Last minute offer best catches without mistakes егэ ответы

1. Last Minute Off er
2. Best Catches Without Mistakes
3. Package Holiday
4. Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
5. Educational Tour
6. Green Travel
7. Mountain Adventure
8. New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration

A. La Baume is a holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience störe.

B. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environrnent as they do that you have a blast! Shamrocker and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the Companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.

C. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.

D. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhib-its at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!

E. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun.’ Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film Processing lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.

F. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the well-preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.

G. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters iakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed eoffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.

Промежуточная аттестация 11 класс

Вариант № 1

Установите соответствие между заголовками AH и текстами
1-7. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

         E. Breeding

          F. Cultivation

        G. Culinary uses

indoors          H. History

avocado originated in Mexico. The native uncultivated variety is small, with
dark black skin, and contains a large seed. The oldest evidence of avocado use,
which dates to around 10 000 BC, was found in a cave in Mexico. The avocado
tree also has a long period of cultivation in Central and South America. A
water jar shaped like an avocado, dating to AD 900, was discovered in the
pre-Incan city of Chan Chan.

word ‘avocado’ comes from the Spanish ‘aguacate’. Avocados were known by the
Aztecs as ‘the fertility fruit’. In some countries of South America, such as
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay, the avocado is known by its
Quechua name ‘palta’. The fruit is sometimes called an ‘avocado pear’ or
‘alligator pear’ due to its shape

the rough green skin. It is known as ‘Butter Fruit’ in parts of India.

avocado tree does not tolerate freezing temperatures, and can be grown only in
subtropical or tropical climates. High winds reduce the humidity, dehydrate the
flowers, and affect pollination. When even a mild frost occurs, premature fruit
drop may occur. The trees also need well-aerated soils, ideally more than 1 m
deep. These soil and climate conditions are available only in a few areas of
the world.

average avocado tree produces about 500 avocados annually. Commercial orchards
produce an average of seven tonnes per hectare each year, with some orchards
achieving 20 tonnes per hectare. The avocado is a climacteric fruit, which
means it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Avocados used in
commerce are picked hard and green and kept in coolers until they reach their
final destination.

are often grown from pits. This is done by removing the pit from a ripe,
unrefrigerated avocado. The

is placed in a jar or vase with tepid water. In four to six weeks, it should
split and out should come roots and a

Once the stem has grown a few inches, it is placed in a pot with soil. It
should be watered every few days.

have been known to grow large, so owners must be ready to repot the plant
several times.

fruit is not sweet, but fatty, and distinctly yet subtly flavoured. It is used
in both savoury and sweet dishes, though in many countries not for both. The
avocado is very popular in vegetarian cuisine as substitute for meats because
of its high fat content. Generally, avocado is served raw, though some cultivars
can be cooked for a short time without becoming bitter. Avocados are also used
to make salads.

leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals. Cats, dogs,
cattle, and horses can be

harmed or even killed when they consume them. Avocado leaves contain a fatty
acid derivative, persin, which in sufficient quantity can cause equine colic
and, without veterinary treatment, death. Birds also seem to be

sensitive to this compound. Negative effects in humans seem to be primarily in
allergic individuals.

II.     Прочитайте
текст и заполните пропуски 8–13 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами
AG. Одна из
частей в списке лишняя.

invention has an official birth date. For the Cube this date is 1974 8
__________ .
The inventor’s name is

a household word, Rubik’s Cube.

Although 1974 marks the appearance of the Cube, the processes that led to the
invention began a few years earlier. At the time, Erno Rubik was a lecturer at
the Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts in Budapest.

In the course of his teaching, Erno Rubik preferred to communicate his ideas by
the use of actual models, made from wood or plastic, 9 _________ . When
the Cube was completed, Erno Rubik demonstrated it to his students and let some
of his friends play with it. The effect was instantaneous. Once somebody laid
his hands on the Cube,

The compulsive interest of friends and students in the Cube
caught its creator completely by surprise and it was months before any thought
was given to the possibility of producing it on an industrial scale.

During 1978, the Cube began to make its way through the hands of fascinated
youths into homes and schools 11_________ . The challenge of trying to
master the Cube seemed to have a mesmeric effect on an amazing variety of

Grandmothers, bank managers, pilots and librarians could be seen working away
at their Cubes at any hour of the day. But it was the young, schoolboys and
students, 12 _________. Now the Cube is
part of a family

puzzles and games which bear the stamp of the genius who created the greatest
three dimensional puzzle the world has ever known.

Erno Rubik has not changed much over the years. Working closely with Seven
Towns, he is still deeply engaged in creating new games and puzzles, and
remains one of the

beneficiaries of 13 ____________.

was difficult to get it back

was the first step on the long road that led finally to the Cube

proved most adept at solving the puzzle

it was finally rejected

proved to be a spectacularly successful invention

the first working prototype came into being

any promotion or publicity

Заполните пропуски существительными, образованными от слов, напечатанных в
конце строк заглавными буквами.

A famous ____________ was killed yesterday.                                   REPORT

Everyone understands the ____________ of  environmental protection.          IMPORTANT             

Many rare species are threatened with ___________.                             EXTINCT

We must struggle for the __________ of endangered species.                     EXIST

Millions of people in the world are threatened with ___________.                 STARVE

There is no _________ between him and his father.                               RESEMBLE

This job loses its ____________ after a while.                                    EXCITE

There are no simple __________ to the problem of air pollution.                  SOLVE

You should make __________ for emergencies.                                  PROVIDE

There were more than 1,000 ___________ in the race.                            COMPETE

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами
25–34. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1–10, в которых представлены возможные
варианты ответов.

                       Hitchhiking in

Spain is such an obvious holiday destination that you almost take its beauty
for granted. (24) _________ , it’s the

country (after Italy) with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites!
Every village is a real

beauty! So if you are fond of photography, Spain is definitely the place to go.

(25) ___________
the best way to explore Spain is hitchhiking. (26) ________, Spain is
really easy to hitchhike

terms of weather. (27) __________it can get quite hot in summer, the
weather is generally pleasant and it seldom

(28) ___________, Spanish people are friendly and they understand the
idea of hitchhiking, (29) _______ they don’t normally ask for money. (30)
being sociable, not many local people speak English, so it’s a
good idea to learn some Spanish expressions before you set off. If you speak a bit
of Spanish, it can get you a long way.

(31) ___________
hitchhiking can be extremely time; consuming. The reason for this might be that
almost every

owns a car and they seem to use it for absolutely everything. (32) ____________,
they often visit friends in the

village or town. (33) ___________ when you finally get a lift, it may
only be for 10 km and then you will have to wait for another ten kilometer

So if you are a sociable person and have a lot of spare time, you’ll definitely
stand a chance of hitchhiking in Spain.

