Nuclear pollution сочинение

Nuclear Pollution: Essay on Nuclear Pollution and its Impact on Environment!

Any undesirable effect caused to the environment due to radioactive substances or radiations is called nuclear pollution. Major source is the Nuclear power plants. If traces of the radioactive substances are present in the water that is released from the plant, it will cause nuclear pollution. Emission of radiations can also cause this kind of pollution.

It affects almost all life forms in the surrounding environment. From planktons to Human beings nothing is spared. To be more specific, the radiations can cause mutations that lead to cancer, and the dose of radiation or the level of pollution determines lethality or how deadly it is.

However, nuclear pollution is extremely hazardous in nature. It occurs as a result of nuclear explosions that are performed while conducting nuclear tests. These nuclear tests are carried out to invent better nuclear weapons. The explosions cause release of 15 to 20% radioactive material into the stratosphere.

On entering this layer, they start falling into the earth’s atmosphere. This fall can take anywhere from 6months to several years. 5% of these radioactive particles enter troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

The smallest particles of the radioactive material are called fallout. The fallout settles on the leaves of plants and trees. These leaves are eaten by the grazing animals. Radioactive material now enters the ecosystem.

Humans consume these particles through the process of food chain. Serious health problems now arise. Ingestion of radioactive material can lead to cancer and genetic mutation in humans. Fallouts that do not drop on leaves accumulate over the sea. This can be harmful for the sea life, which ultimately affects the humans.

It isn’t necessary that only nuclear power stations cause nuclear pollution. Even other industries, not related to nuclear power production, can also contribute to it. Coal has small amounts of radioactive material in the form of uranium and thorium. These do not bum completely and become part of fly ash. Even while producing oil and gas, radium and similar elements are released in to the air.

Radioactive contamination or nuclear pollution is the most dangerous for the environment since the wastes maintain their radioactive properties for thousands of years. There is no way to have them assimilated in the soil, water or the air in the initial form.

Reprocessing is solution we have to extent of nuclear pollution and clean the planet increasingly residues. The highest likelihood of radioactive elements reaching open environment is by accident during the transportation to the reprocessing plants located in some parts of the globe. Reprocessing in itself causes other pollution problems adding other risks to an already fragile environment condition.

Presently, no country has efficiently solved the issue of nuclear pollution in terms of radioactive waste storage. Every state would like to send the residues to some other place and be rid of them, while no truly viable conclusion is reached.

Storage facilities as such require highly intransigent security and safety rules, periodical checks and regular updates on the storage environment. A responsible management of the nuclear waste would limit the risk of nuclear pollution on the long term, allowing us to live on a cleaner and safer planet, also preventing the temptation of dumping the waste in the oceans.

Nuclear pollution is not the only hazard that comes together with the use of radioactive energy: mass populations are jeopardized on a current basis if something happens to a reactor, as it was the case with the Russian Chernobyl for instance.

There are other energy sources that are still highly effective without the huge risks of nuclear pollution or irradiation: geothermal sources, ocean currents, tidal waves, wind and waterfalls, all make alternative power solutions that should not be neglected. Environment-friendly electricity is one of the chances this planet has to survive.

Fish and ocean plants are highly contaminated due to nuclear pollution; Greenpeace has repeatedly signaled out the huge amount of plutonium effluents produced by the nuclear plant on the coasts of England, for instance. Lobsters in the area have been found to be contaminated, hence the effects not only on humans but on the entire ecosystem is devastating.

Attempts have been by an American company to even built a radioactive storage facility on Marshall Islands, ignoring the even higher potential threats for nuclear pollution under the circumstances of a growing sea level. Such solutions may appear convenient from a certain perspective, but when considered from a wider point of view, irresponsibility is obvious.

Nuclear Power Plants:

Nuclear power is power, generally electrical produced from controlled, that is non-explosive nuclear reactions. Electric utility reactors heat water to produce steam, which is then used to generate electricity. In 2009, 15% of the world’s electricity came from nuclear power, despite concerns about safety and radioactive waste management.

More than 150 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion have been built. Nuclear fusion reactions are widely believed to be safer than fission and appear potentially viable, though technically quite difficult and have yet to be created on a scale that could be used in a functional power plant. Fusion power has been under intense theoretical and experimental investigation for many years.

Both fission and fusion appear promising for some space propulsion applications in the mid- to distant-future, using low thrust for long durations to achieve high mission velocities. Radioactive decay has been used on a relatively small (few kW) scale, mostly to power space missions and experiments. As of 2005, nuclear power provided 2.1% of the world’s energy and 15% of the world’s electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 56.5% of nuclear generated electricity.

Nuclear Radiation:

Radiation is really nothing more than the emission of energy waves through space, as well as through physical objects. Usually these energy waves are electromagnetic radiation which is classified into Radio waves, Infrared waves, visible light, Ultraviolet waves, X-ray, Gamma rays and Cosmic rays.

The actual radioactivity is a result of radioactive decay. The three types of radiation with varying abilities to penetrate objects or bodies are: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. You can shield yourself from alpha radiation by something as flimsy as a sheet of paper. Beta rays need six millimeters of aluminum and gamma rays are stopped by dense material only, like lead.

These travel easily through an inch of lead. And the higher you are in the Earth’s atmosphere the more exposed you are to these rays because the further they travel into our atmosphere the more they are slowed down. Astronauts are exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation.

Disasters and Impacts:

It is considered to be the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history and the only level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale. It resulted in a severe release of radioactivity following a massive power excursion that destroyed the reactor.

Most fatalities from the accident were caused by radiation poisoning. On April 26, 1986 at 01:23 a.m. (UTC+3), reactor number four at the Chernobyl plant, near Pripyat in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, had a fatal meltdown.

Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area, including the nearby town of Pripyat. Four hundred times more fallout was released than had been by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The plume drifted over large parts of the western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Northern Europe. Rain contaminated with radioactive material fell as far away as Ireland.

Large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people. According to official post-Soviet data, about 60% of the radioactive fallout landed in Belarus. The accident raised concerns about the safety of the Soviet nuclear power industry as well as nuclear power in general, slowing its expansion for a number of years while forcing the Soviet government to become less secretive.

