Nothing can be more fun than reading сочинение

Обновлено: 12.03.2023

Последнее время фильмы становятся довольно пустыми внутри, не считаете? Из кино уходят такие понятия, как художественный образ, сочуствие, идея. Оно больше не цепляет. Но мы все равно ждем и верим, что эпоха шелевров еще не прошла, а пока приходится рыться в старом и довольствоваться тем, что уже вышло. Может стоит уделять больше внимания книгам? У каждого найдется свое счастливое местечко хотя бы в одной. Сцена, которая сразу же всплывает перед глазами, стоит вам зажмуриться и перенестись мысленно туда, где вас окутывает атмосферой любимой вами истории. Isn’t it wonderful? А когда вы последний раз были в библиотеке? А как насчет кинотеатра?

Essay on Reading a book vs. watching a movie

There is a great variety of opportunities how to chill out and release any burden from your soul without going out. The simplest way to do it is to watch a movie or read a book. If you ask humans about what they like more, there will be plenty of replies. Some people would say that there’s nothing better than reading a capturing book, while others would rather watch an interesting movie.

I strongly believe that reading books has lots of benefits. For one thing, the process of reading is similar to an adventurous journey, because you have to use your imagination to develop a unique world of the author in your head. Also, it’s a fact that words influence our mood and state drastically that’s why sometimes reading might reduce us to tears. It means that the book language is the most powerful way to touch human’s heart and soul.

Meanwhile, movies are able to do lots of various things. For example, they bring the whole world to life, that’s why we can watch it. All characters are made of flesh and blood, thus we don’t have to imagine, what temper they have or how they look like. In other words, a movie makes us see plenty of things which a book sometimes isn’t able to show so well, especially if one doesn’t have a good imagination. That’s a total escape with a focus on the screen without distraction.

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Порядок слов в английском языке

Сочинение на тему Чтение книги vs. просмотр фильма

Я твердо верю, что у чтения книг существует много преимуществ. Начнем с того, что процесс чтения похож на увлекательное путешествие, потому что вы должны использовать свое воображение, чтобы создать уникальный мир автора в своей голове. Кроме того, это факт, что слова оказывают сильное влияние на наше настроение и состояние, поэтому порой чтение может довести нас до слез. Это означает, что язык книги — самый мощный способ как дотронуться до сердца и души человека.

Тем временем, фильмы также способны на многое. Например, они воплощают целый мир в реальность, поэтому мы можем наблюдать за ним. Все персонажи состоят из плоти и крови, поэтому не нужно представлять, какой у них характер и как они выглядят. Другими словами, фильм заставляет нас увидеть многие вещи, которые книга иногда не в состоянии показать также хорошо, особенно если отсутствует хорошее воображение. Это полное погружение с абсолютной фокусировкой на то, что происходит на экране, без отвлечения внимания.

Подводя итог, целесообразно сказать, что фильмы, как правило, великолепны. Однако они просто не обладают той же вовлеченностью, которая есть обычно у книг. Фильмы дают вам возможность наблюдать, пока книги заставляют чувствовать, проживать и осознавать. Читая книгу, вы не просто сторонний наблюдатель, вы — часть истории. Вы можете стать тем, кем действительно желаете: от ведьмы, которая использует черную магию проклятого древнего племени, до властелина подземного мира. Нет никаких ограничений! Все возможно.

check me , please essay^ Some of my friend say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version. Some people prefer to read books than to watch different films. Others people like to watch films and to listening music. However, it is problem. People should to read book in order to expand your outlook. But will films be able to replace books? From my point of view, reading is the most interesting and useful leisure for any man. Books are force everyone people to think about his future, global problems, love experiences and thought famous people. More than that, a printed books is better for human eyes than a computer screen. On the other hand, nowadays people are used to want make life easier. Modern condition allow us to find quickly the necessary information through the Internet and other sources. However, some people have second opinion, because they don’t like to read. Many people prefer to watch film, because it is more interesting. Besides, books are very expensive and inconvenient for their of transportation. To sum up, I think films and printed books will peacefully coexist for many years. More than that, I want to say that all people should to read books and watch to different films. Watching films and reading books are very useful and entertaining for any man.

check me , please

Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book, while others would rather watch it’s film version.

Some people prefer to read rather than watch films. Others like to watch films and to listen to music. However, the question is should people read books in order to expand their outlook or could films replace books?

From my point of view, reading is the most interesting and useful form of leisure for any person. Books force everyone to think about their future, global problems, love experiences and the thoughts of famous people. More than that, a printed books is healthier for human eyes than a computer screen.
On the other hand, nowadays people want an easy life. Modern conditions allow us to find quickly the necessary information through the internet and other sources. However, some people have a different opinion, because they don’t like to read. Many people prefer to watch films, because they find it more interesting. Besides, books are very expensive and inconvenient to carry.
To sum up, I think films and printed books will peacefully coexist for many years. More than that, I want to say that all people should read books and watch different films. Watching films and reading books are very useful and entertaining for any person.

Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version. However, it is a problem because people should read books in order to broaden their outlook. Will films replace books?

From my point of view, reading is the most interesting and useful hobby for each person. Books make people think about their future, about global problems and about love. Moreover, a printed book is better for one’s eyes than a computer screen.
On the other hand, nowadays people want to make their life easier. Modern conditions allow us to find quickly the necessary information through the Internet and other sources of information.

However, some people have another opinion, because they don’t like reading. Many people prefer watching films, because it is more interesting. Besides, books may be very expensive and inconvenient.

So, I think films and books will peacefully co-exist for many years. Moreover, I want to say that people should not only read books, but also watch films, because it’s very interesting and useful for everyone.

2) force – вынуждать, заставлять делать что-то силой, make – побуждать, давать возможность.

3) It’s possible to say either ‘a printed book’ or ‘printed books’… but not ‘a printed books’!

4) ‘To like to read’ = to think it’s right, ‘to like reading’ = ‘to enjoy it’.

Also, I am not agree with this sentence: ‘Besides, books are very expensive and inconvenient for their of transportation’. Some books are very cheap. and why do you think they are inconvenient. Some of them are very small, too! :-)

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НАПИСАТЬ ЭССЕ НА ТЕМУ: Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version. What is your opinion? How would you prefer to get to know the characters and the plot of the book? ОЧЕНЬ НАДООООООООО ((

Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book, while others would rather watch its film version.
Can people live without books nowadays? Is it possible that books will be replaced by television and cinema in the nearest future?
Personally, I’m fond of reading. Books educate and entertain us, bring past centuries to life and help us understand our deepest dreams and fears. To my mind, a book is one of the greatest wonders in the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands of years ago. Through reading books we hear their voices and understand their thoughts and feelings. Reading stirs my imagination, creates colourful pictures of the described characters and events in my mind, transfers me to other countries, continents or even to other worlds, introduces me to amazing people who live exciting lives, makes me laugh and cry. I can travel to wild jungles and deserts, to hot Africa and cold Arctic or wherever I like staying at home.
However, some of my friends don’t read at all or read very little. They say that they are too tired after school and can do nothing but watch TV. Some people say that they have little spare time and that is why they prefer watching a film to reading a book. What is more, watching a film is much easier than reading a book because you don’t have to use your imagination.
To sum up, it’s up to you to decide whether to read a book or to watch its film version. But I’m sure that no screen version can be better than a book itself and it can’t substitute a special silent conversation with the author.

Источник: это из интернета. так что прочти внимательно, переведи и попробуй поменять местами некоторые предложения, а то засекут

Задания Д40 C2 № 5

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version.

2. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Чтобы успешно написать высказывание с элементами рассуждения следует:

— строить высказывания в соответствии с предложенным планом;

— начинать введение с общего представления темы и предложения, отображающего ее проблемный характер;

— во введении необходимо перефразировать тему/проблему, используя синонимичные выражения;

— в основной части сначала высказать свое мнение и аргументировать его, затем представить точки зрения других людей и дать аргументацию, почему с ними не согласны;

— приводя контраргументы, отстаивая свою точку зрения, желательно использовать перифраз, синонимию;

— в заключительном абзаце еще раз указать на проблемный характер темы, показать, что вы способны видеть и другие точки зрения, тем не менее ваша кажется вам более убедительной;

— делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают содержательную и логическую структуру текста;

— сделать введение и заключение приблизительно одинаковыми по объему;

— разбить основную часть как минимум на два абзаца, приблизительно одинаковых по размеру;

-следить за тем, чтобы общий объем основной части был не меньше общего объема введения и заключения;

— особое внимание уделять средствам логической связи текста, как внутри предложения, так и между предложениями.

После выполнения задания уделите внимание проверке и подсчету количества слов (должно быть 200—250 слов).

Nowadays, many people think that there is nothing better than to read a good book. However, there are others who would rather prefer to watch a film version.

As far as I am concerned, it is more useful and enjoyable to spend time with a great book. First of all, you can take a great interest in reading. It can help you to escape from your everyday problems and boring routine. It is just like some kind of door to a new world, where you can go when you are tired of reality. Secondly, some good books can help you develop your imagination. You create a story in your mind while reading. You can even picture faces of main characters, location, all scenes inwardly. Thirdly, reading gives you time to think about main ideas of a book. It is a chance to consider and make a conclusion about a plot of a book independently.

Nevertheless, it has become fashionable for some people to argue that it is better to watch a film version of a book. They claim that it takes less time, so you can watch more films and know more stories.

I disagree with this opinion, because these people fail to understand that you just cannot find out a full plot from a film, because in a film version of a book many details are cut out.

To sum up, I want to say that going to the cinema is a wonderful thing, but if you go to the film with an adapted script, you should read the book at first.

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Задания Д40 C2 № 5

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1.  Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version.

2.  A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Спрятать пояснение


Чтобы успешно написать высказывание с элементами рассуждения следует:

— строить высказывания в соответствии с предложенным планом;

— начинать введение с общего представления темы и предложения, отображающего ее проблемный характер;

— во введении необходимо перефразировать тему/проблему, используя синонимичные выражения;

— в основной части сначала высказать свое мнение и аргументировать его, затем представить точки зрения других людей и дать аргументацию, почему с ними не согласны;

— приводя контраргументы, отстаивая свою точку зрения, желательно использовать перифраз, синонимию;

— в заключительном абзаце еще раз указать на проблемный характер темы, показать, что вы способны видеть и другие точки зрения, тем не менее ваша кажется вам более убедительной;

— делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают содержательную и логическую структуру текста;

— сделать введение и заключение приблизительно одинаковыми по объему;

— разбить основную часть как минимум на два абзаца, приблизительно одинаковых по размеру;

-следить за тем, чтобы общий объем основной части был не меньше общего объема введения и заключения;

— особое внимание уделять средствам логической связи текста, как внутри предложения, так и между предложениями.

