Old world new meaning not for profit егэ ответы

Задание №8654.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Old word – new meaning
2. Not for profit
3. Generosity to taste
4. New word – old service
5. For travellers’ needs
6. For body and mind
7. Under lock and key
8. Cheap yet safe

A. The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and encouragement.

B. Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.

C. When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.

D. Ten years ago, with the help of friends and family, Veit Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 226 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.

E. To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship.

F. A bed and breakfast is a type of overnight accommodation with breakfast offered in someone’s private home. This type of service was established in Europe many years ago and its roots lie a long way back in history when monasteries provided bed and breakfasts for travelers. But the term appeared in the UK only after World War II, when numerous foreigners needed a place to stay and local people opened their homes and started serving breakfast to those overnight guests.

G. Hostels are nothing more than budget oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. But somehow there are misconceptions that a hostel is a kind of homeless shelter, a dangerous place where young people can face potential threat. This does not reflect the high quality and level of professionalism in many modern hostels.


Заголовок 3 (Generosity to taste. — Щедрость по вкусу) соответствует содержанию текста A: «Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality.»

Заголовок 6 (For body and mind. — Для тела и разума) соответствует содержанию текста B: «… such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities…»

Заголовок 5 (For travellers’ needs. — Для нужд путешественников) соответствует содержанию текста C: «The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there…»

Заголовок 2 (Not for profit. — Не для получения прибыли) соответствует содержанию текста D: «This is a completely free organization, which involves no money.»

Заголовок 1 (Old word – new meaning. — Старое слово — новое значение) соответствует содержанию текста E: «To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. In the contemporary West, hospitality is…»

Заголовок 4 (New word – old service. — Новое слово — старая услуга) соответствует содержанию текста F: «This type of service was established in Europe many years ago…»

Заголовок 8 (Cheap yet safe. — Дешево, но безопасно) соответствует содержанию текста G: «But somehow there are misconceptions that a hostel is a kind of homeless shelter…»

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Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Old word  — new meaning.

2.  Not for profit.

3.  For body and mind.

4.  Generosity to taste.

5.  New word  — old service.

6.  For various travellers’ needs.

A.  The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and encouragement.

B.  Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.

C.  When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.

D.  five years ago, with the help of friends and family, Frederick Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 256 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.

E.  To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A The Armoury is situated near the Kremlin.

B Originally the Kremlin was wooden.

C New walls and towers of red brick were built in the 15th century.

D The Trinity Gate leads to Red Square.

E The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is the oldest in Moscow.

F The monument to Alexander Pushkin is not far from the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

G You can watch ballets in the Maly Theatre.


Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью с автором детективных романов. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Which benefit of trees has not been mentioned by the speaker?
1) Protection from flooding.
2) Protection from the sun’s rays.
3) Protection from precipitation.
Ответ: .


The smell of pines in the forest is the result of trees releasing

1) oxygen.

2) carbon dioxide.

3) other gasses.

Ответ: .


Scientists want to study how
1) gasses are released by trees into the atmosphere.
2) organic compounds form tiny particles.
3) these particles influence the climate.
Ответ: .


Cloud droplets are unable to

1) absorb solar radiation.

2) reflect solar radiation.

3) scatter solar radiation.

Ответ: .


According to scientists, cloud droplets influence

1) the size of the cloud.

2) the colour of the cloud.

3) the movement of the cloud.

Ответ: .


The actual formation of the clouds is governed
1) only by the formation of cloud droplets.
2) primarily by the formation of cloud droplets.
3) by several different processes.
Ответ: .


A new way of addressing the problem of global warming is by reducing the amount of
1) greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
2) the sun’s radiation getting through the atmosphere.
3) the sun’s radiation reflected by the clouds.
Ответ: .

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Exotic Pets
2. Going Back in Time
3. Small Screen Addiction
4. Body Language

5. Massive Destruction
6. Buried Treasure
7. Reason for Extinction
8. Intelligent Enemies

A. The VLT (Very Large Telescope) is the world’s largest telescope and it is taking scientists further back to the Big Bang than they ever thought possible. In other words, the VLT is a kind of a time machine, giving astronomers detailed views of events that took place in the earliest days of the cosmos. One day, we will have a much clearer picture of how our planet was born.

B. The latest development in the debate amongst scientists about what killed the prehistoric dinosaurs is the suggestion that acid rain was the cause. Some geologists suggest that a large meteor hitting the earth at 65 kilometres per second would have led to strongly acidic rain falling all over the world. This idea is fascinating but it would mean the dinosaurs would all have died within a very short time.

C. In 1948, a British farmer discovered an interesting lump of metal while ploughing his field. At first he thought the metal bits were parts of an old bed. Then more ‘parts of old beds’ turned up and the farmer took them to the local museum. ‘But these bits are priceless!’ exclaimed the keeper of the museum. ‘They are Iron Age jewellery and coins!’ Over the next 40 years, more and more items were found in the same field.

D. Rats may have had a bit of a hard time over the years but these days lots of people are forgetting about guinea-pigs and hamsters and are buying rats instead. Domestic rats aren’t the same as the ones that run around rubbish bins — they’re actually quite cute. They are very intelligent and can be trained like dogs. They come in different colours and — a big bonus — they will eat anything!

E. In Western cultures, people look each other in the eye during a conversation to show interest and trust, but in many Asian countries, it’s rude to look people in the eye, especially a superior such as a teacher. One of the most basic and powerful signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest. This can indicate that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others.

F. Earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice most of them because they are small. However, big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fall down, set off landslides and do other deadly things. The highest death toll caused by an earthquake was in China in 1556, when at least 830,000 people died.

G. According to scientists, Americans watch more TV on average than any other nationality. In fact, many people, particularly children, sit for 35 hours or more per week glued to the box. What’s wrong with watching all that TV? Studies have linked it to everything from obesity to aggression in children not to mention that it puts your mind into a sort of sedated state. Habitual television watching, over long periods of time, has been known to cause depression, and anger.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded every year for the best original full-length novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland. It aims to represent the greatest in contemporary literature and promotes the finest in fiction by rewarding the best book of the year. The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, A ____________. However, it was better-known as simply the ‘Booker Prize’. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping ‘Booker’.

Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted B ____________. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize. Then it selects the people C ____________. The judging panel changes every year and usually a person is only a judge once.

Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender and professions within the industry. A writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of judges has been finalized, they are left to make their own decisions D ____________. The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academics E ____________. The influence of the prize is so great that the winner will almost certainly see the considerable sales increase, in addition to the £50,000 F ____________. In 1992, a Booker Russian Novel Prize was introduced.

  1. without any further interference from the prize sponsor
  2. so as to maintain the consistent quality of the prize
  3. who will judge the books
  4. so as to sell them
  5. which was the name of the company that sponsored it
  6. that comes with the prize
  7. they think should be included

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

‘Have you written a letter to the Froplinsons?’ asked Egbert.

‘No,’ said Janetta, with a note of tired defiance in her voice; ‘I’ve written eleven letters today expressing surprise and gratitude for sundry unmerited gifts, but I haven’t written to the Froplinsons yet.’

‘Someone will have to do it,’ said Egbert.

‘I don’t dispute the necessity, but I don’t think that someone should be me,’ said Janetta. ‘I wouldn’t mind writing a letter of angry recrimination or heartless satire to some suitable recipient. In fact, I should rather enjoy it, but I’ve come to the end of my capacity for expressing servile amiability. Eleven letters today and nine yesterday, all couched in the same strain of ecstatic thankfulness: really, you can’t expect me to sit down to another. There is such a thing as writing oneself out.’

‘I’ve written nearly as many,’ said Egbert, ‘and I’ve had my usual business correspondence to get through, too. Besides, I don’t know what it was that the Froplinsons sent us.’ ‘A William the Conqueror calendar,’ said Janetta, ‘with a quotation of one of his great thoughts for every day in the year.’

‘Impossible,’ said Egbert; ‘he didn’t have three hundred and sixty-five thoughts in the whole of his life, or, if he did, he kept them to himself.’

‘Well, it was William Wordsworth, then,’ said Janetta; ‘I know William came into it somewhere.’

‘That sounds more probable,’ said Egbert; ‘well, let’s collaborate on this letter and get it done. I’ll dictate, and you can scribble it down. ‘Dear Mrs. Froplinson, thank you and your husband so much for the very pretty calendar you sent us. It was very good of you to think of us.’ ’

‘You can’t possibly say that,’ said Janetta, laying down her pen. ‘We sent them something on the twenty-second,’ said Janetta, ‘so they simply had to think of us. There was no getting away from it.’

‘What did we send them?’ asked Egbert gloomily.

‘Bridge-markers,’ said Janetta, ‘in a cardboard case, with some inanity about ‘digging for fortune with a royal spade’ emblazoned on the cover. The moment I saw it in the shop I said to myself ‘Froplinsons’ and to the attendant ‘How much?’ When he said ‘Ninepence,’ I gave him their address, jabbed our card in, paid tenpence or elevenpence to cover the postage, and thanked heaven. With less sincerity and infinitely more trouble they eventually thanked me.’

‘The Froplinsons don’t play bridge,’ said Egbert.

‘One is not supposed to notice social deformities of that sort,’ said Janetta; ‘it wouldn’t be polite. Besides, what trouble did they take to find out whether we read Wordsworth with gladness? For all they knew or cared we might be frantically embedded in the belief that all poetry begins and ends with John Masefield, and it might infuriate or depress us to have a daily sample of Wordsworthian products flung at us.’

‘Well, let’s get on with the letter,’ said Egbert. ‘How clever of you to guess that Wordsworth is our favourite poet.’

Again Janetta laid down her pen.

‘Do you realise what that means?’ she asked; ‘a Wordsworth booklet next Christmas, and another calendar the Christmas after, with the same problem of having to write suitable letters of thankfulness. No, the best thing to do is to drop all further allusion to the calendar and switch off on to some other topic.’

‘But what other topic?’

‘Oh, something like this: ‘What do you think of the New Year Honours List? A friend of ours made such a clever remark when he read it.’ Then you can stick in any remark that comes into your head; it needn’t be clever. The Froplinsons won’t know whether it is or isn’t.’

‘We don’t even know on which side they are in politics,’ objected Egbert; ‘and anyhow you can’t suddenly dismiss the subject of the calendar. Surely there must be some intelligent remark that can be made about it.’

‘Well, we can’t think of one,’ said Janetta wearily; ‘the fact is, we’ve both written ourselves out.’

There was a long silence, the forlorn silence of those who are bereft of hope and have almost ceased to care. Then Egbert started from his seat with an air of resolution. The light of battle was in his eyes.

‘Let me come to the writing-table,’ he exclaimed; ‘I’m going to write to the editor of every enlightened and influential newspaper in the Kingdom, I’m going to suggest that there should be a sort of epistolary Truce of God during the festivities of Christmas and New Year. From the twenty-fourth of December to the third or fourth of January it shall be considered an offence against good sense and good feeling to write or expect any letter or communication that does not deal with the necessary events of the moment. Answers to invitations, arrangements about trains, renewal of club subscriptions, and, of course, all the ordinary everyday affairs of business, sickness, engaging new cooks, and so forth, these will be dealt with in the usual manner as something inevitable. But all the devastating accretions of correspondence, incident to the festive season, these should be swept away to give the season a chance of being really festive.’

‘But you would have to make some acknowledgment of presents received,’ objected Janetta; ‘otherwise people would never know whether they had arrived safely.’

‘Of course, I have thought of that,’ said Egbert; ‘every present that was sent off would be accompanied by a ticket bearing the date of dispatch and the signature of the sender, and some conventional hieroglyphic to show that it was intended to be a Christmas or New Year gift; there would be a counterfoil with space for the recipient’s name and the date of arrival, and all you would have to do would be to sign and date the counterfoil, add a conventional hieroglyphic indicating heartfelt thanks and gratified surprise, put the thing into an envelope and post it.’

‘It sounds delightfully simple,’ said Janetta wistfully, ‘but people would consider it too perfunctory.’

‘It is not a bit more perfunctory than the present system,’ said Egbert; ‘I have only the same conventional language of gratitude at my disposal with which to thank dear old Colonel Chuttle for his perfectly delicious Stilton, which we shall devour to the last morsel, and the Froplinsons for their calendar, which we shall never look at. So you see the present system of acknowledgment is just as perfunctory and conventional as the counterfoil business would be, only ten times more tiresome and brain-racking.’

‘Your plan would certainly bring the idea of a Happy Christmas a step nearer realisation,’ said Janetta. ‘Meanwhile, what am I to say to the Froplinsons?’

(Adapted from ‘Down Pens’ by H. H. Munro)


Egbert and Janetta were writing

1) application letters.
2) thank-you letters.

3) letters of recrimination.
4) letters of complaint.

Ответ: .


Egbert and Janetta didn’t want to write a letter to the Froplinsons because they
1) had both written themselves out.
2) didn’t like this couple.
3) didn’t know what the Froplinsons had sent them.
4) had a lot of work to do.
Ответ: .


Janetta liked her present to the Froplinsons because it was

1) expensive and useless.
2) cheap and useless.

3) expensive and useful.
4) cheap and useful.

Ответ: .


Janetta didn’t want to mention that Wordsworth was their favourite poet because
1) she actually didn’t like his poems.
2) her favourite poet was John Masefield.
3) the Froplinsons would send them new Wordsworth-related presents.
4) she didn’t want the Froplinsons to know the truth.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered the Froplisons to be

1) stupid.

2) clever.

3) kind.

4) mean.

Ответ: .


Egbert suggested that at Christmas people should
1) stop writing letters at all.
2) put off all the everyday affairs of business.
3) not make any acknowledgment of received presents.
4) send counterfoils instead of thank-you letters.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered a new system

1) absolutely impossible.
2) too perfunctory.

3) easy to implement.
4) totally unacceptable.

Ответ: .


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—25.

Обратите внимание, что по правилам ЕГЭ ответы нужно писать без пробелов и других знаков, например, правильный ответ ‘have done’ нужно будет записать как ‘havedone’, иначе ваш ответ не засчитается.

Swimming Pools


The first heated swimming pool by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.



Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities six indoor pools with diving boards.



The surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.



After the start of modern Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.



Most enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.



If they could, kids to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.



However, not everyone their own backyard pool.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26—31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.

Waste Management


Waste affects our environment — everything that surrounds us including the air, water, land, plants, and man-made things. We need a healthy environment for our own health and .



The waste we create has to be controlled to be sure that it does not harm our environment and our health.



So waste management is very important.



Waste reduction and recycling have a wide range of environmental benefits and promote public awareness and personal for the waste we create.



The best place to start making a is our home. Learn how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to decrease household waste.



