Mr coyote mr mouse mr snail егэ ответы

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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 05 (part 1)

A Picnic Spot


‘It’s a perfect day for a picnic’, said Mr. Wolf. ‘Do you think you could pack us a lunch?

‘I certainly could’, said Mrs.  Wolf.
So the decision was made.



But once she and Mr. Wolf and their son and daughter were out in the summer woods, they could not / couldn’t findthe right spot.



One picnic spot was too shady, another was too sunny and hot. The third had no wild flowers around it.



And when at last they found one with all those things, Mrs. Wolf cried, ‘Oh, but here there’s no water. Surely we can find a better spot than this one.’       



When it was lunchtime, everyone was very hungry. At last the children cried: ‘Please hurry up and choose a picnic place.’

‘Yes, please, do.’ Mr. Wolf said. ‘This basket is so heavy.’



‘All right,’ agreed Mrs. Wolf. ‘Let us just go round the next turn in the path — and there we will eat.’



So they went around the turn and soon came into their own back yard! Mr. Wolf quickly put down his basket. ‘It’s a perfect spot for a picnic,’ he said looking around with a smile. ‘Chairs, and a table, and a pool — and a beautiful flower garden!’ And they decided to have picnics there all summer long.


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2 Прочитайте текст и поместите его абзацы в логическом порядке.

Койот и Улитка

b) Мистер Койот становился очень старым. Однажды он гулял часами по красивой долине и очень устал. Он захотел поспать. Внезапно он увидел большое дерево и попросил его впустить его. Дерево согласилось. Затем оно открылось, и мистер Койот забрался внутрь.

d) Затем дерево закрылось и сказало: “Когда вы захотите выбраться, скажите: «Пожалуйста, выпустите меня, мистер Дерево».

e) Койот спал много часов. Когда он проснулся, он не мог вспомнить слова, чтобы открыть дерево. Он сказал: «Выпустите меня, мистер Дерево», но ничего не произошло. Это было так, потому что дерево не слышало слова «пожалуйста». Койот не знал, что делать, и начал кричать.

c) Птицы услышали его крики. Они пришли помочь, и мистер Дятел сделал дыру в дереве. Но это была маленькая дыра. Мистер Койот попытался просунуть голову в отверстие, но не смог. Его голова была слишком большой. Поэтому он снял уши и просунул их сквозь дыру, потом глаза. Мистер Ворона увидел глаза и полетел вниз, чтобы взять их. Мистер Койот, наконец, просунул голову в отверстие и начал собираться часть за частью, пока он снова не стал целым койотом. Но он не мог найти глаз.

a) Мистер Койот не хотел, чтобы другие животные знали, что он слепой. Он вставил в глаза два лепестка роз. Вдруг появился мистер Улитка, который увидел в глазах мистера Койота лепестки роз. Он спросил мистера Койота: “Почему у вас эти лепестки роз в глазах?” Мистер Койот сказал: “Потому что они очень красивые. У них прекрасный цвет глаз. Вы можете попробовать взять их, если хотите, а я возьму ваши глаза. “Мистер Койот вставил глаза мистера Улитка в свою голову и убежал. По сей день мистер Улитка ползет, опустив голову.

Английский оригинал текста:

2 Read the text and put its paragraphs in the logical order.
The Coyote and the Snail
a) Mr Coyote didn’t want the other animals to know he was blind. He put two rose petals in his eyes. Along came Mr Snail who saw Mr Coyote with the rose petals in his eyes. He asked Mr Coyote, “Why do you have those rose petals in your eyes?” Mr Coyote said, “Because they are very beautiful. They have lovely colours. You can try them if you want and I will hold your eyes. ” Mr Coyote put Mr Snail’s eyes into his head and ran off. To this day Mr Snail is crawling with his head down looking for his eyes.
b) Mr Coyote was getting very old. Once he walked for hours and hours through a beautiful valley and became very tired. He wanted to have a sleep. Suddenly he saw a large tree and asked it to let him in. The tree agreed. Then it opened up and Mr Coyote climbed inside.
c) The birds heard his shouts. They came to help and Mr Woodpecker made a hole in the tree. But it was a very small hole. Mr Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but couldn’t. His head was too big. So he took off his ears and put them through the hole, then his eyes. Mr Crow saw the eyes and flew down to take them. Mr Coyote finally put his head through the hole and began to put himself back together one piece at a time, so he became a whole coyote again. But he could not find his eyes.
d) Then the tree closed and said, “When you want to get out, say: “Please, let me out, Mr Tree. ”
e) Mr Coyote slept for hours. When he woke up he could not remember the words to open the tree. He said, “Let me out, Mr Tree,” but nothing happened. It was so because the tree hadn’t heard1 the word “please”. The Coyote didn’t know what to do and began shouting.
3 Write what you can see in the pictures.

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 8 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Решебник ГДЗ English (новый курс)», которая была написана автором/авторами: Михеева. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

Задание №9606.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Mr. Sticky was
1) a goldfish.
2) a piece of gravel.
3) a snail.
4) a turtle.

Mr. Sticky was a snail.
Мистер Стики был улиткой.

«»He’s very small,» Mum said as she peered at the tiny water snail.»

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Test 2/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the information you will hear:

  1. Nearly all the languages of modern _____________ are relatives.
  2. ______________ , ___________ , and Bulgarian belong to Slavonic languages.
  3. _____________ and _____________ belong to Germanic languages.
  4. Spanish, ______________ , ________________ and _________ came from Latin.
  5. But the closest to Latin is ____________.

Task 2: Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

one language, belong not to, could not understand, than any real, all educated people

Universal language

Ludovic Zamenof (1859-1917) was a doctor and lived in Poland which at that time was part of Russian Empire. Zamenof’s education was very good and he spoke a few languages. A quiet and good-hearted man, Zamenof thought that people who lived in different countries of the world ____________________________ each other because they spoke different languages. How wonderful, he thought, if everyone could learn just _________________ and use it. Zamenof was thinking of the international language. Latin was such a language in the Middle Ages: ______________________ could speak it. Some people have said, and still say, that people cannot invent a language. A language slowly develops when people use it. Ludovic Zamenof knew this but also knew that there must be a language that will _______________ one nation but to the whole world. So in 1887, he told people about his own artificial language Esperanto.

This language was easier to learn __________________ language. Even now there are people who speak and use Esperanto. But English at the beginning of the 21st century is taking its place becoming a global language.

Task 3: A. Use a/an or zero article to complete these sentences

1)It was such ______ perfect day.

2)I’ve never done such _____ difficult work.

3)This is such _____ interesting story.

4)I hate such ____ rainy weather.

5)Only rich people can buy such ____ things.

B.Use too or also to complete the sentences

1)I’ve been to the USA and _______ to France.

2)Mr Brown knows Chinese _______.

3)Great Britain is _______ a beautiful country.

4)Forget-me-nots belong to spring flowers _____.

Task 4: Put the correct prepositions into the sentences where necessary:

1)____ the beginning of the lesson we answer our teacher’s questions.

2)Spanish and Portuguese developed _____ Latin.

3)Lord Spenser could not make a speech ____ Parliament.

4)You will need _____ warm clothes for the winter.

5)Let’s sit down and wait _____ the bus.

6)You’ll learn to do it easily, it comes ______ practice.

7)His granny prefers milk ____ juice .

Task 5: spell these words and write them down, translate into Russian

1.[ ] ___________________ 6. [ ] _________________

2.[ ] ___________________ 7. [ ] _________________

3.[ ] ___________________ 8. [ ] _________________

4.[ ] ___________________ 9. [ ] _________________

5.[ ] ___________________ 10.[ ] _________________

Task 6: Complete the dialogues. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) — the children (find) their ball? ________________________________________ ?

— Yes, ___________________

— When _____________________________________________

— They ______________________________________ an hour ago.

2) It’s the first time she (teach) English at school.


3) It’s (wonderful) story the ever (hear).


4) — your mother (to choose) a new car? __________________________________________ ?

— Yes, _______________

— When ________________________________________________ ?

— She _________________________________ last weekend.

5) — The pupils (break) the school rules? ________________________________________ ?

— Yes, ______________

— When _______________________________________________ ?

— They _____________________________________________ yesterday.

Task 7: Use the right verb forms to complete the text.

Mr Smith and Mr Jones (be1) good friends. They always (be2) friends. Mr White (live3) in the country and his friend (rent4) a flat in a town. Every week they (go5) fishing together. One day Mr Smith (get6) up early in the morning and (take7) a fishing rod and some food. Then he (put8) some money into his pocket and (go9) to the door. Suddenly he (understand10) that he (not, take11) the keys. When he (meet12) his friend at the lake, he (tell13) him the story about the keys. Then he (cry14) “I (leave15) my fishing rod at home!”

