Как подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку 7 класс

Впереди экзамен, а вы не уверены, что успеете к нему подготовиться? Мы расскажем вам, как подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку правильно, без нервотрепки и бессонных ночей.

Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку — стресс? Избавьтесь от него при помощи наших советов.

Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку — стресс? Избавьтесь от него при помощи наших советов.

Несмотря на недавнюю моду в нашей стране на все исконно русское, английский язык все ближе подбирается к нам: новые технологии, Интернет, работа, учеба — все эти сферы так или иначе тесно связаны с английским. Неудивительно, что все больше людей с каждым годом начинают изучать язык с целью получить сертификата об уровне владения английским, чтобы быть иметь документ, подтверждающий их знания. Но перед тем как получить вожделенный сертификат, придется хорошенько потрудиться: подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку — дело серьезное и требующее затрат времени.

Как быстро подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку: советы для успешной сдачи экзамена

1. Ставьте реальные дедлайны

Многие могут готовиться к экзамену несколько лет, каждый раз оттягивая момент сдачи экзамена. При этом человек может быть готов к тесту по знаниям, но из-за страха провалить экзамен ему будет казаться, что еще рано. Мечта — это цель с дедлайном. Если у вас будет крайний срок сдачи, вы сможете распланировать свои действия по подготовке до мелочей.

2. Приготовьтесь к интенсивной работе с минимумом выходных

Заниматься нужно ежедневно, минимум по 1 часу в день. Ближе к дате экзамена желательно увеличить продолжительность обучения до 2-4 часов в день. Однако не стоит забывать о перерывах. Ознакомьтесь со статьей «Техника «Помидора» для изучения английского языка», описанные в ней принципы тайм-менеджмента идеально подойдут для подготовки к экзамену.

3. Проверьте свои знания

Перед подготовкой определите четко свой уровень владения английским, найдите пробелы и слабые места. Для этого можете пройти авторский тест на определение уровня знания английского языка, он покажет ваши достижения в навыках письма, чтения и аудирования.

4. Выберите «правильного» преподавателя

С каким преподавателем заниматься: русскоязычным или носителем языка? Как правило, носители языка отлично помогают разрушить языковой барьер. Англоязычные учителя не знают русский язык, поэтому вам приходится говорить по-английски, а преподаватель в это время поправляет ваши ошибки и учит разговорным клише, полезной лексике — помогает вашей речи стать «живой».

С каким преподавателем заниматься: русскоязычным или носителем языка? Как правило, носители языка отлично помогают разрушить языковой барьер. Англоязычные учителя не знают русский язык, поэтому вам приходится говорить по-английски, а преподаватель в это время поправляет ваши ошибки и учит разговорным клише, полезной лексике — помогает вашей речи стать «живой».

Таким образом, оптимальный выбор — сочетание занятий с носителем языка и русскоязычным преподавателем. Уроки будут дополнять друг друга и помогут вам добиться поставленной цели.

5. Выполняйте типовые задания

Узнайте, какие задания ждут вас на выбранном экзамене, затем найдите в Интернете примеры подобных упражнений и выполняйте их ежедневно, хотя бы по паре заданий в день. Если вам предстоит сдача ЕГЭ, приобретите специальное пособие с типовыми заданиями и прорешайте его от начала до конца.

Ознакомиться с форматом кембриджских экзаменов и поупражняться в типовых заданиях можно на этом сайте examenglish.com. Там вы найдете бесплатные тесты для подготовки к IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, CAE, FCE, KET, PET, PTE Academic, PTE General, Michigan.

6. Развивайте все навыки одновременно

Любой экзамен состоит из нескольких частей, на которых проверяются все навыки знания английского: письменную и устную речь, аудирование, чтение, словарный запас, знание грамматики, произношение. У каждого из нас есть свои сильные и слабые стороны, сильными нужно умело пользоваться, а слабые стороны развивать до сильных. Как работать над каждым из навыков? Предлагаем следующие приемы:

  • Навык чтения. Читайте тексты разной тематики: от газет и журналов до художественной и научно-популярной литературы. Так вы изучите новые слова из контекста, увеличите скорость чтения, при помощи зрительной памяти запомните правописание новых слов, освежите знания слов и фраз по конкретным темам. Типовое задание по чтению на экзамене — это вопросы на осмысление текста. Попрактиковать этот навык можно на сайте myenglishpages.com. Там представлены десятки тестов самой разнообразной тематики и даны вопросы на понимание.
  • Навык письма. Типовое задание на экзамене — это эссе. Учитесь писать его правильно: в любом вашем письме должно быть введение, несколько абзацев основного текста и заключение. Учтите, что на некоторых экзаменах вам могут дать задание написать письмо в определенном стиле: формальном или неформальном. Поэтому тренируйтесь правильно использовать соответствующую лексику и грамматику. Кроме того, старайтесь при написании уложиться в определенный объем и отведенное время. Например, если вы знаете, что на экзамене нужно написать эссе примерно на 200-250 слов, приучите себя писать именно такие объемы, тогда при сдаче вам не нужно будет считать слова, вы и так увидите, что добились идеальной длины. Важным условием работы над письмом является наличие человека, который бы смог проверить и оценить ваши письменные навыки. Такой человек будет в силах рассказать, как нужно и не нужно писать. Ознакомиться с основными видами, структурой и правилами написания эссе можно в нашей статье «Как написать эссе на английском языке на отлично».
  • Навык аудирования. Типовое задание на экзамене — это прослушивание аудиофайла и ответы на вопросы к нему. Проверка понимания английской речи на слух — одна из самых непростых частей экзамена. Однако если вы будете заниматься аудированием, то проблем с этим испытанием не возникнет. Один из самых действенных и доступных способов тренировки навыка — прослушивание аудиоподкастов. О секретах работы с аудиофайлами мы написали в статье «Современное аудирование по английскому языку: подкасты, аудиосериалы, радиошоу».
  • Навык говорения. Типовое задание представляет собой спонтанную речь на любую тему. Эту часть экзамена лучше всего репетировать со своим преподавателем: он поможет вам исправить типовые ошибки и научит говорить естественно. Есть простое и очень эффективное упражнение для тренировки спонтанной речи: выберите любой предмет и старайтесь говорить о нем 1 минуту. Так вы научитесь говорить о чем угодно, а это именно то, что нужно вам на экзамене. Можно и самостоятельно работать над навыком говорения. Для этого попробуйте следующий метод. Возьмите интересный видеоролик, посмотрите его несколько раз, выучите субтитры. После этого включите видео без звука и попытайтесь попасть в темп говорящего. Это упражнение поможет вам выучить полезную лексику и научиться бегло говорить по-английски. Кроме того, не забывайте читать вслух: вы улучшите свое произношение, поработаете над интонацией и правильным акцентом, научитесь формулировать свои мысли ясно и грамотно.

7. Читайте об опыте людей, сдавших экзамен

В Интернете найдите статьи людей, которые сдавали экзамен, узнайте подробно о формате его проведения, системе оценивания, секретах успешной подготовки. Например, если вы хотите сдать экзамен IELTS, ознакомьтесь с полезными статьями нашего преподавателя Лилии «Как подготовиться к IELTS Speaking». Она успешно сдала экзамен, знает обо всех его «подводных камнях» и рада будет поделиться своим опытом. А еще Лилия рассказала о «ТОП-9 распространенных ошибок при сдаче экзамена IELTS».

Если вас интересует серия Кембриджских экзаменов FCE, CAE, CPE, то вам нужно обязательно прочитать статью преподавателя Светланы «Как я сдавала САЕ. Confessions of a certificate holder». Она поделилась личным опытом сдачи одного из этих экзаменов, дала дельные советы, как показать «класс» в устной части экзамена. Попробуйте учиться на ошибках других людей.

Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won’t have time to make them all yourself.

Учитесь всему на ошибках других. У вас не хватит времени совершить их все самостоятельно.

8. Репетируйте экзамен

Узнайте, как проходит испытание, сколько у вас будет времени на выполнение каждого задания и т. п. Вместе с преподавателем или другом, которому тоже надо сдавать экзамен, пробуйте писать сочинение, читать текст и отвечать на вопросы, делать упражнения на аудирование и говорить на самые разные темы на английском языке. При этом нужно уложиться в определенное время, отведенное на каждую часть экзамена. К моменту экзамена у вас должно появиться пресловутое «чувство времени», которое подскажет, в каком темпе выполнять то или иное задание.

