It takes many kinds to make the world сочинение

Обновлено: 09.03.2023

Практические : совершенствование лексического навыка употребления прилагательных по теме “Appearance” и “Personal Traits”, употребления фразеологических выражений типа “as… as…”; формирование лексического навыка употребления слов по теме; контроль грамматических навыков по теме “Degrees of Comparison”

Развивающие : развитие памяти, внимания, воображения, логического мышления, языковой догадки, активности, познавательной мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка

Воспитательные : воспитание организованности, умения работать в парах и самостоятельно, уважительного отношения к собеседнику, умения слушать

Общеобразовательные : содействие расширению кругозора, развитие навыков работы на компьютере, выполнения тестов

— ЛичностныеУУД: самостоятельность, самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к совместной познавательной деятельности, самооценка.

— Регулятивные УУД: ц елеполагание, прогнозирование.

— Коммуникативные УУД: у чебное сотрудничество; построение речевых высказываний; умение слушать и слышать.

— Познавательные УУД: расширение кругозора учащихся через лингвострановедческую

Знать известные достопримечательности Лондона.Уметь применять изученную лексику в английской речи.

Личностные: самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к совместной познавательной деятельности, самооценка.

Регулятивные: целеполагание, прогнозирование;
Коммуникативные: умение (работать в парах, помогать друг другу), умение высказать свои мысли на английском языке;

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 4 It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо прочитать, перевести текст и ответить на тест. Комментарии, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.


A. Read the text once carefully and say how Christopher Milne is related to A. A. Milne.

Alan Alexander Milne was born in London on January 18th, 1882. His father was the headmaster of a small preparatory school. One of the teachers at the school was the famous writer H. G. Wells.

Milne, the youngest of the family’s three sons, went to Westminster School at the age of 11 and then went on to Cambridge to become a mathematician. But he never did. Instead he became editor of the university’s journal «Granta» in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London hoping to earn his living as a writer. By and by London magazines began to publish his witty works, and in 1905 he published his first book, a shilling paperback collection of humorous essays. Aged only 24 he was given a post of assistant editor of the famous magazine «Punch», at the salary of 5 pounds a week — a lot of money at that time.

In 1913 he married Dorothy De Selincourt (Daphne to her friends) and the following year, when the war broke out, he joined the Army. At the front line he got ill and had to return home, to London.

The Milnes’ only child was born on August 21st, 1920. Mrs Milne had hoped for a girl, to be called Rosemary . instead she presented her husband with a lovely, fair-haired and adorable son, Christopher Robin. The Milnes bought him a teddy bear for his first birthday. The teddy bear was soon named Winnie, after a real-life bear that lived at London Zoo.

A. A. Milne wrote a lot of poems for Christopher Robin and about him. Some of the poems became very popular songs.

One rainy summer Milne rented a house in the country. He took with him a pencil and an exercise book, and in eleven days wrote so many children’s poems that they filled a book. It was published in 1924 under the name «When We Were Very Young» and sold half a million copies!

In 1925 the Milnes bought a farm in Sussex, which they used for weekends away from London. From this old house it was a short walk over a bridge into the Ashdown Forest where Christopher Robin and his teddy, now known by the name of Winnie-the-Pooh or Pooh-bear, used to play. Each daily adventure in the Forest gave A. A. Milne more material for his now famous book «Winnie-the-Pooh» published in 1926. The illustrations to it were done by Ernest Shepard, who visited the Milne family in their farmhouse and drew quite a few sketches of Christopher Robin with his bear, the bridge nearby where the two played «Poohsticks», and all the well-loved Pooh characters and places.

A. A. Milne’s secret for success was that he could get inside the mind of a child. He used his story-telling talents to describe how one little boy so loved his teddy bear that — for him at least — the toy animal came alive. After the book «Winnie-the-Pooh» A. A. Milne wrote another books of children’s verses — «Now We Are Six» and «The House at Pooh Corner» which sold to a waiting public in millions of copies. The four Pooh books and Milne’s enjoyable play «Toad of Toad Hall» are still as popular today as they were many years ago when they were written.

Christopher Milne (he no longer uses the name Robin) spent six years in the army during the war. Then he ran a bookshop in Dartmouth until he retired to live in the countryside.

What happened to Winnie-the-Pooh? Well, the bear was put into a glass case with all the other toy animals like Eeyore the donkey and little Piglet, at the Milnes’ house in London when Christopher went off to school in 1930. Then, when the war came, the toys were ‘evacuated’ to America. Now they belong to some American publishing houses.

B. Complete the sentences with the appropriate variants. — Правильный ответ выделен жирным шрифтом
1. Alan Alexander Milne _____________
a) bought a teddy bear when he learned that he had a son b) began writing poems in the army
c) created a lot of verses when his son was little
d) began his career as a mathematician

2. A. A. Milne became a popular writer because _____________
a) he could see the world through the eyes of a child
b) his little son gave him a lot of material for writing
c) Ernest Shepard illustrated his books very well
d) he had a talent for writing poetry

В 1913 году он женился на Дороти де Селинкот (Дафни для друзей) и следующий год, когда началась война, он вступил в армию. На войне он заболел и его отправили домой в Лондон.