1) Despite           2) Besides            3) Moreover              4) However

1) Apart from that    2) In my opinion      3) For example           4) As a

1) Nevertheless     2) What is more      3) First of all              4)

1) Despite           2) In spite            3) Although               4)

1) Besides          2) Nevertheless       3) On the contrary        4) Yet

1) for example      2) therefore           3) although               4) in

1) Despite          2) In spite             3) Otherwise             4) Though

1) As a result       2) Moreover          3) That is why            4)

1) However         2) Therefore          3) For example          4) In my

1) First of all       2) That is why         3) Apart from that       4) On the

Промежуточная аттестация 11 класс

Вариант № 2

Установите соответствие между заголовками AH и текстами
1-7. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

minute offer                               E. Educational tour

catches without mistakes                  F. Green travel

holiday                               G. Mountain adventure

holiday for independent travelers            H. Underwater exploration

Baume is a holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is
divided into two main areas, each

their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy
to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume

boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most
of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.

the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as
they do that you have a

SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland.
Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands
while making as little negative impact as possible.

yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in
Vancouver and call in the

of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that
being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again.
Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you
have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.

us pick you up from selected locations for your day out at the Kennedy Space
Centre! Listen to expert narration

our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space
Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex,
including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show.
Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before
returning home!

dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to
a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor
Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of
exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an
onboard chef and a slide film

lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.

the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you
seek to explore the

history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the
well-preserved ruins of Machu

lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the
ultimate experience in Peru

travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your
wildest expectations.

is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes
and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides
live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and
error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the
addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed
coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.

II.     Прочитайте
текст и заполните пропуски 8–13 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами
AG. Одна из
частей в списке лишняя.

the saying goes … ‘water, water, everywhere’. Well, how much water is there;
where is this water; how does it


It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to not have clean water to drink. Water is
not evenly divided around the world. Some places have lots and others have very
little. Water supply is a big problem in some countries. Some people in Africa
carry water from a hole 8 __________ . This water source might not even
be in their town and they will have to travel to get it. Some kids wrote about
how they have dirty water at their school and sometimes kids get sick from
drinking it. We wonder 9 __________ .

We thought that the United States didn’t have any of those problems but we were
wrong. Appalachia, in the southern part of the United States, has some homes 10

In Arizona, the Central Arizona Project gets water piped in from the Colorado
River. This is a problem for the places that used to get most of the Colorado
River water 11 __________ . There are rules about how much water can

taken out of rivers. Some rivers in the West have reached that limit. There are
‘water wars’ where people argue over 12 __________ .

The problem of water supply keeps a lot of people looking for new ways to use
water better. Every time we use it, we take water away from the Earth. We know
how it flows on the surface and underground 13 __________ . In the past few
years, many households have been using rain barrels attached to the downspout
of their gutters to store and use rain water for the lawn and garden. If we
don’t spend that extra five minutes in the shower, or run the water when we brush
our teeth, we can make a difference!

has the right to use the water

provide people with most of the water

is bored or dug into the ground

still don’t have running water

it gets to us

we can do about this

they can’t get as much now

Заполните пропуски существительными, образованными от слов, напечатанных в
конце строк заглавными буквами.

A lot of money was spent on the __________ of the new
hospital.                          EQUIP

I soon came to the __________ that she was
lying.                                         CONCLUDE

Jane is the best ___________ in our group.                                                 SWIM

Do you know the correct __________ of this
word?                                        PRONOUNCE

__________ can have a variety of
causes.                                                  DISOBEY

The painting was bought by a private
___________.                                        COLLECT

I just need to make a few ___________ before we can print the article.                  

Technical __________ is provided free of charge.                                          ASSIST

This ______________ appeared in three
newspapers.                                      ADVERTISE

Mr. Porter is asking for a contract ____________
.                                       EXTEND

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами
25–34. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1–10, в которых представлены возможные
варианты ответов.

in Spain

Spain is such an obvious holiday destination that you almost take its beauty
for granted. (24) _________ , it’s the

country (after Italy) with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites! Every
village is a real

beauty! So if you are fond of photography, Spain is definitely the place to go.

(25) ___________
the best way to explore Spain is hitchhiking. (26) ________, Spain is
really easy to hitchhike

terms of weather. (27) __________it can get quite hot in summer, the
weather is generally pleasant and it seldom

(28) ___________, Spanish people are friendly and they understand the
idea of hitchhiking, (29) _______ they don’t normally ask for money. (30)
being sociable, not many local people speak English, so it’s a
good idea to learn some Spanish expressions before you set off. If you speak a
bit of Spanish, it can get you a long way.

(31) ___________
hitchhiking can be extremely time; consuming. The reason for this might be that
almost every

owns a car and they seem to use it for absolutely everything. (32)
, they often visit friends in the

village or town. (33) ___________ when you finally get a lift, it may
only be for 10 km and then you will have to wait for another ten kilometer

So if you are a sociable person and have a lot of spare time, you’ll definitely
stand a chance of hitchhiking in Spain.

1) Despite           2) Besides            3) Moreover              4) However

1) Apart from that    2) In my opinion      3) For example           4) As a

1) Nevertheless     2) What is more      3) First of all              4)

1) Despite           2) In spite            3) Although               4)

1) Besides          2) Nevertheless       3) On the contrary        4) Yet

1) for example      2) therefore           3) although               4) in

1) Despite          2) In spite             3) Otherwise             4) Though

1) As a result       2) Moreover          3) That is why            4)

1) However         2) Therefore          3) For example          4) In my

1) First of all       2) That is why         3) Apart from that       4) On the


№ 1


1-      H

2-      B

3-      F

4-      A

5-      D

6-      G

7-      C


8-      F

9-      B

10-  A

11-  G

12-  C

13-  E


14 —  reporter 

 15- importance

 16-  extinction

17- existence

18- starvation

19-  resemblance

20-  excitement

21-  solutions

22-  provisions

23-  competitors


24- 4












1-      D

2-      F

3-      A

4-      E

5-      H

6-      G

7-      B


8-      C

9-      F

10-  D

11-  G

12-  A

13-  E


14 —

 15- conclusion

 16- swimmer

 17- pronunciation

18- Disobedience

19- collector

20-  corrections

21-  assistance

22-  advertisement

23-  extension


24- 4










10 Класс Стартовый контроль

I Установите соответствие между заголовками A- H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A Last Minute Offer

B Best Catches Without Mistakes

C Package Holiday

D Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers

E Educational Tour

F Green Travel

G Mountain Adventure

H New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration

  1. La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.

  2. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.

