Mixing styles internet sensation short lifetime money worries ответы егэ

Задание №6680.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Mixing styles
2. Internet sensation
3. Short lifetime
4. Money worries
5. Celebrity style
6. Cheaper to buy
7. Rebels no more
8. Shopping frenzy

A. Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.

B. There are still a few youth sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls — teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of showing off what they love to do.

C. In the old days, it took quite a lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.

D. There are fewer differences between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still very creative!

E. A youth sub-culture is defined by many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?

F. Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a youth sub-culture born overnight!

G. It is true that youth sub-cultures are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough, everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky if it lasts a whole year these days!


Заголовок 7 (Rebels no more. — Повстанцев больше нет) соответствует содержанию текста A: «There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.»

Заголовок 8 (Shopping frenzy. — Безумие покупок) соответствует содержанию текста B: «One phenomenon is haul girls — teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes.»

Заголовок 6 (Cheaper to buy. — Дешевле покупать) соответствует содержанию текста C: «It’s all become more affordable now…»

Заголовок 1 (Mixing styles. — Смешивание стилей) соответствует содержанию текста D: «But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks.»

Заголовок 4 (Money worries. — Денежные заботы) соответствует содержанию текста E: «How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?»

Заголовок 2 (Internet sensation. — Интернет-сенсация) соответствует содержанию текста F: «Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular.»

Заголовок 3 (Short lifetime. — Короткий срок службы) соответствует содержанию текста G: «This timeline used to be much longer than it is today.»

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Раздел 2 Чтение

Изучив советы по выполнению заданий ЕГЭ из Раздела 2 по чтению (см. Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2016 Английский язык, Раздел 2 Чтение), выполните следующие тренировочные варианты.

Вариант 1

Задание 10

Установите соответствие между текстами A – G и заголовками 1 – 8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. Mixing styles
  2. Internet sensation
  3. Short lifetime
  4. Money worries
  5. Celebrity style
  6. Cheaper to buy
  7. Rebels no more
  8. Shopping frenzy


Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.


There are still a few youth sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of showing off what they love to do.


In the old days, it took quite a lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.


There are fewer differences between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still very creative!


A youth sub-culture is defined by many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?


Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a youth sub-culture born overnight!


It is true that youth sub-cultures are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough, everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky if it lasts a whole year these days!

Ответ :

       A        B        C        D        E        F        G

Задание 11

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.


The theory of evolution says that all living things on Earth, A ____________, come from a common ancestor by slowly changing down the generations. Darwin suggested that the way living things changed over time is through natural selection. This is the better survival and reproduction of those B ____________ . Fitting into the place where you live is called adapting. Those who fit best into the place where they live, the best adapted, have the best chance to survive and breed. Those who are less well-adapted C ____________ . If they do not survive well enough to raise young, that means they do not pass on their genes. In this way, the species gradually changes.

The first chapter of the Origin deals with domesticated animals, D ____________ . Darwin reminded readers of the huge changes mankind had made in its domestic animals, which were once wild species. The changes were brought about by selective breeding – choosing animals with desirable characters to breed from. This had been done generation after generation, E __________ . Perhaps what man had done deliberately, might happen in nature, where some would live more offspring than others.

Darwin noticed that although young plants or animals are very similar to their parents, F ___________ and there is always a range of shape, size, colour and so on. Some of these differences the plant or animal may have got from their own ancestors, but some are new and caused by mutations.

  1. including plants, animals and microbes
  2. tend not to survive
  3. such as cattle and dogs
  4. it would have a better chance to survive
  5. that best fit their environment
  6. no two are exactly the same
  7. until our modern breeds were produced


         A          B          C          D          E          F

Задания 12 – 18

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. 

Crash Landing

At that time the people of Britain would have been shocked to know that women were flying their most famous war plane. But the fact is that the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) had over 100 women pilots who delivered more than 300,000 air craft during the war. We had to fly the Spitfires from the factories and deliver them to airfields dotted around the south of England. Normally we would be flying in daylight with good visibility conditions. That is why we were never given instrument training as our instructors told us that with all the restrictions of war time, there was no time or money to spare for this luxury.

Occasionally we had to fly other aircraft – without any kind of additional training at all. Probably some high ranking, non-flying military official somewhere said that all aircraft were exactly the same to fly. Well – I can assure you that this is not true. With unfamiliar aircraft we had ten minutes to read an instruction booklet called the “Ferry Pilot Notes”. And that was it. We had to climb in, fire up, taxi and then take off in completely unknown flying machines.

That particular day, the day I came so close to death, was my twenty-first birthday. I had no cake or candles that day and my two friends and myself shared some chocolate – the only luxury available in those days. We drank apple juice, and ate the apples and cheese. We entertained ourselves with silly stories. But at one solemn moment we also made a toast to absent friends and remembered the girls who had died delivering aircraft.

In the morning we were driven to the factory and my worst fears were realised. Instead of a lovely new and familiar Spitfire I had a bulky Torpedo bomber. We all hated these as several had crashed without any clear reason why. I was able to take the Ferry Pilot Notes into the canteen and studied them over breakfast. I had a very uneasy feeling in my stomach which had nothing to do with the breakfast I was consuming. I had birthday kisses from the other girls but it only made me feel worse.

At about 11 I was given my flight plan and it was time to go. I looked at the sky. There was a strange quality to the light that I didn’t like and I was worried. With no instrument training, fog or mist made flying incredibly dangerous and absolutely terrifying. With a heavy heart I fired up the engine.

Within 20 minutes I was approaching the river Forth. But I couldn’t see the river as clouds thickened up around me. I took the aircraft lower looking for a glimpse of the ground. At one point I was sure that I was virtually at ground level but I couldn’t see a thing. It was too dangerous to continue. I could hear my heart beating even over the roar of the engine.

When it happened – it happened really quickly. The plane hit water. I didn’t see anything. I was thrown against my straps – and then a flood of cold seawater in my eyes and mouth. I was a mile out to sea!

I was certain I was going to die. Funnily enough – I was perfectly calm. I even thought that my ATA insurance payment would really be a big help to my Mother. But then survival instinct kicked in. I was still alive – and close to shore. I had no life jacket or any survival gear but I was a good swimmer. I was certain there were no bones broken and I didn’t have to swim far. I was picked up by a fishing boat that I had narrowly missed in the fog. And in the end I got a real birthday drink after all – a cup of spiced, dark rum.

12. Women pilots from ATA had no instrument training because

1) it was an auxiliary air force.

2) they were not supposed to fly in low visibility.

3) their main job was to deliver Spitfires to airdromes.

4) there was no money for this during the war.


13. The Ferry Pilot Notes were instruction booklets written to

1) help women pilots.

2) explain how to fly the plane.

3) ensure further training.

4) explain how to behave in dangerous situations.


14. The narrator and her friends had no cake because

1) it was still the day before her birthday.

2) they preferred apples and cheese.

3) it was hard to obtain one in wartime.

4) it was a tradition to eat it in the pilot canteen.


15. The narrator was unhappy to take a Torpedo bomber because

1) it was a bulky aircraft.

2) she preferred to fly Spitfires.

3) she didn’t know how to fly it.

4) the plane was notorious.


16. The narrator flew with a heavy heart because she

1) didn’t feel healthy.

2) found her flying plan incredibly dangerous.

3) was worried there might be poor visibility.

4) was in a blue mood.


17. The narrator’s words “It was too dangerous to continue” refer to her decision to

1) keep on flying lower.

