Memory capacity вопрос егэ








the city


1) dates for departures  отбытие, отправление

2) hotel facilities комплекс услуг

3) if breakfast is included

4) number of city tours

5) discounts

1) When
does the trip start?


2) What facilities
does the 
hotel have?

3) Is
breakfast included?

4) How
many tours are available?

5) Can you
suggest any discounts?


a museum

1) location of the museum

2) special offers

3) number of exhibitions

4) working hours

5) tickets for kids


1) Where is the museum situated?

2) What special offers can you suggest?

3) How many exhibitions do you have?

4) Could you tell working hours of the museum?

5) Do you have tickets for kids?



the coffee room

1) price list

2) discounts

3) online booking

4) diversity of desserts

5) entertainment programs


1) How can I get a price list?

2) Do you have any discounts?

3) Can I book a table online?

4) What desserts do you have?

5) Are there entertainment programs in your shop?



the fitness club

1) membership card

2) personal trainings

3) working hours

4) if they have muscle gain programs

5) guest passes


1) Could I get a membership card?

2) Are there personal trainings in your fitness club?

3) When does the club work?

4) Do you have muscle gain programs?

5) Can I get guest passes for my friends?



at the hotel

local museums
and theatres


2) special offers

3) number of available rooms

4) quality of the staff

5) if they have TV in hotel rooms


1) Are there museums and theatres nearby the HOTEL

2) What special offers do you have?

3) How many rooms are available?

4) Would you tell about quality of the working staff?

5) Is there TV in hotel rooms?



car washing services

1) working hours

2) if they have a discount card

3) recommendations

4) number of clients per day

5) time they need to wash the car


1) What are the working hours?

2) Could I get a discount card?

3) Are there any recommendations of services provided by you?

4) How many clients per day do have?

5) How much time do you need to wash the car?



the real estate agency

1) location of the agency

2) services they provide

3) if they work at weekends

4) competitive advantages

5) if they provide any guarantees


1) Where is the agency located?

2) What services do you provide?

3) Do you work at weekends?

4) What competitive advantages do you possess?

5) Are you providing any guarantees?



the coffee shop

1) special offers

2) discounts for regular customers

3) most popular coffee

4) if they have a parking lot

5) free Wi-Fi

1) What special offers would you suggest?

2) Are there any discounts for regular customers?

3) What is the most popular coffee?

4) Do you have a parking lot?

5) Is there access to free Wi-Fi?


the gift shop

1) if they have gifts for anniversary

2) availability of discount cards

3) size of the shop

4) if they have lunch hours

5) website

1) Are there any gifts for anniversary?

2) Could I get a discount card?

3) What is the size of the shop?

4) Do you have lunch hours?

5) Is there a website of your shop?


to buy ipad

1) the amount of internal memory

2) if they provide a free delivery service

3) if they have special offers

4) advantages of the device

5) if the have a black color

1) What is the amount of internal memory?

2) Do you provide a free delivery service?

3) Are there special offers that you would like to suggest?

4) What advantages does that device have?

5) Do you have a black color?


the Cesky Krumlov city

1) the most popular sights of the city

2) price for family of three

3) recommendations

4) services that they provide during the trip

5) number of people in the trip

1) What are the most popular sights of the city?

2) How much would it cost for three persons?

3) Do you have any recommendations?

4) Would you list services that you provide during the trip?

5) How many people in the trip?



London transport museum

1) location of the museum

2) discounts for children

3) working hours

4) the most popular exhibit in the museum

5) tours that they have

1) Where is the museum situated?

2) Are there any discounts for children?

3) What are the working hours?

4) Would you tell me about the most popular exhibit in the museum?

5) What tours do you have?



buying the tablet

1) functions of the device

2) battery life

3) discount

4) things you get in the kit

5) online booking service


1) What functions does that device have?

2) Could you tell me about the battery life?

3) Do you have a discount on the tablet?

4) What else do I get in the kit?

5) Do you provide the online booking service?



Natural history museum

1) working hours

2) number of available exhibitions

3) services they provide

4) if they have a free internet

5) if you can buy tickets online

1) What are the working hours?

2) How many exhibitions are available?

3) Can you list me services that you provide?

4) Do you have free internet?

