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Для многих игроков в Наруто Онлайн первым, по-настоящему сложным испытанием становится 55-ый этаж в Экзамене ниндзя, где они встречают бабушку Цунаде и ее верного слизняка Кацую. Действительно, эта парочка порой просто сводит с ума и кажется, что пройти их просто невозможно. Но верьте, если долго мучиться, то обязательно, что-нибудь получиться!
Бой здесь проходит в два этапа: сначала вы сражаетесь с Цунаде, а после ее поражения с Кацую. Цунаде неприятна своим уроном по одиночной цели и тем, что раз в несколько раундов восстанавливает большую часть своего ХП, Кацую же опасна своей массовой атакой. Какая же команда способна их победить? Давайте посмотрим.
Состав команды.
1. Неджи. Да-да, мы опять будем использовать этого ниндзя (напоминаю, что желательно иметь его на 2 звезды), поскольку он идеально подходит как для сбивания навыка Цунаде, так и Кацую. В принципе, для Цунаде прерывание не обязательно и у вас может вполне хватить урона и так, но вот с Кацую это жизненно необходимо.
2. Ниндзя с клонами. Персонаж вызывающий клонов, как минимум раз в три раунда, нам понадобиться опять же для Кацую. Это может быть как и ГГ (например, герой Ветра), так и какой-нибудь Наруто, Кабуто или Сай.
3-4. Остальных персонажей нужно подбирать ориентируясь на урон и комбо-связки. Мой вариант, как ГГ Ветра выглядел так:
Вариант №1. Неджи должен находиться на 1-ой позиции для того, чтобы успеть сбить Цунаде навык лечение. А для его прикрытия я использовал клонов ГГ и куклу Канкуро. Впоследствии клоны уже вызывались на верхний ряд и их атаковала Кацую.
Вариант №2. Неджи опять находится на 1-ой позиции, но в этот раз его прикрывают не клоны и кукла, а Хината, которая стоит в среднем ряду. Как раз этот ряд и атакует Цунаде в первую очередь (Неджи она выделить в качестве цели не может, поскольку он прикрыт клоном Какаши и его пассивка отключается).
В таком билде больше урона за счет связок и клонов ГГ, которые в начале не умирают. Так что вполне возможно, что сбивание вам в первом бою и не понадобится. Впоследствии же, как и в варианте №1, клоны вызываемые в верхнем ряду будут служить целью атаки Кацую.
Бой первый — Цунаде.
Сражение это довольно простое и единственное, что вам нужно твердо помнить так это то, что в начале 3-го раунда (конечно при условии, что вы не снимите ей все ХП до этого) Цунаде будет использовать лечение, которое ей нужно обязательно сбить. После победы на Цунаде вы встретитесь с ее слизняком.
Бой второй — Кацую.
На первый взгяд может показаться, что это сражение намного сложнее первого, но на самом деле это не так, важно лишь знать порядок хода противника, а он следующий:
- Кацую использует на всю вашу команду дебафф, уменьшающий атаку и сопротивление.
- Кацую атакует одиночную цель начиная с верхнего ряда (именно поэтому там и должны постоянно появляться клоны).
- Кацую использует массовую атаку, которая под действующим дебаффом скорее всего всех убьет.
Здесь, как и бою с Цунаде, важно с помощью Неджи успеть сбить навык этому слизняку. Если вы все сделали правильно и Кацую не атаковал вас с помощью массового удара, то после этого вам остается лишь по откату использовать сбивание Неджи.
Важно! На Кацую не действуют комбо. После того как ниндзя нанесет ему удар на него вешается паралич. Я говорю это затем, что бы вы как и я не пытались прерывать атаку слизняку с помощью комбо. Не получиться.
Собственно на этом все. Поздравляю, вы прошли 55-ый экзамен в Наруто Онлайн! Увидимся на 60)
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Most of you might have difficulties in answering the Ninja Test Questions (Anko Quiz). In this article I’m going to share list of questions and the answers to those questions. If you missed out me previous articles, check them out.
Top 15 Ways to Get Seal Scrolls
Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Naruto Online Game
Let’s move on to the Ninja test questions and answers.
