Like many 13 year olds my son is a computer games hermit ответы егэ

Gameboys and girls stay in to play

Like many 13 year olds, my son is a computer games hermit, emerging only to be fed and watered. Recently, to reassure me that he was not addicted, he volunteered not to touch the computer for a week. 1 kept a close eye on him for signs of cold turkey but apart from the fact that he recorded the music of his favourite games, so that he could listen to them on his cell phone, there was not one.

On the other hand, both his sister and I suffered as his boredom increased: I had not realised how we have created a life without him. Suddenly he was under our feet, muttering obscenities and flicking TV channels in the middle of our favourite programmes. What he seemed to have lost was the sense that there was anything worthwhile to do other than indulge in the challenge of computer games. Suggestions from me to go and read, swim or play badminton got a grunt and a dark look. I guess the adrenaline rush of moving up a level of a game cannot be compared with a gentle read or a few lengths of the local pool.

It may take another 10 years or so before society really knows the mental and physical effects of computer games on the young. Until then, parents can only feel their way in the dark as to how much and how often the games are allowed to be played.

It may take another 10 years or so before society really knows the mental and physical effects of computer games on the young. Until then, parents can only feel their way in the dark as to how much and how often the games are allowed to be played.

My son and I have compromised on two computer-free days a week, plus a half-day at weekends. But the two free days seem to have become moveable feasts – they were to be Mondays and Wednesdays but very often I will get a telephone call from him after school, asking to swap days as he has got hooked into a game at a friend’s house. However, even on computer-free days we have negotiated that he can use the computer for things that I consider creative or useful, such as chess or writing simple programmes. Nevertheless, he is constantly trying to expand these boundaries. He will innocently ask over dinner, “Mum, is SimCity a creative game?” and when I agree that it probably is, as it asks more of a player than simply fast reflexes, he immediately demands to play it on a computer-free day.

I am beginning to feel that the computer is slowly infiltrating our lives and that it will eventually emerge as a not-so-friendly despot, wielding its authority from the small box bedroom. It seems a lifetime ago that I naively brought the family a computer for educational purposes, along with a couple of games as light relief between the maths quizzes. Games were simple back then and Space Invaders and Tennis were the hit favourites at our local. It was only a holiday at the amusement arcades that children were exposed to these innocent novelties.

Now, however, my son and his peers seem to find just living in the present moment tedious unless it is masked by a hand-held cell phone game or the full fix of the computer terminal punching at full volume. This is supplemented by the ever-active television placed a foot or two from the terminal, so that any transitory moments of boredom, such as when a game loading up, can be alleviated by a dose of cartoons.

I fear not only that these young people are becoming unfit from lack of exercise but that the involvement in these games is so intense that it results in high levels of stress. I have occasionally found my son flushed and shaking after an especially intense game – and particularly after competing against a friend. No matter how often I explain to him my feelings about this – and he does appear to understand my anxieties about his health – the bottom line is, he has so much fun with this thing. His eyes come alive when he relates the intricacies and cheats of a new game, and his friendships seem to be enriched through it. These days it is not who is the best centre-forward in the school team but the computer games wizard who is king, and my son is fighting for that crown.

1. The narrator
1) forced her son to give up the computer for a while.
2) found it extremely difficult to cope with her son’s behaviour.
3) only allows her son to play computer games twice a week.
4) waited for her son’s breaking his word.

2. When her son gave up computer games, the narrator found out that
1) her son was fond of TV.
2) her son started to play a lot of sport.
3) the family got used to spending time without him.
4) her son was extremely boring.

3. According to the narrator
1) parents should not allow their children to play the computer.
2) parents should compromise with their children.
3) the side effects of playing the computer are still unknown.
4) there should be special days for playing the computer.

4. On computer-free days the narrator’s son
1) played the computer at a friend’s house each time.
2) tried to find different reasons to play the computer.
3) asked to use the computer for doing homework.
4) didn’t dare to ask to swap days.

5. The narrator says that initially she thought of computer games
1) to be very complicated.
2) to be easy and played occasionally.
3) not to require any skills.
4) to be creative and intense.

6. The narrator notices that children prefer
1) playing cell-phone games to playing computer games.
2) to watch cartoons when the computer is turned off.
3) to watch TV at full volume.
4) to be constantly entertained.

7. The narrator says that computer games
1) help children to relax.
2) help to understand parents’ anxieties.
3) can cause a lot of stress.
4) can be used as a competitive intense game.

ВОПРОС 1 – 4
ВОПРОС 2 – 3
ВОПРОС 3 – 3
ВОПРОС 4 – 2
ВОПРОС 5 – 2
ВОПРОС 6 – 4
ВОПРОС 7 – 3

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Buy a computer, one mother explains,

And life can never be the same again

Carolyn Roden

Like many 13 year olds, my son is a computer games hermit, emerging only to be fed and watered. Recently, to reassure me that he was not addicted, he volunteered not to touch the computer for a week. I kept a close eye on him for signs of cold turkey but, apart from the fact that he recorded the music of his favourite games, so that he could listen to them on his Walkman, there was not one.

On the other hand, both his sister and I suffered as his boredom increased: I had not realised how we had created a life without him. Suddenly he was under our feet, muttering obscenities and flicking TV channels in the middle of our favourite programmes.

What he seemed to have lost was the sense that there was anything worthwhile to do other than indulge in the challenge of computer games. Suggestions from me to go and read, swim or play badminton got a grunt and a dark look. I guess the adrenaline rush of moving up a level on Lemmings cannot be compared with a gentle read or a few lengths of the local pool.

It may take another 10 years or so before society really knows the mental and physical effects of computer games on the young. Until then, parents can only feel their way in the dark as to how much and how often the games are allowed to be played.