5) Is it possible to buy tickets online?


buying a laptop

1) if you can get a discount card

2) full characteristics of the device

3) warranty period

4) advantages of the device

5) if they take credit cards

1) Can I get a discount card?

2) What are the full characteristics of the device?

3) Is there a warranty period?

4) Could you list advantages of the device?

5) Do you take credit cards?


the sushi bar

1) working hours

2) special dishes

3) if they have free Wi-Fi

4) location of the restaurant

5) discounts

1) What are the working hours?

2) Do you have special dishes?

3) Is there free Wi-Fi?

4) Where is the restaurant located?

5) Would you tell me about current discounts?


Louvre museum

1) available exhibitions

2) duration of the tour

3) if they are open at weekendsХочу такой сайт

4) if they provide the multilingual guide service

5) contact information

1) What exhibitions are available right now?

2) How long does the tour last?

3) Are you open at weekends?

4) Do you provide the multilingual guide service?

5) Could you leave me your contacts?



the real estate agent

1) if there special offers

2) all services that he provides

3) online consulting service

4) duration of the meeting

5) number of clients per day

1) Are there any special offers?

2) Could you list me all services that you provide?

3) Do you have an online consulting service?

4) How long does the meeting last?

5) How many clients per day do you have?


an engineering service

1) full list of services

2) if you can get a discount card

3) if they work at weekends

4) number of clients per day

5) guarantees they provide

1) Would you list the full list of services that you provide?

2) Can I get a discount card?

3) Do you work at weekends?

4) How many clients per day do you have?

5) Are you providing any guarantees?


buying the printer

1) warranty period

2) if you can buy the printer online

3) discount for regular customers

4) full characteristics of the device

5) advantages of the printer

1) How long does the warranty period last?

2) Can I buy the printer online?

3) Is there a discount for regular customers?

4) What are the full characteristics of the device?

5) Would you list advantages of the printer?


the tattoo shop

1) working hours

2) if they have a website

3) if it hurts during the process

4) number of temporary tattoos

5) average price

1) What are the working hours?

2) Do you have a website?

3) Is it hurts during the process?

4) How many temporary tattoos do you have?

5) What is the average price?


buying a skateboard

1) if there are extra wheels in the kit

2) if they provide a free delivery service

3) country producer

4) availability of other colors of the skateboard

5) warranty period

1) Are there extra wheels in the kit?

2) Do you provide a free delivery service?

3) Who is the country producer?

4) Can you have the same skateboard in other colors?

5) How long does the warranty period last?



the tattoo shop

1) location of the shop

2) if they have discount cards

3) working hours

4) house call service

5) most popular tattoos among clients

1) Where is the shop located?

2) Do you have discount cards?

3) What are the working hours?

4) Is there a house call service?

5) What are the most popular tattoos among clients?


buying a TV

1) if they take credit cards

2) screen size

3) if the TV has Wi-Fi access

4) advantages of the device over the others

5) delivery time

1) Do you take credit cards?

2) What is the screen size?

3) Does the TV have Wi-Fi access?

4) Could you list me advantages of the device over the others?

5) How long does the delivery take?



the in home tutoring

1) age of children available for tutoring

2) price list

3) if they can leave their contacts

4) special offers

5) discount for regular customers

1) What is the age of children available for tutoring?

2) Can I get a price list?

3) Would you leave me your contacts?

4) Do you have any special offers?

5) Is there a discount for regular customers?



at the hotel

1) if they have available rooms

2) services they provide

3) sights nearby the hotel

4) special offers

5) discount for regular customer

1) Do you have available rooms?

2) What services do you provide?

3) Are there any sights nearby the hotel?

4) Would you tell me about your special offers?

5) Do you provide discount for regular customers?


staying three nights at
the hotel

1) free internet

2) entertainments that hotel provides

3) if they take credit cards

4) location of the hotel

5) discount for inviting a friend

1) Is there free internet?

2) What entertainments does the hotel provide?

3) Do you take credit cards?

4) Where is the hotel situated?

5) Can I get a discount for inviting a friend?



staying a night at the

1) number of available rooms

2) Russian speaking staff

3) entertainment programs

4) museums and theatres nearby the hotel

5) if they take credit cards

1) How many rooms are available?

2) Do you have Russian speaking staff?

3) Are there any entertainment programs?

