Learn how to sing егэ ответы



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  22  ( part 3)

Learn How to Sing

Everyone needs to be able to sing. It’s fine if you naturally have perfect A22 pitch, but if not, the embarrassment ruins birthdays and other events. People who can sing take this musical ability A23 for granted. If you can’t sing, people make fun of you, until the teasing just isn’t amusing any longer.

Luckily online courses make it possible to improve your singing voice over the Internet! With the help of technology, these classes are as good as having a real live singing teacher right in your living room. Singing lessons at home are A24 convenient because you can fit them around your life. They are taken at any time in the privacy of your own home, and if you are very embarrassed, you can do them when nobody else is about to hear. Moreover, vocal lessons you take in your own home allow you to succeed rapidly. You get your singing education at your own A25 pace and it’s up to you to decide how fast you will go. This means the course is fully customized for you.

No matter how bad your voice is singing courses can help you, although if you do not have the talent, they will not A26 turn you into the next pop star. Most singing courses start off with the simplest of exercises, and as you progress, give you more advanced instructions to help improve your singing skills. Soon you’ll find yourself singing the most complicated melodies, and this will A27 build up your confidence!

Perhaps you would like to sing in a public forum onstage? Does learning about different singing styles and harmonies sound interesting to you? Whatever singing category you are interested A28 in, online courses can assist you with your singing goals.

                                                             (Adapted from ‘Learn How to Sing’ by Jessica Bloom)


1) vocal


2) pitch

умение петь, голос

3) hearing


4) ear



1) like

2) as

3) for

Takesmthforgrantedпринимать что-либо как должное; устоявшееся выражение

4) by


1) convenient


2) comfortable


3) suitable


4) appropriate



1) time


2) risk


3) rate

курс, скорость

4) pace

темп, путь


l) lead

2) take

3) turn

Turnsmbintosmbпревратить кого-либо в кого-либо; другие три слова не могут быть употреблены в такой конструкции

4) put


1) raise

2) build

Builduponesconfidenceувеличивать, укреплять уверенность в себе; устоявшееся выражение

3) increase

4) restore


l) by

2) with

3) in

Beinterestedin— быть заинтересованным в чем-либо; interested употребляется только с IN

4) at 

Задание 44 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


Learn How to Sing

Everyone needs to be able to sing. It’s fine if you naturally have perfect VOCAL / PITCH / HEARING / EAR, but if not, the embarrassment ruins birthdays and other events. People who can sing take this musical ability LIKE / AS / FOR / BY granted. If you can’t sing, people make fun of you, until the teasing just isn’t amusing any longer.

Luckily online courses make it possible to improve your singing voice over the Internet! With the help of technology, these classes are as good as having a real live singing teacher right in your living room. Singing lessons at home are CONVENIENT / COMFORTABLE / SUITABLE / APPROPRIATE because you can fit them around your life. They are taken at any time in the privacy of your own home, and if you are very embarrassed, you can do them when nobody elsе is about to hear. Moreover, vocal lessons you take in your own home allow you to succeed rapidly. You get your singing education at your own TIME / RISK / RATE / PACE and it’s up to you to decide how fast you will go. This means the course is fully customized for you.

No matter how bad your voice is singing courses can help you, although if you do not have the talent, they will not LEAD / TAKE / TURN / PUT you into the next pop star. Most singing courses start off with the simplest of exercises, and as you progress, give you more advanced instructions to help improve your singing skills. Soon you’ll find yourself singing the most complicated melodies, and this will RAISE / BUILD / INCREASE / RESTORE up your confidence!

Perhaps you would like to sing in a public forum onstage? Does learning about different singing styles and harmonies sound interesting to you? Whatever singing category you are interested BY / WITH / IN / AT, online courses can assist you with your singing goals.

Learn How to Sing

Everyone needs to be able to sing. It’s fine if you naturally have perfect PITCH, but if not, the embarrassment ruins birthdays and other events. People who can sing take this musical ability FOR granted. If you can’t sing, people make fun of you, until the teasing just isn’t amusing any longer.

Luckily online courses make it possible to improve your singing voice over the Internet! With the help of technology, these classes are as good as having a real live singing teacher right in your living room. Singing lessons at home are CONVENIENT because you can fit them around your life. They are taken at any time in the privacy of your own home, and if you are very embarrassed, you can do them when nobody elsе is about to hear. Moreover, vocal lessons you take in your own home allow you to succeed rapidly. You get your singing education at your own PACE and it’s up to you to decide how fast you will go. This means the course is fully customized for you.

