Итоговый экзамен по английскому языку 4 класс

Итоговый тест для 4 класса по английскому языку

I вариант

  1. Вставь is или are:
  1. There ….a cat under the tree.
  2. There ….a lot of flowers next to the house.
  3. There…a long new road in the country.
  4. …. there a small field next to the house?
  5. ….there many crocodiles in Africa? .

2 . Напиши  глаголы в  Past Simple

Buy, take, go, drink, win, come, leave, sleep, swam, help.

3. Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

1. There_____two tables in the bedroom.

2. Mary ______ tall and slim.

3. The dog______sad and angry.

4. The week______stormy and cloudy.

4. Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1._____old are you?(What , How,When)

2.____ do you live?( Who,Why, Where)

3.____ is your cat? It’s black. ( Why ,What colour, Where)

4. ___do you go to school? (Who,When,What)

5. _______do you have ?(How many, How much,How)

5. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to Moscow last
  2. We … (see) Sveta last month.
  3. My brother … (have) a cake


Reading Task (Задание по чтению)

We Go Shopping

My name is Helen. I am eight. My brother Peter is ten. It is Saturday. We would like to help mum. On Saturdays we go shopping. We are not lazy. We say. «Let’s work together».

I think we can buy some cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and apples in «The Green Shop» for mum. Then we go to «The White Shop». I have got a nicecat. His name is Tim. He would like to drink a lot of milk. And we buy milk. Then Peter buys some meat and bones for his dog Jack. Jack doesn’t like milk.

We go to «The Sweet Shop». We would like to buy a lot of sweets and cakes. But it is not healthy. So we buy a cake and two ice creams. The cake is nice. It is for mum. It’s her birthday.

Words to the text

to go shopping — отправляться за покупками

bones — кости

healthy — здоровый

for — для

birthday — день рождения

Задание 1

Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). (Отметь утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

1. Jack likes to drink a lot of milk. T F

2. The cake is for mum. T F

3. Peter and Helen buy a big cake for mum. T F

4. Peter and Helen are not lazy. T F

5. We go shopping on Sunday T F

Задание 2

Fill in the gaps according to the text. (Заполни пробелы согласно содержанию текста.)

1. Helen and Peter buy some milk in the _________ Shop.

2. Helen and Peter go shopping on ________ .

3. Helen buys some ________ for her cat.

4. Peter and Helen would like to buy __________.

5. Peter buys some _______ and _________ for his dog

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

вариант 2

1. Вставь is или are:

  1. There ….a dog at the street.
  2. There ….a lot of apple trees in the garden next to my house.
  3. There…a horse on the farm in the country.
  4. …. there a mountain in your country? No, there ….n’t.
  5. ….there many monkeys in Africa? Yes, there….

2. Выбери правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

  1. Ann is ….than Mary.
  1. short b) shorter c) shortest
  1. June is the …… month.
  1. hot b) hottest c) hotest
  1. This book is the……..
  1. interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting
  1. He is the…… teacher in our school.
  1. worse b)bad c) worst
  1. My dog is ……than your dog.
  1. cleverer b)clever c) cleverest

3.Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

  1. The weather______stormy and cloudy.
  2. There_______two chairs in the bedroom.
  3. His eyes________big and kind

4.Mary _________slim three days ago.

4.Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1. ______is your favourite season? (What, Why,Who)

2._____is your birthday? (How, Where,When)

3.________ is your dog? (What colour, Why, How many)

4._____do you get up? (Why, When, What?)

5._____do you like to do? (How much, When,What?)

5.Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to the museum last year.
  2. We … (see) Mary last month.
  3. My mum … (have) a cake.
  1. My dad … (say) “Hello”.
  2. Misha … (be) in the park yesterday.
  3. They … (fly) to London a month ago.

ReadingTask (Задание по чтению)

Three bears

A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. The house is near a big green forest. The girl’s mother always says: “My dear, don’t go into the forest! Big bears live there.” “I’m not afraid, I’m brave”, says the girl “I want to go into the forest!” and one day she ran into the forest.

