Natural wonders meteor crater егэ ответы



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 18 (part 1)

Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater


Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It was caused by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.
(past simple passive, т.к. метеоритный удар по земле послужил причиной, а не большая дыра в земле послужила причиной )



The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the largest impact crater in the entire world.
(степень сравнения)



When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they thought it was the top of a volcano.
(past simple, т.к. говорится об определенном событии в прошлом)



Since then, scientists have explored/have been exploring the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.
(present perfect, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание на результате. Исследование началось с какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор.

present perfect continuous, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание больше на процессе, который начался в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор. )


It was simple


One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her things were packed in a small bag.
(past simple passive, т.к. её вещи были упакованы, а не сами упаковали ч.л.)



Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things. Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much better than usual.”
(степень сравнения)



“It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many children did the same.”
(child – ед.ч, children – мн.ч.)



esse edit

1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater

Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It ___ (CAUSE) by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.

2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the ___ (LARGE) impact crater in the entire world.

3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they ___ (THINK) it was the top of a volcano.

4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Since then, scientists ___ (EXPLORE) the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.

5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It was simple

One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her things ___ (PACK) in a small bag.

6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things. Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much ___ (GOOD) than usual.”

7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many ___ (CHILD) did the same.”

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Invention of Potato

Chips The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum who was a chef at a restaurant in New York. Fried potatoes were popular at the restaurant because they were rather ___ (EXPENSIVE), but one day a visitor complained that the slices were too thick.

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Crum made thinner slices, but the ___ (NERVE) customer was still dissatisfied.

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Crum finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork, hoping to annoy the ___ (EXTREME) difficult customer.

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

But the customer was happy — and that was the ___ (INVENT) of potato chips!

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

___ (INDUSTRY) manufacturing of potato chips began in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1895.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The chips gained even more ___ (POPULAR) in 1926 when a wax paper potato chip bag was invented that helped to keep them fresh and crisp.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok?” Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and ___.

1) waved
2) nodded
3) bowed
4) bent

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a ___ seat next to her elder brother Evan.

1) clear
2) unfilled
3) blank
4) vacant

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and ___ a thin layer of it onto her toast.

1) spread
2) extended
3) divided
4) covered

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice.” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a ___ word.

1) separate
2) single
3) only
4) sole

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the ___ chores.

1) housework
2) homework
3) household
4) housekeeping

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“I know what you‘re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad‘s away on а ___ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan’s busy with band practices, and I’ve got to help your grandma.

1) working
2) official
3) company
4) business

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

You know, her health’s been poor these days-” “Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I’ll clean up the basement,” Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to ___ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.

1) discover
2) research
3) explore
4) analyze

Английский язык (Вариант 7)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напеча­танные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. 


Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater

Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It ______ by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.


The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the ______ impact crater in the entire world.


When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they ______ it was the top of a volcano.


Since then, scientists ______ the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.

Заметили ошибку в тексте?
Выделите её и нажмите Ctrl + Enter

Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

Elephants sense ‘danger’ clothes

  • 1. either a Maasai or a Kamba man
  • 2. who do not hunt elephants
  • 3. when they detected the smell of clothes
  • 4. who carried out the research
  • 5. the amount of risk they sense
  • 6. spearing elephants
  • 7. when they spotted red but not white cloth

St Andrews University researchers discovered that elephants could recognise the degree of danger posed by various groups of individuals. The study found that African elephants always reacted with fear A ___ previously worn by men of the Maasai tribe. They are known to demonstrate their courage by В ___ .

The elephants also responded aggressively to red clothing, which defines traditional Maasai dress. However, the elephants showed a much milder reaction to clothing previously worn by the Kamba people, С ___ and pose little threat.

The researchers first presented elephants with clean, red clothing and with red clothing that had been worn for five days by D ___ .

They revealed that Maasai-smelt clothing motivated elephants to travel significantly faster in the first minute after they moved away. They then investigated whether elephants could also use the colour of clothing as a cue to classify a potential threat and found the elephants reacted with aggression E ___ . This suggested that they associated the colour red with the Maasai.

The researchers believe the distinction in the elephants’ emotional reaction to smell and colour might be explained by F ___ . They might be able to distinguish among different human groups according to the level of risk they posed. «We regard this experiment as just a start to investigating precisely how elephants ‘see the world’, and it may be that their abilities will turn out to equal or exceed those of our closer relatives, the monkeys and apes,» researchers added.


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15—А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to the really well-known personalities. At first a series of guest stars had awarded the prizes: to the best designer, to the best special-effects man, for the best technical invention for motion pictures during the year, and to all the other people, so unknown outside the industry, but so significant within it.

I looked around the theatre, recognizing most of the weighty faces in the business, but not caring much. You see, I was pretty nervous. Myra Caldwell, whom I had brought to the ceremony, was sitting there beside me, and right across the aisle was Joan Weyland. Now, to get the picture properly, you have to remember that during that particular year Myra had played the sensational supporting role in The Devil Loses and had been called the greatest find in the history of pictures. But that was the same year that Joan Weyland had stolen a big picture called Calumet Centre right out from under the nose of one of the most famous female stars in the industry. The only other actress nominated was not given much chance. Now in a few minutes, they were going to announce who had won the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress of the year. It was the hottest Contest and everybody was aware of it. Furthermore, it was no secret that the two leading contestants would be delighted to boil each other in oil — win, lose, or draw. And here they were across the aisle from each other. Do you get why I was nervous?

Then the lights went down. They were going to run short scenes from the pictures for which the actors and actresses had been nominated. The supporting-actress pictures were coming on, and here was Joan Weyland in her grand scene from Calumet Centre. The audience started to applaud as soon as they saw her.

After that they ran a short episode from Whirlwind, showing the other nominee, a refugee actress called Tanya Braden. I had never seen the picture of the actress, and the picture hadn’t made much money, but there was no doubt she could act! She played the star’s mother and she made you believe it.

Then they ran Myra’s big moment in The Devil Loses. After it was over, I tried to guess who had the biggest chance.

«I think I won,» Myra said to me.

The lights went up. The old actor, who had won the Supporting Actor award the year before, came through the curtains and prepared to present the award. I didn’t see how I was going to live through the next few minutes. He got the envelope and began opening it very slowly.

He was loving every second of it, the old man. Then he looked at the little piece of paper.

«The Winner,» he said, then paused again, «is Miss Tanya Braden, for her performance in Whirlwind «

Well, I’m not too sure about the sequence of events that followed. I don’t remember the applause, because Joan let out a loud cry from across the aisle that drowned out everything else. Then Myra started to cry. I don’t mean cry like the ordinary person, but I mean cry so that the building shook.

