Man vs horse егэ английский ответы

According to the 2nd paragraph,

1)  in pre-historic societies families were started by good runners.

2)  sharing was an important tradition in all pre-historic societies.

3)  prehistoric humans were better runners than people are today.

4)  prehistoric humans could easily outrun four-legged animals.

Man vs Horse?

Every June, in the town of Llanwrtyd, Wales, hundreds of runners and horseback riders compete in the Man versus Horse Marathon. People might assume the winner would always be the horse, but that is not the case. It is not so far-fetched to imagine a human runner outlasting a horse in a long-distance race. Research on the development of human physiology has revealed that the human body has evolved to be an efficient long-distance running machine. It is specially designed to outlast most four-legged animals.

Humans evolved this way in order to survive. In the time before projectile weapons like spears, humans needed to get very close to their prey in order to kill them. Usually, prey like antelope and deer can move much more quickly than humans over short distances. However, if the human hunters could force the prey to run longer distances, the animals would become exhausted. That gave prehistoric hunters an advantage. Humans who could endure the long-distance chase necessary for a successful hunt were the humans who ate and had food to share. They were the humans who started families and became ancestors to all of us.

There are several physical characteristics that make humans great longdistance runners. First, unlike other animals, humans cool their overheated bodies by perspiring. Quadrupeds, like horses or antelope, do not perspire. They cool their bodies by panting  — breathing quickly through the mouth. Panting only cools the blood vessels in the head and neck and requires additional energy. An animal becomes even more tired by panting.

Perspiration, on the other hand, takes no energy from the human body. As the human body overheats, sweat glands, which are located in different parts of the body to most efficiently cool major organs and body systems, begin to excrete moisture. As this moisture evaporates, the body is cooled. This advanced humancooling evolution means that humans can run much longer distances than many other animals without overheating.

It is relevant to mention here that in all its 40-year history, a human won the Man Versus Horse Marathon only twice: in 2004 and 2007, both times on a very hot day. This fact was further studied by Lewis Halsey of the University of Roehampton and Caleb Bryce of the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust. They gathered historical data from two other endurance races where humans competed with horses and found out that although for both humans and horses, hotter temperatures led to slower times, the trend was significantly steeper for horses than for humans.

In addition to sweating, humans’ feet and legs have developed to support the most efficient use of energy in long-distance running. The fact that a human’s big toe is straight and aligned with the other toes, unlike the big toe of, for example, a great ape, which is off to the side, means it takes less energy for a human to run than it does for an ape. This big toe also helps a human runner push off to spring from a stand-still quickly, and without expelling a lot of energy.

Finally, the human upper body, with a narrow waist and long arms that swing easily in straight arcs helps the human runner stay on a path without wild, energy-burning movements from side to side.

Although success as a long-distance runner is no longer required to survive, running is still a very popular sport. Many cultures still consider the body shape associated with running to be physically attractive and a sign of good health.

Диагностическая работа №1 ЕГЭ 2022 статград по английскому языку 11 класс составлена по образцу экзамена ЕГЭ 2022 года , тренировочный вариант АЯ2110101 с ответами, аудио для прослушивания и тексты, официальная дата проведения работы 6 декабря 2021 год.

  • Задания письменной части

  • Задания устной части

  • Ответы, аудио и скрипты

Решать тренировочный вариант АЯ2110101 статград ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс:

Устная часть:

Сложные задания с варианта:

3)According to Patricia, North American college graduates prefer 1) to live in major cities. 2) to work in big corporations. 3) to live away from parents.

4)Patricia mentions a tradition in North America. Judging by her words, she 1) considers it to be old-fashioned. 2) wants it to continue in the future. 3) believes that it creates problems.

5)Patricia lives in 1) the USA. 2) Canada. 3) the UK.

6)Patricia paid for the house 1) 65 thousand dollars. 2) 150 thousand dollars. 3) 300 thousand dollars.

7)When the presenter exclaims “But you are forgetting the state it is in!”, he means that 1) the house is in a very bad condition. 2) the location of the house is horrible. 3) the house still needs to be paid for.

8)Patricia earns her living by being 1) a youtuber. 2) an electrician. 3) an artist.

9)What is the presenter’s general attitude towards Patricia’s project? 1) highly enthusiastic 2) somewhat skeptical 3) completely indifferent

12)What is the main idea in the first paragraph? 1) Development of human physiology needs to be researched. 2) The fact that a human can outrun a horse isn’t that surprising. 3) Running machines can help train for long-distance running. 4) There is a special marathon for people vs horses held in Wales.

13)The word “far-fetched” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to 1) easy. 2) stupid. 3) hard. 4) usual.

14)According to the 2nd paragraph, 1) in pre-historic societies families were started by good runners. 2) sharing was an important tradition in all pre-historic societies. 3) prehistoric humans were better runners than people are today. 4) prehistoric humans could easily outrun four-legged animals.

15)Learning to throw sharp weapons at animals did NOT enable people 1) to run faster. 2) to be safer. 3) to run slower. 4) to run less.

16)Halsey and Bryce found out that the effect hot weather had on the ability of humans and horses to run was 1) equally little for both humans and horses. 2) equally strong for both humans and horses. 3) more negative for horses than for humans. 4) more negative for humans than for horses.

17)Which of the following does NOT help humans to be great long-distance runners? 1) A straight big toe. 2) A narrow waste. 3) Ability to sweat. 4) Ability to pant.

18)What makes the best long-distance runner? 1) Most efficient leg bones structure. 2) Advanced body-cooling system. 3) Ability to run gracefully. 4) Efficient use of energy.

19)How much do we know about Henry VIII that is true? The  thing that anyone would mention is probably the fact that he was the King of England who broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Church of England.

20)Another well-known fact is that he had six . All of this is true.

