«Сейчас, я позволю тебе жить, и буду поступать так и впредь… :clubs: пока ты не станешь достаточно сильным, чтобы умереть. :spades: »
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Хисока Моро (ヒソカ モロウ, Hisoka Morou) – персонаж аниме и манги Hunter × Hunter. Нетипичный антагонист. Он пугает главного героя своим явным злонамеренным интересом, но охотно оказывает помощь.
Имя Хисоки можно записать иероглифом 密, который имеет значение «плотный/мутный/непрозрачный», или же «неясный, неискренний» (если речь в негативном ключе ведут о человеке), что полностью отображает его характер.
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Ему свойственно театральное поведение, на людях появляется исключительно в гриме (выбеленное лицо, звезда под правым глазом, капля/слеза под левым; крашенные в яркий цвет волосы, например, в голубой, как было в аниме 1999 года) и в костюме джокера, декорированном символами карточных мастей. Костюм и цвет элементов грима (звезды и капли) в разных арках меняется.
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Легкомысленный, лживый, переменчивый, саркастичный, жестокий. Проявляет признаки социопатии: игнорирует нормы морали; воспринимает людей, как игрушки; получает сексуальное удовольствие от убийств соперников (что постоянно недвусмысленно подчёркивается). Кроме того, в случае, если его жажда убийства не удовлетворяется, может буквально обезуметь от жажды крови. Хотя, если он видит, что человек обладает нераскрывшимся потенциалом, он сдерживается и оставляет ему жизнь, чтобы иметь возможность убить вышедшего на пик силы противника. Как это произошло с главным героем и его компанией. Охотником он решил стать именно ради возможности неподсудно убивать, кого вздумается.
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Прошлое Хисоки покрыто тайной. Известно только, что к началу экзамена на охотника Хисока оказался знаком с Иллуми – членом семьи наёмных убийц Золдик, причём Иллуми демонстрирует дружеское, внимательное и уважительное отношение к нему. Мачи (член группы Геней Рёдан) утверждает, что Хисока не интересуется прошлым, не говорит о нём и никогда не страдает ностальгией. В разговоре с ней после боя c Кастро на Небесной арене, Хисока рассказывает о названиях своих способностей, которые он придумал в честь любимых сладостей детства.
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Игральные карты. Оружие Хисоки — игральные карты (с французским дизайном мастей колоды), которые он использует в качестве метательного оружия, усиливая их с помощью Шу. Рубашки у карт с белой каймой, основной цвет розовый (осветлёная фуксия), узор – мелкая ромбовидная сетка.
Платок — обычный платок, при помощи которого Хисока может обманывать противника
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Способности & сила
Хисока – выдающийся персонаж даже среди обладателей статуса Охотника. Как Мастер этажа Хисока очень знаменит, поэтому многие знают о его жестокости и показной грациозной манере. Хисока обладает невероятной физической силой, ловкостью и гибкостью, что делает его чрезвычайно опасным бойцом. Кроме того у него огромный опыт в Нэн, тактический гений и нескованная человеческими нормами извращённая фантазия, которые позволяют Хисоке находить неожиданные решения в быстро меняющейся обстановке боя.
Из-за своей психопатичной любви к убийствам Хисока постоянно ищет сильных противников, что в купе с богатым боевым опытом позволяет довольно точно оценивать силу человека, просто взглянув на того. Однако найти достойных становится всё сложнее даже среди членов Ассоциации Охотников. Среди поверженных им знаменитостей: четвертый номер пауков, дворецкий Золдиков Гото, один из кандидатов на пост Президента Ассоциации Охотников Звездный Охотник Бусидора.
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Способности Нэн
Банджи Жвачка (Растяжимая Любовь)
Хисока преобразовывает свою ауру в вещество, обладающее свойствами клея и резины. Он может легко растягивать её, прикреплять к любому объекту и отсоединять, когда захочет. При отсоединения от тела, Банджи Жвачка может растягиваться не более чем на 10 метров. Жвачка достаточно прочная и эластичная, чтобы отразить монеты с мощью превосходящие пули или мяч обладающий разрушительной силой как у пушечного ядра. Липкость и тянучесть ауры регулируется Хисокой. Обычно Хисока скрывает свою ауру с помощью Ин, так что его Жвачку не могут увидеть даже мастера нен без использования специальной техники (Гё). Хисока может одновременно прикреплять Банджи Жвачку на множественные цели и тем самым может защищаться от толпы врагов, вращая её вокруг врагов. Хисока способен применять Банджи Жвачку ногами и при помощи этого, способен передвигаться по стенам и крепиться к поверхностям. Банджи Жвачка может применяться для того чтобы закрывать ранения, предотвращая кровотечения. При помощи этой техники, Хисока может даже заменять потерянные конечности, создавая новые из Банджи Жвачки, которые обладают аналогичными свойствами.
Обманная Текстура (Искусная Ложь)
Хисока вкладывает ауру в тонкий материал (например, бумагу или платок), силой мысли придавая ей определённый внешний вид. После чего прикрепляет текстуру к интересующему объекту при помощи Банджи Жвачки. Таким образом можно, например, скрыть повреждения тела или подделать письмо практически незаметно для противника. Обманная текстура действует и на то что создано из чистой ауры, как например на Банджи Жвачку.
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Интересные факты
Номер Хисоки на экзамене — 44. Число 4 имеет серьезные последствия смерти на некоторых азиатских языках, включая японский и китайский, поскольку это синоним слова «смерть». Число 44 может означать «определенность смерти».
Ему свойственно театральное поведение, на людях появляется исключительно в гриме (выбеленное лицо, звезда под правым глазом, капля/слеза под левым; крашенные в яркий цвет волосы, например, в голубой, как было в аниме 1999 года) и в костюме джокера, декорированном символами карточных мастей. Костюм и цвет элементов грима (звезды и капли) в разных арках меняется.
В Эпизоде 54 издания 2011 года Хисока написал сообщение «трупы были поддельными», используя смайлик самого себя. ★ -_-
В 2016 году мангака Суи Исида написал рассказ о прошлом Хисоки , который был выпущен на веб-сайте сёнен джамп
В латиноамериканском дубляже Хисока говорит с французским акцентом, и его имя произносится как «Изока». В бразильском дублировании французский акцент сохраняется, но его имя произносится как обычно.
В индонезийском дубляже Хисока произносится как «Хёсока» по неизвестным причинам.
В адаптации 1999 года во время битвы с Гон на 200-м этаже Небесной Арены Хисока много раз жевал «Bungee Gum», но, поскольку его семья была бедной, он часто жевал ее, пока не потерял всякий вкус. Позднее он назвал свою фирменную технику брендом жевательной резинки . Тем не менее, в манге и в 2011 году адаптация говорит только о том, что он назвал оба своих метода марками конфет и жевательной резинки, которые ему нравились, когда он был ребенком.
Фамилия Хисоки была раскрыта спустя 346 глав после его введения
В манге Хисока просит Мачи провести ночь с ним, но в аниме было сказано об ужине с ним.
Главным источником вдохновения в создании Хисока, вероятно, является популярный DC Comics супер злодей Джокер
Появление Хисоки как клоуна, прически, раскрашенных слез, навыков броска карт и т.д. Может быть ссылкой на другого персонажа Йошихиро Тогаши, Сузуки , из его ранней работы Юю Хакушо, когда он был наряжен клоуном.
1-я арка «Hunter x Hunter». Длится в манге с 1 по 38 главу, в аниме 1999 года — с 1 по 31 эпизод, в аниме 2011 года — с 1 по 21 эпизод.
Первый экзамен: испытание бегом
Экзаменатор: Сатоц
Задание Первого этапа — добраться до места проведения Второго этапа, без объявления времени и расстояния. Бег по теменному туннелю, а потом и лестнице наверх, всего более 80 км.
На этом этапе к команде присоединяется Киллуа.
В ТВ1999 Томпа по пути заманил уставшего Леорио в боковой туннель в котором вместо тонизирующего растения оказалось галлюциногенное. Леорио одолевали кошмары, в которых он снова переживал потерю друга — Пьетро. Гон, Курапика и Киллуа догнали его, спасли и уже вместе догнали остальных.
Далее бежать нужно было по болотам Нумелле, полным хищных и хитрых зверей. В тумане Хисока, один из экзаменующихся, начал охоту на остальных кандидатов. В произошедшей стычке Гон смог ударить Хисоку с помощью своей удочки, чем весьма заинтересовал его. Хисока объявил что проверял кандидатов на пригодность, и они все трое (Киллуа добирался отдельно) прошли. Хисока нокаутировал Леорио и сам донёс его до места второго этапа. Гон и Курапика добирались самостоятельно.
Второй экзамен: кулинария
Экзаменаторы: Бухара и Менчи.
Бухара дал задание приготовить Жареную свинину – большого таранного кабана.
Менчи задала приготовить Суши. Всем участникам, кроме Ханзо, это блюдо было незнакомо, но кое-как они выяснили как и из чего оно должно быть сделано. Но Менчи была весьма недовольна всем, что бы не готовили участники, и объявила, что дальше никто из них не прошёл. Возник конфликт с участниками экзамена.
Ситуацию спасло прибытие главы экзаменационного комитета – Нетеро. В результате было решено перепровести экзамен, но с участием самой Менчи. В этот раз нужно было достать из глубокой пропасти Яйцо орла-паука и сварить его.
Третий экзамен: Трик-тауэр или башня прозорливости
Экзаменаторы: Липпо и заключённые Трик Тауэр: Бендотт, Седокан, Маджитани, Лерут, Джонас Потрошитель.
Необходимо за семьдесят два часа спуститься живыми к подножью башни, полной ловушек. Наши герои и Томпа попадают на «принцип большинства» — все решения должны быть приняты голосованием.
В пути они столкнулись с группой заключённых, которую необходимо было одолеть, чтобы пройти дальше. Каждый час, на который заключённые задерживали участников экзамена, уменьшал их сроки заключения на год.
Томпа столкнулся с Бендотт. У них должен был быть «бой до смерти», но Томпа тут же сдался.
Вторым был Гон. Его противник Седокан – террорист и обманщик. Их схватка была – «у кого дольше будет гореть свеча». Седокан подсунул Гону свечу с подвохом, но именно из-за этого Гон смог спокойно оставить свечу догорать на полу, а сам в это время задул свечу заключённого.
Боец – Курапика, противник – Маджитани, и снова «бой до смерти». Заключённый пытался запугать Курапику с помощью необоснованных понтов и татуировки с изображением паука, но этим лишь разозлил его. Курапика с лёгкостью отправляет Маджитани в нокаут, и отказывается завершать бой.
Леорио против Лерут, вид состязания – пари, ставка – время. На то жив ли Маджитани, находится ли он в сознании, какого пола Лелуто, и «камень-ножницы-бумага». Леорио проиграл, но в то же время доказал выигрыш Курапики. Команда потеряла пятьдесят часов.
Киллуа против Джонаса Потрошителя. Киллуа отговаривали от боя из-за ужасной славы Джонаса, но тот легко победил противника, просто вырвав его сердце.
Последним испытанием был выбор дороги – одним путём могли пройти все пятеро, но он бы занял не менее сорока пяти часов, втором могло пройти только трое, но время в пути составляло бы около трёх минут. Вся команда едва не рассорилась, но Гон предложил неожиданное решение – выбрать длинный путь, но прорубить стену, чтобы попасть на короткий. В итоге все пятеро успели вовремя.
Филлерный экзамен: Остров-Линкор (присутствует только в ТВ1999)
Все участники прибывают на остров погибших кораблей, и чтобы получить комнату в гостинице, они должны добыть сокровища из окружающих кораблей. Ночью хозяева гостиницы уехали.
Кандидаты должны самостоятельно добраться до следующего пункта назначения – острова Зебил, но погода начала портиться. Были найдены документы, из которых стало ясно, что раз в десять лет остров накрывает огромной волной.
Что бы спастись, было решено действовать сообща и добраться до острова на самой гостинице – оживить линкор. Что и было сделано. Курапика проявил в этой арке незаурядные лидерские способности.
Четвёртый этап: охота.
Место проведения: Остров Зебил
Среди прошедших испытание «Башню Прозорливости» была проведена лотерия для следующего этапа экзамена. Каждый получил номер, соответствующий экзаменационному номеру другого претендента. Этот человек становился целью, чей значок необходимо добыть кандидату.
Для прохождения этапа необходимо набрать 6 (шесть) очков. Собственный значок приносит 3 (три) очка, номерок цели тоже 3 (три), случайный номер — 1 (один). Длительсноть этапа – неделя. В течение этого времени нужно не только добыть чей-то номерок, но и не позволить отнять свой.
Целью Гона (405) стал Хисока (44). Понимая разницу в силе, Гон крепко задумался и тут он увидел как Поккл (53) атаковал Кью (105). Тогда он решил не атаковать в лоб, а выкрасть значок с помощью удочки. Однако, Гон понимал, что Хисока легко увернётся, если он просто попытается зацепить его значок. Он тренировался ловить ею птиц, много за ними наблюдал, и в итоге решил украсть значок в тот момент, когда Хисока будет атаковать другого человека.
В это время Томпа (16) встретил Леорио (403) и стал упрашивать дать ему что-нибудь от боли в животе. Леорио давно подозревал Томпу и потребовал показать номер цели, тогда Томпа продемонстрировал ему карточку с номером 191 (Бодоро). Леорио открыл чемоданчик, чтобы достать лекарство и тут обезьянка Соми (118) выкрала у него номерок. Оказалось, что Соми и Томпа сговорились обменяться лотерейными карточками, и, на самом деле, Леорио был целью Томпы, а Бодоро целью Соми. Но тут появился Курапика (404) и обезвредил злодейскую парочку, вернув Леорио его номерок и заполучив номер своей цели – Томпы. К тому же теперь у них был один номерок, приносящий 1 (одно) очко — номер Соми.
Гон нашёл Хисоку при помощи бабочек-вампиров. Один номерок Хисока (44) получил от Гиттаракура (301), которой прикончил свою жертву Гозу (371) и девушку Супер (80), охотившуюся на него. Её номер Гиттаракуру был не нужен. Второй номерок, приносящий 1 очко (номерок Соми «118») Хисока получил от Курапики и Леорио в качестве откупа. Из-за того, что Хисоке пришлось отпустить тех, кого он уже собирался прикончить, им овладела невероятная жажда убийства. То что было нужно Гону. В тот момент, когда Хисока атаковал первого встречного Агона (181, таким образом он получал 3 одноочковых значка), Гон выкрал его собственный. Убегая, Гон был парализован охотившимся за ним Геретой (384), который в оказался целью Хисоки.
Теперь у него было целых 10 очков (собственный «44» — 3, Супер «80» — 1, Соми «118» — 1, Агона – 1, Гереты «384» — 3 и Гона — 1), поэтому вернул Гону его значок и свой (для Гона 3 очка), с условием, он заберёт этот долг, когда Гон сможет нанести ему удар. Несколько дней Гон восстанавливался от этого унижения.
Киллуа (99) досталась цель с номером 199, но он не знал, кому он принадлежит. Поэтому он решил просто шататься по острову в поисках 3-х случайных жертв. Однако, за ним увязался хвост. Киллуа, конечно, почувствовал слежку, но предложение выйти и разобраться преследователь упорно игнорировал. Им оказался младший брат Имори (198). Когда старшие братья заявились проверить, как у него дела, то были весьма удивлены, что он не отобрал номер у ребёнка и потребовали побыстрее сделать это. Попытавшись выполнить приказ братьев, Имори был обчищен ловкими ручками Киллуа и лишился номерка. Киллуа догадался, что раз у него номер 198, то у его братьев должен быть нужный ему 199. Отобрав у братьев номерки, Киллуа выбросил 2 ненужные 197 и 198. Этого как раз ждал Ханзо, которому нужен 197. Он бросился в ту сторону, куда, как ему показалось Киллуа бросил номер 197, но поймал 198 – 1 (одно) очко.
Значок, нужный Леорио – «246», принадлежал Понзу. Гон помог ему отыскать пещеру, где она скрывалась, и Леорио пошёл туда, сказав ожидающим его друзьям не входить. Но те, услышав его крик вошли в пещеру, и попали в ловушку, установленную Барбоном (103), кандидатом, на которого охотилась Понзу. Сам Барбон был убит Понзу, а его змеи кусали всех, кто приближался к Барбону или к выходу. Леорио был серьёзно искусан. Гон нашёл у Барбона противоядие для спасения Леорио, но и сам был укушен. Потом, с помощью усыпляющего газа Понзу обезвредив змей, Гон вынес всех из пещеры пообещав ей значок Барбона в качестве платы. Он и правда отдал её значок Барбона (103), но забрал её значок — 246 для Леорио, в качестве платы.
Пятый этап: турнир
Турнирная таблица
До этого этапа дошло девять кандидатов. Согласно собеседованию была подготовлена сетка боёв. Победитель получает звание Охотника, проигравший продвигается по турнирной сетке. Таким образом, Охотниками становятся все, кроме одного.
Первый бой. Ханзо против Гона. После долгого избиения Гон так и не признал поражения. Ханзо сдался. После этого Гон проспал целый день.
Второй бой. Курапика против Хисоки. Через некоторое время боя Хисока шепнул что-то Курапике, а потом признал поражение.
Третий бой. Поккл против Ханзо. Ханзо избил противника, и тот сдался.
Четвёртый бой. Хисока против Бодоро. Хисока долго бил противника, но тот всё не сдавался. Тогда Хисока что-то шепнул Бодоро на ухо, и тот признал поражение.
Пятый бой. Киллуа против Поккла. Киллуа не захотел драться и сдался.
Шестой бой. Должен был быть боем между Бодоро и Леорио, но по предложению Леорио он был отложен, чтобы дать Бодоро восстановиться. Таким образом, бой проводился между Киллуа и Гиттаракуром. Как выяснилось, настоящее имя Гиттаракура – Иллуми Зольдик, и он старший брат Киллуа. Иллуми сильно повлиял на Киллуа, в том числе с помощью нэн. Киллуа сдался.
Седьмой бой. Бодоро против Леорио. В самом начале боя Киллуа убил Бодоро, и был дисквалифицирован.
Звание Охотника получило семь человек: Гон, Курапика, Ханзо, Хисока, Поккл, Гиттаракур он же Иллуми Зольдик, Леорио.
После экзамена
Гон был расстроен своей, как он считал, неправильной победой, но Сатоц переубедил его. Гон выяснил у Иллуми, куда отправился Киллуа.
Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ゠モロウ, Hisoka Morou) is a Hunter and former member #4 of the Phantom Troupe; his physical strength ranked third in the group. He is always in search for strong opponents, and would spare those who have great potential, such as Gon and Killua in order for them to get strong enough to actually challenge him. He originally served as the primary antagonist of the Hunter Exam arc and the Heavens Arena arc, before becoming a supporting character during the Yorknew City arc and Greed Island arc. During the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, he reprises his role as a secondary antagonist.
Hisoka’s 2011 anime adaptation design
Hisoka’s 1999 anime adaptation design
Hisoka’s manga appearance
Hisoka’s appearance is similar to that of a magician or jester. He is tall and has light skin and a very muscular physique. His attire is usually adorned with various suit symbols (♦/♦ ♣/♣ ♥/♥ ♠/♠) on the front and back torso, and he changes outfits in each story arc. He wears face paint of a star (★) on his right cheek and a teardrop (💧) on his left cheek, and like his attire, in the 2011 anime, his face paint also occasionally changes colors. During the Greed Island arc, Hisoka wears the Greed Island Ring on his left middle finger. And in the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, Hisoka wears a pair of earrings with ornamental hearts. For unknown reasons, Hisoka has long, pointed nails, giving his hands a claw-like appearance, hinting at his sinister nature.
In his first appearance in the 1999 anime series, Hisoka’s hair is blue. After a revamp of the show, it was replaced with a red or almost neon pink color to be in accordance with the manga. In the 2011 anime, Hisoka has red hair and light amber eyes. In the manga, during the Yorknew City arc, Hisoka dyes his hair light green. These dynamic variations in appearance illustrate the complexity of his character.
During his time in the Black Whale, he lets his hair down and wear a black coat with a heart shape at the back.
The other side of Hisoka
Hisoka is portrayed as entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. His insatiable love for spilling the blood of powerful fighters in combat and his enjoyment of extreme pain while doing so fuels his seemingly sadomasochistic desires. In order for them to grow to their full potential (so as to improve the pleasure of killing them later), Hisoka allows the main protagonists to live in situations wherein he is easily able to kill them. Likewise, he grows excited to meet new people he deems worthy of fighting or anyone with the potential to be a good fighter and entertain him in the future. The thrill of fighting strong Nen users in tactical battles and near-death experiences is an orgasmic experience for him. It is likely one of the reasons why he goes out of his way to find new toys to play with. If they break, he either loses interest or kills them before going out to find more potential prey.
With his manipulative and self-centered nature, Hisoka is essentially a murderous sociopath. While he does like Gon, Killua, and many others, he has stated that for him, what is valuable one day could easily become trash the next, and he will not hesitate to kill anyone should they not meet his standards. He does not care for what has happened in the past, as he is only interested in what could be amusing to him in the future or present. While Hisoka’s nature tends to be malevolent, he isn’t an indiscriminate killer. He has no problems killing anyone regardless of age or sex; however, he only kills people who are in his way or those he deems «worthy». As such, his character is more simply amoral than flat out evil. He even assists the protagonists if there is «fun» in doing so or if it will make them stronger leading to a more entertaining fight in the future. Above all else, Hisoka cares only about having fun and a good challenge which may or may not involve killing people. He has a nasty habit of skipping out on Spider meetings. He also can be a whimsical liar and has a tendency to freak out or play cruel jokes on his victims. Just witnessing their uncomfortable expressions because of him getting under their skin pleases him. His chaotic nature is inherent in everything he does and makes him dangerously unpredictable.
