Means of transport егэ

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “City transport” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2,5 minutes be ready to:

• give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

• say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1−2) of the two kinds of city transtoprt;

• express your opinion on the subject of the project — what kind of city transport you prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2−3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12−15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Спрятать пояснение


Hey, Kate. You know that? I’ve just found two pictures suitable for our project “City Transport”. Let me tell you a bit more about them.

These pictures are relevant to our project because there are kinds of city transport. In the first photo there is a bus on the street. There is its route written on it. I suppose it’s a Greek bus because this language looks like Greek. In the second picture there is another type of transport – a train. It is standing on the station. There are some people on the station too. It can be also another type of public transport  — a metro.

There are a few differences to illustrate our project better. Obviously, both of the pictures show different kinds of transport. The main difference is between the transport itself. Buses work on fuel or gas, while trains need only electricity.

In my opinion, the two means of transport have their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, going by bus people can admire wonderful views of the city. However, traffic jams can make this travel really awful. As for the underground, this kind of city transport is the fastest, but it may be very crowded there.

As for me, I can say that I prefer trains, because firstly it’s more ecological type of transport. Secondly, trains are usually much more comfortable transport to travel on a long distance.

So, shall we use these photos in our project? Call me when you’re ready to discuss if we can use them. Bye-bye.

Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания Баллы
Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)*

Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью — содержание полно, точно и развёрнуто отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании (12–15 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена в основном: 1 аспект не раскрыт (остальные раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 1–2 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно (12–15 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: 1 аспект не раскрыт и 1 раскрыт неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 3 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно (10–11 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: 1 аспект содержания не раскрыт и 2 раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно)

ИЛИ все аспекты раскрыты неполно/неточно (8–9 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена менее чем на 50%: 3 и более аспекта содержания не раскрыты,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты и 1 и более раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт и остальные раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ объём высказывания — 7 и менее фраз

Организация высказывания

Высказывание логично; имеет завершённый характер (имеются вступительная с обращением к другу и заключительная фразы); средства логической связи используются правильно


Высказывание в основном логично и имеет достаточно завершённый характер, НО отсутствует вступительная фраза с обращением к другу,

ИЛИ заключительная фраза,

c средства логической связи используются недостаточно


Высказывание не вполне логично и не имеет завершенного характера,

И/ИЛИ отсутствуют вступительная и заключительная фразы,

И/ИЛИ средства логической связи используются недостаточно


Высказывание нелогично

И/ИЛИ не имеет завершенного характера, вступительная и заключительная фразы отсутствуют, средства логической связи практически не используются

Языковое оформление высказывания

Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 3 негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок

И/ИЛИ не более 3 негрубых фонетических ошибок)


Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 4–5 лексико-грамматических (из них не более 2 грубых)

И/ИЛИ не более 4–5 фонетических ошибок (из них не более 2 грубых))


Языковое оформление частично соответствует поставленной задаче (допускается не более 6–7 лексико-грамматических (из них не более 3 грубых)

И/ИЛИ не более 6–7 фонетических ошибок (из них не более 3 грубых))


Понимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных ошибок (8 и более лексико-грамматических ошибок

ИЛИ 4 и более грубых лексико-грамматических ошибок

И/ИЛИ 8 и более фонетических ошибок

ИЛИ 4 и более грубых фонетических ошибок)

ИЛИ ответ носит характер набора слов

Максимальное количество баллов 10


1. При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

2. Правильное использование средств логической связи предполагает обязательные логические связки-переходы между всеми частями высказывания.

3. Под грубыми ошибками понимаются ошибки элементарного уровня, а также ошибки, ведущие к сбою коммуникации.




Imagine that you are doing a project on what means of transportations people use. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Type of activity

Number of people %











Essay 2022 Sample 09

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

Project on what means of transportations people use.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—   make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
—   select and report 2–3 main features;
—   make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
—   outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical activity in adolescents and suggest the way of solving it;
—   draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of riding bicycles.

