1. Last Minute Off er
2. Best Catches Without Mistakes
3. Package Holiday
4. Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
5. Educational Tour
6. Green Travel
7. Mountain Adventure
8. New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration
A. La Baume is a holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience störe.
B. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environrnent as they do that you have a blast! Shamrocker and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the Companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
C. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
D. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhib-its at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
E. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun.’ Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film Processing lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
F. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the well-preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
G. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters iakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed eoffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Last Minute Offer
Best Catches Without Mistakes
Package Holiday
Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
Educational Tour
Green Travel
Mountain Adventure
New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration
La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.
Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.
2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.
3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.
4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.
5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.
6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.
7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.
8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.
9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.
10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Our____________(1) in New York was arrive
spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty
make a___________(2) sight. New beauty
York has a_________(3) of over seven million populate
and it is probably the word’s most famous city.
The_________(4) of the ‘Big Apple’ come inhabit
from many different countries. There are
more________(5) in New York than in any nation
other place on earth. It also has more________(6) tour
than any other city except London,__________(7) special
in the summer.________(8)come from over the world visit
and have a__________(9) time. There are so many wonder
sights for them to get________(10) about enthusiasm
-whether it’s some of the best museums in the
world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
B. Use Alternative Medicine
C. Staying in Shape is Important
E. Turn a Bad Habit into a Good Idea
F. Fat People Are at Risk
G. Prevention Is Better than Cure
H. Choose Proper Nutrition
1. There are numerous problems associated with obesity. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also a health hazard. Doctors generally agree that the more obese a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions. People who are overweight can gain significant health benefits from losing weight.
2. Hey, couch potato! Don’t feel guilty indulging in serials or reality shows – use the commercials as an excuse to burn calories. There is probably an average of 15 minutes of commercials in an hour-long program. If you exercised through each commercial break during just two hours of TV, you’d already have met the recommended amount of daily exercise necessary to reduce health risk.
3. Regular checkups are a valuable tool in maintaining good health. Taking proper care of your health at the right time can help avoid a lot of problems in the future. The main aim of a checkup is to detect illness at an early stage. It’s good to find out that you have a health problem before it is too late so appropriate tests should be done at the right time.
4. Do you mainly exercise for a few weeks in January before you forget your New Year’s resolution, and then again when you realize your summer holiday is around the corner? You’d not be alone, but keeping fit is something you should do all year round. You might not be particularly bothered about your appearance or your weight, but keeping fit is as much about what’s on the inside as it is what’s on the outside.
5. Pain is our body’s means to indicate that something is wrong and requires immediate attention. Pain for a short time can be taken care of by a painkiller but if the soreness is lingering for too long, then it requires proper medical expertise. Sometimes life menacing problems have back pain and joint pain as symptoms and can, if neglected, do permanent damage.
6. Think about your car- the higher the grade of the fuel you put in it, the better it runs. Your body works the same way. If you eat healthy food, you’ll be healthier and feel better. Eating well is easy if you aware of what foods are best for you. But don’t worry! Eating healthy food doesn’t mean eliminating every single thing you love from your diet.
7. Do you spend more than 3 hours a day working or maybe playing on a computer? If so, you are at a higher risk than casual computer users. Researchers warn that watching a computer screen for six or more hours a day might be linked to a progressive eye disease. This doesn’t mean, however, that people who work on a computer for less than 3 hours a day will not suffer eye complications due to computer use.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. The news (wasn’t/ weren’t) as bad as we expected.
2. Where (does/ do) your family live?
3. Four days (isn’t/ aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.
4. He can’t find his binoculars. Do you know where (it is/ they are)?
5. Do you think the people (is/ are) happy with the government?
6. The money she makes (is/ are) enough for her.
7. The police (is/ are) looking for the murderer.
8. His good looks (get/ gets) him what he wants.
9. The government (is/ are) passing new laws.
10. Her knowledge of English (is/ are) very good.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Americans talk with________(1) of their government proud
and_________(2). They seem certain that they have institute
more________(3), better laws and stronger leaders. free
But even the most________(4) patriot
Americans have a few doubts.
________(5) is one problem area, and so is the law. There educate
are not enough clever teachers, and too many clever________(6). law
But Americans feel___________(7) that they can change confidence
things that don’t work. Americans want to be proud of their
President. They like him to be good-looking,_________(8), and a religion
good family man. They want him to be a good_________(9). talk
They expect him to keep the prices down at home and to keep the
country looking_____________(10)abroad. power
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A.Gifted Children Always Become Famous
B. Awareness of Giftedness
C. Special Attitude Is Required
D. Lack of Challenge May Cause Problems
E. Contrary to Popular Belief
F. Gifted Children Have no Support
G. Identifying the Gifted Children
H. Being Gifted Is not Always
1. Gifted children’s behavior differs from that of their age- mates. Many gifted children learn to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to learn new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.
2. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.
3. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual difference. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as ‘weird’ or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.
4. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them from becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.
5. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not learn how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally overwhelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.
6.Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.
7. Gifted children are often viewed as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. (Does/Do) the police know how the accident happened?
2. She doesn’t like hot weather. Twenty-eight degrees (is/are) too warm for her.
3. The staff at school (is/ are) not happy with their new working conditions.
4.Thirty thousand pounds (was/ were) stolen in the robbery.
5. Two years (is/ are) a long time to be without job.
6. Measles, which (is/ are) a children’s disease, (is/ are) dangerous for adults.
7. The audience (was/ were) given free tickets.
8. The economics (is/ are) very interesting.
9. His death (was/ were) a great shock.
10. Fish (is/are) easy to look after as pets.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
When the famous explorer Columbus claimed Florida in 1492,
he had never__________(1) eyes on it. The area’s most lay
important early________(2) thus set a pattern that has visit
continued for centuries. There is a general___________(3) believe
amongst people, apparently quite_________(4) with whether or connect
not they’ve been there themselves, that Florida is a good place to go.
In fact, it is almost___________(5) not to enjoy yourself in Florida possible
today, given the wonderful___________(6) of facilities available select
to tourists. Some of the world’s most popular tourists___________(7) attract
are located in the state whose____________(8) beaches welcome sand
40 million people each year. These days it seems_____________(9) point
to describe Florida’s geography and climate. After all, few people
would have___________(10) in finding it on a map and most difficult
would know what weather to expect there.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Studying from Home
B. Personal Development Is Important
C. Modern Tools for Studying
D. Finding the Right Activity for You
E. Studying and Living at School
F. Specialized Schools
G. Assessing Academic Progress
H. High- Tech School
1. In the earliest days of computers, the only computer education was about computers. We and computers have come a long way since those days. Now computers have invaded every aspect of modern life. Education is no exception. Students can use word processors for writing, spreadsheets for mathematics and science, and databases for organizing information. Lately, the Internet has become a recognized way of getting information.
2. There are many advantages to distance learning. For homeschoolers, it’s a great way to safely get a head start on college before completing high school. In addition, many students don’t have the ability to leave home for maybe family or work obligations. Another huge advantage is the cost savings. Through distance learning, you avoid room and board fees that will have to be paid by a traditional student.
3. In Great Britain many children go to boarding schools. A boarding school can be an excellent placement for an orphaned child, because everyone is treated equally and fairly there. Many parents with non-traditional careers or those undergoing difficult transitions like divorce find boarding schools excellent alternatives. Boarding school can help children grow in independence, and friendships formed in boarding schools often last a lifetime.
4. Considered by many to be a diamond in the rough of the Parkside area, the school boasts a curriculum that encourages technological literacy. The 170 local 9th grade students don’t carry any books or pencils. The school supplies every student with their own laptop. They create multimedia presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, receive assignments via e- mail, and conduct research online. So far, the unique program has had positive results,
5. Chorister’s schools are educational establishments which have a special emphasis on religious choir singing. These schools are usually attached to a cathedral, church or chapel, where the school choir sings. Choir schools do not exclusively educate choristers: about 15,000 pupils are taught at chorister schools in the UK, but only around 1,000 of those are choristers. Tony Blair, for example, attended the Chorister School but was not himself a Chorister.
6. For the majority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an essential role in the collegiate experience. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social and enjoyment purposes, but most importantly, to gain and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exist on US campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.
7. The test is an important benchmark in ensuring that students will be successful in meeting the challenges they will face either in college or the workplace. If they are not able to meet the standards of the exam, how can we expect them to be successful in life? Examinations can be traumatic for both and their teachers. But just because nobody really enjoys them, we should not disregard them as a necessary part of the education process.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Five miles (is/ are) a long way to walk every day.
2. I need more money. Six pounds (is/ are) not enough.
3. These species (is/ are) rare.
4. My hair (is/ are) dark brown.
5. His watch (need/ needs) repairing.
6. Radio news (give/ gives) us less information than television news.
7. The stairs to the ground floor (was/ were) over there.
8. The information (was/ were) very helpful.
9. His glass (is/ are) on the table.
10. There (is/ are) toast on the dish.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your__________(1) in International Business advertise
magazine and I am writing for more information
concerning entry_____________(2) require
for the course the English Language. Could you tell
me what language____________(3) are required? qualify
I do not possess the First Certificate and would like
to know if__________(4) on the course depends accept
on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an_________(5) account
for an international company I would be interested in
a course which focuses on language_____________(6) develop
for both social and____________(7) purposes. I would busy
also like to know the__________(8) from the college distant
to London and if______________(9) at all classes is attend
obligatory, or whether an occasional______________(10) absent
for purposes of travel be acceptable.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear friends in Russia,
I’m sixteen years old and attend high school in Sydney. My school has a happy and cheerful atmosphere. Everyone gets along with each other. We wear a uniform that represents our school, Casimir College. I live in Australia but my background is Lebanese and I’m proud of that. In Australia there are people from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds. I come from a big family of five children and I have a Mum and Dad. We have barbeques at home occasionally, which gives us the time to talk to each other. When I grow up I wish to become a news reporter on TV. I think it would be very interesting and enjoyable to go out and find out things and then represent them on the news.
Diane Tarabay
Diane’s classmates are a) friendly b) cheeky c) no information
Diane lives in a) Russia b) Lebanon c) Australia
She is the only child in her family a) true b) false c) no information
They have barbeques a) often b) sometimes c) never
When she grows up Diane wants to a) write novels b) make films
c) inform people through mass media
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Miss Dix tells her class: “Open your books at page 25”.
2. The ticket-collector says to me: “Show me your ticket, please”.
3. The doctor says to the patient: “Brush your teeth regularly”.
4. The policeman tells a thief: “Put your hands up”.
5. An old woman tells children: “Don’t play football.”
6. My friend says to me: “Call me back, please”.
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.This is page one. This is the_________ page.
2. This is flat five. This is the_________ flat.
3. Where is chapter ten? Where is the ____________ chapter?
4. He doesn’t remember page twenty. He doesn’t remember the___________ page.
5. Book two is about travelling. The____________ book is about travelling.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
I’ve met_________ people but I don’t have__________ real friends.
I’m sorry but there are ____________ cookies left.
Is there____________ petrol in the tank? ‘Yes, there must be ________ left.’
We get letters from her____________ month.
Is there______________ meat in the fridge?
There is______________ in the box. It’s empty.
She said________________ but I didn’t understand it.
He went to the shop but he didn’t buy______________ .
I’ m looking for my keys. Has _____________ seen them?
_______________ student has to obey school regulations.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear Russian boys and girls,
Hello. My name is Chris Mouratidis. My parents are from Greece, but I was born in Australia. I’m in my tenth year of schooling and my favourite subject, believe it or not, is English. I go to Strathmore Secondary College in Melbourne and I’ve been going there for four years. I enjoy playing Australian Rules Football. It is similar to soccer, but the rules are adjusted a bit and the ball is oval shaped.
Chris Mouratidis
1. Chris is from a) Australia b) Greece c) Great Britain
2. He is a) ten b) twelve c) no information
3. Chris doesn’t like English a) true b) false c) no information
4. Chris likes Australian Rules Football a) true b) false c) no information
5. The ball in Australian Rules Football is a) round b) oval c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Mother says to her son: “Buy a kilo of sugar.”
2. My mother tells me: “Don’t be late.”
3. A customs officer tells me: “Open your suitcase.”
4. He says to her : “Please, don’t cry.”
5. They say to us : “Come back again next month.”
6. Father says to me : “Watch your mouth.”
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1. He doesn’t understand lesson nine. He doesn’t understand the_________ lesson.
2. What picture is on page 21? What picture is on the____________ page.
3. She lives on the floor eleven. She lives on the _____________ floor.
4. What is the date on page one hundred and one? What is the date on the_________ page.
5. He is in Class two. He is in the ___________ class.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1. Everything was correct. There were ____________ mistakes.
2. I see him at work almost____________ day.
3. There weren’t ___________ potatoes left.
4. There were _____________ tomatoes left.
5. Would you like_________________ milk?
6. ______________ knows about the concert.
7. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______________ to help me.
8. ‘Have you got___________ to tell me?’ ‘No,______________ really’.
9. Jane is getting married to ______________ she met on holiday.
10. Tommy is so nice._____________ likes him.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear Russian boys and girls,
Hello. I am fifteen years old and attend Strathmore Secondary College in Melbourne. I am currently in year 10. I have two brothers, a cat and a dog. I intend on studying medicine when I finish school. My hobbies are playing the flute and saxophone. I also like to play tennis. My favourite subjects are English, Drama, Music, Cooking and Woodworking.
Alysia Ann Cummings
1.Alysia was born in Great Britain a) true b) false c) no information
2.There are three children in Alysia’s family a) true b) false c)no information
3. She doesn’t want to be a doctor a) true b) false c) no information
4. She likes music a) true b) false c) no information
5. She is a very good tennis- player a) true b) false c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. She says to her son, “Don’t forget the keys!”
2. He says, “Don’t tell a lie, Jack,”
3. Mother says to her son, “Turn off the light.”
4. Ann says to Mary, “Give me your book, please.”
5. She tells her brother, “Open the window, please.”
6. Kate says to Jane, “Don’t touch my things.”
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.She lives in flat fifteen. She lives in the __________________ flat.
2.Open your books at page twenty- five. Open your books at the______________ page.
3. He lives on floor nine . He lives on the_____________ floor.
4. He doesn’t understand lesson thirty-one. He doesn’t understand the________ lesson.
5. Book three is about England. The_____________ book is about England.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1.’Have you got __________matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got _______in my pocket.’
2. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got _____________time.
3. I’d like to ask you for ____________ advice.
4. ____________country has a national flag.
5. Is ____________ in the room?
6. Take___________ book you would like to read.
7. Is there ___________here who speaks Italian?
8. I am hungry. I want ___________to eat.
9. There was __________selling tickets near the hall.
10. I don’t know ________________ about economics.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear friends in Russia,
Hi, my name is Daniela Camacho and I am 17 years old. I am originally from Portugal. I am in year 11 and the name of my school is Casimir College. It’s a good school, because we get to meet people from different cultures. How is your school in Russia? Do you wear a uniform to school? We have to wear a uniform at our school. My hobbies are collecting stamps and ice-skating. I also like to go out with my friends during school holidays.
Daniela Camacho
1.Daniela comes from Portugal. a) true b) false c) no information
2. She is eleven. a) true b) false c) no information
3. She is a good pupil. a) true b) false c) no information
4. There are students of different nationalities in her school.
a) true b) false c) no information
5. Daniela can skate. a) true b) false c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Nick says to Mary, “Bring some milk from the kitchen”.
2. He says to us, “Come here tomorrow”.
3. Mike tells me, “Please, send me a telegram as soon as you arrive”.
4. The doctor says to Pete, “Don’t go for a walk today”.
5. He says to me, “Ring me up tomorrow”.
6. Robert says to Henry, “Please, help me with this work”.
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.Let’s talk about chapter eight. Let’s talk about the ____________chapter.
2. What is the date on page one hundred and two? What is the date on the _______page?
3. I don’t understand lesson one. I don’t understand the ________ lesson.
4. Where is room thirteen? Where is the _____________ room?
5. What picture is on page ninety- seven? What picture is on the ____________ page?
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1.I’m afraid there isn’t ___________ coffee left.
2. She wanted _________stamps but there weren’t _____________in the machine.
3. Are there __________ letters for me?
4. This evening I’m going out with ___________friends of mine.
5. Look! _______is sitting at the train station waiting for a train.
6. Does ____________ want a game of tennis?
7. She left the room without saying ____________.
8. ‘Who was at the party?’ ‘ _______________, Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers. ’
9. Can I have ___________coffee, please?
10. There isn’t __________fish, either.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.I _______a pupil.
2.Where _________you from?
