Мга практический экзамен

Вступительный экзамен Юэй — тест, который сдают учащиеся средних школ для того, чтобы поступить в академию Юэй.


Вступительный экзамен Юэй состоит из письменного и практического испытаний, из которых последнее считается наиболее важным. Во время практического испытания поступающие должны доказать эффективность своих причуд и собственные физические навыки, уничтожая роботов-злодеев для специально отведённых для этого полигонах и набирая за это очки. Чем больше очков набрано, тем выше шанс поступить в Юэй. На практическую часть отводится десять минут.

Поступающим запрещается нападать на других поступающих. Нарушителю этого правила грозит дисквалификация. Учеников из одной школы помещают на разных полигонах, чтобы избежать возможного сотрудничества.

Помимо очков за победу над «злодеями» судьи засчитывают поступающим очки спасения, показывающие, насколько тот или иной ученик склонен к самопожертвованию.[1]

Шкала баллов

Сущий Мик объясняет критерий оценки уничтожения роботов

За каждого уничтоженного робота поступающему присуждаются баллы, количество которых зависит от уровню сложности робота:

  • 1 балл — лёгкий злодей
  • 2 балла — средний злодей
  • 3 балла — сложный злодей
  • 0 баллов — злодей-ловушка

Злодеями-ловушками называются огромные роботы, служащие для того, чтобы помешать поступающим набрать высокий балл. Они не предназначены для уничтожения, поэтому даже если кому-то и удастся это сделать, ему не присудят ни очка.


После десяти месяцев суровых тренировок Изуку Мидория приходит на вступительный экзамен академии Юэй. Перед входом в академию он спотыкается и чуть не падает, но незнакомая девочка помогает ему с помощью своей причуды, после чего желает ему удачи и уходит. Изуку настолько удивлён, что замирает в оцепенении и даже не успевает поблагодарить её.

Уже в Юэй Сущий Мик объясняет поступающим правила практической части экзамена, на которой, по его словам, и нужно сконцентрироваться. Суть испытания заключается в том, чтобы победить как можно больше роботов-злодеев. Прослушав инструкции, Изуку приходит к воротам испытательного полигона.

Старт к началу дают так внезапно, что Изуку не успевает отреагировать, и толпа остальных поступающих бросается к воротам, оставив его позади. Он отстаёт от остальных, и на входе на него сразу же нападает робот. Его спасет Юга Аояма, уничтожив робота с помощью своего пупочного лазера. Изуку бегает по полигону в поисках робота, которого можно было бы победить и получить за это очки, но обнаруживает, что большинство уже уничтожено другими поступающими.

Изуку в первый раз использует Один За Всех

Испытание уже подходит к концу, и у Изуку всё ещё нет ни одного балла, когда перед ним появляется гигансткий робот из тех, за которых не присуждается очков. Остальные бросаются от прочь в панике, но Изуку цепенеет и не может и пальцем пошевелить от ужаса. Робот надвигается на него, разрушая здания, и тут Изуку замечает, что один из обломков придавил Очако — ту самую девочку, что помогла ему не упасть, и, забыв обо всём, бросается ей на помощь. От напряжения он случайно активирует Один За Всех и использует его, чтобы подпрыгнуть высоко в воздух и нанести роботу мощный удар, которого хватает для того, чтобы уничтожить его. Все остальные участники восхищены причудой Изуку, в то время как судьи хвалят его за самопожертвование.

В первый раз воспользовавшись своей новой причудой, Изуку впервые чувствует последствия этого на своём теле: его ноги и правая рука сломаны из-за приложенных сил. Он падает с большой высоты, что, несомненно грозит ему куда более серьёзными последствиями, но Очако успевает коснуться его и благодаря своей причуде обеспечить ему относительно мягкую «посадку». И тут практический тест заканчивается.

После этого остальные поступающие тут же окружают Изуку, расспрашивая его о его причуде. Тенья Иида хвалит его за проявленный героизм и хочет спросить ещё что-то, но Изуку теряет сознание. Придя в себя в медкабинете Юэй, он узнаёт, что Исцеляющая Девочка, знаменитая профессиональная героиня и школьная медсестра, вылечила его с помощью своей причуды.

Неделю спустя к Изуку приходят результаты экзамена. Изуку более чем уверен, что завалил его. Когда он раскрывает конверт, из него помимо письма выпадает голографический передатчик с сообщением Всемогущего.

Всемогущий рассказывает Изуку, что, несмотря на то, что он справился с письменным экзаменом, он завалил практический, набрав на нём ноль баллов. Изуку расстраивается, но тут изображение Всемогущего сменяется видео, на котором Очако просит Сущего Мика отдать её баллы Изуку за то, что он спас её. Всемогущий объясняет, что суть практического экзамена состоит не только в победе над противником, но и в проявлении милосердия, что тоже немаловажно для героя. За спасение Очако Изуку набрал 60 баллов, что более чем хватает ему для того, чтобы сдать экзамен и поступить в Юэй.