- Whose Passive skill is “Defender of Hidden Mist”? Answer: Ao
- Who/What killed the parents of Naruto? Answer: The Nine Tails
- Who was the rival of Sakura Haruno during her childhood? Answer: Ino
- Who was Orochimaru’s sensei? Answer: Third Hokage
- Who was not a student of Jiraiya? Answer: Kakashi
- Who uses the Crystal Ice Mirrors ninjutsu? Answer: Haku
- Who turns himself into a puppet? Answer: Sasori
- Who teaches Rasengan to Naruto? Answer: Jiraiya
- Who taught Chidori to Sasuke? Answer: Kakashi
- Who sealed the Nine Tails in the body of Naruto? Answer: Minato
- Who recognizes the strength of Naruto earlier than anyone else? Answer: Iruka
- Who really hates being called “fat”? Answer: Choji Akimichi
- Who often refers the importance of “teamwork”? Answer: Kakashi
- Who of the following ninja is not a member of Taka? Answer: Hanzo
- Who manages to escape the summoning of Ninja Art – Toad Mouth Trap? Answer: Itachi Uchiha
- Who kills the Third Hokage? Answer: Orochimaru
- Who kills the entire Uchiha Clan? Answer: Itachi Uchiha
- Who kills Jiraiya? Answer: Pain
- Who killed Sasori’s father? Answer: Sakumo Hatake
- Who is the wife of Asuma Sarutobi? Answer: Kurenai
- Who is the user of 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation? Answer: Neji Hyuga
- Who is the Summon of the Third Hokage? Answer: Enma
- Who is the son of the “White Fang of the Leaf”? Answer: Kakashi
- Who is the sensei that leads Konohamaru’s team? Answer: Ebisu
- Who is the sensei of the Fourth Hokage? Answer: Jiraiya
- Who is the sensei of Team 7? Answer: Kakashi
- Who is the sensei of Team 10? Answer: Asuma
- Who is the only Mist’s Seven Swordsman that survived? Answer: Chojuro
- Who is the older sister of Kankuro? Answer: Temari
- Who is the older sister of Gaara? Answer: Temari
- Who is the older brother of Gaara? Answer: Kankuro
- Who is the ninja that loves exploding clay? Answer: Deidara
- Who is the mother of Naruto? Answer: Kushina Uzumaki
- Who is the mother of Kiba Inuzuka? Answer: Tsume Inuzuka
- Who is the most important bond of Naruto? Answer: Sasuke Uchiha
- Who is the main examiner of the first Chunin Exams seen in the series? Answer: Ibiki Morino
- Who is the Jonin who leads Team 3 of Konoha? Answer: Might Guy
- Who is the Jonin that leads Team 10 of Konoha? Answer: Asuma Sarutobi
- Who is the instructor of Gaara? Answer: Baki
- Who is the handsome devil that likes Sakura? Answer: Rock Lee
- Who is the granny of Sasori? Answer: Elder Chiyo
- Who is the grandson of the Third Hokage? Answer: Konohamaru
- Who is the granddaughter of the Third Tsuchikage? Answer: Kurotsuchi
- Who is the granddaughter of the First Hokage? Answer: Tsunade
- Who is the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju? Answer: Tsunade
- Who is the first ninja recruited in Naruto Online? Answer: Naruto
- Who is the first antagonist in Naruto? Answer: Mizuki
- Who is the father of Naruto? Answer: Minato Namikaze
- Who is the father of Itachi Uchiha? Answer: Fugaku Uchiha
- Who is the father of Hashirama Senju? Answer: Butsuma Senju
- Who is the brother of the Eight Tails’ Jinchuriki? Answer: Raikage
- Who is the brother of Madara Uchiha? Answer: Izuna Uchiha
- Who is the author of Make-Out Paradise? Answer: Jiraiya
- Who is the acting Fifth Hokage? Answer: Tsunade
- Who is not one of the Sannin? Answer: Danzo
- Who is not one of the Sannin? Answer: Camwomaru
- Who is not needed to launch the Sage Art – Bath of Boiling Oil jutsu? Answer: Gamabunta
- Who is Kimimaro willing to die for? Answer: Orochimaru
- Who is Kimimaro best friends with? Answer: Bipolar Jugo
- Who is Gaara’s first friend? Answer: Naruto
- Who is called the “Leaf’s Noble Gentleman” of Konoha? Answer: Might Guy
- Who is also called by “Yellow Flash of The Leaf”? Answer: Minato Namikaze
- Who is also called by “Handsome Devil of the Hidden Leaf Village”? Answer: Rock Lee
- Who is a Sensor Type ninja? Answer: Karin
- Who has the title of “The Copy Ninja”? Answer: Kakashi
- Who has not acted as Hokage yet? Answer: Sakura Haruno
- Who has Hinata always loved? Answer: Naruto
- Who gives his Sharingan to Kakashi? Answer: Obito
- Who does Sasuke give his first kiss to? Answer: Naruto
- Who does Sakura learn Medical Ninjutsu from? Answer: Tsunade
- Who does not belong to the Sannin of Konoha? Answer: Sasuke
- Who does not belong to the Sannin group? Answer: Danzo
- Who does not belong to the Konohamaru Corps? Answer: Iruka
- Who does not belong to Team 10 of Konoha? Answer: Shino Aburame
- Who does Naruto call “Bushy Brows”? Answer: Lee
- Who does Hinata love? Answer: Naruto
- Who does Asuma Sarutobi love? Answer: Kurenai Yuuhi
- Who do the two statues in Final Valley represent? Answer: Hashirama and Madara
- Who do Sakura and Ino like? Answer: Sasuke
- Who develops the Flying Raijin Jutsu? Answer: Tobirama Senju
- Who defeats Naruto during the duel in Final Valley? Answer: Sasuke
- Who creates Manda II? Answer: Kabuto
- Who created the Konoha Military Police Force? Answer: Tobirama Senju
- Who created Edo Tensei Jutsu? Answer: Second Hokage
- Who can use the ninjutsu Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll? Answer: Sai
- Who can use the “Shadow Strangle Jutsu”? Answer: Shikamaru Nara
- Who can use Human Boulder Jutsu? Answer: Choji Akimichi
- Who always wear Chinese Style clothes in Naruto? Answer: Tenten
- Who also goes by the title of “The Copy Ninja”? Answer: Kakashi
- Who also goes by the title of “Pervy Sage”? Answer: Jiraiya
- Whit ninjutsu does Naruto teach to Konohamaru ? Answer: Rasengan