21)But there is also a misconception that the famous song Greensleeves  by him for his future wife Anne Boleyn.

22)Although Henry VIII was a skilled lute-player and wrote a number of songs, Greensleeves is based on an Italian style of composition that reached England a lot, during the reign of his daughter Elizabeth I.

23)When Peter came home from work he immediately felt that something was wrong. He was sure that somebody in his house in his absence.

24)He could see that in the careless way his scarf from the hook of a coat rack and the fact that the light in the bathroom was on.

25)But more than anything else, all of his pets – two little dogs, three cats and an old parrot – desperately wanted to tell him something. All of them were barking and meowing and screeching and  stop.

26)At her 82 years of age, Grandma Thelma could certainly be considered old. But it was not her age that defined her

27)Grandma Thelma was a . Had always been.

28)She still remembered her first time on the river, Dad teaching her how to paddle. She was five back then, but  other children, Thelma wasn’t interested in just splashing around and jumping in the water.

29)Thelma  wanted to swim. And she did! By age ten, she could swim almost as fast and as well as her dad.

30)Even though she never became a sportswoman, swimming accompanied Thelma all her life.

31)In many ways, it made her life more . It was one of the first things she taught her children. Now, being old, Thelma was happy that she managed to pass on her skill and love for swimming to her grandchildren as well.

40.1)Imagine that you are doing a project on what social networks are used by teenagers in Zetland for communication. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Другие тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс:

  • Пробный вариант №211115 ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс 100 баллов с ответами

  • Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 №211101 по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами


Совсем недавно на сайте ФИПИ появился открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021. Это прекрасная возможность оценить уровень сложности предстоящего экзамена и, конечно же, дополнительная практика. А она ой как нужна, ведь экзамен уже не за горами, поэтому мы решили посвятить нашу новую статью детальному разбору ключевых разделов открытого варианта ЕГЭ. Не будем вас больше томить и приступим. 

Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями. Поехали!

Грамматика и лексика

Абсолютно точно открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021 порадовал, особенно в части грамматика и лексика, ведь задания 19-25 оказались на редкость простыми. Задания по словообразованию 26-31 и лексике 32-38 тоже сложными не назовешь, если знать алгоритм их выполнения. О нем мы рассказывали в одной из наших статей. Так что если вы еще ее не читали, то советуем обязательно прочесть. 

Задания 19-25: детальный разбор и ответы

открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021

19. Сначала посмотрим на структуру предложения.

Many people think snakes enjoy __________________ to music. (listen)

В нем уже есть и подлежащее snakes, и сказуемое enjoy. Это говорит о том, что здесь не нужна личная форма глагола.

Что такое личная форма? Это такая форма, которая используется в качестве сказуемого и связана с выполняющим действие субъектом или, проще говоря, это спрягаемая форма глагола.

В данном предложении нужна неличная форма глагола. К неличным формам глагола относятся герундий (V-ing), Past Participle (V3) и инфинитив.

Чтобы понять, какая из неличных форм потребуется, вернемся к сказуемому в предложении, то есть к глаголу enjoy. По правилу после него ставится герундий (V-ing), поэтому получается listening.

Ответ: listening.

20. Работая с глаголами, первое, на что следует обращать внимание — это маркеры, которые указывают на определенное время. Давайте посмотрим, есть ли в предложении таковой.

People __________________ this myth for a long time. (believe)

Да, в конце предложения видим for a long time. Такой временной маркер характерен для Present Perfect Continuous или Past Perfect Continuous. Но поскольку повествование ведется в настоящем, что видно из предыдущих предложений, то рассматриваем только первый из предложенных вариантов. Но есть еще одно НО. Глагол believe является исключением и не употребляется в аспекте Continuous, поэтому мы выберем просто Present Perfect, где также есть этот маркер for a long time

При выборе между Present Perfect (PP) и Present Perfect Continuous (PPC) руководствуемся следующим правилом:

если глагол показывает процесс, то выбираем PPC, а если это глагол относится к глаголам состояния (stative verbs), то выбираем PP. 

Получаем have believed.

Ответ: have believed

21. Начнем с того, что посмотрим на структуру предложения.

In fact, snakes __________________ music or sounds and react only to your movements. (not hear)

Есть подлежащее во множественном числе — snakes и есть одно из однородных сказуемых после союза and – react. Форма этого глагола подсказывает нам и линейку времен — это Present и аспект — это Simple. Остается вспомнить, как строить отрицательные предложения в Present Simple. Это делается следующим образом: do + not + инфинитив. Получается do not hear.

Ответ: do not hear

22. Если на полях видите количественное числительное, то нужно образовать порядковое.

She was the__________________ woman to become the professor of
mathematics. (one)

Получается first.

Ответ: first

23. Переведем предложение и заодно посмотрим, есть ли маркеры.

However, few people know that Sofia __________________ interested in mathematics at a very early age. (get)

Однако немногие знают, что София начала интересоваться математикой с ранних лет.

Видим, что событие в придаточном предложении происходило в прошлом и есть даже временной указатель at a very early age, поэтому ставим глагол get в Past Simple, для которого как раз важно, когда конкретно произошло событие. Глагол get имеет форму got.

Ответ: got

24. Повествование о детстве Софии Ковалевской продолжается, значит и линейка времен по-прежнему Past, аспект Simple. Число глагола будет единственным.

There __________________ enough wallpaper for her room and her parents put some sheets of paper instead. (not be)

При работе с оборотом there is число глагола определяется по слову, стоящему после него. В данном предложении — это неисчисляемое существительное wallpaper, которое в английском языке употребляется с глаголом в единственном числе. Получается was not.

Ответ: was not

25. Если видите указательное местоимение this или that, нужно поставить их во мн.ч. This – these, that – those.