9. Получайте всю информацию на английском языке

Постарайтесь всю необходимую в течение дня информацию получать на английском языке. Ищете новую микроволновку? Смотрите описания моделей и отзывы на сайтах зарубежных интернет-магазинов. Желаете испечь пирог? Ищите рецепт на англоязычных сайтах. Не мыслите своей жизни без книг? Читайте их на английском языке. Хотите узнать, как правильно подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку? Ищите информацию на английском! Таким нехитрым способом вы обогатите свой словарный запас лексикой из различных сфер жизни и откроете для себя много полезных и увлекательных ресурсов.

10. Не отвлекайтесь на паникеров

Правильная подготовка к экзамену по английскому — залог успеха и хорошего настроения.

Правильная подготовка к экзамену по английскому — залог успеха и хорошего настроения.

Наверняка перед экзаменом вы зайдете на какой-нибудь форум изучающих английский язык, где будете искать советы, как подготовиться к экзамену по английскому. Бывает, что участники обсуждения дают весьма ценные рекомендации, но их вам придется с трудом вычленять из потока жалоб и панических сообщений о том, как «сложно сдавать экзамен», «в этом году обещают суперсложные задания». Такие сообщения отвлекают и отодвигают вас от желаемой цели. Лучше потратьте драгоценное время на обучение или на отдых.

Надеемся, после прочтения нашей статьи вы уже не будете мучить «Гугл» вопросом «Как подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку», а приступите к усердной и продуктивной работе. Если вам нужна помощь, попробуйте записаться на курс «Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку». Опытные преподаватели с радостью помогут вам готовиться к испытанию. Сдать экзамен не так сложно, если основательно к нему подготовиться. Желаем вам ни пуха, ни пера!

© 2023 englex.ru, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

Список устных тем на экзамен 7 класс

  1. Holidays

what holidays are most popular in your country

what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it

if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why

  1. Reading books

whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not

what kind of books you like reading

why many people prefer e-books to paper books

  1. My career plans

what job you want to do in the future

what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why

whether your family approve of your career choice or not

  1. TV

whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why

how many hours a week you watch TV

what you dislike most about TV

  1. The Internet

why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much

how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier

what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet

  1. My free time

whether you have a lot of free time and why

what you enjoy doing in your free time

what your Sunday afternoons are like

  1. Learning English

how long you have been learning English

why most Russian students learn English at school

what you use English out of the classroom for

  1. The environmental problems

why it is important to protect the environment

what the most serious environmental problem is in the place where you live

what you and your classmates can do to help protect the environment

  1. Pets

why people keep pets

what pets are most popular in big cities

whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why

  1. Keeping fit

why a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays

what you do to keep fit

what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region


I would like to tell you a few words about holidays.

I believe the most popular holidays in my country are New Year’s Day and Victory day. People like to exchange presents and set off fireworks on New Year’s night.  Victory Day is a special day for all the Russians. We feel proud of our grandparents who won victory over German fascists in 1945.

As for me, my favourite holiday is New Year’s day. I usually start celebrating it at home with my family. All our family members usually meet about an hour before the midnight and see the old year off. Then we see the new year in and while the clock on Spasskaya tower chimes twelve we make a wish. After that my friends and I go to the central square to watch a New Year’s show prepared by our local actors with dances, songs, different contests and presents from Father Frost and Snow Maiden. It is usually great fun!

For me giving presents and getting presents are equally pleasant. I love getting presents as I like the feeling of curiosity and expectation you experience while unwrapping them.. And I also like watching people feel happy getting presents from me.

That’s all I wanted to say.

Reading books

I would like to tell you a few words about what I think about books and reading. To my mind, reading is not so popular nowadays as it was a couple of  decades before. There are several reasons for this. First, teenagers now have far more ways to entertain themselves. We have an opportunity to play computer games, listen to countless number of songs and watch any films we like on the Internet.

As  for me, I like reading very much. My favourite kind of books is adventure  stories. I like adventure stories because they make my monotonous life more exciting and interesting, give me an opportunity to travel around the world.

Most people nowadays prefer e-books to paper ones, as paper books cost more and occupy a lot of place in your home. Some really huge paper books are too heavy to be taken with you. As for the e-book, you can take it with you wherever you go.

So, in conclusion, despite the fact that reading is not so popular nowadays, it continues to remain one of my favourite pastimes.

That’s all I wanted to say.

My career plans

I would like to tell you a few words about my career plans.

I am really interested in tourism and want to become a tour guide in the future. There are two reasons why I have chosen this job. First, I like travelling and sightseeing. Besides, I am very sociable and enjoy communicating with different people. I think this kind of job gives you such an opportunity.

I think geography and history are the most important subjects for my future job as you have to know much and to tell people about the nature and history of different places, about their customs and traditions and different architectural styles. Besides, it would be also very useful to know foreign languages as there are often a lot of foreigners on excursions.

All the members of my family approve of my choice. First of all, they believe I am the right person for the job as I am good at geography, history and English and very sociable too. Second, tourist business is actively developing and they think it will be easy to find a job.

That’s all I wanted to say.


I would like to tell you a few words about what I think of TV. I believe watching TV is very popular with teenagers nowadays. There are so many kinds of television now: ordinary, cable, satellite. There are hundreds of different channels where everyone can find something to his/her liking. I think numerous sitcoms and reality shows are the most favourite programs among teenagers.

As for me, I don’t spend much time watching TV. It is usually one hour a day on week days and about  three hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, that is about 11 hours a week. I cannot afford more as I am very busy preparing for my school-leaving exams. Besides, I don’t think watching much television is safe for your health.

I like watching TV in general. It helps you to relax after a hard day. But at the same time I believe there is too much violence on TV nowadays. There are plenty of thrillers with very violent murders. And they are often on during the day when children can watch them. It is very harmful for children’s psycho. They may get nervous or aggressive.

So, to my mind watching TV is a good pastime, but one should carefully choose what programs to watch.

That’s all I wanted to say.

The Internet

I would like to tell you a few words about the Internet.

I believe today’s teenagers use the Internet so much because it is a perfect tool for getting information and entertaining. It is a combination of different kinds of mass media, means of communication and entertainment sources. You can get news, communicate with friends, read books, watch films, listen to music, play games and even shop on the Internet nowadays.

The Internet makes long-distance communication much easier than it was before its invention. In case of ordinary mail, it took a letter several days or even weeks to reach the addressee. Now, the process takes just a few seconds even if the sender and the addressee are thousands of miles from each other.

There are many dangers, however, teenagers can face on the Internet. First, they can watch video for adults which is not good for their psycho. Second, they can become a victim of cyber bulling and be piled with numerous nasty messages. Besides, they can become a victim of fraud while shopping online.

So, the Internet is very useful, but parents must make sure their children use it in a proper way.

That’s all I wanted to say.

My free time

I would like to tell you a few words about my free time.

At the moment I am very busy preparing for my exams and have one or two extra classes a day. That is why I can spare only a little time for my leisure activities.

One of my favourite pastimes is watching films. I really love going to the cinema. But unfortunately, we don’t have a cinema here in Morshansk. So we have to go to Tambov. It’s not very cheap. So, we don’t go there very often. But I often watch films on the Internet and TV. I prefer melodramas. Besides, I enjoy going to the discos at the weekends. I adore dancing and can dance for three to four hours at a stretch. Besides, I like spending time chatting with my friend. We have a lot in common with her and there are so many things to talk about!

Sunday is my only day off when I have neither lessons nor extra classes. So I try to get the most out of it. My best friend and I usually meet at noon at my or her place and make a home cinema for ourselves. We buy plenty of snacks beforehand and enjoy watching films on the Internet chewing something! After that we discuss the film and everything that happened to us during the week.

That’s all I wanted to say.

Learning English

I would like to tell you a few words about learning English.

Learning English has become quite popular nowadays. This language is considered as a major international language. 

 As far as I remember, I’ve been learning English for over 7 years.
I think that Russians study English at school because English is the international language.
If you speak English you can talk to people from different countries. Most international companies do their daily business using English. Nowadays, there are many international students exchange programs which allow Russians to learn different subjects abroad. 

Personally, I use English in my travels. When our family goes abroad for vacation we speak English with the locals. Also, I like watching English movies in English. Sometimes Russian translations are not very good. I like to listen to the original actors’ voices. Of course, I correspond with my Spanish friends regularly in English. They don’t speak Russian, so English is the only language that we all can use. 