If we recycle what we can’t use any more, we save resources because the materials replace some of the natural resources including water and energy, which we use to make new products.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32—38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32—38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Globalization and Communication Growth

The 21st century has 32____ in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life and a better world. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in ‘One World.’ Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. While the physical divide is still present, the 33____ of the Information Highway on how we communicate and live in the present day is simply staggering. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere, and anytime.

Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion and fads. Global exchange is now taking place as the market of ideas, culture, and beliefs expand through the use of technology. The nature of business and how it is done has also improved by 34____ and bounds because of globalization.

An example of the remarkable effects of globalization is the invention of the telephone and the television. Television has enabled young people and adults to have the ability to share cultural and ethnic experiences with others. Telephones have also greatly improved communication. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for a letter. Anybody can talk to anyone who has another phone 35____ of distance or location on the planet. With the aid of satellites, 3rd generation phones allow us to make a phone call, send a video, or even receive an e-mail. These 36____ in communication have revolutionized business, commerce, and even the personal lives and relationships of millions of people.

Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important information can reach any parts of the globe in 37____ time. Business establishments, whether big or small, are using the Internet in many ways to build or expand their company’s growth. With the ever improving technology come new markets, high 38____ for products, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise.


1) started

2) began

3) ushered

4) launched

Ответ: .


1) cause

2) impact

3) consequences

4) result

Ответ: .


1) bonds

2) gaps

3) jumps

4) leaps

Ответ: .


1) regardless

2) despite

3) notwithstanding

4) because

Ответ: .


1) breakbeats

2) breakdowns

3) breakouts

4) breakthroughs

Ответ: .


1) any

2) no

3) none of

4) some

Ответ: .


1) access

2) claim

3) demand

4) rise

Ответ: .

Ваш результат: пока 0.

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Для ответов на задания 39 и 40 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями, или можно использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, Вы можете использовать другую его сторону.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jessica who writes:

… By the way, we are doing a project at college on the fashion industry in different countries. It would be nice if you could tell me what clothes are popular with teenagers in Russia. Do you have any special fashion for teens? What kind of clothes do you prefer? Why?

Write a letter to Jessica.
In your letter
— answer her questions
— ask 3 questions about her tastes in clothes
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of people enjoy celebrating holidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off.

What is your attitude to celebrations? Which way of celebrating holidays do you find more enjoyable?

Write 200 — 250 words.

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.

Задание 4 № 33

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Country’s brave defenders.

2. A really international place.

3. Governesses of rich children.

4. Textile business links.

5. A nice-sounding building.

6. The initial steps of commerce.

A. Moscow has always been a multicultural city. If we look back at its history, we will see that there were several foreign communities living in Moscow on a permanent basis.
We all know about German people inhabiting the banks of the Yauza river, where little Peter, the future tsar of all Russia, ran around, made friends and got his first ideas of
learning about ships and fleets. But what do we know about the British community of Moscow? Did it even exist?

B. The first ties between Russia and Britain were formed in the middle of the 16th century in the time of Ivan the Terrible. It was then that some wealthy British merchants
founded the Muscovy Company which held a monopoly on trade between Britain and Russia until 1698. The building of its Moscow headquarters was granted to the company by the
tsar in 1556 and can be still visited at 4, Varvarka Street, known to us now as The Old English Court.

С. Beginning from the time of Peter the Great, several talented British military men moved to Russia. Many of them served as army generals and navy admirals, defending Russian
borders in different wars and battles. Among the most famous ones were Field Marshall James Bruce, Field Marshall Barclay de Tolly and Admiral Thomas Mackenzie, all of them of
Scottish origin.

D. In the 18th century, British industrialists made themselves known in Russia. One of the most outstanding figures was Robert McGill, who lived in Moscow and served as an
intermediary between Lancashire mill engineers and the Russian cotton industry, and built over 180 mills (cotton factories) in Russia. Robert McGill had a house in
Spiridonovka Street and together with his wife Jane was a prominent member of the British community in Moscow.

E. If you talk to Moscow concert musicians who were active between the 1970s and the 1990s, they will tell you of the fantastic acoustics of the “Melodiya” recording studio at
8, Voznesensky Lane, which they lovingly called ‘kirche’, mistakenly thinking it was a German church. This building, designed in the English neo-gothic architectural style,
was in fact built in 1885 by Robert McGill and is St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, which was used as a recording studio in Soviet times.


Задание 4 № 34

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Soapy Plates

2. Enjoyable Ads

3. Where is the Fog?

4. Main Tourist Attraction

5. Traditional Measures

6. Who Should Do It?

A. An Italian boy, who is in Britain for the first time, talked about the weather, “I can’t understand it. I’ve been here for over a week and I still haven’t seen any fog!”

B. A Japanese student from Tokyo said, “I’ve been in Britain since April and have been living with a British family. I’ve noticed one big difference between British and
Japanese families. British men do jobs like cooking, washing up and ironing. They’re jobs which I’ve never seen Japanese men do. They think it’s women’s work. But I don’t
agree with it!”

C. A German student at a language school in Oxford said, “I thought Britain was a modern European country — you’ve been in the EEC for years now. So why do you still use
miles,Or pints and pounds instead of kilometres, litres and kilos? And why do you still drive on the wrong side of the road?”

D. A Danish girl who works as an au pair in Liverpool said, “I came to Britain a month ago. I’ve noticed one very strange thing here. After British people have washed the
dishes, they never rinse them. They just take them out of the dirty, soapy water and leave them to dry!”

E. A Swedish girl said, “I’ve watched a lot of television since I arrived two weeks ago. British television’s brilliant! But the “programmes” which I’ve enjoyed most are the
advertisements. They’re very funny or very clever, or both. Back home in Sweden we don’t have any TV advertisements at all!”


Задание 4 № 35

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Polite Neighbours

2. A Working TV set

3. Night Visitors

4. Anxious Night

5. Ready to Defend Myself

6. Strangers in the Garden

A. Last night, at about three o’clock in the morning, I heard a strange noise downstairs. I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown. With my heart beating fast, I slowly
went to the top of the stairs. It sounded like there were people talking in the kitchen.

B. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I decided to go downstairs. I made my way quietly down the stairs and listened at the kitchen door. A man asked: “Did you kill him?” and
a woman replied: “Yes, I shot him.” Then the man asked: ’’Why did you do that?” Suddenly I realised that there were not really any people in the kitchen. It was just the TV.
But why did it turn itself on in the middle of the night?

C. While I was standing in the kitchen wondering about the TV, I looked out of the window. It was dark, but I could see a figure outside. Someone was walking slowly across the
garden! He whispered something. He was talking to another person! What were they doing in my garden?

D. I was wondering what to do when they started walking towards the kitchen window. They were coming towards me! I didn’t know what to do so I grabbed a knife and waited. They
were getting closer and closer. I was so frightened. They came right up to the window, and I saw their faces. It was my neighbours, Anna and Larry!

E. They obviously were not trying to break into my house, so why were they talking in my garden in the middle of the night? I opened the kitchen door and Anna and Larry came
in. They sat down, and I made them both a cup of coffee. This is what Anna told me: “We were sleeping in our bedroom when we heard a loud noise coming from your kitchen. So
Alan and I decided to investigate. We came down to your garden, but couldn’t see any lights on.

Задание 4 № 36

соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Shopping

2. Entertainment

3. Celebrities

4. Places to visit

5. Eating out

6. Accommodation

A. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the USA. It’s also home to film stars, sunny weather, tall buildings and heavy traffic. The hotels in LA are more expensive than
those in many other American cities, but they are pretty clean and safe.

B. There are many interesting places that you can visit, like Venice Beach with its street performers or Universal Studios to see how they make films. Children can visit the
Children’s Museum — ne of the most exciting museums in the world.

C. There are famous restaurants you can eat at, like the Buffalo Hub, a place packed with celebrities, or Musso and Frank’s, Hollywood’s oldest restaurant. For the most delicious
Mexican dishes at the Border Grill.

D. You can buy cheap fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue. Do you want designer clothes? Then go to the expensive shops on Rodeo Drive. A visit there is always

E. The nightlife is exciting on the Sunset Strip, an area in Hollywood with famous clubs. There you can enjoy rock’n’roll music. LA is a really modern city with something for
It’s noisy
and crowded, but it’s also fascinating.

Задание 4 № 37

соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Computer virus.

2. Game addiction.

3. A crime.

4. An important message.

5. Punishment.

6. Using neighbours’ wi-fi.

A. A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it
isn’t yours, don’t use it.

B. Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college.
In the end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t go online.

C. However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs. He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and
continued playing online games from his own home.

D. The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi
network that isn’t yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.

E. In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other
activities, but he won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the next year.

Задание 4 № 38

соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Making money.

2. Just like real life.

3. Old customs disappear.

4. Scare yourself.

5. The first theme park.

6. See Ancient Egypt.

A. For many years, it has been a tradition in many parts of the world to hold a fair during public holidays. During religious festivals, there was a carnival atmosphere in many
towns as fairgrounds appeared for a few days for people just to have fun. But slowly these fairs have been replaced by more permanent sites, where people can have fun all the year round.

B. Opened in 1955, Disneyland in California is regarded by many as the original fun park. Visitors were greeted by characters from various Disney films and the procession of
Mickey Mouse and his friends is still a beautiful sight for people of all ages.

C. Nowadays, such parks can be found all over the world: indeed, it is becoming hard to avoid them. Special events, such as unforgettable firework displays, are organised in
order to bring in the crowds. Creating a theme park involves a lot of money and the managers cannot afford to relax.

D. A trip to a fun park is not complete without something to really scare you. A roller coaster is nothing special these days. For real thrills, there’s ‘Oblivion’, at Alton
Towers in England, which takes you headfirst into a dark hole filled with smoke. It doesn’t last long, but three minutes of nightmare is enough.

E. For people who don’t like frightening rides there are plenty of other ways to spend the time. At the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, there is a glass copy of the tomb of
Tutankhamun. There are shops and restaurants and imitation temples, but-best of all there is the possibility of a boat trip down the Nile.

Задание 4 № 39

соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Groups of stars.

2. Hot clouds of gas.

3. Moving to the west.

4. Giving out light.

5. Orbiting round stars.

6. The nearest star.

A. Over millions of years, hot clouds of gas called ‘nebulae’ grow until they explode and form huge, blazing balls of fire. This is how stars are born. Our own sun is a star.
Eventually, like all stars, it will run out of fuel and die. Don ’t worry though — this won’t happen for another 5 billion years!

B. Stars are sources of light. This is the reason they shine so brightly in the sky. The moon, planets and comets also shine, but they don’t give out their own light. They just
reflect it from the sun.

C. Stars are very, very far away. In fact, when their light reaches our eyes, we sometimes see them as they were thousands of years ago. Our sun is the nearest star to Earth, but
it is still about 160 million km away! It is part of the Milky Way galaxy, a white band of stars that stretches across the night sky.

D. Constellations are groups of stars. If you draw lines between them (and use lots of imagination) they sometimes look like objects, animals or people. The ancient Greeks
thought that Orion looked like a giant hunter with a sword attached to his belt.

E. As the earth moves around the sun, we see the constellations in different positions in the sky at different times of the year. In the same way, the whole sky seems to move
towards the west as the earth rotates on its axis throughout the night.

Задание 4 № 40

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Dangerous shoes.

2. Following the rules.

3. Angry shoppers.

4. New fashion.

5. Dress rules.

6. Wear in special areas.

A. A new kind of training shoes, with wheels in the heel, are in fashion in Wales. Many teenagers asked for them at Christmas. But the manager of the St Andrew`s Shopping
Centre in Liverpool says the shoes, called ‘Heelies’, are dangerous. He says kids in ‘Heelies’ can’t enter the mall. They must take them off and walk around in their socks.

B. The manager, Gilmour Johnes, thinks there is a safety problem. Teenagers with these shoes could break a shop window or knock down an older customer. Mr. Johnes says that
the rule against wheels is not new. ‘For many years we have had the rules against using rollerblades or skateboards in the centre.’

C. Many other malls also have specific dress rules for teenagers. In the USA, some malls have rules about wearing baseball caps. You mustn’t wear your cap to the side — the
cap must be straight, and you mustn’t wear it low over your face. The security camera must be able to see your face.

D. Many of these rules are to stop big groups of teenagers getting in the way of shoppers. Groups of kids sometimes stand on the stairs or in the doors and customers can’t
pass. Some shoppers are afraid of large groups of noisy teenagers. One mall manager said, ‘We are here to sell. If you don’t want to buy, we don’t want you here.’

E. However, the problem with ‘Heely’ shoes is not just the feelings of other shoppers. There is a real safety problem — these shoes can be dangerous. The company that makes
them tells users not to wear them in crowded places.

Задание 4 № 41

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Difficult life

2. First success

3. Personality

4. Popularity

5. Successful lifestyle

6. Free-time activities

A. Liza Smith is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the
world to perform concerts to millions of fans.

B. However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Bristol. She lived in a small terraced house with her parents and three brothers. They didn’t have a
lot of money and she worked as a cleaner to make ends meet. She used to buy clothes from second-hand shops.

C. In her free time she used to sing in the college choir. She learnt the words to every pop song and people hired her to sing at parties. Her friends liked her voice a lot
and persuaded her to send a cassette to a record company. That’s how it all started and her life changed completely.

D. Today Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and her daughter. She looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. She goes to
the gym every day to keep her body in shape. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.

E. Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I lead today. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the
privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. What else could I ask for?’ she says.

 Задание 4 № 42

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. The never-sleeping country.

2. The city having two parts.

3. The golden city.

4. The sunshine state.

5. The cheap and free city.

6. A land of song.

A. Some visitors say that London is a very expensive city, but there are a few things to do which do not cost a lot of money. Most museums are free and
give guided tours as well as lectures. The National Theatre next to the Royal Festival Hall also has free concerts in the foyer every evening and on
Saturday lunchtimes. Some cinemas are cheaper on Mondays; others sell half-price tickets before 6 pm.

B. Florida was bought from the Spanish in 1819. It is the southernmost state on the mainland and has a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. Oranges grow
all year round even in winter, when the weather is very cold further north. The warm climate has made Florida an important vacation resort. More than ten
million visitors come to Miami Beach every year. There are also many theme parks and other entertainment.

C. Spain is famous for its unusual lifestyle. For example, Spanish people usually have lunch at 2.30 pm and dinner at 10.00 pm. People don’t usually go to
bed before midnight. At 10.00 on Friday and Saturday nights the bars and restaurants are full. Spanish night-life really starts at mid night. A lot of
disco-bars don’t close before 6.00 in the morning. On the east coast of Spain some discos open at 10.00 on Sunday mornings!