2) make an emergency landing on the water.

3) continue the flight.

4) ignore her heart problems.


18. The moment the plane crash landed the narrator

1) was sure she could swim to shore.

2) prepared to die.

3) wished she had a life jacket.

4) worried about her mother.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Проверьте себя по ключам.

Key answers Task 10       7861423

Key answers Task 11       152376

Key answers:  12 – 4

13 – 2

14 – 3

15 – 4

16 – 3

17 – 1

18 – 2

Good luck in your exam!

Related posts:

Изучив советы по выполнению заданий ЕГЭ из Раздела 2 по чтению (см. Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2016 Английский язык, Раздел 2 Чтение), выполните следующие тренировочные варианты.

Вариант 1

Задание 10

Установите соответствие между текстами
A –

и заголовками 1 – 8.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. Mixing styles
  2. Internet sensation
  3. Short lifetime
  4. Money worries
  5. Celebrity style
  6. Cheaper to buy
  7. Rebels no more
  8. Shopping frenzy

Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.

There are still a few youth sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of showing off what they love to do.

In the old days, it took quite a lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.

There are fewer differences between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still very creative!

A youth sub-culture is defined by many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?

Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a youth sub-culture born overnight!

It is true that youth sub-cultures are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough, everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky if it lasts a whole year these days!


Задание 11

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски

частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами

Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.

Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.


The theory of evolution says that all living things on Earth, A ____________,
come from a common ancestor by slowly changing down the generations. Darwin suggested that the way living things changed over time is through natural selection. This is the better survival and reproduction of those B ____________ .
Fitting into the place where you live is called adapting. Those who fit best into the place where they live, the best adapted, have the best chance to survive and breed. Those who are less well-adapted C ____________ .
If they do not survive well enough to raise young, that means they do not pass on their genes. In this way, the species gradually changes.

The first chapter of the Origin
deals with domesticated animals, D ____________ .
Darwin reminded readers of the huge changes mankind had made in its domestic animals, which were once wild species. The changes were brought about by selective breeding – choosing animals with desirable characters to breed from. This had been done generation after generation, E __________ .
Perhaps what man had done deliberately, might happen in nature, where some would live more offspring than others.

Darwin noticed that although young plants or animals are very similar to their parents, F ___________
and there is always a range of shape, size, colour and so on. Some of these differences the plant or animal may have got from their own ancestors, but some are new and caused by mutations.

  1. including plants, animals and microbes
  2. tend not to survive
  3. such as cattle and dogs
  4. it would have a better chance to survive
  5. that best fit their environment
  6. no two are exactly the same
  7. until our modern breeds were produced

Задания 12 – 18

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18
. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1
, 2
, 3
или 4
, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Crash Landing

At that time the people of Britain would have been shocked to know that women were flying their most famous war plane. But the fact is that the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) had over 100 women pilots who delivered more than 300,000 air craft during the war. We had to fly the Spitfires from the factories and deliver them to airfields dotted around the south of England. Normally we would be flying in daylight with good visibility conditions. That is why we were never given instrument training as our instructors told us that with all the restrictions of war time, there was no time or money to spare for this luxury.

Occasionally we had to fly other aircraft – without any kind of additional training at all. Probably some high ranking, non-flying military official somewhere said that all aircraft were exactly the same to fly. Well – I can assure you that this is not true. With unfamiliar aircraft we had ten minutes to read an instruction booklet called the “Ferry Pilot Notes”. And that was it. We had to climb in, fire up, taxi and then take off in completely unknown flying machines.

That particular day, the day I came so close to death, was my twenty-first birthday. I had no cake or candles that day and my two friends and myself shared some chocolate – the only luxury available in those days. We drank apple juice, and ate the apples and cheese. We entertained ourselves with silly stories. But at one solemn moment we also made a toast to absent friends and remembered the girls who had died delivering aircraft.

In the morning we were driven to the factory and my worst fears were realised. Instead of a lovely new and familiar Spitfire I had a bulky Torpedo bomber. We all hated these as several had crashed without any clear reason why. I was able to take the Ferry Pilot Notes into the canteen and studied them over breakfast. I had a very uneasy feeling in my stomach which had nothing to do with the breakfast I was consuming. I had birthday kisses from the other girls but it only made me feel worse.

At about 11 I was given my flight plan and it was time to go. I looked at the sky. There was a strange quality to the light that I didn’t like and I was worried. With no instrument training, fog or mist made flying incredibly dangerous and absolutely terrifying. With a heavy heart I fired up the engine.

Within 20 minutes I was approaching the river Forth. But I couldn’t see the river as clouds thickened up around me. I took the aircraft lower looking for a glimpse of the ground. At one point I was sure that I was virtually at ground level but I couldn’t see a thing. It was too dangerous to continue. I could hear my heart beating even over the roar of the engine.

When it happened – it happened really quickly. The plane hit water. I didn’t see anything. I was thrown against my straps – and then a flood of cold seawater in my eyes and mouth. I was a mile out to sea!

I was certain I was going to die. Funnily enough – I was perfectly calm. I even thought that my ATA insurance payment would really be a big help to my Mother. But then survival instinct kicked in. I was still alive – and close to shore. I had no life jacket or any survival gear but I was a good swimmer. I was certain there were no bones broken and I didn’t have to swim far. I was picked up by a fishing boat that I had narrowly missed in the fog. And in the end I got a real birthday drink after all – a cup of spiced, dark rum.

12. Women pilots from ATA had no instrument training because

1) it was an auxiliary air force.

2) they were not supposed to fly in low visibility.

3) their main job was to deliver Spitfires to airdromes.

4) there was no money for this during the war.

13. The Ferry Pilot Notes were instruction booklets written to

1) help women pilots.

2) explain how to fly the plane.

3) ensure further training.

4) explain how to behave in dangerous situations.

14. The narrator and her friends had no cake because

1) it was still the day before her birthday.

2) they preferred apples and cheese.

3) it was hard to obtain one in wartime.

4) it was a tradition to eat it in the pilot canteen.

15. The narrator was unhappy to take a Torpedo bomber because

1) it was a bulky aircraft.

2) she preferred to fly Spitfires.

3) she didn’t know how to fly it.

4) the plane was notorious.

16. The narrator flew with a heavy heart because she

1) didn’t feel healthy.

2) found her flying plan incredibly dangerous.

3) was worried there might be poor visibility.

4) was in a blue mood.

17. The narrator’s words “It was too dangerous to continue” refer to her decision to

What people wear says a lot about who they are and what they do, and it is not surprising that teenagers are so concerned about their clothes. Nevertheless, their parents think that following fashion is a waste of time.

From my point of view, it is important to look smart and attractive because we cannot go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. I also believe it is necessary for teenagers to follow fashion. When you are up with fashion, you feel confident. What is more, everyone should find their own style to express their individuality. I hate when people dress alike. Personally, I prefer hand-made or designer clothes and try to look stylish.

However, many parents do not understand why teens spend so much time and money on their clothes. Quite a lot of adults are old-fashioned and do not accept modern trends in clothing. They say that fashion comes and goes but classical style remains.

As for me, I cannot agree with them because teenage fashion is quite specific. Nobody likes to dress in styles that are too old for them, and it is no fun being teased because of it. Moreover, clothes will be especially important in our future career, so learning to choose the right clothes is worth spending time and money.