- Which type of Instances can be cleared to acquire ninja fragments? Answer: Elite Instances
- Which two ninjas are called the “Zombie Combo”? Answer: Kakuzu and Hidan
- Which two Dojutsu are combined within the Ten Tails’ eye? Answer: Rinnegan and Sharingan
- Which toad can Naruto summon? Answer: Gamakichi
- Which team does Naruto belong to? Answer: Team 7
- Which Tailed Beast looks like a monkey ? Answer: Four Tails
- Which Tailed Beast looks like a combination of a dolphin, horse and deer? Answer: Five Tails
- Which Tailed Beast is shaped like a Tanuki? Answer: One Tail
- Which Tailed Beast caused havoc in Konoha? Answer: Nine Tails
- Which Summon is capable of strong Healing skills? Answer: Katsuyu
- Which summon has a body as strong as diamond? Answer: Enma
- Which summon cannot be summoned by Pain – Chikushodo? Answer: Shark
- Which son of the Sage of the Six Paths has Sasuke descended from? Answer: First Son
- Which son of the Sage of the Six Paths has Naruto descended from? Answer: Second Son
- Which sensei helps Naruto avoid a wrong way of the ninja?Answer: Iruka
- Which Path of Pain can use Summoning Jutsu without a contract with the summon? Answer: Chikushodo
- Which Path of Pain can read the mind of its target and draw out souls out of their body? Answer: Ningendo
- Which Path of Pain can manipulate attractive and repulsive forces? Answer: Tendo
- Which Path of Pain can absorb all Chakra from any Ninjutsu? Answer: Gakido
- Which organization wants to catch Naruto? Answer: Akatsuki
- Which organization under Danzo ranks the same as Anbu? Answer: Root
- Which of these jutsu were created by the Third Hokage? Answer: Ninja Art – Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu
- Which of the Sannin is the sensei of Sakura? Answer: Tsunade
- Which of the Mist’s Seven Swordsmen does Naruto meet first? Answer: Zabuza Momochi
- Which of the following ways can increase friendliness level? Answer: Gifting Roses
- Which of the following uses bugs to attack? Answer: Shino
- Which of the following ninjutsu was developed by Kakashi? Answer: Chidori
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “The Evergreen Ninja Flower” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Guy
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “The Dancing Weapon” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Kiba
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “The Copy Ninja” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Sasuke
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “Smart Itachi and Stupid Sasuke” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Shino
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “Sakura Blooms” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Sasuke
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from when clearing the “Pure Loyalty” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Guy
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from by passing the “Maiden of the Uzumaki Clan” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Guy
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from by passing the “Arrogance and Turbulence” Elite Instance for the first time? Answer: Guy
- Which of the following ninjas will a player receive ninja fragments from by activating the Jonin Medal for the first time? Answer: Naruto [Nine Tails Chakra]
- Which of the following ninjas uses the ninjutsu “Bracken Dance”? Answer: Kimimaro
- Which of the following ninjas uses a fan with three moons as a weapon? Answer: Temari
- Which of the following ninjas uses a fan as a weapon? Answer: Temari
- Which of the following ninjas is unable to kill another unit? Answer: Haku
- Which of the following ninjas is the most lecherous one? Answer: Jiraiya
- Which of the following ninjas is not of the Earth attribute type? Kidomaru
- Which of the following ninjas is not an Hidden Sound type in Naruto Online? Answer: Kankuro
- Which of the following ninjas is capable of launching a Standard attack twice each round? Answer: Zabuza [Mist’s Seven Swordsmen]
- Which of the following ninjas is a Medical Ninja? Answer: Sakura Haruno
- Which of the following ninjas has none Medical Jutsu? Answer: Sasuke
- Which of the following ninjas has a probability of returning to battle after being defeated? Answer: Tobi
- Which of the following ninjas has a Passive skill that increases the ninja’s Shield before each action? Answer: Kidomaru
- Which of the following ninjas has a Passive skill that can cause Ignition to a random opponent’s unit before that round’s first action? Answer: Deidara
- Which of the following ninjas has a Passive skill called “Poison Expert”? Answer: Shizune
- Which of the following ninjas has a Mystery skill capable of causing Repulse? Answer: Guy
- Which of the following ninjas has a Mystery skill called “Snake Sword”? Answer: Orochimaru [Great Ninja War]
- Which of the following ninjas has a Mystery skill called “Crystal Ice Mirrors”? Answer: Haku
- Which of the following ninjas has a Earth’s Curse Mark? Answer: Kimimaro
- Which of the following ninjas doesn’t use any jutsu capable of producing Clones? Answer: Sai
- Which of the following ninjas does not wear glasses? Answer: Kankuro
- Which of the following ninjas do not possess a Mystery skill capable of creating a Barrier (Kekkai Ninjutsu)? Answer: Kimimaro
- Which of the following ninjas did Naruto met only later in the series? Answer: Gaara
- Which of the following ninjas causes Ignition to an opponent’s unit with a Prompt attack? Answer: Deidara
- Which of the following ninjas causes Acupuncture to a random enemy unit with a Prompt attack? Answer: Ao