D. The Welsh have been famous for their singing for centuries. If you go to any Welsh rugby match, you will hear supporters singing in harmony. Male-voices
choirs are found throughout Wales and many Welsh people have become famous opera singers. The reputation of Wales as a centre for music attracts musicians
from all over the world to its various festivals.

E. Budapest has a population of over two million people. The River Danube divides the city into two parts. On the west bank there are the woods and hills
of Buda and the old town. On the east ban k there is the bigger and more modem Pest, the business and shopping centre. From Buda there are wonderful views
of Pest and the river. Six bridges join Buda and Pest. For nearly a thousand years Buda and Pest w ere two towns. Then in 1873 they joined and became one
city, Budapest.


Задание 4 № 43

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. The long-distance teacher.

2. Injured in a mountain.

3. Miracle escape.

4. International influences.

5. Survival at sea.

6. Channel champion.

A. Five-year-old Mark Harris from Bristol fell 70 feet from a bridge into the river Avon when he was running after his dog. The river carried him towards a
waterfall and threw him onto some rocks. Fortunately, three older boys who were fishing saw Mark. They quickly pulled him out and rang the police.

B. In April this year, Garry Smith was climbing Ben Nevis, Britain’s highest mountain, when he lost his way and spent three days in sub-zero temperatures.
He was in trouble. He fell off a rock and hurt his knees. He could not move. Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Garry, and found him at 1:00 in the
morning. A helicopter took him to hospital, where he needed several operations.

C. Twenty-one days after Bill and Sarah Butler left Panama in their yacht, they met some whales. They started to hit the side of the boat and suddenly Bill
and Sarah heard water. Two minutes later the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life raft and watched the boat go under the water. For twenty days
they had tins of food, and bottles of water. After fifty days at sea their life raft was beginning to break up. Suddenly a fishing boat saw them and picked
them up.

D. Thirteen-year-old Thomas Gregory from London is the youngest person to swim the English Channel. He swam 31 miles in just 11 hours 55 minutes. He drank
hot tomato soup because he felt so cold in the water. Often he could not see anything because the sun was shining in his eyes, and that was the worst
thing. He was very pleased when he finally arrived on the beach in France, where his parents were waiting for him.

E. Pop music in Britain is influenced by music from all over the world. Many teenagers in our survey liked reggae, which comes from Jamaica. Boys also
enjoyed dancing and listening to Black-American rap. Some music in Britain is a mixture of styles. Pop music is also influencing traditional music.
Recently some young musicians of Asian origin have started to mix bhangra (traditional music from the Punjab region) with Western pop.


Задание 4 № 44

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Tomorrow’s vegetables.

2. Environment in danger.

3. Additions to your food.

4. Genetically modified food.

5. Fast food.

6. Unhealthy eating habits.

A. Fast food and packaging come together. When you have eaten the beef burger, you throw away the packaging and somebody will then burn or bury it. This is
clearly a problem. Fast food also contributes to global warming. In Brazil, 12 million acres of forest were cut down to build farms. Farmers use this land
to grow soya beans and soya is given to the cows that become the beef in your beefburger. Fewer forests mean more global warming.

B Traditional methods of cooking and eating are disappearing, and are being replaced by fast food and ready-prepared meals. As a result, people today
(especially children) have too much sugar, too many sweet drinks, too much white bread. This makes people’s level of blood glucose go up, causing
tiredness, nervousness and headaches. Among schoolchildren it can also cause low concentration and bad behaviour.

C. A lot of fast food contains ingredients that have been changed by scientists to be different: the tomatoes in the tomato sauce, the flour in the bread.
How is it possible that you can buy a bright red tomato in Moscow, that comes from Cyprus, that is still fresh after four weeks? But the changes are not
always bad. Some plants can be modified to provide more vitamin C, for example.

D. Not many children like vegetables. It has been proved that eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. So
yesterday chocolate-flavoured carrots went on sale in Britain as part of a campaign to encourage children to eat vegetables. The range of products also
includes cheese-and-onion flavoured cauliflower, pizza-flavoured sweeetcorn, and peas that taste like chewing-gum.

E. You should expect to find a lot of chemical ingredients in fast food. None of them are good for your health, but not all of them are bad. Chlorine is
used to make bread white. Cochineal (made from dried insects) is used to make things red. However, more research is needed to find out exactly how these
chemicals will affect our health in years to come.


Задание 4 № 45

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. World’s strangest name.

2. Famous people’s names.

3. The name of the computer.

4. The names children dislike.

5. Unusual names.

6. The importance of names.

A. Your name is extremely significant. It’s how you identify yourself. It’s how other people identify you. Elton John was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Can
you imagine someone famous with a name like that? He had to change it. Marilyn Monroe sounds so much more glamorous than Norma Jean Baker.

So parents make one of the most important decisions in the lives of their children — giving them a name.

B. Some people choose names because they are fashionable. Other parents do the opposite and call their children strange names, or they even invent names.
People who choose strange names for their children want to show how special they are. However, the children are not always happy with their parents’
choice. David Bowie’s son found the name Zowie so embarrassing that he changed it to Joe.

C. These days it’s fashionable to give your child the name of a place that is important to you: Victoria and David Beckham decided to call their son
Brooklyn because they were in New York when they discovered that Victoria was going to have a baby. Madonna named her daughter Lourdes after the town in
France, the ex-US-President Bill Clinton named his daughter Chelsea after a part of London that he and his wife liked.

D. A woman, Mrs Bennet, was in hospital after the birth of her son. She was trying to decide what to call her son, when she walked past a door. It had the
name ‘KING’ on it. That’s a good name, she thought. A little later, she walked past another door, and this time she saw the name ‘NOSMO’. Interesting, she
thought. But she liked it, too, and so her son was named Nosmo King Bennet. It was only six months later that she discovered her terrible mistake.

E. A.L.I.C.E. is an award-winning chat robot at www.alicebot.org. She’s intelligent and funny and has won prizes for being the most human-like computer.
She was created by Dr Richard S. Wallace. Six thousand people a month chat to A.L.I.C.E. Some people spend up to four and a half hours a day chatting
online with her, and some have even said they prefer her to their own girlfriends


Задание 4 № 46

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. The windy city.

2. Things to see.

3. The roof of the world

4. The place suggested seeing.

5. The destroyed house.

6. Pilotless aircraft.

A. If you are bored with beaches, try Alaska. Our trip to America’s largest and most northerly state was one of the greatest experiences of my life. We
entered a different world. The scenery with its mountains ‘and volcanoes was spectacular, particularly the dramatic Columbia Glacier, over 90 metres high.
We. spent our final day in Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city.

B. Yesterday afternoon a 35-year-old housewife escaped death when a tree blew and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. It was windy. She heard a
strange noise coming from the tree. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger, and she watched it crash onto the roof. The Bonnet family are staying with
their friends while their house is rebuilt.

C. The third largest city in the United States, Chicago, is on the shore of Lake Michigan. Two rivers, the Chicago and the Calumet, run through the city,
and canals link them with the Mississippi River, which flows down to the Gulf of Mexico. Ships can also sail from Chicago through the Great Lakes to the
Atlantic Ocean. The climatic conditions of the city are very specific, because strong winds blow through it.

D. An American jet pilot took off from Fort Worth, but the jet’s engines went wrong. The pilot ejected, but the plane didn’t crash. The engines began
working again. The jet flew for more than one hour over three states. Finally it crashed near Lincoln, Nebraska. It hit some trees in a field where a
farmer was working. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

E. Last year I went to Spain for my holiday. I spent the first week in Seville, and then I took a train to Barcelona, where Г spent another ten days. It is
a beautiful city and I had a marvellous time. I stayed in a very expensive hotel right in the centre, but I didn’t mind spending a lot of money because it
is a wonderful place and very convenient. My brother recommended it; he goes to Spain a lot and he never stays anywhere else.


Задание 4 № 47

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Out-of-town shopping.

2. Bargain hunters.

3. The best shopping street.

4. A convenient way of paying.

5. Internet shopping.

6. The key to success.

A. Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is
buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a
lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B. A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat, which means New World. An incredible
15,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of
shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.

C. Many small street and comer shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without
any problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, a branch of most of the chain-stores,
some smaller shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are built near big roads.

D. Mail-order shopping has become very popular because it saves time. Shoppers use credit cards to pay for something over the telephone after they have
seen it advertised in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept phone orders twenty-four hours
a day and most have toll-free numbers.

E. Many Americans like sales. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost as little as hall the normal price. Sales are
advertized in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many arc
open seven days a week and sometimes until 10.00 at night.


Задание 4 № 48

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Sports and money.

2. The riskiest sports.

3. The most popular sport.

4. Sports at school.

5. Young, sporting and rich.

6. Sporting inventions.

A. According to recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby, and football is a close second. Despite the popularity of these games, and
although we teach school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing, or scuba-diving. Of course, people do get hurt
in ‘adventure sport s’ and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year.

B. Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championship s, but it has been good at inventing sports
and writing the rules of games. Go lf was first played in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century.
Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools.

C. Sport today’ means big business for both players and sponsors. Sporting events like the World Cup, which has a TV audience of 45 billion people, make
huge amounts of money. Companies like Coca Cola and Adidas have paid more than $30 million to sponsor a sports event. The y know that people all over the
world will see their names and logos at the sports stadiums and on participants’ clothes.

D. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children’s baseball, football, and basketball team s in almost every
community. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and
field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

E. Many top stars make a fortune during their sporting careers. Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, was only 23 years old when he had already earned more
than $5 million. He had won eight tournaments in his career by that time, including the US Masters which he won in 1997. He reached the position of the
world’s top player in the shortest time ever — just 42 weeks. Now he is sponsored by Nike, the sportswear company.

4 № 

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема

This text deals with …

1. Taking English abroad.

2. The rise of America.

3. The French influence.

4. The expansion of learning.

5. Orthographic difference.

6. The global language.

A. A billion people speak English, two-thirds of the world’s scientists write in English, and 85 per cent of the world’s electronic information is stored
in English. One result is that the British are terribly lazy about learning other languages. The reasons for the popularity of English are either lost in
history, or something to do with the superpower on the other side of the Atlantic.

B. English has many similarities with Romance languages, whose origin is Latin. The words like government, parliament, court, legal, army, crown, state,
country, power, and people came to England with the French-speaking Normans. Notice that the word:, are associated with power: Norman-French was used as
the language of government. Words of Latin origin are usually longer than words of Germanic origin.

C. The period from the Renaissance to the present day has seen many new ideas and inventions, especially in science and technology. As new things are
invented, new words have to be created. Often these new words are created from existing Greek or Latin words put together in new ways. There are now
thousands of such words in English. Just think of telephone, television, microscope, and thermometer.

D. Today, there are some differences in vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation between American and British English. Sometimes, the difference in spelling
is because Americans wanted to make things simpler, so that a word would be spelled the way it is pronounced. Noah Webster, founder of one of the most
famous American English dictionaries, decided to eliminate from a won I any letters that were not pronounced (honor — honour, theater — theatre).

E. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, British navigators sailed across the seas with the aim of extending Britain’s power and prosperity.
They colonized new territories around the world, taking their language with them. In many cast the process of bringing ‘civilisation’ to the existing
peoples of these lands was accompanied by cruelty and injustice.


Задание 4 № 50

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Money.

2. Social Concerns.

3. Parents.

4. Part-Time Work.

5. Sport.

6. Helping at Home.

A. What teenagers feel and do is also of interest to governments. The following facts are taken from the official survey. Almost 60 per cent of British
teenagers have a part-time job. The most popular jobs are working in shops and stores (usually on Saturdays), doing a paper round (mornings, before
school), or babysitting.

B. Nearly all teenagers claim they help with the housework. But most admit they only do it because they have to.

C. Two thirds of those who were interviewed take part regularly in one or more sporting activities. Swimming is very popular with both sexes, while more
than 45 per cent of boys play football.

D. Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. Without it they can’t buy clothes or gadgets, or go to concerts, cinemas or discos. The majority of girls
spend their pocket money on clothes; half the boys spend it on gadgets. Three quarters of all teenagers try to save at least some money.

E. Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Although a lot of teenagers believe their parents are too strict, most agree that their parents
offer help and support in times of crisis. When there are arguments, however, they are usually about what time they should come home at night, where they
are going, and who they are going with.


Задание 4 № 51

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Eat out.

2. Living It up after Dark.

3. Shop till You Drop.

4. Take a Capital Break.

5. Room at the Top.

6. Going out in London.

A. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to steep yourself in the past, step into the future, learn ab out the living world or enjoy film and theatre.
There’s something for everyone in London — art-lovers, culture vultures, thrill-seekers and anyone with a passion for history. The city boasts a wealth of
theatres and museums and collections — as much culture as your feet can bear! So even if you have been to the city many times before, there’s something new
to view and somewhere different to go in a city full of surprises.

B. London’s shops cover the complete spectrum of fashion — from traditional, high-class tailoring, through top designer names, trend-setting street |
fashion to retro, antique and period clothes. You can buy yourself wild fashion or exclusive tailoring; the I newest ideas or the most traditional. From
the shopper’s point of view London really is ‘Absolutely fabulous, darling!’ London’s 30,000 shops offer the most extraordinary choice, quality and value.
Come and enjoy yourself!

C. Over 5,800 different restaurants and cuisine from more than 60 different countries await you in Britain’s capital. Come to London and eat your great
meal from all the best cuisines all around the world! The experience of eating out in London is reaching new heights, with restaurants opening every week
and some of the best-known names in cuisine to work here.

D. London comes alive at dark. If New York is the city that never sleeps, London doesn’t doze much either! Night-time London offers a staggering range of
things to see and places to go. Time Out, London’s weekly guide to what’s on, will give you all the details you need — under useful headings like classical
music, opera, jazz/funk, garage, house.

E. Hotels in London very from some of the greatest and most luxurious establishments in the world to bed and breakfasts and humble hostels — with
everything in between. About 1,000 hotels of all different price ranges are spread all over the city, with the great concentration in the West End. But if
you take advantage of London’s extensive public transport system and stay out of the centre it will be less expensive.


Задание 4 № 52

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Accommodation.

2. Catering.

3. Extra Services.

4. Amenities.

5. Description.

6. Entertainment.

A. Superior 5 Hotel, set in a beautiful, unspoiled, seafront location amongst the green lawns gardens which run down a fine sandy beach, with crystal clear
sea water. Its warm family atmosphere, numerous facilities, excellent food and friendly service will make your stay a most enjoyable one. Another nice
sandy beach is just 200 meters away. Shops, bars, restaurants etc can be found within 200 metres from the hotel. A local bus service is available to the
resort centre or into the nearby bustling resort of Ayia Napa (10 kilometres).