1)_______________ 9)________________

2)_______________ 10)_______________

3)_______________ 11)_______________

4)_______________ 12)_______________

5)_______________ 13)_______________

6)_______________ 14)_______________

7)_______________ 15)_______________



Variant 1 Variant 2

Task 1: 1)10 Task 1: 1)Europe

2)Russian, Bulgarian 2)Russian, Ukrainian

3)Norwegian, Swedish 3)English, German

4)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese 4)Italian, French, Portuguese

5)Latin 5)Italian

Task 2: a few languages Task 2: couldn’t understand

in the Middle Ages one language

not to one nation all educated people

to learn than belong not to

a global language than any real

Task 3: Task 3:

A: 1 — , 2 a, 3 — , 4 an, 5 — A: 1 a, 2 — , 3 an, 4 — , 5 –

B: also, too, too, also B: also, too, also, too

Task 7: Task 7:

1.are 1.are

2.have been 2 have been

3.lives 3 lives

4.rents 4 rents

5.have 5 go 6 got

7.made 7 took

8.put 8 put

9.went 9 went

10.looked 10 understood

11.took 11 didn’t take

12.came 12 met

13.wasn’t 13 told

14.cried 14 cried

15.has happened 15 have left

Test 3/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the descriptions (a-f) with the titles (1-6). There is one extra title.

  1. Water Lilies
  2. The Remembrance Day Flower (People wear poppies on their dresses in memory of dead soldiers and war heroes)
  3. The National Flower of an Island Country
  4. The First Flower of the Year
  5. The English Favourite Flower
  6. The Daffodil

1)______ 2)______ 3)_______ 4)_______ 5)_______ 6)_______

Task 2: Read the text and put its paragraphs in the logical order.

The Coyote and the Snail

a)Mr Coyote didn’t want the other animals to know he was blind. He put two rose petals in his eyes. Along came Mr Snail who saw Mr Coyote with the rose petals in his eyes. He asked Mr Coyote, “Why do you have those rose petals in your eyes?” Mr Coyote said, “Because they are very beautiful. They have lovely colours. You can try them if you want and I will hold your eyes.” My Coyote put Mr Snail’s eyes into his head and ran off. To this day Mr Snail is crawling with his head down looking for his eyes.

b)Then the tree closed and said, “When you want to get out, say: “Please, let me out Mr Tree.”

c)Mr Coyote was getting very old. Once he walked for hours and hours through a beautiful valley and became very tired. He wanted to have a sleep. Suddenly he saw a large tree and asked it to let him in. The tree agreed. Then it opened up and Mr Coyote climbed inside.

d)Mr Coyote slept for hours. When he woke up he couldn’t remember the words to open the tree. He said, “Let me out Mr Tree, but nothing happened. It was so because the tree hadn’t heard the word “Please”. The Coyote didn’t know what to do and began shouting.

e)The birds heard his shouts. They came to help and Mr Wood pecker made a hole in the tree. But it was a very small hole. Mt Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but couldn’t. His head was too big.

f)So he took off his ears and put them through the hole, then his eyes. Mt Crow saw the eyes and flew down to take them. Mr Coyote finally put his head through the hole and began to put himself back together one piece at a time, so he became a whole coyote again. But he couldn’t find his eyes.

Task 3: Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive

1)I (have) this T-shirt for 2 years.


2)Frank (paint) since morning but he (not, finish) his picture yet.


3)We never (be) to Europe. Sam (live) there for 10 years already.


4)It’s the most interesting story I ever (hear).


5)John (work) on the computer since he came from school.


6)Mother is in the kitchen. She (cook) all the morning.


Task 4: Use reflexive pronouns where necessary to complete the sentences

1)We will go there ________________ and find out what has happened.

2)John dressed _______________ and went out.

3)Children, you should do it _____________________.

4)The test is difficult. I don’t think I can do it ________________.

5)How do you feel ______________ today?

6)Mary knows the rule _____________________.

7)They don’t buy bread in the shop. They bake it __________________.

Task 5: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

another, other, others, the other, the others

1)Some boys like milk, _____________________ don’t.

2)Give me ___________________ sandwich. I’m still hungry.

3)There were two boys in the room. One was Tom, ________________ was John.

4)There were a lot of swans in the lake. Some of them were white, ____________ were black.

5)Some girls like sweets, ______________ girls like chocolate.

Task 6: translate into Russian or English.

1.ёж ___________________ 8. daisy _________________

2.дуб ___________________ 9. anteater _________________

3.чертополох ___________________ 10. pine _________________

4.ласточка ___________________ 11. nightingale _________________

5.стрекоза ___________________ 12.shamrock _________________

6.вдохнуть ____________________ _________________

7.переехать _____________________ 14.species _________________

Task 7: Read the text and answer the questions (give full answers).

There are many interesting monuments to animals. People like animals and have built monuments to them. In one German town there is a monument to a pig. Once people of this town noticed a pig dug in one and the same place very often. So people dug the soil and discovered salt. They were very glad and built the statue to this pig.

There is a monument to a dolphin in Wellinghton, New Zealand. There are statues to a donkey in Switzerland and in Texas, USA. But one of the most popular ones is the monument to a dog Bobby in Edinburgh, Scotland. The dog was so faithful to its master, that after his death Bobby spent 14 years on the grave.

1)Where is the monument to a pig?


2)Why did people build it?


3)Where is a monument to a dolphin?


4)Where are statues to a donkey?


5)Why did people build a monument to a dog in Scotland?


Test 3/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the descriptions (a-f) with the titles (1-6). There is one extra title.

  1. The Daffodil
  2. The English Favourite Flower
  3. Water Lilies
  4. The Remembrance Day Flower (People wear poppies on their dresses in memory of dead soldiers and war heroes)
  5. The National Flower of an Island Country
  6. The First Flower of the Year

1)______ 2)______ 3)_______ 4)_______ 5)_______ 6)_______

Task 2: Read the text and put its paragraphs in the logical order.

The Coyote and the Snail

a)Mr Coyote slept for hours. When he woke up he couldn’t remember the words to open the tree. He said, “Let me out Mr Tree, but nothing happened. It was so because the tree hadn’t heard the word “Please”. The Coyote didn’t know what to do and began shouting.

b)Then the tree closed and said, “When you want to get out, say: “Please, let me out Mr Tree.”

c)So he took off his ears and put them through the hole, then his eyes. Mt Crow saw the eyes and flew down to take them. Mr Coyote finally put his head through the hole and began to put himself back together one piece at a time, so he became a whole coyote again. But he couldn’t find his eyes.

d)Mr Coyote didn’t want the other animals to know he was blind. He put two rose petals in his eyes. Along came Mr Snail who saw Mr Coyote with the rose petals in his eyes. He asked Mr Coyote, “Why do you have those rose petals in your eyes?” Mr Coyote said, “Because they are very beautiful. They have lovely colours. You can try them if you want and I will hold your eyes.” My Coyote put Mr Snail’s eyes into his head and ran off. To this day Mr Snail is crawling with his head down looking for his eyes.

e)The birds heard his shouts. They came to help and Mr Wood pecker made a hole in the tree. But it was a very small hole. Mt Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but couldn’t. His head was too big.

f)Mr Coyote was getting very old. Once he walked for hours and hours through a beautiful valley and became very tired. He wanted to have a sleep. Suddenly he saw a large tree and asked it to let him in. The tree agreed. Then it opened up and Mr Coyote climbed inside.

Task 3: Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive

1)Ed (listen) to music since he was born.


2)My friends always (love) animals and plants.


3)She (drive) this car for 5 hours and she (not, stop) anywhere yet.


4) They just (watch) a new film with George Clooney.


5)We (know) Mrs Smith since last year. Do you know her?


6)Rose (wait) for her friend for half an hour. He (come) yet?


Task 4: Put the correct reflexive pronouns into the sentences where necessary:

1) They ________________ grow vegetables in the kitchen garden.

2) Ken wrote a dictation ___________________ last Monday.

3) Look at _______________ in the mirror. There is some chocolate on your face.

4)The child always hides ________________ under the table.

5) Mary always does the shopping __________________.

6) I don’t know anything about it __________________.

7) The girls went to the sea to bathe __________________.

Task 5: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

another, other, others, the other, the others

1)I have two watches. I have given one to my sister. But where is _________________ ?

2)Some books are better than _____________.

3)I’m still thirsty. Can I take _________________ bottle of Coke?

4)Some people like when it’s hot, ______________ people like rainy weather.

5)There were three cakes on the plate. I’d like to have one and you may take _____________.

Task 6: translate into Russian or English.

1.белка ___________________ 6. carnation _________________

2.ель ___________________ 7. hare _________________

3.нарцисс ___________________ 8. birch _________________

4.дятел ___________________ 9. magpie _________________

5.василек ___________________ 10.thistle _________________

6.открытие ___________________ 13.common _________________

7.пустыня ___________________ 14.pine _________________

The first time Sally travelled by train was when she

1)  had to move to her aunt Alice.

