Лицензионный экзамен моя геройская академия

Экзамен на геройскую лицензию — тест, организованный Геройской комиссией общественной безопасности и проводящийся при поддержке правительства с целью отбора наиболее способных студентов различных геройских академий для получения ими временной геройской лицензии.


Экзамен на геройскую лицензию проводится дважды в год. Дата его проведения совпадает со стандартной датой начала учебного семестра в Японии.

Процент прохождения экзамена изначально составлял 50%, но в последнее время в связи с уходом Всемогущего в отставку и возрастанием социального давления он был усложнён с целью заполнения пробела, оставленного Всемогущим, только лучшими из лучших.

Экзамен принимает во внимание сразу несколько качеств студентов, считающихся важнейшими для героя: ловкость, лидерские качества, аналитическое мышление, кооперативность и, самое главное, боевые навыки.

Для того, чтобы избежать конфликтов между учениками из одной и той же школы, разные классы, как правило, проходят испытания в разных местах и разное время.

Экзамен, который сдавали ученики класса 1-А, состоял из двух этапов:

Начальный этап

Первый этап

Первый этап экзамена на геройскую лицензию заключался в быстрой отборочной игре, в которой участникам были выданы шесть мячей и три отметки, которые им нужно было прикрепить к телу. Целью этого этапа было выбить как можно больше чужих отметок своими мячами, при этом защищая собственные отметки.

Если все отметки студента были выбиты, он считался не сдавшим экзамен и удалялся с полигона. Тот, кому удалось выбить хотя бы по одной отметке у хотя бы двоих студентов, проходил в следующий этап.

Заключительный этап

Второй и заключительный этап

Второй и заключительный этап экзамена представлял собой полноценные спасательные учения, к которым были привлечены профессиональные каскадёры из американской компании, играющие роль пострадавших и вместе с тем анализирующие поведение студента и при необходимости снимающие с него очки за просчёты. Им помогали работники общественной безопасности, отслеживающие действия студента в той или иной ситуации.

На этом этапе использовалась балльная система. В начале экзамена у каждого студента было по сто очков. За неудачи или просчёты во время спасения с них снимали очки, и для того, чтобы пройти экзамен, им нужно было не менее пятидесяти очков.

Посреди экзамена на полигоне появились Босатка и его помощники, имитирующие внезапную атаку злодеев, чтобы заставить участников лавировать между спасением пострадавших и борьбой с новой угрозой.

Пересдача экзамена

Студентам, прошедшим первый этап, но завалившим второй, предоставляется возможность пересдачи экзамена через три месяца, в течении которых они должны будут посещать специальные курсы, также организованные Геройской комиссией по общественной безопасности.

Навигация по сайту

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Provisional Hero License Exam Arc (プロヒーロー仮免試験編 Puro Hīrō Karimen Shiken-hen?) is the tenth story arc in My Hero Academia and the first story arc in the Rise of Villains Saga.

After transitioning into their new life living at U.A., the students of Class 1-A ready themselves to take the Provisional Hero License Exam, a rigorous exam that allows students to obtain Provisional Hero Licenses, enabling them to perform heroic duties. Meanwhile, the world begins feeling the effects of All Might’s retirement.


Class 1-A’s New Home: Heights Alliance and the «Best Room» Competition

Class 1-A arriving at Heights Alliance.

It is the middle of August; Izuku Midoriya prepares to leave home. His mother asks him to eat healthy meals and respond immediately to her texts. Izuku replies that he will.

Izuku and Class 1-A arrive at their new accommodations: the Heights Alliance, dormitories that are inside the U.A. High School campus and only a five-minute walk from the school building. These dormitories were built in a matter of three days. Inside the U.A. school building, Principal Nezu overlooks the Heights Alliance. He comments that the conversion to a boarding school was not only to keep the students safe but to keep an eye on the supposed «traitor» in their ranks. Mr. Principal feels guilty for doubting his colleagues and students but his top priority is to protect the students. Mr. Principal decides that U.A. must direct its students to a hopeful and brighter future now that All Might is no longer the Symbol of Peace.

Class 1-A depressed after being scolded.

Class 1-A are at their dormitory. Before he explains about their dormitory, Shota Aizawa tells Class 1-A that at the training camp they were supposed to get their «Provisional Hero Licenses» but due to the League of Villains attack they did not. Shota is disappointed that some of them tried to act like they have their licenses; Shota calls out Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Tenya Ida. Shota tells them that he knows that they were present at the site of Katsuki Bakugo’s rescue and took it upon themselves to rescue him. The rest of Class 1-A are shocked and surprised that they actually went to rescue Katsuki.

Shota also knows that the rest of Class 1-A except Katsuki, Toru Hagakure, and Kyoka Jiro also knew about their plan to rescue Katsuki. Shota explains that their actions have been covered up but tells them that if All Might did not retire, with the exception of Katsuki, Toru, and Kyoka, he would have expelled them all as punishment. Shota advises to Shoto, Eijiro, Izuku, Momo, and Tenya to go through the proper procedures next time which will also restore the trust between them.

Katsuki repays to Eijiro.

The atmosphere of Class 1-A has become gloomy. Katsuki sees the gloomy atmosphere and lights up the mood by taking Denki Kaminari and forcing him to use his Electrification, which makes Denki derby as a result, causing Kyoka and the rest of the class to laugh. Katsuki then gives Eijiro money to pay him back for buying the night vision scope for their rescue operation. Eijiro apologizes to Class 1-A for his actions and will apologize to them by treating them to a barbecue.

Now that Class 1-A’s mood has become better, Shota shows them their new dormitory. Heights Alliance has one dorm per class and Shota takes them to the Class 1-A dormitory. Shota explains that their dorm is separated by gender: the right wing for females and left wing for males. However, the first floor is common space and contains the dining area, baths, and laundry facilities. Class 1-A take a look at their new dorm and become excited about living here.

Heights Alliance floor plan.

Shota then explains that their bedrooms are on floors two, three, four and five; every student gets their own private bedroom, with each room having an AC unit, bathroom, refrigerator and closet. Shota gives Class 1-A a map of their room allocations and says that their luggage has already been sent into their allocated rooms. Shota ends his explanation by telling Class 1-A to spend the rest of the day unpacking and organizing their rooms. Tomorrow, he will explain the operations of their new life style.

Class 1-A arranges their luggage in their respective bedrooms. Later that night, the boys of Class 1-A are in the common space on the first floor. The girls of Class 1-A show up and Mina suggests a room showcasing competition. On the second floor, Izuku’s room is filled with All Might memorabilia, Fumikage Tokoyami’s room is dark and surrounded by horror related items, and Yuga Aoyama’s room is a complete contrast to Fumikage’s, being bright and sparkly. The girls decide to forget about inspecting Minoru’s room, much to his frustration. On the third floor, the rooms of Mashirao Ojiro, Tenya (though he has an excessive array of glasses and books), Denki, and Koji Koda are more normal, unlike the themed rooms of the second floor.

«It’s okay to go into the girls room?»

Denki, Mashirao, Fumikage, Yuga, and Minoru are unsatisfied with only having the male rooms evaluated, with Minoru saying that they must also evaluate the rooms of the females to be fair in order to determine a winner. Mina agrees to have the female rooms evaluated. Thus, the contest to decide the room with the «best taste» has now begun.[1]

Class 1-A continues the «room with the best taste» contest with the winner receiving the Room King Award and thus title of «Room King». On the fourth floor, Eijiro mentions that Katsuki did not want to participate, so Class 1-A decides to check Eijiro’s room and the other rooms. Eijiro’s room is filled with manly items and Mezo Shoji’s room has a minimalist theme. On the fifth floor, Hanta’s room is surprisingly stylish. Next, Shoto’s room is Japanese styled with tatami flooring. The girls are impressed with Toru commenting that Shoto will grow up to be a big-shot while Denki and Minoru are surprised, impressed yet envious that Shoto did all the remodeling by himself. The next room is Rikido Sato’s room which is normal. However, Rikido remembers that he was baking a cake, a hobby of his and shares the cake with his classmates, much to the delight of the girls.

Ochaco’s dull room.

All of the males’ rooms have been checked and now the time to check the females’ rooms has come. The first room to be checked is Kyoka’s, her room is rock-themed and filled with musical instruments. Next is Toru’s room, which is pink and girly. Mina Ashido’s room is filled with cute items, and Ochaco Uraraka’s room is normal, with Ochaco considering it to be dull. The next room to be checked is Tsuyu Asui’s, but Ochaco says that she is feeling under the weather, so Class 1-A decides to check Momo’s room. Momo’s room has a large luxurious bed taking up most of the room space.

Back in the common space on the first floor, the votes are tallied and the Room King Award goes to Rikido, much to his surprise. Rikido received his votes from the girls because his cake was delicious, which makes Denki and Minoru accuse Rikido of bribing. Before heading to bed, Ochaco asks Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Momo, and Tenya for a moment of their time.

Tsuyu is comforted by her classmates.

Outside, Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Momo, and Tenya meet with Ochaco and Tsuyu with Ochaco telling them that Tsuyu would like to speak to them. Tsuyu says that she told Class 1-A at the hospital that trying to save Katsuki out of selfishness would be no different than what a villain would do. Tsuyu admits that those words were severe, and that after they actually went to save Katsuki, she was shocked and began to regret what she had said. Tsuyu became frustrated at her cowardly behavior and felt immense guilt for trying to stop them from rescuing Katsuki.

Due to her guilt and the rest of Class 1-A’s negative feelings towards them as a result of their decision to save Katsuki, Tsuyu became upset at not being able to have friendly chats with them like before. Tsuyu says that she wanted to have this conversation to settle things right and go back to having fun like before. While consoling Tsuyu, Ochaco explains to them that the «Room King» contest was to wipe the slate clean of their actions so that they can start anew again. Izuku, Eijiro, Momo, Tenya, and Shoto apologize to Tsuyu for their actions and for worrying the rest of Class 1-A. The trust between Izuku, Eijiro, Momo, Tenya, and Shoto with the rest of Class 1-A have been restored.[2]

Wiping the Slate Clean: Class 1-A’s Special Move Training!

Teachers willing to help with trainings.

The next day, Class 1-A begin their school life anew. In Class 1-A’s room, Shota mentions that their first objective will be earning their Provisional Hero Licenses. Shota reminds them that the Provisional Hero Licenses grant them permission to intervene directly when people’s lives are at stake. The exam to obtain the Provisional Hero Licenses is less than five percent. To prepare for the Provisional Hero License Exam, Shota decides that Class 1-A will create at least two signature special moves that they will use in combat; Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Midnight arrive in the room to help. Class 1-A become excited.[3]

Class 1-A are excited about getting to create their own special moves. Shota tells Class 1-A to change into their Hero Costumes and meet at Gym Gamma.

Class 1-A begins training for the Hero License Exam.

At Gym Gamma, Cementoss explains to Class 1-A that the Gym Gamma was created by him and using his Quirk he can alter the gym to suit the needs of every student. Tenya asks why special moves are necessary. Shota explains to Class 1-A that the Provisional Hero License Exam is designed to test the students’ aptitudes such as information gathering, judgement, mobility, leadership, and communication in various types of trouble. However, the attitude that is most prevalent is fighting ability. Cementoss comments that bringing stability to a situation is a mark of a hero’s true fighting ability.

Next, Ectoplasm explains about special moves as being not entirely offensive. Ectoplasm names Tenya’s Recipro Burst as a move worthy of being called a special move since being able to move at blistering speeds within a short space of time gives him an upper hand. Class 1-A begin to understand that the purpose of special moves is to give them the upper hand in battle. Midnight gives another example of a special move; Kamui Woods’ Lacquered Chain Prison move allows Kamui to suppress his opponents before they can do anything. Shota tells Class 1-A that the training camp’s purpose, before being abruptly brought to an end, was to help develop their special moves.

Class 1-A student are developing their Ultimate Moves.

Shota decides that the remaining ten days they have of summer break before the second semester begins will be entirely spent on developing their Quirks and creating their special moves. Shota also tells Class 1-A that in addition to creating their special moves, he advises them to consider upgrading their hero costumes to aid them in the creation of their special moves.

Cementoss prepares the terrain and Ectoplasm creates clones of himself for Class 1-A to spar against, Class 1-A begin training. While all of Class 1-A begin training, Izuku is puzzled and confused as to what his special move should be. One of Ectoplasm’s clones scold Izuku for daydreaming. Izuku tells the Ectoplasm clone that he has not thought of any special moves because he must keep in mind not to try and break his arms in the process. The Ectoplasm clone advises Izuku to focus on developing his Quirk instead.

Toshinori warns Izuku that he uses One For All incorrectly.

All Might arrives, wanting to see Class 1-A developing their special moves since it is his job as a teacher to oversee the training of his students. Meanwhile, Katsuki has defeated an Ectoplasm clone and is happy that he can fight again. Shota and All Might comment on Katsuki’s prowess and that he will only keep growing stronger from here on out. The other students of Class 1-A continue their training and thinking about their special moves while Izuku is still puzzled on what to do next. All Might approaches him and gives Izuku advice, he is still trying to imitate him, which confuses Izuku. Before Izuku can question further, All Might goes to help Eijiro. All Might is teaching Izuku to think independently.

Seeing as he is unable to think of any special moves, Izuku decides that his best course of action is to upgrade his costume and goes to the first floor of the U.A. building to seek expertise from someone in the development studio. Outside the development studio’s door, Izuku thinks that upgrading his hero costume to reinforce his arms’ movements so that he can raise the upper limit of One For All is a good idea for now, which will enable him to withstand the special move he will create.

Hello, Izuk..¡BOOOMB!

Meanwhile, Tenya and Ochaco are also heading to the Development Studio. Ochaco has decided to improve her ability to make herself float so that she can increase her mobility which will allow her to make better use of the hand-to-hand fighting skills she learned. Tenya has decided to mitigate the drawbacks of his Recipro Burst move and is going to ask the development studio to upgrade his Hero Costume’s radiator. Both Ochaco and Tenya see Izuku waiting outside the door.

Before they can greet each other, an explosion from the development studio sends Izuku flying back, much to Tenya and Ochaco’s shock. As the smoke clears, Power Loader scolds the person responsible for the explosion. The person responsible for the explosion is none other than Mei Hatsume who has landed on top of Izuku. Mei recognizes Izuku from the U.A. Sports Festival. Izuku gets embarrassed from the sight of Mei’s bosom while Ochaco becomes surprised.[4]

Power Loader scolds Mei for her recklessness.

Mei apologizes for the explosion she caused; she asks the Class 1-A trio for their names since she forgot them. Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya remind Mei of their names. Izuku asks for a costume upgrade, which catches Mei’s attention. Power Loader reminds Mei that he is fine with her working in the Development Studio but must not cause chaos, otherwise, he will ban her. Power Loader turns his attention to Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya and invites them into the Development Studio.

Inside the Development Studio, Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya are amazed at all the machinery in it. Power Loader explains to the trio about hero costume upgrades. After looking at their respective costume instructions, he will be able to tinker with their costumes. If it is small improvements and fixes, all he needs to do is inform the design office about the changes, but if it is big improvements, he must prepare a formal written application to the design office to request approval. After the newly upgraded costume gets inspected and approved, it goes back to them. Power Loader tells the trio that the design office he is partnered with is one of the best, so any costume upgrades can be done within a mere three days.

Ochaco jealous of Mei’s interaction with Izuku.

Izuku asks Power Loader if there is something that can reduce the stress on his arm ligaments. Power Loader replies that minor tinkering to his hero costume will make it possible. Suddenly, Mei inspects his body, much to Izuku’s discomfort and Ochaco’s displeasure, and forces him to wear a powered exoskeleton she made. The suit malfunctions and starts to swivel uncontrollably, nearly twisting Izuku in half. As he recovers from the painful experience, Izuku once again asks for simple arm support.

Wanting to avoid Mei, Tenya whispers to Power Loader about wanting something to help cool down his leg thrusters, but Mei manages to overhear him regardless and proceeds to add to his Tenya’s costume Super Cooler Electric Boosters. However, the boosters are for the arms and not the legs, much to Tenya’s frustration. Mei already knows that Tenya’s Quirk is for his legs, but she thinks that if he wants to cool his legs, then he must run with his arms, which confuses Tenya. The gadgets are too powerful and Iida hits the ceiling. Despite this incident, Mei’s proverb makes Izuku realize what All Might was saying about him imitating him.

Despite her self-centered personality, Power Loader praises Mei for being a talented and hard-working engineer.

Power Loader scolds Mei for messing around. However, Power Loader advises Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya to invest in their relationship with her because once they become Pro Heroes, she will be taking care of their Hero Costume needs. Power Loader points to a mountain of trash in the Development Studio, he tells them that the trash is actually support items Mei has created since she started at U.A., even creating support items during the school holidays. Despite her self-centered attitude, Power Loader compliments Mei for her talent at inventing as well as her courage to come up with new ideas and attempt to make them real even if they fail.

Izuku suddenly realizes that his way of thinking has been wrong; people who invent are not bound by conventional thinking and in order to improve himself, he must think out of the box like Mei. While Mei helps out Ochaco, Izuku asks Tenya to help him with something.

Katsuki develops a new attack: the AP Shot.

Meanwhile, the rest of Class 1-A are progressing on improving their Quirks. Four days later at the Gamma Gym in the midst of training, All Might shows up and Shota tells him that Class 1-A are progressing nicely. Minoru comments on the change of Izuku’s costume, causing Izuku to reply that he received arm support to lessen the stress on his arms.

Meanwhile, Fumikage has developed a special move called Tenebrous Abyss Body that allows him to equip Dark Shadow onto himself. Midnight likes Fumikage’s special move but advises him to change the name so that it is easier to say. Katsuki tests out his new special move called AP Shot on a rock, a move that creates an Explosion beam. Katsuki’s AP Shot successfully executes and penetrates a rock.

Izuku saves All Might from a falling rock with his Shoot Style.

However, the rock Katsuki used his AP Shot on cracks and begin falling towards All Might. Suddenly, Izuku appears and destroys the rock with a kick. Izuku then destroys the remaining rock with another kick. All Might is impressed that Izuku figured out his advice on his own. Izuku has realized that just because he is the new successor of One For All, it does not mean that he must inherit his predecessor’s fighting style, in this case All Might’s punching style, and is free to choose his own fighting style.

Taking Mei’s words into consideration, and Tenya’s help, Izuku has decided to forego All Might’s punch fighting style and redevelop his fighting style. The technique Izuku used to destroy the rocks is called One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style, a technique that is an application of Izuku’s new kick-based fighting style. It is a fighting style focusing on kicking, thus strengthening his kicks.[5]

Deku upgrades his costume with the Iron Soles.

Before heading back to the Gym Gamma, Izuku explains to Mei about his Full Cowl technique which gives him greater maneuverability and asks her for a slight change to his costume that will have a big effect. Mei makes changes to Izuku’s costume, giving it spikes to support his arm and Iron Soles.

As Izuku asks All Might if he is fine, Eijiro and Denki notice the change in Izuku’s fighting style, causing Izuku to reply that he has changed to a kick-based fighting style and although it is not his special move, his new fighting style has given him a direction to go in. All Might comments that Izuku’s new fighting style will help him in the Provisional Hero License Exam.

Shota asks All Might to move to safety; All Might apologizes to Katsuki. Annoyed, Katsuki relieves his anger with an Explosion and tells All Might to be careful. The former Symbol of Peace is staggered about the fact that throughout his life, he has been protecting others. Now, All Might realizes that he needs others to protect him and is perturbed with the role change.

Izuku comments on Eijiro and Denki’s hero costume upgrades. Other students of Class 1-A, Shoto, Kyoka, and Koji have made upgrades to their hero costumes.

Itsuka explains Neito’s costume.

Suddenly, Vlad King and Class 1-B enter Gym Gamma, causing Shota to ask Vlad King for ten more minutes. Neito Monoma, whose hero costume is a simple gentleman’s attire, comments that due to the low pass rate of the Provisional Hero License Exam, all of Class 1-A will fail. However, Shota remarks that Class 1-A and Class 1-B will be taking the exam at different venues, much to Neito’s disappointment. Vlad King states that the exam is conducted every year in June and September at three different locations across the country; to avoid students from the same schools from clashing against each other, it is common practice to split up their students by sending them to different sites and testing times.

Neito seems relieved that he will not be able to bring down Class 1-A himself, causing Eijiro and Denki to wonder if he has a mental condition. Shota tells Class 1-A that the chances of those who receive their Provisional Hero Licenses in their first year is extremely small due to the presence of other strong students who have been training and honing their skills much longer than they have.

Class 1-A’s Special Move Training Concludes: The Provisional Hero License Exam Arrives!

Ochaco watches Izuku practicing his technique.

During the night at Class 1-A’s dormitory in Heights Alliance, the Class 1-A girls are relaxing in the common space on the first floor and they comment on the rough training. Toru asks about the special moves they have been creating; Tsuyu and Momo have special moves in mind and need a bit more training to pull it off. Ochaco is asked about her special move, but she does not respond and appears depressed.

After Tsuyu nudges her, Ochaco snaps back to reality and says that she still has a long way to go, but her heart has been jumbled up. Mina comments that Ochaco is in love, much to Ochaco’s shock. Ochaco denies this fact, but Mina pries further and asks if she is in love with Izuku or Tenya, causing Ochaco to start floating due to her embarrassment. Ochaco says that her friendship with Izuku or Tenya is not like that. Tsuyu and Momo tell Mina not to pry into another’s love life and decide to head to bed. Ochaco sees Izuku training outside and thinks to herself again that it is not like what Mina said.

Class 1-A meets the overexcited Inasa.

The remaining days of training came and went. The day of the Provisional Hero License Exam has come. Class 1-A arrive at the exam site, Takoba National Stadium. Some of Class 1-A are nervous, but Shota encourages them to do their best so that they can pass this exam and further their goal in becoming heroes. Class 1-A huddle together, suddenly, a student called Inasa Yoarashi interrupts their huddle, causing another student to tell him that it is rude to interrupt other people’s huddles. Inasa expresses his apology to Class 1-A with vigor and bows to them while smashing his head into the ground and bleeding, much to some of Class 1-A’s shock.

Other participants of the exam recognize the students with berets. Katsuki comments that there is a high school in the west (Kansai) that is on par with U.A (which is from the east). The people standing in front of Class 1-A are students from the famous Shiketsu High School. Inasa energetically expresses his excitement about competing with U.A and wishes Class 1-A the best of luck.

As the other students of Shiketsu High and Inasa leave, Shota tells Class 1-A that the energetic student’s name is Inasa Yoarashi and states that he is a powerful contender; at U.A.’s entrance exam, the same year Class 1-A took it, Inasa received the top score and passed. However, despite receiving the top score, Inasa declined his admission offer. Izuku is surprised with Inasa’s prowess and thinks that he might be as talented as Shoto.[6] Hanta is confused as to why Inasa would refuse enrollment into U.A. even though he admires the school. Shota replies that while Inasa can be awkward, his strength is great and warns Class 1-A to be careful.

Ms. Joke happy to see Shota Aizawa again.

Suddenly, a female teacher approaches Shota and states that it has been a long time since they have seen each other, although Shota is indifferent, the female begins joking around with Shota while the Erasing Hero is unamused by her sense of humor. The female teacher that Shota apparently knows is «Smile Hero» Ms. Joke and her Quirk is Outburst. Ms. Joke’s Quirk forces others to laugh which impairs their cognitive and motor skills.

Tsuyu comments on Shota’s and Ms. Joke’s closeness, causing Ms. Joke to reply that their workplaces were close to each other and helped each other whenever they had trouble, which is why she and Shota know each other very well. However, Shota denies the part about them being lovers. Ms. Joke reveals that she is a teacher from Ketsubutsu Academy High School and she teaches Class 2-2.

Ketsubutsu Academy students greet Class 1-A.

Some students from Ms. Joke’s class show up and greet Class 1-A. One of her students called Yo Shindo happily greets some of Class 1-A. Yo is impressed with Class 1-A’s perseverance considering everything they went through during the year and believes that overcoming obstacles is what heroes need which is why he respects Class 1-A. Yo tries greeting Katsuki, but Katsuki rejects Yo’s greeting, causing Eijiro to reprimand Katsuki for his rudeness, although Yo is not bothered by it.

Ms. Joke tells her class to change into their hero costumes. As her class go to get changed, Ms. Joke asks Shota if he told his class about something that happens every year at the Provisional Hero License Exam; Shota replies he has not.

Yokumiru explains the rules to the students.

Inside Takoba National Stadium, Yokumiru Mera of the Hero Public Safety Commission, a sleep-deprived man, introduces himself and will be the one explaining the Provisional Hero License Exam. Yokumiru tells the 1540 examinees that only 100 of them will participate in the actual Provisional Hero License Exam, much to their frustration. Yokumiru informs them that they will first compete in the First Exam to determine the 100 examinees that will compete in the Provisional Hero License Exam. The objective of the First Exam is to test the examinees’ speed which is required in Heroics.

Yokumiru explains the preliminary round; every examinee will take three targets and paste them somewhere on their bodies where others can see, except their feet and armpits. Each examinee will be given six balls and use them to hit the targets; the target will light up when it is hit by a ball and once the third target is lit up, that examinee is considered as lost and disqualified. Whoever lights up the third target will be considered as the person who took down the other person.

Ms. Joke teases Shota Aizawa.

The goal of the preliminary round is to take down two examinees using the six balls given and whoever takes down two people will pass the preliminary round and qualify for the Provisional Hero License Exam. Yokumiru tells the examinees that they will give them the targets and the balls a minute after the preliminary round has begun.

The place the examinees are in opens up and reveals that they are inside Takoba National Stadium surrounded by a huge varied terrain. Watching from the bleachers, Ms. Joke is surprised that Shota did not fail any of his students which he is known for and wonders if Shota likes his current class, although Shota is indifferent about Class 1-A, much to Ms. Joke’s laughter.

The «Crushing of U.A. students» begins!

On the First Exam battlefield, Izuku decides that Class 1-A should work together to pass the preliminary round since he believes that it will be school versus school. However, Shoto separates in order to use their Quirks more effectively and so that they do not become an easy target by huddling together. Katsuki does the same, being followed by Eijiro and Denki. Some of Class 1-A follow Izuku while Izuku explains that working together is better because the other schools know their Quirks and fighting styles.

Ms. Joke comments to Shota that while the format changes every year, a tradition does exist throughout the history of the Provisional Hero License Exam; the tradition is «the crushing of U.A. students».

Provisional Hero License First Exam: Target U.A.!

Class 1-A ready for action.

The First Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam begins. As Izuku and some of his classmates follow him, dozens of examinees approach them and are eager in taking them out. One of them, Yo sees Izuku again and comments that his Quirk breaks his body every time he uses it. Yo and many examinees begin throwing balls at Class 1-A.

However, Izuku, Minoru, Mina, Ochaco, and Fumikage block the incoming balls with their Quirks. Shota tells Ms. Joke that it did not matter if he told them or not about the tradition in taking out U.A. since they have to overcome the obstacle regardless; being a hero means that they have to get themselves out of a pinch whatever the circumstances are. Izuku informs his classmates to brace themselves.[7]

Yo isn’t surprised that students from U.A. weren’t affected by an ambush of that scale. his classmate Shikkui Makabe uses his Stiffening Quirk to harden his projectiles and gives them to Itejiro Toteki. Itejiro uses his Boomerang Quirk to lock on to Class 1-A and uses his super move: Trajectory: Crescent Moon to throws the hardened balls underground. Itejiro expects to take Class 1-A by surprise because he threw the balls underground.

Class 1-A defends themselves from the «crushing of U.A.»

Kyoka uses her Quirk and unleashes a special move called Heartbeat Distortion which shatters the ground, allowing Class 1-A to see where the balls are being fired at. Mina uses her special move Acid Veil to protect Minoru. Seeing an opening, Fumikage equips Dark Shadow onto himself using Black Abyss (previously known as Abyssal Black Body) and, grabbing a ball with his right hand, uses Piercing Twilight Claws against Tatami Nakagame in order to attach the ball onto her.

Tatami narrowly manages to dodge Fumikage’s attack in the nick of time by collapsing her torso into her waist using her Telescopic Quirk, and comments on Class 1-A’s strength. Yokumiru announces that zero examinees have passed so far. Izuku decides to wait and see the examinees’ Quirks before starting an actual fight since everyone is protecting their targets and thus the chance of getting a lucky hit is minuscule.