 My son and I have compromised on two computer-free days a week, plus a half-day at weekends. But the two free days seem to have become moveable feasts — they were to be Mondays and Wednesdays but very often I will get a telephone call from him after school, asking to swap days as he has got hooked into a game at a friend’s house. However, even on computer-free days we have negotiated that he can use the computer for things that I consider creative or useful, such as chess or writing simple programmes. Nevertheless, he is constantly trying to expand these boundaries. He will innocently ask over dinner, «Mum, is Sun City a creative game?» and when I agree that it probably is, as it asks more of a player than simply fast reflexes, he immediately demands to play it on a computer-free day.

I am beginning to feel that the computer is slowly infiltrating our lives and that it will eventually emerge as a not-so-friendly despot, wielding its authority from the small box bedroom.

It seems a lifetime ago that 1 naively bought the family a computer for educational purposes, along with a couple of games as light relief between the maths quizzes. Games were simple back then and usually played at the pub between consenting adults after several pints of bitter. Space Invaders andTennis were the hot favourites at our local. It was only on holiday at the amusement arcades that children were exposed to these seemingly innocent novelties.

Now, however, my son and his peers seem to find just living in the present moment tedious unless it is masked by a Walkman plugged into eager ears, a hand­held computer game or the full fix of the computer terminal punching at full volume. This is supplemented by the ever-active television placed a foot or two from the terminal, so that any transitory moments of boredom, such as when a game is loading up, can be alleviated by a dose of cartoons.

I fear not only that these young people are becoming unfit from lack of exercise but that the involvement in these games is sointense that it results in high levels of stress. I have occasionally found my son being flushed and shaking after an especially tense game — and particularly after competing against a friend.

No matter how often 1 explain to him my feelings about this — and he does appear to understand my anxieties about his health — the bottom line is, he has so much fun with this thing. His eyes come alive when he relates to me the intricacies and cheats of a new game, and his friendships seem to be enriched through it. These days it is not who is the best centre-forward in the school team but the computer games wizard who is king, and my son is fighting for that crown.

Vocabulary to the Text.

stay in — оставаться дома

hermit — затворник

emerge — появляться

feed* — кормить

reassure — убедить, заверить

be addicted (to) — пристраститься(к)

volunteer — добровольно вызваться

sign — знак

(go) cold turkey — амер.: резко бросить

walkman — плейер

suffer (from) — страдать (от)

boredom — скука, тоска

increase — возрастать, увеличивать(ся)

mutter — бормотать

obscenity — неприсстойность

flick — переключать

worthwhile — стоящий

indulge (in) — предаваться

suggestion — предложение

grunt — ворчание

allow — позволять

compromise — договориться

swap — разг.: поменять

be hooked — разг.: зацепиться

negotiate — договориться

creative — творческий

expand — расширять

boundary — граница

innocently — невинно

demand — требовать

infiltrate — проникать

eventually — в конечном итоге

wield — (за)владеть

authority — власть

along with — наряду с

relief — облегчение; помощь

quizz — амер.: проверка знаний

consent — соглашаться

adult — взрослый

pint — пинта (560 г)

bitter — сорт пива

space — космос

invader — завоеватель

amusement — развлечение

arcade — пассаж(с магазинами)

be exposed (to) — подвергаться

novelty — новшество

peer — здесь: ровесник

tedious — скучный, утомительный

plug — воткнуть

punch — ударять

volume — объем

transitory — преходящий, мимолетный

load up — загружать(ся)

alleviate — смягчать

cartoon — мультфильм

fear — бояться

unfit — непригодный

lack — отсутствие, нехватка

involvement — участие

result in — сказываться в

occasionally — время от времени

flush and shake — покачивать(ся)

tense — напряжение

compete — состязаться

anxiety — тревога

intricacy — склонность

cheat — обманывать

enrich — обогащать

wizard — волшебник, колдун

Word Study to the Text.

Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. until then 2. apart from the fact 3. along with 4. to ask innocently 5. math quizz

6. to flick TV channels 7. for educational purposes 8. to do smth.worthwhile 9. lack of exercise 10. ever-active TV-set 11. mental effect 12. to indulge in playing 13. to infiltrate one’s life 14. to go a cold turkey 15. to expand boundaries 16. space invaders 17. Transitory moment 18. innocent novelty 19. to come alive 20. to be exposed (to)

a/ преходящий мосент b/ до той поры c/ воздействие на разум d/оживляться е/ с учебными целями f/ помимо (того) факта g/ космические завоеватели h/ евинная новинка i/ расширять границы g/ предаваться игре k/ резко бросить l/ переключать ТВ каналы m/ постоянно включенный телевизор n/ наряду с o/ делать что-то стоящее p/ подвергаться (чему-то) q/ проникать в нашу жизнь r/ невинно спрашивать s/ отсутствие физических упражнений t/ присматриваться

Ex. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1. wizard 2. hermit 3. anxiety 4. relief 5. adult 6. cartoon 7.

peer 8. amusement 9. boredom 10. tedious 11. occasionally 12.

eventually 13. creative 14. unfit  

a/ время от времени b/ мультфильм c/ взрослый d/ творческий e/

затворник f/ в конечном итоге g/ скучный h/ непригодный i/

ровесник; равный g/ скука k/ колдун, волшебник l/ тревога m/

развлечение n/ облегчение

Ex. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1. to compete 2. to volunteer 3. to emerge 4. to compromise 5. to

be addicted (to) 6. to result (in) 7. to touch 8. to emerge 9. to

allow 10. to consent 11. to load up 12. to increase 13. to demand

14. to create 15. to plug 16. to enrich 17. to suffer 18. to expand

19. to feed 20. to stay in

a/ позволять, разрешать b/ возникать, появляться c/ оставаться дома 

d/ творить, создавать e/ воткнуть f/ кормить g/ договориться h/

сказываться i/ уверять g/ страдать k/ расширять l/ загружать m/

возрастать n/ требовать o/ касаться p/ состязаться q/

пристраститься (к) r/ обогащать s/ соглашаться t/ добровольно


Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Подобно многим подросткам (teenagers), мой 13-летний сын является

компьютерным затворником. 2. Он появляется на кухне только для того, чтобы

его накормили и напоили. 3. Недавно для того, чтобы убедить меня, что он не

пристрастился, сын добровольно вызвался не прикасаться к компьютеру в

течение недели. 4. Я присматривалась к нему и страдала, видя, что его скука

возрастала. 5. Он постоянно переключал ТВ каналы во время моих любимых

программ. 6. Похоже, что, кроме компьютера, он не мог найти достойных

занятий. 7. Нужно по крайней мере лет десять, чтобы осознать (realise),

какое воздействие может оказать компьютер на физические и умственные

способности человека. 8. До сих пор (until now) непонятно, сколько времени

в день можно позволять ребенку играть в компьютерные игры. 9. Мы с сыном

договорились, что два дня в неделю у него будут свободны от компьютера. 10.