B. The hotel offers large swimming pool with swim-up pool bar serving food and snacks. Extensive grass or pavement sun terraces with sunloungers and
umbrellas are also available. The hotel boasts tennis courts, children’s playground, games room with table tennis, snooker, video games. Ample parking is
at your service.

C. The hotel owns 245 rooms enjoying excellent views of sea with a most beautiful coastline or the evergreen countryside. All the rooms have bathrooms,
balconies, central air-conditioning, direct dial telephone and mini-bars.

D. Afternoon and evening programme ranges from piano and bouzouki music to folklore dancing and magic shows. Regular dancing to live music, bingo, dancing
lessons are available. “A different event almost every night.”

E. The following are available either on request basis or at a charge: physician, hairdressing service, tennis equipment, beach facilities, early children
meals, baby sitting, room service, special diets, full laundry service, safe deposit boxes. A great selection of water sports is also available at the
beach under separate management.


Задание 4 № 53

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. School.

2. School uniform.

3. Bullies.

4. Free time.

5. Clothes and looks.

6. Pubs and clubs.

A. British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at 16 (year 11). This is also the age when most students take
their first important exams, GCSEs. They take between five and ten subjects and that means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than
teenagers have done before.

B. Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, by the time most
teenagers are 15 or 16 they are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, a school uniform can make differences and rivalries
between schools worse.

C. Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t all like the same music! UK garage, hip-hop and new metal are all popular.
Teenagers love going out too. However, finding somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under 18-year-olds in Britain. It’s
no surprise that British teenagers spend more free time online than European or American teens and use chatrooms to make a new friend.

D. In Britain, teenagers judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. Thirty per cent of British teenagers love Nike 150s (trainers that cost $150),
but not for sport — for posing!

E. Fifty per cent of teenagers in Britain say they have been bullied because of their race, looks, accent, intelligence or for no reason at all. Sixteen
teenagers in Britain have serious problems every year because of bullying. The authorities are trying to find the solution.


Задание 4 № 54

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Perfect for a quiet holiday.

2. Land of nature wonders.

3. A visit to the zoo.

4. Perfect for an active holiday.

5. Difficult start.

6. Bad for animals.

A. The mountains of Scotland (also called the Highlands) are а wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks
through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch
Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

B. Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise — just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wanda welcome
you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor
swimming pool.

C. The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well.
Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are
always available for those who prefer comfort.

D. Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep,
something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is
the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

E. No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial
environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo
inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.


Задание 4 № 55

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Old word — new meaning.

2. Not for profit.

3. For body and mind.

4. Generosity to taste.

5. New word — old service.

6. For vsrious travellers’ needs.

A. The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food
places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of
introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and

B. Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the
program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a
program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.

C. When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse
hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be
flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.

D. five years ago, with the help of friends and family, Frederick Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange
organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 256 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no
money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.

E. To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the
contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service
that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationshi


Задание 4 № 56

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Weather considerations.

2. Joys of biking.

3. Preparations.

4. Meeting the locals.

5. Beware of thieves.

6. Follow the rules.

A. If you want to see Europe on $45 a day you might prefer to stay at hostels and shop at farmers’ markets, but you definitely will not be able to do it
without the help of a bike as it is one of the most economical ways to see Europe. But most bikers choose to pedal for the sheer joy of it. Just imagine
riding up a beautiful mountain road, going to the very top, hearing birds singing in the treetops, and enjoying a well-earned and glorious downhill run.

B. The most important thing to do before you go for a long ride is to learn which tools to bring for basic repair work, such as patching a flat. If
possible, first take a weekend camping trip with everything you’ll need with you. If you don’t already know how to fix your bike, you can ask about classes
at your local bike shop. Although you can buy a good touring bike in Europe, you’re better off bringing a bike that you’re sure is the right fit for you as
well as your own racks and panniers.

C. Expect rain and bring good bikers’ rain equipment. You’ll also be exposed to the sun, so plan on using plenty of sunscreen. Even if you never ride at
night, you should bring a back light for long and unavoidable tunnels. Always wear a helmet as well as biking gloves to guard against unsightly road rash.
Beware of the silent biker who might be right behind you, and use hand signals before stopping or turning. Stay off the freeways; smaller roads are nicer
for biking, anyway.

D. Use a bike lock to secure your bike and never leave your pump, bag or laptop on your bike if you’re going to step away, even for a moment. Keep your
bike inside whenever possible. At hostels, ask if there is a locked bike room, and, if not, ask for a place to put your bike inside overnight. Remember
that hotels and many pensions don’t really have rules against taking a bike up to your room. It is advised just to do it quietly so the owners and other
guests aren’t disturbed.

E. The most rewarding aspect of bicycling in Europe is having the chance to get to know and communicate with new people. Europeans love bicycles, and they
are often genuinely impressed when they see a tourist who rejects the view from a tour-bus window in favor of riding through their country on two wheels.
Your bike provides an instant topic for conversation, the perfect bridge over cultural and language barriers.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифрутолько один раз.  В задании один заголовок лишний.


New rules to follow


New perspectives


Perfect for a quiet holiday


Land of nature wonders


A visit to the zoo


Perfect for an active holiday


Difficult start


Bad for animals


The mountains of Scotland (we call them the Highlands) are а wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.


Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise – just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wendy Pyatt welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.


The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.


Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.


No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.


A new London Zoo Project is a ten year project to secure the future for the Zoo and for many endangered animals. The plan has been devised by both animal and business experts to provide world-leading accommodation for all our animals, to more fully engage and inform people about conservation issues, to redesign certain aspects of Zoo layout.


Leave-no-trace camping is an increasingly popular approach to travel in wilderness areas. As the term suggests, the goal is for the camper to leave as little impact as possible on the place he is visiting. One of its mottos is “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.” Its simplest and most fundamental rule is: pack it in, pack it out, but it goes beyond that.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

London Zoo

London Zoo is one of the most important zoos in the world. There are over 12,000 animals at London Zoo and __________! Its main concern is to breed threatened animals in captivity. This means we might be able to restock the wild, should disaster ever befall the wild population.

Partula Snail, Red Crowned Crane, Arabian Oryx, Golden Lion Tamarin, Persian Leopard, Asiatic Lion and Sumatran Tiger are just some of the species London Zoo is helping to save.

That is why it is so important that we fight to preserve the habitats that these animals live in, as well as eliminate other dangers B __________. But we aim to make your day at London Zoo a fun and memorable time, __________.

In the Ambika Paul Children’s Zoo, for instance, youngsters can learn a new love and appreciation for animals D __________. They can also learn how to care for favourite pets in the Pet Care Centre.

Then there are numerous special Highlight events E __________  unforgettable pony rides to feeding times and spectacular animal displays. You will get to meet keepers and ask them what you are interested in about the animals they care for, __________.

Whatever you decide, you will have a great day. We have left no stone unturned to make sure you do!


because they see and touch them close up


such as hunting exotic animals and selling furs


as well as the ins and outs of being a keeper at London Zoo


that is not counting every ant in the colony


which demand much time and effort


which take place every day, from


despite the serious side to our work


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Harry Potter course for university students

Students of Durham University are being given the chance to sign up to what is thought to be the UK’s first course focusing on the world of Harry Potter. Although every English-speaking person in the world knows about Harry Potter books and films, few have thought of using them as a guide to … modern life.

The Durham University module uses the works of JK Rowling A __________ modern society. “Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion” will be available for study next year. So far about 80 undergraduates have signed B __________ a BA degree in Education Studies. Future educationalists will analyse JK Rowling’s fanfiction from various points of view.

A university spokesman said: “This module places the Harry Potter novels in a wider social and cultural context.” He added that a number of themes would be explored, C __________ the classroom, bullying, friendship and solidarity and the ideals of and good citizenship.

The module was created by the head of the Department of Education at Durham University. He said the idea for the new module had appeared in responseD __________ body: “It seeks to place the series in its wider social and cultural context and will explore some fundamental issues E __________. You just need to read the academic writing which started F __________ that Harry Potter is worthy of serious study.”


up for the optional module, part of


such as the moral universe of the school


to examine prejudice, citizenship and bullying in


including the world of rituals, prejudice and intolerance in


to emerge four or five years ago to see


such as the response of the writer


to growing demand from the student


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Mobile phones

On New Year’s Day, 1985, Michael Harrison phoned his father, Sir Ernest, to wish him a happy new year. Sir Ernest was chairman of Racal Electronics, the owner of Vodafone, __________.

At the time, mobile phones weighed almost a kilogram, cost several thousand pounds and provided only 20 minutes talktime. The networks themselves were small; Vodafone had just a dozen masts covering London. Nobody had any idea of the huge potential of wireless communication and the dramatic impact__________.

Hardly anyone believed there would come a day when mobile phones were so popular __________. But in 1999 one mobile phone was sold in the UK every four seconds, and by 2004 there were more mobile phones in the UK than people. The boom was a result of increased competition which pushed prices lower and created innovations in the way that mobiles were sold.

When the government introduced more competition, companies started cutting prices to attract more customers. Cellnet, for example, changed its prices,__________. It also introduced local call tariffs.

The way that handsets themselves were marketed was also changing and it was Finland’s Nokia who made __________. In the late 1990s Nokia realized that the mobile phone was a fashion item: so it offered interchangeable covers which allowed you to customize and personalize your handset.

The mobile phone industry has spent the later part of the past decade reducing its monthly charge __________, which has culminated in the fight between the iPhone and a succession of touch screen rivals.


that there would be more phones in the UK than there are people


the leap from phones as technology to phones as fashion items


and his son was making the first-ever mobile phone call in the UK


the move to digital technology, connecting machines to wireless networks


trying to persuade people to do more with their phones than just call and text


that mobile phones would have over the next quarter century


and relying instead on actual call charges


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Laughing and evolution

The first hoots of laughter from an ancient ancestor of humans could be heard at least 10 million years ago, according to the results of a new study.

Researchers used recordings of apes and babies being tickled __________ to the last common ancestor that humans shared with the modern great apes, which include chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

The finding challenges the opinion __________, suggesting instead that it emerged long before humans split from the evolutionary path that led to our primate cousins, between 10m and 16m years ago.

“In humans, laughing can be the strongest way of expressing how much we are enjoying ourselves, but it can also be used in other contexts, like making fun of someone,” said Marina Davila Ross, a psychologist at Portsmouth University. “I was interested in C __________.”

Davila Ross travelled to seven zoos around Europe and visited a wildlife reserve in Sabah, Borneo, to record baby and juvenile apes __________. Great apes are known to make noises that are similar to laughter when they are excited and while they are playing with each other.

Davila Ross collected recordings of laughter from 21 chimps, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos and added recordings of three babies that were tickled to make them laugh.

To analyze the recordings, the team put them into a computer program. “Our evolutionary tree based on these acoustic recordings alone showed__________, but furthest from orangutans, with gorillas somewhere in the middle.” said Davila Ross. “What this shows is strong evidence to suggest F__________.”


that laughter is a uniquely human trait


to create the evolutionary tree linking humans and apes


while their caretakers tickled them


that laughing comes from a common primate ancestor


to trace the origin of laughter back


whether laughing emerged earlier on than humans did


that humans were closest to chimps and bonobos


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Nenets Culture affected by Global Warming

For 1,000 years the indigenous Nenets people have migrated along the 450-mile-long Yamal peninsula in northern Russia. In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them. In winter they return southwards.

But this remote region of north-west Siberia is now being affected by global warming. Traditionally the Nenets travel across the frozen River Ob in November__________ around Nadym. These days, though, this annual winter migration is delayed. Last year the Nenets, together with many thousands of reindeer, had to wait until late December __________.

“Our reindeer were hungry. There wasn’t enough food,” Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, said. “The snow is melting sooner, quicker and faster than before. In spring it’s difficult for the reindeer to pull the sledges. They get tired,” Japtik said.

Herders say that the peninsula’s weather is increasingly unpredictable – with unseasonal snowstorms __________, and milder longer autumns. In winter, temperatures used to go down to -50°C. Now they are normally around -30°C, according to Japtik. “Obviously we prefer -30°C. But the changes aren’t good for the reindeer __________,” he said, setting off on his sledge to round up his reindeer herd.

Here, in one of the most remote parts of the planet, there are clear signs __________. Last year the Nenets arrived at a regular summer camping spot and discovered that half of their lake had disappeared. The water had drained away after a landslide. The Nenets report other curious changes – there are fewer mosquitoes and a strange increase in flies. Scientists say there is unmistakable evidence __________.


when the reindeer give birth in May


that Yamal’s ancient permafrost is melting


that the impact on Russia would be disastrous


when the ice was finally thick enough to cross


the environment is under pressure


and set up their camps in the southern forests


and in the end what is good for the reindeer is good for us


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Duration of life and its social implications

The world’s population is about to reach a landmark of huge social and economic importance, when the proportion of the global population over 65 outnumbers children under 5 for the first time. A new report by the US census bureau shows A __________, with enormous consequences for both rich and poor nations.

The rate of growth will shoot up in the next couple of years. __________ a combination of the high birth rates after the Second World War and more recent improvements in health that are bringing down death rates at older ages. Separate UN forecasts predict that the global population will be more than nine billion by 2050.

The US census bureau was the first to sound C __________. Its latest forecasts warn governments and international bodies that this change in population structure will bring widespread challenges at every level of human organization, starting with the structure of the family, which will be transformed as people live longer. This will in turn place new burdens on careers and social services providers, D __________ for health services and pensions systems.

“People are living longer and, in some parts of the world, healthier lives,” the authors conclude. “This represents one of the greatest achievements of the last century but also a significant challenge E __________ population.”

Ageing will put pressure on societies at all levels. One way of measuring that is to look at the older dependency ratio, F __________ that must be supported by them. The ODR is the number of people aged 65 and over for every 100 people aged 20 to 64. It varies widely, from just six in Kenya to 33 in Italy and Japan. The UK has an ODR of 26, and the US has 21.


the change is due to


a huge shift towards an ageing population


as proportions of older people increase in most countries


while patterns of work and retirement will have huge implications


which recently replaced Italy as the world’s oldest major country


the alarm about these changes


which shows the balance between working-age people and the older


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


Old word – new meaning


Not for profit


Generosity to taste


New word – old service


For travellers’ needs


For body and mind


Under lock and key


Cheap yet safe


The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and encouragement.


Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.


When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.


Ten years ago, with the help of friends and family, Veit Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 226 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.


To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship.


A bed and breakfast is a type of overnight accommodation with breakfast offered in someone’s private home. This type of service was established inEurope many years ago and its roots lie a long way back in history when monasteries provided bed and breakfasts for travelers. But the term appeared in the UK only after World War II, when numerous foreigners needed a place to stay and local people opened their homes and started serving breakfast to those overnight guests.


