В конце трансляции эпизода дорамы «Пентхаус 2» от 6 марта актриса Ли Джи А, чей персонаж был убит в первом сезоне, неожиданно появилась снова, что привело к драматическому повороту событий.
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Хотя во многих новостях уже сообщалось, что Ли Джи А присоединилась к своим коллегам по «Пентхаусу» для съемок второго сезона, SBS так и не подтвердили это, а просто заявили, что зрители должны смотреть дораму, чтобы увидеть все сами. Многие фанаты также отчаянно надеялись, что, хотя Шим Су Рён (персонаж Ли Джи А из первого сезона) была убита Джу Дан Тэ (Ом Ки Джун) в финале, она вернется во втором сезоне после того, как будет раскрыто, что ее смерть – это подделка.
Среди этого водоворота домыслов и фанатских теорий шестой эпизод «Пентхауса 2» закончился неожиданным появлением стильно одетой Ли Джи А. Сначала ее лицо было скрыто от камеры, и таинственная женщина, которую играет Ли Джи А, пробралась в роскошный пентхаус Джу Дан Тэ, подождав, пока он ее найдет. Когда Джу Дан Тэ подошел к ней сзади и спросил, кто она такая, она резко повернулась, показав свое лицо, что заставило его воскликнуть: «Шим Су Рён?»
Затем женщина подошла к Джу Дан Тэ и страстно поцеловала его. Когда он в шоке и ужасе оттолкнул ее, она с улыбкой ответила: «У тебя все хорошо? Прошло много времени, Джу Дан Тэ».
С тех пор в интернете не прекращаются обсуждения личности персонажа Ли Джи А. Некоторые зрители предполагают, что актриса играет На Э Гё, таинственную биологическую мать близнецов Джу Сок Кён (Хан Джи Хён) и Джу Сок Хуна (Ким Ён Дэ), которую можно узнать по татуировке с бабочкой. Другие предположили, что Ли Джи А играет сестру-близнеца Шим Су Рён, в то время как другие все еще надеются, что это может быть сама Шим Су Рён.
Zarina © YesAsia.ru
SPOILER ALERT: This article might contain spoilers for Penthouse 3: War in Life, Episode 14.
Penthouse 3: War in Life finale held the attention of fans for over two years with its three seasons. The cat and mouse chase between Logan and Ju Dan-tae, Seo-jin, Yoon-hui, and Su-ryeon took center stage in all three seasons, but by the finale they were all dead.
That’s right! All the adult main characters died in Penthouse 3: War in Life, including Eun-byeol and Ro-na’s father Yoon-chul. The finale led the audience into falsely believing that Su-ryeon had a happy ending as well.
That, however, turned out to be false.
What happened to Su-ryeon and Logan in Penthouse 3: War in Life?
In the previous episode of Penthouse 3: War in Life, Su-ryeon had jumped into the river from the cliff. She did it in a manner that framed Seo-jin for her death. While audiences expected her to make a comeback like Logan has in the past, that was not to happen.
Just when viewers believed that Logan and Su-ryeon would ride into the sunset, they were served with the harsh reality. Both Su-ryeon and Logan died. Three years after Dan-tae’s death, Ro-na, Seok-hoon, Jenny, and Seok-kyung are close friends, but the three lost their parents to revenge and greed.
The night Seo-jin was arrested, Su-ryeon died too and her dead body was recovered from the lake similar to Yoon-hui. A couple of years later, Logan was diagnosed with an illness. He refused to be treated, and according to the placard beneath his picture, he died in 2026.
What does the scene of Su-ryeon and Logan driving off into the sunset in Penthouse 3: War in Life mean
The scene of Logan and Su-ryeon driving away, and Su-ryeon’s appearance at the opera hall in Penthouse 3: War in Life finale was not real. In that sense, their spirits were present with the kids, and the two finally met in the afterworld. The two were connected by the red string of fate that destined the two individuals together.
