Кто изобрел экзамены

школа в древней Греции

Экзамены, тесты и всевозможные контрольные работы – пожалуй, главная головная боль всех студентов и школьников, грызущих гранит науки. А как бы обрадовались студенты, если б их не было! Но нет, экзамены и контрольные работы – главный метод проверки знаний учеников, и существовали они еще с глубокой древности, и наверняка будут существовать и в будущем. Точно ответить на вопрос кто придумал экзамены не возможно, вероятно они появились вместе с самими первыми образовательными учреждениями в истории. Например, уже в древнем Египте ученики готовились к экзаменам, так же как и их современные коллеги. Об истории экзаменов в разные времена и эпохи мы поговорим дальше в нашей статье.

Вступительные экзамены в древнем Египте

В древнем Египте как мы помним всей наукой и образованием ведали жрецы, которые были не только священнослужителями, но и учеными: астрономами, архитекторами, врачами, судьями, учителями. Чтобы обучатся искусству жрецов, необходимо было пройти через систему специальных испытаний, или, говоря современным языком – сдать вступительные экзамены в условный «древнеегипетский вуз» (разумеется, самого термина «вуз» в те времена еще не существовало). Сперва юный неофит (он же абитуриент) проходил процедуру, напоминающую современное собеседование: старшие жрецы выясняли его биографические данные, уровень образованности, внешний вид, умение вести беседу, и главное – мотивацию к обучению. Если собеседование проходило успешно, неофиту предстояло пройти еще несколько испытаний, в которых проверялось его умение трудиться, слушать и… молчать.

Это интересно: суровую систему египетских испытаний в свое время прошел и знаменитый древнегреческий ученый Пифагор, многому научившийся у египетских жрецов. Вернувшись в Грецию, он основал свою пифагорейскую школу, много элементов которой было позаимствовано у египтян.

Школа в Шумере

Выпускные экзамены в древнем Вавилоне

В древнем Вавилоне, еще одной колыбели цивилизации, так же была своя система экзаменов для тех, кто желал заниматься интеллектуальным трудом, а не работать в поле. В частности там существовали выпускные экзамены для писцов, которые были в вавилонском обществе чем-то вроде современных программистов и инженеров: они не только вели экономическую и прочую деловую документацию, но и обладали другими полезными навыками, могли правильно измерить размер поля, разделить имущество. А во время экзаменов проверяли, в том числе не только каллиграфию, но и умение разбираться в тканях, металлах и растениях, а также знание арифметики и особенно геометрии. (Кажется что экзамены в современных дистанционных школах вроде https://onlineschool-1.ru/, не такие суровые как в древних аналогах).

Профессиональные экзамены в древнем Китае

В императорском Китае очень почетной была должность государственного чиновника, и не удивительно, что на нее существовал очень большой конкурс. Чтобы стать государственным чиновником необходимо было сдать специальный профессиональный экзамен, тему для которого подбирал сам китайский император, он же проводил непосредственно проверку знаний на заключительном этапе многоступенчатого отбора, призванного найти лучших из лучших.

Школа в древнем Китае

Контрольные работы как письменная форма экзамена

В древности и средневековье экзамены в школах и университетах были устными, но постепенно стали вводится и письменные экзамены в виде контрольных работ, а потом и специально разработанных тестов. Но такая форма экзаменов первоначально вызывала протесты со стороны студентов. Например, в Англии письменные экзамены в виде контрольных работ стали использоваться в XVII веке, и то после почти двухсотлетней борьбы, а студенты Йельского университета в 1762 году даже опубликовали манифест против письменной формы экзаменов, в котором говорилось, что из-за них студентам приходится много «зубрить».

Автор: Павел Чайка, главный редактор исторического сайта Путешествия во времени

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Схожі статті:

An exam, also known as a test or examination, is a method of assessing a person’s knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. Exams are typically administered in a formal setting, such as a school, college, or workplace, and are used to evaluate a person’s understanding of a particular subject or to determine their qualifications for a particular job or role. Exams can be taken in many forms, including multiple-choice, short answer, essay, and practical demonstrations. The format and difficulty of exams vary depending on the purpose and level of the exam.