The countries of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have been burdened with the continuing and substantial decontamination and health care costs of the Chernobyl accident. It is difficult to accurately quantify the number of deaths caused by the events at Chernobyl, as over time it becomes harder to determine whether a death has been caused by exposure to radiation.

The 2005 report prepared by the Chernobyl Forum, led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organization (WHO), attributed 56 direct deaths (47 accident workers and nine children with thyroid cancer) and estimated that there may be 4,000 (questioned, could be higher) extra cancer deaths among the approximately 600,000 most highly exposed people.

Although the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and certain limited areas remain off limits, the majority of affected areas are now considered safe for settlement and economic activity. The Chernobyl station is near the town of Pripyat, Ukraine, 18 km (11 mi) northwest of the city of Chernobyl, 16 km (10 mi) from the border of Ukraine and Belarus and about 110 km (68 mi) north of Kiev.

The station consisted of four RBMK-1000 nuclear reactors, each capable of producing 1 gig watt (GW) of electric power and the four together produced about 10% of Ukraine’s electricity at the time of the accident. Construction of the plant began in the late 1970s, with reactor no. 1 commissioned in 1977, followed by no. 2 (1978), no. 3 (1981), and no. 4 (1983). Two more reactors, no. 5 and 6, also capable of producing 1 GW each, were under construction at the time of the disaster.

Nuclear power has developed into a mature and commercial reality with its part of success and threats. Although nuclear power can be used to generate electricity in an environment friendly manner, it is a subject of controversies owing to the threats related to it. Nuclear power has positive as well as negative impacts on people, society and environment Positive Impacts on People.

The potential of nuclear power has been recognized by people. It is capable of providing unlimited and easily accessible energy. Due to the depletion in reserves of fossil fuels, costs of fuels and power is increasing at a fast pace which is directly affecting the people. Besides, the use of fossil fuels results in production of harmful oxides of carbon and nitrogen which have an adverse effect on the health of humans causing diseases like asthma, cancer, etc.

Use of nuclear power does not produce these harmful gases which will thus reduce health problems of people. Also nuclear power is more economical than other sources like oil, coal, etc. Usage of nuclear power will help people to be independent in terms of energy and thus progress. France is comfortable using nuclear power for domestic as well as industrial purposes since it does not want to depend on other nations for its fuel supply and it is cheapest source of energy.

The nuclear power can be used for electrification, industrial uses and heating purpose. Any organization can use nuclear power which is economic and more reliable than other energy sources. Also it is free of green house gases and thus helps an organization in meeting set standards regarding gas emissions with ease. Thus it results in enhanced productivity and economic growth.

Nuclear Pollution Essay: Mishandling and inappropriate usage of nuclear fuels and related products lead to nuclear pollution, which is a hazardous situation hindering global advancement and development. There are severe health and environmental causes due to this type of pollution. Thus it is essential to spread awareness among people about the same and make everyone well-versed in the ways to control and prevent it.

Here are three Nuclear pollution essays for different word ranges for various usage. The nuclear pollution essay might also be fruitful for the students to produce speeches and debates and help people while preparing for any essay competitions. Students also have to understand these concepts in environmental studies subject in schools as well as in higher education, and using any of the Nuclear Pollution Essay for reference can help them prepare well and in brief for any examination. Check each Nuclear Pollution essay briefly and get all the details related to the concept in a comprehensive manner. Please go through them to effectively use them whenever required for any scenario.

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Short Essay on Nuclear Pollution 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Nuclear Pollution is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Nuclear pollution is known to leave undesirable effects on the environment due to the release of radioactive substances and radiation. The primary source of nuclear pollution is nuclear power plants. It is identified based on the analysis of traces of radioactive substances in the water released from such power plants. Emission of such radiations leads to causing pollution.

Nuclear pollution has adverse effects on almost all the life forms existing across the Globe. From Plankton to humans, every living organism suffers from the unfavourable and severe consequences of nuclear pollution. The harmful radioactive radiations of nuclear power plants are known to cause mutation, and this might lead to some fatal diseases and rising fatality rate. Nuclear pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution, and this is the result of explosions during the conduction of nuclear tests. Nuclear tests are then used for inventing nuclear weapons. In this action, around 15% to 20% of radioactive elements are released in the stratosphere. As the details enter this layer, they start falling into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Fallouts are the smallest particles of the radioactive elements. They settle on the leaves of the plants and trees, which the pastured animals feed on. The radioactive elements thus enter the entire ecosystem, causing severe damages and losses. The particles are also consumed in human food sometimes, thus leading to serious health hazards. Fall sometimes also enters the water bodies and affects aquatic life, thus indirectly leaving adverse health hazards for humans.

Many other reasons lead to nuclear pollution, and other industries directly or indirectly related to the nuclear power generation are one such reason. Nuclear pollution caused by improper waste management of radioactive nuclei is most dangerous as the garbage is capable of retaining the radioactive properties for thousands of years. Initially, there is no way to consolidate this waste into soil, air, or water.

Essay on Nuclear Pollution

Long Essay on Nuclear Pollution 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Nuclear Pollution is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Several issues result in the pollution of the environment apart from the misuse of fossil fuels. Even the wrong usage of nuclear energy might add to raising the pollutants level in the atmosphere and thus causing pollution. The pollution that results from nuclear power from the fission process is more damaging than that caused due to the usage of fossil fuels. This harmful pollution because of nuclear energy is nuclear pollution.

There are several radioactive nuclei present across the Globe, and they carry both positive and negative reactions to the environment and the health of living organisms. As the radioactive elements are beneficial for treating cancers, and diagnosis of various diseases and 17% of electrical energy also come from these isotopes. Still, improper usage and disposal lead to harmful and fatal effects.

Nuclear fuels like U- 235 are the radioactive substances that continuously emit the harmful nuclear radiations. The dangerous and harmful nuclear radiations can enter the environment by leakages from the dangerous nuclear reactors inside which fission of U-235 goes on. This is a form of pollution that might also cause damage to the cells and might even lead to death and fatal effects on humans.