__________________ sheets turned out to be notes of lectures of a famous Russian mathematician.

Ответ: these

Задания 26-31: детальный разбор и ответы

26. Если на полях стоит certain, то обычно требуется наречие certainly со значением «несомненно, безусловно».

Capilano Suspension Bridge is __________________ one of them. (certain)

Ответ: certainly

27. Начнем с того, что посмотрим, где находится пропуск.

It is a __________________ bridge in Canada, located near Vancouver. (beauty)

Он — между неопределенным артиклем «a» и существительным «bridge». В этом случае нужно прилагательное, а именно beautiful.

Ответ: beautiful

28. Смотрим на место пропуска и что до него.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for __________________. (tour)

Перед ним стоит предлог, следовательно нужно существительное. А так как мы не видим неопределенного артикля после предлога, то скорее всего нам нужно будет существительное во множественном числе. Реже это может быть неисчисляемое существительное в единственном числе.

Остается вспомнить, какие существительные можно образовать от слова tour. Это tourism и tourist. Подставив оба варианта в пропуск, видим, что подходит tourist, но как мы говорили выше, оно должно быть во мн.ч. — tourists.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for tourism/tourists. — Пройти по мосту — это самое настоящее приключение для туризма/для туристов.

Ответ: tourists

29. От существительного wind можно образовать только прилагательное windy. Именно это и будет правильным ответом.

If the weather is __________________, the bridge sways from side to side. (wind)

Ответ: windy.

30. Как обычно смотрим на место пропуска и на слово после него. Это поможет определить необходимую часть речи.

People come here for the fresh and clean air, the scent of pine needles and __________________ attractions on the other side of the bridge. (vary)

Пропуск перед существительным, значит нужно прилагательное. От глагола vary – это various.

Ответ: various

31. Так как пропуск — это последнее слово в предложении, следовательно смотрим, что перед ним.

There is a park there with all sorts of entertainment and great boutiques for enthusiastic __________________.

Там стоит прилагательное, значит после него должно быть существительное. Поскольку артикля перед прилагательным нет, то нам нужно либо существительное во мн.ч. — shoppers, либо неисчисляемое существительное shopping.

Чтобы понять, какое из них будет правильным, посмотрим на прилагательное перед пропуском. Это enthusiastic — восторженный, увлеченный. Такое прилагательное, исходя из его перевода, может употребляться исключительно с одушевленным существительным, поэтому выбираем shoppers.

Переведем последнее словосочетание, чтобы все-таки убедиться в правильности выбранного слова.

…great boutiques for enthusiastic shoppers – великолепные магазины для страстных шопоголиков

Ответ: shoppers

Задания 32-38: детальный разбор и ответы

32. Среди предложенных глаголов есть только один, после которого предложение строится таким образом и имеет управление of.

It was a masterpiece, and he could see that it 32 ______ William of Lily and Emily.


  • reviewed
  • reminded
  • recorded
  • remembered

Это reminded.

remind smb of smb/smth — напоминать кому-то о ком-то/чем-то

Более подробно о разнице между remind и remember мы рассказываем здесь. А если вы уже ее знаете, то вам не помешает практика. Специально для этого мы приготовили для вас тест.

Ответ: reminded

33. Приступим к следующему заданию и посмотрим на предложенные варианты ответов.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here.


  • arranged
  • managed
  • coordinated
  • established

Начнем с глагола coordinated. Обычно говорят coordinate smth with smb — согласовать что-то с кем-то. К данному контексту он не подойдет

Теперь посмотрим на established.

establish smth — учреждать что-то, устанавливать

Также не подходит.

На заметку: если среди вариантов ответа предлагают managed, то он обычно и является правильным.

Чтобы это проверить, достаточно взглянуть на слова после пропуска, где мы видим to + инфинитив. Глагол managed как раз требует после себя инфинитива с частицей to:

managed to do smth — удалось что-то сделать

Но все же стоит проанализировать и остальные глаголы. Возможно, составители дадут еще один или несколько глаголов, которые так же как и managed требуют инфинитива с частицей to.

Среди предложенных вариантов есть и еще один arranged, который как и managed, может употребляться с to+инфинитивом. 

arranged to do smth — договориться что-то сделать

Остается подставить в контекст, чтобы посмотреть, что подойдет по смыслу.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here. — Линкольн сказала Уильяму, что ему нужно поговорить с ним с глазу на глаз, и поэтому они договорились встретиться здесь/им удалось встретиться здесь.

По контексту видим, что ранее эти герои не встречались, поэтому выбираем вариант arranged.

Ответ: arranged

34. Посмотрим на следующее предложение с пропуском и варианты ответа.

Suddenly William entered the room and apologized for 34 ______ him waiting.


  • holding
  • keeping
  • fixing
  • carrying

Здесь проверяется знание выражения keep waiting. Оно переводится как «заставлять ждать».

Ответ: keep

35. Нам предстоит выбрать один глагол из синонимичного ряда. Чтобы это сделать правильно, посмотрим на слова после пропуска.

«You 35 ______ rather serious, even sad,» William said.


  • watch
  • glance
  • see
  • look

Там словосочетание rather serious «довольно серьезный». Возникает вопрос: после какого глагола может стоять прилагательное? Ведь мы знаем, что обычно наречие характеризует глагол. Ответ прост — это глагол look в значении «выглядеть». Он является исключением и, как и глагол be, требует после себя прилагательного.

Ответ: look

36. Перейдем к следующему заданию.

In 36 ______, he tried several times with no success. 


  • fact
  • time
  • place
  • point

В данном задании проверяется знание вводной фразы in fact «в действительности».

Ответ: fact

37. Снова составители хотят подловить нас на устойчивом выражении get in touch with «связаться с кем-либо». Единственно, в предложении глагол стоит в Past Simple.