  3. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.

  4. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!

  5. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.

  6. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.

    1. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.

II Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.

2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.

3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.

4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.

5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.

6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.

7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.

8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.

9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.

10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.

III Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.

Our____________(1) in New York was arrive

spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty

make a___________(2) sight. New beauty

York has a_________(3) of over seven million populate

and it is probably the word’s most famous city.

The_________(4) of the ‘Big Apple’ come inhabit

from many different countries. There are

more________(5) in New York than in any nation

other place on earth. It also has more________(6) tour

than any other city except London,__________(7) special

in the summer.________(8)come from over the world visit

and have a__________(9) time. There are so many wonder

sights for them to get________(10) about enthusiasm

-whether it’s some of the best museums in the

world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.


Задание I — DFAEHGB

Задание II — 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. were; 7. is; 8. does; 9. makes; 10. enjoy

Задание III — arrival, beautiful, population, inhabitants, nationalities, tourists, especially, visitors, wonderful, enthusiastic

10 Б класс Стартовый контроль

I Установите соответствие между заголовками A- H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A Last Minute Offer

B Best Catches Without Mistakes

C Package Holiday

D Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers

E Educational Tour

F Green Travel

G Mountain Adventure

H New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration

1 La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.

  1. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.

  2. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.

  3. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!

  4. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.

  5. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.

    1. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.

II Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.

2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.

3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.

4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.

5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.

6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.

7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.

8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.

9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.

10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.

III Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.

Our____________(1) in New York was arrive

spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty

make a___________(2) sight. New beauty

York has a_________(3) of over seven million populate

and it is probably the word’s most famous city.

The_________(4) of the ‘Big Apple’ come inhabit

from many different countries. There are

more________(5) in New York than in any nation

other place on earth. It also has more________(6) tour

than any other city except London,__________(7) special

in the summer.________(8)come from over the world visit

and have a__________(9) time. There are so many wonder

sights for them to get________(10) about enthusiasm

-whether it’s some of the best museums in the

world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Maurette who writes:

My Dad has got a new job. What do your parents do? What kind of job would you like to have and why? What kind of training do you need for it?

I saw a wonderful film last week …

Write a letter to Maurette.

In your letter

-answer her questions

-ask 3 questions about the film

Write 100

140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Задание I — DFAEHGB

Задание II — 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. were; 7. is; 8. does; 9. makes; 10. enjoy

Задание III — arrival, beautiful, population, inhabitants, nationalities, tourists, especially, visitors, wonderful, enthusiastic

A — 3
B — 7
C — 1
E — 4
F — 2
G — 6
H — 5

A.Last Minute Offer
B.Best Catches Without Mistakes
C.Package Holiday
D.Summer Holiday for Independent Travellers
E.Educational Tour
F.Green Travel
G.Mountain Adventure
H.New Opportunities for Underwater Exploration

1)La Baume is a 5-tent holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.
2)Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.
3)Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out that seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.
4)Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show and enjoy the live-action show ‘Mad Mission to Mars 2025.’ Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!
5)A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab- amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.
6)Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and the grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush clouds forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure tour. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.
7)It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.



  1. Look always in the mirror before you start driving.
  2. Here is coming my bus.
  3. It’s saying in today’s paper that there’s going to be another strike.
  4. When I was a child, I was playing a lot of basketball.
  5. It happened while I stayed in Ireland.
  6. ‘How long are you here for?’ ‘Since March.’.
  7. Who has given you that?
  8. We visit my sister every few days since we’ve bought the car.
  9. I had left a coat to be repaired. Is it ready?
  10. I could get in touch with Martin yesterday, at last.
  11. Use my phone? Yes, of course you could.
  12. She only left a few minutes ago: she mustn’t be home yet.
  13. I’m not sure where Sarah is. She can be with Jason.
  14. May you change your job soon?
  15. They don’t allow people parking in front of the factory.
  16. I can’t think of anybody whom to ask for help.
  17. These pills are to take three times a day.
  18. This material is impossible to catch fire.
  19. This box is too heavy to lift it.
  20. I had trouble in my first term, because I wasn’t used to write long essays.
  21. The talking to the driver is strictly forbidden.
  22. He’s doing researches on low-temperature physics.
  23. The biggest time-waster in our office are meetings.
  24. We need a five-litres can of oil.
  25. I had a disappointment feeling when I saw my exam results.
  26. Pete’s and Ann’s new house is lovely.
  27. I’ve forgotten their street’s name.
  28. I especially like mountain’s flowers.
  29. In the 17th century one believed in witches.
  30. Do you want a plain one or a one with cream?
  31. My children are more interested in parties than in the nature.
  32. The number of the unemployed is rising steadily.
  33. My brother works at the Birmingham Airport.
  34. Whole Venice was under water.
  35. She fell unconsciously on the floor.
  36. I got talking to a nice and old woman on the bus.
  37. The questioned students were released and allowed to go home..
  38. More you smile, more you look beautiful.
  39. I’m impressed by your so excellent English.
  40. Our house is among the woods, the river and the village.
  41. There’s a supermarket just across the street, directly in front of our house.
  42. In a better world you would be free to say what you would think.
  43. I’m busy today: I’d rather you come tomorrow.
  44. It’s time they go home.
  45. I wish I would have more free time.
  46. We’ll go skiing next weekend in case the snow’s good.
  47. I had supper, then I phoned Jean.
  48. It was cold, however it was pleasant.
  49. At no time she said anything about her illness.
  50. Is it going to rain? I don’t hope so.

Answer Key 

  1. Always look …
  2. Here comes …
  3. It says …
  4. … I played …
  5. … while I was staying …
  6. ‘How long have you been …’ / ‘… Until …’.
  7. Who gave …
  8. … since we bought … / … since buying …
  9. I left …
  10. I managed to (was able to) get in touch …  / I succeeded in getting in touch …
  11. … of course you can.
  12. … she can’t be home yet.
  13. … She may / might / could be …
  14. Do you think you may …. / Might you …?
  15. They don’t allow parking / people to park …
  16. … anybody to ask …
  17. … to be taken …
  18. … cannot catch fire. / It’s impossible for this material to catch fire.
  19. … too heavy to lift.
  20. … used to writing …
  21. Talking to the driver …
  22. … (some) research …
  23. … is meetings.
  24. … a five-litre can …
  25. … a feeling of disappointment.
  26. Pete and Ann’s …
  27. … the name of their street.
  28. … mountain flowers.
  29. … they believed … / … people believed.
  30. … or one with cream.
  31. … than in nature.
  32. The number of unemployed …
  33. … at Birmingham Airport.
  34. The whole of Venice … / All of Venice …
  35. She fell unconscious …
  36. … a nice old woman …
  37. The students questioned …
  38. The more you smile, the more beautiful you look.
  39. … your English, which is so excellent. / … your excellent English.
  40. … between the woods …
  41. … opposite our house.
  42. … to say what you thought. / … what you think.
  43. … I’d rather you came …
  44. … they went home.
  45. I wish I had …
  46. … if the snow’s good.
  47. I had supper; then I phoned Jean.
  48. It was cold; however, it was pleasant.
  49. At no time did she say …
  50. … I hope not.

