Несчастный случай сочинение на английском языке

Светило науки — 15 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception.  It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays.  I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed  the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasn’t caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried. My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground. As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasn’t dissapointed  at all, because the kitten was saved.

Перевод примерно такой —
 У каждого были какие-то несчастные случаи хотя бы раз в жизни, и я не исключение. Это случилось со мной 5 лет назад, мне тогда было 10 лет. Как только началось лето, я отправился в летний лагерь, где всегда проводил свой отпуск. Там я снова встретил своих друзей, и мы вместе веселились, купались в реке, загорали, играли в футбол, участвовали в разных соревнованиях. Однажды, когда я сидел со своими друзьями на скамейке, мы услышали плач девушки. Она была моложе нас и выглядела такой грустной. Я предложил своим друзьям пойти туда и спросить девушку, что с ней случилось. Она рассказала нам, что ее котенок забрался на дерево, чтобы поймать птицу. Тем не менее, птица не была поймана, потому что она улетела. И котенок не мог опуститься на землю и плакал. Мои друзья просто послушали историю и решили уйти, но я почувствовала к девушке и ее несчастливому котенку. Надеясь, что мне повезет больше, я решил взобраться на дерево и спасти котенка. Кстати, это был первый раз, когда я взобрался на такое высокое дерево. Так как я был очень близко к котенку, я взял его своей рукой. Внезапно ветка, где я сидел, треснула и сломалась, и я упал на землю. В результате я сломал руку и был доставлен в местную больницу. Но я совсем не был разочарован, потому что котенок был спасен.

5 вариантов

  1. Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception.  It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays.  I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed  the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasn’t caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried.
    My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground.
    As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasn’t dissapointed  at all, because the kitten was saved.

  2. Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception. It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays. I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasnt caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried.
    My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground.
    As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasnt dissapointed at all, because the kitten was saved.

  3. Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception. It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays. I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasn’t caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried.
    My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground.
    As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasn’t dissapointed at all, because the kitten was saved.

  4. I believe that most things in our life happen for a reason. However, it’s up to us to find out which reason exactly. Once I was going through a very strange day. Since early morning I had a series of failures. At first, I spilled the entire cup of coffee on a sofa. Then, I got stuck in the lift and one of our neighbors had to call the technician. On the way to school I was hit by a bike. Consequently, I arrived late for the first lesson and was punished by our senior teacher. At the lesson of geography I got a bad mark. After all, I thought this day was never going to end. All I wanted is to get back home as soon as possible and to watch my favourite TV show. My friends noticed I was rather weird that day and asked whether everything was all right with me. I told them about the series of mishaps, which were chasing me since early morning. Hearing that, my friend Lisa said that she also had such an upsetting morning, but the day changed to better closer to the evening. She also said I just had to stay calm and ignore these mishaps. As the lessons were over, I hurried home. My parents were still at work, so no one would distract me from watching the “The Big Bang Theory”. As I was trying to unlock the front door, I heard a strange sound, like mewing. At a closer look I saw a middle-sized box next to the lawn with a small, cute kitten in it. I was lost in admiration. I had long dreamt of having a kitten but nobody would present me one. This was such an unexpected surprise. In a flash I forgot about all the incidents that I had during the day. All I wanted is to wait for my parents and thank them for a lovely present. When they returned from work, they were also shocked. Surprisingly, they didn’t buy me a kitten and we never found out who did.

  5. Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception. It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays. I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasn’t caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried.
    My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground.
    As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasn’t dissapointed at all, because the kitten was saved.

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Write a story about an accident you had, or one you have heard about, and draw pictures to go with it.


Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 10b. Accident-prone. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Напишите историю о несчастном случае, в который вы попали или о котором вы слышали, и нарисуйте соответствующие картинки.


Last summer my father and I were riding our bicycles in the countryside. The weather was sunny and warm. I rode fast and I didn’t notice a log in front of me. I didn’t have enough time to reduce the speed, so I fell down. It was nothing serious, but I twisted my ankle. My mum wrapped my leg and I stayed in bed for
5 days.

Перевод ответа
Прошлым летом мы с отцом катались на велосипедах по деревне. Погода стояла солнечная и теплая. Я ехал быстро и не заметил перед собой бревна. Я не успел сбавить скорость, поэтому упал. Ничего серьезного, но я подвернул лодыжку. Моя мама перевязала мне ногу, и я пролежал в постели 5 дней.

One day when I was still small. I was still five or four years old. I went back then to the kindergarten. The day was ordinary sunny, we went out with a group for a walk. I ran from one of my friends, we then swarmed into the hills. I ran from He, well, he did not run around me. I stitched him to the front a little with a pina and decided to gazvernutsya there was a birch and I twisted my eyebrow very much. I bleed a lot. I went with my mom to the ballerina, and I got a brow. That’s how I got my first scar.


