed further clues to the location of the treasure and made possible an estimation of real value ($20 million in today’s prices). However, the first and the third codes, which to contain more details, remain unsolved.

Everybody who is interested in the Beale papers can read them because they were published as long ago as 1885.

Since then, some of the world’s finest analysts on the codes of hidden treasures, but no one has managed to crack them.

Whoever this will become fabulously wealthy.

Задание 10


Fork-Iike implements for spearing food___________ for

Over 2000 years. For example, the Ancient Romans used to use special spoons with one prong or two at the end of the handle for Winklingout shellfish.



The first ’modem’ fork________ to have been used in

The 1 Ith century by the wife of the Venetian Doge.



However, the first real evidence that forks_________ as

Eating tools already came in a 1570 engraving of a knife, fork and spoon.



In 1605, King Henry III of France and his companions for their fork-wielding




’They______ rather_______ their mouths with their

Little forked instruments than with their fingers’, wrote Thomas Artus, who claimed that they looked especially silly as they strove to capture the peas and broad beans on their plates.


On returning home from Italy in 1611, the Englishman Thomas Coryat bore the news that he had seen forks in Italy and had decided to adopt them. Ultra-modern people considered

6 that any fingering of the meat that . at table was a transgression against the law of good manners while eating.

7 However, even Coryat did not regard forks as for eating with, but for holding the meat in place while carving.

Задание 11

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell.

He painted a sign the pups and set about

Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.

While he the last nail into the post, he felt a

Tug on his overalls and saw a little boy.

’Mister,’ he said, ’(you) to sell your puppies? I would like to choose one.’ As the dogs made their way to the fence,

The little boy a small puppy hobbling behind

The others. ’Son,’ said the farmer, ’if you buy that PUPP¾

He able to run and play with you like these

Other dogs.’ The little boy rolled up one leg of his trousers and showed the farmer a steel brace running down both sides of his leg, which to a specially made shoe.

He said, ’You see, sir, I run well myself, and

He will need someone who understands.’

Задание 12

Saving Jesse’s Arm

At about 8 p. m. on July 6*∖ eight-year-old Jesse



______ in the sea in a National Park near Pensacola,


Florida. It was the end of a perfect day at the beach with his uncle and aunt. Then disaster struck.


Jesse_______ by a two-metre-long male shark, which

Bit off his right arm from the shoulder and also took a bite out of his leg. By the time his uncle and aunt pulled Jesse out of the water,



He was unconscious and________ a lot of blood. While

Jesse’s aunt was giving the boy the kiss of life, his uncle, Vance Florenzier, ran into the sea and disappeared under the water. Amazingly he managed to catch the 90-kilo shark and pull it out of the water onto the beach. At that moment two park rangers arrived to help the family and



One of them________ the shark four times. Then he

Held open the shark’s mouth, reached down its throat and pulled out Jesse’s arm. A few minutes later, a helicopter took the boy and his arm to the nearest Baptist Hospital, where doctors managed to reattach Jesse’s arm in an eleven-hour operation.



After such a terrible accident nobody___________ to be




But the medical team are hopeful that Jesse____________

Full use of his arm in the future.



Although Jesse’s story_________ , it would be incorrect

To think that sharks are always so dangerous.


Задание 13

It was his stories that frightened people most of all.

Dreadful stories they were.


He must_______ amongst some of the wickedest men

Upon the sea and the language in which he told them shocked our people almost as much as the crimes that he described.



My father always said that the inn__________ but I really

Do believe that his presence did us good. People were frightened, but they quite liked it. It added some excitement to our quiet country life.



There were even some young men who____________ him,

Calling him ‘a true sea dog’ and saying that he was the sort of man that made the English terrifying at sea. In one way, actually, it was true that he could ruin



Us as he kept on_______ week after week, month



After month, long after all the money he__________ us had

Been used up.



He______ us any more, but my father never had the

Courage to ask for it.

Captain never wrote and never received any letters,



He never spoke to_______ but the neighbours, and then,

For the most part, only when he was drunk.


Задание 14

Bernie woke up suddenly and looked at the bedside clock. It was 3.00 in the morning. ’Much too early’, he said to

Himself and went straight back to sleep. He was Sleeperwhen he knew

A light


He_______ get up early, and that day he was

Feelingespecially responsible as he had the plane



Tickets for the football team, and they_________ to

Meet at the airport at 7.00 a. m. Suddenly Bernie woke up again and looked at the bedside clock. It still said 3.00. Hejust fell asleep when he noticed



That sunlight________ in through the curtains.