She ran and ran and ran. She saw a big house in the forest and came up to it. “Who lives here?” she said and came into the house. In one room she saw a big table with three chairs. On the table she saw three plates (тарелки). She was very hungry and dinner was ready. She ate the dinner.

The dinner was very nice and the girl wanted to sleep. She saw a bedroom with three beds in it. She got into the little bed and fell asleep (заснуть). When the girl opened her eyes she saw three bears near the bed. She jumped out of the window and ran home. “Oh, Mummy! How silly I am!” the girl said. Now she is at home, she is happy.


  1. Choose “T” or “F”
  1. A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. T F
  2. The girl wants to go to the park very much. T F
  3. The girl saw a big house in the forest and comes into it. T F
  4. The girl wasn’t hungry. T F
  5. After dinner the girl wanted to sleep. T F
  1. Choose the right answer.
  1. It is a tale about a little ….

a. Father Bear b. Bear’s house c. little girl

2. One day the girl went to the …

a. forest b. Zoo c. school

3. In the house the girl saw a big table with three … on it.

a. beds b. bears c. plates

4. The little girl got into the little … and fell asleep.

a. tree b. plate c. bed

5. The little girl opened her eyes and saw … near her.

a. her mother b. three bears c. a table

Итоговый тест для4 класса по английскому языку

I вариант

  1. Вставь is или are:

  1. There ….a cat under the tree.

  2. There ….a lot of flowers next to the house.

  3. There…a long new road in the country.

  4. …. there a small field next to the house? No, there ….n’t.

  5. ….there many crocodiles in Africa? Yes, there….

  1. Выбери правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

  1. Ann is ….than Mary.

  1. tall b) tallest c) taller

  1. January is the …… month.

  1. coldest b) cold c) colder

  1. New-York is one of the …… cities in the world.

  1. beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful

  1. He is the…… teacher in our school.

  1. good b) better c) best

  1. My hair is ……than your hair.

  1. longer b) long c) longest

3. Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

1. There_____two tables in the bedroom.

2. Mary ______ tall and slim.

3. The dog______sad and angry.

4. The week______stormy and cloudy.

4. Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1._____old are you?(What , How,When)

2.____ do you live?( Who,Why, Where)

3.____ is your cat? It’s black. ( Why ,What colour, Where)

4. ___do you go to school? (Who,When,What)

5. _______do you have ?(How many, How much,How)

5. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to Moscow last year.

  2. We … (see) Sveta last month.

  3. My brother … (have) a cake.

  1. My dad … (say) “Hello”.

  2. Misha … (visit ) his friend yesterday.

  3. They … (read) an interesting story a month ago.

ReadingTask (Задание по чтению)

We Go Shopping

My name is Helen. I am eight. My brother Peter is ten. It is Saturday. We would like to help mum. On Saturdays we go shopping. We are not lazy. We say. «Let’s work together».

I think we can buy some cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and apples in «The Green Shop» for mum. Then we go to «The White Shop». I have got a nicecat. His name is Tim. He would like to drink a lot of milk. And we buy milk. Then Peter buys some meat and bones for his dog Jack. Jack doesn’t like milk.

We go to «The Sweet Shop». We would like to buy a lot of sweets and cakes. But it is not healthy. So we buy a cake and two ice creams. The cake is nice. It is for mum. It’s her birthday.

Words to the text

to go shopping — отправляться за покупками

bones — кости

healthy — здоровый

for — для

birthday — день рождения

Задание 1

Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). (Отметь утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

1. Jack likes to drink a lot of milk. T F

2. The cake is for mum. T F

3. Peter and Helen buy a big cake for mum. T F

4. Peter and Helen are not lazy. T F

5. We go shopping on Sunday T F

Задание 2

Fill in the gaps according to the text. (Заполни пробелы согласно содержанию текста.)

