Арка Экзамена на геройкую лицензию (プロヒーロー仮免試験編 Puro Hīrō Karimen Shiken-hen?) — десятая сюжетная арка в Моей Геройской Академии.
Юэй становится закрытым учебным заведением, и класс 1-А начинает свою новую жизнь, живя в общежитии академии. Первая задача, которую класс 1-А должен выполнить в своем новом жилище, — закончить обучение, которое они должны были пройти в лагере. Это делается для того, чтобы они могли быть готовы к сдаче предварительного экзамена на временную геройскую лицензию, позволяющего им законно вступать в бой с злодеями и спасать гражданские лица в случае опасности. Тем временем мир начинает ощущать последствия отставки Всемогущего.
Влияние на сюжет
- Юэй создает общежитие для учеников.
- 1-А теперь живет вместе с большей частью школы.
- Студенты 1-А проводят конкурс на лучшую комнату в общежитии класса.
- Побеждает Рикидо Сато, потому что он сделал пирог.
- Конкурс должен был сплотить класс и восстановить доверие между 1-А и теми, кто отправился спасать Бакуго.
- Доверие между 1-А и командой, спасшей без предупреждения Бакуго, — Изуку,Иидой, Шото, Киришимой и Момо — восстанавливается.
- Тсую выражает свою печаль по поводу произошедшего.
- Ребята выражают свои извинения перед одноклассниками и все приходит в норму.
- Ученики придумывают свои собственные движения. Изуку создает новый способ использовать Один За Всех, уменьшая нагрузку на руки — Побочный стиль.
- Представлено новое геройское учреждение — Старшая школа Шикецу.
- Помимо этого появляется Академия Кецубуцу.
- Все из 1-А проходят первый этап экзамена на временную геройскую лицензию.
- 89 из 100 испытуемых набирают более 50 баллов и сдают экзамен, получая временную лицензию.
- Проваливают второй этап Кацуки Бакуго, Шото Тодороки и Инаса Йоараши, тем самым обязывая пройти пересдачу.
- После окончания экзамена узнается, что Кэми — Химико Тога, что использовала свою причуду и выставила себя за настоящую ученицу.
- Тога получает образец крови Изуку.
- Очако осознает свои чувства к Мидории после того, как наблюдала разговор Кэми и Изуку, однако отложила их на второй план, считая, что должна сосредоточиться на учебе.
- Отставка всемогущего привела ко многим последствиям:
- Преступность выросла;
- Появились новые злодейские организации;
- Полиция начинает активную борьбу с криминалом.
- Изуку и Бакуго сражаются во второй раз, откровенничая между собой.
- Изуку показывает рост своих способностей, идя в ногу с Кацуки.
- Последний же рассказывает о своих переживаниях и зависти к Деку, виня себя в отставке Всемогущего.
- После победы Бакуго появляется Всемогущий и извиняется перед Каччаном за предоставленные переживания по поводу его ухода.
- Он раскрывает парню тайну Один-За-Всех.
- Кацуки обещает хранить все в секрете.
- Выясняется, что из-за своего эксцентричного поведения Старатель не пользуется такой репутацией, как Всемогущий.
- Среди его фанатов — мужчины от 20 до 40 лет, и не одной женщины. Впрочем, Энджи не очень хорошо воспринимает свое повышение.
- Раскрывается прошлое Твайса.
- Он делал клонов себя, чтобы они выполняли всю работу вместо него, однако те считали, что каждый из них настоящий, из-за чего поубивали друг друга. Джин остался единственным выжившим, однако он не знает, является ли он настоящим из-за ярых убеждений клонов в своей оригинальности.
- Нам впервые показывают его лицо.
- Лицо Твайса рассекает шрам от швов.