Мы также договорились, что помимо (apart from) игр он будет пользоваться

компьютером для полезных (useful) и творческих вещей — например, игра в

шахматы или написание простых программ. 11. Тем не менее, он постоянного

пытается расширить границы времени, разрешенного для работы на компьютере.

12. Я чувствую, что компьютер все в большей степени (increasingly)

проникает в нашу жизнь. 13. Когда-то я купила компьютер для учебных целей.

14. Кроме того (additioanally), я купила пару игр в качестве облегчения в

перерывах между проверками знаний по математике. 15. Однако сейчас сын, как

и его ровесники, пользуется компьютером в основном (mainly) для

развлечения. 16. Боюсь, они могут стать непригодными для реальной жизни

из-за отсутствия физических упражнений. 17. Интенсивное участие

(involvement) в компьютерных играх вызывает стрессы. 18. Мой сын понимает

тревогу по поводу его здоровья. 19. Его взгляд (глаза) оживляются только

тогда, когда он говорит о новинках.

Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the boy volunteer not to touch the computer for a week?

2. Why did his mother suffer?

3. How did the boy behave during those free-of-computer days?

4. Could he find worthwhile work for himself?

5. What did mother and her son compromise on?

6. What was the initial (первоначальная) purpose of buying the computer?

7. Do the peers of Carolyn’s son enjoy living in the present moment?

8. What is life for them?

9. Why are those young men becoming unfit for real life?

10. Does Carolyn’s son understand her anxieties?

Topics to discuss.

1. Time allowed to work on computer.

2. Teenager and Computer

3. Mother’s anxieties.

Text II-C



Everybody likes the idea that they might be able to make a bit of cash from a hobby, but few have done so quite as spectacularly as Bill Gates. Mr. Gate’s boyhood pastime was computer programming. Today Microsoft, his company, is the world’s most successful supplier of computer software, and his personal fortune is $7 billion. With wealth and maturity, Mr. Gates has developed a new interest in culture — and another company to go with it. Continuum, he hopes, will use new technology to marry moving images with text, and art with history, to create an entirely new medium.

  Continuum’s original brief was modest. Mr. Gates is building a mansion on the shores of Lake Washington, near Seattle. Instead of the usual tycoon’s collection of a few old masters, he decided to decorate his walls with several museuns’ worth of paintings. To do this his plan was to hang not the pictures themselves, but high-definition video screens which could display whatever images suit his mood. So he might have impressionists on a cloudy, peaceful Seattle day, Rembrandts for a formal dinner party and Pop Art to start the morning with a Roy Lichtenstein impact.

   Mr. Gates founded the company to negotiate with museums, photo archives and others for the reproduction rights to the pictures they own. And he hoped that, as the price of the technology fell, others not as wealthy as he would become interested.

   He recruited Steve Arnold from Lucasfilm, the company that created «Star Wars», to head his new venture.

    Digital pictures can be manipulated in all sorts of ways that paper and canvas cannot, though some people think such manipulation is not always for the better. One of the things that disturbed the curators of the museums with whom Mr. Arnold was negotiating was the thought that digitised art could so easily be altered. Some curators цуте pale when they realised that future connoisseurs might, at the click of a mouse, change the colour of their Monets to match their curtains. The opportunity that attracted Mr. Arnold, however, was not pastiche but the ability of electronics to weave together images, sound and information into a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

     In theory, an electronic database which combined art, music, photographs and historical information would enable anyone to create his own ehxibition-cum-book containing materials spanning all of these disciplines — a task which now requires considerable effort by trained researchers rushing between several libraries. You might wish to compare, say, the art of Weimar Germany with the popular culture of its music halls, or trace representations of animals through the centuries to see how the images reflect man’s changing perceptions of beasts. The essential challenge of creating this new synthesis is to devise ways of navigating the oceans of information that can be contained in an electronic database. You must combine the flexibility and simplicity needed by the casual browser with the power and precision to find answers to specific questions.

    Mr. Arnold does not expect to have a commercial product ready for three to five years. Then the writing really will be on the wall.  

Vocabulary to the Text.

cash — наличные, деньги

spectacularly — захватывающе, эффектно

boyhood — детство

pastime — времяпрепровождение

supplier — поставщик

software — программное обеспечение

fortune — состояние

wealth — богатство

maturity — зрелость

develop — разработать

marry — здесь: соединить

entirely — абсолютно

medium — средство

original — первоначальный

brief — сводка, новость

modest — скромный

mansion — особняк

tycoon — (амер.) пром.магнат

worth — достойный

high-definition — высокое разрешение

screen — экран

mood — настроение

negotiate — вести переговоры

own — владеть

recruit — привлечь к участию

heаd — возглавить

venture — рискованная идея

digital — цифровой

canvas — холст, полотно

disturb — беспокоить, волновать

alter — изменять

go pale — бледнеть

connoisseur — знаток

match — подходить(по качеству, цвету)

curtain — штора, занавесь

attract — привлекать

pastiche — произведение искусства,

         объединяющее несколько видов

weave — здесь: объединять

sound — звук

combine — соединять

enable — позволять

cum = combined

contain — содержать

span — соединять

require — требовать

considerable — значительный

trained — квалифицированный

researcher — исследователь

rush — здесь: метаться

trace — проследить

century — век

perception — восприятие

beast — животное (дикое)

essential — существенный

devise = create — создать

navigate — управлять

flexibility — гибкость

simplicity — простота

casual — нерегулярный

precision — точность

Word Study to the Text.