As nuclear energy production carries on, it leads to the production of waste materials in various steps, which is harmful and is collectively known as nuclear wastes. If anyone ever dumps the radioactive wastes in the garbage bins, they emit the nuclear radiations and pose risks to the lives of humans as well as animals. However, if ever dumped in the sea or rivers, these wastes contaminate the entire water body and damage the aquatic life.

This is a significant reason why Nuclear pollution has become the issue of a legitimate concern for the public, especially after Russia’s Chernobyl accident. The fuel processing plants are the primary reason behind around 99% of total radioactivity in the entire cycle of nuclear fuel and energy. To ensure that there are no chances of any environmental and health-related hazards of the radioactive wastes, the three-stage purpose is adopted across various parts of the Earth.

The right measure for nuclear waste disposal is to first incorporate in inert and stable solid matrices. Further, the conditioned waste gets transferred in the canisters and kept aside in the retrieval store under constant surveillance and cooling. Finally, the canisters are stored in some suitable place. The authorities set up the waste immobilization plant to incorporate the higher-level radioactive nuclear waste generated from the fuel processing plant and solid storage surveillance. Tarapur has a prominent set up for the same in India.

In the immobilization process, the verification of radioactive nuclear waste is carried out that gets cooled down at underground disposal. The storage area’s canisters are also air-cooled by natural convection. Additionally, when the heat radioactivity decays to a desired level, it gets transported to suitable and perfect geological formation for the final storage. There is a graveyard at Trombay which is situated exclusively for nuclear waste disposal.

Certain occupations lead to the exposure to radioactive elements, like the radium watch dial painters, uranium mineworkers, nuclear power plant staff, and others. The workers here are exposed to the radioactive nuclei for a longer span and thus results in severe and fatal effects on the workers’ bodies. Nuclear pollution might cause initial or residual impact, which lasts for an instant, months, or years. Therefore, it is essential to spread awareness about the matter and the ways to control it. And proper nuclear waste management is the initial step, to begin with for the entire journey to control nuclear pollution.

There is a growing need for limiting nuclear pollution and clearing the planet rapidly by proper nuclear waste management. None of the global nations is successful in nuclear radioactive isotope and radiations’ control and solving the central issue of nuclear pollution. Due to the lack of a proper way for disposing of the nuclear waste, there is a general requirement of storage area for handling it, for the time being, leading to various security and safety concerns for the global folks. For the regions storing this waste, it is essential to go for periodic screening and following storage and safety regulations to prevent any significant hazard.

Nuclear pollution can be limited to much extent by popular waste management and storage handling of nuclear waste and radioactive elements.

There are major life-related issues of nuclear pollution, like the aquatic life is at stake due to the disposal of radioactive elements in the water bodies. Greenpeace also indicated a more considerable amount of plutonium pollution by nuclear power plants on England’s coasts. This rate is also rising rapidly, causing fatal effects for aquatic life, and in the long run for the human population too. Moreover, nuclear pollution is adversely affecting and destroying the entire ecosystem of the Globe.

Non-explosive nuclear reactions also lead to the generation of controlled electricity, and thus atomic energy. Thus, even though nuclear power plants has adverse effects and is the reason for rising pollution, it still accounts for 15% to 20% of electricThereforeproduction despite the rising safety concerns. Not only this, but 150+ naval vessels are also built using the nuclear propulsions across the Globe. Due to the latter usage, fusion power is under intense investigation to assure viability and safety concerns.

Radiations are just like the emission of any other energy wave through space and physical objects. Usually, they are the electromagnetic energy waves in nature and classified into radio waves, visible light, infrared waves, X rays, gamma rays, and others. The primary cause of radioactivity is because of radioactive decay. The radioactive radiations are capable of quickly travelling through the smallest inches and can penetrate deep inside the organisms’ bodies, causing adverse reactions inside the bodies.

Nuclear pollution can be caused due to several reasons, including natural sources and human-made sources. The natural sources of nuclear pollution include cosmic rays coming from outer space, and the emissions from the radioactive materials present in the Earth’s crust. On the other hand, the human-made sources of nuclear pollution are – mining and processing the radioactive ores, using radioactive elements in power plants, Using radioactive isotopes for medical purposes, and many more. But it does not matter what the source of the pollution is, as it always results in serious health effects.

The nuclear pollution and emission of radioactive radiations result in somatic and genetic effects on the living organisms. The somatic effects of the pollution impact the cells and organs; this causes damages to the membrane, mitochondria, and nuclei of the cells and results in abnormal division, growth, and functioning among them. In contrast, genetic effects are for future generations. Nuclear pollution causes radioactive radiations, and this causes mutations that change the development of the cells. They also damage the DNAs at times and also result in fatal cancers.

The most popular nuclear bomb explosion is of Hiroshima that exploded four hundred times more deterioration. That caused an immense amount of nuclear pollution, contaminating the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere, causing fatal effects on biological lives. The accident caused a severe loss of life and economy for Japan, and it caused years for the nation to overcome the destruction.

Radioactive waste thus requires proper waste management and must be stored under proper care and supervision. Nuclear power plants must also be situated far from the residential regions, and after precisely understanding the geology and tectonic activities of the region. The workers of such plants must also be given proper advisories for their safety and care. Moreover, the most preferred way of nuclear waste management, as suggested by the scientists must be chosen, which is to bury it deep inside the Earth’s crust.

Essay about Nuclear Pollution

Nuclear Pollution Essay Conclusion

Nuclear pollution is a severe and most harmful effect on the environment as well as the biological lives across the Earth. It is essential to raise understanding and sincerity about the matter and develop various safety and precautionary measures to prevent it. Nuclear Pollution Essay is one way of gathering all the details about the matter and spreading awareness among the people.

Students and adults can use any of the Nuclear pollution essays for their studies and prepare any speech, debate or article content, publish and spread awareness about nuclear pollution, its causes, effects, and safety and precautionary measures. The long 800 words Nuclear pollution essay also carries the real-life example of the adverse effect nuclear radiations and can be used to state the example for motivating people to prevent any such future effects and stay safe.

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Nuclear Pollution in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and banking or other competitive exams students in 850 and 1800 words.