2)  had a summer vacation at school.

3)  went to Pittsburgh for the first time in her life.

4)  visited her aunt Alice together with aunt Winnie.

First Train Trip

I must have been about eight when I made my first train trip. I think I was in second grade at that time. It was midsummer, hot and wet in central Kansas, and time for my aunt Winnie’s annual vacation from the store, where she worked as a clerk six days a week. She invited me to join her on a trip to Pittsburgh, fifty miles away, to see her sister, my aunt Alice. ‘Sally, would you like to go there by train or by car?’ aunt Winnie asked. ‘Oh, please, by train, aunt Winnie, dear! We’ve been there by car three times already!’

Alice was one of my favourite relatives and I was delighted to be invited to her house. As I was the youngest niece in Mother’s big family, the aunties all tended to spoil me and Alice was no exception. She kept a boarding house for college students, a two-storey, brown brick building with comfortable, nicely decorated rooms at the corner of 1200 Kearney Avenue. She was also a world-class cook, which kept her boarding house full of young people. It seemed to me that their life was so exciting and joyful.

Since I’d never ridden a train before, I became more and more excited as the magic day drew near. I kept questioning Mother about train travel, but she just said, ‘Wait. You’ll see.’ For an eight-year-old, waiting was really difficult, but finally the big day arrived. Mother had helped me pack the night before, and my little suitcase was full with summer sundresses, shorts and blouses, underwear and pyjamas. I was reading Billy Whiskers, a fantastic story about a goat that once made a train trip to New York, and I had put that in as well. It was almost midnight when I could go to bed at last.

We arrived at the station early, purchased our tickets and found our car. I was fascinated by the face-to-face seats so some passengers could ride backwards. Why would anyone, I thought, want to see where they’d been? I only wanted to see what lay ahead for me.

Finally, the conductor shouted, ‘All aboard!’ to the people on the platform. They climbed into the cars, the engineer blew the whistle and clanged the bell, and we pulled out of the station.

This train stopped at every town between my home in Solomon and Pittsburgh. It was known as the ‘milk train’ because at one time it had delivered goods as well as passengers to these villages. I looked eagerly at the signs at each station. I’d been through all these towns by car, but this was different. The shaky ride of the coaches, the soft brown plush seats, the smells of the engine drifting back down the track and in through the open windows made this trip far more exotic.

The conductor, with his black uniform and shiny hat, the twinkling signals that told the engineer when to stop and go, thrilled me. To an adult, the trip must have seemed painfully slow, but I enjoyed every minute.

Aunt Winnie had packed a lunch for us to eat along the way as there was no dining car in the train. I was dying to know just what was in that big shopping bag she carried, but she, too, said, ‘Wait. You’ll see.’ Midway, Aunt Winnie pulled down her shopping bag from the luggage rack above our seats. My eyes widened as she opened it and began to take out its contents. I had expected lunch- meat sandwiches, but instead there was a container of fried chicken, two hardboiled eggs, bread and butter wrapped in waxed paper, crisp radishes and slim green onions from Winnie’s garden, as well as rosy sliced tomatoes. She had brought paper plates, paper cups and some of the ‘everyday’ silverware. A large bottle of cold tea was well wrapped in a dishtowel; the ice had melted, but it was still chilly. I cautiously balanced my plate on my knees and ate, wiping my lips and fingers with a large paper napkin. This was living!

When we had cleaned our plates, Aunt Winnie looked into the bag one more time. The best treat of all appeared  — homemade chocolate cakes! Another cup of cold tea washed these down and then we carefully returned the remains of the food and silverware to the bag, which Aunt Winnie put into the corner by her feet.

‘Almost there,’ said my aunt, looking out of the window at the scenery passing by. And sure enough, as we pulled into the Pittsburgh station we immediately caught sight of aunt Alice, waiting for us, a smile like the sun lighting up her face, arms wide open. We got off the train and she led us past the taxi rank and the bus stop to her car that was parked near the station. And all the way to her home she was asking about my impressions of my first train trip and I could hardly find the words to express all the thrill and excitement that filled me.

Test 1/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: listen to the text and write which of these is true, false or not mentioned in the text:

  1. The USA is situated in the central part in the North American continent.
  2. It is the third largest country in the world.
  3. It has 7 islands in the Pacific Ocean.
  4. Lake Huron is small.
  5. There is another famous lake – the Great Salt Lake.

     6. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east.

     7.  In general the climate in North America is not colder than in Europe.

      True:  ______________________

      False: ______________________

      Not mentioned in the text (о чем не говорилось в тексте): ____________________

Task 2: Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.


Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the USA. Its celebration goes back to the 17th century when the first Europeans left England to travel to the New World. They called themselves Pilgrims and most of them left their motherland because they didn’t agree (to agree  — соглашаться) with the official religion in their country.

After the long and difficult journey on the Mayflower across the ocean, the Pilgrims found a place with fields and a stream of fresh water to drink and a lot of tall trees to use for house building. They gave the place the name of Plymouth and made their first colony there.

The first winter and spring in the new country were very hard for the Pilgrims. There was little food and the Pilgrims had great problems. Help came from the Indians who lived nearby. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn (кукуруза), how to gather food and dry some of it for winter use. With the Indians’ help the Pilgrims planted a lot of Indian corn. They worked hard and in autumn they had food for winter ahead. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate it and to thank God for helping them. The women got the food ready: prepared ducks and geese and fish from the stream, made some salads. Twenty Indian friends came and stayed there three days. That was how the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day started.

1)The Pilgrims ___________________________________ .

    a) left England to go to America

    b) left their country to celebrate Thanksgiving Day

    c) left Europe to go to America

2)The place they found in the new land was ________________ .

    a) very beautiful

    b) very good for living

    c) very green

3)The first winter was ___________ .

    a) warm like spring

    b) colder than at home

    c) not so easy

4)The Indians helped the Pilgrims when they _____________________ .

    a) planted corn for them

    b) showed them how to get corn

    c) gave them corm

5)The Pilgrims celebrated their new holiday together with their _________________ .

    a) new colonists

    b) women friends

    c) neighbours

Task 3: Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the text.

at, from, to, in (2), into, of (3), on (3)

Russia is the largest country ______ the world but _____ the same time its population is smaller than in some other countries, China for example. Our country stretches _____ the Baltic Sea _____ the Pacific Ocean. There it borders _____ China and Japan. The largest river ___ Russia is the Volga. It flows ____ the Caspian Sea. A lot of old Russians cities lie ___ it. The chain ___ mountains ____ the Pacific Coast are not very high. Russia is one of the greatest countries of the world and we are proud ___ it.

Task 4: Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect to complete the sentences:

1)I never (see) __________________________ this film.

2)Kate (not, eat) ________________________ her lunch. She is not hungry.

3)Boris (read) ________________________ the book.

4)We never (be) _________________________ to Spain.

5)You (ring up) _____________________ Betty? – Yes, I __________ . She (already, begin) ____________________ doing her homework.

6)They (write) _______________________ the letter yet?

7)She (never, speak) ______________________ to any famous actor.

8)Mrs Johnson (already, become) __________________________ a writer.

Task 5: spell these words and write them down.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Here are some answers. Write the questions. Use Present Perfect.

1) ____________________________________________________________?

    Yes, I have. I did my homework an hour ago.

2) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, he has. Mike ate his lunch at 12 o’clock.

3) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, they have. The pupils began their test 10 minutes ago.

4) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, she has. Molly saw her granny last Sunday.

5) _____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, we have. We were in Italy last summer.

Task 7: Answer the questions about the USA.

1.What is the capital of the USA? _____________________________________________

2.Where does the US President live? ____________________________________________

3.How many states are there in the USA? ________________________________________

4.What continent is the USA situated in? _________________________________________

5.What state of the USA is situated in the north? __________________________________

6.What country does the USA border on in the north? ______________________________

Test 1/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: listen to the text and write which of these is true, false or not mentioned in the text:

  1. The USA is situated in the eastern part in the North American continent.
  2. It is the fourth largest country in the world.
  3. It has many islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
  4. Lake Superior is the largest.
  5. The USA has 5 climate zones.

     6. The south has a tropical climate.

     7.  The climate in North America is warmer than in Europe.

      True:  ______________________

      False: ______________________

      Not mentioned in the text (о чем не говорилось в тексте): ____________________

Task 2: Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.


Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the USA. Its celebration goes back to the 17th century when the first Europeans left England to travel to the New World. They called themselves Pilgrims and most of them left their motherland because they didn’t agree (to agree  — соглашаться) with the official religion in their country.