Результаты экзамена

Известны только первые десять результатов практической части экзамена[2]:

  • 1-ое место: Кацуки Бакуго (77 очков за победу над «злодеями»/0 очков спасения)
  • 2-ое место: Эйджиро Киришима (39 очков за победу над «злодеями»/35 очков спасения)
  • 3-е место: Очако Урарака (28 очков за победу над «злодеями»/45 очков спасения)
  • 4-ое место: Ибара Шиозаки (36 очков за победу над «злодеями»/32 очка спасения)
  • 5-ое место: Ицука Кендо (25 очков за победу над «злодеями»/45 очков спасения)
  • 6-ое место: Тенья Иида (52 очка за победу над «злодеями»/9 очков спасения)
  • 7-ое место: Изуку Мидория (0 очков за победу над «злодеями»/60 очков спасения)
  • 8-ое место: Тецутецу Тецутецу (49 очков за победу над «злодеями»/10 очков спасения)
  • 9-ое место: Фумикаге Токоями (47 очков за победу над «злодеями»/10 очков спасения)
  • 10-ое место: Йосецу Авасе (50 очков за победу над «злодеями»/6 очков спасения)


  1. My Hero Academia Аниме: Эпизод 4
  2. My Hero Academia Аниме: Эпизод 5

U.A.’s First Term Final Exam is a mandatory exam taken by U.A.’s Hero Department students at the end of the first semester.


Class 1-A use their last week before the final exams to study hard. Denki worries that he hasn’t studied enough because of all the events going on. Tenya, Izuku and Shoto «encourage» him to try harder, but it only ends up hurting his feelings.

U.A. students study for finals.

During lunch, Izuku sits with his friends talks about what could possibly appear on the exam. Shota Aizawa only reveals that the exam will be a culmination of everything from the first semester, including combat and rescue training.

Itsuka Kendo from Class 1-B tells them that an upperclassman told her that they’ll be fighting Villain-Bots again. Hanta, Mashirao, Kyoka, Denki, and Mina study with Momo at her rich estate. Katsuki beats the lessons into Eijiro’s head. Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya, and the others study in their own way.[1]

Nezu and the U.A. faculty host a meeting on changing the finals format. They incorporate teamwork and combat against actual people. Past tests used villain-bots to avoid injury complaints. The teachers decide to change the test to better prepare the students for more intense battles with villains.[1]


Written Exam

Students from Class 1-A take the written exam for three days in their homeroom class.[1] Everyone manages to pass this portion of the test.[2]

Practical Exam

Nezu and the U.A. faculty reveal that the practical test will include mock battles between students and teachers. Students are assigned to teams of two and must work together to fight one of their teachers. All match-ups are assigned ahead of time and teachers are handicapped with weights. Students have thirty minutes to capture the villain or successfully escape from the battle in order to pass. The option of escaping is also to help observe the students’ decision-making skills. 

The students are matched up with their partners against teachers with advantages. Each student must learn to confront their weaknesses in order to pass, and the teacher’s job is to exploit that.[1] The students are told that the teachers aren’t holding back, but in reality, they are all meant to leave an opening for the students to win.[2] Each student is evaluated individually and any who fail are told they cannot go camping with their classmates at the training camp in the woods.[1]

Matchup Result Disadvantage
Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss Both Fail. Cement doesn’t have a time limit like Hardening or Sugar Rush.
Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm Both Pass. Ectoplasm’s Clones can appear suddenly and attack Fumikage, who’s weak in close range combat.
Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader Both Pass. Power Loader can negate Tenya and Mashiro’s mobility by manipulating the battlefield and setting traps.
Team Todoroki & Yoayorozu vs. Eraser Head Both Pass. Eraser Head can take advantage of Shoto and Momo’s overreliance on Half-Cold Half-Hot and Creation by erasing their Quirks.
Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen Both Pass. Thirteen can exploit Ochaco and Yuga’s nausea-inducing Quirks.
Team Ashido & Kaminari vs Nezu.png Both Fail. Nezu can outsmart Denki and Mina, whose grades are poor. Both of them also have poor control of their Quirks.
Team Jiro & Koda vs. Present Mic Both Pass. Voice outclasses other sound-based Quirks like Earphone Jack and Anivoice.
Team Shoji & Hagakure vs. Snipe Both Pass. Snipe’s Homing can hit stealth types like Mezo and Toru.
Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight Minoru passes. Hanta fails. Tape and Pop Off’s restraining capabilities are negated because Minoru and Hanta can’t get close to Somnambulist.
Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might Both Pass. Izuku and Katsuki are paired together because of how poorly they get along. All Might outmatches them and forces them to work together.

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss
  • Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm
  • Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader
  • Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head
  • Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen
  • Team Ashido & Kaminari vs. Nezu
  • Team Koda & Jiro vs. Present Mic
  • Team Hagakure & Shoji vs. Snipe
  • Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight
  • Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might


In Class 1-A’s next homeroom class, the students who believe they failed lament and dread being disqualified for the camp in the forest. Denki knows that they’re doomed because they failed the practical exams. Hanta also worries that he failed the exam because Minoru did all the work. 