Hisoka becomes immensely excited to fight
Hisoka has displayed a morbid attraction to fight powerful fighters, or people with Nen who have the potential to become strong, which is expressed through barely repressible murderous tendencies; neither age nor gender do seem to influence his desire to fight them. He has expressed a desire to fight or kill random victims just to satiate his bloodlust. After his defeat at the hands of Chrollo, Hisoka’s sociopathic nature has taken itself to worse heights by vowing to kill all the members of the Phantom Troupe even if they were defenseless and claiming he will no longer let his opponents fight in their preferred conditions. However, he did temporarily spare Machi, who has been an implied interest of Hisoka’s as a potential opponent he likes to flirt with or as a romantic interest, although he stated it was so she could warn the Troupe of his intentions.
Hisoka often exhibits androgynous characteristics throughout the series, manifested in his wearing of «women’s» shoes and using an alluring speech style typically reserved for females in Japanese. In the manga, he ends nearly every sentence with a suit symbol.
Hisoka and Killua’s reaction to Gon’s honesty
Despite his calm and composed personality, he can express his emotion comically in some situations. An example is when Gon becomes honest and rather innocent about his question of why Hisoka was in Greed Island. Another example is his stunned face when he learns he could not fight Chrollo after Kurapika’s Judgment Chain.
Hisoka’s favorite gum
Hisoka speaks little of his past because he is uninterested in it.[6] It is revealed, however, that Hisoka joined the Phantom Troupe under false pretenses at some point after the Kurta massacre, and about two years before the events in Yorknew City, after defeating the previous #4.[7] Around the same time, he «initiated» Kastro to Nen at the Heavens Arena, sensing potential in him.[8] He then took part in the 286th Hunter Exam, during which he murdered 20 examinees. He was disqualified for almost killing an examiner during his first attempt.[1]
Hisoka’s favorite stickers
It is said that he named both of his techniques after a candy brand and a chewing gum brand he liked when he was a kid,[6] implying that they may have been named «Texture Surprise» and «Bungee Gum» respectively.
Hunter Exam arc
Hisoka’s appearance in the Hunter Exam
Hisoka, applicant #44, is seen as a heavy contender throughout the Hunter Exam. He first appears as another applicant bumps into him without apologizing; shortly afterward the applicant’s arms are severed and removed from his body. Tonpa explains to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio that he failed the previous year’s exam after nearly killing a proctor he did not approve of.[1] He effortlessly keeps up with Satotz when the first trial begins.[9] When they reach the Milsy Wetlands and a Man-faced Ape tries to pass himself off as the real examiner, Hisoka throws cards at both him and Satotz, killing the monkey, whereas Satotz blocks his attack, leading Hisoka to declare he is the real proctor. The incident rouses his appetite for murder and, when the fog descends, he «plays examiner» and attacks the surrounding applicants, among which are Kurapika and Leorio, with the intent to kill.[10]
«Yes! You pass too. ♥ Become a good Hunter, okay?♣»
Hisoka playing examiner with Gon
Numerous examinees gang surround him but he dispatches them without effort, until only Cherry, Leorio, and Kurapika remain. The three split up and run away, which Hisoka judges a smart move. He begins to count down from ten, but Leorio returns to fight him. The magician easily dodges his strike but is suddenly struck by Gon’s fishing rod. He praises the boy and knocks out Leorio, and, when Gon tries to intervene, lightly clutches his throat. He determines that both Leorio and Gon will make fine Hunters. An examinee known as «Gittarackur» contacts him to lead him to the site of the Second Phase, and Hisoka leaves with the unconscious Leorio on his shoulder.[11] He kills any beast that attacks him as well as Cherry and makes it to the location of the second trial. He shoots his bloodlust at Gon to allow him to find Leorio. At Buhara’s request, he slays and cooks a Great Stamp.[12] He is, however, stumped when Menchi demands to be served sushi. He fails her first test,[13] but passes the amended one.[14]
When Satotz, Menchi, and Buhara discuss the batch of examinees, Buhara picks Hisoka as his top contender and notes that he released the largest amount of negative aura during Todo’s outburst. Menchi and Satotz confirm that he constantly exuded bloodlust as if to provoke them. The latter also remarks that Hisoka is their equal and bears watching. Meanwhile, the magician makes a house of cards and, when he is done, knocks it down, chuckling loudly.[15] In the Third Phase, Hisoka is targeted by Togari for having nearly killed him during the previous Hunter Exam. Hisoka, however, catches his spinning blades and beheads him, expressing his disappointment. He is the first to pass through the Trick Tower, having taken 6 hours and 17 minutes.[16]
Gittarackur is revealed to be a comrade of Hisoka
For the Fourth Phase, the remaining examinees are shipped to Zevil Island in order to take part in a week-long manhunt among themselves to capture their respective target’s number plate. He is the first to disembark, due to his ranking in the previous trial.[17] Hisoka spends his first two days on Zevil Island in idleness. Gittarackur offers to tell him who his target is, but he declines, stating he will just take three random tags. His wounds attract hemotropic butterflies that feed on blood, leading his «predator», Gon, to him.[18] Hisoka fails to sense him, but detects Goz hiding nearby, who challenges him to a duel. Despite understanding his opponent is dying and that he wants to end his life as a warrior, Hisoka does not fight back, since he is «uninterested in the dead». Gittarackur then appears and finishes Goz off. Hisoka realizes he decided to honor the dying man’s last request. Gittarackur hands him another examinee’s number plate. When night falls, Hisoka decides to get himself two other tags.[19]
Hisoka’s bloodlust
He spots Leorio and Kurapika,[19] but, fascinated with their resolve, he allows them to leave unharmed in exchange for a number plate. Their potential and quick development whet his bloodlust, impelling him to find someone to kill.[20] He comes across Agon, whom he immediately kills. As he does so, he has his badge stolen by Gon, who has been tailing him. While going after him, Hisoka finds and decapitates Geretta, who turns out to be his target. He praises Gon’s stealth and technique and leaves him his badge. Gon refuses to accept the favor, but Hisoka blasts him with a right hook and leaves after challenging him to do the same.[21] Having obtained the necessary number of plates, Hisoka qualifies for the Final Phase. Interviewed by Isaac Netero, he states he wants a Hunter License to attain impunity and that the applicants who caught his attention the most are Killua and Gon. He also declares he would prefer to fight neither of them, especially not Gon, and challenges Netero, but is casually dismissed.[22]
Hisoka whispers something to Kurapika
The Final Phase of the exam is an elimination tournament in which the winner of a match is removed from the candidate list and receives his very own Hunter License, and the loser is given more chance. Hisoka frowns when Hanzo threatens to break Gon’s arm.[23] He laughs when the boy refuses to give up and states he would also prefer not to have his leg cut off.[24] Hisoka’s first match is against Kurapika. After tussling for a while, he whispers something to Kurapika, then he forfeits the match. [25]
Hisoka knocks down Bodoro
His next opponent is Bodoro. It was a one-sided match, but Bodoro doesn’t want to surrender. Hisoka knocks him down and whispers something to him. Right after this, Bodoro admits defeat and Hisoka becomes a licensed Hunter.[25] When the exam is over, he is surprised to see Gon lift Illumi in the air.[26] He has a short conversation with Illumi about Gon and the Zoldyck Family and warns Illumi not to touch Gon because the boy is his target only.[27]
Heavens Arena arc
Hisoka’s appearance at the Heavens Arena
Hisoka follows Gon and Killua to the Heavens Arena and with his Ren prevents the duo from entering the 200th floor until they are able to use Nen, declaring them not ready.[28] Gon and Killua return after learning Ten from Wing. Hisoka allows both of them to pass and tells Gon if he can win one match on the 200th floor, he might consider fighting him.[29] He becomes excited when he sees Gon enter a state of Zetsu against Gido.[30] A fighter at Heavens Arena named Kastro fights Hisoka to avenge his past loss. At the beginning of the fight, Kastro seems to have the upper hand, landing some blows on Hisoka from unimaginable positions and angles, gaining a 4-0 lead.[8][31] When Kastro prepares his Tiger Bite Fist, Hisoka willingly gives him his left arm, but has the right one severed instead. The exchange allows him to figure out Kastro’s secret, the use of a Nen double. When Kastro declares he will take Hisoka’s left arm next, Hisoka remarks he may feel more eager to take the fight seriously.[31] He performs a series of magic tricks seemingly for no reason. After Kastro sends his double to chop off his left arm, Hisoka’s right arm magically reappears. He states Kastro will dance himself to death and proceeds to tell him apart from his clone and dodge its attacks, claiming the flaw of the ability is that the clone never shows any damage, and as an Enhancer Kastro has insufficient «memory» for such a complex Conjuration technique. As he completes the explanation, he hits Kastro in the chin using his severed left arm then kills Kastro by stabbing him with the cards on the ground.[32]
Hisoka meets Machi at the Heavens Arena
After the fight, Hisoka pays Machi to reattach both his arms, concealing the seams with a combination of Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. It is revealed that Hisoka pretended to be holding back against the Kastro by concealing part of his aura with In, and that he resorted to his brutal magic tricks to prevent Kastro from figuring it out. When his right arm was severed, he connected it to the stump with Bungee Gum, whereas he linked the right one to Kastro’s chin. He used the same ability to send the cards he had previously scattered on the ground flying at Kastro, setting the technique up during another magic trick.[6]
Hisoka’s fake Spider tattoo
Machi then tells him that everyone in the Phantom Troupe must meet up in Yorknew City at noon at the end of August, and that Chrollo might punish him if he skips another gathering. He invites her to spend the evening with him, but she leaves before he finishes his invitation. As he showers, he peels off the fake spider tattoo on his back, which he made from a piece of cloth using his Texture Surprise ability.[6] After Gon defeats Gido and Riehlvelt, he declares himself willing to fight the boy.[33] They decide to have their showdown at the Heavens Arena on July 10th.[34]
Gon punches Hisoka in the face
On the day of the match, Hisoka can barely contain his excitement. He easily repels all of Gon’s attacks without moving from his original position, until Gon uses a flagstone as a diversion and succeeds in punching him in the face.[35] Hisoka accepts to take his badge back. He deduces Gon is an Enhancer and explains his personality-based Nen test, revealing he is a Transmuter. He then begins to fight for real, surpassing Gon in both speed and strength. When Gon attempts to keep his distance, Hisoka pulls him towards himself with Bungee Gum and punches him hard.[36] He offers to let Gon strike him if he can tell him when he attached Bungee Gum, giving him three options, only to reveal the correct one was a fourth one, and that Gon could not have prevented him from using the ability. Realizing he cannot escape, Gon charges at him. Hisoka is so delighted with his initiative he has a hard time preventing himself from killing him, letting himself be beaten up by Gon until he regains his composure. While Gon complains to the judge, he attaches the strand of aura on Gon’s cheek to a rock and tricks him into being hit, winning the match. He then leaves after telling Gon that the next time they fight, it will be to the death.[37]
Yorknew City arc
Hisoka’s appearance in the Yorknew City arc
On August 31st, Hisoka meets the other members of the Phantom Troupe in an abandoned building in Yorknew City, where their leader gives the order to rob the Mafia Community of the Underground Auction items.[38] On the night of September 1st, he listens intently to Chrollo’s conversation on the phone with Uvogin about a traitor[39] and leaves the hideout to meet up with Kurapika.[40] He texts him to meet as arranged, and, when they do, tells Kurapika what he knows about the Phantom Troupe, that he joined the Troupe only to fight Chrollo, and that they should team up because they share a common interest. He offers Kurapika information about the abilities of seven Spiders in return.[7] Before giving his reply, Kurapika enquires about the Scarlet Eyes, which Hisoka reckons have been already sold. Alerted by Melody that Uvogin escaped, Kurapika leaves after stating he will give his answer the following day at the same time.[41]
Hisoka’s smile while teaming up with Machi
The next day, he has an unexpected meeting with Gon and Killua after the two were captured and brought to the Troupe’s hideout. They pretend not to know each other and Hisoka seemingly notices Killua realizes the «Chain Dude» is none other than Kurapika.[42] Despite his liking for Gon, he cannot do anything to help them and even threatens to slit Killua’s throat with a card if the boy makes any move without permission. Since Nobunaga is busy watching Gon and Killua, Machi is forced to pair up with Hisoka.[43] That night, he receives the order to create a commotion before stealing the auction loot.[44] However, he only stands on the top of a building admiring the massacre.[45] He later lights Bean’s cigarette instants before Machi kills him.[46] Like the other Spiders, he passes himself off as auction staff and hides from Kurapika when the latter comes to retrieve the fake Scarlet Eyes. Upon returning to the hideout with the loot, he wants to tell Kurapika that the corpses of several Troupe’s members left behind are fake, but fails to contact him.[47]
Hisoka reading his prophecy
On September 4th, Chrollo announces his intention to leave Yorknew City. When Nobunaga protests, he uses the Lovely Ghostwriter ability he stole from Neon on him and Shizuku, learning that tangling with the «Chain Dude» will lead to the death of five other members. Hisoka sends a message to Kurapika, telling him about the fake corpses[48] as part of his plan to force the Spiders to remain in Yorknew City, so he can fight Chrollo. The Troupe leader then writes fortunes for nearly all members, including Hisoka.[49] The magician’s prophecy exposes his treachery and promises he would fight Chrollo the following Tuesday, by which time half the Spiders would be dead.[50] When Pakunoda insists on reading it,[49] he alters it with Texture Surprise, implying that he will die if he leaves the hideout. The Spiders initially interpret his forged fortune as a sign of his betrayal, but, when Nobunaga is about to clash with him, Chrollo falls into Hisoka’s trap and suggests that the «Chain Dude» is forcing him to cooperate. His manipulation is successful and Chrollo decides to remain in the city.[51] He is partnered up with Franklin and Bonolenov and left at the hideout while half the other members set out to kill the «Chain Dude».[52]
Hisoka excited to fight against Chrollo
When he learns Chrollo has been captured by Kurapika, he hires Illumi to disguise as himself and act as his double in the Troupe’s hideout so that he can leave and fight Chrollo alone.[53] The two switch places while Kalluto distracts Franklin and Bonolenov.[54] He tails Pakunoda to Lingon Airport, threatening to kill Gon and Killua if Kurapika does not allow him to get on the blimp. When the hostage exchange terminates,[55] he reveals to Chrollo his fake membership status and challenges him to a duel, but to his great disappointment, Chrollo can no longer use Nen. Hisoka spares his life and leaves, telling Pakunoda that he has never been attracted to broken toys and that the present already differs from the contents of his fortune. He walks away without returning to the hideout.[50]
Greed Island arc
Hisoka appearing before the Phantom Troupe
Hisoka heads to Greed Island in search of an Exorcist for Chrollo. He uses Chrollo’s name to enter the game to send a signal to any Spiders who would enter the game.[56] He hangs around the spell card shop in Masadora, reckoning that is where he will be able to meet the greatest number of players.[57] Gon comes close enough to him that he shows up in his contact list,[58] and the same occurs with Shizuku, Franklin, Shalnark, and Phinks.[59] He approaches them to reveal his identity and offer to take the Exorcist to Chrollo once they find one.[56] While Gon, Killua, Biscuit, and Goreinu look to beat Razor and his pirates, Gon insists on finding out who the «Chrollo» in his binder is. They fly to him as he bathes in a lake. Sensing the two boys have improved, he determines Biscuit to be their teacher. He tells them he came to the island to find Chrollo, as he fears they would try to stop him if he revealed he is looking for an Exorcist. At Biscuit’s request, he accepts to play against Razor’s group.[60]
Hisoka tells Gon his (fake) goal in Greed Island
Hisoka pretends not to know what spells are and takes the group to the nearby Aiai, where he spends his free time, to find other players. However, the romantic clichés prove to be too distracting. Killua begins to suspect that Hisoka has met other members of the Phantom Troupe on the island and is hiding it from everyone. When Gon asks him to check his contacts to know if he has met Tsezguerra, Hisoka conceals the names of the Spiders with Texture Surprise. He contacts the Single-Star Hunter for the group.[57] They form an alliance and Hisoka volunteers to play soccer juggling on account of his Bungee Gum. After one week, they head to Soufrabi.[59] The group wins three games, after which Razor challenges the remaining players to a dodgeball match. When Razor kills a rebellious Bopobo, Hisoka reveals to his team the game is taking place in real life.[61] Shortly after the start of the game, Gon gives Hisoka the ball, so he can throw it and retrieve it with Bungee Gum.[62] He eliminates one of Razor’s Devils, but Razor combines two of them to prevent him from getting the ball back.[63] He narrowly escapes a shoot ball thrown by Razor, which is then intercepted by one of his Demons. Hisoka catches its throw with the aid of Bungee Gum, at the cost of breaking two fingers.[64]
Hisoka teaming up with Gon and Killua
Hisoka admires Gon’s Rock ecstatically. When Razor manages to deflect his throw, Hisoka snatches the ball with Bungee Gum, forcing him to use up his freebie.[65] To retrieve the ball from Razor, Gon, Hisoka, and Killua create a three-person formation[66] where Hisoka is in charge of preventing the ball from bouncing off after Gon catches it. They succeed and Gon shoots the ball with his last, most powerful Rock.[67] Razor bumps it back at him, but Gon passes out from exhaustion, so the ball misses him. Hisoka catches and throws it back with Bungee Gum, sticking it to Razor’s hands so he cannot deflect it again, at the cost of 10 broken fingers. Razor is pushed out of bounds, resulting in the team’s victory.[68] Hisoka leaves them, and his parting words cause Killua to realize he was indeed lying.[69]
Hisoka leaving Greed Island with Abengane
Phinks takes Hisoka to where the other Spiders are after they locate the Exorcist. He inquires how the Troupe managed to find him, and when they refuse to answer, he wonders if it could be the work of the person hiding behind a tree nearby and threatens to vent his arousal against them if they do not come out. Kalluto, Hisoka’s replacement in the Troupe, walks out, and Hisoka expresses his approval of him. He then asks Machi, between him and Chrollo, who she’d prefer survive and what she would do if he killed Chrollo, to which Machi replies she would hunt him down and kill him. He smiles and states he would like that.[70] A few weeks later, he leaves the island with Abengane after the latter has successfully deactivated Genthru’s Countdown.[71]
Chimera Ant arc
Having left the game, Hisoka and Abengane are seen approaching Chrollo as he reads an issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump.[72]
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
Hisoka votes
Hisoka is next seen during the first round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election looking for Ging. He secretly rates the Hunters on the scene using a scale of his own and is apparently quite happy with the power of some members of the Zodiacs: Kanzai, Ginta, and Pyon. He then casts a blank vote after showing it to them, which annoys Kanzai. After that, he sits there scouting out the crowd. While sizing up the pro-Hunters present at the election site, Hisoka is disappointed by their power levels and thinks to himself that if they are this weak, he might consider fighting the Zodiacs next. Suddenly he feels the presence of someone strong, who turns out to be Illumi. Illumi then tells Hisoka about what happened during the Chimera Ant crisis, the death of Chairman Netero, Alluka—his younger sister, and the current situation with Gon and Killua.[73]
Hisoka provokes Illumi
Hisoka and Illumi are next seen talking to each other in an airship bar. Illumi explains the rules related to Alluka’s ability to him and tells him if Killua dies from Alluka’s power while trying to heal Gon, a lot of people, including the Zoldycks, Gon, and even Hisoka, will die as well. Fearing that Killua will do it wrong, Illumi asks Hisoka to help him kill Alluka.[74] Later, as Killua, Alluka, and their butlers are on their way to Gon’s hospital, Illumi manipulates some drivers and crashes their vehicles into Killua’s car, causing it to fall into a forest below. Watching from a distance, Illumi tells Hisoka to eliminate the butlers but Hisoka asks if he can kill Killua. Illumi suddenly releases a murderous aura and warns him. Hisoka says he is just kidding. It is then revealed that he provoked Illumi on purpose to let Killua know his location because he too wants Gon to be saved.[75]
Hisoka kills Gotoh
He then confronts Gotoh, Amane, and Canary, who are left behind after Killua uses his Godspeed ability to escape with Alluka. Gotoh tells the other butlers to go ahead and let him deal with Hisoka. At first, his Bungee Gum ability seems to be neutralized by Gotoh’s ability to fire coins with power superior to bullets, but Hisoka manages to adapt quickly and uses his Bungee Gum to fire the coins back, forcing him to shoot more coins to deflect them, with that distraction Hisoka is able to drop in on him and slit his throat.[76]
Hisoka and Illumi arrive by Parasta Airport, where Killua used an airship as transportation and to escape them. Hisoka suggests that they should ambush Killua in the hospital, but Illumi claims the assassination will fail if they do so because Killua’s friends are there. Illumi thinks of asking for help, prompting Hisoka to ask if he has any other acquaintances. Illumi instead reveals an ability to manipulate a person’s actions through a nen-imbued needle. Illumi asks Hisoka if he could hunt the «misses» for him and Hisoka gladly accepts.[77]
Hisoka and Illumi talk over the phone after killing their attackers. Hisoka informs Illumi that he has found a map detailing the aircraft’s paths and destinations. He offers to send Illumi a copy, albeit one that is altered by his Texture Surprise. Unfortunately, Illumi says that he also has a map from one of the attackers and that he already knows which aircraft Killua and Alluka are.[78]
Hisoka kills the Hunters
Although he is shown to be Illumi’s comrade his bloodlust seems to get the better of him, this is shown when Illumi finds Killua, Hisoka is seen hiding in the trees trying to decide who to kill if to kill Alluka and gain Killua’s hatred or leave Alluka alive save Gon and make Illumi his enemy. He then questions himself by thinking that maybe he should kill Alluka which would make Killua hate him, or kill Killua and have Illumi hate him is the best plan of action. Hisoka is next seen exiting an elevator and going into the room where Teradein Neutral is staying, Hisoka then kills him.[79]