Ex. Match the pairs of synonyms among the following words:

1. alter 2. canvas 3. conosseur 4. to match 5. pastime 6.

reflect 7. navigate 8. simplicity 9. tycoon 10. wealthy   

11. precision 12. medium 13. original 14. flexibility 15.

require 16. screen 17. peaceful 18. mansion  

a/ холст b/ гибкость c/ знаток d/ состоятельный e/ особняк f/

управлять g/ простота h/ требовать i/ времяпрепровождение j/

отражать k/ магнат l/ экран m/ мирный n/ точность o/

средство p/ первоначальный q/ подходить (по цвету) r/ изменять  

Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. considerable efforts 2. to head a venture 3. to conduct negotiations

4. high-definition 5. moving images 6. software supplier 7. photo

archive 8. to suit one’s mood 9. digital picture 10. museums’ worth 

11. entirely new 12. personal fortune 

13. changing perception 14. reproduction rights 15. formal dinner 16.

easily altered

a/ право на копирование b/ движущиеся образы c/ возглавить предприятие 

d/ высокое разрешение e/ поставщик программного обеспечения f/ фотоархив

g/ официальный ужин h/ меняющееся восприятие i/ значительные усилия  

j/ цифровая картина k/ достойный музеев l/ легко меняющийся m/

абсолютно новый n/ личное состояние o/ соответствовать настроению 

p/ вести переговоры    

Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Любимым времяпрепровождением Гейтса в юности было программирование.

2. Он, как любой другой, мечтал заработать деньги на своем хобби. 3. В

настоящее время его компания является крупнейшим поставщиком программного

обеспечения для компьютеров. 4. Его личное состояние составляет 7 млрд.


5. Все началось со строительства «скромного» особняка стоимостью 20 млн. долл.

6. Он решил на стенах своего дома повесить не картины, и видео-экраны с

изображениями, которые легко можно изменять в соответствии с настроением.

7. Ему пришлось основать специальную компанию для проведения переговоров с

хранителями музея о праве на копирование картин, которыми они владеют.

8. Компанию возглавил Стив Арнольд, ранее работавший в кинокомпании,

создавшей «Звездные войны». 9. Гейтс надеялся, что поскольку цены на

технологии упали, другие состоятельные люди могли заинтересоваться его

изобретением. 10. Хранители музеев бледнели при мысли, что владельцы

цифровых копий полотен великих художников могли менять их цвет в

зависимости от настроения. 11. Владельцы новых видео-картин могли бы

нажатием «мышки» изменить цвет полотна так, чтобы он соответствовал цвету

штор. 12. Теоретически, электронная база данных, которая объединяет

искусство, музыку, фотографии и информацию, позволяет ее владельцу создать

свою собственную выставку картин. 13. Цифровыми картинами можно умело

управлять (манипулировать). 14. Новый коммерческий продукт вряд ли появится

на рынке в ближайшие 5 лет.

Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1. What was Bill Gates’ hobby in his boyhood?

2. What is the essence (суть) of his new invention — new medium?

3. When did this idea occur to him?

4. What could the video screens display?

5. What kind of company did he specially found?

6. Who headed it ?

7. Why did the museums’ curators get pale during negotiations?

8. What could the electronic database enable to its owner?

9. How soon this new commercial product be ready?

Topics to discuss.

1. Electronic database and its opportunities.

2. The new company headed by Steve Arnold.

3. Is the new medium a problem or an opportunity? Why?

Text 2-D

Engineering Ethics

Engineers are expected to abide by codes of performance that will he beneficial to society. From this the public gains an understanding of what they may expect from the profession. Engineers tend to take the matter of ethics very seriously, and several of the engineering groups and societies have published codes of ethics. Most of these documents are concerned with fairness in dealings with the public and will other engineers, but they also accentuate honesty and public responsibility.

It is taken for granted that no engineer would undertake a project and willfully neglect aspects that could lead to disaster, such as the collapse of a dam in bridge or the failure of an aircraft. Yet, such failures have occurred, either through lack of scientific knowledge or the inadequate formulation of design criteria. Some too have occurred simply because of errors or lack of understanding. Engineers should be professionally prepared to do everything in their power to avoid failure, particularly where lives may he threatened. It may be necessary to halt a project while additional information is obtained if in that way, unpopular as it might be all the time, safely can be further assured.

The pursuit of excellence in performance from the engineer’s products is an easily understood goal. Somewhat broader ramifications are in­volved to ensure the advancement of human welfare. With the size of modern-day technological enterprises it becomes imperative that the various choices that are open in dealing with a new project be very carefully studied in the search for the best solution. The time and investment are great, and a large project rapidly develops a momentum which becomes more and more difficult to redirect. Wasted or misdirected effort on a large scale can cause irreparable damage to the environment and to communities. Not only this, but the engineer harms himself in encouraging a line of development if he suspects that the end result will not warrant the expenditure of time and resources, and particularly so if a negative result is likely.