 That’s all I wanted to say.

The environmental problems

I would like to tell you a few words about the environmental problems.

Protecting the environment is an important task that everybody has to consider as his own. 

I think that it is important to protect the environment because we are all part of it. If the ecological situation becomes bad our health becomes bad too. We eat food that is grown on the ground. If the ground is polluted, our food is polluted too. We all breath the air that surrounds us. If the air is dirty, we can get sick.

I guess that the biggest environmental problem is polluted air. I live in a big city where there are many cars that produce lots of car exhaust fumes. You can hardly breath when there is no wind and you are walking along a road with bad traffic.

I think everyone can do a lot of things to protect our environment. Personally, I try not to litter. When we leave the city to have a rest we try not to harm the environment. When we leave our picnic area, we leave it in a better condition than it was when we arrived. Also, we separate our trash that we throw away. Food remnants go into one container while plastic, glass and other things go into other containers. It makes recycling much easier.

That’s all I wanted to say. 


I would like to tell you a few words about pets.

There are very many reasons why people keep pets at home. First, they help people not to feel lonely. They are very good friends. They give you unconditional love and are always faithful. Pets can improve your mood, they are always there for you if you feel down or depressed.  Moreover, some scientists claim that pets can cure different diseases.  

I believe that in big cities budgies, fish, hamsters and other small pets that don’t need much space and to be walked out are most popular. I think so because there are fewer places you can walk your pets in large cities and the streets are a very dangerous place for them there. Besides, people have less time for walking with their pets as they spend much time getting to their work and back.

To my mind, having pets is a big responsibility as you must know and do a lot to keep your pet healthy and happy. They cannot take care of themselves and totally depend on you.

So, keeping pets at home has a lo lot benefits, but it is also a great responsibility.

That’s all I wanted to say. 

Keeping fit

I would like to tell you a few words about healthy lifestyle.

I believe a healthy lifestyle has become more popular nowadays. First, people are more health-conscious thanks to mass media like TV or magazines. They promote healthy lifestyle by showing successful slim athletic people. There is also much information about healthy eating and keeping fit. Besides, people have more opportunities to live a healthy life now. We have more sport centres and devices to cook healthy food.

As for me, I don’t do much to keep fit. I just do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day, try to eat regularly small amounts of food 4 or 5 times a day and try to avoid eating sweet things.

As for sport activities popular with teenagers in our region, I believe they prefer athletics. There are many sport clubs where you can do athletics. Our local authorities also hold different athletics competitions quite regularly. Besides, fitness training is also popular among teenagers. Girls like attending non-equipment fitness group classes, boys prefer equipment-based workouts at a gym.

So, I believe healthy life style is popular nowadays thanks to mass media and greater opportunities we have.

That’s all I wanted to say. 

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 1 ( Lifestyles)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 1.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 2 ( Tale time)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 2.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 3 (Profiles)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 4 (In the news)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 4.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 5 (What the future holds)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 5.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 6 (Having fun)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 6.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 7 (In the spotlight)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 7.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 8 (Green issues)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 8.pdf

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Spotlight 7. Тест Модуль 9 ( Shopping time)

Тест состоит из 26 вопросов. Из них 13 вопросов на знание лексики модуля, включая фразовые глаголы, и 13 вопросов на знания грамматики.

7 класс Module 9.pdf

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279.1 KB

Здравствуйте, дорогие семиклассники!  Надеюсь на успешное продолжение нашего сотрудничества в новом 2017-2018 учебном году.  

Темы для устного высказывания:  

темы для учащихся 7-х классов               
You are to give a talk on the importance
of one’s appearance for one’s success in life

You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20
Remember to say:
what kinds of people mostly  attract you
and why;
how important is one’s appearance for one’s success in life;
 — if you are tolerant enough to people who are
not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour.
Card 2.
You are to give a talk on London. You
should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
— why London is one of the most fascinating
capitals of the world;
 —  what
sights of London you can comment on;
 — if you would like to visit London and what
  Card 3.
You are to give a talk on your family
and home
. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say
14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
if you agree or disagree that one’s place is one’s home and family;
if it is important to have a close family;
 — how family can help to overcome
You are to give a talk on English as a
global language
. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to
say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
why English is a truly global language of the world;
what you can do to improve your English;
how you are planning to use English in the future.

You are to give a talk on friends. You
should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
if it is better to have one close friend or many friends;
what traits of character you consider the most important in

if it is possible to have friends in other cities or countries.

You are to give a talk on British
. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20
Remember to say:
if the UK is rich in holidays;
what English holiday is your favourite, why;
 — what traditions in the UK are similar to
You are to give a talk on cinema and theatre. You should speak
for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
what roles arts play in people’s lives;
what arts are the most popular nowadays;

which of arts you prefer.
You are to give a talk on Russia. You should speak for not less
than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
— what official information you can say
about Russia;
— how you can comment on the
geographical position of Russia;
 — what famous Russian people you know and what
they are famous for.
You are to give a talk on Moscow. You should speak for not less
than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
why Moscow is called «Moscow the beautiful»;
what places you would like to visit in Moscow;

if you would like to move to Moscow one day, why.
You are to give a talk on Russian cities. You should speak for
not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
what major cities of Russia you know;
— what these cities are famous for;
 — what interesting places in Russian cities
you would like to visit and why.
You are to give a talk on your favourite holiday. You should
speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
what holidays are Russian public holidays;
which of the holidays are typically Russian;
 — what holiday your family like to celebrate
and why.
You are to give a talk on your native town. You should speak for
not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
— what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous
what you know about the history of your town;

what your favourite place in the town is and why.
You are to give a talk on your school.
You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20
Remember to say:
— what your typical school day is
— what your favourite subject is,

what you like most about your school.

You are to give a talk on the Olympic Games and sports. You
should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
what you know about the history of the Olympic Games;
what role sport plays in people’s lives;
 — what your advice to stay healthy and keep
fit is.
You are to give a talk on books and reading. You should speak for
not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say:
— what facts from the history of books you can remember;
— if a good book is the best friend today and forever;
   — which you prefer: paperbacks or electronic
books, why.

 Card № 1 
 You are to give a talk on the importance of one’s appearance for one’s success in life. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 — 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
 — what kinds of people mostly attract you and why;  (какого рода люди привлекают вас и почему);
  — how important is one’s appearance for one’s success in life;(насколько важна внешность для успеха в жизни);  
 —  if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour; (достаточно ли вы терпимы к людям, чьи вкусы, внешность и поведение отличаются от ваших).         
    I’d like to give a talk about the importance of one’s appearance and personality for one’s success in life. Among my classmates and friends there are people of various kinds. Some of them are kind, generous and reliable, the others are nasty, greedy or ill-mannered.     I personally make friends with the boys and girls who are reliable as such people are always helpful, I mean they help you in any difficult situation, they give you good advice or share something with you.Besides, people with a nice sense of humour attract me most of all. For example, my friend ….. is always cheerful and energetic. He (she) always helps me do my maths problems and shares his(her) opinions with me.     As for one’s appearance and its importance for one’s success in life, I must say that it depends. Some people are really very attractive. If they are going to be actors or actresses, TV-hosts or TV-hostesses, their appearance will help them greatly to achieve success. But there are many people with ordinary appearance. They are also very successful as they are hard-working and well-disciplined, well-mannered and well-educated. They set goals daily and weekly, monthly and yearly, they make «to-do lists». 
    So, to become a better person I must understand that my time is limited. There is a good proverb, «Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.»Besides, I think it is really important to read a lot of good books, see good films and study famous personalities’ biographies.  I know that I must take care of myself, eat healthy food and do exercises. I must learn to manage my time. And, finally, I must meet as many new people as possible, as everyone who comes into our life has something to teach us. Also, I must give generously and share what I have.

Card 2
You are to give a talk on London. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.

Remember to say:

— why London is one of the most fascinating capitals of the world;

 —  what sights of London you can comment on; 

— if you would like to visit London and what places.

     I’d like to speak about
which is the largest city as well as the capital of England and United
Kingdom. It is located on the bank of  River Thames. The city attracts
millions of visitors as, on the one hand, it is an ancient  city which has
seen a lot of historical events, but, on the other hand, it is a modern city
with lots of places of entertainment and world’s famous shopping centers. 

Though it is an old city, it has become one of the
world’s leading business, financial, and cultural centers. It influences
politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts and is a global

London has got some famous tourist attractions such as The Palace of Westminster,
Westminster Abbey and St.Margaret’s Church; the Tower of London; the historic
settlement of Greenwich; and the Royal Botanic Gardens.