1. Helen and Peter buy some milk in the _________ Shop.

2. Helen and Peter go shopping on ________ .

3. Helen buys some ________ for her cat.

4. Peter and Helen would like to buy __________.

5. Peter buys some _______ and _________ for his dog.

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

вариант 2

1. Вставь is или are:

  1. There ….a dog at the street.

  2. There ….a lot of apple trees in the garden next to my house.

  3. There…a horse on the farm in the country.

  4. …. there a mountain in your country? No, there ….n’t.

  5. ….there many monkeys in Africa? Yes, there….

2. Выбери правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

  1. Ann is ….than Mary.

  1. short b) shorter c) shortest

  1. June is the …… month.

  1. hot b) hottest c) hotest

  1. This book is the……..

  1. interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting

  1. He is the…… teacher in our school.

  1. worse b)bad c) worst

  1. My dog is ……than your dog.

  1. cleverer b)clever c) cleverest

3.Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

  1. The weather______stormy and cloudy.

  2. There_______two chairs in the bedroom.

  3. His eyes________big and kind

4.Mary _________slim three days ago.

4.Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1. ______is your favourite season? (What, Why,Who)

2._____is your birthday? (How, Where,When)

3.________ is your dog? (What colour, Why, How many)

4._____do you get up? (Why, When, What?)

5._____do you like to do? (How much, When,What?)

5.Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to the museum last year.

  2. We … (see) Mary last month.

  3. My mum … (have) a cake.

  1. My dad … (say) “Hello”.

  2. Misha … (be) in the park yesterday.

  3. They … (fly) to London a month ago.

6.Read the text.

Three bears

A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. The house is near a big green forest. The girl’s mother always says: “My dear, don’t go into the forest! Big bears live there.” “I’m not afraid, I’m brave”, says the girl “I want to go into the forest!” and one day she ran into the forest.

She ran and ran and ran. She saw a big house in the forest and came up to it. “Who lives here?” she said and came into the house. In one room she saw a big table with three chairs. On the table she saw three plates (тарелки). She was very hungry and dinner was ready. She ate the dinner.

The dinner was very nice and the girl wanted to sleep. She saw a bedroom with three beds in it. She got into the little bed and fell asleep (заснуть). When the girl opened her eyes she saw three bears near the bed. She jumped out of the window and ran home. “Oh, Mummy! How silly I am!” the girl said. Now she is at home, she is happy.


  1. Choose “T” or “F”

  1. A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. T F

  2. The girl wants to go to the park very much. T F

  3. The girl saw a big house in the forest and comes into it. T F

  4. The girl wasn’t hungry. T F

  5. After dinner the girl wanted to sleep. T F

  1. Choose the right answer.

  1. It is a tale about a little ….

a. Father Bear b. Bear’s house c. little girl

2. One day the girl went to the …

a. forest b. Zoo c. school

3. In the house the girl saw a big table with three … on it.

a. beds b. bears c. plates

4. The little girl got into the little … and fell asleep.

a. tree b. plate c. bed

5. The little girl opened her eyes and saw … near her.

a. her mother b. three bears c. a table

3) Заполни пропуски предлогами.

Предлоги: in the middle of, in, to, above, on.

1.He likes to ski _____ winter.

2.Do you like to listen _____ music?

3.I play tennis _____ Sunday.

4.What is there _____ the room.

5.There is a nice picture _____the table. /5

4) Составь предложения из слов.

1.is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen?


2. did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?


3.it, in winter, is, very cold.


4.a lot of sweets, there, in the box, were.


5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the Black Sea.

_______________________________________________ /10

5) Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.

The Red Cow (1) _____ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she

(2) _____ (give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) _____ (eat)

sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _____ (think) about her happy

life. One night the Red Cow (5) _____ (get) up suddenly and (6) _____ (begin) to

dance. There (7) _____ (be) no music but she (8) _____ (dance). Then she (9)

_____ (want) to stop but she could not. /9

6) Переделай предложения по образцу.

Образец: She watches TV every day. Yesterday she watched TV too.

Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест 4 класс

К учебнику И.Н. Верещагина , О.В. Афанасьева «Английский язык 4 класс» для гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Зачет состоит из12 карточек.

