Max factor is often called the father of modern make up егэ ответы

Задание №8752.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Good enough for the royal family
2. From women to the military
3. The company moves overseas
4. New products, new leaders
5. From childhood and on
6. From movie stars to every woman
7. Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up
8. New place, new make-up

A. Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up. The success story started in Max’s early years. He was born Max Faktorowicz in Lodz, Poland, near the Russian border, around 1877. With 10 children, his parents could not afford formal education for their children, so at the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist. Years of mixing potions for the pharmacy developed his fascination with cosmetics.

B. Eventually, Max opened his own shop in a suburb of Moscow, selling hand-made cosmetics. “Health and beauty products” became an important business for him. A traveling theatrical troupe bought and wore Max’s make-up and wigs while performing for Russian nobility. Soon Max became the official cosmetic expert for members of the Russian court, the Imperial Grand Opera and the Ballet.

C. In 1904, Max and his family moved to the United States. Max Faktorowicz was now Max Factor, the name given to him at Ellis Island by immigration officials. Now Max Factor was dreaming of movie actors and actresses using his products. He moved his family to Los Angeles. In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors that, unlike thick theatrical make-up, would not crack.

D. The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop a new line of products. The existing make-up reflected surrounding colors. As a result of how bad they looked, many actors and actresses refused to appear in color films. At this time Frank Factor, Max’s son, took the lead and developed a suitable product. It had a solid cake form and was applied with a damp sponge, which concealed skin imperfections.

E. Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up to use in their personal lives. Its only disadvantage for everyday use was that it made the skin too dark under regular lights, having been designed for the powerful lights used in film studios. Frank Factor began developing lighter shades. In 1937, new “Pan-Cake” make-up was released to the public and it became one of the fastest selling cosmetic items.

F. After Max Factor’s death, Frank Factor took the name Max Factor, Jr., and expanded the still private cosmetics firm. The company began development of a smear-proof lipstick which would not fade. A special machine was constructed to test the formula’s resistance. The result was “Tru-Color” lipstick in six shades of red. During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps in camouflaging faces.

G. Max Factor, Jr., continued his commercially successful developments, such as cream make-up supplied in stick form. Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”. The early 1960s saw the company go public and list its stock on the New York Stock Exchange. This period also saw the third generation of the Factor family rise to senior positions within the company.


Заголовок 5 (From childhood and on. — С детства и далее) соответствует содержанию текста A: «… so at the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist.»

Заголовок 1 (Good enough for the royal family. — Достаточно хорошо для королевской семьи) соответствует содержанию текста B: «Max’s make-up and wigs while performing for Russian nobility.»

Заголовок 8 (New place, new make-up. — Новое место, новый макияж) соответствует содержанию текста C: «In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors…»

Заголовок 7 (Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up. — Изменения в кинематографии, изменения в гриме) соответствует содержанию текста D: «The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop…»

Заголовок 6 (From movie stars to every woman. — От кинозвезд до каждой женщины) соответствует содержанию текста E: «Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up…»

Заголовок 2 (From women to the military. — От женщин к военным) соответствует содержанию текста F: «During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps…»

Заголовок 4 (New products, new leaders. — Новые продукты, новые лидеры) соответствует содержанию текста G: «Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”.»

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Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up.

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Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up.

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Is Max Factor often called the father of modern make-up? (Общий)
Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up, isn’t it? (разделительный)
Is Max Factor or Maybelline called the farther of modern make-up? (Альтерантивный)
What is Max Factor often called? (Специальный)

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Составить 4 ТИПА ВОПРОСА
(специальный, общий, альтернативный , разделительный)
Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up.

Аида Негородова

Вопрос задан 30 сентября 2019 в

10 — 11 классы,  

Английский язык.

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    Is Max Factor often called the father of modern make-up? (Общий)
    Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up, isn’t it? (разделительный)
    Is Max Factor or Maybelline called the farther of modern make-up? (Альтерантивный)
    What is Max Factor often called? (Специальный)


    Дина Мачнева

    Отвечено 30 сентября 2019

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    Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up.