  1. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола
  2. Выберите правильный артикль
  3. Выберите правильный предлог
  4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужное неопределенное местоимение
  5. Переведите текст, поставьте к его содержанию общий, специальный и альтернативный вопросы

I. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола (The Present Simple), Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple):

  1. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes.
  2. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano.
  3. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday.
  4. You (to go) to the south next summer?
  5. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.
  6. Our football team always (to win) all games.
  7. When I (to be) 15 years old, I (to enjoy) playing tennis.

1) What are you doing now? — I’m washing the dishes. (Present Continuous)

2) Listen! Somebody plays the piano. (Present Simple)

3) Nina celebrated her birthday yesterday. (Past Simple)

4) Will you go to the south next summer? (Future Simple)

5) We cooked our meats on a fire last summer. (Past Simple)

6) Our football team always wins all games. (Present Simple)

7) When I was 15 years old, I enjoyed playing tennis. (Past Simple)

II. Выберите правильный артикль:

  1. She is … most honest person of all I know.
  2. … air was fresh and clean.
  3. I want … breakfast at … quarter to nine.
  4. My younger sister is still … teenager. She is … beautiful girl with … fair hair and … pleasant smile.

1) She is the most honest person of all I know.

2) The air was fresh and clean.

3) I want breakfast at a quarter to nine.

4) My younger sister is still a teenager. She is a beautiful girl with a fair hair and a pleasant smile.

III. Выберите правильный предлог:

  1. (At, in, on) Saturday I am (in, at) home (at, in) 3.
  2. What do you usually do (on, in, at) your English lessons?
  3. We went (to, in, at) Moscow (on, with, by) train.
  4. I like to listen (-, to, on) radio.
  5. (On, in, at) twelve thirty we have a break (for, of, at0 lunch.

1) On Saturday I am at home at 3.

2) What do you usually do on your English lessons?

3) We went to Moscow by train.

4) I like to listen to radio.

5) At twelve thirty we have a break for lunch.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужное неопределенное местоимение:

1. Is there (some, any) snow in the street this morning?

2. There are (some, any) letters for you on the table.

3. My brother doesn’t like (some, any) carrots.

4. Do you want (some, any) milk in your coffee?

5. They brought (some, any) good books from the library.

1) Is there any snow in the street this morning?

2) There are some letters for you on the table.

3) My brother doesn’t like any carrots.

4) Do you want some milk in your coffee?

5) They brought some good books from the library.

V. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Поставьте к его содержанию общий, специальный и альтернативный вопросы:

In Pakistan most people travel by bus to get from one town to another. In the less populated parts of the country many journeys take a day and there is a bus only once or twice a week. It is a dangerous means of transport and the buses sometimes break down. The roads are often in bad condition and the journeys are very slow and uncomfortable. It is a good idea to take food and drink because there are not always restaurants or shops on the route. The buses are usually very crowded with whole families traveling together. Many people sit on the roof where it is very hot in the summer and cold in winter. The only advantage of this means of transport is the cost. It is very cheap. But you only pay for what you get!


В Пакистане большинство людей для того чтоб добраться из одного города в другой ездят на автобусах. В менее населённых районы страны много маршрутов занимают день, причём автобус есть один или два раза в неделю. Это опасное положение с транспортом, и автобусы иногда ломаются. Дороги часто в плохом состоянии, и рейсы очень медленные и неудобные. Хорошая идея взять с собой еду и напитки, потому что не всегда по пути встречаются рестораны и магазины. Автобусы обычно сильно переполнены целыми семьями, едущими вместе. Много людей сидит на крыше, где очень жарко летом и холодно зимой. Единственное преимущество этого положения с транспортом — это стоимость. Она очень низкая. Но вы платите только за то, что получаете.


Общий: Is it a good idea to take food and drink when you travel in Pakistan by bus?
Специальный: Often in what condition are the roads in Pakistan?
Альтернативный: Are the buses in Pakistan very crowded or usually empty?

Спонсор сайта: Бюро переводов «Альфа» — курсы английского языка на высокопрофессиональном уровне. Получение качественного образования невозможно без предварительной подготовки. Помощь в освоении языка вам окажут лучшие репетиторы по английскому , подробности на сайте http://alfa-perevod.ru.

Предлагаем попробовать свои силы и выполнить полное аудирование в формате ЕГЭ. Ответы и полные тексты к аудио даны в спойлерах. Здесь представлен вариант 2.

Задание 1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Задание 1

1. It’s good to have a part-time job when you’re a university student.
2. Problems with time-keeping are not always the student’s fault.
3. University students have lots of new expenses to cope with.
4. Learning to do chores is part of university life.
5. Asking your parents for money while at university can be difficult.
6. Your class schedule can vary significantly at university.
7. Managing your freedom is a responsibility you learn at university.

A – 4
B – 7
C – 1
D – 6
E – 3
F – 2

Speaker A
: I wasn’t a lazy kid at all. I studied hard and got good marks in my exams. I never missed football practice and participated in extra-curricular activities. But now that I’m at university, there’s one thing I realise I never learnt how to do – wash my clothes! Now that Mums not here to do it, I’ve had to sort of work it out on my own. Needless to say, a few of my white T-shirts now look pink!

Speaker B
: At university, no one’s around to tell you that you need to stay at home and study That’s something you have to learn to do yourself. There’s lots of temptation to go out and say to yourself, “I’ll study” later. But take it from me, that’s a bad mistake to make. You’ve got to stay on top of your priorities. It’s just as important to put your free time into a specific schedule as it is your study time.

Speaker С
: I never seem to have enough money as a university student. My parents send me a few pounds here and there, but I’ve largely been left to fend for myself Luckily, I’ve been able to manage my studying and take on a few hours at a local cafe. It’s a good way to make some extra cash, and it keeps me from going out too much, which is how I would spend most of my money anyway!

Speaker D
: As a high school student, life was fairly simple. I can say that now, looking back on it! You went to school at 9 am, left at around 4 pm, and that was the end of it. Now, at the beginning of every term at university, I have to sort through a list of classes that occur at all different times of the day. On the one hand, it’s very flexible, but it makes sticking to a routine a bit more difficult.

Speaker E
: Money can be a real problem for university students. That’s certainly no big secret! You’ve got to pay for expensive books for every subject. And what about your meals? Mum and Dad aren’t there to pick up the tab. And if you have your own flat, there will be rent and all sorts of bills. I live in a hall of residence, so having my own place is another year away for me yet. I’d better start saving up!

Speaker F
: I’m lucky that I have all of my lectures in the afternoon. It means I’ve got the mornings to do my studying and my chores. But sometimes it’s a bit difficult to get from one class to another. My last two Friday lectures are at opposite ends of the university. I’ve only got 10 minutes to get from one to the other, so you I’ll see me running down the street on occasion! I’m often late, but I can’t help it!

Задание 2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

Задание 2

A) Amy is on her way to do some studying.
B) Amy had to knock on her brother’s door more than once.
C) Amy’s brother refused to turn down his music when she asked him to.
D) Amy didn’t like the kind of music her brother was playing.
E) Amy’s mum is always home when Amy gets home from school.
F) Amy’s parents don’t do anything to help the situation.
G) There’s only one bathroom in George’s home.

A – 2
B – 1
C – 2
D – 3
E – 2
F – 2
G – 2

: Amy, what’s the matter? You look very upset. Is everything OK?

: Hi, George. No, everything’s not OK. I’ve just had a horrible argument with my brother. I should be studying right now, but I decided I’d go for a walk and let off some steam.