One prominent figure in the development of modern exams in America was Henry F. Chauncey. He was an American educational administrator and psychologist who is credited with developing the first modern college admissions test, the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which was first administered in 1926.

Before the development of the SAT, there was no standard method for evaluating the academic abilities of college applicants. Chauncey worked with a group of educators and psychologists to develop the SAT as a way to assess students’ aptitude for college-level work. The SAT quickly became widely used as a means of evaluating applicants for college admission and continues to be used today.

Chauncey’s work on the SAT was an important milestone in the development of modern exams and assessment systems in America and around the world. He and his colleagues made significant contributions to the field of educational psychology and helped to establish standardized tests as a widely used and accepted form of assessment.

Who Invented Exams in India?

The invention of exams as a form of assessment in India cannot be attributed to a single person, as it has been a long and ongoing process that has evolved over time. The development of modern exams and assessment systems in India has been a collaborative effort that has involved the contributions of many individuals and institutions, including educators, psychologists, researchers, and government agencies.

Types of Exams in India: 

There are several types of exams that are commonly used to evaluate student learning and determine eligibility for higher education, government positions, and other important opportunities. Some of the most common types of exams in India include:

  • School Exams: These exams are used to evaluate student learning in primary and secondary schools, and are typically taken at regular intervals throughout the school year.
  • College Entrance Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for admission to colleges and universities, and are usually taken by students in their final year of secondary school.
  • Professional Exams: These exams are used to assess the knowledge and skills required for specific professions, such as engineering, medicine, and law.
  • Government Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for government positions, and are typically taken by individuals seeking employment in the public sector.
  • Competitive Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for specific opportunities, such as scholarships, fellowships, and research grants, and are usually taken by individuals at different stages of their academic or professional careers.

These are some of the most common types of exams in India, and there are many others as well, each with its own specific requirements and evaluation criteria. Overall, exams play an important role in the Indian education system and continue to be an important tool for evaluating student learning and determining eligibility for a wide range of important opportunities.

Education in British India:

Education in British India was a complex and evolving system that changed over time in response to changing social, economic, and political conditions. During the colonial period, the British government in India established a system of education that aimed to create a cadre of educated Indians who could serve as intermediaries between the colonial authorities and the Indian population. This system was primarily focused on providing a Western-style education to the Indian elite, and was heavily influenced by the educational policies and practices of Britain.

In the early years of British rule in India, education was provided primarily by Christian mission schools, which emphasized the importance of religious education and conversion to Christianity. However, in the late 19th century, the British government began to establish a more formal system of education in India, with the goal of creating a class of educated Indians who could serve as intermediaries between the colonial authorities and the Indian population. This system was based on the British model of education, with a strong emphasis on classical subjects, such as Latin, Greek, and mathematics.

Over time, the education system in British India evolved to become more inclusive, with the introduction of primary and secondary schools and the expansion of university education. However, despite these developments, the education system remained heavily biased toward the Indian elite, and the majority of the Indian population remained illiterate.

Following independence in 1947, the Indian government made significant efforts to expand access to education and to create a more inclusive and equitable education system. These efforts have led to significant improvements in educational attainment and literacy rates, and have helped to establish India as one of the largest and most dynamic education systems in the world. Despite these achievements, however, India still faces significant challenges in terms of providing quality education to all its citizens and addressing disparities in educational attainment based on gender, class, and caste.

Advantages of Exams:

  • Assessment of learning: Exams provide a means of evaluating a student’s knowledge and skills, and help to determine what they have learned over a period of time.
  • Motivation: Exams can provide motivation for students to study and learn, as they give them a clear goal to work towards and a sense of accomplishment when they do well.
  • Standardization: Exams help to ensure that students are being evaluated on a consistent basis and that their performance can be compared to that of their peers. This helps to create a level playing field for students and ensures that everyone is being held to the same standards.
  • Feedback: Exams provide students with feedback on their performance, which can help them to identify areas where they need to improve and focus their efforts in these areas.
  • Opportunities for growth: By taking exams, students are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus their efforts on areas where they need to improve. This can lead to growth and development in areas they may have previously struggled with.
  • Career advancement: Exams can play a significant role in helping students to advance their careers, by demonstrating their knowledge and skills to potential employers.
  • Certificates and Awards: Exams can also provide students with certificates and awards that they can use to demonstrate their achievements to others.