After the long and difficult journey on the Mayflower across the ocean, the Pilgrims found a place with fields and a stream of fresh water to drink and a lot of tall trees to use for house building. They gave the place the name of Plymouth and made their first colony there.

The first winter and spring in the new country were very hard for the Pilgrims. There was little food and the Pilgrims had great problems. Help came from the Indians who lived nearby. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn (кукуруза), how to gather food and dry some of it for winter use. With the Indians’ help the Pilgrims planted a lot of Indian corn. They worked hard and in autumn they had food for winter ahead. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate it and to thank God for helping them. The women got the food ready: prepared ducks and geese and fish from the stream, made some salads. Twenty Indian friends came and stayed there three days. That was how the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day started.

1)The Pilgrims ___________________________________ .

    a) left Europe to go to America

    b) left their country to celebrate Thanksgiving Day

    c) left England to go to America

2)The place they found in the new land was ________________ .

    a) very good for living

    b) very beautiful

    c) very green

3)The first winter was ___________ .

    a) colder than at home

    b) not so easy

    c) warm like spring

4)The Indians helped the Pilgrims when they _____________________ .

    a) showed them how to get corn planted corn for them

    b) planted corn for them

    c) gave them corm

5)The Pilgrims celebrated their new holiday together with their _________________ .

    a) the new colonists

    b) neighbours

    c) women friends

Task 3: Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the text.

at, from, to, in (2), into, of (3), on (3)

Russia is the largest country ______ the world but _____ the same time its population is smaller than in some other countries, China for example. Our country stretches _____ the Baltic Sea _____ the Pacific Ocean. The chain ___ mountains ____ the Pacific Coast are not very high. The largest river ___ Russia is the Volga. It flows ____ the Caspian Sea. A lot of old Russians cities lie ___ it. Russia borders ____ a lot of countries. We are proud ___ Russia.

Task 4: Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect to complete the sentences:

1)You (ever, swim) __________________________ in the Pacific Ocean?

2)Colin (never, be) _________________________ to the USA.

3)We (not, write) _________________________ a dictation yet.

4)John (already, begin) ________________________ learning French.

5)You (do) _________________________ your homework? – No, I ____________ .

6)Polly (ring up) ______________________________ Doctor Gordon?

7)She (never, speak) ______________________ to any famous actor.

8)Mrs Johnson (already, become) __________________________ a writer.

Task 5: spell these words and write them down.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Here are some answers. Write the questions. Use Present Perfect.

1) ____________________________________________________________?

    Yes, they have. My friends saw that film at the cinema a week ago.

2) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, I have. I was in the USA last winter.

3) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, we have. We swam in the ocean when we were in India.

4) ____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, she has. Lena wrote to her granny yesterday.

5) _____________________________________________________________ ?

   Yes, he has. Ron took his dog out in the morning.

Task 7: Answer the questions about the USA.

1.What mountain chains are there in the USA? _____________________________________

2.Where does the US Congress meet and make laws? ________________________________

3.What oceans wash the USA? __________________________________________________

4.What is the capital of the USA? ________________________________________________

5.What state of the USA is situated in the south? ____________________________________

6.What country does the USA border on in the south? ________________________________


Variant 1                Variant 2

Task 1: True:  1, 5,6          Task 1: True:  2, 4

             False: 2, 7          False: 1,6, 7

             Not mentioned in the text: 3, 4          Not mentioned in the text: 3,5

Task 2: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5c         Task 2: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b

Task 3:                Task 3:

In/of,at,from,to,on,in,into,on,of,on,of        in/of,at,from,to,of,on,in,into,on,on,of

Test 2/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the information you will hear:

  1. There are __________ main language families in the world.
  2. ______________ , ___________ , and Ukrainian belong to Slavonic languages.
  3. _______________ and ________________ are Scandinavian languages.
  4. French, ____________ , _______________ and ____________ belong to Roman languages.
  5. The closest to ____________ is Italian.

Task 2: Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

      in the Middle Ages, to learn than, a few languages, a global language, not to the nation

Universal language

Ludovic Zamenof (1859-1917) was a doctor and lived in Poland which at that time was part of Russian Empire.  Zamenof’s education was very good and he spoke _____________________. A quiet and good-hearted man, Zamenof thought that people who lived in different countries of the world could not understand each other because they spoke different languages. How wonderful, he thought, if everyone could learn just one language and use it. Zamenof was thinking of the international language. Latin was such a language ______________________: all educated people could speak it. Some people have said, and still say, that people cannot invent a language. A language slowly develops when people use it. Ludovic Zamenof knew this but also knew that there must be a language that will belong ________________________ but to the whole world. So in 1887, he told people about his own artificial language Esperanto.

This language was easier ___________________ any real language. Even now there are people who speak and use Esperanto. But English at the beginning of the 21st century is taking its place becoming ________________________.

Task 3: A. Use a/an or zero article to complete these sentences

1)They were such ______ brave boys.

2)I’ve bought such ______ beautiful hat!

3)Everyone likes such ______ sunny weather.

4)Mrs Smith is such ______ angry old lady.

5)Such ____ people also live near us.

B.Use too or also to complete the sentences

1)Her voice is deep and _______ pleasant.

2)She speaks French _______.

3)David is a scientist, his brother is a scientist ____.

4)Watching TV _____ sounds good.

Task 4: Put the correct prepositions into the sentences where necessary:

1)This book is very popular ________ children.

2)I was sure that someone was following _____ me.

3)This land belongs ______ a big family.

4)There are different kinds _____  vegetables in that supermarket.

5)Oranges grow ____ trees, you know.

6)My mother prefers driving a car ____ riding a bike.

7)My friends and I had a picnic _____ the open air last Sunday.

Task 5: spell these words and write them down.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Complete the dialogues. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) You look so sad!

    Thank you! It’s the first time Mary (not to invite) me to her party.


2)  — _______________________ you (do) your homework yet?

     — Yes, ___________

     — When ________________________________________ ?

     — I ________________________________ yesterday.

3)  — Granny, you (find) my trainers ____________________________________ ?

    — Yes, ________

    — Where you (find) them? _________________________________________?

    — They (be) under the sofa. ________________________________________

4) It’s (difficult) test we ever (write).


5)  — you (begin) your French classes? ______________________________________

    —  Yes, __________

    — When _______________________________________________

    — ______________________________________________ three months ago.

Task 7: Use the right verb forms to complete the text.

Mrs White and Mrs Black (be1) friends. They (be2) friends for a long time. Mrs White (live3) in a small house and her friend (rent4) a flat. Every week they (have5) tea together. Last Friday Mrs White (get6) up early in the morning and (make7) a tasty cake. Then she (put8) the cake into her bag and (go9) to the door. Her dog Spot (look10) at her sadly. And Mrs White (take11) the dog with her. When she (come12) to her friend’s flat, the cake (not, be13) in her bag. She (cry14) “What (happen15) to my cake?”

1)_______________         9)________________        

2)_______________        10)_______________        

3)_______________        11)_______________

4)_______________        12)_______________

5)_______________        13)_______________

6)_______________        14)_______________

7)_______________        15)_______________


Test 2/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the information you will hear:

  1. Nearly all the languages of modern _____________ are relatives.
  2. ______________ , ___________ , and Bulgarian belong to Slavonic languages.
  3. _____________  and _____________ belong to Germanic languages.
  4. Spanish, ______________ , ________________  and _________  came from Latin.
  5. But the closest to Latin is ____________.

Task 2: Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

      one language, belong not to, could not understand, than any real, all educated people

Universal language

Ludovic Zamenof (1859-1917) was a doctor and lived in Poland which at that time was part of Russian Empire.  Zamenof’s education was very good and he spoke a few languages. A quiet and good-hearted man, Zamenof thought that people who lived in different countries of the world ____________________________ each other because they spoke different languages. How wonderful, he thought, if everyone could learn just _________________ and use it. Zamenof was thinking of the international language. Latin was such a language in the Middle Ages: ______________________ could speak it. Some people have said, and still say, that people cannot invent a language. A language slowly develops when people use it. Ludovic Zamenof knew this but also knew that there must be a language that will _______________ one nation but to the whole world. So in 1887, he told people about his own artificial language Esperanto.

This language was easier to learn __________________ language. Even now there are people who speak and use Esperanto. But English at the beginning of the 21st century is taking its place becoming a global language.

Task 3: A. Use a/an or zero article to complete these sentences

1)It was such ______ perfect day.

2)I’ve never done such _____ difficult work.

3)This is such _____ interesting story.

4)I hate such ____ rainy weather.

5)Only rich people can buy such ____ things.

B.Use too or also to complete the sentences

1)I’ve been to the USA and  _______ to France.

2)Mr Brown knows Chinese  _______.

3)Great Britain is _______ a beautiful country.

4)Forget-me-nots belong to spring flowers _____.