Essay on Nuclear Pollution — 850 Words

Power starving world took shelter under the umbrella of nuclear plants. The idea is to think of the energy released by the atom bomb. It is very difficult to have a nuclear war. Professor Warner revealed at Madurai Kamaraj University that a limited nuclear war would also kill 1000 million people. 3000 million will die from starvation. In smoke the temperature of the sun will be 15 to 20 degrees. The ozone layer will end. Radioactive clouds will travel around the world and the world will be full of people with disabilities. A big war will end the world. All problems will end.

People became intelligent. By dividing the atomic energy into the energy through nuclear plants, knowing that radiation from these plants is dangerous — and equally as much as the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Man can not get immunity from it. Plants are good until they come in radioactive smoke. This can happen at intervals affecting the animal world including humans, and toxic food too.

Developed countries started plants, because they wanted more energy for their brilliant and interested life. As soon as they realized the dangers of these plants, they propagated the usefulness of plants in developing countries. Due to the misery by the West, many third world countries bought plants from the east. The West started breaking itself — but only after serious leakage in Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986. 1, 35,000 people had to be moved to safe places within two and a half hours. Soviet academicians have been responsible for incompetence and non-responsibility. But Arthur Perseel reminded the world that it was «another example of the limit of technology in the service of humanity.»

In addition to the death of a large number of people, radioactive particles spread in Germany and polluted the atmosphere in Poland, Austria and France. Thousands of tons of milk and vegetables had to be destroyed. Radio active cattle were also killed and their flesh was destroyed. The severity of the nuclear plant pollution can be estimated from the fact that more than 4000 accidents have occurred since 1957.

To resume some Ural Mountains in Russia in 1957-58, in the UK in 1957, the United States in 1961, Louisanne Wade in Switzerland in 1969, Russia in 1974, the United States America again in 1975 and in 1979, Tsuruga in Japan, Buenos Aires in Argentina in 1981, in 1986, Oklahoma in the United States in 1986, and three in the United States in 1979 Mile Island continued till 1979. Another study reported 151 accidents in 14 countries between 1971 and 1984. In the United States, a private body reported 3000 accidents in nuclear power projects in the United States in 1985 and in 1984, in addition to 2,300 in 1984, 750 were closed in 1984.

It seems weird that even after the many pollutions that pollute the world atmosphere, about 450 nuclear plants are supplying electricity to nearly 26 countries. With 70% dependence on nuclear energy, France tops the list. The United States comes from below with 18%. The former USSR had 41 plants for 11% nuclear power generation.

Dr. David Lillianthal, who started the first nuclear power station in the world, is the first person to raise the question again that «moral authority to promote and sell such complex, immature and fundamentally insecure nuclear systems». One of the problems of NPP is that there is radioactive waste which remains the pollutant.

Dr. Dhirendra is active for 24,300 years according to Plutonium 239 and PY 242 is active for 3,79,000 years. For such a long period, who can manage this waste for such a long period? In Kerala, 3000 tonnes of radioactive wastes of Indian rare earth were put in the Arabian Sea for 60 years, which has also contaminated the Periyar river. As a result, 20,000 people with cancer had died in Kerala — which is twice the national average.

Accidents and leakage have been reported in India for exposing 3,000 workers in Tarapur. Madras Atomic Energy Station in Kalpakkam and NPP of Rajasthan, CANDV also suffered the same problem. Narora, Karkepar, Kaga and Nagarjungaar plants also lacked security. Sughatha Kumari The famous Malayalam poetry and many other shining people formed a group that came to the conclusion that «the risk of radiation was internal and inseparable from the production of atomic energy, because despite all the designs and constructions, all reactors routinely abandon radioactivity. Were liable and harmful radio-nucleus. «Even after this warning, the struggle of Indian nuclear scientists is more nuclear. The instruments are trying.

It is good that the movement against this most dangerous pollutant is gaining ground in the United States and some European countries. About 600 orders were canceled for nuclear reactors. Some states of the United States have also banned the current plants. There is no organization to check in India. The affected workers have been sacked and new ones have been appointed.

Let us hope that some non-governmental organizations in India will also force the government to eliminate these most dangerous pollutant projects and provide energy to the plants on the basis of sea waves, wind and sun rays, which are non-pollutants.

Nuclear Pollution: Essay on Nuclear Pollution and its Impact on Environment : 1800 Words

Nuclear pollution is said to cause any undesirable effects due to the environment due to radioactive substances or radiations. The major source is the nuclear power plant. If there is a trace of radioactive substances in the free water from the plant, then it causes nuclear pollution. Emissions of radiations can cause such pollution.

It affects almost all life forms in the surrounding environment. There is nothing left from Plankton to humans. To be more specific, radiation can cause mutation which causes cancer, and radiation supplements or pollution levels determine the fatality or how fatal it is.

However, nuclear pollution is extremely dangerous in nature. This happens as a result of a nuclear explosion while conducting nuclear tests. These nuclear tests are used to invent better nuclear weapons. Between 15 and 20% of radioactive material is released in the stratosphere.

Upon entering this layer, they start falling into the Earth’s atmosphere. This decline can take anywhere from 6 months to several years. Of these radioactive particles, 5% enter the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

The smallest particles of radioactive material are called fallouts. Fall settles on plants and leaves of trees. These leaves are eaten by pastured animals. Radioactive material now enters the ecosystem.

These particles consume through the process of human food. Now serious health problems arise. A multitude of radioactive substances can cause cancer and genetic mutation in humans. Fall which does not fall on the leaves is deposited on the sea. This can be detrimental to marine life, which eventually affects humans.

It is not necessary that nuclear power stations only cause nuclear pollution. Even other industries related to nuclear power generation can also contribute. Coal has a small amount of radioactive material in the form of uranium and thorium. They do not bomb completely and the fly becomes part of Ash. Oil and gas, radium and similar elements are also released in the air while producing.

Radioactive contamination or nuclear pollution is the most dangerous for the environment because the garbage retains its radioactive properties for thousands of years. In the initial form there is no way to consolidate them into soil, water or air.