3. What ___________your name?
4. The dog __________in the garden.
5. ________your school big?
6. They _________students.
7. My parents _____________doctors.
8. How old ___________your mother?
9. __________your flat big or small?
10. My books ____________new.
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.He can play football.
2.There are books on the desk.
3. There is a picture on the wall.
4. She has got a little brother.
5. You must read a lot.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.I _________glad to see you.
2. How ___________you?
3._____________Tom and Bob good football players?
4. What ___________your address?
5. My cat __________funny.
6. Football ___________a team game.
7. His father ___________40 years old.
8. My sisters _____________at school.
9.London __________in Great Britain.
10. _____________Russia a big country?
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.You can speak English.
2. There is a fridge in the kitchen.
3. He must be at school at 8 a.m.
4. They have got a new car.
5. My parents are doctors.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.My name ________________Tom.
2.What ____________their names?
3. I _________at home.
4. ___________Nick and Pete good pupils?
5. The houses in our street ____________big.
6. You ___________late.
7. His friends ____________12 years old.
8. We _________in Class 5.
9. Astrakhan ___________ on the Volga.
10. His eyes _________brown.
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.He can swim very well.
2. You have got a brother.
3. His name is John.
4. We must speak English.
5. There are two dogs in the garden.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is are.
1.Kate _________a student.
2. __________you 12 years old?
3. _____________your name Mike?
4. They __________in the classroom.
5. My pen ___________black.
6. My pencils ___________in the pencil-case.
7. Where ____________your books?
8. I ________the best pupil in my class.
9. Dogs ___________clever.
10. What ________your friends’ names?
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.I must do my homework.
2.His dog can jump very well.
3.She has got two cats.
4. They are friends.
5. There is a pen in the bag.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Ключи к заданиям административной контрольной работы в 10 классе за 1 полугодие (английский язык)
Задание А- DFAEHGB
Задание В- 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. were; 7. is; 8. does; 9. makes; 10. enjoy
Задание С- arrival, beautiful, population, inhabitants, nationalities, tourists, especially, visitors, wonderful, enthusiastic
2 вариант
Задание А- FEGCAHD
Задание В- 1.wasn’t; 2. does/do; 3. isn’t; 4. they are; 5. are; 6. is; 7. are looking; 8. get; 9. is passing; 10. is
Задание С- pride, institutions, freedom, patriotic, education, lawyers, confident, religious, talker, powerfu
3 вариант
Задание А- GHBFDCE
Задание В- 1. do; 2.is; 3.are; 4. was; 5.is; 6. is, is; 7. were; 8. is; 9. was; 10. are
Задание С- laid, visitor, belief, unconnected, impossible, selection, attractions, sandy, pointless, difficulty
4 вариант
Задание А- CAEHFBG
Задание В- 1. is;2. is; 3. are; 4. is; 5. needs; 6. gives; 7. were; 8. was; 9. is; 10. is
Задание С- advertisement, requirements, qualifications, acceptance, accountant, development, business, distance, attendance, absence
по английскому языку в 10 классе
2 полугодие
Варианты 1, 2, 3, 4
Ключи к административной контрольной работе по английскому языку в 9 классе за 1 полугодие
1 вариант
А. 1-а ;2-c; 3-b; 4-b; 5-c
B. 1. Miss Dix tells her class to open their books at page 25.
2. The ticket-collector asks me to show the ticket.
3. The doctor recommends the patient to brush teeth regularly.
4. The policeman tells a thief to put his hands up.
5. An old woman tells children not to play football.
6. My friend asks me to call him back.
C1. 1- first; 2- fifth; 3-tenth; 4- twentieth; 5- second
C2. 1- some, any; 2- no; 3- any, some; 4- every; 5- any; 6- nothing; 7- something; 8- anything; 9- anybody; 10- every
A.1-a; 2-c; 3- b; 4- a; 5- b
B. 1.Mother tells her son to buy a kilo of sugar.
2. My mother tells me not to be late.
3. A customs officer tells me to open my suitcase.
4. He asks her not to cry.
5. They ask us to come back again next month.
6. Father tells me to watch my mouth.
C1. 1- ninth; 2- twenty-first; 3- eleventh; 4- one hundred and first; 5- second
C2. 1- no; 2- every; 3- any; 4- some; 5- some; 6- everybody; 7- anybody; 8- anything, nothing; 9- somebody; 10- everybody
A.1- c; 2- a; 3- b; 4- a; 5- c
B. 1. She tells her son not to forget the keys.
2. He tells Jack not to tell a lie.
3. Mother tells her son to turn off the light.
4. Ann asks Mary to give her a book.
5. She asks her brother to open the window.
6. Kate tells Jane not to touch her things.
C1. 1- fifteenth; 2- twenty-fifth; 3- ninth; 4- thirty-first; 5- third
C2. 1- any, some; 2- no; 3- some; 4- every; 5- anybody; 6- any; 7- anybody; 8- something; 9- somebody; 10- anything
A.1-a; 2- b; 3- c; 4- a; 5- a
B.1. Nick tells Mary to bring some milk from the kitchen.
2. He tells us to come here tomorrow.
3. Mike asks me to send him a telegram as soon as I arrive.
4. The doctor tells Pete not to go for a walk today.
5. He tells me to ring him up tomorrow.
6. Robert asks Henry to help him with his work.
C1. 1- eighth; 2- one hundred and second; 3- first; 4- thirteenth; 5- ninety-seventh
C2. 1- any; 2- some, any; 3- any; 4- some; 5- somebody; 6- anybody; 7- nothing; 8- everybody; 9- some; 10- any
Ключи к административной контрольной работе по английскому языку в 5 классе за 1 полугодие
A.1- am; 2- are; 3- is; 4-is; 5- is; 6- are; 7- are; 8- is; 9- is; 10- are
B1. 1. Can he play football? 2. Are there books on the desk? 3. Is there a picture on the wall? 4. Has she got a little brother? 5. Must you read a lot?
B2. 1. He cannot/ can’t play football. 2. There are not/ aren’t books on the desk. 3. There is not/ isn’t a picture on the wall. 4. She has not got/ hasn’t got a little brother. 5. You must not/ mustn’t read a lot.
A.1. 1- am; 2- are; 3- are; 4- is; 5- is; 6- is; 7- is; 8- are; 9-is; 10- is
B1. 1. Can you speak English? 2. Is there a fridge in the kitchen? 3. Must he be at school at 8 a. m.? 4. Have they got a new car? 5. Are your parents doctors?
B2. You cannot/ can’t speak English. 2. There is not/ isn’t a fridge in the kitchen. 3. He must not/ mustn’t be at school at 8 a. m. 4. They have not/ haven’t got a new car. 5. My parents are not/ aren’t doctors.
A.1- is; 2- are; 3- am; 4- are; 5- are; 6- are; 7- are; 8- are; 9- is; 10-are
B1.1. Can he swim very well? 2. Have you got a brother? 3. Is his name John? 4. Must we speak English? 5. Are there two dogs in the garden?
B2. He cannot/ can’t swim very well. 2. You have not got/ haven’t got a brother. 3. His name is not/ isn’t John. 4. We must not/ mustn’t speak English. 5. There are not/ aren’t two dogs in the garden.
A.1-is; 2- are; 3- is; 4- are; 5- is; 6- are; 7- are; 8- am; 9- are; 10- are
B1. 1. Must I do my homework? 2. Can his dog jump very well? 3. Has she got two cats? 4. Are they friends? 5. Is there a pen in the bag?
B2. 1. I must not/ mustn’t do my homework. 2. His dog cannot/ can’t jump very well. 3. She has not got/ hasn’t two cats. 4. They are not/ aren’t friends. 5. There is not/ isn’t a pen in the bag.
выполнения административной контрольной работы
по_______________________ в ______ классе
Вид работы административное тестирование
Количество учащихся в классе _____
Выполняли работу_____
Результаты работы:
«5»__________________ чел ________________%
«4»__________________ чел ________________%
«3»__________________ чел ________________ %
«2»__________________ чел ________________ %
КУ _____________ %
КК _____________ % (от числа выполнявших работу)
Не справились:
№ |
Содержание стандарта |
Кол-во уч-ся |
% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Выводы и рекомендации:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Учитель (Ф. И. О.)_______________
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
1 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Hello. My first name is Jill. My surname is Brown. I am from Oxford. I am eleven years old. My address is 22 Queen Street, Oxford. My phone number: 227025. My hobby is reading. My favourite subject at school is English.
What is Jill’s surname?
Is she from Oxford?
What is her phone number?
What is her hobby?
What is her favourite subject at school?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1. My sister (to get) up at 8 o’clock. 2. She (to go) to school in the morning. 3. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
They live in London.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
2 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Tom is from New York. He is 12 years old. His favourite sport is American football. His favourite singer is Elvis Presley. His telephone number is 4872135.
Where is Tom from?
How old is he?
What is his favourite sport?
Who is his favourite singer?
What is his telephone number?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.After breakfast she (to go) to school. 2. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 3. She (to speak) English well. 4. My day (to begin) at 7 o’clock.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
Robin comes from Scotland.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
3 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
We are from Oxford. We are in the fifth form and we are 12 years old. Our favourite hobbies are video games and reading.
Where are they from?
Are they twelve?
How old are they?
What are their hobbies?
What form are they in?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.I (to get) up , (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. 2. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. 3. At 7.30. we (to have) breakfast. 4. My father and I (to leave) home at 8 o’clock.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
They like to play football.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
4 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish.
Are Tony and Alison good friends?
Is Tony twelve?
Is Alison twelve?
Is Alison Scottish?
Is Tony English?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.He (to take) a bus to his factory. 2. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at 9 o’clock.3. In the evening we (to gather) in the living- room. 4. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
We have five lessons on Monday.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
1. Цель задания — подобрать заголовки к представленным коротким текстам.
2. Прочитайте быстро текст, чтобы понять основное содержание.
3. Не волнуйтесь, если вы не знаете некоторых слов. Возможно, они не играют важной роли в определении общего смысла текста.
4. Подберите заголовок, который наилучшим образом отражает основную идею текста. Помните, что в заголовке не обязательно будут те слова, которые встречаются в тексте. Скорее всего, основная мысль будет выражена другими словами.
5. Не забудьте, что в задании один заголовок лишний. После того как вы подобрали заголовки ко всем текстам, убедитесь, что оставшийся заголовок не подходит ни к одному отрывку.
6. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания — 7 минут.
Задание 1.1
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Last Minute Offer
B. Best Catches Without Mistakes
55F∙∙ ∙ ∙
C. Package Holiday
D. Sammer Hobday for Independent TraveUers
E. Edecatfonal Tonr
F. Greea Travel
G. Monntafo Adveutnre
H. New Opportunities for Uaderwater Exploratfon
I. La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own p∞l area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store. .
J. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your «guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
K. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking-in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
L. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and ∣ exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy * the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025’. Try your ∣ hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moon — ! walk before returning home!
S. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you < a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun.’ Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have ∙
Got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
T. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
B. Use Alternative Medicine
C. Staying in Shape is Important
D. Threat to Your Eyesight
E. Turn a Bad Habit into a Good Idea
F. Fat People Are at Risk
G. Prevention Is Better than Cure
H. Choose Proper Nutrition
I. There are numerous problems associated with obesity. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also a health hazard. Doctors generally agree that the more obese a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions. People who are overweight can gain significant health benefits from losing weight.
J. Hey, couch potato! Don’t feel guilty indulging in serials or reality shows — use the commercials as an excuse to burn calories. There is probably an average of 15 minutes of commercials in an hour-long program. If you exercised through each commercial break during just two hours of TV, you’d already have met the recommended amount of daily exercise necessary to reduce health risks.
K. Regular checkups are a valuable tool in maintaining good health. Taking proper care of your health at the right time can help avoid a lot of problems in the future. The main aim of a checkup is to detect illness at an early stage. It’s good to find out that you have a health problem before it is too late so appropriate tests should be done at the right time.
L. Do you mainly exercise for a few weeks in January before you forget your New Year’s resolution, and then again when you realise your summer holiday is around the comer? You’d not be alone, but keeping fit is something you should do all year round. You might not be particularly bothered about your appearance or your weight, but keeping fit is as much about what’s on the inside as it is what’s on the outside.
S. Pain is our body’s means to indicate that something is wrong and requires immediate attention. Pain for a short time can be taken care of by a painkiller but if the soreness is lingering for too long, then it requires proper medical expertise. Sometimes life menacing problems have back pain and joint pain as symptoms and can, if neglected, do permanent damage.
T. Think about your car — the higher the grade of the fuel you put in it, the better it runs. Your body works the same way. If you eat healthy foods, you’ll be healthier and feel better. Eating well is easy if you’re aware of what foods are best for you. But don’t worry! Eating healthy food doesn’t mean eliminating every single thing you love from your diet.
U. Do you spend more than 3 hours a day working or maybe playing on a computer? If so, you are at a higher risk
Than casual computer users. Researchers warn that watching a computer screen for six or more hours a day might be linked to a progressive eye disease. This does not mean, however, that people who work on a computer for less than 3 hours a day will not suffer eye complications due to computer use.
1 |
2- |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Задание 1.3
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Gifted Children Always Become Famous
B. Awareness of Giftedness
C. Special Attitude Is Required
D. Lack of Challenge May Cause Problems
E. Contrary to Popular Belief
F. Gifted Children Have no Support
G. Identifying the Gifted Child
H. Being Gifted Is not Always Easy
I. Gifted children’s behaviour differs from that of their agemates. Many gifted children Ieam to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to Ieam new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.
J. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.
K. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual difference. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they may get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as tweiπf or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.
L. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them from becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.
S. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not Ieam how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally overwhelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.
T. Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.
U. Gifted children are often viewed as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.
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Задание 1.4
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1— 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Studying from Home
B. Personal Development Is Important
C. Modern Tools for Studying
D. Finding the Right Activity for You
E. Studying and LJving at School
F. Specialized Schools
G. Assessing Academic Progress
H. High-Tech School
I. In the earliest days of computers, the only computer education was about computers. We, and computers, have come a long way since those days. Now computers have invaded every aspect of modem life. Education is no exception. Students can use word processors for writing, spreadsheets for mathematics and science, and databases for organizing information. Lately, the Internet has become a recognized way of getting information.
J. There are many advantages to distance learning. For homeschoolers, it’s a great way to safely get a head start on college before completing high school. In addition, many students don’t have the ability to leave home for maybe family or work obligations. Another huge advantage is the cost savings. Through distance learning, you avoid room and board fees that will have to be paid by a traditional student.
K. In Great Britain many children go to boarding schools. A good boarding school can be an excellent placement for an orphaned child, because everyone is treated equally and fairly there. Many parents with non-traditional careers or those undergoing difficult transitions like divorce find boarding schools excellent alternatives. Boarding school can help children grow in independence, and friendships formed in boarding school often last a lifetime.
L. Considered by many to be a diamond in the rough of the Parkside area, the school boasts a curriculum that encourages technological literacy. The 170 local 9th grade students don’t carry any books or pencils. The school supplies every student with their own laptop. They create multimedia presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, receive assignments via e-mail, and conduct research online. So far, the unique program has had positive results.
S. Chorister’s schools are educational establishments which have a special emphasis on religious choir singing. These schools are usually attached to a cathedral, church or chapel, where the school choir sings. Choir schools do not exclusively educate choristers: about 15,000 pupils are taught at chorister schools in the UK, but only around 1,000 of those are choristers. Tony Blair, for example, attended The Chorister School but was not himself a chorister.
T. For the majority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an essential role in the collegiate experience. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social, and enjoyment purposes, but most importantly, to gain and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exists on US campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.
U. The test is an important benchmark in ensuring that students will be successful in meeting the challenges they will face either in college or the workplace. If they are not able to meet the standards of the exam, how can we expect them to be successful in life? Examinations can be traumatic for both students and their teachers. But just because nobody really enjoys them, we should not disregard them as a necessary’ part of the education process.
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Задание 1.5
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1— 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Hazardous Waste
В. Invisible Threat
C. Primary Reason
D. Possible Solutions
E. Global Destruction
F. Disastrous Growth
G. Water Shortage
H. Quick Change
I. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other’s environments. The problem is that acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. Some scientists think that human production is primarily responsible, while others cite natural causes as well.