Succession Contest arc
Hisoka vs. Chrollo
Chrollo finally accepts to fight Hisoka in a death match at Heavens Arena. As soon as the fight begins, Chrollo activates Shalnark’s ability and takes control of the referee, using him to attack Hisoka while, the latter reckons, preparing to stick the second antenna in him. However, the second antenna was a feint and Chrollo kicks down Hisoka, then proceeds to stomp on him. Hisoka frees himself by hurling the referee at him. Chrollo then commands the referee to attack Hisoka again but explodes before the two can make contact thanks to a new ability stolen by Chrollo, who is now also capable of using two abilities at the same time or one without needing to touch his book. Hisoka gets more and more excited as the fight progresses, but feels Chrollo is still holding back. The two then briefly discuss the latter’s new abilities, with Hisoka rejoicing due to his opponent’s power.[2]
Chrollo combines two abilities, Order Stamp and Kortopi’s Gallery Fake, to attack Hisoka with a copy of the referee. However, thanks to Chrollo’s explanation, Hisoka easily deactivates Order Stamp by beheading the puppet. Chrollo finally shows the last ability he has prepared, Convert Hands. Much to Hisoka’s annoyance, before the two can trade blows again, Chrollo reveals that one of his abilities belongs to someone who is already dead. Hisoka instantly realizes it is because the user’s Nen has become stronger after his death, and improves his guard. When he learns that, thanks to the creator’s resolve, once affixed, the marks of The Sun and Moon will never disappear unless they explode, Hisoka smiles, thinking that could indeed prove problematic. Despite Chrollo claiming that his victory is certain, Hisoka is willing to keep fighting and attacks him. The two end up in the audience, which Chrollo manipulates with Black Voice to attack Hisoka while disguising himself with Convert Hands.[80]
Hisoka notices the antennae have disappeared and that Chrollo has already created copies with Gallery Fake. Then, around thirty copies controlled with Order Stamp start attacking him, forcing him to use Bungee Gum to retreat, but the puppets climb on top of each other and reach him. As he retaliates, Chrollo, having stolen someone else’s clothes, maneuvers behind Hisoka, who prepares to counter, but is tricked by the opponent’s feint and kicked in the nape. As he falls into the crowd of puppets, Hisoka is ecstatic. Struggling not to be overwhelmed, Hisoka begins dispatching the puppets, all the while taking damage from Chrollo’s hit-and-run tactic. He anticipates the latter’s next move, flinging a severed head at him, but Chrollo dodges and kicks Hisoka, claiming he had seen him prepare the attack. However, Hisoka manages to hit him with a second projectile attached to his foot, replying he knows while coughing up blood.[81]
Hisoka’s severed hand
He lands one more hit with the other head, forcing Chrollo to retreat. Unable to give chase, Hisoka disables more puppets and tries to figure out Chrollo’s next move basing on whether Order Stamp and Gallery Fake are deactivated. When the stamp disappears from the head of a puppet, Hisoka manages to track down Chrollo in the audience, immobilizing him with Bungee Gum. However, he notices something is off and swiftly attacks him with the head. It is revealed the one he killed was a spectator Chrollo had been controlling with Black Voice and to whom he had given his appearance with Convert Hands. However, as Gallery Fake is still active, Hisoka realizes that the copies on which The Sun and Moon has been affixed will not disappear even if Chrollo is using other abilities.[82] He moves back to the center of the arena, guessing Chrollo will have to launch an assault with all his puppets lest they are mistaken for injured spectators by the rescue personnel. In fact, Chrollo steals the announcer’s microphone and orders to «break Hisoka», causing all the puppets with the stamp to rush at Hisoka, who proceeds to destroy them using the head as a projectile and by attaching Bungee Gum to multiple puppets and using them as a hammer. Suddenly, however, the head he was gripping explodes in his hand, heavily injuring it and obliterating four of his fingers.[83]
Hisoka’s lifeless body after his defeat by Chrollo
Hisoka understands how Chrollo managed to make the head explode and quickly decapitates another puppet. Using Bungee Gum through his legs, he starts walking on the sides of a stand, destroying more puppets from that position before running away. However, he finds multiple explosive puppets waiting for him. Although he survives the explosion, he is blasted in the air towards another stand filled with Chrollo’s explosive puppets. The loss of a leg prevents him from escaping to the ceiling, but before he can project Bungee Gum from his other leg, Chrollo throws two spectators at him, causing him to fall back into the ring. As the puppets prepare to attack him, Hisoka prepares for his death and is soon engulfed in an explosion.[84]
The next time Hisoka is seen he is, by all means, dead, presented before Kortopi, Shalnark, and Machi; his face is extremely disfigured by the explosion, with one of the three wondering why he did not suffer more damage. Shalnark explains that he used a large portion of the puppets as a «meat shield» so to speak, protecting him from the bulk of the explosion, but ultimately causing him to die from suffocation. Shalnark and Kortopi leave after Machi says that she’ll stay to tend to his wounds. Closing his eyes before attempting to stitch up his neck, Machi is shocked to see his aura re-emerge from his body; she mistakenly believes this to be his Nen preserving after his death before it is revealed that he used Bungee Gum to restart his heart and lungs after his demise.[85]
Hisoka comes back from the dead
Greeting her rather cheerfully after coming back to life, she confirms that he was indeed dead for some time, after which Hisoka admits that fighting someone of Chrollo’s league and hundreds of Nen puppets at the same time was more than he could chew, referring to the experience as a «wake up call» as a result. He then proceeds to mend and hide his wounds, whilst simultaneously replacing his missing arm and leg using Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. After saying that his next opponents won’t have a choice in where and who they fight, he restrains Machi using Bungee Gum before he leaves, telling her that he shall kill all members of the Phantom Troupe. Struggling to get out, she shouts and swears at Hisoka, saying she’ll kill him herself, before Hisoka makes his exit.[85]
The next time Hisoka is seen, Shalnark had just come off of the phone with Chrollo, discussing plans to board the Kakin Empire Royal Family’s ship and steal their valuables. While Shalnark is wondering what’s taking Kortopi so long in the bathroom, Hisoka walks out instead. Shocked, Shalnark runs towards him before Hisoka throws Kortopi’s severed head at him. After catching it, Shalnark cries out in shock before Hisoka lands an extremely powerful attack on his head, killing him. Shalnark’s mangled body is then seen tied to a swing with Kortopi’s severed head in front of him and crows gathering around their corpses.[85]
By the time Machi reaches Chrollo in the market inside the Black Whale, she confirms that Hisoka has made his way into the Black Whale to kill the rest of the Troupe members. Chrollo orders the first come, first serve rule to make it fair for the rest of Troupe members to kill him.[86]
Lynch punches Hisoka
He is seen in Level 3 of the Black Whale by Lynch and Zakuro. Lynch punches him in the belly to interrogate him, but he blocks her punch with his Ren and counter-punch her back in the stomach, causing Lynch to collapse. The fearful Zakuro then invites Hisoka to see their superior and inform him that the Xi-yu family is looking for him.[87]
Heavens Arena Standing
The following are the results for Hisoka in Heavens Arena. Each KO resulted in the opponent’s death. After his fight with Gon, Hisoka obtained the right to fight a Floor Master, whom he defeated to obtain the title.[5] Sometime later, he confronted Chrollo Lucilfer.[2] Although the normal regulations were suspended during the fight, Chrollo technically won by KO.
Opponent | Result | |
Kastro | 10-3 | Win |
?? | 10-1 | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
Kastro | 10-4 KO | Win |
Gon | 11-4 | Win |
Unknown Floor Master | ?-? | Win |
Chrollo | X-X KO | Loss |
Playing Cards: Hisoka’s weapon of choice is a set of ordinary French playing cards, which he uses in combat to lethal effects by wielding or throwing them in conjunction with his Shu.[29] The cards have white borders, with a checkered pattern composed by small, light and dark fuchsia squares.
Abilities & Powers
Hisoka has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. Notorious for his graceful, cruel, and deceitful fighting ability, which has earned him the rank of Floor Master,[5] he has proven to be a deadly adversary. His tremendous physical abilities and combat skill make him extremely dangerous in a bout, and his expertise in Nen, tactical genius, and flexibility allow him to swiftly adapt to changes in circumstances. Among the opponents he has defeated are previous #4 member of the Phantom Troupe[7] and the Single-Star Blacklist Hunter Bushidora, killing the latter without suffering any injury himself.[78] He has expressed dissatisfaction with the power level of most Pro Hunters, which led him to consider fighting the Zodiacs to find a new challenge,[73] and in fact, he was able to effortlessly dispatch multiple Hunters in a short span of time.[78] Illumi Zoldyck, who was estimated by the magician to be even more formidable than some Zodiacs,[73] was wary of crossing Hisoka,[27] and even the leader of the infamous Phantom Troupe deemed it prudent to prepare a strategy and gather Nen abilities before facing him to ensure his victory, declaring Hisoka set a new record for the number of abilities he ever needed to kill someone.[2]
Hisoka is also a skilled magician and often uses Nen to perform his tricks. His skills in misdirection and amazing dexterity find applications in combat, their combination allowing him to triumph against Kastro.[6] The latter talent also enabled him to catch Togari’s spinning knives on the first try, whereas their owner required six months to do so.[16] Furthermore, Hisoka has a certain degree of informatic proficiency, which he used to track Gon and Killua down after they bought blimp tickets online.[28] By forming a circle with his index finger and thumb and peeking through it, he can enhance his vision.[19] It is unknown if this technique is achieved with Nen, or if Hisoka can merely improve his eyesight by concentrating. Hisoka’s zest for battle often causes him to suffer more damage than he would if he fought seriously from the start.[32][36][37] In fact, his willingness to let Chrollo pick the location and time of their showdown,[85] as well as to adapt to his pace in its early stages,[2][80] nearly led to his demise.[85]
Preternatural Perception: Hisoka has proven to be able to sense not only the presence, but also the position of people hidden with Zetsu, even Kalluto’s, whose execution of the technique was described as «flawless». In response to Nobunaga’s befuddlement, Hisoka attributed his feat to the lingering sensitivity from the competition against Razor.[70] His ability to gauge an individual talent and raw power is so refined that he has been able to create a point-based system to quantify them. Although he generally glances at someone to determine their strength, he ranked Illumi without even seeing or recognizing him beforehand.[73] Nonetheless, he was unable to notice that Gon was tailing him during the Hunter Exam even before lapsing into a murder frenzy, due to the boy being in a state of Zetsu and possibly because he was not particularly hostile towards him until the moment he made his move when Hisoka’s own bloodlust masked his.[21]
Hisoka uses several people as a human hammer
Immense Strength: Hisoka boasts astounding brawn, ranking third in the Phantom Troupe in arm-wrestling.[88] When one of his kicks missed Gon, he sent a flagstone of the ring crashing explosively into the audience stands.[36] He can effortlessly lift five human puppets with one hand and swing them around with enough force to destroy them and all other bodies they come in contact with,[83] and instantly twist off a human head with a single hand.[84] In the dodgeball game Hisoka was able to throw the ball with such force that Razor’s Nen puppets were forced to combine to block it,[63] despite them being capable of redirecting Razor’s passes[62] which, after their power waned,[64] retained enough momentum to incapacitate Tsezguerra.[62] He was also able to withstand the force of the ball launched by Gon with Rock and returned by Razor while catching it with Bungee Gum.[67]
Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: During the Hunter Exam, Hisoka dispatched dozens of applicants in seconds, and disappeared from Leorio’s and, more remarkably, Gon’s sight at close quarters.[11] He offered further proof of his swiftness against multiple foes when he fended off the throng of puppets sent after him by Chrollo.[81] When he fought the boy at the Heavens Arena, he could move so quickly that Gon was unable to get his body to react in time.[36] He avoided all of Kastro’s strikes while the latter was not using his double,[31] and even after he lost both arms the clone was unable to land a single hit on him when it attacked by itself.[32] He has demonstrated to be as reactive to projectiles when he effortlessly grabbed a pair of spinning knives thrown at him by a Hunter,[16] caught Gotoh’s bullet-fast coins with Bungee Gum,[76] dodged a shot ball thrown by Razor and succeeded in blocking it when it was redirected moments afterward.[64]
Enhanced Agility: Hisoka is fairly acrobatic, a skill which he uses to recover his balance and respond to attacks quickly.[31] He can defend even from disadvantageous positions[2] without losing his balance.[64]
Enhanced Stamina: Hisoka was able to complete a long-distance run more than 80 kilometers long, and taking place on uneven terrains such as ascending stairs and a swamp,[89] without breaking a sweat.[12] He did not show the slightest sign of physical or mental exhaustion after his fight against Kastro[32] or the dodgeball match against Razor,[67] or at any point during his taxing showdown against Chrollo.[90]
Immense Endurance: Hisoka appears to be impervious to pain. He was only momentarily stunned when Kastro and Chrollo landed critical blows on him.[8][31][81] He was unaffected by breaking ten fingers[67] and, more impressively, by having one hand and one foot blown off[84] or by the loss of two arms,[31] to the point he stuck his fingers in his open wound to retrieve a card.[32] However, his high threshold can backfire, as he failed to notice one of his legs was maimed in his fight against Chrollo.[84]
Genius-Level Intellect: Hisoka is an expert tactician and schemer with excellent analytical abilities. Though at great personal risk, he succeeded in manipulating the Spiders into staying in Yorknew so he could fight Chrollo, and to forge a fake prophecy, minutes if not seconds, after receiving the original, perfectly replicating its style.[51] While on Greed Island he managed to trick Killua, although both he and Biscuit remained suspicious of him.[60][57] His aptitude at reading others’ character and at finding common traits allowed him to create a personality-based system to determine Nen types, and, although he admits it is unreliable, he has been correct every time he was seen resorting to it.[36][60]
Master Strategist: Hisoka is an exceptional strategist who can formulate winning plans at the very start of a confrontation. He frequently puts up an outlandish or even arrogant act to fool his opponents into believing he is being careless, whereas, in reality, he is laying traps.[6][76] He excels not only at planning ahead, but also at picking apart enemy strategies, compiling all the available information, and coming up with multiple hypotheses in mere seconds and in the heat of battle, as well as rapidly adapting to new developments.
Hisoka knocks out Bodoro
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Hisoka is a force to be reckoned with at close range, even without his cards or Bungee Gum. Cherry, whom Tonpa regarded as the most skilled unarmed combatant in the 287th Hunter Exam,[1] acknowledged the enormous gap in technique between the two of them,[11] and he easily dodged every attack from Goz.[19] He single-handedly outmatched Gon in close quarters combat and repelled all of his offensives without moving from his spot until the boy resorted to a diversion.[35] Even after the loss of both arms, he avoided every strike of Kastro’s double while casually talking to the ability user and throwing glances in his direction,[32] and despite Kastro being a martial artist reputed to be on par with a Floor Master.[8] Hisoka has also proven time and time again to be capable of fighting back whole crowds.[11][81]
Hisoka uses his cards in battle
Master Weapon Specialist: With the aid of Shu, Hisoka can turn his cards into mortal edge weapons or projectiles. He employs them to instantly kill the opponent by targeting their vital spots, generally the throat,[11][21][2][81] but also to incapacitate them by severing their tendons.[80] While wielding one with only two fingers, he can sever an adult men’s arms in one motion.[82] He can throw them with deadly accuracy and speed,[11] and also incorporate them in surprise attacks with Bungee Gum.[32] He also displayed proficiency with flail-like weapons by swinging an aura-coated human head connected to his hand via his elastic aura,[82] as well as with knives.[16]
Master of Stealth: Hisoka managed to spy on Killua undetected by him as well as, seemingly, Amane and Tsubone.[79] He assisted Illumi without being discovered by the Hunter Association[78] and seemingly killed Teradein while the latter was at his desk.[79]
- Expert in Tailing: Hisoka followed Gon and Killua twice without them noticing,[28][55] eluding Pakunoda’s detection the second time around as well.[55]
Hisoka’s normal aura
Hisoka is a Transmuter[36] endowed with a powerful, sinister aura that disquieted Wing[35] and Gon even after the latter learned Nen.[37] He manifests his high level of proficiency in his natural category primarily through his Nen ability, Bungee Gum, but he has also shown to be very proficient at controlling the shape of his aura,[29] which is a Transmutation skill.[91] This aptitude may be what allows him to extend strands of elastic aura over distances of several meters without flinging them, which makes its application more subtle.[6][37][81] He is also well-versed in Conjuration, the Nen type of his second ability, as well as Emission and, seemingly, Enhancement. He utilizes the former to maintain aura around projectiles[29] as well as in conjunction with Bungee Gum, to separate the ability from his body.[37][85]
Hisoka’s sinister aura
His affinity for Enhancement manifests primarily as a remarkable level of durability. Hisoka survived multiple Nen-enhanced strikes from Kastro, an Enhancer, without using his aura to defend.[31] Although he was briefly stunned,[81] Hisoka took no visible damage from most of Chrollo’s attacks,[2][80][81] one of which can allegedly behead a person with a knife-hand strike,[44] despite Hisoka having been unable to predict them and thus to guard properly. He seems to have resorted to Manipulation on one occasion, exploiting the boost enjoyed by Nen after death to impart an automatic command to his Bungee Gum.[85]
Hisoka extends his elastic aura
Aside from Hatsu, Hisoka is capable of using at least Ren,[28] Gyo,[32] and Ken, which allowed him to survive multiple explosions of The Sun and Moon set off in his proximity, although one of his legs was severely mangled.[84] Like many other high-level Nen users, he can maintain a state of Ten at all times.[7] It is also likely that he is proficient at Zetsu[28][55][78][79] and Ko.[64] The two techniques he employs with the greatest frequency are Shu and especially In. With Shu his poker cards can easily cut through bone[11] and concrete[37] even while he is not holding them. When he applied it to a severed human head, it carried so much force that it pulverized other heads it came in contact with,[83] incapacitated several puppets with a single throw and injured a Nen user of Chrollo Lucilfer’s caliber[82] without being damaged in the least, whereas it would break immediately if not enveloped in aura.[83] If Hisoka favors Shu for direct attacks, In is at the core of his strategies, as he combines the technique with Bungee Gum to lay elaborate, deadly traps.[6][37][76][81]
Hisoka’s prosthetic foot
Hisoka’s Nen prowess if further supported by his knowledge of more abstract notions, such as Nen becoming stronger after death[80] and Exorcism.[60] He also came up with the concept of «Memory Overload»[32] and a system to divine an individual’s Nen type from their personality, which, despite him calling it unreliable, has proven correct several times.[36][60]
Hisoka’s Nen Type: Transmutation | |
Type: Transmutation | Bungee Gum (伸縮自在の愛 Elastic Love) |
Hisoka’s main ability allows him to make his aura sticky and elastic.[68][76] Its extreme durability, flexibility, and adhesive properties make it an exceptionally versatile ability with several offensive, defensive, and supplementary applications. He can activate it from his fingers,[83] hands,[6] and feet.[2][84] He can attach it both through physical contact and remotely, by extending it towards the target, which makes it very difficult to avoid.[37] He can give it the command to contract at will, and it snaps back with greater force the more it is stretched.[92] It is so resilient that it did not tear after absorbing the full force of a ball hurled by Gon with Rock,[68] or several of Gotoh’s coins,[76] which makes it an effective way of returning projectiles to the sender.
Offensively, Bungee Gum can be used to pull the opponent towards Hisoka[37] or to create flail-like weapons.[82] He can also separate it from his body, in which case it will tear after a maximum stretch of 10 meters.[92] He most commonly detaches it from his body to attach projectiles to his opponent, such as his Shu-enhanced cards, while concealing it with In.[6] The combination of the latter technique and Bungee Gum allows Hisoka to lay multi-layered traps that spring all at once, killing the unsuspecting opponent in a flash.[6][76] He has also emitted it to restrain individuals as powerful as Machi.[85] Bungee Gum also has a wide range of auxiliary applications. Hisoka can attach it to a solid surface to retreat at extreme speed when the need arises.[76][2][81] By using it on his feet, he can adhere to the ground[76] or run on walls.[84] It is also useful for sticking objects in place for traps[6][68] or to keep hold of them,[64][67] even after throwing them.[62][81] By covering a wound with it, he can instantly stop hemorrhages.[6] On one occasion, he enveloped his lungs and heart with it so it would resuscitate him. By creating non-adhesive aura, he can also replace missing limbs, which can coil like a spring to propel himself at tremendous velocity.[85] |
Type: Conjuration | Texture Surprise (薄っぺらな嘘 Dokkiri Tekusuchā, lit. «Flimsy Lies») |
Hisoka can apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface, such as paper or cloth, and manifest imagery on it to change its appearance and texture[note 1] for deception. He can replicate over one thousand different textures. He has tricked Nen users of the Spiders’ caliber with this ability, with none of them realizing he had used it, either by sight or by touch.[51] Against Kastro, he utilized Texture Surprise to hide his wounds and confuse him.[6] It can also be applied to pure aura, such as Hisoka’s Bungee Gum, to alter his own appearance.[85] Since no aura is detectable once Texture Surprise is active, whether through eyesight, touch, or extrasensorial perception,[51][59] its effects are also visible to individuals unable to use Nen,[32] it is safe to assume Texture Surprise is a Conjuration ability, which is further supported by its requiring Hisoka’s direct action to be dispelled[6][59] and by a verb used in its description.[6] |
Appearances in Other Media
Hisoka’s Past
Note: Sui Ishida, the mangaka of Tokyo Ghoul, wrote and illustrated a one-shot entitled «Hisoka’s Past». The story is recognized by Yoshihiro Togashi, but may or may not be considered canon.
