New rules to follow new perspectives егэ ответы

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.  Perfect for a quiet holiday

2.  Land of nature wonders

3.  Bad for animals

4.  A visit to the zoo

5.  Perfect for an active holiday

6.  Difficult start

7.  New perspectives

8.  New rules to follow

A. The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are a wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

B. Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise  — just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.

C. The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.

D. Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

E. No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.

F. A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.

G. Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.” Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.

Текст A B C D E F G
Вербицкая ЕГЭ-2017, Чтение (часть 1)    

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишнийTEST 02

1. Perfect for a quiet holiday B

2. Land of nature wonders A

3. Bad for animals E

4. A visit to the zoo

5. Perfect for an active holiday C

6. Difficult start D

7. New perspectives F

8. New rules to follow G

A. The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are a wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

Прекрасная природа Шотландии. Монстер. Land of nature wonders

B. Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise — just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You
will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.

Остров Tresco и отель. Perfect for a quiet holiday

C. The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or
to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.

Сафари в Кении. На верблюдах или машинах. Perfect for an active holiday

D. Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful
trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

Утомительное, но захватывающее путешествие. Difficult start

E. No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.

Плохое содержание животных в зоопарках. Bad for animals

F. A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.

Зоопарк для спасения вымирающих животных. New perspectives

G. Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is «Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.» Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.

Путешествие без ущерба природе. New rules to follow

№ текста A B C D E F G
тема 2 1 5 6 3 7 8




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Английский язык

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Совместите тексты по английскому. 1. New rules to follow. 2. New perspectives. 3. Perfect for a quiet holiday; 4;5;6;7;8.

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Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

London Zoo

  • 1. such as hunting exotic animals and selling furs
  • 2. as well as the ins and outs of being a keeper at London Zoo
  • 3. which take place every day, from
  • 4. because they see and touch them close up
  • 5. despite the serious side to our work
  • 6. which demand much time and effort
  • 7. that is not counting every ant in the colony

London Zoo is one of the most important zoos in the world. There are over 12,000 animals at London Zoo and A ___ ! Its main concern is to breed threatened animals in captivity. This means we might be able to restock the wild, should disaster ever befall the wild population.

Partula Snail, Red Crowned Crane, Arabian Oryx, Golden Lion Tamarin, Persian Leopard, Asiatic Lion and Sumatran Tiger are just some of the species London Zoo is helping to save. That is why it is so important that we fight to preserve the habitats that these animals live in, as well as eliminate other dangers В ___ . But we aim to make your day at London Zoo a fun and memorable time, С ___ .

In the Ambika Paul Children’s Zoo, for instance, youngsters can learn a new love and appreciation for animals D ___ . They can also learn how to care for favourite pets in the Pet Care Centre.

Then there are numerous special Highlight events E ___ unforgettable pony rides to feeding times and spectacular animal displays. You will get to meet keepers and ask them what you are interested in about the animals they care for, F ___ .

Whatever you decide, you will have a great day. We have left no stone unturned to make sure you do!


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15—А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


The last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station. I was going from my grandmother’s in the Adirondacks to a cottage on the Cape that my mother had rented, and I wrote my father that I would be in New York between trains for an hour and a half, and asked if we could have lunch together. His secretary wrote to say that he would meet me at the information booth at noon, and at twelve o’clock sharp I saw him coming through the crowd.

He was a stranger to me — my mother divorced him three years ago and I hadn’t been with him since — but as soon as I saw him I felt that he was my father, my flesh and blood, my future and my doom. I knew that when I was grown I would be something like him; I would have to plan my campaigns within his limitations. He was a big, good-looking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again.

He struck me on the back and shook my hand. «Hi, Charlie,» he said. «Hi, boy. I’d like to take you up to my club, but it’s in the Sixties, and if you have to catch an early train I guess we’d better get something to eat around here.» He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey, after-shave lotion, shoe polish, woollens, and the rankness of a mature male. I hoped that someone would see us together. I wished that we could be photographed. I wanted some record of our having been together.

We went out of the station and up a side street to a restaurant. It was still early, and the place was empty. The bartender was quarrelling with a delivery boy, and there was one very old waiter in a red coat down by the kitchen door. We sat down, and my father hailed the waiter in a loud voice. «Kellner!» he shouted. «Garcon! You!» His boisterousness in the empty restaurant seemed out of place. «Could we have a little service here!» he shouted. Then he clapped his hands. This caught the waiter’s attention, and he shuffled over to our table.