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001
It goes without saying that moving around is a very important part of people’s lives. Moving around provides people with opportunities to feel freedom, to work, and to communicate. The current project focuses on ways people move around.

soch 001 002

The information provided in this bar chart is about different means of transportations that people use. As it is evident from the chart, the majority of people, accounting for more two quarters, use the metro. The next popular ways of moving are trolleybuses and trams. The figures are 75% and 70% respectively. The chart plainly indicates that just a few people ride bicycles, only 10%.

soch 001 003

Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost ten times more people use the metro than ride bicycles. Almost the same number of people, with a difference of 5%, use trolleybuses and trams.

soch 001 004

The chart clearly illustrates that people mostly use mechanical means of transportations. One problem with this is a lack of physical exercise. Although using mechanical transport is fast and comfortable, people do not personally move enough, which can cause some problems with their health. One of the probable solutions to this problem is to ride bicycles more. Thus, cutting down on moving around by public transport and using more bicycles will give one enough physical activities for his or her muscles, and improve their health. другие проблемы >>>>

soch 001 005

To sum up, moving somewhere is an integral part of human life . In my personal opinion, riding bicycles can get people where they want to go. Although it might take more time, it is good cardio training. Also, it will protect people from getting the coronavirus infection because it spreads less in open air.

Read by George William Dole



make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

1. (Topic sentence, предложение, вводящее в тему)

2. Цель проекта + перефраз

It goes without saying that moving around is a very important part of people’s lives. Moving around provides people with opportunities to feel freedom, to work, and to communicate. The current project focuses on ways people move around.


select and report 2–3 main features;

1. Утверждение по теме

2. Комментарий на первую диаграмму

3. Комментарий на диаграмму.

The information provided in this bar chart is about different means of transportations that people use. As it is evident from the chart, the majority of people, accounting for more two quarters, use the metro. The next popular ways of moving are trolleybuses and trams. The figures are 75% and 70% respectively. The chart plainly indicates that just a few people ride bicycles, only 10%.


make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;

1. Сравните крайние величины

2. Сравните близкие величины

Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost ten times more (сравнительная конструкция) people use the metro than ride bicycles. Almost the same number of people, with a difference of 5%, use trolleybuses and trams.


outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical activity in adolescents and suggest the way of solving it;

1. Вводная фраза

2. Обозначьте проблему

3. Обоснуйте проблему

4. Приведите решение

The chart clearly illustrates that people mostly use mechanical means of transportations (George, I mean that they use something that moves them somewhere without work from their side). One problem with this is a lack of physical exercise (проблема). Although using mechanical transport is fast and comfortable, people do not personally move enough, which can cause some problems with their health. One of the probable solutions to this problem is to ride bicycles more (решение проблемы). Thus, cutting down on moving around by public transport and using more bicycles will give one enough physical activities for his or her muscles, and improve their health. (возможный эффект)


draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of riding bicycles.

To sum up, moving somewhere is an integral part of human life . In my personal opinion, riding bicycles can get people where they want to go. Although it might take more time, it is good cardio training. Also, it will protect people from getting the coronavirus infection because it spreads less in open air. (дать пояснение, почему я так думаю)

293 слова.





Типичные ошибки встречающиеся при написании сочинения с элементами рассуждения

Тренажер устной части ЕГЭ

  • Тренажер для подготовки обучающихся 10- 11 классов общеобразовательных школ к выполнению заданий устной сати ЕГЭ по теме «Транспорт». Может случить инструментом систематизации и актуализации знаний по лексической теме
  • «Транспорт».

    Автор: учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории

    МБОУ «СОШ №10»

    Кондратова Елена Владимировна

Oral Exam Public transport
Task one

  • Task 1. Imagine that you have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Read the text silently 1,5 min.
As well as quicker connections, a 4.5 mile traffic-free guided section and bus priority measures along the A580 will mean trips should be more punctual and
The twenty new low-emission hybrid buses are equipped with e-leather seating, free wi-fi, USB charging points, climate control and on-board “next stop” audio and visual announcements. Services will begin at 4am and continue to run beyond midnight.
Councillor Andrew Fender said: “The Vantage bus service will provide the local communities all along its route with a level and quality of service seldom seen outside first-class travel and it is exciting to see guided busway services getting off to such a great start. It will ensure people living in these areas can access the many opportunities for work, leisure and study anywhere between Wigan, Salford and Manchester. This investment will benefit all the communities it serves by providing them with easy, reliable connections.”
Now read aloud

As well as quicker connections, a 4.5 mile traffic-free guided section and bus priority measures along the A580 will mean trips should be more punctual and reliable.

The twenty new low-emission hybrid buses are equipped with e-leather seating, free wi-fi, USB charging points, climate control and on-board “next stop” audio and visual announcements. Services will begin at 4am and continue to run beyond midnight.

Councillor Andrew Fender said: “The Vantage bus service will provide the local communities all along its route with a level and quality of service seldom seen outside first-class travel and it is exciting to see guided busway services getting off to such a great start. It will ensure people living in these areas can access the many opportunities for work, leisure and study anywhere between Wigan, Salford and Manchester. This investment will benefit all the communities it serves by providing them with easy, reliable connections.”