Then Joan jumped to her feet and started out, and her mother accompanied her. But I couldn’t do anything with Myra. The show was interrupted and the whole theatre was staring at her. I picked her up and carried her out.

It wasn’t a very pleasant performance, but I think there is some excuse. After all, Joan is 8 years old, and Myra is only 6, and she isn’t used to being up so late. I’m a little on her side anyway. And why not? I’m her father.

подпись: blРаздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В Задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. I eat little and rather irregularly.

2. I am trying to get used to everyday healthy activities.

3. I feel unable to stop myself from eating.

4. I am afraid of having the same health problems as my relatives do.

5. I am willing to return to a healthy lifestyle despite being tired.

6. I am sure that I exercise enough while carrying out my everyday duties.

7. I feel now like starting a healthy life again.









Вы услышите разговор друзей. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответству­ют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

подпись: mike’s administrative work was very well paid.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
mary did not do well at university because she had to earn her living.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
mary was younger than the other students at her university.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
mary thinks that regular classes are rather time-consuming.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
mary thinks that she can’t study better than when she was younger.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
distance learning seems to be very convenient for mary.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
mike does not feel disappointed about going to university.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
подпись: al
подпись: а2
подпись: аз
подпись: а4
подпись: а5
подпись: а6
подпись: а7

Вы услышите рассказ студента, переехавшего жить в Данию. В заданиях А8-А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами вариан­ту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A8 The narrator was brought up mainly in

1) Denmark.

2) England.

3) the USA.

A9 The narrator is not happy about Danish grocery stores because of

1) the quality of the products.

2) their size.

3) the poor choice of foods.

AlO The narrator criticizes

1) the lifestyle in Denmark.

2) Danish supermarkets.

3) the Danish diet.

All The prices in the Danish stores are quite high because

1) the level of service is very high.

2) everything is imported from abroad.

3) there are no artificial foods.

A12 According to the unwritten rules of Danish supermarket culture

1) you pack all the food you buy on your own, without any help.

2) shop assistants are always ready to pack your food for you.

3) there are clerks whose duty is to help you with your bagging.

A13 When the narrator says, “I do miss American convenience” it means that he

1) wants ready-made dinners to be delivered to his place.

2) wants to rent a flat near a big supermarket.

3) doesn’t like to spend much time cooking his meals.

A14 Having lived in Denmark for a few years as a student, the narrator

1) feels nostalgic about the USA.

2) believes it to be a good place for him.

3) pities Danish people.

По окончании выполнения заданий Bl и Al-A14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что от­веты на задания Bl, А1-А14 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При пере­носе ответов в задании Bl (в нижней части бланка) цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 2. Чтение

подпись: в2Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру Только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

5. подпись: !. controlling skies
2. lack of safety
3. bicycle is faster
4. office at home
Blocked roads

6. Paid roads

7. Improving railways

8. Buses instead of cars

A. The world’s first public passenger railway was built in Great Britain in 1826 and ran between the industrial north-eastern towns of Stockton and Darlington. After 180 years’ experience the British say that their trains still don’t seem to run efficiently or even safely. On average, about 500 accidents with broken rail tracks happen in the country every year.

B. The British government is promising to give £33.5 billion to modernise the railways before 2010. Another £30 billion is to come from the private sector. The main target is to increase safety and speed. For example, new London-to-Scotland high-speed trains significantly reduce journey times and in 2004 a warning system was installed throughout the country.

C. Statistics show that only 12% of all journeys made in Britain are by public transport. The remaining 88% are made by car. Every year British people spend about two weeks travelling to and from work including nine days in their own cars. But anyone will say this isn’t a quick and easy way to travel. In fact, a journey from London to Manchester frequently takes seven hours. A cyclist could get there quicker.

D. Every year there are about half a million traffic jams in Britain. That is nearly 10,000 a week. There are hundreds of big traffic jams every day. According to the forecast, the number of jams will grow by 20 per cent over the next ten years. Nearly a quarter British people find themselves in a jam every day and 55 per cent at least once a week.

E. Nowadays many British people take their children to school by car. Twenty years ago, nearly one in three primary school children made their own way to school. Now only one child in nine makes their own way. During the school year at 08:50 a. m. one car in five on the roads in any British town is taking children to school. The solution could be special school buses widely used in the USA.

F. Many scientists hope that new technologies allowing more people to work at home may help with traffic problems. Fewer people will work from 9 to 5 and travel to and from work during the rush hour. But only 15% of people now want to spend more time working at home. The workplace is, for many people, a place to meet other people and to talk to them, so they would miss it if they worked from home.

G. In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first aeroplane flight. It only lasted 12 seconds but changed the world forever. A century later, air travel is no longer a miracle, it is part of everyday life. One billion air passengers now fly every year — that’s equivalent to a sixth of the world’s population. To make sure everything runs smoothly, there are special air traffic control centres in each country which watch every aeroplane.








подпись: b3Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозна­ченными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Elephants sense ‘danger’ clothes

St Andrews University researchers discovered that elephants could recognise the degree of danger posed by various groups of individuals.

The study found that African elephants always reacted with fear A Previously worn by men of the Maasai tribe. They are known to demonstrate their courage by B.

The elephants also responded aggressively to red clothing, which defines traditional Maasai dress.

However, the elephants showed a much milder reaction to clothing previously worn by the Kamba people, C and pose little threat.

The researchers first presented elephants with clean, red clothing and with red clothing that had been worn for five days by D.

They revealed that Maasai-Smelt clothing motivated elephants to travel significantly faster in the first minute after they moved away.

They then investigated whether elephants could also use the colour of clothing as a cue to classify a potential threat and found the elephants reacted with aggression E. This suggested that they associated the colour red with the Maasai.

The researchers believe the distinction in the elephants’ emotional reaction to smell and colour might be explained by F. They might be able to distinguish among different human groups according to the level of risk they posed.

«We regard this experiment as just a start to investigating precisely how elephants ‘see the world’, and it may be that their abilities will turn out to equal or exceed those of our closer relatives, the monkeys and apes,» researchers added.

1. Either a Maasai or a Kamba man

2. Who do not hunt elephants

3. When they detected the smell of clothes

4. Who carried out the research

5. The amount of risk they sense

6. Spearing elephants

7. When they spotted red but not white cloth







Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15-А21.В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to the really well-known personalities. At first a series of guest stars had awarded the prizes: to the best designer, to the best special-effects man, for the best technical invention for motion pictures during the year, and to all the other people, so unknown outside the industry, but so significant within it.