Overall, exams serve as a useful tool for assessing students’ knowledge and skills and can play an important role in helping students to achieve their goals and to grow and develop over time.


  • High-stress levels: Exams can create a lot of stress and pressure for students, which can negatively impact their mental and physical health.
  • Inequitable: Exams can be inequitable, especially for students who struggle with test-taking or who have learning disabilities.
  • Limited scope: Exams only measure a limited scope of knowledge and skills, and do not always provide a comprehensive assessment of a student’s abilities.
  • Unreliable results: Exams can sometimes produce unreliable results, due to factors such as guesswork, cheating, or technical errors.
  • Narrow focus: Exams can create a narrow focus on memorization, rather than a broader emphasis on understanding and critical thinking.
  • Inefficient: Exams can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, both for the students and the institutions that administer them.

Overall, while exams serve an important role in the assessment and can provide a useful measure of students’ knowledge and skills, they also have some significant drawbacks that should be taken into consideration.


Q1. What is the purpose of exams?

Answer: Exams are used to assess and evaluate a student’s knowledge and understanding of a subject. They provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned and help teachers and institutions to determine their academic progress.

Q2) What types of exams are there?

Answer: There are several types of exams, including multiple-choice exams, short-answer exams, essay exams, and oral exams. The type of exam used depends on the subject and the goals of the assessment.

Q3) How often do exams take place?

Answer: The frequency of exams varies depending on the institution and the level of education. Some schools and universities have exams on a regular basis (e.g. monthly or quarterly), while others may have exams only once or twice a year.

Q4) How long do exams last?

Answer: The length of exams varies, depending on the type of exam, the level of education, and the number of questions. Some exams may last for a few hours, while others may last for a full day or more.

Q5) What happens if you fail an exam?

Answer: The consequences of failing an exam depending on the institution and the level of education. In some cases, a student may be required to repeat the exam or retake the course. In other cases, failing an exam may have no significant impact on the student’s academic progress.

Q6) How do exams impact your future?

Answer: Exams can have a significant impact on a student’s future, as they often determine whether they will advance to the next level of education, or be eligible for certain scholarships, grants, or jobs.

Q7) How can you prepare for exams?

Answer: There are several strategies for preparing for exams, including studying regularly, creating a study schedule, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and taking practice exams. The most important factor is to start preparing early and to be consistent in your studies.

An exam, also known as a test or examination, is a method of assessing a person’s knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. Exams are typically administered in a formal setting, such as a school, college, or workplace, and are used to evaluate a person’s understanding of a particular subject or to determine their qualifications for a particular job or role. Exams can be taken in many forms, including multiple-choice, short answer, essay, and practical demonstrations. The format and difficulty of exams vary depending on the purpose and level of the exam.


One prominent figure in the development of modern exams in America was Henry F. Chauncey. He was an American educational administrator and psychologist who is credited with developing the first modern college admissions test, the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which was first administered in 1926.

Before the development of the SAT, there was no standard method for evaluating the academic abilities of college applicants. Chauncey worked with a group of educators and psychologists to develop the SAT as a way to assess students’ aptitude for college-level work. The SAT quickly became widely used as a means of evaluating applicants for college admission and continues to be used today.

Chauncey’s work on the SAT was an important milestone in the development of modern exams and assessment systems in America and around the world. He and his colleagues made significant contributions to the field of educational psychology and helped to establish standardized tests as a widely used and accepted form of assessment.

Who Invented Exams in India?

The invention of exams as a form of assessment in India cannot be attributed to a single person, as it has been a long and ongoing process that has evolved over time. The development of modern exams and assessment systems in India has been a collaborative effort that has involved the contributions of many individuals and institutions, including educators, psychologists, researchers, and government agencies.