Task 2 Making questions
Study the advertisement

You’ve seen the advert and decided that it could be a good idea to accept the offer for your vocation. Now, you’d like to get more information and you are calling to the airline and talking to the answering machine to get the details . In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

  • Tickets price
  • Special offers for students
  • Availability of credit card payment
  • Contact information
  • Dates for departures
  • You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

1) Tickets price
2) Special offers for students
3) Availability of credit card payment
4) Contact information
Dates for departures
Task 3
Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend
  • You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number… «

Speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number… «

Speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number… «

Speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number… «

That was cool!!! Really!!!
Task 4.

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why
  • You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Now talk

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why
  • You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

You’ve done it!!!! Relax!!!!

Imagine that you are doing a project on what means of transportations people use. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project. 

Type of activity

Number of people %











Comment on the following statement:

Project on what means of transportations people use.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—   make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
—   select and report 2–3 main features;
—   make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
—   outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical activity in adolescents and suggest the way of solving it;
—   draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of riding bicycles.

It goes without saying that moving around is a very important part of people’s lives. Moving around provides people with opportunities to feel freedom, to work, and to communicate. The current project focuses on ways people move around.

The information provided in this bar chart is about different means of transportations that people use. As it is evident from the chart, the majority of people, accounting for more two quarters, use the metro. The next popular ways of moving are trolleybuses and trams. The figures are 75% and 70% respectively. The chart plainly indicates that just a few people ride bicycles, only 10%.

Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost ten times more people use the metro than ride bicycles. Almost the same number of people, with a difference of 5%, use trolleybuses and trams.

The chart clearly illustrates that people mostly use mechanical means of transportations. One problem with this is a lack of physical exercise. Although using mechanical transport is fast and comfortable, people do not personally move enough, which can cause some problems with their health. One of the probable solutions to this problem is to ride bicycles more. Thus, cutting down on moving around by public transport and using more bicycles will give one enough physical activities for his or her muscles, and improve their health.

To sum up, moving somewhere is an integral part of human life . In my personal opinion, riding bicycles can get people where they want to go. Although it might take more time, it is good cardio training. Also, it will protect people from getting the coronavirus infection because it spreads less in open air.


Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Я от души рекомендую Foxford. Там будут рады помочь сдать любой экзамен на максимум! Записывайтесь к лучшим преподавателям по английскому (и не только!) и готовьтесь качественно!


There are as many means of transport as you can only imagine. They are a bus, a bicycle, a car, a ship, a train, a plane and so on. And today I want to discuss all of them.

The most popular means of transport is a car. Nowadays there are so many car producers and brands that a car becomes the most popular and comfortable type of transport. You can travel by car everywhere. The only thing that can stop you is your driving license and the foreign country rules. А dream of many people is to buy a car and for most of them it comes true.

Another popular transport is a bus. Not everyone can drive or many people just want to enjoy the view and concentrate on their thoughts while travelling. And the bus allows all these. The cost of travelling by bus is much lower than that of a car.

Bicycle is popular among young people. They use it during the warm seasons to travel around the city or the nearby places. It’s healthy and affordable for most of people.

Train is popular for its low cost and cozy atmosphere. You can make a long travel on the train and don’t need to pay a lot for it.

Planе is popular for its speed but the cost is quite high. It is thought to be the safest means of transport among all. The most luxurious means of transport is a ship. I mean not those small ordinary ships, but the ones that travel across the oceans with thousands of tourists. They are often called liners.

So we just need to pick up the one we like and completely enjoy it.


Существует столько видов транспорта, сколько вообще можно вообразить. Это автобус, велосипед, автомобиль, корабль, поезд, самолет и так далее. И сегодня я хочу обсудить их.

Самым популярным средством передвижения является автомобиль. В наше время существует так много производителей автомобилей и так много марок, что автомобиль становится наиболее популярным и комфортным видом транспорта. Вы можете путешествовать на машине везде. Единственное, что может остановить вас — это ваше водительское удостоверение и правила вождения в другой стране. Покупка автомобиля — это мечта многих людей, и у большинства она сбывается.

Еще одним популярным транспортом является автобус. Не каждый может водить или многие люди просто хотят насладиться видом и сконцентрироваться на своих мыслях во время путешествия. И автобус позволяет все это. Стоимость проезда на автобусе значительно ниже, чем стоимость использования автомобиля.

