Конфликт поколений никогда не будет решен сочинение на английском

Is it easy to be young? There is no doubt that the problem of the generation gap is one of the pressing issues in the modern world. The term “generation gap” is often used to describe conflicts between parents and their children or between teachers and their students. Naturally, each generation has got its own lifestyle. Parents usually disapprove of their children’s clothing styles, musical preferences or their choice of friends. There are lots of other controversial issues that children and adults face because old traditions contradict with new trends.

Grown-ups often teach the youth how to live. They strongly believe that youngsters are disrespectful, selfish and spoiled. Some parents forbid playing computer games, attending rock concerts or wearing extravagant clothes. But forbidden fruit is sweet. Young people want to be independent, they want adults to listen to them and respect their opinion. Experts say, the only simple solution to frequent conflicts is frank and deep conversation. Parents should understand that every child is an individual and to make mistakes is natural.

It should be mentioned that nowadays more and more adults listen to the same music, wear similar clothes and spend as much time on social networks as their children do.

All in all, if both parents and children reach mutual understanding it will be possible to cope with the generation gap.


Легко ли быть молодым? Без сомнения, проблема конфликта поколений является одним из насущных вопросов в современном мире. Термин «конфликт поколений» часто используется для описания конфликтов между родителями и их детьми или между учителями и их студентами. Разумеется, каждому поколению присущ свой собственный образ жизни. Обычно родители неодобрительно относятся к стилю одежды своих детей, их музыкальным предпочтениям или выбору друзей. Существует множество других противоречивых моментов, с которыми сталкиваются дети и взрослые из-за того, что старые традиции отрицают новые тенденции.

Взрослые зачастую учат молодежь, как ей жить. Они твердо убеждены в том, что подростки непочтительны, эгоистичны и избалованы. Некоторые родители запрещают играть в компьютерные игры, ходить на рок-концерты или носить экстравагантную одежду. Но запретный плод ведь сладок. Молодые люди стремятся быть независимыми. Они хотят, чтобы взрослые прислушивались к ним и уважали их мнение. Эксперты утверждают, что единственным простым решением частых конфликтов является откровенный и глубокий разговор. Родителям нужно понимать, что каждый ребенок – это индивидуальность, и что совершать ошибки – это естественно.

Стоит отметить, что в наши дни все больше и больше взрослых слушают ту же музыку, носят похожую одежду и проводят столько же времени в социальных сетях, как и их дети.

В целом, если и родители, и дети достигнут взаимопонимания, станет возможным справиться с проблемой конфликта поколений.

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There is no doubt that the problem of parents and children is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Some people think that it is impossible to overcome differences between members of different generations, while others insist that people of different generations can meet each other halfway and even become bosom friends.

It is not uncommon that some parents often disapprove of their children’s musical preferences, clothing styles, political views and choice of friends. In my opinion, misunderstandings between parents and children cause many problems and may lead to serious conflicts. One simple solution that can be put forward is frank and open deep conversation. Hence, parents should understand that every child is an individual and that to err is human. Besides, some parents put much pressure on their children to perform well at school. In my view, parents should make children aware of the importance of study in their life, but they should not punish them

for bad grades. I am convinced that the main task of every parent is to teach children the difference between right and wrong and to establish trust relationship with them. So, parents must express deep concern, be careful, sincere, loving and heedful of advice. They must also go with the times in order to understand their adolescents better and not be too exacting and adamant.

It should be also noted that nowadays the factors of generation differences are disappearing. Lots of parents listen to the same music, wear the same clothes and spend as much time on social networking as their children do.
On the other hand, there are people who insist that the problem of generation gap cannot be solved. According to their opinion, teenagers today are rude, cruel, lazy and ill-mannered. Most of them are addicted to gambling, computer, alcohol or drugs. Moreover, experts say that the cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise over the past years. In my judgment, one of the reasons for this problem is lack of moral values or attention. Moreover, the contributing factors of juvenile delinquency include poverty, parental divorce, domestic violence and corporal punishment. However, it becomes evident that all of them refer to the family conflicts. In my judgment it is precisely the family environment that constitutes a root problem. Experts say that most delinquents come from problem families. Their

parents are often violent, cruel or abuse alcohol and drugs. In turn, their children show rebellious behavior and stop obeying them.

All in all, I think that all parents should better try to protect their adolescents from bad influences and give a helping hand rather than lecture them or decrease their self-esteem. I still strongly believe that people can bridge the generation gap by means of communication and mutual understanding.