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    Is Max Factor often called the father of modern make-up? (Общий)
    Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up, isn’t it? (разделительный)
    Is Max Factor or Maybelline called the farther of modern make-up? (Альтерантивный)
    What is Max Factor often called? (Специальный)

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    Задание №8752.
    Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

    Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

    1. Good enough for the royal family
    2. From women to the military
    3. The company moves overseas
    4. New products, new leaders
    5. From childhood and on
    6. From movie stars to every woman
    7. Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up
    8. New place, new make-up

    A. Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up. The success story started in Max’s early years. He was born Max Faktorowicz in Lodz, Poland, near the Russian border, around 1877. With 10 children, his parents could not afford formal education for their children, so at the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist. Years of mixing potions for the pharmacy developed his fascination with cosmetics.

    B. Eventually, Max opened his own shop in a suburb of Moscow, selling hand-made cosmetics. “Health and beauty products” became an important business for him. A traveling theatrical troupe bought and wore Max’s make-up and wigs while performing for Russian nobility. Soon Max became the official cosmetic expert for members of the Russian court, the Imperial Grand Opera and the Ballet.

    C. In 1904, Max and his family moved to the United States. Max Faktorowicz was now Max Factor, the name given to him at Ellis Island by immigration officials. Now Max Factor was dreaming of movie actors and actresses using his products. He moved his family to Los Angeles. In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors that, unlike thick theatrical make-up, would not crack.

    D. The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop a new line of products. The existing make-up reflected surrounding colors. As a result of how bad they looked, many actors and actresses refused to appear in color films. At this time Frank Factor, Max’s son, took the lead and developed a suitable product. It had a solid cake form and was applied with a damp sponge, which concealed skin imperfections.

    E. Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up to use in their personal lives. Its only disadvantage for everyday use was that it made the skin too dark under regular lights, having been designed for the powerful lights used in film studios. Frank Factor began developing lighter shades. In 1937, new “Pan-Cake” make-up was released to the public and it became one of the fastest selling cosmetic items.

    F. After Max Factor’s death, Frank Factor took the name Max Factor, Jr., and expanded the still private cosmetics firm. The company began development of a smear-proof lipstick which would not fade. A special machine was constructed to test the formula’s resistance. The result was “Tru-Color” lipstick in six shades of red. During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps in camouflaging faces.

    G. Max Factor, Jr., continued his commercially successful developments, such as cream make-up supplied in stick form. Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”. The early 1960s saw the company go public and list its stock on the New York Stock Exchange. This period also saw the third generation of the Factor family rise to senior positions within the company.

    Заголовок 5 (From childhood and on. — С детства и далее) соответствует содержанию текста A: «… so at the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist.»

    Заголовок 1 (Good enough for the royal family. — Достаточно хорошо для королевской семьи) соответствует содержанию текста B: «Max’s make-up and wigs while performing for Russian nobility.»

    Заголовок 8 (New place, new make-up. — Новое место, новый макияж) соответствует содержанию текста C: «In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors…»

    Заголовок 7 (Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up. — Изменения в кинематографии, изменения в гриме) соответствует содержанию текста D: «The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop…»

    Заголовок 6 (From movie stars to every woman. — От кинозвезд до каждой женщины) соответствует содержанию текста E: «Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up…»

    Заголовок 2 (From women to the military. — От женщин к военным) соответствует содержанию текста F: «During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps…»

    Заголовок 4 (New products, new leaders. — Новые продукты, новые лидеры) соответствует содержанию текста G: «Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”.»

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    Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий

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    Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up. The success story started in Max’s early years. He was born Max Faktorowicz in Lodz, Poland, near the Russian border, around 1877. With 10 children, his parents could not afford formal education for their children, so at the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist. Years of mixing potions for the pharmacy developed his fascination with cosmetics.


    Good enough for the royal family


    Eventually, Max opened his own shop in a suburb of Moscow, selling hand-made cosmetics. “Health and beauty products” became an important business for him. A traveling theatrical troupe bought and wore Max’s make-up and wigs while performing for Russian nobility. Soon Max became the official cosmetic expert for members of the Russian court, the Imperial Grand Opera and the Ballet.


    From women to the military


    In 1904, Max and his family moved to the United States. Max Faktorowicz was now Max Factor, the name given to him at Ellis Island by immigration officials. Now Max Factor was dreaming of movie actors and actresses using his products. He moved his family to Los Angeles. In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors that, unlike thick theatrical make-up, would not crack.