I looked around the theatre, recognizing most of the weighty faces in the business, but not caring much. You see, I was pretty nervous. Myra Caldwell, whom I had brought to the ceremony, was sitting there beside me, and right across the aisle was Joan Weyland. Now, to get the picture properly, you have to remember that during that particular year Myra had played the sensational supporting role in The Devil Loses and had been called the greatest find in the history of pictures. But that was the same year that Joan Weyland had stolen a big picture called Calumet Centre right out from under the nose of one of the most famous female stars in the industry. The only other actress nominated was not given much chance. Now in a few minutes, they were going to announce who had won the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress of the year. It was the hottest Contest and everybody was aware of it. Furthermore, it was no secret that the two leading contestants would be delighted to boil each other in oil — win, lose, or draw. And here they were across the aisle from each other. Do you get why I was nervous?

Then the lights went down. They were going to run short scenes from the pictures for which the actors and actresses had been nominated. The supporting-actress pictures were coming on, and here was Joan Weyland in her grand scene from Calumet Centre. The audience started to applaud as soon as they saw her.

After that they ran a short episode from Whirlwind, showing the other nominee, a refugee actress called Tanya Braden. I had never seen the picture of the actress, and the picture hadn’t made much money, but there was no doubt she could act! She played the star’s mother and she made you believe it.

Then they ran Myra’s big moment in The Devil Loses. After it was over, I tried to guess who had the biggest chance.

“I think I won,” Myra said to me.

The lights went up. The old actor, who had won the Supporting Actor award the year before, came through the curtains and prepared to present the award. I didn’t see how I was going to live through the next few minutes. He got the envelope and began opening it very slowly.

He was loving every second of it, the old man. Then he looked at the little piece of paper.

“The Winner,” he said, then paused again, “is Miss Tanya Braden, for her performance in Whirlwind.”

Well, Γm not too sure about the sequence of events that followed. I don’t remember the applause, because Joan let out a loud cry from across the aisle that drowned out everything else. Then Myra started to cry. I don’t mean cry like the ordinary person, but I mean cry so that the building shook.

Then Joan jumped to her feet and started out, and her mother accompanied her. But I couldn’t do anything with Myra. The show was interrupted and the whole theatre was staring at her. I picked her up and carried her out.

It wasn’t a very pleasant performance, but I think there is some excuse. After all, Joan is 8 years old, and Myra is only 6, and she isn’t used to being up so late. Γm a little on her side anyway. And why not? Γm her father.

A15 At the beginning of the Oscar ceremony prizes were awarded

1) to the most famous stars among the winners.

2) to the best director.

3) for the best film.

4) to the secondary members of shooting crews.

A16 Joan Weyland and Myra Caldwell were present at the ceremony because they

1) had both played in one film which had an Oscar nomination.

2) had been nominated as two of the Best Supporting Actresses of the year.

3) wanted to see the well-known personalities of the film industry.

4) accompanied the nominees.

A17 The phrase Myra “had been called the greatest find in the history of pictures” means that

1) she found the best way to perform her role.

2) she was awarded with a prize for the best performance in the history of cinema.

3) her debut was called very successful.

4) she revealed sensational facts in the film “The Devil Loses”.

A18 “Calumet Centre” was

1) a picture by some popular artist.

2) a film in which a famous actor starred.

3) a picture painted by a famous female star.

4) a film in which Joan was given a role instead of a famous actress.

A19 The narrator describes the relations between Joan and Myra as

1) friendship.

2) rivalry.

3) sympathy.

4) partnership.

подпись: a20The narrator liked the performance of the third nominee, Tanya Braden, because she

1) played her part very convincingly.

2) was very beautiful.

3) was a well-known actress.

4) played as a partner of a world-famous star.

Myra’s and Joan’s reactions to the announcement about Tanya’s victory could be excused because they

1) were very proud of themselves.

2) had performed their roles better than Tanya.

3) were very young.

4) were very famous actresses.

По окончании выполнения заданий В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕ­СТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В2, ВЗ, А15-А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В2 и ВЗ цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло­ва, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4-В10, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует от­дельному заданию из группы В4-В10.

Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.

The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the impact crater in the entire world.

B6 When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they was the top of a volcano.

B7 Since then, scientists the crater for many years,

But there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it. EXPLORE

B8 One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp.

All her things .In a small bag. PACK

B9 Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things.

Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you.

Your things look much than usual.” GOOD

BlO “It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many did the same.” CHILD

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных за­главными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16, однокорен­ные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали со­держанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16.

Bll The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum who was a chef at a restaurant in New York. Fried potatoes were popular at the restaurant because they were rather , but one day a visitor complained that the slices were too thick. EXPENSIVE

B12 Crum made thinner slices, but the still dissatisfied.

B13 Crum finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork, hoping to annoy the difficult customer.

B14 But the customer was happy — and that was the of potato chips!

B15 Manufacturing of potato chips began in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1895. INDUSTRY

B16 The chips gained even more in 1926 when a wax

Paper potato chip bag was invented that helped to keep them fresh and crisp. POPULAR

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти но­мера соответствуют заданиям А22—А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Helping Mother

подпись: seat next to her elder brother evan. “pass she said. “sure,” evan replied and passed it to her. “thanks,” a thin layer of it onto her toast. mrs. parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “honey, i know it’s going to be a tiring day for

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok?” Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and A22 . “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a A23 Me the butter, bro, Liz said, and A24

подпись: word. she was chores.You, and Γd like your brother to help too. But he’s got To heAd back to school for a day-long band practice.” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a A25 Mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the A26

“I knowwhat you’re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad’s away

On a A27 trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan’s busy with band practices, and I’ve got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days-” “Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I’ll clean up the basement,” Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother Wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to A28 the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


1) waved

2) nodded

3) bowed

4) bent


1) clear

2) unfilled

3) blank

4) vacant


1) spread

2) extended

3) divided

4) covered


1) separate

2) single

3) only

4) sole


1) housework

2) homework

3) household

4) housekeeping


1) working

2) official

3) company

4) business


1) discover

2) research

3) explore

4) analyze

По окончании выполнения заданий B4-B16, А22-А28 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕ­СТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания B4-B16, А22-А28 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В4-В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 4. Письмо

Для ответов на задания Cl и С2 используйте бланк ответов № 2. При выполнении заданий Cl и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в бланке ответов № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема текста. Тексты недостаточного объема, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объем — не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (Cl, С2), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать его другую сторону.