That’s why he finally got 37 ______ touch with me. 


  • by
  • at
  • on
  • in

Ответ: in

38. При выполнении этого задания важна лексическая сочетаемость: a car accident – ДТП.

He said that there was a terrible car 38 ______ sometime last night.


  • incident
  • occasion
  • accident
  • event

Ответ: accident

Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы».

Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

1) Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Прослушайте запись дважды.

1. Extreme tourism has always been in people’s adventurous nature.
2. Extreme tourism satisfies people’s need for risk.
3. Extreme tourism is a thing everybody should try.
4. Extreme tourism is a way to get people’s attention.
5. Extreme tourism is an unnecessary risk for people.
6. Extreme tourism helps people explore the world.
7. Extreme tourism for our family is a way of getting knowledge.

Говорящий A B C D E F

2) Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Прослушайте запись дважды.

A. The young man thinks he can choose a present himself.
B. The man is choosing a present for his mother’s birthday.
C. The man doesn’t want to spend too much on the present.
D. The man doesn’t think a gift certificate is a good idea.
E. The shop assistant thinks a present would be better than an experience.
F. The young man’s girlfriend has a profile in social networks.
G. The young man often buys flowers to his girlfriend.

Утверждение A B C D E F G
Соответствие диалогу              

3) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

The first question of the presenter is about
1) the effectiveness of horse therapy.
2) Diane Smith’s experience with horse therapy.
3) the reason horses are used in therapy.

4) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

According to Diane, hippotherapy is used for
1) teaching languages.
2) treating neurological problems.
3) treating blindness.

5) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

According to Diane, hippotherapy is more effective than traditional therapy for
1) children.
2) anybody.
3) depressed people.

6) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

Horse riding helps to improve speech by improving one’s
1) breathing.
2) balance.
3) motor skills.

7) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

Why is, according to Diane, horse therapy more than just a horse riding?
1) It’s used on a regular basis.
2) The therapist organizes it in a special way.
3) It’s aimed at improving complex skills.

8) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

What does the therapist do during the first session of horse therapy?
1) Chooses the program of treatment.
2) Trains the horse.
3) Selects the right saddle for the patient.

9) Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned by Diane as potential clients for hippotherapy?
1) Disabled children.
2) Depressed adults.
3) Professional riders.

Тренировочная работа №1 статград пробный ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс задания и ответы для варианта АЯ2110101. Официальная дата проведения работы: 6.12.2021 (6 декабря 2021 год).

Задания письменной части

Задания устной части

Ответы, аудио и скрипты

Тренировочный вариант статград АЯ2110101 ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс:

Устная часть:

Сложные задания и ответы с варианта:

3)According to Patricia, North American college graduates prefer 1) to live in major cities. 2) to work in big corporations. 3) to live away from parents.

4)Patricia mentions a tradition in North America. Judging by her words, she 1) considers it to be old-fashioned. 2) wants it to continue in the future. 3) believes that it creates problems.

5)Patricia lives in 1) the USA. 2) Canada. 3) the UK.

6)Patricia paid for the house 1) 65 thousand dollars. 2) 150 thousand dollars. 3) 300 thousand dollars.

7)When the presenter exclaims “But you are forgetting the state it is in!”, he means that 1) the house is in a very bad condition. 2) the location of the house is horrible. 3) the house still needs to be paid for.

8)Patricia earns her living by being 1) a youtuber. 2) an electrician. 3) an artist.

9)What is the presenter’s general attitude towards Patricia’s project? 1) highly enthusiastic 2) somewhat skeptical 3) completely indifferent

12)What is the main idea in the first paragraph? 1) Development of human physiology needs to be researched. 2) The fact that a human can outrun a horse isn’t that surprising. 3) Running machines can help train for long-distance running. 4) There is a special marathon for people vs horses held in Wales.

13)The word “far-fetched” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to 1) easy. 2) stupid. 3) hard. 4) usual.

14)According to the 2nd paragraph, 1) in pre-historic societies families were started by good runners. 2) sharing was an important tradition in all pre-historic societies. 3) prehistoric humans were better runners than people are today. 4) prehistoric humans could easily outrun four-legged animals.

15)Learning to throw sharp weapons at animals did NOT enable people 1) to run faster. 2) to be safer. 3) to run slower. 4) to run less.

16)Halsey and Bryce found out that the effect hot weather had on the ability of humans and horses to run was 1) equally little for both humans and horses. 2) equally strong for both humans and horses. 3) more negative for horses than for humans. 4) more negative for humans than for horses.

17)Which of the following does NOT help humans to be great long-distance runners? 1) A straight big toe. 2) A narrow waste. 3) Ability to sweat. 4) Ability to pant.

18)What makes the best long-distance runner? 1) Most efficient leg bones structure. 2) Advanced body-cooling system. 3) Ability to run gracefully. 4) Efficient use of energy.

19)How much do we know about Henry VIII that is true? The  thing that anyone would mention is probably the fact that he was the King of England who broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Church of England.

20)Another well-known fact is that he had six . All of this is true.

21)But there is also a misconception that the famous song Greensleeves  by him for his future wife Anne Boleyn.

22)Although Henry VIII was a skilled lute-player and wrote a number of songs, Greensleeves is based on an Italian style of composition that reached England a lot, during the reign of his daughter Elizabeth I.

23)When Peter came home from work he immediately felt that something was wrong. He was sure that somebody in his house in his absence.

24)He could see that in the careless way his scarf from the hook of a coat rack and the fact that the light in the bathroom was on.

25)But more than anything else, all of his pets – two little dogs, three cats and an old parrot – desperately wanted to tell him something. All of them were barking and meowing and screeching and  stop.

26)At her 82 years of age, Grandma Thelma could certainly be considered old. But it was not her age that defined her

27)Grandma Thelma was a . Had always been.