J. Air pollution has many disastrous effects that need to be curbed. In order to accomplish this, governments, scientists and environmentalists are using or testing a variety of methods aimed at reducing pollution. There are two main types of pollution control. Input controls are usually more effective than output controls. Output controls are also more expensive, making them less desirable to tax payers and polluting industries.
K. Global warming is called the greenhouse effect because the gases that are gathering above the earth make the planet comparable to a greenhouse. By trapping heat, the greenhouse effect is warming the planet and threatening the environment. Current fears stem largely from the fact that global wanning is occurring at such a rapid pace. Models are predicting that over the next century, the global temperature will rise by several degrees.
L. Individuals often throw out goods without realizing that they could be dangerous for the environment. No matter where people put these materials, there is always a chance that they could find their way into the ground, and eventually into our bodies. Special research is necessary to provide data on the effects of every chemical as well as to Ieam how combinations of these chemicals affect human health.
S. Only a few factors combine to create the problem of ozone layer depletion. The production and emission of CFCs1 chlorofluorocarbons, is by far the leading cause. Many countries have called for the end of CFC production.
However, those industries that do use CFCs do not want to discontinue usage of this highly valuable industrial chemical. So it’s important to make people realize the disaster CFCs cause in the stratosphere.
T. Unlike some environmental issues, rainforest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention. According to some estimates, 50 million acres of rain forest are cut down every year. Every year, Brazil chops down an area of forest the size of the state of Nebraska. In Indonesia, Zaire, Papua-New Guinea, Malaysia, Burma, the Philippines, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela, rain forests that were once great have been lost.
U. The world’s population has been booming for years. The population is now threatening to reach the stage where there are simply t∞ many people for the planet to support. Greater populations pollute and consume more, ruining the environment and creating or intensifying a variety of problems. Also, with the food supply limited, the increase in population will make shortages in many parts of the world even worse.
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Задание 1.6
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-Hu Текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Changing Habits
B. Eating Out
C. Foreign Food
D. Diet Dangers
E. Popular but Useless
F. Plan Your Diet Carefully
G. Eating Together
H. Food Safety
I. A quick look at junk food facts tells us junk food and diets do not go hand in hand. Junk foods are also called ‘empty calorie’ foods and have no nutritional value. Nevertheless, they are enjoyed by lots of people because of their simplicity to manufacture, consume and, of course, their taste. Chocolates, burgers, pizzas, potato wafers and fries will surely find their way into everyone’s heart.
J. Thai cuisine is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. In fact, several Thai dishes, such as Tom Yum Soup, are cuσently under scientific study for their incredible health benefits. Of course, it’s already known that many of the fresh herbs and spices used in Thai cooking — such as turmeric, galangal, coriander, lemongrass, and fresh chillies — have immune-boosting and disease-fighting power.
K. Vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but eating a balanced diet when you are vegetarian usually requires a little extra attention. Because vegetarians eliminate certain foods from their diets, they often need to work to add foods into their diet that will provide the nutrients found in meat products. If properly planned, vegetarian diets can provide all the nutrients you need.
L. It’s actually easy to make good choices at a fast-food restaurant or the cafeteria. Most cafeterias and fast-food places offer healthy choices that are also tasty, like grilled chicken or salads. Be mindful of portion sizes and high fat add-ons, like dressings, sauces or cheese. Most restaurant portions are larger than the average serving of food at home. Ask for half portions or take half of your dish home.
S. Family meals are making a comeback. Shared family meals are more likely to be nutritious, and kids who eat regularly with their families are less likely to snack on unhealthy foods and more likely to eat fruits and vegetables. Teens who take part in regular family meals are less likely to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. Beyond health and nutrition, family meals provide a valuable opportunity to reconnect.
T. Families are cooking more meals at home, cutting back on take away in the face of the economic downturn. In addition to cutting back on take away and eating out, families have begun cooking more vegetarian meals and were adding vegetables, lentils and baked beans to allow them to cut back on meat quantity. Consumers also indicate that they are likely to prepare meals that can be spread across more than one mealtime.
U. In recent years it has become common practice for celebrities and stars to publicize food products. Businesses take advantage of consumers’ mentality of ‘following the stars’ and invite celebrities and stars to perform ‘false advertising’ so as to mislead or even deceive consumers. The law stipulates that those who publicize ‘faulty food products’ will share responsibility with food producers and sellers.
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Задание 1.7
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами I— 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Capital Punishment
B. Shoplifting
С. Crime Prevention
1. Kidnapping
2. Frightening Changes
3. Long-Term Effect
4. Virtual Crime
5. Guilty or Not Guilty?
6. The presumption of innocence is a legal right that the accused in criminal trials has in many modem countries. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution. It has to collect and present enough compelling evidence to convince the jury of the fact that beyond A reasonable doubt the accused has broken the law. In case of remaining doubts, the accused is to be acquitted.
7. Sarah and Lisa always enjoyed hanging out at the mall. But one Saturday, after shopping for jeans, Sarah pulled a new shirt out of her bag. Lisa didn’t remember seeing her buy it. ‘1 didn’t,’ Sarah told her. ‘I lifted it.’ Lisa was upset and puzzled. Stealing didn’t seem like something Sarah would do. Sometimes people do not realize the consequences of this crime.
8. Even families living in so-called ‘safe’ neighbourhoods are concerned.. They may feel safe today, but there is always a reminder that violence can intrude at any moment. PoIIy Klaas and her family no doubt felt safe ⅛ Petaluma, California. But on θctober 1, 1993, she was abducted from her suburban home during a sleepover. If she can be abducted and murdered, so can nearly any other child.
9. The Internet is a great place to find information, make friends, keep in touch with others, and do busmess. There always are other sides as long as there is a criminal element. As our world becomes more computerized and ever more interconnected, different kinds of computer crimes will continue to grow. These include break-ins Of computers to get trade secrets or illegal entry for the thrill and challenge.
10. Moyie violence these days is louder and bloodier than ever before. .When a bad guy was shot in a black-and-white Western, the most we saw was a puff of smoke and a few drops of fake blood. Now the sights, sounds, and special effects oftenjar us more than the real thing. Slow motion and pyrotechnics conspire to make movies and TV shows more gruesome than ever. . y :
11. University of Dlinois psychologist Leonard Eran studied children at age eight and then again at eighteen. He found that television habits established at the age of eight influenced aggressive behaviour through childhood and adolescent years. The more violent were the programs preferred by boys in the third grade, the more aggressive was their behaviour, both at that time and ten years later.
12. In the debate about execution and human dignity, supporters and opponents of the death penalty have found very little common ground. Since the 18th century, those who wish to abolish the death penalty have stressed the significance of requiring governments to recognize the importance of each individual. However, supporters of this penal practice see nothing wrong with governments deliberately killing terrible people who commit terrible crimes.
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Задание 1.8
Ll Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. The Best Way of Learning
B. Key Factor in Learning
C. Linguistic Interference
D. Universal Language
E. Online Learning
F. Language Extinction
G. Learning by Imitation
H. Sign Language
I. Young children have a genetic ability to Ieam language. They come into the world as eager learning machines, and language acquisition is a major aspect of this learning. How children actually Ieam language is not entirely clear, however. Most linguists believe that they do it primarily by listening to and trying to communicate with adult speakers. Initially, this means that they copy the way adults use words and grammar.
J. Learning a second or third language is easier in early childhood than later. It is particularly important to Ieam correct pronunciation as young as possible. At any age, learning by constant contact with native speakers in their own society is the quickest and the most effective method. It is superior to taking foreign language classes because it forces you to concentrate on it all of the time.
K. Learning a second language can be affected by the patterns of the first language. There can be some blending of phonemes. For instance, most Americans who Ieam French in high school or college pronounce French words with a distinctive American accent. Grammar can also be affected. English speakers who Ieam both French and Spanish sometimes combine grammatical rules of both when speaking either of them.
L. Until just a few years ago, language study was limited to the classroom or personal tutor, or home study by book. In the last few decades technology has given us a much needed audio option — first vinyl records, then cassettes and CDs.
Now technology has given us a new format — the Internet. Options to Ieam a language by Internet are still limited but the potential is not.
S. What is important when learning a language? If you have the desire and persistence, time is the only factor that you may have to work with. How much time you can devote to learning will play a role in how quickly you can Ieam the language. Just remember how exciting it Will be and how rewarding you will feel at the accomplishment.
T. Rather than have businessmen, diplomats, scientists and tourists from every country learning all the major languages that they want to Ieam or need to learn, Esperantists would have everyone just Ieam one second language — Esperanto. Then everyone could communicate with everyone, everywhere. The major ‘national’ languages could keep their special characteristics for anyone who wanted to Ieam them. This is the essence of the ‘Esperanto Movement’.
U. More than half of the world’s 7,000 languages are expected to die out by the end of the century, often taking with them irreplaceable knowledge about the natural world. When a species dies out, sometimes Fossils can be found, remains uncovered. But when a human language disappears, there’s rarely any key left behind. Each loss becomes a linguistic black hole, where an entire way of knowing the world disappears.
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Задание 1.9
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Time to Relax
B. Safety First
C. Exciting Prospect
D. Addictive Pastime
E. Positive Results
F. Rewarding Hobby
G. Discovering the World around You
H. Changing Influence
I. Boating can be a very relaxing pastime. It isn’t entirely limited to just cruising around. You can also set up waterskis and enjoy water-skiing. While boating is fun, however, it is also a hobby where you need to be very careful. Too many boaters die each year, mainly by falling overboard and drowning. It is important that you use common sense as well as always take lifejackets with you.
J. Painting is one of the most relaxing pastimes. Most people take up painting in oils or watercolours, others start with acrylics or pastels, but whatever your choice, it will be the beginning of a voyage of discovery. Wben you look at things that are familiar to you, you’ll see them in A different light. Learning something new almost every day will encourage you to keep going.
K. Fishing can be enjoyed at any age, individually or in groups, with little more investment than a cane pole and a few hooks. Within an hour from most homes, there is usually a place to fish. Perhaps the greatest appeal in fishing is the opportunity to get outdoors and have a rest. It’s an enjoyable pastime that can be used as a way to clear your head and forget about everyday problems.
L. For centuries gardening has been an extremely popular pastime across the British Isles and here you can find some of the most superb garden exhibits in the world. For countless people, gardening offers a peaceful and relaxing pastime that can create some very picturesque or beneficial results, depending on the kind of gardening taken up. Caring for your own garden will bring enjoyment and save you money at the grocery store.
S. Parents and teachers worry about games having negative effects on children and a great deal has been written about games leading to violent behaviour and addiction. However, not everything about gaming is negative. Games help children who are ill or have injuries. Absorption in a game distracts the mind from pain and discomfort. Many hospitals are encouraging children and others undergoing painful treatments to play games.
T. In these virtual worlds, you can choose an avatar or character that represents you. The latest games offer the ability to customize these characters in unlimited ways; you can change your character’s hairstyle, facial features, size, weight, and clothing. How about the ability to change your voice to match your online personality? That is currently not a standard feature in games but technology will provide a solution.
U. Gaming is enjoying a revolution. Not just in the fact that it is a growing business in itself, but also that it is rapidly becoming a leading means for communication and social interaction among people from all over the world. Young adults are at the forefront of the future for gaming and recent research shows that the role of gaming in young adults’ lives is evolving rapidly.
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Задание 1.10
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Remembering the 3D, s
B. Having Self-Belief
C. Taking Action
D. Choosing a Course of Action
E. Staying Focused
F. Investing Money
G. Having Commitment
H. Setting Goals
I. One of the first steps in the process of becoming successful is to make the decision to achieve something. All of us know that nothing can move forward until that first decision to do so is made. The initial action is always the decision to go ahead, which many people tend to overlook. So, decide on moving forward, put your decision down in writing, just to keep it in focus, and then carry on from there.
J. Having clarity of vision and purpose is perhaps one of the most important factors of achieving success. The fact is that Most people simply have no idea about what they really want Clarity means understanding exactly what you want and how it will affect your life. Once you acquire clarity of vision and purpose, the next vital step of becoming successful.^ determining aimsyouwantto achieve. ‘
K. Youshould beableto accomplish wh⅛t you ret out to do with unwavering concentration. Life is full of distractions — TY, family, e-mail and telephones — all of which can be completely overwhelming. How can you concentrate on your goals? Willpower is one of the factors although willpower alone will not be sufficient to achieve your aims. One of the best ways is to make a plan and then stick to it.
L. Before beginning any new activity, examine it to see if it will help in moving you nearer to your goals. If a certain activity can be put away for a later time, defer it. If that activity can be done by somebody else, delegate it. And if it does not really need to be done at all, it can be deleted. Tliis kind of close examination of each activity will help in keeping you focused on the things that are really important.
S. Success often involves being willing to pay the price that everything has. The price may not be in monetary terms. It could be sacrifice, eflbrt, time, and also money, or maybe something else. The pdiht is that in order to become successful, you mua. be ready to work hard and to put all your effort into achieving your purpose. Success takes a lot of dedication.
T. Lack of confidence is one of the biggest hurdles that many people heed to get over in order to become successful. People often think they are not good enough or riot smart enough, which can actually prevent them from finding the success they seek. It is common knowledge that if you think you can do sαmething. you will, and conversely, if you think that it cannot be done, it Willlead t⅛ failure.
U. Nothing can be achieved until action is taken to achieve it. After all the above steps of taking a decision, setting goals, making plans and choosing a strategy, you will need to go ahead and act on what you want to achieve. By putting your plan of action into play, you will get to what you set out to achieve — becoming successful!
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Задание 1.11
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Various Applications
B. Changing Styles
C. Benefits of Sport
D. Choosing Proper Equipment
E. A Sport or a Hobby?
F. Unexpected Victory
G. Breaking World Record
H. Challenging Sport
I. Playing sports is a great way to make exercise fun and help children to develop healthy habits. Sports can also help children improve their agility, balance, and coordination. Participating in sports can help build a child’s self-esteem. Studies show that children who play sports work harder in the classroom. Children also Ieam problem-solving skills and time management skills when they are part of a team.
J. Late last week BMX legend, Kevin Robinson, made history by flying higher than any human has ever gone on a BMX bike as part of Red Bull Experiment in New York City! Thousands of fans and spectators were on-site to catch all the action. This awesome feat had been a lifelong dream of Kevin’s which until now no one else has ever been able to pull off.
K. American tennis star Venus Williams has lost her place at the Madrid when she was beaten in the second-round part of the contest by Russian teenager AIisa Kleybanova.
Williams is the current world number three and her 19- year-old opponent was unseeded so the defeat came as a big shock. Williams said she thought Kleybanova had won ‘by just being aggressive From both sides of the court.’
L. Skateboarding traces its roots to the seventies but it really Reached the peak of its popularity in the mid-eighties to the present when major skateboard manufacturers propelled it to new heights. First, they started with half-pipe and vert ramp skateboarding. As the years went by, the focus shifted
to street skateboarding, which brought about a few changes in deck shape and wheel size.
S. While the majority of scuba diving is recreation, there are those that do it for a living as well. Scientific exploration and research is another area with a lot of scuba diving demand. They spend a lot of time in the water watching sea life cycles, and how microorganisms fit the whole underwater environment. There are also others that work in constructing underwater platforms that are often used for research as well as offshore oil.
T. Surfing is a sport which is undertaken by almost every individual in the US. This term is often referred to as a surface water sport in which the person surfing is carried along the face of a breaking ocean wave standing on a surfboard. Surfboards can also be used on rivers on standing waves. Some people practise this as a hobby while others become professional surfers.
U. If you’re interested in snowboarding, you will need to find out which length and width board is best for you. Both of these factors are critical to the success of snowboarding. Be aware that shorter boards are easier to manoeuvre, therefore making them great if you are just learning to snowboard. When it comes to width, it is important to consider foot size when choosing the width of a board.
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Раздел “Чтение” включает три типа заданий:
• задание 10 — базового уровня — с кратким ответом на установление соответствия;
• задание 11 — повышенного уровня — с кратким ответом на установление соответствия;
• задания 12-18 — высокого уровня — с выбором ответа из четырёх предложенных вариантов.
Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий этого раздела — 30 мин. Максимально возможный первичный балл за весь раздел — 20.