Young Hisoka
A teenage Hisoka is found beaten on the side of the road by circus ringmaster Moritonio in Glam Gas Land. Hisoka found himself to be a natural performer, showcasing highly competent feats of dexterity such as juggling batons. He quickly becomes respected and feared within the circus. One day, he notices a thin film around Moritonio, which Moritonio reveals to be his aura. Moritonio then begins training Hisoka in the art of Nen. Hisoka develops his Nen in a matter of days, while the norm would be a year. He begins more complex training in Nen, discovering that his Nen type is Transmutation.[93]
Hisoka uses his Bungee Gum for the first time
One day, a fellow performer, Abaki, is attacked by the serial killer John Doe, but Hisoka rescues her. He slices her assailant’s eye, but believes that eye to have been fake. After this, he begins developing his Nen ability. Some days later, he performs in front of the Head of the Glam Clan, authority of Glam Gas Land. After the performance, he confronts Moritonio outside where he accuses him of being John Doe. Moritonio confesses, and the two begin a duel. Moritonio seem to have the advantage at first, but Hisoka, having developed Gyo, manages to figure out that Moritonio transmutes his aura into magnetic bars which crush the opponent. Hisoka uses his newly-created Nen ability, Bungee Gum, to send the poles flying back to Moritonio, killing him.[93]
Battles & Competitions
Battles | ||
- (To Gon) «Don’t worry, I’m done with him.♠ He’s alive, and he’s passed.♥ As have you.♥ You’ll make a good Hunter.♣»[11]
- (To Illumi) «I’ll wait.♦ And when the fruit is ripe, I’ll pluck it.♥»[27]
- (Referring to Gon) «Don’t look at me like that!♠ You’re making me all… excited!♥»[35]
- (To Gon) «There will be no rules or points next time.♠ It’ll be life or death.♠»[37]
- (To Nobunaga) «I’ve just had a very fun battle.♥ The rush has left me… sensitized.♣ To soothe my arousal I wouldn’t mind ravaging someone I don’t know, see?»[70]
- (When talking about Bungee Gum) «My aura has qualities of both gum and rubber.♥»[76]
- «I’m so happy, Chrollo…♥ You make me feel so good…♥»[2]
- (After killing Kortopi and Shalnark) «Two down… Ten to go…♪»[85]
Other quotes:
- (To a Hunter Exam applicant) «Behold.♥ Now you see them, now you don’t.♠ No smoke and mirrors here.♠ You should be more careful.♦ At least apologize when you bump into someone.♣»[1]
- (To some Hunter Exam applicants) «I meant to hold off until the Second Phase, but the First Phase is unutterably boring.♠ So I thought I’d assist in the selection process…♦ and judge your acceptability.♣»[11]
- (To some Hunter Exam applicants) «A lesson before dying, gentlemen.♣ A true magician never runs out of tricks.♥»[11]
- (To Goz) «Thing is… dead people just don’t interest me.♣ I prefer to look into the living, rather than the lifeless…♠ Eyes, that is.♥»[19]
- «Funny how unripe fruit always has such a particular appeal.♥»[20]
- (About Kurapika and Leorio) «Now look what they’ve done.♠ They had to go and get me… stirred up.♣ Got to keep a grip.♦»[20]
- (To Gon) «I choose not to kill you now.♣ You see, it suits me to let you live until you become a truly worthy opponent.♠»[21]
- (To Illumi) «Gon is mine, friend.♠ You make a move on him, you die.♣»[27]
- (To Kastro) «I predict… that you’ll dance yourself to death.♠»[32]
- (To Machi) «It’s always so fascinating to watch.♥ Maybe I hurt myself on purpose so I can see your work up close.♥»[6]
- «Now that I’ve found some new toys… it’s time to hunt down the Spiders.♠»[6]
- (To Gon) «Opposites attract.♥ I’d bet we’d get along.♥ We could be great friends.♦ But be careful, as Transmuters are fickle… What used to be valuable can instantly turn to chaff.♠»[36]
- (Referring to Gon) «Ah… Those eyes… I wish I could demolish you right now.»[37]
- (Referring to Gon) «I have to wait until he’s ripe and ready… I have to be patient until my prize is at its peak… until it’s almost a shame to tear it down.♥»[37]
- (Referring to Chrollo) «I knew you were brilliant.♥ I’m going to enjoy killing you.♥»[51]
- (To Pakunoda) «I’m not interested in broken toys.♣»[50]
- (To Pakunoda) «Every step we take amends our fate.♦»[50]
- (To Tsezguerra) «Only a flawless victory will do.♣ That’s what Gon wants.♥»[68]
- (To Gon and Killua) «We all worked together.♣ It was a team victory.♥»[68]
- (To Kalluto) «You look tasty, too.♥»[70]
- (To Nobunaga) «Quit harping on it.♠ I’ll make it work, for my own sake.♦[70]
- (Referring to himself and Chrollo) «Do you have a preference who survives, Machi?»[70]
- (To Illumi, after threatening to kill Killua) «It’s a joke!♥ Your killing aura is pouring out… Is that alright?»[75]
- «Which is more fun? Kill Alluka and spark Killua’s wrath… Or spare Alluka, save Gon and make an enemy of Illumi?♥ Choices, choices…♥»[79]
- «A battle is a dance…! We must move to each other’s beat…♪»[2]
- «Huh…? Am I going to die…? If I’m going to die anywa… then…♥»[84]
- (To Machi) «I’ve decided not to pick my battles.♣ Not with the Spiders…♪»[85]
- (To Machi) «Can you tell the other Spiders…? From now on, I’ll fight any of them on sight until I’ve killed them all.♥»[85]
Possible hint [M(s)] of Hisoka’s surname
- In the official databook, his name is also spelled as «Hyskoa«.[3] The Volume 34 extras confirmed this spelling and added an alternate one of his surname, «Morroh«.
- Hisoka’s surname was revealed 346 chapters after his introduction.[2]
- But a little before exclusively in Chapter 320, while voting and striking an «S-shaped pose», Hisoka’s last name may have been hinted (at least the first letter of his romanized or alternate surname); in the imaginary background there is a circular visual motif/theme around Hisoka’s head with some stylized M letters—that could indicate «Morou» or «Morroh».
- Hisoka’s surname could be a reference to JoDean Morrow’s «Morrow elastic model», which focuses on the importance of elastic strain energy in mean stress calculations—something thematically related to the character’s Bungee Gum.
- Hisoka’s Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise are named after his favorite brand of chewing gum and a snack with novelty gag stickers respectively.[6]
- Also, the second name of Bungee Gum, «Elastic Love», may be seen as a reference to Hisoka’s personality: the ease with which the gum is attached and detached to someone mirrors the interest that Hisoka has in a person, which can be extremely deep and still end at any moment.[36]
- It is unknown to the reader if Hisoka’s original prophecy predicted he would leave the Troupe after his confrontation with Chrollo, or if he would die as a result of it, since only Hisoka saw how many paragraphs it contained.[49]
- Hisoka changes his appearances at each turn of arc.
- When Hisoka asked Illumi if he can kill Killua he makes a hand gesture where he puts his thumb between his fingers.[75] This, prior to 1989, was a gesture that meant «I’m talking about sex» in Japan, which may make his question even worse. This is supported by the fact that, in the original Japanese dub, he uses the word やる (yaru), which can be translated as both «kill» and «have sexual intercourse».
- In the Hunter × Hunter The Real 4D attraction movie at Universal Studios Japan, Hisoka’s bounty was
2 billion.
- Hisoka Morow’s name is of Japanese origin. Though not only is it in Katakana instead of Kanji, but, like Nobunaga Hazama, Shizuku Murasaki and Feitan Portor, (the latter having a Chinese name) he says it in Western order (to the point that his last name Morow got revealed very late in the manga and never said once in the 2011 anime), following the practice of real-life people of Japanese descent who grow up outside Japan to adopt Western naming order.
- According to the «Hunter × Hunter Manual» section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix),* Hisoka’s stats are:
Story Arcs | Mind | Skill | Body | Nen | Ingenuity | Intelligence |
Hunter Exam arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 3/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Heavens Arena arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Yorknew City arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Greed Island arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Anime and Manga Differences
- In the manga, Hisoka asks Machi to spend the night with him,[6] but in the 2011 anime adaptation it was toned down to him saying if she would have dinner with him.[98]
- In the Madhouse adaptation, when the man had bumped into Hisoka without following it up with an apology during the First Phase of the Hunter Exam, his arms were seemingly disintegrated into flower petals and fine particles by Hisoka from unknown means (possibly using his ability to change the appearance of everything to make blood drops appear as flowers).[99] This differs from the manga where the man’s arms were simply severed and removed instead.[6]
- In the 1999 anime adaptation, however, the scene never happened. Instead, Hisoka chased the man up a wall, but seemed to have forgiven him after he had cried and pleaded hopelessly.[100]
- In the 1999 anime adaptation, it is stated by Togashi during Hisoka’s battle with Gon on the 200th floor of Heavens Arena that Hisoka chewed «Bungee Gum» a lot as a child. Still, because his family was poor, he often chewed it until it lost all flavor. He later named his signature gum technique after the brand.[101] In the manga and 2011 anime adaptation, however, it is only said that he named both of his techniques after a candy brand and a chewing gum brand he liked when he was a kid.[6]
Intertextuality and References
- In 2016, the mangaka Sui Ishida wrote a story of Hisoka’s past, which was released on Shonen Jump + website.
- When Hisoka took the water divination test, the water turned sour.[93]
- According to Hisoka, his mother taught him card tricks.[93]
- The name of his primary Nen ability may be a pun on the extreme sport Bungee Jumping.
- A major source of inspiration in the creation of Hisoka is probably the popular DC Comics supervillain The Joker. Both of them:
- are based on the playing card of the Joker;
- wear make-up and have dyed hair (although this is the Joker’s true appearance);
- are serial killers with irresistible murderous tendencies and a long list of victims;
- are sociopaths who refrain from forming conventional bonds; in fact, although they appear to be close with another character of their respective universes (Harley Quinn for the Joker and Illumi for Hisoka), they do not hesitate to take courses of action that would damage them;
- both have women who are close to them (Harley Quinn and Machi);
- are obsessed with the main character of their respective series; specifically, with the ones who can challenge them. At the same time, the hero himself (Batman and Gon) harbors complex feelings towards them;
- are endowed with a genius intellect that makes them unpredictable as well as fearsome strategists;
- are entirely amoral and focused only on their own interests;
- fight with playing cards and capable of killing using seemingly useless objects/abilities (the Joker’s paraphernalia and Hisoka’s Nen ability);
- seem to feel neither pain nor fear;
- are devoid of any regard for human life;
- and have a mysterious past.
- Another possible source of inspiration in the creation of Hisoka is the memorable villain character Kefka Palazzo from the Final Fantasy series of video games, the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI, nicknamed as «the psycho clown». Both of them:
- are most likely based or at least had their creations inspired in the The Joker from DC Comics;
- resemble a jester or clown;
- have powers/aliases related to magic. Hisoka pretends to do magic while deceiving with his Nen abilities and is known/self-titled as «the Magician». Kefka is a Magitek Knight infused with magical technology that enabled him to cast magic and later becomes the «God of Magic»;
- wear make-up;
- are manipulative, selfish, maniacal, flamboyant, destructive, cruel, and insane (although Hisoka controls himself better than Kefka);
- are nihilistic psychopaths with no regard for human life nor remorse for the atrocities they commit;
- highly regard themselves in the matter of strength. Kefka claims, at a certain moment, to be all-powerful and Hisoka, more implicitly, considers himself to be very strong;
- have strangely coincidental similar quirks related to their hobbies and/or opponents. As part of his manchild personality, Kefka hobby is playing with dolls and he refers to fighting as «playing»; and Hisoka, figuratively, pictures his opponents as toys/dolls to be toyed with (usually in fights);
- present some feminine manners and attires;
- and have pale skin, long sharp nails, and wear earrings.
- Note: If Hisoka was really inspired/based on Kefka, due to graphic limitations of the video game (originally released in 1994 for SNES) in which he first appears, the artworks made by Yoshitaka Amano may have been the visual references that Yoshihiro Togashi used.
- Hisoka’s appearance as a clown, hairstyle, painted teardrops, card throwing skills, etc., may be references to another Yoshihiro Togashi character, Suzuki, from his earlier work YuYu Hakusho, when he was dressed up as a clown.
- Hisoka’s Hunter Exam number is 44. The number 4 has heavy implications of death in some Asian languages* including Japanese** and Chinese** since it’s homophonous with the word «death» or «to die». The number 44 can mean «certainty of death».
- He was also member #4 of the Phantom Troupe.
- Kurapika is also represented by the number 4, on his birthday (April 4) and his Hunter Exam number (404).
- Hisoka’s flamboyant style of dress and numerous distinctive poses may draw inspiration from Hirohiko Araki’s work JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which has also been referenced in other parts of the series.
- Hisoka’s name written in kanji (密か) can mean «secretly».
Hisoka’s emoticon
- Hisoka wrote a cell phone message—»the corpses were fake»—using an emoticon of himself: ★—_—🌢 (in the manga/1999 anime)[102][48] and ★—_—🌢 (in the 2011 anime with «face paints» of the same colors as his at that moment).[103]
- In the Latin American dub, Hisoka speaks with a French accent, and his name is pronounced as «Isoka» (with a silent H). The French accent is kept in the Brazilian dub, but his name is pronounced normally.
- In the Indonesian dub, Hisoka is pronounced as «Hyosoka» for unknown reasons.
- Although Hisoka did not appear during the Zoldyck Family arc, in the musical The Nightmare of Zaoldyeck, he appeared along with Illumi Zoldyck, who also doesn’t appear in the arc.
- Daisuke Namikawa, Hisoka’s voice actor, also voices Prince Baka, the protagonist of Level E, another series by Yoshihiro Togashi.
- His voice actor in the 1999 anime adaptation, Hiroki Takahashi, also voices Pariston Hill in the 2011 edition.
- Hisoka often appears alongside the main four in official artwork[104], exhibitions[105], and the Hunter Vocabulary[106] in the 2011 anime adaptation, suggesting he is the fifth main character of the series.
- The number of the month and day of his birthday, June 6, are the same: Hisoka shares this characteristic with the main four protagonists.
- Like Kurapika, his birthday does not fall on a Japanese holiday, possibly because the number 6 is considered unlucky, like the number 4. The pronunciation of 6 as a counting number is muttsu. This can sound like the word for nothingness, 無 (mu).
Translations around the World
Language | Name |
هيسوكا مورو (Hisoka Moro) | |
西索* (Xī suǒ) 希索加* (Xī suǒ jiā) |
Χισόκα Μόροου (Chisóka Móroou) | |
Hisoka Morou | |
히소카 모로 (Hisoka Moro) | |
Хисока (Khisoka) | |
ฮิโซกะ (Ḥi so ka) |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 5
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 351
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Hunter × Hunter Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter’s Guide; Character & World Official Databook (pg. 102)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 377
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 378
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 55
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 78
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 52
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 6
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 8
- ↑ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 9
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 10
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 11
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 12
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 13
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 19
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 23
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 25
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 26
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 27
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 28
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 32
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 33
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 34
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 35
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 5, Chapter 37
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 5, Chapter 38
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 47
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 48
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 50
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 53
- ↑ 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.11 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 54
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 59
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 60
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 61
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 62
- ↑ 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 37.12 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 63
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 8, Chapter 71
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 74
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 76
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 79
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 91
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 92
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 96
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 97
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 100
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 101
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 104
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 49.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 105
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 119
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 106
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 108
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 115
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 116
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 118
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 149
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 159
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 147
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 160
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 158
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 161
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 162
- ↑ 63.0 63.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 163
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 64.4 64.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 164
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 165
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 166
- ↑ 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 167
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 168
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 169
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 170
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 18, Chapter 183
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 20, Chapter 201
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 30, Chapter 320
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 323
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 75.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 326
- ↑ 76.00 76.01 76.02 76.03 76.04 76.05 76.06 76.07 76.08 76.09 76.10 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 327
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 328
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 78.4 78.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 329
- ↑ 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 79.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 330
- ↑ 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 352
- ↑ 81.00 81.01 81.02 81.03 81.04 81.05 81.06 81.07 81.08 81.09 81.10 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 353
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 82.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 354
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 355
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 84.5 84.6 84.7 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 356
- ↑ 85.00 85.01 85.02 85.03 85.04 85.05 85.06 85.07 85.08 85.09 85.10 85.11 85.12 85.13 85.14 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 357
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 371
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 392
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 84
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 7
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapters 351 — 356
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 146
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 80
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 Hunter × Hunter: Hisoka’s Past (One-Shot)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapters 351 — 357
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Chapter 392
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapters 161 — 163
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapters 164 — 168
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 32 (2011)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 3 (2011)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 6 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 42 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 63 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 54 (2011)
- ↑ https://www.ntv.co.jp/hunterhunter/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/Togashi_ex/status/1548140370566885381
- ↑ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-YpmD7VkAISTv7?format=jpg&name=large
- ↑ Texture Surprise was originally supposed to reproduce only images, to the point that it was stated that physical contact would give the trick away, with Hisoka finding the added challenge intriguing (see Chapter 55). The ability was later retconned so it could also replicate textures (see Chapters 80 and 106).