4) What museums and theatres can I visit nearby the HOTEL

5) Do you take credit cards?



the barber shop

1) working hours

2) location

3) number of clients per day

4) discount for regular customers

5) contact information

1) What are the working hours?

2) Where is the shop located?

3) How many clients per day do you serve?

4) Is there a discount for regular customers?

5) Can I get contact information?


the restaurant

1) location of the restaurant

2) free Wi-Fi access

3) special dishes

4) if you can reserve a table

5) if the have Russian speaking staff

1) Where is the restaurant located?

2) Do you have a free Wi-Fi access?

3) What special dishes do you have?

4) Can I reserve a table?

5) Is there Russian speaking staff?


staying a night at the

1) special offers

2) local sights

3) number of available rooms

4) list of services they provide

5) if they have a website

1) Do you have special offers?

2) Are there any local sights?

3) How many rooms are available?

4) Would you tell me about services that you provide?

5) Do you have a website?


staying one week at the

1) discounts for regular customers

2) special offers

3) entertainment program

4) multilingual staff

5) if you can pay with a credit card


1) Do you provide discounts for regular customers?

2) Are there any special offers?

3) What entertainment program are available right now?

4) Do you have multilingual staff?

5) Can I pay with a credit card?



Alla Scala theater

1) current performances

2) tickets price

3) location of the theater

4) if you can go backstage

5) if they have an online booking service


1) What performances do you have right now?

2) How much does the ticket cost?

3) Where is the theater located?

4) Can I go backstage?

5) Do you have an online booking service?


Exercise 1. Translate the following word combina tions into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Seven chunks of information; attitude cluster, cor relation cluster; to clarify the statement, to clarify fur ther the attentional mechanisms, sudden clarification; a distracting influence; elaborative rehearsal; encoding of spatial location; the subjects’ pupils enlarged; episodic memory; free recall test; goal directed control; visual sense modality, sensory modalities; obsessive compulsive disorder; frequency of occurrence, unexpected occur rence; recognition memory; to retain tension; the process of retrieving information; storing information; condi tioned suppression; time dependent decay; tip of the tongue phenomenon.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

1.Ability to recall is affected by encoding, retention and retrieving processes. More meaningful processing at encoding seems to lead to longer, more reliable memo ries.

2.A range of disorders, including schizophrenia, ob sessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit, in volve failures in the control of attention.

3.Attempts to suppress unpleasant thoughts and im ages often backfire.

4.Short term memory (STM) has a limited capacity.

STM acts to provide continuity from moment to moment in our activities. It also acts as the mecha nism for transferring data to long term memory (LTM).

5.Chunking involves grouping a number of items into a unit that is then processed as a whole.

6.Retrieval of information can be fast. It is affected by cues present at the time of retrieval.

7.Sensory memory makes your visual world seem smooth and continuous despite frequent blinks of your eyes. Sensory memory maintains the visual im ages so that you are not aware of these interruptions.

8.Do not distract me with your silly questions. He loves her to distraction.

9.You can perform a skill, even if you have not been engaged in it for many months or years, by recalling the knowledge from procedural memory.

10.Repeating and making associations is called elabo rative rehearsal and will likely result in encoding the information into long term memory.

11.When you take an exam, you recall information about mental representations of objects, facts, and rela tionships from semantic memory.

12.Storage is the second step in memory, the process of retaining information in memory system for some time.

Exercise 3.

Translate the following sentences into

English using the indicated words from

the vocabulary list.



Эти эксперименты помогут выяснить,

насколько хорошо человек способен

владеть собой в той или иной ситуа




Она привела нам только голые факты,

поэтому мы попросили её рассказать

об этом более подробно.



Шум отвлекает наше внимание,

когда мы пытаемся сосредото


Memory and Attention




Вы можете создавать новые ассоциа


ции, используя многократное


рение для сохранения информации в

долговременной памяти.






заинтересовались мнемотехникой,

так как она позволяет открыть много

нового о природе памяти.



Существуют различные ресурсы

памяти для определённых сенсорных




Такого рода случаи


каждый день.



Проактивная интерференция имеет


место при воспроизведении





Ретроактивная интерференция


происходит как при сохранении, так

и при воспроизведении информации.



Она старалась сохранять спокой




Компьютер может воспроизвести со

хранённую информацию за секунды.



Она едва могла сдержать слёзы.