On the bleachers, Ms. Joke tells Shota that those who take the leading role can turn the tables. In the stadium where Class 1-A are, Yo Shindo tells his fellow classmates that he will shatter their solid defense. Yo uses his Quirk known as Vibrate on the ground and uses a special move called Tremoring Earth, which unleashes a powerful earthquake that completely shatter the ground, causing Class 1-A to lose their footing.

Inasa Yoarashi eliminates 120 students by himself.

At another area of the stadium, some examinees feel the earthquake Yo Shindo caused. However, they soon forget about the earthquake and focus on the battle in front of them. Suddenly, all of the examinees’ balls are being swept up into the air by powerful gusts of wind. On top of a building, the examinee causing the gusts of wind is Inasa Yoarashi with his quirk Whirlwind. Inasa is getting fired up and wishes to participate in the heated battle. Inasa blasts all of the balls onto the examinees with his powerful wind. Yokumiru receives information on the first examinee to pass which is Inasa Yoarashi. However, Yokumiru is shocked that Inasa managed to eliminate 120 examinees in an instant.

Back at the battlefield between Class 1-A of U.A. and Class 2-2 of Ketsubutsu Academy High School, Izuku is regaining his footing after the ground is shattered courtesy of Yo’s Vibrate. Izuku contemplates that Ketsubutsu Academy have done their homework on analyzing their Quirks and decides that Class 1-A must team up together in order to combat Ketsubutsu Academy’s strong teamwork. Despite being at a disadvantage, Izuku cannot help but feel excited.

Camie catches Izuku off guard.

Suddenly, Izuku realizes that he has been hit by a female student’s ball, much to Izuku’s confusion. The female examinee who hit Izuku is from Shiketsu High called Camie and scolds Izuku for zoning out in the middle of a battle. However, Camie finds it weird that Izuku can still smile after being put at a disadvantage and finds it to be cool. Izuku focuses and prepares for combat.[8]

Ochaco has landed on rubble and is still recovering from Yo’s earthquake. Ochaco decides not to call out to Class 1-A as that would attract dozens of examinees to her; Being composed, Ochaco thinks that the best option is to regroup with her classmates to avoid being ganged up by themselves.

The First Exam Heats Up!: Izuku vs. Camie

Camie «greets» Izuku.

Camie notes that in large-scale exams, some examinees target certain individuals for information or have enough, such as the case on all of the U.A. students. Camie is one of those individuals who crave information which is why she targeted Izuku as she wants to learn more about U.A. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl, knowing that talking would only distract him and wonders if her classmates are supporting her or if she is on her own. Camie throws a ball and a rock, but Izuku effortlessly dodges them. However, Izuku is surprised that the female had disappeared once more.

Suddenly, Camie appears before Izuku and tries throwing another ball at him, but Izuku dodges with his enhanced speed. Izuku prepares to counterattack with one of his balls; however, he realizes that he should not as she disappears the moment he takes his eyes off her. Camie appears behind Izuku and wonders if Izuku was thinking if she has a vanishing Quirk.

Camie uses her concealing technique to overwhelm Izuku.

Camie pushes Izuku down to the ground and pins him, stating that she was simply hiding. Camie states that her fighting style revolves around concealing her presence; Izuku is surprised that Shiketsu High teaches that kind of fighting style. Having told Izuku some information about her, Camie asks Izuku what is motivating him for becoming a hero as she wants to learn more about him.

Izuku uses the power of One For All to blast himself off the ground slightly, causing Camie to jump away. Seeing that she is distracted, Izuku throws a ball at her, but his ball is deflected by webs protruding from the ground. Izuku and Camie see that other examinees have arrived. Izuku realizes that the worst case scenario has occurred and decides that his best option is to dodge. Izuku uses One For All Full Cowl to dodge the onslaught of Quirk attacks from the other examinees. Ochaco suddenly appears and calls out to him, causing Izuku to think that she has a plan.

Izuku rescues «Ochaco».

Suddenly, other examinees approach Ochaco, who becomes surprised and annoyed by this, which forced her to take a step back, this made her lose her footing, which caused her to fall. Izuku begins thinking about all of his regrets; if he had not broken his arms, he could have saved Katsuki, and the fight between All Might and All For One would not have occurred. If he had been faster than the Vanguard Action Squad. Izuku notes that his speed would have allowed him to make all the difference which is why he has changed his fighting style to revolve around speed and training his legs.

Using One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style, Izuku sprints towards Ochaco and saves her from falling. Having saved Ochaco, Izuku swears to himself that until his body is ready, he will not use One For All 100%. To make up for his lack of power, Izuku has iron soles that empower the impact of his kicks with a blow back-like movement. Izuku uses One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style and shatters the footing the other examinees are on with an iron sole empowered kick. As the examinees lose their footing and are distracted by it, Izuku and Ochaco manage to escape without being traced and successfully find a hiding spot.

Izuku knows she isn’t the real Ochaco.

As Ochaco thanks Izuku for saving her, Izuku is looking out for any examinees. Ochaco tries attaching a ball onto Izuku. However, Izuku knocks away Ochaco’s ball. Izuku is not fooled by «Ochaco’s» appearance and knows that the impostor is someone from Shiketsu High.

Izuku is not blinded by the impostor’s deception either because the Ochaco he knows should have been able to float to prevent herself from falling and above all, the Ochaco he knows of would not have appeared before the enemy without some sort of plan. «Ochaco’s» face begins dissolving and is impressed with Izuku for figuring out the deception but is still surprised that he saved the impostor; the impostor wonders if Izuku wanted to take advantage of the situation. Knowing that the impostor was not Ochaco all along, Izuku told the impostor that he could not stand by and watch the impostor fall which is why he saved the impostor.

A nude Camie attacks Izuku.

The impostor dissolves and reveals itself to be the Shiketsu High female whom Izuku has been fighting. Impressed with Izuku’s actions and desiring to learn more about him, Camie wants Izuku to teach her more about himself, much to his dismay.[9]

Camie analyses that Izuku is the type to save anyone, but wonders to what lengths Izuku will go and where he will draw the line. Camie charges at Izuku despite being nude; Izuku himself is puzzled as to why the female is nude. Camie slashes at Izuku, which causes a cut on Izuku’s face to appear. Suddenly, tape divides the female and Izuku, preventing the female from attacking further.

Camie tells Ochaco that Izuku trusts her a lot.

The tape came from Hanta, to which Izuku thanks Hanta for his intervention. Ochaco jumps from behind Hanta and launches herself towards Camie. Ochaco nearly manages to hit the female, but Camie’s speed allows her to evade Ochaco’s attack. Ochaco commends Camie’s reflexes and the latter flips on top of a rock and sits on it. disappointed that she can no longer talk with Izuku due to being outnumbered thanks to Hanta and Ochaco’s interference.

Before leaving, Camie tells Ochaco that Izuku really trusts her. Camie retreat and Hanta tries to go after her, but Izuku advises him and Ochaco not to pursue her, having analyzed that her Quirk probably only works without clothing and because of that her targets have also been removed along with her clothing, reasoning that there is no point in chasing after her.

Izuku asks if Ochaco and Hanta are real.

Izuku awkwardly asks if Hanta and Ochaco are the real versions of themselves. He explains that Camie was able to transform into Ochaco and everyone gets embarrassed. Hanta emphatically asks if the fake Ochaco was naked and Izuku replies that she wasn’t. When things calm down, Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta decide to plan their next move with Hanta noting that there are a group of examinees near their location.[10]

Yokumiru announces that 53 examinees have passed and the eliminated count stands at 230.

Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students

Shoto defends himself from Seijin student attack.

Shoto hides alone in a steel labyrinth-like area of the arena. He hears the announcer reveal that over fifty students have passed, forcing Shoto to act. Shoto is immediately targeted by a group of students from Seijin, clad in a ninja garb. They ambush Shoto and he blocks their projectiles with a wall of ice before freezing them all in place.

The student in red throws a bolt at Shoto and uses his Quirk to greatly increase its size. Shoto blocks with a shield but the ninja breaks through it by attacking with more weapons. Shoto tries to melt another projectile thrown at him but he’s forced to dodge. The ninja reveals the weapons are made up of tungsten, a material resistant to super high temperatures. He tells Shoto he’s overconfident for acting on his own.[11]

Shoto passes the first test.

The red-clad leader calls Shoto overconfident for working alone. Shoto responds with a fire attack and two students negate his attack with their water-based Quirks. Then he defends with his ice but the students counter by throwing large items to break it. Their strategy is to negate both of Shoto’s elements with their various Quirks.

Shoto manages to get away after the engagement fills the area with steam. He realizes the labyrinth-like area their fighting in must have real features built into it. The Seijin students are drawn to a decoy flame and then Shoto uses his ice to break a tank above them. By using his fire on it as well, Shoto manages to create an explosion that incapacitates his rivals.

Inasa talks to another student.

Victorious, Shoto freezes them and then tags their weak points to pass the first test.[12] Yokumiru then announces that the 54th examinee has passed; the 54th examinee to pass is Shoto Todoroki. Shoto managed to hit his targets by simultaneously using his fire and ice. Shoto comments that his simultaneous usage of his fire and ice together are sluggish and he still needs practice. The lights on Shoto’s targets light up and once of them tell Shoto to proceed to the waiting room.

Inside the waiting room, Shoto sees that quite a few examinees have passed like him already. While looking for a place to sit down, Shoto spots Inasa who is having a conversation with another examinee about Stamp Man. Shoto goes to sit down on a chair and ponders that he should have met Inasa when they were taking the Entrance Exam since he was also recommended. During the conversation, Inasa sees Shoto and suddenly stops talking, silently glancing at Shoto. Inasa turns back and continues his conversation with the examinee.[13]

Battle of Strategists: Momo Yaoyorozu vs Saiko Intelli

Saiko puts her plan into motion.

Momo, Tsuyu, Kyoka, and Mezo enter a building after failing to find the rest of their classmates. Meanwhile, Saiko Intelli and her classmates from Seiai Academy set a trap for Class 1-A students. Kyoka hears people ascending the building from below until her ears are injured by a sudden blast of music. Saiko and her classmates enter the elevator after completing «phase one».

Outside, another student uses a slingshot to crack the windows of the room Momo and company are in so that they can’t see outside. Momo notices the enemy is sealing off Kyoka and Mezo’s Quirks that are good for detecting people. She surmises that the enemy is trying to keep their group trapped inside the room and are likely right outside the door. Kyoka recklessly tries to attack and she’s injured by the sniper outside the building. Then the air vents start pouring in cold air that forces Tsuyu to hibernate due the nature of her quirk Frog. The enemy students weld the other escape door shut and force Momo to try and think of an escape plan.

Kyoka’s sonic attack.

Saiko has used her IQ Quirk to outmaneuver Momo and her group up until now. She expects that Momo will overuse her Quirk in order to stop the cold air vents inside the room. Saiko’s plan is to make her overuse Creation so they can defeat her group when all their Quirks have been nullified. She gains inspiration of Izuku’s courage during their mission to rescue Katsuki from the League of Villains and realizes that she has to save her classmates.

Momo asks her friends to endure the cold and produces headphones for them to wear. Then she produces a high powered amp. Saiko readies her allies to storm the room but is surprised when her rival students counter with a high-frequency sonic waves attack. All of the Seiai students except for Saiko are knocked out by a large amp created by Momo to amplify Kyoka’s Quirk. The Class 1-A students leave the room to find Momo’s plan was successful. However, Saiko hides behind the door and then locks herself and Momo back inside the room. Saiko admits she’s surprised Momo would go with such a high-risk tactic rather than the predictable route.

Tsuyu and Mezo come back for Momo.

Momo can’t move as well from overusing her Quirk and Saiko tries to tag her targets to make her fail. Momo counters by handcuffing their arms together. She buys enough time for Mezo to break down the door. Tsuyu rushes in and uses her tongue to restrain Saiko’s other arm. Saiko is shocked that Momo’s allies came to her rescue because they could’ve passed without her. Kyoka, Tsuyu, and Mezo explain that they would never leave their friend behind and Momo follows up by saying that’s just how Class 1-A is. Impressed by the U.A. students, Saiko admits defeat.[12]

Mera announces that four more examinees have passed, bringing the total number of examinees passed to 58.

Overcome the Obstacles to Pass the Test!

Ochaco and Hanta put their faith in Izuku.

Izuku analyzes that the examinees are working together in large groups and then attack smaller groups; afterwards they start fighting over who gets to hit the last target, to which Ochaco realizes that as they try to steal the last target from each other their numbers will also start to dwindle which makes it harder to catch others.

Hanta asks why Izuku is intent on gathering Class 1-A together. Izuku responds that working together is the best option because they do not have knowledge on their opponents’ Quirks and they are short on time.[10]

Izuku and Katsuki during the exam.

On the bleachers, Ms. Joke offers Shota some gum, which he rejects. Shota is frustrated that he is unable to find out who has passed. Ms. Joke wonders why he is worried. Shota explains that he is not worried but has high expectations because two of his students (Izuku and Katsuki) encourage and inspire the rest of his class. As a result of their presence, Shota feels that Class 1-A should perform spectacularly which is why he has high expectations.

Eijiro turned into a Meatball.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki end up in a separate city-like district inside the arena. They walk out in the street and are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. He attacks Katsuki with his Quirk Meatball but Eijiro pushes Katsuki away and gets hit with the attack that transforms him into a lump of flesh. Katsuki challenges the Shiketsu student head on.

Meanwhile, Izuku decides that they should first figure out the number of examinees they need to pass and then immobilize them; after they are immobilized, they will hit their targets with their balls. Suddenly, Ochaco hears footsteps; Izuku tells Ochaco and Hanta that he will act as a decoy while they keep a distance from him and try to immobilize as many examinees as possible. Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta prepare to enact their plan.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki vs. Shiketsu High School Elite, Seiji

Katsuki attacks Seiji.

In the bridge, Seiji expresses pride in wearing his hat as it is a symbol that shows Shiketsu High’s brilliance. Seiji states that their sense of pride and dignity makes them superior to U.A. Seiji has respect for U.A but upon witnessing Class 1-A for himself, he feels disgusted to be participating with them.

Katsuki could not care less about the male’s whining and tells him action speaks louder. Seiji gladly demonstrates his Quirk, kneading five fingers out of thin air and launches them, calling Katsuki an ingrate while Katsuki prepares to attack. Katsuki blows away Seiji and his kneaded meat fingers with his new technique, AP Shot: Auto-Cannon.[13]

Seiji is surprised that he let his guard down by Katsuki’s impulsive and abrasive attitude; Denki notes that Seiji’s kneaded fingers are returning to his skin. Getting his head in the game, Seiji rematerializes his kneaded flesh fingers and promises to make Katsuki understand the importance of behaving in a dignified manner. Annoyed with his constant talking, Katsuki charges towards Seiji while Denki fires projectiles with a piece of his equipment attached to his arm, the Sharpshooting Gear. Seiji manages to dodge Denki’s projectiles and decides to get rid of Denki’s projectiles first.

Katsuki is turned into a meatball.

Katsuki becomes angry at being ignored and fires an AP Shot Auto Cannon at Seiji. Seiji defends himself from Katsuki’s Explosion technique by materializing flesh in front of himself to act as a shield. Seiji remarks that he was not ignoring him; Katsuki realizes that a lump of flesh is on his shoulders. Seiji states that he had one of his kneaded flesh circle from around under the bridge to attach to Katsuki. Seiji reveals that if a person is touched by the flesh, they become a lump of flesh themselves. Katsuki tosses something to Denki and then he’s transformed into a ball of flesh.

Seiji reminds Denki that his actions are simply a show of power. Seiji believes that due to All Might retiring, the need for strong future Heroes is necessary and thus thinks that the true objective of the Provisional Hero License Exam is to weed out the weak and select the cream of the crop. Seiji agrees with the assumed true purpose of the exam which is why he stands in Class 1-A’s way, believing them to not be fit to be heroes. Seiji warns Denki that even though Eijiro and Katsuki are balls of meat, they can still feel pain as they normally would meaning that unleashing electricity in the surrounding area would harm them.

Denki shocks Seiji.

Denki and Seiji decide to battle; Seiji kneads flesh fingers and fires them at Denki, to which Denki retaliates by throwing an object at Seiji. The object explodes which stops Seiji’s attack, which confuses Seiji since Katsuki is a ball of meat. Seiji sees that the object is a grenade. Denki reveals that Katsuki was carrying one of those grenades as he can create simple explosions with them. Seiji realizes that Katsuki gave Denki one of those grenades when he was talking. Denki fires a beam of electricity from his fingertip at Seiji which electrocutes Seiji.

Denki reveals that he is unable to control the flow of electricity by himself which is why his Sharpshooting Gear allows him to control the flow of his electricity. Denki realizes that Katsuki’s Explosions have a large range and used his AP Shot against Seiji which has a restricted range so that he would not harm Eijiro or him. Denki tells Seiji that Katsuki may be impulsive but he is more serious about becoming a Hero than most. Denki criticizes Seiji for mocking them when he knows so little about them. Seiji is furious with Denki’s stupidity and angrily replies that he was telling them to know their place.

Katsuki and Eijiro defeat Seiji.

Suddenly, Katsuki and Eijiro attack Seiji with an Explosion and Hardened fist respectively. Denki comments the reason Katsuki and Eijiro are back to normal is that his flesh ball prisons can be canceled depending on the amount of damage Seiji has taken which is why Seiji fights at long range.

Eijiro thanks Denki but Katsuki yells at him for taking too long. Denki is dismayed by Katsuki’s comment and replies that its no wonder people always insult him. Afraid, Denki notices the other victims of Seiji’s Quirk have been reverted to their normal bodies as well. He tells Katsuki and Eijiro they weren’t the only one’s Seiji balled up and Katsuki licks his lips and replies that he knows. The three of them standoff with their new opponents until a fight breaks out between all of them.

Izuku’s Gambit: To the Second Phase

Ochaco unleashes her trap using Hanta’s tape.

Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco are fighting the examinees in their area. They talked about their situation and how rival students are starting to split up. Izuku decided to act as a decoy so Ochaco and Hanta can restrain their pursuers.

Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style and dashes past the group of examinees. The examinees prepare to attack Izuku. Seeing that the examinees are distracted, Ochaco and Hanta launch their surprise attack. Ochaco and Hanta use their Quirks (Ochaco use her Zero Gravity Quirk to make the debris float and Hanta launching them with his Tape) and fire debris at the examinees which entraps them. Many examinees are pinned down by the tape due to the heavy debris.

Izuku’s group passes the first phase.

Mera announces that 76 examinees have passed. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco place their balls on six examinees. Yokumiru announces that three more examinees have passed, indicating that Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco has officially passed the preliminary round which is the First Exam.

As Izuku begins thinking about his other classmates, Yokumiru notes a pattern: despite many examinees trying to eliminate U.A., Class 1-A has not lost a single student thus far. Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki are fighting the examinees on the bridge. Tsuyu, Momo, Kyoka and Mezo have are in the waiting room along with Shoto. Tenya and Yuga are working together, Mina, Mashirao, Toru and Minoru have formed a group while Fumikage, Koji, and Rikido have teamed up in an attempt to pass.

Seeing that the First Exam is nearly over, Yokumiru decides to make preparations for the Second Exam and leaves it up to them. The people Yokumiru is referring to are a group of senior citizens and many young children. The senior citizens look forward to messing with the young examinees.[14]

Ketsubutsu continues their schemes.

Moments earlier before Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta pass, Yo Shindo analyzes the situation after scattering Class 1-A with his earthquake. Class 1-A are weakened due to being scattered and half of his class are going after Class 1-A while other schools have hopped on the bandwagon. As a result, more and more conflicts are breaking out, making the situation messy. Tatami states that his plan to scatter them is backfiring.

However, Yo is still satisfied because the end game of the First Exam is in motion and many examinees are wasting their energy going after Class 1-A and is happy that his class is fully aware of what is at stake. Tatami comments on Yo’s fake goody-goody act but Yo takes that as a compliment. Yo scorns the examinees for struggling to seize their dreams and ideals while stating that he is above such childish mentality.

The First Exam’s Nail-Biting Conclusion: Class 1-A Pushes Through!

Class 1-A victory dance.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki have passed which brings the total number of people passed to 82. Denki spots Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta. Denki goes to greet them and congratulates them on passing. As Hanta and Ochaco praise Denki and Eijiro for passing, Katsuki asks Izuku if he passed, to which Izuku tells Katsuki that he did; Izuku finds it awkward to be speaking to Katsuki due to the Kamino Incident. As he walks away, Katsuki is not surprised that Izuku passed with his «power», much to Izuku’s shock. Katsuki asks Izuku if he made that «borrowed power» his own yet, and walks away to the waiting room.

In the waiting room, Momo is glad that Izuku’s group and Katsuki’s group passed. Tsuyu tells Izuku’s and Katsuki’s group about the people who will remove their targets. Shoto speaks to Izuku and states that 11 people from their class have passed, leaving 9 of them remaining. Momo notes that there are 18 spots remaining and hopes Tenya is alright.

Tenya and Yuga are surrounded by opponents.

On the battlefield, Tenya and Yuga are in the heat of battle against dozens of examinees. As Yuga thinks that the situation is bad, Tenya saves Yuga from a stray bullet and tells him not to give up. Earlier on, Tenya found Yuga and decided to work with him so that they can find their classmates and pass. However, Yuga is content with the rest of Class 1-A passing ahead of him. Tenya refuses to leave Yuga behind as he is the president of Class 1-A and as such it is his duty to support everyone including him. This is how Tenya and Yuga began working together.

In the present, eight more examinees have passed, which leaves 10 remaining spots. Ms. Joke is certain that the examinees that just passed is her class and looks down to the waiting room, seeing her class walking to the waiting room, Ms. Joke is happy to see that her class passed. Momo and Kyoka are worried that some of their class will not pass the First Exam.

Everyone notices Yuga’s beacon of light.

Tenya and Yuga are still in the heat of battle against the hoard of examinees. Seeing that he is holding Tenya back, Yuga fires his Navel Laser in the air. Tenya wonders what Yuga is planning. Yuga tells Tenya that he has already lost two targets and does not want Tenya to go down with him and thus decided to shoot his Navel Laser into the sky to use himself as a decoy to attract more examinees which will allow Tenya to out speed and attach his balls to two of them while they are distracted. Yuga admits that his dream is to be equal with everyone else.

Suddenly, a flock of doves are all over the area and are distracting the examinees courtesy of Koji. Concealed by the doves, Fumikage uses Black Abyss: Covert Black-Ops Arms to land a surprise attack on two examinees which successfully connects and knocks them down. Examinees find themselves stuck due to Minoru’s Pop Off, Mashirao knocks them down which sticks them to the ground. Tenya is surprised that Mashirao, Minoru, and Fumikage have arrived.

Mina thanks Yuga and his light beacon.

The other examinees realize that U.A. has arrived and prepare to counter-attack. Out of nowhere, a bright light illuminates the area and distract the examinees which prevents them from counter-attacking; this bright light is emanating from Toru’s Ultimate Move Warp Refraction. Using Toru’s light as a distraction, Mashirao attaches his balls to two examinees while Toru herself attaches her balls to two examinees allowing them to pass.

On the ground, Yuga is confused as to what is going on; Mina tells Yuga it is thanks to his Navel Laser that they managed to group up with him and Tenya. Mina manages to attach her required balls and passes while the remaining Class 1-A students work together. They begin passing one after the other.

Tenya and Yuga are the last two participants to pass the first phase.

Tenya and Yuga run to their targeted opponents and Tenya tells the latter that no matter who he wants to be an equal with, he’s the beacon that allowed Class 1-A to succeed, as thanks to him, the remaining Class 1-A students grouped back together to pass. Yuga and Tenya attach their balls to their required number of targets, filling the final two spots for the first phase.

With that, 100 examinees in total have passed. Yokumiru Mera announces that the First Exam is over and instructs the examinees who did not pass to leave the premises.

The First Exam Ends!: Tension Between U.A. High School and Shiketsu High School

The battlefield is destroyed.

In the waiting room, Izuku, Ochaco, Minoru, Denki, and Hanta celebrate because all of Class 1-A passed the First Exam. Inasa is shocked that Seiji failed to pass; one of Inasa’s classmates comment that Seiji was full of himself which lead to his downfall and asks him to tone his voice down. Camie has also passed.

Yokumiru asks the one hundred examinees who passed to look at the screen which shows the battlefield. The entire battlefield the examinees were competing on crumbles. All the buildings are destroyed which causes the battlefield to become a disaster site, shocking some of Class 1-A. Yokumiru tells the one hundred examinees that the destroyed battlefield which has become a disaster site will be their next and last stage for the Provisional Hero License Exam. On this disaster site, the one hundred examinees will be conducting rescue maneuvers.[15]

The Help Us Company.

Yokumiru announces to the examinees that they will be conducting rescue maneuvers in saving citizens at the disaster site; what will be tested is the examinees’ ability to adequately carry out rescue operations. However, the citizens ordinary. They are senior citizens and children who have obtained Provisional Hero Licenses and have gone through all sorts of training and as a result they are experts in rescue maneuvers. The senior citizens and children are a part of Help Us Company.

Yokumiru explains that the senior citizens are disguised as injured victims and are scattered throughout the disaster site. The examinees will carry out their rescues. Yokumiru informs the examinees that their rescue activities will be scored on a point system; by the time the rescue activities are completed, examinees who exceed the average value will pass. Yokumiru ends his explanation by telling the examinees that there will be a ten-minute break, which will give the examinees the time to prepare.

Izuku and Tenya realize that the Second Exam is modeled after the Kamino Incident. Tenya says that there were many casualties while their group was focused on rescuing Katsuki. Izuku states they will need to do their best.

«I misjudged you, you curly-haired bas…!»

Meanwhile, Hanta tells Denki and Minoru that Izuku saw Camie’s naked body, which infuriates them due the jealousy. They confront Izuku for what he saw, which confuses Izuku, don’t allow him to explain. The trio look at Camie who smiles and waves at Izuku, further strengthening the implications that Izuku has some kind of relationship with the girl. Izuku begins understanding the situation and informs Denki and Minoru that her nude body had something to do with her Quirk and she has scary skills, but they still antagonize him.

They’re interrupted when the Shiketsu students approach U.A.’s Class 1-A. Nagamasa Mora greets Katsuki and asks if he met Seiji Shishikura. Katsuki replies that he did. Nagamasa apologizes for Seiji’s rude behavior towards them. Nagamasa states that Seiji was trying to impress them in his own way and reveals that Shiketsu High School bears no hostility towards U.A. He wishes to establish a good relationship with U.A and apologizes for Seiji’s impolite behavior.

Shoto confronts Inasa in the anteroom.

Seeing as how they are here to talk and not antagonize, Shoto asks Inasa if he did something to bother him. Inasa gets straight to the point, he hates both Shoto and his father, Endeavor. Inasa comments that while his demeanor has changed, Shoto still has the same eyes as Endeavor. Inasa rejoins his fellow Shiketsu High classmates while Shoto contemplates what Inasa just said.

Before Izuku can consult Shoto, Camie says goodbye to Izuku, to which Izuku immediately responds with a nod, and Denki and Minoru jump on him again. Momo tells them to stop acting disgracefully. Camie walks away while Ochaco’s heart starts pounding and is not able to suppress her feelings for Izuku.

Provisional Hero License Second Exam: The True Mark of a Hero!

Final Phase begins.

Before Ochaco can speak to Izuku, the Second Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam begins. A rescue scenario is being broadcasted to the examinees, large-scale destruction of buildings have resulted in large numbers of victims. The damage to the roads are severe and the emergency unit will be considered late. Until the emergency unit arrives, all rescue activities will be left to the Heroes and they must save every life they can. The waiting room door opens up and the one hundred examinees rush out to the disaster site to carry out their rescue operations.

Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya, Minoru, and Mina head to the nearest affected urban zone. They encounter a crying and injured child who screams that his grandpa has been crushed. Izuku finds that to be terrible, much to the crying child’s annoyance who finds Izuku’s reaction to be pathetic and takes away points from him. The child advises Izuku to check if he can walk and his breathing and notes that he is bleeding.

The child tells Izuku that if he wants a Provisional Hero License then he must be able to access the condition of a victim and take instant action. Izuku realizes that the HUCS are doing the scoring and becomes overwhelmed. Some examinees begin scoping out the danger area of the disaster site, create make shift roads, landing areas, make first aid stations and establishing a relief area.

Everybody helping the «victims».