Cl You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Bill who writes:

..At school we are doing projects on famous people of different countries. If I choose Russia whom should I write about? What is this person famous for and what do you know about him/her? Why do you think people in other countries should know about this person?

Γυe just watched an interesting wildlife TV programme…

Write a letter to Bill.

In your letter

— answer his questions

— ask 3 questions about his favourite TV programmes.

Write 100—140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

C2 Comment on the following statement.

Some students think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200 — 250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

/— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

— make a conclusion restating your position

Тест №01 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык (Ответ)

Honesty is the best policy


To learn more about her students, my younger brother’s teacher sent home a lengthy questionnaire at the beginning of the school year. There were a lot of questions about this and that.
(past simple, были, мн.ч. oт was )



She asked them about their likes and dislikes and about many other things.



She asked what they would think about their school in twenty years’ time.
(reported speech, при переходе из прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)



I was 6 years older than my brother but some questions seemed very difficult even to me.
(степень сравнения)



couldn’t / could not answer them offhand.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



The worst question, in my opinion, was the one relating to their self-image: ‘When you look in a mirror, what do you see?’
(превосходная степень)



But my ten-year-old brother had no trouble with his answer: ‘Myself, and everything behind me.’
(за мной)


Тест №02 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Where did the Olympic Games come from?


There are many different stories about the beginning of the Olympics. One myth says that Zeus himself started the Games. Athletic games were held as an important part of many religious festivals in ancient Greek culture.
(past simple passive, игры проводились)



Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek world.
(степень сравнения)



The most impressive sight at Olympia was the gold and ivory statue of Zeus.
(степень сравнения)



The statue was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This explains why Olympiawas chosen as the site for the most important athletic competition.
(past simple passive, Олимпия была выбрана)



Some athletes travelled hundreds of miles, from colonies. These colonies were as far away as modern Spain, Egypt, Ukraine and Turkey. Any freeborn Greek (a man or a boy)could take part in the Olympics.



Women did not compete, they were also barred from attending the games, under penalty of death. Unmarried girls were allowed to attend.
(could–прошедшая форма от can)



Unlike the modern Olympics, judges did not comedidn’t come from all over the world, but were drawn from Elis, the local region which included Olympia.
(past simple, действие происходило тогда, в далёком прошлом)


Тест №03 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner


Albert Schweitzer is known throughout the world for his missionary work in Africa. He was born on January 14, 1875 in Alsace, which was part of Germany and later Part of France after World War I.
(степень сравнения)



He was a talented person. By the age of thirty, he was known as an author, a lecturer, and a musician.
(past simple passive, он был известен)



It was at this time that he learned of the great need of medical doctors in Africa. He decided to become a doctor of medicine. In 1913, Doctor Schweitzer and his wife left for Africa.
(past simple, прошедшая форма от leave)



The morning after the Schweitzers arrived, they started to treat their patients in an old farmhouse. However, a new hospital buildingwas built with the help and the trust of African people.
(past simple passive, т.к. новая больница была построена, а не построила что-то сама)



Their work was interrupted by World War I Only in 1924, Dr. Schweitzer was finally able to return to Lambarene to rebuild the hospital. When Mrs. Schweitzer came back to Africa in 1929, the hospital was much larger.
(степень сравнения)



There was a growing staff of doctors and nurses. In 1953 Dr. Schweitzer was given the Nobel Peace Prize.
(past simple passive, т.к. ему была дана премия, а не он дал  )



He was grateful, but said, ‘No man has the right to pretend that he has worked enough for the cause of peace or declare himself satisfied.’
(present perfect, обратите внимание, что это цитата. Тесты построены по принципу, что необходимо выбрать наиболее подходящий вариант. В подобных высказываниях делается акцент на результат. Человек  уже работает и будет еще работать)


Тест №04 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык



Modern world of sports knows many kinds of gymnastics. One of them, rhythmic gymnasticsgrew out of modern gymnastics and the Swedish system of free exercise in the 19-th century.
(past simple, действие произошло тогда, в прошлом. grow — grew)



It was called ‘aesthetic gymnastics’ as the students could express feelings and emotions through body movement. It combined elements of ballet, gymnastics, and theatrical dance.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



Young women exercised to music, moving from simple calisthenics to more energetic activities. A growing number of men are participating in this kind of sport now.
(ед. — мн. число, woman – ед.ч. women-мн.ч.)



In the 1880s in Switzerland various exercises to music were created. They were designed to give grace of movement, and a much betterpose.
(степень сравнения)



A degree of difficulty for each movement was developed by the European Sport Association after the World War I. So all the elements were graded accordingly.
(past simple passive, она была разработана, а не разработала что-то сама)



In 1906 rhythmic gymnastics was introduced to North America, but the sport didn’t gain /did not gain much popularity.
(past simple, событие произошло в опредёленное время в прошлом)



Ten European countries took part in the first world championship, held in 1973 in Budapest, Hungary. The United States did not begin competing in the biennial world championship until 1973.
(past simple, событие произошло в опредёленное время в прошлом)


Тест №05 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

The History of Man


How long has man been on earth? Let us travel 5,000 years into the past. We are in the days before man learned to write. Recorded historyhasn’t begun / has not begun yet.
(present perfect, т.к. мы перемещаемся в прошлое. Также перемещается и точка отсчета. Мы в 3000 году до нашей эры и запись истории еще не началась)



Yet there are people, about five million of them, living on all five continents.




The earliest true human being, Homo sapiens, appeared in Europe more than 50,000 years ago.
(степень сравнения)


Greek myths: Daedalus


Daedalus was a brilliant architect and inventor of  ancient Greece. He was so brilliant that King Minos of Grete kept him as a prisoner.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло тогда, в прошлом)



The King didn’t want / did not want to let him go back to his home in Athens.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время, в прошлом)



Daedalus lived with his son Icarus in a tower of the palace, and King Minos made him invent weapons of war that would make his army and navy even more powerful than they already were.
(степень сравнения)



Although Daedalus and Icarus had every comfort, they longed to return home to Athens. Daedalus looked at the sea, and he realised that even if they managed to slip out of the tower and find a little boat, they world not be able to sail far. One of King Minos’sseamen would spot and catch them very soon.
(seaman – ед.ч. seamen – мн.ч. )


Тест №06 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык



The evolution of pizza was quite long and many cultures contributed to it. Let us have a glimpse of its history.   
(позволим «нам»)    



Women of ancient Egypt, Greece and later Rome had recipes  similar to modern ones.     
(woman – ед.ч., women – мн.ч.)