Навигация по сайту
ш • ? • пСюжетные арки |
Саги | Сага Юэй • Сага Рассвета Злодеев • Сага Финального Акта |
Сюжетные арки | Арка Вступительного экзамена • Арка Теста на понимание причуды • Арка Базовой тренировки героев • Арка Зоны Ненастоящих Катастроф • Арка Спортивного фестиваля • Арка Убийцы Героев • Арка Итоговых экзаменов • Арка Тренировочного Лагеря • Арка Налёта на убежище • Арка Экзамена на геройскую лицензию • Арка Стажировки • Арка Исправительного курса • Арка Культурного фестиваля Юэй • Арка Про-героев • Арка Совместной тренировки • Арка АРИС • Арка Агенства Старателя • Арка Войны с ПФО • Арка Беглецов из Тартара • Арка Звезды и Полосы • Арка предателя Юэй • Арка финальной Войны |
The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.
The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.
Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.
Thousands of students at orientation.
On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.
There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]
The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]
Initial Phase
The targets or «weak points».
Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.
The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.
The «Crushing of U.A.».
There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.
Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]
Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]
Class 1-A completes their comeback!
Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.
Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]
Final Phase
The Help Us Company.
The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]
Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.
The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.
At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]
Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.
Gang Orca attacks!
Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]
The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]
Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.
Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.
Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.
Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]
Student | 1st Phase | Place | 2nd Phase | Score |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | 71 | |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | 84 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 100 | Passed | 80 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 95 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 93 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 96 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 97 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 99 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 92 | Passed | 61 | |
Passed | 94 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | 94 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 91 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 54 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 1 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 98 | Failed | Unknown | |
Failed | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Passed | Unknown | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown |
Battles & Events |
Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.
Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.
Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.
Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.
Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.
The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.
Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.
Site Navigation
v • eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc | |
Chapters | 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121 |
Volumes | 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
Episodes | 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62 |
Battles and Events | U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion) Deku vs. Kacchan 2 |
The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.
The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.
Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.
Thousands of students at orientation.
On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.
There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]
The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]
Initial Phase
The targets or «weak points».
Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.
The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.
The «Crushing of U.A.».
There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.
Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]
Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]
Class 1-A completes their comeback!
Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.
Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]
Final Phase
The Help Us Company.
The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]
Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.
The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.
At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]
Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.
Gang Orca attacks!
Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]
The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]
Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.
Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.
Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.
Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]
Student | 1st Phase | Place | 2nd Phase | Score |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | 71 | |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 77-79 | Passed | 84 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 100 | Passed | 80 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 95 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 93 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 96 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 97 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 99 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 92 | Passed | 61 | |
Passed | 94 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | 94 | |
Passed | Between 57-60 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | 91 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 80-82 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 54 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 1 | Failed | Unknown | |
Passed | 98 | Failed | Unknown | |
Failed | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Passed | Unknown | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown | |
Passed | Between 83-90 | Passed | Unknown |
Battles & Events |
Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.
Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.
Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.
Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.
Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.
The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.
Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
- ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.
Site Navigation
v • eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc | |
Chapters | 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121 |
Volumes | 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
Episodes | 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62 |
Battles and Events | U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion) Deku vs. Kacchan 2 |
A Provisional Hero License is a document that allows hero trainees to use their Quirks for heroic activities with recognition from the law.
This document is obtained through the Provisional Hero License Exam.
A Provisional Hero License is a typical ID card containing the holder’s profile picture and hero name, allowing them to act without the instruction of a hero.
In order to obtain this license, a student is required to pass the Provisional Hero License Exam, which is held twice a year. If they pass through the initial part of the exam, but not the final, then they may retake the exam after three months.
It can be implied that this stipulation wasn’t always the case but, with the presence of the Hero Killer: Stain and the rise of villain activity following All Might’s retirement, this was implemented due to increased demand for Heroes. This can also be the reason why U.A.’s first year Hero Course students were prepared to take this exam early, since they were traditionally supposed to take it in their second year.