28)She still remembered her first time on the river, Dad teaching her how to paddle. She was five back then, but  other children, Thelma wasn’t interested in just splashing around and jumping in the water.

29)Thelma  wanted to swim. And she did! By age ten, she could swim almost as fast and as well as her dad.

30)Even though she never became a sportswoman, swimming accompanied Thelma all her life.

31)In many ways, it made her life more . It was one of the first things she taught her children. Now, being old, Thelma was happy that she managed to pass on her skill and love for swimming to her grandchildren as well.

40.1)Imagine that you are doing a project on what social networks are used by teenagers in Zetland for communication. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Другие тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс:

Вариант АЯ2010101 тренировочной работы №1 статград по английскому языку 11 класс ответы и задания 4 декабря 2020

СТАТГРАД работы по английскому языку задания и ответы

Метки: английский язык 11 классЕГЭ 2022заданияответыстатградтренировочная работа

Все варианты ЕГЭ 2018 по английскому языку с ответами ЕГЭ 100БАЛЛОВ. Единый государственный экзамен по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. Критерии оценивания задания с развёрнутым ответом. Все варианты и ответы на задания. Ниже прикрепляем ссылки для скачивания.

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Данные задания на  слоовообразование в английском языке составлены по материалам пособия «Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку» (М. Вербицкая, Малколм Манн и др.) и входят в цикл «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ». Задания на словообразование рекомендуется выполнять после изучения теоретического материала, ссылки на который даны перед упражнениями.

Словообразование. Задания в формате ЕГЭ


  1. Задания на суффиксы существительного
  2. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного
  3. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы глагола

* * *

Суффиксы существительного

Задание 1. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения.


Слово «лексически» означает, что к слову нужно добавить суффикс или префикс.

Слово «грамматически» означает, что к преобразованному слову, возможно, нужно добавить окончание.

ПРИМЕР. Animal __________ will enjoy the performance. love

Animal lovers will enjoy the performance. — Любители животных получат удовольствие от представления.

Здесь требуется поставить существительное — lover во мн. число, исходя из контекста.

  1. This __________ is passed through the generations. able
  2. Stress is the ___________ with which syllables are pronounced. strong
  3. His ______________led him to discovering a lot of information. curious
  4. This book contains _________of the centuries. wise
  5. This film takes me back to my ____________. child
  6. The ___________of this corridor was surprising. long
  7. It will be disastrous for the ___________. human
  8. I appreciate our ___________. friend
  9. I will die of ____________if I live that long. bored
  10. The __________of her feelings was unexpected for me.  warm
  11. The____________is given to particularly bright students. scholar
  12. He was famous for his ___________ . serious
  13. The ___________of this song is incredible. popular
  14. We were surprised at the _________in her speech. differ
  15. It is easy to learn how to do this _________. active
  16. The airplane started to lose __________. high

Задание 2. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The Hercules was famous for his _________ . strong
  2. The ____________of the swimming pool was about 5 meters. wide
  3. I was surprised by the ______________ of the tablecloth. white
  4. The _________of the Tower and the __________ of the walls made it a perfect prison. high, thick
  5. The ___________was delayed by fog for an hour. fly
  6. Giving alive ___________is quite different from performing on a film. perform
  7. Our ___________to predict the weather depends on the information we have. able
  8. Another major ____________is the shape of the ball. different
  9. The __________of the baseball is very great in America. popular
  10. Much of his ________ Chekhov lived in severe poverty. child
  11. The ______of London since then has been incredible. grow
  12. We moved to our new ______________last spring. resident
  13. Many encyclopedias state with __________that the Nile is the longest river in the world. confident
  14. Her acting is closer to __________. real
  15. The story of the dodo`s ___________is one example of man`s effect on the environment. disappear
  16. He had ____________in finding a job. difficult
  17. Each _____________is worth considering. possible

Задание 3. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The ______________ of this building took 20 years from start to finish. construct
  2. Famous __________were held in the Tower. prison
  3. Many _____________come to London each year. visit
  4. Before the ____________of the hot air balloon, no human had ever successfully flown into the air. invent
  5. The first successful __________was in 1783. fly
  6. The ___________of the balloon depends on the wind. direct
  7. The _____________and response of the audience can affect how the actor feels and performs. behave
  8. They want to have the opportunity to do some real _____. act
  9. London is an ideal place nightlife ____________. entertain
  10. Special _____________is used to collect weather data. equip
  11. He never seemed to be interested in ____________. educate
  12. An _______________called Clarence went on an expedition to Canada with his family. explore
  13. He is famous for his finding the __________to the problem. solve
  14. His success was an remarkable_______.  achieve
  15. The ____________of its place is unknown. locate
  16. What is your ______________of the performance? impress

Задание 4. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. ________will find these products on sale in the supermarkets. shop
  2. In New York he became a ____________at drama school. study
  3. The ship left for New York with a crew of seven professional _________. sail
  4. To the crew’s__________ they discovered that nobody was on the island. astonish
  5. Each flag has its additional _____________. mean
  6. Another ___________started at once. argue
  7. Brighton is an ideal place for____________ . relax
  8. There are eleven ___________in each team in cricket. play
  9. They tried to persuade the ______________to introduce new laws. govern
  10. The road __________must be improved. safe
  11. Finding a good job is uneasy without proper ____________. qualify
  12. Many people consider the ____________of moving away. possible
  13. It is necessary to fill the _______________form. apply
  14. The rate of _________________is very high. employ
  15. You have a great _____________. imagine
  16. To our great ___________, it started to rain. disappoint
  17. The better your education is, the less_____________you will have in finding a job. difficult

Суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного

Задание 5. Form adjectives from the words in bold. 