Types of Exams in India: 

There are several types of exams that are commonly used to evaluate student learning and determine eligibility for higher education, government positions, and other important opportunities. Some of the most common types of exams in India include:

  • School Exams: These exams are used to evaluate student learning in primary and secondary schools, and are typically taken at regular intervals throughout the school year.
  • College Entrance Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for admission to colleges and universities, and are usually taken by students in their final year of secondary school.
  • Professional Exams: These exams are used to assess the knowledge and skills required for specific professions, such as engineering, medicine, and law.
  • Government Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for government positions, and are typically taken by individuals seeking employment in the public sector.
  • Competitive Exams: These exams are used to determine eligibility for specific opportunities, such as scholarships, fellowships, and research grants, and are usually taken by individuals at different stages of their academic or professional careers.

These are some of the most common types of exams in India, and there are many others as well, each with its own specific requirements and evaluation criteria. Overall, exams play an important role in the Indian education system and continue to be an important tool for evaluating student learning and determining eligibility for a wide range of important opportunities.

Education in British India:

Education in British India was a complex and evolving system that changed over time in response to changing social, economic, and political conditions. During the colonial period, the British government in India established a system of education that aimed to create a cadre of educated Indians who could serve as intermediaries between the colonial authorities and the Indian population. This system was primarily focused on providing a Western-style education to the Indian elite, and was heavily influenced by the educational policies and practices of Britain.

In the early years of British rule in India, education was provided primarily by Christian mission schools, which emphasized the importance of religious education and conversion to Christianity. However, in the late 19th century, the British government began to establish a more formal system of education in India, with the goal of creating a class of educated Indians who could serve as intermediaries between the colonial authorities and the Indian population. This system was based on the British model of education, with a strong emphasis on classical subjects, such as Latin, Greek, and mathematics.

Over time, the education system in British India evolved to become more inclusive, with the introduction of primary and secondary schools and the expansion of university education. However, despite these developments, the education system remained heavily biased toward the Indian elite, and the majority of the Indian population remained illiterate.

Following independence in 1947, the Indian government made significant efforts to expand access to education and to create a more inclusive and equitable education system. These efforts have led to significant improvements in educational attainment and literacy rates, and have helped to establish India as one of the largest and most dynamic education systems in the world. Despite these achievements, however, India still faces significant challenges in terms of providing quality education to all its citizens and addressing disparities in educational attainment based on gender, class, and caste.

Advantages of Exams:

  • Assessment of learning: Exams provide a means of evaluating a student’s knowledge and skills, and help to determine what they have learned over a period of time.
  • Motivation: Exams can provide motivation for students to study and learn, as they give them a clear goal to work towards and a sense of accomplishment when they do well.
  • Standardization: Exams help to ensure that students are being evaluated on a consistent basis and that their performance can be compared to that of their peers. This helps to create a level playing field for students and ensures that everyone is being held to the same standards.
  • Feedback: Exams provide students with feedback on their performance, which can help them to identify areas where they need to improve and focus their efforts in these areas.
  • Opportunities for growth: By taking exams, students are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus their efforts on areas where they need to improve. This can lead to growth and development in areas they may have previously struggled with.
  • Career advancement: Exams can play a significant role in helping students to advance their careers, by demonstrating their knowledge and skills to potential employers.
  • Certificates and Awards: Exams can also provide students with certificates and awards that they can use to demonstrate their achievements to others.

Overall, exams serve as a useful tool for assessing students’ knowledge and skills and can play an important role in helping students to achieve their goals and to grow and develop over time.


  • High-stress levels: Exams can create a lot of stress and pressure for students, which can negatively impact their mental and physical health.
  • Inequitable: Exams can be inequitable, especially for students who struggle with test-taking or who have learning disabilities.
  • Limited scope: Exams only measure a limited scope of knowledge and skills, and do not always provide a comprehensive assessment of a student’s abilities.
  • Unreliable results: Exams can sometimes produce unreliable results, due to factors such as guesswork, cheating, or technical errors.
  • Narrow focus: Exams can create a narrow focus on memorization, rather than a broader emphasis on understanding and critical thinking.
  • Inefficient: Exams can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, both for the students and the institutions that administer them.