The Egyptians had a tradition to celebrate the Pharaoh’s birthday with flat loaves lookingvery much like our modern pizza.      
(которые выглядят, выглядевшие)



The word ‘pizza’ appeared in printing at the end of the 10th century for the first time.
(первый раз)



A remarkable event took place in June 1889. The Italian queen Margarita was staying in her summer palace in Naples. It was her birthday and the owner of a very popular pizzeria cooked a special kind of pizza for her. He named it ‘Margarita’. It was the best way to make this pizza famous all over the world.  
(good–better-the best)



Now pizza is cooked with tomatoes. However, when tomatoes appeared in Europe they were grown as an ornamental plant.    
(present simple passive, общее утверждение)



For a long time people could not / couldn’tbelieve that tomatoes were edible.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)


Тест №07 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

The largest snowfall in decades


This week’s snowfall in Brazil is one of the largest in decades. As snow on the ground is not a very common landscape in a so-called tropical country, everybody felt excited when they saw streets in snow.                         
(past simple, т.к. мы говорим об определённом времени в прошлом feel-felt)  



In the cities by the sea people are used to spending the summer sun bathing. They were surprised very much when they saw snow covering the city.
(past simple passive, т.к. они были убеждены, а не они убедили)



It was not / wasn’t long before social media became loaded with pictures of white fields and roads, and snowmen.
(past simple, т.к. этобыловпрошлом be-was/were-been)


Flood in Santa Claus’ home


The usual images of the North Pole are impressive ice sheets, but scenes from a webcam there reveal a different story. Meteorologists have reported that temperatures in early July were one to three degrees Celsius higher than the year’s average over most of the Arctic Ocean.
(степень сравнения)



Thanks to rapidly melting ice, Santa Claus nowhas his own swimming pool. The North Pole is currently a lake, reports.
(3-е лицо have-has)



The lake is about a foot deep, consistingentirely of the melted ice itself. It shows a dramatic change is the Arctic climate.



In fact, a pool of melted water has formed at the North Pole every year now since 2002. The mythical home of Santa Claus has been officially flooded!
(present perfect, т.к. он начал формироваться и до сих пор формируется)


Тест №08 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Why do the Chinese call the Yellow River in China “China’s Sorrow”?


The Huang He, or Yellow River, in China is called “China’s Sorrow” by the Chinese themselves. Since long ago, flooding has beena serious problem.
(present perfect, т.к. с тех пор и до сих пор)



The worst, most sorrowful flood on record happened in 1931.
(bad – worse — the worst)



The waters began to rise in July, and by November of that year, more than 40,000 square miles had been flooded, leaving 80 million people homeless.


 A rabbit and a tortoise


Once there lived a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit challenged the tortoise to have a race with him. The tortoise agreed and they started the race.
(с ним)



The rabbit ran faster than the tortoise, and in a few minutes he was near the crossing line. He couldn’t see the tortoise, so he decided to rest for a while till the tortoise arrived and then he would quickly cross the line.
(степень сравнения)



The rabbit lay down under a tree and soon he was asleep. When he awoke, he saw that the tortoise had crossed / was crossing the line.
(past perfect, он увидел, что черепаха пересекла линию до того, как он проснулся.
past continues, он увидел, что черепаха пересекала линию в тот момент, когда он просыпался)



The tortoise won the match, showing that it’s more important to be steady and active than to be fast.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом)


Тест №09 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

New Zealand: geography


New Zealand consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands so scattered that they range from the tropical to the Antarctic. New Zealand is located about 2,012 km southeast of Australia.
(present simple passive)



The two main islands are the North Island and the South Island, separated by Cook Strait. The North Island is 829 km long and volcanic in its south-central part.



South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook being thehighest point. Other inhabited islands include Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and Great Barrier Island.
(степень сравнения)


Enough is enough


A woman came to President Abraham Lincoln and told him with a commanding air: “Mr. President, you must make my son a general. Sir, I demand it not as a favor, but as a right. My grandfather fought at Lexington.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



My father was the only man who did not run /didn’t run away at Bladensburg.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



My husband was killed at Monterrey.”
(past simple passive, он был убит, а не убил)



“I guess, madam,” said Lincoln, “your familyhas done have done enough for the country. It is time to give somebody else a chance.”
(present perfect, т.к. цитата. Твоя семья сделала “уже” достаточно, есть результат)


Тест №10 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Does it ever snow in Brazil?


During winter and sometimes even autumn and spring it snows in some cities of southern Brazil. There are several cities known for their snow, like Urupema and Urubici.



These cities are all in high areas, but even places at sea level can have snow, although in small amounts and not every year.
(they — are)



Brazil is thought to be a “tropical paradise” which is very wrong. Foreigners who travel to southern Brazil during autumn or winter in search for some heat and beaches are often disappointed.
(present simple passive, т.к. это общее утверждение. О Бразилии думают, а не Бразилия думает)


The North Pole is melting


Do you know how the global warming affects the Arctic? A survey by the Japan Agency for Science and Technology shows that Arctic ice is melting at a far quicker rate than anticipated. Today Arctic ice is melting at previously unseen rates.
(степень сравнения)



The coastal ice in parts of Canada and Alaska has become quite brittle. Ice easily breaks away in large pieces and melts in the open ocean. Now there is also less sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.
(степень сравнения)



It happens because ice floats/has floatedinto the Atlantic Ocean.
(present simple, лёд плывет в Атлантический океан – общее утверждение. 
present  perfect, автор хочет показать, что лёд плывет в Атлантический океан, и уже есть результат)



Scientists say that the lack of ice represents clear proof that the planet is warming. Back in the past it could take three years to get through the waterway’s thick ice successfully, now — just a few weeks.
(present continues, т.к. это изменение, развитие. Планета постепенно нагревается)


Тест №11 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Russian inventions: holography


Do you know what holography is? It is a technique based on lasers, which enable 3-D (three-dimensional) images to be made.
(основанная на)



In 1962, Soviet physicist Yuri Denisyuk cameup with the first reflection hologram also known as the “Denisyuk hologram”.
(past simple, т.к. событие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом, в 1962.)



Now the technology is used in most holographic displays and it was the first to allow multi-color image reproduction in holograms.
(present simple passive, т.к. технология используется, а не использует)


Grey hair


Johnny noticed a change in his mother’s appearance. “Mommy, some of your hairs are turning have turned grey. Why?” the curious child asked.
(present continuous, т.к. говорящий хочет сосредоточиться на процессе, становятся седыми. 
present perfect,т.к. говорящий сосредотачивается на результате, уже стали седые.)