Vocabulary to the text:

to expect — ожидать, предполагать;

to abidе — оставаться верным, придерживаться (чего-то);

code — кодекс;

performance — исполнение, выполнение;

beneficial — благотворный, полезный;

to gain — получать, приобретать, достигать; извлекать пользу, выгоду;

to tend — иметь тенденцию, склоняться;

matter — вопрос;

concerned (with) — имеющий отношение (к);

fairness — откровенность, беспристрастность, справедливость;

dealings — дела;

to accentuate — подчеркивать;

honesty — честность;

responsibility — ответственность, обязанность;

to undertake — предпринимать;

willingly — охотно;

to neglect — пренебрегать, не обращать внимания;

to lead (led, led) — (при)вести (к);

disaster — бедствие, катастрофа;

collapse — крушение, развал;

dam — дамба, плотина;

failure — неудача, провал; авария;

aircraft — самолет; авиация;

to occur — случаться, происходить;

lack (of) — отсутствие, недостаток, нехватка;

to avoid — избегать;

particularly — особенно;

to threaten — угрожать;

to halt — здесь: приостанавливать;

to obtain — получать, добиваться, достигать;

safety — безопасность;

to assure — гарантировать, обеспечивать;

pursuit — погоня (за), поиск;

excellence — превосходство, отличное качество;

goal — цель;

ramification — разветвление, ответвление;

to be involved (in) — участвовать, быть задействованным (в);

to ensure — обеспечивать, гарантировать;

advancement — повышение, успех;

welfare — благосостояние;

choice — здесь: вариант;

in the search of — в поисках (чего-то);

solution — решение;

rapidly — быстро;

momentum — импульс, толчок; скорость движения;

to misdirect — неправильно направить;

effort — усилие, попытка;

to waste — терять, тратить понапрасну;

om a large scale — в больших масштабах;

to cause — причинять, вызывать, быть причиной;

irreparable — непоправимый;

damage — ущерб;

to harm — причинять вред;

to suspect — подозревать;

to warrant — оправдывать, гарантировать;

expenditures — расходы.

Word Study to the text:

Ex.1 Find equivelents to the following words and phrases.

привести к катастрофе; приниматься за проект; кодекс этики; достижение отличного качества;            разрушение дамбы/плотины;           в поисках лучшего решения;    развить скорость движения;     в больших масштабах;            причинить вред себе; затраты времени и ресурсов;    избежать аварии;         связан со справедливостью;            отсутствие понимания; нанести непоправимый вред окружающей среде; благосостояние человека;            неадекватная формулировка критериев дизайна; отрицательный результат;          получить дополнительную информацию; напрасно затраченные усилия; крушение самолета;    случиться из-за ошибки; вопрос этики;            подчеркивать; ответственность перед общественностью; пренебрегать; приостановить проект; обеспечивать безопасность; конечный результат;       обеспечить качество услуг.

Ex.2 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Инженеры должны сделать все, что в их силах, чтобы избежать аварии.

2. 2.Нельзя пренебрегать аспектами, которые могут привести к аварии.

3. Неадекватная формулировка критериев дизайна могла вызвать крушение

4. В поисках лучшего решения была проделана большая работа.

5. 5.Иногда необходимо приостановить проект до тех пор, пока не будет получена дополнительная информация.

6. Напрасное и неправильное усилие в крупномасштабном проекте может нанести непоправимый вред окружающей среде.

7. Это необходимо для обеспечения безопасности.

8. Многие из этих документов гарантируют качество услуг, предоставляемых обществу.

9.  Проект следует приостановить, если инженер подозревает, что конечный результат не дает гарантий по поводу затрат времени и ресурсов и особенно, если вероятен негативный результат.

Comprehension Check:

Ex. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the code of performance mean?

2. Do engineers take the matter of ethics seriously?

3. What are the codes of ethics concerned with?

4. What is taken for granted concerning engineers?

5. What can be the reasons of failures?

6. In what cases may it be necessary to halt a project?

7. What can be caused by a wasted or misdirected effort done on a large scale?

Unit 4

Grammar Exercises

The Infinitive

Ex 1 Translate into Russian paying attention

a) to the infinitive

1.Well-read people are interesting to talk to. 2. She is strong enough to know the truth. 3.To err is human. 4. We have plenty of work to do. 5. I am lucky to have seen this actor in the part of Hamlet. 6. He pretends not to understand my words.  
7. I need to have your opinion. 8. She finally consented to marry him. 9. They were the last to leave. 10. The incident was too unpleasant to talk about. 11. It’s too late to discuss it now. 12. He is easy to deal with. 13. Not to miss the morning he had to get up very easy. 14. We don’t live to eat but we eat to live. 15. The only thing that worries me is to find the right solution of the problem.

b) to the infinitive constructions

1.Don’t let children read in bed. 2. A Nobel is known to have invented dynamite.
3. The book is unlikely to be sold, it is too boring. 4. The problem turned out to be easier than we expected. 5. Do you expect the weather to change soon? 6. I won’t have anybody touch my things. 7. The sportsmen were expected to arrive just in time. 8. The man seems to have been very rich. 9. They are said to be of the same opinion on the subject. 10. She seems to know much about literature.

Ex 2 Use the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets

The teacher expected the student (to give) the right answer to the question. 2. She is hard (to please). 3. Her appearance seems (to change) for the better since our last meeting. 4. There is nothing (to do). 5. The audience considered the play (to be) a complete failure. 6. The matter (to settle) turned out unexpected for the participants of the conference. 7. He is happy (to award) the first prize for his first book. 8. The weather seems (to change) gradually. 9. This girl must (to sit) near the doctor’s consulting room for about an hour. 10. He was very happy (to invite) to the show. 11. I want you (to know) the truth. 12. Soon Henry began (to take) an interest in his studies. 13. You should (to be) careful white crossing the street. 14. The new English words sometimes are hard (to memorize). 15. She is likely (to come) soon.

Ex 3 Insert particle “to” where necessary

1.Everybody heard him ….. promise ….. give up smoking. 2. The manager told the secretary ….. make two copies of the document. 3. He seems ….. be absolutely innocent. 4. I’d like you ….. join us. 5. You shouldn’t ….. behave in such a way, it irritates everybody. 6. I know her ….. be the only woman in his life. 7. I’m afraid I made you ….. wait too long. 8. “You’d better ….. go there alone”, Andrew said to me. 9. Her words helped me ….. make the right choice. 10. He was made ….. rewrite his test. 11. We saw him ….. turn round the corner. 12. Have you ever heard Helen sing? 13. I was sent to France ….. learn French. 14. They were the first ….. come ….. congratulate us on that day.