: Oh, dear! What happened? Do you want to talk about it?

: Well, I was trying to do my maths homework when Jeff decided it was time to play some really loud music. I went to his room to tell him to turn it down, and he ignored me when I knocked on his door.

: Oh, how rude! What did you do?

: I banged on the door again, really loudly this time. I thought I was going to punch a hole in the door! He finally answered, so I calmly requested for him to lower the volume.

: And did he?

: Yes, he did. Very nice of him, wasn’t it? So, I went back to my bedroom, but two minutes later, the volume returned. It’s so unfair, he always does things like this when Mum and Dad aren’t home, and he does it to annoy me.

: Are your parents out a lot? My parents hardly ever leave home it seems.

: My dad works late, so we don I see him until supper. Usually when I get home from school, my mum’s home, but occasionally she’s out late too. Really, my brother and I don’t fight that often, but it tends to happen when he knows he can get away with it.

: Do you tell your parents about it when he does things like that?

: Every single time! They warn him not to do it anymore, but he doesn’t really get punished. Usually he’s just told to be nice to me, and he says he’s sorry, but I know he doesn’t mean it!

: My sister and I fight over the bathroom. Well, it’s because she spends so much time in there getting ready every morning, or when she wants to go out. I end up having to use my parents’ bathroom sometimes. I wish I had my own!
Amy: It sounds like we’ve both got difficult siblings! Well, I’m going to continue my walk. Thanks for listening to my complaints!

: Good luck with your brother!

Задание 3

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Задание 3

Rhonda says with a raw food diet,…
1) food must remain completely cold.
2) chicken can’t be included.
3) the concepts are difficult to understand.

What was Rhonda’s diet routine like before she switched to a raw food diet?
1) Very similar to now.
2) Extremely unhealthy.
3) Much more traditional.

Including beans in a raw food diet…
1) requires certain preparation.
2) is impossible.
3) is not advisable.

What difficulty does Rhonda mention with preparing raw foods?
1) The length of time required.
2) The lack of recipe choice.
3) The difficulty in obtaining good flavour.

Rhonda says freezing foods …
1) changes the nutritional value.
2) ruins the food.
3) is a necessary step.

What is true about Rhonda as a result of her raw food diet?
1) She feels better mentally.
2) She regrets her decision.
3) She feels more active.

Rhonda thinks it’s terrible that …
1) so few people follow a raw food diet.
2) it’s so difficult to follow a raw food diet.
3) some people eat only cooked foods.

1 – 2
2 – 3
3 – 1
4 – 1
5 – 1
6 – 3
7 – 3

: Hi everyone and welcome to our programme, Healthy Living. With us today is Rhonda McShane, a nutritionist and healthy living adviser. Rhonda, thanks for joining us.

: I’m happy to be here.

: To begin with, I’d like to talk about the dieting phenomenon known as a raw food diet, which you follow yourself Can you tell me about that?

: Certainly. A raw food diet is fairly self- explanatory; basically, you don’t cook anything you eat. This of course means there are certain things you really can’t eat, such as chicken. But the main idea is that no food is heated above 40 degrees Celsius.

: I see. And how long have you been following this diet?

: I started a couple of years ago, and I really enjoy it now» although it was quite challenging in the beginning. I was so used to cooking my food, you know, normal things like sautéing veggies in oil, baking casseroles in the oven, and boiling rice and pasta. You can’t do any of those things on a raw food diet. It’s quite a lifestyle adjustment.

: I’m sure it’s not just eating raw fruit and vegetables, is it?

: No, it’s not. Actually, I’m not a vegetarian, as I do eat sushi. I also consume dairy products such as milk and eggs, and I eat grains, some beans, nuts and seeds. Now, I know what you’re thinking – raw beans, aren’t they poisonous? Well, yes, the actual bean often is, but we do a process called ‘sprouting’, where we soak the beans and let them start to grow. The new growth is safe and nutritious to eat.

: Honestly, I would think your options are really limited. Do you prepare a lot of different recipes?

: Yes. Actually, there are many cookbooks on the market with a variety of raw food recipes. It takes a bit of preparation to make certain things, sometimes half a day. For example, I have a recipe for vegetarian burgers. I make the burgers, then instead of cooking them, I put them in a dehydrator for a few hours, which dries them out. It works on a very low heat, so it doesn’t cook them. Believe it or not, they turn out like real veggie burgers, and are very tasty.

: What other devices do you use?

: Anything that doesn’t actually cook the food. You can use blenders and juicers, and you can store food in the fridge, of course. You can even freeze meals, although that tends to lower the nutritional value, and nutrition is one of the reasons I’ve chosen this diet.

: I was just about to ask … why would someone choose a raw food diet?

: Well, foods lose a lot of their goodness when you cook them, so I’ve chosen this diet because I think it’s the healthiest way of eating. I can say that I have more energy and am in better shape than I used to be. I admit, though, a raw food diet isn’t for everyone.

: So what do you recommend people do with their diets?

: Well, there are some people who never eat raw foods. That means no fresh fruit or vegetables at all. That’s terrible! I urge people to include as much raw food as they can into their diet. People should eat plenty of raw foods every single day. Go ahead and cook your burgers, just don’t forget the fresh lettuce and tomato!

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Meaningful name

2. Times and associations

3. Still the first in the list of destruction

4. Severe and powerful

5. Unique in many ways

6. Too much to remain pure

7. Natural flow preserved

8. Center of development

The fifth longest river in the world is the Yenisei which flows north from Mongolia through Russia to the Arctic Ocean. Originally, nomadic tribes — the Kit and Yugh people — lived along the banks of the Yenisei. Russian explorers first reached its shores in 1605. Much of the Yenisei is ice-bound six or more months in the year. Explosives are used to keep the water flowing, thereby avoiding serious flooding. A series of massive hydroelectric dams provide energy to support Russian industry.

Known as the “cradle of Chinese civilization”, the Yellow River in China is the 6th longest river in the world. It’s been a major center of Chinese population and culture since the 3rd century B.C. However, the Yellow River has another name — “China’s Sorrow”. For thousands of years, the river has regularly flooded, destroying the surrounding countryside and populations. Today over a dozen dams control the flooding and also provide electricity for millions.

Every year schoolchildren everywhere learn the names of the world’s great rivers. Everyone knows the longest river is the Nile. Or is it? Brazilian and Peruvian scientists now argue that the Amazon should be considered the longest (using complicated measurements only scientists can understand). But for now, the Nile still wins the title of “longest river” in textbooks. The Nile has always been the lifeline of Egyptian civilization. The annual flooding of the river creates rich agricultural soil, ideal for growing wheat and flax and other crops.

When people think of the Mississippi River, their first thought is usually of Mark Twain and the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. They may not recall from their childhood geography lessons that the Mississippi is the fourth longest river in the world. For thousands of years, Native Americans lived along the Mississippi, mostly living as hunter-gatherers and herders. That life changed forever when Europeans first arrived in the 16th century; today the Mississippi plays a crucial role in the economic life of dozens of cities and small towns situated along its shores.

The third longest river is the Yangtze River in China. The river plays a very important role in China’s history, culture and economy. Nearly one-third of China’s huge population lives along the Yangtze river. The Yangtze is one of the world’s busiest waterways. Everything is transported along the Yangtze: coal, cars, produce and people. The river also attracts many tourists who take cruises through the famous Three Gorges area. Sadly, because of the heavy traffic on the river and industry along its, banks the Yangtze is very polluted.