«Were you clapping your hands at me?» he asked.

«Calm down, calm down,» my father said. «It isn’t too much to ask of you — if it wouldn’t be too much above and beyond the call of duty, we would like a couple of Beefeater Gibsons.»

«I don’t like to be clapped at,» the waiter said.

«I should have brought my whistle,» my father said. «I have a whistle that is audible only to the ears of old waiters. Now, take out your .little pad and your little pencil and see if you can get this straight: two Beefeater Gibsons. Repeat after me: two Beefeater Gibsons.»

«I think you’d better go somewhere else,» the waiter said quietly. «That,» said my father, «is one of the most brilliant suggestions I have ever heard. Come on, Charlie.»

I followed my father out of that restaurant into another. He was not so boisterous this time. Our drinks came, and he cross-questioned me about the baseball season. He then struck the edge of his empty glass with his knife and began shouting again. «Garcon! You! Could we trouble you to bring us two more of the same.» «How old is the boy?» the waiter asked. «That,» my father said, «is none of your business.»

«I’m sorry, sir,» the waiter said, «but I won’t serve the boy another drink.» «Well, I have some news for you,» my father said. «I have some very interesting news for you. This doesn’t happen to be the only restaurant in New York. They’ve opened another on the corner. Come on, Charlie.»

He paid the bill, and I followed him out of that restaurant into another …

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Nenets Culture affected by Global Warming

For 1,000 years the indigenous Nenets people have migrated along the 450-mile-long Yamal peninsula in northern Russia. In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them. In winter they return southwards.

But this remote region of north-west Siberia is now being affected by global warming. Traditionally the Nenets travel across the frozen River Ob in November__________ around Nadym. These days, though, this annual winter migration is delayed. Last year the Nenets, together with many thousands of reindeer, had to wait until late December __________.

“Our reindeer were hungry. There wasn’t enough food,” Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, said. “The snow is melting sooner, quicker and faster than before. In spring it’s difficult for the reindeer to pull the sledges. They get tired,” Japtik said.

Herders say that the peninsula’s weather is increasingly unpredictable – with unseasonal snowstorms __________, and milder longer autumns. In winter, temperatures used to go down to -50°C. Now they are normally around -30°C, according to Japtik. “Obviously we prefer -30°C. But the changes aren’t good for the reindeer __________,” he said, setting off on his sledge to round up his reindeer herd.

Here, in one of the most remote parts of the planet, there are clear signs __________. Last year the Nenets arrived at a regular summer camping spot and discovered that half of their lake had disappeared. The water had drained away after a landslide. The Nenets report other curious changes – there are fewer mosquitoes and a strange increase in flies. Scientists say there is unmistakable evidence __________.


when the reindeer give birth in May


that Yamal’s ancient permafrost is melting


that the impact on Russia would be disastrous


when the ice was finally thick enough to cross


the environment is under pressure


and set up their camps in the southern forests


and in the end what is good for the reindeer is good for us

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

New rules to follow

New perspectives

Perfect for a quiet holiday

Land of nature wonders

A visit to the zoo

Perfect for an active holiday

Difficult start

Bad for animals

The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are а wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise – just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.

The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.

Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.

A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.

Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.” Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.


The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are а wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.


Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise – just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.


The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.


Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.


No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.


A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.


Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.” Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.

Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

London Zoo

  • 1. such as hunting exotic animals and selling furs
  • 2. as well as the ins and outs of being a keeper at London Zoo
  • 3. which take place every day, from
  • 4. because they see and touch them close up
  • 5. despite the serious side to our work
  • 6. which demand much time and effort
  • 7. that is not counting every ant in the colony

London Zoo is one of the most important zoos in the world. There are over 12,000 animals at London Zoo and A ___ ! Its main concern is to breed threatened animals in captivity. This means we might be able to restock the wild, should disaster ever befall the wild population.

Partula Snail, Red Crowned Crane, Arabian Oryx, Golden Lion Tamarin, Persian Leopard, Asiatic Lion and Sumatran Tiger are just some of the species London Zoo is helping to save. That is why it is so important that we fight to preserve the habitats that these animals live in, as well as eliminate other dangers В ___ . But we aim to make your day at London Zoo a fun and memorable time, С ___ .