- Which of the following ninjas can use Medical Ninjutsu on their own puppet? Answer: Sasori
- Which of the following ninjas can summon Puppets? Answer: Sasori
- Which of the following ninjas can simultaneously create two Debuffs, for example, Poisoning and Ignition? Answer: Kankuro [Great Ninja War]
- Which of the following ninjas can resurrect and fight again after being killed? Answer: Hidan
- Which of the following ninjas can resurrect a selected unit from your team? Answer: Pain – Jigokudo
- Which of the following ninjas can launch an extra Standard attack before each action? Answer: Ukon Sakon
- Which of the following ninjas can help you cause Chaos to the opponent’s ninjas? Answer: Pain – Ningendo
- Which of the following ninjas can help you absorb Chakra from the opponent’s team? Answer: Kisame Hoshigaki
- Which of the following ninjas can help resurrecting a defeated ninja? Answer: Chiyo
- Which of the following ninjas can cause Immobile Debuff to an opponent’s unit? Answer: Zabuza [Mist’s Seven Swordsmen]
- Which of the following ninjas can cause Acupuncture to the receiver of a Critical Attack? Answer: Haku
- Which of the following ninjas belongs to Curse Mark type ninja? Answer: Kimimaro
- Which of the following ninja is not a member of the Team 8 led by Kurenai? Answer: Neji Hyuga
- Which of the following ninja does not belong to the Sound Five? Answer: Jugo
- Which of the following ninja can use Man-Beast Ultimate Jutsu: Fang Over Fang? Answer: Kiba Inuzuka
- Which of the following modes will give you Cultivation Runes to train your ninjas? Answer: Survival Trial
- Which of the following modes is battled automatically? Answer: Ranked Battle
- Which of the following methods is useless to obtain Seal Scrolls? Answer: Ninja Task Room
- Which of the following methods can give the player more ninjas’ fragments? Answer: By Exchanging for Credits/Points in Shops
- Which of the following methods can get the player more ninjas? Answer: Recruiting
- Which of the following methods can be used to get Refine Runes? Answer: By Exchanging for Credits/Points in Shops
- Which of the following methods can be used to get Magatamas? Answer: Purchase with coupons or ingots
- Which of the following items will be consumed by drawing in the Bond Treasure Box? Answer: Bond Scroll
- Which of the following items cannot give any Experience points for your ninjas? Answer: Meat Balls
- Which of the following items can be used to refresh the Mood of a ninja? Answer: Meat BallsWhich of the following items appeared in the series? Answer: Purse
- Which of the following is not part of the Main Plot Instances modes? Answer: Breakthrough Instances
- Which of the following is not classified as a Sword-User type ninja? Answer: Orochimaru [Konoha’s Traitor]
- Which of the following is not a skill of a Ninja in Naruto Online? Answer: Traitor
- Which of the following is needed to be able to upgrade a Group? Answer: Group Funds
- Which of the following Interfaces will not reward you with Magatamas? Answer: Rich Field
- Which of the following Interface can be used to Transform your ninja’s appearance in the World Map? Answer: Ninja
- Which of the following functions is absent from the Team Interface? Answer: Sparring
- Which of the following functions can you find in the Home Interface? Answer: Wishing Tree
- Which of the following features is present in the Character interface? Answer: Change Class
- Which of the following cannot be used to refresh Mood? Answer: Coins
- Which of the following can Pain – Jigokudo summon? Answer: King of Hell
- Which of the following can be used to obtain Summoning Points? Answer: Sage World Battlefields
- Which of following Genjutsu converts attacks into mere “illusions”? Answer: Izanagi
- Which NPC will introduce you to Rich Field? Answer: Fukurokumaru
- Which NPC below can be used to receive rewarding quests? Answer:Anbu Instructor
- Which ninjutsu was created by Sasuke? Answer: Chidori Senbon
- Which Ninjutsu Style is Azure Fang good at? Answer: Water Style
- Which ninjutsu of Elder Chiyo is recognized as “each boasting a power matching a thousand puppets put together”? Answer: Secret White Move – Chikamatsu’s 10 Puppets
- Which Ninjutsu does Pain launch in order to destroy Konoha? Answer: Almighty Push
- Which Ninjutsu does Minato Namikaze use to separate the Nine Tails’ Chakra into Shadow and Light natures? Answer: Sealing Jutsu – Reaper Death Seal
- Which Ninja Tool can eat Chakra? Answer: Samehada
- Which ninja managed to control the Nine Tails before? Answer: Madara Uchiha
- Which ninja loves to use paper-made objects in the jutsu they use? Answer: Konan
- Which ninja is good at using jutsus related to ink and painting? Sai Answer:Which ninja gave the title of “Sannin” to Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru? Answer: Hanzo Salamander
- Which ninja does not belong to the “Three Sand Siblings”? Answer: Elder Chiyo
- Which ninja can use and imbue two blades with chakra? Answer: Asuma
- Which ninja can use a visual jutsu called “Kotoamatsukami”? Answer: Shisui Uchiha
- Which ninja acquires a Byakugan eye from a ninja of the Hyuga Clan? Answer: Ao
- Which mode cannot be sped up? Answer: Arena
- Which member of Akatsuki looks like a plant? Answer: Zetsu
- Which member of Akatsuki is the grandson of Elder Chiyo? Answer: Sasori
- Which material is needed to upgrade the Stars of a ninja? Answer: Ninja Fragments
- Which main character is capable of generating more Clones? Answer: Breeze Dancer