Задание 10
Задание 10 направлено на проверку понимания основного содержания 7 небольших по объёму текстов. Это может быть единый текст, разделённый на смысловые абзацы, или отрывки из разных текстов. Ученику предлагается на выбор 8 заголовков, один из которых — лишний. Задача экзаменуемого — подобрать к каждому тексту заголовок, наилучшим образом отражающий основную идею отрывка. За каждое правильно установленное соответствие (т.е. за каждый правильно подобранный заголовок) учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимально возможное количество первичных баллов за это задание — 7.
Тексты обозначаются буквами А-G, а предлагаемые для выбора заголовки — цифрами 1-8. Под текстами есть табличка, в которую экзаменуемый записывает предварительные ответы.
По окончании выполнения этого задания следует перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов № 1 в окошко для задания 10. Не забудьте, что вы должны записать последовательность из 7 цифр без пробелов и знаков препинания.
• Это задание не требует внимательного, вдумчивого чтения. Используйте приёмы просмотрового и поискового чтения.
• Сначала внимательно прочитайте заголовки и подчеркните в них ключевые слова.
• Затем прочитайте весь текст, чтобы понять его основное содержание.
• Не волнуйтесь, если вы не знаете некоторых слов. Возможно, они не играют важной роли в определении общего смысла текста.
• После этого приступайте к подбору заголовков. Прочитав отрывок, определите его основную идею, а затем подберите заголовок, который ближе всего её отражает. Основная идея — это главное, что хотел сказать автор отрывка.
• Помните, что в заголовке не обязательно будут те слова, которые встречаются в тексте. Скорее всего, основная мысль будет выражена другими словами, поэтому при подборе заголовка следует опираться не на слова, а на смысл высказывания.
• Не забудьте, что один заголовок — лишний. После того, как вы подобрали заголовки ко всем текстам, убедитесь, что оставшийся заголовок не подходит ни к одному отрывку.
• Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного задания — 7 мин.
1. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовоклишний.
1. Harvest
2. Etymology
3. Toxicity
4. Growing indoors
5. Breeding
6. Cultivation
7. Culinary uses
8. History
A. The avocado originated in Mexico. The native uncultivated variety is small, with dark black skin, and contains a large seed. The oldest evidence of avocado use, which dates to around 10 000 BC, was found in a cave in Mexico. The avocado tree also has a long period of cultivation in Central and South America. A water jar shaped like an avocado, dating to AD 900, was discovered in the pre-Incan city of Chan Chan.
B. The word ‘avocado’ comes from the Spanish ‘aguacate’. Avocados were known by the Aztecs as ‘the fertility fruit’. In some countries of South America, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay, the avocado is known by its Quechua name ‘palta’. The fruit is sometimes called an ‘avocado pear’ or ‘alligator pear’ due to its shape and the rough green skin. It is known as ‘Butter Fruit’ in parts of India.
C. The avocado tree does not tolerate freezing temperatures, and can be grown only in subtropical or tropical climates. High winds reduce the humidity, dehydrate the flowers, and affect pollination. When even a mild frost occurs, premature fruit drop may occur. The trees also need well-aerated soils, ideally more than 1 m deep. These soil and climate conditions are available only in a few areas of the world.
D. An average avocado tree produces about 500 avocados annually. Commercial orchards produce an average of seven tonnes per hectare each year, with some orchards achieving 20 tonnes per hectare. The avocado is a climacteric fruit, which means it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Avocados used in commerce are picked hard and green and kept in coolers until they reach their final destination.
E. Avocados are often grown from pits. This is done by removing the pit from a ripe, unrefrigerated avocado. The pit is placed in a jar or vase with tepid water. In four to six weeks, it should split and out should come roots and a sprout. Once the stem has grown a few inches, it is placed in a pot with soil. It should be watered every few days. Avocados have been known to grow large, so owners must be ready to repot the plant several times.
F. The fruit is not sweet, but fatty, and distinctly yet subtly flavoured. It is used in both savoury and sweet dishes, though in many countries not for both. The avocado is very popular in vegetarian cuisine as substitute for meats because of its high fat content. Generally, avocado is served raw, though some cultivars can be cooked for a short time without becoming bitter. Avocados are also used to make salads.
G. Avocado leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals. Cats, dogs, cattle, and horses can be severely harmed or even killed when they consume them. Avocado leaves contain a fatty acid derivative, persin, which in sufficient quantity can cause equine colic and, without veterinary treatment, death. Birds also seem to be particularly sensitive to this compound. Negative effects in humans seem to be primarily in allergic individuals.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
2. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовоклишний.
1. Last minute offer
2. Best catches without mistakes
3. Package holiday
4. A holiday for independent travellers
5. Educational tour
6. Green travel
7. Mountain adventure
8. Underwater exploration
A. La Baume is a holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.
B. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
C. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
D. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day out at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
E. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
F. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the well-preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
G. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
3. Прочитайте рекомендации учёных как построить счастливую семью. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. Head-and-heart listening
2. Clear responsibilities
3. Family discussions
4. Flexibility
5. Balanced communication
6. Caring and appreciation
7. Family roots
8. Encouragement
A. Building a successful family is like building a home. Both need a plan. A successful family based on unity and love takes careful planning, but it’s worth every moment. The best way to be organized as a family is to talk together about family matters. By doing this, families enjoy a special closeness and stability. Memories made together during this time will bond and sustain your family through the years.
B. Family traditions promote feelings of warmth and unity. Trace your family tree and collect all the photographs of your ancestors that you can find. Public libraries and bookstores have books on genealogy for you to get you started. Compile a family oral history. Ask older relatives to talk about their parents and childhood and record their comments. These stories contain a glimpse of the past that would be lost otherwise.
C. How much time should families spend together? That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together. Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.
D. Strong families take time to talk to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns. It means laying aside personal views and really trying to understand the other person’s point of view. This involves listening beyond words to the meanings and feelings attached to them. A good listener can better understand and respond to the needs and concerns of others if he or she cares about them.
E. Members of successful families feel they really belong in their family. They feel accepted for what they are and promote one another’s self-esteem. They celebrate their victories and help each other learn from mistakes. However, sometimes life gets rough and we need all the support we can get. A cheering word from a family member can really come in handy. Put the words on sticky notes and stick them in places where they can be easily found.
F. Strong families develop predictable routines and rules that govern their everyday life. Stable patterns empower a family to deal with challenges inevitable in family life; without such patterns, chaos would result. At the same time, strong families adapt their relationships and family rules when the need arises. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive is a good trait for family members to develop.
G. Recent studies confirm the importance of love in families. Research shows that expressions of affection towards children enhance their development. Strong families notice positive aspects of each member. They notice the talents, skills and achievements that make a person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake and make a conscious effort to develop closeness and show love at home.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
4. Прочитайте короткие тексты о спорте и спортсменах. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы, в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. Various applications
2. Changing styles
3. Benefits of sport
4. Choosing equipment
5. A sport or a hobby?
6. Unexpected victory
7. Breaking world record
8. Challenging sport
A. Playing sports is a great way to make exercise fun and help children to develop healthy habits. Sports can also help children improve their agility, balance, and coordination. Participating in sports can help build a child’s self-esteem. Studies show that children who play sports work harder in the classroom. Children also learn problem-solving skills and time management skills when they are part of a team.
B. Late last week BMX legend, Kevin Robinson, made history by flying higher than any human has ever gone on a BMX bike as part of Red Bull Experiment in New York City! Thousands of fans and spectators were on-site to catch all the action. This awesome feat had been a lifelong dream of Kevin’s which until now no one else has ever been able to pull off!
C. American tennis star Venus Williams has lost her place at the Madrid Open when she was beaten in the second- round part of the contest by Russian teenager Alisa Kleybanova. Williams is the current world number three and her 19-year-old opponent was unseeded so the defeat came as a big shock. Williams said she thought Kleybanova had won ‘by just being aggressive from both sides of the court’.
D. Skateboarding traces its roots to the seventies but it really reached the peak of its popularity in the mid-eighties to the present when major skateboard manufacturers propelled it to new heights. First, they started with half-pipe and very ramp skateboarding. As the years went by, the focus shifted to street skateboarding, which brought about a few changes in deck shape and wheel size.
E. While the majority of scuba diving is recreation, there are those that do it for a living as well. Scientific exploration and research is another area with a lot of scuba diving demand. They spend a lot of time in the water watching sea life cycles, and how microorganisms fit the whole underwater environment. There are also others that work in constructing underwater platforms that are often used for research as well as offshore oil.
F. Surfing is a sport which is undertaken by almost every individual in the U.S. This term is often referred to as a surface water sport in which the person surfing is carried along the face of a breaking ocean wave standing on a surfboard. Surfboards can also be used on rivers on standing waves. Some people practise this as a hobby while others become professional surfers.
G. If you’re interested in snowboarding, you will need to find out which length and width board is best for you. Both of these factors are critical to the success of snowboarding. Be aware that shorter boards are easier to manoeuvre, therefore making them great if you are just learning to snowboard. When it comes to width, it is important to consider foot size when choosing the width of a board.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Last Minute Offer
Best Catches Without Mistakes
Package Holiday
Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
Educational Tour
Green Travel
Mountain Adventure
New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration
La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.
Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.
2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.
3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.
4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.
5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.
6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.
7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.
8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.
9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.
10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Our____________(1) in New York was arrive
spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty
make a___________(2) sight. New beauty
York has a_________(3) of over seven million populate
and it is probably the word’s most famous city.
The_________(4) of the ‘Big Apple’ come inhabit
from many different countries. There are
more________(5) in New York than in any nation
other place on earth. It also has more________(6) tour
than any other city except London,__________(7) special
in the summer.________(8)come from over the world visit
and have a__________(9) time. There are so many wonder
sights for them to get________(10) about enthusiasm
-whether it’s some of the best museums in the
world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
B. Use Alternative Medicine
C. Staying in Shape is Important
E. Turn a Bad Habit into a Good Idea
F. Fat People Are at Risk
G. Prevention Is Better than Cure
H. Choose Proper Nutrition
1. There are numerous problems associated with obesity. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also a health hazard. Doctors generally agree that the more obese a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions. People who are overweight can gain significant health benefits from losing weight.
2. Hey, couch potato! Don’t feel guilty indulging in serials or reality shows – use the commercials as an excuse to burn calories. There is probably an average of 15 minutes of commercials in an hour-long program. If you exercised through each commercial break during just two hours of TV, you’d already have met the recommended amount of daily exercise necessary to reduce health risk.
3. Regular checkups are a valuable tool in maintaining good health. Taking proper care of your health at the right time can help avoid a lot of problems in the future. The main aim of a checkup is to detect illness at an early stage. It’s good to find out that you have a health problem before it is too late so appropriate tests should be done at the right time.
4. Do you mainly exercise for a few weeks in January before you forget your New Year’s resolution, and then again when you realize your summer holiday is around the corner? You’d not be alone, but keeping fit is something you should do all year round. You might not be particularly bothered about your appearance or your weight, but keeping fit is as much about what’s on the inside as it is what’s on the outside.
5. Pain is our body’s means to indicate that something is wrong and requires immediate attention. Pain for a short time can be taken care of by a painkiller but if the soreness is lingering for too long, then it requires proper medical expertise. Sometimes life menacing problems have back pain and joint pain as symptoms and can, if neglected, do permanent damage.
6. Think about your car- the higher the grade of the fuel you put in it, the better it runs. Your body works the same way. If you eat healthy food, you’ll be healthier and feel better. Eating well is easy if you aware of what foods are best for you. But don’t worry! Eating healthy food doesn’t mean eliminating every single thing you love from your diet.
7. Do you spend more than 3 hours a day working or maybe playing on a computer? If so, you are at a higher risk than casual computer users. Researchers warn that watching a computer screen for six or more hours a day might be linked to a progressive eye disease. This doesn’t mean, however, that people who work on a computer for less than 3 hours a day will not suffer eye complications due to computer use.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. The news (wasn’t/ weren’t) as bad as we expected.
2. Where (does/ do) your family live?
3. Four days (isn’t/ aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.
4. He can’t find his binoculars. Do you know where (it is/ they are)?
5. Do you think the people (is/ are) happy with the government?
6. The money she makes (is/ are) enough for her.
7. The police (is/ are) looking for the murderer.
8. His good looks (get/ gets) him what he wants.
9. The government (is/ are) passing new laws.
10. Her knowledge of English (is/ are) very good.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Americans talk with________(1) of their government proud
and_________(2). They seem certain that they have institute
more________(3), better laws and stronger leaders. free
But even the most________(4) patriot
Americans have a few doubts.
________(5) is one problem area, and so is the law. There educate
are not enough clever teachers, and too many clever________(6). law
But Americans feel___________(7) that they can change confidence
things that don’t work. Americans want to be proud of their
President. They like him to be good-looking,_________(8), and a religion
good family man. They want him to be a good_________(9). talk
They expect him to keep the prices down at home and to keep the
country looking_____________(10)abroad. power
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A.Gifted Children Always Become Famous
B. Awareness of Giftedness
C. Special Attitude Is Required
D. Lack of Challenge May Cause Problems
E. Contrary to Popular Belief
F. Gifted Children Have no Support
G. Identifying the Gifted Children
H. Being Gifted Is not Always
1. Gifted children’s behavior differs from that of their age- mates. Many gifted children learn to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to learn new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.
2. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.
3. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual difference. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as ‘weird’ or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.
4. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them from becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.
5. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not learn how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally overwhelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.
6.Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.
7. Gifted children are often viewed as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. (Does/Do) the police know how the accident happened?
2. She doesn’t like hot weather. Twenty-eight degrees (is/are) too warm for her.
3. The staff at school (is/ are) not happy with their new working conditions.
4.Thirty thousand pounds (was/ were) stolen in the robbery.
5. Two years (is/ are) a long time to be without job.
6. Measles, which (is/ are) a children’s disease, (is/ are) dangerous for adults.
7. The audience (was/ were) given free tickets.
8. The economics (is/ are) very interesting.
9. His death (was/ were) a great shock.
10. Fish (is/are) easy to look after as pets.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
When the famous explorer Columbus claimed Florida in 1492,
he had never__________(1) eyes on it. The area’s most lay
important early________(2) thus set a pattern that has visit
continued for centuries. There is a general___________(3) believe
amongst people, apparently quite_________(4) with whether or connect
not they’ve been there themselves, that Florida is a good place to go.
In fact, it is almost___________(5) not to enjoy yourself in Florida possible
today, given the wonderful___________(6) of facilities available select
to tourists. Some of the world’s most popular tourists___________(7) attract
are located in the state whose____________(8) beaches welcome sand
40 million people each year. These days it seems_____________(9) point
to describe Florida’s geography and climate. After all, few people
would have___________(10) in finding it on a map and most difficult
would know what weather to expect there.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 10 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A— H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Studying from Home
B. Personal Development Is Important
C. Modern Tools for Studying
D. Finding the Right Activity for You
E. Studying and Living at School
F. Specialized Schools
G. Assessing Academic Progress
H. High- Tech School
1. In the earliest days of computers, the only computer education was about computers. We and computers have come a long way since those days. Now computers have invaded every aspect of modern life. Education is no exception. Students can use word processors for writing, spreadsheets for mathematics and science, and databases for organizing information. Lately, the Internet has become a recognized way of getting information.
2. There are many advantages to distance learning. For homeschoolers, it’s a great way to safely get a head start on college before completing high school. In addition, many students don’t have the ability to leave home for maybe family or work obligations. Another huge advantage is the cost savings. Through distance learning, you avoid room and board fees that will have to be paid by a traditional student.
3. In Great Britain many children go to boarding schools. A boarding school can be an excellent placement for an orphaned child, because everyone is treated equally and fairly there. Many parents with non-traditional careers or those undergoing difficult transitions like divorce find boarding schools excellent alternatives. Boarding school can help children grow in independence, and friendships formed in boarding schools often last a lifetime.
4. Considered by many to be a diamond in the rough of the Parkside area, the school boasts a curriculum that encourages technological literacy. The 170 local 9th grade students don’t carry any books or pencils. The school supplies every student with their own laptop. They create multimedia presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, receive assignments via e- mail, and conduct research online. So far, the unique program has had positive results,
5. Chorister’s schools are educational establishments which have a special emphasis on religious choir singing. These schools are usually attached to a cathedral, church or chapel, where the school choir sings. Choir schools do not exclusively educate choristers: about 15,000 pupils are taught at chorister schools in the UK, but only around 1,000 of those are choristers. Tony Blair, for example, attended the Chorister School but was not himself a Chorister.