If you are going on a tour of London, you
should visit The Tower of London first. It is one of the most famous fortresses
in the world. It is a 900-year old royal palace and fortress, housing a prison,
place of execution (killing criminals), mint, arsenal, zoo and jewel

The place of great interest is, I’m
sure, Madam Tussaud’s, which brings you face to face with the world’s most
known faces. It holds life-size wax models of well-known celebrities of the

   Another worth visiting
attraction here is the London Eye. It is the world’s highest observation wheel
and offers spectacular views of over 55 of London’s most famous

 Besides, St.Paul’s Cathedral is the
seat of Bishop of London and is popular with visitors. 

 London also offers a number of
museums to be visited. The British Museum exhibits (shows) works dating from the
prehistoric era to the present times, collected from all over the globe. Next
is the National Gallery, which houses the greatest collection of paintings in
the world. Its collection includes works of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci,
Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Turner, Cezanne and Van Gogh. Apart from this,the Natural
History Museum displays  a collection of the biggest, tallest and
rarest animals in the world. 

  Moreover, London has got a large
number of parks and gardens. The largest parks located in the central part of
the city are the Royal Parks of Hyde Park. 

   As for me, I would like to visit London and see the most famous sights, such as the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. 

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

New Words

1. event  —  
2. entertainment  —  
3. leading —
4. influence —
5. media — newspapers, radio, TV, the

6. attraction — sight —
7. execution —
8. mint —
монетный двор 
9. arsenal —
хранилище оружия 
10. display — show  —

Card 3

You are to give a talk on 

your family and home

. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.

Remember to say:

 — if you agree or disagree that one’s place is one’s home and family;

 — if it is important to have a close family; 

 — how family can help to overcome difficulties.    

  I’d like to give a talk on my home and family. Many people think
that one’s best place is one’s home. I agree with this idea as, in my view,
every person dreams about the place where he can feel happy and secure(protected). For me
it is my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live
here. My family is not large there are 4 of us. I have a father, a mother and a
sister. We all live together in a new flat. Though it is not very big, I like
this cozy place most of all on the earth. Here I feel safe and comfortable; I
know that I’ll be understood. I am sure I should say “Thank you” to my parents
for the comfort and friendliness of our home. In the evenings we often have
little gatherings in the kitchen by the cup of tea, chatting, laughing and discussing
the events of the day. My mother, my father and my sister are my close family.
In fact, I don’t see much of my extended family – my two uncles, three aunts
and five cousins. They live in another town. We usually communicate via the
Internet. Once a year we visit our distant relatives or they can come to our

    I’m sure it’s important to have a close
family where one can relax, share his or her troubles or success, take or give
helpful advice and even learn something new. Sometimes I get into a difficult
situation; and my parents and sister always help me find the way out. I can
rely on my close family and I sometimes open my secrets to mom and dad. My
family always helps me to overcome difficulties; they support me both
financially and emotionally, encourage me and teach me a lot of things. It
would be more difficult for me to live if I didn’t have a close family. They
are my real friends who I can believe and trust. I appreciate my mom’s help
with school studies. Besides, my dad teaches me how to play some sports games,
such as tennis, basketball and hockey. I never feel lonely. My family is my
company and my castle.
That’s all
I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

Card № 4
   You are to give a talk on English as a global language. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.
Remember to say: 
 — why English is a truly global language of the world; 
 — what you can do to improve your English; 
 — how you are planning to use English in the future. 
    Well, people began to speak many centuries
ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages. Every language
reflects the soul, behavior and temperament of each nationality. Different
  created their own alphabets and
rules. But they always wanted to communicate with other peoples, to learn more
about other nationalities and nations. So, people tried to use one common
language to understand others.
Two thousand years ago Latin was the
world’s most important international language. Today this title belongs to
one billion people speak English. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s
population. For over 400 million it’s their first language. For the other 600
million it’s either a second or a foreign language.
Today, in fact, over 250 million people are
learning English. That’s more than the population of the USA.
 Now English is spoken all over the world,
it has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade
and cultural relations. It is spoken as a mother tongue in Great Britain, the
United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Besides, a lot of
people speak English in Japan, India, China, Africa and many other countries.
English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization.
Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of
computer technology.
To my mind, English is worth studying.
Speaking a foreign language one can not only read papers, magazines and
original books by outstanding writers, but watch satellite programmes, travel
easily to different parts of the world. Besides, understanding and speaking a
foreign language is necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job
 Now I know that good knowledge of English
is a must for the 21st century professional no matter what job to choose.
Nowadays  Russia has become an open country. Lots of
specialists from different countries come here to start their businesses. To
understand them and cooperate with them easily one should know English. So, you
can’t do without learning this global language.

Card 5

You are to give a talk on 


You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20

Remember to say:
 — if it is better to have one close friend or many friends;
—  what traits of character you consider the most important in friends;
— if it is possible to have friends in other cities or countries.

I’d like to give a talk on friends. Nowadays teenagers have lots
of friends. They communicate via the Internet and are getting more and more
friends. Some of such friends are not real friends but just like-minded people
who have some common interests and hobbies. I think it is better to have one
close friend. This must be a girl or a boy who you can rely on and trust in any
situation at any difficult moment.

think a true friend must be patient, well-mannered and cheerful. Besides,
he/she must have a good sense of humour. Cheerfulness is a very important
trait, too.

    In my view, it is possible to have friends
in other cities and countries. You can communicate with them through the
Internet. You can even meet them once a year when you and they have holidays.
The most important thing about friendship is that a good friend should be
honest and intellectual. You will never have a dull moment with such a friend.
You will develop as a personality and become better and better-rounded.

all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

Card 6.

You are to give a talk on British holidays. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.

Remember to say: 

— if the UK is rich in holidays; 

— what English holiday is your favourite, why; 

— what traditions in the UK are similar to Russian.       

Well, Great Britain is a country which is rich in holidays and special
festivals. But as for public holidays, I mean days when people don’t go to work
and banks are closed, there are fewer of them than in other European countries.
They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter
Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.

One of the most popular holidays, I’m
sure, is Christmas Day. It’s a public holiday. Families usually spend the day
opening their presents which are piled around the Christmas tree decorated with
tinsel, baubles, fairy lights and other things. They eat and drink together.
The most important meal is Christmas dinner. At the start of the meal, British
people often pull a cracker, which contains a small toy, a paper hat, and a
joke. The typical meal consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables
such as carrots and sprouts. In Britain this is followed by Christmas pudding
containing a lot of dried fruit and often covered with burning brandy. Other
traditional foods in Britain include Christmas cake — a cake containing a lot
of dried fruit and usually having a covering of icing (hard sugar) made to be
eaten at Christmas, and mince pies.
But the preparations start weeks before
Christmas. People buy presents for their relatives and friends and plan their
Christmas holidays. Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house.
They collect money for charity and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs.
The fun starts on the 24th of December.
Traditionally, this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang
stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down
the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.
The 26th of December is Boxing Day. This is the time to visit friends
and relatives. New Year’s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in
Scotland, Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year. Some English people,
however, do celebrate New Year’s Eve in one way or another. The most common way
of celebrating it is having a New Year party.
Every year people of Norway give the
city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar
Square. In Britain lots of people make New Year Resolutions. For example, they
promise to get up early every morning next year and clean their shoes every
day. But, unfortunately, most people forget 
their promises  on the 2nd of
In spring, there is another important
holiday. It’s Easter. The celebration owes its name and many of its customs and
symbols to a pagan festival. Every spring northern European peoples celebrated
the festival to honour the awakening of a new life in nature. Christians
related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their own
spiritual rebirth. Many modern Easter symbols come from pagan times. The
ancient custom of dyeing eggs at Easter time is still very popular. Easter
Parade is held in Battersea Park.
On October 31st British people celebrate
Halloween. Though it’s not a public holiday, it is very dear to those who
celebrate it, especially to children and teenagers.
Besides, Scottish people have their
special festivals. The Highland Games are one of them. It’s a sport festival.
One of the competitions is tossing the caber. Tossing means throwing, and a
caber is a long, heavy peace of wood. A lot of Scottish men wear kilts. These
are traditional Scottish skirts for men. Besides, Scottish people play their
traditional instrument, a bagpipe.
So, you see Great Britain is really full
of  traditions and holidays. They are all
very interesting.
New words: 1. tinsel —  гирлянды, мишура
 2. baubles — бусы, шарики
3. cracker — хлопушка
4. sprouts — брюссельская капуста
 Easter Parade
5. covering of icing  — корочка из глазури
6. mince pie — пирожок с начинкой из изюма

Card 7

You are to
give a talk on cinema and theatre. You
should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.

