Jutsu экзамен на чунина ответы

1.Кто не является капитаном Дивизии Альянса?

2.Выберите владельца Бьякугана.

3.Кто из этих персонажей мёртв на момент окончания оригинальной манги?
Мадара, Рин, Неджи, Нагато.

4.Кто из этих людей не входил в состав Семи Мечников Тумана?
Суйгецу Хозуки

5.Выберите персонажей, которых воскресили с помощью Нечестивого воскрешения
Пакура, Нагато, Тобирама, Фу

6.Пейн убил Какаши…

7.Выберите персонажей, которые родились за пределами Деревни Скрытого Листа.
Кушина, Нагато, Куриараре Кушимару

8.Кто из этих персонажей сражался с Темари?
Учиха Саске.

9.Возраст Цунаде на момент 1 сезона…
51 год

10.Какую из этих техник Какаши не использовал в аниме?
Стихия Ветра: Барьер из ветра

In JutsuOnline 2.5 in order to become a chunin of your village you must pass the Chunin Exam which is made up of atleast* two parts. The first part is a roleplay event hosted by staff and the second is an automated PVP event.

Part One — The Test

Start your Engines - The Chūnin Exam Begins!.png

Each week the staff will host an exam in your Village academy, there are usually 10 questions, which are timed and involve whispering the answer to the host.

Questions can be set on a variety of different topics like Lore or the WRP, or it can be a test of your strategic and tactical knowledge. Staff will often give hints towards what topics will come up in that weeks test.

The staff member holding the test will let you know beforehand what the pass mark is and upon passing you will receive a Forest of Death Pass which will enable you to take part in part two.

Part Two — Forest of Death

Forest of death.gif

Each Saturday at 3pm (GMT) the Forest of Death event will take place, usually a staff member or village jounin will give an introductory brief on the event before it starts.

To take part in the Forest of Death you will need:

— To be of Genin Rank

— A Forest of Death Pass

To enter the Forest of Death you must click on the «Chuunin Exam FOD Start» NPC located in your Kage Building (shown below.)


The NPC will be open for ONE MINUTE and will automatically teleport you into the Forest of death.

If you miss this one minute window you will not be able to participate and you have to wait till next week to try again.

The Forest of Death allows a maximum of 25 players in at a go, access is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

How the Forest of Death works:

You will be teleported inside the Forest of Death for one hour.

Upon entering you will recieve either a heaven or an earth scroll. Your objective is to keep hold of your scroll and obtain the other scroll so you end up with both a heaven and an earth scroll. You must have one of each scroll in order to pass.

The only way to get the scroll you need is to PVP other players and defeat them. Upon defeating a player they will be teleported out of the Forest of Death and fail the exam… their scroll dropped in their place for you to collect.

Once you have both a heaven and an earth scroll you will have passed the Forest of Death and will be automatically teleported out.

Throughout the Forest of Death there are auto-fail teleports which will allow you to leave the area immediately and return to your village, once you do this you cannot re-enter the area, so think carefully before giving up.

Please remember:

  • You may need to successfuly PVP more than one person in order to obtain the scroll that you need.
  • There are no medical nin NPCs in the Forest of Death to heal yourself up with.
  • If you log out or are disconnected from the game whilst in the FOD upon re-log you will auto-fail the exam and be teleported back to your village.
  • If you are defeated in PVP you will be teleported back to your village hospital and fail the exam for that week.
  • Staff may enter the FOD on NPC characters to invoke roleplay, or give permission to other players to enter. Do not be surprised by this.
  • The NPC to start the FOD will only take on players for ONE MINUTE.

Upon successfully completing the Forest of Death you will receive a chunin graduation token. You will still need to complete the rest of the «Chunin Graduate» quest in order to be promoted to chunin.

*Other Parts

Chunin Examination Arena.png

Staff may choose to add additional requirements in order to receive a chunin exam certificate in addition to a test. This could be an event such a one-on-one battles against another player using the roleplay guides. Staff will always be clear about when they will add addition requirements to chunin progression.

In JutsuOnline 2.5 in order to become a chunin of your village you must pass the Chunin Exam which is made up of atleast* two parts. The first part is a roleplay event hosted by staff and the second is an automated PVP event.

Part One — The Test

Start your Engines - The Chūnin Exam Begins!.png

Each week the staff will host an exam in your Village academy, there are usually 10 questions, which are timed and involve whispering the answer to the host.

Questions can be set on a variety of different topics like Lore or the WRP, or it can be a test of your strategic and tactical knowledge. Staff will often give hints towards what topics will come up in that weeks test.

The staff member holding the test will let you know beforehand what the pass mark is and upon passing you will receive a Forest of Death Pass which will enable you to take part in part two.

Part Two — Forest of Death

Forest of death.gif

Each Saturday at 3pm (GMT) the Forest of Death event will take place, usually a staff member or village jounin will give an introductory brief on the event before it starts.

To take part in the Forest of Death you will need:

— To be of Genin Rank

— A Forest of Death Pass

To enter the Forest of Death you must click on the «Chuunin Exam FOD Start» NPC located in your Kage Building (shown below.)