6. For the majority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an essential role in the collegiate experience. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social and enjoyment purposes, but most importantly, to gain and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exist on US campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.
7. The test is an important benchmark in ensuring that students will be successful in meeting the challenges they will face either in college or the workplace. If they are not able to meet the standards of the exam, how can we expect them to be successful in life? Examinations can be traumatic for both and their teachers. But just because nobody really enjoys them, we should not disregard them as a necessary part of the education process.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Five miles (is/ are) a long way to walk every day.
2. I need more money. Six pounds (is/ are) not enough.
3. These species (is/ are) rare.
4. My hair (is/ are) dark brown.
5. His watch (need/ needs) repairing.
6. Radio news (give/ gives) us less information than television news.
7. The stairs to the ground floor (was/ were) over there.
8. The information (was/ were) very helpful.
9. His glass (is/ are) on the table.
10. There (is/ are) toast on the dish.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your__________(1) in International Business advertise
magazine and I am writing for more information
concerning entry_____________(2) require
for the course the English Language. Could you tell
me what language____________(3) are required? qualify
I do not possess the First Certificate and would like
to know if__________(4) on the course depends accept
on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an_________(5) account
for an international company I would be interested in
a course which focuses on language_____________(6) develop
for both social and____________(7) purposes. I would busy
also like to know the__________(8) from the college distant
to London and if______________(9) at all classes is attend
obligatory, or whether an occasional______________(10) absent
for purposes of travel be acceptable.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear friends in Russia,
I’m sixteen years old and attend high school in Sydney. My school has a happy and cheerful atmosphere. Everyone gets along with each other. We wear a uniform that represents our school, Casimir College. I live in Australia but my background is Lebanese and I’m proud of that. In Australia there are people from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds. I come from a big family of five children and I have a Mum and Dad. We have barbeques at home occasionally, which gives us the time to talk to each other. When I grow up I wish to become a news reporter on TV. I think it would be very interesting and enjoyable to go out and find out things and then represent them on the news.
Diane Tarabay
Diane’s classmates are a) friendly b) cheeky c) no information
Diane lives in a) Russia b) Lebanon c) Australia
She is the only child in her family a) true b) false c) no information
They have barbeques a) often b) sometimes c) never
When she grows up Diane wants to a) write novels b) make films
c) inform people through mass media
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Miss Dix tells her class: “Open your books at page 25”.
2. The ticket-collector says to me: “Show me your ticket, please”.
3. The doctor says to the patient: “Brush your teeth regularly”.
4. The policeman tells a thief: “Put your hands up”.
5. An old woman tells children: “Don’t play football.”
6. My friend says to me: “Call me back, please”.
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.This is page one. This is the_________ page.
2. This is flat five. This is the_________ flat.
3. Where is chapter ten? Where is the ____________ chapter?
4. He doesn’t remember page twenty. He doesn’t remember the___________ page.
5. Book two is about travelling. The____________ book is about travelling.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
I’ve met_________ people but I don’t have__________ real friends.
I’m sorry but there are ____________ cookies left.
Is there____________ petrol in the tank? ‘Yes, there must be ________ left.’
We get letters from her____________ month.
Is there______________ meat in the fridge?
There is______________ in the box. It’s empty.
She said________________ but I didn’t understand it.
He went to the shop but he didn’t buy______________ .
I’ m looking for my keys. Has _____________ seen them?
_______________ student has to obey school regulations.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear Russian boys and girls,
Hello. My name is Chris Mouratidis. My parents are from Greece, but I was born in Australia. I’m in my tenth year of schooling and my favourite subject, believe it or not, is English. I go to Strathmore Secondary College in Melbourne and I’ve been going there for four years. I enjoy playing Australian Rules Football. It is similar to soccer, but the rules are adjusted a bit and the ball is oval shaped.
Chris Mouratidis
1. Chris is from a) Australia b) Greece c) Great Britain
2. He is a) ten b) twelve c) no information
3. Chris doesn’t like English a) true b) false c) no information
4. Chris likes Australian Rules Football a) true b) false c) no information
5. The ball in Australian Rules Football is a) round b) oval c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Mother says to her son: “Buy a kilo of sugar.”
2. My mother tells me: “Don’t be late.”
3. A customs officer tells me: “Open your suitcase.”
4. He says to her : “Please, don’t cry.”
5. They say to us : “Come back again next month.”
6. Father says to me : “Watch your mouth.”
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1. He doesn’t understand lesson nine. He doesn’t understand the_________ lesson.
2. What picture is on page 21? What picture is on the____________ page.
3. She lives on the floor eleven. She lives on the _____________ floor.
4. What is the date on page one hundred and one? What is the date on the_________ page.
5. He is in Class two. He is in the ___________ class.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1. Everything was correct. There were ____________ mistakes.
2. I see him at work almost____________ day.
3. There weren’t ___________ potatoes left.
4. There were _____________ tomatoes left.
5. Would you like_________________ milk?
6. ______________ knows about the concert.
7. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______________ to help me.
8. ‘Have you got___________ to tell me?’ ‘No,______________ really’.
9. Jane is getting married to ______________ she met on holiday.
10. Tommy is so nice._____________ likes him.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear Russian boys and girls,
Hello. I am fifteen years old and attend Strathmore Secondary College in Melbourne. I am currently in year 10. I have two brothers, a cat and a dog. I intend on studying medicine when I finish school. My hobbies are playing the flute and saxophone. I also like to play tennis. My favourite subjects are English, Drama, Music, Cooking and Woodworking.
Alysia Ann Cummings
1.Alysia was born in Great Britain a) true b) false c) no information
2.There are three children in Alysia’s family a) true b) false c)no information
3. She doesn’t want to be a doctor a) true b) false c) no information
4. She likes music a) true b) false c) no information
5. She is a very good tennis- player a) true b) false c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. She says to her son, “Don’t forget the keys!”
2. He says, “Don’t tell a lie, Jack,”
3. Mother says to her son, “Turn off the light.”
4. Ann says to Mary, “Give me your book, please.”
5. She tells her brother, “Open the window, please.”
6. Kate says to Jane, “Don’t touch my things.”
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.She lives in flat fifteen. She lives in the __________________ flat.
2.Open your books at page twenty- five. Open your books at the______________ page.
3. He lives on floor nine . He lives on the_____________ floor.
4. He doesn’t understand lesson thirty-one. He doesn’t understand the________ lesson.
5. Book three is about England. The_____________ book is about England.
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1.’Have you got __________matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got _______in my pocket.’
2. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got _____________time.
3. I’d like to ask you for ____________ advice.
4. ____________country has a national flag.
5. Is ____________ in the room?
6. Take___________ book you would like to read.
7. Is there ___________here who speaks Italian?
8. I am hungry. I want ___________to eat.
9. There was __________selling tickets near the hall.
10. I don’t know ________________ about economics.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 9 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответы из предложенных вариантов.
Dear friends in Russia,
Hi, my name is Daniela Camacho and I am 17 years old. I am originally from Portugal. I am in year 11 and the name of my school is Casimir College. It’s a good school, because we get to meet people from different cultures. How is your school in Russia? Do you wear a uniform to school? We have to wear a uniform at our school. My hobbies are collecting stamps and ice-skating. I also like to go out with my friends during school holidays.
Daniela Camacho
1.Daniela comes from Portugal. a) true b) false c) no information
2. She is eleven. a) true b) false c) no information
3. She is a good pupil. a) true b) false c) no information
4. There are students of different nationalities in her school.
a) true b) false c) no information
5. Daniela can skate. a) true b) false c) no information
B. Переведите просьбы и команды в косвенную речь.
1. Nick says to Mary, “Bring some milk from the kitchen”.
2. He says to us, “Come here tomorrow”.
3. Mike tells me, “Please, send me a telegram as soon as you arrive”.
4. The doctor says to Pete, “Don’t go for a walk today”.
5. He says to me, “Ring me up tomorrow”.
6. Robert says to Henry, “Please, help me with this work”.
C1.Спишите предложения и заполните пропуски порядковыми числительными.
1.Let’s talk about chapter eight. Let’s talk about the ____________chapter.
2. What is the date on page one hundred and two? What is the date on the _______page?
3. I don’t understand lesson one. I don’t understand the ________ lesson.
4. Where is room thirteen? Where is the _____________ room?
5. What picture is on page ninety- seven? What picture is on the ____________ page?
C2. Перепишите предложения, подставляя вместо пропусков местоимения some, no, any, every или их производные.
1.I’m afraid there isn’t ___________ coffee left.
2. She wanted _________stamps but there weren’t _____________in the machine.
3. Are there __________ letters for me?
4. This evening I’m going out with ___________friends of mine.
5. Look! _______is sitting at the train station waiting for a train.
6. Does ____________ want a game of tennis?
7. She left the room without saying ____________.
8. ‘Who was at the party?’ ‘ _______________, Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers. ’
9. Can I have ___________coffee, please?
10. There isn’t __________fish, either.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
I вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.I _______a pupil.
2.Where _________you from?
3. What ___________your name?
4. The dog __________in the garden.
5. ________your school big?
6. They _________students.
7. My parents _____________doctors.
8. How old ___________your mother?
9. __________your flat big or small?
10. My books ____________new.
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.He can play football.
2.There are books on the desk.
3. There is a picture on the wall.
4. She has got a little brother.
5. You must read a lot.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
II вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.I _________glad to see you.
2. How ___________you?
3._____________Tom and Bob good football players?
4. What ___________your address?
5. My cat __________funny.
6. Football ___________a team game.
7. His father ___________40 years old.
8. My sisters _____________at school.
9.London __________in Great Britain.
10. _____________Russia a big country?
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.You can speak English.
2. There is a fridge in the kitchen.
3. He must be at school at 8 a.m.
4. They have got a new car.
5. My parents are doctors.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
III вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is, are.
1.My name ________________Tom.
2.What ____________their names?
3. I _________at home.
4. ___________Nick and Pete good pupils?
5. The houses in our street ____________big.
6. You ___________late.
7. His friends ____________12 years old.
8. We _________in Class 5.
9. Astrakhan ___________ on the Volga.
10. His eyes _________brown.
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.He can swim very well.
2. You have got a brother.
3. His name is John.
4. We must speak English.
5. There are two dogs in the garden.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Административная контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку
в 5 классе за I полугодие
IV вариант
А.Перепишите предложения, подставив вместо пропусков am, is are.
1.Kate _________a student.
2. __________you 12 years old?
3. _____________your name Mike?
4. They __________in the classroom.
5. My pen ___________black.
6. My pencils ___________in the pencil-case.
7. Where ____________your books?
8. I ________the best pupil in my class.
9. Dogs ___________clever.
10. What ________your friends’ names?
B1. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1.I must do my homework.
2.His dog can jump very well.
3.She has got two cats.
4. They are friends.
5. There is a pen in the bag.
B2. Перепишите предложения из задания В1 в отрицательной форме.
С. Напишите 5-6 предложений о себе.
Ключи к заданиям административной контрольной работы в 10 классе за 1 полугодие (английский язык)
Задание А- DFAEHGB
Задание В- 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. were; 7. is; 8. does; 9. makes; 10. enjoy
Задание С- arrival, beautiful, population, inhabitants, nationalities, tourists, especially, visitors, wonderful, enthusiastic
2 вариант
Задание А- FEGCAHD
Задание В- 1.wasn’t; 2. does/do; 3. isn’t; 4. they are; 5. are; 6. is; 7. are looking; 8. get; 9. is passing; 10. is
Задание С- pride, institutions, freedom, patriotic, education, lawyers, confident, religious, talker, powerfu
3 вариант
Задание А- GHBFDCE
Задание В- 1. do; 2.is; 3.are; 4. was; 5.is; 6. is, is; 7. were; 8. is; 9. was; 10. are
Задание С- laid, visitor, belief, unconnected, impossible, selection, attractions, sandy, pointless, difficulty
4 вариант
Задание А- CAEHFBG
Задание В- 1. is;2. is; 3. are; 4. is; 5. needs; 6. gives; 7. were; 8. was; 9. is; 10. is
Задание С- advertisement, requirements, qualifications, acceptance, accountant, development, business, distance, attendance, absence
по английскому языку в 10 классе
2 полугодие
Варианты 1, 2, 3, 4
Ключи к административной контрольной работе по английскому языку в 9 классе за 1 полугодие
1 вариант
А. 1-а ;2-c; 3-b; 4-b; 5-c
B. 1. Miss Dix tells her class to open their books at page 25.
2. The ticket-collector asks me to show the ticket.
3. The doctor recommends the patient to brush teeth regularly.
4. The policeman tells a thief to put his hands up.
5. An old woman tells children not to play football.
6. My friend asks me to call him back.
C1. 1- first; 2- fifth; 3-tenth; 4- twentieth; 5- second
C2. 1- some, any; 2- no; 3- any, some; 4- every; 5- any; 6- nothing; 7- something; 8- anything; 9- anybody; 10- every
A.1-a; 2-c; 3- b; 4- a; 5- b
B. 1.Mother tells her son to buy a kilo of sugar.
2. My mother tells me not to be late.
3. A customs officer tells me to open my suitcase.
4. He asks her not to cry.
5. They ask us to come back again next month.
6. Father tells me to watch my mouth.
C1. 1- ninth; 2- twenty-first; 3- eleventh; 4- one hundred and first; 5- second
C2. 1- no; 2- every; 3- any; 4- some; 5- some; 6- everybody; 7- anybody; 8- anything, nothing; 9- somebody; 10- everybody
A.1- c; 2- a; 3- b; 4- a; 5- c
B. 1. She tells her son not to forget the keys.
2. He tells Jack not to tell a lie.
3. Mother tells her son to turn off the light.
4. Ann asks Mary to give her a book.
5. She asks her brother to open the window.
6. Kate tells Jane not to touch her things.
C1. 1- fifteenth; 2- twenty-fifth; 3- ninth; 4- thirty-first; 5- third
C2. 1- any, some; 2- no; 3- some; 4- every; 5- anybody; 6- any; 7- anybody; 8- something; 9- somebody; 10- anything
A.1-a; 2- b; 3- c; 4- a; 5- a
B.1. Nick tells Mary to bring some milk from the kitchen.
2. He tells us to come here tomorrow.
3. Mike asks me to send him a telegram as soon as I arrive.
4. The doctor tells Pete not to go for a walk today.
5. He tells me to ring him up tomorrow.
6. Robert asks Henry to help him with his work.
C1. 1- eighth; 2- one hundred and second; 3- first; 4- thirteenth; 5- ninety-seventh
C2. 1- any; 2- some, any; 3- any; 4- some; 5- somebody; 6- anybody; 7- nothing; 8- everybody; 9- some; 10- any
Ключи к административной контрольной работе по английскому языку в 5 классе за 1 полугодие
A.1- am; 2- are; 3- is; 4-is; 5- is; 6- are; 7- are; 8- is; 9- is; 10- are
B1. 1. Can he play football? 2. Are there books on the desk? 3. Is there a picture on the wall? 4. Has she got a little brother? 5. Must you read a lot?
B2. 1. He cannot/ can’t play football. 2. There are not/ aren’t books on the desk. 3. There is not/ isn’t a picture on the wall. 4. She has not got/ hasn’t got a little brother. 5. You must not/ mustn’t read a lot.
A.1. 1- am; 2- are; 3- are; 4- is; 5- is; 6- is; 7- is; 8- are; 9-is; 10- is
B1. 1. Can you speak English? 2. Is there a fridge in the kitchen? 3. Must he be at school at 8 a. m.? 4. Have they got a new car? 5. Are your parents doctors?
B2. You cannot/ can’t speak English. 2. There is not/ isn’t a fridge in the kitchen. 3. He must not/ mustn’t be at school at 8 a. m. 4. They have not/ haven’t got a new car. 5. My parents are not/ aren’t doctors.
A.1- is; 2- are; 3- am; 4- are; 5- are; 6- are; 7- are; 8- are; 9- is; 10-are
B1.1. Can he swim very well? 2. Have you got a brother? 3. Is his name John? 4. Must we speak English? 5. Are there two dogs in the garden?
B2. He cannot/ can’t swim very well. 2. You have not got/ haven’t got a brother. 3. His name is not/ isn’t John. 4. We must not/ mustn’t speak English. 5. There are not/ aren’t two dogs in the garden.