После выполнения задания уделите внимание проверке и подсчету количества слов (должно быть 200—250 слов).

Пример сочинения:

Nowadays, many people think that there is nothing better than to read a good book. However, there are others who would rather prefer to watch a film version.

As far as I am concerned, it is more useful and enjoyable to spend time with a great book. First of all, you can take a great interest in reading. It can help you to escape from your everyday problems and boring routine. It is just like some kind of door to a new world, where you can go when you are tired of reality. Secondly, some good books can help you develop your imagination. You create a story in your mind while reading. You can even picture faces of main characters, location, all scenes inwardly. Thirdly, reading gives you time to think about main ideas of a book. It is a chance to consider and make a conclusion about a plot of a book independently.

Nevertheless, it has become fashionable for some people to argue that it is better to watch a film version of a book. They claim that it takes less time, so you can watch more films and know more stories.

I disagree with this opinion, because these people fail to understand that you just cannot find out a full plot from a film, because in a film version of a book many details are cut out.

To sum up, I want to say that going to the cinema is a wonderful thing, but if you go to the film with an adapted script, you should read the book at first.

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерий Критерии оценивания ответа на задание С2 Баллы
K1 Решение коммуникативной задачи
Задание выполнено полностью:
содержание отражает полно и точно все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (допускается 1 нарушение нейтрального стиля)
Задание выполнено в основном:
но 1—2 аспекта содержания, указанные в задании, раскрыты не полностью или неточно; стилевое оформление речи в основном правильно (допускается 2—3 нарушения нейтрального стиля)
Задание выполнено не полностью:
в содержании не

раскрыты 1–2 аспекта, ИЛИ 3–4 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно, ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 1–2 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно; имеются ошибки в стилевом оформлении речи (допускается 4 нарушения нейтрального стиля)

Задание не выполнено:
все случаи, не указанные в оценивании на 1, 2 и 3 балла, ИЛИ ответ не соответствует требуемому объёму, ИЛИ более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т.е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником)
K2 Организация текста
Высказывание логично; средства логической связи использованы правильно; структура текста соответствует предложенному плану; текст правильно разделён на абзацы 3
Высказывание в основном логично (имеются 1—2 логические ошибки), И/ИЛИ имеются 1—2 недостатка при использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ имеются
1—2 отклонения от плана в структуре высказывания, И/ИЛИ имеются 1—2 недостатка при делении текста на абзацы
В высказывании имеются 3—4 логические ошибки, И/ИЛИ имеются 3—4 ошибки в использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ имеются 3—4 отклонения от предложенного плана; имеются 3—4 недостатка в делении текста на абзацы 1
В высказывании имеются 5 и более логических ошибок, И/ИЛИ имеются 5 и более ошибок в использовании средств логической связи, И/ИЛИ предложенный план ответа полностью не соблюдается, И/ИЛИ деление текста на абзацы отсутствует 0
K3 Лексика
Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания; практически нет нарушений в использовании лексики (допускается 1 лексическая ошибка) 3
Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, однако встречаются 2—3 лексические ошибки, ИЛИ словарный запас ограничен, но лексика использована правильно 2
Используемый словарный запас не вполне соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 4 лексические ошибки 1
Используемый словарный запас не соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5 и более лексических ошибок 0
K4 Грамматика
Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, нарушений практически нет (допускаются 1—2 не повторяющиеся грамматические ошибки) 3
Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, однако в тексте имеются 3—4 грамматические ошибки 2
Используемые грамматические средства не вполне соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5—7 грамматических ошибок 1
Используемые грамматические средства не соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, имеются 8 и более грамматических ошибок 0
K5 Орфография и пунктуация
Орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предложения с правильным пунктуационным оформлением (допускаются 1 орфографическая И/ИЛИ 1 пунктуационная ошибка) 2
В тексте имеются 2—4 орфографические И/ИЛИ пунктуационные ошибки 1
В тексте имеются 5 и более орфографических И/ИЛИ пунктуационных ошибок 0
Максимальное количество баллов 14

Some people prefer reading books, but other people think that it better to watch film version. For my mind, this problem is very actuality today, because there are many good books and interesting films were shot by this books.I think, that people should read books and after that watch film versions of this books. For me, this is the right way.

There are many bad films. And if you do not read the book, you will have a wrong opinion about this piace of art. But it is not right!

For me, if you read a book, you become more clever,

 more wiser. When you read your brain is working. When you read, you can know what a writer thiks, when he writes this book. And this is very mainly when you are reading.But when you watch television or book’s film version you become stupid, I think. Your brain does not work so hard, because it is more easier to watch the film then to read a book.
In conclusion I want to say that people should read books. And after that if they want, they should watch this film. But reading books it is necessary, for my mind. (201 слово)

Анализ и оценка

Первый критерий: Решение коммуникативной проблемы

Коммуникативная задача в данном случае заключается в том, чтобы сравнить вероятную выгоду от инвестирования крупных денежных средств в космические разработки и пользу от решения проблем на земле. Главный вопрос касается сопоставления значимости решения этих задач и их срочности. Автору не удалось достигнуть поставленной цели.

1.1. Присутствует ли вступительная часть, в которой обозначена основная суть проблемы?

— Есть. Но вступление написано почти без перефразирования. Более того, вопрос поставлен неверно, так как автор предлагает рассмотреть оба варианта, но описывает лишь одну сторону проблемы. Автор говорит лишь о том, что большинство людей считают траты на космические исследования нецелесообразными. Главная задача заключалась совершенно в другом.

1.2. Насколько автору удалось изложить свою точку зрения и подкрепить её логическими доводами?

Точка зрения высказана, однако приведена слабая аргументация, а логическая цепочка не выстроена. Автор изъясняется очень сумбурно и перечисляет разрознённые факты: астероиды опасны, открытие ранее неизвестных химических элементов благодаря космическим исследованиям, влияние солнечного излучения на организм человека и т.д. Однако после этого он не предлагает обоснование, которое позволило бы проследить взаимосвязь между приведёнными фактами и сделать соответствующие выводы. Четвёртый пункт вообще не относится к основной теме: прибыль в сфере космического туризма позволяет покрыть часть расходов на исследования.

1.3. Предлагается ли альтернативное мнение? Приводит ли автор 1 или 2 аргумента приверженцев этой точки зрения?

Да, противоположное мнение высказано и приведено 3 аргумента.

1.4. Приводит ли автор контраргументы, поясняя почему он не согласен с этой точкой зрения?

Нет, автор никак не обосновывает собственное несогласие с противоположным мнением. Его аргументация неясна.

1.5. Есть ли заключительная часть и выводы?

Формально да. Однако автор не связывает предыдущее изложение с последующим обоснованием. Во втором абзаце говорится о пользе космических проектов для практической стороны жизни на земле, а в заключительной части речь идёт о затратах на исследования и будущих перспективах переселения человека на другие планеты. К тому же, автор текста не приводит сравнительную характеристику выгоды от космических разработок и пользы инвестирования в решение проблем на земле. Первая версия развития событий частично рассматривается. Однако, что касается альтернативной точки зрения, автор её полностью игнорирует.

Задание выполнено частично: 1 балл.

Второй критерий: Организация текста

2.1. Поделён ли текст на абзацы и правильно ли это сделано? – Разделение на абзацы соблюдено, однако автор не включил часть, в которой бы приводились контраргументы, опровергающие точку зрения его оппонентов.

2.2. Наличие логических связей. Логическая последовательность высказываний нарушена. Многие фрагменты информации подаются разрознёнными отрывками. Средства для выражения причинно-следственной связи не используются. Автор не развивает собственную мысль, а также не приводит доводы в противовес точке зрения оппонентов.

Например, то, что автор попытался привести в качестве логического довода (we must know more about), на самом деле представляет собой лишь перефразирование ранее высказанной фразы (space exploration is very important for us).

Что касается вводных слов, автор их практически не использует. Он употребляет лишь те слова, которые позволяют проследить очерёдность: «firstly», «secondly», «thirdly». В завершение приводятся слова «in conclusion». Однако эта фраза употреблена формально и не может считаться средством выражения логической взаимосвязи.

Задача выполнена частично: 1 балл.

Третий критерий: Лексическое наполнение текста

3.1. Насколько лексическое оформление соответствует требованиям данного стиля? – Преимущественно соответствует.

3.2. Насколько обширен и разнообразен словарный запас? – Лексический запас автора беден. Некоторые словосочетания повторяются без синонимов и перефразирования.

3.3. Придерживается ли автор правил словообразования? Насколько выбранная лексика соответствует контексту? Есть ли ошибки? Если да, то искажают ли они смысл сказанного? – В тексте насчитывается 6 лексических ошибок.

В тексте насчитывается более 4 ошибок: 1 балл.

Четвёртый критерий: Грамматика

4.1. Насколько верно подобраны грамматические конструкции в этом тексте? Соответствуют ли они поставленным задачам эссе? –Грамматические конструкции подобраны правильно.

4.2. Разнообразие грамматических средств и их соответствие высокому уровню. – Количество грамматических конструкций в этом тексте невелико. Уровень сложности оставляет желать лучшего. Почти во всех предложениях используется базовая структура: подлежащее и сказуемое (в изхъявительном наклонении).

4.3. Насколько верно подобраны грамматические средства? – В тексте полно грамматических ошибок. Например, «science have changed every year», «haven’t already know», «depends from» и т.д.

Много ошибок: 1 балл.

Пятый критерий: Орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки. – В тексте 6 орфографических и 3 пунктуационные ошибки.

Очень много ошибок: 0 баллов.

За эту работу можно поставить 4 балла.

Как усовершенствовать свои навыки написания эссе?

Разминка – корректировка словарных и грамматических ошибок.

Прежде чем приступать к более серьёзным преобразования текста, рекомендуется исправить очевидные ошибки в лексике и грамматике.

Построение чёткой аргументации

Ещё один момент, который поможет получить положительную оценку, — умение правильно и последовательно излагать собственные мысли. При этом, автор должен стараться приводить не только те доводы, которые подтверждают его точку зрения, но и аргументировать несогласие с альтернативными взглядами.

Способы правильного построения аргументации

Логический довод можно представить как простую математическую дробь: имеется числитель и знаменатель. Каждая аргументация должна помочь подвести все показатели к одному общему знаменателю. Несмотря на разницу числителей, сравнение и противопоставление поможет найти общую составляющую.

Пример 1

Бег и занятия в тренажёрном зале улучшают физическое здоровье, но выполнение комплексных упражнений позволяет развить все мышцы, а бег – только ноги. Общий знаменатель – развитие мышц. Числители – развитие разных групп мышц.