Единственный ребенок Милна родился 21-ого августа в 1920 году. Миссис Милн надеялась, что это будет девочка, чтобы назвать ее Роузмэри (Розмари). вместо этого она подарила своему мужу милого светловолосого обаятельного сына Кристофера Робина. Милн купил ему плюшевого мишку на его первый день рождение. Плюшевого мишку вскоре назвали Винни, в честь настоящего живого медведя, который жил в зоопарке Лондона.

Кристофер Милн (больше не использован имя Робин) провел шесть лет в армии во время войны. Затем он открыл книжный магазин в Датмефе до того как вышел на пенсию и уехал жить в пригород.

Что случилось с Винни Пухом? Медведя поставили в стеклянный футляр вместе с другими животными, такими как Иа осликом и пяточком, в доме Милна в Лондоне, когда Кристофер окончил школу в 1930 году. Когда началась война, игрушки эвакуировали в Америку. Сейчас они принадлежат некоторым Американским издательствам.

1. Алан Александр Милн.
a) Купил плюшевого мишку, когда он узнал, что у него будет сын.
b) Начал писать стихотворения в армии.
c) Написал много стихотворений, когда его сын был маленьким.
d) Начал свою карьеру как математик.

2. А. А. Милн стал популярным писателем, потому что .
a) Он смог видеть мир глазами ребенка.
b) Его маленький сын предоставил много материала для книги.
c) Эрнест Шепард проиллюстрировал его книгу очень хорошо.
d) У него был талант написания стихотворений.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

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It takes many kinds to make the world

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

It takes many kinds to make the world

It takes many kinds to make the world

Aunt Uncle Niece Nephew Stepbrother Stepsister Son daughter Brother Sister Mo.

Aunt Uncle Niece Nephew Stepbrother Stepsister Son daughter Brother Sister Mother Father

Aunt Niece Stepsister daughter Sister Mother Uncle Nephew Stepbrother Son Bro.

Aunt Niece Stepsister daughter Sister Mother Uncle Nephew Stepbrother Son Brother Father

Divide the adjectives into 2 categories : a)adjectives describing a person’s.

Divide the adjectives into 2 categories : a)adjectives describing a person’s appearance b) adjectives describing a person’s character slim tall smart Close-cropped serious stern In a plait ugly pleasant short gloomy shy Full lips clever careless skinny brave free strong honest greedy fat Long eyelashes lovely curious wise modest Expressive eyes thin tidy wicked sad Firm cheerful polite lazy

Choose the right answer 1.Soup that is too hot to eat is … a)salty b) piping.

Choose the right answer 1.Soup that is too hot to eat is … a)salty b) piping hot c)sweet

2.Juice which is not cold but is not warm is … a)sugary b)bitter c)cool

2.Juice which is not cold but is not warm is … a)sugary b)bitter c)cool

3.A child’s cheek is … a)smooth b)Fluffy c)rough

3.A child’s cheek is … a)smooth b)Fluffy c)rough

4. Ice cream which is so cold that you can hardly eat it is … a)ice-cold b)bl.

4. Ice cream which is so cold that you can hardly eat it is … a)ice-cold b)blunt c)pleasantly warm

1.An axe that cuts woods easily is … A)blunt b)sharp c)sour

1.An axe that cuts woods easily is … A)blunt b)sharp c)sour

2. A bird’s feather is … a)cool b)fluffy c)sugary

2. A bird’s feather is … a)cool b)fluffy c)sugary

3.A small kitten is … a)narrow b)fluffy c)shaped like a ball

3.A small kitten is … a)narrow b)fluffy c)shaped like a ball

4.A knife that won’t cut is … a)sharp b)blunt c)irregular in shape

4.A knife that won’t cut is … a)sharp b)blunt c)irregular in shape

Match the columns to complete the comparisons as poor as as cool as as hard a.

Match the columns to complete the comparisons as poor as as cool as as hard as as old as as happy as as fresh as a cucumber nails a lark the hills a daisy a church mouse

Who is the tallest? Helen is taller than Charles, but smaller than Andrew.

Who is the tallest? Helen is taller than Charles, but smaller than Andrew. Andrew is smaller than Sara. Sara is smaller than David. Alice is taller than Andrew, but smaller than Sara.

blue cold dark quiet slow white 1.I think Ben is ill. He is as . as a ghost.

blue cold dark quiet slow white 1.I think Ben is ill. He is as . as a ghost. 2.Draw the curtains apart. 3.The room is as . as night. 4.— Let’s have a swim! — Oh no, the water is as . as ice. 5.I don’t think he will win the race. He is as . as a tortoise. 6.My little daughter’s eyes are as . as the sea. 7.She is a very shy child. She is always as . as a mouse.

considerate well-mannered caring having a good sense of humor reliable attent.

considerate well-mannered caring having a good sense of humor reliable attentive noble cheerful patient polite tidy honest spiteful ill-mannered wicked gloomy moody nasty fussy untidy greedy boring stupid lazy

 Good qualities Bad qualities

Good qualities Bad qualities

Выбранный для просмотра документ Раздаточный материал к мероприятию.docx

1.Деление на команды

Divide the adjectives into 2 categories : a)adjectives describing a person’s appearance b) adjectives describing a person’s character

-Match the columns to complete the comparisons




Who is the tallest?