They also got to meet Sol-ah in the afterlife from the excitement that Su-ryeon and Logan showed towards the end before they disappeared into an angelic white light. Is this anywhere close to the original theme of Penthouse 3: War in Life? Not at all. That is why this ending is tragic.
Yes, Ro-na and Seok-hoon did get a happy ending, in their own manner. However, the events leading up to Su-ryeon and Logan’s death in the finale seemed unconvincing. Their death was used for shock value and to add to the minutes of the finale episode.
What happened to Eun-byeol and Seo-jin in Penthouse 3: War in Life?
Eun-byeol gave a witness statement in court against her mother. She recalled everything her mother had done since the very first season. Eun-byeol went a step further to stab herself in the throat in court. She promised that she would never sing again and this made Seo-jin emotional.
She dropped the act of suffering from dementia and expressed regret and anger. That was how she was imprisoned. Seo-jin too seemed to suffer from illness and decided to see her daughter one last time before she died. She did not meet her daughter, but just looked at her from afar after getting special permission to leave the prison in Penthouse 3: War in Life.
Edited by R. Elahi
Thank You!
SPOILER ALERT: This article might contain spoilers for Penthouse 3: War in Life, Episode 14.
Penthouse 3: War in Life finale held the attention of fans for over two years with its three seasons. The cat and mouse chase between Logan and Ju Dan-tae, Seo-jin, Yoon-hui, and Su-ryeon took center stage in all three seasons, but by the finale they were all dead.
That’s right! All the adult main characters died in Penthouse 3: War in Life, including Eun-byeol and Ro-na’s father Yoon-chul. The finale led the audience into falsely believing that Su-ryeon had a happy ending as well.
That, however, turned out to be false.
What happened to Su-ryeon and Logan in Penthouse 3: War in Life?
In the previous episode of Penthouse 3: War in Life, Su-ryeon had jumped into the river from the cliff. She did it in a manner that framed Seo-jin for her death. While audiences expected her to make a comeback like Logan has in the past, that was not to happen.
Just when viewers believed that Logan and Su-ryeon would ride into the sunset, they were served with the harsh reality. Both Su-ryeon and Logan died. Three years after Dan-tae’s death, Ro-na, Seok-hoon, Jenny, and Seok-kyung are close friends, but the three lost their parents to revenge and greed.
The night Seo-jin was arrested, Su-ryeon died too and her dead body was recovered from the lake similar to Yoon-hui. A couple of years later, Logan was diagnosed with an illness. He refused to be treated, and according to the placard beneath his picture, he died in 2026.
What does the scene of Su-ryeon and Logan driving off into the sunset in Penthouse 3: War in Life mean
The scene of Logan and Su-ryeon driving away, and Su-ryeon’s appearance at the opera hall in Penthouse 3: War in Life finale was not real. In that sense, their spirits were present with the kids, and the two finally met in the afterworld. The two were connected by the red string of fate that destined the two individuals together.
They also got to meet Sol-ah in the afterlife from the excitement that Su-ryeon and Logan showed towards the end before they disappeared into an angelic white light. Is this anywhere close to the original theme of Penthouse 3: War in Life? Not at all. That is why this ending is tragic.
Yes, Ro-na and Seok-hoon did get a happy ending, in their own manner. However, the events leading up to Su-ryeon and Logan’s death in the finale seemed unconvincing. Their death was used for shock value and to add to the minutes of the finale episode.
What happened to Eun-byeol and Seo-jin in Penthouse 3: War in Life?
Eun-byeol gave a witness statement in court against her mother. She recalled everything her mother had done since the very first season. Eun-byeol went a step further to stab herself in the throat in court. She promised that she would never sing again and this made Seo-jin emotional.
She dropped the act of suffering from dementia and expressed regret and anger. That was how she was imprisoned. Seo-jin too seemed to suffer from illness and decided to see her daughter one last time before she died. She did not meet her daughter, but just looked at her from afar after getting special permission to leave the prison in Penthouse 3: War in Life.
Edited by R. Elahi
Thank You!