No matter how bad your voice is singing courses can help you, although if you do not have the talent, they will not TURN you into the next pop star. Most singing courses start off with the simplest of exercises, and as you progress, give you more advanced instructions to help improve your singing skills. Soon you’ll find yourself singing the most complicated melodies, and this will BUILD up your confidence!

Perhaps you would like to sing in a public forum onstage? Does learning about different singing styles and harmonies sound interesting to you? Whatever singing category you are interested IN, online courses can assist you with your singing goals.

1. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Guest

‘The landscape seen from our windows is certainly charming,’ said Annabel; ‘those cherry orchards and green meadows, and the river winding along the valley. However, nothing ever happens here. Rather dreadful, isn’t it?’

‘On the 32 __________,’ said Matilda, ‘I find it soothing and restful; but then, you see, I’ve lived in countries where things do happen, especially when you’re not ready for them happening all at once.’

‘That, of course, makes a 33 __________,’ said Annabel.

‘I’ll never forget,’ said Matilda, ‘the occasion when the Bishop of Bequar 34 __________ us an unexpected visit.’

‘I thought that out there you were always prepared for emergency guests turning 35 __________,’ said Annabel.

‘I was quite prepared for half a dozen Bishops,’ said Matilda, ‘but this particular one was a distant cousin of mine, belonging to a branch of the family that had quarreled bitterly with our branch. To make 36 __________ worse, my husband was away, talking sense to a village community that one of their leading men was a were-tiger.’

‘A what tiger?’

‘A were-tiger; you’ve heard of were-wolves, haven’t you, a mixture of wolf and human being and demon? Well, in those parts they have were-tigers. 37 __________, as we gave up witchcraft prosecutions about three hundred years ago, we wouldn’t like to have other people keeping on our discarded practices.’

‘I hope you weren’t unkind to the Bishop,’ said Annabel.

‘Well, of course he was my guest, so I had to be polite to him, but he was tactless enough to rake up the incidents of the old quarrel, and from that moment we were scarcely on speaking 38 __________.

32. 1) contrast

2) contrary

3) inside

4) opposite

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) statement

2) splash

3) move

4) difference

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) paid

2) sent

3) made

4) gave

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) to

2) over

3) up

4) in

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) issues

2) matters

3) problems

4) situation

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) Although

2) However

3) Finally

4) Despite

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) conditions

2) relationships

3) relations

4) terms

Ответ:______ .

2. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Side by Side

Melissa dropped into a chair in front of her manager’s desk. ‘I don’t know how people with kids can do this job,’ the 25-year-old radio advertising sales rep said. Her boss, Laurie Thompson, had heard such self-doubt before. Her six salespeople often popped into her office to give vent to their 32 __________ about a tough day of cold-calling.

Laurie nodded. She didn’t have children, 33 __________ herself instead to a sales career, cycling, sailing and spending time with her husband.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever have kids, 34 __________ that would really disappoint my parents,’ Melissa said.

‘Why? Because you’re an only child?’ Laurie asked. Melissa explained her parents would be disappointed because they 35 __________ for grandkids. Then she added, almost as an afterthought, ‘I was adopted.’

From the time she was tiny, Melissa knew that she was adopted. Her new parents were always open with their daughter about where she came from. Along the way, Melissa grew 36 __________ to questions from people who had learnt she was adopted. So she wasn’t at all 37 __________ about answering her boss that afternoon.

‘Have you ever had a desire to meet your real parents?’ Laurie asked.

‘Not really,’ Melissa said. ‘It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I haven’t got around to it. And I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. My parents are wonderful.’

Melissa laughed and was about to leave when Laurie asked her another question.

‘When were you born?’

‘April 14, 1981.’ Then, feeling she’d taken 38 __________ enough of her boss’s time, Melissa said goodbye and headed home.

32. 1) happiness

2) joy

3) frustrations

4) tears

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) preparing

2) concentrating

3) involving

4) devoting

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) therefore

2) despite

3) however

4) although

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) wanted

2) needed

3) desired

4) longed

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) accustomed

2) annoyed

3) anxious

4) ashamed

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) conscious

2) embarrassed

3) interested

4) reluctant

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) over

2) on

3) up

4) in

Ответ:______ .

3. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. The 21st century has 32 __________ in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in ‘one world’. While the physical divide is still present, the 33 __________ of the Information Highway on how we communicate is simply staggering. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere and anytime.

Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion. An example of the remarkable effects of globalization is the invention of the telephone. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for a letter. Anybody can talk to anyone who has another phone 34 __________ of distance or location on the planet. With the aid of satellites, smart phones allow us to make a phone call, send a video, or even receive an email. These 35 __________ in communication have revolutionized the lives of millions of people.

The nature of business has also improved by 36 __________ and bounds owing to globalization. Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important information can reach any part of the globe in 37 __________ time. Business establishments, whether big or small, use the Internet to expand their company’s growth. With the ever improving technology come new markets, higher 38 __________ for products, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise.

32. 1) started

2) began

3) ushered

4) launched

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) cause

2) impact

3) consequences

4) result

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) regardless

2) despite

3) notwithstanding

4) because

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) breakups

2) breakdowns

3) breakouts

4) breakthroughs

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) bonds

2) gaps

3) jumps

4) leaps

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) some

2) any

3) no

4) every

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) access

2) demand

3) claim

4) rise

Ответ:______ .

4. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. 32 __________, there are some clear characteristics that are found in all good leaders.

First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of great importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A real leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect 33 __________ the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is 34 __________ about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

A good leader is 35 __________ to excellence. Second 36 __________ does not lead to success. A perfect leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Good leaders remain calm under pressure. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a real leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a 37 __________ head.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked 38 __________ as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

32. 1) Although

2) Besides

3) Otherwise

4) However

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) for

2) to

3) of

4) by

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) enthusiastic

2) devoted

3) fond

4) keen

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) conscious

2) committed

3) delighted

4) respected

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) hand

2) head

3) class

4) best

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) fresh

2) cold

3) cool

4) chilly

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) after

2) over

3) down on

4) up to

Ответ:______ .

5. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Learn How to Sing

Everyone needs to be able to sing. It’s fine if you naturally have perfect 32 __________, but if not, the embarrassment ruins birthdays and other events. People who can sing take this musical ability 33 __________ granted. If you can’t sing, people make fun of you, until the teasing just isn’t amusing any longer.

Luckily online courses make it possible to improve your singing voice over the Internet! With the help of technology, these classes are as good as having a real live singing teacher right in your living room. Singing lessons at home are 34 __________ because you can fit them around your life. They are taken at any time in the privacy of your own home, and if you are very embarrassed, you can do them when nobody else is about to hear. Moreover, vocal lessons you take in your own home allow you to succeed rapidly. You get your singing education at your own 35 __________ and it’s up to you to decide how fast you will go. This means the course is fully customized for you.

No matter how bad your voice is singing courses can help you, although if you do not have the talent, they will not 36 __________ you into the next pop star. Most singing courses start off with the simplest of exercises, and as you progress, give you more advanced instructions to help improve your singing skills. Soon you’ll find yourself singing the most complicated melodies, and this will 37 __________ up your confidence!

Perhaps you would like to sing in a public forum onstage? Does learning about different singing styles and harmonies sound interesting to you? Whatever singing category you are interested 38 __________, online courses can assist you with your singing goals.

32. 1) vocal

2) pitch

3) hearing

4) ear

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) like

2) as

3) for

4) by

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) convenient

2) comfortable

3) suitable

4) appropriate

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) time

2) risk

3) rate

4) pace

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) lead

2) take

3) turn

4) put

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) raise

2) build

3) increase

4) restore

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) by

2) with

3) in

4) at

Ответ:______ .

Важно ли наличие у учителя таких качеств, как дружелюбие, отзывчивость, мягкость и порядочность?


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A Mary’s new job takes up a lot of time and energy.

B Mary has no time to go to parties.

C Peter felt his salary in the company was too low.

D Peter left his job because he had no promotion prospects.

E Peter sent out his resume to nearly twenty companies.

F Peter wouldn’t mind working in another city.

G Mary advises Peter to speak to people with the same problems.


Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите рассказ писателя о своём увлечении музыкой. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The narrator says that his musical career
1) changed its direction at the age of 11.
2) started roughly 30 years ago.
3) began after he had sung a song with his father.
Ответ: .