Однажды когда я был еще маленький. Мне было еще пять или четыре года. Я ходил тогда еще в садик. День был обычный солнечный, мы с группой вышли на прогулку. Я побежал от одного моего друга, мы тогда играли в ляпки. Я побежал от него, ну он не побежал зо мной. Я стял к нему передом немного прошел спиной и решил газвернутся там стояла береза и я сучком очень сильно рассек бровь. У меня много вытекло крови. Ну я с мамой поехал в больницу, и мне зашили бровь. Вот так получил я свой первый шрам.


A few years ago, my friends and I decided to play football. We went to the park and started the game. At first, everything was fine and we were enjoying ourselves. However, while we were playing, one of my friends fell over and injured his leg. We called an ambulance and helped our friend sit up. Fortunately, everything turned out fine in the end, but from that moment on, we began playing football much more carefully.

(6 предложений, 76 слов)


Несколько лет назад мы с друзьями решили поиграть в футбол. Мы пошли в парк и начали игру. Сначала все шло хорошо, и мы наслаждались. Однако, пока мы играли, один из моих друзей упал и повредил ногу. Мы вызвали скорую помощь и помогли нашему другу сесть. К счастью, все закончилось хорошо, но с того момента мы стали играть в футбол гораздо осторожнее.


Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) используется для обозначения однократных действий в прошлом:

  • decided, went, started, was, fell over, injured, called, helped, turned out, began.

Past Continuous (прошедшее длительное время) используется для обозначения длительных действий в прошлом:

  • were enjoying, were playing.

Мне нужно сочинение по английскому(можно и на русском языке) на тему : несчастный случай в моей жизни(сломала ногу, руку).

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Случай в школе/ An Incident at School с переводом на русский язык.

An Incident at School Случай в школе
It was in spring in the middle of May. The weather was so nice, it was sunny and warm so all the window and doors were open in school. And all of a sudden a little crow flew into our classroom. Была весна, середина мая. Погода на улице стояла просто чудесная, солнечная, почти летняя, поэтому окна и двери во всех кабинетах нашей школы были приоткрыты. И вот неожиданно, через одно из этих окон к нам в класс во время урока литературы, залетел вороненок.
It was so little and it probably just learnt to fly that’s why it looked so clumsy. Anyways it was not easy to catch him. We couldn’t do it, neither could Anna Vasilievna who was our teacher. Он был еще совсем маленьким и, вероятно, только-только учился летать, потому что передвигался по комнате очень неумело. Тем не менее поймать птенца оказалось довольно сложно. Этого не могли сделать ни мы, ни наша учительница Анна Васильевна.
She closed the door so the crow couldn’t get to the hallway. Then after she got tired chasing the bird she said we would better have a break and wait till the little crow calmed down. Чтобы вороненок не вылетел в коридор, она закрыла дверь класса. Затем, устав от безрезультатных попыток угнаться за птицей, Анна Васильевна предложила нам тоже немного отдохнуть и подождать, когда птенец успокоится.
Soon the crow got quiet and found a spot on the bookcase where it was watching us. Our teacher was going to continue the lesson and let the crow fly away later during the break. And then we heard loud cawing outside. Вороненок действительно вскоре притих и, усевшись на деревянный шкаф с книгами, стал наблюдать за происходящим свысока. Учительница уже собиралась было продолжить занятие, чтобы больше не отвлекаться от урока и попробовать выпустить птицу позже на перемене, как вдруг за окном раздалось громкое карканье.
I guess it was little crow’s mother who came to rescue her son. When he heard her voice he started flying around the classroom and trying to find the way out. We told Anna Vasilievna that we should probably wide open the windows but she was afraid that the crow might get into the classroom and bit us. Видимо, это мама вороненка прилетела, чтобы спасти своего сына. Услышав ее голос, малыш снова начал метаться по кабинету в поисках выхода. Мы предлагали Анне Васильевне открыть настежь все окна, но она боялась, что ворона может залететь в класс и поклевать нас.
Ten minutes later my friend Stepa Krestsov caught the little crow with his jeans jacket and let it go carefully. We were very happy about it and even applauded but of course, the lesson was ruined. В итоге спустя десять минут мой друг Степа Крестцов поймал вороненка с помощью своей джинсовой куртки и аккуратно высадил птенца к матери за окно. Мы все были очень рады этому событию и даже аплодировали Степе, но урок уже, конечно же, был сорван.
The bell rang soon. Anna Vasilievna asked us to write down homework and let us go. I was the last one to leave the classroom and when I looked back I saw our teacher looking out of the window and 2 birds, the brave mother and the silly little crow, were flying outside. Вскоре прозвенел звонок. Анна Васильевна попросила нас всех записать домашнее задание и отпустила. Я последним выходил из класса и когда обернулся, чтобы попрощаться с учительницей, увидел, что она в задумчивости стоит у окна, а за стеклом летают две быстрые птицы: храбрая мать ворона и непослушный маленький вороненок.

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