Hostels are nothing more than budget oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. But somehow there are misconceptions that a hostel is a kind of homeless shelter, a dangerous place where young people can face potential threat. This does not reflect the high quality and level of professionalism in many modern hostels.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Welcome to the Smithsonian

When you visit any of the Smithsonian’s 19 museums and galleries or the National zoo, you are entering the largest museum complex in the world. This complex holds about 137 million unique objects in its trust for the American people.

The Smithsonian was established in 1846 with funds given to the United States by James Smithson, an English scientist. The main idea was to increase and spread knowledge for free. And now all Smithsonian institutions are still devoted to public education, A__________ history.

Ten Smithsonian museums and galleries are located in the centre of the U.S. capital. Six other museums and the National zoo are nearby in theWashington metropolitan area, B__________.

The 19th and the newest museum C__________ is the National Museum of African American history and culture. It is now operating in the form of a virtual museum. Its key feature is the memory book, D__________. These diverse memories are linked to each other and to the museum content,E__________.

The Smithsonian complex is home to the world’s foremost research centres in science, the arts and the humanities. Besides the basic researchF__________, there are a number of special facilities. Conservation centre at the zoo studies rare and endangered species, environment centre carries out research in ecosystems in the coastal area.


that is carried on regularly in each of the museums


providing different materials in the arts, science and


placing a spotlight on people and events in African American history


that has been established within the Smithsonian complex


which allows website visitors to upload their own stories or images


and visitors can enjoy watching rare exhibits on


and two museums are situated in New York City


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1и текстами AG. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


Earth is not enough


The word came first


Challenging the skilful


Coloured stereotype


Taste of culture


Not only exercising


To preserve and respect


Follow the idol


Entering the English language in the late nineteenth century, the word safari meant a trip to Africa for a big-game hunt. Today the term refers to a trip taken not to hunt, but to observe and photograph the animals and other wildlife. This activity had become so popular that it has originated a certain style of fashion. It includes khaki clothing, belted bush jackets, helmets and animal skin prints, like leopard’s skin, for example.


The purpose of ecological tourism is to educate the traveler, provide funds for conservation and promote respect for different cultures and human rights. The participants of ecotourism want the environment to stay relatively untouched by human intervention, so that coming generations can experience it fully. That is why ecotourism appeals to ecologically and socially conscious individuals, who don’t mind volunteering.


People who like seeing dangerous places, such as mountains, jungles and deserts, participating in dangerous events, and experiencing extreme sport definitely appreciate extreme tourism or shock tourism. This type of tourism is based on two key factors. The first one is an addiction to adrenaline caused by an element of risk. And another one is the opportunity to show a high degree of engagement and professionalism.


Culinary tourism is something you can enjoy if you like good food and want each of your dishes to be a unique and memorable experience. But culinary tourism also considers food to be a vital component of traditions and history of any country, region or city. The tourists believe that by experiencing each other’s foods people can learn something new about each other’s lives.


Space tourism used to mean ordinary members of the public buying tickets to travel to space and back. That is why many people find this idea revolutionary. But over the past few years a growing volume of work has been done on the subject, and it’s clear that commercial space tourism is a realistic target for business today. Market research has shown that many people in the developed countries would like to take a trip to space if it were possible.


The sports tourism industry has earned an international reputation because it is open to everyone: amateurs, fans, and professional athletes with their trainers and coaches who come for a range of activities from training camps through friendship games to international championship competitions. Sport tourism combines the opportunity for athletes and sportspeople to benefit from sports activities with a relaxing and enjoyable vacation.


To go to Tunisia to explore the place where the film Star Wars was made or to New Zealand after The Lord of the Rings is very easy for those who practice pop-culture tourism and like to travel to locations featured in literature, films, music, or any other form of popular entertainment. But pop-culture tourism is not only about going to popular destinations. In some respects it is very similar to a pilgrimage, only the places are new, for example Elvis Presley’s Graceland.


Вариант 2


Аудиотекст (Т41)

Presenter: Today in the studio we have Thomas Black, a famous screenwriter, film
producer and director. This is truly a person who knows how to tell a story. His
characters are fully formed and easy to empathize with, even when their actions are
uncomfortable for a viewer. Thomas, welcome!

Thomas Black: Thank you! It’s a pleasure being here.
Presenter: How do you manage to put so much life into your characters?
Thomas Black: When you’re in the middle of writing, it’s really like having a second

life. The people are so real. You know how they talk, how they react. They’re the
ones who guide you through the story. You have to see the world through their eyes
as you shouldn’t be ahead of them. I think the crucial point is that you shouldn’t
judge them. It’s too easy to make fun of characters so you have to really like
Presenter: I want to go back to the beginning. Did you come from a creative family
where working in film was a feasible goal?
Thomas Black: No. It was an impossible thing to work in film in my family. I studied
economics, but I knew I wanted to work in film. Each time I had an internship to
do or an essay to write, I would always do it in the field of cinema. Nobody in my
family worked in film and nobody could understand it. I think it’s only after I got
my first prize that my mother started to understand what screenwriting is really
Presenter: What was your first paid job in the film industry?
Thomas Black: It was in Los Angeles and I was 24. I was working at a distribution
company that distributed classic films, European films. It was a long time ago before
DVD. Nobody cared. It was at the bottom of the food chain. It was just VHS of old
films. It was a weird thing, but it was in Los Angeles so it really helped me demystify
the whole Hollywood thing. You end up in a storage room putting in VHS tapes and
dubbing newsreels and things like that. It was boring.
Presenter: A lot of the films that you’ve written have been very well-received. Do you
get sent a lot of Hollywood screenplays?
Thomas Black: I have an American agent since last year. The only thing I asked him
was — don’t send me a screenplay. I will never read them. I’ve been with him for a
year and he sent me two or three things, which is great.
Presenter: What’s the difference between being a screenwriter and a film director?
Thomas Black: You see, screenwriting is a job and directing is a state of mind. When
you’re a screenwriter, it’s like being a mechanic. You open the hood of the story, the
director is the driver, and he says there are some problems and you fix the thing.
Directing, you have to put yourself in a certain state, it’s all about the energy you
have and the energy you transmit to people, to the actors, to the crew. It’s peculiar.
There’s a Chinese saying — the first part that rots is the head. It really does. I’ve
seen it.
Presenter: One of your recent films was made in India. What was shooting in India


Thomas Black: It was great. I really insisted on going to India. I really wanted to go
to India. I had no idea if we would have the money — it’s further away and it’s ex-
pensive. The crews are great. It’s a different way of seeing cinema, but everybody
is very creative. They’re very dedicated, they’re very happy to work on a European
film. The light was great. It was exactly what we wanted. It’s a part of the film. It’s
history and geography and both of them were important in the film.

Presenter: Thank you, Thomas.

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ

Задание 10

Учимся выполнять задание 10



Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 10
1. 1. Цель чтения — извлечение информации из текста в нужном объёме в соот-

ветствии с коммуникативной задачей.
2. В ЕГЭ используются следующие виды чтения:

• чтение с пониманием основной информации. Его цель — общее понимание
того, о чём идет речь в тексте;
• чтение с пониманием запрашиваемой/нужной информации. Его цель — по-
нимание структурно-смысловых связей в прочитанном тексте;
• чтение с полным (детальным) пониманием информации. Его цель — полное
и точное понимание всей информации в тексте.
3. В разделе «Чтение» используются следующие типы заданий: с кратким ответом
(на установление соответствий, базовый и повышенный уровень) и с выбором
ответа из четырёх предложенных (высокий уровень).
4. Сначала следует ознакомиться с инструкцией и условиями задания. Во время
чтения — отмечать вероятные правильные ответы. После прочтения текста —
ещё раз просмотреть задание и выявить ответы, которые вызывали сомнение. Во
второй раз во время чтения нужно проверить правильность ответов и выполнить
пропущенные тестовые задания. После второго чтения следует выяснить, все ли
задания выполнены, проверить правильность ответов и занести их в бланк отве-
2. 1 — C; 2 — А; 3 — B.
3. Речь пойдёт о туристических достопримечательностях города.
4. 2.
5. Тема: каникулы, отдых, путешествия (holiday travelling).

Text A
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to
see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns.
Some travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It’s always
interesting to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. Those who live
in the country like to travel to a big city, while city-dwellers usually prefer spend-
ing a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and


Text B
Last year my brother and I went to Turkey. We stayed in quite a nice hotel right
near the coast. This trip left the best impression on me, we took advantage of the
excellent weather and went on different tours, for example, rafting. Our trip to the
mountains was fantastic! The views were unbelievable. We visited many museums
and art galleries. My brother visited a really beautiful zoo and took many photos. We
enjoyed our trip very much.

Text C
Most people who spend a holiday travelling take a camera with them and pho-
tograph anything that interests them — sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes,
waterfalls, men and women, children, ruins of ancient buildings, and even birds and
animals. Later looking through their albums they will remember the happy time
they have had, the islands, countries and cities they have seen.

6. A — 4; B — 1; C — 2.

А. Are there things you enjoyed as a child that you might still enjoy as an adult?

Maybe you had a fantastic record collection, loved to make clothes for your dolls
or were always out on your bike. Those are all things you could pick up again as
an adult that would make great hobbies. Or there may be hobbies in your home
right now that you started but have recently forgotten about. Maybe it’s time to
finish that crochet project or pick up the guitar again.

B. If you’re adding a new thing into your life, you have to take time and focus away
from something else. The good news is that most of us have a lot of time we’re
not using well, either because we’re spending a lot of time online or watching TV or
just wasting time we could be spending on our hobbies. See if you can spend
a half hour or so every other day to explore your interest. This way it would
be best in case you find that hobby isn’t for you after all.

C. Hobbies provide work-free and responsibility-free time in your schedule. This can
be especially useful for people who feel stressed by all that they have to do and
need to recharge their batteries. For some of us it may be difficult to give ourselves
permission to just sit and relax. Having a hobby, however, can provide a break and
help people feel that they’re not just ‘sitting around’ but are using their free time
for something productive.

8. А — 2; B — 4; C — 1.

А. For true sports fans

Soccer tourism has been around for a few decades but back in the 1980s it was seen
(and probably actually was to some extent) as a form of “hooliganism”. Nowadays,
soccer tourism is considered one of the most profitable forms of tourism. It usually
involves individuals who travel to different cities and countries to see their favourite
teams’ museums and trophies or follow them in their international matches.

B. Tasty tourism
Many people may have a problem understanding the difference between culinary
tourism and ordinary tourism since tasting as many local dishes as possible is a must


for the average tourist. But there are lots of people who visit a place exclusively
for its food and everything related to eating. Plus, in culinary tourism dining out
seems to be the equivalent of having cocktails and partying in everyday tourism so
there are a few differences after all.

C. Immigration tourism

If you’re a European citizen over 25, then there’s a good chance you remember this
term, which in reality was politically motivated. The phrase “benefit tourism” was in-
vented in the 1990s. It was later used for the perceived threat that a huge number of
citizens from the new, poorer nations who were given membership in the EU would
move to the richer states such as France or Sweden to benefit from their social
welfare systems rather than work.

D. Appealing to all fans

Tolkien tourism has become a growing trend thanks to the huge success of the
“Lord of the Rings” books and films. It has expanded and diversified to such an extent
that now it offers enough places to visit so that even the most detailed curiosity of
the most demanding Tolkien fan is sure to be satisfied. That makes New Zealand the
best hotspot because it’s the main location where the films were shot.

Тренируемся в выполнении задания 10
Вариант 1


Вариант 2

Text A Text B Text C Text D Text E Text F Text G
3 8 1 6 5 7 4

Задание 11
Учимся выполнять задание 11



Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 11
1. 1. Цель задания 11 — понять в прочитанном тексте структурно-смысловые связи

2. Задание 11 проверяет умения:

• понять в прочитанном тексте структурно-смысловые связи текста;
• игнорировать ненужную информацию;
• извлекать из текста необходимую информацию;
• выявлять реферируемые слова.
3. Для задания 11 используется тест с кратким ответом (на установление соот-
4. Для задания 11 используются публицистические и научно-популярные тексты.
5. За задание 11 можно получить 6 баллов.


2. А — предлог; В — существительное; С — существительное; D — глагол; E — су-
ществительное или герундий.

3. 1. This is the hat that Mary bought in London last week.
2. Peter did what he could.
3. Jane told me that she wanted to invite Harry for dinner.
4. Olga has already read the book that I bought yesterday.
5. He was a man who meant what he said.
6. I don’t know what delayed the flight.
7. I don’t know whose project to choose, Mary’s or Peter’s.
8. I don’t know whose handwriting it was.
9. The teacher wasn’t surprised at what he saw in the room.

10. My father, who is 46, is a doctor.
11. They say that they received the letter last Friday.
12. It was Captain Jones who told me of Mr Crown’s misfortunes.
13. Felix decided that he’d better stop smoking.
14. I had to find out what he was after.
4. 1. During the nineteenth century, Britain built up an empire of colonies which

stretched into every continent.
2. It was said that the sun never set on the British Empire, so at any time of the

day the sun was always shining on a British colony somewhere in the world.
3. In the nineteenth century Britain received large numbers of new immigrants who

came over to escape from starvation.
4. Unfortunately, immigrants found a very different reality when they arrived in Britain.
5. In 1971 the Commonwealth Immigration Act restricted the number of new im-

migrants, although one exception was made in 1972.
6. The House of Commons has 651 seats which were occupied by Members of

Parliament (MPs) who elected by the British Parliament.
7. The Queen, who is the Head of the State, opens and closes the Parliament.
8. There are 651 Members of Parliament in Britain, but the Chamber of the House

of Commons is quite small.
9. The House of Commons has a chairman, called the Speaker whose job is to

keep the House in order.
10. The most important MPs sit on the front benches and are therefore called

11. The ministers of Government sit on the front bench to the right, while the Op-

position frontbenchers sit on the left.
12. As leaders of their political [arties and leaders of the country, Prime Ministers

are powerful and important people.

*5. Возможные ответы:

1. Moira Smith was an unusual woman who had many interesting and exciting ad-

2. When Moira was seventy-nine years old, she completed her twenty-eighth trip,
hiking through mountain passes that are above twelve thousand feet.

3. It was my graduation day when I received their answer.
4. My heart was beating heavily when I was opening the envelope.
5. Luckily, one of my best friends is a prize-winning photographer who has taken

many excellent pictures of my raccoons.
6. Did you see the letter which came today?
7. He is fluent in French though he has never been to France.