Reprocessing solution is, we have a limit to nuclear pollution and the planet has been cleared rapidly. The highest likelihood of radioactive elements reaching the open environment is crashing during the transport of reprocessing plants located in parts of the world. Reproduction in itself automatically causes other pollution problems to add other risks to the already delicate environmental conditions.

At present, no country has efficiently solved the issue of nuclear pollution in case of radioactive waste storage. Every state wants to send the remains to another place and get rid of them, whereas in reality the viable conclusions are not taken.

Storage facilities require frequent updates on highly essential security and safety regulations, periodic screening and storage environments. A responsible management of nuclear waste will limit the risk of nuclear pollution for a long time, allowing us to live on a clean and secure planet, which will also prevent the temptation to dump the waste into the oceans.

Nuclear pollution is not the only danger which comes with the use of radioactive energy: If something happens to the reactant, then the population population is put at risk on the present basis when there is some case with reactionability.

There are other energy sources which are still very effective without the major risks of atomic pollution or radiation: Geothermal sources, ocean currents, tidal waves, winds and waterfalls, all alternate electrical solutions should not be neglected. Environment friendly power is one of the possibilities of this planet to survive.

Due to nuclear pollution, fish and ocean plants are highly contaminated; For example, Greenpeace has repeatedly indicated a large amount of plutonium pollution produced by the nuclear plant on the coast of England. Lobsters have been found to be contaminated in the area, so the effects on not only humans but on whole ecosystem are destructive.

An American company has also created a radioactive storage facility on the Marshal Islands, which has also been neglected by potential potential threats for nuclear pollution in increasing sea level conditions. Such solutions can appear convenient from a certain perspective, but when considered from a broader perspective, non-responsibility is obvious.

Nuclear power plants:

Atomic energy is power, usually generated from controlled electricity, which is non-explosive nuclear reactions. The heat water used to produce the electric utility reactor steam, which is then used to generate electricity. In 2009, despite concerns about safety and radioactive waste management, 15% of the world’s electricity came from nuclear power.

More than 150 naval vessels have been built using nuclear propulsion. Atomic fusion reactions are widely considered safe from fragmentation and appear potentially viable, although technically difficult and yet to be made on a scale that can be used in functional power plants. Fusion power has been under intense theoretical and experimental investigation for many years.

In order to achieve high mission velocity, promises of both fission and fusion are being promised for some space propulsion applications in the mid-far-foreseeable future by using less emphasis for long periods. Radioactive decay is used on relatively small (some kilowatt) scale, mostly for power space missions and experiments. By 2005, nuclear power provided 2.1% of the world’s energy and 15% of the world’s electricity, in which US, France and Japan generated 56.5% of nuclear energy.

Nuclear radiation:

Radiation is actually nothing more than emission of energy waves through space, as well as through physical objects. Generally, these energy waves are electromagnetic radiations, which are classified into radio waves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet waves, X-rays, gamma rays and temporal rays.

Actual radioactivity is the result of radioactive decay. There are three types of radiations with different capacities to enter objects or bodies: alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. You can adapt itself to alpha radiation as a sheet of paper. Beta rays require six millimeters of aluminum and gamma rays only prevent dense material, such as lead.

They easily travel through an inch. And the more you are in the Earth’s atmosphere, the more revealing is that you are for these rays because further they travel in our atmosphere and the more slowly it becomes. Astronauts come in contact with high levels of cosmic radiation.

Disasters and effects:

This is considered to be the only level 7 event on the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history and the International Atomic Program Scale. As a result of this, there was a serious release of radioactivity after heavy electricity visits that destroyed the reactor.

Most of the deaths due to the accident were due to radiation poisoning. On April 26, 1986 at 01:23 am (UTC + 3), the reactor number four in Chernobyl plant near Priyat in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, was a fatal slump.

Further explosion and resultant fire caused a lot of radioactive collapse in the atmosphere and in a broader geographical area, a nearby Plume along with the nearby city, Priyat. Hiroshima’s nuclear bomb exploded four hundred times more deterioration. The western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Northern Europe were plentiful. Contaminated rain with radioactive material fell away as in Ireland.

Large areas were severely contaminated in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, resulting in more than 336,000 evacuation and rehabilitation. According to the official post of Soviet data, about 60% of radioactive collapse landed in Belarus. The accident raised concerns about the safety of the Soviet nuclear energy industry as well as concerns about the safety of nuclear energy in general, forcing the Soviet government to become less confidential, slowing its expansion for several years.

Countries of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have been burdened with the constant and substantial dehydration and health care costs of the Chernobyl accident. It is difficult to accurately measure the number of deaths caused by Chernobyl incidents, because over time it is difficult to determine whether there has been a death in contact with radiation.

The 2005 report prepared by the Chernobyl Forum, led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), attributed 56 direct deaths (47 accident workers and nine children of thyroid cancer) and estimated that 4,000 (inquiries) Excess cancer deaths in about 600,000 most exposed people.

Although the Chernobyl exclusion zone and some limited area live out of bounds, most affected areas are now considered safe for settlement and economic activity. Chernobyl Station is located in the city of Pripat, Ukraine, 18 km (11 miles) northwest of Chernobyl City, 16 km (10 miles) from the border of Ukraine and Belarus and 110 km (68 miles) north of Kiev.

The station consisted of four RBMK-1000 nuclear reactors, each able to produce 1 GHz of GW (GW) power and four of them had produced approximately 10% of the electricity of Ukraine at the time of the accident. Construction of the plant started with the reactor number in the late 1970s. 1 was introduced in 1977, followed by number. 2 (1978), no. 3 (1981), no more 4 (1983). Two more reactors, no. 5 and 6 were capable of producing 1 GW each, were under construction during the disaster.

Nuclear energy has evolved into mature and commercial reality with its share of successes and threats. Although nuclear power can be used to generate electricity in an environmentally friendly manner, due to the dangers related to it, it is a matter of controversy. Negative effects on nuclear energy positive, as well as people, society and environment have a positive effect on people.

The possibility of nuclear power has been identified by people. It is capable of providing unlimited and easily accessible energy. Due to the decrease in fossil fuel reserves, the cost of fuel and electricity is increasing rapidly, which is directly affecting the people. In addition, the use of fossil fuels results in the production of harmful oxides of carbon and nitrogen, causing adverse effects on the health of humans, causing diseases such as asthma, cancer etc.