Конфликт поколений (2)

Вне всяких сомнений, проблема отцов и детей является одной из самых острых в современном мире. Некоторые люди считают, что преодолеть конфликт поколений невозможно, в то время как другие убеждены в том, что люди разных поколений могут договориться и даже стать закадычными друзьями.
Давно не редкость, что некоторые родители часто не одобряют музыкальные предпочтения своих детей, их стиль одежды, политические взгляды и выбор друзей. Я считаю, что любые недопонимания между родителями и детьми могут привести к серьезным проблемам и конфликтам. Простым решением данной проблемы может стать открытая, доверительная беседа. Следовательно, родителям необходимо учитывать, что каждый ребенок – это индивидуальная личность, а также то, что человеку свойственно ошибаться. Кроме того, некоторые родители оказывают слишком большое давление на своих детей в вопросах успеваемости в школе. С моей точки зрения, родители должны рассказать своим детям о важности обучения в жизни, но они не должны наказывать их за плохие оценки. Я убеждена, что основная задача каждого родителя – объяснить своим детям, что такое “хорошо”, а что “плохо”, а также установить с ними доверительные отношения. Родители, прежде всего, должны беспокоиться о своих детях, заботиться о них, быть искренними, любящими и щедрыми на совет. Кроме того, они должны идти в ногу со временем, чтобы лучше понимать своих взрослеющих детей, и не быть слишком требовательными и категоричными.
Следует также отметить, что сегодня факторы, определяющие разницу поколений, постепенно исчезают. Многие родители слушают такую же музыку, как и их дети, носят современную одежду и проводят ровно столько же времени в социальных сетях, как и подрастающее поколение.
С другой стороны, есть те, кто считает, что проблему поколений невозможно решить. Согласно их мнению, современные подростки грубы, жестоки, ленивы и плохо воспитаны. Многие из них зависимы от игр, компьютера, алкоголя или наркотиков. Более того, по утверждению экспертов, в последние годы проблема ювенальной преступности становится все более и более острой. Я считаю, что одной из возможных причин данной проблемы является отсутствие у подростков моральных ценностей и внимания. Другими сопутствующими факторами являются нищета, развод родителей, домашнее насилие и телесное наказание. Однако становится очевидным, что именно обстановка в семье и есть корень проблемы. По утверждению экспертов, многие малолетние преступники – выходцы из проблемных семей. Их родители в большинстве случаев слишком агрессивны, жестоки или злоупотребляют наркотиками и алкоголем. В свою очередь дети перестают их слушаться и проявляют бунтарский характер. Так или иначе, я считаю, что родители должны защищать своих детей от плохого влияния и протягивать руку помощи, а не отчитывать их и понижать самооценку. Я верю, что можно преодолеть конфликт поколений и достичь взаимопонимания, если идти на открытый диалог со своими родителями.


1) generation gap – конфликт поколений, проблема отцов и детей
2) to meet halfway – найти компромисс
3) bosom friends – близкие друзья
4) to go with the times – идти в ногу со временем
5) adolescent – подросток
6) to disapprove of [.disa’pruiv] – не одобрять
7) preference [fpref(a)r(3)n(t)s] – предпочтение
8) political views – политические взгляды
9) to disappear – исчезать
10) to cause problems – становиться причиной проблем
11) to err is human – человеку свойственно ошибаться
12) to put pressure on somebody – оказывать давление на кого-либо
13) to perform well at school – хорошо учиться
14) academic performance – успеваемость
15) aware [a’wea] – знающий, осведомленный
16) to punish – наказывать
17) bad grades – плохие оценки
18) to establish trust relationship with somebody – установить доверительные отношения с кем-либо
19) generation differences – различия между поколениями
20) social networking – социальные сети
21) adolescent [, aed(9)’les(9)nt] – юношеский, подростковый, молодой
22) to cope with – справиться
23) to reach mutual understanding – достичь взаимопонимания
24) heedful of advice – щедрый на советы
25) exacting – требовательный
26) adamant [‘aedamsnt] – непреклонный, категоричный
26) ill-mannered – невоспитанный, невежливый
27) gambling – азартная игра
28) to addict – пристраститься к чему-либо, быть заядлым любителем чего-либо
29) juvenile delinquency [fci3u:vinail diflinkw3n(t)si] – преступность малолетних
30) to give a helping hand – протянуть руку помощи
31) to lecture somebody – читать лекции кому-либо
32) self-esteem – самоуважение, чувство собственного достоинства
33) to bridge the generation gap – преодолевать разрыв между поколениями
34) poverty [‘povsti] – нищета, бедность
35) domestic violence – домашнее насилие
36) corporal punishment – телесное наказание, порка
37) root problem – ключевая проблема
38) adverse family environment – неблагоприятная обстановка в семье
39) delinquent [di’hnkwsnt] – малолетний преступник
40) rebellious [n’belias] – бунтарский, непослушный
41) to obey – слушаться, повиноваться
42) parental divorce – развод родителей

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One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult’s mentality is different from teenager’s. We are the children of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Because of this parents and children sometimes argue with each other.