On the bleachers, Shota comments that Class 1-A will fall behind in this exam. The child tells Izuku that in addition to rescuing and providing relief, all authority and responsibility is on his shoulders and must smoothly act as the intermediary in rescue operations. In order to save lives, heroes must be good at all sorts of things. The child questions Izuku’s tolerance towards the fear, pain, and anxiety of the victims since he found Izuku’s first response to be terrible. The child’s advice reminds Izuku of what All Might does, telling the victims that everything is all right since he has arrived. Izuku gets back into focus and realizes that this exam isn’t a checkpoint. Everything he is doing is a part of chasing his dream to be a Hero.

Izuku tells the child that everything is all right. The child reverts back to a victim while Izuku calms the child’s fear by saying that they will definitely rescue his grandpa. Izuku check’s the child’s physical condition and tells Tenya and Ochaco that he will bring back the child to the first-aid station. Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and rushes to the first-aid station with the injured child in his hands.

Ochaco decides to put her feelings for Izuku away.

Ochaco looks at Izuku and questions what she is doing. Ochaco realizes that she does indeed have feelings for Izuku and in order to focus on her dream, she must shut off her feelings for Izuku. The reason Ochaco found Izuku to be cool in the first place was because he does everything he can without giving up for the sole purpose of achieving his objective and found Izuku’s determination admirable. Ochaco decides to do her best and shutting off her feelings for Izuku will aid her in doing so. Ochaco becomes focused and determined and springs into action.

Mera notes that the ordinary methods in the Second Exam will not be enough for the examinees. Suddenly, a mysterious individual steps foot into the disaster site.[16]

Inasa using his Quirk to clear the debris and rescue people.

Inasa Yoarashi uses individual gusts of wind to remove rubble and safely move victims. One of the victims being moved by Inasa’s wind is impressed with Inasa’s precise control over his Quirk. However, he still finds the moving of the objects with his wind to be crude and deducts points. Nagamasa tells Inasa that he shouldn’t take action without confirming the safety of the environment or the condition of the injured. Inasa realizes his mistake and apologizes for it. Camie has disappeared from Inasa’s group.

On the sidelines, Seiji comments on Inasa’s feat for taking the Provisional Hero License Exam which is a test second years normally take and his prowess has been accepted. Seiji’s teacher talks to him about being influenced by Stain’s teachings, to which Seiji finds to be absurd. Seiji’s teacher doesn’t mind Seiji being influenced by Stain’s fundamentalist view as many individuals wish to change the approach to today’s Heroes. Seiji’s teacher reprimands Seiji for letting hatred drive his influenced ideals as it has clouded his vision.

Momo stops Ochaco before she does something reckless.

At the disaster site, many examinees continue carrying out rescue operations. Momo spots the grandpa of the child Izuku saved and confirms that he is still conscious. Ochaco rushes in to help by removing the rubble, but Momo stops her because there is a wall near the grandpa that looks like it will collapse. Momo creates metal pillars and Hanta tapes them together which reinforces the wall. Ochaco begins clearing out the rubble. The grandpa finds Momo, Ochaco, Hanta and Rikido’s rescue maneuvers to not be shabby.

The grandpa notes that the rescuers must operate as efficiently as possible, must work together, understand the limitations of one’s Quirk and divide roles and responsibilities to fellow rescuers. The grandpa knows from experience that it is difficult to accept one role only which can only be done with a strong understanding of the situation. Minoru and Tenya are frustrated that they are unable to do anything. Mezo decides that Class 1-A should split up into small groups. Tenya agrees and thinks that they should communicate and work together with the other schools to save the civilians. Yuga is using his Navel Laser to give another examinee light.

Denki and Eijiro shocked by Katsuki rudeness.

Elsewhere in the disaster site, two civilians require help from Katsuki because their arms are injured. However, Katsuki refuses to help them since they can still move their legs and shouts at them to help themselves. Eijiro and Denki think that they should help the civilians. Denki and Eijiro go to help out the civilians. The civilians are appalled with Katsuki’s attitude and deduct points from him. Meanwhile, Izuku has arrived at the makeshift shelter for the injured. Izuku hands over the injured boy to a female examinee, telling her that the child has a head injury which is not severe and is bleeding while his responses are normal.

Elsewhere, a mysterious individual comments that heroes act as the intermediary rescuers until rescue teams arrive. The mysterious individual asks Yokumiru for an update. Yokumiru comments that the HUC people are giving fewer point deductions while the rescue maneuvers are going well.

Gang Orca attacks!

Suddenly, a huge explosion occurs which catches the examinees’ attention. The mysterious individual is revealed to be Gang Orca and he is backed by a dozen enemy grunts. Yokumiru notes that Gang Orca was at the Kamino Incident and comments that he is strong. A broadcast is given to the examinees; villains have appeared and they, the Heroes, must suppress them as well as continue carrying out the rescue maneuvers.

Gang Orca and the dozen enemy grunts begin their attack on the Heroes. Gang Orca wonders how the Heroes will respond to his menacing presence.[17]

The second phase is going to be more interesting.

The reason why the Provisional Hero License Exam has a real-life situation by having villains in the exam is because the Hero Public Safety Commissions Headquarters changed the exam’s structure to include real-life scenarios so as to prepare upcoming Heroes for actual combat situations. The Provisional Hero License Exam’s change is supposed to emphasize collaboration and cooperation. Yokumiru thinks about the major change made to the Provisional Hero License Exam, seeing that the Hero Public Safety Commission wants to gather potential heroes who strongly value unity since there will never be another All Might.

Yokumiru notes that while the HUC will be evaluating the examinees rescue actions, 100 members from the Hero Public Safety Commission will evaluate the examinees overall movements and proper usage of Quirks, they will evaluate one examinee each. In order to pass the Provisional Hero License Exam, the examinees must get more than 50 points otherwise they fail.

Villains Appear!: Fire and Wind Confront One Another

Gang Orca defeats Yo Shindo.

In the disaster area, Gang Orca and his goons begin attacking. Shoto and Inasa head towards the villains while Izuku is nearby the villains along with Yo. Yo uses his Vibrate Quirk to stop the advance of the goons in order to create distance between the heroes and the villains. Although Yo manages to stop some goons, Gang Orca uses his Orcinus Quirk to emit a paralyzing sound wave which paralyzes Yo and collapses before Gang Orca. The No. 10 is unimpressed with the one man vanguard and says the students are clearly underestimating him.

Gang Orca approaches Izuku and the first aid base. Suddenly, he is struck by Shoto’s ice glacier, but Gang Orca manages to shield himself by breaking some of the ice. Fumikage, Mina, and Mashirao arrive with Mashirao informing Izuku that they were at the waterfront while Tsuyu and most of Class 1-A are in a nearby town continuing rescue operations. Inasa shows up and uses his wind Quirk to blast some of the goons away.

Inasa and Shoto refuse to work together.

Some members of the Hero Public Safety Commission are impressed with the examinees rescue center operation and are pleased that Shoto and Inasa who have combat suited Quirk are attacking the villains. Shoto notices Inasa and tells him to go help in the rescue operation, but Inasa ignores him and blasts wind on the villains which blows Shoto’s flames away. Inasa is annoyed that Shoto used his fire, to which Shoto defends that his ice was ineffective. Inasa criticizes Shoto for attacking the villains first so that he can get all the credit, much to Shoto’s confusion. Inasa attributes his belief that Shoto is selfish because he is Endeavor’s son. Shoto becomes angry at Inasa since his father has nothing to do with this exam.

Suddenly, the other goons retaliate which causes Shoto to be struck by one of the goon’s Cement Guns while Inasa uses his wind Quirk to fly around which enables him to dodge the goons attack. Inasa remembers his childhood. He was a child who didn’t know fear and as such whatever caught his interest became his new favorite thing. The latest trend, heroes, caught Inasa’s interest and became deeply invested in them. Eventually, he developed a belief from his perspective that all heroes have red-hot fighting spirits that allow them to challenge anything head on.

Endeavor crushed young Inasa’s beliefs.

One day, he witnessed Endeavor defeating a villain and became to admire Endeavor because he symbolized Inasa’s belief that heroes have hot spirits which inspire and move people. The young Inasa asked for an autograph, but Endeavor refused to sign him one and told him to not stand in his way. Endeavor’s rudeness shocked the young Inasa and caused him to despise Endeavor because he betrayed his admiration for him.

Years later at U.A.’s Entrance Exam for the recommended students, Inasa partook in a marathon. During the marathon, Inasa spotted Shoto and became interested in him after seeing his great usage of ice; although Inasa had a bad feeling coming from Shoto, he felt reassured that once they become classmates Shoto’s eyes won’t bother him. Inasa and Shoto reach the goal but Inasa reaches the goal by a stretch, making him the first to cross the finish line while Shoto comes in second.

Inasa meets Shoto for the first time.

Inasa tried to greet Endeavor’s son. However, Shoto said to him he doesn’t care about Inasa’s praise nor does he look at him and states that passing the exam was all that mattered to him. As he walks away, Shoto comments that Inasa is a nuisance, just like his father did years ago, which shocks him. Inasa despises Shoto and Endeavor because they do not symbolize his belief of what a true hero should be.

With his right side immobilized by cement, Shoto refutes that he isn’t like his father. Shoto begins admitting to himself that he still hates his father, but stops thinking about his hatred so that he can concentrate on the exam.

Izuku saves Yo from being accidentally burned.

Orca questions the logic behind Shoto and Inasa’s argument amongst each other while in front of a villain. Inasa states to Shoto that he will never recognize him nor Endeavor as heroes, but Shoto ignores him. Shoto and Inasa begin their counter-attack on Gang Orca and his goons, Shoto blasts fire while Inasa launches a blast of wind. However, Inasa’s wind blasts Shoto’s fire in another direction; Shoto’s fire begins heading towards the paralyzed Shindo. Suddenly, Izuku uses his enhanced speed to rescue Shindo, saving him from Shoto’s fire. Izuku is furious with Shoto and Inasa for their impersonal bickering and putting others in danger.[18]

Izuku’s criticism stops Shoto and Inasa’s stops their arguing. Shoto suddenly remembers that Inasa is the teenager he encountered in U.A.’s Entrance Exam; the reason he didn’t recognize Inasa is because at that time he was only seeing his hatred of his father, Endeavor. After the Sports Festival, Shoto decided to forget about his for his father after reconciling with his mother. Seeing that forgetting his past isn’t helping since it comes back one way or another, Shoto decides that he needs to do something else to confront his past.

Gang Orca hits Inasa with supersonic waves.

Annoyed with their bickering, Gang Orca appears before Shoto and uses his sound wave move on Inasa. Inasa attempts to dodge, but he is hit by a goon’s cement gun, which causes Inasa to lose his concentration and he is knocked out of the sky. As Inasa falls to the ground immobilized, Gang Orca grabs Shoto by his neck and tells him «you reap what you sow» before barraging him with supersonic waves at point-blank range, which immobilizes him fully.

With both of them immobilized, the sidekicks rush to destroy the evacuation shelter. Shoto and Inasa embraces Izuku’s criticism of them. Inasa realizes that his hate has made him become the type of hero he despises, while Shoto acknowledges that his past mistakes have put him in this situation. Both of them decide they need to make up for their mistakes.

The Villains Gain Momentum: Shoto and Inasa’s Desperate Gambit!

Yo stops Gang Orca’s sidekicks.

Izuku sees the goons running toward the rescue site and decides to intercept them. Before he can, Yo uses his Vibrate Quirk and crushes the ground the goons are on, stopping them in their tracks. Izuku is surprised Yo can still move after taking Gang Orca’s soundwave move and the drawback of his Quirk. Yo replies that he has developed a resistance to his Quirk but he is still numb. Yo tells Izuku that it is up to him to put the goons out of commission; Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and heads towards the goons while the rescue group continues its operations.

As Gang Orca prepares to back up his lackeys, Shoto blames himself for picking a fight with Inasa during a serious situation. Even with the odds stacked against him and the compatibility of their Quirks terrible as well as their cooperation, Shoto knows that with heat wind becomes unstable. Shoto starts producing fire from his left side and hopes that Inasa is thinking of the same idea. Indeed, Inasa is thinking of the same idea and starts producing wind. Inasa controls the wind and blows it towards Shoto. Inasa’s wind scoops up Shoto’s flames and becomes unstable, blowing towards Gang Orca. Suddenly, Gang Orca is engulfed by an unstable blazing whirlwind.[19]

Inasa and Shoto put their differences aside to trap Gang Orca with a unison blast.

Gang Orca is engulfed in a fire prison created by Shoto’s flames and Inasa’s wind. Gang Orca is impressed that Inasa and Shoto managed to still use their Quirks despite being completely immobilized. Although he wasn’t amused by their bickering earlier, Gang Orca gives credit for Shoto and Inasa’s combination attack and respects Inasa and Shoto for attempting to rectify their faults by working together.

The goons that were stopped by Yo’s quake have gotten back up and see that their boss is being besieged by flame and wind. The goons attempt to stop Shoto, but Shoto creates a small iceberg to stop the goons from advancing towards him. The other goons that have gone ahead towards the rescue area see that their boss Gang Orca and their fellow goons are in trouble. Suddenly, Izuku appears and attacks three goons with his One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style which knocks them down.

Fumikage and Mina help suppress the villain attack.

Before the other goons can attack Izuku, Mashirao appears and attacks a few goons. Mashirao informs Izuku that rescue operations are almost completed and back up should arrive soon. Mera sees that there are three remaining HUC members that still need rescuing and after they are saved, he can conclude the Second Exam. Mina and Fumikage arrive and use their respective Quirks to attack and knock down some goons. Examinees from other schools begin to arrive to help battling the goons.

Out of nowhere, some goons are knocked down by a long tongue. Tsuyu was the one who knocked the goons down and reveals that she can turn invisible thanks to her Camouflage. Mashirao asks Tsuyu about the rescue operations, to which Tsuyu replies that the rescue operations are mostly complete. Shiketsu High have also arrived with the hairy Shiketsu High male attacking some goons with his hair.

«Stay away from them!»

Meanwhile, Gang Orca is still engulfed by the fiery prison. However, Gang Orca isn’t worried one bit as he had already planned ahead. Gang Orca throws water on himself to prevent himself from drying out. Gang Orca disperses the fiery whirlwind with a roar and asks Inasa and Shoto what they have planned next. Izuku appears and attacks the Number 10 Hero with an enhanced One For All Full Cowl kick, but Gang Orca defends himself from Izuku’s kick. Inasa and Shoto are surprised that Izuku arrived with the latter commenting that to the bitter end, Izuku always comes to the rescue.

Before Izuku can continue the fight against Gang Orca, Mera announces that all HUC members have been rescued and officially brings the Provisional Hero License Exam to a close.

Provisional Hero License Exam Ends: Those Who Pass and Those Who Fail

The licensing exam reaches its end.

Mera informs the examinees that after the scores are tallied, he will present the results of the Provisional Hero License Exam to them. He tells those who have suffered injuries to direct themselves to the medical office and those who aren’t to change back into their normal clothes and await for further instructions.

The goons apologize to Gang Orca for failing at their jobs since it is difficult for them to move around with the restrictive protectors on. Gang Orca ponders that even without the restrictive protector and the exam continuing for longer, Inasa and Shoto’s Fire Prison and Izuku’s surprise attack might have injured him to the point of being unable to continue fighting.

Mera shows the results.

After the examinees have their injuries attended to and have changed back into their school uniforms, they gather in front of a screen. Yokumiru thanks the examinees for their hard work and will present the results. Before he does so, Yokumiru explains that the HUC members and his fellow colleagues from Headquarters examined both the quality and nature of their conduct in situations of crisis. Yokumiru tells the examinees that the names of those who passed will be displayed on the screen behind him in alphabetical order.

The results of the Provisional Hero License Exam are presented on the screen. 89 examinees have passed the exam. Izuku looks up for his name on the screen and is shocked to see that his name is on the screen,[20] Izuku is flabbergasted that he has passed. Inasa sees that his name is not on the screen and knew that he didn’t pass while Shoto has a solemn look on his face.[21]

Inasa apologizes for his behavior.

Everyone in Class 1-A has passed, except for Katsuki and Shoto. While most of Class 1-A celebrate, Katsuki is angry that he didn’t pass and Shoto remains silent as he is fully aware why he failed. Inasa approaches Shoto and slams his head on the ground. Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and asks for forgiveness. However, Shoto tells Inasa that he doesn’t have to apologize. Instead, Shoto thanks Inasa for his critique of him as it has made him realize there were some important things he missed. The rest of Class 1-A are surprised to hear that Shoto failed while Izuku and Momo offer their condolences.

Yokumira distributes out sheets to the examinees that has details of their performance in the exam and their scores: a point reduction system was used to tally their scores. While he understands the point reduction system, Izuku doesn’t understand why those who fell under 50 points were not asked to leave the exam immediately. Yokumiru congratulates those who have passed and will obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses immediately. Yokumiru states that they now have authority equal to that of heroes and will be able to stop villains and rescue civilians at their own discretion. Yokumiru tells the examinees that with All Might no longer active, their world is changing and they need to adapt to that change by upholding the balance All Might worked so hard for. When they become heroes, they will become the pillar that supports society.

Inasa, Shoto, and Katsuki vow to get their licenses.

Even though they have hero authority now, they must continue studying until they graduate as having this authority doesn’t make them true heroes. Yokumiru tells those who failed to not become disheartened because they can attend a special training course in March and if they produce strong results, they will obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses; the failed will be given a chance to rectify their mistakes in this training course which will make them even more qualified than those who passed this exam.

Yokumiru tells those who failed that he will not object to them re-challenging the exam in April. Now that there is still an opportunity to obtain their licenses, Katsuki and Inasa are fired up. Shoto tells Izuku that he will catch up soon.

One Step Closer to the Hero Dream: The League of Villains Prepare to Strike Back!

Izuku can’t hold his happiness.

Outside, the Provisional Hero License Exam is officially over, Izuku is holding his Provisional Hero License in his hands. Izuku cries tears of joy which causes Ochaco to questions his tears. Izuku replies that the Provisional Hero License is proof of his growth is in his hands and is happy that the help he has received along the way has not been in vain. Izuku plans to immediately show his license to his mother and All Might while Ochaco agrees with him.

Inasa says farewell to Shoto and once again apologizes to him while Shoto gives his farewell. Izuku spots the hairy Shiketsu High male and asks him about his camouflage technique. The Shiketsu High male replies that they don`t have that training, much to Izuku`s confusion since the girl he met had such a technique. The Shiketsu High male understands Izuku is referring to Camie and tells him that Camie went home immediately after the exam. However, the Shiketsu High male comments that Camie has been acting strange for the past three days and something is different about her.

Himiko informs her allies that the infiltration was a success.

In an alley. Camie is walking and her face starts melting, which reveals Himiko Toga. Camie is none other than Himiko who used her Quirk to shapeshift to take on the real Camie’s appearance. Himiko receives a phone call from Mr. Compress, who is annoyed that Himiko hasn’t been contacting them and reminds her that being in public puts them in jeopardy.

Himiko tells Mr. Compress there’s nothing to worry about because she is well hidden and her excursion has been fruitful. Himiko informs Mr. Compress she had a lot of fun and her prize will make Tomura happy: She has obtained a vial with some of Izuku’s blood.[22]

After All Might’s Retirement: Overhaul Emerges

Jin thinks about the aftermath of the Kamino Ward Incident.

Two weeks after the battle in Kamino, Yokohama and All Might’s retirement, in Kanagawa Prefecture, a man named Jin Bubaigawara looks over the streets surveying the people. He believes the most important aspect in life is understanding yourself. Jin is annoyed with the civilians’ content faces and cannot stand them. However, a voice inside the man’s head disagrees. Ever since the final battle between All Might and All For One ended, television networks and the internet were buzzing with chatter regarding anxiety due to All Might no longer being around.

Jin is listening to the news on his television which has Daikaku Miyagi speaking about studying the consequences of All Might’s retirement and counter measures to be put in place against villains. Jin believes that the anxiety revolves around one person; the man who became the number one hero after All Might’s retirement, Endeavor. Because of his attitude, Endeavor is someone everyone cannot accept and everyone describes him as «coarse». From Jin’s perspective, Endeavor is nothing more than an ordinary person pretending to be a superhuman and he only became the number one hero, albeit undeserving, due to All Might’s retirement.

Jin listens to the TV News.

On television, Mr. Miyagi speaks about Endeavor’s high resolved cases tally and that his furious disposition prevents a majority of people from liking him as shown by his base of supporters consisting of males aged between twenty and forty. However, Mr. Miyagi thinks that they should focus on Endeavor’s strengths and how he can carry them forward. He switches off the television and goes out.

Walking outside, Jin believes that the weakening spirit of Heroes is the issue and not their power, but the voice inside his head believes that it’s all about power, to which Jin tells the voice to be quiet.

Team Reservoir Dogs.

Suddenly, a robbery occurs and Jin watches from the sidelines. Yellow is stealing a service counter as a Hero tries to stop him. However, another villain hits the Hero on the head with a crowbar. A getaway truck shows up and the villains puts the service counter in the truck. The group of villains announces themselves as Team Reservoir Dogs. Jin watching the crime scene believes that with All Might gone, villains have started increasing in numbers again, with scoundrels forming their own little groups in a planned and systematic manner have begun standing out more and more.

Suddenly, his phone rings and he picks it up. On the phone, it is the broker for the League of Villains now known as Giran. He and Giran ask each other how they are doing. Giran is quite happy because the black market has seen a resurgence and requests for suits and related items have doubled. Giran attributes this resurgence thanks to the League of Villains. Giran informs him that Tomura Shigaraki wants the League of Villains to gather together. Jin doesn’t know about this information although the voice in his head is fully aware of this information. Jin begins struggling and starts contradicting himself. Giran tells him that the League of Villains will gather soon and not to do anything crazy until then. The phone call ends.

Jin is revealed to be the Villain Twice.

After the battle between All Might and All For One, at the moment the League of Villains are scattered across various locations. The League of Villains scattered not only to conceal themselves from ongoing investigations but to find other like-minded individuals and expand the league. Somewhere, Dabi confronts a group of thugs in an alley. Seeing that they are trash, Dabi burns the group of thugs with his fire and the thugs fall to the ground becoming ash. Meanwhile, Jin is struggling and starts splitting. However, he resolves this issue by putting a mask over his face that allows him to stay as one, revealing to be the villain better known as Twice.

Twice starts talking about his Quirk and past. Twice’s Quirk is Double and can make one into two. In his past, Twice cloned himself over and over until he created a team of himself. Twice made the clones do everything for him. However, the clones began claiming that they were the real Twice which resulted in an argument as to who was the real Twice. The argument resulted in a fight with the clones and the real Twice; Twice suffered an injury to his head as a result of this fight which left a scar on his forehead.

The maniacal situation dragged on for a week and two days and at the end of the fight, the clones killed all of each other and they vanished. Even to this day, Twice is uncertain if he is the real him. Because he is a maniac, Twice had no place to call home until he found the League of Villains who accepted him. As long as he can be useful to the league, Twice can be happy being who he is.

A new threat enters the scene.

Twice looks back to see the crime scene. The Reservoir Dogs have been defeated by another group of villains. The leader of the group of villains, Overhaul, comments that the thugs they defeated have illnesses and illnesses must be cured. Another villains tells Overhaul that he took the money and they should leave before they heroes arrive. While leaving, Overhaul states that everywhere he looks there are sick people. Twice comments that the maniacal Overhaul and his gang have started to make their own place where they belong.

Twice wonders what he should do. Twice believes that because the Heroes and Villains have begun to undergo a change in appearance, the most important aspect is understanding who you are.[23]

Settling the Score: The Symbol of Peace and Evil

Toshinori visits All For One in Tartarus.

Inside a underground maximum security prison, All Might meets with All For One. All For One comments on the severe strictness of the prison he is being held in; the moment you try to scratch your back with the chair you are sitting in, all the weapons will be in your face and everything is being monitored at all times such as brain waves, vital signs. Even if one were to try and activate a Quirk, hands would be wrapped around your throat.

All For One states that the underground maximum security prison is built for the complete and utter exclusion of the wicked. All For One believes that the underground maximum security prison was modeled after the Greek legend Tartarus, the God of Hell and finds it to be befitting. All Might assures All For One that he will never escape nor is he getting out anytime soon from this prison of hell.

Toshinori unsuccessfully interrogates his nemesis.

Moving along, All For One questions again what All Might wants. All For One questions about Gran Torino and why All Might is still wearing his costume, finding it preposterous that he is still working as a Hero. All Might comments on All For One’s verbal diarrhea, to which the evil nemesis states that he hasn’t had a proper conversation in a long time. All Might tells All For One the reason he is here; he wants to know the whereabouts of Tomura Shigaraki. All For One answers that he doesn’t know and unlike him he has already let Tomura carry on. All Might asks what All For One was after; against all reason, he managed to keep his body alive and endured to live this long carrying out exploitation and manipulation during that time. All Might wants to know what All For One was trying to accomplish.

All For One finds this discussion topic to be unproductive because even if All Might listened he would not understand since there will always be people who don’t see eye to eye. All For One makes his answer simple; both he and All Might are the same. In the same way All Might aspired to be the hero of justice, he yearned to be the king of evil. All For One comments that he had the power to embrace and embody the ideals of evil and as long as he could live on eternally through these ideals then no effort is too great for him.

All For One cordially explains the reasons for his actions.

All Might asks if All For One wanted to live forever being utterly evil, then why does he need a successor. All For One finds All Might’s question funny. All For One answers that All Might took everything away from him, most importantly his body, it is only thanks to the tube he is wearing that he is able to carry on living. The nemesis of evil’s ideals had become limited no thanks to All Might. All For One comments that when there is an end, they entrust, everything that has been made by humans such as houses and food to be entrusted to other humans. All For One states that he is simply trying to do what everyone else has been doing which is why he has been grooming Tomura Shigaraki to become his successor.

The security inform All Might that he has three minutes left, much to All For One’s disappointment as he still has much more to say. All For One had already known that the world would be shaken by All Might’s retirement and wonders about the state of affairs going on in the world. The security inform All Might that All For One is completely cut off from information about the outside world and tell All Might not to give All For One any information happening right now. All For One is disappointed that All Might cannot tell him any information that is going on in the world.

All For One gets under Toshinori’s skin.

All For One decides to make a hypothesis; due to the anxiety caused by All Might’s retirement and the Heroes’ new leader Endeavor, the media is appealing to the entirety of the Hero society. On the other spectrum, sensing the growing insecurity in the world, the outcasts who don’t support Heroes will rise up and take action because they think they will able to shape the way society behaves and organize amongst themselves. All For One assumes that Tomura will continue concealing himself for a while so that he can continue to build the League of Villains and expand their influence.

All For One assumes that there is dissension among villains as well. All For One thinks that if the illustration is actually unfolding in that manner, then that is how he assumed the world would turn out to be. All of this change is due to All Might’s retirement and the lie of his appearance. All For One believes that All Might will spend the rest of his life powerless and stricken by his inability to save anyone, sitting idly unable to stop the villains that are rising up. All For One asks All Might how does it fell being absolutely powerless.

Toshinori declares he won’t die at Tomura’s hands.

All Might gets up while security tell All Might to step back. All Might tells All For One not to presume everything. All Might understands that he and his successor, Izuku, are to be killed by Tomura. All Might declares that he will not die by Tomura’s hands and he will never allow the future that All For One envisions to happen. All For One wonders if All Might came here to tell him that. The security informs All Might that his time is up. All Might begins walking away, telling him that he will smash the dark future his nemesis envisions as many times as he needs to and All For One can rot in his lowly prison cell for all eternity. The prison cell begins closing as All For One mulls over spending the rest of his life in prison.

In the car, Naomasa wonders if All Might found any useful information from All For One, to which All Might tells his friend that he didn’t. Naomasa comments on the long road ahead of them and assumes that Tomura will continue staying concealed for the time being. Before Naomasa can tell All Might about his interview with Stain, All Might receives a message on his phone. All Might checks the message which is from Izuku and sees a picture of Izuku’s Provisional Hero License with text saying that thanks to him he was able to take another step forward, which makes All Might happy. Naomasa and All Might continue traveling back.

«I want to talk about your power.»

In U.A. at Heights Alliance inside Class 1-A’s dormitory, Izuku wonders if All Might received his message. As the rest of Class 1-A comment on school starting again, Katsuki walks past Izuku and tells him that he wants to speak with him outside. Katsuki wants to speak to Izuku about his Quirk.[24]

Confrontation and Doubts: The Second Round of Izuku vs. Katsuki

While the rest of Class 1-A are asleep, Katsuki takes Izuku to Ground Beta, the site of the Battle Trial where he and Izuku fought for the first time. Katsuki remembers the time where Izuku was a Quirkless good for nothing and then suddenly out of thin air he manifested a Quirk and by some miracle he was accepted into U.A. Eventually, Izuku received his Provisional Hero License while he failed. Izuku tells Katsuki that he received his Provisional Hero License for performing well, but Katsuki orders him to keep quiet and let him finish.