The use of atomic energy does not produce these harmful gases which will thus reduce the health problems of the people. Atomic energy is more economical than other sources such as oil, coal etc. The use of atomic energy will help people to become independent in energy and thus progress. France is comfortable using nuclear energy for domestic and industrial purposes as it does not want to depend on the supply of fuel to other countries and it is the cheapest source of energy.

Atomic energy can be used for electrification, industrial use and heating purpose. Any organization can use atomic energy which is economical and more reliable than other energy sources. Apart from this, it is free of greenhouse gases and thus helps an organization in meeting the set standards with respect to gas emissions. Thus, it has increased productivity and economic growth. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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Essay on Nuclear Pollution: Nuclear has long been thought of a wonderful because of generating the power that lights and heats our homes. It’ll generate electricity whereas not greenhouse gas emissions. However, once a handful of terrible disasters in atomic energy plants around the world, people became further and extra aware that, once not treated painstakingly, nuclear energy poses rather an enormous threat to our means that of life.

There even have been safety and health issues concerned in storing nuclear (radioactive) waste and that was an essay on nuclear pollution. Luckily, though, in recent years the protection precautions of operating atomic energy plants became a lot of and a lot of strict and that they are currently unbelievably safe. However, they still generate a lot of terribly venturesome waste products every and each year, material that’s troublesome to shift.

What is Nuclear Pollution?

Essay on Nuclear Pollution waste disposal or radioactive material management is a crucial} a part of atomic energy generation and there are variety of very important and strict tips that ought to be followed by atomic energy plants and different firms to confirm that every one nuclear waste is disposed of safely, fastidiously and with as very little injury as potential to life (whether animal or plant).

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The quantity of material that’s leftover from atomic energy plants, however, is fortunately terribly little compared to the waste made by different strategies of generating energy, as an example burning coal or gas, however, it may be dear and it should be done fully right.

Essay of Nuclear Waste Disposal:

Usually, once an essay on nuclear pollution waste is disposed of, it’s placed into storage containers product of steel that’s then placed on an additional cylinder product of concrete. These protecting layers stop the radiation from obtaining outside and harming the atmosphere or usually surroundings of nuclear waste. it’s a comparatively straightforward and cheap methodology of containing terribly venturesome materials and truly doesn’t would like special transportation or to keep in an exceedingly notably special place, as an example. However, there are a variety of dangers that surround nuclear waste disposal.

The merchandise of nuclear reaction have long half-lives, which implies that they’ll still be radioactive and so hazardous for several thousands of years. This implies that, if something were to happen to the waste cylinders during which nuclear waste is kept, this material is often very volatile and dangerous for several years to return.

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Since risky nuclear waste is commonly not sent off to special locations to keep, this implies that it’s comparatively simple to search out, and if anyone with unwell intent were to appear for nuclear waste to serve unpleasant functions, they’ll preferably be ready to realize some and use it.

Another drawback with nuclear waste disposal that’s still being mentioned nowadays is that the issue of storage. many alternative storage strategies are mentioned throughout history, with only a few being enforced owing to the problematic nature of storing such venturesome material which will stay hot for thousands of years. Amongst the suggestions that were thought-about as higher than ground storage, ejection into an area, ocean disposal and disposal into ice sheets.

Essay on Nuclear Pollution

Of these, only 1 was enforced ocean disposal was really utilized by 13 totally different countries and was the strategy of marketing radioactive material into the oceans so as to urge obviate it. Clearly, this follows isn’t any longer enforced.

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One of the most important issues that the globe has with the disposal of nuclear waste is that they have an effect on the dangerous materials that might wear animals and flowers. Though most of the time the waste is well sealed within Brobdingnagian drums of steel and concrete, generally accidents will happen and leaks will occur.

Nuclear waste will have drastically dangerous effects on life, inflicting cancerous growths, as an example, or inflicting genetic issues for several generations of animals and plants. Not eliminating nuclear waste properly will thus have Brobdingnagian environmental impacts that may damage several animals and many animal species.

Effects of Nuclear Pollution:

Although most of the time lots of stress is placed on the safe disposal of nuclear waste, accidents do occur. Throughout history, there have sadly been a variety of samples of times wherever stuff wasn’t disposed of within the correct ways. This has resulted in a very range of unfortunate things, as well as nuclear waste being unfolds by dirt storms into areas that were inhabited by humans and animals and contaminated water, whether ponds, rivers or maybe the ocean. These accidents will have unfortunate play effects for the animals that reside in or around these areas or that suppose the water of lakes or ponds to survive.

Drinking water will become contaminated, too, that is totally unfortunate for locals and residents near the geographic point of the disaster. Even though nuclear waste simply seeps into the bottom, it will eventually get into reservoirs and different water sources and, from there, will reach the homes of individuals who unknowingly drink the high stuff. There are samples of these types of accidents from everywhere the globe and from all time periods, with severe accidents happening terribly seldom, however, having a large impact on terribly many folks.

A particularly dangerous downside in developing nations, folks typically go scavenging for abandoned nuclear waste that’s still radioactive. In some countries, there’s a marketplace for these styles of scavenged merchandise, which suggests that individuals can volitionally expose themselves to dangerous levels of radiation so as to create cash. sadly, however, radioactive materials are often extremely volatile and cause a variety of issues.

Usually, those who scavenge these types of materials can find you in a hospital and should even die of issues associated with or caused by the radioactive materials. sadly, once somebody has been exposed to nuclear waste, they will then expose people who haven’t opted to travel scavenging for essay on nuclear pollution waste to radioactive materials.

Transporting nuclear waste from power plants will often lead to issues. If poor shipping casks are used for the containment of material, for example, then a small knock or bump or maybe crash might cause the contents to spill and have an effect on a large radius. Despite all the cautions that are placed into place once transporting nuclear waste, accidents still occur and may have a devastating impact on all those within the locality of the crash.


If one among these accidents will occur, the price of improvement everything up and creating everything safe another time for individuals, animals, and plants is incredibly high. There’s no easy or simple route once attempting to wash up spilled hot material instead, it will take years to make sure that a part is safe to measure in or perhaps to go to another time. within the case of terribly serious accidents, it should take several tens of years till things begin growing or living usually another time.