The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours shows on my hair.
(твоё действие)



It turns one my hairs grey!”
(present simple, 3-е лицо)



The child replied innocently: “Now I know why my grandmother has only grey hair on her head.” Most children are smarter than adults think.
(степень сравнения)


Тест №12 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

A cup of coffee


Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I wandered along the street until I came upon some parasol-shaded tables which seemed to me very nice. I settled and opened my book.



It was taking a long time for the waiter to arrive, but I was in no hurry. I was sure that the waiter would come soon.
(reported speech, т.к. мы переходим из прошлого в будущее.)



But finally, becoming impatient, I turned to signal for service and saw the neon sign. That was the worst moment … I discovered that I was sitting outside a store selling garden furniture.
(bad – worse — the worst)


The Great Wall of China


The Great Wall of China runs for 6,700 kilometers from east to west of China. It is one of the greatest wonders of the world.
(степень сравнения



The Great Wall was built in order to protect the country form different aggressors.
(past simple passive, т.к. стена была построена, а не сама построила что-то)



The construction of the Wall began in the 6thcentury BC and lasted until the 16th century AD.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом)



Since then, the Great Wall of China has become a Symbol of wisdom and bravery of the Chinese people and a monument to Chinese nation for many hundreds of years.
(present perfect, т.к. действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор)


Тест №13 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

A phone call


Among the e-mails waiting for me at work one morning was one from a member of my staff. It was sent from his personal e-mail address and there was only his home phone number. Thinking something was wrong, I immediately called him.



A sleepy female voice answered and told me he was at work and would come home late in the evening.
(reported speech, при переходе из прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)



The worst moment was when I remembered that I had recently asked staff members to give me their home numbers. I went right down to the employee’s office to apologize for my call.
(bad – worse — the worst)



Later, however, he thanked me. I had awakened his daughter, who had an exam that morning but had forgotten to set her alarm. Thanks to my call, she hadn’t missed the exam.
(степень сравнения)


 March 8 in Russia


In English-speaking countries they celebrate Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. In Russia we celebrate the International Women’s Day. Though it is called ‘International’, it is observed only in Russia and some CIS countries.
(present simple passive, т.к. это называется, а не само называет)



Boys and men bring flowers and small presents to girls and women they work or study with.
(man – ед.ч. men – мн.ч.)



It has become a tradition for husbands to do all house work on that day. There are many jokes about it being the only day of the year when they do this.
(present perfect, т.к. действие началось в прошлом, и продолжается до настоящего)


Тест №14 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Singing in the car


My elder brother likes all kinds of music. He prefers jazz but also listens to pop music and sometimes goes to classical music concerts. But when driving me in his car, he insists on listening to heavy-metal music.



For a long time I couldn’t/could notunderstand why he was doing  it.
(can – настоящее время, could – прошедшее время)



He knew very well that for me it was theworst kind of music.
(bad – worse — the worst)



One day I decided to ask him why he always chose this type while driving. “Well, sister,” he reluctantly replied, “to be frank, it’s mainly so you can’t sing along.” He added that he would listen to anything else if only I promised not to sing along.
(reported speech, при переходе их прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)


St. Patrick’s Day, March 17


St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. On March 17 there is a great celebration with the major parade in Dublin and smaller parades all over Ireland. In New York the first St.Patrick’s Day celebration took place in 1762.



On March 15, 1992 St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated in Moscow. Thousands of delighted Muscovites gathered at Novy Arbat to watch the parade of marching bands, Cossack horsemen and floats of Russian and Irish companies.
(past simple passive, т.к. этот день празднуется, а не он сам что-то празднует)



Since then, St. Patrick’s Day parades have been held in Moscow every year.
(present perfect passive, т.к. действие началось в прошлом и продолжается по сей день)


Тест №15 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Excuses, excuses…


For years my husband, Tom, and I had complained bitterly about the lack of sidewalks in our village. We didn’t have enough exercise but we couldn’t could not jog because there were no sidewalks.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



Tom had often told me, «If only we had sidewalks, we would jog or walk daily and become models of fitness».



So we were thrilled when a community sidewalk project was announced, and watched eagerly as paving neared completion. Then theworst thing happened: wishful thinking and reality collided.
(bad – worse — the worst)



«Well, dear,» Tom said. «What’ll we use as an excuse for not walking now?» I said I would think of some excuse.
(reported speech, при переходе их прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)


 Memorial Day


In the USA, Memorial Day is the last Monday in May. Memorial Day was declared a national holiday in 1971.
(past simple passive, т.к. этот день был провозглашён, а не сам что-то провозгласил)



But the tradition of honoring those who died in defense of their country goes back to the Civil War. The tradition to hold memorial services, visit the cemeteries, decorate the graves with flowers and wreaths originated in Waterloo, New York, in 1866.



Since then, the tradition has changed. Nowadays, on Memorial Day Americans honor not only soldiers who perished in wars but those loved ones who have died.
(present perfect, т.к. традиция изменилась и остается изменённой до сих пор)


Тест №16 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

As old as a brontosaurus


As we walked around the Prehistoric Park in Calgary, I had my six- year-old son, Jordie, pose for a picture with a brontosaurus in the background. After I took the photo, I couldn’t/ could not help crying.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



«What’s wrong, Моm?» Jordie asked. I explained that when I was his age, my parents had taken my picture standing in exactly the same spot, and I was feeling rather nostalgic. I added that perhaps one day he would takehis son’s picture here.
(reported speech, при переходе их прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)



Puzzled, he looked several times from the brontosaurus to me.



And then came the worst moment of my life. My son said, «But … when you were a girl … it was alive then, right?»
(bad – worse — the worst)


 Victory Day


On this day, Russia celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany and honours 20 million Soviet people who died in the war. May 9 was chosen, since on the night of the 8th/9th of 1945, the Nazi Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union and the Allies in Berlin.
(past simple passive, т.к. этот день был выбран, а не сам что-то выбрал)



In Russia, almost every family has at least one person who took part in the war.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом)



Older citizens who did not fight during the war worked in factories to make weapons, which was not easier than fighting. They, too, are honoured on Victory Day.
(степень сравнения)


Тест №17 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

A Smart Boy


Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. Their wives were good friends. One day Mr. Jones invited Mr. Brown to a small party.
(wife – ед.число, wives – мн.ч.)