Remember to


roles arts play in people’s lives;


arts are the most popular nowadays;


of arts you prefer.

  I’d like to give a talk on the roles of arts nowadays. Arts
play an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is impossible to
live without arts. Firstly, art makes us think of the meaning of life, see the beauty
around us. Secondly, art helps us to understand people who lived hundreds of
years ago and to learn the history of the humankind. Besides, art helps people
to understand the outside world and each other. Moreover, art develops our good

are many different types of arts in the world. The most popular ones are
cinema, theater, literature, music and painting. I’d like to tell you a little
bit about each of these arts. First of all, my favourite type of art is music.
It has always fascinated me how people create such melodic tunes. I love all
genres of music, among them are jazz, classical, pop, rock, reggae, opera, blues.  Music can change my mood. If I’m sad, I try to listen to something
cheerful, for example, to disco music. If I want to think about something  and stay alone, I prefer
alternative rock. I’m glad that there are so many devices nowadays which allow
us to listen to music everywhere we wish. My second favourite type of art is
literature. I like reading interesting novels and detective stories. I also
value the works of famous writers and poets. Speaking of Russian writers I’ve
read some works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and
Mayakovski. Their works are world-famous and many books have been translated
into other languages. Theater is gradually becoming an outdated type of art. On
the contrary, cinemas are becoming more popular. There are many great theatres
and large cinemas in Russia.
I think people should respect actors’ work and attend theatres more
often. As for me, I don’t really like cinemas. If I want to watch a new movie,
I simply look for it on the Internet and either watch it on-line or download it
and watch it later, when I have free time.     

Another form of art is painting. Museums and art
galleries have always attracted me. I think that painting is a rather
interesting activity. I have tried to paint a picture myself. Some of my
friends say it is not bad. They even say I have a talent for painting. I think
arts are really helpful and can make people’s life happier and more beautiful.

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

Card № 13  

You are
going to give a talk about your school. 

to say

— what
your typical school day is like;  

— what
your favourite subject is, and why; 

— what
you like most about your school.     

I’d like
to give a talk about
typical school day. My typical school day starts at 6.30. I get up, go to the
bathroom, take a shower and get dressed. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee,
eat some porridge or salad. I often take an apple or an orange with me. I eat
them at school later. My school is far from my place, that’s why I usually take
a bus and go to the school. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the school. My
first class starts at 8 a.m.
We often have 6 classes. There are 4 breaks 15 miunutes each. After the third
class we have lunch at our school canteen. I often eat some salad, porridge or
potatoes with meat or fish. 

favourite subject 
school is Literature. I like it 
am fond of reading stories, novels and poems by Russian and foreign authors. 
Secondly, our
Literature teacher is a very interesting person. She knows her subject well. I
like listening to her talk. She always tells us something interesting. 

Most of
, I like to meet my friends at school. We often
talk, discuss news and laugh a lot. I 
get along
of my classmates well. We sometimes go to the cinema or theatre together. 
I’ve got my best friend here. Her name is … . I always invite her to my
birthday party and we have fun. 

all I wanted to say.
you for listening. 

Card 14

You are to give a talk on the Olympic Games and sports. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences.

Remember to say:

 — what you know about the history of the Olympic Games;

 — what role sport plays in people’s lives; 

— what your advice to stay healthy and keep fit is.

    I’d like to give a talk on the history of the Olympic Games and the
role of sports
in modern people’s lives. The Olympic Games are an
international sports festival that began in ancient


. The original Greek games
took place every four years. The Olympic Games were renewed in
 1896. The original Olympics included
competition in music, oratory, and theatre performances as well.

   The earliest record of the Olympic Games goes
back to 776 BC.
The ancient Games were held in honour of Zeus, the most important god for
ancient Greeks. According to the earliest records, only one athletic event was
held in the ancient Olympics  a footrace of about 183 metres,
or the length of the stadium. Only men were allowed to watch the games. In the
18th century Olympics already included wrestling and pentathlon. Pierre de
Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back
to life. With the help of people who supported him he managed to organise the
first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Baron de Coubertin had planned to hold the
Olympic Games in France, but
the representatives from the nine countries that supported his idea decided
that Greece
was the right place to host the first Olympic Games. The nine countries were Belgium, England,
France, Greece, Italy,
Russia, Spain, Sweden
and the United States.
They agreed that every four years the Olympics would move to other great cities
of the world.The Games in Athens
1896 were a success. Athletes from thirteen countries competed in nine sports.
A second Olympiad was held in France
in 1900. Beginning in 1926 Winter Olympics were included. They were held in the
same year as the Summer Games but starting in 1994, the Winter Games are held
two years after the Summer Games. The Olympics are governed by the International
Olympic Committee, situated in Lausanne,
Switzerland. In
2016, Rio de Janeiro became South
America’s first Olympic host city. Pyeongchang ( a South Korean
county) hosted the 2018 Winter Olympics and the 2018 Winter Paralympics.

knows that sport plays a great role in people’s lives. Firstly, it helps you be
strong. Secondly, it makes you more organized and. more disciplined. Besides, sport
allows you to make friends with a number of people. Finally, sport increases

you asked me, I would recommend teenagers to remember some good rules if they
want to be healthy. You should get up early and go to bed early to keep feet
and stay healthy. You should take regular exercises. You should take a cool or
cold shower. You should eat healthy food with a lot of vitamins. You shouldn’t
eat fat food or too many sweets. You should keep to a diet of vegetables and
fruit. You shouldn’t smoke. You should clean your teeth every morning and every
evening. You shouldn’t sit in front of your computer or TV for a long time not
to spoil your eyesight. You should see the doctor regularly to check your blood
pressure, your lungs and your eyes, ears, throat and nose.

   That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for

   Образец устного высказывания по заданию на стр. 201 вашего учебника: 

I’d like to give a talk on reading books. I think reading books and magazines is really very important and necessary as, firstly, books are a traditional way of getting information. We have been reading books since early childhood. Using books, we learn to read, we look at colourful pictures and listen to our parents and grandparents reading fairy tales to us when we are young. Secondly, there are ancient books which contain a lot of interesting facts about the past. Moreover, if your computer or smartphone goes wrong, you can’t do without paper books. 

Nowadays there are various ways of getting information. Among them are books, magazines, encyclopedias, TV, radio, the Internet and even your teachers’ lectures and talks. As for me, I use all the ways of getting information daily but I prefer searching for information on the Internet because one can pick the right site to get necessary information. 

In my opinion, in future, electronic books will replace paper books because e-books are easy to use and they contain more information than paper books. 

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

Пояснительная записка

1. Назначение итогового контроля

Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку за 7 класс разработаны на основе программы основного общего образования по иностранным языкам (английский язык), учебника для 7 класса В.П.Кузовлева «Английский язык».

Контроль проводится с целью определения уровня освоения учащимися 7 класса предметного содержания курса английского языка и выявления элементов содержания, вызывающих наибольшие затруднения.

2. Структура и содержание итоговой контрольной работы

Итоговая контрольная работа состоит из двух разделов: контроль сформированности навыков чтения, контроль сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков.

Распределение заданий итогового контроля по разделам и проверяемым умениям и навыкам

Разделы работы

Проверяемые умения и навыки

Кол-во заданий

Макс количество баллов

Тип заданий



Понимание основного содержания прочитанного текста

Понимание детального содержания текста





Задания на установление соответствия

Задание на оценивание утверждения (ложное правдивое)


Грамматика и лексика

Сформированность грамматических (способы словообразования) и лексических навыков.



Задание на

способы словообразования

3. Характеристики используемых текстов

Чтение: аутентичные тексты. Объем каждоготекста – 150- 250 слов.

Тексты, используемые для заданий всех разделов, отвечают следующим требованиям:

— выбранный отрывок характеризуется законченностью, внешней связностью и внутренней осмысленностью;

— содержание учитывает возрастные особенности детей 13-14лет;

— текст не перегружен информативными элементами: терминами, именами собственными, цифровыми данными;

— содержание не дискриминирует учащихся по религиозному, национальному и другим признакам;

— языковая сложность текстов соответствует заявленному уровню.