v • d • eHunter Association |
Committee | |
Chairman | Isaac Netero (12th) • Pariston Hill (13th) • Cheadle Yorkshire (14th) |
Vice Chairman | Pariston Hill (Former) • Cheadle Yorkshire (Former) |
Zodiacs | Cheadle Yorkshire • Cluck • Kanzai • Kurapika • Leorio Paradinight • Pyon • Gel • Saiyu • Ginta • Mizaistom Nana • Botobai Gigante • Saccho Kobayakawa • Pariston Hill (Former) • Ging Freecss (Former) |
Examiners | Zegin • Biscuit Krueger • Satotz • Menchi • Buhara • Isaac Netero • Lippo • Trick Tower’s 3rd examiner • Togari • Khara • Masta • Luis • 288th Hunter Exam’s 1st Phase Examiner • Cheadle Yorkshire • Kurapika |
Hunter Ranks | |
3 Stars | Cheadle Yorkshire • Botobai Gigante • Pariston Hill |
2 Stars | Biscuit Krueger • Ging Freecss • Linne Horsdoeuvre • Mizaistom Nana • Saccho Kobayakawa • Teradein Neutral |
1 Star | Bushidora Ambitious • Cutie Beauty • Ickshonpe Katocha • Menchi • Morel Mackernasey • Sanbica Norton • Tsezguerra |
Classification of Hunters | |
Beast | Knuckle Bine • Pokkle • Shoot McMahon |
Blacklist | Binolt • Bushidora Ambitious • Kurapika • Lippo • Saiyu • Seaquant |
Botanical | Cluck |
Card | Ogyu |
Crime | Mizaistom Nana |
Cute | Cutie Beauty |
Disease | Cheadle Yorkshire |
Gourmet | Buhara • Linne Horsdoeuvre • Menchi |
Hacker | Ickshonpe Katocha |
Head | Teradein Neutral |
Jackpot | Goreinu • Tsezguerra |
Lost | Loupe Highland |
Music | Melody |
Paleograph | Pyon |
Poacher | Ginta |
Poison | Gel |
Problem | Saccho Kobayakawa |
Provisional | Danjin • Erikkusu • Gidal • Lisamsetta • Meshush • Mozbe • Muhahahasare • Myuhan • Salkov • Theta • Zomeesa |
Rookie | Gon Freecss • Killua Zoldyck • Leorio Paradinight |
Ruins | Ging Freecss • Satotz • |
Sea | Morel Mackernasey |
Stone | Biscuit Krueger |
Temp | Curly • Golem • Marione • Mascher • Pekotero • Usamen |
Terrorist | Botobai Gigante |
Treasure | Kanzai |
Virus | Sanbica Norton |
Unclassified | 288th Hunter Exam’s 1st Phase Examiner • Barry • Basho • Beans • Belerainte • Bill • Cuzco • Doster • Dwun • Gashta Bellam • Giuliano • Grachan • Hagakushi • Hanzo • Hisoka Morow • Hunter Association Exorcist • Illumi Zoldyck • Izunavi • Jed • Jeitsari • Keeney • Kenzaki • Kess • Khara • Kite • Knov • Kurton • Latoon • Likke • Linssen • List • Luis • Masta • Palm Siberia • Redwood • Ridge • Rodriot • Sayird • Scairt • Shachmono Tocino • Shalnark • Togari • Tokarine • Trick Tower’s 3rd examiner • Wing • Zenju • Zetsk Bellam |
Non-Hunter Associates & Others | |
Pre-Examiners | Captain • Michael • Quizzing Lady |
Navigators | Kiriko |
Others | Hunter Website Bartender |
v • d • ePhantom Troupe |
Members | |
Leader | Chrollo Lucilfer |
Active | Bonolenov Ndongo • Feitan Portor • Franklin Bordeau • Illumi Zoldyck • Kalluto Zoldyck • Machi Komacine • Nobunaga Hazama • Phinks Magcub • Shizuku Murasaki |
Former | Uvogin • Pakunoda • Hisoka Morow • Omokage • Shalnark • Kortopi |
Associates | |
Members | Hisoka Morow • Maha Zoldyck • Abengane |
v • d • eHeavens Arena |
Floor Masters | |
Members | Amoeba • Chrollo Lucilfer • Ga • Gama • Hae • Hisoka Morow • Kamakiri • Kanjiru |
Non-Canon Floor Masters | |
Members | Amoeba • Ga • Gama • Hae • Kamakiri • Kanjiru |
Fighters | |
Members | Chibaba • Dorado • Gido • Gon Freecss • Kastro • Killua Zoldyck • Maita • Riehlvelt • Zushi |
Non-Canon Fighters | |
Members | Dorado • Amori • Imori • Umori |
Employees | |
Commentators | Cocco |
Other staff members | 200th Floor Clerk |
Non-Canon Employees | |
Commentators | Kenji Hatakawa |
Other staff members | Elevator Operator |
Spectators | |
Members | Baka Ki El Dogra |
Non-Canon Spectators | |
Members |
Togashi |
v • d • eGreed Island |
Game Masters | |
Creators | Ging Freecss • Razor • Eta • Elena • Dwun I… • S… • List • A… • N… • D… |
Death Row Convicts | |
Leader | Razor |
Members | Bopobo • Pirate boxer • Pirate footballer |
Players | |
Nickes’ Alliance | |
Founders | Assam • Contarch • Genthru • Isaac • Jispa • Kosofftro • Nickes • Nomdieu |
Members | Abengane • Cuzco • Mikli • Pisac • Puhat • Redwood • Shihael |
Kazsule’s Alliance | |
Members | Amana • Asta • Biscuit Krueger • Gon Freecss • Goreinu • Hanse • Kazsule • Killua Zoldyck • Manheim • Montreux • Nick Cue • Souheil • Wong Li • Yabibi • Zeho |
Teams & Groups | |
Team Asta | Amana • Asta • Manheim |
Bellam Brothers | Gashta Bellam • Zetsk Bellam |
Bomber | Bara • Genthru • Sub |
Team Gon | Biscuit Krueger • Gon Freecss • Killua Zoldyck |
Team Hagakushi | Hagakushi |
Team Hanse | Hanse • Wong Li • Zeho |
Team Kazsule | Kazsule • Nick Cue • Souheil |
Team Tokharone | Tokharone |
Team Tsezguerra | Barry • Kess • Rodriot • Tsezguerra |
Team Yabibi | Montreux • Yabibi |
Phantom Troupe | Bonolenov Ndongo • Feitan Portor • Franklin Bordeau • Kalluto Zoldyck • Kortopi • Machi Komacine • Nobunaga Hazama • Phinks Magcub • Shalnark • Shizuku Murasaki |
Other players | Arka • Binolt • Degiro • Doster • Erbier Mano • Hisoka Morow • Ivona Kawski • Jeet • Jeitsari • Jikono • Kite • Latarza • Linn • Luciart • Michiro • Motaricke • Mukanaki • Ogyu • Pongo • Richard Hackett • Sakisuke Njiji • Soffman • Vice • Wong Ho • Zenju |
In-game Characters & Creatures | |
NPCs* | Antokiba Trade Shop NPC • Casino King • Cat Diner NPC • Gold Dust Girl • Gold Dust Girl Guard • Harbormaster • Masadora Trade Shop NPC • Plot of Beach NPC • Sick Villagers • Spell Card Shop NPC |
Mobs* | Bubble Horse • Cyclops • Hyper Puffball • King White Stag Beetle • Melanin Lizard • Owl • Radio Rat • Unnamed One-eyed Monster • Unnamed Slime Monster • Unnamed Worm Monster • Wolf Pack |
v • d • eMoritonio Troupe |
Leader | Moritonio |
Members | Abaki • Borizoi • Hisoka Morow • Kishita • Yasuda |
Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ゠モロウ, Hisoka Morou) is a Hunter and former member #4 of the Phantom Troupe; his physical strength ranked third in the group. He is always in search for strong opponents, and would spare those who have great potential, such as Gon and Killua in order for them to get strong enough to actually challenge him. He originally served as the primary antagonist of the Hunter Exam arc and the Heavens Arena arc, before becoming a supporting character during the Yorknew City arc and Greed Island arc. During the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, he reprises his role as a secondary antagonist.
Hisoka’s 2011 anime adaptation design
Hisoka’s 1999 anime adaptation design
Hisoka’s manga appearance
Hisoka’s appearance is similar to that of a magician or jester. He is tall and has light skin and a very muscular physique. His attire is usually adorned with various suit symbols (♦/♦ ♣/♣ ♥/♥ ♠/♠) on the front and back torso, and he changes outfits in each story arc. He wears face paint of a star (★) on his right cheek and a teardrop (💧) on his left cheek, and like his attire, in the 2011 anime, his face paint also occasionally changes colors. During the Greed Island arc, Hisoka wears the Greed Island Ring on his left middle finger. And in the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, Hisoka wears a pair of earrings with ornamental hearts. For unknown reasons, Hisoka has long, pointed nails, giving his hands a claw-like appearance, hinting at his sinister nature.
In his first appearance in the 1999 anime series, Hisoka’s hair is blue. After a revamp of the show, it was replaced with a red or almost neon pink color to be in accordance with the manga. In the 2011 anime, Hisoka has red hair and light amber eyes. In the manga, during the Yorknew City arc, Hisoka dyes his hair light green. These dynamic variations in appearance illustrate the complexity of his character.
During his time in the Black Whale, he lets his hair down and wear a black coat with a heart shape at the back.
The other side of Hisoka
Hisoka is portrayed as entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. His insatiable love for spilling the blood of powerful fighters in combat and his enjoyment of extreme pain while doing so fuels his seemingly sadomasochistic desires. In order for them to grow to their full potential (so as to improve the pleasure of killing them later), Hisoka allows the main protagonists to live in situations wherein he is easily able to kill them. Likewise, he grows excited to meet new people he deems worthy of fighting or anyone with the potential to be a good fighter and entertain him in the future. The thrill of fighting strong Nen users in tactical battles and near-death experiences is an orgasmic experience for him. It is likely one of the reasons why he goes out of his way to find new toys to play with. If they break, he either loses interest or kills them before going out to find more potential prey.
With his manipulative and self-centered nature, Hisoka is essentially a murderous sociopath. While he does like Gon, Killua, and many others, he has stated that for him, what is valuable one day could easily become trash the next, and he will not hesitate to kill anyone should they not meet his standards. He does not care for what has happened in the past, as he is only interested in what could be amusing to him in the future or present. While Hisoka’s nature tends to be malevolent, he isn’t an indiscriminate killer. He has no problems killing anyone regardless of age or sex; however, he only kills people who are in his way or those he deems «worthy». As such, his character is more simply amoral than flat out evil. He even assists the protagonists if there is «fun» in doing so or if it will make them stronger leading to a more entertaining fight in the future. Above all else, Hisoka cares only about having fun and a good challenge which may or may not involve killing people. He has a nasty habit of skipping out on Spider meetings. He also can be a whimsical liar and has a tendency to freak out or play cruel jokes on his victims. Just witnessing their uncomfortable expressions because of him getting under their skin pleases him. His chaotic nature is inherent in everything he does and makes him dangerously unpredictable.
Hisoka becomes immensely excited to fight
Hisoka has displayed a morbid attraction to fight powerful fighters, or people with Nen who have the potential to become strong, which is expressed through barely repressible murderous tendencies; neither age nor gender do seem to influence his desire to fight them. He has expressed a desire to fight or kill random victims just to satiate his bloodlust. After his defeat at the hands of Chrollo, Hisoka’s sociopathic nature has taken itself to worse heights by vowing to kill all the members of the Phantom Troupe even if they were defenseless and claiming he will no longer let his opponents fight in their preferred conditions. However, he did temporarily spare Machi, who has been an implied interest of Hisoka’s as a potential opponent he likes to flirt with or as a romantic interest, although he stated it was so she could warn the Troupe of his intentions.
Hisoka often exhibits androgynous characteristics throughout the series, manifested in his wearing of «women’s» shoes and using an alluring speech style typically reserved for females in Japanese. In the manga, he ends nearly every sentence with a suit symbol.
Hisoka and Killua’s reaction to Gon’s honesty
Despite his calm and composed personality, he can express his emotion comically in some situations. An example is when Gon becomes honest and rather innocent about his question of why Hisoka was in Greed Island. Another example is his stunned face when he learns he could not fight Chrollo after Kurapika’s Judgment Chain.
Hisoka’s favorite gum
Hisoka speaks little of his past because he is uninterested in it.[6] It is revealed, however, that Hisoka joined the Phantom Troupe under false pretenses at some point after the Kurta massacre, and about two years before the events in Yorknew City, after defeating the previous #4.[7] Around the same time, he «initiated» Kastro to Nen at the Heavens Arena, sensing potential in him.[8] He then took part in the 286th Hunter Exam, during which he murdered 20 examinees. He was disqualified for almost killing an examiner during his first attempt.[1]
Hisoka’s favorite stickers
It is said that he named both of his techniques after a candy brand and a chewing gum brand he liked when he was a kid,[6] implying that they may have been named «Texture Surprise» and «Bungee Gum» respectively.
Hunter Exam arc
Hisoka’s appearance in the Hunter Exam
Hisoka, applicant #44, is seen as a heavy contender throughout the Hunter Exam. He first appears as another applicant bumps into him without apologizing; shortly afterward the applicant’s arms are severed and removed from his body. Tonpa explains to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio that he failed the previous year’s exam after nearly killing a proctor he did not approve of.[1] He effortlessly keeps up with Satotz when the first trial begins.[9] When they reach the Milsy Wetlands and a Man-faced Ape tries to pass himself off as the real examiner, Hisoka throws cards at both him and Satotz, killing the monkey, whereas Satotz blocks his attack, leading Hisoka to declare he is the real proctor. The incident rouses his appetite for murder and, when the fog descends, he «plays examiner» and attacks the surrounding applicants, among which are Kurapika and Leorio, with the intent to kill.[10]
«Yes! You pass too. ♥ Become a good Hunter, okay?♣»
Hisoka playing examiner with Gon
Numerous examinees gang surround him but he dispatches them without effort, until only Cherry, Leorio, and Kurapika remain. The three split up and run away, which Hisoka judges a smart move. He begins to count down from ten, but Leorio returns to fight him. The magician easily dodges his strike but is suddenly struck by Gon’s fishing rod. He praises the boy and knocks out Leorio, and, when Gon tries to intervene, lightly clutches his throat. He determines that both Leorio and Gon will make fine Hunters. An examinee known as «Gittarackur» contacts him to lead him to the site of the Second Phase, and Hisoka leaves with the unconscious Leorio on his shoulder.[11] He kills any beast that attacks him as well as Cherry and makes it to the location of the second trial. He shoots his bloodlust at Gon to allow him to find Leorio. At Buhara’s request, he slays and cooks a Great Stamp.[12] He is, however, stumped when Menchi demands to be served sushi. He fails her first test,[13] but passes the amended one.[14]
When Satotz, Menchi, and Buhara discuss the batch of examinees, Buhara picks Hisoka as his top contender and notes that he released the largest amount of negative aura during Todo’s outburst. Menchi and Satotz confirm that he constantly exuded bloodlust as if to provoke them. The latter also remarks that Hisoka is their equal and bears watching. Meanwhile, the magician makes a house of cards and, when he is done, knocks it down, chuckling loudly.[15] In the Third Phase, Hisoka is targeted by Togari for having nearly killed him during the previous Hunter Exam. Hisoka, however, catches his spinning blades and beheads him, expressing his disappointment. He is the first to pass through the Trick Tower, having taken 6 hours and 17 minutes.[16]
Gittarackur is revealed to be a comrade of Hisoka
For the Fourth Phase, the remaining examinees are shipped to Zevil Island in order to take part in a week-long manhunt among themselves to capture their respective target’s number plate. He is the first to disembark, due to his ranking in the previous trial.[17] Hisoka spends his first two days on Zevil Island in idleness. Gittarackur offers to tell him who his target is, but he declines, stating he will just take three random tags. His wounds attract hemotropic butterflies that feed on blood, leading his «predator», Gon, to him.[18] Hisoka fails to sense him, but detects Goz hiding nearby, who challenges him to a duel. Despite understanding his opponent is dying and that he wants to end his life as a warrior, Hisoka does not fight back, since he is «uninterested in the dead». Gittarackur then appears and finishes Goz off. Hisoka realizes he decided to honor the dying man’s last request. Gittarackur hands him another examinee’s number plate. When night falls, Hisoka decides to get himself two other tags.[19]
Hisoka’s bloodlust
He spots Leorio and Kurapika,[19] but, fascinated with their resolve, he allows them to leave unharmed in exchange for a number plate. Their potential and quick development whet his bloodlust, impelling him to find someone to kill.[20] He comes across Agon, whom he immediately kills. As he does so, he has his badge stolen by Gon, who has been tailing him. While going after him, Hisoka finds and decapitates Geretta, who turns out to be his target. He praises Gon’s stealth and technique and leaves him his badge. Gon refuses to accept the favor, but Hisoka blasts him with a right hook and leaves after challenging him to do the same.[21] Having obtained the necessary number of plates, Hisoka qualifies for the Final Phase. Interviewed by Isaac Netero, he states he wants a Hunter License to attain impunity and that the applicants who caught his attention the most are Killua and Gon. He also declares he would prefer to fight neither of them, especially not Gon, and challenges Netero, but is casually dismissed.[22]
Hisoka whispers something to Kurapika
The Final Phase of the exam is an elimination tournament in which the winner of a match is removed from the candidate list and receives his very own Hunter License, and the loser is given more chance. Hisoka frowns when Hanzo threatens to break Gon’s arm.[23] He laughs when the boy refuses to give up and states he would also prefer not to have his leg cut off.[24] Hisoka’s first match is against Kurapika. After tussling for a while, he whispers something to Kurapika, then he forfeits the match. [25]
Hisoka knocks down Bodoro
His next opponent is Bodoro. It was a one-sided match, but Bodoro doesn’t want to surrender. Hisoka knocks him down and whispers something to him. Right after this, Bodoro admits defeat and Hisoka becomes a licensed Hunter.[25] When the exam is over, he is surprised to see Gon lift Illumi in the air.[26] He has a short conversation with Illumi about Gon and the Zoldyck Family and warns Illumi not to touch Gon because the boy is his target only.[27]
Heavens Arena arc
Hisoka’s appearance at the Heavens Arena
Hisoka follows Gon and Killua to the Heavens Arena and with his Ren prevents the duo from entering the 200th floor until they are able to use Nen, declaring them not ready.[28] Gon and Killua return after learning Ten from Wing. Hisoka allows both of them to pass and tells Gon if he can win one match on the 200th floor, he might consider fighting him.[29] He becomes excited when he sees Gon enter a state of Zetsu against Gido.[30] A fighter at Heavens Arena named Kastro fights Hisoka to avenge his past loss. At the beginning of the fight, Kastro seems to have the upper hand, landing some blows on Hisoka from unimaginable positions and angles, gaining a 4-0 lead.[8][31] When Kastro prepares his Tiger Bite Fist, Hisoka willingly gives him his left arm, but has the right one severed instead. The exchange allows him to figure out Kastro’s secret, the use of a Nen double. When Kastro declares he will take Hisoka’s left arm next, Hisoka remarks he may feel more eager to take the fight seriously.[31] He performs a series of magic tricks seemingly for no reason. After Kastro sends his double to chop off his left arm, Hisoka’s right arm magically reappears. He states Kastro will dance himself to death and proceeds to tell him apart from his clone and dodge its attacks, claiming the flaw of the ability is that the clone never shows any damage, and as an Enhancer Kastro has insufficient «memory» for such a complex Conjuration technique. As he completes the explanation, he hits Kastro in the chin using his severed left arm then kills Kastro by stabbing him with the cards on the ground.[32]
Hisoka meets Machi at the Heavens Arena
After the fight, Hisoka pays Machi to reattach both his arms, concealing the seams with a combination of Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. It is revealed that Hisoka pretended to be holding back against the Kastro by concealing part of his aura with In, and that he resorted to his brutal magic tricks to prevent Kastro from figuring it out. When his right arm was severed, he connected it to the stump with Bungee Gum, whereas he linked the right one to Kastro’s chin. He used the same ability to send the cards he had previously scattered on the ground flying at Kastro, setting the technique up during another magic trick.[6]
Hisoka’s fake Spider tattoo
Machi then tells him that everyone in the Phantom Troupe must meet up in Yorknew City at noon at the end of August, and that Chrollo might punish him if he skips another gathering. He invites her to spend the evening with him, but she leaves before he finishes his invitation. As he showers, he peels off the fake spider tattoo on his back, which he made from a piece of cloth using his Texture Surprise ability.[6] After Gon defeats Gido and Riehlvelt, he declares himself willing to fight the boy.[33] They decide to have their showdown at the Heavens Arena on July 10th.[34]
Gon punches Hisoka in the face
On the day of the match, Hisoka can barely contain his excitement. He easily repels all of Gon’s attacks without moving from his original position, until Gon uses a flagstone as a diversion and succeeds in punching him in the face.[35] Hisoka accepts to take his badge back. He deduces Gon is an Enhancer and explains his personality-based Nen test, revealing he is a Transmuter. He then begins to fight for real, surpassing Gon in both speed and strength. When Gon attempts to keep his distance, Hisoka pulls him towards himself with Bungee Gum and punches him hard.[36] He offers to let Gon strike him if he can tell him when he attached Bungee Gum, giving him three options, only to reveal the correct one was a fourth one, and that Gon could not have prevented him from using the ability. Realizing he cannot escape, Gon charges at him. Hisoka is so delighted with his initiative he has a hard time preventing himself from killing him, letting himself be beaten up by Gon until he regains his composure. While Gon complains to the judge, he attaches the strand of aura on Gon’s cheek to a rock and tricks him into being hit, winning the match. He then leaves after telling Gon that the next time they fight, it will be to the death.[37]
Yorknew City arc
Hisoka’s appearance in the Yorknew City arc
On August 31st, Hisoka meets the other members of the Phantom Troupe in an abandoned building in Yorknew City, where their leader gives the order to rob the Mafia Community of the Underground Auction items.[38] On the night of September 1st, he listens intently to Chrollo’s conversation on the phone with Uvogin about a traitor[39] and leaves the hideout to meet up with Kurapika.[40] He texts him to meet as arranged, and, when they do, tells Kurapika what he knows about the Phantom Troupe, that he joined the Troupe only to fight Chrollo, and that they should team up because they share a common interest. He offers Kurapika information about the abilities of seven Spiders in return.[7] Before giving his reply, Kurapika enquires about the Scarlet Eyes, which Hisoka reckons have been already sold. Alerted by Melody that Uvogin escaped, Kurapika leaves after stating he will give his answer the following day at the same time.[41]
Hisoka’s smile while teaming up with Machi
The next day, he has an unexpected meeting with Gon and Killua after the two were captured and brought to the Troupe’s hideout. They pretend not to know each other and Hisoka seemingly notices Killua realizes the «Chain Dude» is none other than Kurapika.[42] Despite his liking for Gon, he cannot do anything to help them and even threatens to slit Killua’s throat with a card if the boy makes any move without permission. Since Nobunaga is busy watching Gon and Killua, Machi is forced to pair up with Hisoka.[43] That night, he receives the order to create a commotion before stealing the auction loot.[44] However, he only stands on the top of a building admiring the massacre.[45] He later lights Bean’s cigarette instants before Machi kills him.[46] Like the other Spiders, he passes himself off as auction staff and hides from Kurapika when the latter comes to retrieve the fake Scarlet Eyes. Upon returning to the hideout with the loot, he wants to tell Kurapika that the corpses of several Troupe’s members left behind are fake, but fails to contact him.[47]
Hisoka reading his prophecy
On September 4th, Chrollo announces his intention to leave Yorknew City. When Nobunaga protests, he uses the Lovely Ghostwriter ability he stole from Neon on him and Shizuku, learning that tangling with the «Chain Dude» will lead to the death of five other members. Hisoka sends a message to Kurapika, telling him about the fake corpses[48] as part of his plan to force the Spiders to remain in Yorknew City, so he can fight Chrollo. The Troupe leader then writes fortunes for nearly all members, including Hisoka.[49] The magician’s prophecy exposes his treachery and promises he would fight Chrollo the following Tuesday, by which time half the Spiders would be dead.[50] When Pakunoda insists on reading it,[49] he alters it with Texture Surprise, implying that he will die if he leaves the hideout. The Spiders initially interpret his forged fortune as a sign of his betrayal, but, when Nobunaga is about to clash with him, Chrollo falls into Hisoka’s trap and suggests that the «Chain Dude» is forcing him to cooperate. His manipulation is successful and Chrollo decides to remain in the city.[51] He is partnered up with Franklin and Bonolenov and left at the hideout while half the other members set out to kill the «Chain Dude».[52]