Katsuki figures out Izuku inherited One For All from All Might.

Ever since the Kamino Incident, Katsuki has been putting the pieces together and has been thinking about it the whole time. Izuku is fully aware as to what Katsuki has discovered. Katsuki states that Izuku received his Quirk from All Might. Having witnessed All For One’s ability to steal Quirks and bestow them onto others as well as figuring out that All Might is an acquaintance of All For One, Katsuki hypothesized that All Might also has some form of Quirk transference because he has become weaker ever since coming to U.A and meeting with Izuku. Seeing that Izuku isn’t denying anything, Katsuki knows that he is right about Izuku gaining All Might’s Quirk.

Izuku knows that Katsuki is correct about him getting his Quirk from All Might and this is his punishment for trying to reveal his Quirk to Katsuki. Izuku asks Katsuki how knowing the truth about his Quirk is going to help him. Katsuki knows that he and Izuku has always looked up to All Might and seeing the person who he thought was a pebble on the side of the road being acknowledged by the person he looks up to is why Izuku is going to fight him here and now.[25]

Katsuki suggests he and Izuku fight.

Izuku is shocked that they have to fight and thinks that they should fight during practice. Katsuki tells Izuku that they cannot fight in a class session as the teachers will prevent them from going all out. Katsuki wants to fight Izuku to find confirm what is great about him and why All Might would go so far to help Izuku.

Katsuki wants to find out that if Izuku’s aspirations are greater than his because he is beginning to doubt if his own aspirations were wrong the whole time. Katsuki charges forward, but Izuku uses One For All: Full Cowl to quickly dodge Katsuki’s explosion. However, Katsuki’s explosion still manages to hurt Izuku’s leg. Katsuki comments on Izuku’s analytic skills while Izuku is surprised that they are actually going to fight.[26]

A security bot is secretly watching the fight between Izuku and Katsuki. The security bot alerts Shota and tells him to come and stop them. Shota leaves his room, but before he can proceed further someone stops him.

Deku and Kacchan’s fated rivalry reaches it’s climax.

Katsuki has just attacked Izuku with an explosion but Izuku barely manages to evade which results in a wound on his leg. Izuku tells Katsuki that his aspirations are not wrong. Katsuki ignores him and attacks Izuku with another explosion to which Izuku successfully dodges using One For All Full Cowl. Katsuki remembers his childhood where Izuku would always trail along behind him and no matter how many times he would beat him up or scold him, Izuku would still tag along. Katsuki demands that Izuku fights him while remembering that even through they admired All Might Izuku has still managed to get ahead of him.

Katsuki remembers All Might telling him during the end of term test that he understood that Katsuki’s anger is due to Izuku’s sudden growth and tells him that someone at level one and someone at level fifty won’t grow at the same rate. Katsuki charges at Izuku with his right arm swinging forward; Izuku prepares to block Katsuki’s right swing, but as they get close to each other, Katsuki instead kicks Izuku in the face with his right leg, revealing that Katsuki’s right hand swing was nothing more than a diversion. Katsuki takes the opportunity to attack the defenseless Izuku, but Izuku uses One For All: Full Cowl to perform a back handstand which knocks Katsuki away and onto the ground.

«Why was I the reason for the end of All Might!?»

Izuku sees Katsuki on the ground and asks him if he is all right. Furious, Katsuki demands once again that Izuku fights him and tells him to stop worrying about him. As he gets up, Katsuki is confused as to how he ended up trailing behind someone who was always trailing behind him his entire life and is angry that the roles are now reversed. Katsuki is angry as to why he became the reason for All Might’s end. Katsuki notes that if he had been stronger he wouldn’t have been kidnapped and All Might would still be a Hero. Katsuki has been keeping his discovery about the truth of All Might to himself which has been causing him strain and anxiety. Izuku realizes that Katsuki has been carrying that burden of keeping All Might’s secret to himself for a while.

Katsuki charges at Izuku. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style and manages to kick Katsuki in the face, which stops Katsuki’s charge. While the fight between them may be meaningless since no matter who wins or loses, Izuku understands that the only one who can perceive Katsuki’s feelings in this battle now is him and has decided to fight seriously. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl throughout his body and tells Katsuki that there is no holding back between them.[27]

Deku and Kacchan express their feelings through combat.

As Izuku declares that he won’t become his opponent’s punching bag, Katsuki launches himself in the air with an explosion and propels himself to the ground with another explosion, but Izuku is able to dodge with his enhanced speed. Katsuki spins himself around and launches himself at Izuku, which creates and explosion wheel. Izuku continues dodging and sees that Katsuki is closing the distance between them after he stops spinning. Izuku attempts to deflect his opponent’s hand with a kick, but Katsuki maneuvers behind him and smacks him in the stomach, which sends Izuku reeling back.

Not wanting to give his opponent any time to think, Katsuki immediately begins to attack again, but Izuku does a handstand on the railing which allows him to avoid Katsuki. Katsuki grabs Izuku’s arm and throws him onto the ground but doing so causes him to knock himself into the railing. Izuku has analyzed that Katsuki has managed to polish off his predicting movements faster than him.

Deku vs. Kacchan.

Izuku admits that Katsuki has become stronger. However, an angry Katsuki launches an explosion in retaliation, which Izuku dodges. Izuku charges at Katsuki, but Katsuki uses Stun Grenade to stop him. While Izuku blocks his eyes from the light of Stun Grenade, Katsuki is able to get ahead of Izuku and land an explosion on him, which launches Izuku in the air. As Izuku lands down, Katsuki reveals that he has despised Izuku’s attitude of always getting back up no matter how many times he is beaten down and cannot stand it, believing that Izuku always thought of himself to be superior to him.

Izuku is in disbelief that Katsuki thought of him that way. Izuku understands Katsuki as to the same extend his traits such as being amazing at everything was something he was jealous of. Izuku tells Katsuki that he was an amazing and inspiring person who was even closer to him than All Might.

Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and charges at Katsuki. Katsuki becomes surprised as he sees that Izuku is moving faster than before. Due to his emotions riling up, Izuku has lost some control and the power of One For All increases. Starting to realize that he can now increase the limit of One For All’s power, Izuku increases One For All’s power from 5% to 8%. Unable to dodge, Katsuki is forced to guard. Izuku strikes the defending Katsuki with an 8% One For All enhanced kick. Izuku states that he has finally caught up to Katsuki.[28]

Fierce battle.

Katsuki manages to block Izuku’s One For All 8% enhanced kick, but his arm is injured as a result. Izuku is surprised at his own speed and even though he knows that 8% is not much of a difference, he is glad that for a moment he managed to get ahead of Katsuki. Katsuki retaliates with an explosion, which Izuku intercepts with a One For All enhanced kick, cancelling out the attacks and blowing Izuku and Katsuki backwards. While Katsuki gets up, Izuku charges forward and taunts Katsuki, much to Katsuki’s anger. Izuku dislikes the part of himself that carelessly runs his mouth whenever he desires to win and despite that, in the end, that bad personality trait is his key to victory.

Izuku is in midair and Katsuki decides to engage Izuku in midair as well. While the combatants charge at each other, Izuku ponders that he is not going to play nicely and even though One For All Shoot Style is a way for him not to overuse his arms, he never said that he could not use them. Izuku prepares to use a One For All Full Cowl enhanced punch with the intend of defeating Katsuki to show All Might why he chose him. Izuku successfully punches Katsuki in the face with his enhanced might, which makes Katsuki bleed. However, Katsuki is filled with determination to not lose either and grabs Izuku. Katsuki uses his Explosion to propel himself and Izuku down to the ground. Katsuki smashes Izuku into the ground using his explosive force.

«I win.»

Katsuki is atop of Izuku and has grappled Izuku’s arm and face. Both Katsuki and Izuku are injured badly and breathe for air. After a few moments, Katsuki declares that he is the winner and demands to know from Izuku why he still lost even though he has All Might’s power.

Someone tells them to stop which grabs their attention. It is none other than All Might himself who apologizes for eavesdropping on their fight. Katsuki wants to know why he chose Izuku to be his successor.

The Second Round Concludes: Revelations and Consequences!

All Might apologizes to Katsuki for what happened in Kamino.

All Might suddenly arrives and tells them both to break it up. Katsuki asks All Might why he chose Deku. All Might explains to Katsuki that even though Izuku was powerless, he was still very heroic and selfless and believed that he had earned the right to inherit his powers and to compete with others. He then tells Katsuki that he was always strong and already had a Quirk and didn’t pay attention to him due to him already being talented and having the strength to compete with others.

Emotional, Katsuki responds that he is weak and because of him not being able to free himself from the League of Villains, All Might is no longer a Hero and is a shadow of his former self. All Might replies that it is not his fault since that all roads have an end and he was going to land up in his pitiful state no matter what, encouraging Katsuki that he is strong and embraces him in an apologetic hug.

Izuku and Katsuki start to understand each other.

Katsuki breaks free from All Might’s hug. All Might gives his thoughts on their ideals; Katsuki’s obsession with victory and Izuku’s obsession over rescuing is crude and because they are lacking in one or the other, they cannot maintain their sense of justice as heroes. All Might knows that because they have now fought each other they know the truth due to releasing their feelings; if the two of them can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, they can become the best Heroes who both win and rescue. Katsuki still finds it strange that even though Izuku has All Might helping him he is still losing; Izuku responds that he will become stronger so that he can beat him.

Katsuki asks who else knows about Izuku’s and All Might’s relationship. All Might replies that Principal Nezu and Recovery Girl know the truth about them and only him. Since they have been trying to hide it, Katsuki declares that he won’t tell anyone about their relationship and says that the secret of One For All stays with them.

Deku and Kacchan become proper rivals.

All Might regrets having brought the secret of One For All upon Katsuki and apologizes. Toshinori decides to properly explain to Katsuki everything regarding One For All. And so, Toshinori tells Katsuki about One For All being a transferable Quirk that is passed down from generation to generation in order to fight evil, how he became the Symbol of Peace using One For All, the injury that limited him to using One For All and how he chose Izuku as his successor. After hearing the truth about One For All from Toshinori, Katsuki chastises Izuku for blabbering about One For All.

Toshinori tells Katsuki that using up all his power against All For One was his choice and he does not need to bear any responsibility. Having heard everything, Katsuki decides that he is going to rise higher than Izuku as a Hero. Izuku accepts Katsuki’s challenge and will rise higher than him. As Izuku and Katsuki argue about them rising higher than one another, Toshinori is happy to see that Izuku and Katsuki have become proper, true rivals. The secret of One For All has become a secret amongst Toshinori, Izuku, and Katsuki.[29]

The Second Semester of U.A. Begins!

Shota punishes the boys.

Afterwards, Shota Aizawa helps bandage Izuku and Katsuki’s wounds and then proceeds to wrap them up using Capturing Weapon as punishment for fighting. It is revealed that Toshinori was the one who stopped Shota from interfering with Izuku and Katsuki’s fight after telling him that he would handle them and would bring them to him afterwards. Toshinori tells Shota that the fight was brought about due to Katsuki feeling guilty about his retirement.

Shota still refuses to let Izuku and Katsuki’s transgression of fighting go by and will give an appropriate punishment after finding out who started the fight first. Katsuki says that he threw the first punch while Izuku retaliated. Shota punishes Izuku and Katsuki by placing them under house arrest;, Izuku three days and Katsuki four days. During their house arrest, Shota states that they will be cleaning the dormitory common spaces day and night. and that they must write a written statement of regret. Shota tells them that if their injuries do not heal they must go to the infirmary, and they must not dare think about relying on Recovery Girl’s Quirk. Having criticized them enough, Shota tells them to go to bed.

Izuku and Katsuki punished to clean the main room.

The next day, Class 1-A learn about Izuku and Katsuki’s fight. As Izuku and Katsuki clean the dormitory. Ochaco hopes that they made up, to which Izuku replies that their reconciliation is hard to put into words; Tenya is happy that they got off the hook with house arrest only and that the rest of Class 1-A will attend the opening ceremony without them. Shoto asks Katsuki what he plans to do about the Provisional Hero License Supplementary lessons, to which Katsuki tells him that it is none of his business. As they clean, Katsuki talks to Izuku about his One For All Shoot Style, telling Izuku that his wind up motions are too big and are not useful in a slug-fest and that the style does not mix well with punches. Izuku is glad about the information.[30]

Outside, Tenya tells Class 1-A not to break formation. While on their way, Neito Monoma criticizes Class 1-A for having two of their classmates fail. Eijiro Kirishima wonders if any of Class 1-B failed, to which Neito laughs. Neito reveals that all of Class 1-B passed and none of them failed. Class 1-B are happy that they have pulled ahead. Shoto Todoroki apologizes for letting Class 1-A down, but Eijiro tells Shoto not to let it bother him. Pony Tsunotori informs Class 1-A that according to Sekijiro Kan, during the second semester Classes 1-A and 1-B will be having a class together. Denki Kaminari comments on Pony being a foreigner. Pony responds in a negative way, courtesy of Neito’s bad teaching, causing Itsuka to criticize Neito. Someone tells Class 1-A and 1-B to stop holding up the line; Tenya apologizes for doing so. The person is revealed to be Hitoshi Shinso. As Hitoshi passes by, Hanta Sero comments on Hitoshi being more serious.

Nezu addressing students.

All of U.A. arrive at Ground Beta. Nezu introduces himself. After talking about his diet and lifestyle going out of sync, he states that the reason for his lifestyle becoming inadequate is due to the incident that took during the summer break. He talks about All Might’s retirement and the negative effect it will have on society and the Department of Heroics will likely see the most striking affects. Nezu tells the Second and Third years that the Hero Work-Studies that they are engaged with they must have an awareness of the crisis and conduct themselves accordingly.

Nezu apologizes for bringing down the mood but the Heroes are dealing with the situation to the best of their abilities and he would like nothing more than to develop them into individuals who will take over their efforts. Nezu ends his speech by saying that whether they are in the Departments of Heroics, Support, and General Education and even the staff of U.A, they must not forget that they are the successors to the Hero society.

A third year student heeds the latest events.

After Nezu leaves the podium, Toshinori ponders about «successors» and thinks back to when Nezu made a suggestion to look for a successor at U.A. and gave him the opportunity to look for a successor by taking up a teaching position at U.A. Toshinori looks into the crowd of U.A students while thinking about Nezu stating that there is someone who would surely be a fitting successor amongst the U.A. students.[31]

Among all the students gathered there, there is a third year student who is especially interested in the latest events.[32]

Story Impact

  • U.A. High School becomes a boarding school.
    • Class 1-A along with the rest of the school live within U.A now.
    • The dorm rooms the U.A. students reside in is called Heights Alliance.
  • Class 1-A hold a competition to decide who has the best room in Class 1-A dormitory.
    • The winner is Rikido Sato because he made cake.
    • The competition to decide the best room in Class 1-A’s dormitory was to restore the trust between Class 1-A and those who went to rescue Katsuki.
  • The trust between Class 1-A and Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Tenya, and Momo has been strained, due to them going to rescue Katsuki without notifying the others.
    • Tsuyu expresses her sadness about this strained relationship.
    • Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Tenya, and Momo apologize for their actions. Thus, Class 1-A’s camaraderie has been restored back to normal.
  • Class 1-A create their own special moves, and Izuku comes up with a new way to use One For All to avoid using his arms; Shoot Style.
  • A hero school that rivals U.A., Shiketsu High School, is introduced.
  • A lesser hero school, Ketsubutsu Academy High School, is also introduced.
  • All of Class 1-A passes the First Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam.
  • 89 of the 100 examinees score above 50 points in the Second Exam, therefore they pass the Provisional Hero License Exam and obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses.
    • Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Inasa Yoarashi are among those who failed.
    • The examinees who failed are offered a second chance to earn their Provisional Hero Licenses by attending a special course in March or challenging the exam again in April.
  • After the Provisional Hero License Exam ends, it is revealed that Camie is actually Himiko Toga who used her Quirk to impersonate the real Camie.
    • Himiko Toga has obtained a sample of Izuku’s blood.
  • Ochaco realizes her feelings for Izuku after his interactions with Camie, but decides to put them aside so they can both focus on becoming heroes
  • The effects of All Might’s retirement has lead to many changes:
    • Crime is increasing.
    • New villain organizations have risen up.
    • The Police Force are starting to take an active role against crime.
  • Izuku and Katsuki have their second fight, which brings forth many revelations.
    • Katsuki’s true feelings such as the anxiety of being responsible for All Might’s degradation and his jealousy of Izuku.
    • Izuku shows improvement in his overall strength, being able to keep up with Katsuki.
  • After Katsuki defeats Izuku, All Might appears and apologizes for causing him anxiety over his retirement.
    • All Might reveals to Katsuki the secret of One For All.
    • Katsuki promises to keep One For All a secret.
  • It’s revealed that Endeavor’s behavior does not go unnoticed by the public and has only male fans from the ages of 20 to 40 and zero female fans. Overall, he is not taking his promotion very well.
  • Twice’s past is revealed.
    • He made clones of himself to do work for him. However, each clone had their own sense of self awareness and tried to kill each other. Twice was the last one left alive, and due to this and the fact that every clone claimed they were the original, he has no idea if he is the original or a clone.
    • He has a stitched scar on his forehead.
    • He is seen without his mask on for the first time.

Characters Introduced

  • Overhaul
  • Chronostasis
  • Shin Nemoto
  • Rikiya Katsukame
  • Team Reservoir Dogs
  • Inasa Yoarashi
  • Seiji Shishikura
  • Ms. Joke
  • Yo Shindo
  • Tatami Nakagame
  • Itejiro Toteki
  • Shikkui Makabe
  • Yokumiru Mera
  • Nagamasa Mora
  • Mirio Togata

Quirks Introduced

  • Whirlwind: Inasa Yoarashi can manipulate winds and create powerful gales.
  • Meatball: Seiji Shishikura can manipulate human flesh in various ways.
  • Transform: Himiko Toga can impersonate people’s appearances by ingesting their blood.
  • Extend-o-Hair: Nagamasa Mora manipulates and extends his own hair to various uses.
  • Outburst: Emi Fukukado induces fits of laughter on her victims, impairing their motor and cognitive skills.
  • Vibrate: Yo Shindo can cause any object he touches to shake, though his body will suffer the aftershocks.
  • Telescopic: Tatami Nakagame can retract her body into herself, like a turtle.
  • Boomerang: Itejiro Toteki has the ability to control the trajectory of thrown objects, allowing the objects to home in on targets.
  • Stiffening: Shikkui’s Quirk grants him the ability to harden anything he touches with his hands. His power doesn’t work on living things.
  • Orcinus: Gang Orca’s Quirk gives him the attributes and abilities of a Killer Whale. He has enhanced strength and heightened senses; he can also produce hypersonic waves to paralyze his targets.
  • IQ: Saiko’s Quirk grants her the ability to temporarily boost her intellect after drinking tea and closing her eyes. The level that her intelligence is boosted depends on the brand of tea that she drinks. (Anime Only)
  • Object Gigantification: possessed by an unnamed student from Seijin High School, this Quirk allows its user to increase the size of the whatever he touches. (Anime Only)

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Ultimate Move Training
  • Provisional Hero License Exam
    • The Crushing of U.A.
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
    • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
    • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
    • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
    • Izuku’s Gambit
    • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
    • Class 1-A’s Comeback
    • Gang Orca’s Invasion
  • U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam (Flashback)
  • Deku vs. Kacchan 2


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 98 and Episode 51.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 99 and Episode 51.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 99 and Episode 52.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 100 and Episode 52.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 101 and Episode 52.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  11. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 54.
  12. 12.0 12.1 My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  13. 13.0 13.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  19. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 60.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 115 and Episode 62.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 116 and Episode 60.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 and Episode 60.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 and Episode 61.
  27. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 118 and Episode 61.
  28. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 119 and Episode 61.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 120 and Episode 61.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 61.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 62.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 122 and Episode 62.

Site Navigation

v  eStory Arcs
Sagas U.A. Beginnings Saga • Rise of Villains Saga • Final Act Saga
Story Arcs Entrance Exam Arc • Quirk Apprehension Test Arc • Battle Trial Arc • U.S.J. Arc • U.A. Sports Festival Arc • Vs. Hero Killer Arc • Final Exams Arc • Forest Training Camp Arc • Hideout Raid Arc • Provisional Hero License Exam Arc • Shie Hassaikai Arc • Remedial Course Arc • U.A. School Festival Arc • Pro Hero Arc • Joint Training Arc • Meta Liberation Army Arc • Endeavor Agency Arc • Paranormal Liberation War Arc • Dark Hero Arc • Star and Stripe Arc • U.A. Traitor Arc • Final War Arc
Vigilantes Story Arcs Vigilantes Beginnings Arc • Stendhal Arc • Vs. Queen Bee Arc • Osaka Incident Arc •
Sky Egg Arc • School Days Arc • Final Performance Arc • Underground Masquerade Arc • Naruhata Lockdown Arc
v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Provisional Hero License Exam Arc (プロヒーロー仮免試験編 Puro Hīrō Karimen Shiken-hen?) is the tenth story arc in My Hero Academia and the first story arc in the Rise of Villains Saga.

After transitioning into their new life living at U.A., the students of Class 1-A ready themselves to take the Provisional Hero License Exam, a rigorous exam that allows students to obtain Provisional Hero Licenses, enabling them to perform heroic duties. Meanwhile, the world begins feeling the effects of All Might’s retirement.


Class 1-A’s New Home: Heights Alliance and the «Best Room» Competition

Class 1-A arriving at Heights Alliance.

It is the middle of August; Izuku Midoriya prepares to leave home. His mother asks him to eat healthy meals and respond immediately to her texts. Izuku replies that he will.

Izuku and Class 1-A arrive at their new accommodations: the Heights Alliance, dormitories that are inside the U.A. High School campus and only a five-minute walk from the school building. These dormitories were built in a matter of three days. Inside the U.A. school building, Principal Nezu overlooks the Heights Alliance. He comments that the conversion to a boarding school was not only to keep the students safe but to keep an eye on the supposed «traitor» in their ranks. Mr. Principal feels guilty for doubting his colleagues and students but his top priority is to protect the students. Mr. Principal decides that U.A. must direct its students to a hopeful and brighter future now that All Might is no longer the Symbol of Peace.

Class 1-A depressed after being scolded.

Class 1-A are at their dormitory. Before he explains about their dormitory, Shota Aizawa tells Class 1-A that at the training camp they were supposed to get their «Provisional Hero Licenses» but due to the League of Villains attack they did not. Shota is disappointed that some of them tried to act like they have their licenses; Shota calls out Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Tenya Ida. Shota tells them that he knows that they were present at the site of Katsuki Bakugo’s rescue and took it upon themselves to rescue him. The rest of Class 1-A are shocked and surprised that they actually went to rescue Katsuki.

Shota also knows that the rest of Class 1-A except Katsuki, Toru Hagakure, and Kyoka Jiro also knew about their plan to rescue Katsuki. Shota explains that their actions have been covered up but tells them that if All Might did not retire, with the exception of Katsuki, Toru, and Kyoka, he would have expelled them all as punishment. Shota advises to Shoto, Eijiro, Izuku, Momo, and Tenya to go through the proper procedures next time which will also restore the trust between them.

Katsuki repays to Eijiro.

The atmosphere of Class 1-A has become gloomy. Katsuki sees the gloomy atmosphere and lights up the mood by taking Denki Kaminari and forcing him to use his Electrification, which makes Denki derby as a result, causing Kyoka and the rest of the class to laugh. Katsuki then gives Eijiro money to pay him back for buying the night vision scope for their rescue operation. Eijiro apologizes to Class 1-A for his actions and will apologize to them by treating them to a barbecue.

Now that Class 1-A’s mood has become better, Shota shows them their new dormitory. Heights Alliance has one dorm per class and Shota takes them to the Class 1-A dormitory. Shota explains that their dorm is separated by gender: the right wing for females and left wing for males. However, the first floor is common space and contains the dining area, baths, and laundry facilities. Class 1-A take a look at their new dorm and become excited about living here.

Heights Alliance floor plan.

Shota then explains that their bedrooms are on floors two, three, four and five; every student gets their own private bedroom, with each room having an AC unit, bathroom, refrigerator and closet. Shota gives Class 1-A a map of their room allocations and says that their luggage has already been sent into their allocated rooms. Shota ends his explanation by telling Class 1-A to spend the rest of the day unpacking and organizing their rooms. Tomorrow, he will explain the operations of their new life style.

Class 1-A arranges their luggage in their respective bedrooms. Later that night, the boys of Class 1-A are in the common space on the first floor. The girls of Class 1-A show up and Mina suggests a room showcasing competition. On the second floor, Izuku’s room is filled with All Might memorabilia, Fumikage Tokoyami’s room is dark and surrounded by horror related items, and Yuga Aoyama’s room is a complete contrast to Fumikage’s, being bright and sparkly. The girls decide to forget about inspecting Minoru’s room, much to his frustration. On the third floor, the rooms of Mashirao Ojiro, Tenya (though he has an excessive array of glasses and books), Denki, and Koji Koda are more normal, unlike the themed rooms of the second floor.

«It’s okay to go into the girls room?»

Denki, Mashirao, Fumikage, Yuga, and Minoru are unsatisfied with only having the male rooms evaluated, with Minoru saying that they must also evaluate the rooms of the females to be fair in order to determine a winner. Mina agrees to have the female rooms evaluated. Thus, the contest to decide the room with the «best taste» has now begun.[1]

Class 1-A continues the «room with the best taste» contest with the winner receiving the Room King Award and thus title of «Room King». On the fourth floor, Eijiro mentions that Katsuki did not want to participate, so Class 1-A decides to check Eijiro’s room and the other rooms. Eijiro’s room is filled with manly items and Mezo Shoji’s room has a minimalist theme. On the fifth floor, Hanta’s room is surprisingly stylish. Next, Shoto’s room is Japanese styled with tatami flooring. The girls are impressed with Toru commenting that Shoto will grow up to be a big-shot while Denki and Minoru are surprised, impressed yet envious that Shoto did all the remodeling by himself. The next room is Rikido Sato’s room which is normal. However, Rikido remembers that he was baking a cake, a hobby of his and shares the cake with his classmates, much to the delight of the girls.

Ochaco’s dull room.

All of the males’ rooms have been checked and now the time to check the females’ rooms has come. The first room to be checked is Kyoka’s, her room is rock-themed and filled with musical instruments. Next is Toru’s room, which is pink and girly. Mina Ashido’s room is filled with cute items, and Ochaco Uraraka’s room is normal, with Ochaco considering it to be dull. The next room to be checked is Tsuyu Asui’s, but Ochaco says that she is feeling under the weather, so Class 1-A decides to check Momo’s room. Momo’s room has a large luxurious bed taking up most of the room space.

Back in the common space on the first floor, the votes are tallied and the Room King Award goes to Rikido, much to his surprise. Rikido received his votes from the girls because his cake was delicious, which makes Denki and Minoru accuse Rikido of bribing. Before heading to bed, Ochaco asks Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Momo, and Tenya for a moment of their time.

Tsuyu is comforted by her classmates.

Outside, Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Momo, and Tenya meet with Ochaco and Tsuyu with Ochaco telling them that Tsuyu would like to speak to them. Tsuyu says that she told Class 1-A at the hospital that trying to save Katsuki out of selfishness would be no different than what a villain would do. Tsuyu admits that those words were severe, and that after they actually went to save Katsuki, she was shocked and began to regret what she had said. Tsuyu became frustrated at her cowardly behavior and felt immense guilt for trying to stop them from rescuing Katsuki.

Due to her guilt and the rest of Class 1-A’s negative feelings towards them as a result of their decision to save Katsuki, Tsuyu became upset at not being able to have friendly chats with them like before. Tsuyu says that she wanted to have this conversation to settle things right and go back to having fun like before. While consoling Tsuyu, Ochaco explains to them that the «Room King» contest was to wipe the slate clean of their actions so that they can start anew again. Izuku, Eijiro, Momo, Tenya, and Shoto apologize to Tsuyu for their actions and for worrying the rest of Class 1-A. The trust between Izuku, Eijiro, Momo, Tenya, and Shoto with the rest of Class 1-A have been restored.[2]

Wiping the Slate Clean: Class 1-A’s Special Move Training!

Teachers willing to help with trainings.