Mr. Brown went into the other room and telephoned. He was surprised very much by his telephone conversation.
(past simple passive, он был удивлён, а не он удивил кого-то)



When he came back Mr. Jones asked him, “Have you spoken to your wife already?” “No, she wasn’t/was not there when I phoned. My small son answered the phone. I asked him, “Is your mother there?” And he said, “She is somewhere outside”.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом)



“Why is she outside?” I asked. “She is lookingfor me”, he answered.
(present continues, т.к. действие происходит в настоящий для говорящего момент)




Have you ever celebrated Maslenitsa? It is one of the most popular festivals in Russia. It signals the end of winter and welcomes the coming of spring.
(степень сравнения)



Russian pancakes — blini — are very important in the celebration of Maslenitsa. Blini are eaten with jam, sour cream, and of course, lots of butter.
(present simple passive, т.к. это общее утверждение. Также, блины едят, а не сами блины едят кого-то)



Warm, round, and golden — blini are the symbol of the sun! Ancient Russians actually believed that when eating a pancake, theywere getting a part of the Sun’s life energy.
(past continues, т.к. это параллельное действие, когда они ели, они получали)


Тест №18 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater


Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. Itwas caused by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.
(past simple passive, т.к. метеоритный удар по земле послужил причиной, а не большая дыра в земле послужила причиной )



The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the largest impact crater in the entire world.
(степень сравнения)



When Europeans discovered it in 1871, theythought it was the top of a volcano.
(past simple, т.к. говорится об определенном событии в прошлом)



Since then, scientists have explored/have been exploring the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.
(present perfect, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание на результате. Исследование началось с какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор.

present perfect continues, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание больше на процессе, который начался в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор. )


 It was simple


One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her thingswere packed in a small bag.
(past simple passive, т.к. её вещи были упакованы, а не сами упаковали ч.л.)



Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things. Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much better than usual.”
(степень сравнения)



“It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many children did the same.”
(child – ед.ч, children – мн.ч.)


Тест №19 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

The Climate of Russia


Russia has a varied climate. Almost all of Russia is situated in the North Temperature Zone.
(present simple passive, т.к. она находится, а не она расположила)



The climate is continental; however, the fluctuations in temperature are greater than in other European countries.
(степень сравнения)



The extreme north is a cold bare region — the tundra. For more than six months it is buriedin snow.
(present simple passive, т.к. она находится, а не она расположила)



This region can be called the land offrozen rivers.



In May the temperature begins to rise. The gloomy night is succeeded by continuous daylight, when the sun does not sink/doesn’tsink below the horizon for several months.
(present simple, т.к. это общее утверждение. это происходит всегда, регулярно.)



The better part of Russia is not influenced by the warm winds of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are no mountains in the north to form a barrier against the cold windsblowing from the Arctic Ocean.



The extreme west of Russia has a temperate climate. Thus, the summers in the Baltic are cool and the winters mild. If we go further/farther east, the climate will become more continental.
(степень сравнения)


Тест №20 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

Who really discovered America?


Everybody knows that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Was he really the first to reach the continent? The great Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdal believed that ancient people were able to build boats that couldcross oceans.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



То test his ideas, Heyerdal decided to build a copy of the ancient Egyptian boat and sail across the Atlantic. On May 25, 1969 the boat called Ra left a port in Morocco and headed across the widest part of the Atlantic.
(степень сравнения)



On May 17, 1970 Ra successfully crossed the Atlantic, proving that ancient civilizations had enough skill to reach America long before Columbus.


Greek myths: Apollo and Cassandra


In ancient Greece there were many temples built for Apollo. He was the god of youth, beauty, music and poetry. Besides, Apollo had one very special skill — he could see the future. One day Apollo came to the temple in Troy. Among other women he saw Cassandra, a young and beautiful priestess, who worked at the temple.
(woman – ед.ч., women – мн.ч.)



Apollo was impressed by her grace.
(past simple passive, т.к. он был впечатлён, а не он впечатлил)



The minute Apollo saw Cassandra, he fell in love. It was love at first sight. Apollo offered her a deal. He would give Cassandra the gift of being able to see the future, if she gave him a kiss. Cassandra agreed.
(past simple, т.к. это случилось тогда, в определённый момент в прошлом, fall-fell-fallen)



With a laugh, Apollo gave her the gift,dreaming about the reward. Instantly, Cassandra could see the future. She saw Apollo, in the future, helping to destroy Troy.


Тест №21 по ЕГЭ. Английский язык

The Emperor’s Seed


Once there lived an old emperor who had no children. He couldn’t /could not choose his successor for a long time.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



Then he called all the young people in the kingdom together and said, «I’ll give each one of you a seed today. I want you to go home, plant it, water it and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this one seed.» A boy named Ling also got a seed. He came home and told his mother that he would grow the best plant.
(reported speech, при переходе их прошлого в будущее will меняется на would)



She helped him plant the seed. Every day he watered it but nothing grew.



A year passed and Ling took his empty pot to the palace while all the rest brought some beautiful plants. The emperor said, «Lying is the worst thing in the world. I gave you all spoilt seeds. Nothing grows from spoilt seeds.» So Ling became the new emperor.
(bad–worse-the worst)


 Roald Dahl


Roald Dahl, a famous British writer, was Norwegian by birth. Dahl was named after the Polar explorer Roald Amundsen, a national hero in Norway at the time. During the Second World War Dahl served in the Royal Air Force as a fighter pilot.
(past simple passive, т.к. он был назван, а не он назвал к.л.)



Dahl became well-known in 1940s with works for both children and adults.
(child – ед.число, children – мн.число)



One of his highly popular tales was ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Since 1945 his books have been published in almost 50 languages.
(present perfect passive, т.к. действие началось в прошлом, и не закончилось до сих пор.)


1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater

Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It ___ (CAUSE) by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.

2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the ___ (LARGE) impact crater in the entire world.

3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they ___ (THINK) it was the top of a volcano.

4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Since then, scientists ___ (EXPLORE) the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.

5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It was simple

One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her things ___ (PACK) in a small bag.

6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things. Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much ___ (GOOD) than usual.”

7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many ___ (CHILD) did the same.”

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Invention of Potato

Chips The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum who was a chef at a restaurant in New York. Fried potatoes were popular at the restaurant because they were rather ___ (EXPENSIVE), but one day a visitor complained that the slices were too thick.

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Crum made thinner slices, but the ___ (NERVE) customer was still dissatisfied.

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Crum finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork, hoping to annoy the ___ (EXTREME) difficult customer.

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

But the customer was happy — and that was the ___ (INVENT) of potato chips!

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

___ (INDUSTRY) manufacturing of potato chips began in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1895.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The chips gained even more ___ (POPULAR) in 1926 when a wax paper potato chip bag was invented that helped to keep them fresh and crisp.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok?” Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and ___.