Task 4: Put the correct prepositions into the sentences where necessary:

1)____ the beginning of the lesson we answer our teacher’s questions.

2)Spanish and Portuguese developed _____ Latin.

3)Lord Spenser could not make a speech ____ Parliament.

4)You will need _____ warm clothes for the winter.

5)Let’s sit down and wait _____ the bus.

6)You’ll learn to do it easily, it comes ______ practice.

7)His granny prefers milk ____ juice .

Task 5: spell these words and write them down, translate into Russian

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Complete the dialogues. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1)  — the children (find) their ball? ________________________________________ ?

     — Yes, ___________________

     — When _____________________________________________

     — They ______________________________________ an hour ago.

2) It’s the first time she (teach) English at school.


3) It’s (wonderful) story the ever (hear).


4)  — your mother (to choose) a new car? __________________________________________ ?

    — Yes, _______________

    — When ________________________________________________ ?

     — She _________________________________ last weekend.

5)  — The pupils (break) the school rules? ________________________________________ ?

      — Yes, ______________

      — When _______________________________________________ ?

      — They _____________________________________________ yesterday.

Task 7: Use the right verb forms to complete the text.

Mr Smith and Mr Jones (be1) good friends. They always (be2) friends. Mr White (live3) in the country and his friend (rent4) a flat in a town. Every week they (go5) fishing together. One day Mr Smith (get6) up early in the morning and (take7) a fishing rod and some food. Then he (put8) some money into his pocket and (go9) to the door. Suddenly he (understand10) that he (not, take11) the keys. When he (meet12) his friend at the lake, he (tell13) him the story about the keys. Then he (cry14) “I (leave15) my fishing rod at home!”

1)_______________         9)________________        

2)_______________        10)_______________        

3)_______________        11)_______________

4)_______________        12)_______________

5)_______________        13)_______________

6)_______________        14)_______________

7)_______________        15)_______________



Variant 1                Variant 2

Task 1: 1)10          Task 1: 1)Europe

             2)Russian, Bulgarian                       2)Russian, Ukrainian  

             3)Norwegian, Swedish                       3)English, German

             4)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese                       4)Italian, French, Portuguese        

             5)Latin                       5)Italian

Task 2: a few languages                Task 2: couldn’t understand

             in the Middle Ages                             one language

             not to one nation                             all educated people

             to learn than                             belong not to

             a global language                             than any real

Task 3:                Task 3:

A: 1 — , 2 a, 3 — , 4 an, 5 —                 A: 1 a, 2 — , 3 an, 4 — , 5 –

B: also, too, too, also                B: also, too, also, too

Task 7:                Task 7:

1.are                1.are

2.have been                2 have been

3.lives                3 lives

4.rents                4 rents

5.have                5 go                6 got

7.made                7 took

8.put                8 put

9.went                9 went

10.looked                10 understood

11.took                11 didn’t take

12.came                12 met

13.wasn’t                13 told

14.cried                14 cried

15.has happened                15 have left

Test 3/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the descriptions (a-f) with the titles (1-6). There is one extra title.

  1. Water Lilies
  2. The Remembrance Day Flower (People wear poppies on their dresses in memory of dead soldiers and war heroes)
  3. The National Flower of an Island Country
  4. The First Flower of the Year
  5. The English Favourite Flower
  6. The Daffodil

                      1)______  2)______ 3)_______ 4)_______ 5)_______ 6)_______

Task 2: Read the text and put its paragraphs in the logical order.

The Coyote and the Snail

a)Mr Coyote didn’t want the other animals to know he was blind. He put two rose petals in his eyes. Along came Mr Snail who saw Mr Coyote with the rose petals in his eyes. He asked Mr Coyote, “Why do you have those rose petals in your eyes?” Mr Coyote said, “Because they are very beautiful. They have lovely colours. You can try them if you want and I will hold your eyes.” My Coyote put Mr Snail’s eyes into his head and ran off. To this day Mr Snail is crawling with his head down looking for his eyes.

b)Then the tree closed and said, “When you want to get out, say: “Please, let me out Mr Tree.”

c)Mr Coyote was getting very old. Once he walked for hours and hours through a beautiful valley and became very tired. He wanted to have a sleep. Suddenly he saw a large tree and asked it to let him in. The tree agreed. Then it opened up and Mr Coyote climbed inside.

d)Mr Coyote slept for hours. When he woke up he couldn’t remember the words to open the tree. He said, “Let me out Mr Tree, but nothing happened. It was so because the tree hadn’t heard the word “Please”. The Coyote didn’t know what to do and began shouting.

e)The birds heard his shouts. They came to help and Mr Wood pecker made a hole in the tree. But it was a very small hole. Mt Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but couldn’t. His head was too big.

f)So he took off his ears and put them through the hole, then his eyes. Mt Crow saw the eyes and flew down to take them. Mr Coyote finally put his head through the hole and began to put himself back together one piece at a time, so he became a whole coyote again. But he couldn’t find his eyes.

Task 3: Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive

1)I (have) this T-shirt for 2 years.


2)Frank (paint) since morning but he (not, finish) his picture yet.


3)We never (be) to Europe. Sam (live) there for 10 years already.


4)It’s the most interesting story I ever (hear).


5)John (work) on the computer since he came from school.


6)Mother is in the kitchen. She (cook) all the morning.


Task 4: Use reflexive pronouns where necessary to complete the sentences

1)We will go there ________________ and find out what has happened.

2)John dressed _______________ and went out.

3)Children, you should do it _____________________.

4)The test is difficult. I don’t think I can do it ________________.

5)How do you feel ______________ today?

6)Mary knows the rule _____________________.

7)They don’t buy bread in the shop. They bake it __________________.

Task 5: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

                         another, other, others, the other, the others

1)Some boys like milk, _____________________ don’t.

2)Give me ___________________ sandwich. I’m still hungry.

3)There were two boys in the room. One was Tom, ________________ was John.

4)There were a lot of swans in the lake. Some of them were white, ____________ were black.

5)Some girls like sweets, ______________ girls like chocolate.

Task 6: translate into Russian or English.

1.ёж                  ___________________        8. daisy              _________________

2.дуб                 ___________________        9. anteater          _________________

3.чертополох   ___________________        10. pine                _________________

4.ласточка        ___________________        11. nightingale    _________________

5.стрекоза        ___________________        12.shamrock      _________________

6.вдохнуть      ____________________         _________________

7.переехать    _____________________        14.species         _________________

Task 7: Read the text and answer the questions (give full answers).

There are many interesting monuments to animals. People like animals and have built monuments to them. In one German town there is a monument to a pig. Once people of this town noticed a pig dug in one and the same place very often. So people dug the soil and discovered salt. They were very glad and built the statue to this pig.

There is a monument to a dolphin in Wellinghton, New Zealand. There are statues to a donkey in Switzerland and in Texas, USA. But one of the most popular ones is the monument to a dog Bobby in Edinburgh, Scotland. The dog was so faithful to its master, that after his death Bobby spent 14 years on the grave.

1)Where is the monument to a pig?


2)Why did people build it?


3)Where is a monument to a dolphin?


4)Where are statues to a donkey?


5)Why did people build a monument to a dog in Scotland?


Test 3/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the descriptions (a-f) with the titles (1-6). There is one extra title.

  1. The Daffodil
  2. The English Favourite Flower
  3. Water Lilies
  4. The Remembrance Day Flower (People wear poppies on their dresses in memory of dead soldiers and war heroes)
  5. The National Flower of an Island Country
  6. The First Flower of the Year

                      1)______  2)______ 3)_______ 4)_______ 5)_______ 6)_______

Task 2: Read the text and put its paragraphs in the logical order.

The Coyote and the Snail

a)Mr Coyote slept for hours. When he woke up he couldn’t remember the words to open the tree. He said, “Let me out Mr Tree, but nothing happened. It was so because the tree hadn’t heard the word “Please”. The Coyote didn’t know what to do and began shouting.

b)Then the tree closed and said, “When you want to get out, say: “Please, let me out Mr Tree.”

c)So he took off his ears and put them through the hole, then his eyes. Mt Crow saw the eyes and flew down to take them. Mr Coyote finally put his head through the hole and began to put himself back together one piece at a time, so he became a whole coyote again. But he couldn’t find his eyes.

d)Mr Coyote didn’t want the other animals to know he was blind. He put two rose petals in his eyes. Along came Mr Snail who saw Mr Coyote with the rose petals in his eyes. He asked Mr Coyote, “Why do you have those rose petals in your eyes?” Mr Coyote said, “Because they are very beautiful. They have lovely colours. You can try them if you want and I will hold your eyes.” My Coyote put Mr Snail’s eyes into his head and ran off. To this day Mr Snail is crawling with his head down looking for his eyes.

e)The birds heard his shouts. They came to help and Mr Wood pecker made a hole in the tree. But it was a very small hole. Mt Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but couldn’t. His head was too big.

f)Mr Coyote was getting very old. Once he walked for hours and hours through a beautiful valley and became very tired. He wanted to have a sleep. Suddenly he saw a large tree and asked it to let him in. The tree agreed. Then it opened up and Mr Coyote climbed inside.