Helen is taller than Charles, but smaller than Andrew. Andrew is smaller than Sara. Sara is smaller than David. Alice is taller than Andrew, but smaller than Sara.

Выбранный для просмотра документ печать7 класс мероприятие.docx

Может быть интересен учителям английского языка при проведении предметных недель, внеклассных мероприятий, факультативных занятий, тематических классных часов. В архиве вы найдёте сценарий мероприятия, раздаточный материал, презентацию,

Развивающая : развить коммуникативные навыки и навыки письменной речи по теме.

Воспитательная : сформировать у учащихся толерантности и уважения к друг другу; расширить кругозор учащихся.

Научить учащихся выполнять различные лексико-грамматические упражнения.

Научить учащихся логическому построению устных высказываний на английском языке по теме.

Развивать навыки говорения, письма.

Оснащение мероприятия: ноутбук, проектор с экраном, колонки; раздаточный материал;

План — конспект внеклассного мероприятия

“ It takes many kinds to make the world” (7 класс )( слайд №1)

Ведущий : Dear children and teachers, welcome to our competition which is called “It takes many kinds to make the world”. We have 12 participants , let’s divide into teams. You should take these cards and divide into teams ( слайды №2,3)

Ведущий : Our competition is called “It takes many kinds to make the world”. We have 2 teams , you should choose a name (for example,”Merry kids”, “Curious children”) for your team and choose a leader. We are talking about qualities ,similarities ,differences between people and subjects.

Task 1. Greetings

Ведущий : The teams should introduce themselves to each other using as many adjectives as they can.

Ведущий : Divide the adjectives into 2 categories: ( слайд №4)

a)adjectives describing a person’s appearance b) adjectives describing a person’s character

Task 3.( слайды №5-12 ) Each team is given 6 questions, you should answer them.

-Choose the right answer

1.Soup that is too hot to eat is …

2.Juice which is not cold but is not warm is …

3.A child’s cheek is …

4. Ice cream which is so cold that you can hardly eat it is …

1.An axe that cuts woods easily is …

2. A bird’s feather is …

3.A small kitten is …

c)shaped like a ball

4.A knife that won’t cut is …

c)irregular in shape

-Match the columns to complete the comparisons ( слайд №13)

1)as poor as a church mouse

2)as cool as a cucumber

3)as hard as nails

4)as old as the hills

5)as happy as a lark

6)as fresh as a daisy

Task 5 Competition for the captions. The captions should solve the riddle.( слайд №14)

Who is the tallest?

Helen is taller than Charles, but smaller than Andrew. Andrew is smaller than Sara. Sara is smaller than David. Alice is taller than Andrew, but smaller than Sara.

Task 6. (работа в карточках)(слайд №15)

Ведущий : Choose the right adjective to make these comparisons complete and write the sentences down.

blue cold dark quiet slow white

I think Ben is ill. He is as . as a ghost.

Draw the curtains apart. The room is as . as night.

— Let’s have a swim! — Oh no, the water is as . as ice.

I don’t think he will win the race. He is as . as a tortoise.

My little daughter’s eyes are as . as the sea.

She is a very shy child. She is always as . as a mouse.

(1-white,2-dark, 3-cold, 4-slow,5-blue,6-quiet)

Task 7.( слайд №16)

Ведущий : You should divide these words into two categories

having a good sense of humor

Ведущий :- Our competition is over. Thank you very much. You were so active today. We are happy to have such clever pupils. It is interesting to know today’s winners.

Dear judges, we are waiting the results.

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Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков:

– контроль и активизация лексики по теме;
– контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного грамматического материала: степени сравнения прилагательных.

Познавательный аспект – учащиеся познакомятся с новой лексикой и нестандартным типом личного письма.

Развивающий аспект – целенаправленное развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, таких как языковая догадка, внимание, способность к анализу, синтезу, логическое мышление, зрительная и слуховая память, фонематический слух.

Учебный аспект – работа, направленная на овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности: говорением, чтением, аудированием и письмом:

а) формирование лексико-грамматических навыков: контроль и активизация лексики по теме, употребление и правописание степеней сравнения прилагательных, оборота “not as…as”, “much” + сравнительная степень на репродуктивном и продуктивном уровне;

б) развитие механизмов поискового чтения;

в) развитие механизмов аудирования с целью поиска запрашиваемой информации, развитие памяти и механизмов узнавания;

г) развитие навыков письма на рецептивном уровне.

Воспитательный аспект – воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умения слушать собеседника, а также корректного обсуждения других людей.