1) waved
2) nodded
3) bowed
4) bent

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a ___ seat next to her elder brother Evan.

1) clear
2) unfilled
3) blank
4) vacant

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and ___ a thin layer of it onto her toast.

1) spread
2) extended
3) divided
4) covered

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice.” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a ___ word.

1) separate
2) single
3) only
4) sole

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the ___ chores.

1) housework
2) homework
3) household
4) housekeeping

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

“I know what you‘re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad‘s away on а ___ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan’s busy with band practices, and I’ve got to help your grandma.

1) working
2) official
3) company
4) business

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

You know, her health’s been poor these days-” “Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I’ll clean up the basement,” Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to ___ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.

1) discover
2) research
3) explore
4) analyze

Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

Elephants sense ‘danger’ clothes

  • 1. either a Maasai or a Kamba man
  • 2. who do not hunt elephants
  • 3. when they detected the smell of clothes
  • 4. who carried out the research
  • 5. the amount of risk they sense
  • 6. spearing elephants
  • 7. when they spotted red but not white cloth

St Andrews University researchers discovered that elephants could recognise the degree of danger posed by various groups of individuals. The study found that African elephants always reacted with fear A ___ previously worn by men of the Maasai tribe. They are known to demonstrate their courage by В ___ .

The elephants also responded aggressively to red clothing, which defines traditional Maasai dress. However, the elephants showed a much milder reaction to clothing previously worn by the Kamba people, С ___ and pose little threat.

The researchers first presented elephants with clean, red clothing and with red clothing that had been worn for five days by D ___ .

They revealed that Maasai-smelt clothing motivated elephants to travel significantly faster in the first minute after they moved away. They then investigated whether elephants could also use the colour of clothing as a cue to classify a potential threat and found the elephants reacted with aggression E ___ . This suggested that they associated the colour red with the Maasai.

The researchers believe the distinction in the elephants’ emotional reaction to smell and colour might be explained by F ___ . They might be able to distinguish among different human groups according to the level of risk they posed. «We regard this experiment as just a start to investigating precisely how elephants ‘see the world’, and it may be that their abilities will turn out to equal or exceed those of our closer relatives, the monkeys and apes,» researchers added.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15—А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to the really well-known personalities. At first a series of guest stars had awarded the prizes: to the best designer, to the best special-effects man, for the best technical invention for motion pictures during the year, and to all the other people, so unknown outside the industry, but so significant within it.

I looked around the theatre, recognizing most of the weighty faces in the business, but not caring much. You see, I was pretty nervous. Myra Caldwell, whom I had brought to the ceremony, was sitting there beside me, and right across the aisle was Joan Weyland. Now, to get the picture properly, you have to remember that during that particular year Myra had played the sensational supporting role in The Devil Loses and had been called the greatest find in the history of pictures. But that was the same year that Joan Weyland had stolen a big picture called Calumet Centre right out from under the nose of one of the most famous female stars in the industry. The only other actress nominated was not given much chance. Now in a few minutes, they were going to announce who had won the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress of the year. It was the hottest Contest and everybody was aware of it. Furthermore, it was no secret that the two leading contestants would be delighted to boil each other in oil — win, lose, or draw. And here they were across the aisle from each other. Do you get why I was nervous?

Then the lights went down. They were going to run short scenes from the pictures for which the actors and actresses had been nominated. The supporting-actress pictures were coming on, and here was Joan Weyland in her grand scene from Calumet Centre. The audience started to applaud as soon as they saw her.

After that they ran a short episode from Whirlwind, showing the other nominee, a refugee actress called Tanya Braden. I had never seen the picture of the actress, and the picture hadn’t made much money, but there was no doubt she could act! She played the star’s mother and she made you believe it.

Then they ran Myra’s big moment in The Devil Loses. After it was over, I tried to guess who had the biggest chance.

«I think I won,» Myra said to me.

The lights went up. The old actor, who had won the Supporting Actor award the year before, came through the curtains and prepared to present the award. I didn’t see how I was going to live through the next few minutes. He got the envelope and began opening it very slowly.

He was loving every second of it, the old man. Then he looked at the little piece of paper.

«The Winner,» he said, then paused again, «is Miss Tanya Braden, for her performance in Whirlwind «

Well, I’m not too sure about the sequence of events that followed. I don’t remember the applause, because Joan let out a loud cry from across the aisle that drowned out everything else. Then Myra started to cry. I don’t mean cry like the ordinary person, but I mean cry so that the building shook.

Then Joan jumped to her feet and started out, and her mother accompanied her. But I couldn’t do anything with Myra. The show was interrupted and the whole theatre was staring at her. I picked her up and carried her out.

It wasn’t a very pleasant performance, but I think there is some excuse. After all, Joan is 8 years old, and Myra is only 6, and she isn’t used to being up so late. I’m a little on her side anyway. And why not? I’m her father.

Английский язык (Вариант 7)

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напеча­танные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. 


Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater

Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It ______ by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.


The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the ______ impact crater in the entire world.


When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they ______ it was the top of a volcano.


Since then, scientists ______ the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.

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Natural wonders meteor crater егэ ответы

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 18 (part 1)

Natural Wonders: Meteor Crater


Some of the natural wonders are known for their beauty. The Meteor Crater is not one of them. It looks like a big hole in the desert. It was caused by a meteorite hitting the earth thousands of years ago.
(past simple passive, т.к. метеоритный удар по земле послужил причиной, а не большая дыра в земле послужила причиной )



The crater is 4,145 feet across, and 570 feet deep. It is the largest impact crater in the entire world.
(степень сравнения)



When Europeans discovered it in 1871, they thought it was the top of a volcano.
(past simple, т.к. говорится об определенном событии в прошлом)



Since then, scientists have explored/have been exploring the crater for many years, but there are still many secrets and mysteries hiding inside it.
(present perfect, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание на результате. Исследование началось с какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор.

present perfect continuous, т.к. говорящий хочет акцентировать внимание больше на процессе, который начался в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор. )


It was simple


One day last summer my nine-year-old daughter went off to the camp. All her things were packed in a small bag.
(past simple passive, т.к. её вещи были упакованы, а не сами упаковали ч.л.)



Two weeks later, Anna came back home and I unpacked her things. Everything was clean and well folded. “Camp sure has changed you. Your things look much better than usual.”
(степень сравнения)



“It was simple, Mom,” she answered. “I didn’t unpack. Many children did the same.”
(child – ед.ч, children – мн.ч.)


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Natural Language Interaction Technology

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