Пример 2

Если в качестве примера рассматривать текст эссе, выделим следующие общие показатели:

  • время (сейчас, позже, раньше);
  • количество (мало, много);
  • масштабы (человек, человечество);
  • расстояние;
  • вероятность;

Возможно, результаты работы над космическими проектами позволят в будущем расширить границы для человечества и помогут создать на других планетах благоприятную среду обитания.

  • уверенность – возможно;
  • время – в будущем;
  • масштаб (люди, человечество).

Вложить деньги в решение земных проблем – значит помочь людям здесь и сейчас. Ещё одна идея, которая позволит улучшить качество жизни бедного населения – развитие образования в странах третьего мира.

  • время – сейчас;
  • уверенность – точно;
  • расстояние – здесь;
  • масштаб – бедное население.

Решить коммуникативную задачу можно двумя способами: защитить приверженцев космических разработок или же согласиться с противниками этой идеи.

Защита космических проектов

  • Усилить положительные характеристики, нивелируя отрицательные. Несмотря на то, что результаты будут позже, масштабные изменения затронут человечество.
  • Привести опровержения аргументов и доказать, что на самом деле положительные результаты будут заметны уже сейчас, а не в отдалённом будущем.

Прекращение космических разработок

  • Согласиться с мнением оппонентов. Показать пример, что перенаправление денежных средств поможет людям обрести счастье.
  • Сказать о пользе исследований, но сделать акцент на том, что они не продуманы.

В пошаговом руководстве по улучшению навыков написания эссе будет приведена защита космических разработок. Будут применяться оба способа аргументации.

В задании противопоставлены вероятная польза в далёком будущем и важность решения насущных проблем. Если вновь воспользоваться математической формулой, то знаменателем по времени будет «сейчас» против «позже», по расстоянию «близко» и «далеко», а по вероятности «возможно» и « наверняка».

Вернёмся к примеру с космическими разработками.

  1. Начать с того, что «открытия уже сейчас приносят пользу».
  2. Сделать акцент на том, что это связано со здоровьем («солнечная радиация» и «генная мутация»).
  3. Добавить масштабности (человечество против одного заболевшего).
  4. Привести контраргументы.
  5. Перефразировать некоторые участки текста, чтобы грамматические структуры и лексическое наполнение были разнообразными.

В результате получилось пять абзацев, логически связанное повествование и чёткая аргументация.

It is common to believe that


motion pictures are a good source of entertainment, reading


books like short stories and novels are more fun to read.


essay will discuss, how


stories are far better than movies.
To commence with, people can travel to the new imaginary world in their minds to create stories while reading


books. In these books, almost all the stories are related to the imaginary things, and when people read these books, they start making the pictures in their minds related to the story, which fascinates them to read more and get more knowledge about it. To illustrate, in India, a survey found that children who read


books have more creativity level than other children who do not read


kind of stories.


, reading


books not only increase the level of imagination in people, but


make them more creative in their life.




reading is the best way to make the habit of reading books. The authors present their ideas or stories in a creative as well as the systematic way that if someone starts reading these books once, it is hard to break link unless they finish the whole book. These books, play a very crucial part while making a reading habit, not only in children, but people from all age groups can take advantage of it.

For instance

, nowadays, so many countries have started to adopt that idea to give their children some sort of


books, so that they can take an interest in the reading books from the early age, because they know that habits make in


age hard to die, and it will certainly benefit from them in the future. So, these books work like glue between people and their reading habits.
To recapitulate, no doubt that motion pictures are very famous in people, but the pleasant, which is provided by the books, is beyond the expectations.

Submitted by loway on Fri Aug 23 2019

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Summary
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation


To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • Finally
  • In a nutshell
  • In general
What to do next:

Look at other essays:

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  • Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person’s character, form his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It’s a wonderful way to spend spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is a faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood. People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.
    Through out the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken young readers’ imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader’s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.
    Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire to learn, they seek for knowledge. Books sate this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries. Books shouldn’t be read only for pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance, history, adventure, autobiographies, science fiction and humor in the form of shot stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on. In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he fills in his library card and the librarian helps him to choose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books. We should not make notes in library books or dog’s ears in the pages. The reading rooms in the public libraries are open to all who wish to work there. Except books we can get periodical newspapers and magazines to read there. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.
    Every school in our country has a library. A school library is a collection of textbooks and books for reading. Our pupils and teachers go there to read, to find some magazines or newspapers or to prepare for a report. Sometimes teachers prepare for lessons at our school library.

  • Reading

    Reading plays a
    very important role in the life of people. Books are a great
    source of information, knowledge and enlightenment. They help us
    to enrich vocabulary and make our speech more emotional and
    expressive. Books are also our best teachers. We can see
    characters make mistakes and learn from them without having to
    make the same mistakes ourselves. Moreover, books help to escape
    the harsh reality, to plunge into the world of breathtaking
    adventures and to recreate. Sometimes they help you to find
    answers to disturbing questions and to discover a way out. In my
    opinion, there is nothing better than reading a good book. As
    far as I am concerned, reading is an inseparable part of my
    life. Books are my best companions. I read books on my way to
    school, I read them when I am at home or when I am relaxing on
    the beach.
    There are
    different genres of books, such as memoirs, science fiction,
    adventure stories, thrillers, novels, tales, detective stories,
    myths and many others. As far as I am concerned, I prefer
    classical foreign literature. My favorite writers are Honore de
    Balzac, Walter Scott, Erich Maria Remarque, Victor Marie Hugo,
    Francis Scott Fitzgerald and William Somerset Maugham.
    Sometimes, when I want to understand the plot of a story better,
    I can reread books several times. Besides, over the years a lot
    of my favorite books have been made into movies. For instance, I
    have recently watched “the Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott
    Fitzgerald and “the Miserable Ones” by Victor Marie Hugo. I was
    completely captivated and absorbed by the majestic scenery,
    modern movie effects and the brilliant performing of actors.
    And now I would
    like to tell you about my favorite book that made a lasting
    impression on me. It is definitely “Heaven Has No Favorites” by
    Remarque. It is a love story between a young girl called
    Lillian, a terminal patient suffering from tuberculosis, and an
    automobile racer, Clerfayt, who constantly puts his life at
    risk. Lillian, having a thirst of adventures and unknown
    emotions, catches at a straw and enjoys all treats of life,
    while her beloved one can’t imagine his life without exciting
    and dangerous hobby. The book tells us that while there is life,
    there is hope. It teaches us to appreciate every breath we take
    and every moment we live. It shows us that life is a precious
    gift. You know, only when faced with death, some people
    understand how important life is. However, nobody can escape his
    fate. The ending of the story is tragic. Clerfayt perished in a
    fatal road accident and broken-hearted Lillian decided to spend
    her last days at hospital.
    Чтение играет очень важную роль в
    жизни людей. Книги — это источник информации, знаний и
    просвещения. Они помогают нам обогатить наш словарный запас и
    делают речь эмоциональной и экспрессивной. Книги — это также
    лучшие учителя. Мы учимся на ошибках персонажей и не допускаем
    их повторения в своей жизни. Более того, книги помогают нам уйти
    от суровой реальности, погрузиться в мир захватывающих
    приключений и восстановить моральные и физические силы. Иногда
    они помогают найти ответы на тревожащие вопросы и их решение. С
    моей точки зрения, ничто не может сравниться с хорошей книгой.
    Что касается меня, чтение — это неотъемлемая часть моей жизни.
    Книги — мои лучшие спутники. Я читаю их по пути в школу, дома и
    на пляже.
    Существует множество различных
    жанров книг: мемуары, научная публицистика, приключения,
    триллеры, романы, сказки, детективы и многие другие. Лично я
    предпочитаю классическую зарубежную литературу. Моими любимыми
    писателями являются Оноре де Бальзак, Вальтер Скотт, Эрих Мария
    Ремарк, Виктор Мари Гюго, Фрэнсис Скотт Фицджеральд и Уильям
    Сомерсет Моэм. Иногда, когда я хочу лучше понять сюжет истории,
    я перечитываю произведения по несколько раз. Кроме того, многие
    из прочитанных мною книг были экранизированы. К примеру, недавно
    я смотрела фильмы «Великий Гэтсби» по роману Фрэнсиса Скотта
    Фицджеральда и «Отверженные» Виктора Гюго. Меня покорили
    великолепные декорации, современные спецэффекты и замечательная
    игра актеров.
    А сейчас я хотела бы вам рассказать
    о моей любимой книге, которая произвела на меня неизгладимое
    впечатление. Это определенно «Жизнь взаймы» Ремарка. Это
    любовная история неизлечимо больной туберкулезом девушки Лилиан
    и ежедневно рискующего своей жизнью автогонщика Клерфэ. Девушка
    Лилиан, жаждущая приключений и неведомых ей эмоций, хватается за
    соломинку, пытаясь насладиться всеми радостями жизни, в то время
    как ее возлюбленный не может представить жизни без своего
    захватывающего и опасного хобби. Книга говорит нам о том, что
    пока есть жизнь — есть надежда. Она учит нас ценить каждое
    дыхание и каждое ее мгновение, ведь жизнь — это бесценный
    подарок. Как известно, лишь столкнувшись со смертью лицом к
    лицу, люди начинают понимать то, насколько важна жизнь. Однако
    от судьбы не уйдешь. Конец истории очень трагичный. Клерфэ
    погибает в дорожной аварии во время гонок, а убитая горем Лилиан
    решает провести остаток своих дней в больнице.

    enlightenment [in’lait^nmant] — образование,
    2) to enrich vocabulary — обогащать словарный запас
    3) character — герой книги
    4) to escape reality — уходить от реальности
    5) memoirs [‘memwa:] — воспоминания, мемуары
    6) science fiction — научная публицистика
    7) plot — сюжет, фабула, структура (художественного
    8) scenery [‘si:n(3)n] — декорации сцены
    9) performing of actors — игра актеров
    10) terminal patient — неизлечимо больной
    11) tuberculosis [tju(b3:kju’busis] — туберкулез
    12) racer [‘reisa] — гонщик
    13) to catch at a straw — хвататься за соломинку
    14) to appreciate [a’priijieit] — высоко ценить, быть
    признатель¬ным, благодарным
    15) broken-hearted [ibr9uk(9)n’ha:tid] — убитый горем,
    несчаст¬ный, с разбитым сердцем