I. Организационный момент и приветствие

II. Введение в тему урока. Речевая зарядка, контроль усвоения лексики (фронтальный опрос)

Teacher: We continue the topic “It takes many kinds to make a world”. Today we are going to talk about a person’s appearance and character and we can’t do without adjectives, as you know.
Open your books to p. 92 ex. 9.
Look at the list of adjectives and divide them into 3 categories:

a) adjectives describing a person’s appearance;
b) adjectives describing a person’s character;
c) adjectives describing other qualities.

III. Развитие навыков поискового чтения

Предлагаемый для чтения текст взят из учебника: S.J. Molinsky, B. Bliss. Line by Line . P.145 (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1983.)

Teacher: What do you think is more important when we choose candidates for a job, appearance or character? (appearance/character)
Read the dialog quickly and say who is the right person for the job and why? (вопрос написан на доске)


A: Do you think we should hire Miss Jackson? Everybody says she’s capable and honest.

B: I know. Miss Jackson is very honest, but how about Mrs. Wilson? I think she’s (interesting) than Miss Jackson, and she’s much (smart).

A: I agree. Mrs. Wilson is very intelligent, but in my opinion she isn’t as (smart) as Mr. Brown. Maybe we should give Mr. Brown the job.

B: Mr. Brown is (lively) than Miss Jackson, but he isn’t as (capable) as Mrs. Wilson. You know, I think Mr. Smith is the right person for the job. He’s (talented) than Miss Jackson, he’s (polite) than Mr. Brown, and he’s (friendly) than Mrs. Wilson.

A: Do you think he’s as (intelligent) as Mr. Brown?

B: I think so. And he isn’t as (talkative).

A: You’re right. He’s (good) for the job than Miss Jackson, Mrs. Wilson, or Mr. Brown. Let’s hire him!

Who is the right person for the job? (Mr. Smith is)
Why? (He is more talented than Miss Jackson, he’s politer than Mr. Brown, and he’s friendlier than Mrs. Wilson)

IV. Развитие грамматических навыков (степени сравнения прилагательных)

Teacher: Read the text again and open the brackets using the suitable form of adjectives.

Учащиеся письменно выполняют задание в индивидуальном порядке.

Teacher: Sign your sheets please.

Проверка работ осуществляется после урока.

V. Введение новой лексики и проверка понимания

Teacher: Guess the meaning of these new words and match them. (используется раздаточный материал)

Teacher: Let’s check.

(1. imaginative – able to think of new ideas; 2. shy – not saying a lot; 3. mean – hates spending money…)

VI. Активизация новой лексики (монологическое высказывание по образцу)

Teacher: Use the example: “Tom is very honest. He never betrays friends” (образец для высказывания написан на доске) and tell about the characters on p.93.

a) Robin Hood
b) Robinson Crusoe
c) Тоm Sawyer
d) Oliver Twist
e) Alice (from Alice in Wonderland)
f) Cinderella

(1. Robin Hood is very loyal. He never betrays friends;
2. Robinson Crusoe is very imaginative. He is able to think of new ideas;
3. Alice is very talkative. She talks to everybody…)

Teacher: Think about some more characters for “mean” and “jealous”.

(1. Scrooge McDuck is very mean. He hates spending money;
2. Cinderella’s stepsisters are very jealous. They feel angry about not having what she has.)

VII. Развитие навыков аудирования с опорой

Предлагаемый текст взят из учебника Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 2. Express Publishing, 2002. (Teacher’s Book p.89)

Teacher: Do you know that your favourite colour says a lot about your character? (Yes/No)

Teacher: Ask your partner about his/her favourite colour. Don’t forget to make notes. (работа в парах)

(1: What’s your favourite colour?
2: White, and what’s yours?
1: Blue)

Teacher: Listen to the conversation and you will learn what your favourite colour says about your character. Cross out the adjective which doesn’t match the colour.

VIII. Проверка понимания прослушанного и активизация новой лексики (монологическое высказывание по образцу)

Teacher: Use the example: “Bob’s favourite colour is… which means he is probably… and…” (образец для высказывания написан на доске) and talk about your partner’s character.

(1. Nina’s favourite colour is red which means she is probably brave and happy;
2. Masha’s favourite colour is white which means she is probably honest and sociable…)

IX. Активизация грамматических навыков (степени сравнения прилагательных, оборот “not as … as”, much + сравнительная степень)

– Are you jealous? (No)
– But sometimes we are, aren’t we?

Teacher: Study the example and work in pairs.

Используется раздаточный материал. Текст диалога из учебника: Mollinsky S.J., Bliss B. Line by Line. P.134.

A: I’m jealous!
My dog isn’t as friendly as your dog.

B: Don’t be ridiculous!
Yours is much friendlier than mine.

1. Car/fast
2. Boss/nice
3. Furniture/comfortable
4. Job/important

(1: I’m jealous! My car isn’t as fast as yours!
2: Don’t be ridiculous! Yours is much faster than mine.)