  1. Huge ___________dinosaurs used to walk on the Earth. power
  2. There are a lot of ______________courses to improve your skills. train
  3. This private boat carried a cargo of _______________products. commerce
  4. The dodo lived on an island where he had no ___________enemies. nature
  5. There are hundreds of ______________hotels in sunny Brighton. comfort
  6. Enjoy delicious dishes in ____________ restaurants. fashion
  7. Taking part in this attraction can be a bit ______. risk
  8. The story describes the ______________action of people. hero
  9. _________plays are staged on Broadway. vary
  10. The road was in ________________condition. excellence
  11. The _____________method is always in great use. help
  12. My father doesn’t buy _____________newspapers. expense
  13. Who is _______________for making changes in our society? response
  14. The Russians are considered to be very _____________. hospitality
  15. The ______________equipment needs to be checked. electricity
  16. I was impressed by French ______________cuisine. delicacy
  17. She is not self- ________________. confidence
  18. The job will give him more _______________freedom. artist
  19. Paul’s Cathedral is an _________________building. impress
  20. In the old days the only ___________means of transport was the horse. person
  21. The trip was very ______________. benefit
  22. Is your answer _______________ from mine? differ

Задание 6. Form adjectives from the words in bold.  Mind the prefix UN-

  1. Two _____________brothers Montgolfier were responsible for designing the first air balloon. France
  2. The design of the balloon was based on ____________________law. science
  3. Some ________________flyers have had an accident. fortunate
  4. The first ________________flight was in 1783. success
  5. You can go on a _______________ride on a horse back. enjoy
  6. He had an ____________________idea. imagine
  7. More ______________visitors can try «The Vampire Ride». adventure
  8. Riding fast high above the park can be a ______________experience . scare
  9. Nature is so ___________________that’s why we cannot forecast more than for a few days. predict
  10. _______ people or things existed in the past are considered to be a part of history. history
  11. ____________baseball began in the USA in 1865. profession
  12. In the USA baseball is considered as a __________sport. nation
  13. It will be an ________________experience for me. forget
  14. He started his own business and became ________________. wealth
  15. The bridge was very ________________. use
  16. It has become the place of _______________importance. globe
  17. At first sight it seems _________________. believe
  18. The situation is becoming more __________________. understand
  19. She is a very _________________woman. effect
  20. Everyone fell _____________in the room. silence
  21. It was the most _________________journey I have ever had. please
  22. It is ___________to drive without seatbelt. legal

 Задания в формате ЕГЭ. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола

Задание 7. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. He _______________ and lay on the bed. dress
  2. He could enter the house because the door was ___________. lock
  3. The usual practice at the History lesson is to ___________texts. tell
  4. The exercise must be ________________. write
  5. Teachers sometimes _____________students. understand
  6. When the child ______________ she was unable to cope with him. behave
  7. The parents ____________  the child to go out late at night. allow
  8. When the days begin to ____________then the cold begins to _____________. long/ strong
  9. They’re trying to _____________our name. black
  10. The snow ____________the mountain tops. white
  11. He was ____________by his family to learn music at a young age. courage
  12. The town is ______________by fortified walls. circle
  13. The route was built to ______________trucks to get around a waterfall. able
  14. No argument can __________a war. just
  15. If you ____________ a substance, you make it pure by removing any dirty substances from it. pure
  16. You have ______________him as an ambitious person. character
  17. His mother rarely___________ him or any of her children. critic
  18. I’m sure Rose will _____________many of us. live

Задание 8. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. The symptoms of her illness have____________. appear
  2. The student__________the teacher and did the wrong exercise. hear
  3. Last week the government ______________ the citizens about the political situation in the country. inform
  4. His own mind was ___________and ______________by foreign travel. large/rich
  5. Martin ___________all the people in the area. He died at the age of 101. live
  6. The elderly are usually _______________with the young. satisfy
  7. Nowadays the risk of serious illness has________. less
  8. Do you mean to____________ me? threat
  9. Unfortunately, the cooperation between two countries was _______________. organize
  10. The line was ___________, though not dead. connect
  11. I am very ________________ with you. appoint
  12. The students _______________ the teacher. obey
  13. What does the emblem _______________? symbol
  14. If someone_________a word, they spell it wrongly. spell
  15. Don’t let this ______________ you. courage
  16. He recognized her voice and his face ____________.  soft
  17. The men tried to __________ each other in their generosity. do

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Man vs horse егэ английский ответы    

Установите соответствие тем AG текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя. TEST 03(part 1)








1. Photography has many uses. Most of us use photographs to save special moments for the future, but scientists can also learn a lot from them. In the nineteenth century, for example, people argued about whether all four of a horse’s legs left the ground at the same time when it ran. A man call Eadweard Muybridge took high-speed photographs of a horse and proved that all four legs were indeed off the ground at the same moment.
О разных применениях фотографирования. SCIENTIFIC VALUE

2. The ordinary camera that uses film seems to be a thing of the past. These days, more and more people are using digital cameras to capture those unforgettable moments. In ten years’ time, we’ll all be taking pictures that we then put on our computers to print out or to send around the world by e-mail. The cameras will get better and cheaper, and the world of photography will never be the same again!
О том, как развивается фотографирование. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

3. Is your album full of boring snapshots? Taking good photographs is a lot easier than you might think. The secret is to find new ways of looking at an ordinary scene. If you’re taking a picture of a building, what happens if you look up? Or perhaps the back of the building is more interesting than the front. Photography is about surprises and discovering new points of view.
Фотографирование даёт возможность посмотреть на вещи поновому. UNUSUAL VIEWS