The next day, Class 1-A begin their school life anew. In Class 1-A’s room, Shota mentions that their first objective will be earning their Provisional Hero Licenses. Shota reminds them that the Provisional Hero Licenses grant them permission to intervene directly when people’s lives are at stake. The exam to obtain the Provisional Hero Licenses is less than five percent. To prepare for the Provisional Hero License Exam, Shota decides that Class 1-A will create at least two signature special moves that they will use in combat; Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Midnight arrive in the room to help. Class 1-A become excited.[3]

Class 1-A are excited about getting to create their own special moves. Shota tells Class 1-A to change into their Hero Costumes and meet at Gym Gamma.

Class 1-A begins training for the Hero License Exam.

At Gym Gamma, Cementoss explains to Class 1-A that the Gym Gamma was created by him and using his Quirk he can alter the gym to suit the needs of every student. Tenya asks why special moves are necessary. Shota explains to Class 1-A that the Provisional Hero License Exam is designed to test the students’ aptitudes such as information gathering, judgement, mobility, leadership, and communication in various types of trouble. However, the attitude that is most prevalent is fighting ability. Cementoss comments that bringing stability to a situation is a mark of a hero’s true fighting ability.

Next, Ectoplasm explains about special moves as being not entirely offensive. Ectoplasm names Tenya’s Recipro Burst as a move worthy of being called a special move since being able to move at blistering speeds within a short space of time gives him an upper hand. Class 1-A begin to understand that the purpose of special moves is to give them the upper hand in battle. Midnight gives another example of a special move; Kamui Woods’ Lacquered Chain Prison move allows Kamui to suppress his opponents before they can do anything. Shota tells Class 1-A that the training camp’s purpose, before being abruptly brought to an end, was to help develop their special moves.

Class 1-A student are developing their Ultimate Moves.

Shota decides that the remaining ten days they have of summer break before the second semester begins will be entirely spent on developing their Quirks and creating their special moves. Shota also tells Class 1-A that in addition to creating their special moves, he advises them to consider upgrading their hero costumes to aid them in the creation of their special moves.

Cementoss prepares the terrain and Ectoplasm creates clones of himself for Class 1-A to spar against, Class 1-A begin training. While all of Class 1-A begin training, Izuku is puzzled and confused as to what his special move should be. One of Ectoplasm’s clones scold Izuku for daydreaming. Izuku tells the Ectoplasm clone that he has not thought of any special moves because he must keep in mind not to try and break his arms in the process. The Ectoplasm clone advises Izuku to focus on developing his Quirk instead.

Toshinori warns Izuku that he uses One For All incorrectly.

All Might arrives, wanting to see Class 1-A developing their special moves since it is his job as a teacher to oversee the training of his students. Meanwhile, Katsuki has defeated an Ectoplasm clone and is happy that he can fight again. Shota and All Might comment on Katsuki’s prowess and that he will only keep growing stronger from here on out. The other students of Class 1-A continue their training and thinking about their special moves while Izuku is still puzzled on what to do next. All Might approaches him and gives Izuku advice, he is still trying to imitate him, which confuses Izuku. Before Izuku can question further, All Might goes to help Eijiro. All Might is teaching Izuku to think independently.

Seeing as he is unable to think of any special moves, Izuku decides that his best course of action is to upgrade his costume and goes to the first floor of the U.A. building to seek expertise from someone in the development studio. Outside the development studio’s door, Izuku thinks that upgrading his hero costume to reinforce his arms’ movements so that he can raise the upper limit of One For All is a good idea for now, which will enable him to withstand the special move he will create.

Hello, Izuk..¡BOOOMB!

Meanwhile, Tenya and Ochaco are also heading to the Development Studio. Ochaco has decided to improve her ability to make herself float so that she can increase her mobility which will allow her to make better use of the hand-to-hand fighting skills she learned. Tenya has decided to mitigate the drawbacks of his Recipro Burst move and is going to ask the development studio to upgrade his Hero Costume’s radiator. Both Ochaco and Tenya see Izuku waiting outside the door.

Before they can greet each other, an explosion from the development studio sends Izuku flying back, much to Tenya and Ochaco’s shock. As the smoke clears, Power Loader scolds the person responsible for the explosion. The person responsible for the explosion is none other than Mei Hatsume who has landed on top of Izuku. Mei recognizes Izuku from the U.A. Sports Festival. Izuku gets embarrassed from the sight of Mei’s bosom while Ochaco becomes surprised.[4]

Power Loader scolds Mei for her recklessness.

Mei apologizes for the explosion she caused; she asks the Class 1-A trio for their names since she forgot them. Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya remind Mei of their names. Izuku asks for a costume upgrade, which catches Mei’s attention. Power Loader reminds Mei that he is fine with her working in the Development Studio but must not cause chaos, otherwise, he will ban her. Power Loader turns his attention to Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya and invites them into the Development Studio.

Inside the Development Studio, Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya are amazed at all the machinery in it. Power Loader explains to the trio about hero costume upgrades. After looking at their respective costume instructions, he will be able to tinker with their costumes. If it is small improvements and fixes, all he needs to do is inform the design office about the changes, but if it is big improvements, he must prepare a formal written application to the design office to request approval. After the newly upgraded costume gets inspected and approved, it goes back to them. Power Loader tells the trio that the design office he is partnered with is one of the best, so any costume upgrades can be done within a mere three days.

Ochaco jealous of Mei’s interaction with Izuku.

Izuku asks Power Loader if there is something that can reduce the stress on his arm ligaments. Power Loader replies that minor tinkering to his hero costume will make it possible. Suddenly, Mei inspects his body, much to Izuku’s discomfort and Ochaco’s displeasure, and forces him to wear a powered exoskeleton she made. The suit malfunctions and starts to swivel uncontrollably, nearly twisting Izuku in half. As he recovers from the painful experience, Izuku once again asks for simple arm support.

Wanting to avoid Mei, Tenya whispers to Power Loader about wanting something to help cool down his leg thrusters, but Mei manages to overhear him regardless and proceeds to add to his Tenya’s costume Super Cooler Electric Boosters. However, the boosters are for the arms and not the legs, much to Tenya’s frustration. Mei already knows that Tenya’s Quirk is for his legs, but she thinks that if he wants to cool his legs, then he must run with his arms, which confuses Tenya. The gadgets are too powerful and Iida hits the ceiling. Despite this incident, Mei’s proverb makes Izuku realize what All Might was saying about him imitating him.

Despite her self-centered personality, Power Loader praises Mei for being a talented and hard-working engineer.

Power Loader scolds Mei for messing around. However, Power Loader advises Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya to invest in their relationship with her because once they become Pro Heroes, she will be taking care of their Hero Costume needs. Power Loader points to a mountain of trash in the Development Studio, he tells them that the trash is actually support items Mei has created since she started at U.A., even creating support items during the school holidays. Despite her self-centered attitude, Power Loader compliments Mei for her talent at inventing as well as her courage to come up with new ideas and attempt to make them real even if they fail.

Izuku suddenly realizes that his way of thinking has been wrong; people who invent are not bound by conventional thinking and in order to improve himself, he must think out of the box like Mei. While Mei helps out Ochaco, Izuku asks Tenya to help him with something.

Katsuki develops a new attack: the AP Shot.

Meanwhile, the rest of Class 1-A are progressing on improving their Quirks. Four days later at the Gamma Gym in the midst of training, All Might shows up and Shota tells him that Class 1-A are progressing nicely. Minoru comments on the change of Izuku’s costume, causing Izuku to reply that he received arm support to lessen the stress on his arms.

Meanwhile, Fumikage has developed a special move called Tenebrous Abyss Body that allows him to equip Dark Shadow onto himself. Midnight likes Fumikage’s special move but advises him to change the name so that it is easier to say. Katsuki tests out his new special move called AP Shot on a rock, a move that creates an Explosion beam. Katsuki’s AP Shot successfully executes and penetrates a rock.

Izuku saves All Might from a falling rock with his Shoot Style.

However, the rock Katsuki used his AP Shot on cracks and begin falling towards All Might. Suddenly, Izuku appears and destroys the rock with a kick. Izuku then destroys the remaining rock with another kick. All Might is impressed that Izuku figured out his advice on his own. Izuku has realized that just because he is the new successor of One For All, it does not mean that he must inherit his predecessor’s fighting style, in this case All Might’s punching style, and is free to choose his own fighting style.

Taking Mei’s words into consideration, and Tenya’s help, Izuku has decided to forego All Might’s punch fighting style and redevelop his fighting style. The technique Izuku used to destroy the rocks is called One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style, a technique that is an application of Izuku’s new kick-based fighting style. It is a fighting style focusing on kicking, thus strengthening his kicks.[5]

Deku upgrades his costume with the Iron Soles.

Before heading back to the Gym Gamma, Izuku explains to Mei about his Full Cowl technique which gives him greater maneuverability and asks her for a slight change to his costume that will have a big effect. Mei makes changes to Izuku’s costume, giving it spikes to support his arm and Iron Soles.

As Izuku asks All Might if he is fine, Eijiro and Denki notice the change in Izuku’s fighting style, causing Izuku to reply that he has changed to a kick-based fighting style and although it is not his special move, his new fighting style has given him a direction to go in. All Might comments that Izuku’s new fighting style will help him in the Provisional Hero License Exam.

Shota asks All Might to move to safety; All Might apologizes to Katsuki. Annoyed, Katsuki relieves his anger with an Explosion and tells All Might to be careful. The former Symbol of Peace is staggered about the fact that throughout his life, he has been protecting others. Now, All Might realizes that he needs others to protect him and is perturbed with the role change.

Izuku comments on Eijiro and Denki’s hero costume upgrades. Other students of Class 1-A, Shoto, Kyoka, and Koji have made upgrades to their hero costumes.

Itsuka explains Neito’s costume.

Suddenly, Vlad King and Class 1-B enter Gym Gamma, causing Shota to ask Vlad King for ten more minutes. Neito Monoma, whose hero costume is a simple gentleman’s attire, comments that due to the low pass rate of the Provisional Hero License Exam, all of Class 1-A will fail. However, Shota remarks that Class 1-A and Class 1-B will be taking the exam at different venues, much to Neito’s disappointment. Vlad King states that the exam is conducted every year in June and September at three different locations across the country; to avoid students from the same schools from clashing against each other, it is common practice to split up their students by sending them to different sites and testing times.

Neito seems relieved that he will not be able to bring down Class 1-A himself, causing Eijiro and Denki to wonder if he has a mental condition. Shota tells Class 1-A that the chances of those who receive their Provisional Hero Licenses in their first year is extremely small due to the presence of other strong students who have been training and honing their skills much longer than they have.

Class 1-A’s Special Move Training Concludes: The Provisional Hero License Exam Arrives!

Ochaco watches Izuku practicing his technique.

During the night at Class 1-A’s dormitory in Heights Alliance, the Class 1-A girls are relaxing in the common space on the first floor and they comment on the rough training. Toru asks about the special moves they have been creating; Tsuyu and Momo have special moves in mind and need a bit more training to pull it off. Ochaco is asked about her special move, but she does not respond and appears depressed.

After Tsuyu nudges her, Ochaco snaps back to reality and says that she still has a long way to go, but her heart has been jumbled up. Mina comments that Ochaco is in love, much to Ochaco’s shock. Ochaco denies this fact, but Mina pries further and asks if she is in love with Izuku or Tenya, causing Ochaco to start floating due to her embarrassment. Ochaco says that her friendship with Izuku or Tenya is not like that. Tsuyu and Momo tell Mina not to pry into another’s love life and decide to head to bed. Ochaco sees Izuku training outside and thinks to herself again that it is not like what Mina said.

Class 1-A meets the overexcited Inasa.

The remaining days of training came and went. The day of the Provisional Hero License Exam has come. Class 1-A arrive at the exam site, Takoba National Stadium. Some of Class 1-A are nervous, but Shota encourages them to do their best so that they can pass this exam and further their goal in becoming heroes. Class 1-A huddle together, suddenly, a student called Inasa Yoarashi interrupts their huddle, causing another student to tell him that it is rude to interrupt other people’s huddles. Inasa expresses his apology to Class 1-A with vigor and bows to them while smashing his head into the ground and bleeding, much to some of Class 1-A’s shock.

Other participants of the exam recognize the students with berets. Katsuki comments that there is a high school in the west (Kansai) that is on par with U.A (which is from the east). The people standing in front of Class 1-A are students from the famous Shiketsu High School. Inasa energetically expresses his excitement about competing with U.A and wishes Class 1-A the best of luck.

As the other students of Shiketsu High and Inasa leave, Shota tells Class 1-A that the energetic student’s name is Inasa Yoarashi and states that he is a powerful contender; at U.A.’s entrance exam, the same year Class 1-A took it, Inasa received the top score and passed. However, despite receiving the top score, Inasa declined his admission offer. Izuku is surprised with Inasa’s prowess and thinks that he might be as talented as Shoto.[6] Hanta is confused as to why Inasa would refuse enrollment into U.A. even though he admires the school. Shota replies that while Inasa can be awkward, his strength is great and warns Class 1-A to be careful.

Ms. Joke happy to see Shota Aizawa again.

Suddenly, a female teacher approaches Shota and states that it has been a long time since they have seen each other, although Shota is indifferent, the female begins joking around with Shota while the Erasing Hero is unamused by her sense of humor. The female teacher that Shota apparently knows is «Smile Hero» Ms. Joke and her Quirk is Outburst. Ms. Joke’s Quirk forces others to laugh which impairs their cognitive and motor skills.

Tsuyu comments on Shota’s and Ms. Joke’s closeness, causing Ms. Joke to reply that their workplaces were close to each other and helped each other whenever they had trouble, which is why she and Shota know each other very well. However, Shota denies the part about them being lovers. Ms. Joke reveals that she is a teacher from Ketsubutsu Academy High School and she teaches Class 2-2.

Ketsubutsu Academy students greet Class 1-A.

Some students from Ms. Joke’s class show up and greet Class 1-A. One of her students called Yo Shindo happily greets some of Class 1-A. Yo is impressed with Class 1-A’s perseverance considering everything they went through during the year and believes that overcoming obstacles is what heroes need which is why he respects Class 1-A. Yo tries greeting Katsuki, but Katsuki rejects Yo’s greeting, causing Eijiro to reprimand Katsuki for his rudeness, although Yo is not bothered by it.

Ms. Joke tells her class to change into their hero costumes. As her class go to get changed, Ms. Joke asks Shota if he told his class about something that happens every year at the Provisional Hero License Exam; Shota replies he has not.

Yokumiru explains the rules to the students.

Inside Takoba National Stadium, Yokumiru Mera of the Hero Public Safety Commission, a sleep-deprived man, introduces himself and will be the one explaining the Provisional Hero License Exam. Yokumiru tells the 1540 examinees that only 100 of them will participate in the actual Provisional Hero License Exam, much to their frustration. Yokumiru informs them that they will first compete in the First Exam to determine the 100 examinees that will compete in the Provisional Hero License Exam. The objective of the First Exam is to test the examinees’ speed which is required in Heroics.

Yokumiru explains the preliminary round; every examinee will take three targets and paste them somewhere on their bodies where others can see, except their feet and armpits. Each examinee will be given six balls and use them to hit the targets; the target will light up when it is hit by a ball and once the third target is lit up, that examinee is considered as lost and disqualified. Whoever lights up the third target will be considered as the person who took down the other person.

Ms. Joke teases Shota Aizawa.

The goal of the preliminary round is to take down two examinees using the six balls given and whoever takes down two people will pass the preliminary round and qualify for the Provisional Hero License Exam. Yokumiru tells the examinees that they will give them the targets and the balls a minute after the preliminary round has begun.

The place the examinees are in opens up and reveals that they are inside Takoba National Stadium surrounded by a huge varied terrain. Watching from the bleachers, Ms. Joke is surprised that Shota did not fail any of his students which he is known for and wonders if Shota likes his current class, although Shota is indifferent about Class 1-A, much to Ms. Joke’s laughter.

The «Crushing of U.A. students» begins!

On the First Exam battlefield, Izuku decides that Class 1-A should work together to pass the preliminary round since he believes that it will be school versus school. However, Shoto separates in order to use their Quirks more effectively and so that they do not become an easy target by huddling together. Katsuki does the same, being followed by Eijiro and Denki. Some of Class 1-A follow Izuku while Izuku explains that working together is better because the other schools know their Quirks and fighting styles.

Ms. Joke comments to Shota that while the format changes every year, a tradition does exist throughout the history of the Provisional Hero License Exam; the tradition is «the crushing of U.A. students».

Provisional Hero License First Exam: Target U.A.!

Class 1-A ready for action.

The First Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam begins. As Izuku and some of his classmates follow him, dozens of examinees approach them and are eager in taking them out. One of them, Yo sees Izuku again and comments that his Quirk breaks his body every time he uses it. Yo and many examinees begin throwing balls at Class 1-A.

However, Izuku, Minoru, Mina, Ochaco, and Fumikage block the incoming balls with their Quirks. Shota tells Ms. Joke that it did not matter if he told them or not about the tradition in taking out U.A. since they have to overcome the obstacle regardless; being a hero means that they have to get themselves out of a pinch whatever the circumstances are. Izuku informs his classmates to brace themselves.[7]

Yo isn’t surprised that students from U.A. weren’t affected by an ambush of that scale. his classmate Shikkui Makabe uses his Stiffening Quirk to harden his projectiles and gives them to Itejiro Toteki. Itejiro uses his Boomerang Quirk to lock on to Class 1-A and uses his super move: Trajectory: Crescent Moon to throws the hardened balls underground. Itejiro expects to take Class 1-A by surprise because he threw the balls underground.

Class 1-A defends themselves from the «crushing of U.A.»

Kyoka uses her Quirk and unleashes a special move called Heartbeat Distortion which shatters the ground, allowing Class 1-A to see where the balls are being fired at. Mina uses her special move Acid Veil to protect Minoru. Seeing an opening, Fumikage equips Dark Shadow onto himself using Black Abyss (previously known as Abyssal Black Body) and, grabbing a ball with his right hand, uses Piercing Twilight Claws against Tatami Nakagame in order to attach the ball onto her.

Tatami narrowly manages to dodge Fumikage’s attack in the nick of time by collapsing her torso into her waist using her Telescopic Quirk, and comments on Class 1-A’s strength. Yokumiru announces that zero examinees have passed so far. Izuku decides to wait and see the examinees’ Quirks before starting an actual fight since everyone is protecting their targets and thus the chance of getting a lucky hit is minuscule.

On the bleachers, Ms. Joke tells Shota that those who take the leading role can turn the tables. In the stadium where Class 1-A are, Yo Shindo tells his fellow classmates that he will shatter their solid defense. Yo uses his Quirk known as Vibrate on the ground and uses a special move called Tremoring Earth, which unleashes a powerful earthquake that completely shatter the ground, causing Class 1-A to lose their footing.

Inasa Yoarashi eliminates 120 students by himself.

At another area of the stadium, some examinees feel the earthquake Yo Shindo caused. However, they soon forget about the earthquake and focus on the battle in front of them. Suddenly, all of the examinees’ balls are being swept up into the air by powerful gusts of wind. On top of a building, the examinee causing the gusts of wind is Inasa Yoarashi with his quirk Whirlwind. Inasa is getting fired up and wishes to participate in the heated battle. Inasa blasts all of the balls onto the examinees with his powerful wind. Yokumiru receives information on the first examinee to pass which is Inasa Yoarashi. However, Yokumiru is shocked that Inasa managed to eliminate 120 examinees in an instant.

Back at the battlefield between Class 1-A of U.A. and Class 2-2 of Ketsubutsu Academy High School, Izuku is regaining his footing after the ground is shattered courtesy of Yo’s Vibrate. Izuku contemplates that Ketsubutsu Academy have done their homework on analyzing their Quirks and decides that Class 1-A must team up together in order to combat Ketsubutsu Academy’s strong teamwork. Despite being at a disadvantage, Izuku cannot help but feel excited.

Camie catches Izuku off guard.

Suddenly, Izuku realizes that he has been hit by a female student’s ball, much to Izuku’s confusion. The female examinee who hit Izuku is from Shiketsu High called Camie and scolds Izuku for zoning out in the middle of a battle. However, Camie finds it weird that Izuku can still smile after being put at a disadvantage and finds it to be cool. Izuku focuses and prepares for combat.[8]

Ochaco has landed on rubble and is still recovering from Yo’s earthquake. Ochaco decides not to call out to Class 1-A as that would attract dozens of examinees to her; Being composed, Ochaco thinks that the best option is to regroup with her classmates to avoid being ganged up by themselves.

The First Exam Heats Up!: Izuku vs. Camie

Camie «greets» Izuku.

Camie notes that in large-scale exams, some examinees target certain individuals for information or have enough, such as the case on all of the U.A. students. Camie is one of those individuals who crave information which is why she targeted Izuku as she wants to learn more about U.A. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl, knowing that talking would only distract him and wonders if her classmates are supporting her or if she is on her own. Camie throws a ball and a rock, but Izuku effortlessly dodges them. However, Izuku is surprised that the female had disappeared once more.

Suddenly, Camie appears before Izuku and tries throwing another ball at him, but Izuku dodges with his enhanced speed. Izuku prepares to counterattack with one of his balls; however, he realizes that he should not as she disappears the moment he takes his eyes off her. Camie appears behind Izuku and wonders if Izuku was thinking if she has a vanishing Quirk.

Camie uses her concealing technique to overwhelm Izuku.

Camie pushes Izuku down to the ground and pins him, stating that she was simply hiding. Camie states that her fighting style revolves around concealing her presence; Izuku is surprised that Shiketsu High teaches that kind of fighting style. Having told Izuku some information about her, Camie asks Izuku what is motivating him for becoming a hero as she wants to learn more about him.

Izuku uses the power of One For All to blast himself off the ground slightly, causing Camie to jump away. Seeing that she is distracted, Izuku throws a ball at her, but his ball is deflected by webs protruding from the ground. Izuku and Camie see that other examinees have arrived. Izuku realizes that the worst case scenario has occurred and decides that his best option is to dodge. Izuku uses One For All Full Cowl to dodge the onslaught of Quirk attacks from the other examinees. Ochaco suddenly appears and calls out to him, causing Izuku to think that she has a plan.

Izuku rescues «Ochaco».

Suddenly, other examinees approach Ochaco, who becomes surprised and annoyed by this, which forced her to take a step back, this made her lose her footing, which caused her to fall. Izuku begins thinking about all of his regrets; if he had not broken his arms, he could have saved Katsuki, and the fight between All Might and All For One would not have occurred. If he had been faster than the Vanguard Action Squad. Izuku notes that his speed would have allowed him to make all the difference which is why he has changed his fighting style to revolve around speed and training his legs.

Using One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style, Izuku sprints towards Ochaco and saves her from falling. Having saved Ochaco, Izuku swears to himself that until his body is ready, he will not use One For All 100%. To make up for his lack of power, Izuku has iron soles that empower the impact of his kicks with a blow back-like movement. Izuku uses One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style and shatters the footing the other examinees are on with an iron sole empowered kick. As the examinees lose their footing and are distracted by it, Izuku and Ochaco manage to escape without being traced and successfully find a hiding spot.

Izuku knows she isn’t the real Ochaco.

As Ochaco thanks Izuku for saving her, Izuku is looking out for any examinees. Ochaco tries attaching a ball onto Izuku. However, Izuku knocks away Ochaco’s ball. Izuku is not fooled by «Ochaco’s» appearance and knows that the impostor is someone from Shiketsu High.

Izuku is not blinded by the impostor’s deception either because the Ochaco he knows should have been able to float to prevent herself from falling and above all, the Ochaco he knows of would not have appeared before the enemy without some sort of plan. «Ochaco’s» face begins dissolving and is impressed with Izuku for figuring out the deception but is still surprised that he saved the impostor; the impostor wonders if Izuku wanted to take advantage of the situation. Knowing that the impostor was not Ochaco all along, Izuku told the impostor that he could not stand by and watch the impostor fall which is why he saved the impostor.

A nude Camie attacks Izuku.

The impostor dissolves and reveals itself to be the Shiketsu High female whom Izuku has been fighting. Impressed with Izuku’s actions and desiring to learn more about him, Camie wants Izuku to teach her more about himself, much to his dismay.[9]

Camie analyses that Izuku is the type to save anyone, but wonders to what lengths Izuku will go and where he will draw the line. Camie charges at Izuku despite being nude; Izuku himself is puzzled as to why the female is nude. Camie slashes at Izuku, which causes a cut on Izuku’s face to appear. Suddenly, tape divides the female and Izuku, preventing the female from attacking further.

Camie tells Ochaco that Izuku trusts her a lot.

The tape came from Hanta, to which Izuku thanks Hanta for his intervention. Ochaco jumps from behind Hanta and launches herself towards Camie. Ochaco nearly manages to hit the female, but Camie’s speed allows her to evade Ochaco’s attack. Ochaco commends Camie’s reflexes and the latter flips on top of a rock and sits on it. disappointed that she can no longer talk with Izuku due to being outnumbered thanks to Hanta and Ochaco’s interference.

Before leaving, Camie tells Ochaco that Izuku really trusts her. Camie retreat and Hanta tries to go after her, but Izuku advises him and Ochaco not to pursue her, having analyzed that her Quirk probably only works without clothing and because of that her targets have also been removed along with her clothing, reasoning that there is no point in chasing after her.

Izuku asks if Ochaco and Hanta are real.

Izuku awkwardly asks if Hanta and Ochaco are the real versions of themselves. He explains that Camie was able to transform into Ochaco and everyone gets embarrassed. Hanta emphatically asks if the fake Ochaco was naked and Izuku replies that she wasn’t. When things calm down, Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta decide to plan their next move with Hanta noting that there are a group of examinees near their location.[10]

Yokumiru announces that 53 examinees have passed and the eliminated count stands at 230.

Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students

Shoto defends himself from Seijin student attack.

Shoto hides alone in a steel labyrinth-like area of the arena. He hears the announcer reveal that over fifty students have passed, forcing Shoto to act. Shoto is immediately targeted by a group of students from Seijin, clad in a ninja garb. They ambush Shoto and he blocks their projectiles with a wall of ice before freezing them all in place.

The student in red throws a bolt at Shoto and uses his Quirk to greatly increase its size. Shoto blocks with a shield but the ninja breaks through it by attacking with more weapons. Shoto tries to melt another projectile thrown at him but he’s forced to dodge. The ninja reveals the weapons are made up of tungsten, a material resistant to super high temperatures. He tells Shoto he’s overconfident for acting on his own.[11]

Shoto passes the first test.

The red-clad leader calls Shoto overconfident for working alone. Shoto responds with a fire attack and two students negate his attack with their water-based Quirks. Then he defends with his ice but the students counter by throwing large items to break it. Their strategy is to negate both of Shoto’s elements with their various Quirks.

Shoto manages to get away after the engagement fills the area with steam. He realizes the labyrinth-like area their fighting in must have real features built into it. The Seijin students are drawn to a decoy flame and then Shoto uses his ice to break a tank above them. By using his fire on it as well, Shoto manages to create an explosion that incapacitates his rivals.

Inasa talks to another student.

Victorious, Shoto freezes them and then tags their weak points to pass the first test.[12] Yokumiru then announces that the 54th examinee has passed; the 54th examinee to pass is Shoto Todoroki. Shoto managed to hit his targets by simultaneously using his fire and ice. Shoto comments that his simultaneous usage of his fire and ice together are sluggish and he still needs practice. The lights on Shoto’s targets light up and once of them tell Shoto to proceed to the waiting room.

Inside the waiting room, Shoto sees that quite a few examinees have passed like him already. While looking for a place to sit down, Shoto spots Inasa who is having a conversation with another examinee about Stamp Man. Shoto goes to sit down on a chair and ponders that he should have met Inasa when they were taking the Entrance Exam since he was also recommended. During the conversation, Inasa sees Shoto and suddenly stops talking, silently glancing at Shoto. Inasa turns back and continues his conversation with the examinee.[13]

Battle of Strategists: Momo Yaoyorozu vs Saiko Intelli

Saiko puts her plan into motion.

Momo, Tsuyu, Kyoka, and Mezo enter a building after failing to find the rest of their classmates. Meanwhile, Saiko Intelli and her classmates from Seiai Academy set a trap for Class 1-A students. Kyoka hears people ascending the building from below until her ears are injured by a sudden blast of music. Saiko and her classmates enter the elevator after completing «phase one».

Outside, another student uses a slingshot to crack the windows of the room Momo and company are in so that they can’t see outside. Momo notices the enemy is sealing off Kyoka and Mezo’s Quirks that are good for detecting people. She surmises that the enemy is trying to keep their group trapped inside the room and are likely right outside the door. Kyoka recklessly tries to attack and she’s injured by the sniper outside the building. Then the air vents start pouring in cold air that forces Tsuyu to hibernate due the nature of her quirk Frog. The enemy students weld the other escape door shut and force Momo to try and think of an escape plan.