4. Распределение заданий комплексного контроля по планируемым результатам

Планируемые результаты обучения

Число заданий

Распознавание основных значений изученных лексических единиц, знание признаков изученных грамматических явлений


Читать и понимать запрашиваемую информацию в учебных и несложных аутентичных текстах, построенных в основном на изученном языковом материале.


Все задания в экзаменационном тесте оценивается по балльной системе, т. е. каждый правильный ответ оценивается в один балл. Максимальное количество баллов-20.

Задание с кратким ответом или с выбором ответа считается выполненным, если записанный ответ совпадает с эталоном.

В случае, если в заданиях обведены 2 и более ответов к одному тестовому заданию (возможно, в том числе правильный), выставляется 0 баллов.

За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа в любом задании выставляется 0 баллов. Ответы необходимо занести в бланк ответов.

Инструкция к выполнению каждого задания дается на русском языке, т. к. чтение инструкции не должно создавать дополнительной сложности для учащихся.

Учащимся дается 40 минут для выполнения теста. Пользоваться словарем разрешается.

К тесту прилагаются ключи для проверки правильности выполнения заданий учащимися.

Критерии оценки выполнения заданий

Количество баллов










Для учителя

Variant 1

  1. Reading Comprehension

Цель задания- контроль умения читать с полным пониманием содержания текста. Вид задания- multiple choice(множественный выбор), тип задания-закончить предложения, используя информацию текста. За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл

1) Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-6, обведя букву A, В, С или D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.

Do you believe in fairies?

Ron Black has just published a book on fairies and their secret lives. In his book he is trying to prove that fairies exist and live everywhere around us. There are different types of fairies. Some of them are good and they always help people. Other fairies are very hard to please. When they get angry, they can even steal a human child or make you very ill.

Fairies live not just under flowers and leaves in gardens, but also in our homes. There was a custom in some countries to leave something to eat and drink in the corners where people thought the fairies were the most active. Today, as Ron Black writes, people forget to feed fairies properly. That’s why there are so many wars and conflicts in the world.

But does Ron Black really believe in fairies? Has he ever seen one? When we asked such a question, he only smiled. Then he took out a plan of his house and showed where they live in his place: brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs. So who knows? Let’s try. The next time I’ve got a headache, I will remember to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom.

A1 Ron Black wrote his book to

A describe one typical fairy.

В on fairies and their secret lives.

С characterise good fairies.

D detail the bad luck brought by some fairies.

A2 The old custom shows that

A to leave something to eat and drink in the corners.

В people in the past weren’t very serious.

С wars happen when fairies are hungry.

D people once believed in fairies.

A3 In Ron’s home

A there are three types of fairies.

В brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs

С one type of fairy lives downstairs.

D the fairies want a lot of food.

A4 The author’s final comment shows that he will remember

A she has always believed in fairies.

В to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom.

С her headache is really strong.

D she thinks Ron Black may be right.

2)Read the following text and mark the sentences as T( true), F ( false) or DS (doesn`t say). Цель задания- проверка умения находить запрашиваемую информацию в тексте.

Вид задания- true/false/not stated(верно-неверно-нет в тексте), тип задания-установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текста. За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл

Прочитайте текст о проблеме «граффити» в современных городах. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста:(1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Graffiti is a serious problem in modern cities. Most people think that it is a crime because young people leave their ‘mark’ on public and private buildings. Because of graffiti many of our city centre’s look dirty and dangerous. People are afraid to use the subway. To stop the social ‘disease’, many towns have organised graffiti walls — special places where graffiti artists can practice their art legally

Graffiti walls bring teenagers together and help them to be creative. They show street artists how to use their art and express themselves in a good way. But the greatest advantage is that they help stay graffiti on buildings. Graffiti artists can display their talents legal. As a result, cities with graffiti walls have less vandalism. On other hand, there are people who think that graffiti walls do nothing’ to solve the problem. They argue that graffiti walls can make problem worse, because they make the crime seem OK.

So there are both advantages and disadvantages to organise graffiti walls. Most people think that advantages are much great. They are an excellent way to help with the problem of the graffiti in many of our cities.

A5. Graffiti is a crime with serious punishment..
1)Т ruе 2) False 3) Not stated

A6. Graffiti makes cities centre’s look dirty and dangerous.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7. Graffiti walls can help teenagers to become friendly,
1) True 2) False g) Not stated

A8. All people think that graffiti walls do nothing’ to solve the problem

1)Тruе 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2 «Use of English»

Цель задания- контроль сформированности грамматических навыков (способы словообразования). Вид задания-word formation(способы словообразования).За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл.

1)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B1 —B5. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у.

B1 The meal was very . TASTE

B2 The furniture in the room was very . DUST

B3 It is very important to have life style since childhood. HEALH

B4 It was a night — it was raining cats and dogs. STORM

B5 My father was with me when I got home late. ANGER

2)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B6 – B12. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные.

B6 food and a lot of exercises will help you to keep fit. HEALTH

B7 Be with the knife! CARE

B8 It is to stay out during a thunderstorm. DANGER

B9 This part of the country is famous for its____________beauty. NATURE

B10 What instruments did you play at school? MUSIC

B11 What a_______________song! BEAUTY

B12 Nick is a very person. FRIEND

Для учителя Variant 2

1.Reading Comprehension

Цель задания- контроль умения читать с полным пониманием содержания текста. Вид задания- multiple choice(множественный выбор), тип задания-закончить предложения, используя информацию текста. За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл.

1)Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1—4, обведя букву А, В, С или D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.

The Earl of Sandwich lived long ago in England. He was a fanatic about playing cards. He didn’t even want to stop playing long enough to eat a meal and refused to put his cards away. So his servant invented a quick meal for him. He put some meat between two slices of bread, so that the Earl could hold his meal in one hand and play cards with the other.

Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the crusts off the bread, so the sandwiches were very small and delicate. Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The American comic strip character Dagwood Bumstead is famous for his «Dagwood» sandwiches which have up to ten slices of bread packed with different fillings all one on top of the other. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical ‘snack’ meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don’t want to make them yourself. There are thousands of sandwich bars and cafes and even some restaurants that sell them.

A1 His servant invented a

A. quick and convenient

В. very delicious

С . very good for health

D. junk food

A2 One of the great traditions in Victorian England

A . make cucumber sandwiches

В. cut the crusts off the bread

С. to take an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock

D. eat lots of sandwiches

A3 Today people

A. is very elegant

В. is very big

С. eat millions of sandwiches every day.

D. much bigger than they used to be

A4 People like to have sandwiches for their meal

A . Because sandwiches are a typical ‘snack’ meal.

В . Because people can do sandwiches themselves.

С . Because sandwiches are easy and quick to prepare.

D . Because people can buy sandwiches almost everywhere.

2 )Read the following text and mark the sentences as T( true), F ( false) or DS (doesn`t say).

Цель задания- проверка умения находить запрашиваемую информацию в тексте.

Вид задания- true/false/not stated(верно-неверно-нет в тексте), тип задания-установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текста. За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста:(1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Hobby is what people like doing in their free time. Most people choose a hobby according to their likes and dislikes. There are a lot of different hobbies. For some teenagers there is nothing more important than dancing. It’s really good fun and enjoyable. Some teenagers come home and do nothing because they are tired. They like to sit in front of the TV set and watch films. They are a bit of coach potatoes. But a lot of teens go in for sports. It is very good for your health. Sport makes you healthy and fit. If you are not a sporty person, it is a good idea to take up walking. It is just really relaxing to get back to nature, breathe in some fresh air, see some beautiful scenery. You come back really refreshed.

The young generation is fond of computers. Some teenagers spend hours playing computer games. They are really addictive. But the Internet is a really good way to spend your free time. You can send e-mails to friends from different countries and even talk to them. There are plenty of other activities such as travelling, reading, skateboarding or shopping. Teenagers also like going to the cinema and watching action films and comedies. But the most popular hobby is, of course, listening to music. So teenagers have different hobbies. Hobby makes our life more interesting and helps us make lots of friends.

A5. For some teenagers dancing is the most important thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6. Some teenagers like to sit in front of the TV set and watch films because they have nothing to do.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7. Playing computer games is very bad for teenagers’ health.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A8. But the most popular hobby is, of course, listening to birds.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2 «Use of English»

Цель задания- контроль сформированности грамматических навыков (способы словообразования). Вид задания-word formation(способы словообразования).За каждый правильный ответ- 1 балл.