Memory is the process of encoding, storing, and re trieving information that is learned. The process of memory overlaps the processes of perception (perceiv ing stimuli that are learned), learning (acquiring asso ciations among stimuli), and consciousness (being aware of certain information at any point in time).

The first step in memory is encoding, the process of placing information into the memory system. Variables

that influence encoding include attention, motivation, and meaningfulness of information. Once the informa tion has been encoded, it needs to be stored. Storage is the second step in memory, the process of retaining in formation in the memory system for some time. Cur rently it is generally believed that three separate memory stores exist: sensory, short term, and long term memory.

The third step is retrieval, the process of pulling infor mation out of the memory system. Methods used to test retrieval include recognition, recall, and savings.

Currently, memory theories are dominated by the information processing theory of memory, which relies on computer models to describe the flow of information through the memory system. One of the most popular theories of memory is the separate storage model. Sen sory memory refers to the memory store that sensory information first enters in the memory system. The in formation in the sensory memory is a fairly accurate rep resentation of the environmental stimulus. Sensory memory has a large capacity, but maintains information for a very brief time, less than one second. Most studies have focused on iconic (visual) memory and echoic (au ditory) memory. Information is placed into short term memory when an individual attends to a stimulus. This is where we hold the information we are aware of at any one point in time. The capacity of short term memory is about seven chunks (pieces) of information. The dura tion is less than 30 seconds before the information is lost, unless we use maintenance rehearsal and repeat the in formation over and over.

Through elaborative rehearsal we think about the meaning of the information and try to form associations with already learned memories. Elaborative rehearsal moves information into long term memory. The capac ity of long term memory appears unlimited. One can dis tinguish three kinds of long term memory. Procedural memory is at the base of this division. This type of memory permits retention of stimulus response connec

tions, response chains, and general adaptive responses to environmental events. Semantic memory refers to in ternal representations of environmental events that are not perceptually present. In effect, this type of memory allows for mental representations of events. Episodic memory refers to the development and retention of events experienced personally and includes temporal and spa tial information related to those events.

One influence of the analogy between human memory and that of an electronic computer has been an increas ing emphasis on the retrieval stage as important for a complete understanding of memory. The fact that infor mation cannot always be retrieved is illustrated by the familiar tip of the tongue phenomenon. The success of memory retrieval depends critically on the specificity of cues that are available on the retention test. Consider two common experimental situations, in both of which a list of words is first presented for memorization. In rec ognition memory, subjects are then presented with test words and asked to indicate which ones were in the list. In free recall, subjects are simply asked to remember as many words from the list as they can. Recognition per formance is typically much better than free recall per formance, because the words themselves are available as retrieval cues. But free recall subjects apparently con struct their own retrieval cues, as is illustrated by the phenomenon called clustering. Semantically related words tend to be recalled together (in clusters), even when they were not presented together in the list.

A central problem in the study of memory is the analysis of the causes of forgetting. Early psychologists assumed that forgetting was due to time dependent de cay. Although some modern investigators attribute loss of short term memory to decay – a matter of consider able debate – it is now generally accepted that the most important cause of forgetting in long term memory is interference from other, similar material. The effects of information stored prior to the encoding of the to be

remembered material are called proactive interference; those caused by information stored afterward are called retroactive interference. Experimental findings suggest that proactive interference takes place primarily at the retrieval stage and is partly due to confusion regarding which memory traces are more recent. Retroactive in terference, by contrast, appears to involve both storage and retrieval. The effect on storage seems akin to par tial destruction of the memory trace during the learn ing of the interfering material. The degree of effort ex pended during encoding may also interfere with concur rent cognitive processing. Effortful performances (im agery, rehearsal, organization, mnemonic techniques) often interfere with concurrent cognitive processing, whereas automatic performances do not. Examples of automatic performances include encoding of spatial lo cation, time, frequency of occurrence, and word mean ing. Mnemonic devices are tools that are applied selec tively to information that one especially wants to be able to recall. The various methods stress elaboration of the to be remembered information and transformations of the form in which it is encoded, with the goal of aiding later retrieval of the information from memory. Most mnemonic devices rely on one or more of the following:

(1) relationships with previously learned material, (2) rhymes, and (3) visual imagery.

The Encyclopedia Dictionary of Psychology,

Gilford, US, 1991, pp. 173–175


Exercise 1. Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false, say why.