- Which level is required to activate the Main Character’s “Change” system? Answer: Level 60
- Which level is required to activate the “Cultivate” system? Answer: Level 28
- Which level is required to activate the “Awaken” system? Answer: Level 30
- Which level do you need to reach in order to activate Team Instances? Answer: Level 30
- Which Kage has the strongest Spear and Shield? Answer: Third Raikage
- Which Kage has a Fission technique? Answer: Second Tsuchikage
- Which jutsu does Elder Chiyo use to save Gaara? Answer: Reanimation Jutsu
- Which Jonin leads Team 8? Answer: Kurenai
- Which Jonin leads Team 7? Answer: Kakashi
- Which is not one of the five lands of Naruto Answer:? Land of Charge
- Which interface will show you the events of the current week? Answer: Hot Topics
- Which Interface on the lower right corner can lead to the Ninja Tools? Answer: Character
- Which Interface does Refining belong to? Answer: Strengthen
- Which Hokage was a master in Water Style? Answer: Second Hokage
- Which group does Orochimaru dispatch to get Sasuke out of Konoha? Answer: Sound Four
- Which Genjutsu does Kurenai use? Demonic Illusion: Answer: Tree Binding Death
- Which generation of Mizukage does Mei Terumi belong to? Answer: Fifth
- Which fighting style can Naruto use that enables him to “fly” and “move in the air” while in Sage Mode? Answer: Frog Kata
- Which eye does Danzo Shimura cover with a bandage? Answer: Right Eye
- Which Eight Inner Gates are there? Reverse Lotus and? Answer: Primary Lotus
- Which Dojutsu can share its vision? Answer: Rinnegan
- Which Debuff does Neji cause with one of his skills? Answer: Acupuncture
- Which currency is consumed to upgrade your equipment? Answer: Coins
- Which clan has a Sensor Type Kekkei Genkai? Answer: Yamanaka
- Which clan does the Shadow Strangle Jutsu belongs to? Answer: Nara Clan
- Which clan does Nagato belong to? Answer: Uzumaki
- Which clan does “8 Trigrams 64 Palms” belong to as a Secret Jutsu? Answer: Hyuga
- Which book is the name of “Naruto” derived from? Answer: The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi
- Which 2 Styles combined create Ice Style jutsu? Answer: Wind and Water Style
- Which “hothead ninja” is determined to become the Hokage? Answer: Naruto Uzamaki
- Where did Kabuto Yakushi acquire his Sage Mode? Answer: Ryuuichi Cave
- Where can you acquire Ninja Tools? Answer: Team Instances
- Where can Konohamaru [Konohamaru Corps] be acquired for free? Answer: Arena
- Where can Battle Points needed to progress the attributes of your Ninja be obtained? Answer: Instances
- When Tsunade was young, who was her lover? Answer: Dan Kato
- When Tsunade agrees to be Hokage, what does she give to Naruto? Answer: First Hokage’s Necklace
- When studying more about Chakra, who did Naruto question about Chakra nature? Answer: Asuma Sarutobi
- When Sasuke’s Mangekyo Sharingan activated, who did Sasuke see dying? Answer: Itachi
- When Sasuke joins Team 7, what does he say that his goal in life is? Answer: Kill a Certain Man
- When Kakashi uses his Chase skill to Chase and Attack a Low Floated unit, Kakashi causes him Knockdown. What other additional Debuff is also caused? Answer: Paralysis
- When Jiraiya casts his Summoning Jutsu, which type of Summon comes to the rescue? Answer: Toad
- When does Naruto release Nine Tails’ Chakra for the first time? Answer: Battle with Haku
- When a battle starts, Which of the following ninjas will immediately create Clones? Answer: Zabuza
- What word does Choji Akimichi hate hearing the most? Answer: Fat
- What weapon does Zabuza use? Answer: Beheading Sword
- What weapon does the Susano’o of Sasuke use? Answer: Bow
- What was the rank of Naruto when he joined Team 7? Answer: Genin
- What was the first ninjutsu developed by Naruto Answer:? Sexy Jutsu
- What was Naruto’s favorite ninjutsu during his childhood? Harem Jutsu
- What was first summon that Naruto managed to call for? Answer: Tadpole
- What village does Orochimaru establish after leaving Akatsuki? Answer: Hidden Sound
- What village does Kisame Hoshigaki come from as a traitor? Answer: Hidden Mist
- What skill does Sasori use that is capable of destroying a country? Answer: Secret Red Move – Performance of a Hundred
- What rank does Kakashi belong to Answer:? Jonin
- What powerful ninjutsu does Naruto learn earlier than anyone else in the Naruto series? Answer: Shadow Clone Jutsu
- What organization removed and collected Gaara’s Tailed Beast? Answer: Akatsuki
- What Ninjutsu does Yamato release to instantly rebuild the buildings of Konoha? Answer: Wood Style – Row Houses Jutsu
- What Ninjutsu does Pain – Tendo release to destroy Konoha? Answer: Almighty Push
- What Ninjutsu can Choji use after his “Expansion Jutsu”? Answer: Human Boulder Jutsu
- What needs to be done to activate the Mangekyo Sharingan? Answer: Kill a Partner
- What needs to be consumed to Awake a ninja? Answer: Awakening Materials
- What makes the Wishing Tree grow? Answer: Watering from Friends
- What kind of ninja is Sakura? Answer: Medical Ninja
- What kind of Instance can be cleared to acquire Awakening materials? Answer: Plot Instance
- What kind of animal is Lady Tsunade’s pet? Answer: Pig
- What jutsu is Tsunade most skilled at? Answer: Medical Ninjutsu
- What jutsu does the Third Hokage release to seal the hands of Orochimaru? Answer: Sealing Jutsu – Reaper Death Seal
- What jutsu does the Sage of The Six Paths release to seal the Ten Tails? Answer: Planetary Devastation
- What jutsu does Gaara release that puts together sand and shapes it into a pyramid capable of sealing the enemy? Answer: Grand Sand Mausoleum seal