Задания с выбором правильного ответа.

I. Complete the sentences.

1) I usually have lunch …12 o’clock.

a) in b) at c) on

2).The Internet is a great…of the 15-th century.

a) discover b) discoverer c) discovery

3) We haven’t seen the Queen ….

a) never b) yet c) just

4) Has he ever … you to his parties?

a) invite b) to invite c) invited

5) There were very … people in the street.

a) little b) few c) much

II. Complete the sentences.

1) We have Music … Monday .

a) in b) on c) at

2) There were many … on the stage.

a) performs b) performers c) performances

3) We prefer to go to … “Odeon” in London.

a) a b) the c) —

4) Have they ever … poems?

a) translate b) to translate c) translated

5) Once I saw a cat … liked jam.

a) who b) that c) what

III. Complete the sentences.

1) Her birthday is … the 2nd of May.

a) at b) on c) in

2) He is a famous … of pictures.

a) collect b) collector c) collection

3) When you go to England you must visit … Tower of London.

a) a b) the c) —

4) She … the juice yesterday.

a) bought b) has bought c) will buy

5) You mustn’t drink so … tea.

a) many b) few c) much

IV. Complete the sentences.

1) Please, give me two tickets … Moscow.

a) for b) to c) in

2) We had a wonderful … on board the ship.

a) trip b) journey c) voyage

3) He hasn’t come … .

a) already b) yet c) ever

4) I didn’t put … there.

a) something b) anything c) nothing

5) Have you ever … the piano?

a) play b) played c) will play

V. Complete the sentences.

1) Don’t be afraid … cats. They are nice.

a) at b) of c) on

2) We haven’t got an uncle, … ?

a) have we b) haven’t we c) don’t we

3) Visiting Moscow you must go to … Pushkin Museum.

a) a b) the c) —

4) Have you ever … him?

a) meet b) met c) to meet

5) The Greens have lived in London … 10 years.

a) since b) for c) at

VI. Complete the sentences.

1) They laughed … a funny puppy.

a) at b) on c) with

2) She lived in a big house last winter, … ?

a) did she b) didn’t she c) doesn’t she

3) Has he ever … the film?

a) see b) saw c) seen

4) He didn’t say … .

a) something b) anything c) nothing

5) We haven’t written the test … .

a) already b) yet c) never

VII. Complete the sentences.

1) She is never late … school.

a) on b) for c) at

2) You can buy two armchairs, … ?

a) can you b) can’t you c) don’t you

3) We like to go to … Black Sea in summer.

a) a b) the c) —

4) They … him yesterday.

a) visited b) have visited c) will visit

5) … him about this famous monument.

a) tell b) say c) talk

VIII. Complete the sentences.

1) He is famous … his book.

a) in b) for c) on

2) I have … been to Africa.

a) yet b) never c) last year

3) He … the film yesterday.

a) has seen b) saw c) will see

4) They didn’t write … at the lesson.

a) something b) anything c) nothing

5) I know a boy … can speak 3 languages.

a) what b) which c) who

IX. Complete the sentences.

1) They always go … car to the seaside.

a) on b) by c) in

2) We must never be late for school, … ?

a) must we b) don’t we c) mustn’t we

3) My brother is fond of … .

a) travel b) traveller c) travelling

4) Granny hasn’t cooked dinner … .

a) already b) yet c) ever

5) Have you ever … the President?

a) see b) saw c) seen

X. Complete the sentences.

1) We read texts … our English lessons.

a) on b) at c) with

2) Which is the … river in the world?

a) long b) longer c) longest

3) The centre of London is … Trafalgar Square.

a) — b) the c) a

4) I … to that shop tomorrow

a) have gone b) will go c) went

5) I can’t hear … .

a) something b) nothing c) anything

XI. Complete the sentences.

1) I haven’t seen you … ages.

a) on b) for c) in

2) Have you … been to London?

a) never b) always c) ever

3) We don’t go to … school on Sunday.

a) a b) the c) —

4) Who … in London last year?