  • Reading
    Child psychologists believe that reading is one of the best
    habits that should be encouraged in children. Ninety percent of
    the things we learn during our lifetime come through books;
    therefore if we can’t read, we can’t learn.
    Books appeared long ago. At first they were written by hand, but
    after printing was invented, it became easier to publish books.
    There are two large groups of books: fiction and non-fiction
    books. Fiction books are most popular with readers and include
    short stories and novels of different genres and poetry.
    Non-fiction books are dictionaries, reference books, historical
    books, biographies, encyclopaedias and others.
    In my childhood, my mother read different books to me and that
    helped me to love reading. When I learnt to read, I was really
    happy because I could read books which I wanted and liked. At
    first, they were fairy tales, adventure stories and comics.
    Later, I was fond of detective stories and thrillers. Now I read
    historical novels and I realise that I do not know many things
    from history and it is so wonderful that I can learn them now
    and understand facts that I could not understand in my
    childhood. During my studies I also use non-fiction books like
    dictionaries and encyclopaedias to find necessary information.
    Today television and the Internet have almost replaced books
    because these resources provide any information one wants and
    some people think that in the modern world we do not need books
    at all. I think, however, that books will never disappear,
    because reading gives us pleasure.
    Modern technologies also made it possible for us to use
    electronic readers instead of paper copies of books. On the one
    hand, such readers are very convenient as you do not have to
    carry a thick book in your bag: you just take the reader and
    upload text files into it, so instead of several books you just
    carry one light electronic device! In addition, you may also
    keep pictures and even music files on it. Lastly, it is more
    environmentally friendly to use an electronic reader – cutting
    down trees is not needed for their development unlike the
    process of producing paper copies.
    However, everything has its disadvantages. To begin with, such
    readers are rather expensive and not everyone can afford them.
    One point against it is that free electronic texts to download
    are hard to find. Finally, paper books are more pleasant to hold
    in hands: touch their pages, turn them over, feel their smell. I
    have an electronic reader and it is convenient, but I still read
    paper copies of books too.
    To sum up, it is impossible to live without reading and even if
    paper books may disappear in the future, people will never stop
    1. Вступление (the importance of reading, if we can’t read,
    we can’t learn, etc.).
    2. Рассказать кратко об истории книгопечатания и двух группах
    книг (appeared long ago, were written by hand, printing was
    invented, two large groups, fiction: short stories and novels of
    different genres and poetry; non-fiction: dictionaries,
    reference books, historical books, biographies, encyclopaedias).
    3. Рассказать о том, что вы читали в детстве, какие книги
    предпочитаете читать сейчас (In my childhood, fairy
    tales/adventure stories, etc.; Now I read…; During my studies
    I also use…).
    4. Рассказать о чтении и книгах в современном мире и современных
    технологиях (television and the Internet, do not need books at
    all, modern technologies, electronic readers: advantages and
    disadvantages, etc.).
    5. Заключение (То sum up, it is impossible to live without
    reading and even if paper books may disappear in the future,
    people will never stop reading.).
    1. Do you read much?
    2. What sort of books do you read?
    3. Do you enjoy reading?
    4. Should children be encouraged to read?
    5. What are the advantages of reading? Are there any
    disadvantages? What are they?
    6. Is it good to get the reading habit?
    7. Do you read in English or in your own language?
    8. Does reading help to learn a language?
    9. When do you usually read?
    10. Do you read newspapers?
    11. Do you read magazines or journals?
    12. What books do you usually use to get ready for your classes?
    13. Do you think people should read more?
    14. What will happen if we don’t read?
    15. When should we start reading?
    16. Do you think that people don’t read so much because they are
    busy watching television or surfing the Internet?
    17. What would you do to encourage people to read? Is it
    difficult to encourage yourself to read? Why (not)?
    18. What was your favourite book in your childhood? What is your
    favourite book now?
    19. What is your favourite genre of books?
    20. Do you read electronic books or prefer paper copies of
    books? Why?
    21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic
    22. Do you think that books may disappear in the future? Why
    23. Where do you usually buy books?
    24. Do you borrow books from a library or do you buy them?
    25. Do you think that libraries may disappear in the future? Why
    Fiction Художественная литература
    action and adventure боевики и приключения
    children’s книги для детей
    contemporary современная проза
    crime детектив
    fantasy фэнтези
    graphic novels/comics комиксы
    historical fiction исторический роман
    horror ужасы
    humour юмористическая проза
    mystery детективный роман
    romance любовный роман
    science fiction научная фантастика
    short story collection . сборник рассказов
    thrillers триллеры
    young adult литература для подростков
    Non-Fiction Научно-популярная литература
    almanac альманах
    art & photography книги по искусству
    biography & memoirs биография/мемуары
    blueprint план, чертёж
    booklet буклет, брошюра
    brochure брошюра
    business & finance бизнес и финансы
    cookbook кулинарная книга
    dictionary словарь
    encyclopaedia энциклопедия
    gardening садоводство
    gift books подарочные издания
    guide гид, путеводитель
    handbook справочник, руководство
    history книги по истории
    “how-to” инструкция
    journalism журналистика
    manual руководство пользователя
    medical health & fitness медицина и фитнес
    nature & ecology природа и экология
    periodical периодические издания
    pets о домашних животных
    picture book словарь в картинках
    psychology психология
    reference справочник
    self-help книги «помоги себе сам»
    sports спорт
    textbook учебник
    travel книги о путешествиях

  • Reading for me

    Автор: Аксенова Женя.
    is one of the main interests of many people. In the modern world a personality
    must read because many different words met us every day in various places and
    we must understand what they are meaning. Ability to read is very important for
    private life.
    That is why we begin study reading in the our childhood.
    As for me when I
    was so little my parents read me different fairy-tales and other child’s books
    every day. It helped me developed my memory and imagination. Besides that after
    evening reading I slept
    very good and dreamt about fairy heroes. Later, when I became three years old I
    began studying the letters.
    It was very interesting for me because my mother thought of diverse words for
    every letter. Those words were meaning nice things which I liked. There were
    animals, birds and things. For example, for the letter “a” will be the word
    Apple. I liked this fruit and understand this letter. Sometimes my older sister
    drew funny pictures with letters for me, and sometimes we played in the study
    games. All
    of that helped me very much.
    So when I knew
    the whole alphabet my mother began to teach me to read by syllables. And soon I
    could read unassisting my mother. I was four and I was the very happy child.
    The first book that I read and it was my favorite book in childhood and it was called
    Aibolit by Korney Chukovskiy. I remember that I had read this book about ten
    When I studied
    at school I began to read the books which my teachers set me. At first there
    were Ivan
    Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Alexandr Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. I cryed very
    much when I read Mumu written by famous author Ivan Turgenev. I terribly
    sorried for main hero deaf-and-dumb Herasim and his small dog. This sad story
    made a greate impression for me. Also
    I studied different poems by heart and my favorite poem was The Good Attitude
    To The Horses by Vladimir Mayakovskiy. I remember it very well even now. Last
    years at school we read novels written by the сlassic
    Russian authors such as Lev Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoevskiy, Mikhail Sholokhov and poems
    written by the great Russian poets Anna Akhmatova, Sergey Esenin, Alexandr
    Block, Vladimir Mayakovskiy and others. But always I preferedpreferred detectives. I
    like the stories about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle very much. And I
    like Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christie who became one of the most popular
    private detectives since Sherlock Holmes. This little BelgainBelgian with the
    egg-shaped head and the passion order amazes everyone by his brilliant solutions to
    the most complicated crimes. Besides that I too like read adventure books and I
    think that Robert Stivenson is the best in this genre. His Treasure’s Island is
    the splendid book!
    There are many
    different genres in the world literature: detectives, love novels, fantasies,
    poems, thrillers, horror books, historical books and so on. I read books of all
    those genres and now I have not preference in the literature. Sometimes I read
    thrillers sometimes fairy-tales and sometimes I want to read something new. At
    those moments I asked my friends or my parents about books’ novelties. Usualy I
    listen to what my uncle thinks about so-and-so books. I respect my uncle’s
    opinion because he is a very clever and well-read man and I love his very much.
    he lives in Moscow and he has posibilitypossibility to know about new books earlier
    than me.
    The last book
    that he recomendedrecommended me was so
    interesting! That was the novel Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author
    Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very much and cirtainlycertainly I want to read this book. Besides
    that I have a chance to know something more about this country, its culture,
    customs and people. This novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood
    includes the volume of literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the
    Internet. Haruki Murakami combines the methods of pop-culture, cinema, music
    and detective genre. It is the mixture of zen-philosophy, jazz session and love
    stories. There are original story with many funny jokes and songs by famous
    groups like The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. This book is written
    about life of young Japanese man who studies at the University in Tokio. His
    name is Vatanabe. He is so abrupt, independent and serious with unknown people, but
    he is very tender, understanding, sincere and tolerant with his friends and
    with people wichwhich he loves.
    Vatanabe collides with many problems in the adult world. His best friend and
    his girlfriend were made a suicide during the two years. After hat he
    reserved himself and he must decide how he will be living in the future. But
    soon he met the nice girl and of course the love saved him.
    On the pages of
    novel author tells us about the real life. The heroes of his books very lonely
    people but
    they have the aspirtionaspiration to live. From
    my opinion lonely and independent are the main idea of the Murakami’s books. As
    for me Haruki Murakami is my favorite author now. His novels are very unusual
    and I never read the books of this genre. I do not know what genre is it at all.
    But now I read almoustalmost all books by
    this writer and I can tell that I understand and love him very much.
    Recently I think
    the books can fit almost every need, temper or interest. Books can be read when
    you are in the
    mood; they don’t have to be taken in periodic doses. Reading is probably the
    most important skill you will need for success in your studies. You will have
    to read lengthy assignments in different subjects with varying degrees of
    detail and difficulty. If
    you you read inaccuratlyinaccurately, you will fail
    to understand some of the information and ideas you read. If you read slowly,
    you will have to spend too much time reading your sentences so that your other
    work may suffer.
    No matter what
    kind of genre
    you choose the most important thing is getting the real pleasure dealing with
    art of book.