Shota arrives to class and reveals that even though some students failed their finals, everyone will be going to training camp. Eijiro, Mina, Rikido and Denki get excited by the last minute twist. Shota adds that Hanta and two teams failed and those students need the training camp the most, so nobody is getting left out. The students who failed must still face extra lessons that are more difficult than summer school.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 60 and Episode 34.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 68 and Episode 38.

Site Navigation

v  eFinal Exams Arc
Chapters 60 • 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69
Volumes 7 • 8
Episodes 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38
Battles and Events First Term Final Exam (Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss • Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm • Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader • Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head • Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen • Team Ashido & Kaminari vs. Nezu • Team Koda & Jiro vs. Present Mic • Team Hagakure & Shoji vs. Snipe • Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight • Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might)

U.A.’s First Term Final Exam is a mandatory exam taken by U.A.’s Hero Department students at the end of the first semester.


Class 1-A use their last week before the final exams to study hard. Denki worries that he hasn’t studied enough because of all the events going on. Tenya, Izuku and Shoto «encourage» him to try harder, but it only ends up hurting his feelings.

U.A. students study for finals.

During lunch, Izuku sits with his friends talks about what could possibly appear on the exam. Shota Aizawa only reveals that the exam will be a culmination of everything from the first semester, including combat and rescue training.

Itsuka Kendo from Class 1-B tells them that an upperclassman told her that they’ll be fighting Villain-Bots again. Hanta, Mashirao, Kyoka, Denki, and Mina study with Momo at her rich estate. Katsuki beats the lessons into Eijiro’s head. Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya, and the others study in their own way.[1]

Nezu and the U.A. faculty host a meeting on changing the finals format. They incorporate teamwork and combat against actual people. Past tests used villain-bots to avoid injury complaints. The teachers decide to change the test to better prepare the students for more intense battles with villains.[1]


Written Exam

Students from Class 1-A take the written exam for three days in their homeroom class.[1] Everyone manages to pass this portion of the test.[2]

Practical Exam

Nezu and the U.A. faculty reveal that the practical test will include mock battles between students and teachers. Students are assigned to teams of two and must work together to fight one of their teachers. All match-ups are assigned ahead of time and teachers are handicapped with weights. Students have thirty minutes to capture the villain or successfully escape from the battle in order to pass. The option of escaping is also to help observe the students’ decision-making skills. 

The students are matched up with their partners against teachers with advantages. Each student must learn to confront their weaknesses in order to pass, and the teacher’s job is to exploit that.[1] The students are told that the teachers aren’t holding back, but in reality, they are all meant to leave an opening for the students to win.[2] Each student is evaluated individually and any who fail are told they cannot go camping with their classmates at the training camp in the woods.[1]

Matchup Result Disadvantage
Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss Both Fail. Cement doesn’t have a time limit like Hardening or Sugar Rush.
Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm Both Pass. Ectoplasm’s Clones can appear suddenly and attack Fumikage, who’s weak in close range combat.
Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader Both Pass. Power Loader can negate Tenya and Mashiro’s mobility by manipulating the battlefield and setting traps.
Team Todoroki & Yoayorozu vs. Eraser Head Both Pass. Eraser Head can take advantage of Shoto and Momo’s overreliance on Half-Cold Half-Hot and Creation by erasing their Quirks.
Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen Both Pass. Thirteen can exploit Ochaco and Yuga’s nausea-inducing Quirks.
Team Ashido & Kaminari vs Nezu.png Both Fail. Nezu can outsmart Denki and Mina, whose grades are poor. Both of them also have poor control of their Quirks.
Team Jiro & Koda vs. Present Mic Both Pass. Voice outclasses other sound-based Quirks like Earphone Jack and Anivoice.
Team Shoji & Hagakure vs. Snipe Both Pass. Snipe’s Homing can hit stealth types like Mezo and Toru.
Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight Minoru passes. Hanta fails. Tape and Pop Off’s restraining capabilities are negated because Minoru and Hanta can’t get close to Somnambulist.
Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might Both Pass. Izuku and Katsuki are paired together because of how poorly they get along. All Might outmatches them and forces them to work together.

Battles & Events

Battles & Events
  • Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss
  • Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm
  • Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader
  • Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head
  • Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen
  • Team Ashido & Kaminari vs. Nezu
  • Team Koda & Jiro vs. Present Mic
  • Team Hagakure & Shoji vs. Snipe
  • Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight
  • Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might


In Class 1-A’s next homeroom class, the students who believe they failed lament and dread being disqualified for the camp in the forest. Denki knows that they’re doomed because they failed the practical exams. Hanta also worries that he failed the exam because Minoru did all the work. 

Shota arrives to class and reveals that even though some students failed their finals, everyone will be going to training camp. Eijiro, Mina, Rikido and Denki get excited by the last minute twist. Shota adds that Hanta and two teams failed and those students need the training camp the most, so nobody is getting left out. The students who failed must still face extra lessons that are more difficult than summer school.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 60 and Episode 34.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 68 and Episode 38.