The Nile may still earn the title for longest river, but the Amazon — the second longest — has the greatest volume by far. The Amazon contains approximately one-fifth of the water flowing in the world’s rivers. Uniquely, there are no bridges crossing the Amazon anywhere along its long route. Most of the Amazon flows through tropical rainforests, where there are few roads or cities — and therefore no need for bridges. The Amazon Rainforest is the home of more than one-third of all animal and plant species in the world.

From its origins in the Altay Mountains in China, the Irtysh flows north-west through Kazakhstan, and finally merges with the Ob, in western Siberia, Russia. The Ob is 7th longest river in the world. In the 1960s and 1970s proposals to reverse the flow of the Irtysh among other Northern rivers were seriously and widely discussed. These gigantic water management schemes meant to supply water to central Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Thanks to Kazakh and Russian environmentalists and lack of money they were not implemented.

«Технологии подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ».

«Система упражнений по формированию умения читать,

проверяемого в ЕГЭ по английскому языку в разделе «Чтение».












§  Газетные/журнальные статьи

§  Публикации научно-познавательного






§  Проспекты, буклеты

§   Путеводители,

§   журнальные статьи






§  Журнальные статьи

§  Отрывки из художественной литературы










Жанры и типы текстов

Жанры текстов










и телепрограммы





и журнальные статьи, отражающие проблемы и явления текущей жизни, как в нашей
стране, так и за рубежом


о жизни животных, растений, достижениях во всех областях знаний

из учебника

из энциклопедии и другой справочной литературы



из романов



заданий,  которые используются при обучении

альтернативных ответов

Задание — 
множественный выбор

Задание — 
установление соответствия

Задание — 
заполнение таблицы

Задание — 
заполнение пропусков

Задание —
установление последовательности

Задание –
краткий ответ/дополнение

Задание –
краткое изложение прочитанного

Задание –
исправление ошибо

Типология заданий для проверки понимания

альтернативных ответов

Задание —  множественный

Задание — 
установление соответствия

Задание — 
заполнение таблицы

Задание — 
заполнение пропусков

Задание —
установление последовательности

Задание – краткий

   Тренировочные упражнения


  Первое задание раздела «Чтение» ЕГЭ (В2) проверяет
понимание основного содержания текстов (т.е. поисково-просмотровое чтение) и
заключается в установлении соответствий между краткими текстами информационного
и научно-популярного характера и их названиями. При обучении данному виду
чтения следует обратить внимание на то, что языковая форма не является здесь объектом
произвольного внимания. Этот вид чтения требует умения определить тему,
выделить основную мысль, выбрать важные, значимые факты, опуская второстепенные
и выделять в тексте смысловые опоры.

Рекомендации по формированию умения
понимать основное содержание прочитанного.

Внимательно прочитайте инструкцию,
чтобы четко представлять, что и как вы должны делать.

Быстро просмотрите текст, чтобы понять,
о чем текст.

Прочитайте задания к тексту
(заголовки, рубрики, утверждения) и определите тему.

Не забывайте прочитать заголовок,
очень часто он поможет понять тему(основную мысль) текста.

Многие авторы дают тему текста в
самом начале, чтобы читатель следил за тем, как развиваются события. Поэтому
очень часто бывает достаточно прочитать первый  и последний абзацы тексты для
того, чтобы понять тему.

Найдите в тексте (микротекстах)
ключевые слова или фразы, выражающие тему, основную мысль.

Не пытайтесь переводить текст

Не паникуйте, если в тексте
встретили много незнакомых слов. Ваша задача – понять основную мысль.

В текстах обычно дается сначала
основная мысль, а затем она подкрепляется дополнительной информацией.

№1. What kind
of film?

reviews 1-4, choose from the list of film categories A-E the kind of film being
reviewed. Use

letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. You
have 20 minutes to

the texts and do the task.

horror film

action film




Once again, Tom Granger shows in his latest film why audiences find him so
amusing. Playing

usual character, the loveable loser Benny, Granger makes fun of doctors and
hospitals in a

film. Crazy situations and funny dialogues keep you grinning, and the car crash
at the

had me crying for all the right reasons. A real hit!

This film proves that you can’t make a great film just by giving a director a
lot of money. The

effects and costumes are wonderful, but the story is about as frightening as a

and graveyards may scare small children, but most of us will yawn through this
one. I,

one, was glad when me monster finally did get the girl. At least it saved us
from her terrible


Director Sarah Howard, best known for her exciting chases and explosions, tries
a new style in

complicated story of two people in New York whose lives are changed when they
are both
arrested. The film is full of
suspense as they are passed from the police to the FBI and the CIA.

in a world of spies and secrets, this film will leave you looking over your
shoulder to see

following you.

You’d better bring your tissues if you’re going to see the latest from Sam
Goldberg. From the

beginning he plays with your emotions. Based on a true story, the film follows
the heroine,

through her struggle with cancer and her developing relationship with the young
doctor trying to save her, Goldberg lets us into their hearts as if we had
known them all our lives.

№2  Установите соответствие между текстами
A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В
задании один заголовок лишний

Выберите ответ :

A. Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to
be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society
dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to
something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society
is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so
there are fewer sub-cultures as a result. 

B. There are still a few youth sub-cultures
these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they
drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then
they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They
put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of
showing off what they love to do. 

C. In the old days, it took quite a lot of
cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and
buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable
amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth
sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less. 

D. There are fewer differences between
youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like
a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the
youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk
but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still
very creative! 

E. A youth sub-culture is defined by many
things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to
belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has
become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How
can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial

F. Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come
out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who
posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her
style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by
thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a
youth sub-culture born overnight! 

G. It is true that youth sub-cultures are
like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough,
everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to
be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much
faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky
if it lasts a whole year these days! 










Второе задание  (В3) оценивает
понимание структурно-смысловых связей текста и заключается в заполнении
пропусков в предложениях в тексте предлагаемыми частями предложений.

№1  Прочитайте текст и
заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна

частей в списке 1–7 лишняя

The Seven Sisters 
After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a
building frenzy to add a grand architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put
by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the nation during the war,
the Soviet Union was victorious, A _______ . 

The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned
to be built between 1947 and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just
like existed in Western cities such as New York and London. It was a matter of
prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, B _______ . 

The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the
Second World War. The building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed.
Construction began in 1937, but the German invasion in 1941 halted work C _______

Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base
size varying from one building to the next. The upper floors are much less wide
than the base, D _______ . The building designs are both
elegant and imposing. 

The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their
erection. Some are hotels, such as the Hotel Ukraina, E _______
. When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building. Other
buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
for the Russian Federation. 

Strangely, the term ‘Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call
the buildings ‘Stalinskie Vysotki’, or ‘Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was
replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries F _______
, places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture. 

Выберите ответ :

 1. and the
building materials were removed and used for military defence

 2. with the
focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man

 3. and can be
seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest

 4. and it was
one of his missions to make that a reality

 5. yet its
capital had nothing to show for it

 6. with the top
consisting of a tower which narrows to a point

 7. which has
since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel







№2 Прочитайте текст и заполните
пропуски AF частями предложений,
обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части
предложений, в таблицу. Один фрагмент предложения — лишний.