Task 3: Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive

1)Ed (listen) to music since he was born.


2)My friends always (love) animals and plants.


3)She (drive) this car for 5 hours and she (not, stop) anywhere yet.


4) They just (watch) a new film with George Clooney.


5)We (know) Mrs Smith since last year. Do you know her?


6)Rose (wait) for her friend for half an hour. He (come) yet?


Task 4: Put the correct reflexive pronouns into the sentences where necessary:

1) They ________________ grow vegetables in the kitchen garden.

2) Ken wrote a dictation ___________________ last Monday.

3) Look at _______________ in the mirror. There is some chocolate on your face.

4)The child always hides ________________ under the table.

5) Mary always does the shopping __________________.

6) I don’t know anything about it __________________.

7) The girls went to the sea to bathe __________________.

Task 5: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

                         another, other, others, the other, the others

1)I have two watches. I have given one to my sister. But where is _________________ ?

2)Some books are better than _____________.

3)I’m still thirsty. Can I take _________________ bottle of Coke?

4)Some people like when it’s hot, ______________ people like rainy weather.

5)There were three cakes on the plate. I’d like to have one and you may take _____________.

Task 6: translate into Russian or English.

1.белка           ___________________        6. carnation    _________________

2.ель               ___________________        7. hare            _________________

3.нарцисс       ___________________        8. birch           _________________

4.дятел           ___________________        9. magpie       _________________

5.василек       ___________________        10.thistle        _________________

6.открытие   ___________________         13.common    _________________

7.пустыня     ___________________         14.pine           _________________

Task 7: Read the text and answer the questions (give full answers).

There are many holidays in Russia. Women’s Day is celebrated in Russia on the 8th of March. The first celebration of this holiday was organized in 1913. It is a happy and nice holiday. It is a good tradition in our country to give presents and flowers to women on this day. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. All the members of the families try to be well dressed on this day. Some families celebrate the 8th of March going to the theatres and concerts, others prefer to invite guests and stay at home. There is also the same holiday in England. It is called Mother’s Day and celebrated in March too. Sons and daughters come and give gifts to their mothers on this day.

1)When was the first celebration of Woman’s Day organized?


2)What good tradition is in our country on this day?


3) How do Russian families celebrate this holiday?


4)The English people celebrate Mother’s Day, don’t they?


5)What do sons and daughters do on Mother’s Day?


Test 4/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Listen to the text and complete the sentences below.

  1. The world around us is  _________________________ .
  2. Pollution is growing ____________________________ .
  3. People _____________________ forests which give us air to breath.
  4. A few hundred years ago a lot of forests _________________________ in Europe.
  5. People are destroying the rainforests in __________________________________ .
  6. What will ___________________ be like at the beginning of the 22nd century.

Task 2: Read the text and answer the questions after it. Write down your short answers.

Destroying the Rainforest

Why are people destroying rainforests? There is a short answer to that question: money. Countries with rainforests cut down about 50,000 km2 (square kilometers) of trees every year, and sell the wood (древесина, дрова) to the rich countries of the world. International business buys rainforests in Latin America where land is very cheap. They cut down trees, sell the wood, and then use the land for feeding.

Japan doesn’t cut down the trees, which grow in Japan – but forty per cent of all the world’s rainforest wood goes to this country. Switzerland stopped buying rainforest wood in 1982. But have many countries done the same? If we want to help the rainforest, we must never buy furniture made of rainforest wood.

Many countries cut down rainforests and plant coffee and sugar, which they can sell to rich countries. Not many insects and animals can live in coffee and sugar plantations. A lot of them become endangered and die in the end.

We need to learn more about the trees of the rainforests, before we destroy them. For example, one famous tree is the petroleum nut tree, from Philippines. This tree makes oil, which we can use for fires for cooking or lighting. One of these trees can make fifty litres of oil every year.

People make roads in rainforests. Without the trees to protect the ground, the heavy rain quickly washes away the soil near the roads and nothing can grow there again. Once in Madagascar there were thousands of trees in the mountains and thousands of animals lived there. Nothing can grow there now, and no animals can live there.

Are we to destroy all the rainforests of the world? We must begin thinking of other ways to get money, we should begin planting young trees in the rainforests. We must think twice before cutting down trees in the rainforests. Certainly people will use the rainforests but they should protect them too.

1)What do countries with rainforests do with wood?


2)What did Switzerland stop doing in 1982? Why?


3)Why do insects and animals from rainforests become endangered and die in the end?


4)How much oil can one of the petroleum nut trees make every year?


5)What happened in Madagascar?


6)What must people do to save the rainforests?


Task 3: complete the sentences with prepositions, where necessary

1)Only water can save our house ________________ danger.

2)John was responsible  _________ washing-up and cleaning his room.

3)People mustn’t cut  __________ trees, as they give us air _______  breathe.

4)The population ______ the city wasn’t big in the 18th century.

5)My uncle is a hunter. He hunts _____ hares and foxes _____ their fur?

6)The coffee table is ____________ the sofa and the armchair.

7)Can you pour me some juice ________ my glass?

8)Unfortunately ______ Paul he was late for his English lesson.

Task 4: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

1)My sister and I are ________ good singers.

2) _______  people need to have a friend.

3)_________ pupil must do homework.

4)Chemistry and Physics are ________ sciences.

                                                            among, between

 1)John was glad to come back home and to be _____________ his relatives and friends.

 2)Put the chair ____________ the wall and the table.

 3)Can you see Molly ______________ Kate and Alice?

 4)There was a little house ____________ the trees in the forest.

 5)You can choose ___________ cucumber salad and tomato salad.


1)Какой загрязненный воздух в больших городах!__________________________________

2)Какой красивый цветок!___________________________________________________

3)Какие сильные мальчики эти спортсмены!_______________________________________

4)Какие забавные обезьянки!___________________________________________________

5)Какой могущественный этот король! _________________________________________                                        

Task 5: spell these words and write them down with the translation.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Translate into English.

1.Сэм жил в Париже, когда ему было 25 лет.


2.Им нужно прийти в школу в 5 часов.


3.Мне обычно требуется 10 минут, чтобы принять душ.


4.Мне приходится вставать в 7 часов каждое утро.


5.Чем больше мы учим, тем больше мы знаем.


Test 4/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Listen to the text and complete the sentences below.

  1. Not all the changes are for the _________________ .
  2. The air is growing ____________________________ .
  3. Air and water pollution have really become ________________________.
  4. There is too much traffic in the cities: ____________________________________.
  5. People destroy forests which give us air ________________________ .
  6. Today most places ___________________ have no forests.

Task 2: Read the text and answer the questions after it. Write down your short answers.

Destroying the Rainforest

Why are people destroying rainforests? There is a short answer to that question: money. Countries with rainforests cut down about 50,000 km2 (square kilometers) of trees every year, and sell the wood (древесина, дрова) to the rich countries of the world. International business buys rainforests in Latin America where land is very cheap. They cut down trees, sell the wood, and then use the land for feeding.

Japan doesn’t cut down the trees, which grow in Japan – but forty per cent of all the world’s rainforest wood goes to this country. Switzerland stopped buying rainforest wood in 1982. But have many countries done the same? If we want to help the rainforest, we must never buy furniture made of rainforest wood.

Many countries cut down rainforests and plant coffee and sugar, which they can sell to rich countries. Not many insects and animals can live in coffee and sugar plantations. A lot of them become endangered and die in the end.

We need to learn more about the trees of the rainforests, before we destroy them. For example, one famous tree is the petroleum nut tree, from Philippines. This tree makes oil, which we can use for fires for cooking or lighting. One of these trees can make fifty litres of oil every year.

People make roads in rainforests. Without the trees to protect the ground, the heavy rain quickly washes away the soil near the roads and nothing can grow there again. Once in Madagascar there were thousands of trees in the mountains and thousands of animals lived there. Nothing can grow there now, and no animals can live there.

Are we to destroy all the rainforests of the world? We must begin thinking of other ways to get money, we should begin planting young trees in the rainforests. We must think twice before cutting down trees in the rainforests. Certainly people will use the rainforests but they should protect them too.

1)What do businessmen do with the rainforests when they buy them?


2)What country still buys wood from rainforests?


3)Why do many countries cut down rainforests?


4)What is the name of one famous tree? What does this tree make?


5)What happens with roads in rainforests?


6)What must people do to save the rainforests?