  • A book makes a man the master of the universe.
    I am fond of reading. I think that in the modern world a personality must read because many different words met us every day in various places and we must understand what they are meaning. Ability to read is very important for private life.
    That is why we begin to study reading from childhood.
    As for me when I was so little my parents read me different fairy-tales and other child’s books every day. It helped me developed my memory and imagination. Besides that after evening reading I slept very good and dreamt about fairy heroes. Later, when I became three years old I began studying the letters. It was very interesting for me because my mother thought of diverse words for every letter. Those words were meaning nice things which I liked. There were animals, birds and things. For example, for the letter “a” will be the word Apple. I liked this fruit and understand this letter. So when I knew the whole alphabet my mother began to teach me to read by syllables. The first book that I read and it was my favorite book in childhood and it was called Aibolit by Korney Chukovskiy. I remember that I had read this book many times.
    Recently I have read an interesting article in one of the most popular magazines. The author decided to think about what would happen with the world if it suddenly lost all iron. The situation, of course, inconceivable, but the author was not confused. The consequences of the disappearance of this element were simply disastrous, and all ended up in a few weeks of human civilization would come to an end.
    And now think about what would happen with us if the books disappeared. At first everything would still remain but it was only the beginning. Then people would have very and very hard as the book is a repository of collective human experience for many thousands of years. A word written on paper is the basis of culture in the aggregate of material, spiritual and moral achievements of the society.
    Of course, it would have been books on electronic media, but today not all books are available in electronic versions, and many are particularly rare and ancient manuscripts simply cannot scan or convert to a digital format. Moreover, it seems to me that nothing in the world can compare with the smell of freshly printed just bought the book.
    In general, the value of the book is not limited to purely utilitarian use. “Gold, silver, pearls, purple robes, marble buildings, paintings and other items can be delivered only arrives the fun, the book can lead us into a true delight: they tell us how to live, they are our best advisers, our closest friends,” said the great Italian poet Francesco Petrarca in the 14th century.
    Just learning to talk, people mused over how to fix, build on the skills and knowledge that is accumulated on a daily basis in communicating with the world around them. So there was a letter, and then the book.
    These words often seem to us a poetic exaggeration. We are accustomed to the book and consider it a manifestation of normal daily life. What is wonderful in it? However, think about it. Isn’t it a miracle that covered with simple icons page presents us with the innermost thoughts of the best minds of the universe? And isn’t it a miracle that the book, like a time machine that takes us into the past and future of the century? And how else to call it that a limited number of letters, joined together in words can cause us joy and pain, anger and hope, and love? The book makes our contemporaries blind Homer, to Voltaire’s ironic, compelling intensity in its genius Leo Tolstoy …
    Until recently, we in Russia would not be considered sufficiently educated person who would never read Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Gogol, Lermontov and Cervantes and Mark Twain and other classics of the world literature. Unfortunately, the cult of book and the cult of the reader are gradually disappearing. Modern technologies lead to the fact that we read less and communicate less with the book. TV, universal computerization fill our life with new possibilities, in the virtual world where we can “live” several lives, without sacrificing anything except the time.
    I’m not against modern technologies. They can greatly facilitate the lives of humanity but they can never replace a book and communication with it.
    For me, the book is an important part of life. This is an opportunity to learn something new, and the world, and yourself, learn to understand other people.
    In addition, books give me (and others) the opportunity to join the achievements of human civilization. After all, literature is something great that was for many centuries and that will never go away and will not be forgotten. It is the experience of our ancestors and contemporaries.
    Opening the book you begin a mental conversation with its author and its characters. The living thought throws out of tight paperback, worries, argues and fights.
    There lived and worked many talented writers working in different directions and genres at all times in the world. That’s why I still cannot definitively determine with the favourite genre in literature. In general I can say that I prefer books in the genre of adventure fantasy and horror. To my shame I admit that I don’t really like classic literature and I prefer to read works written by modern writes. Among my favorite Russian writes are Alexander Pushkin, Anna Akhmatova, Anton Chekhov, Ivan Turgenev. I also read the works of foreign writes with great pleasure. Among my favourite foreign writes I can name Stephen King, Herbert  Wells, Howard  Lovecraft, Iris Murdoch, Moyes Jojo .
    I’ve read several of Iris Murdoch’s novels in the past year and loved them.
    At the moment I am reading the novel “The castle on the sand». It is filled with dark humor, captivating characters, and plot twists. It is a story of love, guilt, loyalty,
    ambition, magic, and art.
    At the heart of the novel is a love affair.  It begins with a verbal conflict between Mor, a teacher at St. Bride’s school, and his wife, Nan, over his future and that of their children.  It is immediately clear that Nan usually wins such arguments because Mor gives in to keep peace.  Mor reflects: “The early years of their marriage had been happy enough.  At that time he and Nan had talked of nothing but themselves.  When this subject failed, however, they had been unable to find another – and one day Mor made the discovery that he was tied for life to a being that could change, who could withdraw herself from him and become independent.  On that day
    Mor had renewed his marriage vows.”
    When Rain Carter, brought up in France by her artist father, comes to St. Bride’s to paint an official portrait of the retired headmaster, Demoyte, Mor finds himself falling in love.  She loves him, too, but his twenty-year marriage and two children are barriers to its consummation.  Neither of them are adept at this sort of situation – she is very young and his weakness lies in his problem with making decisions.  What follows are chance meetings, intercepted letters, and the appearance of a gypsy/vagabond who seems to be a harbinger of doom.
    Rain tells Mor that, as a child, she tried to build sandcastle’s on Mediterranean beaches but when she “tried to make a sandcastle the sand would just run away between my fingers.  It was too dry to hold together.”  Like the sandcastle, the lives of the characters are swept up in the chaotic tide of events and what once seemed
    secure slips away from them.
    The novel ends with Mor’s daughter, Felicity, thinking, “Everything was alright now.  It was alright.  It was alright.”  But perhaps it wasn’t.
    Right now it is the time to tell you about my favourite book “The Master and Margarita”, which I have read many times. This book was written by soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov. The first time I read it four years ago, but then because of my age I didn’t understand very much. At that time this novel seemed to me an interesting fairy- tale with happy end. And after reading it the second time recently, I realized how wrong I was, hadn’t understood the depth and complexity of this novel which touches upon difficult and hard questions. I reread this masterpiece more than once and every time I opened something new in it, what is unknown and incomprehensible for me. For me it is immortal because as said Woland, “Manuscripts don’t burn”. This roman of Mikhail Bulgakov was exactly the book, which has each person, which wants to read again after a while.
    I also liked the film shot by the book “The Master and Margarita”, although the book is still better in times. In general it is necessary to say separately about the film adaptation. I have noticed that films based on the books are usually worse that the book itself. There are no limits for imagination in the book. The author can realize any of his ideas if he wishes.  There are a lot of restrictions determined by the level of development of modern technologies.
    The thoughts and deeds laid down in the book are not static and not dead. They return to life when the human’s hand touches to the binding. The pages begin to rustle and the brain comprehends someone’s strange but not alien life encrypted
    by a running variety of typographic lines.
    Reading the book we put ourselves in the place of heroes and meditate what I would do in place of hero in particular situation. Having read the book you begin to look at all differently, to open something new and sometimes not expected qualities for yourself.
    With the help of books you can find the answers to your questions, pick up the key to solve the problems which seemed unsolved.
    Once the Pharaoh Ptolemy the 3rd created the famous Alexandrian library decided to fill it with the works of the well-known Greeks Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles. Since he couldn’t get these books he wanted to make its copies and that’s why he requested from Athens rare manuscripts. The love to books of Egyptian Pharaoh was so great that he gave these manuscripts in the Library of Alexandria and he sent Athens the copies and gold as compensation. Greeks attempts to return back their lost were unsuccessful.
    In general I understand the act of that it was impossible for Pharaoh to give up such wealth. I can say that books are the ships with treasure of knowledge which sail on the waves of time and carry their priceless load from generation to generation. Gold, money is nothing compared to those treasures that contain different books.

  • Nowadays, when many sources of information and types of entertainment have appeared (TV and video films, cinema, the Internet), many people do not think reading is necessary. They believe that people who read are ‘nerds’, ‘geeks’, or ‘bookworms’. I believe this is not true, reading is very important as it can shape one’s personality. Firstly, reading can improve your imagination and emotions. It can carry you to different places, worlds and times. Picking up a book is like picking up a world that is waiting to be explored. Whether fiction or fact, books can take you away with them, engulf you and make you a part of their environment. They can make you cry or laugh, the more pages you read, the harder it is to shut the book. Within the pages lie stories untold, places never visited and new people to meet. Secondly, reading is educational: it alleviates ignorance, improves a person’s vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it. Every book holds vast amounts of knowledge; reading forms the core of traditional education. Lastly, reading can shape your character. Following the plot of the book we read, sympathizing with or hating its characters, we follow the author’s idea of life. We absorb it, think it over, and often make it part of our own philosophy.
    Your reading preferences are numerous, aren’t they?
    My reading preferences are various. People have been writing novels, short stories, verse and essays for many centuries, and you can find a lot of brilliant writers and excellent books in many genres of literature. For me, it is not the genre of the book that matters, but the talent and emotion the author has put into it. I equally enjoy ‘serious’ classical prose and poetry and some ‘easier’ reading like 20th century detectives, fantasies and memoirs. The choice of a book to read depends on my mood and the amount of free time I have. Sometimes I read a book for the ideas and knowledge it contains; sometimes for the plot and entertainment.
    When I am not pressed for time, I prefer classical literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. To my mind, it was the “golden age’ in the history of literature when masterpieces were created- Full of philosophy, deeply psychological and thought-provoking, classical novels, short stories, plays and verse form the treasury of the world literature.
    Of course, I have a number of favourite writers and poets. To name only a few, they are Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Bulgakov in Russia, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Dreiser, Fowles, and, really, many, many others.
    Translate the following sentences into English.
    1. В наше время появилось много источников информации и способов развлечения, но чтение все еще остается очень важным, так как оно может развить ваше воображение и чувства, оно имеет образовательную ценность и может сформировать ваш характер.
    2. Чтение составляет основу традиционного образования, каждая книга содержит значительный объем знаний, может захватить вас и сделать вас частью своей среды.
    3. В рамках любого жанра литературы можно найти массу блестящих писателей — в классической прозе и поэзии, фэнтази и мемуарах, детективах и многих других.
    4. Некоторые люди читают книги ради идей и знаний, содержащихся в них, другие — ради сюжета и развлечения.
    5. Классические романы, рассказы, пьесы и стихи XIX века составляют сокровищницу мировой литературы, они глубоко психологичны и заставляют задуматься.
    6. Мои предпочтения в выборе книг разнообразны.
    1. Nowadays many sources of information and types of entertainment appeared, but reading is still very important as it can improve your imagination and emotions, it is educational, and can shape your char¬acter.
    2. Reading forms the core of traditional education, every book contains a vast amount of knowledge, it can engulf you and make you a part of its environment.
    3. There are a lot of brilliant writers in any genre of literature — classical prose and poetry, fantasies and memoirs, detectives and many others.
    4. Some people read books for the ideas and knowledge they contain, some read them for the plot and entertainment.
    5. 19th century classical novels, short stories, plays and verse form the treasury of the world literature and are deeply psychological and thought-provoking.
    6. My reading preferences are various.
    Из пособия “ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы” Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) – Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