Ex 4 Translate into English following the models

a) Model: — I hate to be laughed at.

              Не люблю, когда надо мной смеются

1)Она не хотела, чтобы на неё смотрели. 2) Учитель хотел, чтобы ему доверяли. 3) Актриса любила, когда ей аплодировали. 4) Дети хотели, чтобы им читали перед сном. 5) Он не любит, когда его прерывают.

b) Model: — This is a man to rely on

                На этого человека можно положиться

— She is too proud to snow her feelings

Она слишком горда для того, чтобы проявлять свои чувства

1)Это интересная книга, которую можно обсудить. 2) Это – та проблема, которую надо решить. 3) Она слишком эгоистична для того, чтобы понять вас. 4) Он появился слишком поздно для того, чтобы изменить ситуацию.

5) Стихотворение слишком длинное для того, чтобы выучить его наизусть.

c) Model: — He was the first to come

              Он пришёл первым

1)Она последней приняла решение. 2) Он выступил вторым. 3) Мы первыми ушли из театра. 4) Он следующим закончил писать тест.

Ex 5Translate into English using the Complex Object


1.Я хочу, чтобы вы повторили стихотворение еще раз. 2. Мы не ожидали, что он так быстро примет наше предложение. 3. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы оказали нам помощь в решении этой проблемы. 4. Мы не думали, что представление будет таким необычным. 5. Эдвард хочет, чтобы Анна всегда была рядом с ним.


1)Внезапно я почувствовал, как кто-то попытался вырвать сумку у меня из рук. 2) Я видел, что он не очень хорошо себя чувствовал в моем присутствии.
3) Мать никогда не слышала, чтобы дочь лгала ей. 4) Он заметил, что девушка побледнела и как-то растерянно посмотрела на него. 5) Мы наблюдали как дети играли в футбол.

Ex 6 Translate into English, using the infinitive

1. Цель многих молодых людей состоит в том, чтобы успешно сдать вступительные экзамены в ВУЗы. 2. Она была слишком утомлена, чтобы продолжать это путешествие. 3. Не уходите, пожалуйста. Мне надо сказать вам что-то важное. 4. Эту книгу трудно перевести. 5. Он третьим пришел к финишу. 6. За ее мыслью было трудно следить, казалось, она не была уверена в своих выводах. 7. После тяжелой физической работы ему хотелось только одного – чтобы его оставили в покое. 8. Оказалось, он живет недалеко от нас. 9. Вы когда-нибудь слышали, чтобы она на что-нибудь жаловалась? 10. От удивления он не мог говорить. 11. Не заставляй меня снова обращаться к этому вопросу. Делать ту же ошибку еще раз – непростительно. 12. Чтобы не видеть это ухмыляющееся лицо снова, она вышла из комнаты. 13. Я хочу, чтобы ты извинился перед этим человеком. 14. Говорят, этого учителя очень любят ученики. 15. Пусть она сделает еще одну попытку помириться с друзьями. 16. Я не ожидал, что вы так скоро уедете.       

The Participle

Ex 6 Translate into Russian paying attention to:

a)  Participle I

1. Being unemployed, he hasn’t got any money. 2. Jack hurt his leg playing football. 3. She smiled remembering his letter. 4. Closing the door, she tried not to make any nose. 5. Having known the truth, he couldn’t forgive her. 6. Having spent all the money, they had to send a telegram to their parents asking for help. 7. Being asked at the examination, the student didn’t know what to say to the teacher. 8. I couldn’t get in touch with him not knowing his address. 9. Having been examined by the doctor, the sick man was offered to take some medicines. 10. When crossing the road in England, look first to the right.

b) Participle II

1. The meeting cancelled yesterday will take place tomorrow. 2. The news received last week impressed everybody very much. 3. The answer expected came at last. 4. A letter mailed today will be received by your relatives in a few days. 5. When asked students stand up. 6. The wounded leg was examined by the doctor. 7. Her worn hat didn’t match her elegant blouse. 8. It must be done at once.

Ex 7Translate the words and expressions in brackets using:

a) Participle I

1. They are now at a congress (который проходит) in Saint Petersburg. 2. (Когда он заболел) he postponed his journey. 3. (Приехав домой) she found a letter from her friend there. 4. The policemen (стоящий) on the corner can show you the way if you got lost. 5. (Рассказывая об этом) we couldn’t help smiling. 6. (Переходя) the street, be careful. 7. (Когда ему показали) the right direction, he drove away (не поблагодарив нас). 8. The students (ожидавшие) the teacher spoke loudly.

b) Participle II

1. At the conference the delegates discussed new materials (применяемые) in engineering. 2. Here are some letters (посланные) last week. 3. The tests (написанные) by the students had a lot of mistakes. 4. The attempts (предпринятые) turned out to be fruitless. 5. (Сломанное) window should be replaced. 6. (Хотя солдаты потерпели поражение), they didn’t feel discouraged.

Ex8 State the difference between the sentences in each pair of sentences, translate them.

a) 1. She has cleaned her room. 2. She has had the room cleaned. 3. I shall cut my hair. 4. I shall have my hair cut. 5. My trousers are too long. I must shorten them. 6. My trousers are too long. I must have them shortened. 7. You should make your dress. 8. You should have your dress made.

b) 1. I saw them cross the street. 2. I saw them crossing the street. 3. We heard the girl sing. 4. We heard the girl singing. 5. The policemen watched the boy come into the house. 6. The policemen watched the boy coming into the house. 7. I notice the man turn round the corner. 8. I notice the man turning round the corner.