The NPC will be open for ONE MINUTE and will automatically teleport you into the Forest of death.

If you miss this one minute window you will not be able to participate and you have to wait till next week to try again.

The Forest of Death allows a maximum of 25 players in at a go, access is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

How the Forest of Death works:

You will be teleported inside the Forest of Death for one hour.

Upon entering you will recieve either a heaven or an earth scroll. Your objective is to keep hold of your scroll and obtain the other scroll so you end up with both a heaven and an earth scroll. You must have one of each scroll in order to pass.

The only way to get the scroll you need is to PVP other players and defeat them. Upon defeating a player they will be teleported out of the Forest of Death and fail the exam… their scroll dropped in their place for you to collect.

Once you have both a heaven and an earth scroll you will have passed the Forest of Death and will be automatically teleported out.

Throughout the Forest of Death there are auto-fail teleports which will allow you to leave the area immediately and return to your village, once you do this you cannot re-enter the area, so think carefully before giving up.

Please remember:

  • You may need to successfuly PVP more than one person in order to obtain the scroll that you need.
  • There are no medical nin NPCs in the Forest of Death to heal yourself up with.
  • If you log out or are disconnected from the game whilst in the FOD upon re-log you will auto-fail the exam and be teleported back to your village.
  • If you are defeated in PVP you will be teleported back to your village hospital and fail the exam for that week.
  • Staff may enter the FOD on NPC characters to invoke roleplay, or give permission to other players to enter. Do not be surprised by this.
  • The NPC to start the FOD will only take on players for ONE MINUTE.

Upon successfully completing the Forest of Death you will receive a chunin graduation token. You will still need to complete the rest of the «Chunin Graduate» quest in order to be promoted to chunin.

*Other Parts

Chunin Examination Arena.png

Staff may choose to add additional requirements in order to receive a chunin exam certificate in addition to a test. This could be an event such a one-on-one battles against another player using the roleplay guides. Staff will always be clear about when they will add addition requirements to chunin progression.

  1. Канкуро против Мисуми — Продолжительность: 3:16

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  3. Экзамен на Чунина — Тест [#4] — Продолжительность: 2:39

    Первый этап Экзамена на ЧунинаТЕСТ • Наруто • 24 эпизод • русские субтитры ——————————————…

  4. Рекомендации на основе вашей истории поиска

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  8. Экзамен на Чунина — Тест [#5] — Продолжительность: 5:01

    Первый этап Экзамена на ЧунинаТЕСТ • Наруто • 25 эпизод • русские субтитры ——————————————…

  9. Экзамен на Чунина — Тест [#2] — Продолжительность: 5:02

    Первый этап Экзамена на ЧунинаТЕСТ • Наруто • 24 эпизод • русские субтитры ——————————————…


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Начнем с того, что эмо, бесспорно, довольно яркая во всех планах субкультура. Сакура была удивлена отношением Наруто. Генины сидели и не могли, что предпринять, некоторые подняли руку.

Если это не так, то все полученные командные баллы складываются в конце экзамена Максимум 30 , таким образом тест рассчитан на всю команду. Если кандидат не уверен в себе, то он может поднять руку и отказаться, в случае чего вся команда получает право на сдачу экзамена на следующий год. Акебино Джишин Правильного ответа нет.

Экзамен на Генина

Если пройдешь этот тест автоматом станешь чунином Но нужно ждать 5 дней после регестрации. Гарантирую 100%-ную правельность всех ответов! Наруто был бы в максимальном проигрыше против Саске, если бы его чакра была стихии: Воды Ветра Земли Молнии Хвостатые демоны, которых никогда не запечатывали в людях, уступают остальным, потому что… У них остается разум животного. Они не понимают человеческой речи. Они не умеют при желании уменьшаться в размерах. Они не познали тягости заточения. Шукаку — что это за зверь? Белка Шиншилла Енот Писец Какое джуцу применил Наруто на третьем Хокаге, чтобы попасть в библиотеку и украсть свиток с секретными техниками? Хенге Буншин но джуцу Шоутен но джуцу Ойроке но джуцу Какого цвета уникальная чакра Хатаке Сакумо и Какаши? Черная Синяя Желтая Белая Прим: спасибо за ответ в коментариях! В какой стране проходила первая миссия команды 7 ранга С? Страна Воды Строна Волн Страна Тумана Страна Водопада В честь кого назвали Наруто? В честь любимой еды его отца. В честь героя книги Джирайи. В честь знаменитого моста в стране Волн. Из-за формы печати у него на животе. Какой из атрибутов одежды Акацки ценнее всего? Хината Саске Карин Акамару Прим: спасибо за ответ в коментариях! Какие два свитка нужно было заполучить, чтобы пройти один из этапов экзамена на ранг чунина? Огня и Воды Огня и Ветра Огня и Земли Земли и Неба Какого животного нет среди хвостатых демонов? Кошка Лиса Белка Черепаха Что коллекционирует Суйгецу? Зубы Сюрикены Клинки Мечи На чем строятся основные атаки Сакуры? На высокой скорости атак. Как зовут четвертого Хокаге? Узумаки Араши Намиказе Минато Тоби Пэйн Кто из перечисленных владел мечом Кусанаги? Саске Итачи Орочимару Нидайме Который из кланов не связан с приручением животных? Абураме Инузука Нара Яманака Который из перечисленных стихийных элементов не является основным? Катон Суйтон Хьютон Фуутон О какой команде не упомянается в аниме Наруто? Команда 7 Команда 8 Команда 9 Команда 10 Какие животные служат клану Учиха? Первый Хокаге Второй Хокаге Третий Хокаге Пятая Хокаге.