1)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B1 —B5. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на ous.

B1 She is very for her songs. FAME

B2 It’s to drive a car at such a high speed. DANGER

B3 She has got excellent education and she is very . AMBITION

B4 Air pollution may have consequences. DISASTER

B5 He is always of everyone’s success. ENVY

2)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B6 – B12. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные.

B6 food and a lot of exercises will help you to keep fit. HEALTH

B7 Be with the knife! CARE

B8 It is to stay out during a thunderstorm. DANGER

B9 This part of the country is famous for its beauty. NATURE

B10 What instruments did you play at school? MUSIC

B11 What a_______________song! BEAUTY

B12 Nick is a very________________person. FRIEND

Для учащихся

Variant 1

  1. Reading Comprehension

1) Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-6, обведя букву A, В, С или D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.

Do you believe in fairies?

Ron Black has just published a book on fairies and their secret lives. In his book he is trying to prove that fairies exist and live everywhere around us. There are different types of fairies. Some of them are good and they always help people. Other fairies are very hard to please. When they get angry, they can even steal a human child or make you very ill.

Fairies live not just under flowers and leaves in gardens, but also in our homes. There was a custom in some countries to leave something to eat and drink in the corners where people thought the fairies were the most active. Today, as Ron Black writes, people forget to feed fairies properly. That’s why there are so many wars and conflicts in the world.

But does Ron Black really believe in fairies? Has he ever seen one? When we asked such a question, he only smiled. Then he took out a plan of his house and showed where they live in his place: brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs. So who knows? Let’s try. The next time I’ve got a headache, I will remember to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom.

A1 Ron Black wrote his book to

A describe one typical fairy.

В on fairies and their secret lives.

С characterise good fairies.

D detail the bad luck brought by some fairies.

A2 The old custom shows that

A to leave something to eat and drink in the corners.

В people in the past weren’t very serious.

С wars happen when fairies are hungry.

D people once believed in fairies.

A3 In Ron’s home

A there are three types of fairies.

В brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs

С one type of fairy lives downstairs.

D the fairies want a lot of food.

A4 The author’s final comment shows that he will remember

A she has always believed in fairies.

В to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom.

С her headache is really strong.

D she thinks Ron Black may be right.

2)Read the following text and mark the sentences as T( true), F ( false) or DS (doesn`t say). Прочитайте текст о проблеме «граффити» в современных городах. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста:(1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Graffiti is a serious problem in modern cities. Most people think that it is a crime because young people leave their ‘mark’ on public and private buildings. Because of graffiti many of our city centre’s look dirty and dangerous. People are afraid to use the subway. To stop the social ‘disease’, many towns have organised graffiti walls — special places where graffiti artists can practice their art legally

Graffiti walls bring teenagers together and help them to be creative. They show street artists how to use their art and express themselves in a good way. But the greatest advantage is that they help stay graffiti on buildings. Graffiti artists can display their talents legal. As a result, cities with graffiti walls have less vandalism. On other hand, there are people who think that graffiti walls do nothing’ to solve the problem. They argue that graffiti walls can make problem worse, because they make the crime seem OK.

So there are both advantages and disadvantages to organise graffiti walls. Most people think that advantages are much great. They are an excellent way to help with the problem of the graffiti in many of our cities.

A5. Graffiti is a crime with serious punishment..
1)Т ruе 2) False 3) Not stated

A6. Graffiti makes cities centre’s look dirty and dangerous.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7. Graffiti walls can help teenagers to become friendly,
1) True 2) False g) Not stated

A8. All people think that graffiti walls do nothing’ to solve the problem

1)Тruе 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2 «Use of English»

1)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B1 —B5. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у.

B1 The meal was very . TASTE

B2 The furniture in the room was very . DUST

B3 It is very important to have life style since childhood. HEALH

B4 It was a night — it was raining cats and dogs. STORM

B5 My father was with me when I got home late. ANGER

2)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B6 – B12. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные.

B6 food and a lot of exercises will help you to keep fit. HEALTH

B7 Be with the knife! CARE

B8 It is to stay out during a thunderstorm. DANGER

B9 This part of the country is famous for its____________beauty. NATURE

B10 What instruments did you play at school? MUSIC

B11 What a_______________song! BEAUTY

B12 Nick is a very person. FRIEND

Variant 2

1.Reading Comprehension

1)Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1—4, обведя букву А, В, С или D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.

The Earl of Sandwich lived long ago in England. He was a fanatic about playing cards. He didn’t even want to stop playing long enough to eat a meal and refused to put his cards away. So his servant invented a quick meal for him. He put some meat between two slices of bread, so that the Earl could hold his meal in one hand and play cards with the other.

Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the crusts off the bread, so the sandwiches were very small and delicate. Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The American comic strip character Dagwood Bumstead is famous for his «Dagwood» sandwiches which have up to ten slices of bread packed with different fillings all one on top of the other. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical ‘snack’ meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don’t want to make them yourself. There are thousands of sandwich bars and cafes and even some restaurants that sell them.

A1 His servant invented a

A. quick and convenient

В. very delicious

С . very good for health

D. junk food

A2 One of the great traditions in Victorian England

A . make cucumber sandwiches

В. cut the crusts off the bread

С. to take an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock

D. eat lots of sandwiches

A3 Today people

A. is very elegant

В. is very big

С. eat millions of sandwiches every day.

D. much bigger than they used to be

A4 People like to have sandwiches for their meal

A . Because sandwiches are a typical ‘snack’ meal.

В . Because people can do sandwiches themselves.

С . Because sandwiches are easy and quick to prepare.

D . Because people can buy sandwiches almost everywhere.

2)Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста:(1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Hobby is what people like doing in their free time. Most people choose a hobby according to their likes and dislikes. There are a lot of different hobbies. For some teenagers there is nothing more important than dancing. It’s really good fun and enjoyable. Some teenagers come home and do nothing because they are tired. They like to sit in front of the TV set and watch films. They are a bit of coach potatoes. But a lot of teens go in for sports. It is very good for your health. Sport makes you healthy and fit. If you are not a sporty person, it is a good idea to take up walking. It is just really relaxing to get back to nature, breathe in some fresh air, see some beautiful scenery. You come back really refreshed.

The young generation is fond of computers. Some teenagers spend hours playing computer games. They are really addictive. But the Internet is a really good way to spend your free time. You can send e-mails to friends from different countries and even talk to them. There are plenty of other activities such as travelling, reading, skateboarding or shopping. Teenagers also like going to the cinema and watching action films and comedies. But the most popular hobby is, of course, listening to music. So teenagers have different hobbies. Hobby makes our life more interesting and helps us make lots of friends.

A5. For some teenagers dancing is the most important thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6. Some teenagers like to sit in front of the TV set and watch films because they have nothing to do.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7. Playing computer games is very bad for teenagers’ health.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A8. But the most popular hobby is, of course, listening to birds.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2 «Use of English»

1)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B1 —B5. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на ous.

B1 She is very for her songs. FAME

B2 It’s to drive a car at such a high speed. DANGER

B3 She has got excellent education and she is very . AMBITION

B4 Air pollution may have consequences. DISASTER

B5 He is always of everyone’s success. ENVY

2)Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения B6 – B12. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на прилагательные.

B6 food and a lot of exercises will help you to keep fit. HEALTH

B7 Be with the knife! CARE

B8 It is to stay out during a thunderstorm. DANGER

B9 This part of the country is famous for its beauty. NATURE

B10 What instruments did you play at school? MUSIC

B11 What a_______________song! BEAUTY

B12 Nick is a very________________person. FRIEND


1 вариант

Reading 1









Reading 2





3-not stated




Use of English

Номер задания


























2 вариант

Reading 1









Reading 2







3-not stated


Use of English

Номер задания




























ФИ ученика__________________________________________________ 7 класс

Задание № 1

Напишите в ячейку правильный ответ





Задание № 2

Напишите в ячейку правильный ответ





Задание № 3

Номер задания














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Данный материал предназначен для учителей английского языка, кто заинтересован в хороших уменях учащихся в говорении. Материал состоит из 2 частей: диалог с учителем и монолог по заданной теме. Рекомендуется использовать материал для подготовки к итоговому экзамену по английскому языку в 7 классе по УМК «Spotlight», а также в качестве экзаменнационных билетов на итоговом экзамене в конце 7 класса. Материал составлен в формате ОГЭ, что позволяет учащимся познакомиться с форматом экзамена заранее.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Устный экзамен в 7 классе»

Тема публикации: «Методический материал для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку для учащихся 7 классов»

Ф.И.О. автора: Шамшева Елена Анатольевна

Место работы: МОУ СОШ №4 им. В.Бурова г. Бежецк, Тверская обл.