Ex 9 Translate into English using Participle I or Participle II, where possible

1. Поскольку статья была написана на португальском языке, ее никто не мог перевести и нам пришлось приглашать переводчика. 2. Когда делегаты прибыли на конференцию, их ознакомили с расписанием мероприятий. 3. Студент стоял у доски молча, не зная, что сказать. 4. Войдя в комнату, она включила свет и осмотрелась. 5. Сэм купил подержанный автомобиль. 6. Когда Анну попросили сыграть роль в школьном спектакле, она с радостью согласилась. 7. Мы обсуждали статью, написанную нашим коллегой. 8. Не желая обсуждать такой трудный и мучительный вопрос, она сменила тему разговора. 9. Сдав успешно экзамены, студенты начали обсуждать летние каникулы. 10. Лежа на диване, он читал книгу, пытаясь не слушать крики детей, играющих во дворе.                    11. Улыбающаяся секретарша встретила посетителя и пригласила его пройти в кабинет начальника. 12. Переходя улицу, посмотрите сначала налево, а потом направо. 13. На даме, сидевшей передо мной в театре, была большая шляпа, украшенная цветами. 14. Она заснула, не погасив свет. 15. Выходя замуж за Эдварда, Елена верила, что будет счастлива.

The Gerund

Ex10 Translate into Russian paying attention to the forms of the Gerund.

I have no objection to your smoking, but please refrain from doing so in the office. 2. Any noise prevents me from working. 3. He doesn’t like being praised, he is too modest. 4. A lot depends on your making the right choice. 5. On seeing the expression on Tom’s face, Linda burst out laughing. 6. I remember having been informed of the accident. 7. Little children like being read fairy tales. 8. I would appreciate your calling me back. 9. When she heard the news, she couldn’t help crying. 10. He complained of having been unfairly treated. 11. We didn’t mind her helping us. 12. I don’t feel like going out tonight. 13. It was no use even trying to publish the story in that magazine. 14. Without saying a word, ho took his coat and left the room. 15. Eliza insisted on being taught the method of speaking good English and finally the professor gave in. 16. She couldn’t leave the town all summer because of her mother being ill. 17. Reading aloud can help you to improve your pronunciation.

Ex 11 Open the brackets using the proper form of the Gerund:

1. We must remember (to buy) the tickets in advance. 2. Your bag is so old, it is not worth (to keep). 3. I decided to do everything myself instead of (to ask) for help. 4. He gave up (to smoke) and his health became much more better 5. What about (to go) for a swim? 7. My hair wants (to cut) but I don’t have time to go to the hairdresser. 8. She succeeded in (to speak) English fluently. 9. Where have you been? My parents are looking forward to (to meet) you. 10. Children aren’t tired of (to ask) questions but the grown-ups are often tired of (to answer) them. 11. We were afraid of (to be) late for the performance and we insisted on (to take) a taxi.12. When he saw Lucy he regretted (to be married). 13. It’s no use (to cry) over spilt milk. 14. Stop (to talk)! Go on (to read) the text. 15. She was pleased at (to choose) to play this part.

Ex 12 Explain the difference betwwen the sentences in each pair. Translate the sentences.

1. He insisted on going there. 2. He insisted on our going there.

3. I don’t mind cleaning the dishes. 4. I don’t mind her cleaning the dishes.

5. She is not interested on collecting stamps. 6. She is not interested in his collecting stamps.

7. We are fond of singing. 8. We are fond of their dinging.

Ex 13 Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets using the Gerund. Insert prepositions or other words where necessary.

1. Why do you deny… (что встречалась с ним раньше)? 2. He will succeed… (поступить в университет). 3.  He couldn’t get used… (чтобы над ним смеялись).  4. I don’t feel…(звонить ей). 5. She gave…(играть в теннис) and started… (бегать по утрам). 6. Do you mind… (я открою окно)? 7. We couldn’t… (не смеяться) looking at her clumsy movements. 8. They prided themselves… (что первые сконструировали этот прибор). 9. Don’t avoid… (навещать заболевших знакомых). 10. Excuse me… (что я пришел, не позвонив).

Ex 14 Complete the following sentences, using Gerund.

1. Do you prefer…? 2. Your clothes need… 3. Thank you for… 4. Do you mind… 5. He looks forward to… 6. We are tired of… 7. I don’t object to… 8. What is your idea of…? 9. She is found of… 10. He is not guilty of… 11. They accused him of… 12. Who is responsible for…? 13. We denied… 14. The teacher continued… 15. The audience burst out…

Ex 15 Translate into English using the Gerund.

1. Где мои ключи? Я помню, что положил их утром в карман. 2. Вы не возражаете, если я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном? 3. Не настаивай на том, чтобы я разрешила тебе поехать туда одной, бесполезно меня уговаривать. 4. Прежде чем писать новую книгу, он решил немного отдохнуть и попутешествовать. 5. Стоит обдумать это предложение еще раз, чтобы избежать ошибок. 6. Простите, что я снова беспокою вас. 7. Она ушла, не оставив нам записки, видимо, она боялась, что ее задержат. 8. Могу я положиться на то, что вы сделаете все возможное в этой ситуации? 9. Его раздражало, когда его прерывали на каждом слове. 10. Вы не против, если в эту командировку меня пошлют вместо Вас? 11. Она чувствовала себя виноватой в том, что не смогла все объяснить дочери. 12. Ваша машина нуждается в ремонте, и чем скорее вы его сделаете, тем лучше. 13. Прежде, чем что-либо сделать – тщательно обдумай все последствия. 14. Я всегда наслаждаюсь приготовлением рождественского обеда и с нетерпением жду Рождества. 15. У него есть неприятная привычка шутить в неподходящий момент. 16. Будьте любезны, закройте, пожалуйста, окно. 17. Не входи в класс без разрешения.

Ex 16 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, the Gerund or the Infinitive. (Sometimes either form is possible).

Examples: I enjoy cooking (cook) pizza.

Would you like to call (call) me?