X. Ролевая игра, работа в микрогруппах

Teacher: Transform this dialog into polilog. Make groups of 3.
Pretend you are in Oxford now. You want to improve your English. But you are in different groups and have different teachers.

Раздаются фотографии предполагаемых учителей.

Teacher: You should add the superlative form to the model and talk about your new teachers.

(1: I’m jealous! My teacher isn’t as attractive as yours!
2: Don’t be ridiculous. Yours is much more attractive than mine.
3: Your teacher is the most attractive of all!)

XI. Поисковое чтение с целью определения стиля письма

Текст из учебника Mollinsky S.J., Bliss B. Line by Line. P. 26

Teacher: Look through the letter and define the style

Dear ____________,
Let me tell you about my new English class. Our English teacher is _____________. The students in our English class are very ____________.The questions in our English book are very ____________. The classroom is ___________ and the school building is _____________.
I’m having a ___________ time in my English class.

Teacher: What is the style of this letter?

(1. Formal. Because of “Sincerely”. 2. Informal. Because of “I’m” and “Write back soon”)

Teacher: You are right, it’s an informal letter. Is this form suitable for writing a letter to me?

XII. Домашнее задание

Teacher: I’m very interested your studying in Oxford.

Enlarge this letter, use vocabulary from our lesson, using degrees of comparison, “not as … as”, “much”
+ comparative degree and write a letter to me about your studying in Oxford.

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  • Сочинение ответ на проблемный вопрос

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People say «It takes may kinds to make the world» meaning that all people are different. People can be different in appearance, personality, beliefs and opinions, education, tastes, language and culture, behaviour and manners, skills and experience, dreams and plans for the future. For example, some people want to be a doctor but other want to work in an office.

The main thing that makes people different is how they look. Our figures can be tall or short, stout or slim, skinny or fat. In my opinion, tall and slim people usually look more attractive than short and fat ones. People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length. Our hair can be straight or curly, thick or thin, dair or dark. Our eyes can be narrow or round, with long or short eyelashes, and they can also be expressive and shiny. All these features make people look beautiful, good-looking, nice or ugly which makes your first impression of a person. But «appearances are deceitful», so your first impression can sometimes be wrong and good-looking people may have bad traits of character.

There is a famous saying:»Different people often get on well». I completely agree with it as this saying always reminds me of my best friend Liana. She looks very different from me. She is taller than me, her eyes are narrower than mine, she has got straight black hair, but mine is wavy and fair. She is sometimes gloomy, but I am usually cheerful. We like different books and films. But we get on very well because she is honest and just, understanding and kind. I trust her a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. So as you see different people can get on well as we do.
V.Reznikova, 7A.

Growing up, I often heard my mother say: «It takes all kinds, …». The more of life I see, the more I have to agree with my mother.

I spent a day recently with a friend of mine, and friends of hers. The only thing I had in common with these people was my friend, so it was an interesting day — to say the least. As we spent time together, it became more and more apparent that we had absolutely no common values or interests.

In the past, when noticing the differences in people, I would often judge them for their opinions, values, and interests. But now I can see them as being the nice people that they are — just very different than me. I can see that their choices lead them down a very different life path, but that doesn’t make their choices (or them) bad.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend in the small rural town where I live. She was planning a visit to her home town in California, and noted how the culture there is so different than the culture here. We talked about how there are so many different «Americas» within this one nation, and that we didn’t think there was such a thing as a «typical» American. All because we each have such unique ways of seeing our world, and we have such highly individual preferences for how we experience our lives.

I love my life! I am blessed to understand that I have choices, and that my choices (in how I think, speak, act, and so on) are what create my life experiences. I realize that not everyone knows that they have a choice. That’s partly why I do things like writing these articles.

So, remember, if you can — not everyone wants to live the kind of life that you live. Therefore, they won’t make the choices that you make, and they may not share your opinions and values either. They’re just different from you, not right or wrong, good or bad.

So, I may not invite everyone into my home — but I am getting better about seeing everyone in a brighter light. After all, it takes all kinds to make a world.

Growing up, I often heard my mother say: “It takes all kinds, …”.  The more of life I see, the more I have to agree with my mother.

I spent a day recently with a friend of mine, and friends of hers.  The only thing I had in common with these people was my friend, so it was an interesting day – to say the least.  As we spent time together, it became more and more apparent that we had absolutely no common values or interests. 

In the past, when noticing the differences in people, I would often judge them for their opinions, values, and interests.  But now I can see them as being the nice people that they are – just very different than me.  I can see that their choices lead them down a very different life path, but that doesn’t make their choices (or them) bad.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend in the small rural town where I live.  She was planning a visit to her home town in California, and noted how the culture there is so different than the culture here.  We talked about how there are so many different “Americas” within this one nation, and that we didn’t think there was such a thing as a “typical” American.  All because we each have such unique ways of seeing our world, and we have such highly individual preferences for how we experience our lives.