Site Navigation

v  eFinal Exams Arc
Chapters 60 • 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69
Volumes 7 • 8
Episodes 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38
Battles and Events First Term Final Exam (Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss • Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm • Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader • Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head • Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen • Team Ashido & Kaminari vs. Nezu • Team Koda & Jiro vs. Present Mic • Team Hagakure & Shoji vs. Snipe • Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight • Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might)

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

The Provisional Hero License Exam is a biannual test organized by the Hero Public Safety Commission that grants capable students who pass each of its phases a Provisional Hero License.


The Provisional Hero Licensing Exam is held twice a year during each June and September, coinciding with the start of the usual Japanese semester period. The exam is held in three different locations across the country all at the same time. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students in the exam, but they separate classes among the different locations in order to avoid their students from fighting one another.

Very few first years attempt getting their provisional licenses. However, students in hero courses like U.A. and Shiketsu accelerate the process of getting them. The contents of the exam change from year to year.[1] This is likely to avoid students who previously took the exam having an unfair advantage.


Thousands of students at orientation.

On the day of Class 1-A’s specific licensing exam, students from various schools gather at Takoba National Stadium. Participating school’s include U.A. High, Shiketsu High, Ketsubutsu Academy and several other schools. Inside the stadium, all students are placed in a crowded room where Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission explains the rules of the first test.

There are about 1,540 students in attendance for orientation. The exam used to hold a 50% passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain’s arrest and All Might’s retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.[2]

The police requested that the exam’s focus be on students ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the students’ ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations.[3]


Initial Phase

The targets or «weak points».

Examinees must place three targets or «weak points» on their body in any exposed area. The targets recognize the balls and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement and other factors. Students also receive a box with six orange balls. The targets light up if they’re hit by one of the balls. If all three targets are hit by a ball, that student is eliminated. The competitor that lights up another student’s third target is credited with their eliminations. Students must eliminate two other competitors to pass the first phase, and only the first 100 applicants to pass will advance to the final phase.

The cramped room where all the participants are opens up to reveal the massive interior of the stadium that is made up of various different terrains. The targets and balls are handed out to the students and they all spread out to their desired area. The first test begins only a minute afterward.

The «Crushing of U.A.».

There is a tradition in the provisional licensing exam called «Crushing of U.A.» where students from other schools target U.A. because their Quirks have been made public via the U.A. Sports Festival. At the start of this exam, Ketsubutsu Academy students immediately attack students from Class 1-A.[2] The U.A. students defend themselves using their new Ultimate Moves. Their defenses prove to be too strong and Yo Shindo is forced to split them up by breaking the terrain using his Tremoring Earth special move.

Inasa Yoarashi is the first to pass when he eliminates 120 students using his Whirlwind Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is separated from his classmates and is confronted by another Shiketsu student: Camie Utsushimi.[4] Izuku and Camie fight until Ketsubutsu students ambush them.[5] Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero eventually regroup with Izuku and rescue him; by this point over thirty people have passed the exam.[6]

Shoto Todoroki is ambushed by several students from Seijin High School. He defeats ten of them and becomes the 56th person to pass the exam. Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Kyoka Jiro, and Mezo Shoji face students from Seiai Academy and defeat them to pass as well.[7] Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima follow Katsuki Bakugo to the city district where they are confronted by Seiji Shishikura. Izuku, Hanta, and Ochaco realize that the best way to pass is to restrain their opponents rather than trying to hit moving targets with their balls. The trio fights with other students in the area in an attempt to pass.[8]

Class 1-A completes their comeback!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki manage to defeat Seiji. They fight other students he had previously turned into meatballs and pass the exam by eliminating them. At the same time, Izuku’s group manages to restrain a few students and eliminate them to pass as well.[9] Because Yo destroyed the middle of the stage, many students fight desperately in a rush to pass the exam. The Ketsubutsu students wait and take advantage of tired students to pass the exam themselves.

Nine students from Class 1-A remain while only ten spots are available. The U.A. students are separated and in a desperate situation. They come together thanks to a beacon of light from Yuga Aoyama that helps them rally together and defeat the other students rushing to pass. All nine of them manage to make an astounding comeback and fill the last ten spots along with Camie.[10]

Final Phase

The Help Us Company.

The many sections of the stadium are detonated and transformed into disaster zones as the students watch from the anteroom. Yokumiru instructs the examinees to act as heroes and conduct rescue operations for the second and final phase of the licensing exam.[10]

Professional rescuees from the Help Us Company act as civilians who have been caught up in a villain terrorist attack. Students are tasked with rescuing them and the H.U.C. employees analyze the students rescuing methods and reduce points in the case of perceived mistakes and a lack of efficiency. They are assisted by public safety workers monitoring the exam from the stands. They also watch the students and deduct points based on their actions. A student begins the second phase with 100 points and will fail if their score drops below the 50 points benchmark.

The second-year students prove more experienced in the field of rescuing people.