When the narrator was almost 40,
1) he was already performing in public.
2) he had learned to sing the parts of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.
3) he felt a desire to start playing music.
Ответ: .


When the narrator got a mandolin, he

1) didn’t feel surprised.

2) felt a bit nervous.

3) felt relieved.

Ответ: .


The narrator enjoyed playing the mandolin because
1) he was able to master difficult chords.
2) he was composing music.
3) he was able to relax after his everyday work.
Ответ: .


The narrator went to the jam camp because
1) he wanted to perform in public.
2) he would like to speak to Dr. Banjo.
3) he was offered the easiest way to improve his skills.
Ответ: .


In the camp the narrator learned that
1) to play songs he should know forty basic chords.
2) to grow as a musician he should possess certain qualities and abilities.
3) he could become a perfect mandolin player if he practises a lot.
Ответ: .


When the narrator came back home last week, he was pleased because
1) Ruth had started taking music lessons.
2) his friends and relatives showed their interest in music.
3) Los Angeles was a different place.
Ответ: .

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Use Silence
2. Gestures and Posture
3. Audience Awareness
4. Sensible Dress

5. Distinct and Audible Speech
6. Consider Context
7. Speaking Through Eyes
8. Strategic Listening

A. The first thing that a good speaker does is looks at the audience and takes a pause before beginning his speech. This helps to create a good impression on the audience. Throughout the speech, the speaker should maintain eye contact with the listeners, otherwise they will feel that they are being ignored and it is quite likely that they also ignore whatever he is trying to convey.

B. Proper variation in emotion and tempo of the voice improves the quality of performance. Accurate pronunciation of words with due stresses wherever required must be done. One more important thing while communicating is that your voice must be clear and loud enough for the audience to hear it. A loud voice can be a strong point for being an effective speaker.

C. Concentrate on your ideas and do not get distracted by the activities performed by the audience, for example, smiling or whispering. To make your communication successful get the clue about the listeners and their interests. Think over the age, sex and background of the people. See whether the audience is patient enough to handle you for hours. Check out if they are friendly or hostile.

D. Facial expressions reveal what thoughts are running through a person’s mind. So while communicating, make sure that your facial expressions reveal your interest for the subject on which you are communicating. The body movements while speaking must coordinate with your convincing power. They must add to the things which are more effectively caught visually than verbally.

E. If you are trying to improve your own communication, concentrate on ways to make your nonverbal signals match the level of formality necessitated by the situation. Some situations require more formal behaviour that might be interpreted very differently in any other setting. So when you are communicating with others, always take into account the situation in which the communication occurs.

F. Don’t be afraid to pause and breathe. Listeners need time to reflect on what you are saying. Just like we need ‘white space’ and punctuation on the written page, we need pauses when we speak. Talking non-stop is a huge drawback. Having the confidence to pause for a few seconds in between sentences commands attention rather than diverts it.

G. The appearance plays an important role in presenting ourselves to society. The people who wear clothes suitable to their body structure look attractive. A person’s physical appearance creates a definite impact on the communication process. Our clothes should not be too modern for the people whom we are interacting with. However, they should be able to create a positive impression on them.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Ever wonder A ____________? There’s actually quite a bit of science going on behind the scenes, with several components working together to bring you that digital-quality signal.

Your channel selection begins with the programming sources themselves. Companies like Showtime, HBO or Cinemax create their programming. Channel providers then purchase rights to this programming B ____________. Once a provider has their programming in place, they turn their attention to the broadcast centre to compress and convert the programming for satellite broadcast.

Your Dish Network Programming originally arrives as a digital stream of video, which is then compressed and converted through an encoder, typically using the MPEG2 format. This format reduces the overall size of the video, C ____________.

Once encoded, the video is then encrypted D ____________. After the video has been encrypted, it is sent to the provider’s satellite, strategically positioned in the sky.

The satellite itself uses a dish similar to your own satellite dish, to receive the video and send it back down to Earth. When the satellite sends the signal back down to Earth, it is picked up by your satellite dish, a small round antenna that receives the satellite’s broadcast and sends the video on to your satellite TV receiver.

The satellite TV receiver is that little black box that sits inside your home and allows you to choose E ____________. The receiver actually performs several important functions in the satellite viewing process, including the decryption of the signal itself. If you remember, the satellite signal was scrambled by the provider to protect it from un-paying consumers. Your receiver ‘de-scrambles’ that signal and converts the signal into a format F ____________. Together these amazing components create a vividly clear digital picture for over 200 satellite channels.