T F 1. The first stage in memory is storage, the process of retaining information in the memory system for some time.

Memory and Attention




It is generally believed that there are two

main kinds of memory: sensory and long

term memory.



Sensory memory has a limited capacity

and maintains information for a very

brief time, less than one second.



The capacity of long term memory is un




Elaborative rehearsal moves information

into short term memory.



The capacity of short–term memory is

about seven chunks of information.



Semantic memory refers to external rep

resentation of environmental events that

are not perceptually present.



Episodic memory refers to the develop

ment and retention of events experienced




In recognition memory subjects are pre

sented with test words and asked to re

member as many words from the list as they can.

Exercise 2. Read the text again, divide it into logical parts, and give names to each of them.

Exercise 3. Make up questions to the following an swers.


The process of memory overlaps the processes of perception and consciousness.


Storage is the second step in memory.


Information is placed into short term memory when an individual attends to a stimulus.


We think about the meaning of information.


Maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal.


Elaborative rehearsal moves information into long term memory.


Procedural memory permits retention of stimu lus response connections, response chains, and general adaptive responses to environmental events.


Effortful performances often interfere with con current cognitive processing.


Exercise 1. Match the words in the left hand column with the definitions in the right hand co lumn.








bring to an end by force




repetitive review of material

previously learned with an eye

towards a later need to recall it




make clearer and easier to





grow larger or wider




keep possession of, avoid losing


elaborative rehearsal


putting a message into a code




bit of information




recall information from memory




take attention off something for a

short time

Exercise 2.

A.Guess the meaning and give the appropri ate translation of the following English ter minological word combinations.

memory: collective ~, constructive ~, image ~, musical ~, unconscious ~, inherited ~;

attention: distracted ~, narrow ~, primary ~, visual ~, selective ~, undistracted ~;

modality: auditory sense ~, cold sense ~, odor sense ~, pain sense ~, tactual sense ~, visual sense ~;

disorder: functional ~, nervous system ~, perceptual ~, per sonality ~, speech ~, vision ~, voice ~;

interference: associative ~, habit ~, reproductive ~, so cial ~;

suppression: conditioned ~, monocular ~; decay: moral ~, temporal ~, ~ of sensation;

phenomenon: acoustic ~, arousal ~, mental ~, psychophysic ~.

B.Convey the meaning of some terms above in your own words.

Exercise 3. Fill in the columns with the proper deriv atives of the following words whenever possible.


















Exercise 4. Put the words from the following box into the gaps making necessary changes.

Procedural memory, short term memory, rehearsal, sensory memory, to recall, retroactive interference, attention, retention, chunking, memory

1.We cannot process the meaning of something with out _____.

2.Ability _____ is affected by encoding, retention and retrieval processes.

3.The interval between encoding and retrieval is


4.There are two kinds of _____ and only one kind is likely to encode information into long term memory.

5._____ has a limited capacity.

6.By _____ individual letters into seven meaningful words, you can easily keep this information active.

7.Short term memory refers to the process of attend ing to information in _____.

8.Power of keeping facts in conscious mind is called


9.You can perform a skill, even if you have not engaged in it for many months or years, by recalling the knowledge from _____.

10.When the new information interferes with the pre viously learned one, it is called _____.

Exercise 5. Below are some statements about three basic kinds of memory. Indicate in each case which type is being described.


Short term

Long term




Stores informa

tion with relative

permanence of

ten over a life


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

What Does Memory Capacity Mean?

Memory capacity is the amount of memory that can be used for an electronic device such as a computer, laptop, smartphone or other smart device. Every hardware device or computer has a minimum and maximum amount of memory. The performance of a device and the efficiency of its input/output operations is dependent on memory capacity.

Techopedia Explains Memory Capacity

The memory capacity of a device is commonly expressed in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes. A device’s memory capacity can be obtained from either the operating system or motherboard. In most cases, the architecture of the motherboard of the device influences the memory capacity of the machine. Certain third-party tools such as system-scanning applications can confirm the memory capacity of the device.

The memory capacity of a device depends on many factors such as the number of available address registers in the CPU. In the case of 32-bit CPUs, they can only address a memory capacity of up to 4 GB. As for a 64-bit computer, the memory capacity is unlimited. Operating systems also influence memory capacity. The memory capacity of a device is dependent on the main memory storage, random access memory and any external memory enhancement possible. Primary memory is often volatile while secondary memory is non-volatile.

Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text:

1) Computer programs only instruct hardware how to handle data storage.

2) System software controls internal computer activi­ties.

3) System software is very dependable on the type of application software being used.

4) The information about memory capacity, the model of the processor and disk drives are unavailable for sys­tem software.

5) The driver is a special device usually used by car drivers for Floppy-disk driving.

6) It is very reasonable to ask for a driver when you buy a new piece of hardware.

7) Software developers tend to make their products very small and with poor interface to save computer re­sources.

8) Communication software is in great demand now because of the new advances in communication technolo­gies.

9) Application software is merely a general-purpose instrument.

10) Web-browsers is the class of software for electronic communication through the network.

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели.

Время экзаменов неумолимо приближается, но это, поверьте, не повод впадать в панику или отчаяние! Я думаю, что в течение целого года вы плодотворно трудились, накапливая драгоценные знания. Я в свою очередь, хочу помочь вам систематизировать полученный в процессе подготовки опыт. В этой статье я собрала наиболее часто встречающиеся формулировки в Задании 2 Устной части ЕГЭ.

Напомню, что в этом задании вам предлагается ознакомиться с рекламным объявлением и задать пять прямых вопросов на основе ключевых слов и предложенного рекламного объявления.

Формат задания – условный диалог-расспрос.

Время на подготовку –  1.5 минуты

Время на выполнение задания – 20 секунд на один вопрос

Максимальный балл – 5 баллов 

С критериями оценивания данного задания и примерами выполнения, Вы можете ознакомиться на этой странице.

Model answer

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

ЕГЭ Устная часть Задание 2

You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) duration of the tour

2) the starting point

3) places to visit

4) the price for a group of 10

5) discounts for students  

Sample answer:

  1. How long will the tour last?
  2. What is the starting point of the tour?
  3. What places are we going to visit during the tour?
  4. How much does the tour for a group of 10 people cost?
  5. Are there any discounts for students?

Внимание! В формате КИМ ЕГЭ 2022 произошли изменения: в Задании 2 нужно задать четыре прямых вопроса вместо пяти. Время, выделяемое на подготовку, не изменилось и составляет по-прежнему 1,5 минуты. Время ответа – 20 секунд для того, чтобы задать один вопрос. Максимальный балл – 4 балла, то есть, за каждый правильно поставленный вопрос учащийся получает 1 балл.

Model Answer EGE 2022

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

                                      Where will it take you?

You are considering taking up biking and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following.

  1. tuition fee;
  2. number of students in a group;
  3. duration of the course;
  4. special clothes.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Sample answer:

  1. What is the tuition fee of the biking course?
  2. How many students will there be in the group?
  3. How long is the course?
  4. Are any special clothes required to join the course?

Подборка типичных вопросов

 Устная часть

 Задание 2

  1. Location of the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – месторасположения

Where is your shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel located (situated)?

2. Directions to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – способ добраться

How can I get to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel?

What is the best way to get to your school?

3. Distance from the city center – удаленность от центра

How far is your gym/hotel/club/school from the city center?

4. Duration / length of the tour/flight/classes – продолжительность тура /перелета / уроков

How long is the tour / flight?

How long are the classes?

How long will the tour last?

5. Dates for departure – даты вылета (отправления)

What are the departure dates? / When does the tour start?

6. Opening hours / working hours / operation hours – часы работы

What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library?

When is the shop /gym /museum / library open?

When are you open?

When do you work?

What are the working hours of the shop?

When does the shop / gym / museum work?

NB! The shop is closed on Sunday. / The shop is open on weekdays.

“open” и “closed” – это прилагательные

7. Discounts / Reductions for children/for groups/for big orders – скидки

Are there any discounts / reductions for children under 5?

Is it possible to get any discounts?

Are discounts for groups of students available?

What discounts are provided for big orders/ for pensioners /for the elderly?  – Какие скидки предоставляются для больших заказов / для пенсионеров?

Do you provide any family discounts?

8. Special offers – специальные предложения

Are there any special offers available at your school ?

What special offers do you provide in your shop?

9. Price / Cost of the item – цена

What is the price of the bicycle? / What is the best price of the car?

How much is the bicycle? / How much are these trainers?

How much does the phone cost? / How much do these jeans cost?