  • на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



    People create works of art to express their thoughts and feelings, to systematize the knowledge about the world, and to touch the beauty. Literature, as the verbal art, reflect these intentions with the greatest obviousness. This ancient art was developing along with the society for centuries. Authors wrote stories and tales, poems and novels, reconsidered folk legends and heroic epos, but, unfortunately, a very small percentage of the population could read their texts: the majority was illiterate. The emergence of free and accessible education changed the situation, and since the 19th century, reading has become a natural part of life.
    Люди создают произведения искусства, чтобы выразить свои мысли и чувства, упорядочить знания о мире и прикоснуться к красоте. Литература, как словесное искусство, отражает эти намерения с наибольшей очевидностью. Это древнее искусство веками развивалось параллельно с обществом. Авторы писали рассказы и сказки, стихотворения и романы, переосмысляли народные легенды и героический эпос, но, к сожалению, очень маленький процент населения мог читать их тексты: большинство было неграмотным. Появление бесплатного и свободного образования изменило ситуацию, и с XIX
    века чтение стало естественной частью жизни.
    Reading remains popular among people of all the ages and social classes, because it helps to relax, to forget about everyday problems for a while and to think about something more significant – the sense of life or one’s own personality. The possibility to analyze serious issues in a “game” invented by a writer, in a fictional world, attracts everyone. Reading is not only pleasant, but also useful activity: we enjoy the story, empathize with characters and, at the same time, learn to understand the others and ourselves.
    Чтение остаётся популярным среди людей всех возрастов и социальных классов, потому что помогает расслабиться, ненадолго забыть о бытовых проблемах и подумать о чём-то более значимом – о смысле жизни или о собственной личности. Возможность анализировать серьёзные вопросы в «игре», изобретённой автором, в вымышленном мире, привлекает каждого. Чтение – не только приятное, но и полезное занятие: мы наслаждаемся сюжетом, сопереживаем персонажам и в то же время учимся понимать других и самих себя.
    Nowadays, due to the wide range of books, everyone can choose what he or she prefers: classical literature (for example, I adore Shakespeare’s tragedies and Dostoevsky’s novels) or the modern one, a historical novel or science fiction, a love story or the memoirs of a famous person. However, people have little time for reading, which is very sad. In my opinion, the cinema and the Internet are not able to replace the depth of literature.
    В наши дни, благодаря широкому ассортименту книг, любой может выбрать то, что предпочитает: классическую литературу (например, я обожаю трагедии Шекспира и романы Достоевского) или современную, исторический роман или научную фантастику, любовный роман или мемуары знаменитости. Однако у людей мало времени на чтение, что очень печально. На мой взгляд, кино и Интернет не способны заменить глубину литературы.

  • I want to tell you about reading in my life. Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. I’m fond of reading. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feelings. Reading is very useful, because books enrich our experience with that or the other people. Besides, books help me to continue my own education. The world of books is full of wonders. Reading books you can find, yourself in different lands, countries, islands, seas, oceans. We enjoy the beauty and wisdom of books which teach us to be kind and clever, brave and honesty to understand other people. People are fond of reading different kinds of books. There are books of different genres: love and detective stories, thrillers and historical novels, tales, works after classical and modern writers. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. I’m a great lover of the English and American literature. Among my favourite writers are W. Shakespeare and Ch. Dickens. Books help us to be good friends. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, to take care of it, to love our homeland. I read books Russian and Belarusian writers too.
    I can’t imagine my life without reading. You can find all kinds of books at the library. Every school in our country has a library. A school library is a collection of textbooks and books for reading. Our pupils and teachers go for reading, to look some magazines or newspapers or to prepare for a report.
    Books teach us what is right and what is wrong, to understand the world and people in it. It educates a person, enriches his intellect.

  • Today, there are many clubs for some readers, for every who loves books or wants to read books. But have you ever asked somebody that why we need to read books? Before answer this question, why don’t you find out what are the benefits of reading books. Let’s check it out.
    First, reading books helps you to widen your general knowledge. Nowadays, the world is changing every single day, every single night and turns around on a time wheel.All things you learn at school are all enough? No! everything you learn at school just a general education. At school, teacher can not teach thoroughly for you just in one class. So you need to read books to improve yourself. Knowledge is unlimited and you are standing between the world of education. Reading books also helps us to remember clearly about the situation or the unit you have learned at school. For example, in biology, at school, we learned about animals ‘s habits and when read books, you can understand more about animals world, or in chemistry, you can understand clearly about chemicals or atomic. In the other side, the world has a lot of books, maybe a thousand or a billion. So we can choose books with different topics for reading. Some people like romantic books. But some people love science, like me. in science book, you can know more about the wide world outside your imaginary. You can learn more abot animals, the situations about us.
    Second, reading books helps you to understand how is the world inside people. Many books have a lot of stories about family, relationship, friendship or maybe about love. From that, we can learn more about the inside world of people. For instance, nobody’s boy written by hector malot is a novel talking about a boy has no family go every with an old men to perform juggling with three dogs. A novel is a present about love between two people in a small family.
    Finally, reading books helps us to relax, feel every moment times with your books. There are many books are published to attend for entertainment like doraemon, Sherlock Holmes or Harry Potter or some books make you to be sunk in the adventures, unreal world like pendragon or Indiana Jones. Reading is fun.
    You can see. Reading books is an important way to step on step on your life. You can see the world, listen to the world. Your life will be more suitable.

  • Done by Shek Catherina.
    Is reading important…
    2. My family and books…
    My advice!
    Most teenagers have different  opinions on reading. Some teenagers think, that reading is important, because books can tell us a lot about life of famous people, teenager’s problems, interesting thinks. Reading is important, because books help to discover new thinks, explorer new ideas.
    But some teenagers think, that reading is not important, because it is easier to watch TV or video and it hurts eyes. I agree with these teenagers, because reading is boring for me, it gives a headache and it takes too much time!
    My family loves reading. I think my mother is
    fond of reading romances or books of cooking, because it helps to forget about her problems.
    My father reads newspapers and magazines, because there is a lot of information.
    My sister likes read tales, because she is a child and she believes in magic.
    I like read medicine books, because I want to be a doctor. I like too read romances and classic, because it help to discover new things.
    Millions of books are published every year around the world. I would recommend the book «Poor Liza». It was written by Karamzin. It is very interesting and my favorite book. It is about a poor girl and her bad boy, who left her because of money. The story is set in a village. The main character in the book is poor Liza, who because of her unhappy love commits suicide. I particularly loved reading it because it is very interesting book!

  • “Reading: Forgotten Pleasures?”
    I like reading very much. It’s a real pleasure for me. Opening a book, you find the whole world created by the author. A book, like the best friend, can help you to make a decision; it can cheer you up and show you the mistakes as well. It teaches you to think and to be reasonable and sympathetic. From my point of view, reading is not only a great pleasure but also a necessity. While reading, we are learning not only to think but to speak beautifully and in a correct way. Reading enriches your vocabulary and helps you to express your thoughts and emotions in a bright, cute way. And listening to such a person is also very pleasant. These people may become leaders and make other people follow their way. All the people have a great ability to speak and to understand a speech so they should try to make their speech beautiful and correct.
    Nowadays reading has become a kind of forgotten pleasure: people prefer to get information from the Internet. Books are getting less popular and that’s a pity. In the Internet you can find summaries of different novels and stories, so there is no need to waste your time on reading thick boring books but that’s the way of thinking of lazy people. Those who want to develop, who want to feel, will never give up reading books. They are our real devoted friends, books.

  • Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person’s character, from his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It’s a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again.
    Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood.
    People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.
    Throughout the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings.
    The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken the young reader’s imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader’s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.
    Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire learn they seek a knowledge. Books sat this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries.
    Books shouldn’t be read only by pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance history adventure, autobiographers science fiction and humor in the form of short stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on.
    In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he feels in library card and the librarian helps to chose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books and not damage them in any way. Readers come to the reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.

  • Краткое содержание работы
    Автор: Аксенова
    is one of the main interests of many people. In the modern world a personality
    must read because many different words met us every day in various places and
    we must understand what they are meaning. Ability to read is very important for
    private life. That is why we begin study reading in the our childhood.
    As for
    me when I was so little my parents read me different fairy-tales and other
    child’s books every day. It helped me developed my memory and imagination.
    Besides that after evening reading I slept very good and dreamt about fairy
    heroes. Later, when I became three years old I began studying the letters. It
    was very interesting for me because my mother thought of diverse words for
    every letter. Those words were meaning nice things which I liked. There were
    animals, birds and things. For example, for the letter “a” will be the word
    Apple. I liked this fruit and understand this letter. Sometimes my older sister
    drew funny pictures with letters for me, and sometimes we played in the study
    games. All of that helped me very much.
    when I knew the whole alphabet my mother began to teach me to read by
    syllables. And soon I could read unassisting my mother. I was four and I was
    the very happy child. The first book that I read and it was my favorite book in
    childhood and it was called Aibolit by Korney Chukovskiy. I remember that I had
    read this book about ten times.
    When I
    studied at school I began to read the books which my teachers set me. At first
    there were Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Alexandr Pushkin and Mikhail
    Lermontov. I cryed very much when I read Mumu written by famous author Ivan
    Turgenev. I terribly sorried for main hero deaf-and-dumb Herasim and his small
    dog. This sad story made a great impression for me. Also I studied different
    poems by heart and my favorite poem was The Good Attitude To The Horses by
    Vladimir Mayakovskiy. I remember it very well even now. Last years at school we
    read novels written by the сlassic Russian authors such as Lev Tolstoy,
    Fedor Dostoevskiy, Mikhail Sholokhov and poems written by the great Russian
    poets Anna Akhmatova, Sergey Esenin, Alexandr Block, Vladimir Mayakovskiy and
    others. But always I preferred detectives. I like the stories about Sherlock
    Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle very much. And I like Hercule Poirot by Agatha
    Christie who became one of the most popular private detectives since Sherlock
    Holmes. This little Belgian with the egg-shaped head and the passion order
    amazes everyone by his brilliant solutions to the most complicated crimes.
    Besides that I too like read adventure books and I think that Robert Stivenson
    is the best in this genre. His Treasure’s Island is the splendid book!
    are many different genres in the world literature: detectives, love novels,
    fantasies, poems, thrillers, horror books, historical books and so on. I read
    books of all those genres and now I have not preference in the literature.
    Sometimes I read thrillers sometimes fairy-tales and sometimes I want to read something
    new. At those moments I asked my friends or my parents about books’ novelties.
    Usualy I listen to what my uncle thinks about so-and-so books. I respect my
    uncle’s opinion because he is a very clever and well-read man and I love his
    very much. Moreover he lives in Moscow and he has possibility to know about new
    books earlier than me.
    last book that he recommended me was so interesting! That was the novel
    Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very
    much and certainly I want to read this book. Besides that I have a chance to
    know something more about this country, its culture, customs and people. This
    novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood includes the volume of
    literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the Internet.
    Haruki Murakami ……

  • There is a quote that I’d like to share with you, guys, ”A book is a dream that you hold in your hand”. – Neil Gaiman
    Books are wonderful! They accompany us during all our life. When you read you enrich your mind and broaden your knowledge. People who read books are intelligent. Books are also an entertainment. You and the characters of the book you are reading can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures. Just imagine — new characters, scenes, lives, events! It’s like real life in miniature!
    A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher. Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself. A book can form our values and characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. Too bad people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly as well, on his or her talent.
    Books are of great help in any education. With the help of the Internet, we can find and read online almost any book or literary piece on the Internet. And I find it quite convenient because it saves a lot of time. But I’m sure that no matter how convenient it is to get a book online, there is still no bigger pleasure than reading a printed one.
    I’m fond of reading different genres like historical novels, detectives or science fiction, tales and legends. In my small library at home, I have some printed books which are important to me. Books like Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, Life of Alexander the Great and others. I like to re-read them from time to time, sometimes I make some notes on their pages and just smell the scent of childhood and magic.
    Never forget that books are worth reading.