Overall, while exams serve an important role in the assessment and can provide a useful measure of students’ knowledge and skills, they also have some significant drawbacks that should be taken into consideration.


Q1. What is the purpose of exams?

Answer: Exams are used to assess and evaluate a student’s knowledge and understanding of a subject. They provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned and help teachers and institutions to determine their academic progress.

Q2) What types of exams are there?

Answer: There are several types of exams, including multiple-choice exams, short-answer exams, essay exams, and oral exams. The type of exam used depends on the subject and the goals of the assessment.

Q3) How often do exams take place?

Answer: The frequency of exams varies depending on the institution and the level of education. Some schools and universities have exams on a regular basis (e.g. monthly or quarterly), while others may have exams only once or twice a year.

Q4) How long do exams last?

Answer: The length of exams varies, depending on the type of exam, the level of education, and the number of questions. Some exams may last for a few hours, while others may last for a full day or more.

Q5) What happens if you fail an exam?

Answer: The consequences of failing an exam depending on the institution and the level of education. In some cases, a student may be required to repeat the exam or retake the course. In other cases, failing an exam may have no significant impact on the student’s academic progress.

Q6) How do exams impact your future?

Answer: Exams can have a significant impact on a student’s future, as they often determine whether they will advance to the next level of education, or be eligible for certain scholarships, grants, or jobs.

Q7) How can you prepare for exams?

Answer: There are several strategies for preparing for exams, including studying regularly, creating a study schedule, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and taking practice exams. The most important factor is to start preparing early and to be consistent in your studies.


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Кто придумал школьные тесты?

Кто придумал школьные тесты?

В Древней Греции был обычай, когда мальчики декламировали стихи перед аудиторией, чтобы проверить свои способности. С годами эта традиция превратилась в современный школьный тест. Первые школьные тесты были созданы европейскими учеными в конце 1700-х годов.


Школьные тесты были изобретены пруссаками в 1800-х годах как способ измерить, насколько хорошо их ученики учатся.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Кто на самом деле придумал экзамены?

Экзамены были изобретены в Китае во времена династии Суй (581-618 гг. н.э.).

Кто придумал экзамены и зачем?

Экзамены придумали древние греки. Они использовались для проверки знаний учащихся.

Когда был первый школьный тест?

Первый школьный тест был проведен в начале 1800-х годов.

Кто делал домашнее задание?

Домашнее задание — относительно новое изобретение, впервые появившееся в начале 1900-х годов. Он был создан, чтобы помочь учащимся практиковаться и изучать новый материал за пределами класса.

Кто изобрел школу?

Школа – это концепция, которая существует уже несколько столетий. Он был изобретен, чтобы помочь детям учиться и расти.

Кто был первым учителем?

Первой учительницей была мать человечества.

Кто изобрел ноль?

Вавилоняне были первыми, кто использовал символ нуля еще в 700 г. до н.э. Но именно индийские математики действительно разработали концепцию нуля как числа.

Кто учил первого учителя?

На этот вопрос нет однозначного ответа. Считается, что первым учителем был тот, кто учил других читать и писать, но кто этот человек, неизвестно.

Кто первый учитель-мужчина?

Считается, что первым учителем-мужчиной был греческий философ Платон, который преподавал в 4 веке до нашей эры.

Кто была первой женщиной-учителем?

Первой женщиной-учителем была женщина по имени Пруденс Крэндалл. В 1833 году она открыла первую школу для чернокожих девочек.


В заключение, школьные тесты были придуманы разными людьми в разное время. Они используются для измерения успеваемости и знаний учащегося. Нет однозначного ответа на вопрос, кто изобрел школьные тесты, но они стали неотъемлемой частью системы образования.