6. How much do you know about the early history of England? About three thousand
years B.C. many parts of Europe, including the British Isles, were inhabited by a people,
(1) who came to be known as the Iberians. We do not know much about these people
(2) because they lived in Britain long before a word of their history was written, (3) but
we can learn something from their weapons, tools and the remains of their dwellings
(4) which have been found.

We know more about the Celts (5) than about the earlier inhabitants of the island,
(6) because of the written accounts (7) that exist. The Celts did not write down the
events themselves. Other people (8) who knew them described them in their books. The
Greeks were the first to mention the British Isles. It is from the Greek books (9) that
we know about the Phoenicians, (10) who were great sailors and traders even before
the Greeks. They travelled as far as the shores of Britain.

The earliest writer from (11) whom we have learned much about the country and its
inhabitants was Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general, states man and writer. In his
Commentaries on the Gallic War, a book (12) which was written in Latin, he describes
the island and the Celts against (13) whom he fought. He tells us (14) that the Celts
were tall and blue-eyed. They wore long flowing moustaches (15) but no beards. The
lived in tribes (16) and were ruled by chiefs (17) whom all the tribesmen obeyed.

7. А — there is nothing better — союз than…; В — from sandy stretches extending —
существительное; С — accompanied — by + существительное.

8. 9.

341 134

Тренируемся в выполнении задания 11

Вариант 1 Вариант 2

417235 36275 1

Задания 12—18
Учимся выполнять задания 12—18

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Подготовительные упражнения к заданиям 12—18

1. 1. Цель заданий 12—18 — извлечь полную и точную (детальную) информацию из

2. Уровень сложности заданий 12—18 — высокий.
3. Задания 12—18 проверяют следующие умения:

• извлекать из текста полную и точную (детальную) информацию:
— ключевые слова;
— важные детали;
— аргументы;
— примеры;


• отделять главную информацию от второстепенной;
• игнорировать незнакомые слова;
• игнорировать ненужную информацию.
4. Для заданий 12—18 используется тест с множественным выбором ответа из
четырёх предложенных вариантов.
5. Для заданий 12—18 используются художественные или публицистические тек-
6. За задания 12—18 можно получить 7 баллов.


Основная информация Второстепенная Детали

This could be the future of Frustrated, he opens the an 11-year-old boy
American education game’s programming window, taps furiously
changes the gravity setting, and last September in Manhattan
The Quest to Learn school this time beats the baddies
opened … the first class of
sixth-graders who will learn an educational strategy de-
almost entirely through video- signed to keep kids engaged
game-inspired activities

prepare them for high-tech ca-

3. Возможные вопросы к основной информации:
1. What example does the author give the readers to demonstrate the possible future
of American education?
2. How the sixth-graders will learn in the Quest to Learn school?
3. Why do you think the school is called the Quest to Learn school?

Возможные вопросы к второстепенной информации:
1. Why did the boy open the game’s programming window?
2. Why was the boy frustrated?
3. Was the educational strategy designed to keep kids engaged?

Возможные вопросы к деталям:
1. How old was the boy who was playing the videogame?
2. When was the Quest to Learn school opened?
3. Where is the school located?
4. Why do you think the boy was tapping furiously on the laptop?

4. Возможные ответы к вопросам по основной информации:
1. The author refers to the Quest to Learn school.
2. They will learn entirely through videogame-inspired activities.
3. The school is called so because the sixth-graders will learn entirely through video-
game-inspired activities.

Возможные ответы к вопросам по второстепенной информации:
1. He opened it to change the gravity setting.
2. He was frustrated because he was losing the game.
3. It was designed both to keep kids engaged and prepare them for high-tech ca-



Возможные ответы к вопросам по деталям:
1. He was 11 years old.
2. It was opened last September.
3. It is located in Manhattan.
4. He wanted to wipe his video enemies out before he could reach the end of the


5. 1 — 1; 2 — 2.
6. 13 — 2, 14 — 2.
7. 15 — 1, 16 — 3.
8. 17 — 2, 18 — 3.
9. 1 — 4; 2 — 2; 3 — 1.
10. Возможный ответ: 1.

Тренируемся в выполнении заданий 12—18

Вариант 1

12 — 1; 13 — 3; 14 — 2; 15 — 1; 16 — 4; 17 — 3; 18 — 2.

Вариант 2

12 — 3; 13 — 4; 14 — 3; 15 — 2; 16 — 1; 17 — 4; 18 — 2.


Учимся выполнять задания 19—25

19 — is loved; 20 — have seen; 21 — mice; 22 — first; 23 — them; 24 — couldn’t/
couldnot; 25 — stood.

Подготовительные упражнения к заданиям 19—25

1. 1. Овладеть грамматикой означает знать форму и значение грамматического
явления, употребление и речевую функцию того или иного грамматического

2. Цель раздела «Грамматика и лексика» — проверка владения навыками ис-
пользования грамматических и лексических средств в связных текстах.

3. В разделе «Грамматика и лексика» используются задания с кратким ответом
и с множественным выбором из четырёх вариантов ответа. Цель заданий
19—25 — проверка навыков использования грамматических форм в комму-
никативно значимом контексте.

4. В заданиях 19—25 от экзаменуемого требуется преобразовать, если необ-
ходимо, предлагаемые слова так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текстов, и заполнить пропуски полученными словами.

5. Перед тем как вставлять пропущенные слова, надо сначала прочитать весь текст.
6. Заменить слово в пропуске синонимом нельзя.
7. Ответ с орфографической ошибкой засчитан не будет.
8. Ответ с американской орфографией будет засчитан.
9. Составные формы глаголов в бланке ответов № 1 следует писать без пробелов.
10. Составные формы глаголов в бланке ответов № 1 лучше давать в полной форме.
2. 1. В английском языке существуют: имя существительное (the Noun), имя при-

лагательное (the Adjective), имя числительное (the Numeral), местоимение (the
Pronoun), глагол (the Verb), наречие (the Adverb), предлог (the Preposition),
союз (the Conjunction), междометие (the Interjection).


2. Одну грамматическую форму имеют предлоги, союзы и междометия, остальные
части речи являются изменяемыми.

3. В заданиях 19—25 проверяется значение грамматических форм существитель-
ных, прилагательных, глаголов, наречий, местоимений; количественных и по-
рядковых числительных.

3. Образование и употребление множественного числа существительных, степеней
сравнения прилагательных и наречий, множественного числа указательных ме-
стоимений, личных местоимений, притяжательных местоимений (в том числе их
абсолютных форм и форм объектного падежа), возвратных местоимений, поряд-
ковых числительных, личных (видо-временных) и неличных (причастие I и II, ге-
рундий) форм глаголов.

4. Read — глагол, grammar — существительное, usually — наречие, hers — место-
имение в абсолютной форме, job — существительное, on — предлог, child —
существительное, bright — прилагательное, through — предлог, think — глагол,
nine — числительное, their — местоимение, already — наречие, better — при-
лагательное good в сравнительной степени, present — существительное/глагол,
behind — предлог/наречие, it — местоимение, this — местоимение, good — при-
лагательное. Дважды дано прилагательное good — в положительной степени (на-
чальная форма) и в сравнительной степени better.

5. Family — families, postman — postmen, leaf — leaves, belief — beliefs, toy — toys,
tooth — teeth, sheep — sheep, photo — photos, wife — wives, child — children,
country — countries, potato — potatoes, hero — heroes, story — stories, key —
keys, wolf — wolves, ox — oxen, crisis — crises, datum — data, bookcase —
bookcases, father-in-law — fathers-in-law, mouse — mice, bath — baths, foot —

6. 1. It was so dark that we could hardly see anything in front of us.
2. The doctor usually came to his office at 9 o’clock.
3. From my place I could watch the people eating their lunch.
4. Whenever we visit my mother, she cooks us a big meal.
5. I hope we both remember the day when we talked about our plans.
6. I borrowed this book from you long ago. This book is yours.
7. There are some people in the office. Do you hear them talking? Do you rec-
ognize their voices?
8. Did you meet your friends on your way? They left a minute ago.
9. I met my sister at the station. Her face was happy.

10. It’s an old house but its roof is new.
11. He took the initiative and spoke himself to everyone he knew.

7. 1. Dogs are more intelligent than cats.
2. Nancy found the work easier than she had expected.
3. Kate talks more/less slowly than Helen.
4. Sally is the quietest person in our class.
5. He studies worse than his sister.
6. Ann writes more/less carefully than William.
7. They speak Chinese better than me.
8. It’s the biggest risk I’ve ever had to take.
9. I don’t think it matters in the least which film to choose.

10. The farther we swam into the sea, the more beautiful the shore looked.
11. I wish you further success!
12. This story is the funniest in the book.


8. One — first, two — second, three — third, four — fourth, five — fifth, six — sixth,
twelve — twelfth, eighteen — eighteenth, twenty-four — twenty-fourth, fifty-five —
fifty-fifth, hundred — hundredth, two hundred and thirty-nine — two hundred and


The Present Simple Tense The Present Continuous Tense

Используется: Используется:
1) для описания действий и состояний, проис- 1) для описания действий и состояний, проис-
ходящих обычно, постоянно и регулярно: ходящих в данный момент, момент речи или

I always eat a big breakfast. в данный период времени и представленных
как процесс:
I never get up before 7 a.m.
Now I’m reading a modern novel.
He doesn’t go to work on Sundays.
2) для сообщения о том, что нам хорошо из- We’re studying geometry this term.
вестно (констатация фактов): 2) для описания картин, фотографий или со-
бытий, которые мы наблюдаем в момент речи:
We live in Russia.
Look! Kate is dancing!
Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation.
In this photo we are playing voleyball on the

beach in the Crimea.


The Present Simple Tense The Present Continuous Tense

often, usually, always, sometimes, never, ever, at the moment, today, now, this morning/after-

every day/month/year, etc. noon, etc.


The Present Perfect Tense The Past Simple Tense

Используются: 1) для описания действий и состояний, которые
1) для описания действий и состояний, кото- совершились в определённый момент в про-
рые совершились в неопределённый момент шлом:
в прошлом:
I was in the USA last year.
I have been to the USA. 2) для описания действий и состояний, которые
2) для описания действий и состояний, которые происходили в прошлом, не имеют непосред-

начались в прошлом и продолжаются в на- ственной связи с настоящим и мыслятся как
полностью принадлежащие прошлому:
стоящий момент или непосредственно свя-
заны с настоящим: She worked at this school for three years. Now

She has worked at this school for 3 years. She she is a TV star.

is still working there. I asked for his photo and he sent it immediately.

I’ve asked for his photo and he’s immediately After that we met and I recognized him at once.

sent it. I’ve got his photo now.


The Present Perfect Tense The Past Simple Tense

already, always, just, ever, never, yet, since (с, yesterday, last night/week/month/year, a minute

с тех пор как), how long (сколько времени) ago, then, when, in 2010, two centuries ago

13. 1. You’d better take your umbrella. It’s raining hard.
2. Young girls often go to a dance.
3. Emily always tells the truth.


4. Where is Ann? She is watching TV.
5. Bill is trying to improve his English.
6. Louise has worked at this firm for five years. She is still working there.
7. We study different subjects at school. This term we are studying British stud-

8. I have not seen him lately.
9. If the weather does not keep fine, we won’t go to the country.
10. You know, I am going away tonight.
11. “You have spoilt everything,” she said.
12. I have written Jim, so he knows what is happening now.

14. 1. It’s raining now. It has not rained since last Monday. Do you know how long
it will rain today?

2. When she arrived, it was raining.
3. When it rains/is raining, she is always gloomy.
4. If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.
5. He said he would not come if it rained the next day.

15. 1. This club is run by the students.
2. We often eat fried potatoes with fish.
3. Fried potatoes are often eaten with fish.
4. Everything was settled twenty minutes after I arrived there.
5. Uncle Porter was not liked by my mother’s family, they thought him im-
6. Jane said she had not been taught anything yet.
7. The news will be announced after dinner.
8. She closed the door softly and went straight to the telephone.
9. The door closed and there was silence in the room.

10. The door opened and the doctor was shown in.
11. I was not been given a chance to explain.
12. This singer was loved by millions and hated only by a handful.
13. I am/was told that his new house will/would be finished soon.
14. He told me that he had been offered a well-paid job at school.
15. She could feel she was being looked at and it pleased her.

16. 1. There is a table and two chairs near the window.
2. He was the tallest boy in our class.
3. She must do these exercises at home.
4. The train arrives at 3 p.m. sharp.
5. He has worked at this firm for 5 years.
6. When he arrives, I’ll tell him the truth.
7. He was asked by his manager to give a presentation of his new book.
8. When I entered, they were discussing our trip to Suzdal.
9. She was more/less beautiful than her sister.

10. I haven’t seen him since childhood.
11. Wrapped in an old blanket, Grace sat up in her bed.
12. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be a pilot, and my parents warned

me that it would be a hard life.
13. I suggest going hiking.
14. Why should we follow your advice?
15. Jill has not decided which department at university to apply for yet.


17. 1 — is located; 2 — fifteenth; 3 — smaller; 4 — became.

Тренируемся в выполнении заданий 19—25

Вариант 1
19 — better; 20 — using; 21 — its; 22 — was told; 23 — sat; 24 — did not appear/
didn’t appear/had not appeared/hadn’t appeared; 25 — had dined/ ’d dined.

Вариант 2
19 — was flying/flew; 20 — had already been taken; 21 — is reserved; 22 — nineteenth;
23 — have left/left; 24 — will follow/would follow/follow/followed; 25 — themselves.

Задания 26—31

Учимся выполнять задания 26—31
26 — traveller/traveler; 27 — truly; 28 — buildings; 29 — exciting; 30 — mysterious;
31 — direction.

Подготовительные упражнения

1. В заданиях 26—31 проверяются навыки использования различных способов сло-
вообразования в cвязном тексте. Надо знать префиксы и суффиксы существи-
тельных, прилагательных, наречий и глаголов и уметь их использовать для об-
разования родственных слов.

2. 3.

1234 1234

4. Unhappy — прилагательное; inattentive — прилагательное; unhappiness — суще-
ствительное; impolite — прилагательное; incomplete — прилагательное; unhappily —
наречие; incorrect — прилагательное; unable — прилагательное; inactive —
прилагательное; uncertain — прилагательное; immobility — существительное;
informal — прилагательное; impossible — прилагательное; uncomfortable — прила-
гательное; immature — прилагательное; unfriendly — наречие; inaccurate — при-
лагательное; unkind — прилагательное.