1) which is
often in the form of hills called sand dunes

 2) whenever it
rains 3) to find water as far as 25 metres away

 4) which can
receive up to 10,000 mm of rain annually

5) to better
distribute their body heat and stay cool

6) even though
the desert environment is very dry and hot

7) that help
them to live in the desert

Surviving in a Desert A desert is defined
as a place that gets less than 250 mm of rain each year. It differs sharply
from the climate of a rain forest, A _________________. Arid desert lands cover
about one third of the earth’s surface. Most deserts are covered with sand, B
__________________. There are also usually a lot of rocky areas. This
combination of sand and rock means that the soil is not very fertile. C
___________________, some living things are able to do well in this setting.
Many plants have changed and developed in ways D ________________. These
changes have become apparent in a number of ways. Some plants are able to grow
very quickly E ______________. They turn green and produce flowers within just
a few days. Other desert plants simply stop growing in very dry weather. They
appear to be dead, but when the rain returns, they come back to life and begin
growing again. Desert animals have also developed many characteristics that
help them to survive in arid environment. Camels can go for a very long time
without drinking. Other animals, such as snakes and rats, find cool places to
sleep during the day and come out only at night. The extremely long ears of
desert rabbits help them F ________________. Changes like these have allowed
some animals and plants to grow and develop successfully in a very challenging
ecological system: the desert. There are countless books in the world, and
whoever you are, whatever you’re feeling, there is definitely a book out there,
just waiting for you to discover it.








задание  (А15 – А21) оценивает умение полностью и детально понять смысл текста,
где требуется выбрать один вариант ответа из четырёх предложенных. Данный вид
чтения требует полное и точное понимание всех основных и второстепенных фактов,
содержащихся в тексте

Рекомендации по формированию умения извлекать
необходимую информацию из прочитанного.

Учащимся следует:

Внимательно прочитать задания, для
того чтобы знать, какую 
следует искать в тексте

Ограничить время выполнения
задания, так как извлечение необходимой информации не требует внимательного
прочтения всего текста

Быстро просмотреть текст, чтобы
понять, о чем он

Помнить, что задания всегда стоят
перед текстом, и это позволяет рационально тратить время на его выполнение

Знать, что лексическое наполнение
задания и текста не совпадают, поэтому в тексте нужно искать синонимичные

Подчеркнуть ключевые слова в
задании и предположить, какие синонимы искать в тексте

рекомендации по выполнению задания – множественный выбор.

просмотри текст, чтобы понять, о чем он.

текст внимательно, чтобы иметь четко представление о содержании текста.

задания к тексту и продумай ответы, не читая предложенных вариантов ответа.

к тексту и найди отрывок в тексте, который подтвердит твой ответ.

один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

есть сомнения, то прочитай текст еще раз, чтобы быть уверенным, что ответ не
противоречит содержанию текста.

Помни, что:

которые повторяют текст (т.е. предложения, дословно употребленные в тексте)
обычно не бывают правильным ответом.

из предложенных вариантов могут быть правильными по логике, но не соответствуют
содержанию текста, или не отвечают на вопрос.

варианты ответа могли бы быть правильными, если бы в них не было ‘
sometimes‘, ‘never‘, ‘always‘.

№1  Read the article carefully. Then read the
statements (1-5) given below the text and decide whether they are true or
false. You have 15 minutes to read the text and do the task.

   Since people
first realised that they could travel faster from one place to another using a

means of
transport rather than walking, they have developed an amazing number of ways of
getting around. From camels to the space shuttle, from horses to jets, we love
to travel. Carts pulled by horses once took people lo market and now people
drive to supermarkets in their cars. Boats first took people out to fish and
now submarines float deep beneath the waves with huge cruise ships and stylish
sailboats above them. People first flew in hot-air balloons and now they fly
into space aboard rockets.

We also use
means of transport to move goods and materials from one area to another. Ships

take cargo and
oil tankers take fuel around the world. Trucks, lorries and vans move goods on
the roads while electric trains and diesel trains do it on rails, just like
steam trains used to do.

People are moved
from one place to another every day to work, some of them going by  

others by bus, tram or taxi, and some making their own way by bicycle or

They go on
holiday by plane, by ferry, by hydrofoil, or by coach. From the poorest person

home by donkey
to the richest going home by limousine, people’s lives are dependent on many

different means
of transport.

1 The writer
mentions carts and cars to show how transport has changed.

a) true

b) false

2 The writer
thinks submarines are less developed than fishing boats.

a) true

b) false

3 One way
people travel is on oil tankers.

a) true

b) false

4 The writer thinks
trains are generally old-fashioned.

a) true

b) false

5 The writer
thinks people travel for many different reasons.

a) true

b) false






рекомендации по выполнению задания – множественный выбор.

просмотри текст, чтобы понять, о чем он.

текст внимательно, чтобы иметь четко представление о содержании текста.

задания к тексту и продумай ответы, не читая предложенных вариантов ответа.

к тексту и найди отрывок в тексте, который подтвердит твой ответ.

один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

есть сомнения, то прочитай текст еще раз, чтобы быть уверенным, что ответ не
противоречит содержанию текста.

Помни, что:

которые повторяют текст (т.е. предложения, дословно употребленные в тексте)
обычно не бывают правильным ответом.

из предложенных вариантов могут быть правильными по логике, но не соответствуют
содержанию текста, или не отвечают на вопрос.

варианты ответа могли бы быть правильными, если бы в них не было ‘
sometimes‘, ‘never‘, ‘always‘.

№2 Прочитайте текст. В
каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту

№3   Прочитайте текст и
выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании выберите цифру
1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Facebook addict 
I’ve been a user of Facebook for years, almost since its inception. I should
correct myself, actually: I’ve been a user, abuser and loser of Facebook since
King Mark Zuckerberg bestowed his charming gift upon the world. 

I call him a ‘king’ because he virtually rules over my life, and not in the
typical way an actual king would, but in the way I have allowed myself to get
sucked into the phenomenon. Let’s face it: the man has more influence over some
people, me being one of them, than some parents have over their own

I’ve had my ups and downs with Facebook. I’ve gone from having thousands of
friends I’d never met in real life, to deleting my account entirely and
starting again from scratch, adding only real friends, as if that would make my
experience more meaningful. 

But why would I need Facebook to add depth to my existence? I’ll tell you why …
it’s because Facebook makes you slightly famous. It’s like having your picture
in the paper with a little news story about you, where you’ve been, what you’re
doing, what you bought today. You’re surrounded by all the trappings of Western
society in your status update photos and they’re right there for the whole, um,
small network of your friends to see. 

I know what you’re thinking … I’m sad and hopeless, and you’ll never turn out
like me. But how many of you reading this can honestly say you don’t do the
same things? Maybe you do it to different degrees, and maybe you’re even worse.
You just have to ask yourself … is there anything wrong with that? 

I freely admit that I take pleasure from posting amusing pictures of a night
out with friends, or what my dog’s chewed up on my return from work, or the
fantastic rearrangement I did of my living room. There was a time when I
thought ‘There must be something wrong with me. Surely I can find a better way
to spend my time.’ Apparently I can’t, because I haven’t, so my conclusion is
that I never will and I’m better off accepting it than trying to fight

Allow me to present a solid case in favour of Facebook addiction … isn’t it far
better than watching TV for hours on end? Or what about playing video games?
That’s much more harmful and pointless, in my opinion. At least with Facebook,
the things I do are seen by my peers, for better or worse, and my actions are
not completely invisible and meaningless. At least there’s a purpose,

I suppose we find purpose where we want to find it. One could argue that a TV
addiction helps keep you up-to-date with current events. And maybe a computer
game sharpens your physical reflexes. I’ve decided that I’m a Facebook junkie
because I’m a deeply social person. I like sharing opinions, photos, videos,
and links to articles I enjoyed reading. And I’m not ashamed of it! 