4. Before buying a camera, it’s important to decide what you’re going to use it for. Do you want to take quick photos of your friends and family? In that case, you should go for a cheap camera that you can keep in your bag or pocket, always ready. Do you want to take artistic pictures? If so, you will probably want to spend a bit more on a more expensive professional camera. A little thought now can help you choose wisely.
Перед покупкой фотоаппарата важно определиться с целями. SENSIBLE DECISIONS

5. Many people hope to simply pick up a camera, point it and produce great pictures. Photography is a lot easier than it used to be, but it’s still easy to get it wrong. Remember that you should have the sun behind you. Too many people take photographs facing the sun and then are surprised when there’s too much light! Another thing to avoid is taking pictures of something far away in the dark. Your flash won’t help at a distance.
Чтобы делать хорошие снимки, надо помнить о правилах фотографирования. COMMON MISTAKES

6. When the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot first pointed his camera at a window in his home, Lacock Abbey, in 1835, he helped to start a revolution. This was the moment he created the first photograph on paper. His ideas, together with those of other pioneers, including the Frenchmen Daguerre and Niepce, changed things forever. Today’s world of full-colour images had its beginnings in their experiments.
Люди, которые открыли фотографию для всего мира. EARLY INVENTORS

№ текста 1 2 3 4 5 6
тема  G  F  A  C  E  B




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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В12 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 14 (part 1)


Animal-rearing has its origins in the transition of cultures to settled farming communities.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)




Animals are ‘domesticated’ when their breeding and living conditions are controlled by humans.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)




Many modern farm animals are unsuited to life in the wild.Dogs were domesticated in East Asia about 15,000 years ago.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)



Goatsand sheep were domesticated around 8000 BCE in Asia.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)




Swine or pigs were domesticated by 7000 BCE in the Middle East and China.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)




Horses were domesticated in around 4000 BCE.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)



The economic value of livestock includes: meat, diary products, fiber, labor, etc.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)



For example, livestock products a range of textiles.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)



For example, sheep and goats produce wool; oxen, cows, deer and sheep skins can be made into leather; and bones, hooves and horns of livestock can be used.
(ед. ч. мн.ч.)










esse edit

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Simplified Chinese:


Dwain Chambers是一名短跑运动员。 他跑得很快。 他是一个英国人。 他38岁了。 他与一匹马进行跑步竞赛。
他们在100米的跑道上进行比赛。 Dwain刚开始比马快。 然而,马就紧紧跟在他身后。
最后,这个男人赢了。 他的时间是10.36秒。

Traditional Chinese:


Dwain Chambers是一名短跑運動員。 他跑得很快。 他是一個英國人。 他38歲了。 他與一匹馬進行跑步競賽。
他們在100米的跑道上進行比賽。 Dwain剛開始比馬快。 然而,馬就緊緊跟在他身後。
最後,這個男人贏了。 他的時間是10.36秒。


Man vs Horse

Dwain Chambers is a sprinter. He is very fast. He is British. He is 38 years old. He races against a horse.
They race on a 100-metre track. The man starts out faster than the horse. However, the horse gets close behind him soon.
In the end, the man wins. His time is 10.36 seconds.

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Nick / About Author

I’m Nick Dahlhoff, the creator of All Language Resources. I’m not a super polyglot who speaks 20 languages. I’m not here to teach you how to learn a language — countless people are more qualified to do that than me. But, I have tried out an insane number of language learning resources. This site aims to be the most comprehensive and least biased place to figure out which language learning resources are worth using. To learn more about myself, the site, or our reviewing process, check out our about page. 

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你有想过某一天会成为国家总统吗?你想知道为什么有的人想要这样吗?巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在2008年11月被选举为美国的总统 巴拉克·奥巴马在1961年出生于夏威夷(Hawaii)。在他小的时候,人们叫他巴里(Barry)。他的母亲是来自美国的白种人。他的父亲是来自非洲国家的黑人。 在巴里很小的时候,巴里的父亲就离开了他。后来,他的妈妈跟来自亚洲的一个国家的男人结婚。巴里全家搬到了那个国家。那里的许多人都很穷。 10岁的时候,巴里搬回到夏威夷。他和他的祖父母住在一起,直到他读完高中。巴里住过很多家庭,对应有很多的文化。他不知道在这个世界里他属于哪里。

Albert Einstein Advanced Reading Practice with Audio

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 隐藏在深处 “用已知的知识,并不能直接获取到未知的知识。” 在阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)五岁的时候,他的父亲拿了一个罗盘给他看,爱因斯坦感到很好奇。当父亲不停地转动罗盘外壳的时候,为什么里面的指针却能保持不动呢? 当时,爱因斯坦还小,不知道问题的答案。之后,他写道,这个指南针告诉了他一个重要的道理——“事物的背后”还“隐藏着更深的东西”。那个充满好奇心的小男孩,最终长成了一个充满好奇心的科学家。爱因斯坦终其一生都在努力找出“隐藏在深处的那个东西”。而在这个过程中,他也永远地改变了人们对宇宙的认识。

Robin Hood and the King – Advanced Reader

介绍 罗宾汉(Robin Hood)和他的伙伴隐居在舍伍德森林(Sherwood Forest)。即使罗宾汉和他的伙计不受法律约束,但是他们只从富人那里偷钱,并给穷人。罗宾汉认为腐败的地主是真正的贼。他们不公正地控制土地,而理查国王却正在进行抗战。恶毒的地主想把罗宾汉吊起来打,但是他们从未得手。当罗宾汉从战边回来,他也无法尊重这位奋力保护普通人的亡命之徒。 理查德王 (King Richard) 理查德王喜欢所有的运动和擅长这些运动的人。“我希望我能看见罗宾汉” 理查德王再他的城堡里说。我希望我能看见他和他的伙伴们互相射击,摔跤展示所有的技能。但是如果他们听到国王要来,他们只是认为我要逮捕他们。他们会逃跑然后隐藏在深林里,我将永远不会看见他们。 “我将告诉你如何能见到他。”国王的一位亲信笑着说。“穿上大寺院男住持的长袍,骑着马穿过舍伍德森林,把钱装到荷包里。罗宾汉会以圣宴招待你,因这样才能偷你的钱。”“我就这样做吧”,理查德王说,拍打着他的膝盖。“这将非常有意思”。

1) Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Women doing men’s jobs
2. Holidays – the best time to visit
3. Ideal to grow a man
4. A costume for a mythic sea creature
5. The best profession for a lady
6. A festival to a season
7. Words for all times
8. Best clothes for burial

A. Mary is a professional dress-maker specializing in exotic costumes. She devotes many hours to crafting mermaid tails and hand-made tops. Her professional mermaid costume includes a tail and a top. A tail is made of the finest silicone that bends naturally with movement and looks beautifully on film and in print. Out of the depths of the water her costume shines with hundreds of pearls, crystals, and gemstones.

B. Today’s well-educated person uses about 18,000 words. Shakespeare, whose plays written for a small theatre are now performed in more countries than ever before, used over 34,000 different words, thousands of which he made up. For example: accessible, roadway, schoolboy, and watchdog. Many of his phrases have fallen into everyday use in our language today, including, “A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!” by Richard III.

C. The Celtic division of the year was into two parts. The winter half was considered the beginning of the year, and the summer half the second part. There were two further sub-divisions, so the year was finally divided into the standard four seasons. At each of these four stages, a Fire Festival was celebrated. It involved religious ceremonies, music, storytelling, and poetry. These great festivals were regarded to be the best time.

D. As symbols of respect and courage, knights turned out to be an intriguing mix of all the things that made males the best, as their education included the most effective sorts of exercises for the brain and the human body. Knight tournaments were a good way for the knights to try out the actual travails of fighting and never having to go through the pain and troubles of having to look after themselves, and of their kingdoms.

E. Were there any women pirates in Renaissance England? They were in the minority, but they were never the less there and very able. Lady Mary was a daughter of a pirate and married to a pirate. When her husband died, she recruited her castle staff and went to sea herself. Her luck ran out when she captured a German captain, who was a friend of Queen Elizabeth. So Lady Mary quit piracy … and started selling stolen goods.

F. Russia is an amazing holiday destination. It should be visited during the festival season, as it reveals the rich cultural tradition and fascinating customs of its people. While the festivals come from the Christian legacy Russia shares with Europe and America, the manner of celebration is unique. Enthusiastic travelers suggest planning a Russian holiday during the festival time and to be sure that the memories will last a lifetime!

G. Normally very fine textiles are found in graves. Obviously, the quality of clothing worn in the Middle Ages would reduce with lower ranks, but even the slaves did not wear cloth as rough as people thought in the past and some still do today. Slaves would probably wear their master’s clothes, which may have been very thin in places and not decorated. They would usually receive the underclothes to be worn as overclothes.


2) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Singing can help when learning a foreign language

It is a source of national embarrassment – despite hours of lessons and listening to foreign language tapes, most of us ___ (A). However, a new study suggests there may be hope for those who have difficulty with a foreign language – they should try singing it instead.

Research found that adults who sang words or short phrases from a foreign language while learning were twice as good at speaking it later. It is thought that by listening to words that are sung, and by singing them back, the technique takes advantage of the strong links between music and memory.

Although not clearly understood, music is known to help students ___ (B) recall.

Dr Overy said singing could lead to new approaches to learning a foreign language. She said: “Most people ___ (C) from songs they have heard and songs are sometimes used by language teachers with young children.”

Dr Overy and her colleagues used recordings of Hungarian words to teach 60 adults. They chose Hungarian as the participants ___ (D) anguage.

The participants either listened to words that were spoken and then had to repeat them back, much like a standard teach-yourself tape, or the words were said rhythmically or sung.

After a 15-minute learning period, they were then given several tests to see how well they had learned the words. Those ___ (E) scored highest. They were also better at recalling the words correctly in tests of long term memory. Interestingly, they did not sing the words when they recalled them.

Dr Ludke said the findings could help those ___ (F).

1. when studying and can help to start memory
2. who struggle to learn foreign languages
3. had no experience of learning this
4. have experience of remembering words
5. who had used the “listen and sign” approach
6. can barely order a simple drink while abroad
7. facilitate verbatim memory for foreign languages


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According to the text, an artificial language should
1) be similar to the mother tongues of the majority of speakers.
2) be based on cultural and historical traditions.
3) have clear grammatical rules and exceptions.
4) be simple and culturally neutral.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Zamenhof started to work on a new language because
1) it was his school home assignment.
2) he wanted to improve communication in his multilingual environment.
3) it was an important requirement for his job.
4) he had problems with studying Russian in Warsaw.

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At first, the word “Esperanto” was used as the
1) name of the new language.
2) pen-name of the new language designer.
3) title of the book about the new language.
4) name of the place where the new language was designed.

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According to the text, it is NOT true that
1) grammatical system of Esperanto is easy.
2) Esperanto is easier for the speakers of English.
3) Esperanto has a simple phonetic system.
4) the new words in Esperanto are built up by joining words.

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According to the text, Esperanto represents Euro-neutrality because it is
1) designed for the Europeans.
2) based on European culture.
3) based on different European languages.
4) designed to be used within Europe.

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The phrase “level of acceptance” in “Esperanto has not reached the level of acceptance its creator foresaw ” (paragraph 5) means the level at which the language is
1) known.
2) developed.
3) spoken as the first language.
4) used.

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The purpose of the text is to
1) encourage people to learn Esperanto.
2) give a general overview of Esperanto.
3) present grammar principles in Esperanto.
4) tell the story of the word “Esperanto”.

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