Task 3: complete the sentences with prepositions, where necessary

1)Only people can protect animals ________________ danger.

2)Healthy food is necessary ______ boys and girls.

3) The teacher’s speech influenced _________ the students.

4)Dolly’s granny is ______ quite good health for her age.

5)What is the natural habitat _____ cornflowers?

6)I want to become a member ____ the group “Book lovers”.

7)Sam is often late, so he leaves the house __________ having breakfast.

8)What size ________ shoes do you wear?

Task 4: Choose the right word to complete the sentences

1)Sam and Mark are classmates. ________ boys go to the same school.

2)_________ country makes laws to protect nature.

3) _______ the students are ready. We can start writing a test.

4)I don’t know Mary. We have never spoken to _______ other .

                                                            among, between

 1)There is a bridge _____________ the island and the bank of the river.

 2)Snakes are ___________ the most dangerous animals in the world.

 3)I had Geometry and History lessons and lunch ___________ them.

 4)This new pop singer is popular __________ young people.

 5)I don’t’ like Paul very much, but it’s ____________ you and me.


1)Какое чудесное утро!_________________________________________

2)Какие умные эти животные!________________________________________

3)Какой опасный этот медведь!_____________________________________

4)Какая холодная вода!_________________________________________

5)Какой загрязненный воздух здесь!   ______________________________________                                      

Task 5: spell these words and write them down with the translation.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Translate into English.

1.Джейн приходится выгуливать собаку в любую погоду.


2.Чем больше деревьев мы вырубаем, тем больше деревьев мы должны сажать.


3.Нам нужно помочь маме по дому.


4.Ему потребуется 5 лет, чтобы выучить английский.


5.Мой брат собирал значки, когда он был маленький.


Test 5/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Listen to the text and cross out the ideas that are not in it.

  1. Not everyone can play team games.
  2. You can find a sport good for you.
  3. Austin speaks about jogging.
  4. Austin hates running.
  5. Austin is a member of the school team.
  6. Austin usually runs alone.
  7. Running is easy.
  8. Austin is the fastest boy in his class.
  9. Austin’s dog runs faster than Austin.
  10. His dog is a bulldog.

Task 2: Read the text and choose the right items in the sentences after it.

Some Important Rules

Colds make more pupils miss classes that any other illnesses. Most teenagers get between two and four colds a year. No one knows why some people often get down with colds at certain times or why some do not get running noses, cough and headaches even if they sit or sleep in a cold room, do not dress warmly when it’s cold, or go outside with wet hair. But sooner or later everybody catches a cold.

The best plan to cure yourself of a cold is to drink plenty of water or juice and not coffee, tea, or cola drinks to keep enough water in your body. Think of what your body is telling you when you have a cold: sleep if you want to, have a warm bath to make aches and pains in the bones easier. And because you know how bad you can feel when you have a cold, protect the people around you by staying at home and coughing and sneezing into a handkerchief (носовой платок) and washing your hands often with warm water and soap.

Teens who catch colds usually don’t get very sick and don’t need to see a doctor. But you must see your doctor if you’re getting worse instead of getting better three days later after the beginning of the cold. Your doctor can examine your throat and ears to make sure you do not have another illness or develop complications and it is time for you to take antibiotics. Remember, you must not take aspirin or antibiotics without doctor’s recommendations.

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, be careful to take the medicine exactly as he prescribes. If you stop taking it too soon – even if you start feeling better – the infection may not go away and you can develop other problems.

1)It is ________________ to say why and when people get colds.

a)easy                                   b)impossible                           c)possible

2)A drink that can’t help you to cure a cold is _______________

a)cola                                    b)juice                                    c)water

3)You can protect people around you by __________________

a)being at school                  b)staying at home                   c)meeting friends

4)But you must see a doctor if you’re getting _______________ after the beginning of the cold.

a)better                                 b)worse                                   c)ill

5)You _____________ take antibiotics without doctor’s recommendations.

a)needn’t                              b)must                                     c)mustn’t

6)Antibiotics are medicines we must ________________________________

a)take without doctor’s recommendations  b)stop  taking soon when we feel better

                           c)take as long as the doctor tells us

Task 3: write what they had done by 6 p.m. yesterday

1)Alice/write a letter ___________________________________________________________

2)The doctor/cure all patient _____________________________________________________

3)Henry/do the shopping ________________________________________________________

4)The boy/take a medicine _______________________________________________________

5)My uncle/come from work _____________________________________________________

6)Our football team/win the match ________________________________________________

7)Lizzy/wash up _______________________________________________________________

Task 4: Use prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences

1)Who will take part ______ the swimming competition.

2) These two countries have been ______ war for more than 12 years.

3Dr Robinson is a man ______ honour.

4)Colin has an advantage ______ his friends.

5)Nothing can cure her ______ headaches.

6)The doctor has written ______ a prescription ______ antibiotics.

7)What’s the matter?  — I think I am coming ______ _______ a cold.

Task 5: spell these words and write them down with the translation.

1.[                     ]   _______________________        6. [                    ]   _____________________

2.[                     ]   _______________________        7. [                    ]   _____________________

3.[                     ]   _______________________        8. [                    ]   _____________________

4.[                     ]   _______________________        9. [                    ]   _____________________

5.[                     ]   _______________________        10.[                    ]  _____________________

Task 6: Write using reported speech.

1.Masha said: “I go to school five days a week”.


2.The doctor said to me: “I wrote out a prescription for an earache for you”.


3.I said: “I’ll buy some milk for you”.


4.Mother said: “I am washing up in the kitchen”.


5.Tom said to me: “I have already done my homework”.


6.Tim’s father said to him: “I have been waiting for you for 10 minutes.”


Task 7: You would like to do these things together with your friend. Write how you will make a proposal and an answer (positive or negative)

1)to take part in the 200-metre race


2) to climb the mountains


3)to go to the cinema at the weekend


4)to do swimming


Test 5/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Listen to the text and cross out the ideas that are not in it.

  1. Everyone can play team games.
  2. You can’t find a sport good for you.
  3. Austin speaks about running.
  4. Austin hates jogging.
  5. Austin is a member of the school team.
  6. Austin usually runs alone.
  7. Running is hard.
  8. Austin isn’t the fastest boy in his class.
  9. Austin’s dog runs faster than Austin.
  10. His dog is 7 years old.

Task 2: Read the text and choose the right items in the sentences after it.

Some Important Rules

Colds make more pupils miss classes that any other illnesses. Most teenagers get between two and four colds a year. No one knows why some people often get down with colds at certain times or why some do not get running noses, cough and headaches even if they sit or sleep in a cold room, do not dress warmly when it’s cold, or go outside with wet hair. But sooner or later everybody catches a cold.

The best plan to cure yourself of a cold is to drink plenty of water or juice and not coffee, tea, or cola drinks to keep enough water in your body. Think of what your body is telling you when you have a cold: sleep if you want to, have a warm bath to make aches and pains in the bones easier. And because you know how bad you can feel when you have a cold, protect the people around you by staying at home and coughing and sneezing into a handkerchief (носовой платок) and washing your hands often with warm water and soap.

Teens who catch colds usually don’t get very sick and don’t need to see a doctor. But you must see your doctor if you’re getting worse instead of getting better three days later after the beginning of the cold. Your doctor can examine your throat and ears to make sure you do not have another illness or develop complications and it is time for you to take antibiotics. Remember, you must not take aspirin or antibiotics without doctor’s recommendations.

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, be careful to take the medicine exactly as he prescribes. If you stop taking it too soon – even if you start feeling better – the infection may not go away and you can develop other problems.

1)It is ________________ to say why and when people get colds.

a)impossible                             b) possible                           c)easy

2)A drink that can help you to cure a cold is _______________

a)coffee                                    b)cola                                    c)water

3)You can protect people around you by __________________

a)sneezing badly                      b)coughing badly                   c)staying at home

4)You should ___________ consult a doctor if you have a cold: it’s a common illness.

a)always                                  b)not always                            c)never

5)You need the doctor’s advice if ______________________________.

a)you have complications        b)you cough and sneeze        c)in a few days you don’t feel better

6)Antibiotics are medicines we must ________________________________

a)take as long as the doctor tells you  b)stop  taking soon when we feel better

                           c)take regularly without the doctor’s recommendations

Task 3: write what they had done by 6 pm yesterday

1)The doctor/write out a prescription______________________________________________

2)Henry/take temperature ______________________________________________________

3)John/wash car ______________________________________________________________

4)Mr Brown/join the art club ____________________________________________________

5)His sister/get an advantage ____________________________________________________

6)The man/climb the hill _______________________________________________________

7)Kelly/lose appetite __________________________________________________________

Task 4: Use prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences

1)Bob raced ________his friend _____ the tall tree.