Префикс прилагательных Примеры использования

inter- international, interactive, interchangeable, inter-
continental, interdisciplinary
Остальные префиксы
Примеры использования
re- (повторное действие)
mis- (действие, выполненное ошибочно, непра- to reread, to rebuild, to rewrite
вильно) to misunderstand, to mispronounce, to misspell,
dis- (действие, противоположное тому, которое to misbehave
выражено глагольной основой) to dislike, to disagree, to disappear, to disapprove,
to discover


6. polite — impolite advantage — disadvantage
reasonable — unreasonable punctual — unpunctual
agree — disagree expensive — inexpensive
reliable — unreliable friendly — unfriendly
fortunately — unfortunately different — indifferent
experienced — inexperienced possible — impossible

1. They say Pat is an unreliable person, but I trust her completely.
2. John is always rude and impolite.
3. Lizzie is an inexperienced cook. Her dishes are always tasteless.
4. He always disagrees with her. He agrees only with his father.
5. He is always late. He is an unpunctual person.
6. He wanted to get to know his new relatives because he didn’t want them to

think he was unfriendly.
7. She had little money, so she decided to buy something inexpensive for her

8. The disadvantage of watching films on TV is the small size of the screen.
9. I think it’s very unreasonable of him to expect us to work overtime every

night this week.
10. Some people are indifferent to their surroundings.
11. Unfortunately, he failed his exam yesterday.
12. The accident made it impossible for him to work.

7. 1. unable; 2. unacceptable; 3. unaware; 4. uncomfortable; 5. incomplete; 6. incor-
rect; 7. incredible; 8. unimportant; 9. unknown; 10. informal.

8. 1. The idea to create a Memorial Complex devoted to the heroic defenders
of the Motherland from Nazi invaders appeared during the Great Patriotic

2. In 1944, several deans of Moscow churches were awarded with the medal “For
the Defence/Defense of Moscow”.

3. In Nazi generals’ view, it was only due to bad weather that the Mozhaisk de-
fensive line was not taken quickly.

4. We need to defend democracy.
5. They find the defendant not guilty.
6. A defensible building is easy to protect.
7. This is a morally indefensible prison system.

9. 26 — actually; 27 — numerous; 28 — fighter; 29 — dishonest.

10. 26 — humorous; 27 — affectionately; 28 — writing/writings; 29 — wonderful;
30 — friendship; 31 — divisions/division.

11. 26 — appearance; 27 — unrest; 28 — movement; 29 — mysterious; 30 — sculp-
tor; 31 — gloriously/glorious.

Тренируемся в выполнении заданий 26—31

Вариант 1
26 — arguments; 27 — normal; 28 — independence; 29 — activities; 30 — guidance;
31 — angrily.

Вариант 2
26 — tourists; 27 — archeological; 28 — stormy; 29 — unmelodious; 30 — practically;
31 — diggers.


Задания 32—38

Учимся выполнять задания 32—38
32 — 4; 33 — 1; 34 — 2; 35 — 1; 36 — 3; 37 — 4; 38 — 4.

Подготовительные упражнения к заданиям 32—38

1. В заданиях 32—38 проверяются навыки использования лексических единиц в
связном тексте. Надо знать значения слов и уметь использовать их согласно кон-
тексту, лексической сочетаемости и в соответствии с грамматическими прави-
лами. Важно различать синонимы, знать устойчивые словосочетания и основные
фразовые глаголы.


Глаголы говорения Глаголы «видения» Глаголы начала Глаголы окончания
действия действия
to say to see
to tell to stare to begin to finish
to speak to look to start to end
to talk to glance to initiate to stop
to chat to glare to launch to close
to open to conclude

3. 1. Annie said that she didn’t like the concert.
2. “I was bored,” she said.
3. She said that to all her friends.
Глагол to say (сказать кому-либо что-либо) вводит и завершает прямую речь, мо-

жет вводить придаточное предложение. Если необходимо сказать, кому адресованы
слова, то после глагола to say используется предлог to.

4. 1. The mother told her children that they would go to bed in five minutes.
2. “Please tell us a story,” Peter asked.
3. Later in life, Peter told his mother’s stories to his own children.
Глагол to tell (рассказать кому-либо что-либо) требует после себя прямого допол-

нения, которое может обозначать адресата, того, кому адресована речь без пред-
лога to. Глагол to tell может также использоваться с прямым дополнением, которое
обозначает предмет разговора. В этом случае перед адресатом будет стоять пред-
лог to.

5. 1) to look, to glance, to glare, to see, to stare, to peep — to see
Лишнее слово — to see, так как оно означает способность видеть или замечать

что-либо, в то время как остальные глаголы обозначают целенаправленное дей-
ствие — «направить свой взгляд на что-либо с целью увидеть это».

2) to begin, to start, to commence, to launch, to cease — to cease
Лишнее слово — to cease, так как оно означает прекращение действия, в то время
как остальные глаголы означают начало действия.

3) to expect, to wait, to hope, to believe, to think, to suppose — to wait
Лишнее слово — to wait, так как оно не может использоваться в качестве вводных
слов, в то время как остальные глаголы могут.


4) surprised, astonished, amazed, depressed, puzzled — depressed
Лишнее слово — depressed, так как оно имеет значение «состояние депрессии»,
в то время как остальные слова выражают разную степень удивления.

5) to reach, to achieve, to gain, to lead, to attain, to get — to lead
Лишнее слово — to lead, так как оно имеет значение «вести за собой, руководить»,
в то время как основное значение остальных глаголов — «достигать».

6) to chase, to trace, to follow, to seek, to pursue, to hunt — to seek
Лишнее слово — to seek, так как оно имеет значение «искать», в то время как
основное значение остальных глаголов — «преследовать».

6. 1. Barbara had so many admirers that she didn’t whom to choose.
2. Each semester students are required to select five or six courses.
3. President of the USA is elected every four years.
4. A year has passed since Richard proposed to Kate and she still hasn’t given
him any answer.
5. I suggest we put off considering this question until Mr Brown arrives.
6. He offered to give her a lift.
7. It was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.
8. This conversation was reported to have occurred yesterday at 5 p.m.
9. Why is it important to find the right job?

10. She tried many jobs but finally chose career of an accountant.
11. We bought a small house with the view of the mountains.
12. The mere sight of the cobra made her sick.
13. Do you believe in love at first glance?
14. He could recognize her in the photo at a glance.

7. 1. This ball was generally an annual affair.
2. He was very tired and wished the day’s business was over so he could go
3. “Mind your own business,” she said loudly.
4. It’s the concern of the police to find the criminal.
5. That of course is a matter of opinion.
6. You want John to take the blame.
7. They say it was the boy’s fault.
8. He could not prove my guilt for the accident.
9. He rose to his feet and followed me.

10. He raised her to her feet and made her sit down.
11. Arguments arose.
12. My sister’s scream aroused me this morning.


Make Do Have Take

the bed, suggestion, homework, the shop- an exam, a meal, a part, place, care, no-
a party, a career, ping, the laundry, a cold, a rest, a look, a tice, notes, bus, the
friends, a promise, a favour, your best, sleep trouble
call, a cake, a profit, dishes, wonders, one’s
mistakes, an excuse hair, harm, well

9. 1 — c; 2 — f; 3 — d; 4 — b; 5 — g; 6 — a.


10. 1. There is only one scent that will get through a brick wall, and that is the
scent of an onion.

2. He got on the bus in a small out-of-the-way village.
3. She has to get up early.
4. I can’t get over how rude she was.
5. Do you get along with your boss?
6. I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.
7. We got through a fortune while we were on holiday!

11. 1. We got off immediately after breakfast.
2. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the blazing building.
3. I don’t hold with his views on education.
4. He was homeless, so we took him in.
5. She kept/got on working although she was tired.
6. The plane took off despite the fog.
7. She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.
8. The rain held off just long enough for us to have our picnic.
9. They have turned off the water while they mend a burst pipe.

10. She is always holding up her children as models of behaviour.
11. A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.
12. Workers’ incomes are not keeping up with inflation.

12. 1. Our neighbours are looking after the garden while we are away.
2. We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.
3. The doctor will look in again this evening.
4. Passers-by were just looking on as the man was viciously attacked.
5. She looked around when she heard the noise behind her.
6. Do look me up the next time you are in Moscow.
7. What dress shall I put on for the party?
8. The government is putting through some radical social reforms.
9. He entered the room and turned the light on.

10. He has a fair amount of money put by.

13. 1. What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?
2. Her clear and elegant prose set her apart from most other journalists.
3. The rain stopped and the sun came out.
4. He is very ill but doctors expect him to come through.
5. What country do you come from?
6. The reporters took down the speech.
7. My father is very tall and I take after him.
8. He finds it hard to say what he feels.
9. How many countries will be taking part in the World Cup?

10. I was tired last night so I spent the evening watching television.

14. Возможный ответ: This is a fairy tale. There are many flowers in a garden. All of
them are beautiful and have a nice smell. People like these flowers, but no one
likes Molly the Cactus. Other flowers make fun of her. But Molly turns out a good
friend and saves little Rose’s bud by giving her some water. Molly the Cactus
teaches other flowers an important lesson. It doesn’t matter what you look like,
it’s important what you do.



to do to make to have to take

to do sb good, to do to make a decision, to to have an exam, to to take advantage of,
sb a favour, to do/ make an agreement, have a meal, to have to take part in sth,
work to do wonders/ to make the bed, to a cold, to have a rest, to take place, to take
miracles, to do sb a make a suggestion, to have a look, to have care, to take notice,
good/bad turn, to do to make a party, to a sleep, to have pa- to take notes, to take
homework, to do the make a career, to tience, to have a talk, a bus, to take the
shopping/the laundry, make friends, to make to have a good time, trouble, to take to bed,
to do one’s best, to a promise, to make a to have an accident to take control, to take
do dishes, to do one’s call, to make a cake, to things easy
hair, to do harm, to do make a profit, to make
one’s duty a mistake, to make an
excuse, to make fun of
sb, to make a fuss, to
make an impression,
to make progress

16. Ответ: 4.

В прошлом году — last year В прошлом веке — in the last century

Три года тому назад — three years ago Позавчера — the day before yesterday

Рано утром — early in the morning Послезавтра — the day after tomorrow

Поздно вечером — late at night Давно — long ago

17. Ответ: 4.

1. Johnny was not ready for the lesson. Moreover, he didn’t know what the task


2. We have to finish the work by 5 o’clock, otherwise we’ll be late for the


3. Although it was late at night, there were a lot of people in the streets.

4. It was late at night, however, there were a lot of people in the streets.

18. 35 — for; 36 — of; 37 — apologize; 38 — looks.

19. 32 — 4; 33 — 3.

20. 34 — 3; 35 — 4; 36 — 4; 37 — 1; 38 — 2.

21. 32 — 1; 33 — 4; 34 — 2; 35 — 4; 36 — 2; 37 — 3; 38 — 3.

Тренируемся в выполнении заданий 32—38

Вариант 1
32 — 2; 33 — 3; 34 — 1; 35 — 2; 36 — 4; 37 — 3; 38 — 1.

Вариант 2
32 — 3; 33 — 2; 34 — 1; 35 — 2; 36 — 1; 37 — 4; 38 — 4.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Задание 39
Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 39

1. 1. Письменная речь — это продуктивный вид речевой деятельности, обеспечива-
ющий выражение мыслей в графической форме.

2. Цель письменной речи — передача с помощью графических знаков информа-
ции на расстоянии и закрепление её во времени.


3. Продукты письменной речи: выписки из текста, открытка, анкета, записи
в дневнике, личное и деловое письмо, изложение, сочинение, статья, рефе-
рат, аннотация, рецензия, отчёт и т. д.

4. В ЕГЭ используются: личное письмо и письменное высказывание с элемен-
тами рассуждения «Моё мнение». Цель личного письма — ответ на письмо
друга по переписке в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, поставленной
в задании. Цель письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения — вы-
сказывание и аргументирование своего мнения по предложенной теме/про-

5. В разделе «Письмо» используются тестовые задания с развёрнутым ответом
и свободно конструируемым ответом.

6. При оценивании личного письма используются три критерия: решение комму-
никативной задачи, организация текста, языковое оформление текста.

7. При оценивании письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения ис-
пользуются пять критериев: решение коммуникативной задачи, организация
текста, лексика, грамматика, орфография и пунктуация.

8. За личное письмо можно получить 6 баллов, за письменное высказывание с
элементами рассуждения — 14 баллов.

2. 1 — h; 2 — d; 3 — g; 4 — b; 5 — f; 6 — a; 7 — c; 8 — e.
3. Краткие формы (I’ve, didn’t, he’ll и т. д.).

Dear Richard,
Dear Aunt Mary,
Dear Alice,


Best wishes,
Much love,
All the best,

6. a) 5 слов; b) 11 слов; c) 3 слова.
7. a) 42 слова; b) 13 слов; c) 56 слов. Краткие формы глагола, сложные сло-

ва, имеющие дефис (например, tape-recorder, CD-discs), считаются как одно
8. Правильно написаны и правильно расположены даты:

3 June, 2016
March 7, 2016


9. Благодарность, ссылка на предыдущий контакт, ссылка на будущий контакт.
10. Обращение, подпись, завершающая фраза.
11. Вступление — обращение, благодарность и ссылка на предыдущий контакт.

Основная часть — ответы на три вопроса друга и три вопроса к другу.
Заключительная часть — ссылка на будущий контакт, завершающая фраза,


12. I — 8 адрес; II — 7 дата; III — 1 обращение; IV — 4 благодарность за полученное
письмо; ссылка на предыдущий контакт; V — 5 ответы на вопросы; VI — 9 во-
просы другу по переписке; VII — 2 ссылка — упоминание о будущих контактах;
VIII — 6 завершающая фраза; IX — 3 подпись.

13. А — (1) неверно дано обращение, надо дать только имя: Dear John; (2) отсут-
ствует благодарность, она может быть такой: Thank you very much for your recent
letter; (3) нарушено деление на абзацы: предложение In your letter you ask me
questions about my plans for the future. должно быть в следующем абзаце.
В — отсутствует ссылка на предыдущий контакт, она может быть такой: It was
great to hear from you again after such a long time, либо такой: Sorry, I haven’t
written for so long.
С — нарушен стиль в завершающей фразе (yours sincerely используется в офи-
циальной, а не личной переписке).
D — нарушен стиль в подписи (надо дать только имя: Peter).
E — (1) неверно дано обращение, надо дать только имя: Dear Ann; (2) отсут-
ствует благодарность; (3) нарушен стиль в первой фразе письма (I am happy to
inform you that I received your letter yesterday используется в официальной, а не
личной переписке).

14. А — адрес дан слева (надо справа), отсутствует номер дома, отсутствует дата,
слово street написано с маленькой буквы, отсутствует благодарность.
В — завершающая фраза Love, должна быть на отдельной строке.