    Сочинение на тему Книги

    Я бы хотела поделиться с вами цитатой, друзья: «Книга — это сон, который вы держите в руке». – Нейл Гейман
    Книги — это замечательно! Они сопровождают нас на протяжении всей нашей жизни. Когда вы читаете, вы обогащаете свой ум и расширяете знания. Книги — это развлечение. Вы и персонажи читаемой книги можете побывать в разных странах и испытать множество приключений. Просто представьте — новые персонажи, сцены, жизни, события! Это как настоящая жизнь в миниатюре!
    Книга может быть верным другом и учителем. Читая книгу, вы открываете для себя новые горизонты. Она может сформировать наши ценности и характеры. Она дает нам возможность представить будущее и заглянуть в прошлое. Можно многому научиться, читая книги. И я уверена, что время, потраченное на хорошую книгу, никогда не пропадает даром. Очень жаль, что люди стали меньше читать.
    Книги помогают в любом образовании. С помощью Интернета мы можем найти и прочитать онлайн практически любую книгу или литературный фрагмент. И я нахожу этот способ довольно удобным, так как это экономит много времени. Но я уверена, что независимо от того, насколько удобно достать книгу в Интернете, до сих пор нет большего удовольствия, чем чтение печатной книги.
    Мне очень нравится читать разные жанры: исторические романы, детективы, научную фантастику, сказки и легенды. У меня есть несколько печатных книг в моей небольшой домашней библиотеке, которые важны для меня. Книги, как Алиса в стране чудес, Властелин колец, Жизнь Александра Великого и другие. Мне нравится перечитывать их время от времени. Иногда я делаю пометки на страницах и просто вдыхаю запах детства и волшебства.
    Никогда не забывайте, что книги стоят того, чтобы их читали.
    Похожие сочинения
    Топик My hobby
    Топик Shopping
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    Топик My trip
    Популярные сочинения
    Топик About myself
    Топик About my friends
    Топик My summer holidays
    Топик Pros and cons of the Internet

  • Автор: Аксенова Женя.
    is one of the main interests of many people. In the modern world a personality
    must read because many different words met us every day in various places and
    we must understand what they are meaning. Ability to read is very important for
    private life.
    That is why we begin study reading in the our childhood.
    As for me when I
    was so little my parents read me different fairy-tales and other child’s books
    every day. It helped me developed my memory and imagination. Besides that after
    evening reading I slept
    very good and dreamt about fairy heroes. Later, when I became three years old I
    began studying the letters.
    It was very interesting for me because my mother thought of diverse words for
    every letter. Those words were meaning nice things which I liked. There were
    animals, birds and things. For example, for the letter “a” will be the word
    Apple. I liked this fruit and understand this letter. Sometimes my older sister
    drew funny pictures with letters for me, and sometimes we played in the study
    games. All
    of that helped me very much.
    So when I knew
    the whole alphabet my mother began to teach me to read by syllables. And soon I
    could read unassisting my mother. I was four and I was the very happy child.
    The first book that I read and it was my favorite book in childhood and it was called
    Aibolit by Korney Chukovskiy. I remember that I had read this book about ten
    When I studied
    at school I began to read the books which my teachers set me. At first there
    were Ivan
    Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Alexandr Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. I cryed very
    much when I read Mumu written by famous author Ivan Turgenev. I terribly
    sorried for main hero deaf-and-dumb Herasim and his small dog. This sad story
    made a greate impression for me. Also
    I studied different poems by heart and my favorite poem was The Good Attitude
    To The Horses by Vladimir Mayakovskiy. I remember it very well even now. Last
    years at school we read novels written by the сlassic
    Russian authors such as Lev Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoevskiy, Mikhail Sholokhov and poems
    written by the great Russian poets Anna Akhmatova, Sergey Esenin, Alexandr
    Block, Vladimir Mayakovskiy and others. But always I preferedpreferred detectives. I
    like the stories about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle very much. And I
    like Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christie who became one of the most popular
    private detectives since Sherlock Holmes. This little BelgainBelgian with the
    egg-shaped head and the passion order amazes everyone by his brilliant solutions to
    the most complicated crimes. Besides that I too like read adventure books and I
    think that Robert Stivenson is the best in this genre. His Treasure’s Island is
    the splendid book!
    There are many
    different genres in the world literature: detectives, love novels, fantasies,
    poems, thrillers, horror books, historical books and so on. I read books of all
    those genres and now I have not preference in the literature. Sometimes I read
    thrillers sometimes fairy-tales and sometimes I want to read something new. At
    those moments I asked my friends or my parents about books’ novelties. Usualy I
    listen to what my uncle thinks about so-and-so books. I respect my uncle’s
    opinion because he is a very clever and well-read man and I love his very much.
    he lives in Moscow and he has posibilitypossibility to know about new books earlier
    than me.
    The last book
    that he recomendedrecommended me was so
    interesting! That was the novel Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author
    Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very much and cirtainlycertainly I want to read this book. Besides
    that I have a chance to know something more about this country, its culture,
    customs and people. This novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood
    includes the volume of literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the
    Internet. Haruki Murakami combines the methods of pop-culture, cinema, music
    and detective genre. It is the mixture of zen-philosophy, jazz session and love
    stories. There are original story with many funny jokes and songs by famous
    groups like The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. This book is written
    about life of young Japanese man who studies at the University in Tokio. His
    name is Vatanabe. He is so abrupt, independent and serious with unknown people, but
    he is very tender, understanding, sincere and tolerant with his friends and
    with people wichwhich he loves.
    Vatanabe collides with many problems in the adult world. His best friend and
    his girlfriend were made a suicide during the two years. After hat he
    reserved himself and he must decide how he will be living in the future. But
    soon he met the nice girl and of course the love saved him.
    On the pages of
    novel author tells us about the real life. The heroes of his books very lonely
    people but
    they have the aspirtionaspiration to live. From
    my opinion lonely and independent are the main idea of the Murakami’s books. As
    for me Haruki Murakami is my favorite author now. His novels are very unusual
    and I never read the books of this genre. I do not know what genre is it at all.
    But now I read almoustalmost all books by
    this writer and I can tell that I understand and love him very much.
    Recently I think
    the books can fit almost every need, temper or interest. Books can be read when
    you are in the
    mood; they don’t have to be taken in periodic doses. Reading is probably the
    most important skill you will need for success in your studies. You will have
    to read lengthy assignments in different subjects with varying degrees of
    detail and difficulty. If
    you you read inaccuratlyinaccurately, you will fail
    to understand some of the information and ideas you read. If you read slowly,
    you will have to spend too much time reading your sentences so that your other
    work may suffer.
    No matter what
    kind of genre
    you choose the most important thing is getting the real pleasure dealing with
    art of book.

  • На английском языке. The Role Of Reading In My Life
    Reading plays a very important role in most people’s lives. It educates them, enriches their intellect. As for me, I have been always fond of reading. Since the very childhood I asked my parents to buy more books for me. I could read when I turned six or seven, which is rather early compared to other children. The first books that I read were fairy-tales. As I was raised in a bilingual family I could read in two languages. At the age of eight I started learning English and my list of books became even wider. When I was a junior, I preferred reading fantasy books. Some of them were absolutely hilarious, but still I could read them for hours even at night time when my parents didn’t see. My grandmother used to tell me that reading in the dark can be dangerous for my eyes, but I had a bright flashlight, which I switched only under my blanket. When I became a teenager, all I could read was educational literature, as I was going to pass serious exams. Along with that, I enjoyed attending our school reading club, where we studied classic literature. At that time I read all the books which I found in the library, written by Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Hemingway, O’Henry, Shakespeare, Byron and other famous literati. I have a friend who doesn’t like reading. She always asks me why I like reading so much. The answer to this question is quite simple. I just find that reading books people can find themselves in different countries, places and lands.
    Перевод на русский язык. Роль чтения в моей жизни
    Чтение играет очень важную роль в жизни большинства людей. Оно воспитывает, обогащает интеллект. Что касается меня, я всегда любила читать. С самого детства я просила своих родителей покупать мне больше книг. Я умела читать, когда мне исполнилось шесть или семь лет, что довольно рано по сравнению с другими детьми. Первые книги, которые я читала, это сказки. Так как я росла в билингвальной семье, то могла читать сразу на двух языках. В возрасте восьми лет я начала изучать английский, после чего мой список книг стал еще шире. Когда я была в младшей школе, то предпочитала читать фантастику. Некоторые из них были нереально смешными, но все же я могла читать их по несколько часов, даже в ночное время, когда мои родители не видели. Моя бабушка говорила, что чтение в темноте может быть вредным для глаз, но у меня был яркий фонарик, который я включала только под одеялом. Когда я стала постарше, то читала в основном образовательную литературу, для того чтобы сдать серьезные экзамены. Вместе с тем мне нравилось посещать наш школьный читательский клуб, где мы изучали классическую литературу. В то время я прочитала все книги, которые нашла в библиотеке, написанные Пушкиным, Лермонтовым, Толстым, Тургеневым, Хемингуэйем, О’Генри, Шекспиром, Байроном и другими известными литераторами. У меня есть подруга, которая не любит читать. Она всегда спрашивает меня, отчего я так люблю читать. Ответ на этот вопрос достаточно прост. Я просто считаю, что читая книги, люди могут мысленно перемещаться в другие страны и места.