- What jutsu did Sasuke use to revive Orochimaru from Anko’s Curse Mark? Answer: Curse Unsealing
- What is used to Upgrade the Stars of a ninja? Answer: Ninja Fragments
- What is Tsunade appointed as? Answer: Hokage
- What is to be consumed to “Progress” your Main Character? Answer: Battle Points
- What is the weapon of choice of Zabuza Momochi? Answer: Beheading Sword
- What is the true appearance of Orochimaru? Answer: White Snake
- What is the total Coupons given back over the period of having the Jonin Medal activated? Answer: 3600 Coupons
- What is the title of Minato Namikaze ? Answer: Yellow Flash of the Leaf
- What is the title given to one a ninja who is a leader of a village under the Five Lands? Answer: Kage
- What is the title for 1st Place in Survival Trial Ranking? Answer: One Against 10000
- What is the sword Sasuke uses? Answer: Sword of Kusanagi
- What is the summon of the Second Mizukage? Answer: Clam
- What is the summon of Naruto Uzumaki? Answer: Toad
- What is the strongest Style of the First Hokage? Answer: Wood Style
- What is the strongest “dancing” technique of Kimimaro? Answer: Bracken Dance
- What is the skill in which Naruto creates four Rasengan in one hand?Answer: Planet Rasengan
- What is the skill by which Tsunade can break a mountain in one kick? Answer: Heaven Kick
- What is the shape of Naruto’s eyes in Sage Mode? Answer: A Line
- What is the relation between the First Hokage and Second Hokage? Answer: Brothers
- What is the relation between Gaara and Kankuro? Answer: Brother
- What is the price of the Chunin Medal while in Discount Price? Answer: 588 Ingots
- What is the original organization Sai is part of? Answer: Root
- What is the ninja art that Baki is most skilled at? Answer: Blade of Wind
- What is the name of the Third Tsuchikage? Answer: Onoki
- What is the name of the One Tail? Answer: Shuukaku
- What is the name of the Nin-dog of Kiba Inuzuka? Answer: Akamaru
- What is the name of the mother of Gaara? Answer: Karura
- What is the name of the Main Character whose Chakra Nature and attribute is Fire? Answer: Scarlet Blaze
- What is the name of the jutsu that releases huge snakes from the user’s sleeves capable of binding the enemy? Answer: Striking Shadow Snakes
- What is the name of the formation composed by Ino, Shikamaru and Choji? Answer: Ino-Shika-Cho
- What is the name of the first Main Plot Instance of Naruto Online? Answer: Konohamaru Trio
- What is the name of the First Hokage? Answer: Hashirama Senju
- What is the name of Nine Tails? Answer: Kurama
- What is the name of Jiraiya’s ninjutsu that can harden his hair and shoot it at its enemies continuously? Answer: Ninja Art – Needle Senbon
- What is the maximum number of Rounds in a battle? Answer: 10 Rounds
- What is the maximum number of Ninjas that you can have in your team? Answer: 7
- What is the maximum level for Equipment Refiniment? Answer: Level 10
- What is the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha Family? Answer: Sharingan
- What is the jutsu used by Jiraiya to turn his hair into needles to protect his body? Answer: Hari jigoku
- What is the jutsu that is able to control inorganic subjects and gives them life? Answer: Sage art : Inorganic reanimation
- What is the function of the Progress system? Answer: To increase Power
- What is the function of the Mood system? Answer: To increase Power
- What is the function of Summoning Points? Answer:Buy Summon’s fragments
- What is the function of Ninja Tools? Answer: To increase Power
- What is The Fourth Raikage’s name? Answer: Ay
- What is the first Kinjutsu learned by Naruto? Answer: Multiple Shadow Clone
- What is the final plan of Akatsuki? Answer: Project “Tsuki no Me”
- What is the empty vessel of the Ten Tails? Answer: Gedo Statue
- What is the default level for all Arena players? Answer: Level 100
- What is the daily limit for the free challenges in Ranked Battle? Answer: 10 times
- What is the color of the Fourth Hokage’s hair? Answer: Yellow
- What is the color of the character (love) on Gaara’s forehead? Answer: Red
- What is the color of Naruto’s hair? Answer: Yellow
- What is the color of Kakashi’s hair? Answer: Silver
- What is the Chakra Nature and attribute represented by Crimson Fist? Answer: Earth
- What is the bridge built by Tazuna named? Answer: Naruto Bridge
- What is the additional status of Midnight Blade’s Lightning Sealing Slash? Answer: Acupuncture
- What is Sasuke’s Kekkei Genkai? Answer: Sharingan
- What is needed for the Main Character to learn new Talents? Answer: Increase his Level
- What is Naruto’s favorite food? Answer: Ramen
- What is Naruto’s favorite food? Answer: Ichiraku Ramen
- What is Naruto’s dream? Answer: Becoming Hokage
- What is Naruto trained in to defend Konoha against Pain’s Invasion? Answer: Senjutsu
- What is Naruto called during his childhood? Answer: Dead Last
- What is name of Sasori’s “puppet armour” shaped like a scorpion? Answer: Hiruko
- What is Gaara’s “Absolute Defence”? Answer: Sand Shield
- What is Gaara appointed as? Kazekage
- What is exposed when the Akamichi launch their Mystery skill? Answer: Wings
- What is contained in the gourd on Gaara’s back? Answer: Sand
- What is consumed to study Group Skills? Answer: Group Contributions
- What is consumed for Equipment Upgrading? Answer: Upgrading Materials
- What is Chojuro’s weapon Answer:? Hiramekarei
- What is a “ninja” in Naruto? Answer: Occupation
- What influences who will be attacking first? Answer: Initiative