What is the single/double room price per night?

10. Entrance fee / tuition fee входная плата / плата за обучение

What is the entrance fee? / What is the tuition fee?

How much is the ticket? / How much are the tickets?

How much does the ticket cost? (3 л., ед.число)

How much do the tickets cost? (мн.число)

11. Courses available – доступные курсы

What kinds of courses are available (at your center)?

What courses do you offer?

Do you offer morning or evening courses?

Are morning/afternoon/evening courses available?

Evening courses are available at your school, aren’t they?

12. Price for a two-week course – стоимость двухнедельного курса обучения

What is the price for a two-week course?

How much is a two-week course?

Is the price for a two-week course reasonable?

How much should I pay for a two-week course at your computer center?

13. If a placement test is included – включен ли тест распределения учащихся по уровню знаний

Is a placement test included in the program of the course?

14. If textbooks are included – включены ли в стоимость курса учебники

Are textbooks included into the price of the course?

15. Number of classes per week / per day – количество уроков в неделю/в день

How many classes are there per week?

How many classes a day do you offer?

How many classes per week do I have to attend at your language school?

16. Number of students in the group – количество студентов в группе

How many students are there in the group?

How many students are going to be in the group?

17. Beginning of the course – начало курса обучения

When does the course start / begin?

Is the course going to start next week / in July?

18. Availability of something – возможность чего-либо

Is the table for 6 people available for Sunday evening?

Is the audio version of the book available?

Is shipping / delivery to my town available? – Возможна ли доставка товара в мой город?

Can you deliver it (them) into my hometown?

19. Hotel facilities – услуги в отеле

What facilities do you offer at your hotel?

What facilities are available / provided at your hotel?

What facilities does the hotel have?

What kinds of facilities are there at your hotel?

20. Possible accommodation – виды размещения / проживания

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

21. Online reservation / advance booking – бронирование по интернету / предварительный заказ

Can I book tickets in advance?

Can I make a reservation online?

Is it possible to make a reservation online?

22. If a wakeup call available – возможность услуги «звонок для пробуждения», когда сотрудник отеля телефонным звонком будит вас в условленное время

Is a wake-up call at 3 a.m. available?

Can you give us a wake-up call, please?

Is it possible to have a wake-up call at 4 a.m.?

23. If breakfast is included – включен ли завтрак в стоимость

Is breakfast included in the price of the tour?

24. Available kinds of payment – возможные способы оплаты

What kinds of payment are available / possible at your hotel?

Can I pay cash (or in cash: in dollars, in Euros, in roubles )? – Могу я оплатить наличными?

Can I pay by credit card / by check?

to pay with a credit card / to pay by credit card

25. Credit card acceptanceвозможность оплаты кредитной картой

Can I use my credit card for payment?

Do you accept / take credit cards for payment?

Is it possible to pay by credit card?

26. Cancellation [ˌkæns(ə)’leɪʃ(ə)n] – отмена бронирования

Is cancellation possible?

Can I cancel the order?

Is there any possibility to cancel the order?

Is it possible to cancel the order?

How can I cancel the order?

to cancel [ˈkænsəl] — отменять

27. Refund for a ticket – возврат денег/компенсация

Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss the concert / the flight / the train?

Is it possible to get a refund for the ticket?

28. If taking pictures permitted – разрешена ли фотосъемка

Is taking pictures allowed /permitted at the gallery?

Can I take pictures at the museum?

Is it possible to take photos during the performance?

29. Age restriction / minimum age limit – возрастные ограничения

What is the minimum age limit to ride this attraction?

Are there any age restrictions to get this job?

How old should I be to apply for this job?

30. Membership in a movement / club / organization – членство в движении / клубе / организации

How can I join your club?

How can I become a member of your organization?

What do I need to join your movement?


— обратите внимание, что если в одном из пунктов, предложенных в задании, присутствует слово «IF», то это сигнал того, что Вам нужно построить вопрос общего типа

— на экзамене задавайте вопросы общего (General Question) и специального типа (Special Question)

— не забывайте употреблять вспомогательные глаголы

— не рекомендуется задавать косвенные вопросы типа: “Could you tell me…”

— не нужно начинать свой ответ с этикетного диалога: “Hello. My name is Ann and I’m calling to find out more information about …”

My bounty for you!