I love my life!  I am blessed to understand that I have choices, and that my choices (in how I think, speak, act, and so on) are what create my life experiences.  I realize that not everyone knows that they have a choice.  That’s partly why I do things like writing these articles.

So, remember, if you can – not everyone wants to live the kind of life that you live.  Therefore, they won’t make the choices that you make, and they may not share your opinions and values either.  They’re just different from you, not right or wrong, good or bad. 

So, I may not invite everyone into my home – but I am getting better about seeing everyone in a brighter light.  After all, it takes all kinds to make a world.

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Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 4 It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо выполнить прочитать, перевести текст и выполнить задания. Комментарии, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание упражнения[править | править код]

A. A group of British schoolchildren was asked to write on the topic «What Makes People Different». These are some of their ideas. Match the lines from their works with the categories from vocabulary, p. 138 (e.g. appearance, personality, etc.).

What Makes People Different[править | править код]

1. «No one in the world looks exactly alike, even identical twins. People are different colours and sizes …»
2. «People are brought up differently: some can be kind, considerate and well-mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill-mannered. Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict.»
3. «There are people with a nice sense of humour. Some people laugh at things, others don’t. Different people find different things funny. Some people are moody and take things too seriously.»
4. «People have different tastes in clothes and friends, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music. Some people like dresses and some like jeans.»
5. «People behave differently and act differently. Not everybody knows how to socialize with others. Some people think that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don’t talk about it. Some are better on the inside than on the outside, others are better on the outside than on the inside.»
6. «We also have different dialects and languages and different cultures.»
7. «Things you believe in can be quite different. Some people might be Christian, some people might not have a religion at all.»
8. «Some people want to work in an office or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, but other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese.»
9. «The main thing that makes people different is how they look. Some have blond and some have brown hair. People also have different eyes colour. Some people are taller than others. People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length. Some people are fat and some are hairier than others «
10. “Some people are big-headed, clever and smart. And everybody has a different level of education.»
11. «Some people have a bad temper and don’t get along with others. There are nasty people and nice people. Most people are loving, but some are not.»
12. «We all have different views and opinions.»
13. «Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hours
with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity.»

B. Work in small groups and decide what else you can add to what the children wrote on each point: appearance, personality, etc.

Перевод и ответ упражнения[править | править код]

Группу британских школьников попросили написать сочинение на тему «Что делает людей разными». Вот несколько их идей. Соедините строчки из их работ с категориями из словарного запаса на странице 138 (например, внешность, личность и так далее).

Что различает людей друг от друга?[править | править код]

1. Никто в мире не может выглядеть точно так же, даже однояйцевые близнецы. Люди разного цвета кожи и роста… — appearance — Внешность.
2. Люди воспитываются по разному: некоторые могут быть добрыми, тактичными и хорошо воспитанными, другие эгоистичными, бесполезные и очень плохо воспитанные. Некоторые счастливые и заботливые, другие грустные, злопамятные и прямые. — personality — личность.
3. Есть люди с хорошим чувством юмор. Некоторые люди смеются над вещами, над которыми другие не смеются. Разные люди находят разные вещи забавными. Некоторые люди капризные и воспринимают вещи слишком серьезно. — personality — личность.
4. У людей разные вкусы в одежде и друзьях, им нравятся разные стили и мода, разная музыка. Некоторым людям нравятся платья, а другим нравятся джинсы. — tastes — вкусы.
5. Люди воспитаны по разному и ведут себя по разному. Ни кто не знает как общаться с другими. Некоторые люди считают, что они лучше других, и есть люди, которые считают, что они очень хорошие, но не говорят об этом. Некоторые люди хорошие только дома, чем в обществе, некоторые лучше в обществе, чем дома. — behaviour and manners — поведение и манеры.
6. У нас также есть разные диалекты и языки и разных культуры. — language and culture — Язык и культуры.
7. Вещи, в которые ты веришь, могут быть довольно разными. Некоторые люди могут быть христианами, у некоторых людей возможно нет религии совсем. — beliefs and opinions — Вера и мнения.
8. Некоторые люди хотят работать в офисе или быть докторами, некоторые люди хотят стать спасателями, а другие люди хотят быть лентяями. — dreams and plans for the future — мечты и планы на будущее.
9. Основное, что делает людей разными, это то, как они выглядят. У некоторых людей светлые волосы и других темные волосы. У людей также разного цвета глаза. Некоторые люди выше, чем другие. У людей лица разной формы и волосы разной длины. Некоторые люди толстые, а некоторые более волосатые, чем другие. — appearance -внешность.
10. Некоторые люди самодовольные, умные и сообразительные. И у каждого человека разный уровень образования. — appearance, education — внешность, образование.
11. У некоторых людей тяжелый характер и они не ладят с другими. Есть своенравные и хорошие люди. Большинство людей любезные, но некоторые не такие. — behaviour and manners — поведение и манеры.
12. У нас у всех разные взгляды и мнения. — beliefs and opinion — Вера и мнение.
13. Некоторые люди хороши в практических вещах, другие сидят часами над книжками, но у всех есть особый талант для некоторых особенных видов деятельности. — skills and experience — Навыки и опыт.