’Oh, no! Bemie thought in a panic_________ for his watch


On the table. It said 7.05. At that time the phone started to ring. ’What’s happened to you?’ a voice asked. ’It’s 7.05. The plane leaves


At 7.45.’ ’I ________ there as soon as I can,’ Bernie

Promised. Desperately he put on the first clothes he could find, picked up his bag fortunately



_____ the night before, quickly took his car keys and ran out of the door… Bemie woke up suddenly and looked at the bedside clock. It was 3.00 in the morning. A nurse came over. ’Where I am?’ Bernie said.



’You are in a hospital — you __________ a car accident

While driving fast, I’m afraid. Were you trying to catch a plane?’

Задание 15

The unwanted Painting

This picture has been in Mr Tanner’s family for many years.



His grandfather________ it in a junk shop forty-five years

Ago, Iongbefore this extraordinary story happened.



However, he wasn’t sure he liked it so he___________ it in his

Attic for many years. Then he absolutely forgot about it until 1990. That year his grand-daughter was goingto be married and he was looking for a wedding present. As he was very



Greedy he decided that this old painting _______________ an

Excellent one. The new bride hated the painting, so she gave it to her brother,



Mick Tanner, who________ the owner of the painting ever

Since. ’I can’t say I know anything about art’, said Mr Tanner ’but I have always liked this painting; that’s why I put it up in the cafe I own in Hillview Road. To be honest, I have never thought it was worth anything much’. Imagine Mr Tanner’s surprise when, a few weeks ago,



Английский язык. ЕГЭ—2016. Тренинг


He_______ by a new customer that the painting INFORM

Might be worth around £500,000.


The customer, a well-known art dealer,__________ the RECOGNIZE

Signature on the painting the minute he saw it while


He______ a dinner in the cafe. It was by Renoir, one HAVE

Of the most famous artists of the 19^ century!

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.  A step to a wider variety

2.  Varieties of theatre

3.  Modern problems

4.  Theatre and politics

5.  Origin of theatre

6.  Ladies enter

7.  Not the least important

8.  Stars for a repertoire

A. Modern Western theatre comes in large measure from ancient Greek drama, from which it takes technical terminology, classification into genres, and many of its themes, stock characters, and plot elements. The Greeks also developed the concepts of dramatic criticism, acting as a career, and theatre architecture. The theatre of ancient Greece consisted of three types of drama: tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play.

B. Western theatre developed and expanded considerably under the Romans. The Roman historian Livy wrote that the Romans first experienced theatre in the 4th century BC. The theatre of ancient Rome was a thriving and diverse art form, ranging from festival performances of street theatre, nude dancing, and acrobatics, to the staging of broadly appealing situation comedies, to the highstyle, verbally elaborate tragedies.

C. Theatre took on many different forms in the West between the 15th and 19th centuries, including commedia dell’arte and melodrama. The general trend was away from the poetic drama of the Greeks and the Renaissance and toward a more naturalistic prose style of dialogue, especially following the Industrial Revolution. Theatre today, broadly defined, includes performances of plays and musicals, ballets, operas and various other forms.

D. The eighteenth century in Britain introduced women to the stage, which would have been extremely inappropriate before. These women were looked at as celebrities but on the other hand, it was still very new and revolutionary that they were on the stage and some said they were unladylike and looked down n. Charles II did not like young men playing the parts of young women, so he asked that women play their own parts.

E. Theatre took a big pause during 1642 and 1660 in England because of Cromwell’s Interregnum. Theatre was seen as something sinful and the Puritans tried very hard to drive it out of their society. Because of this stagnant period, once Charles II came back to the throne in 1660, theatre (among other arts) exploded because of a lot of influence from France, where Charles was in exile the years previous to his reign.

F. Stagecraft is a term referring to the technical aspects of theatrical, film, and video production. It includes constructing scenery, hanging and focusing of lighting, design and procurement of costumes, makeup, props, stage management, and recording and mixing of sound. Considered a technical rather than an artistic field, it is equally crucial for the practical implementation of a designer’s artistic idea.

G. While most modern theatre companies rehearse one piece of theatre at a time, perform that piece for a set “run”, retire the piece, and begin rehearsing a new show, repertory companies rehearse multiple shows at one time. Repertory theatre generally involves a group of similarly accomplished actors, and relies more on the reputation of the group than on an individual star actor.

Текст A B C D E F G


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