Site Navigation
v • eTechnology and Other Objects | |
Support Equipment | Air Force Gloves • Amplifier Jack • Artificial Vocal Cords • Capture Tapes • Costume • Electromagnetic Soles • Eraser Goggles • Full Gauntlet • Hydraulic Bracers • High Density Weights • Hover Soles • Iron Soles • Jet Pack • Mid-Gauntlet • Quirk Amplification Device • Sevens Loud • Sharpshooting Gear • Wire Arrow |
Weapons | Capturing Weapon • Capture Gun • Cement Gun • Claustro • Curious Flattener • Grenadier Bracers • Hyper-Density Seals • Strafe Panzer • Taser Knuckle • Tiamat • Trigger Bomb |
Robots | Camera-Bots • Mini Transport Robots • I-Island Security Bots • Villain Bots • Kanidoge’s Mechs |
Substances | Quirk-Destroying Drug • Trigger |
Software | Hero Network |
Vehicles | Allmobile • Hercules |
Literature | Captain Hero • Hero Analysis for the Future • Meta Liberation War • Previous Successor Quirks |
Miscellanous Objects | Provisional Hero License • Targets |
A Provisional Hero License is a document that allows hero trainees to use their Quirks for heroic activities with recognition from the law.
This document is obtained through the Provisional Hero License Exam.
A Provisional Hero License is a typical ID card containing the holder’s profile picture and hero name, allowing them to act without the instruction of a hero.
In order to obtain this license, a student is required to pass the Provisional Hero License Exam, which is held twice a year. If they pass through the initial part of the exam, but not the final, then they may retake the exam after three months.
It can be implied that this stipulation wasn’t always the case but, with the presence of the Hero Killer: Stain and the rise of villain activity following All Might’s retirement, this was implemented due to increased demand for Heroes. This can also be the reason why U.A.’s first year Hero Course students were prepared to take this exam early, since they were traditionally supposed to take it in their second year.
Site Navigation
v • eTechnology and Other Objects | |
Support Equipment | Air Force Gloves • Amplifier Jack • Artificial Vocal Cords • Capture Tapes • Costume • Electromagnetic Soles • Eraser Goggles • Full Gauntlet • Hydraulic Bracers • High Density Weights • Hover Soles • Iron Soles • Jet Pack • Mid-Gauntlet • Quirk Amplification Device • Sevens Loud • Sharpshooting Gear • Wire Arrow |
Weapons | Capturing Weapon • Capture Gun • Cement Gun • Claustro • Curious Flattener • Grenadier Bracers • Hyper-Density Seals • Strafe Panzer • Taser Knuckle • Tiamat • Trigger Bomb |
Robots | Camera-Bots • Mini Transport Robots • I-Island Security Bots • Villain Bots • Kanidoge’s Mechs |
Substances | Quirk-Destroying Drug • Trigger |
Software | Hero Network |
Vehicles | Allmobile • Hercules |
Literature | Captain Hero • Hero Analysis for the Future • Meta Liberation War • Previous Successor Quirks |
Miscellanous Objects | Provisional Hero License • Targets |
Здравствуйте… Я буду проводить экзамен на временную лицензию… К сожалению, мне не удалось поспать… По этой причине, я надеюсь, что мы скоро закончим, и я смогу пойти спать…
Экзамен представляет из себя три разных испытания, которые проверят ваши качества героя.
Я не могу описывать всё подробно, ведь экзамен засекречен, а испытания могу отличаться на каждом подобном экзамене.
Экзамен проходит в отдельном чате.
Могу только пожелать вам удачи и терпения.
Чтобы подать заявку нужно получить десятый уровень и принять участие в спортивном фестивале, являясь учеником второго года обучения. Прошу заявку оставить в комментариях в подобном виде:
2)Геройское прозвище
4)Результат спортивного фестиваля второго года обучения
5)Выражение желания принять участие.
Дата будет объявлена, когда наберётся нужное количество участников.
Шестой сезон My Hero Academia дразнит более мрачный поворот событий для Деку и его друзей, когда герои старшей школы UA сражаются зубами и когтями против Фронта освобождения от паранормальных явлений. Вдобавок ко всему, Шигараки открыл совершенно новый уровень своей причуды Decay после финала 5 сезона.
Совсем недавно состоялась премьера 6-го сезона My Hero Academia. и, в отличие от других сезонов, в этом не будет эпизодов с подведением итогов. Позвольте мне помочь вам с этим.
Первый сезон My Hero Academia вращается вокруг главного героя Изуку Мидории, который усердно тренируется, чтобы унаследовать причуду Всемогущего, поскольку у него нет причуды. Он также включает вступительный экзамен в среднюю школу UA ближе к концу.