a) were b) was c) is

5) You mustn’t drink … coffee.

a) many b) much c) few

XII. Complete the sentences.

1) He is very proud … his collection of stamps.

a) at b) of c) with

2) There is much furniture in the room, … ?

a) isn’t it b) is there c) isn’t there

3) The longest river in Russia is … Volga .

a) a b) the c) —

4) I have … heard it.

a) already b) yet c) ever

5) … it rain last Sunday?

a) Did b) Does c) Was


1.b 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.a

1.b 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c

1.a 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.b

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.b

1.a 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.b

1.b 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a

1.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.c

1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c

1.b 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.c

1.a 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.b

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.a

Итоговая контрольная работа 4 класс Вариант 1.

Фамилия Имя_______________________________________________класс _____

  1. Вставьте в предложения is/are/have/has/Do/does/am

Пример: I am David.

I ____ 11 years old. I ______ got a family. They ______ my mother, my father, my brother and I. My mother ____ a doctor. My dad ____ a policeman. My brother ____ got a pet. It ___ a hamster Chip. It likes playing. It _____ not like sleeping. We ____ very happy. I love my family. ____ you love your family?

2. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

Пример: This is a dog – This is not a dog.

— Is this a dog?

  1. These are my brothers.



  1. There are a lot of flowers in the garden.



  1. My friend is playing the piano now.



  1. I like chocolate ice cream.



  1. Alice sometimes reads comics.



3. Составьте предложения:

Пример: Strawberry/ likes/ He /ice cream He likes strawberry ice cream

  1. don’t/ Sunday/ go/ on/ We/ school/ to/. ____________________________________

  2. doctor/ going/ be/ to/ I’m/ a _____________________________________________

  3. table / some / there / apples/ on/ the/ are/ .__________________________________

  4. got/ Uncle/ has/ animals/ a lot of/ John .___________________________________

  5. now/ What/ reading/ are/ they / ?_________________________________________

4. Составь мини-диалоги:

Пример: о) Where is my bag? — 6) It’s under the table.

  1. What time is it? 1) I like summer.

  2. It’s very hot in the room! 2) Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Where are you from? 3) It’s half past two.

  4. What’s your favorite season? 4) Open the window!

  5. I’m 12 today! 5) I’m from Moscow.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

Last week Lucy didn’t go to school. She was ill. Her mum was busy, she cleaned the house. Lucy was unhappy. She didn’t read and she didn’t watch TV. She didn’t go for a walk. She was in her bedroom all day. She didn’t want any lunch. She wanted to be well.

Пример: What is the girl’s name? Her name is Lucy.

  1. Did she go to school?________________________________________________

  2. Was Lucy’s mum busy?______________________________________________

  3. What did Lucy’s mum do? ____________________________________________

  4. Where was Lucy?____________________________________________________

  5. What did Lucy want?_________________________________________________

6. Заполни пропуски в письме, используя информацию в рамке:

Name: Isabel

Age: 11

Job : pupil

City, country : Malaga, Spain.

Appearance: short, slim, long fair hair, blue eyes.

Pet: rat, Queen.

Family: mother, Dolores, 42, dancer, uncle, Carlos, 35, musician, sister, Pilar, 7, pupil.

Hobbies: dancing, singing.

Dear Kate,

My name is Isabel. I’m _______years old. I’m from ________.

I’ve got a pet. It is a _____ . Her name is _______.

My mother’s name is _________, she is a _______.

My sister , Pilar, is _____. She is also a ______.

I’m good at ______ and_______.

Write back and tell me about your family.



Итоговая контрольная работа 4 класс Вариант 2.

Фамилия Имя_______________________________________________класс _____

1.Вставьте в предложения is/are/have/has/Do/does/am

Пример: He is David.

Hi! I ____David. I ______ got a family. They ______ my mother, my father, my sister and I. My mother ____ a teacher. My dad ____ a doctor. My sister____ got a pet. It ___ a parrot Pirate. It likes singing. It _____ not like sleeping. We ____ very happy. I love my family. ____ you love your family?

2. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

Пример: This is a dog – This is not a dog.

— Is this a dog?

1.These are my sisters.



2.There are a lot of trees in the garden.



3.My friend is playing tennis now.



4.I like vanilla ice cream.



5. Alice sometimes goes to the swimming pool.



3. Составьте предложения:

Пример: Strawberry/ likes/ He /ice cream He likes strawberry ice cream

1.table / some / there / apples/ on/ the/ are/._________________________________

2.not/ doctor/ going/ be/ to/ I’m/a ______________________________________

3.don’t/Sundays go/ on/ We/ school/ to/.__________________________________

4.now/ What/ reading/ are/ they / ?_______________________________________

5.got/ Uncle/ has/ animals/ a lot of/ John.__________________________________

4. Составь минидиалоги:

Пример: о) Where is my bag? — 6) It’s under the table.

a) What time is it? 1) I like summer.

b) It’s very hot in the room! 2) Happy Birthday!!!

c)Where are you from? 3) It’s half past two.

d)What’s your favorite season? 4) Open the window!

e) I’m 12 today! 5) I’m from Moscow.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

Last week Lucy didn’t go to school. She was ill. Her mum was busy, she cleaned the house. Lucy was unhappy. She didn’t read and she didn’t watch TV. She didn’t go for a walk. She was in her bedroom all day. She didn’t want any lunch. She wanted to be well.

Пример: What is the girl’s name? Her name is Lucy.

1)Did she go to school? _______________________________________________

2)Was Lucy’s mum busy?______________________________________________

3)What did Lucy’s mum do?____________________________________________

4)Where was Lucy?___________________________________________________

5)What did Lucy want?________________________________________________

6. Заполни пропуски в письме, используя информацию в рамке:

Name: Isabel

Age: 11

Job : pupil

City, country : Malaga, Spain.

Appearance: short, slim, long fair hair, blue eyes.

Pet: rat, Queen.

Family: mother, Dolores, 42, dancer, uncle, Carlos, 35, musician, sister, Pilar, 7, pupil.

Hobbies: dancing, singing.

Dear Kate,

My name is Isabel. I’m _______years old. I’m from ________.

I’ve got a pet. It is a _____ . Her name is _______.

My mother’s name is _________, she is a _______.

My sister , Pilar, is _____. She is also a ______.

I’m good at ______ and_______.

Write back and tell me about your family.



Вопрос №

Jane`s parents go … the theatre every week … Sundays.

at, in
at, on
to, in
to, on
in , on
in, to

Вопрос №

She goes .. a walk in the evening


Вопрос №

My children … in the swimming pool on their day off. (+)

don`t swim
doesn`t swim

Вопрос №

Ответь на вопрос

Where does he go every day?

In the evening
His homework
To the cinema
At home

Вопрос №

Выбери правильное предложение

I usually wash the dishes in the morning
I wash usually the dishes in the morning
I wash the dishes usually in the morning
I wash the dishes in the morning usually

Вопрос №

Выбери правильное предложение

What you do in the afternoon?
Does your cousins watch TV at 4.30?
Do you tidy your room every day?
She tidy her room every day.

Вопрос №

— What time is it?
— 8.05

It`s eight five
It`s five eight
It`s eight oh five
It`s eight oh fife

Вопрос №

Что такое Present Simple?

Это время, которое обозначает действие, происходящее в данный момент
Это время, которое обозначает действие, которое будет происходить в будущем
Это время, которое обозначает действие, которое происходило в прошлом
Это время, которое обозначает действие, которое повторяется, происходит регулярно

Вопрос №

В каком ряду НЕ допущена ошибка

in the zoo, at the disco, in the park, at the home
at the zoo, at the disco, in the park, at the home
in the zoo, at the disco, in the park, at home
at the zoo, at the disco, at the park, at home
at the zoo, at the disco, in the park, at home
in the zoo, at the disco, at the park, at home

Вопрос №

an _m_s_m_nt park

a, e, e, e
e, u, e, a
a, u, i, e
a, u, e, e

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