At the start of the test, Class 1-A sticks together and Izuku finds a young man injured and crying. He says that his grandfather is in trouble and Izuku replies that the situation is terrible. The boy exits his character and yells at Izuku for being negative. He deducts points and explains that heroes need to comfort those in need and act accordingly to the situation. The second-year students from other schools set up first aid areas and clear the way for when emergency services need to arrive. The hypothetical situation is all students must help rescue people and secure the situation so that it can be handed over to authorities in a smooth manner when they arrive.[11]

Inasa uses his wind to clear some rubble and float victims into the air. Although one of the H.U.C employees is impressed by Inasa’s control over his Quirk, he deducts points for sloppiness. Nagamasa explains to Inasa that he needs to check on civilians conditions before moving them. Class 1-A finds more victims trapped beneath rubble and Ochaco rushes to rescue them. Momo stops her and tells her they need to secure the rubble first. The students decide they need to split up and work with other schools to rescue as many people as possible.

Gang Orca attacks!

Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki find two low priority civilians in the mountains. They ask for help but Katsuki yells at them to save themselves. Eijiro and Denki take them back to safety themselves. Just as everyone begins to get into the groove of rescuing people, Gang Orca and his men arrive in the stadium. They blast through one of the walls close to the first aid area and invade. Gang Orca and his men simulate the villain terrorist attack and students must juggle between rescuing efforts and fighting this new threat.[12]

The villains enter the arena close to the first aid station and make it their target. The majority of the students work on evacuating the injured away from the dangerous area. Yo, Shoto, and Inasa rush to the front lines. Gang Orca makes short work of Yo. The proctors say it’s good Shoto and Inasa were brought to the front line because of their offensive Quirks. Gang Orca is able to defend against Shoto’s first attack, but then Shoto and Inasa proceed to get into an argument right in front of the villains.[3]

Gang Orca and the proctors are unimpressed and the duo is immobilized by the No. 10 hero’s hypersonic waves. Gang Orca’s Sidekicks try to destroy the rescue station but Izuku heads them off. Yo Shindo shakes the ground beneath the villains and breaks it apart to stop their advance. He was planning on using his natural resistance to vibrations against Gang Orca but the first years got in the way.

Shoto and Inasa’s unison blast traps Gang Orca.

Shoto and Inasa put their differences aside and trap Gang Orca inside a spiraling flame prison using a unison blast from both their Quirks while paralyzed.[13] The villains turn around to help their captain and students returning from the evacuation attack. Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mina Ashido work with Izuku to take advantage of the situation. Tsuyu and Nagamasa Mora also arrive to take down several more villains with their special moves.

Gang Orca knows Shoto and Inasa’s teamwork won’t make up for their mistakes, but he states their unison attack was a very good one. At this point, there are only a few more citizens left to be rescued before the test concludes. The No. 10 Hero is forced to rehydrate and says a normal villain would likely give up in this situation but heroes need to be prepared for when they don’t. The head villain makes a sudden escape from the hot wind prison by blasting it apart with hypersonic waves. He tries to finish off Shoto and Inasa but Izuku stops him with a powerful kick. The other students rescue the last of the injured and the exam comes to an abrupt end.[14]


Student 1st Phase Place 2nd Phase Score
Izuku Midoriya Passed Between 77-79 Passed 71
Ochaco Uraraka Passed Between 77-79 Passed Unknown
Hanta Sero Passed Between 77-79 Passed 84
Mezo Shoji Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Tenya Ida Passed 100 Passed 80
Kyoka Jiro Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Minoru Mineta Passed 95 Passed Unknown
Mina Ashido Passed 93 Passed Unknown
Koji Koda Passed 96 Passed Unknown
Rikido Sato Passed 97 Passed Unknown
Yuga Aoyama Passed 99 Passed Unknown
Mashirao Ojiro Passed 92 Passed 61
Fumikage Tokoyami Passed 94 Passed Unknown
Momo Yaoyorozu Passed Between 57-60 Passed 94
Tsuyu Asui Passed Between 57-60 Passed Unknown
Toru Hagakure Passed 91 Passed Unknown
Denki Kaminari Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Eijiro Kirishima Passed Between 80-82 Passed Unknown
Katsuki Bakugo Passed Between 80-82 Failed Unknown
Shoto Todoroki Passed 54 Failed Unknown
Inasa Yoarashi Passed 1 Failed Unknown
Camie Utsushimi Passed 98 Failed Unknown
Seiji Shishikura Failed N/A N/A N/A
Nagamasa Mora Passed Unknown Passed Unknown
Yo Shindo Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Shikkui Makabe Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Tatami Nakagame Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown
Itejiro Toteki Passed Between 83-90 Passed Unknown


Battles & Events
  • The Crushing of U.A.
  • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
  • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle
  • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students
  • Izuku’s Gambit
  • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura
  • Class 1-A’s Comeback
  • Gang Orca’s Invasion


Katsuki, Shoto, and Inasa learn of the remedial course.