Изуку Мидория, мальчик без причуд, стремится стать героем, но герой номер один Японии, Всемогущий, и Бакуго отговаривают его стать им, поскольку у него нет причуд. Однако Всемогущий выбирает Мидорию в качестве преемника «Один за всех», когда Мидория спасает Бакуго от злодея, с которым он сражался ранее.
Мидория тренируется под опекой Всемогущего и сдает физический экзамен, несмотря на то, что серьезно ранил себя, чтобы спасти других на поле боя. Он также бодается с Бакуго во время групповых тренировок.
Томура и его банда злодеев нападают на школу после того, как замечают, что Всемогущий присоединился к ней в качестве преподавательского состава. Он пытается выманить Всемогущего, чтобы сразиться с ним, используя своего монстра с множеством причуд, Ному, против студентов.
У Всемогущего нет другого выбора, кроме как броситься в бой. Он пытается сдержать Шигараки и других злодеев с той небольшой силой, что у него есть, до такой степени, что его кожа начинает шипеть. Ученики UA High сдерживают злодеев достаточно долго, пока Eraser Head, Present Mic и несколько других учителей не прогонят злодеев навсегда.
2. Итоги первого сезона «Моей геройской академии»
Второй сезон посвящен арке спортивных фестивалей. Мы получаем больше информации о причудах Мидории и Всемогущего, и команда Томуры возвращается вместе с появлением нового злодея, Убийцы Героев: Пятно.
Мидория узнает об ограничениях своей причуды, когда Всемогущий сообщает ему, что он может сохранять форму героя только 50 минут. Он призывает Мидорию взять на себя титул Символа мира, хвастаясь во время Спортивного фестиваля.
Класс 1-A доминирует в рейтингах во время фестиваля, поскольку у них уже есть опыт борьбы со злодеями в реальных битвах.
Шото Тодороки, одноклассник, делает вывод, что Мидория может быть сыном Всемогущего из-за сходства их причуд, и показывает, что его отцом является Стремление, герой номер два в Японии. Он клянется превзойти его, поскольку его отцу так и не удалось превзойти Всемогущего.
Тодороки и Мидория вступают в захватывающую битву во время спортивного фестиваля. Мидория ранит себя, а Тодороки чуть не переохлаждается, но, тем не менее, выходит победителем, используя свою огненную причуду. Затем Тодороки сражается с Бакуго, но уступает и позволяет ему победить.
Тем временем злодеи пытаются завербовать Стейна, но их усилия не вознаграждаются, поскольку он отклоняет их предложение, поскольку убивает героев только ради славы. Мидория присоединяется к стажировке героя в Гран Торино.
Новые Номусы нападают на город, и Мидория должен остановить Тенью от безрассудства и борьбы против Пятна в одиночку, чтобы отомстить за своего брата. Мидория, Тенья и Тодороки сражаются против него и побеждают.
Всемогущий показывает, что Все за Одного обладает способностью передавать причуды, и он использовал эту способность, чтобы передавать причуды людям без причуд, включая своего младшего брата Йоичи. Йоичи — тот, кто обладал оригинальной способностью «Один за всех», и, используя свою пассивную причуду, он передал эту способность своему преемнику, чтобы они могли победить Всех за Одного.
3. Итоги первого сезона «Моей геройской академии»
В третьем сезоне ученики UA High снова сталкиваются с Лигой злодеев во время летних каникул, и злодеи похищают Бакуго.
Класс 1-A подвергается нападению со стороны группы Томуры во главе с Даби, когда они тренируются в лесу во время летних каникул. Им удается достичь своей цели похитить Бакуго, протащив его через портал Курогири.
Мидория, Киришима, Тодороки и Момо отправляются на миссию по спасению своего друга, используя трекер, который она имплантировала одному из ному во время битвы.
Причина, по которой Лига злодеев похищает Бакуго, заключалась в том, чтобы убедить его присоединиться к ним из-за его агрессии, но он отказывается от их предложения. Всемогущий спасает Бакуго, используя Один за Всех в последний раз, передав свою причуду Мидории.