Kyoka’s sonic attack.

Saiko has used her IQ Quirk to outmaneuver Momo and her group up until now. She expects that Momo will overuse her Quirk in order to stop the cold air vents inside the room. Saiko’s plan is to make her overuse Creation so they can defeat her group when all their Quirks have been nullified. She gains inspiration of Izuku’s courage during their mission to rescue Katsuki from the League of Villains and realizes that she has to save her classmates.

Momo asks her friends to endure the cold and produces headphones for them to wear. Then she produces a high powered amp. Saiko readies her allies to storm the room but is surprised when her rival students counter with a high-frequency sonic waves attack. All of the Seiai students except for Saiko are knocked out by a large amp created by Momo to amplify Kyoka’s Quirk. The Class 1-A students leave the room to find Momo’s plan was successful. However, Saiko hides behind the door and then locks herself and Momo back inside the room. Saiko admits she’s surprised Momo would go with such a high-risk tactic rather than the predictable route.

Tsuyu and Mezo come back for Momo.

Momo can’t move as well from overusing her Quirk and Saiko tries to tag her targets to make her fail. Momo counters by handcuffing their arms together. She buys enough time for Mezo to break down the door. Tsuyu rushes in and uses her tongue to restrain Saiko’s other arm. Saiko is shocked that Momo’s allies came to her rescue because they could’ve passed without her. Kyoka, Tsuyu, and Mezo explain that they would never leave their friend behind and Momo follows up by saying that’s just how Class 1-A is. Impressed by the U.A. students, Saiko admits defeat.[12]

Mera announces that four more examinees have passed, bringing the total number of examinees passed to 58.

Overcome the Obstacles to Pass the Test!

Ochaco and Hanta put their faith in Izuku.

Izuku analyzes that the examinees are working together in large groups and then attack smaller groups; afterwards they start fighting over who gets to hit the last target, to which Ochaco realizes that as they try to steal the last target from each other their numbers will also start to dwindle which makes it harder to catch others.

Hanta asks why Izuku is intent on gathering Class 1-A together. Izuku responds that working together is the best option because they do not have knowledge on their opponents’ Quirks and they are short on time.[10]

Izuku and Katsuki during the exam.

On the bleachers, Ms. Joke offers Shota some gum, which he rejects. Shota is frustrated that he is unable to find out who has passed. Ms. Joke wonders why he is worried. Shota explains that he is not worried but has high expectations because two of his students (Izuku and Katsuki) encourage and inspire the rest of his class. As a result of their presence, Shota feels that Class 1-A should perform spectacularly which is why he has high expectations.

Eijiro turned into a Meatball.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki end up in a separate city-like district inside the arena. They walk out in the street and are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. He attacks Katsuki with his Quirk Meatball but Eijiro pushes Katsuki away and gets hit with the attack that transforms him into a lump of flesh. Katsuki challenges the Shiketsu student head on.

Meanwhile, Izuku decides that they should first figure out the number of examinees they need to pass and then immobilize them; after they are immobilized, they will hit their targets with their balls. Suddenly, Ochaco hears footsteps; Izuku tells Ochaco and Hanta that he will act as a decoy while they keep a distance from him and try to immobilize as many examinees as possible. Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta prepare to enact their plan.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki vs. Shiketsu High School Elite, Seiji

Katsuki attacks Seiji.

In the bridge, Seiji expresses pride in wearing his hat as it is a symbol that shows Shiketsu High’s brilliance. Seiji states that their sense of pride and dignity makes them superior to U.A. Seiji has respect for U.A but upon witnessing Class 1-A for himself, he feels disgusted to be participating with them.

Katsuki could not care less about the male’s whining and tells him action speaks louder. Seiji gladly demonstrates his Quirk, kneading five fingers out of thin air and launches them, calling Katsuki an ingrate while Katsuki prepares to attack. Katsuki blows away Seiji and his kneaded meat fingers with his new technique, AP Shot: Auto-Cannon.[13]

Seiji is surprised that he let his guard down by Katsuki’s impulsive and abrasive attitude; Denki notes that Seiji’s kneaded fingers are returning to his skin. Getting his head in the game, Seiji rematerializes his kneaded flesh fingers and promises to make Katsuki understand the importance of behaving in a dignified manner. Annoyed with his constant talking, Katsuki charges towards Seiji while Denki fires projectiles with a piece of his equipment attached to his arm, the Sharpshooting Gear. Seiji manages to dodge Denki’s projectiles and decides to get rid of Denki’s projectiles first.

Katsuki is turned into a meatball.

Katsuki becomes angry at being ignored and fires an AP Shot Auto Cannon at Seiji. Seiji defends himself from Katsuki’s Explosion technique by materializing flesh in front of himself to act as a shield. Seiji remarks that he was not ignoring him; Katsuki realizes that a lump of flesh is on his shoulders. Seiji states that he had one of his kneaded flesh circle from around under the bridge to attach to Katsuki. Seiji reveals that if a person is touched by the flesh, they become a lump of flesh themselves. Katsuki tosses something to Denki and then he’s transformed into a ball of flesh.

Seiji reminds Denki that his actions are simply a show of power. Seiji believes that due to All Might retiring, the need for strong future Heroes is necessary and thus thinks that the true objective of the Provisional Hero License Exam is to weed out the weak and select the cream of the crop. Seiji agrees with the assumed true purpose of the exam which is why he stands in Class 1-A’s way, believing them to not be fit to be heroes. Seiji warns Denki that even though Eijiro and Katsuki are balls of meat, they can still feel pain as they normally would meaning that unleashing electricity in the surrounding area would harm them.

Denki shocks Seiji.

Denki and Seiji decide to battle; Seiji kneads flesh fingers and fires them at Denki, to which Denki retaliates by throwing an object at Seiji. The object explodes which stops Seiji’s attack, which confuses Seiji since Katsuki is a ball of meat. Seiji sees that the object is a grenade. Denki reveals that Katsuki was carrying one of those grenades as he can create simple explosions with them. Seiji realizes that Katsuki gave Denki one of those grenades when he was talking. Denki fires a beam of electricity from his fingertip at Seiji which electrocutes Seiji.

Denki reveals that he is unable to control the flow of electricity by himself which is why his Sharpshooting Gear allows him to control the flow of his electricity. Denki realizes that Katsuki’s Explosions have a large range and used his AP Shot against Seiji which has a restricted range so that he would not harm Eijiro or him. Denki tells Seiji that Katsuki may be impulsive but he is more serious about becoming a Hero than most. Denki criticizes Seiji for mocking them when he knows so little about them. Seiji is furious with Denki’s stupidity and angrily replies that he was telling them to know their place.

Katsuki and Eijiro defeat Seiji.

Suddenly, Katsuki and Eijiro attack Seiji with an Explosion and Hardened fist respectively. Denki comments the reason Katsuki and Eijiro are back to normal is that his flesh ball prisons can be canceled depending on the amount of damage Seiji has taken which is why Seiji fights at long range.

Eijiro thanks Denki but Katsuki yells at him for taking too long. Denki is dismayed by Katsuki’s comment and replies that its no wonder people always insult him. Afraid, Denki notices the other victims of Seiji’s Quirk have been reverted to their normal bodies as well. He tells Katsuki and Eijiro they weren’t the only one’s Seiji balled up and Katsuki licks his lips and replies that he knows. The three of them standoff with their new opponents until a fight breaks out between all of them.

Izuku’s Gambit: To the Second Phase

Ochaco unleashes her trap using Hanta’s tape.

Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco are fighting the examinees in their area. They talked about their situation and how rival students are starting to split up. Izuku decided to act as a decoy so Ochaco and Hanta can restrain their pursuers.

Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style and dashes past the group of examinees. The examinees prepare to attack Izuku. Seeing that the examinees are distracted, Ochaco and Hanta launch their surprise attack. Ochaco and Hanta use their Quirks (Ochaco use her Zero Gravity Quirk to make the debris float and Hanta launching them with his Tape) and fire debris at the examinees which entraps them. Many examinees are pinned down by the tape due to the heavy debris.

Izuku’s group passes the first phase.

Mera announces that 76 examinees have passed. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco place their balls on six examinees. Yokumiru announces that three more examinees have passed, indicating that Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco has officially passed the preliminary round which is the First Exam.

As Izuku begins thinking about his other classmates, Yokumiru notes a pattern: despite many examinees trying to eliminate U.A., Class 1-A has not lost a single student thus far. Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki are fighting the examinees on the bridge. Tsuyu, Momo, Kyoka and Mezo have are in the waiting room along with Shoto. Tenya and Yuga are working together, Mina, Mashirao, Toru and Minoru have formed a group while Fumikage, Koji, and Rikido have teamed up in an attempt to pass.

Seeing that the First Exam is nearly over, Yokumiru decides to make preparations for the Second Exam and leaves it up to them. The people Yokumiru is referring to are a group of senior citizens and many young children. The senior citizens look forward to messing with the young examinees.[14]

Ketsubutsu continues their schemes.

Moments earlier before Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta pass, Yo Shindo analyzes the situation after scattering Class 1-A with his earthquake. Class 1-A are weakened due to being scattered and half of his class are going after Class 1-A while other schools have hopped on the bandwagon. As a result, more and more conflicts are breaking out, making the situation messy. Tatami states that his plan to scatter them is backfiring.

However, Yo is still satisfied because the end game of the First Exam is in motion and many examinees are wasting their energy going after Class 1-A and is happy that his class is fully aware of what is at stake. Tatami comments on Yo’s fake goody-goody act but Yo takes that as a compliment. Yo scorns the examinees for struggling to seize their dreams and ideals while stating that he is above such childish mentality.

The First Exam’s Nail-Biting Conclusion: Class 1-A Pushes Through!

Class 1-A victory dance.

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki have passed which brings the total number of people passed to 82. Denki spots Izuku, Ochaco, and Hanta. Denki goes to greet them and congratulates them on passing. As Hanta and Ochaco praise Denki and Eijiro for passing, Katsuki asks Izuku if he passed, to which Izuku tells Katsuki that he did; Izuku finds it awkward to be speaking to Katsuki due to the Kamino Incident. As he walks away, Katsuki is not surprised that Izuku passed with his «power», much to Izuku’s shock. Katsuki asks Izuku if he made that «borrowed power» his own yet, and walks away to the waiting room.

In the waiting room, Momo is glad that Izuku’s group and Katsuki’s group passed. Tsuyu tells Izuku’s and Katsuki’s group about the people who will remove their targets. Shoto speaks to Izuku and states that 11 people from their class have passed, leaving 9 of them remaining. Momo notes that there are 18 spots remaining and hopes Tenya is alright.

Tenya and Yuga are surrounded by opponents.

On the battlefield, Tenya and Yuga are in the heat of battle against dozens of examinees. As Yuga thinks that the situation is bad, Tenya saves Yuga from a stray bullet and tells him not to give up. Earlier on, Tenya found Yuga and decided to work with him so that they can find their classmates and pass. However, Yuga is content with the rest of Class 1-A passing ahead of him. Tenya refuses to leave Yuga behind as he is the president of Class 1-A and as such it is his duty to support everyone including him. This is how Tenya and Yuga began working together.

In the present, eight more examinees have passed, which leaves 10 remaining spots. Ms. Joke is certain that the examinees that just passed is her class and looks down to the waiting room, seeing her class walking to the waiting room, Ms. Joke is happy to see that her class passed. Momo and Kyoka are worried that some of their class will not pass the First Exam.

Everyone notices Yuga’s beacon of light.

Tenya and Yuga are still in the heat of battle against the hoard of examinees. Seeing that he is holding Tenya back, Yuga fires his Navel Laser in the air. Tenya wonders what Yuga is planning. Yuga tells Tenya that he has already lost two targets and does not want Tenya to go down with him and thus decided to shoot his Navel Laser into the sky to use himself as a decoy to attract more examinees which will allow Tenya to out speed and attach his balls to two of them while they are distracted. Yuga admits that his dream is to be equal with everyone else.

Suddenly, a flock of doves are all over the area and are distracting the examinees courtesy of Koji. Concealed by the doves, Fumikage uses Black Abyss: Covert Black-Ops Arms to land a surprise attack on two examinees which successfully connects and knocks them down. Examinees find themselves stuck due to Minoru’s Pop Off, Mashirao knocks them down which sticks them to the ground. Tenya is surprised that Mashirao, Minoru, and Fumikage have arrived.

Mina thanks Yuga and his light beacon.

The other examinees realize that U.A. has arrived and prepare to counter-attack. Out of nowhere, a bright light illuminates the area and distract the examinees which prevents them from counter-attacking; this bright light is emanating from Toru’s Ultimate Move Warp Refraction. Using Toru’s light as a distraction, Mashirao attaches his balls to two examinees while Toru herself attaches her balls to two examinees allowing them to pass.

On the ground, Yuga is confused as to what is going on; Mina tells Yuga it is thanks to his Navel Laser that they managed to group up with him and Tenya. Mina manages to attach her required balls and passes while the remaining Class 1-A students work together. They begin passing one after the other.

Tenya and Yuga are the last two participants to pass the first phase.

Tenya and Yuga run to their targeted opponents and Tenya tells the latter that no matter who he wants to be an equal with, he’s the beacon that allowed Class 1-A to succeed, as thanks to him, the remaining Class 1-A students grouped back together to pass. Yuga and Tenya attach their balls to their required number of targets, filling the final two spots for the first phase.

With that, 100 examinees in total have passed. Yokumiru Mera announces that the First Exam is over and instructs the examinees who did not pass to leave the premises.

The First Exam Ends!: Tension Between U.A. High School and Shiketsu High School

The battlefield is destroyed.

In the waiting room, Izuku, Ochaco, Minoru, Denki, and Hanta celebrate because all of Class 1-A passed the First Exam. Inasa is shocked that Seiji failed to pass; one of Inasa’s classmates comment that Seiji was full of himself which lead to his downfall and asks him to tone his voice down. Camie has also passed.

Yokumiru asks the one hundred examinees who passed to look at the screen which shows the battlefield. The entire battlefield the examinees were competing on crumbles. All the buildings are destroyed which causes the battlefield to become a disaster site, shocking some of Class 1-A. Yokumiru tells the one hundred examinees that the destroyed battlefield which has become a disaster site will be their next and last stage for the Provisional Hero License Exam. On this disaster site, the one hundred examinees will be conducting rescue maneuvers.[15]

The Help Us Company.

Yokumiru announces to the examinees that they will be conducting rescue maneuvers in saving citizens at the disaster site; what will be tested is the examinees’ ability to adequately carry out rescue operations. However, the citizens ordinary. They are senior citizens and children who have obtained Provisional Hero Licenses and have gone through all sorts of training and as a result they are experts in rescue maneuvers. The senior citizens and children are a part of Help Us Company.

Yokumiru explains that the senior citizens are disguised as injured victims and are scattered throughout the disaster site. The examinees will carry out their rescues. Yokumiru informs the examinees that their rescue activities will be scored on a point system; by the time the rescue activities are completed, examinees who exceed the average value will pass. Yokumiru ends his explanation by telling the examinees that there will be a ten-minute break, which will give the examinees the time to prepare.

Izuku and Tenya realize that the Second Exam is modeled after the Kamino Incident. Tenya says that there were many casualties while their group was focused on rescuing Katsuki. Izuku states they will need to do their best.

«I misjudged you, you curly-haired bas…!»

Meanwhile, Hanta tells Denki and Minoru that Izuku saw Camie’s naked body, which infuriates them due the jealousy. They confront Izuku for what he saw, which confuses Izuku, don’t allow him to explain. The trio look at Camie who smiles and waves at Izuku, further strengthening the implications that Izuku has some kind of relationship with the girl. Izuku begins understanding the situation and informs Denki and Minoru that her nude body had something to do with her Quirk and she has scary skills, but they still antagonize him.

They’re interrupted when the Shiketsu students approach U.A.’s Class 1-A. Nagamasa Mora greets Katsuki and asks if he met Seiji Shishikura. Katsuki replies that he did. Nagamasa apologizes for Seiji’s rude behavior towards them. Nagamasa states that Seiji was trying to impress them in his own way and reveals that Shiketsu High School bears no hostility towards U.A. He wishes to establish a good relationship with U.A and apologizes for Seiji’s impolite behavior.

Shoto confronts Inasa in the anteroom.

Seeing as how they are here to talk and not antagonize, Shoto asks Inasa if he did something to bother him. Inasa gets straight to the point, he hates both Shoto and his father, Endeavor. Inasa comments that while his demeanor has changed, Shoto still has the same eyes as Endeavor. Inasa rejoins his fellow Shiketsu High classmates while Shoto contemplates what Inasa just said.

Before Izuku can consult Shoto, Camie says goodbye to Izuku, to which Izuku immediately responds with a nod, and Denki and Minoru jump on him again. Momo tells them to stop acting disgracefully. Camie walks away while Ochaco’s heart starts pounding and is not able to suppress her feelings for Izuku.

Provisional Hero License Second Exam: The True Mark of a Hero!

Final Phase begins.

Before Ochaco can speak to Izuku, the Second Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam begins. A rescue scenario is being broadcasted to the examinees, large-scale destruction of buildings have resulted in large numbers of victims. The damage to the roads are severe and the emergency unit will be considered late. Until the emergency unit arrives, all rescue activities will be left to the Heroes and they must save every life they can. The waiting room door opens up and the one hundred examinees rush out to the disaster site to carry out their rescue operations.

Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya, Minoru, and Mina head to the nearest affected urban zone. They encounter a crying and injured child who screams that his grandpa has been crushed. Izuku finds that to be terrible, much to the crying child’s annoyance who finds Izuku’s reaction to be pathetic and takes away points from him. The child advises Izuku to check if he can walk and his breathing and notes that he is bleeding.

The child tells Izuku that if he wants a Provisional Hero License then he must be able to access the condition of a victim and take instant action. Izuku realizes that the HUCS are doing the scoring and becomes overwhelmed. Some examinees begin scoping out the danger area of the disaster site, create make shift roads, landing areas, make first aid stations and establishing a relief area.

Everybody helping the «victims».

On the bleachers, Shota comments that Class 1-A will fall behind in this exam. The child tells Izuku that in addition to rescuing and providing relief, all authority and responsibility is on his shoulders and must smoothly act as the intermediary in rescue operations. In order to save lives, heroes must be good at all sorts of things. The child questions Izuku’s tolerance towards the fear, pain, and anxiety of the victims since he found Izuku’s first response to be terrible. The child’s advice reminds Izuku of what All Might does, telling the victims that everything is all right since he has arrived. Izuku gets back into focus and realizes that this exam isn’t a checkpoint. Everything he is doing is a part of chasing his dream to be a Hero.

Izuku tells the child that everything is all right. The child reverts back to a victim while Izuku calms the child’s fear by saying that they will definitely rescue his grandpa. Izuku check’s the child’s physical condition and tells Tenya and Ochaco that he will bring back the child to the first-aid station. Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and rushes to the first-aid station with the injured child in his hands.

Ochaco decides to put her feelings for Izuku away.

Ochaco looks at Izuku and questions what she is doing. Ochaco realizes that she does indeed have feelings for Izuku and in order to focus on her dream, she must shut off her feelings for Izuku. The reason Ochaco found Izuku to be cool in the first place was because he does everything he can without giving up for the sole purpose of achieving his objective and found Izuku’s determination admirable. Ochaco decides to do her best and shutting off her feelings for Izuku will aid her in doing so. Ochaco becomes focused and determined and springs into action.

Mera notes that the ordinary methods in the Second Exam will not be enough for the examinees. Suddenly, a mysterious individual steps foot into the disaster site.[16]

Inasa using his Quirk to clear the debris and rescue people.

Inasa Yoarashi uses individual gusts of wind to remove rubble and safely move victims. One of the victims being moved by Inasa’s wind is impressed with Inasa’s precise control over his Quirk. However, he still finds the moving of the objects with his wind to be crude and deducts points. Nagamasa tells Inasa that he shouldn’t take action without confirming the safety of the environment or the condition of the injured. Inasa realizes his mistake and apologizes for it. Camie has disappeared from Inasa’s group.

On the sidelines, Seiji comments on Inasa’s feat for taking the Provisional Hero License Exam which is a test second years normally take and his prowess has been accepted. Seiji’s teacher talks to him about being influenced by Stain’s teachings, to which Seiji finds to be absurd. Seiji’s teacher doesn’t mind Seiji being influenced by Stain’s fundamentalist view as many individuals wish to change the approach to today’s Heroes. Seiji’s teacher reprimands Seiji for letting hatred drive his influenced ideals as it has clouded his vision.

Momo stops Ochaco before she does something reckless.

At the disaster site, many examinees continue carrying out rescue operations. Momo spots the grandpa of the child Izuku saved and confirms that he is still conscious. Ochaco rushes in to help by removing the rubble, but Momo stops her because there is a wall near the grandpa that looks like it will collapse. Momo creates metal pillars and Hanta tapes them together which reinforces the wall. Ochaco begins clearing out the rubble. The grandpa finds Momo, Ochaco, Hanta and Rikido’s rescue maneuvers to not be shabby.

The grandpa notes that the rescuers must operate as efficiently as possible, must work together, understand the limitations of one’s Quirk and divide roles and responsibilities to fellow rescuers. The grandpa knows from experience that it is difficult to accept one role only which can only be done with a strong understanding of the situation. Minoru and Tenya are frustrated that they are unable to do anything. Mezo decides that Class 1-A should split up into small groups. Tenya agrees and thinks that they should communicate and work together with the other schools to save the civilians. Yuga is using his Navel Laser to give another examinee light.

Denki and Eijiro shocked by Katsuki rudeness.

Elsewhere in the disaster site, two civilians require help from Katsuki because their arms are injured. However, Katsuki refuses to help them since they can still move their legs and shouts at them to help themselves. Eijiro and Denki think that they should help the civilians. Denki and Eijiro go to help out the civilians. The civilians are appalled with Katsuki’s attitude and deduct points from him. Meanwhile, Izuku has arrived at the makeshift shelter for the injured. Izuku hands over the injured boy to a female examinee, telling her that the child has a head injury which is not severe and is bleeding while his responses are normal.

Elsewhere, a mysterious individual comments that heroes act as the intermediary rescuers until rescue teams arrive. The mysterious individual asks Yokumiru for an update. Yokumiru comments that the HUC people are giving fewer point deductions while the rescue maneuvers are going well.

Gang Orca attacks!

Suddenly, a huge explosion occurs which catches the examinees’ attention. The mysterious individual is revealed to be Gang Orca and he is backed by a dozen enemy grunts. Yokumiru notes that Gang Orca was at the Kamino Incident and comments that he is strong. A broadcast is given to the examinees; villains have appeared and they, the Heroes, must suppress them as well as continue carrying out the rescue maneuvers.

Gang Orca and the dozen enemy grunts begin their attack on the Heroes. Gang Orca wonders how the Heroes will respond to his menacing presence.[17]

The second phase is going to be more interesting.

The reason why the Provisional Hero License Exam has a real-life situation by having villains in the exam is because the Hero Public Safety Commissions Headquarters changed the exam’s structure to include real-life scenarios so as to prepare upcoming Heroes for actual combat situations. The Provisional Hero License Exam’s change is supposed to emphasize collaboration and cooperation. Yokumiru thinks about the major change made to the Provisional Hero License Exam, seeing that the Hero Public Safety Commission wants to gather potential heroes who strongly value unity since there will never be another All Might.

Yokumiru notes that while the HUC will be evaluating the examinees rescue actions, 100 members from the Hero Public Safety Commission will evaluate the examinees overall movements and proper usage of Quirks, they will evaluate one examinee each. In order to pass the Provisional Hero License Exam, the examinees must get more than 50 points otherwise they fail.

Villains Appear!: Fire and Wind Confront One Another

Gang Orca defeats Yo Shindo.

In the disaster area, Gang Orca and his goons begin attacking. Shoto and Inasa head towards the villains while Izuku is nearby the villains along with Yo. Yo uses his Vibrate Quirk to stop the advance of the goons in order to create distance between the heroes and the villains. Although Yo manages to stop some goons, Gang Orca uses his Orcinus Quirk to emit a paralyzing sound wave which paralyzes Yo and collapses before Gang Orca. The No. 10 is unimpressed with the one man vanguard and says the students are clearly underestimating him.

Gang Orca approaches Izuku and the first aid base. Suddenly, he is struck by Shoto’s ice glacier, but Gang Orca manages to shield himself by breaking some of the ice. Fumikage, Mina, and Mashirao arrive with Mashirao informing Izuku that they were at the waterfront while Tsuyu and most of Class 1-A are in a nearby town continuing rescue operations. Inasa shows up and uses his wind Quirk to blast some of the goons away.

Inasa and Shoto refuse to work together.

Some members of the Hero Public Safety Commission are impressed with the examinees rescue center operation and are pleased that Shoto and Inasa who have combat suited Quirk are attacking the villains. Shoto notices Inasa and tells him to go help in the rescue operation, but Inasa ignores him and blasts wind on the villains which blows Shoto’s flames away. Inasa is annoyed that Shoto used his fire, to which Shoto defends that his ice was ineffective. Inasa criticizes Shoto for attacking the villains first so that he can get all the credit, much to Shoto’s confusion. Inasa attributes his belief that Shoto is selfish because he is Endeavor’s son. Shoto becomes angry at Inasa since his father has nothing to do with this exam.

Suddenly, the other goons retaliate which causes Shoto to be struck by one of the goon’s Cement Guns while Inasa uses his wind Quirk to fly around which enables him to dodge the goons attack. Inasa remembers his childhood. He was a child who didn’t know fear and as such whatever caught his interest became his new favorite thing. The latest trend, heroes, caught Inasa’s interest and became deeply invested in them. Eventually, he developed a belief from his perspective that all heroes have red-hot fighting spirits that allow them to challenge anything head on.

Endeavor crushed young Inasa’s beliefs.

One day, he witnessed Endeavor defeating a villain and became to admire Endeavor because he symbolized Inasa’s belief that heroes have hot spirits which inspire and move people. The young Inasa asked for an autograph, but Endeavor refused to sign him one and told him to not stand in his way. Endeavor’s rudeness shocked the young Inasa and caused him to despise Endeavor because he betrayed his admiration for him.

Years later at U.A.’s Entrance Exam for the recommended students, Inasa partook in a marathon. During the marathon, Inasa spotted Shoto and became interested in him after seeing his great usage of ice; although Inasa had a bad feeling coming from Shoto, he felt reassured that once they become classmates Shoto’s eyes won’t bother him. Inasa and Shoto reach the goal but Inasa reaches the goal by a stretch, making him the first to cross the finish line while Shoto comes in second.

Inasa meets Shoto for the first time.

Inasa tried to greet Endeavor’s son. However, Shoto said to him he doesn’t care about Inasa’s praise nor does he look at him and states that passing the exam was all that mattered to him. As he walks away, Shoto comments that Inasa is a nuisance, just like his father did years ago, which shocks him. Inasa despises Shoto and Endeavor because they do not symbolize his belief of what a true hero should be.

With his right side immobilized by cement, Shoto refutes that he isn’t like his father. Shoto begins admitting to himself that he still hates his father, but stops thinking about his hatred so that he can concentrate on the exam.

Izuku saves Yo from being accidentally burned.

Orca questions the logic behind Shoto and Inasa’s argument amongst each other while in front of a villain. Inasa states to Shoto that he will never recognize him nor Endeavor as heroes, but Shoto ignores him. Shoto and Inasa begin their counter-attack on Gang Orca and his goons, Shoto blasts fire while Inasa launches a blast of wind. However, Inasa’s wind blasts Shoto’s fire in another direction; Shoto’s fire begins heading towards the paralyzed Shindo. Suddenly, Izuku uses his enhanced speed to rescue Shindo, saving him from Shoto’s fire. Izuku is furious with Shoto and Inasa for their impersonal bickering and putting others in danger.[18]

Izuku’s criticism stops Shoto and Inasa’s stops their arguing. Shoto suddenly remembers that Inasa is the teenager he encountered in U.A.’s Entrance Exam; the reason he didn’t recognize Inasa is because at that time he was only seeing his hatred of his father, Endeavor. After the Sports Festival, Shoto decided to forget about his for his father after reconciling with his mother. Seeing that forgetting his past isn’t helping since it comes back one way or another, Shoto decides that he needs to do something else to confront his past.

Gang Orca hits Inasa with supersonic waves.