Yokumiru displays the results of the exam after announcing students were scored based on how few mistakes they made throughout the second phase. The names of those who passed populate a large board in front of all the students. 89 of the 100 students pass the exam, including most of Class 1-A. However, because of their noncooperation and recklessness during the villain attack, Shoto and Inasa both fail the exam. Katsuki also fails because he didn’t put any effort into rescuing people.

Inasa apologizes to Shoto for making him fail and Shoto concedes that he is to blame for the situation as well. Katsuki is irate over having failed the exam. Many students in Class 1-A are very surprised that their two strongest students failed to get their licenses. Yokumiru has the proctors hand out sheets containing each student’s individual evaluations. The sheets explain which actions of the students received demerits. Izuku wonders why the scoring system didn’t allow for students to recover points and why it didn’t eliminate students after they fell below the benchmark.

Yokumiru explains that the students who passed will receive their provisional licenses so they can act as heroes in emergency situations. He expresses his hopes that these future heroes will fill the void left behind by All Might. Then he addresses those who failed the exam and announces there will be a training course they can participate in. If they were to pass, they will receive their provisional licenses as well. The first phase was meant to thin the heard, so the commission wishes to nurture the 100 students who made it to the second phase. This was why disqualified students were not removed: to provide more information to correct for their problems in the upcoming course.

Izuku receives his Provisional Hero License.

The provisional licenses are handed out to the students and many of them go their separate ways. Ms. Joke says goodbye to Shota and asks if their classes can do some joint training in the future. Inasa tells Shoto he still doesn’t like him but looks forward to taking the Remedial Course together.

Izuku asks Nagamasa about Camie’s disappearing technique but he appears clueless. He says that Camie hasn’t been acting herself and she left early. Somewhere away from the stadium, Camie’s disguise falls away, revealing who was really taking the exam in her place: Himiko Toga, who has managed to obtain a sample of Izuku’s blood.[15]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 103 and Episode 53.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 104 and Episode 54.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 and Episode 54.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 54.
  7. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 107 and Episode 56.
  10. 10.0 10.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 108 and Episode 56.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 109 and Episode 57.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 110 and Episode 57.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 112 and Episode 59.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 and Episode 59.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.

Site Navigation

v  eProvisional Hero License Exam Arc
Chapters 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121
Volumes 11 • 12 • 13 • 14
Episodes 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62
Battles and Events U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam
Ultimate Move Training • Provisional Hero License Exam (The Crushing of U.A. • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie • Inasa’s Hot-Blooded Battle • Shoto Todoroki vs. Seijin Students • U.A. Students vs. Seiai Students • Izuku’s Gambit • U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura • Class 1-A’s Comeback • Gang Orca’s Invasion)
Deku vs. Kacchan 2

А.Ш— рассказывай
— эхех... ну , просто мои родители на работе...
А.Ш— я вижу , когда кто-то врет, поэтому выкладывай правду
— блин... нуу у меня нет родителей просто.. и родственников вообще
А.Ш— с какого момента они пропали?
— я вообще их не знаю
А.Ш— я дет дома сбежала чтоли ?
— нет...просто..поверите ли вы человеку , если он скажет что он из другого мира?
А.Ш— ты надо мной смеёшься?
— нет.. я из другого мира! и попала сюда год назад где-то(?) вроде да... живу одна и если кто-то приходит из полиции , то делаю иллюзию родителей. Сразу отвечу на вопрос: почему же я сейчас этого не сделала. Потому что иллюзия это не живой человек, и через фигню со сканером пройти не может
А.Ш— ... правду говоришь?
— сами же сказали, что отличаете правду ото лжи
А.Ш— да.. ладно, никому говорить не буду , но когда-то это может всплыть наружу , если не учесть все ситуации , а это просто невозможно сделать .Если так случится, то будем действовать по ситуации
— хорошо! спасибо вам огромное!
А.Ш— не за что, так куда тебя вести ?
— **** **** ** ********
А.Ш— тогда поехали

[ через неопределенное количество времени]

М— ну я ему и говорю: это не розовый , а малиновый! А он такой: да они одинаковые ! После этих слов мне хотелось выбросить его вещи , но я сдержалась, поэтому я с ним неделю и не разговариваю
— какая драма! я бы тоже разозлилась
М— вот-вот!
Кир— я вообще-то рядом! И я не виноват , что они одинаковые!
/косо смотрим на него/
Кир— молчу

А.Ш— сейчас пройдет письменный экзамен, завтра практический. Кто все сдаст - поедет в летний лагерь, а кто нет- делайте выводы сами. Что ж , приступайте.

Мгу... вот тут понятно, тут логично, тут я учила, ту такой год... а тут... Ши?
(*зевок* что?)
не спи и помоги!
(за что ты мне такая тупая досталась)
что сказала?
(ничего.... тут ответ А)
хорошо, спасибо


— в принципе это было легко
( ага . половину у меня сп..)
М— ну не прям легко, но я с половиной точно справилась
— я уверенна ты справилась!
М— спасибочки!
Кам— о чем разговаривали девочки?
Кир— да, говорите)
—разговаривали , как захватить мир
Мальчики— чтО?
М— хахеэех, она шутит, мы говорили о том, как написали тест
Кам— кстати! я хотел спросить что вы в 6 написали?
— А
Кам— а я вообще С написал...
Кир— У меня тоже В, Юми объясни как ты решала!
— э... пока...