  1. which channel you want to watch
  2. including a power source and a computer system
  3. so that the broadcast can only be viewed by paying subscribers
  4. so that they can broadcast the shows via satellite
  5. how your satellite TV system works
  6. making it possible for a satellite to broadcast hundreds of channels at the same time
  7. that your television can handle

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Jonte faced playtime with mixed feelings. When the bell rang, the others would rush into the open air, laughing and chattering. He felt left out. Yet these were also times he enjoyed. He could daydream about how things might have been.

Sometimes, though, he would watch the play not directly, that would have been impossible but on the big screen in one of the classrooms. Cheering on his friends made him feel part of the action. Even through the screens, however, watching for long often made his eyes hurt. Sunlight reflected strongly off the silvery turf, and even more from the trees around the ground. Players in motion trailed flashes of light which left black spots in his vision.

It was during a tense game that the summons came through. The shelter Principal, no less, wanted him at once in his office. Jonte uttered a mild swearword, though realising that he had already been watching too long — his head was aching. He made his way to the admin sector, signalled his arrival and went in. The Principal was behind his desk directly opposite the door. He was a small man, with metallic black hair cut short, silver-grey hands in constant fidgety motion and an expression of perpetual irritation. He waved in the direction of a chair placed in front of the desk.

But to Jonte’s surprise, there were several other people in the office. It was difficult at first to see them all clearly: not only had the effects of watching the match still to wear off, but the lighting was poor. Perhaps the Principal had only remembered at the last minute to close the heavy shutters and switch on a lamp.

As his vision returned, Jonte’s surprise grew. The six men and two women, who sat in a half circle to one side, judging by their job tags, were senior… very senior. Four were from the administration. The two women and the other two men seemed to be scientists from different research bodies.

Jonte was used to the fact that other people were inscrutable. He would have been able to tell from gazing in a mirror into his own eyes, with their blue irises surrounding dark pupils, how he was feeling, even if he hadn’t known yet. But other people’s eyes were silver discs, giving away nothing. He could sometimes see from the rest of their faces whether they were happy or sad, smiling or frowning; but their skin reflected the light, so that he could never be quite sure. From the way they were sitting, he thought, the visitors seemed anxious.

‘Jonte’, the Principal said, ‘these people have a favour to ask, and I hope you can help them. Please sit down.’ Jonte’s surprise grew. What possible favour could these people want from someone like him? ‘I’ll help if I can’, he said.

‘You know,’ the Principal went on, ‘that you have had to grow up here because going outside would be dangerous. Your body wouldn’t be able to withstand the radiation, even at night-time. Ordinary people are born with protection; but in your case…’

‘So you see’, one of the women interjected quickly, ‘you are really a very interesting young man. We want you to let us get to know you better.’

‘The people here,’ the Principal resumed, ‘are from the government’s science and research council. They would like to take you to one of their centres in the south, where the facilities are supposed to be better than we can provide. ’

‘But I’m quite happy here,’ Jonte felt he should say. ‘My friends…’

‘… and in any case,’ the Principal insisted a trifle sourly, ‘you wouldn’t be able to stay much longer. The shelter is being closed down.’

Jonte took this in. ‘So when do I have to go?’ he asked.

‘If you can pack your things together quickly,’ one of the men replied, ‘we should like to move you this evening … say in an hour. Is that all right?’

An hour! The suddenness of it all puzzled Jonte. His condition had been known from the moment he had been born when his parents so he had been told had handed him over for special care. But it also excited him. Apart from a short journey when he had been much younger to a medical centre, he could not remember ever having left the shelter. He didn’t really have much to pack anyway.

(Adapted from ‘Fear No More’ by George Anthony)


When his friends rushed into the open air during playtime, Jonte felt

1) embarrased.

2) annoyed.

3) lonely.

4) bored.

Ответ: .


When the summons came through, Jonte was
1) glad that he was able to have a rest.
2) annoyed that he had to stop watching the game.
3) eager to know what had happened.
4) in a hurry.
Ответ: .


The people in the Principal’s office were all

1) of high rank.

2) very old.

3) researchers.

4) from the administration.

Ответ: .