Some people believe that teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and ill-behaved. Other people, however, think that teenagers are not so bad. Sometimes people don’t understand teenagers. They don’t understand some problems and things which are very important in teenagers’ life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers.

Some people don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that teenagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation «plays» with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that all teens are really bad!
On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand teenagers’ problems and solve them.

Most of the quarrels between parents and children happen because of children’s marks at school and generation gap. We try to learn better, but if we have a bad mark our parents can shout at us.

In most cases «new generation» doesn’t understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. To protest against it, teens can shock people around them. That’s why it is considered that teens today are lazy and ill-behaved. Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with present, they are always talking about «the good old days». People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is wrong that when wisdom always comes in old age. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to threir own point of view. That’s why some teens don’t like to talk to adults. To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other.

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Generation Gap or Generational gap means a kind of difference in the thoughts, lifestyle, work of interest and opinions among people of different age groups. Generation is generally divided into three partitions one is childhood, second is middle life and third is old age. Usually, a family includes members of all these three generations with the title of children, parents, and grandparents under one roof having different thoughts and views. People of the new generation are complete with a changed mental status, which are according to this new advanced technology of the 21st century. Mostly people of the old generations still neither want nor try to accept new advanced electronic technology of the 21st century and this gap of the physical and mental strength of people of different age groups is called the generation gap.

Sample Essay on Generation Gap for Students

Essay 1 (400 words)

People of different age groups, sometimes self create generation gap due to their likeness about their own area of interest, views, and thoughts. Mental and physical strength along with the changed outside environment is also the reason for the generation gap. It is not people’s own wish to become isolate and cut off from others but due to being connected and related to this changing time and technology, they are automatically forced to be separated from other people.

Generation Gap can be viewed in terms of:


The use of language has been changed for the new generation with a few shortcuts. People of the old generation still speak in their native language but today’s children have created their own way of talking.

Working Area:

The style of working at workplaces has been completely changed now, like Email and video calls are the main function which is followed by a new generation. Along with, today’s workspaces are full of all those necessary equipment and requirements which the new generation requires like various companies have equipment for fitness, exercise, sports, entertainment, etc inside the offices.

Area of interest:

In spite of playing outdoor games, most of today’s kids entertain themselves by playing electronic gadgets or watching cartoons on televisions, even they do not prefer to read comic books which were the best time pass for children of the 1990s.

And Fashion Style:

Apart from the change in languages, clothing and overall look has been completely changed in today’s generation. In India mostly kids are inspired by western culture, they follow their hairstyle, outfit and body language.

Reasons for Generation Gap:

Communication gap, strictness about old mentality, competition around the world and advance technology are the main reasons for the generation gap. The generation gap is not mean by difference of age but it actually means the overall difference which includes the style of living, way of talking, different thoughts and views, nonaccepting attitude towards other cultures and traditions between old and new generations. The nuclear family is also the reason for the generation gap where generally children and their grandparents could not get in touch with each other and this separation creates a generation gap.

A solution to Overcome Generation Gap:

Lack of communication is the biggest reason for the generation gap thus firstly members in a family should decide to spend time with each other whether on the dining table, so that they can connect with each other and try to understand other’s areas of interest including their morals and values. New Generation should respect and value their elders by following his or her culture and traditions. On the other side, the old generation should also try to connect with the young generation and their preferences to make compatibility with each other.


Each and every person, whether of any age, has its own area of interest with different morals and values. It is now our own responsibility that how much we involved in it with making a balance between our personal and social life that is also as much important as any other thing in life. People of old age have their own experience in life and it is the liability of the new generation to learn the essence of life from the old generation.

Essay 2 (600 words)


Difference or distance in people’s age, attitude, opinion, thoughts, style of fashion and values is called a generation gap. A major gap of generation comes between the people with the age of above 60s and below 20s. Mostly, people of middle age are still related to both generations. One side they are supporter and follower of their rituals and tradition; on the other side, they are able and need to understand and accept modern technology which is changing and improving on a daily basis.

People of middle age are required to spend their time equally with their parents and children. They should balance it in such a manner that the old generation could easily relate to the new generation and try to make a balance among them to avoid the generation gap.

Firstly the gap of generation was highlighted or focused at the time of the 1960s when the new generation of that time was against the rules and rituals followed by their parents or grandparents. Later, those kids were called Baby Boomers. Those kids set their own style in fashion, work area, interest and the views about any other topic, existing in the world related to musical, political and social matters. The entertainment industry was the biggest cause of this huge difference in a generation as youngsters of that time were much affected by the entertainment industry and were the big follower of it.

Technology is day by day changing and to grab and accept a new one is the need of people now. Today’s generation is so much capable of not only understand it but to grab and use it inefficient manner. Most of the older people are still neither interested nor compatible with new technological and atmospheric changes which create generation gap.