Остальные матчи потихоньку шли, и в конце концов подошли к команде Момо и Тодороки, которые встретились с Айзавой. Вначале они все еще пытались одолеть Айзаву: Тодороки не полагался на своих товарищей по команде, а у Момо были проблемы с уверенностью в себе.

Но затем, как будто это было принесено божественным провидением, у этих двоих внезапно произошло прозрение, и лицо Хирото промелькнуло в их головах, позволяя им протолкнуться и преодолеть свои пределы, отбросив свои проблемы и противостоять Айзаве как команда.

Момо смогла быть более уверенной в себе, а Тодороки мог больше доверять другим. Хотя в основном это произошло потому, что Момо тоже была другом Хирото, но детали не имеют значения.

Этим двоим удалось сбежать и сдать экзамен. Матч Мины и Каминари был зрелищным, когда они оба убегали от ловушек, расставленных Незу.

Это было еще более садистски, поскольку он продолжал разрушать их пути побега, заставляя их едва ли не попадаться в смертельные ловушки одной «милой» мыши. В конце концов, они оба были побеждены, и Незу маниакально смеялся, празднуя свою победу, разливая свой чай повсюду.

Затем был матч Кацуки и Изуку против Всемогущего. Ничего особенного не изменилось, кроме того факта, что эти двое, казалось, могли сотрудничать намного лучше, без криков Кацуки.

Им удалось пройти, но их отправили в медицинский кабинет, где Исцеляющая девочка слегка подлотала их для восстановления сил.

Пришло время Хирото и Серо подняться наверх. Воодушевленные другими студентами, которые все еще находились в комнате для наблюдения, они двое направились к копии города и вошли сразу после того как гигантские металлические двери распахнулись.

Другие ученики уже узнали о дополнительной цели, добавленной к экзамену Хирото и Серо, но никто не жаловался, учитывая, кто был в этой паре.

Хирото стоял рядом с Серо, пока они ждали начала обратного отсчета. Им заранее сообщили, где находится заложник, но найти этого человека все равно придется самостоятельно.

Серо повернулся к Хирото и спросил — Нам разделиться или держаться вместе?

Хирото посмотрел на Серо, как на идиота, и сказал — Вы когда-нибудь видели фильм, где разделение было хорошей идеей?

Серо задумался на мгновение, затем кивнул, говоря — Черт, ты прав. Тогда мы будем держаться вместе.

Объявление разнеслось по ложному городу — Команда Мориямы и Серо, практический экзамен. Готово и начали!

Прежде чем Серо успел среагировать, Хирото схватил его и за доли секунды подскочил в воздух. Земля, на которой они стояли, мгновенно рухнула, из-за установленной там ловушки.

Серо широко раскрыл глаза и челюсти и сказал — Какого черта ?! Они тоже добавили ловушки ?! — Затем он повернулся и накинул свои ленты вокруг ноги Хирото, качнулся и приземлился на крышу, а за ним и Хирото.

— Похоже на то, — сказал Хирото, глядя на узкие переулки.

Серо указал на центр города и сказал — Согласно полученным нами сведениям, заложник должен находиться рядом с центральной площадью.

Хирото кивнул — Как ты хочешь туда попасть? Я могу доставить тебя туда немедленно.

Лицо Серо под шлемом на мгновение побледнело, но он быстро собрался с решимостью и кивнул, сказав — Тогда нам нечего терять, — Затем он обернул свои ленты вокруг руки Хирото и приготовился к самому экстремальному катанию на американских горках в своей жизни.

— Держись, не хочу, чтобы ты упал и сломал себе все кости, — сказал Хирото.

— Подожди, что ?! Постой … Аааааааааааааа !! — вскрикнул Серо, не успев закончить фразу, когда Хирото прыгнул вперед и пересек различные небоскребы и здания под ними.

Снизу Хирото увидел большое открытое пространство в центре города с окружающими его зданиями. В центре была кукла в форме женщины, на теле которой было написано — Помогите мне.

Хирото приземлился на крышу, которая выходила на площадь, схватив Серо за шиворот воротника, прежде чем он отпустил его, а тот упал лицом на асфальтовую дорогу внизу.

Уронив его, Серо застонал и сказал — Это было худшее… если ты хочешь побеждать злодеев в будущем, просто возьми их с собой.

Хирото повернулся к Серо и сказал — Я оставлю заложника на тебя. Вероятно, вокруг есть ловушки, так что будь начеку.

Серо покачал головой и сказал — Думаю, мне не будет лучше, если ты уйдешь. Посмотри на местность, там нет никаких зданий или объектов, за которые я мог бы ухватиться, поэтому я не смогу маневрировать со своей причудой, — Он указал на площадь внизу и на заложника, сидящего на поляне.