Групповое задание[править | править код]

B. Работайте в небольших группах и решайте, что еще вы можете добавить к тому, что дети писали о своей точки зрения: внешность, личность и т.д.

Данное задание может иметь множество вариантов ответов. Поэтому можете редактировать этот раздел и написать свой вариант ответа на данный вопрос!!!

Другие упражнения учебника[править | править код]

Помогите с английским Нужно написать сочинение на тему It takes many kinds to make the world.

10 предложений.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса Помогите с английским Нужно написать сочинение на тему It takes many kinds to make the world? из категории Английский язык.
Уровень сложности вопроса рассчитан на учащихся 5 — 9 классов. На странице
можно узнать правильный ответ, сверить его со своим вариантом и обсудить
возможные версии с другими пользователями сайта посредством обратной связи.
Если ответ вызывает сомнения или покажется вам неполным, для проверки
найдите ответы на аналогичные вопросы по теме в этой же категории, или создайте
новый вопрос, используя ключевые слова: введите вопрос в поисковую строку,
нажав кнопку в верхней части страницы.

Разработка и план урока английского
языка в 7-м классе

Урок разработан на основе учебника для
7-го класса школ с углублённым изучением
английского языка О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой
(М.: Просвещение, 2006)

Статья опубликована при поддержке центра иностранных языков «Melene». Хотите быстро и эффективно выучить иностранный язык, но у вас нету времени на курсы и репетитора? Тогда обратитесь в «Melene». Здесь вы сможете пройти курс немецкого, итальянского, испанского, французского и английского по скайпу, не выходя из дома и по удобному для вас расписанию. Посетите официальный сайт центра и закажите себе курс иностранного языка.

Цели урока:

Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков:

– контроль и активизация лексики по теме;
– контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного
грамматического материала: степени сравнения

Познавательный аспект – учащиеся
познакомятся с новой лексикой и нестандартным
типом личного письма.

Развивающий аспект – целенаправленное
развитие психических функций, связанных с
речевой деятельностью, таких как языковая
догадка, внимание, способность к анализу,
синтезу, логическое мышление, зрительная и
слуховая память, фонематический слух.

Учебный аспект – работа, направленная на
овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности:
говорением, чтением, аудированием и письмом:

а) формирование лексико-грамматических
навыков: контроль и активизация лексики по теме,
употребление и правописание степеней сравнения
прилагательных, оборота “not as…as”, “much” +
сравнительная степень на репродуктивном и
продуктивном уровне;

б) развитие механизмов поискового чтения;

в) развитие механизмов аудирования с целью
поиска запрашиваемой информации, развитие
памяти и механизмов узнавания;

г) развитие навыков письма на рецептивном

Воспитательный аспект – воспитание
культуры языкового общения, уважительного
отношения друг к другу, умения слушать
собеседника, а также корректного обсуждения
других людей.


I. Организационный момент и приветствие

II. Введение в тему урока. Речевая зарядка,
контроль усвоения лексики (фронтальный опрос)

Teacher: We continue the topic “It takes many kinds to make a world”. Today
we are going to talk about a person’s appearance and character and we can’t do without
adjectives, as you know.
Open your books to p. 92 ex. 9.
Look at the list of adjectives and divide them into 3 categories:

a) adjectives describing a person’s appearance;
b) adjectives describing a person’s character;
c) adjectives describing other qualities.






III. Развитие навыков поискового

Предлагаемый для чтения текст взят из учебника:
S.J. Molinsky, B. Bliss. Line by Line . P.145 (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,

Teacher: What do you think is more important when we choose candidates for a
job, appearance or character? (appearance/character)
Read the dialog quickly and say who is the right person for the job and why?
(вопрос написан на доске)


A: Do you think we should hire Miss Jackson? Everybody says she’s capable and

B: I know. Miss Jackson is very honest, but how about Mrs. Wilson? I think
she’s (interesting) than Miss Jackson, and she’s much (smart).

A: I agree. Mrs. Wilson is very intelligent, but in my opinion she isn’t as
(smart) as Mr. Brown. Maybe we should give Mr. Brown the job.

B: Mr. Brown is (lively) than Miss Jackson, but he isn’t as (capable) as
Mrs. Wilson. You know, I think Mr. Smith is the right person for the job. He’s
(talented) than Miss Jackson, he’s (polite) than Mr. Brown, and he’s (friendly) than
Mrs. Wilson.

A: Do you think he’s as (intelligent) as Mr. Brown?

B: I think so. And he isn’t as (talkative).

A: You’re right. He’s (good) for the job than Miss Jackson, Mrs. Wilson, or
Mr. Brown. Let’s hire him!

Who is the right person for the job? (Mr. Smith is)
Why? (He is more talented than Miss Jackson, he’s politer than Mr. Brown, and he’s
friendlier than Mrs. Wilson)

IV. Развитие грамматических навыков (степени
сравнения прилагательных)

Teacher: Read the text again and open the brackets using the suitable form of

Учащиеся письменно выполняют задание в
индивидуальном порядке.