The following sample essay on Nuclear Pollution tells about renewable energy.

Kirk Sorensen fits into my essay as background of Fuchsia crisis, what caused F-Kashmir Lana leaked the radioactive substance, this background is essential because readers need know what happened in Fuchsia, so that readers can easily understand the scholarly conversation section in my essay. Author: Kirk Sorensen Author bias: Kirk Sorensen is a nuclear technologist, who operates the site neuropathology. Com, Publisher: Forbes. Forbes is an American business magazine owned by Forbes, Inc.

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Published biweekly, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics Publisher bias: There is no bias and these site just explanations of what happened at Fuchsia-Didactic. Comprehensiveness: This article analyzes the cause, process and results about Japan Fuchsia Didactic. Also elaborated on why the plant will produce explosion, for example, they do not have to use coolant fluids like water that must operate at high pressures in order to achieve high temperatures. Timeliness: no date.

The author in his article talks about the largest earthquake in modern Japanese hit the Fuchsia-Didactic nuclear power plant, the earthquake did not damage the plant, and the staff in the plant executed a preprogrammed response and began to close the nuclear power plant, but in the first few ours after a nuclear reactor shuts down, fission products are producing significant amounts of heat and unlike fission, this heat generation can’t be turned off. It has to run its course to completion.

Therefore, managing what is called “decay heat” is one of the most important aspects of operating a nuclear reactor safely.

To remove the heat, today’s reactors have an abundance of safety systems, all of which have the same mission, to keep removing decay heat from the nuclear fuel. Unfortunately, when the reactors of Fuchsia Didactic were cooling down, the tsunami came, which destroyed he diesel generators that provide power to drive the pumps that circulate the water coolant through the reactor that removes decay heat.

As a result, the reactors become heater and heater, at last, the shield could not endure the high temperature and ruptured at last. Stricter, L. (2012). Nuclear safety chief calls for reform. Nature, 472(7343), 274. DOI: 10. 1038/472274a Evaluation Relevance: This is an article in a peer-reviewed article, the author is Laurent Stricter, a nuclear engineer who is chairman of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WAND), mentions that the nuclear reactors are not safety, e worries about the nuclear industry now is overconfident about their designs and operators.

Laurent Sticker’s article fits into my essay as a major position within my scholar conversation part, I will put Laurent Sticker’s idea on the second section which introduce the scholarly conversation on the nuclear energy safety to explain what reasons that experts appeal us to stop nuclear energy. Whether nuclear energy is safety or not? This is an important question for my essay, and Laurent Stricter disagrees that nuclear energy is safe, especially he thinks this unsafely will threat the people who live nearby he nuclear sites.

Laurent Stricter, chairman of the World Association of Nuclear Operators Author bias: The author point of view is that there are not enough plans in place to immediately help an operator in another country to cope with an accident and he worries about the nuclear industry now is overconfident about their designs and operators. Publisher: Nature publishing group is the world’s best science and medicine website. The site has a lot of scientific research subject, such as energy, natural.

There is no bias and the site will analyze many experimental results or scientific facts. Comprehensiveness: This article is an interview. A respondent is nuclear authority. He analyzed the impact of Japan’s nuclear energy to produce a series of carefully. Such as, when people ask him: If there is another major accident, is nuclear energy finished? He said: fear so. As we have seen at Fuchsia, an accident in one country has consequences for all nuclear operators elsewhere. Timeliness: The article published online 18 April 2011, so is timely..

Annotation Laurent Stricter points out there has several enormous nuclear sites near ensue population is very unsafely, and he said that after the Fuchsia crisis, showed nuclear sites lack the ability to deal with the accidents such as a loss of electricity supply and cooling capacity. He emphasizes in his article that if there is another major accident happened, the nuclear energy may finished in the future, because the consequence of the nuclear energy accident is too serious to continue it in a country, like what happened in Fuchsia. Baby,Y.

The Problems Facing Nuclear Power in Japan Emphasizing Law and Regulations.  In this report, the author introduced the present situation of nuclear power in Japan, including various problems that the government and electric power companies are facing, especially with respect to laws and regulations. The author think In this report, introduced the present situation Of nuclear rower in Japan, including various problems that the government and electric power companies are facing, especially with respect to laws and regulations.


Surname 1
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Nuclear Pollution
Radioactive pollution in most cases always occurs accidentally in nuclear plants. The
definition of nuclear pollution is the movement of electromagnetic waves from one place to the
other. The outcome of the pollution has effects on the environment and can also lead to long term
felt effects on human health. Several nuclear plants face challenges of avoiding environmental
pollution from the plants. In 2011, due to a tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan
experienced an accident leading to a meltdown of their three major reactors. Though there were
no death related cases that were reported, the accident led to the evacuation of several families
leaving them homeless. In the paper, I will discuss deeply the Fukushima incident, the effects
that it caused to the environment, and the possible solutions to the catastrophe.
Fukushima Power Plant Accident
On Friday 11, March 2011, an earthquake with a high magnitude stroke eastern Japan
creating a large tsunami in the area. Eleven reactors were operational at the time and the tsunami
led to the sudden shut down of four of the reactors. The effects were not evident at first, but on
the fifth day, the effects were evident in the Fukushima Daiichi power plant from unit 1-3.
Within the first three days, the cores in the reactors were melting.
The rating of the accident according to the INES scale was found to be 7 due to the high
release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere. Three weeks after the incident, the three

Surname 2
reactors that had initially shutdown were now stable. By July, the reactors were now c…

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When we go in detail about each kind of pollution, the facts may seem very surprising and it is also wondering to know about nuclear pollution. Many people ask does nuclear energy cause pollution. The answer is a big, bold YES. Here, we discuss a lot about what is nuclear pollution, its causes, effects and also prevention.  Dig deep into these topics and know more and more about nuclear pollution. The after effects of nuclear pollution are even more dangerous than you could even dream about. What are we doing to this beautiful world?