Хирото задумался на мгновение, затем ударил кулаком по руке и сказал — Я тебя понял, — Он протянул руку и сказал, — Обними руку.

Серо на мгновение выглядел смущенным, но затем согласился, обматывая ленту вокруг руки Хирото. Затем он спросил- Что теперь?

Но Хирото просто спросил — Ты когда-нибудь прыгал с тарзанки?

Серо был еще больше сбит с толку, пока наконец не понял план Хирото. Прежде чем он успел возразить, Хирото уже схватил Серо и бросил его в заложника, при этом Серо кричал по пути.

Во время его полета активировалось несколько ловушек, которые вызвали цепную реакцию, когда пару их них произвели взрывы, а оставшиеся пытались окутать сетью своего врага. К счастью, из-за скорости, с которой был брошен Серо, все ловушки не попали в цель, когда Серо пролетел мимо них всех.

Затем он подошел к заложнику как раз в тот момент, когда лента застряла, достигнув предела. Протянув руку, он схватил куклу и обнял ее, в то же время, когда Хирото потянул ленту.

Серо снова пришлось пройти через множество ловушек, но все они промахнулись, когда его отбросило назад, но на этот раз с пассажиром.

Приближаясь к Хирото, Серо остановился и легко приземлился позади него, несколько раз прокатившись кубарем по земле, глаза его не могли сфокусироваться от головокружения, но он все еще продолжал обнимать куклу.

— Я-я думаю… я просто путешествовал по измерениям… — пробормотал Серо про себя, качая головой из стороны в сторону.

— Перестань так драматизировать, — сказал Хирото, поднимая Серо с земли. Серо все еще обнимал куклу, но затем послышался легкий щелчок.

Глаза Хирото сузились, когда газ вырвался из куклы, окружая и его, и Серо розовым газом. Серо, который уже находился в бреду, был быстро усыплен его воздействием.

— Пахнет … сладко? — сказал Хирото, вдыхая аромат, прежде чем приступить к хлопку в ладоши с некоторой силой, используя давление воздуха, чтобы рассеять газ с крыши.

— Ара ~ ара ~, кажется, ты можешь устоять перед моим ароматом, — прокомментировала Полночь на противоположной стороне крыши, облизывая губы, и размахивая кнутом в правой руке, — Это было всего лишь небольшое количество, которое я могу выпустить, интересно, какому количеству ты сможешь противостоять.

В тот момент, когда она закончила свои слова, больше розового газа вышло из ее тела, медленно покрывая крышу. Затем она вытащила пару вентиляторов сзади, направив газ вперед, чтобы охватить всю крышу, а также использовала его, чтобы спрятаться от взгляда Хирото.

Хирото схватил Серо и куклу, а затем перекинул их через левое и правое плечи, готовясь к прыжку. Однако из-под него несколько проводов были выпущены вверх и обернуты вокруг Серо и куклы, вырвав их из рук Хирото.

— Еще больше ловушек? Разве это не издевательство? — сказал Хирото, покачав головой.

Он двинулся вперед и схватил Серо и Куклу за ступни, подвешивая их в воздухе. Затем хлыст ринулся вперед и собирался ударить Хирото в грудь, пока он не наклонил голову и не укусил его, сделав хлыст неподвижным.

— Ой, я не считала тебя таким агрессивным — сказала Полночь, пытаясь выдернуть хлыст, но обнаружила, что это невозможно. Затем Хирото откинул голову назад, заставляя её притягиваться к нему.

Будучи на мгновение застигнутой врасплох, Полночь нахмурилась, поняв, что не смогла вовремя отпустить кнут, и ее потащили вперед. Вытащив еще один хлыст из бог знает откуда, она направила его в сторону металлической антенны, обернулась вокруг нее и отклонилась от пути Хирото.

Воспользовавшись этим шансом, Хирото оттащил Серо и куклу назад, перед этим оборвав провод пальцами, после чего снова положив их себе на плечо. Затем он посмотрел на Полночь, которая стояла на возвышении и ласкала хлыст.

Прежде чем она успела что-то сказать, тело Хирото исчезло, когда розовый газ покрыл всю крышу. Она нахмурилась и попыталась найти его, только чтобы услышать голос сзади.

— Я выступаю за гендерное равенство.

Глаза Полночи закатились, когда Хирото нокаутировал ее, после чего она упала на тело Хирото.

Затем Хирото положил ее на землю и сковал ее наручниками с Серо и куклой, все еще лежавшими у него на плечах. Объявление сразу же последовало за этим.

— Команда Мориямы и Серо, практический экзамен, конец. Результат: победа.

Примечание автора:

У меня есть хорошие новости, следующей аркой будет I-Island! Бьюсь об заклад, многие из вас будут в восторге от этого, я определенно рад. Я еще не видел, чтобы кто-нибудь писал об этом, так что будет весело. Я смотрю фильм вкратце, пока пишу главы, и это хороший перерыв в обычном сериале.


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