Должность автора: учитель английского языка

Билет 1

1.Read the text

Bob and Rose are English children. They are twins. But they are not the same. They both go to school. Bob goes to a boys` school and Rose goes to a girls` school. The children`s schools are not far from home. At school Bob learns English and German. Rose learns English and French. Rose is a very good pupil. She always works hard. She reads a lot of books. She always does all her exercises. Bob does not work hard. He does not like books and he does not like school. He is a lazy boy. He only likes to sing and dance.

2 Give a talk about your home town. Use the questions as a plan

·       Where do you live?

·       Are you a city mouse or a country mouse? Why?

·       Where would you like to live? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 2

1.Read the text

School is not only a place of education. It is a place where we develop our relationship. At school we can show our individual talents. Everyone can join a school club or take part in other activities. Pupils always have a lot of parties, competitions and excursions. Such activities help us in our education and relationship with our classmates. So I go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my class. I am sure that school years will be the happiest time in my life.

2.Give a talk about books. Use the questions as a plan.

·    Do you like reading? Why?

·    When do you usually read?   

·    What kind of books do you like reading?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. 

Билет 3

1.Read the text

Some students like school, others don`t, but they all study at school for eleven years. For students who do well in most subjects school is an attractive place. But for those who are not successful, school is boring and uninteresting. I can say that I am happy at school. The standard of education in our school is very high. We study many subjects and our lessons are usually interesting and exciting. I can say that we have many social and cultural activities at school. I like going to school.

2.Give a talk about a person to admire. Use the questions as a plan.

·      Do you have a person to admire? Who is he/she? 

·      What is this person famous for? 

·       Why do you admire him/ her?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 4

1.Read the text

This is the usual order of meals among English families. There are four meals a day in an English home: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is about 8 o`clock in the morning, and consists of cereals with milk, eggs, bread and butter. The usual time for lunch is one o`clock. This meal starts with soup, then follows a main dish. Tea is the third meal of the day. It is between 4 or 5 o`clock, the so-called 5 o`clock tea. Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. The usual time is about 7 o`clock, and all the members of the family sit down together.

2.Give a talk about media. Use the questions as a plan.

·   What types of media are there in modern world?  

·   What do media provide people with?  

·   What is your favourite type of mass media? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 5

Read the text

Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy people. However, many doctors say that it is not completely healthy. Fast food makes people overweight. If you eat many hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizzas and fizzy drinks like Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and others, you may have serious problems with your health. Such food is full of sugar and chemicals. For example, in a can of Coke there are about eight teaspoons of sugar! It is much better to eat more fruit and vegetables.

2. Give a talk about your gadgets. Use the questions as a plan.

·     What gadgets are there in modern life?

·      Do you use any gadgets and what for?

·      What gadget would you like to have? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 6

Read the text

Personally, I adore hamburgers, cheeseburgers, apple pies, muffins and fruit cocktails. This food is tasty and cheap. I don`t like to go to a supermarket, cook meals and wash the dishes when I eat out. I like going to McDonald`s which saves much time and effort. Besides, I like the holiday atmosphere of McDonald`s. There I can relax, enjoy the food and celebrate some events with my friends and relatives. I know that fast food is not healthy and I can put on weight but I can`t say no to fries.

2. Give a talk about free time. Use the questions as a plan.

·       What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

·      What activities can you do in theme parks?

·       What would you do if you had more free time?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 7

Read the text

I love summertime most of all because I was born in summer. The weather is warm and sometimes hot. There are many fruits, berries and vegetables. Sometimes my family goes to the forest to look for berries and mushrooms. And of course, I like this season very much because I have the longest holidays in summer. During my long summer holidays I have much fun meeting my friends, going to a summer camp, swimming in the river, sunbathing and eating plenty of fruits, berries and ice-cream. It’s the best time of the year.

2.Give a talk about Cinema. Use the questions as a plan.

·   Do you like going to the cinema?

·   What type of films do you like watching?

·    What is your favourite film? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. 

Билет 8

Read the text

In July or August I often go on hiking trips along the river with my elder brother and our friends. As a rule our hiking trips last for about 4 or 5 days. It depends on the weather. I like hiking very much. You have no mobile phones or the Internet there. You just relax, enjoy the nature and fresh air of the countryside, sunbathe at the beach, play volleyball, go fishing and boating, live in a tent and cook on the fire. My summer holidays are always very fun and energetic. I wait for the next holidays because I am sure I’ll have a great time again.

2. Give a talk about ecology. Use the questions as a plan.

·   What ecological problems are there in the world? 

·    What can people do to save nature?

·    Are there any organizations to protect nature in you town?  

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 9

1.Read the text

After summer autumn comes, beautiful as ever. It is a season when the trees are fantastic – yellow, rewd, green and brown. The days are shorter than in summer. The weather is not so fine as in spring and in summer. It often rains. The rain is cold and not pleasant at all. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables. In September, the first autumn month, the school year begins in our country. It is often rains in October. November is the coldest month in autumn.

2.Give a talk about your friend. Use the questions as a plan

·   Do you have a friend?

·    What is he/she like?

·    What do you do together?   

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. 

Билет 10

1.Read the text

There is the Healthy Diet Pyramid. At the top in the smallest area there are the things which we should try to avoid as much as possible such as suger, salt, butter. In the middle we find things that we can eat in moderation. Not too much! We can find milk, lean meat, fish, nuts and eggs. And at the bottom of the pyramid there are the things that you can eat lots of! These are the things that really good for you. And here we have bread, vegetables and fruit.

2.Give a talk about sport.Use the questions as a plan.

·   What kinds of sport do you enjoy playing? 

·   Where do you play sports and who do you play with?

·    Is playing sport good for your health? Why? Why not?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. 

Билет 11

Read the text

Last Monday I woke up late because I didn’t hear the alarm clock. I had no time to eat my breakfast. I couldn’t find my books anywhere and my school cap. At last I found my books and I found my cap in the bathroom! My dog likes to play with it. I had to wait ages for a bus and I was late for school. The first lesson on Monday morning was Maths. My Maths teacher was very angry with me and told me off. She gave us some sums to do but I couldn’t do them because I was very upset and hungry. That was the worst morning in my life.

2. Give a talk about your gadgets. Use the questions as a plan.

·     What gadgets are there in modern life?

·      Do you use any gadgets and what for?

·      What gadget would you like to have? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 12

Read the text

A teacher plays an important role in our education. I think that I am lucky because my English teacher is very experienced and kind. She understands the difficulties of learning progress very well. She helps us learn and advises us on all aspects of our life. She gives us her knowledge and experience and she is never angry and upset with us. She supports us and takes care of us. That’s why I am happy at school and so are my classmates.

Give a talk about a person to admire. Use the questions as a plan.

·      Do you have a person to admire? Who is he/she? 

·      What is this person famous for? 

·       Why do you admire him/ her?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 13

Read the text

Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family. It will be our mother’s birthday. My brother Nick and I decided to go to town and buy a present for her. We shall go to town on Saturday after school to do shopping. We can go to town either by train or by bus. Nick likes to go by bus, but I don’t like buses. I think we shall not go by bus, we shall go by train. What shall we buy? As we shall have a party, we need good sweets, coffee, cheese, sausage, biscuits and cakes. I know Mother likes cakes very much. So we shall buy cakes. We shall buy a new dress and a raincoat or an umbrella for her. It is a great pleasure to make people happy and we want to make our mother happy.

2 Give a talk about your home town. Use the questions as a plan

·       Where do you live?

·       Are you a city mouse or a country mouse? Why?

·       Where would you like to live? Why?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Билет 14

Read the text

The East End is one of the most important parts of the British capital. It is especially famous as the centre of clothing industry in London. For centuries people from abroad have come to find work there. Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Typically they change certain vowel sounds and have a few problems with “th” and use “f” instead.

2.Give a talk about your friend. Use the questions as a plan

·   Do you have a friend?

·    What is he/she like?

·    What do you do together?   

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. 


Read the text

Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolate and ice-cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meat. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.

2. Give a talk about free time. Use the questions as a plan.

·       What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

·      What activities can you do in theme parks?

·       What would you do if you had more free time?

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

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