By the way do you know what the word «bounty» means?

Bounty means bonus = prize = award = gift = present

Не забудьте подписаться на мой канал!

Буду рада, если данная статья Вам понравилась.

Спасибо, что читаете!

Вы можете дополнить список вопросов из Задания 2 Устной части, оставив запись в поле комментариев после статьи.

Related posts:


1. Primary a)

one of the performance characteris-

tics of storage measured in binary


2. Secondary b) memory that has random access to

the information;

3. Magnetic disc c) combination of units of information;

4. Binary codes d) the main

method of secondary stor-

age performing both sequential and

random storage;

5. RAM e) area of memory where protected pro grams can be read from but not

written on;

6. Bit f) a fixed number of consecutive bits

representing a character;

7. Byte g) the principal flexible second storage

circuit element;

8. ROM h) part of memory having lower speed

but greater capacity;

9. Floppy i) a unit

of information or binary digit;

10. Capacity. j)

the most expensive part of memory

having the least capacity and the

fastest access time.

Задание № 2

В этом задании необходимо задать вопросы по предложенной Вам картинке. Даются ключевые слова, на основе которых Вы и должны построить вопросы.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения2 минуты
Ваши вопросы – по 20 секунд на вопрос
Балы за это задание – 5 баллов (по баллу за вопрос)

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

Make your life easier with our new kitchen unit!

kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 01

You are considering buying the appliance and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 

1) price

1. How much does the unit cost?

2) if one can buy it online

2. Can I buy it on-line?

3) number of functions

3. How many functions does it have?

4) guarantee period

4. What is the guarantee period?

5) recipe book to go with the unit

5. Does a recipe book go with the unit?


Read by George William Dole


pir 1

linking words 1

О чем надо спросить

Как задать вопрос


age restriction

Is there a minimum age restric­tion for this film?

What is the age restriction?

Is there any age restriction?


minimum age limit

What is the minimum age limit for this film?

Is there any minimum age limit?


age of (something)

How old is (something)?


availability   of     (some­thing)

Is (something) available?


beginning of the course

When does     the   course begin/ start?


courses available

What courses are   available at your school?


cost of (something)

How much does (something) cost?

How much is the …?


credit card acceptance

Do you accept credit cards for payment?

Can I pay by the credit card?


date of delivery

What is the possible date of de­livery?


directions to the hotel/ gym

How can I get to your hotel/ gym?


discounts for groups/ party reductions

Are   there     any   discounts   for groups?

Are group discounts available?


discounts for students

Are there any discounts for stu­dents?

Do they have any discounts for students?


distance from   the city centre

How far is the hotel from the city centre?


duration of the course/ tour/flight

How long   is the course/tour/ flight?

How long does the course last?


entrance/admission fee

What is the entrance/admission fee?

How much is the ticket?

How much does the tour cost?



Is any cancellation possible?

Can I cancel the (it) if I don’t like it?


hotel facilities

What facilities are available at the hotel?

Are there any facilities available?


if breakfast is included

Is breakfast included into the price?


if textbooks are included

Are textbooks included into the price?


location   of     the   hotel/ gym/club

Where is your hotel/gym/club situated/located?

How can I get to the hotel/gym/club?


nearest car park/ park­ing garage

Where is the nearest car park/ parking garage?

How can I get to the nearest car park / parking garage?


number of     lessons   per week

How many lessons are there per week?

How many lessons do they have per week?


number of   students in the group

How many students are there in the group?

How many students do they have in the group?


online   (advance)     reser­vation/booking

Can I book/purchase a ticket on­line (in advance)?

Can I reserve a room online?

Is it possible to reserve a room online?


opening   hours     (of   the club)/ hours of operation

What are the opening hours of the club?

When is the club open?

What time does the club open?

What are the hours of operating for the club?


photo permission     /tak­ing pictures

Is it allowed to take pictures dur­ing the tour?

Can I take   photos during the tour?


possible accommodation

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

What kind of accommodation do they have?


(double/single)       room price per night

What is the (double/single) room price per night?

How much does a room cost per night?

How much is a room per night?


price for   a three-week course

What is the price for a three-week course?

How much does a three-week course cost?

How much is a three-week course?


refund for a ticket

Can I get a refund for a ticket if I miss the concert?


type of (clothes) sold

What types of (clothes) do you sell?

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