In the Ambika Paul Children’s Zoo, for instance, youngsters can learn a new love and appreciation for animals D ___ . They can also learn how to care for favourite pets in the Pet Care Centre.

Then there are numerous special Highlight events E ___ unforgettable pony rides to feeding times and spectacular animal displays. You will get to meet keepers and ask them what you are interested in about the animals they care for, F ___ .

Whatever you decide, you will have a great day. We have left no stone unturned to make sure you do!

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15—А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


The last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station. I was going from my grandmother’s in the Adirondacks to a cottage on the Cape that my mother had rented, and I wrote my father that I would be in New York between trains for an hour and a half, and asked if we could have lunch together. His secretary wrote to say that he would meet me at the information booth at noon, and at twelve o’clock sharp I saw him coming through the crowd.

He was a stranger to me — my mother divorced him three years ago and I hadn’t been with him since — but as soon as I saw him I felt that he was my father, my flesh and blood, my future and my doom. I knew that when I was grown I would be something like him; I would have to plan my campaigns within his limitations. He was a big, good-looking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again.

He struck me on the back and shook my hand. «Hi, Charlie,» he said. «Hi, boy. I’d like to take you up to my club, but it’s in the Sixties, and if you have to catch an early train I guess we’d better get something to eat around here.» He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey, after-shave lotion, shoe polish, woollens, and the rankness of a mature male. I hoped that someone would see us together. I wished that we could be photographed. I wanted some record of our having been together.

We went out of the station and up a side street to a restaurant. It was still early, and the place was empty. The bartender was quarrelling with a delivery boy, and there was one very old waiter in a red coat down by the kitchen door. We sat down, and my father hailed the waiter in a loud voice. «Kellner!» he shouted. «Garcon! You!» His boisterousness in the empty restaurant seemed out of place. «Could we have a little service here!» he shouted. Then he clapped his hands. This caught the waiter’s attention, and he shuffled over to our table.

«Were you clapping your hands at me?» he asked.

«Calm down, calm down,» my father said. «It isn’t too much to ask of you — if it wouldn’t be too much above and beyond the call of duty, we would like a couple of Beefeater Gibsons.»

«I don’t like to be clapped at,» the waiter said.

«I should have brought my whistle,» my father said. «I have a whistle that is audible only to the ears of old waiters. Now, take out your .little pad and your little pencil and see if you can get this straight: two Beefeater Gibsons. Repeat after me: two Beefeater Gibsons.»

«I think you’d better go somewhere else,» the waiter said quietly. «That,» said my father, «is one of the most brilliant suggestions I have ever heard. Come on, Charlie.»

I followed my father out of that restaurant into another. He was not so boisterous this time. Our drinks came, and he cross-questioned me about the baseball season. He then struck the edge of his empty glass with his knife and began shouting again. «Garcon! You! Could we trouble you to bring us two more of the same.» «How old is the boy?» the waiter asked. «That,» my father said, «is none of your business.»

«I’m sorry, sir,» the waiter said, «but I won’t serve the boy another drink.» «Well, I have some news for you,» my father said. «I have some very interesting news for you. This doesn’t happen to be the only restaurant in New York. They’ve opened another on the corner. Come on, Charlie.»

He paid the bill, and I followed him out of that restaurant into another …

Вербицкая ЕГЭ-2017, Чтение (часть 1)    

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишнийTEST 02

1. Perfect for a quiet holiday B

2. Land of nature wonders A

3. Bad for animals E

4. A visit to the zoo

5. Perfect for an active holiday C

6. Difficult start D

7. New perspectives F

8. New rules to follow G

A. The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are a wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

Прекрасная природа Шотландии. Монстер. Land of nature wonders

B. Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise — just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You
will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.

Остров Tresco и отель. Perfect for a quiet holiday

C. The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or
to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.

Сафари в Кении. На верблюдах или машинах. Perfect for an active holiday

D. Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful
trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

Утомительное, но захватывающее путешествие. Difficult start

E. No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.

Плохое содержание животных в зоопарках. Bad for animals

F. A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.

Зоопарк для спасения вымирающих животных. New perspectives

G. Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is «Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.» Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.