Доктор Алекс Дерм

Привет, это доктор Алекс Дерм. Она защитила докторскую диссертацию. в области машиностроения Стэнфордского университета. Сейчас она работает профессором. На этой платформе она публикует стипендии, стипендии, программы обмена, конференции, летние программы, предпринимательские мероприятия, стажировки, семинары, симпозиумы, информацию со всего мира. если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь спрашивать нас.

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Наверное, современным школьникам сложно себе представить, но экзамены сдавали еще ученики античного мира. В те времена далеко не все могли позволить себе учиться, но в школах уже проводилась проверка полученных знаний. А вот единые общенациональные экзамены впервые были введены в Древнем Китае. Главной целью этого экзамена было найти смышленных ребят, которые отбирались в будущем на государственные должности. А если учесть, что «государева служба» была раньше только честью для привилегированных граждан, то экзамен позволял попробовать свои силы, давая шанс вырваться из крестьян в государственные деятели, благодаря своему уму. Так что изначальная суть экзаменов была скорее благой целью, нежели попыткой измучить школьников.

Англичане, много путешествующие и изучающие лучший опыт зарубежных стран, взяли пример с Китайской империи и в 1806 году ввели в своей стране экзамены для всех желающих, чтобы отбирать лучших на службу в Королевский двор. Несомненно это было новаторским ходом в те времена, во всей Европе подобного еще не встречалось. Но практика распространилась быстро, система экзаменов внедрилась в процесс обучения и стала вводиться в образовательных учреждениях всего мира.

Для Российской империи 19 век также ознаменовался появлением системой образования, открывались гимназии, лицеи, кадетские школы. Это могла быть как государственная, так и частная школа, хотя последние на начальном этапе появления образования встречались чаще, а потому и обучать своих детей в то время могли только состоятельные люди.

Рост государственных школ, в которых мог обучаться любой ребенок, независимо от материального статуса и семейного положения, произошел уже в СССР. Прежде же во всем мире, и в царской России в частности, считалось, что большинство детей из рабочих и крестьянских семей не сможет обучиться письму и чтению, в связи с чем вовсе не стоит тратить на них государственные время и деньги. Знаете ли вы, что до сих пор в мире существуют такие регионы, в которых нет бесплатного государственного образования. И многие дети, чьи родители не в состоянии оплачивать огромные счета за образование, обречены всю жизнь быть только лишь крестьянами или фермерами. Поэтому мы должны ценить то, что у нас есть шанс на лучшую жизнь, а использовать его или нет, дело каждого.

В советских школах экзамены состояли, как правило, из двух основных частей — устной и письменной. В устной части нужно было рассказать весь выученный материал по тому билету, который ученик вытянул. Письменная часть включала в себя решение задач, расчет данных и написание сочинения или изложения (в зависимости от предмета). Для старших классов был введен основной государственный экзамен, включавший в себя одинаковые для всей страны задания. В то время тоже встречались курсы подготовки к ОГЭ, но в основном ученики были неплохо подготовлены, так как за годы учебы какие-то знания да остались, а сам экзамен был не в виде теста, а потому преподаватели могли более объективно оценить уровень знаний школьника.

В начале нового 21 века в русских школах был введен единый государственный экзамен. Изначально это было целью сделать систему образования более стандартизированной, но до сих пор не утихают споры по поводу того, вреден или полезен ЕГЭ. Ежегодно он видоизменяется и дополняется новыми типами заданий и вопросов, а потому, чтобы экзамен был успешно сдан ребенком, родителям будущих выпускников приходится держать руку на пульсе, оплачивать дополнительные курсы подготовки к ЕГЭ, заниматься с педагогами, покупать различные книги. Но в конце концов во всем мире требования к образованию повышаются, ведь сегодня появляется множество новых профессий и видов деятельности.

Ясно одно, что экзамены уже прочно вошли в нашу жизнь и лучшего способа проверить уровень знаний на данный момент нет и в ближайшее время вряд ли будет. Сегодня экзамены могут быть как устными, так и письменными, в виде тестов на бумаге или на компьютере. Придумываются разные способы сдачи экзаменов, но сама их суть от этого не изменяется.

( 1 оценка, среднее 5 из 5 )

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