Hisoka excited to fight against Chrollo
When he learns Chrollo has been captured by Kurapika, he hires Illumi to disguise as himself and act as his double in the Troupe’s hideout so that he can leave and fight Chrollo alone.[53] The two switch places while Kalluto distracts Franklin and Bonolenov.[54] He tails Pakunoda to Lingon Airport, threatening to kill Gon and Killua if Kurapika does not allow him to get on the blimp. When the hostage exchange terminates,[55] he reveals to Chrollo his fake membership status and challenges him to a duel, but to his great disappointment, Chrollo can no longer use Nen. Hisoka spares his life and leaves, telling Pakunoda that he has never been attracted to broken toys and that the present already differs from the contents of his fortune. He walks away without returning to the hideout.[50]
Greed Island arc
Hisoka appearing before the Phantom Troupe
Hisoka heads to Greed Island in search of an Exorcist for Chrollo. He uses Chrollo’s name to enter the game to send a signal to any Spiders who would enter the game.[56] He hangs around the spell card shop in Masadora, reckoning that is where he will be able to meet the greatest number of players.[57] Gon comes close enough to him that he shows up in his contact list,[58] and the same occurs with Shizuku, Franklin, Shalnark, and Phinks.[59] He approaches them to reveal his identity and offer to take the Exorcist to Chrollo once they find one.[56] While Gon, Killua, Biscuit, and Goreinu look to beat Razor and his pirates, Gon insists on finding out who the «Chrollo» in his binder is. They fly to him as he bathes in a lake. Sensing the two boys have improved, he determines Biscuit to be their teacher. He tells them he came to the island to find Chrollo, as he fears they would try to stop him if he revealed he is looking for an Exorcist. At Biscuit’s request, he accepts to play against Razor’s group.[60]
Hisoka tells Gon his (fake) goal in Greed Island
Hisoka pretends not to know what spells are and takes the group to the nearby Aiai, where he spends his free time, to find other players. However, the romantic clichés prove to be too distracting. Killua begins to suspect that Hisoka has met other members of the Phantom Troupe on the island and is hiding it from everyone. When Gon asks him to check his contacts to know if he has met Tsezguerra, Hisoka conceals the names of the Spiders with Texture Surprise. He contacts the Single-Star Hunter for the group.[57] They form an alliance and Hisoka volunteers to play soccer juggling on account of his Bungee Gum. After one week, they head to Soufrabi.[59] The group wins three games, after which Razor challenges the remaining players to a dodgeball match. When Razor kills a rebellious Bopobo, Hisoka reveals to his team the game is taking place in real life.[61] Shortly after the start of the game, Gon gives Hisoka the ball, so he can throw it and retrieve it with Bungee Gum.[62] He eliminates one of Razor’s Devils, but Razor combines two of them to prevent him from getting the ball back.[63] He narrowly escapes a shoot ball thrown by Razor, which is then intercepted by one of his Demons. Hisoka catches its throw with the aid of Bungee Gum, at the cost of breaking two fingers.[64]
Hisoka teaming up with Gon and Killua
Hisoka admires Gon’s Rock ecstatically. When Razor manages to deflect his throw, Hisoka snatches the ball with Bungee Gum, forcing him to use up his freebie.[65] To retrieve the ball from Razor, Gon, Hisoka, and Killua create a three-person formation[66] where Hisoka is in charge of preventing the ball from bouncing off after Gon catches it. They succeed and Gon shoots the ball with his last, most powerful Rock.[67] Razor bumps it back at him, but Gon passes out from exhaustion, so the ball misses him. Hisoka catches and throws it back with Bungee Gum, sticking it to Razor’s hands so he cannot deflect it again, at the cost of 10 broken fingers. Razor is pushed out of bounds, resulting in the team’s victory.[68] Hisoka leaves them, and his parting words cause Killua to realize he was indeed lying.[69]
Hisoka leaving Greed Island with Abengane
Phinks takes Hisoka to where the other Spiders are after they locate the Exorcist. He inquires how the Troupe managed to find him, and when they refuse to answer, he wonders if it could be the work of the person hiding behind a tree nearby and threatens to vent his arousal against them if they do not come out. Kalluto, Hisoka’s replacement in the Troupe, walks out, and Hisoka expresses his approval of him. He then asks Machi, between him and Chrollo, who she’d prefer survive and what she would do if he killed Chrollo, to which Machi replies she would hunt him down and kill him. He smiles and states he would like that.[70] A few weeks later, he leaves the island with Abengane after the latter has successfully deactivated Genthru’s Countdown.[71]
Chimera Ant arc
Having left the game, Hisoka and Abengane are seen approaching Chrollo as he reads an issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump.[72]
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
Hisoka votes
Hisoka is next seen during the first round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election looking for Ging. He secretly rates the Hunters on the scene using a scale of his own and is apparently quite happy with the power of some members of the Zodiacs: Kanzai, Ginta, and Pyon. He then casts a blank vote after showing it to them, which annoys Kanzai. After that, he sits there scouting out the crowd. While sizing up the pro-Hunters present at the election site, Hisoka is disappointed by their power levels and thinks to himself that if they are this weak, he might consider fighting the Zodiacs next. Suddenly he feels the presence of someone strong, who turns out to be Illumi. Illumi then tells Hisoka about what happened during the Chimera Ant crisis, the death of Chairman Netero, Alluka—his younger sister, and the current situation with Gon and Killua.[73]
Hisoka provokes Illumi
Hisoka and Illumi are next seen talking to each other in an airship bar. Illumi explains the rules related to Alluka’s ability to him and tells him if Killua dies from Alluka’s power while trying to heal Gon, a lot of people, including the Zoldycks, Gon, and even Hisoka, will die as well. Fearing that Killua will do it wrong, Illumi asks Hisoka to help him kill Alluka.[74] Later, as Killua, Alluka, and their butlers are on their way to Gon’s hospital, Illumi manipulates some drivers and crashes their vehicles into Killua’s car, causing it to fall into a forest below. Watching from a distance, Illumi tells Hisoka to eliminate the butlers but Hisoka asks if he can kill Killua. Illumi suddenly releases a murderous aura and warns him. Hisoka says he is just kidding. It is then revealed that he provoked Illumi on purpose to let Killua know his location because he too wants Gon to be saved.[75]
Hisoka kills Gotoh
He then confronts Gotoh, Amane, and Canary, who are left behind after Killua uses his Godspeed ability to escape with Alluka. Gotoh tells the other butlers to go ahead and let him deal with Hisoka. At first, his Bungee Gum ability seems to be neutralized by Gotoh’s ability to fire coins with power superior to bullets, but Hisoka manages to adapt quickly and uses his Bungee Gum to fire the coins back, forcing him to shoot more coins to deflect them, with that distraction Hisoka is able to drop in on him and slit his throat.[76]
Hisoka and Illumi arrive by Parasta Airport, where Killua used an airship as transportation and to escape them. Hisoka suggests that they should ambush Killua in the hospital, but Illumi claims the assassination will fail if they do so because Killua’s friends are there. Illumi thinks of asking for help, prompting Hisoka to ask if he has any other acquaintances. Illumi instead reveals an ability to manipulate a person’s actions through a nen-imbued needle. Illumi asks Hisoka if he could hunt the «misses» for him and Hisoka gladly accepts.[77]
Hisoka and Illumi talk over the phone after killing their attackers. Hisoka informs Illumi that he has found a map detailing the aircraft’s paths and destinations. He offers to send Illumi a copy, albeit one that is altered by his Texture Surprise. Unfortunately, Illumi says that he also has a map from one of the attackers and that he already knows which aircraft Killua and Alluka are.[78]
Hisoka kills the Hunters
Although he is shown to be Illumi’s comrade his bloodlust seems to get the better of him, this is shown when Illumi finds Killua, Hisoka is seen hiding in the trees trying to decide who to kill if to kill Alluka and gain Killua’s hatred or leave Alluka alive save Gon and make Illumi his enemy. He then questions himself by thinking that maybe he should kill Alluka which would make Killua hate him, or kill Killua and have Illumi hate him is the best plan of action. Hisoka is next seen exiting an elevator and going into the room where Teradein Neutral is staying, Hisoka then kills him.[79]
Succession Contest arc
Hisoka vs. Chrollo
Chrollo finally accepts to fight Hisoka in a death match at Heavens Arena. As soon as the fight begins, Chrollo activates Shalnark’s ability and takes control of the referee, using him to attack Hisoka while, the latter reckons, preparing to stick the second antenna in him. However, the second antenna was a feint and Chrollo kicks down Hisoka, then proceeds to stomp on him. Hisoka frees himself by hurling the referee at him. Chrollo then commands the referee to attack Hisoka again but explodes before the two can make contact thanks to a new ability stolen by Chrollo, who is now also capable of using two abilities at the same time or one without needing to touch his book. Hisoka gets more and more excited as the fight progresses, but feels Chrollo is still holding back. The two then briefly discuss the latter’s new abilities, with Hisoka rejoicing due to his opponent’s power.[2]
Chrollo combines two abilities, Order Stamp and Kortopi’s Gallery Fake, to attack Hisoka with a copy of the referee. However, thanks to Chrollo’s explanation, Hisoka easily deactivates Order Stamp by beheading the puppet. Chrollo finally shows the last ability he has prepared, Convert Hands. Much to Hisoka’s annoyance, before the two can trade blows again, Chrollo reveals that one of his abilities belongs to someone who is already dead. Hisoka instantly realizes it is because the user’s Nen has become stronger after his death, and improves his guard. When he learns that, thanks to the creator’s resolve, once affixed, the marks of The Sun and Moon will never disappear unless they explode, Hisoka smiles, thinking that could indeed prove problematic. Despite Chrollo claiming that his victory is certain, Hisoka is willing to keep fighting and attacks him. The two end up in the audience, which Chrollo manipulates with Black Voice to attack Hisoka while disguising himself with Convert Hands.[80]
Hisoka notices the antennae have disappeared and that Chrollo has already created copies with Gallery Fake. Then, around thirty copies controlled with Order Stamp start attacking him, forcing him to use Bungee Gum to retreat, but the puppets climb on top of each other and reach him. As he retaliates, Chrollo, having stolen someone else’s clothes, maneuvers behind Hisoka, who prepares to counter, but is tricked by the opponent’s feint and kicked in the nape. As he falls into the crowd of puppets, Hisoka is ecstatic. Struggling not to be overwhelmed, Hisoka begins dispatching the puppets, all the while taking damage from Chrollo’s hit-and-run tactic. He anticipates the latter’s next move, flinging a severed head at him, but Chrollo dodges and kicks Hisoka, claiming he had seen him prepare the attack. However, Hisoka manages to hit him with a second projectile attached to his foot, replying he knows while coughing up blood.[81]
Hisoka’s severed hand
He lands one more hit with the other head, forcing Chrollo to retreat. Unable to give chase, Hisoka disables more puppets and tries to figure out Chrollo’s next move basing on whether Order Stamp and Gallery Fake are deactivated. When the stamp disappears from the head of a puppet, Hisoka manages to track down Chrollo in the audience, immobilizing him with Bungee Gum. However, he notices something is off and swiftly attacks him with the head. It is revealed the one he killed was a spectator Chrollo had been controlling with Black Voice and to whom he had given his appearance with Convert Hands. However, as Gallery Fake is still active, Hisoka realizes that the copies on which The Sun and Moon has been affixed will not disappear even if Chrollo is using other abilities.[82] He moves back to the center of the arena, guessing Chrollo will have to launch an assault with all his puppets lest they are mistaken for injured spectators by the rescue personnel. In fact, Chrollo steals the announcer’s microphone and orders to «break Hisoka», causing all the puppets with the stamp to rush at Hisoka, who proceeds to destroy them using the head as a projectile and by attaching Bungee Gum to multiple puppets and using them as a hammer. Suddenly, however, the head he was gripping explodes in his hand, heavily injuring it and obliterating four of his fingers.[83]
Hisoka’s lifeless body after his defeat by Chrollo
Hisoka understands how Chrollo managed to make the head explode and quickly decapitates another puppet. Using Bungee Gum through his legs, he starts walking on the sides of a stand, destroying more puppets from that position before running away. However, he finds multiple explosive puppets waiting for him. Although he survives the explosion, he is blasted in the air towards another stand filled with Chrollo’s explosive puppets. The loss of a leg prevents him from escaping to the ceiling, but before he can project Bungee Gum from his other leg, Chrollo throws two spectators at him, causing him to fall back into the ring. As the puppets prepare to attack him, Hisoka prepares for his death and is soon engulfed in an explosion.[84]
The next time Hisoka is seen he is, by all means, dead, presented before Kortopi, Shalnark, and Machi; his face is extremely disfigured by the explosion, with one of the three wondering why he did not suffer more damage. Shalnark explains that he used a large portion of the puppets as a «meat shield» so to speak, protecting him from the bulk of the explosion, but ultimately causing him to die from suffocation. Shalnark and Kortopi leave after Machi says that she’ll stay to tend to his wounds. Closing his eyes before attempting to stitch up his neck, Machi is shocked to see his aura re-emerge from his body; she mistakenly believes this to be his Nen preserving after his death before it is revealed that he used Bungee Gum to restart his heart and lungs after his demise.[85]
Hisoka comes back from the dead
Greeting her rather cheerfully after coming back to life, she confirms that he was indeed dead for some time, after which Hisoka admits that fighting someone of Chrollo’s league and hundreds of Nen puppets at the same time was more than he could chew, referring to the experience as a «wake up call» as a result. He then proceeds to mend and hide his wounds, whilst simultaneously replacing his missing arm and leg using Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. After saying that his next opponents won’t have a choice in where and who they fight, he restrains Machi using Bungee Gum before he leaves, telling her that he shall kill all members of the Phantom Troupe. Struggling to get out, she shouts and swears at Hisoka, saying she’ll kill him herself, before Hisoka makes his exit.[85]
The next time Hisoka is seen, Shalnark had just come off of the phone with Chrollo, discussing plans to board the Kakin Empire Royal Family’s ship and steal their valuables. While Shalnark is wondering what’s taking Kortopi so long in the bathroom, Hisoka walks out instead. Shocked, Shalnark runs towards him before Hisoka throws Kortopi’s severed head at him. After catching it, Shalnark cries out in shock before Hisoka lands an extremely powerful attack on his head, killing him. Shalnark’s mangled body is then seen tied to a swing with Kortopi’s severed head in front of him and crows gathering around their corpses.[85]
By the time Machi reaches Chrollo in the market inside the Black Whale, she confirms that Hisoka has made his way into the Black Whale to kill the rest of the Troupe members. Chrollo orders the first come, first serve rule to make it fair for the rest of Troupe members to kill him.[86]
Lynch punches Hisoka
He is seen in Level 3 of the Black Whale by Lynch and Zakuro. Lynch punches him in the belly to interrogate him, but he blocks her punch with his Ren and counter-punch her back in the stomach, causing Lynch to collapse. The fearful Zakuro then invites Hisoka to see their superior and inform him that the Xi-yu family is looking for him.[87]
Heavens Arena Standing
The following are the results for Hisoka in Heavens Arena. Each KO resulted in the opponent’s death. After his fight with Gon, Hisoka obtained the right to fight a Floor Master, whom he defeated to obtain the title.[5] Sometime later, he confronted Chrollo Lucilfer.[2] Although the normal regulations were suspended during the fight, Chrollo technically won by KO.
Opponent | Result | |
Kastro | 10-3 | Win |
?? | 10-1 | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | W.O. | Loss |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
?? | 10-0 KO | Win |
Kastro | 10-4 KO | Win |
Gon | 11-4 | Win |
Unknown Floor Master | ?-? | Win |
Chrollo | X-X KO | Loss |
Playing Cards: Hisoka’s weapon of choice is a set of ordinary French playing cards, which he uses in combat to lethal effects by wielding or throwing them in conjunction with his Shu.[29] The cards have white borders, with a checkered pattern composed by small, light and dark fuchsia squares.
Abilities & Powers
Hisoka has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. Notorious for his graceful, cruel, and deceitful fighting ability, which has earned him the rank of Floor Master,[5] he has proven to be a deadly adversary. His tremendous physical abilities and combat skill make him extremely dangerous in a bout, and his expertise in Nen, tactical genius, and flexibility allow him to swiftly adapt to changes in circumstances. Among the opponents he has defeated are previous #4 member of the Phantom Troupe[7] and the Single-Star Blacklist Hunter Bushidora, killing the latter without suffering any injury himself.[78] He has expressed dissatisfaction with the power level of most Pro Hunters, which led him to consider fighting the Zodiacs to find a new challenge,[73] and in fact, he was able to effortlessly dispatch multiple Hunters in a short span of time.[78] Illumi Zoldyck, who was estimated by the magician to be even more formidable than some Zodiacs,[73] was wary of crossing Hisoka,[27] and even the leader of the infamous Phantom Troupe deemed it prudent to prepare a strategy and gather Nen abilities before facing him to ensure his victory, declaring Hisoka set a new record for the number of abilities he ever needed to kill someone.[2]
Hisoka is also a skilled magician and often uses Nen to perform his tricks. His skills in misdirection and amazing dexterity find applications in combat, their combination allowing him to triumph against Kastro.[6] The latter talent also enabled him to catch Togari’s spinning knives on the first try, whereas their owner required six months to do so.[16] Furthermore, Hisoka has a certain degree of informatic proficiency, which he used to track Gon and Killua down after they bought blimp tickets online.[28] By forming a circle with his index finger and thumb and peeking through it, he can enhance his vision.[19] It is unknown if this technique is achieved with Nen, or if Hisoka can merely improve his eyesight by concentrating. Hisoka’s zest for battle often causes him to suffer more damage than he would if he fought seriously from the start.[32][36][37] In fact, his willingness to let Chrollo pick the location and time of their showdown,[85] as well as to adapt to his pace in its early stages,[2][80] nearly led to his demise.[85]
Preternatural Perception: Hisoka has proven to be able to sense not only the presence, but also the position of people hidden with Zetsu, even Kalluto’s, whose execution of the technique was described as «flawless». In response to Nobunaga’s befuddlement, Hisoka attributed his feat to the lingering sensitivity from the competition against Razor.[70] His ability to gauge an individual talent and raw power is so refined that he has been able to create a point-based system to quantify them. Although he generally glances at someone to determine their strength, he ranked Illumi without even seeing or recognizing him beforehand.[73] Nonetheless, he was unable to notice that Gon was tailing him during the Hunter Exam even before lapsing into a murder frenzy, due to the boy being in a state of Zetsu and possibly because he was not particularly hostile towards him until the moment he made his move when Hisoka’s own bloodlust masked his.[21]
Hisoka uses several people as a human hammer
Immense Strength: Hisoka boasts astounding brawn, ranking third in the Phantom Troupe in arm-wrestling.[88] When one of his kicks missed Gon, he sent a flagstone of the ring crashing explosively into the audience stands.[36] He can effortlessly lift five human puppets with one hand and swing them around with enough force to destroy them and all other bodies they come in contact with,[83] and instantly twist off a human head with a single hand.[84] In the dodgeball game Hisoka was able to throw the ball with such force that Razor’s Nen puppets were forced to combine to block it,[63] despite them being capable of redirecting Razor’s passes[62] which, after their power waned,[64] retained enough momentum to incapacitate Tsezguerra.[62] He was also able to withstand the force of the ball launched by Gon with Rock and returned by Razor while catching it with Bungee Gum.[67]
Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: During the Hunter Exam, Hisoka dispatched dozens of applicants in seconds, and disappeared from Leorio’s and, more remarkably, Gon’s sight at close quarters.[11] He offered further proof of his swiftness against multiple foes when he fended off the throng of puppets sent after him by Chrollo.[81] When he fought the boy at the Heavens Arena, he could move so quickly that Gon was unable to get his body to react in time.[36] He avoided all of Kastro’s strikes while the latter was not using his double,[31] and even after he lost both arms the clone was unable to land a single hit on him when it attacked by itself.[32] He has demonstrated to be as reactive to projectiles when he effortlessly grabbed a pair of spinning knives thrown at him by a Hunter,[16] caught Gotoh’s bullet-fast coins with Bungee Gum,[76] dodged a shot ball thrown by Razor and succeeded in blocking it when it was redirected moments afterward.[64]
Enhanced Agility: Hisoka is fairly acrobatic, a skill which he uses to recover his balance and respond to attacks quickly.[31] He can defend even from disadvantageous positions[2] without losing his balance.[64]
Enhanced Stamina: Hisoka was able to complete a long-distance run more than 80 kilometers long, and taking place on uneven terrains such as ascending stairs and a swamp,[89] without breaking a sweat.[12] He did not show the slightest sign of physical or mental exhaustion after his fight against Kastro[32] or the dodgeball match against Razor,[67] or at any point during his taxing showdown against Chrollo.[90]
Immense Endurance: Hisoka appears to be impervious to pain. He was only momentarily stunned when Kastro and Chrollo landed critical blows on him.[8][31][81] He was unaffected by breaking ten fingers[67] and, more impressively, by having one hand and one foot blown off[84] or by the loss of two arms,[31] to the point he stuck his fingers in his open wound to retrieve a card.[32] However, his high threshold can backfire, as he failed to notice one of his legs was maimed in his fight against Chrollo.[84]
Genius-Level Intellect: Hisoka is an expert tactician and schemer with excellent analytical abilities. Though at great personal risk, he succeeded in manipulating the Spiders into staying in Yorknew so he could fight Chrollo, and to forge a fake prophecy, minutes if not seconds, after receiving the original, perfectly replicating its style.[51] While on Greed Island he managed to trick Killua, although both he and Biscuit remained suspicious of him.[60][57] His aptitude at reading others’ character and at finding common traits allowed him to create a personality-based system to determine Nen types, and, although he admits it is unreliable, he has been correct every time he was seen resorting to it.[36][60]
Master Strategist: Hisoka is an exceptional strategist who can formulate winning plans at the very start of a confrontation. He frequently puts up an outlandish or even arrogant act to fool his opponents into believing he is being careless, whereas, in reality, he is laying traps.[6][76] He excels not only at planning ahead, but also at picking apart enemy strategies, compiling all the available information, and coming up with multiple hypotheses in mere seconds and in the heat of battle, as well as rapidly adapting to new developments.