A.1-is; 2- are; 3- is; 4- are; 5- is; 6- are; 7- are; 8- am; 9- are; 10- are
B1. 1. Must I do my homework? 2. Can his dog jump very well? 3. Has she got two cats? 4. Are they friends? 5. Is there a pen in the bag?
B2. 1. I must not/ mustn’t do my homework. 2. His dog cannot/ can’t jump very well. 3. She has not got/ hasn’t two cats. 4. They are not/ aren’t friends. 5. There is not/ isn’t a pen in the bag.
выполнения административной контрольной работы
по_______________________ в ______ классе
Вид работы административное тестирование
Количество учащихся в классе _____
Выполняли работу_____
Результаты работы:
«5»__________________ чел ________________%
«4»__________________ чел ________________%
«3»__________________ чел ________________ %
«2»__________________ чел ________________ %
КУ _____________ %
КК _____________ % (от числа выполнявших работу)
Не справились:
№ |
Содержание стандарта |
Кол-во уч-ся |
% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Выводы и рекомендации:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Учитель (Ф. И. О.)_______________
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
1 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Hello. My first name is Jill. My surname is Brown. I am from Oxford. I am eleven years old. My address is 22 Queen Street, Oxford. My phone number: 227025. My hobby is reading. My favourite subject at school is English.
What is Jill’s surname?
Is she from Oxford?
What is her phone number?
What is her hobby?
What is her favourite subject at school?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1. My sister (to get) up at 8 o’clock. 2. She (to go) to school in the morning. 3. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
They live in London.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
2 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Tom is from New York. He is 12 years old. His favourite sport is American football. His favourite singer is Elvis Presley. His telephone number is 4872135.
Where is Tom from?
How old is he?
What is his favourite sport?
Who is his favourite singer?
What is his telephone number?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.After breakfast she (to go) to school. 2. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 3. She (to speak) English well. 4. My day (to begin) at 7 o’clock.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
Robin comes from Scotland.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
3 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
We are from Oxford. We are in the fifth form and we are 12 years old. Our favourite hobbies are video games and reading.
Where are they from?
Are they twelve?
How old are they?
What are their hobbies?
What form are they in?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.I (to get) up , (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. 2. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. 3. At 7.30. we (to have) breakfast. 4. My father and I (to leave) home at 8 o’clock.
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
They like to play football.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 5 классе за 2 полугодие
4 вариант
А. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish.
Are Tony and Alison good friends?
Is Tony twelve?
Is Alison twelve?
Is Alison Scottish?
Is Tony English?
B1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1.He (to take) a bus to his factory. 2. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at 9 o’clock.3. In the evening we (to gather) in the living- room. 4. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).
В2.Задайте к следующему предложению общий вопрос и образуйте его отрицательную форму:
We have five lessons on Monday.
C. Напишите 5-6 предложений о том, как проходит ваш день.
Директор ГБПОУ РС(Я) «_________»
«___»________2020 год
Контрольно-оценочные средства
специальности 23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования
(по отраслям)»
на заседании ПЦК
протокол №___ от «__»_______2020г.
2020 г.
Пояснительная записка
КОС предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений студентов, осваивающих учебную дисциплину ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной деятельности.
КОС разработаны в соответствии требованиями ОПОП СПО по специальности 23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования (по отраслям)», рабочей программы учебной дисциплины.
Учебная дисциплина осваивается в течение 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 семестра в объеме 168 часов.
КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля в форме: контрольных работ, тестирования.
При изучении дисциплины студент должен
– лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
— общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;
— переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;
— самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
ОК 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10
Паспорт оценочных средств
Всего часов учебной дисциплины 168 ч., в т.ч. лабораторно-практические занятия — 104 ч.
№ |
Наименование раздела, темы учебной дисциплины |
Тип контроля |
Формы контроля* |
Средства контроля |
1 |
Раздел 1. Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества), |
Текущий |
Контрольная работа по грамматическому материалу (входной мониторинг) |
тестирование |
2 |
Раздел 1. Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества), Тема 1.2. Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе Раздел 2. Тема 2.1. Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день Тема 2.2. Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни |
Текущий |
контрольная работа |
комплект контрольных заданий |
3. |
Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура. Тема 2.4. Досуг Тема 2.5. Новости, средства массовой информации Тема 2.6. Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) Тема 2.7. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование |
Текущий |
Контрольная работа |
комплект контрольных заданий |
4. |
Тема 2.8. Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники Тема 2.9. Общественная жизнь (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) Тема 2.10. Научно-технический прогресс Тема 2.11. Профессии, карьера Тема 2.12. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм |
Текущий |
Контрольная работа |
комплект контрольных заданий |
5. |
Тема 2.13. Искусство и развлечения Тема 2.14. Государственное устройство, правовые институты Тема 3.1. Цифры, числа, математические действия, основные математические понятия и физические явления Тема 3.2. Документы (письма, контракты) |
Текущий |
Контрольная работа |
комплект контрольных заданий |
6. |
с |
Текущий |
Контрольная работа |
комплект контрольных заданий |
Итоговая работа |
Промежуточный контроль |
Дифференцированный зачет, промежуточный экзамен |
вопросы к зачету, комплект билетов |
Комплект заданий по учебной дисциплине
1. Раздел (тема) «Раздел 1. Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества), Тема 1.2. Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе. Раздел 2. Тема 2.1. Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день. Тема 2.2. Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни»
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа №1
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
Стартовый контроль
I Установите соответствие между заголовками A- H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A Last Minute Offer
B Best Catches Without Mistakes
C Package Holiday
D Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
E Educational Tour
F Green Travel
G Mountain Adventure
H New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration
- La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.
- Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
- Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
- Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
- A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
- Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
- It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.
II Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.
2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.
3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.
4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.
5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.
6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.
7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.
8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.
9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.
10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.
III Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Our____________(1) in New York was arrive
spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty
make a___________(2) sight. New beauty
York has a_________(3) of over seven million populate
and it is probably the word’s most famous city.
The_________(4) of the ‘Big Apple’ come inhabit
from many different countries. There are
more________(5) in New York than in any nation
other place on earth. It also has more________(6) tour
than any other city except London,__________(7) special
in the summer.________(8)come from over the world visit
and have a__________(9) time. There are so many wonder
sights for them to get________(10) about enthusiasm
-whether it’s some of the best museums in the
world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.
Задание I — DFAEHGB
Задание II — 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. were; 7. is; 8. does; 9. makes; 10. enjoy
Задание III — arrival, beautiful, population, inhabitants, nationalities, tourists, especially, visitors, wonderful, enthusiastic
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
2. Раздел (тема) «Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.Тема 2.4. Досуг. Тема 2.5. Новости, средства массовой информации Тема 2.6. Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) Тема 2.7. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование».
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
1 вариант
Use the correct form of a verb from the brackets to fill in the gaps in the reporting sentences. Translate the reporting sentences into Russian.
(admit, complain, refuse, offer, agree, deny, promise, advise, insist, remind)
«Don’t forget to buy some bread on your way home».
Ann ___ John to buy some bread on his way home.
«Let me repair your computer, Lisa».
Nick ___ to repair Lisa’s computer.
«Don’t worry, dad, I’ll return home at 11 o’clock».
Sheila ___ to return home at 11 o’clock.
«My new teacher is so unfair to me!»
Sam ___ that his new teacher is unfair to him.
«I’m sorry; I don’t want to lend you the money».
Lynn ___ to lend me the money.
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
Lena asks me, « Do you read adventure stories? »
« Please, don’t go away, » Jane says to her friends.
The mother says to her children, « Don’t open the door to anybody. »
The boys ask Granny, « Is dinner ready? »
3. Convert the sentences from active into passive voice:
1) Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
2) People make jam from fruit.
3) They will open the new sports centre soon.
4) Andrew hasn’t cut the grass yet.
2 вариант
Use the correct form of a verb from the brackets to fill in the gaps in the reporting sentences. Translate the reporting sentences into Russian.
(admit, complain, refuse, offer, agree, deny, promise, advise, insist, remind)
1. «No, you really must be here on Wednesday».
Alex ___ that I should be here on Wednesday.
2. «Well, it’s true, I told you a lie».
Tom ___ telling me a lie.
3. «I’ll go to the party with you».
He ___ to go to the party with me.
4. «I didn’t take Tom’s car».
Sally ___ taking Tom’s car.
5. «If I were you I would apologize immediately».
Tim ___ Jane to apologize immediately.
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1. The girl asks the shop assistant, « What’s fashionable now? »
2. The customer says to the shop assistant, «Please, show me the fitting room. »
3. Kate says to her sister, « Don’t touch my things. »
4. He asks her, « Do you want to see the new film? »
Convert the sentences from active into passive voice:
1. Her mother woke Alice up at seven o’clock.
2. The boys walk the dog every day.
3. Sue asked the waiter to bring some water.
4. Her parents may not believe her excuse.
Текст – общий для 1 и 2 вариантов
crowd – Sambadrome (2x) — Bandas — celebrations — Blocos — Carnival — samba schools (2x) – Axé — Greatest Show on Earth — costume
Carnival in Brazil
The Carnival in Brazil is a big part of the Brazilian Culture, and it is sometimes referred to by the Brazilians as the «_______________________________________________ «.
Salvador has large Carnival _________________________, including the __________, typical Bahia music. A truck with giant speakers and a platform where musicians play songs of local genres such as Axé music, Samba — reggae and Arrocha, is driven with the following __________________ both dancing and singing. It was originally staged by two Salvador musicians, Dodo & Osmar, in the 1950s. Several cities in the state of Bahia still celebrate Carnival this way, with as most popular the Carnival of Porto Seguro.
Another important part of the Brazilian Carnival takes place in the Rio Carnival, with __________________________ parading in the ___________________ («sambódromo» in Portuguese). It’s the largest Carnival event in this country, considered to be the largest of the kind in the world. Called «One of the biggest shows of the Earth», the festival attracts millions of tourists, both Brazilians and foreigners who come from everywhere to participate and enjoy the great show. ______________________ are large, social entities with thousands of members and a theme for their song and parade each year. Tourists are allowed to participate, paying ($500–750) to buy a Samba costume and dance in the parade through the ____________________ with one of the schools. The price paid is used to buy the tourist’s own _______________________ and also the costumes of the people who do not have the money to afford it. _____________________ are generally small informal groups also with a definite theme in their samba, usually satirical of the current political situation. But there are also a lot, about 30 of them in Rio de Janeiro, that are very big in number of participants, gathering hundreds of thousands of people. There are more than 400 blocos in Rio de Janeiro. _________________ are samba musical bands, usually formed by enthusiasts in the same neighborhood.
In 2011, the Carnival of Brazil, which is held 46 days before Easter, started on Friday with feasts and fanfare and samba parades on the streets of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The most famous holiday event in Brazil, which occurs around Brazil and most of South America, known as _______________________, is happening from March 4 to 8 this year.
COMPLETE THE TEXT WITH THE MISSING WORDS: crowd – Sambadrome (2x) — Bandas — celebrations — Blocos — Carnival — samba schools (2x) – Axé — Greatest Show on Earth — costume
Carnival in Brazil
The Carnival in Brazil is a big part of the Brazilian Culture, and it is sometimes referred to by the Brazilians as the «_______________________________________________ «.
Salvador has large Carnival _________________________, including the __________, typical Bahia music. A truck with giant speakers and a platform where musicians play songs of local genres such as Axé music, Samba — reggae and Arrocha, is driven with the following __________________ both dancing and singing. It was originally staged by two Salvador musicians, Dodo & Osmar, in the 1950s. Several cities in the state of Bahia still celebrate Carnival this way, with as most popular the Carnival of Porto Seguro.
Another important part of the Brazilian Carnival takes place in the Rio Carnival, with __________________________ parading in the ___________________ («sambódromo» in Portuguese). It’s the largest Carnival event in this country, considered to be the largest of the kind in the world. Called «One of the biggest shows of the Earth», the festival attracts millions of tourists, both Brazilians and foreigners who come from everywhere to participate and enjoy the great show. ______________________ are large, social entities with thousands of members and a theme for their song and parade each year. Tourists are allowed to participate, paying ($500–750) to buy a Samba costume and dance in the parade through the ____________________ with one of the schools. The price paid is used to buy the tourist’s own _______________________ and also the costumes of the people who do not have the money to afford it. _____________________ are generally small informal groups also with a definite theme in their samba, usually satirical of the current political situation. But there are also a lot, about 30 of them in Rio de Janeiro, that are very big in number of participants, gathering hundreds of thousands of people. There are more than 400 blocos in Rio de Janeiro. _________________ are samba musical bands, usually formed by enthusiasts in the same neighborhood.
In 2011, the Carnival of Brazil, which is held 46 days before Easter, started on Friday with feasts and fanfare and samba parades on the streets of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The most famous holiday event in Brazil, which occurs around Brazil and most of South America, known as _______________________, is happening from March 4 to 8 this year.
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
3. Раздел (тема) «Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.Тема 2.4. Досуг. Тема 2.5. Новости, средства массовой информации Тема 2.6. Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) Тема 2.7. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование»
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
Задание 1 — соотнести слово с его определением (контроль знания лексики)
Задание 2 — аудирование (дописать недостающую информацию; выбрать верно/неверно)
Задание 3 — перевод предложений с русского на англ. (по теме Степени сравнения прилагательных)
Задание 4 — открыть скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму — гернудии, инфинитив с частицей to или инфинитив без частицы to
Задание 5 — дать развернутый ответ на вопрос
Task I. Match the word and its definition.
1. decade a) to persuade someone or make them certain:
2. invention b)a little
3. maintain c) a period of ten years
4. convince d) something that has never been made before
5. slightly e) to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard
Task II. Listen to a part of a radio programme and make notes on the following:
1. Date of the event –
2. Name of the event –
3. Number of people –
4. Number of cities –
Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. Many cars will be given away free to poor people on Car Free Day. –
2. The day forms part of Europe’s Mobility Week. –
3. The theme in Europe this year is “Clever Computing”. –
Task III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Mind the degrees of comparison.
1. Компьютер – намного полезнее телефона.
2. Сегодня погода немного теплее, чем вчера.
3. Интернет – самая важная вещь для меня.
Task IV. Open the brackets and choose the right form of the verb: ing— form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to.
1. How about ………………… (order) a pizza tonight?
2. You must ………………… (report) the incident to the police, Charles!
3. It’s too late …………………… (apply) for a job. The closing day was yesterday.
4. We love ……………………. (play) football as a family.
5. She is not old enough ………………….. (speak) to me in such a rude voice!
Task V. Answer the question (write down no less than 4-5 sentences).
Imagine that you could only use ONE of the following: a fridge, a mobile phone or a camera. Which one would you choose and why?
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
4. Раздел (тема) «Тема 2.8. Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники
Тема 2.9. Общественная жизнь (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения)
Тема 2.10. Научно-технический прогресс
Тема 2.11. Профессии, карьера Тема 2.12. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм»
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
Переделайте предложения из прямой в косвенную речь:
1 Robert said,’ This film is very funny’.
…Robert said (that) the film was very funny…
2 ‘I’m starting a new job next week,’ she said.
3 ‘I got my exam results last week,’ he told them.
4 ‘I can’t afford to buy this dress,’ said Sally.
5 ‘I would buy a car if I had enough money,’ he said to her.
6 Frank said, ‘That’s the house where I was born.’
7 ‘ That was a wonderful party,’ said Jill.
8 ‘Oranges grow in hot countries,’ the teacher says.
9 ‘A lot of people visit museums,’ he said.
10 ‘This is a very famous statue,’ the tour guide told us.
11 ‘I don’t like that jacket,’ said Bob.
12 ‘I’m lost,’ the boy said.
13 ‘I may be a little late this evening,’ she said.
14 ‘You’d better clean up this mess,’ Mum said to Claire.
15 ‘I’ve already done the shopping,’ she said.
16 ‘I found this note under the sofa,’ said Sue.
17 ‘I won’t be late again,’ he said to us.
18 ‘If I finish work early, I’ll call you,’ she said.
19 ‘I’ve been training hard recently,’ he told the reporters.
20 ‘Shall I make some tea?’ said Zoe.
21 ‘We must go home now,’ said the man to his children.
22 ‘Those are the boys who chased me,’ Sarah said.
23 ‘I’m going to a party tonight,’ Lynne told her friends.