Тодороки, Бакуго и Мидория проваливают экзамен на временную лицензию героя. Бакуго и Мидория в конечном итоге сражаются друг с другом из-за заимствованных способностей Мидории, и Айзава отстраняет их от школы на несколько дней.
Когда Мидория возвращается в школу, их знакомят с Большой тройкой (Мирио, Амаджики и Хада). Наставник Мирио, Капитальный ремонт, оказывается злодеем, работающим в Лиге злодеев.
4. Итоги первого сезона «Моей геройской академии»
В четвертом сезоне новый злодей, Капитальный ремонт, оказывается в центре внимания, поскольку он пытается устранить причуды, используя девушку по имени Эри, у которой есть причуда, чтобы изменить состояние живых существ.
Капитальный ремонт планирует использовать одну пулю, используя Эри, чтобы навсегда избавиться от причуд. Мидория и Мирио пытаются спасти Эри, и им это удается. Однако Мирио платит высокую цену во время этой миссии, поскольку одна из пуль попала в него, и он теряет свою причуду.
В этом сезоне мы также наблюдаем истинную природу Endeavour. Показано, что он женился на матери Тодороки только потому, что хотел превзойти Всемогущего, заставив ее родить ребенка с мощной причудой.
Он действительно достигает своей цели — превзойти Всемогущего, поскольку в новом рейтинге 10 лучших героев он указан как герой номер один.
5. Итоги первого сезона «Моей геройской академии»
Сезон 5 следует за тем, как Мидория мечтает о предыдущих пользователях «Один для всех» во время совместной тренировочной арки. Он также демонстрирует битву между Армией освобождения Мета и Лигой злодеев в городе Дейка.
Мидория пробуждает свою новую причуду, Блэкхип, когда он участвует в битве между классом A и классом B. Шинсо, ученик класса C, у которого есть причуда контроля над разумом, помогает Мидории оттачивать свои навыки.
Мидория, Тодороки и Бакуго записываются на программу обучения работе и начинают стажировку в Endeavour. Тем временем Индевор получает секретное сообщение от Ястребов о том, что Армия мета-освобождения планирует атаковать Японию.
Армия Мета Освобождения и Лига Злодеев сражаются друг с другом, чтобы определить, кто лучше. Банда Томуры побеждает после того, как он превращает город Декай в гигантский кратер с помощью своей причуды. Армия мета-освобождения и Лига злодеев объединяются, чтобы сформировать Фронт освобождения от паранормальных явлений.
6. Моя геройская академия, 6 сезон
Посмотрите последний рекламный ролик My Hero Academia здесь:
『僕のヒーローアカデミア』ヒロアカ6期PV第3弾/10.1(土)放送開始/OP:「ひたむき」SUPER BEAVER
В 6-м сезоне будет представлена арка «Освобождение от паранормальных явлений», в которой Деку и его друзья занимают твердую позицию против команды Томуры и «Все за одного». Премьера первого эпизода состоится на каналах YTV и NTV в Японии и на Crunchyroll по всему миру.
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7. Об Академии моего героя
My Hero Academia — японская манга о супергероях, написанная и проиллюстрированная Кохеем Хорикоси. Он публикуется в Weekly Shōnen Jump с июля 2014 года, а его главы дополнительно собраны в 37 томах танкобон по состоянию на февраль 2023 года.
Это следует за беспричудным мальчиком Изуку Мидорией и тем, как он поддерживал величайшего Героя живым. Мидория, мальчик, который с самого рождения восхищался героями и их приключениями, пришел в этот мир без причуды, где почти каждый рождается с ней.
В один роковой день он встречает Всемогущего, величайшего героя всех времен, и обнаруживает, что у него тоже не было причуд. Своим прилежным отношением и непоколебимым духом героя Мидория умудряется произвести впечатление на Всемогущего. Он избран наследником силы «Один за всех».
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Все, Прилагать усилия, Изуку Мидория, Моя Академия Героев, Томура -
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