OK, I admit, I might check my Facebook page 100 times a day too many. I might
get just a little upset when no one clicks ‘like’ on any of the random postings
I make every day. But I did get 70 ‘likes’ for the photo I posted of me with my
cat in front of my chin, which made me look as if I had a beard. You have to
admit, those sorts of pictures are hilarious, and if they make someone laugh,
where’s the harm in that? 

Выберите ответ : 
№1  The author refers to Mark Zuckerberg as a man who is …

 1) parental.

 2) generous.

 3) powerful.

 4) ordinary.

№2   What does
the author think about being Facebook friends with people you don’t know?     1)
It is rather meaningless.

 2) It can give
you cause to delete your account.

 3) It adds
meaning to your life.

 4) It can stop
you having friends in real life

№3      The
expression ‘trappings of Western society’ in paragraph 4 means …

 1) things that
hold us hostage.

 2) our habits
or belongings.

 3) the media’s
effect on people.

 4) a person’s
lonely existence.

№4      What
does the author think about other people’s relationship with Facebook?   

1) Everyone is
far worse.

 2) No one can
be as bad.

 3) It varies
from person to person.

 4) Most people
aren’t honest about it.

№5    In
paragraph 6, what does the ‘it’ refer to in both instances of ‘I’m better off accepting
it than trying to fight it’? 

1) The things
people think about the author.

 2) The quality
of things the author posts.

 3) The lack of
free time in the author’s life.

 4) The
author’s desire to use Facebook often.

№6     What is
the author’s rationale for using Facebook?

 1) It is
better than other mindless activities.

 2) Everyone
else the author knows is obsessed, too.

 3) All the
author’s posts benefit the author’s friends.

 4) The author
would be addicted to something else without it.

№7    The last
paragraph demonstrates that the author …

1) is not
ashamed of anything he does on Facebook.

 2) plans to
spend less time on Facebook.

 3) may have a
slight problem with Facebook.

 4) does not
really enjoy Facebook.









I:  №1















II    №1





















































Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов №2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ №2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ №2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37. You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane:

From: Jane@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@oge.ru

Subject: Food prices

…I’m living alone now as my parents are visiting my elder sister and her new baby. I never thought we spend so much on food! Where do you usually buy food? What’s the most expensive and the cheapest thing to eat in Russia? What do you prefer – to eat in or to eat out, and why?

This month I’m working as a baby-sitter for my neighbours…

Write an email to Jane.

In your message:

– answer his questions;

– ask 3 questions about her experience as a baby-sitter.

Write 100—140 words

Remember the rules of email writing.


Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ №2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what pets people keep in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

Make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

Select and report 2—3 facts;

Make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

Outline a problem that can arise with keeping pets and suggest a way of solving it;

Conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of pets in our life.


38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on what extracurricular activities are popular with teenagers in Zetland.

Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Teenagers’ Extracurricular Activities in Zetland

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– Make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– Select and report 2—3 facts;

– Make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– Outline a problem that one can face doing extracurricular activities and suggest a way of solving it;

– Conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of extracurricular activities for teenagers.

– Conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of extracurricular activities for teenagers.

Test 31. Устная часть

Task 1

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Scientists have noticed that the weather is getting worse and worse and the so-called extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent. The explanation is short: the reason is global warming. What is global warming? Greenhouse effect is a natural feature of our atmosphere without which the life on our planet would be impossible. Certain atmospheric gases work as a kind of blanket, keeping the Earth warm. The amount of these ’greenhouse’ gases used to be more or less the same for centuries. But the industrial revolution broke this balance. Climate experts predict that in 30 years the global average temperature will rise by 2—3 degrees. Northern regions will be wetter and warmer, southern regions will be drier and hotter. Snow will melt in the Alps and other mountains and the water will cause floods. Sea levels will rise and lots of areas will disappear under water. So will some species of animals and plants.

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You are considering visiting Alla Scala theater and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out the following:

1) current performances

2) tickets price

3) location of the theater

4) if you can go backstage

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Task 3

You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions.

Give full answers to the questions (2—3 sentences).

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Typescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s the Young Adults Club. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss daily routines. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How busy is your school timetable?

Student: ______________________________

Interviewer: What after school activities do you take part in?


Interviewer: What household chores do you have?


Interviewer: How do you prefer to spend your free time?


Interviewer: Do you think that everyone should find time for meeting with relatives and friends? Why?


Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Task 4

Imagine that you and your friend are doing a project «Online and Offline Learning». You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:

– explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;

– mention the advantages (1—2) of the two types of learning;

– mention the disadvantages (1—2) of the two types of learning;

– express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of learning you prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12—15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.


Раздел 1. Аудирование

1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. I usually ignore what glossy magazines advise.

2. My friends and I are for sports style in clothes.

3. Clothes aren’t a top priority in people’s life.

4. Fashionable clothes can improve your self-esteem.

5. You can judge a person’s character by clothes.

6. It’s important to know how to mix clothes.

7. Some clothes are suitable for any occasion.

2. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. Steve hasn’t been to the new library yet.

B. Anne enjoys rainy days very much.

C. Steve believes reading is not as exciting as some other activities.

D. Steve can play hockey even at night.

E. Steve’s hockey friends don’t play online games.

F. Steve likes serious questions about life.

G. Anne thinks that films shouldn’t be based on books.


Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. What do we learn about Maggie’s musical education?

1) She attended a musical school for 9 years.

2) She didn’t like playing the piano very much.

3) She didn’t have a special music talent.


4. Why did Maggie want to become an actress?

1) This profession runs in her family.

2) Acting on stage felt natural to her.

3) She wanted to overcome the stage fright.


5. What does Maggie say about directors and directing?

1) She thinks she was fortunate to work with many talented directors.

2) She feels she could herself direct a film one day.

3) She thinks David Lynch is the best director


6. What does Maggie say is the most important thing for her about a film?

1) The story.

2) The screenplay.

3) The partners


7. Maggie often plays mothers because…

1) she is a future mother herself.

2) such roles provide lots of opportunities to an actress.

3) people like her in such roles.


8. What does Maggie think of her appearance?

1) She thinks she’s very beautiful.

2) She thinks she should take care of the way she looks on screen.

3) She thinks her looks don’t interfere with her job


9. What does Maggie love about being an actress?

1) Being able to play both men and women.

2) Being able to look beautiful on screen.

3) Being able to express complex characters


По окончании выполнения заданий 1—9 не забудьте перенести ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10. Установите соответствие между текстами A—G и заголовками 1—8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Mixing styles.

2. Internet sensation.

3. Short lifetime.

4. Money worries.

5. Celebrity style

6. Cheaper to buy

7. Rebels no more

8. Shopping frenzy

A. Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.

B. There are still a few youth sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big «haul», usually several bags of clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of showing off what they love to do.

C. In the old days, it took quite a lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.

D. There are fewer differences between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still very creative!

E. A youth sub-culture is defined by many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?

F. Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a youth sub-culture born overnight!

G. It is true that youth sub-cultures are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough, everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky if it lasts a whole year these days!


11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

The Seven Sisters

After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a building frenzy to add a grand architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the nation during the war, the Soviet Union was victorious, ___ (A).