Earth has provided us with so many resources. What we are giving in return? As the saying goes give and take, earth may kick back at some point of time for what we do to her. Exploiting the resources is not only what we do, we also pollute the planet so deeply and badly. Let us see now what is nuclear pollution  and effects.

Radiation is a term given for waves caused by electromagnetism and high energy particles.

Well known electromagnetic waves are radio waves, light, infrared rays, UV rays, X rays, Gamma rays. These are well known and are used extensively in the fields of communications, industry, medicine and research.

Radioactive substances have High energy particles which are tiny bits of matter that are made to move at high speeds releasing nuclear radiation.  There are about 50 naturally occurring radioactive substances and More than 2000 man-made ones. There are three kinds of radioactive radiation – alpha particles, beta particles and gamma radiation.

Nuclear Power Plant Pollution causes and effects

Another kind of radiation we face each day is cosmic radiation. This is the radiation that reaches us from outer space but is filtered out to a large extent by the layers of atmosphere that surrounds our earth

Contamination of the atmosphere by radiation and radioactive particles is called nuclear pollution


Most activities that involve radioactive substances have potential to contaminate the environment .these include

  • Nuclear weapons testing-

Beginning with the Second World War when Japan was subdued after the use of the nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, countries have been in the race to develop their own nuclear arms, in the name of defence, but more to threaten rival nations. These were led by US, Russia, Britain, France and China. Nowadays N. Korea, Iran and many of the developing countries are equipped to build these weapons as well.

Testing the weapons involves explosions is the atmospheric layer called stratosphere. The exploded debris emitting radiation then falls back to the earth. Some of the radiation is absorbed by our atmosphere. But some of it reaches the earth falling on areas that are far away from the site where the weapon was released initially. This is called Fallout. When these particles settle on the vegetation and are consumed by animals they enter into the food chain. When fallout settles over the sea, the ecosystem of the sea gets affected and again entering the food chain.

  • Nuclear Power Plants

Intense Nuclear energy from radioactive fuel is used to heat water to steam. The steam is then used to turn the turbines that in turn work the generators to produce electricity. Small amounts of radiation are released during this process into the water which may then dispose off indiscriminately causing nuclear pollution.

  • Improper disposal of spent nuclear fuel.

Spent nuclear fuel contains very active radioactive atoms that remain so sometimes almost for 600yrs or more. These must be disposed of in a very careful manner, with strict regulations in well designated spaces. But the fact is many governments tend to approve of dumping nuclear fuel as far from their country as possible. The favourite dumping ground of many countries was the Pacific Ocean. Greenpeace an organisation dedicated to preserving the environment and saving the earth from pollution has brought attention to this activity and opposes it with fervour.

Some plants store spent fuel in underground water pools as these release a high amount of heat and need to be cooled down. There is always the danger of seepage into the land nearby, contaminating ground water and surrounding lands.

On a smaller scale is the radioactive waste that is produced in diagnostic Imaging in Health sector.

  • Accident/Damage to Nuclear power plants

This most famous of these was the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Russia in 1986. The fallout of this accident was felt over three countries- Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The area surrounding the reactor is still polluted and not suitable for inhabitation or farming.

The other more recent accident was the Fukushima Daichii nuclear disaster on March 11th,  2011. An earthquake followed by a tsunami caused the main reactors and supplementary generators severe damage. Inadequate preparation to deal with an incident of this scale was also a factor that leads to hydrogen explosions and the seepage of radioactive material in the ground water.

Effects of Nuclear Pollution

The effect of nuclear pollution is seen on every organism in the environment from the bacteria to plants to human beings. Nothing is spared.

  • The immediate and closest to the source, experience Radiation Sickness. In small doses of 75-200 rems. One experiences vomiting, fatigue and loss of appetite. At higher exposures of 300 rem and more changes in the blood cells and bleeding occurs. Above 600 rems there is loss of hair, loss of immunity usually resulting in death in a few days to weeks. Radiation causes changes in the cell and gene structure of rapidly multiplying cells of the body, such as bone marrow, skin, intestines, lymphoid tissue and embryo.
  • Those exposed from a distance may not show any immediate symptom. But the tendency to develop various forms of cancers and have a shortened life span is seen. Radiation also causes cell mutations which can be transferred to the next generation.
  • Foetuses are affected with birth defects and cancers. They may also have a shorter life span.
  • Plants die and some show genetic changes and stunted growth. Animals are also affected and do not survive for too long.
  • The radiation in the atmosphere will not dissipate quickly. Every water source will also be affected. In fact it may take years or centuries to reach a point where such a space may become habitable.
  • An average person will be exposed to about 180 milli rem of radiation in a year from exposure to natural radiation, medical and dental X rays, Colour TVs, airport baggage X rays etc.


Prevention of Nuclear pollution

  • Whilst undergoing procedures for X rays or radiation therapy, correct protection gear such as lead aprons must be worn. This includes pregnant women. Using lead sheathed walls in imaging facilities is also mandatory.
  • As a lay person one must be aware of the dangers of nuclear pollution. If living in the vicinity of a nuclear plant or hearing of one being planned, one should use one’s right to make sure the governing bodies are planning thoroughly on the building, implementing and disposal of the wastes. Make certain that the authorities are prepared in case of a disaster, to handle all the situations such as containing the contamination to arranging an evacuation.
  • While working at a radiation facility or in nuclear plant workers are always monitored for the amount of radiation they have been exposed to.
  • Radioactive wastes are actually recyclable to a good extent because usable fuel is still being created in the wasted material which can then be reprocessed.
  • Governments are authorising research on developing better means for disposal of radioactive wastes. The most feasible method now appears to be deep underground storage of wastes.
  • Power plants must ensure that the radioactive fuel and wastes are being transported and disposed of in safe containers which are long lasting and unbreakable.
  • Governing agencies need to make sure that radioactive material does not fall into wrong hands that will, for a profit sell these to people who are in the business of war mongering.

Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy, inexpensive and extensive too. With a small amount of fuel a large amount of energy can be generated. Though there have been mishaps in the past and wrongful use of this energy, there is still great potential for it. Any well intentioned effort must be backed by good research, a well-designed plan and proper back up plans for any setbacks. The safety of the environment and the people must always come first.

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