- What Genjutsu does Kakashi cast on Sakura during the Bell Test? Answer: Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique
- What generation of Raikage does the brother of Killer Bee belong to? Answer: Fourth
- What feature do Sakura and Tsunade share? Answer: Physical Prowess
- What Dojutsu can Kakashi use with his Mangekyo Sharingan? Answer: Kamui
- What does Temari like carrying with her? Answer: Large Iron Fan
- What does Shino Aburame always keep very close to him? Answer: Bugs
- What does Sasuke rely on during his battle in the Final Valley? Answer: Second Level of Heaven’s Curse Mark
- What does Sasuke develop when he enters the second level of Heaven’s Curse Mark? Answer: Wings
- What does Sakura generally call Ino? Answer: Ino-Pig
- What does Orochimaru want from Sasuke? Answer: His Body
- What does not belong to the three basic skills in Naruto? Answer: Fine Arts
- What does Kankuro use as a weapon? Answer: Puppets
- What does Gaara carry on his back? Answer: Gourd
- What did Naruto learn from the Scroll of Sealing on time for the graduation ceremony from the Ninja Academy? Answer: Multiple Shadow Clone
- What did Naruto depend on to beat Haku? Answer: Nine Tails’ Chakra
- What Debuff causes Healing to be useless if a ninja is currently under this Debuff’s effect? Answer: Ignition
- What currency is consumed for Equipment Strengthening? Answer: Coins
- What country does Kimimaro belong to? Answer: Land of Water
- What color is Kushina’s hair? Answer: Red
- What color is Jiraiya’s hair in Naruto? Answer: White
- What color are the eyes of Naruto Uzumaki Answer:? Blue
- What clan does Karin belong to? Answer: Uzumaki
- What clan can control bugs? Answer: Aburame Clan
- What can the Summon of the Third Hokage, Enma, change into? Answer: Golden Cudgel
- What can the One Tail control? Answer: Sandstorms
- What book is Kakashi always reading? Answer: Make-Out Paradise
- What are the conditions to unlock a new Main Character? Answer: Challenge the Main Character and Win
- What are the basic three techniques in Naruto? Answer: Taijutsu, Genjutsu and? Ninjutsu
- Up to how many non-Water attribute ninjas can the Mystery skill of Zabuza cause Blindness to? Answer: 9
- Ultimately, what did Sasuke decide to transplant from Itachi to himself? Answer: Eye
- To which village does Pain – Ningendo belongs to? Answer: Hidden Rain
- To which Style of Ninjutsu does Dark Swamp jutsu belong to? Answer: Earth Style
- To which ninja did Orochimaru transplant Hashirama’s cells to, while this ninja was still a child? Answer: Yamato
- To which generation of Kazekage did the father of Gaara belong to? Answer: Fourth
- To which generation of Hokage does Naruto’s father belong to? Answer: Fourth
- To train to be able to get Sasuke back, what does Naruto do? Answer: Practices Really Hard
- To Cultivate a ninja, what is consumed to get bonuses for the ninja’s stats? Answer: Cultivation Runes
- The hidden village in the Land of Wind is? Answer: Hidden Sand
- Taijutsu can be usually divided to Strong Fist and…? Answer: Gentle Fist
- On which day of the week is experience doubled for Sweeping an Instance? Answer: Monday
- Obito Uchiha hides himself as? Answer: Tobi
- Naruto is.. Answer: An Orphan
- Low-Level Refine Rune is optimal for which levels of Equipment Refinement? Answer: Levels 1-4
- Later in the series, what is the relation between Naruto and the Nine Tails? Answer: Friends
- Killer Bee is the Jinchuriki of which Tailed Beast? Answer: Gyuki
- In which of the following modes can a player obtain the scrolls necessary for Equipment Upgrading? Answer: Ninja Exam
- In which of the following modes can a player obtain Advanced-Level Refine Rune? Answer: Sage World Battlefields
- In which of the following Interfaces do you change a Leader? Answer: Group
- In which of the following Interfaces can you check the Potential of a ninja? Answer: Character
- In which mode is the “Retreat” button displayed and can be clicked? Answer: Survival Trial
- In which mode does the player not need approval of the other player to start a battle? Answer: Sage World Battlefields
- In which level will the Summon interface activate? Answer: Level 50
- In which Interface is your Main Character’s details? Answer: Character
- In which Interface is your Main Character’s basic information? Answer: Character
- In which Interface can you check the Ninja Tools equipped? Answer: Character
- In which Interface can you change your current Title? Answer: Character
- In total, how many Seal Scrolls can be acquired through Full Month Attendance? Answer: 2 Seal Scrolls
- In the Naruto series, who is the character that carries a gourd on their back? Answer: Gaara
- In the beginning of a battle, which of the following ninjas can increase 20 Chakra Points to their own lineup? Answer: Asuma [Wind Blade]
- In Team 8 of Konoha, which of the following ninjas does not have a cloning jutsu among its skills? Answer: Hinata
- In Sage Mode, how many clones can Naruto create to help him create the Giant Rasengan jutsu? Answer: 2
- In one time, what is the maximum times you can Sweep an Elite Instance? Answer: 3
- In one time, what is the maximum times you can Sweep a Main Plot Instance? Answer: 5
- In Naruto Shippuden, during the trial to get the bells from Kakashi, thanks to what did Naruto and Sakura won agaisnt Kakashi? Answer: Make-Out Paradise novels
- In Naruto Online, Which of the following ninjas has jutsu that summons Udon and Moegi? Answer: Konohamaru [Konohamaru Corps]
- In Naruto Online, can you start a fight with another player if he refuses? Answer: No.