In paragraph 6 the word ‘inscrutable’ means

1) not wishing to talk.
2) unhappy.

3) pretending to be kind.
4) showing no emotion or reaction.

Ответ: .


Jonte had to grow up in the shelter because
1) he was an orphan.
2) the world outside the shelter was dangerous.
3) his body was unable to withstand high temperature.
4) he would not manage to survive in the open air.
Ответ: .


The people offered to take Jonte to one of their centres because
1) Jonte was not quite happy here.
2) it was well equipped.
3) the Principal didn’t want Jonte to stay in the shelter.
4) the shelter could not provide good education for Jonte.
Ответ: .


Jonte was surprised because

1) he had not known about his condition.
2) he had never left the shelter before.

3) he had to leave the shelter urgently.
4) he didn’t have much to pack.

Ответ: .


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—25.

Обратите внимание, что по правилам ЕГЭ ответы нужно писать без пробелов и других знаков, например, правильный ответ ‘have done’ нужно будет записать как ‘havedone’, иначе ваш ответ не засчитается.

Choosing a Career


Jane had always wanted to be a nurse and help in need. Her father, however, thought that nursing was not a suitable profession for her.



When she left school, she a job as a doctor’s receptionist.



Jane to take the job, so she decided to talk to her friend Ann about what she should do.



When Jane came to Ann’s house, Ann met her in the garden. ‘Hello, Jane! You look so unhappy! What (you) about?’



While Jane’s her problem, Ann’s mother shouted to the girls to come over.



She said that Jane’s father an accident and he was in hospital.



When they arrived at the hospital, Jane was amazed to see her father on the bed in a very good mood. ‘Oh, Jane, the nurses here are really wonderful. And I think …’ Jane smiled. She knew what her father was going to tell her.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26—31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.


Edinburgh is one of the most written-about cities on earth. Built on ancient volcanoes and first established because of its secure and


position, the capital of Scotland has become a crossroads.



everyone who comes to Scotland today spends some time in this city.



Edinburgh is the second most popular tourist destination in Great Britain and it’s not hard to see why. Its midsummer festival is one of the biggest in the world.



Edinburgh is a delight to explore on foot: most of its are contained within a compact central area.



With streets steeped in history and a thriving scene, Edinburgh offers the perfect balance between traditional and contemporary things.



The area around the city has many towns and scenic villages, which are also great for exploring.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32—38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32—38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

The Archipelago

In the remote southern seas there is a cluster of islands. Each island is inhabited by a different race of people. Although physically they look alike, you can tell them 32____ by their styles of dress and their distinctive dialects. Each island has its own unique form of architecture. The only similarity between them is that each race builds in a manner that is 33____ odds with the environment. On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys you can see towns of brick. Arid uplands are irrigated and planted with leafy gardens, whereas, on fertile plains, the parks are paved with stone. 34____ their differences, the islanders coexist peacefully. There is rivalry over certain fishing waters but it rarely 35____ to more than a few heated exchanges.

At the centre of the archipelago, perhaps in the most favoured spot of all, lies an island that has been deserted for many generations. It looks very different from the rest: darker, taller, silent. There is no obvious reason 36____ its abandonment as it has good soil and plenty of freshwater.

Long ago, it was inhabited by farmers and fishermen much like everywhere else in the archipelago, but everything changed when they started building the first wall. As soon as it was finished a second circle of battlements began to rise from the centre, slightly narrower than the one before, so that from faraway the island 37____ an enormous wedding cake.

Nobody can explain why the wall was started but there are many theories as to why it was never finished. Some say that so many had perished during its construction, that no one dared halt the work and thereby admit that it had all been in vain. Others claim that the builders simply 38____ out of materials. But one thing is certain, the predicted threat never arrived and the people at the centre of the archipelago had, quite simply, bricked themselves in.


1) out

2) off

3) apart

4) aside

Ответ: .


1) over

2) at

3) against

4) on

Ответ: .


1) Despite

2) In spite

3) Besides

4) Although

Ответ: .


1) raises

2) attains

3) amounts

4) achieves

Ответ: .


1) with

2) to

3) of

4) for

Ответ: .


1) recollected

2) reminded

3) resembled

4) remembered

Ответ: .


1) went

2) ran

3) grew

4) came

Ответ: .

Ваш результат: пока 0.