© Michael Swan and Catherine Walter. Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced.


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Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. The invention of a highlighter

2. For drawing angles

3. Three-ring binder

4. Shaped like breadbaskets

5. An ancient writing tool

6. Important properties

7. Regional differences

8. For carrying textbooks

A. An ancient Roman writing instrument, the stylus, gave rise to the modem pencil. Some early styluses were made of lead. When graphite was documented in Borrowdale, England, in 1564, the mineral replaced the heavy metal. Graphite left a darker mark on papyrus, but it was so soft that it crumbled easily. To protect the graphite, a holder had to be fashioned for it. The first holders were nothing more than string wound around graphite sticks. Later, hollow wooden sticks replaced the string.

B. In the United States and Canada, it’s an eraser. But in the United Kingdom, India, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, the object used to eradicate pencil or ink marks is known as a rubber. Before 1770, when erasers first appeared, many people used small rubber or wax slabs to rub out their penciled mistakes. To eradicate errors in ink, they employed sandstone or pumice. Japanese writers used soft bread to erase pencil marks.

C. Starting in 1888, when American tanner John Loud patented his version of a ballpoint pen to mark hides, over 350 other inventors began patenting additional designs for a ballpoint pen, but none of them saw production. The viscosity, or thickness, of the ink had to be just right: too thin, and it leaked; too thick, and it clogged. The ink’s viscosity was often at the mercy of the temperature. In 1935, Ladislas and Greg Biro set out to invent a better pen and made their Biro pen.

D. Before the 1960s, when Japanese inventor Yukio Horie invented a felt-tip pen that used water-based ink, students kept track of important textbook information by making marginal notes and underlining key words and passages. In 1963, Carter’s Ink produced the Hi-Liter, a marker similar to Horie’s pen. Both instruments rely on capillary action to draw ink into their tips. Fluorescent colours were introduced in 1978. Since then, polyethylene beads molded into porous heads have replaced felt tips, and there are retractable and scented models.

E. The protractor has been measuring angles for 500 years. Mapma- ker Thomas Blundeville first described the instrument in his 1589 monograph. By the early 17th century, protractors were commonly used by maritime navigators. By the 20th century, their use among students in elementary and intermediate schools became prevalent. The variety of uses for protractors dictates their range of shapes. Protractors made of brass, steel, ivory, and plastic appear in the forms of circles, rectangles, squares, semicircles and quarter-circles.

F. German inventor and office supplier Friedrich Soennecken invented the ring binder in 1886. Later, two holes in the side of the binder were added, 80 millimeters apart from one another, setting the standard distance between these openings. When loose-leaf paper appeared in 1854, Henry T. Sisson invented the two- and three- ring binders, but they weren’t mass-produced until 1899, when the Chicago Binder and File Company began to sell the product. The three-ring version remains the most favoured by today’s students.

G. Backpacks haven’t been around for very long. Before their advent, students strapped stacks of books together and carried them at the end of leather or cloth thongs. Alternatively, they carried them by hand, boys slung under their arms, girls cradling them as though they were babes in arms. In 1938, outdoor clothing and gear retailer Gerry Outdoors invented the first zippered backpack, but students weren’t interested in them at the time. They sold mostly to campers, hikers, and skiers. Students stuck with straps or used small briefcases called satchels.

Are you free to talk right now?
Мы можем сейчас поговорить?
Listen, you’ve caught me at a bad time. I’m writing an article, and my deadline’s in an hour.
Знаешь, сейчас не самое лучшее время. Я пишу статью, и должна сдать ее через час.
You really like leaving things to the last minute!
Да, ты любишь оставлять все на последнюю минуту.
I know. It’s a terrible habit.
Да-да, знаю. Отвратительная привычка.
I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll speak to you later.
Ну, тогда не буду тебе мешать. Поговорим позже.

The last minute – последняя возможность сделать что-либо; что-либо, происходящее в последний момент

Why do you always leave everything till the last minute?
Почему ты всегда все оставляешь на последнюю минуту?

Сегодня 18.04.2022 22:46 свежие новости час назад
Прогноз на сегодня : Ege best . Развитие событий.

Актуально сегодня (18.04.2022 22:46): Ege best

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1. Ege best

2. Edge best

3. Ege best school

4. Ege best film

5. Honesty is the best policy егэ ответы

6. The best breakfast in the world егэ ответы

7. Madris do not have the best егэ

8. Online shopping is the best егэ

9. The man booker prize for fiction is awarded every year for the best егэ ответы

10. The best moving pictures are in our heads егэ ответы

11. Tavistock devon at its best егэ ответы

12. The man booker prize for fiction is awarded every year for the best егэ

13. The best bicycle trip questions егэ ответы

14. The best time of year to visit it вопрос егэ

15. Women doing men’s jobs holidays the best time to visit егэ

16. The best moving pictures are in our heads егэ

17. Gorky park in moscow is one of the best recreational places ответы егэ

18. Tavistock devon at its best егэ

19. Cristiano ronaldo the world’s best football player егэ

20. The best bicycle trip егэ

21. The best viewpoints егэ ответы

22. Cristiano ronaldo the world’s best football player егэ ответы

23. Its the best to be here early especially on saturdays егэ ответы

24. The best times of day to fish егэ ответы

25. The best times of day to fish are one hour егэ ответы

26. The best breakfast in the world егэ

27. The best of american theatre егэ ответы

28. Honesty is the best policy егэ

29. The best viewpoints егэ

30. Last minute offer best catches without mistakes егэ ответы

31. The best times of day to fish егэ

32. The best times of day to fish are one hour before and after high tide егэ ответы

33. The best times of day to fish are one hour before and after high tide егэ

34. Magpies do not have the best of reputations. they are well known for their thievery егэ

35. Magpies do not have the best of reputations. they are well known for their thievery егэ чтение

36. It’s best to be here early especially on saturdays the rising pitch егэ ответы

37. The best time of day to fish are one hour before егэ

38. The best time of day to fish are one hour before and after high tide ответы егэ

39. The best times of day to fish are one hour егэ

40. Magpies do not have the best of reputations. they are well known for their thievery чтение егэ

41. Last minute offer best catches without mistakes егэ

Ege best

Ege best

Ege best

Ege best

Ege best

Ege best
Ege best

Ege best
Ege best
Ege best
Ege best
Ege best
Ege best

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    Раздел “Чтение” включает три типа заданий:

    • задание 10 — базового уровня — с кратким ответом на установление соответствия;

    • задание 11 — повышенного уровня — с кратким ответом на установление соответствия;

    • задания 12-18 — высокого уровня — с выбором ответа из четырёх предложенных вариантов.

    Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий этого раздела — 30 мин. Максимально возможный первичный балл за весь раздел — 20.

    Задание 10

    Задание 10 направлено на проверку понимания основного содержания 7 небольших по объёму текстов. Это может быть единый текст, разделённый на смысловые абзацы, или отрывки из разных текстов. Ученику предлагается на выбор 8 заголовков, один из которых — лишний. Задача экзаменуемого — подобрать к каждому тексту заголовок, наилучшим образом отражающий основную идею отрывка. За каждое правильно установленное соответствие (т.е. за каждый правильно подобранный заголовок) учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимально возможное количество первичных баллов за это задание — 7.

    Тексты обозначаются буквами А-G, а предлагаемые для выбора заголовки — цифрами 1-8. Под текстами есть табличка, в которую экзаменуемый записывает предварительные ответы.

    По окончании выполнения этого задания следует перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов № 1 в окошко для задания 10. Не забудьте, что вы должны записать последовательность из 7 цифр без пробелов и знаков препинания.


    • Это задание не требует внимательного, вдумчивого чтения. Используйте приёмы просмотрового и поискового чтения.

    • Сначала внимательно прочитайте заголовки и подчеркните в них ключевые слова.

    • Затем прочитайте весь текст, чтобы понять его основное содержание.

    • Не волнуйтесь, если вы не знаете некоторых слов. Возможно, они не играют важной роли в определении общего смысла текста.

    • После этого приступайте к подбору заголовков. Прочитав отрывок, определите его основную идею, а затем подберите заголовок, который ближе всего её отражает. Основная идея — это главное, что хотел сказать автор отрывка.

    • Помните, что в заголовке не обязательно будут те слова, которые встречаются в тексте. Скорее всего, основная мысль будет выражена другими словами, поэтому при подборе заголовка следует опираться не на слова, а на смысл высказывания.

    • Не забудьте, что один заголовок — лишний. После того, как вы подобрали заголовки ко всем текстам, убедитесь, что оставшийся заголовок не подходит ни к одному отрывку.

    • Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного задания — 7 мин.


    1. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовоклишний.

    1. Harvest

    2. Etymology

    3. Toxicity

    4. Growing indoors

    5. Breeding

    6. Cultivation

    7. Culinary uses

    8. History

    A. The avocado originated in Mexico. The native uncultivated variety is small, with dark black skin, and contains a large seed. The oldest evidence of avocado use, which dates to around 10 000 BC, was found in a cave in Mexico. The avocado tree also has a long period of cultivation in Central and South America. A water jar shaped like an avocado, dating to AD 900, was discovered in the pre-Incan city of Chan Chan.

    B. The word ‘avocado’ comes from the Spanish ‘aguacate’. Avocados were known by the Aztecs as ‘the fertility fruit’. In some countries of South America, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay, the avocado is known by its Quechua name ‘palta’. The fruit is sometimes called an ‘avocado pear’ or ‘alligator pear’ due to its shape and the rough green skin. It is known as ‘Butter Fruit’ in parts of India.

    C. The avocado tree does not tolerate freezing temperatures, and can be grown only in subtropical or tropical climates. High winds reduce the humidity, dehydrate the flowers, and affect pollination. When even a mild frost occurs, premature fruit drop may occur. The trees also need well-aerated soils, ideally more than 1 m deep. These soil and climate conditions are available only in a few areas of the world.

    D. An average avocado tree produces about 500 avocados annually. Commercial orchards produce an average of seven tonnes per hectare each year, with some orchards achieving 20 tonnes per hectare. The avocado is a climacteric fruit, which means it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Avocados used in commerce are picked hard and green and kept in coolers until they reach their final destination.

    E. Avocados are often grown from pits. This is done by removing the pit from a ripe, unrefrigerated avocado. The pit is placed in a jar or vase with tepid water. In four to six weeks, it should split and out should come roots and a sprout. Once the stem has grown a few inches, it is placed in a pot with soil. It should be watered every few days. Avocados have been known to grow large, so owners must be ready to repot the plant several times.

    F. The fruit is not sweet, but fatty, and distinctly yet subtly flavoured. It is used in both savoury and sweet dishes, though in many countries not for both. The avocado is very popular in vegetarian cuisine as substitute for meats because of its high fat content. Generally, avocado is served raw, though some cultivars can be cooked for a short time without becoming bitter. Avocados are also used to make salads.

    G. Avocado leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals. Cats, dogs, cattle, and horses can be severely harmed or even killed when they consume them. Avocado leaves contain a fatty acid derivative, persin, which in sufficient quantity can cause equine colic and, without veterinary treatment, death. Birds also seem to be particularly sensitive to this compound. Negative effects in humans seem to be primarily in allergic individuals.








    2. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовоклишний.

    1. Last minute offer

    2. Best catches without mistakes

    3. Package holiday

    4. A holiday for independent travellers

    5. Educational tour

    6. Green travel

    7. Mountain adventure

    8. Underwater exploration

    A. La Baume is a holiday camping site that caters for tents and caravans. It is divided into two main areas, each with their own pool area and facilities. They are a short walk apart so it is easy to enjoy the benefits of both. La Baume also boasts a small gift shop, a swimwear shop and a supermarket, which offers most of the goods you would expect from a local convenience store.

    B. Explore the UK and Ireland knowing your guides care as deeply about the environment as they do that you have a blast! SHAMROCKER and HAGGIS specialize in authentic tours of Ireland and Scotland. Locals run the companies with the goal of showing you the best of their lands while making as little negative impact as possible.

    C. Here’s yet another great deal for an Alaska cruise. You’ll begin your adventure in Vancouver and call in the ports of Ketchikan and Skagway before disembarking in Seward. If you thought that being able to afford a dream cruise to Alaska was out of reach, think again. Check out this seven-night cruise that starts at only $349 per person, but you have to jump on it fast since the sailing date’s just days away.