Hisoka knocks out Bodoro
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Hisoka is a force to be reckoned with at close range, even without his cards or Bungee Gum. Cherry, whom Tonpa regarded as the most skilled unarmed combatant in the 287th Hunter Exam,[1] acknowledged the enormous gap in technique between the two of them,[11] and he easily dodged every attack from Goz.[19] He single-handedly outmatched Gon in close quarters combat and repelled all of his offensives without moving from his spot until the boy resorted to a diversion.[35] Even after the loss of both arms, he avoided every strike of Kastro’s double while casually talking to the ability user and throwing glances in his direction,[32] and despite Kastro being a martial artist reputed to be on par with a Floor Master.[8] Hisoka has also proven time and time again to be capable of fighting back whole crowds.[11][81]
Hisoka uses his cards in battle
Master Weapon Specialist: With the aid of Shu, Hisoka can turn his cards into mortal edge weapons or projectiles. He employs them to instantly kill the opponent by targeting their vital spots, generally the throat,[11][21][2][81] but also to incapacitate them by severing their tendons.[80] While wielding one with only two fingers, he can sever an adult men’s arms in one motion.[82] He can throw them with deadly accuracy and speed,[11] and also incorporate them in surprise attacks with Bungee Gum.[32] He also displayed proficiency with flail-like weapons by swinging an aura-coated human head connected to his hand via his elastic aura,[82] as well as with knives.[16]
Master of Stealth: Hisoka managed to spy on Killua undetected by him as well as, seemingly, Amane and Tsubone.[79] He assisted Illumi without being discovered by the Hunter Association[78] and seemingly killed Teradein while the latter was at his desk.[79]
- Expert in Tailing: Hisoka followed Gon and Killua twice without them noticing,[28][55] eluding Pakunoda’s detection the second time around as well.[55]
Hisoka’s normal aura
Hisoka is a Transmuter[36] endowed with a powerful, sinister aura that disquieted Wing[35] and Gon even after the latter learned Nen.[37] He manifests his high level of proficiency in his natural category primarily through his Nen ability, Bungee Gum, but he has also shown to be very proficient at controlling the shape of his aura,[29] which is a Transmutation skill.[91] This aptitude may be what allows him to extend strands of elastic aura over distances of several meters without flinging them, which makes its application more subtle.[6][37][81] He is also well-versed in Conjuration, the Nen type of his second ability, as well as Emission and, seemingly, Enhancement. He utilizes the former to maintain aura around projectiles[29] as well as in conjunction with Bungee Gum, to separate the ability from his body.[37][85]
Hisoka’s sinister aura
His affinity for Enhancement manifests primarily as a remarkable level of durability. Hisoka survived multiple Nen-enhanced strikes from Kastro, an Enhancer, without using his aura to defend.[31] Although he was briefly stunned,[81] Hisoka took no visible damage from most of Chrollo’s attacks,[2][80][81] one of which can allegedly behead a person with a knife-hand strike,[44] despite Hisoka having been unable to predict them and thus to guard properly. He seems to have resorted to Manipulation on one occasion, exploiting the boost enjoyed by Nen after death to impart an automatic command to his Bungee Gum.[85]
Hisoka extends his elastic aura
Aside from Hatsu, Hisoka is capable of using at least Ren,[28] Gyo,[32] and Ken, which allowed him to survive multiple explosions of The Sun and Moon set off in his proximity, although one of his legs was severely mangled.[84] Like many other high-level Nen users, he can maintain a state of Ten at all times.[7] It is also likely that he is proficient at Zetsu[28][55][78][79] and Ko.[64] The two techniques he employs with the greatest frequency are Shu and especially In. With Shu his poker cards can easily cut through bone[11] and concrete[37] even while he is not holding them. When he applied it to a severed human head, it carried so much force that it pulverized other heads it came in contact with,[83] incapacitated several puppets with a single throw and injured a Nen user of Chrollo Lucilfer’s caliber[82] without being damaged in the least, whereas it would break immediately if not enveloped in aura.[83] If Hisoka favors Shu for direct attacks, In is at the core of his strategies, as he combines the technique with Bungee Gum to lay elaborate, deadly traps.[6][37][76][81]
Hisoka’s prosthetic foot
Hisoka’s Nen prowess if further supported by his knowledge of more abstract notions, such as Nen becoming stronger after death[80] and Exorcism.[60] He also came up with the concept of «Memory Overload»[32] and a system to divine an individual’s Nen type from their personality, which, despite him calling it unreliable, has proven correct several times.[36][60]
Hisoka’s Nen Type: Transmutation | |
Type: Transmutation | Bungee Gum (伸縮自在の愛 Elastic Love) |
Hisoka’s main ability allows him to make his aura sticky and elastic.[68][76] Its extreme durability, flexibility, and adhesive properties make it an exceptionally versatile ability with several offensive, defensive, and supplementary applications. He can activate it from his fingers,[83] hands,[6] and feet.[2][84] He can attach it both through physical contact and remotely, by extending it towards the target, which makes it very difficult to avoid.[37] He can give it the command to contract at will, and it snaps back with greater force the more it is stretched.[92] It is so resilient that it did not tear after absorbing the full force of a ball hurled by Gon with Rock,[68] or several of Gotoh’s coins,[76] which makes it an effective way of returning projectiles to the sender.
Offensively, Bungee Gum can be used to pull the opponent towards Hisoka[37] or to create flail-like weapons.[82] He can also separate it from his body, in which case it will tear after a maximum stretch of 10 meters.[92] He most commonly detaches it from his body to attach projectiles to his opponent, such as his Shu-enhanced cards, while concealing it with In.[6] The combination of the latter technique and Bungee Gum allows Hisoka to lay multi-layered traps that spring all at once, killing the unsuspecting opponent in a flash.[6][76] He has also emitted it to restrain individuals as powerful as Machi.[85] Bungee Gum also has a wide range of auxiliary applications. Hisoka can attach it to a solid surface to retreat at extreme speed when the need arises.[76][2][81] By using it on his feet, he can adhere to the ground[76] or run on walls.[84] It is also useful for sticking objects in place for traps[6][68] or to keep hold of them,[64][67] even after throwing them.[62][81] By covering a wound with it, he can instantly stop hemorrhages.[6] On one occasion, he enveloped his lungs and heart with it so it would resuscitate him. By creating non-adhesive aura, he can also replace missing limbs, which can coil like a spring to propel himself at tremendous velocity.[85] |
Type: Conjuration | Texture Surprise (薄っぺらな嘘 Dokkiri Tekusuchā, lit. «Flimsy Lies») |
Hisoka can apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface, such as paper or cloth, and manifest imagery on it to change its appearance and texture[note 1] for deception. He can replicate over one thousand different textures. He has tricked Nen users of the Spiders’ caliber with this ability, with none of them realizing he had used it, either by sight or by touch.[51] Against Kastro, he utilized Texture Surprise to hide his wounds and confuse him.[6] It can also be applied to pure aura, such as Hisoka’s Bungee Gum, to alter his own appearance.[85] Since no aura is detectable once Texture Surprise is active, whether through eyesight, touch, or extrasensorial perception,[51][59] its effects are also visible to individuals unable to use Nen,[32] it is safe to assume Texture Surprise is a Conjuration ability, which is further supported by its requiring Hisoka’s direct action to be dispelled[6][59] and by a verb used in its description.[6] |
Appearances in Other Media
Hisoka’s Past
Note: Sui Ishida, the mangaka of Tokyo Ghoul, wrote and illustrated a one-shot entitled «Hisoka’s Past». The story is recognized by Yoshihiro Togashi, but may or may not be considered canon.
Young Hisoka
A teenage Hisoka is found beaten on the side of the road by circus ringmaster Moritonio in Glam Gas Land. Hisoka found himself to be a natural performer, showcasing highly competent feats of dexterity such as juggling batons. He quickly becomes respected and feared within the circus. One day, he notices a thin film around Moritonio, which Moritonio reveals to be his aura. Moritonio then begins training Hisoka in the art of Nen. Hisoka develops his Nen in a matter of days, while the norm would be a year. He begins more complex training in Nen, discovering that his Nen type is Transmutation.[93]
Hisoka uses his Bungee Gum for the first time
One day, a fellow performer, Abaki, is attacked by the serial killer John Doe, but Hisoka rescues her. He slices her assailant’s eye, but believes that eye to have been fake. After this, he begins developing his Nen ability. Some days later, he performs in front of the Head of the Glam Clan, authority of Glam Gas Land. After the performance, he confronts Moritonio outside where he accuses him of being John Doe. Moritonio confesses, and the two begin a duel. Moritonio seem to have the advantage at first, but Hisoka, having developed Gyo, manages to figure out that Moritonio transmutes his aura into magnetic bars which crush the opponent. Hisoka uses his newly-created Nen ability, Bungee Gum, to send the poles flying back to Moritonio, killing him.[93]
Battles & Competitions
Battles | ||
- (To Gon) «Don’t worry, I’m done with him.♠ He’s alive, and he’s passed.♥ As have you.♥ You’ll make a good Hunter.♣»[11]
- (To Illumi) «I’ll wait.♦ And when the fruit is ripe, I’ll pluck it.♥»[27]
- (Referring to Gon) «Don’t look at me like that!♠ You’re making me all… excited!♥»[35]
- (To Gon) «There will be no rules or points next time.♠ It’ll be life or death.♠»[37]
- (To Nobunaga) «I’ve just had a very fun battle.♥ The rush has left me… sensitized.♣ To soothe my arousal I wouldn’t mind ravaging someone I don’t know, see?»[70]
- (When talking about Bungee Gum) «My aura has qualities of both gum and rubber.♥»[76]
- «I’m so happy, Chrollo…♥ You make me feel so good…♥»[2]
- (After killing Kortopi and Shalnark) «Two down… Ten to go…♪»[85]
Other quotes:
- (To a Hunter Exam applicant) «Behold.♥ Now you see them, now you don’t.♠ No smoke and mirrors here.♠ You should be more careful.♦ At least apologize when you bump into someone.♣»[1]
- (To some Hunter Exam applicants) «I meant to hold off until the Second Phase, but the First Phase is unutterably boring.♠ So I thought I’d assist in the selection process…♦ and judge your acceptability.♣»[11]
- (To some Hunter Exam applicants) «A lesson before dying, gentlemen.♣ A true magician never runs out of tricks.♥»[11]
- (To Goz) «Thing is… dead people just don’t interest me.♣ I prefer to look into the living, rather than the lifeless…♠ Eyes, that is.♥»[19]
- «Funny how unripe fruit always has such a particular appeal.♥»[20]
- (About Kurapika and Leorio) «Now look what they’ve done.♠ They had to go and get me… stirred up.♣ Got to keep a grip.♦»[20]
- (To Gon) «I choose not to kill you now.♣ You see, it suits me to let you live until you become a truly worthy opponent.♠»[21]
- (To Illumi) «Gon is mine, friend.♠ You make a move on him, you die.♣»[27]
- (To Kastro) «I predict… that you’ll dance yourself to death.♠»[32]
- (To Machi) «It’s always so fascinating to watch.♥ Maybe I hurt myself on purpose so I can see your work up close.♥»[6]
- «Now that I’ve found some new toys… it’s time to hunt down the Spiders.♠»[6]
- (To Gon) «Opposites attract.♥ I’d bet we’d get along.♥ We could be great friends.♦ But be careful, as Transmuters are fickle… What used to be valuable can instantly turn to chaff.♠»[36]
- (Referring to Gon) «Ah… Those eyes… I wish I could demolish you right now.»[37]
- (Referring to Gon) «I have to wait until he’s ripe and ready… I have to be patient until my prize is at its peak… until it’s almost a shame to tear it down.♥»[37]
- (Referring to Chrollo) «I knew you were brilliant.♥ I’m going to enjoy killing you.♥»[51]
- (To Pakunoda) «I’m not interested in broken toys.♣»[50]
- (To Pakunoda) «Every step we take amends our fate.♦»[50]
- (To Tsezguerra) «Only a flawless victory will do.♣ That’s what Gon wants.♥»[68]
- (To Gon and Killua) «We all worked together.♣ It was a team victory.♥»[68]
- (To Kalluto) «You look tasty, too.♥»[70]
- (To Nobunaga) «Quit harping on it.♠ I’ll make it work, for my own sake.♦[70]
- (Referring to himself and Chrollo) «Do you have a preference who survives, Machi?»[70]
- (To Illumi, after threatening to kill Killua) «It’s a joke!♥ Your killing aura is pouring out… Is that alright?»[75]
- «Which is more fun? Kill Alluka and spark Killua’s wrath… Or spare Alluka, save Gon and make an enemy of Illumi?♥ Choices, choices…♥»[79]
- «A battle is a dance…! We must move to each other’s beat…♪»[2]
- «Huh…? Am I going to die…? If I’m going to die anywa… then…♥»[84]
- (To Machi) «I’ve decided not to pick my battles.♣ Not with the Spiders…♪»[85]
- (To Machi) «Can you tell the other Spiders…? From now on, I’ll fight any of them on sight until I’ve killed them all.♥»[85]
Possible hint [M(s)] of Hisoka’s surname
- In the official databook, his name is also spelled as «Hyskoa«.[3] The Volume 34 extras confirmed this spelling and added an alternate one of his surname, «Morroh«.
- Hisoka’s surname was revealed 346 chapters after his introduction.[2]
- But a little before exclusively in Chapter 320, while voting and striking an «S-shaped pose», Hisoka’s last name may have been hinted (at least the first letter of his romanized or alternate surname); in the imaginary background there is a circular visual motif/theme around Hisoka’s head with some stylized M letters—that could indicate «Morou» or «Morroh».
- Hisoka’s surname could be a reference to JoDean Morrow’s «Morrow elastic model», which focuses on the importance of elastic strain energy in mean stress calculations—something thematically related to the character’s Bungee Gum.
- Hisoka’s Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise are named after his favorite brand of chewing gum and a snack with novelty gag stickers respectively.[6]
- Also, the second name of Bungee Gum, «Elastic Love», may be seen as a reference to Hisoka’s personality: the ease with which the gum is attached and detached to someone mirrors the interest that Hisoka has in a person, which can be extremely deep and still end at any moment.[36]
- It is unknown to the reader if Hisoka’s original prophecy predicted he would leave the Troupe after his confrontation with Chrollo, or if he would die as a result of it, since only Hisoka saw how many paragraphs it contained.[49]
- Hisoka changes his appearances at each turn of arc.
- When Hisoka asked Illumi if he can kill Killua he makes a hand gesture where he puts his thumb between his fingers.[75] This, prior to 1989, was a gesture that meant «I’m talking about sex» in Japan, which may make his question even worse. This is supported by the fact that, in the original Japanese dub, he uses the word やる (yaru), which can be translated as both «kill» and «have sexual intercourse».
- In the Hunter × Hunter The Real 4D attraction movie at Universal Studios Japan, Hisoka’s bounty was
2 billion.
- Hisoka Morow’s name is of Japanese origin. Though not only is it in Katakana instead of Kanji, but, like Nobunaga Hazama, Shizuku Murasaki and Feitan Portor, (the latter having a Chinese name) he says it in Western order (to the point that his last name Morow got revealed very late in the manga and never said once in the 2011 anime), following the practice of real-life people of Japanese descent who grow up outside Japan to adopt Western naming order.
- According to the «Hunter × Hunter Manual» section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix),* Hisoka’s stats are:
Story Arcs | Mind | Skill | Body | Nen | Ingenuity | Intelligence |
Hunter Exam arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 3/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Heavens Arena arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Yorknew City arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Greed Island arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 5/5 | 4/5 |
Anime and Manga Differences
- In the manga, Hisoka asks Machi to spend the night with him,[6] but in the 2011 anime adaptation it was toned down to him saying if she would have dinner with him.[98]
- In the Madhouse adaptation, when the man had bumped into Hisoka without following it up with an apology during the First Phase of the Hunter Exam, his arms were seemingly disintegrated into flower petals and fine particles by Hisoka from unknown means (possibly using his ability to change the appearance of everything to make blood drops appear as flowers).[99] This differs from the manga where the man’s arms were simply severed and removed instead.[6]
- In the 1999 anime adaptation, however, the scene never happened. Instead, Hisoka chased the man up a wall, but seemed to have forgiven him after he had cried and pleaded hopelessly.[100]
- In the 1999 anime adaptation, it is stated by Togashi during Hisoka’s battle with Gon on the 200th floor of Heavens Arena that Hisoka chewed «Bungee Gum» a lot as a child. Still, because his family was poor, he often chewed it until it lost all flavor. He later named his signature gum technique after the brand.[101] In the manga and 2011 anime adaptation, however, it is only said that he named both of his techniques after a candy brand and a chewing gum brand he liked when he was a kid.[6]
Intertextuality and References
- In 2016, the mangaka Sui Ishida wrote a story of Hisoka’s past, which was released on Shonen Jump + website.
- When Hisoka took the water divination test, the water turned sour.[93]
- According to Hisoka, his mother taught him card tricks.[93]
- The name of his primary Nen ability may be a pun on the extreme sport Bungee Jumping.
- A major source of inspiration in the creation of Hisoka is probably the popular DC Comics supervillain The Joker. Both of them:
- are based on the playing card of the Joker;
- wear make-up and have dyed hair (although this is the Joker’s true appearance);
- are serial killers with irresistible murderous tendencies and a long list of victims;
- are sociopaths who refrain from forming conventional bonds; in fact, although they appear to be close with another character of their respective universes (Harley Quinn for the Joker and Illumi for Hisoka), they do not hesitate to take courses of action that would damage them;
- both have women who are close to them (Harley Quinn and Machi);
- are obsessed with the main character of their respective series; specifically, with the ones who can challenge them. At the same time, the hero himself (Batman and Gon) harbors complex feelings towards them;
- are endowed with a genius intellect that makes them unpredictable as well as fearsome strategists;
- are entirely amoral and focused only on their own interests;
- fight with playing cards and capable of killing using seemingly useless objects/abilities (the Joker’s paraphernalia and Hisoka’s Nen ability);
- seem to feel neither pain nor fear;
- are devoid of any regard for human life;
- and have a mysterious past.
- Another possible source of inspiration in the creation of Hisoka is the memorable villain character Kefka Palazzo from the Final Fantasy series of video games, the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI, nicknamed as «the psycho clown». Both of them:
- are most likely based or at least had their creations inspired in the The Joker from DC Comics;
- resemble a jester or clown;
- have powers/aliases related to magic. Hisoka pretends to do magic while deceiving with his Nen abilities and is known/self-titled as «the Magician». Kefka is a Magitek Knight infused with magical technology that enabled him to cast magic and later becomes the «God of Magic»;
- wear make-up;
- are manipulative, selfish, maniacal, flamboyant, destructive, cruel, and insane (although Hisoka controls himself better than Kefka);
- are nihilistic psychopaths with no regard for human life nor remorse for the atrocities they commit;
- highly regard themselves in the matter of strength. Kefka claims, at a certain moment, to be all-powerful and Hisoka, more implicitly, considers himself to be very strong;
- have strangely coincidental similar quirks related to their hobbies and/or opponents. As part of his manchild personality, Kefka hobby is playing with dolls and he refers to fighting as «playing»; and Hisoka, figuratively, pictures his opponents as toys/dolls to be toyed with (usually in fights);
- present some feminine manners and attires;
- and have pale skin, long sharp nails, and wear earrings.
- Note: If Hisoka was really inspired/based on Kefka, due to graphic limitations of the video game (originally released in 1994 for SNES) in which he first appears, the artworks made by Yoshitaka Amano may have been the visual references that Yoshihiro Togashi used.
- Hisoka’s appearance as a clown, hairstyle, painted teardrops, card throwing skills, etc., may be references to another Yoshihiro Togashi character, Suzuki, from his earlier work YuYu Hakusho, when he was dressed up as a clown.
- Hisoka’s Hunter Exam number is 44. The number 4 has heavy implications of death in some Asian languages* including Japanese** and Chinese** since it’s homophonous with the word «death» or «to die». The number 44 can mean «certainty of death».
- He was also member #4 of the Phantom Troupe.
- Kurapika is also represented by the number 4, on his birthday (April 4) and his Hunter Exam number (404).
- Hisoka’s flamboyant style of dress and numerous distinctive poses may draw inspiration from Hirohiko Araki’s work JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which has also been referenced in other parts of the series.
- Hisoka’s name written in kanji (密か) can mean «secretly».
Hisoka’s emoticon
- Hisoka wrote a cell phone message—»the corpses were fake»—using an emoticon of himself: ★—_—🌢 (in the manga/1999 anime)[102][48] and ★—_—🌢 (in the 2011 anime with «face paints» of the same colors as his at that moment).[103]
- In the Latin American dub, Hisoka speaks with a French accent, and his name is pronounced as «Isoka» (with a silent H). The French accent is kept in the Brazilian dub, but his name is pronounced normally.
- In the Indonesian dub, Hisoka is pronounced as «Hyosoka» for unknown reasons.
- Although Hisoka did not appear during the Zoldyck Family arc, in the musical The Nightmare of Zaoldyeck, he appeared along with Illumi Zoldyck, who also doesn’t appear in the arc.
- Daisuke Namikawa, Hisoka’s voice actor, also voices Prince Baka, the protagonist of Level E, another series by Yoshihiro Togashi.