24 ‘I used to have long hair,’ Laura said.
25 ‘There is too much violence on TV,’ says Grandad.
26 ‘You ought to make a decision soon,’ Andrew told her.
Ответы к упражнению:
- Robert said (that) the film was very funny.
- She said (that) she was starting a new job the following week.
- He told them (that) he had got his exam results the week before.
- Sally said (that) she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
- He said to her (that) he would buy a car if he had enough money.
- Frank said (that) it was the house where he was born.
- Jill said that it was a wonderful party.
- The teacher says that oranges grow in hot countries.
- He said that a lot of people visited museums.
- The tour guide told us that it was a very famous statue.
- Bob said that he didn’t like that jacket.
- The boy said that he was lost.
- She said that she might be a little late that evening.
- Mum said to Claire that she had better clean up the mess.
- She said that she had already done the shopping.
- Sue said that she had found the note under the sofa.
- He told us that he wouldn’t be late.
- She said that if she finished work early she would call me.
- He told the reporters that he had been training hard recently.
- Zoe offered to make some tea.
- The man said to his children that they had to go home then.
- Sarah said that those were the boys who had chased her.
- Lynne told her friends that she was going to the party that night.
- Laura said she used to have long hair.
- Grandad says that there is too much violence on TV.
- Andrew told her that she ought to make a decision soon.
Весь материал — смотрите документ.
Содержимое разработки
Упражнения на Reported Speech.
Переделайте предложения из прямой в косвенную речь:
1 Robert said,’ This film is very funny’.
…Robert said (that) the film was very funny…
2 ‘I’m starting a new job next week,’ she said.
3 ‘I got my exam results last week,’ he told them.
4 ‘I can’t afford to buy this dress,’ said Sally.
5 ‘I would buy a car if I had enough money,’ he said to her.
6 Frank said, ‘That’s the house where I was born.’
7 ‘ That was a wonderful party,’ said Jill.
8 ‘Oranges grow in hot countries,’ the teacher says.
9 ‘A lot of people visit museums,’ he said.
10 ‘This is a very famous statue,’ the tour guide told us.
11 ‘I don’t like that jacket,’ said Bob.
12 ‘I’m lost,’ the boy said.
13 ‘I may be a little late this evening,’ she said.
14 ‘You’d better clean up this mess,’ Mum said to Claire.
15 ‘I’ve already done the shopping,’ she said.
16 ‘I found this note under the sofa,’ said Sue.
17 ‘I won’t be late again,’ he said to us.
18 ‘If I finish work early, I’ll call you,’ she said.
19 ‘I’ve been training hard recently,’ he told the reporters.
20 ‘Shall I make some tea?’ said Zoe.
21 ‘We must go home now,’ said the man to his children.
22 ‘Those are the boys who chased me,’ Sarah said.
23 ‘I’m going to a party tonight,’ Lynne told her friends.
24 ‘I used to have long hair,’ Laura said.
25 ‘There is too much violence on TV,’ says Grandad.
26 ‘You ought to make a decision soon,’ Andrew told her.
Ответы к упражнению:
- Robert said (that) the film was very funny.
- She said (that) she was starting a new job the following week.
- He told them (that) he had got his exam results the week before.
- Sally said (that) she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
- He said to her (that) he would buy a car if he had enough money.
- Frank said (that) it was the house where he was born.
- Jill said that it was a wonderful party.
- The teacher says that oranges grow in hot countries.
- He said that a lot of people visited museums.
- The tour guide told us that it was a very famous statue.
- Bob said that he didn’t like that jacket.
- The boy said that he was lost.
- She said that she might be a little late that evening.
- Mum said to Claire that she had better clean up the mess.
- She said that she had already done the shopping.
- Sue said that she had found the note under the sofa.
- He told us that he wouldn’t be late.
- She said that if she finished work early she would call me.
- He told the reporters that he had been training hard recently.
- Zoe offered to make some tea.
- The man said to his children that they had to go home then.
- Sarah said that those were the boys who had chased her.
- Lynne told her friends that she was going to the party that night.
- Laura said she used to have long hair.
- Grandad says that there is too much violence on TV.
- Andrew told her that she ought to make a decision soon.
Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.
1) Karen: «Don’t play football in the garden!» |
2) Teacher: «Don’t forget your homework!» |
3) Mike: «Don’t shout at Peter!» |
4) Yvonne: «Don’t talk to your neighbour!» |
5) Denise: «Don’t open the door!» |
6) Marcel: «Don’t sing that song!» |
7) Jane: «Don’t watch the new film!» |
9) Lisa: «Don’t fly via Paris!» |
10) Jamie: «Don’t eat so much junk food!» |
1) Karen:»Don’t play football in the garden!» |
2) Teacher:»Don’t forget your homework!» |
3) Mike:»Don’t shout at Peter!» |
4) Yvonne:»Don’t talk to your neighbour!» |
5) Denise:»Don’t open the door!» |
6) Marcel:»Don’t sing that song!» |
7) Jane:»Don’t watch the new film!» |
9) Lisa:»Don’t fly via Paris!» |
10) Jamie:»Don’t eat so much junk food!» |
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
5. Раздел (тема) «Тема 2.13. Искусство и развлечения. Тема 2.14. Государственное устройство, правовые институты. Тема 3.1. Цифры, числа, математические действия, основные математические понятия и физические явления. Тема 3.2. Документы (письма, контракты)»
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
The Indefinite Tense-Forms
Exercise 1.
Choose the correct word.
1. I won’t send the parcel until I ______ from him.
a. will hear b. hear
2. She will visit her parents before she ______ to Montego Bay.
a. will go b. goes
3. I ______ you a postcard when I get to Montserrat.
a. will send b. send
4. I will call you as soon as we ______ the contract.
a. will sign b. sign
5. The moment he ______ I’ll tell him the truth.
a. comes b. will come
6. I will explain everything to Morgan on condition he ______ to me carefully.
a. listens b. will listen
7. My girlfriend ______ 25 next week.
a. is b. will be
8. I expect that you ______ this work in time.
a. do b. will do
9. ______ you lend me this book please?
a. will b. do
10. Margaret does not know when she ______ to the theatre.
a. goes b. will go
11. Whenever his friends ______ , he is glad to see them.
a. call in b. will call in
12. My friend Ian ______ in London for a long time.
a. is b. will be
13. We wonder when we ______ a pay rise.
a. will have b. have
14. Whatever place of interest in London you ______ , you will like it.
a. visit b. will visit
15. The train from Mogadishu ______ at 10 o’clock.
a. will arrive b. arrives
16. Probably, Jessica ______ on Friday morning.
a. comes b. will come
17. Perhaps I ______ recognize Julia Andrews. I haven’t seen her for ages.
a. won’t b. don’t
18. Brenda is not convinced that her friend ______ the exam next Tuesday.
a. passes b. will pass
19. Nancy and David’s wedding ______ place at St. Peter’s Church of San Diego on Sunday.
a. will take b. takes
20. The more you ______ , the better your spelling will be.
a. will read b. read
Exercise 2.
Choose the correct word.
1. Mr. Brown ______ jog every morning, but now he is too old to do it.
a. used to b. didn’t
2. There was an eclipse of the sun yesterday. Unfortunately I didn’t even ______ it.
a. use to see b. see
3. He never ______ to “Club 13”.
a. used to go b. didn’t go
4. An acquaintance of mine ______ to drink a lot, but now he has given up this vicious habit.
a. used b. would
5. The Berlinghettis ______ to make scenes in public.
a. didn’t used b. didn’t use
6. Do you smoke? – I ______ , but I quit.
a. used to do b. used to
7. Ben and Vera ______ at the camp for a week.
a. stayed b. used to stay
8. The Earth ______ round the Sun.
a. goes b. used to go
9. ______ to play computer games when you were a child?
a. did you used b. did you use
10. When they went to the seaside last summer they ______ go for a swim every morning.
a. used to b. would
Adjectives and Adverbs
Exercise 3.
Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.
1. Who is ______ – Jane or Allan?
a. more tall b. taller c. most tall
2. Joe is ______of the students in the group.
a. the cleverest b. the most clever c. more clever
3. Which of these two dogs is ______ ?
a. friendler b. friendlier c. most friendly
4. A Lexus is ______ than a Honda.
a. more expensive b. most expensive c. expensiver
5. The ______ instructions will be given on page 12.
a. further b. farther c. farthest
6. The children were playing in the ______ corner of the garden.
a. farthest b. farther c. farest
7. Connie walks ______ because she has just had an operation.
a. more slow b. more slowly c. slowlier
8. John’s grades are really bad. – Yes, but Tom’s are even ______ .
a. worst b. badder c. worse
9. I think we have ______ money than you.
a. least b. fewer c. less
10. Our new house has ______ space than the old one.
a. a lot more b. more of c. most
11. The northern part of Canada generally receives ______ snow than the southern part.
a. much more b. much most c. so much
12. You should get off at the ______ stop.
a. next b. nearest c. nearer
13. Mrs. Parkinson has got two sons: George and Ronald. The former already works, the ______ is still a student.
a. latter b. last c. later
14. Have you heard the ______ news? It’s awful.
a. last b. latest c. late
15. You can find this place ______ if you have a map.
a. more easily b. easilier c. most easily
16. Today you seem ______ than you were yesterday.
a. more happy b. happier c. happiest
17. These tomatoes are ______ than the ones I saw in Sainsbury’s.
a. more red b. redder c. little red
18. Now we will have to think of a ______ method.
a. better b. gooder c. best
19. Nowadays people use electric appliances much ______ than thirty years ago.
a. more oftener b. often c. more often
20. People believe they will live better in the ______ future.
a. nearest b. nearer c. near
Exercise 4.
Choose the correct word.
1. More ______ 80 percent of the students passed the test.
a. than b. that
2. Are you ______ Burney?
a. the same age as b. so old as
3. The harder we studied ______ we got.
a. the more confused b. more confused
4. ______ all the cities I have visited, I like London best.
a. of b. from
5. The more it snowed, ______ .
a. the colder it got b. it got colder
6. Belinda is more thorough ______ her co-workers.
a. than b. as
7. The ______ my friend complains the ______ people listen.
a. more… less b. much… little
8. July is the hottest ______ all the months in Zimbabwe.
a. of b. from
9. Please come ______ soon ______ possible.
a. as… as b. as… than
10. We have ______ opinion about this film ______ you.
a. the same… as b. the same… than
11. The coat you are wearing _____ the one you bought last year at Harrods’.
a. is similar to b. is similar with
12. ______ the price ______ reliable the product.
a. the higher… the more b. a higher… a more
13. We can’t do crosswords ______ as you do.
a. as quickly b. quicker
14. Toledo is twice______ your city.
a. as old as b. older than
15. Blue Mountain is one hundred feet ______ Machu Picchu.
a. as high as b. higher than
16. To my mind Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is ______ thrilling of his books that I have read.
a. the most b. a most
17. Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe is ______ fascinating book about life in America. You must read it, Emma.
a. most b. a most
18. The previous grammar test was not ______ difficult ______ this one.
a. so… as b. more… as
19. The rescue workers did their ______ to help Chinese people after the earthquake.
a. better b. best
20. What an awful film! It is ______ interesting one by this famous film director.
a. the least b. less
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
6. Раздел (тема) «Тема 2.13. Искусство и развлечения. Тема 2.14. Государственное устройство, правовые институты. Тема 3.1. Цифры, числа, математические действия, основные математические понятия и физические явления. Тема 3.2. Документы (письма, контракты)»
Форма текущего контроля: Контрольная работа
Задание (вопросы) контрольной работы:
Задание 1 — соотнести слово с его определением (контроль знания лексики)
Задание 2 — аудирование (соотнести выражение с говорящим))
Задание 3 — перевод предложений с русского на англ. (по теме Past Perfect Passive)
Задание 4 — заполнить пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом из списка (выражения со словом health)
Задание 5 — дать развернутый ответ на вопрос.
I variant
Task I. Match the words with their definitions.
1. manual a) to make a film, video, or CD available for people to see or buy;
2. X-ray b) endless and never changed;
3. release c) a picture of the bones or organs inside someone’s body;
4. fraud d) the crime of getting money by deceiving people;
5. perpetual e) a book containing instructions for doing something, especially for operating a machine.
Task II. Listen to the people speaking about the role of the Internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements.
1. The speaker sees the danger of the Internet cutting people off from real life. –
2. The speaker uses the Internet for doing daily routine tasks. –
3. The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the Internet. –
4. The speaker believes that the Internet allows you to get your message across to many people. –
5. The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you. –
Task III. Translate the sentences into English, using Past Perfect Passive.
1. Тест был написан до того, как прозвенел звонок. –
2. К 7 часам утра исследование завершилось. –
3. Когда мы пришли в кинотеатр, фильм уже начался. –
4. Мне не сказали об изменении расписания.
Task IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or word combination:
maintain health damages his health health check regain health
1. If a person smokes a lot, it really …………………………………………. .
2. When you apply for a job, you have to have a …………………………… .
3. I always try to ……………………………………. by eating a lot of fresh fruits.
4. It is impossible to ………………………………. very quickly.
Task V. Answer the question (write no less than 5 sentences).
What is the most important and useful invention: a CD player, a telephone, a digital camera, a TV or a personal computer? Explain your choice.
Progress Check. Unit 3.
I variant
Task I. Match the words with their definitions.
1. manual a) to make a film, video, or CD available for people to see or buy;
2. X-ray b) endless and never changed;
3. release c) a picture of the bones or organs inside someone’s body;
4. fraud d) the crime of getting money by deceiving people;
5. perpetual e) a book containing instructions for doing something, especially
for operating a machine.
Task II. Listen to the people speaking about the role of the Internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements.
1. The speaker sees the danger of the Internet cutting people off from real life. –
2. The speaker uses the Internet for doing daily routine tasks. –
3. The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the Internet. –
4. The speaker believes that the Internet allows you to get your message across to many people. –
5. The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you. –
Task III. Translate the sentences into English, using Past Perfect Passive.
1. Тест был написан до того, как прозвенел звонок. –
2. К 7 часам утра исследование завершилось. –
3. Когда мы пришли в кинотеатр, фильм уже начался. –
4. Мне не сказали об изменении расписания.
Task IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or word combination:
maintain health damages his health health check regain health
1. If a person smokes a lot, it really …………………………………………. .
2. When you apply for a job, you have to have a …………………………… .
3. I always try to ……………………………………. by eating a lot of fresh fruits.
4. It is impossible to ………………………………. very quickly.
Task V. Answer the question (write no less than 5 sentences).
What is the most important and useful invention: a CD player, a telephone, a digital camera, a TV or a personal computer? Explain your choice.
Progress Check. Unit 3.
II variant
Task I. Match the words with their definitions.
1. reveal a) capable of continuing for a long time at the same level;
2. fake b) make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others;
3. hoax c) an object that is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people;
4. deforestation d) the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by
5. sustainable e)a trick in which someone deliberately tells people that something bad is
going to happen or that something is true when it is not.
Task II. Listen to the people speaking about the role of the Internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements.
1. The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the Internet. –
2. The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you. –
3. The speaker believes that the Internet allows you to get your message across to many people. –
4. The speaker sees the danger of the Internet cutting people off from real life. –
5. The speaker uses the Internet for doing daily routine tasks. –
Task III. Translate the sentences into English, using Past Perfect Passive.
1. Он сказал мне, что этот университет был построен 50 лет назад. –
2. Моя мама не знала об изменении наших планов. Ей не сказали. –
3. Статья была переведена мною. –
4. К 5 часам деньги уже были получены. –
Task IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or word combination with:
in poor health maintain your health bad for health hazard to health
1. Eating a lot of spicy food can be ……………………………………. .
2. You can ………………………………. by going in for sports.
3. It is ……………………………….. to drink a lot of alcohol.
4. If you are …………………………, you should take more vitamins.
Task V. Answer the question (write no less than 5 sentences).
Is it possible nowadays to live without modern technologies? Justify your answer.
Критерии оценки:
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл.
За выполнение теста учащиеся получают:
«5» — за 24-27 баллов;
«4» — за 19-23 балла;
«3» — за 11-18 баллов;
«2» — за 0-10 баллов
Директор ГБПОУ РС(Я) «_________»
«___»________2020 год
Контрольно-оценочные средства
промежуточной аттестации учебной дисциплины
специальности 23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования
(по отраслям)»
на заседании ПЦК
протокол №___ от «__»_______2020г.