1. I would love…(see) you soon but it isn’t possible now. 2. Ann enjoys…(play) the guitar very much. 3. I can’t stand people…(interrupt) a speaker at any moment. 4. Do you mind…(jog) under the rain? 5. My brother hates…(watch) serials, he prefers sports programs. 6. Please remember…(give) my regards to your wife. 7. He tried…(borrow) some money from his friends but nobody could help him. 8. Your TV-set needs…(repair) but you don’t need…(do) it now. 9. We can’t help…(smile) when we see this man. He looks so shy and awkward. 10. I remember…(tell) him about it before. 11. Tom was afraid…(not get) his driving license in time. 12. Lucy was afraid of…(drive) because she had been in a car wreck in her childhood.


Check yourself in interpreting skill:

A 15-year-old Computer Consultant.

             Teenager David Bolton has just put $9,000 in the bank — after only six months of part-time work as a computer consultant. The electronics expert from Croydon South London, is fast establishing a reputation as one of the country’s top trouble-shooter* — the person to call if no one else can cope.

                  For David, 15, his first steps to fame and fortune* began when he was only nine, when his parents bought him a computer, a ZX-90. “I soon learned to program it. I needed something bigger, so I had to save for ages to buy an Amstrad.” It was only about a year ago, however, that he decided to get serious about computing. He went to night school to learn how to write business programs and did a correspondence course with an American college.
He got in touch with a computer seller, Eltec, who were so impressed that they gave him computers and software worth more than $3,000. In return, he has to send them a monthly report saying what he has done and what his plans are. He helps companies by suggesting which computers they should buy, and by writing individual programs for them. He can work more quickly than many older professionals. In one case he went to a company where a professional programmer worked for six months and could not find the problem. David finished the job in five days. It is because of work of this standard that in the short period he has been in business David has made about $9,000. With it he has bought more equipment.

                How did he do it? “You have to be ambitious, and you have to really want to get to the top. Believe in yourself, and tell yourself that you’re the best.”

15-летний консультант
по компьютерам

  Тинэйджер (молодой человек в возрасте от 13 до 19 лет) Дэвид Болтон только что внес в багк 9 тысяч долларов, проработав консультантом по компьютерам в течение всего лишь шести месяцев, работая неполную неделю. За жителем района Кройтон (северноая часть Лондона), экспертом в области электроники, закрепляется репутация одного из «возмутителей спокойствия» — человека, с которым никому не удается справиться.
Пятнадцатилетнийо Дэвида сделал свои первые шаги к деньгам и славе, когда ему было 9 лет, и его родители купили ему компьютер, ZX-90. «Я быстро научился программировать. Мне нужно было что-то большее, поэтому мне пришлось экономить целую вечность, чтобы купить “Amstrad”
Но только год назад он решил действительно серьезно заняться компьтерами и поступил на вечерние курсы, где научился писать бизнес-программы и прошел заочный курс в Американском колледже.

  Он установил связь с продавцом компьютеров, которые были так потрясены его знаниями, что подарили ему оборудование на сумму более 3 тысяч долларов. За это он должен был подавать им ежемесячный отчет о своей работе и планах на будущее. Он помогает компаниям советами, предлагая покупать конкретные компьютеры и пишет для них индивидуальные программы.
Дэвид мог работать быстрее многих профессионалов более старшего возраста.
Однажды он пришел в компанию, где программист профессионал работал в течение 6 месяцев, не сумев обнаружить проблему. Дэвид закончил работу за пять дней. Именно потому, что он работам таким образом, он и смог за такой короткий период времени заработать 9 тысяч долларов
На эти деньги он купил еще оборудования.

    Как он это сделал?
« Вы должны иметь честолюбие и действительно хотеть быть в числе первых. Вербте в себя и повторяйте, что Вы- самый лучший»

ВОПРОС 1 – 4
ВОПРОС 2 – 3
ВОПРОС 3 – 3
ВОПРОС 4 – 2
ВОПРОС 5 – 2
ВОПРОС 6 – 4
ВОПРОС 7 – 3



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01 (part 1)

What Can Computers Do?


Computers and microchips have become part of our everyday lives.
(present perfect, т.к. стали в прошлом и являются частью нашей жизни до сих пор.)



We read magazines which have been produced on computer, we buy things with the help of computer; we pay bills prepared by computers.
(present perfect passive,т.к. действие не заканчивается. Хотя можно использовать present simple passive, читаем журналы, которые (вообще) производятся …)



Just dialing a phone number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system.
(Participle I “набирая”, подходит по смысловому контексту)



In the past, life without computers was much more difficult than it is today.
(степень сравнения)



The first computers were able to multiply long numbers, but they could not do anything else.
(could – прошедшее время от can)



Nobody believed stories about robots and space travel, but now computers are able to do almost all difficult jobs.
(past simple, никто (тогда) не верил)



What makes your computer such a miraculous device? It is a personal communicator that enables you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. And you can even use your PC to relax with computer games.
(3е лицо, добавляем “s»)


esse edit

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According to the author, in her childhood she used to
1) do the shopping with her friends.
2) go to the mall with her family.
3) call her mother every half an hour.
4) watch TV a lot.

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Which of the following does Athena do monthly?
1) Invites friends to her place.
2) Uses the Snapchat.
3) Goes to the mall with her family.
4) Changes her iPhone.

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For Athena’s peers spending time alone in their rooms seems
1) natural.
2) difficult.
3) awkward.
4) soothing.

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Which of the following is NOT true about iGen teenagers, according to the author?
1) They prefer loneliness to company.
2) It is easy to hurt them psychologically.
3) Most of them feel extremely unhappy.
4) They have more physical health problems.

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That in “I know my parents’ generation didn’t do that” (paragraph 5) refers to
1) behaving in a mean way.
2) discussing their problems.
3) listening attentively to friends.
4) being glued to their phones.

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The fact that Athena threw away her friend’s phone proves that
1) her friend thought she was doing the right thing.
2) smartphones make teenagers more aggressive.
3) teenagers know the problems caused by phones.
4) smartphones can cause mental health problems.

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What does the author suggest in her article?
1) Smartphones are not safe.
2) Phone use by young people should be limited.
3) Smartphones cause violent behavior.
4) There are good and bad sides in using smartphones.

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