- His voice actor in the 1999 anime adaptation, Hiroki Takahashi, also voices Pariston Hill in the 2011 edition.
- Hisoka often appears alongside the main four in official artwork[104], exhibitions[105], and the Hunter Vocabulary[106] in the 2011 anime adaptation, suggesting he is the fifth main character of the series.
- The number of the month and day of his birthday, June 6, are the same: Hisoka shares this characteristic with the main four protagonists.
- Like Kurapika, his birthday does not fall on a Japanese holiday, possibly because the number 6 is considered unlucky, like the number 4. The pronunciation of 6 as a counting number is muttsu. This can sound like the word for nothingness, 無 (mu).
Translations around the World
Language | Name |
هيسوكا مورو (Hisoka Moro) | |
西索* (Xī suǒ) 希索加* (Xī suǒ jiā) |
Χισόκα Μόροου (Chisóka Móroou) | |
Hisoka Morou | |
히소카 모로 (Hisoka Moro) | |
Хисока (Khisoka) | |
ฮิโซกะ (Ḥi so ka) |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 5
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 351
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Hunter × Hunter Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter’s Guide; Character & World Official Databook (pg. 102)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 377
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 378
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 55
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 78
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 52
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 6
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 8
- ↑ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 9
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 10
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 11
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 12
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 2, Chapter 13
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 19
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 23
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 25
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 3, Chapter 26
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 27
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 28
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 32
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 33
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 34
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 4, Chapter 35
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 5, Chapter 37
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 5, Chapter 38
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 47
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 48
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 50
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 53
- ↑ 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.11 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 6, Chapter 54
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 59
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 60
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 61
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 62
- ↑ 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 37.12 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 7, Chapter 63
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 8, Chapter 71
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 74
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 76
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 79
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 91
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 92
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 96
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 97
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 100
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 11, Chapter 101
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 104
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 49.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 105
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 119
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 106
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 108
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 12, Chapter 115
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 116
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 13, Chapter 118
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 149
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 159
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 147
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 160
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 158
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 161
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 162
- ↑ 63.0 63.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapter 163
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 64.4 64.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 164
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 165
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 166
- ↑ 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 167
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 168
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 169
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapter 170
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 18, Chapter 183
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 20, Chapter 201
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 30, Chapter 320
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 323
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 75.2 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 326
- ↑ 76.00 76.01 76.02 76.03 76.04 76.05 76.06 76.07 76.08 76.09 76.10 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 327
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 328
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 78.4 78.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 329
- ↑ 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 79.5 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 31, Chapter 330
- ↑ 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 352
- ↑ 81.00 81.01 81.02 81.03 81.04 81.05 81.06 81.07 81.08 81.09 81.10 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 353
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 82.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 354
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 355
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 84.5 84.6 84.7 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 356
- ↑ 85.00 85.01 85.02 85.03 85.04 85.05 85.06 85.07 85.08 85.09 85.10 85.11 85.12 85.13 85.14 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapter 357
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 36, Chapter 371
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 392
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 10, Chapter 84
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 1, Chapter 7
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapters 351 — 356
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 15, Chapter 146
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 Hunter × Hunter — Volume 9, Chapter 80
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 Hunter × Hunter: Hisoka’s Past (One-Shot)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 34, Chapters 351 — 357
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Chapter 392
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 16, Chapters 161 — 163
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Volume 17, Chapters 164 — 168
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 32 (2011)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 3 (2011)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 6 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 42 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 63 (1999)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter — Episode 54 (2011)
- ↑ https://www.ntv.co.jp/hunterhunter/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/Togashi_ex/status/1548140370566885381
- ↑ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-YpmD7VkAISTv7?format=jpg&name=large
- ↑ Texture Surprise was originally supposed to reproduce only images, to the point that it was stated that physical contact would give the trick away, with Hisoka finding the added challenge intriguing (see Chapter 55). The ability was later retconned so it could also replicate textures (see Chapters 80 and 106).
v • d • eHunter Association |
Committee | |
Chairman | Isaac Netero (12th) • Pariston Hill (13th) • Cheadle Yorkshire (14th) |
Vice Chairman | Pariston Hill (Former) • Cheadle Yorkshire (Former) |
Zodiacs | Cheadle Yorkshire • Cluck • Kanzai • Kurapika • Leorio Paradinight • Pyon • Gel • Saiyu • Ginta • Mizaistom Nana • Botobai Gigante • Saccho Kobayakawa • Pariston Hill (Former) • Ging Freecss (Former) |
Examiners | Zegin • Biscuit Krueger • Satotz • Menchi • Buhara • Isaac Netero • Lippo • Trick Tower’s 3rd examiner • Togari • Khara • Masta • Luis • 288th Hunter Exam’s 1st Phase Examiner • Cheadle Yorkshire • Kurapika |
Hunter Ranks | |
3 Stars | Cheadle Yorkshire • Botobai Gigante • Pariston Hill |
2 Stars | Biscuit Krueger • Ging Freecss • Linne Horsdoeuvre • Mizaistom Nana • Saccho Kobayakawa • Teradein Neutral |
1 Star | Bushidora Ambitious • Cutie Beauty • Ickshonpe Katocha • Menchi • Morel Mackernasey • Sanbica Norton • Tsezguerra |
Classification of Hunters | |
Beast | Knuckle Bine • Pokkle • Shoot McMahon |
Blacklist | Binolt • Bushidora Ambitious • Kurapika • Lippo • Saiyu • Seaquant |
Botanical | Cluck |
Card | Ogyu |
Crime | Mizaistom Nana |
Cute | Cutie Beauty |
Disease | Cheadle Yorkshire |
Gourmet | Buhara • Linne Horsdoeuvre • Menchi |
Hacker | Ickshonpe Katocha |
Head | Teradein Neutral |
Jackpot | Goreinu • Tsezguerra |
Lost | Loupe Highland |
Music | Melody |
Paleograph | Pyon |
Poacher | Ginta |
Poison | Gel |
Problem | Saccho Kobayakawa |
Provisional | Danjin • Erikkusu • Gidal • Lisamsetta • Meshush • Mozbe • Muhahahasare • Myuhan • Salkov • Theta • Zomeesa |
Rookie | Gon Freecss • Killua Zoldyck • Leorio Paradinight |
Ruins | Ging Freecss • Satotz • |
Sea | Morel Mackernasey |
Stone | Biscuit Krueger |
Temp | Curly • Golem • Marione • Mascher • Pekotero • Usamen |
Terrorist | Botobai Gigante |
Treasure | Kanzai |
Virus | Sanbica Norton |
Unclassified | 288th Hunter Exam’s 1st Phase Examiner • Barry • Basho • Beans • Belerainte • Bill • Cuzco • Doster • Dwun • Gashta Bellam • Giuliano • Grachan • Hagakushi • Hanzo • Hisoka Morow • Hunter Association Exorcist • Illumi Zoldyck • Izunavi • Jed • Jeitsari • Keeney • Kenzaki • Kess • Khara • Kite • Knov • Kurton • Latoon • Likke • Linssen • List • Luis • Masta • Palm Siberia • Redwood • Ridge • Rodriot • Sayird • Scairt • Shachmono Tocino • Shalnark • Togari • Tokarine • Trick Tower’s 3rd examiner • Wing • Zenju • Zetsk Bellam |
Non-Hunter Associates & Others | |
Pre-Examiners | Captain • Michael • Quizzing Lady |
Navigators | Kiriko |
Others | Hunter Website Bartender |
v • d • ePhantom Troupe |
Members | |
Leader | Chrollo Lucilfer |
Active | Bonolenov Ndongo • Feitan Portor • Franklin Bordeau • Illumi Zoldyck • Kalluto Zoldyck • Machi Komacine • Nobunaga Hazama • Phinks Magcub • Shizuku Murasaki |
Former | Uvogin • Pakunoda • Hisoka Morow • Omokage • Shalnark • Kortopi |
Associates | |
Members | Hisoka Morow • Maha Zoldyck • Abengane |
v • d • eHeavens Arena |
Floor Masters | |
Members | Amoeba • Chrollo Lucilfer • Ga • Gama • Hae • Hisoka Morow • Kamakiri • Kanjiru |
Non-Canon Floor Masters | |
Members | Amoeba • Ga • Gama • Hae • Kamakiri • Kanjiru |
Fighters | |
Members | Chibaba • Dorado • Gido • Gon Freecss • Kastro • Killua Zoldyck • Maita • Riehlvelt • Zushi |
Non-Canon Fighters | |
Members | Dorado • Amori • Imori • Umori |
Employees | |
Commentators | Cocco |
Other staff members | 200th Floor Clerk |
Non-Canon Employees | |
Commentators | Kenji Hatakawa |
Other staff members | Elevator Operator |
Spectators | |
Members | Baka Ki El Dogra |
Non-Canon Spectators | |
Members |
Togashi |
v • d • eGreed Island |
Game Masters | |
Creators | Ging Freecss • Razor • Eta • Elena • Dwun I… • S… • List • A… • N… • D… |
Death Row Convicts | |
Leader | Razor |
Members | Bopobo • Pirate boxer • Pirate footballer |
Players | |
Nickes’ Alliance | |
Founders | Assam • Contarch • Genthru • Isaac • Jispa • Kosofftro • Nickes • Nomdieu |
Members | Abengane • Cuzco • Mikli • Pisac • Puhat • Redwood • Shihael |
Kazsule’s Alliance | |
Members | Amana • Asta • Biscuit Krueger • Gon Freecss • Goreinu • Hanse • Kazsule • Killua Zoldyck • Manheim • Montreux • Nick Cue • Souheil • Wong Li • Yabibi • Zeho |
Teams & Groups | |
Team Asta | Amana • Asta • Manheim |
Bellam Brothers | Gashta Bellam • Zetsk Bellam |
Bomber | Bara • Genthru • Sub |
Team Gon | Biscuit Krueger • Gon Freecss • Killua Zoldyck |
Team Hagakushi | Hagakushi |
Team Hanse | Hanse • Wong Li • Zeho |
Team Kazsule | Kazsule • Nick Cue • Souheil |
Team Tokharone | Tokharone |
Team Tsezguerra | Barry • Kess • Rodriot • Tsezguerra |
Team Yabibi | Montreux • Yabibi |
Phantom Troupe | Bonolenov Ndongo • Feitan Portor • Franklin Bordeau • Kalluto Zoldyck • Kortopi • Machi Komacine • Nobunaga Hazama • Phinks Magcub • Shalnark • Shizuku Murasaki |
Other players | Arka • Binolt • Degiro • Doster • Erbier Mano • Hisoka Morow • Ivona Kawski • Jeet • Jeitsari • Jikono • Kite • Latarza • Linn • Luciart • Michiro • Motaricke • Mukanaki • Ogyu • Pongo • Richard Hackett • Sakisuke Njiji • Soffman • Vice • Wong Ho • Zenju |
In-game Characters & Creatures | |
NPCs* | Antokiba Trade Shop NPC • Casino King • Cat Diner NPC • Gold Dust Girl • Gold Dust Girl Guard • Harbormaster • Masadora Trade Shop NPC • Plot of Beach NPC • Sick Villagers • Spell Card Shop NPC |
Mobs* | Bubble Horse • Cyclops • Hyper Puffball • King White Stag Beetle • Melanin Lizard • Owl • Radio Rat • Unnamed One-eyed Monster • Unnamed Slime Monster • Unnamed Worm Monster • Wolf Pack |
v • d • eMoritonio Troupe |
Leader | Moritonio |
Members | Abaki • Borizoi • Hisoka Morow • Kishita • Yasuda |
Hunter x Hunter: эпизодические персонажи
Игрок Greed Island, стиратель Нэн. Именно его искал Хисока по просьбе Куроро, чтобы развеять нэн Курапики.
Один из участников 287 Экзамена на Хантера. Порядковый номер 281.
Был достаточно талантлив для того, чтобы дойти до 4-го этапа Экзамена.
Одна из игроков, пытавшихся пройти Greed Island. Была в одной команде с Астой и Манхеймом.
Средний из братьев Амори.
На экзамен 287 зарегистрировался под номером 197
Участник игры Greed Island. Один из тех, кто был в союзе Никкеса.
Одна из игроков, пытавшихся пройти Greed Island. Была в одной команде с Аманой и Манхеймом.
Один из товарищей Поккла вместе с Пекубой и Понзу обнаруживший в NGL муравьев-химер.
Банана Кавао
Banana Kavaro
Одна из команды Охотников-любителей Кайто.
Один из двух подельников Генцуру. Состоял в трио «Подрывников», убивающих игроков в Greed Island.
«Заклинатель змей» неоднократно пытавшийся сдать Экзамен на Хантера.
На 287 Экзамене был зарегистрирован под номером 103.
Член команды Хантеров-наёмников с лидером Цезугерой.
Пытался вместе с ними пройти игру Greed Island
Миллиардер, организовавший прохождение игры «Остров Жадности»
Осуждённый из тюрьмы Трик Тауэр. Срок заключения — 199 лет (за вооруженные ограбления). Внештатный экзаменатор на третьем этапе Экзамена Хантера.
Мастер кунг-фу, самый старый из участников 287 Экзамена Охотников под номером 191. Строго придерживается кодекса чести.
Дошел до финального этапа. Но лицензию получить не смог.
Один из судей на Втором этапе экзамена Хантера, наряду с Менчи. Он — эпикурейский Хантер (те, кто занимаются поиском новых рецептов, блюд и ингредиентов).
Манипулятор. Её поцелуй заставляет человека мгновенно воспылать к ней Рабской любовью и выполнять любые её приказы.
Была нанята телохранителем к Неон Ностраде одновременно с Курапикой.
Специалист в министерстве природы Какина
Вонг Ли
Wong Li
Пытался пройти игру Greed Island в команде с Ханзе.
Гашита Беллами
Один из братьев Беллами, лицензированный Охотник. Был нанят Баттерой для прохождения игры Greed Island в Йоркшине после Ежегодного Аукциона.
Участвовал в 287 Экзамене на Хантера под номером 384. В качестве оружия использовал плевательную трубку с парализующим ядом. Дошел до 4-го Этапа Экзамена на острове Зебил. В лотерее жертв ему достался Гон.
Участвовал в 287 Экзамене на Хантера под номером 371. Выбыл на 4 этапе, оказавшись целью Гиттаракура.
Мастерски владеет всеми видами оружия.
В TV1999 соперничал с Бодоро.
Владелец 7 копий игры Greed Island. Пытался пройти игру сам, но, рассчитав шансы на успех, решил продать все 7 копий, если не успеет к началу Аукциона Сазанписа.
Один из игроков Greed Island. Пытался пройти игру в Союзе по сбору карт.
Один из игроков Greed Island. Был нанят Баттерой для прохождения игры в Йоркшине после Ежегодного Аукциона. Из 21 человека отобранного Цезугерой стал Первым.
Джонас Потрошитель
Barashiya Jonesu
Осуждённый из тюрьмы Трик Тауэр. Срок заключения — 968 лет (за серийные убийства).
Свихнувшийся на насилии маньяк, испытывает непреодолимую тягу к уничтожению путём разрывания на части людей. Промышлял в городе Забан, общее число его жертв насчитывает 146 человек. Он не выбирал жертв ни по полу, ни по возрасту, ни по положению, просто рвал людей на части (как правило более чем на 50 кусков).
Внештатный экзаменатор на третьем этапе Экзамена Хантера.
Дон Фрикс
Don Freecss
Исследователь, путешественник, более 300 лет назад отправившийся на Тёмный Континент.
Автор «Путешествие в Новый Мир», путевого журнала об этой экспедиции, том «Восток» которого находится в руках V6.
Существует мнение, что Дон еще жив и работает над продолжением.
Один из создателей и игровых мастеров игры «Остров Жадности»
Игрок Greed Island. Был нанят Баттерой для прохождения игры.
Прошёл отбор в Йоркшине по формированию команды. В игру вошел 8-ым. К Союзу, истреблённому Генцуру, не присоединялся.
Игрок Greed Island. Пытался пройти игру в команде с Ханзе и Вонг Ли.
Зецек Беллами
Zetsk Bellamy
Один из братьев Беллами, лицензированный Охотник, член команды прохождения игры Greed Island Баттеры.
Ззигг Золдик
Zzigg Zoldyck
Был членом семьи Золдик во времена Айзека Нетеро.
Один из двух друзей, которые присоединились к нему в прошлой незарегистрированной экспедиции на Темный Континент.
Настоящая сила Ззигга неизвестна. Скорее всего, он получил традиционную подготовку Золдиков.
Первый игровой мастер, встречающийся игрокам при попадании в игру Greed Island.
В обязанности И’ты входит приветствовать вошедших в игру и объяснять им правила. Также она следит за передвижениями по Острову Жадности, будь-то игроки, или же вторженцы.
Её сестра-близнец Илена также является игровым мастером.
Один из телохранителей Неон Ностраде.
Игровой мастер, которого игроки Greed Island встречают при выходе из игры. Её сестра-близнец И’та также является игровым мастером.
Младший из братьев Амори.
На экзамен 287 зарегистрировался под номером 198
Участник игры Greed Island.
Игрок Greed Island. Пытался пройти игру в команде с Сухейлом и Ником Кью.
Капитан корабля
Капитан корабля на котором к месту экзамена приплыли Гон, Курапика и Леорио.
Первый наёмный экзаменатор Ассоциации Охотников. Отсеивает неподходящих по своим навыкам испытуемых еще на пути к месту. Много лет назад так же вез на экзамен отца Гона, Джина Фрикса.
Лицензированный Хантер и сотрудник Ассоциации Хантеров.
Выполняла административную работу на 287-ом экзамене.
Участник чемпионата Небесной Арены
Юнга на корабле, доставляющем желающих пройти экзамен в порт Долле. Сдружился с Гоном за время плавания.
Участвовал в 287 Экзамене на Хантера под номером 362.
Был достаточно умелым претендентом, чтобы дойти до 4-го этапа.
Член команды Хантеров-наёмников с лидером Цезугерой.
Пытался вместе с ними пройти игру Greed Island
Киллер А
Assasin A
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Самоуверен, тщеславен.
Киллер Б
Assasin B
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Молчалив и самоуверен, подвержен азарту боя. Одевается в свободную одежду из натуральных материалов, вооружен тяжелым боевым топором.
Киллер Д
Assasin D
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Киллер Красный
Assasin C
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Киллер Синий
Assasin E
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Сам выбрал себе позывной «Синий», когда возникло предложение использовать цвета для идентификации.
Киллер Ф
Assasin F
Один из профессиональных киллеров, нанятых Донами Мафии для устранения Геней Рёдан.
Хисока Рэп | «Голод » | Daddyphatsnaps [Охотник X Охотник]
В первом Экзамене «Охотник» в серии (второй Хисока), он был введен в серию, вынимая руки другого заявителя из своего тела за то, что он наткнулся на него и не извинился.
Что он на самом деле сделал? Мы знаем, что способностями Хисоки являются резинка Bungee Gum и Texture Surprise, но они не объясняют, как руки превращаются в лепестки цветов, как показано выше.
Я очень полагаю, что они придумали это, чтобы превратить эту сцену в менее жестокий тип для молодежи. В манге это выглядело так:
Вы можете видеть, что рука отрублена, но лепестков нет вообще, и, судя по углу, должна быть видна кровь. Вероятно, они не хотели раскрывать эту часть и вместо этого взяли ее сбоку, «волшебным образом» заставив руку исчезнуть.
Для фанатов аниме-сериала «Хантер х Хантер», я создала этот тест. Учтите вопросы будут сложными и интересными, оценивать буду по балам от 1 до 55. Если вам понравиться, буду делать остальные арки! Удачного Прохождения, ребята!
Вопрос 1.
Кем окозались «муж и жена», которые доставили Гона и его друзей на экзамен?
Братом и Сестрой, Кирико.
Они были просто Кирико.
Они были Мужем и Женой.
Вопрос 2.
Правильным ответом к вопросу «Твоих детей похитили. Спасти можно только одного, выбирай дочь или сына»?
Не кого не будешь выбирать.
Я спасу обоих.
Вопрос 3.
Какие номерки получили братья Амори, на экзамене?
96, 95, 94.
405, 404, 403.
199, 198, 197
23, 22, 21.
208, 206, 207.
Вопрос 4.
Кто экзаменатор первого этапа?
Вопрос 5.
Кто пытался помешать Гону и его друзьям пройти экзамен?
Братья Амори.
Вопрос 6.
Сколько времени дали для того, что бы добраться до основания башни?
72 часа.
20 минут.
100 часов.
24 часа.
Вопрос 7.
Какие номерки были у Киллуа и Гона?
66, 405.
21, 22.
404, 405.
99, 405.
51, 11.
Вопрос 8.
Чей номерок нужно было достать Гону?
Хисока, 44.
Гаретта, 384.
Киллуа, 99.
Томпа, 16.
Вопрос 9.
Кто не стал Хантером и почему?
Хисока, он сбежал с последнего экзамена.
Курапика, он не хотел проходить экзамен.
Киллуа, он убил Бодору.
Гон, его убили.
Леорио, он не учавствовал в битвах.
Вопрос 10.
Куда отправились Гон и его друзья, после получения лецензии Хантера?
Домой к Леорио.
В город Йорк-Шин.
На Небесную Арену.
На Китовый Остров.
На гору Кукуру.
Вопрос 11.
Как называеться следущая арка экзамена?
Остров Жадности.
Возвращение на Китовый Остров.
Поместье семьи Золдиков.
Битва за Лицензию.