2020 г.
КОС промежуточной аттестации предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений студентов, осваивающих учебную дисциплину ОГСЭ.04 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ
КОС разработаны в соответствии требованиями ОПОП СПО по специальности 23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования (по отраслям), рабочей программы учебной дисциплины.
Учебная дисциплина осваивается в течение 1,2,3,4,5,6 семестра в объеме 168 часов.
КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме: дифференцированного зачета.
По результатам изучения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.04 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ студент должен знать:
– лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
уметь общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;
переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;
самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
ОК 01, ОК 02, ОК 03, ОК 04, ОК 05, ОК 09, ОК 10.
Контрольно-оценочные средства промежуточной аттестации
I. Форма промежуточной аттестации: Экзамен (тестирование)
Тест №1
I variant
1. The Statue of Liberty … by Gustave Eiffel.
a) design c) was designed
b) designed d) have been designed
2. Where are your brothers? — They … a swimming-pool in our garden.
a) are digging c) were digging
b) dig d) have been digging
3. How do your parents like their new house? — My mother likes it, but my father … our old one.
a) miss c) missed
b) misses d) doesn’t miss
4. I didn’t believe that you … short of money.
a) are c) were
b) is d) have been
5. Actually it’s a very friendly dog. If you … it, it won’t bite you.
a) won’t touch c) didn’t touch
b) haven’t touched d) don’t touch
6. The town of Kestwick, which … at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect place for a holiday.
a) laid c) is lying
b) lies d) lay
7. We … forward to a concert in our town. It is next Sunday.
a) looks c) are looking
b) looked d) were looking
8. The picture, which … lately, is worth thousands of pounds.
a) damage c) has been damaged
b) damaged d) was damaged
9. The scientist who … a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
a) had discovered c) has been discovered
b) discovered d) was discovering
10. … we have something to eat? — Yes, but not here.
a) will c) do
b) would d) shall
11. My mother always moves my books around so I … find them.
a) can’t c) wasn’t able
b) couldn’t d) may not
12. I don’t like the cafes that don’t have chairs and people … eat standing up.
a) can c) may
b) could d) have to
13. There is a big hotel in the middle of … park.
a) a c) —
b) the d) these
14. … towns which attract tourists are usually crowded in summer.
a) — с) а
b) the d) this
15. Be sure to pick … tomatoes before they get too ripe.
a) this c) much
b) that d) these
16. I suppose people are spending now … money than they used to.
a) much c) fewer
b) many d) more
17. Was it exciting buying a car? — Well, it was a bit of a problem because I didn’t have … money to spend.
a) many c) most
b) much d) few
18. Once I hated flying, but now I feel … nervous about it.
a) most c) less
b) least d) little
19. The trouble … my father is that he never relaxes.
a) of c) about
b) with d) out
20. What did you buy this computer magazine …? — To read about business software.
a) at c) on
b) in d) for
21. Someone is calling you. Will you answer … phone?
a) a c) —
b) the d) these
22. To tell the truth I don’t like … pair of trousers that I bought last month.
a) those c) that
b) this d) a
23. Whose house is it? — It’s … .
a) my c) her
b) mine d) our
24. Today is … cold than yesterday. So, I’m wearing my shorts.
a) little c) least
b) less d) the least
25. «Come home … Christmas Day, we’ll be waiting for you», my mother always says to me.
a) in c) —
b) on d) at
Промежуточная аттестация (тестирование)
II variant
1. All my money … on the way to the airport yesterday and I couldn’t fly anywhere.
a) were stolen c) has been stolen
b) have been stolen d) was stolen
2. This company … millions on computers but it doesn’t seem to become more efficient.
a) spent c) will spent
b) had spent d) has spent
3. We had to wait until the light … to green.
a) change c) changes
b) will change d) changed
4. I heard the news on the radio while I … home yesterday evening.
a) drive c) had driven
b) was driving d) drove
5. Before I left the house it … to rain and I had to take my umbrella.
a) started c) had started
b) would start d) start
6. I was surprised that you … the football match on television.
a) hadn’t watched c) don’t watch
b) haven’t watched d) aren’t watching
7. When Columbus landed on San Salvador, he … where he was.
a) knew c) doesn’t know
b) didn’t know d) hadn’t known
8. At one time people believed that Columbus … America.
a) discovers c) had been discovered
b) discovered d) had discovered
9. The talks … in London next week to discuss some problems of terrorist activity.
a) is held c) would be held
b) will be held d) hold
10. Didn’t you … this horror film last night? — No, I hate such films.
a) saw c) see
b) seen d)seeing
11. Who … this ice-cream? — Oh, it’s mine. I’m just going to eat it.
a) didn’t eat c) doesn’t eat
b) don’t eat d) hasn’t eaten
12. The new building looks awful. — I agree. It … very nice.
a) didn’t look c) hasn’t looked
b) doesn’t look d) won’t look
13. «You … spend your free time on playing football», my mother used to say when I was a schoolboy.
a) needn’t c) couldn’t
b) mustn’t d) can’t
14. You needn’t wear your best clothes. You … what you like.
a) can wear c) might wear
b) must wear d) need wear
15. I think … people look after their cars better than young people.
a) elderly c) elder
b) older d) oldest
16. What are you going to do after you finish … college, Rachel? — I want to travel.
a) — с) а
b) the d) an
17. There’s been a lot of talk about … ‘spaceship’ seen over our town on Sunday night.
a) — с) а
b) the d) an
18. … is a new one-way traffic system in the city center. It’s very confusing.
a) this c) it
b) that d) there
19. … of these magazines would you like? — This one, please.
a) what c) why
b) how much d) which
20. They will come … the three o’clock train.
a) on c) with
b) at d) by
21. This exhibition is … interesting than the previous one.
a) little c) least
b) less d) the least
22. We saw … good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.
a) a c) —
b) the d) an
23. Everybody agrees that … happiness is very important in the life of people.
a) — с) а
b) the d) many
24. In the past people lived in … harmony with the environment.
a) a c) the
b) an d) —
25. When they arrived … the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.
a) to c) in
b) at d) for
I variant
1) c; 2) a; 3) b; 4) c; 5) d; 6) b; 7) c; c; 9) b; 10) d; 11) a; 12) d; 13) b; 14) a; 15) d; 16) d; 17) b; 18) c; 19) b; 20) d.; 21) b; 22) c; 23) b; 24) b; 25) b.
II variant
1) d; 2) d; 3) d; 4) b; 5) c; 6) a; 7) b; d; 9) b; 10) c; 11) d; 12) b; 13) b; 14) a; 15) a; 16) a; 17) c; 18) d; 19) d; 20) d; 21) b; 22) a; 23) a; 24) d; 25) b.
Критерии оценивания теста по английскому языку:
100% — 95%
(25 – 24 баллов – «5»)
94% — 75%
(23 – 19 баллов – «4»)
74% — 60%
(18 – 15 баллов – «3»)
59% — …
(14 – менее баллов – «2»)3. и т.д.
Camping holidays are an excellent way to enjoy the great outdoors and nature. It can also be an economical way to take a holiday. There are two main kinds of campgrounds for camping holidays: public and private. The campgrounds have facilities established for campers, including sanitation, showers and even shops and dining sometimes. You may be assigned a site or you are allowed to choose one your own.
What campground you choose can depend upon the type of camping holiday you plan. Some campgrounds cater only to tents, others only to RVs and many cater to both.
A good thing about camping holidays is that once the initial expenses are paid, there is little in the way of ongoing expenses. Unlike a traditional holiday, in which the money you spend on that great hotel is gone for good, with camping holidays you buy your hotel room, i.e. your own tent outright, and you own it forever.
Basic needs for tent camping holidays are a tent and a sleeping bag. A tent not only protects you from the weather, but also keeps out insects and airborne debris.
All sorts of sleeping bags are available for campers today wanting to go camping holidays. You will also want to use a ground cloth for protection of your sleeping bag against moisture and dampness. Some people prefer to use inflatable mattresses or padding to make sleeping on the ground feel more comfortable on their camping holiday. Many sleeping bags are designed with removable liners and insulation. These are a good choice, since they can be used in cold weather and warm on your camping holiday.
It is also a good idea to buy a couple of camp lanterns for a camping holiday. These portable lights are great for lighting your way around in the dark. A cooler for drinks and food is a good idea as well, as is a portable charcoal grill or camp stove. If you are camping at a campground on your holiday, however, you may be able to leave the camp stove and grill at home, since many campgrounds provide grills for their guests to use free of charge. It is important to find out what amenities each campground offers before you head out for your camping holiday. If cooking over a campfire on your camping holiday, make sure that fires are allowed and that you follow prescribed fire safety procedures. Some natural parks and forest may prohibit campfires in drought periods.
It’s no coincidence that the number of people choosing camping holidays raises each year. Not only do holidaymakers save themselves from having to pay for hotels in their desired holiday spot but the advantages to driving to your holiday destination yourself are manifold. When people aren’t tied to their accommodation, not only are they able to take their holidays at their own pace, but they also have the opportunity to discover off the beaten trail destinations and attractions when visiting new places.
Camping holidays is one of the cheapest holidays around today. Many ‘campers’ head off to the remotest areas in search of some intriguing and fascinating adventure, discovering the many wonders of nature. Camping holidays are a chance to spend quality time with family, friends away from the stress and strides of everyday life.
Being interested in an affordable camping vacation means that one tries to have as much information about it as possible and that is why you must be reading this article. Well we have tried to make your task easier by gathering all the relevant information at one place.
Fortunately, many people realize that a camping holiday allows them to save a lot of money on accommodation and travel costs. As a result, this means that you often have more available money to spend on other activities and eating out. In essence, a camping holiday leaves a lot of scope for spoiling yourself and your family. Weather is a key concern that many people have for their camping holidays. It’s one of the reasons why so many people look to spend their holidays abroad. It’s always easy to avoid any such problems with a little careful planning.
The advantages of going on camping holidays are many. As far as accommodation on your camping holidays is concerned, you can bring your RV and park at the camping site where you can find commodities such as a grill, fire pit, picnic table, shower and general bathroom facilities. Some other sites are even inclusive of cable TV, access to the Internet, cabins, lodges and cottages and sometimes even a swimming pool.
Parents can play with their kids when going to a camping holiday. There are so many enjoyable activities and places to go to for all such as lakes where you can go swimming, or fishing, many hiking trails and playgrounds.
Here are some of the best camp sites in the world, to have a memorable camping holiday experience with your friends and family:
- Glendaruel Caravan Park, Scotland: On a peninsula in the west highlands of Scotland lies Glendaruel Caravan Park, a holiday campsite with access to fly fishing for salmon and sea trout and hikes in its 22 acres of woodland. Plenty of opportunities exist for seeing wildlife on your camping holiday here. The best time to go holidaying in Scotland is from May to September, but travel prepared for inclement and often chilly weather.
- France: A favourite camping holiday spot here is ‘Le Val De Cantonbre’ in Aveyron. This has some of the most spectacular landscapes in France. The campground itself is on the grounds of a farmhouse that was built in medieval times and you can pitch tents in a lot of different places for your camping holiday. It’s great for serious campers and for those who want to try camping for the first time on their holiday, since there’s so much to do. Although winter is usually quiet and spring is deemed the best time to visit; your family will have fun no matter when you go camping on your holiday to France.
- Three Cliffs Bay, Gower, Swansea (county, Wales, U.K): This one of the best places to camp out on a holiday and get back to nature. You’ll find beautiful and panoramic views of the beach and the coastline here on your camping holiday and it’s accessible from the campsite. Campers who come here have to be serious about what they’re doing, though, because there isn’t a place to park a car anywhere nearby. It’s never crowded. The best time to go on a camping holiday here is during the summer months from May to September when the weather is generally warm, dry and sunny.
- Whitepod, Switzerland: Almost 6,000 feet in the Swiss Alps, Whitepod offers dome pods (which serve as reinforced tents) for sleeping during your camping holidays here and breathtaking views fit for skiers, snowboarders and nature lovers alike. Dog sledding is also a featured activity. Generally, June is the best time to travel to Switzerland, followed by September or October, when the mountain passes are still open.
- Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (U.S.): This is 1.3 million acres within the Superior National Forest in Minnesota. Popular for canoeing, portaging and hiking, the BWCAW has over 1,200 miles of canoe routes, 11 hiking trails and roughly 2,000 campsites; a perfect place for a camping holiday with family. A permit is required for overnight trips. Late spring and early fall is the right time to come for camping holidays here.
- Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario: Once you enter into this park, you will be enclosed by glaciers, mountain lakes, mountains and rushing rivers, a perfect for a camping holiday. The basin and cave is a naturally occurring hot mineral spring inside a limestone cave. Late spring (May) right through to the fall foliage season in October is the best time to come on camping holidays here.
- Lofoten Turist, Norway: This spot offers picturesque yet personal landscape, ideal for a camping holiday surrounded by Norway’s rocks, mountains and lakes. Spots include those for ‘camper-vans’ and tents, with boat rentals available for exploring the waters. The town of Svolvaer is a 10-minute drive away. There is no defined ideal time for camping holidays in Norway, but people generally visit Norway from May to September.
- Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA: One of the most popular camping holiday destinations in the United States, visitors flock here from near and far to get a look at the sheer magnificence of the Grand Canyon and the mighty Colorado River. Take a river raft trip, take a donkey tour to the very bottom of the canyon or simply explore the park on your own, on your camping holiday here. Autumn is perhaps the best time. Spring and fall are also the best times for camping holidays in Arizona.
- Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island: The Park highlights two of the world’s most active volcanoes and offers insights on the birth of the Hawaiian Islands and views of dramatic volcanic landscapes on your camping holiday. This is also a great place to enjoy a hike, a bike ride and scenic drive or to learn more about Hawaii’s plants, wildlife, and Kilauea – the world’s most active volcano. Rainfalls are heaviest from December to March and strike intensely some parts of the island. Avoid these months can be a good option, though the rain falls mostly at night.
- Greystoke Mahale, Tanzania, Africa: This is one destination for your camping holiday that ‘serves up nature on a silver platter.’ Kayaking and fishing list among potential activities, with neighbouring chimpanzees sounding their voice. June and October – Tanzania’s dry season is the best time to come for camping holidays here.
- Fiddler’s Creek Camp, South Africa: On the riverfront of the Orange River, Fiddler’s Creek Camp offers grassy ground and you’ll have views of the Richtersveld Mountains on your camping holiday here. A nearby restaurant serves up local cuisine and white-water rafting trips exist for an adventure filled camping holiday. The best time to visit is during the dry winter months between June and October.
- Eco Camp Patagonia, Chile: The Patagonia region contains mountains, jungle, rivers and glaciers for exploration on your camping holiday. Eco Camp lies at the base of the Andes in Torres del Paine National Park, with igloo-shaped tents representing what earlier nomadic inhabitants lived in. Most people visit from December to February when the weather is driest, warmest and windiest. Some prefer the months of October, November, March and April when the temperatures decrease but so do the winds.
- Coral Bay, Ningaloo Marine Park, Australia: The stunning coastal setting and pristine waters of Coral Bay are a must-see for any camper. Peoples’ Park Caravan Village is positioned on the shore of the coral lagoon at Ningaloo Marine Park. Visitors can pitch a tent, hire a cabin or pull up their caravan on their camping holiday here. There’s the opportunity to snorkel and catch glimpses of schools of tropical fish, manta rays and even turtles, or to view migrating humpback whales. For the more daring, quad-bike treks and catamaran reef excursions are also available, hosted by Coastal Adventure Tours on their camping holiday. Best time to visit: winter; in summer there is a danger of cyclones.
- Thailand: Thailand’s coast is pocked with hidden lagoons. Some of them are accessible only by helicopter or boats. Kayaks make a wonderful transport for reaching these private camping havens. A unique spot is along a tiny beach near the cliffs of Koh Penak. Bring a small set of watercolour paints and spend quiet time sketching. Set your tents up for your camping holiday and spend the night watching the stars and moon. The best time of year (with the most comfortable climate) for visiting most of Thailand falls between November and March.
Camping holidays are affordable, fun and active way of spending your holiday together with friends and family.
There is nothing quite like holidaying in the great outdoors to get back in touch with nature. From watching the wildlife to watching the stars, there is plenty to do on the average camping holiday. Getting away from the glare of city lights and experience nature as it truly is.