Reason of Generation Gap:

The biggest reason for the generation gap is the lack of communication among elders and youngsters.

  1. Lack of a Joint family also creates a generation gap where the new generation could rarely meet their grandparents and this gap generates a generation gap.
  2. Children enjoy the company of their friends rather than spend time with their parents or grandparents.
  3. When parents do not behave as a friend with their children and always instruct their children to do things according to them.
  4. Technological gadgets, electronic media, and entertainment industry are another reason for generation gap as these things involve people so much in their area of interest and do not allow connecting them with even with their family members.
  5. Lack of mutual understanding, a difference in age or experience and atmospheric changes are also the reasons for the generation gap.

Effects of Generation gap:

Sometimes, it affects too badly the physical and mental situation and state of the people:

  1. Due to a lack of communication and understandings among the old and young generations, people of old age become isolated from the outer world which is physically and mentally not good for them.
  2. Misunderstanding and lack of emotional feelings among members of the family are emerged due to the generation gap.
  3. The young generation has forgotten their morals and values which their parents have followed for many years due to their involvement in this fastest changing modern technology.
  4. Unfortunately, children or youngsters got addicted to bad habits like smoking, drugs or alcohol to remove their loneliness or because of the bad company which they found in the outer world. These addictions are too hazardous for their physical and mental health.

Solution and Conclusion:

In spite of blaming each other for different values and morals, it is needed to understand and appreciate other’s thoughts and interests on different issues. The old generation has to accept the new generation’s technical and fashionable changes, and also the new generation should understand and follow the old generation’s traditions and rituals in the same manner. Parents are required to keep updated with the technical changes so that they can easily answer their child in any technical issue or topics with satisfying answers, this will help them to easily cope up with their child in all manners. Nothing is possible until we do not try for it which is also proved in the elimination of the generation gap.

Related Information:

10 Lines on Generation Gap

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The older generation always says that the younger one is weird. Young people don’t behave like they did; don’t do what they did and so on. It has always been and it will always be so. And this is absolutely natural because time passes and so everything becomes different.

Our parents can hardly understand how to use all these devices we have now, how we can listen to such a noisy unpleasant music and watch all those dreadful  films. In fact, they used to do and have the same things, except for computers and smartphones, as we do. The reason why they sometimes can’t understand us is because they are older.

They think differently and see everything in a different way. They are not longer adolescents and we are not really adults yet. Even if we feel confident and independent, it is not actually so. The same goes for our attitude to an even younger generation.

We look at all these children with smartphones, chatting and posting photos and their “wise thoughts” and we get shocked sometimes. It seems that they don’t behave as we did when we were children and we can’t understand why they want to grow up. They don’t even know how difficult it is to be an adult.

Thus, the generation gap is a typical phenomenon we all face and deal with. It is inevitable and it causes a lot of quarrels and arguments. However, they are all useless. We should accept the fact that we are all different but this doesn’t mean any of us does something wrong. It is just the course of nature.


Старшее поколение всегда говорит, что младшее – странное. Молодежь ведет себя не так, как они вели, не занимается тем, чем они занимались и так далее. Так всегда было и будет. И это абсолютно нормально, поскольку время идет и, соответственно, все меняется.

Наши родители едва ли могут понять, как использовать все те устройства, что есть у нас сейчас, как мы можем слушать такую шумную неприятную музыку и смотреть все эти ужасные фильмы. На самом деле, у них было все так же, помимо компьютеров и смартфонов,  как есть у нас. Причина, по которой иногда они нас не понимают – возраст. Они старше.

Они думают иначе и видят все по-другому. Они больше не подростки, а мы пока еще не настоящие взрослые. Несмотря на то, что мы чувствуем себя уверенными и независимыми, на самом деле это не так. То же касается и нашего отношения к еще более юному поколению.

Мы смотрим на всех этих детей со смартфонами, переписывающихся и выкладывающих фотографии и свои «мудрые мысли», и иногда приходим в ужас. Кажется, что они не ведут себя как мы, когда были детьми, и мы не можем понять, почему они хотят вырасти. Они даже не представляют, как сложно быть взрослыми.

Таким образом, проблема поколений – типичное явление,  c которым мы все сталкиваемся и имеем дело. Его невозможно избежать и оно провоцирует много ссор и споров. Однако, все они бесполезны. Нам следует принять тот факт, что все мы разные, но это не значит, что кто-то из нас делает что-то не так. Это лишь естественный ход вещей.


Genetation gap –проблема поколений

Weird – странный

Adolescent – подросток, юноша

Attitude to – отношение к

To behave – вести себя

Inevitable – неизбежный

Quarrel – ссора, спор

Course of nature – естественный ход вещей

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