    D. Let us pick you up from selected locations for your day out at the Kennedy Space Centre! Listen to expert narration from our knowledgeable guides as we stop to get a bird’s eye view of the Space Shuttle launch pads. See other shows and exhibits at the Visitor Complex, including a chance to meet a real astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Try your hand at a mission control console and take a virtual moonwalk before returning home!

    E. A dive vacation is much more than someone handing you a tank, transporting you to a dive site and saying, ‘Have Fun’. Divers want much more. Today, Aggressor Fleet yachts span the globe in twelve different countries and the list of exotic destinations keeps growing. The yachts have got private staterooms, an onboard chef and a slide film processing lab — amenities that were unheard of on recreational dive boats.

    F. Experience the centuries-old Inca Trail trek, the most famous of Peru hiking tours. If you seek to explore the culture, history, and grandeur of the Peruvian Andes, this trip is for you. From the well-preserved ruins of Machu Picchu to lush cloud forests and snow-covered peaks, this ten-day tour promises the ultimate experience in Peru adventure travel. Whatever itinerary you choose, this vacation is sure to meet your wildest expectations.

    G. It is not just the spring that offers great fishing. These Boundary Waters lakes and rivers offer excellent fishing opportunities all season long. Our guides live for fishing these waters and will help you eliminate hours of trial and error on the water. They are there to put you on the fish! Not to mention the addition of a camp cook. Wake in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and breakfast cooking on the fire.








    3. Прочитайте рекомендации учёных как построить счастливую семью. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

    1. Head-and-heart listening

    2. Clear responsibilities

    3. Family discussions

    4. Flexibility

    5. Balanced communication

    6. Caring and appreciation

    7. Family roots

    8. Encouragement

    A. Building a successful family is like building a home. Both need a plan. A successful family based on unity and love takes careful planning, but it’s worth every moment. The best way to be organized as a family is to talk together about family matters. By doing this, families enjoy a special closeness and stability. Memories made together during this time will bond and sustain your family through the years.

    B. Family traditions promote feelings of warmth and unity. Trace your family tree and collect all the photographs of your ancestors that you can find. Public libraries and bookstores have books on genealogy for you to get you started. Compile a family oral history. Ask older relatives to talk about their parents and childhood and record their comments. These stories contain a glimpse of the past that would be lost otherwise.

    C. How much time should families spend together? That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together. Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.

    D. Strong families take time to talk to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns. It means laying aside personal views and really trying to understand the other person’s point of view. This involves listening beyond words to the meanings and feelings attached to them. A good listener can better understand and respond to the needs and concerns of others if he or she cares about them.

    E. Members of successful families feel they really belong in their family. They feel accepted for what they are and promote one another’s self-esteem. They celebrate their victories and help each other learn from mistakes. However, sometimes life gets rough and we need all the support we can get. A cheering word from a family member can really come in handy. Put the words on sticky notes and stick them in places where they can be easily found.

    F. Strong families develop predictable routines and rules that govern their everyday life. Stable patterns empower a family to deal with challenges inevitable in family life; without such patterns, chaos would result. At the same time, strong families adapt their relationships and family rules when the need arises. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive is a good trait for family members to develop.

    G. Recent studies confirm the importance of love in families. Research shows that expressions of affection towards children enhance their development. Strong families notice positive aspects of each member. They notice the talents, skills and achievements that make a person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake and make a conscious effort to develop closeness and show love at home.








    4. Прочитайте короткие тексты о спорте и спортсменах. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы, в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

    1. Various applications

    2. Changing styles

    3. Benefits of sport

    4. Choosing equipment

    5. A sport or a hobby?

    6. Unexpected victory

    7. Breaking world record

    8. Challenging sport

    A. Playing sports is a great way to make exercise fun and help children to develop healthy habits. Sports can also help children improve their agility, balance, and coordination. Participating in sports can help build a child’s self-esteem. Studies show that children who play sports work harder in the classroom. Children also learn problem-solving skills and time management skills when they are part of a team.

    B. Late last week BMX legend, Kevin Robinson, made history by flying higher than any human has ever gone on a BMX bike as part of Red Bull Experiment in New York City! Thousands of fans and spectators were on-site to catch all the action. This awesome feat had been a lifelong dream of Kevin’s which until now no one else has ever been able to pull off!

    C. American tennis star Venus Williams has lost her place at the Madrid Open when she was beaten in the second- round part of the contest by Russian teenager Alisa Kleybanova. Williams is the current world number three and her 19-year-old opponent was unseeded so the defeat came as a big shock. Williams said she thought Kleybanova had won ‘by just being aggressive from both sides of the court’.

    D. Skateboarding traces its roots to the seventies but it really reached the peak of its popularity in the mid-eighties to the present when major skateboard manufacturers propelled it to new heights. First, they started with half-pipe and very ramp skateboarding. As the years went by, the focus shifted to street skateboarding, which brought about a few changes in deck shape and wheel size.

    E. While the majority of scuba diving is recreation, there are those that do it for a living as well. Scientific exploration and research is another area with a lot of scuba diving demand. They spend a lot of time in the water watching sea life cycles, and how microorganisms fit the whole underwater environment. There are also others that work in constructing underwater platforms that are often used for research as well as offshore oil.

    F. Surfing is a sport which is undertaken by almost every individual in the U.S. This term is often referred to as a surface water sport in which the person surfing is carried along the face of a breaking ocean wave standing on a surfboard. Surfboards can also be used on rivers on standing waves. Some people practise this as a hobby while others become professional surfers.

    G. If you’re interested in snowboarding, you will need to find out which length and width board is best for you. Both of these factors are critical to the success of snowboarding. Be aware that shorter boards are easier to manoeuvre, therefore making them great if you are just learning to snowboard. When it comes to width, it is important to consider foot size when choosing the width of a board.










    Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 30 (part 1)

    Learning a Language


    I’m going to start off by saying that the easiest way to learn a new language is by taking formal classes.
    (степени сравнения)



    Last year I took a 40-minute English class once a week and it was definitely worth the money.
    (past simple, т.к. действие происходило в прошлом не связанном с настоящим)



    If you do not have the time or money to attend classes, you can of course teach yourself any language you want.
    (present simple, т.к. это общее утверждение)



    If you have absolutely no prior knowledge of the language you are trying to learn, start by buying the same textbooks that schools use.
    (present continuous, т.к. говорится о языке, который вы пытаетесь выучить сейчас)



    What makes using textbooks such a great tool for learning is that they are written in a context that makes it easy to understand.
    (present simple passive, т.к. общее утверждение и они написаны, а не сами что-то пишут)



    Besides, you can use the Internet, which is the greatest resource of knowledge that mankind has ever had.
    (present perfect, т.к. знание, которое человечество имело до настоящего времени. Процесс не завершён)



    But remember! You will not get any better without speaking and listening to the language. No matter what path you take in learning a new language, this is by far the most important step.
    (future, вы не станете (говорить) лучше без …)



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    Тип 10 № 39

    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

    1.  Places to stay in

    2.  Arts and culture

    3.  New country image

    4.  Going out

    5.  Different landscapes

    6.  Transport system

    7.  National languages

    8.  Eating out

    A. Belgium has always had a lot more than the faceless administrative buildings that you can see in the outskirts of its capital, Brussels. A number of beautiful historic cities and Brussels itself offer impressive architecture, lively nightlife, first-rate restaurants and numerous other attractions for visitors. Today, the old-fashioned idea of ‘boring Belgium’ has been well and truly forgotten, as more and more people discover its very individual charms for themselves.

    B. Nature in Belgium is varied. The rivers and hills of the Ardennes in the southeast contrast sharply with the rolling plains which make up much of the northern and western countryside. The most notable features are the great forest near the frontier with Germany and Luxembourg and the wide, sandy beaches of the northern coast.

    C. It is easy both to enter and to travel around pocket- sized Belgium which is divided into the Dutchspeaking north and the French-speaking south. Officially the Belgians speak Dutch, French and German. Dutch is slightly more widely spoken than French, and German is spoken the least. The Belgians, living in the north, will often prefer to answer visitors in English rather than French, even if the visitor’s French is good.

    D. Belgium has a wide range of hotels from 5-star luxury to small family pensions and inns. In some regions of the country, farm holidays are available. There visitors can (for a small cost) participate in the daily work of the farm. There are plenty of opportunities to rent furnished villas, flats, rooms, or bungalows for a holiday period. These holiday houses and flats are comfortable and well-equipped.

    E. The Belgian style of cooking is similar to French, based on meat and seafood. Each region in Belgium has its own special dish. Butter, cream, beer and wine are generously used in cooking. The Belgians are keen on their food, and the country is very well supplied with excellent restaurants to suit all budgets. The perfect evening out here involves a delicious meal, and the restaurants and cafes are busy at all times of the week.

    F. As well as being one of the best cities in the world for eating out (both for its high quality and range), Brussels has a very active and varied nightlife. It has 10 theatres which produce plays in both Dutch and French. There are also dozens of cinemas, numerous discos and many night-time cafes in Brussels. Elsewhere, the nightlife choices depend on the size of the town, but there is no shortage of fun to be had in any of the major cities.

    G. There is a good system of underground trains, trams and buses in all the major towns and cities. In addition, Belgium’s waterways offer a pleasant way to enjoy the country. Visitors can take a one-hour cruise around the canals of Bruges (sometimes described as the Venice of the North) or an extended cruise along the rivers and canals linking the major cities of Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Текст A B C D E F G


    Тип 10 № 85

    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

    1.  Places to stay in

    2.  Public transport

    3.  Cultural differences

    4.  Nightlife

    5.  Camping holidays

    6.  Contacts with neighbours

    7.  Different landscapes

    8.  Eating out

    A. Sweden is a land of contrast, from the Danish influence of the southwest to the Laplanders wandering freely with their reindeer in the wild Arctic north. And while Sweden in cities is stylish and modern, the countryside offers many simpler pleasures for those who look for peace and calm. The land and its people have an air of reserved calm, and still the world’s best-selling pop group Abba, which used to attract crowds of hysterical fans, come from Sweden.

    B. Historically, Sweden has an interesting story. Its dealings with the outside world began, in fact, during Viking times, when in addition to the well- known surprise attacks of the nearby lands, there was much trading around the Baltic, mostly in furs and weapons. Swedish connections with the other Scandinavian countries, Norway and Denmark, have been strong since the Middle Ages. The monarchies of all three are still closely linked.

    C. Sweden’s scenery has a gentler charm than that of neighbouring Norway’s rocky coast. Much of Sweden is forested, and there are thousands lakes, notably large pools near the capital, Stockholm. The lakeside resort in the centre of Sweden is popular with Scandinavians, but most visitors prefer first the Baltic islands. The largest island, Gotland, with its ruined medieval churches, is a particular attraction.

    D. Sweden boasts a good range of hotels, covering the full spectrum of prices and standards. Many of them offer discounts in summer and at weekends during the winter. In addition, working farms throughout Sweden offer accommodation, either in the main farmhouse or in a cottage nearby. Forest cabins and chalets are also available throughout the country, generally set in beautiful surroundings, near lakes, in quiet forest glades or on an island in some remote place.

    E. Living in a tent or caravan with your family or friends at weekends and on holiday is extremely popular in Sweden and there is a fantastic variety of special places. Most are located on a lakeside or by the sea with free bathing facilities close at hand. There are over 600 campsites in the country. It is often possible to rent boats or bicycles, play mini-golf or tennis, ride a horse or relax in a sauna. It is also possible to camp in areas away from other houses.

    F. Swedes like plain meals, simply prepared from the freshest ingredients. As a country with a sea coast and many freshwater lakes, fish dishes are found on all hotel or restaurant menus. Top-class restaurants in Sweden are usually fairly expensive, but even the smallest towns have reasonably priced self-service restaurants and grill bars. Many restaurants all over Sweden offer a special dish of the day at a reduced price that includes main course, salad, soft drink and coffee.

    G. Stockholm has a variety of pubs, cafes, clubs, restaurants, cinemas and theatres but in the country evenings tend to be very calm and peaceful. From August to June the Royal Ballet performs in Stockholm. Music and theatre productions take place in many cities during the summer in the open air. Outside Stockholm in the 18th-century palace there are performances of 18th-century opera very popular with tourists.

    Говорящий A B C D E F G


    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

    1.  Education

    2.  Way of life

    3.  Public transport

    4.  Geography

    5.  Places to stay in

    6.  Favourite food

    7.  Hot spots for kids

    8.  Nightlife

    A. Denmark, a small kingdom in northern Europe, has a lot of interesting places for tourists with children. For example, Legoland, a theme park, has become the largest tourist attraction in Denmark outside its capital Copenhagen. And Copenhagen itself is world famous for its Tivoli Gardens amusement park, which opened in 1843 in the heart of the city. The park offers ballet and circus performances, restaurants, concerts, and fireworks displays.