  • Firstly, books are very popular with people because they provide different information. We can read about people, important events of our history, and many other interesting things. There are many educational books on various subjects. We use textbooks at schools, higher educational institutions, and courses. Secondly, books are very important for self-expression. Many people write stories, novels, poems… Some books are not always very popular, but sometimes we need to read easy literature to relax from our serious and everyday thoughts. Thirdly, nowadays the mist popular way to get information is the Internet. But we can also get books from it too. We can read online or download books, and we do not need to carry heavy books with us. Moreover, books teach us to be kind, honest, and understanding. These qualities are very important for everybody. If you want to understand people around you, to be a good moral person, you should read books and think about their examples of characters’ behavior.
    Despite a great number of advantages, a lot of people don’t like reading. It’s very bad because they cannot become well educated. They don’t know many facts, useful stories… They don’t read even school literature. I think that, if they want to be good specialists, to have a well-paid job, they ought to read many books about their specialty.
    So reading is very important in our life. Read books and love their characters!
    Неважно, сколько раз люди говорили о роли чтения, я бы тоже хотела выразить свою точку зрения. Я абсолютно уверена, что чтение очень важно в нашей жизни. Мы действительно не можем представить наш мир без книг, текстов и слов. Почему?
    Во-первых, книги очень популярны среди людей, потому что обеспечивают нас различной информацией. Мы можем читать о людях, важных событиях нашей истории и многих других интересных вещах. Существует много образовательных книг по разным предметам. Мы используем учебники в школах, в высших учебных заведениях, на курсах. Во-вторых, книги очень важны для самовыражения. Многие люди пишут истории, романы, стихи… Некоторые книги не всегда популярны, но иногда нам нужно почитать легкую литературу, чтобы отдохнуть от наших серьезных ежедневных мыслей. В-третьих, в наши дни самым популярным способом получения информации является Интернет. Но мы также можем брать оттуда книги. Мы можем читать онлайн или скачивать книги, и нам не приходится таскать тяжелые книги с собой. Более того, книги учат нас быть добрыми, честными и понимающими. Эти качества необходимы для каждого. Если ты хочешь понимать людей, окружающих тебя, быть высокоморальным человеком, тебе следует читать книги и думать над примерами характеров героев.
    Несмотря на огромное количество плюсов, многие люди не любят читать. Это очень плохо, потому что они не могут стать хорошо образованными. Они не знают многие факты, полезные истории… Они не читают даже школьную литературу. Я думаю, если они хотят стать хорошими специалистами, иметь высоко оплачиваемую работу, им следует читать много книг по их специальности.
    Таким образом, чтение очень важно в нашей жизни. Читайте книги и любите их персонажей!

  • Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book
    while others would rather watch its film version.

    Показать текст целиком

    There are a lot of films based on books. Some people would rather read a book by themselves while others claim that it is much more interesting to watch its film version.

    As for me, I absolutely agree that nothing compares to reading a book. There is a simple reason for this. Firstly, you can draw pictures in your mind and ideate all characters the way you want. Furthermore, you develop your brain and imagination while reading. Finally, you can understand author’s feelings and attitude.

    Obviously, there are some people who do not share my opinio

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    ✅ 55 сочинений по литературе от эксперта

    ✅ Подготовка к ЕГЭ по литературе для ленивых

    IV. Письмо

    6. Прокомментируйте одно из следующих высказываний.

    • Ничто не может быть более увлекательным, чем чтение.

    • Вам не нужно высшее образование, чтобы стать успешным писателем.

    • Рок-музыка — лучший жанр музыки для всех людей.

    • Кино сегодня важнее театра.

    • Красота – это вечная радость.

    • Существуют универсальные ценности, которые важны для всех.

    Напишите 200-250 слов. Опирайтесь на следующий план:

    • сделайте введение, чтобы сформулировать проблему;

    • выскажите свое личное мнение и приведите 2-3 аргумента в его пользу;

    • выразите противоположное мнение и приведите 1-2 аргумента в его пользу;

    • объясните, почему вы не согласны с противоположным мнением;

    • сделайте вывод, снова обозначив свою позицию.

    ГДЗ #

    Nowadays the theatre is less popular than the cinema.

    Due to the popularity of television and the since appearance of video, theatre has lost a great deal of its attraction. Besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. Therefore, we can say that a visit to a famous theatre has become a luxury.

    Still, the theatre is an inseparable part of the intellectual life of any country. We can even say that the theatre as an art reflects the state of society and of the mind of the nation. In every country, theatre has its own history, traditions and peculiarities.

    To sum up, I would like to say that, of course, cinema is now much more important than theater for many reasons. However, the love for performances is still alive in people’s hearts.

    Сегодня театр менее популярен, чем кино. С повсеместным распространением телевидения и появлением видео театр потерял некоторую часть своей притягательности. Кроме того, театральные билеты, особенно в хорошие театры, очень дороги. Так что можно сказать, что посещение знаменитого театра стало роскошью.

    Все же театр — неотъемлемая часть интеллектуальной жизни любой страны. Можно даже сказать, что театр как искусство отражает состояние общества и умов нации. В каждой стране у театра своя история, свои традиции и особенности.

    Подводя итог, хотелось бы сказать, что, разумеется, кино сейчас намного важнее театра по многим причинам. Но любовь к спектаклям все еще жива в сердцах людей.

    7. Вы получили письмо от вашего англоговорящего друга. В своем письме он пишет:

    Я так рад, что ты едешь в Великобританию летом. Будет здорово показать тебе мои любимые места в Лондоне и провести немного времени с тобой.

    Я довольно часто слушаю рок-музыку. Мой любимый жанр музыки — хэви-металл. Хэви-металл — это очень громкая рок-музыка, но мы с друзьями любим ее.

    Ты часто слушаешь музыку? Какую музыку ты предпочитаешь? Кто твои любимые музыканты?

    С наилучшими пожеланиями,


    Напишите письмо Робину. В своем письме:

    • ответьте на его вопросы;

    • задайте ему три вопроса о фильмах, которые он недавно посмотрел.

    ГДЗ #


    Forgive for that I have not written for a long time. I had many things to do.

    In your letter you asked me about music. I listen to music very often. Every day when I go to school, I listen to music with headphones. Most of all I like rap. My favorite artist is Eminem. He is very talented.

    Robin, do you like watching movies? What was the last movie you saw? What was it about? Did you go to the movies or watch it at home?

    Write back soon.

    My best regards,



    Прости, что долго не писал. У меня было очень много дел.

    В своем письме ты спросил меня о музыке. Я слушаю музыку очень часто. Каждый день, когда я иду в школу, я слушаю музыку в наушниках. Больше всего мне нравится рэп. Мой самый любимый исполнитель — Эминем. Он очень талантливый.

    Робин, тебе нравится смотреть фильмы? Какой фильм ты посмотрел последним? О чем он был? Ты ходил в кино или смотрел его дома?

    Напиши ответ скорее

    С наилучшими пожеланиями,


    Каков Ваш общий результат?

    Вы удовлетворены оценками, которые Ваш учитель поставил Вам за Вашу письменную работу? Можете ли Вы улучшить их? Довольны ли Вы итоговой оценкой? Может ли Ваш общий результат быть лучше? От чего это зависит?

    Просмотрите шаги раздела 2 и скажите:

    • был ли материал раздела интересным, полезным, расширяющим кругозор

    • нашли ли вы какие-либо новые идеи в текстах и упражнениях раздела

    • были ли какие-либо проблемы, поднятые в разделе, новыми или заставили вас задуматься;

    • помог ли раздел повторить грамматику и словарный запас;

    • какую новую информацию об английском языке вы узнали;

    • что было легко/сложно;

    • какие упражнения вы помните конкретно и почему.

    Проектная Работа Два

    Подготовьте компьютерную презентацию на тему “Шаги к пониманию культуры”. Вы можете рассмотреть эти идеи.

    • Чтобы понимать культуру, нужно знать, что такое культура, какие аспекты в нее включены.

    • Обычаи и традиции разных народов являются важными элементами культуры.

    • Понимание термина «культура» у многих разное.

    • Но есть много ценностей, которые универсальны.

    • Изобразительное искусство, музыка, литература, кино являются важными частями культуры.

    Будьте готовы выступить с презентацией в классе. Она не должна занимать больше пяти—семи минут. Постарайтесь сделать вашу презентацию интересной, проиллюстрировать ее с помощью фотографий, картинок и т. д.

    IV. Writing
    6 Comment on one of the following statements.
    • Nothing can be more fun than reading.
    • You do not need a university education to become a successful writer.
    • Rock music is the best kind of music for all people.
    • Cinema is more important nowadays than theatre.
    • A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
    • There exist universal values that are important for everybody.

    Write 200—250 words. Use the following plan:
    • make an introduction to state the problem;
    • express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion;
    • express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for the opposing opinion;
    • explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion;
    • make a conclusion restating your position.

    7 You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend. In his letter he writes:
    I’m so glad you are coming to Britain in the summer It will be great to show you my favourite places in London and spend some time with you.
    I listen to rock music fairly often. My favourite kind of music is heavy metal. Heavy metal is very loud rock music but my friends and me are fond of it.
    Do you listen to music much? What kind of music do you prefer? Who are your favourite musicians?
    Best wishes,

    Write a letter to Robin. In your letter:
    • answer his questions;
    • ask him three questions about the films he has lately seen.

    Your total result?
    Are you satisfied with the marks your teacher has given you for your written paper? Can you improve them? Are you satisfied with your total result? Can your total result be better? What does it depend on?
    Look through the steps of Unit 2 and say:
    • if the material of the unit was interesting, useful, widening your scope
    • if you found any new ideas in the texts and exercises of the unit
    • if any of the problems raised in the unit were surprising, making you think them over
    • if the unit helped you to revise grammar and vocabulary
    • what new information about the English language you have learnt
    • what things were easy/difficult
    • what tasks you specifically remember and why

    Project Work Two
    Prepare a computer presentation on the topic “Steps to Understanding Culture”. You may consider these ideas.
    • To be able to understand culture one should be aware of what culture is, what aspects are included in it.
    • Customs and traditions of different nations are important elements of culture.
    • Understanding of the term “culture” is not the same for many people.
    • Yet there are a lot of values which are universal.
    • Visual arts, music, literature, cinema are important parts of culture.
    Be ready to give your presentation in class. It shouldn’t take longer than five—seven minutes. Try to make your presentation interesting, illustrate it with photos, pictures etc.

    На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 11 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Решебник ГДЗ Rainbow English», которая была написана автором/авторами: Афанасьева. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

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