Велосипед популярен среди молодых людей. Они используют его в теплое время года для поездок по городу или в близлежащие места. Это полезно и доступно для большинства людей.

Поезд пользуется популярностью благодаря низкой стоимости и уютной атмосфере. Вы можете устроить долгое путешествие на поезде и за это не надо много платить.

Самолет пользуется популярностью благодаря его скорости, но стоимость его довольно высокая. Он считается самым безопасным видом транспорта среди всех.

Транспортное средство из высшего класса – это корабль. Я говорю не о тех маленьких обычных кораблях, а о тех, что путешествуют через океаны с тысячами туристов. Их часто называют лайнерами.

Ну вот, нам просто нужно подобрать тот, который нам нравится и полностью наслаждаться им.


car producers and car brands производители машин и бренды машин

to travel by car — путешествовать на машине

a driving license права (автомобильные)

a dream comes true мечта сбывается

to enjoy the view наслаждаться видом

the cost of travelling стоимость путешествия

to be popular among быть популярным среди

travel around the city — путешествовать по городу

to be affordable быть позволительным (в денежном отношении)

don’t need to pay a lot — не нужно много платить

travel across the oceans путешествовать через океаны

to pick up  sth — выбрать что-либо

Мои рекомендации при подготовке к ЕГЭ!

Данный список английских слов по теме «Транспорт» (Transport)  подходит для продолжающих изучать английский язык (как самостоятельно, так и с преподавателем). Список достаточно полный: вы можете самостоятельно выбрать слова для изучения, которые разделены по категориям: средства транспорта, глаголы, устойчивые сочетания и фразовые глаголы, люди, транспортные проблемы. К наиболее сложным словам дана транскрипция. Список английских слов также можно скопировать с сайта и распечатать. Дополнительно прилагаются упражнения для закрепления лексики.

Transport. Полный список английских слов с заданиямиI. Means of Transport (Средства транспорта):

1. means of transport — средство транспорта (ед., мн.ч)
2. vehicle[‘viːɪkl] — средство передвижения
3. balloon — воздушный шар
4. helicopter — вертолет
5. plane/ airplane — самолет
6. car/ taxi — машина/ такси
7. bus/ coach — автобус рейсовый/ экскурсионный
8. double-decker bus — двухэтажный автобус
9. van / lorry — фургон/ грузовик
10. train — поезд
11. underground — метро
12. ship — корабль
13. ferry — паром
14. yacht [jɔt] — яхта
15. bike/ motorbike — велосипед/ мотоцикл

II. Transport Verbs:

16. reach / get to — добраться до
7. arrive in/at — прибывать в (большой город / место)
18. go on foot / walk — идти пешком
19. go by car/ bus/ etc. — ехать на машине
20. cycle [‘saɪkl] — ехать на велосипеде
21. drive a car — водить машину
22. ride a bike/ a horse — кататься на велосипеде/ лошади
23. sail — плыть под парусом
24. fly — лететь
25. hitchhike — путешествовать автостопом

III. Collocations (устойчивые сочетания):

26. go by car (taxi, etc.) — ехать на машине (такси, и т.д.)
27. go on foot — идти пешком
28. go on a trip — отправиться в поездку
29. take a taxi — взять такси
30. catch a bus/ a train — успеть на автобус/ поезд
31. miss a bus/ a train — опоздать на автобус/ поезд
32. get on a bus/ a train — сесть в автобус/ поезд
33. get off a bus/ a train — сойти с автобуса/ поезд
34. get into a car/ a taxi — сесть в машину / такси
35. get off a car/ a taxi — выйти из машины/ такси
36. go hitchhiking [‘hɪʧhaɪkɪŋ] — путешествовать автостопом
37. it takes me (…) to get to — Мне требуется (время), чтобы добраться до …

IV. People:

38. сyclist /motorcyclist — велосипедист/мотоциклист
39. driver / lorry driver — водитель / водитель грузовика
40. passenger — пассажир
41. pedestrian [pɪ’destrɪən] — пешеход

V. Transport Problems:

42. accident — авария, несчастный случай
43. have an accident — попасть в аварию
44. air pollution — загрязнение воздуха
45. car fumes — выхлопные газы
46. dangerous driving — опасный стиль вождения
47. a lot of traffic — затрудненное  движение
48. few pedestrian (zebra) crossings — мало пешеходных переходов
49. narrow roads — узкие дороги
50. overcrowding — перенаселенность
51. queues at the bus stops [kju:] — очереди на автобусных остановках
52. roadworks — дорожные работы
53. ticket prices — цены на билеты
54. traffic lights — светофоры
55. traffic jams — пробки
56. get stuck in a jam — застрять в пробке
57. delays — задержки на маршруте