    B. Denmark is the smallest Scandinavian country, consisting of the Jutland peninsula, north of Germany, and over 400 islands of various sizes, some inhabited and linked to the mainland by ferry or bridge. Throughout the country, low hills provide a constant change of attractive views; there are also cool and shady forests of beech trees, large areas of open land covered with rough grass, a beautiful lake district, sand dunes and white cliffs on the coast.

    C. More than four-fifths of all Danes live in towns. The main cities represent a combination of medieval buildings, such as castles and cathedrals, and modern office buildings and homes. Denmark’s high standard of living and wide-ranging social services guarantee that the cities have no poor districts. Most people in the cities live in flats. But in the suburbs many also live in single-family houses.

    D. Denmark’s fine beaches attract many visitors, and there are hotels and pensions in all major seaside resorts. Besides, excellent inns are to be found all over the country. Some are small and only serve local travellers, but others are adapted to the tourist and have established reputations for both international dishes and local specialities. There are also private rooms to let, usually for one night, and chalets all over Denmark.

    E. There is a wide selection of places to go out in the evening, particularly in Copenhagen. Jazz and dance clubs in the capital city are top quality and world-famous performers appear regularly. There are numerous cafes, beer gardens and speciality beer bars. Entertainment available includes opera at the recently opened opera house in Copenhagen, ballet and theatre at a number of places in the larger cities, and live music of all kinds.

    F. Most Danes eat four meals a day  — breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a late-evening supper. Breakfast generally consists of cereal, cheese, or eggs. Dinner, which includes fish or meat, is usually the only hot meal. A traditional Danish dinner consists of roast duckling stuffed with apples, served with red cabbage and boiled potatoes. The other Danish meals consist mostly of sandwiches.

    G. Almost all adult Danes can read and write. Danish law requires children to attend nine years of school. Primary school consists of the first seven grades, and secondary school lasts from three to five years. A five-year secondary school student can enter a university. Denmark has three universities. The University of Copenhagen is the oldest and largest. It was founded in 1479 and has about 24,000 students.

    Текст A B C D E F G


    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

    1.  Education: the Way to the Top

    2.  From Agony to Love

    3.  Teaching to Learn

    4.  Learning That Never Stops

    5.  Things Worth Learning

    6.  The Right Word Can Bring Changes

    7.  What My Father Taught Me

    8.  The Power of Numbers

    A. Education has the power to transform a person’s life. I am the living example of this. When I was on the streets, I thought I was not good at anything but I wrote a poem, and it got published. I went back to school to learn. I have learned the benefit of research and reading, of debate and listening. One day soon a group of fresh-faced college students will call me professor.

    B. Language has the capacity to change the world and the way we live in it. People are often afraid to call things by their direct names, use taboos not to notice dangerous tendencies. Freedom begins with naming things. This has to happen in spite of political climates, careers being won or lost, and the fear of being criticized. After Helen Caldicott used the word ‘nuclear arms race’ an anti-nuclear movement appeared.

    C. I never wanted to be a teacher. Yet years later, I find myself teaching high school English. I consider my job to be one of the most important aspects of my life, still I do not teach for the love of teaching. I am a teacher because I love to learn, and I have come to realize that the best way to learn is to teach.

    D. One day my sister and I got one and the same homework. My sister finished the task in 2 minutes and went off to play. But I could not do it, so I went into my sister’s room and quickly copied her work. But there was one small problem: my father caught me. He didn’t punish me, but explained that cheating makes people feel helpless. And then I was left feeling guilty for cheating.

    E. Lifelong learning does not mean spending all my time reading. It is equally important to get the habit of asking such questions as ‘what don’t I know about this topic, or subject?’, ‘what can I learn from this moment or person?’, and ‘what more do I need to learn?’ regardless of where I am, who I am talking to, or what I am doing.

    F. Math has always been something that I am good at. Mathematics attracts me because of its stability. It has logic; it is dependable and never changes. There might be some additions to the area of mathematics, but once mathematics is created, it is set in stone. We would not be able to check emails or play videogames without the computer solving complex algorithms.

    G. When my high school English teacher asked us to read Shakespeare, I thought it was boring and too difficult. I agonized over the syntax  — I had never read anything like this. But now I am a Shakespeare professor, and enjoy teaching Hamlet every semester. Each time I re-read the play, I find and learn something new for myself.

    Текст A B C D E F G


    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

    1.  Not Just Fun

    2.  Running For Heart and Mind

    3.  United By The Game

    4.  I Want To Be A Coach

    5.  Team Work in Sport and Life

    6.  Next Year We Win

    7.  Learning From Father

    8.  School between Practices

    A. I believe playing sports is more than an activity to fill your day, it can teach important life lessons. When I was a child, my dad spent a lot of time teaching me how to play different sports. He told me that if I can succeed in sports, I can succeed at anything in life. He used to say, ‘It’s not about how good you become. It’s about working hard to get where you want to be.’

    B. I like bicycles. Group rides help me to get new skills and make new friends. I try to apply the tactics of group riding to team work in the real world. In the perfect group ride, each rider takes a turn leading the pack, while the others enjoy the benefits of drafting. I think this way of working is a great method for approaching a group task anywhere.

    C. I believe in the power of running. Running should not be a battle for your body but rather a rest for your mind. I felt this last fall, when I was running in the park. Suddenly I felt as if I could have run forever, as if I could use running as a source of therapy for my body. Running allows the body to release different types of stress and even change our understanding of life.

    D. My father coached basketball every day of his life, and I was right there with him in the gym watching him work his magic. Basketball appears entertaining and exciting. But the path to success is not simple. My father always told me, ‘Nothing is free.’ I took this advice and ran with it. I truly believe that only practice and determination lead to success.

    E. Baseball is so much more than a sport. One of the powers of baseball is that it brings people together. It unites fans of all ages, genders, and nationalities. No matter who you are, you can be a baseball fan. My mom and I have one unspoken rule: no matter what has been going on before, no fighting at the game.

    F. I believe that you must always be loyal to the sport teams you support. The teams I follow in the United States generally lose many more than they win. The start of each season brings dreams of victory in baseball, basketball or football, dreams that fade away soon. But then there is always next year. It will be our year for sure.

    G. I was determined to join the swim team. I knew I would get my strengths and learn my weaknesses there. Waking up early for 6:30 a.m. practices is what swim team is all about, as it helps us get into state. On a long school day you think about the practice in the pool after school. You want to hear the crowd cheering you, telling you that you have to do more than your best.

    Текст A B C D E F G

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