- In Great Ninja War, what title will be given to the Leader of the winning Group? Answer: Ninja World Gods
- In Great Ninja War, how many Legendary Gift Packs are awarded to the winning Group? Answer: 3
- In battle, what is the use of summons Answer:? To Participate in a Chase attack
- In Akatsuki, who is the partner of Itachi? Answer: Kisame
- In Akatsuki, which ninja is capable of using the Five Styles of Ninjutsu? Answer: Kakuzu
- If you fail an exam in Ninja Exam, how many times can you try again? Answer: Unlimited times
- If destroyed, whose ninja’s Puppets cannot be summoned again? Answer: Chiyo’s
- If a player starts an Instance, what will be consumed? Answer: Answer: Stamina
- If a player fails to clear an instance, what will be returned to the player? Stamina
- If a Critical Hit lands, which of the following ninjas will cause Immobile to ninja who received the attack? Answer: Shikamaru
- How to activate new Main Characters in the “Change” system? Answer: As the Main Character’s level increases, new
- How old was Kakashi when he became a Jonin? Answer: 12
- How old is Naruto when he becomes Genin?Answer: 12
- How much Stamina is consumed to start an Instance? Answer: 10
- How much Coupons is the Reward for being 1st in the Damage Ranking of the Nine Tails Invasion? Answer: 100 Coupons
- How much Chakra Points can Kisame, the Tailless Tailed Beast, absorb at most with each of his Standard attack? Answer: 20 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra Points are needed to trigger the effects of “Konoha‘s Counsellor”, a Passive skill of Shikamaru? Answer: 40 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is recovered in the Third Round during a battle? Answer: 60 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is recovered in the Second Round during a battle? Answer: 40 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is recovered in the Fourth Round during a battle? Answer: 80 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is recovered in the First Round during a battle? Answer: 20 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is recovered in the Fifth Round during a battle? Answer: 100 Chakra Points
- How much Chakra is needed to launch the Sealing Jutsu – Absorption of Pain – Gakido? Answer: 0 Chakra Points
- How much chakra can be possessed in battle? Answer: 100 Chakra Points
- How many Wind Style – Rasen Shuriken can Naruto create at the same time while in Sage Mode? Answer: 2
- How many units can Scarlet Blaze’s Fire Style – Dragon Flame Jutsu damage? Answer: 7
- How many units can Sasori’s Iron Sand World Order damage? Answer: Answer: 9
- How many units can Crimson Fist’s Earth Style – Super Stone Fist Jutsu damage? Answer: 4
- How many treasure boxes does each Main Plot Instance have? Answer: 1
- How many times does the Ranked Battle Shop refresh daily? Answer: 2 times
- How many times can you speed up battle’s motion? Answer: 2x
- How many times can you refresh the Bounty Missions available for free? Answer: 2 times
- How many tails does the Tailed Beast of Killer B have Answer:? 8
- How many Summons can be equipped at a time? Answer: 3 Summons
- How many Stars does Naruto has to be upgraded to so that his Standard attack becomes summoning Clones? Answer: 3
- How many rounds can the Mystery skill of Hinata last each time? Answer: 1
- How many ninjas can be selected to form your team for Survival Trial? Answer: 12
- How many hours do you need to wait for a free draw in the Summon Treasure? Answer: 24 hours
- How many hearts does Kakuzu have? Answer: 5
- How many Group Donations are consumed to spin the Group’s Lucky Wheel one time? Answer: 50 Contributions
- How many different battlefields are there in Sage War Battlefields? Answer: 3
- How many checkpoints does Survival Trial have? Answer: 12 Checkpoints
- How many Bounty Missions can be completed daily? Answer: 10
- How many Barriers (Kekkai Ninjutsu) can exist at the same time in a battle? Answer: 1
- How many Additional Bonuses can a Ninja Tool give at most? Answer: 6 Attributes
- How long does Naruto’s Sage Mode last? Answer: 5 minutes
- How long does it take for Bounty Missions to automatically refresh? Answer: 30 minutes
- How long can transformation of a ninja last?Answer: 24 hours
- How does Kankuro like to fight? Answer: Using Puppets
- How do you acquire the Equipment for your ninjas? Answer: Completing Missions
- How can you improve your Ninjas’ Potential? Answer: By Awakening
- How can the Equipment’s quality be improved Answer:? Upgrading Equipment
- How are Ninja Tools strengthen Answer:? By synthesizing with other Ninja Tools
- How are Ninja Tools obtained? Answer: Team Instances
- How are Battle Points acquired? Answer: By Clearing Instances
- From which of the following can you earn Coins?Answer: Ninja Task Room
- From which Interface can you access your Main Character’s Talents? Answer: Character and Ninja
- From the following, which can be bought in the Survival Trial Shop? Answer: Ninja Fragments
- Every Wednesday, what is the adopted system to select the Top 8 for the Great Ninja War? Answer: Point System
- During the duel between Sasuke and Itachi, which of the following ninjutsu is released from the sky? Answer: Kirin
- During the Chunin Exams, who does Naruto defeat using Naruto Uzumaki Barrage? Answer: Kiba
- During the Chunin Exams, what Sealing Mark does Kakashi leave on the shoulder of Sasuke? Answer: Curse Sealing
- During Naruto and Kiba’s match, what did Kiba use to raise his Attack and Speed? Answer: Food Pills
- During Main Plot Instances, which item can be used to continue playing the game after being defeated? Answer: Answer: Revival Potion
- During his childhood, what did Naruto do to have other people’s attention? Answer: Play Tricks
- During a battle, what is the maximum Chakra Points you can accumulate? Answer: 100
- Concerning the Ino-Shika-Cho Formation, who can cause Chaos? Answer: Ino
- Can Shields be stacked in battle? Answer: Yes.
- Can all summons be acquired in the World Map? Answer: Only Blue and Purple summons
- By clearing all the Battle Points of a Chapter, what rewards can a player receive? Answer: Ninja fragments, Items and Coupons
- Because Elder Chiyo was moved by Naruto and Gaara’s friendship, what ninjutsu did Elder Chiyo use to save Gaara? Answer: Reanimation Jutsu
- At what time does the Group Shop refresh daily? Answer: 12:00 and 18:00
- At what time do all daily events and missions refresh? Answer: 0 —> (1/3 chance – bugged)
- At the beginning of a combat, which of the following ninjas can increase the Taijutsu attribute of all units in your team? Answer: Guy
- At most, how many ninjas can your Team consist of in Ranked Battle? Answer: 12
- At most, how many ninjas can your Lineup consist of in Arena? Answer: 4
- At most, how many ninjas can a Lineup consist of in Survival Trial ? Answer: 4
- At most, how many Battle Points can you get by clearing an Instance? 3
- As Fukasaku suggested, where does Naruto go to learn Senjutsu? Answer: Mount Myoboku
- After the Chunin Exams, who is promoted to Chunin? Answer: Shikamaru
- After Sasuke leaves, who joins Team 7? Answer: Sai
- After killing Orochimaru, what is the first name given to the group of four members formed by Sasuke? Answer: Hebi
**This question and answer list will be updated if there are any new questions are added.
If there are any other Ninja Test Questions you’ve encountered, please share it by commenting below.
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Taking the initiative to help newbies to have enjoyable Naruto Online game.
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