2) After the doctor examined _____ the patient, he prescribed _____ a medicine which would cure him _____ his stomachache.

3)If you want to lose weight, you should keep _____ a diet.

4)Doctor, I have a terrible pain _____ my right leg. What can you prescribe me ____ it?

5)We haven’t read about the Battle ___ Stalingrad yet.

6)Who scored ______ the goal?

Task 5: spell these words and write them down with the translation.

1.[                     ]   ___________________        6. [                    ]   _________________

2.[                     ]   ___________________        7. [                    ]   _________________

3.[                     ]   ___________________        8. [                    ]   _________________

4.[                     ]   ___________________        9. [                    ]   _________________

5.[                     ]   ___________________        10.[                    ]  _________________

Task 6: Write using reported speech.

1.Tanya said: “I live in Moscow”.


2.Mike said: “I have bought a new jacket”.


3.My parents said to me: “We met your teacher in the café yesterday”.


4.Mother said: “I have been looking for my keys for half an hour”.


5.Tom said to me: “She will go jogging in the morning tomorrow”.


6.Ann said to Helen: “I am busy, I am speaking on the phone.”

Task 7: You would like to do these things together with your friend. Write how you will make a proposal and an answer (positive or negative)

1)to play a game of chess


2) to join the school athletic club


3)to watch the hockey match on TV


4)to go roller-skating to the park


Test 6/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the names of people’s hobbies and pastimes (a-e) with their descriptions (1-4). There is one name you don’t need to use.

  1. Sport
  2. Travelling
  3. Shopping
  4. Visiting theatres and concert halls
  5. Cooking

1)___________ 2)___________ 3)____________ 4)_____________

Task 2: Read the text and answer the questions.

The British Museum

There are lots of interesting museums in London. The British Museum was founded in 1753. One doctor Ganse Sloan had a big collection of paintings. He donated it to the state. Now the British Museum is one of the biggest museums in the world.

One can see many subjects of primitive Art and antique culture, there are a lot of old money, medals and coins there. One can see an old original stone in the British Museum with Egyptian letters on it.

The British Museum in London has a very big library. There are more than 10 million books in it. The British Museum library has a copy of each book which has been printed in Great Britain since 1757. Such famous writers as Charles Dickens, Bernard Show read different books and wrote their own books in the British library.

1)Where is the British Museum?


2)When was the British Museum founded?


3)How did the British Museum start?


4)What can one see in the British Museum?


5)How many books are there in the British Museum?


6)What does the British Museum library have?


Task 3: make the sentences passive

1)People speak much about this film.  _____________________________________________

2)John must give a report soon.           _____________________________________________

3)They will look after the baby well. ______________________________________________

4)They can buy bread after work.  ________________________________________________

5)Parents took the child to the zoo last week. ________________________________________

6)You should clean your room every day. __________________________________________

7)Friends invited her to the party. ________________________________________________

Task 4: Use prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences

1)It is impossible ______ elephants to fly.

2) My parents introduced me ______ their guests.

3) We have two good seats _______ the stalls.

4)The audience laughed and applauded _______ the actors.

5)His answer impressed ______ me.

6)We bought a new TV-set _____ half price.

7)Do you think John will agree ____ the plan?

8)You should pay attention _____ what your teacher says.

9)My uncle graduated _______ Oxford in 2014.

10)The story was based _____ real life.

Task 5: Choose of or from to complete the sentences.

1.My cap is made _____ wool.        2.The ring is made _______ gold.

3.This jam is made ______ apples.        4.Butter is made ________ milk.

5.The vase is made ______ glass.        6.What is soup made _____ ?

Task 6: Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1.Tom doesn’t like porridge, it tastes unpleasant/unpleasantly.

2.Bob cooks well/good, he is a well/good cook.

3.The cake smelt sweet/sweetly, I wanted another piece of it.

4.Doris smiled sad/sadly and started crying.

5.Rose looked at me unhappy/unhappily.

6.The music sounded loud/loudly.

Task 7: Translate into English

принимать гостей ______________________        быть преданным кому-то ___________________

произвести впечатление на _____________________        приехать в Индию _________________________

прочитать наизусть стих _______________________         мне кажется ____ __________________________

в партере ____________________________________        на сцене _________________________________

обращать внимание на ________________________         появиться на экране _______________________

заканчивать университет ______________________        преданный друг ___________________________

Task 8: translate into Russian

a wide screen _________________________________        a famous conductor __________________________

to disagree with _______________________________        high prices _________________________________

a thankful audience ____________________________        to offer to help ______________________________

prehistoric ___________________________________        a dramatist _________________________________

rows of seats _________________________________        a box office ________________________________

on arrival ____________________________________        scenery ___________________________________

Task 9: translate into English using Passive Voice

1.Кофе выращивают в Южной Америке. _________________________________________

2.Тест напишут на уроке завтра. ________________________________________________

3.Суп сварили из овощей и мяса. _______________________________________________

4.Вещи можно положить в шкаф. _______________________________________________

Test 6/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Listen and match the names of people’s hobbies and pastimes (a-e) with their descriptions (1-4). There is one name you don’t need to use.

  1. Travelling
  2. Cooking
  3. Sport
  4. Visiting theatres and concert halls
  5. Shopping

1)___________ 2)___________ 3)____________ 4)_____________

Task 2: Read the text and answer the questions.

The Tate Gallery

If you are fond of paintings, you’ll go to the Tate Gallery.

The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. He was a very rich man and collected paintings.

This gallery was founded in 1897. Most of the National Gallery collections of British paintings were taken to the Tate Gallery.

There are about 300 oil and 19,000 water colour drawings.

There are a lot of paintings by the 16th century English artists there. You can also see a lot of works by the English painter William Turner. Most of his paintings are devoted to the sea theme.

You can see many paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20th centuries in the Tate Gallery. There are some paintings by impressionists and post-impressionists, too.

In the Tate Gallery one can see works by modern painters, Pablo Picasso among them.

The paintings of this gallery impress everyone who visits it.

1)Who was the founder of the Tate Gallery?


2)Was he a rich man? Why do you think so?


3)When was the Gallery founded?


4)How many drawings are there in the Tate Gallery?


5)What theme are the paintings of William Turner devoted to?


6)What other paintings can you see in the Tate Gallery?


Task 3: make the sentences passive

1)The doctor writes out prescriptions ______________________________________________

2)Henry must give his dog some food. _____________________________________________

3)They will get a letter next week. ________________________________________________

4)Mr Brown should tell the truth. _________________________________________________

5)Sam did his homework quickly. ___ _____________________________________________

6)We often wait for her at school. _________________________________________________

7)You can plant the flowers in the garden.  __________________________________________

Task 4: Use prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences

1)Tchaikovsky conducted ______ the first performance of his Sixth Symphony.

2)The hall was full _____ people.

3)Eric devotes all his free time _____ painting.

4)A new action film will come _____ the screen on Monday.

5)Be attentive _____ your granny.

6)Do you think Jane will agree _____ us?

7)A plane ticket ______ London was expensive.

8) Where would you like your seats _____ the dress circle or ___ the balcony?

9)The ballet made a strong impression _____ the girls.

10)The Browns arrived ____ Australia ______ the beginning ____ June.

Task 5: Choose of or from to complete the sentences.

1.The castle is made______ stone.                2.What is butter made _______ ?

3.Tables are usually made ______ wood.        3.Money is made ______ paper.

5.We made this juice _______ oranges.        6.The boat was made ______ rubber.

Task 6: Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1.Tanya was speaking English fluent/fluently.

2.Tha salad tasted good/well, it was made from vegetables.

3.Helen looked happy/happily as she got a good/well mark.

4.The weather seemed nice/nicely and we went to the park.

5.The air smelt bad/badly.

6.Jane swims professional/professionally.

Task 7: Translate into English

сочинить балет _______________________________        приехать в Лыткарино  ______________________

быть внимательным к  _________________________        казаться милым ____________________________

вдохновлять поэта ____________________________         выйти на экран _____________________________

на балконе __________________________________        согласиться с планом ________________________

исчезнуть вдруг ______________________________         за пол цены ________________________________

посвятить что-то кому-то ______________________        внимательный слушатель_____________________

Task 8: translate into Russian

to reappear _________________________________        at a low price _______________________________

as soon as possible_____________________________        to disagree _________________________________

consider _____________________________________        to be attentive to ____________________________

chorus ______________________________________        dead flowers _______________________________

the first impression_____________________________        to receive guests ____________________________

invitation  __________________________________        be based on  ________________________________

Task 9: translate into English using Passive Voice

1.Яблоки съели вчера. _________________________________________________________

2.Много вопросов обычно задают на уроке.______________________________________

3.Пол будет вымыт завтра. ____________________________________________________

4.Этот текст можно перевести на английский. ____________________________________

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