СКАЧАТЬ ТАБЛИЦУ СЛОВ — Words on the topic «Transport» (1-57)

Transport. Упражнения на закрепление лексики

Упражнение 1. Подберите определения к глаголам движения: travel, cycle, walk, sail (2), fly (2)

  1. go
  2. travel by bike
  3. go by boat
  4. go by plane
  5. go by air
  6. go on foot
  7. go by sea

Упражнение 2. Сопоставьте слова из 2-х строчек и выпишите их. 

(1) ticket, double-decker, traffic (2), means of, car, lorry, pedestrian, go on, go

(2) fumes, jams, driver, transport, foot, bus, price, crossing, lights, by air

Упражнение 3.  Вставьте слова в пропуски по смыслу: means of transport, speed, roads, miles, petrol

Cars are a common sight on … today, but that wasn’t always true.

Back in the days before the car was invented, the only personal ….were the horse and the bicycle.

The first cars got their power from steam and gas, and had a maximum … of around nine miles an hour.

In Britain, there was a law stopping cars from going over two miles an hour in towns.

At the end of the nineteenth century, cars started to use … and became much faster than they had been.

Very few people at that time said that cars would change the world in the future. That is exactly what has happened, though, and since then we have built about eighteen million … of roads on the Earth.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова в предложения: roadworks, off , underground,  pedestrian, helicopter

  1. A ________ is an aircraft that uses rotating wings called blades to fly.
  2. The ___________ is a railway system in which electric trains travel mainly below the ground.
  3. There are delays on our main motorway because of ______________ .
  4. A _______________ is a person who is walking in a street.
  5. Is this Mayakovskaya Street or should I get _______________ at the next stop?

Упражнение 5. Вставьте слова: take off, a motorbike, trips, an accident, carriages,  flight, traffic jams, check, passenger, get to

  1. It’s dangerous to ride ____________without a helmet.
  2. Some people use cars even for short__________.
  3. He once waited eighteen hours because of the _____________.
  4. If you keep driving fast, you will have ___________________.
  5. A person who travels on public transport is a ______________.


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Travelling. Means Of Transport. Путешествия. Виды транспорта.

Travelling. Means Of Transport

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands.

Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient. Do you want to go somewhere? Hundreds of companies are there to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed. You don’t speak the language of the country you go to? There are interpreters that will help you. With modern services you can go around the world. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, shi p, bicycle or you can travel hiking.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country.

As for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t reserve tour tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like.

Путешествия. Виды транспорта

Люди начали путешествовать давным-давно. Самые первые путешественники были исследователями, которые отправлялись в путь на поиски богатства, славы или чего-нибудь еще. Их путешествия были очень опасными, но люди все продолжали идти к неизведанным землям.

Сейчас это не так опасно, да и более удобно. Хотите поехать куда-нибудь? Есть сотни компаний, которые помогут вам. Они позаботятся о ваших билетах и забронируют все что нужно. Вы не говорите на языке страны, в которую едете? Есть переводчики, которые помогут вам.

Современный уровень сервиса дает вам возможность путешествовать вокруг света. Вы можете выбрать вид транспорта, который вам нравится: самолет, поезд, корабль, велосипед, или вы можете путешествовать пешком.

Конечно, путешествовать самолетом — самый быстрый и наиболее удобный способ, но он также и самый дорогой.

Путешествие поездом медленнее, чем путешествие на самолете, но оно имеет свои преимущества. Вы можете видеть намного больше достопримечательностей страны, по которой вы путешествуете. Современные поезда оборудованы очень удобными местами. Имеются также спальные вагоны и вагоны-рестораны, которые превращают даже самое длинное путешествие в удовольствие. Скорость, удобство и безопасность — основные преимущества поездов к самолетов. Вот почему многие люди предпочитают их другим транспортным средствам.

Путешествие по морю очень популярно. На больших кораблях и маленьких лодках можно посещать иностранные государства и разные интересные места своей страны.

Что касается меня, я предпочитаю путешествие на автомобиле. Я думаю, что это очень удобно. Вам не надо резервировать билеты на поезд, не надо нести тяжелые чемоданы. Вы можете останавливаться, где вам хочется, и в любом месте проводить столько времени, сколько пожелаете.

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