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Для ответов на задания 39 и 40 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями, или можно использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, Вы можете использовать другую его сторону.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mark who writes:

…Guess what! All my friends are going to ‘Waterland’ next week and I can’t swim! What shall I do? If I go with my friends, they will be teasing me all the time. I have wanted to learn to swim for a long time but I feel embarrassed to start learning at my age. What would you advise me to do? Is it difficult to learn how to swim? How many lessons will I need?

Well, I’d better go now as my mum’s calling me for dinner.

Write back to Mark.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his favourite sports
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of teens believe that it’s important to look nice. However, adults often think that young people pay too much attention to their appearance and fashion.

Write 200 — 250 words.

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.

Сыворотка содержит
а) готовые антитела
б) ослабленные возбудители болезни
в) антибиотики
г) фагоциты

2. Вакцина содержит
а) готовые антитела
б) ослабленные возбудители болезни
в) антибиотики
г) фагоциты

3. Во время прививки вводят
а) готовые антитела
б) ослабленные возбудители болезни
в) антибиотики
г) фагоциты

4. Введение сыворотки приводит к формированию иммунитета
а) активного искусственного
б) пассивного искусственного
в) естественного врожденного
г) естественного приобретённого

5. Введение вакцины приводит к формированию иммунитета
а) искусственного активного
б) искусственного пассивного
в) естественного врожденного
г) естественного приобретённого

6. Введение готовых антител приводит к формированию иммунитета
а) искусственного активного
б) искусственного пассивного
в) естественного врожденного
г) естественного приобретённого

7. Введение ослабленных возбудителей приводит к формированию иммунитета
а) искусственного активного
б) искусственного пассивного
в) естественного врожденного
г) естественного приобретённого

8. После болезни у человека образуется иммунитет
а) естественный приобретенный
б) естественный врожденный
в) искусственный активный
г) искусственный пассивный

9. Пассивный искусственный иммунитет возникает у человека, если ему в кровь вводят
а) ослабленных возбудителей болезни
б) готовые антитела
в) фагоциты
г) антибиотики

10. Активный искусственный иммунитет возникает у человека, если ему в кровь вводят
а) ослабленных возбудителей болезни
б) готовые антитела
в) фагоциты
г) антибиотики

Для студентов по предмету Английский языкSinging can help in learning foreign languagesSinging can help in learning foreign languages



Сочинение по английскому языку ЕГЭ 2021 год 200 — 250 слов
Уровень Upper Intermediate 
Тема: Singing can help in learning foreign languages

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Ответы на популярные вопросы

То есть уже всё готово?

Да! Наши авторы собирают и выкладывают те работы, которые сдаются в Вашем учебном заведении ежегодно и уже проверены преподавателями.

А я могу что-то выложить?

Да! У нас любой человек может выложить любую учебную работу и зарабатывать на её продажах! Но каждый учебный материал публикуется только после тщательной проверки администрацией.

А если в купленном файле ошибка?

Вернём деньги! А если быть более точными, то автору даётся немного времени на исправление, а если не исправит или выйдет время, то вернём деньги в полном объёме!

Отзывы студентов

Добавляйте материалы
и зарабатывайте!

Продажи идут автоматически


Средний доход
с одного платного файла

Обучение Подробнее

At the Falsettori School of Performing Arts, you can learn how to act in a play or a film. Young musicians can learn how to sing in opera, or how to play a musical instrument. You can also learn how to dance in a ballet. Whatever your level, we can improve your standard. We can also fix any problems you might have. At the end of the course, your family and friends can come and watch you when you perform in a special concert. Tickets are free, but we collect some money to pay for the production. Come and join the school today! Please visit our website for more details.

Перевод (вставленные слова выделяю):
В школе исполнительного искусства «Фальцеторри», вы можете узнать, как правильно исполнять роль в спектакле или фильме. Юные музыканты могут научиться петь в опере или научиться играть на музыкальном инструменте. Вы также можете научиться танцу в балете. Неважно какой у вас уровень умений, мы сможем повысить его. Более того, мы сможем решить любую возникшую у вас проблему. К концу обучения, ваша семья и друзья могут прийти и посмотреть на вашу игру в специальном, устроенном для них, концерте. Билеты бесплатные, но мы собираем немного денег на производство. Приходите и поступайте в нашу школу уже сегодня! Пожалуйста, посетите наш веб-сайт для более подробной информации.

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