Teacher: Sign your sheets please.

Проверка работ осуществляется после урока.

V. Введение новой лексики и проверка понимания

Teacher: Guess the meaning of these new words and match them. (используется
раздаточный материал

1. Honest
2. Jealous
4. Shy
5. Mean
6. Loyal
7. Imaginative
8. Sociable

a) never stop talking
b) not say a lot
d) talk to everybody
e) never betray friends
f) able to think of new ideas
g) never tell lies
h) hate spending money

Teacher: Let’s check.

(1. imaginative – able to think of new ideas; 2. shy – not saying a lot; 3. mean
– hates spending money…)

VI. Активизация новой лексики (монологическое
высказывание по образцу)

Teacher: Use
the example: “Tom is very honest. He never betrays friends” (образец
для высказывания написан на доске
) and tell about the
characters on p.93.

a) Robin Hood
b) Robinson Crusoe
c) Тоm Sawyer
d) Oliver Twist
e) Alice (from Alice in Wonderland)
f) Cinderella

(1. Robin Hood is very loyal. He never betrays friends;
2. Robinson Crusoe is very imaginative. He is able to think of new ideas;
3. Alice is very talkative. She talks to everybody…)

Teacher: Think about some more characters for “mean” and “jealous”.

(1. Scrooge McDuck is very mean. He hates spending money;
2. Cinderella’s stepsisters are very jealous. They feel angry about not having what she

VII. Развитие навыков аудирования с опорой

Предлагаемый текст взят из учебника Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise
Express Publishing, 2002. (Teacher’s Book p.89)

Teacher: Do you know that your favourite colour says a lot about your character?

Teacher: Ask your partner about his/her favourite colour. Don’t forget to make
notes. (работа в парах)

(1: What’s your favourite colour?
2: White, and what’s yours?
1: Blue)

Teacher: Listen to the conversation and you will learn what your favourite
colour says about your character. Cross out the adjective which doesn’t match the


– brave, energetic, happy
– kind, calm, mean
– jealous, sociable, lazy
– mean, happy, dishonest
– imaginative, loyal, shy
– funny, serious, warm-hearted
– honest, sociable, lazy

VIII. Проверка понимания прослушанного и
активизация новой лексики (монологическое
высказывание по образцу)

Teacher: Use the example: “Bob’s favourite colour is… which means
he is probably… and…”
(образец для высказывания
написан на доске
) and talk about your partner’s character.

(1. Nina’s favourite colour is red which means she is probably brave and happy;
2. Masha’s favourite colour is white which means she is probably honest and sociable…)

IX. Активизация грамматических навыков
(степени сравнения прилагательных, оборот “not as
… as”, much + сравнительная степень)

– Are you jealous? (No)
– But sometimes we are, aren’t we?

Teacher: Study the example and work in pairs.

Используется раздаточный материал. Текст
диалога из учебника: Mollinsky S.J., Bliss B.
Line by Line. P.134.

A: I’m jealous!
My dog isn’t as friendly as your dog.

B: Don’t be ridiculous!
Yours is much friendlier than mine.

1. Car/fast
2. Boss/nice
3. Furniture/comfortable
4. Job/important

(1: I’m jealous! My car isn’t as fast as yours!
2: Don’t be ridiculous! Yours is much faster than mine.)

X. Ролевая игра, работа в микрогруппах

Teacher: Transform this dialog into polilog. Make groups of 3.
Pretend you are in Oxford now. You want to improve your English. But you are in different
groups and have different teachers.

Раздаются фотографии предполагаемых

Teacher: You should add the superlative form to the model and talk about your
new teachers.

(1: I’m jealous! My teacher isn’t as attractive as yours!
2: Don’t be ridiculous. Yours is much more attractive than mine.
3: Your teacher is the most attractive of all!)

XI. Поисковое чтение с целью определения стиля

Текст из учебника Mollinsky S.J., Bliss B. Line by Line. P. 26

Teacher: Look through the letter and define the style

Dear ____________,
Let me tell you about my new English class. Our English teacher is _____________. The
students in our English class are very ____________.The questions in our English book are
very ____________. The classroom is ___________ and the school building is _____________.
I’m having a ___________ time in my English class.

Write back soon.
Sincerely, ________

Teacher: What is the style of this letter?

(1. Formal. Because of “Sincerely”. 2. Informal. Because of “I’m” and
“Write back soon”)

Teacher: You are right, it’s an informal letter. Is this form suitable for
writing a letter to me?

XII. Домашнее задание

Teacher: I’m very interested your studying in Oxford.

Enlarge this letter, use vocabulary from our lesson, using degrees of comparison,
“not as … as”, “much”
+ comparative degree and write a letter to me about your studying in Oxford.

XIII. Оценка работы группы

Teacher: Thank you for your cooperation.

Евгения Михайловна Хаимова,
школа № 224, г. Москва

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