The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned to be built between 1947 and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just like existed in Western cities such as New York and London. It was a matter of prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, ___ (B).

The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the Second World War. The building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed. Construction began in 1937, but the German invasion in 1941 halted work ___ (C).

Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base size varying from one building to the next. The upper floors are much less wide than the base, ___ (D). The building designs are both elegant and imposing.

The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their erection. Some are hotels, such as the Hotel Ukraina, ___ (E). When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building. Other buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Russian Federation.

Strangely, the term «Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call the buildings «Stalinskie Vysotki’, or «Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries ___ (F), places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture.

1. and the building materials were removed and used for military defense

2. with the focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man

3. and can be seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest

4. and it was one of his missions to make that a reality

5. yet its capital had nothing to show for it

6. with the top consisting of a tower which narrows to a point

7. which has since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Network Addict

I’ve been a user of Network for years, almost since its inception. I should correct myself, actually: I’ve been a user, abuser and loser of Network since King Mark Zuckerberg bestowed his charming gift upon the world.

I call him a ’king’ because he virtually rules over my life, and not in the typical way an actual king would, but in the way I have allowed myself to get sucked into the phenomenon. Let’s face it: the man has more influence over some people, me being one of them, than some parents have over their own children.

I’ve had my ups and downs with Network. I’ve gone from having thousands of friends I’d never met in real life, to deleting my account entirely and starting again from scratch, adding only real friends, as if that would make my experience more meaningful.

But why would I need Network to add depth to my existence? I’ll tell you why.. it’s because Network makes you slightly famous. It’s like having your picture in the paper with a little news story about you, where you’ve been, what you’re doing, what you bought today. You’re surrounded by all the trappings of Western society in your status update photos and they’re right there for the whole, um, small network of your friends to see.

I know what you’re thinking.. I’m sad and hopeless, and you’ll never turn out like me. But how many of you reading this can honestly say you don’t do the same things? Maybe you do it to different degrees, and maybe you’re even worse. You just have to ask yourself.. is there anything wrong with that?

I freely admit that I take pleasure from posting amusing pictures of a night out with friends, or what my dog’s chewed up on my return from work, or the fantastic rearrangement I did of my living room. There was a time when I thought «There must be something wrong with me. Surely I can find a better way to spend my time.» Apparently, I can’t, because I haven’t, so my conclusion is that I never will and I’m better off accepting it than trying to fight it.

Allow me to present a solid case in favour of Network addiction.. isn’t it far better than watching TV for hours on end? Or what about playing video games? That’s much more harmful and pointless, in my opinion. At least with Network, the things I do are seen by my peers, for better or worse, and my actions are not completely invisible and meaningless. At least there’s a purpose, right?

I suppose we find purpose where we want to find it. One could argue that a TV addiction helps keep you up-to-date with current events. And maybe a computer game sharpens your physical reflexes. I’ve decided that I’m a Network junkie because I’m a deeply social person. I like sharing opinions, photos, videos, and links to articles I enjoyed reading. And I’m not ashamed of it!

OK, I admit, I might check my Network page 100 times a day too many. I might get just a little upset when no one clicks ’like’ on any of the random postings I make every day. But I did get 70 ’likes’ for the photo I posted of me with my cat in front of my chin, which made me look as if I had a beard. You have to admit, those sorts of pictures are hilarious, and if they make someone laugh, where’s the harm in that?

12. The author refers to Mark Zuckerberg as a man who is…

1) parental.
2) generous.
3) powerful.
4) ordinary.


13. What does the author think about being Network friends with people you don’t know?

1) It is rather meaningless.

2) It can give you cause to delete your account.

3) It adds meaning to your life.

4) It can stop you having friends in real life.


14. The expression ’trappings of Western society’ in paragraph 4 means…

1) things that hold us hostage.

2) our habits or belongings.

3) the medias effect on people.

4) a person’s lonely existence.


15. What does the author think about other people’s relationship with Network?

1) Everyone is far worse.

2) No one can be as bad.

3) It varies from person to person.

4) Most people aren’t honest about it.


16. In paragraph 6, what does the ’it’ refer to in both instances of «I’m better off accepting it than trying to fight it’?

1) The things people think about the author.

2) The quality of things the author posts.

3) The lack of free time in the authors life.

4) The author’s desire to use Network often.


17. What is the author’s rationale for using Network?

1) It is better than other mindless activities.

2) Everyone else the author knows is obsessed, too.

3) All the authors posts benefit the authors friends.

4) The author would be addicted to something else without it.


18. The last paragraph demonstrates that the author…

1) is not ashamed of anything he does on Network.

2) plans to spend less time on Network.

3) may have a slight problem with Network.

4) does not really enjoy Network.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10—18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—24.


11 th



Вы услышите 6 высказываний.
Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-
F и утверждениями, данными в списке
1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой,
только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите
свои ответы в таблицу.

1. It is
necessary to take care of your pet’s health if it has problems.

2. Having
two pets can be more enjoyable than having one.

3. Giving
an unwanted pet a home is an opportunity to do something kind.

4. Each
and every pet has an interesting and unique personality.

Choosing the right pet is a very important decision.

6. A pet
often loves its owner and can be like a best friend.

7. Pets
need something to play with, just like people do.









Open the brackets

1) I
………………………………(study/usually) in the morning.

2) Tom and
Peter ………………already…………………. (have) breakfast.

3) Elisa
sometimes ……………………………………… (get) home at 6.

4) At
weekends Paul …………………………………………….. (meet /
always) his friends at the club.

5) My
daughter ………………………..(study) English, but now she
……………………….(study) Spanish.

6) Steve
………………….………………………. (go) to work by bus tomorrow.

7) We
can’t go out now. It
…………………………………………………….. (rain).

8) Sarah
usually …………………………… (take) a bus to school but this week she ………………………. (go) by

9) We ……………………………………………..
(not swim)

10) I
……………………………………….. (not cook) dinner at the
moment. I ………………………………. (watch) TV.

11) Lisa
…………………………. (not do) yoga last Saturday. She ……………………….. (do) yoga last
Wednesday and Friday.

Children usually ………………………………… (ask) many questions.

13) My dad
…….. ( be) sociable.

соответствие между текстами А-
G и заголовками 1-8.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В
задании один заголовок лишний.

Mixing styles                                                               5.
Celebrity style

Internet sensation                                                        6.
Cheaper to buy

Short lifetime                                                               7.
Rebels  no more

Money worries                                                             8.
Shopping frenzy

A. Youth sub-culture isn’t what it
used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or
society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they
belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children,
and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to
act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.

B. There are still a few youth
sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls — teenage girls who shop
till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of
clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old
video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s
their way of showing off what they love to do.

C. In the old days, it took quite a
lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out
and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a
considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to
one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.

D. There are fewer differences
between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie
looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems
that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which
is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s
still very creative!

E. A youth sub-culture is defined by
many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to
belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has
become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How
can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep
financial concerns?

F. Sometimes a youth sub-culture can
come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl
who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her
style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by
thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a
youth sub-culture born overnight!

G. It is true that youth sub-cultures
are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough,
everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to
be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much
faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky
if it lasts a whole year these days!









Max                                         Student’s
score                         Mark







1.  Вербицкая М., Манн М и др. «Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому
Macmillan. ( чтение и аудирование) 2. www.busyteacher.org

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