Annoyed with their bickering, Gang Orca appears before Shoto and uses his sound wave move on Inasa. Inasa attempts to dodge, but he is hit by a goon’s cement gun, which causes Inasa to lose his concentration and he is knocked out of the sky. As Inasa falls to the ground immobilized, Gang Orca grabs Shoto by his neck and tells him «you reap what you sow» before barraging him with supersonic waves at point-blank range, which immobilizes him fully.

With both of them immobilized, the sidekicks rush to destroy the evacuation shelter. Shoto and Inasa embraces Izuku’s criticism of them. Inasa realizes that his hate has made him become the type of hero he despises, while Shoto acknowledges that his past mistakes have put him in this situation. Both of them decide they need to make up for their mistakes.

The Villains Gain Momentum: Shoto and Inasa’s Desperate Gambit!

Yo stops Gang Orca’s sidekicks.

Izuku sees the goons running toward the rescue site and decides to intercept them. Before he can, Yo uses his Vibrate Quirk and crushes the ground the goons are on, stopping them in their tracks. Izuku is surprised Yo can still move after taking Gang Orca’s soundwave move and the drawback of his Quirk. Yo replies that he has developed a resistance to his Quirk but he is still numb. Yo tells Izuku that it is up to him to put the goons out of commission; Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and heads towards the goons while the rescue group continues its operations.

As Gang Orca prepares to back up his lackeys, Shoto blames himself for picking a fight with Inasa during a serious situation. Even with the odds stacked against him and the compatibility of their Quirks terrible as well as their cooperation, Shoto knows that with heat wind becomes unstable. Shoto starts producing fire from his left side and hopes that Inasa is thinking of the same idea. Indeed, Inasa is thinking of the same idea and starts producing wind. Inasa controls the wind and blows it towards Shoto. Inasa’s wind scoops up Shoto’s flames and becomes unstable, blowing towards Gang Orca. Suddenly, Gang Orca is engulfed by an unstable blazing whirlwind.[19]

Inasa and Shoto put their differences aside to trap Gang Orca with a unison blast.

Gang Orca is engulfed in a fire prison created by Shoto’s flames and Inasa’s wind. Gang Orca is impressed that Inasa and Shoto managed to still use their Quirks despite being completely immobilized. Although he wasn’t amused by their bickering earlier, Gang Orca gives credit for Shoto and Inasa’s combination attack and respects Inasa and Shoto for attempting to rectify their faults by working together.

The goons that were stopped by Yo’s quake have gotten back up and see that their boss is being besieged by flame and wind. The goons attempt to stop Shoto, but Shoto creates a small iceberg to stop the goons from advancing towards him. The other goons that have gone ahead towards the rescue area see that their boss Gang Orca and their fellow goons are in trouble. Suddenly, Izuku appears and attacks three goons with his One For All Full Cowl: Shoot Style which knocks them down.

Fumikage and Mina help suppress the villain attack.

Before the other goons can attack Izuku, Mashirao appears and attacks a few goons. Mashirao informs Izuku that rescue operations are almost completed and back up should arrive soon. Mera sees that there are three remaining HUC members that still need rescuing and after they are saved, he can conclude the Second Exam. Mina and Fumikage arrive and use their respective Quirks to attack and knock down some goons. Examinees from other schools begin to arrive to help battling the goons.

Out of nowhere, some goons are knocked down by a long tongue. Tsuyu was the one who knocked the goons down and reveals that she can turn invisible thanks to her Camouflage. Mashirao asks Tsuyu about the rescue operations, to which Tsuyu replies that the rescue operations are mostly complete. Shiketsu High have also arrived with the hairy Shiketsu High male attacking some goons with his hair.

«Stay away from them!»

Meanwhile, Gang Orca is still engulfed by the fiery prison. However, Gang Orca isn’t worried one bit as he had already planned ahead. Gang Orca throws water on himself to prevent himself from drying out. Gang Orca disperses the fiery whirlwind with a roar and asks Inasa and Shoto what they have planned next. Izuku appears and attacks the Number 10 Hero with an enhanced One For All Full Cowl kick, but Gang Orca defends himself from Izuku’s kick. Inasa and Shoto are surprised that Izuku arrived with the latter commenting that to the bitter end, Izuku always comes to the rescue.

Before Izuku can continue the fight against Gang Orca, Mera announces that all HUC members have been rescued and officially brings the Provisional Hero License Exam to a close.

Provisional Hero License Exam Ends: Those Who Pass and Those Who Fail

The licensing exam reaches its end.

Mera informs the examinees that after the scores are tallied, he will present the results of the Provisional Hero License Exam to them. He tells those who have suffered injuries to direct themselves to the medical office and those who aren’t to change back into their normal clothes and await for further instructions.

The goons apologize to Gang Orca for failing at their jobs since it is difficult for them to move around with the restrictive protectors on. Gang Orca ponders that even without the restrictive protector and the exam continuing for longer, Inasa and Shoto’s Fire Prison and Izuku’s surprise attack might have injured him to the point of being unable to continue fighting.

Mera shows the results.

After the examinees have their injuries attended to and have changed back into their school uniforms, they gather in front of a screen. Yokumiru thanks the examinees for their hard work and will present the results. Before he does so, Yokumiru explains that the HUC members and his fellow colleagues from Headquarters examined both the quality and nature of their conduct in situations of crisis. Yokumiru tells the examinees that the names of those who passed will be displayed on the screen behind him in alphabetical order.

The results of the Provisional Hero License Exam are presented on the screen. 89 examinees have passed the exam. Izuku looks up for his name on the screen and is shocked to see that his name is on the screen,[20] Izuku is flabbergasted that he has passed. Inasa sees that his name is not on the screen and knew that he didn’t pass while Shoto has a solemn look on his face.[21]

Inasa apologizes for his behavior.

Everyone in Class 1-A has passed, except for Katsuki and Shoto. While most of Class 1-A celebrate, Katsuki is angry that he didn’t pass and Shoto remains silent as he is fully aware why he failed. Inasa approaches Shoto and slams his head on the ground. Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and asks for forgiveness. However, Shoto tells Inasa that he doesn’t have to apologize. Instead, Shoto thanks Inasa for his critique of him as it has made him realize there were some important things he missed. The rest of Class 1-A are surprised to hear that Shoto failed while Izuku and Momo offer their condolences.

Yokumira distributes out sheets to the examinees that has details of their performance in the exam and their scores: a point reduction system was used to tally their scores. While he understands the point reduction system, Izuku doesn’t understand why those who fell under 50 points were not asked to leave the exam immediately. Yokumiru congratulates those who have passed and will obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses immediately. Yokumiru states that they now have authority equal to that of heroes and will be able to stop villains and rescue civilians at their own discretion. Yokumiru tells the examinees that with All Might no longer active, their world is changing and they need to adapt to that change by upholding the balance All Might worked so hard for. When they become heroes, they will become the pillar that supports society.

Inasa, Shoto, and Katsuki vow to get their licenses.

Even though they have hero authority now, they must continue studying until they graduate as having this authority doesn’t make them true heroes. Yokumiru tells those who failed to not become disheartened because they can attend a special training course in March and if they produce strong results, they will obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses; the failed will be given a chance to rectify their mistakes in this training course which will make them even more qualified than those who passed this exam.

Yokumiru tells those who failed that he will not object to them re-challenging the exam in April. Now that there is still an opportunity to obtain their licenses, Katsuki and Inasa are fired up. Shoto tells Izuku that he will catch up soon.

One Step Closer to the Hero Dream: The League of Villains Prepare to Strike Back!

Izuku can’t hold his happiness.

Outside, the Provisional Hero License Exam is officially over, Izuku is holding his Provisional Hero License in his hands. Izuku cries tears of joy which causes Ochaco to questions his tears. Izuku replies that the Provisional Hero License is proof of his growth is in his hands and is happy that the help he has received along the way has not been in vain. Izuku plans to immediately show his license to his mother and All Might while Ochaco agrees with him.

Inasa says farewell to Shoto and once again apologizes to him while Shoto gives his farewell. Izuku spots the hairy Shiketsu High male and asks him about his camouflage technique. The Shiketsu High male replies that they don`t have that training, much to Izuku`s confusion since the girl he met had such a technique. The Shiketsu High male understands Izuku is referring to Camie and tells him that Camie went home immediately after the exam. However, the Shiketsu High male comments that Camie has been acting strange for the past three days and something is different about her.

Himiko informs her allies that the infiltration was a success.

In an alley. Camie is walking and her face starts melting, which reveals Himiko Toga. Camie is none other than Himiko who used her Quirk to shapeshift to take on the real Camie’s appearance. Himiko receives a phone call from Mr. Compress, who is annoyed that Himiko hasn’t been contacting them and reminds her that being in public puts them in jeopardy.

Himiko tells Mr. Compress there’s nothing to worry about because she is well hidden and her excursion has been fruitful. Himiko informs Mr. Compress she had a lot of fun and her prize will make Tomura happy: She has obtained a vial with some of Izuku’s blood.[22]

After All Might’s Retirement: Overhaul Emerges

Jin thinks about the aftermath of the Kamino Ward Incident.

Two weeks after the battle in Kamino, Yokohama and All Might’s retirement, in Kanagawa Prefecture, a man named Jin Bubaigawara looks over the streets surveying the people. He believes the most important aspect in life is understanding yourself. Jin is annoyed with the civilians’ content faces and cannot stand them. However, a voice inside the man’s head disagrees. Ever since the final battle between All Might and All For One ended, television networks and the internet were buzzing with chatter regarding anxiety due to All Might no longer being around.

Jin is listening to the news on his television which has Daikaku Miyagi speaking about studying the consequences of All Might’s retirement and counter measures to be put in place against villains. Jin believes that the anxiety revolves around one person; the man who became the number one hero after All Might’s retirement, Endeavor. Because of his attitude, Endeavor is someone everyone cannot accept and everyone describes him as «coarse». From Jin’s perspective, Endeavor is nothing more than an ordinary person pretending to be a superhuman and he only became the number one hero, albeit undeserving, due to All Might’s retirement.

Jin listens to the TV News.

On television, Mr. Miyagi speaks about Endeavor’s high resolved cases tally and that his furious disposition prevents a majority of people from liking him as shown by his base of supporters consisting of males aged between twenty and forty. However, Mr. Miyagi thinks that they should focus on Endeavor’s strengths and how he can carry them forward. He switches off the television and goes out.

Walking outside, Jin believes that the weakening spirit of Heroes is the issue and not their power, but the voice inside his head believes that it’s all about power, to which Jin tells the voice to be quiet.

Team Reservoir Dogs.

Suddenly, a robbery occurs and Jin watches from the sidelines. Yellow is stealing a service counter as a Hero tries to stop him. However, another villain hits the Hero on the head with a crowbar. A getaway truck shows up and the villains puts the service counter in the truck. The group of villains announces themselves as Team Reservoir Dogs. Jin watching the crime scene believes that with All Might gone, villains have started increasing in numbers again, with scoundrels forming their own little groups in a planned and systematic manner have begun standing out more and more.

Suddenly, his phone rings and he picks it up. On the phone, it is the broker for the League of Villains now known as Giran. He and Giran ask each other how they are doing. Giran is quite happy because the black market has seen a resurgence and requests for suits and related items have doubled. Giran attributes this resurgence thanks to the League of Villains. Giran informs him that Tomura Shigaraki wants the League of Villains to gather together. Jin doesn’t know about this information although the voice in his head is fully aware of this information. Jin begins struggling and starts contradicting himself. Giran tells him that the League of Villains will gather soon and not to do anything crazy until then. The phone call ends.

Jin is revealed to be the Villain Twice.

After the battle between All Might and All For One, at the moment the League of Villains are scattered across various locations. The League of Villains scattered not only to conceal themselves from ongoing investigations but to find other like-minded individuals and expand the league. Somewhere, Dabi confronts a group of thugs in an alley. Seeing that they are trash, Dabi burns the group of thugs with his fire and the thugs fall to the ground becoming ash. Meanwhile, Jin is struggling and starts splitting. However, he resolves this issue by putting a mask over his face that allows him to stay as one, revealing to be the villain better known as Twice.

Twice starts talking about his Quirk and past. Twice’s Quirk is Double and can make one into two. In his past, Twice cloned himself over and over until he created a team of himself. Twice made the clones do everything for him. However, the clones began claiming that they were the real Twice which resulted in an argument as to who was the real Twice. The argument resulted in a fight with the clones and the real Twice; Twice suffered an injury to his head as a result of this fight which left a scar on his forehead.

The maniacal situation dragged on for a week and two days and at the end of the fight, the clones killed all of each other and they vanished. Even to this day, Twice is uncertain if he is the real him. Because he is a maniac, Twice had no place to call home until he found the League of Villains who accepted him. As long as he can be useful to the league, Twice can be happy being who he is.

A new threat enters the scene.

Twice looks back to see the crime scene. The Reservoir Dogs have been defeated by another group of villains. The leader of the group of villains, Overhaul, comments that the thugs they defeated have illnesses and illnesses must be cured. Another villains tells Overhaul that he took the money and they should leave before they heroes arrive. While leaving, Overhaul states that everywhere he looks there are sick people. Twice comments that the maniacal Overhaul and his gang have started to make their own place where they belong.

Twice wonders what he should do. Twice believes that because the Heroes and Villains have begun to undergo a change in appearance, the most important aspect is understanding who you are.[23]

Settling the Score: The Symbol of Peace and Evil

Toshinori visits All For One in Tartarus.

Inside a underground maximum security prison, All Might meets with All For One. All For One comments on the severe strictness of the prison he is being held in; the moment you try to scratch your back with the chair you are sitting in, all the weapons will be in your face and everything is being monitored at all times such as brain waves, vital signs. Even if one were to try and activate a Quirk, hands would be wrapped around your throat.

All For One states that the underground maximum security prison is built for the complete and utter exclusion of the wicked. All For One believes that the underground maximum security prison was modeled after the Greek legend Tartarus, the God of Hell and finds it to be befitting. All Might assures All For One that he will never escape nor is he getting out anytime soon from this prison of hell.

Toshinori unsuccessfully interrogates his nemesis.

Moving along, All For One questions again what All Might wants. All For One questions about Gran Torino and why All Might is still wearing his costume, finding it preposterous that he is still working as a Hero. All Might comments on All For One’s verbal diarrhea, to which the evil nemesis states that he hasn’t had a proper conversation in a long time. All Might tells All For One the reason he is here; he wants to know the whereabouts of Tomura Shigaraki. All For One answers that he doesn’t know and unlike him he has already let Tomura carry on. All Might asks what All For One was after; against all reason, he managed to keep his body alive and endured to live this long carrying out exploitation and manipulation during that time. All Might wants to know what All For One was trying to accomplish.

All For One finds this discussion topic to be unproductive because even if All Might listened he would not understand since there will always be people who don’t see eye to eye. All For One makes his answer simple; both he and All Might are the same. In the same way All Might aspired to be the hero of justice, he yearned to be the king of evil. All For One comments that he had the power to embrace and embody the ideals of evil and as long as he could live on eternally through these ideals then no effort is too great for him.

All For One cordially explains the reasons for his actions.

All Might asks if All For One wanted to live forever being utterly evil, then why does he need a successor. All For One finds All Might’s question funny. All For One answers that All Might took everything away from him, most importantly his body, it is only thanks to the tube he is wearing that he is able to carry on living. The nemesis of evil’s ideals had become limited no thanks to All Might. All For One comments that when there is an end, they entrust, everything that has been made by humans such as houses and food to be entrusted to other humans. All For One states that he is simply trying to do what everyone else has been doing which is why he has been grooming Tomura Shigaraki to become his successor.

The security inform All Might that he has three minutes left, much to All For One’s disappointment as he still has much more to say. All For One had already known that the world would be shaken by All Might’s retirement and wonders about the state of affairs going on in the world. The security inform All Might that All For One is completely cut off from information about the outside world and tell All Might not to give All For One any information happening right now. All For One is disappointed that All Might cannot tell him any information that is going on in the world.

All For One gets under Toshinori’s skin.

All For One decides to make a hypothesis; due to the anxiety caused by All Might’s retirement and the Heroes’ new leader Endeavor, the media is appealing to the entirety of the Hero society. On the other spectrum, sensing the growing insecurity in the world, the outcasts who don’t support Heroes will rise up and take action because they think they will able to shape the way society behaves and organize amongst themselves. All For One assumes that Tomura will continue concealing himself for a while so that he can continue to build the League of Villains and expand their influence.

All For One assumes that there is dissension among villains as well. All For One thinks that if the illustration is actually unfolding in that manner, then that is how he assumed the world would turn out to be. All of this change is due to All Might’s retirement and the lie of his appearance. All For One believes that All Might will spend the rest of his life powerless and stricken by his inability to save anyone, sitting idly unable to stop the villains that are rising up. All For One asks All Might how does it fell being absolutely powerless.

Toshinori declares he won’t die at Tomura’s hands.

All Might gets up while security tell All Might to step back. All Might tells All For One not to presume everything. All Might understands that he and his successor, Izuku, are to be killed by Tomura. All Might declares that he will not die by Tomura’s hands and he will never allow the future that All For One envisions to happen. All For One wonders if All Might came here to tell him that. The security informs All Might that his time is up. All Might begins walking away, telling him that he will smash the dark future his nemesis envisions as many times as he needs to and All For One can rot in his lowly prison cell for all eternity. The prison cell begins closing as All For One mulls over spending the rest of his life in prison.

In the car, Naomasa wonders if All Might found any useful information from All For One, to which All Might tells his friend that he didn’t. Naomasa comments on the long road ahead of them and assumes that Tomura will continue staying concealed for the time being. Before Naomasa can tell All Might about his interview with Stain, All Might receives a message on his phone. All Might checks the message which is from Izuku and sees a picture of Izuku’s Provisional Hero License with text saying that thanks to him he was able to take another step forward, which makes All Might happy. Naomasa and All Might continue traveling back.

«I want to talk about your power.»

In U.A. at Heights Alliance inside Class 1-A’s dormitory, Izuku wonders if All Might received his message. As the rest of Class 1-A comment on school starting again, Katsuki walks past Izuku and tells him that he wants to speak with him outside. Katsuki wants to speak to Izuku about his Quirk.[24]

Confrontation and Doubts: The Second Round of Izuku vs. Katsuki

While the rest of Class 1-A are asleep, Katsuki takes Izuku to Ground Beta, the site of the Battle Trial where he and Izuku fought for the first time. Katsuki remembers the time where Izuku was a Quirkless good for nothing and then suddenly out of thin air he manifested a Quirk and by some miracle he was accepted into U.A. Eventually, Izuku received his Provisional Hero License while he failed. Izuku tells Katsuki that he received his Provisional Hero License for performing well, but Katsuki orders him to keep quiet and let him finish.

Katsuki figures out Izuku inherited One For All from All Might.

Ever since the Kamino Incident, Katsuki has been putting the pieces together and has been thinking about it the whole time. Izuku is fully aware as to what Katsuki has discovered. Katsuki states that Izuku received his Quirk from All Might. Having witnessed All For One’s ability to steal Quirks and bestow them onto others as well as figuring out that All Might is an acquaintance of All For One, Katsuki hypothesized that All Might also has some form of Quirk transference because he has become weaker ever since coming to U.A and meeting with Izuku. Seeing that Izuku isn’t denying anything, Katsuki knows that he is right about Izuku gaining All Might’s Quirk.

Izuku knows that Katsuki is correct about him getting his Quirk from All Might and this is his punishment for trying to reveal his Quirk to Katsuki. Izuku asks Katsuki how knowing the truth about his Quirk is going to help him. Katsuki knows that he and Izuku has always looked up to All Might and seeing the person who he thought was a pebble on the side of the road being acknowledged by the person he looks up to is why Izuku is going to fight him here and now.[25]

Katsuki suggests he and Izuku fight.

Izuku is shocked that they have to fight and thinks that they should fight during practice. Katsuki tells Izuku that they cannot fight in a class session as the teachers will prevent them from going all out. Katsuki wants to fight Izuku to find confirm what is great about him and why All Might would go so far to help Izuku.

Katsuki wants to find out that if Izuku’s aspirations are greater than his because he is beginning to doubt if his own aspirations were wrong the whole time. Katsuki charges forward, but Izuku uses One For All: Full Cowl to quickly dodge Katsuki’s explosion. However, Katsuki’s explosion still manages to hurt Izuku’s leg. Katsuki comments on Izuku’s analytic skills while Izuku is surprised that they are actually going to fight.[26]

A security bot is secretly watching the fight between Izuku and Katsuki. The security bot alerts Shota and tells him to come and stop them. Shota leaves his room, but before he can proceed further someone stops him.

Deku and Kacchan’s fated rivalry reaches it’s climax.

Katsuki has just attacked Izuku with an explosion but Izuku barely manages to evade which results in a wound on his leg. Izuku tells Katsuki that his aspirations are not wrong. Katsuki ignores him and attacks Izuku with another explosion to which Izuku successfully dodges using One For All Full Cowl. Katsuki remembers his childhood where Izuku would always trail along behind him and no matter how many times he would beat him up or scold him, Izuku would still tag along. Katsuki demands that Izuku fights him while remembering that even through they admired All Might Izuku has still managed to get ahead of him.

Katsuki remembers All Might telling him during the end of term test that he understood that Katsuki’s anger is due to Izuku’s sudden growth and tells him that someone at level one and someone at level fifty won’t grow at the same rate. Katsuki charges at Izuku with his right arm swinging forward; Izuku prepares to block Katsuki’s right swing, but as they get close to each other, Katsuki instead kicks Izuku in the face with his right leg, revealing that Katsuki’s right hand swing was nothing more than a diversion. Katsuki takes the opportunity to attack the defenseless Izuku, but Izuku uses One For All: Full Cowl to perform a back handstand which knocks Katsuki away and onto the ground.

«Why was I the reason for the end of All Might!?»

Izuku sees Katsuki on the ground and asks him if he is all right. Furious, Katsuki demands once again that Izuku fights him and tells him to stop worrying about him. As he gets up, Katsuki is confused as to how he ended up trailing behind someone who was always trailing behind him his entire life and is angry that the roles are now reversed. Katsuki is angry as to why he became the reason for All Might’s end. Katsuki notes that if he had been stronger he wouldn’t have been kidnapped and All Might would still be a Hero. Katsuki has been keeping his discovery about the truth of All Might to himself which has been causing him strain and anxiety. Izuku realizes that Katsuki has been carrying that burden of keeping All Might’s secret to himself for a while.

Katsuki charges at Izuku. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl — Shoot Style and manages to kick Katsuki in the face, which stops Katsuki’s charge. While the fight between them may be meaningless since no matter who wins or loses, Izuku understands that the only one who can perceive Katsuki’s feelings in this battle now is him and has decided to fight seriously. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl throughout his body and tells Katsuki that there is no holding back between them.[27]

Deku and Kacchan express their feelings through combat.

As Izuku declares that he won’t become his opponent’s punching bag, Katsuki launches himself in the air with an explosion and propels himself to the ground with another explosion, but Izuku is able to dodge with his enhanced speed. Katsuki spins himself around and launches himself at Izuku, which creates and explosion wheel. Izuku continues dodging and sees that Katsuki is closing the distance between them after he stops spinning. Izuku attempts to deflect his opponent’s hand with a kick, but Katsuki maneuvers behind him and smacks him in the stomach, which sends Izuku reeling back.

Not wanting to give his opponent any time to think, Katsuki immediately begins to attack again, but Izuku does a handstand on the railing which allows him to avoid Katsuki. Katsuki grabs Izuku’s arm and throws him onto the ground but doing so causes him to knock himself into the railing. Izuku has analyzed that Katsuki has managed to polish off his predicting movements faster than him.

Deku vs. Kacchan.

Izuku admits that Katsuki has become stronger. However, an angry Katsuki launches an explosion in retaliation, which Izuku dodges. Izuku charges at Katsuki, but Katsuki uses Stun Grenade to stop him. While Izuku blocks his eyes from the light of Stun Grenade, Katsuki is able to get ahead of Izuku and land an explosion on him, which launches Izuku in the air. As Izuku lands down, Katsuki reveals that he has despised Izuku’s attitude of always getting back up no matter how many times he is beaten down and cannot stand it, believing that Izuku always thought of himself to be superior to him.

Izuku is in disbelief that Katsuki thought of him that way. Izuku understands Katsuki as to the same extend his traits such as being amazing at everything was something he was jealous of. Izuku tells Katsuki that he was an amazing and inspiring person who was even closer to him than All Might.

Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and charges at Katsuki. Katsuki becomes surprised as he sees that Izuku is moving faster than before. Due to his emotions riling up, Izuku has lost some control and the power of One For All increases. Starting to realize that he can now increase the limit of One For All’s power, Izuku increases One For All’s power from 5% to 8%. Unable to dodge, Katsuki is forced to guard. Izuku strikes the defending Katsuki with an 8% One For All enhanced kick. Izuku states that he has finally caught up to Katsuki.[28]

Fierce battle.

Katsuki manages to block Izuku’s One For All 8% enhanced kick, but his arm is injured as a result. Izuku is surprised at his own speed and even though he knows that 8% is not much of a difference, he is glad that for a moment he managed to get ahead of Katsuki. Katsuki retaliates with an explosion, which Izuku intercepts with a One For All enhanced kick, cancelling out the attacks and blowing Izuku and Katsuki backwards. While Katsuki gets up, Izuku charges forward and taunts Katsuki, much to Katsuki’s anger. Izuku dislikes the part of himself that carelessly runs his mouth whenever he desires to win and despite that, in the end, that bad personality trait is his key to victory.

Izuku is in midair and Katsuki decides to engage Izuku in midair as well. While the combatants charge at each other, Izuku ponders that he is not going to play nicely and even though One For All Shoot Style is a way for him not to overuse his arms, he never said that he could not use them. Izuku prepares to use a One For All Full Cowl enhanced punch with the intend of defeating Katsuki to show All Might why he chose him. Izuku successfully punches Katsuki in the face with his enhanced might, which makes Katsuki bleed. However, Katsuki is filled with determination to not lose either and grabs Izuku. Katsuki uses his Explosion to propel himself and Izuku down to the ground. Katsuki smashes Izuku into the ground using his explosive force.

«I win.»

Katsuki is atop of Izuku and has grappled Izuku’s arm and face. Both Katsuki and Izuku are injured badly and breathe for air. After a few moments, Katsuki declares that he is the winner and demands to know from Izuku why he still lost even though he has All Might’s power.

Someone tells them to stop which grabs their attention. It is none other than All Might himself who apologizes for eavesdropping on their fight. Katsuki wants to know why he chose Izuku to be his successor.

The Second Round Concludes: Revelations and Consequences!

All Might apologizes to Katsuki for what happened in Kamino.

All Might suddenly arrives and tells them both to break it up. Katsuki asks All Might why he chose Deku. All Might explains to Katsuki that even though Izuku was powerless, he was still very heroic and selfless and believed that he had earned the right to inherit his powers and to compete with others. He then tells Katsuki that he was always strong and already had a Quirk and didn’t pay attention to him due to him already being talented and having the strength to compete with others.

Emotional, Katsuki responds that he is weak and because of him not being able to free himself from the League of Villains, All Might is no longer a Hero and is a shadow of his former self. All Might replies that it is not his fault since that all roads have an end and he was going to land up in his pitiful state no matter what, encouraging Katsuki that he is strong and embraces him in an apologetic hug.

Izuku and Katsuki start to understand each other.

Katsuki breaks free from All Might’s hug. All Might gives his thoughts on their ideals; Katsuki’s obsession with victory and Izuku’s obsession over rescuing is crude and because they are lacking in one or the other, they cannot maintain their sense of justice as heroes. All Might knows that because they have now fought each other they know the truth due to releasing their feelings; if the two of them can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, they can become the best Heroes who both win and rescue. Katsuki still finds it strange that even though Izuku has All Might helping him he is still losing; Izuku responds that he will become stronger so that he can beat him.

Katsuki asks who else knows about Izuku’s and All Might’s relationship. All Might replies that Principal Nezu and Recovery Girl know the truth about them and only him. Since they have been trying to hide it, Katsuki declares that he won’t tell anyone about their relationship and says that the secret of One For All stays with them.

Deku and Kacchan become proper rivals.

All Might regrets having brought the secret of One For All upon Katsuki and apologizes. Toshinori decides to properly explain to Katsuki everything regarding One For All. And so, Toshinori tells Katsuki about One For All being a transferable Quirk that is passed down from generation to generation in order to fight evil, how he became the Symbol of Peace using One For All, the injury that limited him to using One For All and how he chose Izuku as his successor. After hearing the truth about One For All from Toshinori, Katsuki chastises Izuku for blabbering about One For All.