Путешествие без ущерба природе. New rules to follow

№ текста A B C D E F G
тема 2 1 5 6 3 7 8


Задание №9482.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Born to be wild
2. Comparing the two species
3. The evolution of bison
4. The history of taming
5. A beautiful place to be saved
6. Reasons to domesticate cows
7. Failed attempts to protect
8. Safer than before, but not enough

A. It is likely that the modern European bison arose from the steppe bison. Recent research says it appeared as a result of an interbreeding event between the steppe bison and the ancestor of modern cows around 120,000 years ago. At one point, some steppe bison crossbred with the ancestors of the modern yak. After that, a population of steppe bison crossed the Bering Land Bridge to North America. Then the steppe bison spread through the northern parts of North America, where it lived until around 8,000 years ago.

B. The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve is one of the smallest in Russia. It covers an area of 4,960 hectares on the terraces of the Oka River valley. This is a unique area with its natural diversity of pine and mixed forests, small rivers, streams and marshes. Here you can observe the life of animals and birds in their natural habitat. The symbol of the reserve is a bison. This is a wild forest bull, which was recently on the verge of extinction. Bison youngsters grown up to two years in the reserve are sent to replenish free-living populations.

C. Though the American and European bisons are close relatives, it is easy to spot clear differences in their behaviour and build. Adult European bisons are slimmer in build and have longer legs. European bisons tend to graze less and walk around more than their American relatives. This difference in behaviour is reflected in their build. The American bison’s head hangs lower than the European’s does. American bisons are more easily tamed than their European cousins are. They also breed with domestic cattle more readily.

D. American bisons are known for living on the Great Plains. Bisons were hunted close to extinction during the 19th and 20th centuries, but have since rebounded. The European bison owes its survival, in part, to the Chernobyl disaster. Ironically, the Chernobyl Zone has become a kind of wildlife preserve, though poaching has become a threat in recent years. The American Plains bison is no longer listed as endangered, but this does not mean the species is safe. Their fragmented herds call for active conservation measures.

E. In the middle of the 19th century people started realising how important the buffalo was. Reasons for that included not only animal cruelty, but also ecological and future resources. Someone needed to speak out, and over the years they did, but never enough at one time to count. The real extermination of the buffalo was caused by the demands of trade, aided by hunters and Indians. However, the blame really lies with the government, which in all those years permitted a few ignorant Congressmen to block the laws protecting these animals.

F. There have been several attempts to tame the buffalo, but there are a few things that stand in the way. The buffalo is very aggressive by nature; it can run up to 40 mph and can jump vertically in the air almost their entire height. Imagine trying to teach an angry, prancing sedan to stay still and respect you. All that said, there have been instances of domestic buffalo. This is possible if they are raised from calves to be only with humans. Even then, they seem to be loyal and friendly with a small set of humans, not all humans.

G. At about the same time they domesticated plants, people in Mesopotamia began to domesticate animals for meat, milk, and hides. Hides were used for clothing, storing things and for building tent shelters. Goats were probably the first animals to be domesticated, followed closely by sheep. Later, people began domesticating larger animals, such as oxen or horses, for ploughing and transportation. These are known as beasts of burden. The easiest animals to domesticate are herbivores that graze on grass, because they are the easiest to feed.


Заголовок 3 (The evolution of bison. — Эволюция зубров) соответствует содержанию текста A: «It is likely that the modern European bison arose from the steppe bison.»

Заголовок 5 (A beautiful place to be saved. — Красивое место для спасения) соответствует содержанию текста B: «This is a unique area with its natural diversity of pine and mixed forests…»

Заголовок 2 (Comparing the two species. — Сравнение двух видов) соответствует содержанию текста C: «Though the American and European bisons are close relatives…»

Заголовок 8 (Safer than before, but not enough. — Безопаснее, чем раньше, но недостаточно) соответствует содержанию текста D: «… though poaching has become a threat in recent years.»

Заголовок 7 (Failed attempts to protect. — Неудачные попытки защитить) соответствует содержанию текста E: «The real extermination of the buffalo was caused by the demands of trade, aided by hunters and Indians.»

Заголовок 1 (Born to be wild. — Рожденный быть диким) соответствует содержанию текста F: «There have been several attempts to tame the buffalo, but there are a few things that stand in the way.»

Заголовок 4 (The history of taming. — История приручения) соответствует содержанию текста G: «At about the same time they domesticated plants, people in Mesopotamia began to domesticate animals…»

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