    The company moves overseas


    The development of color film production required the Max Factor company to develop a new line of products. The existing make-up reflected surrounding colors. As a result of how bad they looked, many actors and actresses refused to appear in color films. At this time Frank Factor, Max’s son, took the lead and developed a suitable product. It had a solid cake form and was applied with a damp sponge, which concealed skin imperfections.


    New products, new leaders


    Soon actresses and other women working on movies sets were stealing new make-up to use in their personal lives. Its only disadvantage for everyday use was that it made the skin too dark under regular lights, having been designed for the powerful lights used in film studios. Frank Factor began developing lighter shades. In 1937, new “Pan-Cake” make-up was released to the public and it became one of the fastest selling cosmetic items.


    From childhood and on


    After Max Factor’s death, Frank Factor took the name Max Factor, Jr., and expanded the still private cosmetics firm. The company began development of a smear-proof lipstick which would not fade. A special machine was constructed to test the formula’s resistance. The result was “Tru-Color” lipstick in six shades of red. During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps in camouflaging faces.


    From movie stars to every woman


    Max Factor, Jr., continued his commercially successful developments, such as cream make-up supplied in stick form. Soon the company offered shampoo for men and its first perfume called “Electrique”. The early 1960s saw the company go public and list its stock on the New York Stock Exchange. This period also saw the third generation of the Factor family rise to senior positions within the company.


    Changes in cinematography, changes in make-up


    New place, new make-up

    Max Factor - father of modern make-up

    Max Factor – father of modern make-up

    Max Factor is often called the father of modern make-up. He was an American businessman of Jewish origin, who came from the Russian Empire.
    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz (his real name) was born on September 15, 1872 in Lodz, Poland, near the Russian border. He was one of ten children. At the age of eight Max was placed in an apprenticeship to a pharmacist. At the age of nine he became an apprentice to wig manufacturer, at thirteen – a pupil of the famous Berlin hairdresser. At the age of fourteen he moved to Moscow and joined the Bolshoi Theatre as an assistant of make-up artist.
    Max opened his own shop in a suburb of Moscow, selling hand-made cosmetics. “Health and beauty products” became an important business for him. Soon Max became the official cosmetic expert for members of the Russian court, the Imperial Grand Opera and the Ballet.

    In 1904, Max and his family moved to the United States. Max Faktorowicz was now Max Factor, the name given to him at Ellis Island by immigration officials. In 1914, Max Factor created a make-up specifically for movie actors. False eyelashes, liquid powder, waterproof makeup, mascara in a familiar package for us, compact powder were created specifically for the movie screen, for a particular film, and often even for individual actors. For example, Max Factor has developed a special line of cosmetics for the actress Jean Harlow, whom he ‘made’ the world’s first platinum blonde.
    He created images of the great actresses of the time – Greta Garbo with her compelling eyes, Twiggy with her pink lips, even men, including Charlie Chaplin, preferred his make-up.
    Max Factor died on August 30, 1938 in Beverly Hills.
    After his death, Frank Factor took the name Max Factor, Jr., and expanded the still private cosmetics firm. During World War II, Max Factor developed make-up shades for use by the US Marine Corps in camouflaging faces.
    There is Max Factor’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

    Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

    Max Factor and Jean Harlow, 1930

    Max Factor and Jean Harlow, 1930

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    Maximilian Abramovich Faktorowicz

    Max Factor - father of modern make-up

    Max Factor – father of modern make-up

    Max Factor - father of modern make-up

    Max Factor – father of modern make-up


    Do you know how the refrigerator was invented? It is one of the most important …………………. of the Scots to the world.



    If James Harrison (1816-1893), a Scottish immigrant to Australia, didn’t …………………. push ether gas into a metal tube, people might still be using boxes filled with blocks of ice to cool their food.



    The main problem was how to overcome the need for ice in the …………………. process.



    Ice had to be cut fresh from frozen lakes and stored inside an underground house until it was ready to be used as a …………………..



    Australians had difficulty gaining access to …………………. ice since Australia does not enjoy that many lakes.



    Harrison’s discovery was beneficial the world over, but especially important for Australia because now it could export frozen meat to Europe. He even tried one such journey to Europe, but the ether had leaked during the voyage and ruined the entire cargo. Harrison went bankrupt but his legacy meant a huge …………………. to the Australian economy.


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