В противном случает участники будут наказаны и дисквалифицированы. Они не умеют при желании уменьшаться в размерах. Кто из этих людей не состоит в организации 7 мечников старого поколения. Нара Шикаку Яманака Иноичи Китсучи Шизуне Хатаке Какаши Если знаете правильный ответ хотя-бы на 1 вопрос напишите пожалуста. Даруи Кицучи Мифуне Гаара Иноичи 6 Кто из этих персонажей сражался с Темари. Ваша задача максимум через 120 часов быть в центре полигона в башне с двумя разными свитками, — Наруто сидел на дереве и наблюдал с улыбкой за Анко.

Chunin Exam Answers – Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto

Part of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4’s road to Boruto DLC is that Boruto must take the Chunin Exam which includes a written portion that tests your knowledge of both the shinobi way and Konoha village’s history. You’ll be able to speak to NPCs around the map before taking the quiz and they’ll each provide you with clues as to what the correct answer for each question is.

If the clues just aren’t enough to help you figure out how to pass the test so you can continue on your quest to be the world’s greatest shinobi, here’s a quick cheat sheet with all the Chunin Exam answers:

What was the name of the religion that the sage of the Six Paths taught to people long ago?


Hidden Leaf Village was created by the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, and who else?

Madara Uchiha

Using Hidden Leaf Fillage as an example, other countries also created their own ninja villages. The five great villages created were Leaf, Sand, Cloud, Mist, and what?


During the Second Great Ninja War, what was the name that Hanzo of the Salamander gave to Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru?

Sannin of the Leaf

The Third Great Ninja War was a violent battle that even young soldiers took part in. Which one of these ninja also fought in it?

Kakashi Hatake

What was the name of the incident where the Sand and the Sound teamed up to overthrow the Leaf?

Destruction of the Leaf

When the Akatsuki began to cast a shadow over the world, the Third Raikage held a meeting in the Land of Iron. What was the meeting called?

Five Kage Summit

When the Akatsuki declared war, the Fourth Great Ninja War began. What did the Akatsuki hope to claim through the war?

Tailed Beasts

The current Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, and the Kazegage Gaara are very good friends. Gaara is the fifth Kazekage, What number is Naruto?

Seventh Hokage

What is important to a ninja?

Teamwork and Guts

Now that you’ve got all the Chunin Exam answers, you can get back to what really matters in Road to Boruto, the action, and proving that you’re one great shinobi who won’t just live in your father’s shadow.

Chunin Exam Answers – Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto

Part of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4’s road to Boruto DLC is that Boruto must take the Chunin Exam which includes a written portion that tests your knowledge of both the shinobi way and Konoha village’s history. You’ll be able to speak to NPCs around the map before taking the quiz and they’ll each provide you with clues as to what the correct answer for each question is.

If the clues just aren’t enough to help you figure out how to pass the test so you can continue on your quest to be the world’s greatest shinobi, here’s a quick cheat sheet with all the Chunin Exam answers:

What was the name of the religion that the sage of the Six Paths taught to people long ago?


Hidden Leaf Village was created by the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, and who else?

Madara Uchiha

Using Hidden Leaf Fillage as an example, other countries also created their own ninja villages. The five great villages created were Leaf, Sand, Cloud, Mist, and what?


During the Second Great Ninja War, what was the name that Hanzo of the Salamander gave to Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru?

Sannin of the Leaf

The Third Great Ninja War was a violent battle that even young soldiers took part in. Which one of these ninja also fought in it?

Kakashi Hatake

What was the name of the incident where the Sand and the Sound teamed up to overthrow the Leaf?

Destruction of the Leaf

When the Akatsuki began to cast a shadow over the world, the Third Raikage held a meeting in the Land of Iron. What was the meeting called?

Five Kage Summit

When the Akatsuki declared war, the Fourth Great Ninja War began. What did the Akatsuki hope to claim through the war?

Tailed Beasts

The current Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, and the Kazegage Gaara are very good friends. Gaara is the fifth Kazekage, What number is Naruto?

Seventh Hokage

What is important to a ninja?

Teamwork and Guts

Now that you’ve got all the Chunin Exam answers, you can get back to what really matters in Road to Boruto, the action, and proving that you’re one great shinobi who won’t just live in your father’s shadow.

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