Toshinori tells Katsuki that using up all his power against All For One was his choice and he does not need to bear any responsibility. Having heard everything, Katsuki decides that he is going to rise higher than Izuku as a Hero. Izuku accepts Katsuki’s challenge and will rise higher than him. As Izuku and Katsuki argue about them rising higher than one another, Toshinori is happy to see that Izuku and Katsuki have become proper, true rivals. The secret of One For All has become a secret amongst Toshinori, Izuku, and Katsuki.[29]

The Second Semester of U.A. Begins!

Shota punishes the boys.

Afterwards, Shota Aizawa helps bandage Izuku and Katsuki’s wounds and then proceeds to wrap them up using Capturing Weapon as punishment for fighting. It is revealed that Toshinori was the one who stopped Shota from interfering with Izuku and Katsuki’s fight after telling him that he would handle them and would bring them to him afterwards. Toshinori tells Shota that the fight was brought about due to Katsuki feeling guilty about his retirement.

Shota still refuses to let Izuku and Katsuki’s transgression of fighting go by and will give an appropriate punishment after finding out who started the fight first. Katsuki says that he threw the first punch while Izuku retaliated. Shota punishes Izuku and Katsuki by placing them under house arrest;, Izuku three days and Katsuki four days. During their house arrest, Shota states that they will be cleaning the dormitory common spaces day and night. and that they must write a written statement of regret. Shota tells them that if their injuries do not heal they must go to the infirmary, and they must not dare think about relying on Recovery Girl’s Quirk. Having criticized them enough, Shota tells them to go to bed.

Izuku and Katsuki punished to clean the main room.

The next day, Class 1-A learn about Izuku and Katsuki’s fight. As Izuku and Katsuki clean the dormitory. Ochaco hopes that they made up, to which Izuku replies that their reconciliation is hard to put into words; Tenya is happy that they got off the hook with house arrest only and that the rest of Class 1-A will attend the opening ceremony without them. Shoto asks Katsuki what he plans to do about the Provisional Hero License Supplementary lessons, to which Katsuki tells him that it is none of his business. As they clean, Katsuki talks to Izuku about his One For All Shoot Style, telling Izuku that his wind up motions are too big and are not useful in a slug-fest and that the style does not mix well with punches. Izuku is glad about the information.[30]

Outside, Tenya tells Class 1-A not to break formation. While on their way, Neito Monoma criticizes Class 1-A for having two of their classmates fail. Eijiro Kirishima wonders if any of Class 1-B failed, to which Neito laughs. Neito reveals that all of Class 1-B passed and none of them failed. Class 1-B are happy that they have pulled ahead. Shoto Todoroki apologizes for letting Class 1-A down, but Eijiro tells Shoto not to let it bother him. Pony Tsunotori informs Class 1-A that according to Sekijiro Kan, during the second semester Classes 1-A and 1-B will be having a class together. Denki Kaminari comments on Pony being a foreigner. Pony responds in a negative way, courtesy of Neito’s bad teaching, causing Itsuka to criticize Neito. Someone tells Class 1-A and 1-B to stop holding up the line; Tenya apologizes for doing so. The person is revealed to be Hitoshi Shinso. As Hitoshi passes by, Hanta Sero comments on Hitoshi being more serious.

Nezu addressing students.

All of U.A. arrive at Ground Beta. Nezu introduces himself. After talking about his diet and lifestyle going out of sync, he states that the reason for his lifestyle becoming inadequate is due to the incident that took during the summer break. He talks about All Might’s retirement and the negative effect it will have on society and the Department of Heroics will likely see the most striking affects. Nezu tells the Second and Third years that the Hero Work-Studies that they are engaged with they must have an awareness of the crisis and conduct themselves accordingly.

Nezu apologizes for bringing down the mood but the Heroes are dealing with the situation to the best of their abilities and he would like nothing more than to develop them into individuals who will take over their efforts. Nezu ends his speech by saying that whether they are in the Departments of Heroics, Support, and General Education and even the staff of U.A, they must not forget that they are the successors to the Hero society.

A third year student heeds the latest events.

After Nezu leaves the podium, Toshinori ponders about «successors» and thinks back to when Nezu made a suggestion to look for a successor at U.A. and gave him the opportunity to look for a successor by taking up a teaching position at U.A. Toshinori looks into the crowd of U.A students while thinking about Nezu stating that there is someone who would surely be a fitting successor amongst the U.A. students.[31]

Among all the students gathered there, there is a third year student who is especially interested in the latest events.[32]

Story Impact

  • U.A. High School becomes a boarding school.
    • Class 1-A along with the rest of the school live within U.A now.
    • The dorm rooms the U.A. students reside in is called Heights Alliance.
  • Class 1-A hold a competition to decide who has the best room in Class 1-A dormitory.
    • The winner is Rikido Sato because he made cake.
    • The competition to decide the best room in Class 1-A’s dormitory was to restore the trust between Class 1-A and those who went to rescue Katsuki.
  • The trust between Class 1-A and Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Tenya, and Momo has been strained, due to them going to rescue Katsuki without notifying the others.
    • Tsuyu expresses her sadness about this strained relationship.
    • Izuku, Eijiro, Shoto, Tenya, and Momo apologize for their actions. Thus, Class 1-A’s camaraderie has been restored back to normal.
  • Class 1-A create their own special moves, and Izuku comes up with a new way to use One For All to avoid using his arms; Shoot Style.
  • A hero school that rivals U.A., Shiketsu High School, is introduced.
  • A lesser hero school, Ketsubutsu Academy High School, is also introduced.
  • All of Class 1-A passes the First Exam of the Provisional Hero License Exam.
  • 89 of the 100 examinees score above 50 points in the Second Exam, therefore they pass the Provisional Hero License Exam and obtain their Provisional Hero Licenses.
    • Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Inasa Yoarashi are among those who failed.
    • The examinees who failed are offered a second chance to earn their Provisional Hero Licenses by attending a special course in March or challenging the exam again in April.
  • After the Provisional Hero License Exam ends, it is revealed that Camie is actually Himiko Toga who used her Quirk to impersonate the real Camie.
    • Himiko Toga has obtained a sample of Izuku’s blood.
  • Ochaco realizes her feelings for Izuku after his interactions with Camie, but decides to put them aside so they can both focus on becoming heroes
  • The effects of All Might’s retirement has lead to many changes:
    • Crime is increasing.
    • New villain organizations have risen up.
    • The Police Force are starting to take an active role against crime.
  • Izuku and Katsuki have their second fight, which brings forth many revelations.
    • Katsuki’s true feelings such as the anxiety of being responsible for All Might’s degradation and his jealousy of Izuku.
    • Izuku shows improvement in his overall strength, being able to keep up with Katsuki.
  • After Katsuki defeats Izuku, All Might appears and apologizes for causing him anxiety over his retirement.
    • All Might reveals to Katsuki the secret of One For All.
    • Katsuki promises to keep One For All a secret.
  • It’s revealed that Endeavor’s behavior does not go unnoticed by the public and has only male fans from the ages of 20 to 40 and zero female fans. Overall, he is not taking his promotion very well.
  • Twice’s past is revealed.
    • He made clones of himself to do work for him. However, each clone had their own sense of self awareness and tried to kill each other. Twice was the last one left alive, and due to this and the fact that every clone claimed they were the original, he has no idea if he is the original or a clone.
    • He has a stitched scar on his forehead.
    • He is seen without his mask on for the first time.

Characters Introduced

  • Overhaul
  • Chronostasis
  • Shin Nemoto
  • Rikiya Katsukame
  • Team Reservoir Dogs
  • Inasa Yoarashi
  • Seiji Shishikura
  • Ms. Joke
  • Yo Shindo
  • Tatami Nakagame
  • Itejiro Toteki
  • Shikkui Makabe
  • Yokumiru Mera
  • Nagamasa Mora
  • Mirio Togata

Quirks Introduced

  • Whirlwind: Inasa Yoarashi can manipulate winds and create powerful gales.
  • Meatball: Seiji Shishikura can manipulate human flesh in various ways.
  • Transform: Himiko Toga can impersonate people’s appearances by ingesting their blood.
  • Extend-o-Hair: Nagamasa Mora manipulates and extends his own hair to various uses.
  • Outburst: Emi Fukukado induces fits of laughter on her victims, impairing their motor and cognitive skills.
  • Vibrate: Yo Shindo can cause any object he touches to shake, though his body will suffer the aftershocks.
  • Telescopic: Tatami Nakagame can retract her body into herself, like a turtle.
  • Boomerang: Itejiro Toteki has the ability to control the trajectory of thrown objects, allowing the objects to home in on targets.
  • Stiffening: Shikkui’s Quirk grants him the ability to harden anything he touches with his hands. His power doesn’t work on living things.
  • Orcinus: Gang Orca’s Quirk gives him the attributes and abilities of a Killer Whale. He has enhanced strength and heightened senses; he can also produce hypersonic waves to paralyze his targets.
  • IQ: Saiko’s Quirk grants her the ability to temporarily boost her intellect after drinking tea and closing her eyes. The level that her intelligence is boosted depends on the brand of tea that she drinks. (Anime Only)
  • Object Gigantification: possessed by an unnamed student from Seijin High School, this Quirk allows its user to increase the size of the whatever he touches. (Anime Only)

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Ultimate Move Training
  • Provisional Hero License Exam
    • The Crushing of U.A.
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
    • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
    • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
    • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
    • Izuku’s Gambit
    • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
    • Class 1-A’s Comeback
    • Gang Orca’s Invasion
  • U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam (Flashback)
  • Deku vs. Kacchan 2


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 98 and Episode 51.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 99 and Episode 51.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 99 and Episode 52.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 100 and Episode 52.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 101 and Episode 52.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  11. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 54.
  12. 12.0 12.1 My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  13. 13.0 13.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  19. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 60.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 115 and Episode 62.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 116 and Episode 60.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 and Episode 60.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 and Episode 61.
  27. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 118 and Episode 61.
  28. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 119 and Episode 61.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 120 and Episode 61.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 61.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 62.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 122 and Episode 62.

Site Navigation

v  eStory Arcs
Sagas U.A. Beginnings Saga • Rise of Villains Saga • Final Act Saga
Story Arcs Entrance Exam Arc • Quirk Apprehension Test Arc • Battle Trial Arc • U.S.J. Arc • U.A. Sports Festival Arc • Vs. Hero Killer Arc • Final Exams Arc • Forest Training Camp Arc • Hideout Raid Arc • Provisional Hero License Exam Arc • Shie Hassaikai Arc • Remedial Course Arc • U.A. School Festival Arc • Pro Hero Arc • Joint Training Arc • Meta Liberation Army Arc • Endeavor Agency Arc • Paranormal Liberation War Arc • Dark Hero Arc • Star and Stripe Arc • U.A. Traitor Arc • Final War Arc
Vigilantes Story Arcs Vigilantes Beginnings Arc • Stendhal Arc • Vs. Queen Bee Arc • Osaka Incident Arc •
Sky Egg Arc • School Days Arc • Final Performance Arc • Underground Masquerade Arc • Naruhata Lockdown Arc
v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

[C]Как квест пройдут два экзамена, первая для героев - Экзамен на временную лицензию героя, а вторая для з

Как квест пройдут два экзамена, первая для героев — Экзамен на временную лицензию героя, а вторая для злодеев — проверка зла.

Цель у каждой стороны своя, героям спасти жертву, а злодеям напасть на жертву и не дать спасти. Суть в том, что злодеи будут вроде актеров, которых наняла академия ЮЭЙ, не зная о том, что они по истине злодеи, потому злодеям ещё надо и не дать понять проф.героям кем они являются на самом деле.

Жертву будут отыгрывать администрация, будут три категории жертв: старики(Мирио), дети(Хок), дамы(Том), злодеи могут творить что хотят, а герои должны будут спасти. За ваше бездействия мы вас будем наказывать.

Место происшествия и сюжет вы найдете в описании специального чата для квеста.

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Что же вам за это полагается?

Героям даётся шанс получить временную лицензию, позволяющая совершать геройства, обучаясь в академии. А злодеи повысят свой КП до нужной злодейского уровня и проверят насколько они хороши в этой роли.

P.s. герои, которые не сдали ещё экзамен и не стали официальными студентами или те, у кого результат не известен, тоже могут участвовать. Мирио посмотрит вашу ролку тут итдаст вам оценку сразу и за тот экзамен, которые вы должны был сдать.

Начинаем сегодня и заканчиваем до вечера завтрашнего дня!

[C]Как квест пройдут два экзамена, первая для героев - Экзамен на временную лицензию героя, а вторая для з

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38 — 382 Не дадим ему уйти!


38 — 381 Тьма


38 — 380 Ещё б чуть-чуть


38 — 379 Надежды


38 — 378 История о том, как мы все стали героями. Часть 4


38 — 377 Последовательность событий до этого момента


38 — 376 Цветы часто развеиваются ветром


38 — 375 Хаос и сумбур


38 — 374 Эффект бабочки


37 — 373 Друзья


37 — 372 Обнажённый


37 — 371 Вместе с Шоджи-куном


37 — 370 Его история


37 — 369 Последовательность событий, ведущая к этому моменту


37 — 368 Взреви, Один-за-всех


37 — 367 Деку vs Все-за-одного


37 — 366 Персик


37 — 365 #4 и #5


37 — 364 Причина, по которой они используют свою силу


37 — 363 Те, кто защищаются, и те, кто атакуют


36 — 362 Свет угасает в дождь


36 — 361 Аномалия


36 — 360 Несмотря на…


36 — 359 Место обучения


36 — 358 Парень, который достиг небольшого прогресса


36 — 357 Ослепительное самосожжение! Раненый герой


36 — 356 О главном враге


36 — 355 Статисты


36 — 354 Ой, попал!


36 — 353 Старатель


36 — 352 Высший приём


36 — 351 Два ослепительных пламени


35 — 350 Инферно


35 — 349 Боевое пламя


35 — 348 Безответная любовь


35 — 347 Раздувание


35 — 346 Супер гипер чертовски сломанная сцена


35 — 345 Разделение


35 — 344 Главный персонаж


35 — 343 Подвести тебя


35 — 342 Сверхзатишье перед бурей


35 — 341 История о том, как мы все стали героями. Часть -1


35 — 340 История о том, как мы все стали героями. Часть 3


34 — 339 История о том, как мы все стали героями. Часть 2


34 — 338 История о том, как мы все стали героями. Часть 1


34 — 337 Жизнь, от которой можно избавиться


34 — 336 Злодей


34 — 335 Зародыши


34 — 334 Прощальный подарок


34 — 333 Призрак


34 — 332 Современные гиперзвуковые межконтинентальные крылатые…


34 — 331 Америка


34 — 330 Я и я


34 — 329 Запад прибывает в самый последний момент! Она владеет невероятной мощью!


33 — 328 Связаны, связаны


33 — 327 Отдых!


33 — 326 Кто ты такой?


33 — 325 Связанные Один-за-всех


33 — 324 Заявление ребят


33 — 323 Один шаг


33 — 322 Великий взрывной убийственный бог Динамит


33 — 321 От класса А к Один-За-Всех


33 — 320 Деку vs Класс А


33 — 319 Друг


32 — 318 Безрассудный


32 — 317 Шрамы, кровь, грязь


32 — 316 Следующий


32 — 315 Пустые фразочки


32 — 314 Прелестная Леди Наган


32 — 313 Высокоскоростная дальнобойная мобильная пушка


32 — 312 Наёмный убийца


32 — 311 Пришли!


32 — 310 Учителя и ученик


32 — 309 Не могу больше оставаться ребёнком


32 — 308 В полную силу!


32 — 307 Давненько не виделись!


31 — 306 Последний акт начинается


31 — 305 Мидория Изуку и Шигараки Томура


31 — 304 Мидория Изуку и Яги Тошинори


31 — 303 Топ 3


31 — 302 Как неправильно потушить огонь, Часть 2


31 — 301 Как неправильно потушить огонь, Часть 1


31 — 300 Адская семья Тодороки, часть 2


31 — 299 Как в тех трагических историях


31 — 298 Звуки краха


31 — 297 Тартар


31 — 296 Адский Ад


30 Экстра


30 — 295 Настойчивый


30 — 294 Последнее представление


30 — 293 Общество, наполненное героями


30 — 292 Нити надежды


30 — 291 Спасибо, что держался до сегодняшнего дня


30 — 290 Танец Даби


30 — 289 Девочка «открытая» и девочка «закрытая»


30 — 288 Спасти Такео!


30 — 287 Ошибка


30 — 286 Те, кто находятся внутри нас


29 — 285 Бакуго Кацуки: Восхождение


29 — 284 Битва в небесной синеве


29 — 283 75


29 — 282 Поступь разрушения


29 — 281 Плюс Ультра


29 — 280 Красный бунтарь


29 — 279 Лига Злодеев vs Ученики ЮУЭЙ


29 — 278 Ходячая катастрофа


29 — 277 Кого?..


28 — 276 Нечестно!..


28 — 275 Встреча: часть 2


28 — 274 Поиск


28 — 273 Трепет разрушения


28 — 272 Добрейшего утречка!


28 — 271 Тёмное облако


28 — 270 Наследие


28 — 269 Все вместе, втроём


28 — 268 Заварушка!


27 Экстра Омаке


27 — 267 Пламя


27 — 266 Счастливая жизнь


27 — 265 Злодеи и Герои


27 — 264 Справедливость


27 — 263 Ребята, я хочу быть с вами!


27 — 262 Герой #5: Мируко


27 — 261 Высший класс


27 — 260 Труд всей моей жизни


27 — 259 Тихое начало


26 — 258 Друзья


26 — 257 Передай кому-нибудь дальше


26 — 256 Высокое синее небо


26 — 255 Надеющийся герой


26 — 254 Ты был героем больше, чем кто-либо еще


26 — 253 Ширакумо


26 — 252 Непрощенный


26 — 251 Одна неделя


26 — 250 Эндинг


26 — 249 Адский дом Тодороки


26 — 248 По порядку


26 — 247 Говорите! Чего вы хотите добиться?


25 — 246 Послание


25 — 245 Приступая к делу


25 — 244 Рекомендация


25 — 243 Вперёд! К офису Старателя!


25 — 242 Веселого Рождества!


25 — 241 Все ответы – в интервью!


25 — 240 Сила


25 — 239 Наследник


25 — 238 Освобождение


25 — 237 Томура Шигараки: Начало


25 — 236 Тенко Шимура: Начало (Часть 2)


24 — 235 Тенко Шимура: Начало


24 — 234 Уничтоженные воспоминания


24 — 233 Светлое будущее


24 — 232 Суперсилы и причуды


24 — 231 Путь


24 — 230 Парад грустных лиц


24 — 229 Всё меняет один плохой день


24 — 228 Разбитое сердце


24 — 227 Хочу спать.


24 — 226 Кровавая любовь


24 — 225 Интервью с вампиром


23 — 224 Второе пришествие


23 — 223 Таракан


23 — 222 Томура Шигараки: Искажение


23 — 221 Прощальный подарок от Все-За-Одного


23 — 220 Моя злодейская академия


23 — 219 Вперед, Слайдинг! Вперед!


23 — 218 АРИС


23 — 217 Новая сила и Все-за-Одного


23 — 216 Итоги противостояния классов А и В!


23 — 215 Бой вот-вот закончится! Мидория vs Шинсо


23 — 214 Решающая битва


23 — 213 Местоположение души


22 — 212 Наследник. Часть 2


22 — 211 Наследник


22 — 210 Сны Один-За-Всех


22 — 209 Начало пятого раунда!


22 — 208 Финал четвертого поединка!


22 — 207 Победа за теми, кто атакует


22 — 206 Завершение третьего поединка


22 — 205 Обходной путь


22 — 204 Настройка


22 — 203 Универсальный! Джузо Хоненуки!


22 — 202 Третий раунд


22 — 201 Устреми свой взор в будущее


21 — 200 Находчивый генерал


21 — 199 Операция с импровизацией нового приема!


21 — 198 Иногда надо сделать паузу и проанализировать нынешнюю ситуацию! Это важно!


21 — 197 Взрывной «причудливый» обмен


21 — 196 Поймай их, Шинсо!


21 — 195 Столкновение! Класс А против класса B


21 — 194 Зима! Старшая школа Юэй!


21 — 193 Следы


21 — 192 Семья Тодороки


21 — 191 Даби/Ястреб/Старатель


21 — 190 Начало…


21 — 189 Почему он продолжает сражаться?


20 — 188 Мой отец — герой №1


20 — 187 Рёв и пламя! Ному против Тодороки: передовая


20 — 186 Старатель и Сокол


20 — 185 Крылатый герой — Сокол


20 — 184 Рейтинг японских героев


20 — 183 Культурный фестиваль весь день!


20 — 182 Культурный фестиваль! Вперёд!


20 — 181 Ради других


20 — 180 В тайне


20 — 179 Начало Культурного фестиваля!


20 — 178 Девушка по имени «Ла Брава»


19 — 177 На стройке


19 — 176 Деку против преступника Великодушного


19 — 175 Утро большого дня


19 — 174 Имперские Голден Типс


19 — 173 Самое приятное время — подготовка к Культурному фестивалю 2


19 — 172 Самое приятное время — подготовка к Культурному фестивалю


19 — 171 Великодушный и Ла Брава


19 — 170 Вместе с Эри


19 — 169 Культурный фестиваль


19 — 168 Собрание причуд Аоямы


18 — 167 Начальный уровень героя


18 — 166 Любимая временная лицензия


18 — 165 Захватить сердца сопляков


18 — 164 Сопляк


18 — 163 Тлеющий огонь


18 — 162 Достойный


18 — 161 Светлое будущее


18 — 160 Автомагистраль


18 — 159 Конец!


18 — 158 Аномальное сострадание Чисаки


17 — 157 Бесконечные 100%


17 — 156 Сила загнанной в угол жертвы


17 — 155 Затерявшийся герой, спасители и спасенные


17 — 154 Незримая надежда


17 — 153 Трансформация


17 — 152 Лемиллион


17 — 151 Тогата Мирио (часть 2)


17 — 150 Тогата Мирио


17 — 149 Остынь, Иранака


17 — 148 Проблемы юных Тогавайс


16 — 147 Тогавайс


16 — 146 Временные приспешники


16 — 145 Красный Бунтарь (часть 2)


16 — 144 Красный Бунтарь


16 — 143 Давай же, Раппа, устроим настоящую битву!


16 — 142 Щит и Щит против Копья и Щита


16 — 141 Пули «Восьми Заветов Смерти»


16 — 140 «Пожиратель Солнца» из «Большой тройки»


16 — 139 Пробирает до костей! Подземный лабиринт


16 — 138 Вперед!


15 — 137 Пора их остановить


15 — 136 Так близко!


15 — 135 Неприятная дискуссия


15 — 134 Покажи на что ты способен, Красный Бунтарь!


15 — 133 За ним, Киришима!


15 — 132 План


15 — 131 Наперекор судьбе


15 — 130 Потребовать всю правду


15 — 129 Эри


14 — 128 Мальчик встречает…


14 — 127 Сэр Ночноглаз, Мидория Изуку, Тогата Мирио и Всесильный


14 — 126 Открываем двери в мир!


14 — 125 Восстановитель


14 — 124 Зародыши начинают толкаться в утробе! Арка Стажировки


14 — 123 Непобедимый


14 — 122 Сезон встреч


14 — 121 Церемония открытия второго семестра


14 — 120 Трое


14 — 119 Деку против Каччана (2)


13 — 118 Бессмысленная битва


13 — 117 Насчет твоей причуды


13 — 116 Добро пожаловать в Тартар


13 — 115 Отбившиеся от рук


13 — 114 Подведение итогов…


13 — 113 После экзамена


13 — 112 Какого черта Вы творите?!


13 — 111 Тлеющее Начало


13 — 110 Спасательные упражнения продолжаются!


13 — 109 Спасательная операция


12 — 108 Спешка!


12 — 107 Каминари Денки решил выговориться


12 — 106 Класс 1-А


12 — 105 Академия Шинкетсу подбирается всё ближе


12 — 104 Разгар событий ! Их настоящая сила!


12 — 103 Экзамен


12 — 102 Мысль


12 — 101 Девушка по имени Хатсуме Мей


12 — 100 Суперприёмы «на скорую руку»


11 — 99 Прощайте двузначные числа… Отныне только трехзначные!


11 — 98 Добро пожаловать в общагу!


11 — 97 Нагоняй от матери


11 — 96 Домашний визит


11 — 95 Конец начала и начало конца


11 — 94 От учителя к ученику


11 — 93 Угасающее пламя «Один за всех»


11 — 92 Один за всех


11 — 91 Символ мира


11 — 90 Хватай за руку!


10 Экстра Омаке


10 — 89 Всё ради одного


10 — 88 Все за одного


10 — 87 Столкновение


10 — 86 Затишье перед бурей


10 — 85 Вокруг одни идиоты


10 — 84 От Ииды к Мидории + Сайд-стори Асуи Тсую


10 — 83 Поражение


10 — 82 Туда, сюда, обратно!


10 — 81 Страсти накаляются


9 Экстра


9 — 80 Основание отряда по защите Бакугоу


9 — 79 Кулак из стали!


9 — 78 Вихрь сомнений


9 — 77 Само собой


9 — 76 Мой Герой


9 — 75 Герои ставят на кон всё!


9 — 74 Сигнал


9 — 73 Добрый вечер


9 — 72 День 2


8 — 71 Кота


8 — 70 Дикие-дикие кошки


8 — 69 Разговор по душам с Мидорией


8 — 68 Встреча


8 — 67 Преодолевая стереотипы


8 — 66 Наблюдения Мидории


8 — 65 Стены


8 — 64 Вызов принят


8 — 63 Яойорозу: Восхождение


7 — 62 Бакугоу Катсуки: Начало


7 — 61 Худший чудо дуэт


7 — 60 Приготовления к годовому тесту!


7 — 59 Урок истории +3 омаке


7 — 58 Итоги практических занятий


7 — 57 Убийца Героев Пятно — Последствия


7 — 56 Заключение


7 — 55 Заключение?!


7 — 54 Перезапуск Ингениума


6 Экстра Омаке


6 — 54 Надежды на лето


6 — 53 От Тодороки к Ииде


6 — 52 Убийца Героев Пятно против учеников Юуэй


6 — 51 Нет, Иида, остановись!


6 — 50 Мясорубка


6 — 49 Мидория и Шигараки


6 — 48 Взять под контроль


6 — 47 Двигаться вперед


6 — 46 Встречайте странного и чудесного Гран Торино!


6 — 45 Подбор нового имени


5 Экстра Омаке


5 — 44 День отдыха


5 — 43 Тодороки против Бакугоу


5 — 42 Перед финалом


5 — 41 Борись, Иида, борись!


5 — 40 Независимость


5 — 39 Тодороки Шото: Начало


5 — 38 Тодороки против Мидории


5 — 37 Мидория и Старатель


5 — 36 Бакугоу против Урараки


4 Экстра Омаке


4 — 35 Трепещите, бойцы!


4 — 34 Победители и проигравшие


4 — 33 Обстоятельства Шинсо


4 — 32 Улыбнись! Принц Бредоляндии!


4 — 31 Мальчик, у которого всё было с рождения


4 — 30 Финал битвы конниц


4 — 29 Чего они не знают


4 — 28 Планы, уловки и маневры


4 — 27 Судьбоносные переговоры


3 — 26 Преследование


3 — 25 У всех причуды что надо!


3 — 24 Вперёд, уделайте их!


3 — 23 Бурное начало спортивного фестиваля!


3 — 22 Так вот в чём твоя цель, Урарака!


3 — 21 Груз на их плечах


3 — 20 Мир профессионалов


3 — 19 Всесильный


3 — 18 Ответная атака наших героев!


2 — 17 Игра окончена


2 — 16 Знай своих врагов


2 — 15 Противостояние


2 — 14 Битва с неизвестным


2 — 13 Испытание «Спасения»


2 — 12 Ну что ж, не подведи, Иида!


2 — 11 Линия старта Бакугоу!


2 — 10 Перелом в жизни Бакугоу


2 — 9 Деку против Каччана


2 — 8 Свирепость гребаного отаку


1 — 7 Мне надеть это?


1 — 6 На что я способен сейчас


1 — 5 Добро пожаловать в академию!


1 — 4 Стартовая линия


1 — 3 Вступительный экзамен


1 — 2 Неистовые мышцы!


1 — 1 Изуку Мидория: Начало


0 Экстра Ваншот «Мой герой»


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