15. A — нарушение в написании адреса: должен быть адрес автора письма, т. е.
страна — Россия и родной город автора в России; обращение должно стоять
на отдельной строке; отсутствуют благодарность и ссылка на предыдущий кон-
B — нарушение в делении на абзацы: предложение Unfortunately, there aren’t
many rivers in Russia, let alone waterfalls. должно быть в новом абзаце.
C — нарушение порядка следования страны и города в адресе; дата стоит не
под адресом; отсутствует благодарность.
D — завершающая фраза Bye, и подпись Peter должны быть на отдельных стро-

16. Write to me soon. (вместо запятой нужно поставить точку)
Love, (нужно поставить запятую)
Kate (точка не нужна)

17. I wonder how you travel around the town. What is the cheapest means of transport?
What is the traffic situation like in your town?

18. You’ve mentioned that it was your mother’s birthday last week. How did you cel-
ebrate it? What was your present? Did your mother like it?

19. Возможный ответ:

42, Amurskaya Str.

4 June, 2016

Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again after such a
long time./Sorry, I haven’t written for so long. I have so much to tell you.


20. Возможный ответ:

In your letter you asked me about beautiful water sights in Russia. We have won-
derful places in our country and waterfalls are among them. There are some in our
Primorsky region, I was there last year. I’ve never gone rafting but I wish I could do
it soon. I know that extreme sports are dangerous but I’m sure that everyone should
experience it at least once in a lifetime.

21. Возможный ответ:

By the way, you wrote about your holidays in Greece. I envy you! With whom are
you going to go there? What places do you want to visit? How long are you going
to stay in Greece?

22. Возможный ответ:

Sorry, I have to go now.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,

23. Возможный ответ:

As I’ve heard you have just entered courses. What courses do you attend? Do you
go alone or with your friends? Do you enjoy studying there?

Keep in touch.
Best wishes,

24. Отредактированное письмо:


Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t answered your letter at once. How are

I’m glad to hear that last month you visited the National Museum of American
History. As for me, I have never been there. But I would like to visit it someday.
We usually go to museums with our class once in two months. Most of all I like
the Tretyakov Gallery. I think people should often go to museums to broaden their
outlook, to enjoy the beauty of the pictures and to learn better Russian history and
history of other nations.

By the way, where are you planning to go hiking? Will it be in June or July? Is it
the first time you go hiking?

Sorry, my mum is calling me.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,

1. Письмо большое по объёму и нуждалось в сокращении.
2. В письме отсутствовала дата под адресом.


3. В обращении нужно указать только имя, фамилия не нужна.
4. Нарушения в постановке вопроса с точки зрения содержания. Заданы вопросы,

информация на которые уже есть в тексте письма друга (1. С кем поедет? —
В тексте сказано, что с родителями. 2. Когда поедут? — В тексте сказано —
летом. К тому же вопрос Will it be in June or July? дублировал вопрос Когда

5. Есть некоторые языковые ошибки: грамматические: не нужен артикль в сло-

восочетании go to the museums, вместо different лучше использовать other;
орфографические: some day — someday, here — hear; пунктуационные: после
ссылки — надежды на будущий контакт должна стоять точка, после заверша-
ющей фразы — запятая.

Задание 40

Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 40

1. в) аргументировать свою точку зрения.
2. а) 200—250 слов.
3. в) 180 слов.
4. б) 275 слов.
5. в) во 2-м абзаце основной части.


Paragraph 1 make an introduction (state the problem)
Paragraph 2 express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
Paragraph 3 express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
Paragraph 4 explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
Paragraph 5 make a conclusion restating your position


Paragraph 1 make an introduction there is no doubt, the invention of the Internet, to change
Paragraph 2 (state the problem) the world, virtual communication, to become the reason
why, to communicate only by the Internet, to lose the con-
Paragraph 3 express your person- nection with the reality, in consequence, to lose friends,
Paragraph 4 al opinion and give disagree with this point of view
Paragraph 5 2—3 reasons for your
opinion in my view, to have a negative effect on people’s social
skills, firstly, secondly, what is more, to be afraid to com-
express an oppos- municate with classmates at school, easy, difficult, to type
ing opinion and give a message to somebody, no time for communication with
1—2 reasons for this relatives and friends, not to know how to behave in some
opposing opinion difficult situations, how to avoid quarrels and conflicts

explain why you don’t however, some people think, life in virtual reality, to help
agree with the oppos- develop social skills, write to strangers, not to be afraid,
ing opinion to ask questions, to discuss many problems anonymously,
to overcome shyness
make a conclusion
restating your posi- personally, disagree, impossible, to transfer skills, to bring
tion virtual skills into real life, as a result, differentiate virtual
communication and real-life communication, to lose some
main social skills

in conclusion, I believe, virtual Internet communication, to
influence negatively, results in losing real-life social skills,
to confuse two types of reality


8. Правильный ответ — 2. В первом примере не показана противоречивость про-
блемы, сама проблема не перефразирована. Второй ответ — правильный, тема
перефразирована, показана её противоречивость. Третий пример — неправиль-
ный, так как здесь неправильно сформулирована сама проблема, наблюдается
отход от темы. Четвёртый ответ тоже неправильный, так как тема не перефра-
зирована, а заданный вопрос лишь запрашивает информацию у читателя, но не
показывает противоречивость проблемы.

9. Правильный ответ — 3, так как в нём высказано собственное мнение, соот-
ветствующее теме и совпадающее по смыслу с мнением автора, высказанным
выше. Первый, второй и четвёртый варианты — неправильные. В первом слу-
чае в заключении не сказано, что это мнение автора. Во втором и четвёртом
вариантах неправильно высказано мнение, так как эти заключения относятся к
другому типу сочинения — «за и против», к тому же четвёртое не соответствует
теме, так как автор не говорит, нужно ли закрывать пункты быстрого пита-

10. Правильный ответ — 1, потому что высказанное мнение принадлежит авто-
ру, о чём говорит словосочетание From my point of view; высказанное мнение
соответствует поставленной перед обучающимися проблеме; аргументы под-
тверждают высказанное мнение; их количество соответствует плану. Осталь-
ные ответы неверные, так как высказанные мнения не отвечают поставленной
задаче и неправильно сформулированы: они не о том, нужно ли закрывать
пункты быстрого питания. Нарушение формулировки привело к неправильным

11. Правильный ответ — 3, потому что в нём высказано чужое мнение в соответ-
ствии с предложенной коммуникативной задачей и указана причина, по которой
оно возникло. В первом, втором и четвёртом примерах высказанное мнение не
соответствует коммуникативной задаче и неправильно сформулировано: они не
о том, нужно ли закрывать пункты быстрого питания. Нарушение формулировки
привело к неправильным аргументам.

12. Возможный ответ:
A. 2. Secondly, some people cannot work from home because too many things
distract them from what they are doing.
B. 2. What is more, you can park them easily.
C. 2. Secondly, if you get lost, you can find the map in the Internet.

13. Возможный ответ: I don’t agree with this argument because my parents have been
using mobile phones for more than five years and they feel well.

14. 1. in consequence; 2. therefore; 3. because.


Introduction Main part Conclusion

while, on the contrary, others firstly, secondly, to begin in conclusion, all in all, to sum
disagree, there is a dispute/a with, furthermore, moreover, up, to conclude, it is important
discussion/no agreement in addition, finally, I believe/ to remind/point out, the issue is
think, in my opinion, however, far from solving yet but I think
as advocates/critics/opponents
claim/argue, besides, as a re-
sult, consequently, because of



Introducing opinion Introducing supportive argument

personally, I believe/think, from my point of view, to begin/start with, firstly, secondly, what is more,

to my mind, I am sure, in my view in addition, moreover, furthermore

17. Возможный ответ: There are many ways of spending your spare time. Some peo-
ple enjoy reading detective stories and find them interesting. But others believe
that it’s better to read other kinds of literature. Let us consider both views on this

18. Возможный ответ: In my opinion, reading detective stories is both useful and ex-
citing. Firstly, it makes people think and try to find solutions for different compli-
cated problems. Thus, such books improve logical skills and develop imagination.
Secondly, they help us relax because they have breathtaking plots and interesting

19. Возможный ответ: However, there is another point of view. Some people dislike
reading detective stories and say that it is a waste of time. They think it’s better
to read classical literature where the wealth of human knowledge and experience
is revealed.

20. Возможный ответ: Personally, I don’t agree with this point of view. In good de-
tective stories one can find wealth of human knowledge and experience. Take for
example, detective stories by Agatha Christie which show us the best and the
worst in human beings.

21. Возможный ответ: All things considered, I can say that reading detective stories is
not a waste of time because you can learn a lot from them and it is an exciting
way of spending your free time.

22. Недостатки согласно критериям:
К1 — во введении не поставлена проблема, во втором абзаце приводится сла-
бый контраргумент на чужое мнение, не высказано прямо своё мнение в за-
К2 — чужое мнение даётся раньше, чем своё, предлагается четыре абзаца вме-
сто пяти, т. е. не соответствует плану.
К3 — есть незначительные лексические ошибки.
К4 — есть незначительные грамматические ошибки.
К5 — есть незначительные орфографические ошибки.

23. Критерий «Решение коммуникативной задачи»

Объём — 185 слов.

• Аспект 1. Вступление — постановка проблемы.
Есть недостатки в раскрытии аспекта 1. Обучающийся переписал тему, не

перефразировав её. Вторая точка зрения не представлена. Вместо этого уча-
щийся ставит вопрос, что более характерно для другого вида письма — статьи.

• Аспект 2. Мнение автора с 2—3 аргументами.
Есть недостатки в раскрытии аспекта 2. В первом предложении второго аб-

заца автор высказывает своё мнение в пользу работы вне помещения, но не
совсем понятно, что имеется в виду. Далее приведены три аргумента против
позиции работы дома. Четвёртый неразвёрнутый аргумент — за позицию работы
вне помещения.


• Аспект 3. Противоположная точка зрения с 1—2 аргументами.
Есть недостатки в раскрытии аспекта 3. Автор приводит противоположную

точку зрения и аргументирует её, но аргумент противоположной точки зрения
повторяет аргумент, приведённый во втором абзаце.

• Аспект 4. Объяснения, почему автор не согласен с противоположной точкой
зрения (контраргументы).

Присутствуют серьёзные недостатки в раскрытии аспекта 4. Автор не опро-
вергает мнение противоположной стороны, а повторяет аргумент, приведённый
во втором абзаце, а также приводит аргумент, не соотносящийся с противопо-
ложной позицией. Таким образом, контраргумент отсутствует.

• Аспект 5. Заключение с подтверждением позиции автора.
Имеются серьёзные недостатки в раскрытии аспекта 5. Автор приводит по-

зицию, которая противоречит позиции автора в предыдущих абзацах.

• Аспект 6. Стилевое оформление выбрано правильно: соблюдается нейтраль-
ный стиль.

Таким образом, во всех аспектах имеются недостатки. По первому критерию
данное письменное высказывание может быть оценено в 1 балл.

Критерий «Организация текста»
Высказывание в основном логично. Есть два случая незначительного нару-

шения логичности: 1) непонятно, кого автор имеет в виду, употребляя фразу
those people are wrong; 2) нарушена логичность и в конце высказывания, так
как автор приходит к иной точке зрения, чем та, которая высказана во втором
абзаце. Деление на абзацы правильное. Средства логической связи использо-
ваны правильно.

Таким образом, по этому критерию может быть выставлено 2 балла.

Критерий «Лексика»
Словарный запас ограничен. Допущены лексические ошибки: children will

destroy you, your work will be bad, you can breath fresh air, comfortable, to work
much money.

Таким образом, по этому критерию будет выставлен 1 балл.

Критерий «Грамматика»
Имеется ряд грамматических ошибок: because children will destroy you from

your duties, if you will work outside, important to me to look after my children.
По этому критерию будет выставлено 2 балла.

Критерий «Орфография и пунктуация»
Допущены орфографические ошибки: futhermore, belive.
По этому критерию будет выставлен 1 балл.

За всё письменное высказывание обучаемый получит 7 баллов.

24. However, the opponents say that the Internet is only a useless time-waster. Firstly,
you should be very careful because there is so much false information in the In-
ternet. Secondly, the Internet can be addictive, especially for children. They just
want to surf the Internet morning, noon and night.
I disagree with this point of view because the Internet is an assistant to us, if you
use it right.
To sum it up, I can say that the Internet is not the greatest time-waster, there are
more helpful things in it than distracting.



Задание 1

Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 1
1. 1. Устная речь представляет собой процесс передачи в звуковой форме своих
и чужих мыслей одному или многим лицам.
2. Устная речь имеет свою специфику, которая выражается в организации речи, сти-
ле и языковом оформлении, а также в видах и особенностях речевых продуктов.
3. Существуют монологическая, диалогическая и полилогическая речь.
4. В разделе «Говорение» используются задания с развёрнутым ответом.
5. При оценивании задания 1 используется один критерий — фонетическая сто-
рона речи.
6. За задание 1 можно получить максимум 1 балл.
7. Задание 1 проверяет навыки чтения вслух, а именно: правильное оформление
фонетической стороны устной речи (звуки в потоке речи, интонация, ударе-
ние, беглость речи), что отражает понимание содержание читаемого.
2. a) anyway; b) David.

[s] [z]

hiss, rice, false, ice, waste, yes, place, loose, his, rise, falls, eyes, lazy, plays, lose, advise busy,
advice, house, looks, skin easy, zoo

4. Autumn, castle, solemn, column, limb, grandson, tomb, ballet.

5. I went shopping and I bought apples.

I went shopping and I bought apples and pears.

I went shopping and I bought apples, | pears | and oranges.

I went shopping and I bought apples, | pears, | oranges | and bananas.

8. Скороговорки (Т43—Т52).

9. 1. Un aided, un armed, anti-cy clonic, non- resident, re pack, ex- minister, pre paid,

mis spell, mis place, under dressed, pre- history.

2. Good- looking, old- fashioned, bad- tempered, absent- minded, home- made.

3. Apple-tree, bystander, daybreak, birthday, schoolboy, suitcase, timetable, hair-

do, housewife, butterfly, blackbird.

10. contest — to con test present — to pre sent

protest — to pro test subject — to su bject

rebel — to re bel object — to o bject

forecast — to fore cast produce — to pro duce

import — to im port outlay — to out lay

11. a) A hundred and four, five hundred and sixty-three, one thousand one hundred

and thirty-six, seven thousand, five million five hundred and fifty thousand, five point

five, ten point two.

b) The twentieth of June, nineteen ninety, the fourteenth of October, nineteen for-

ty-five, November the seventh, nineteen seventeen, the seventies, in two thousand,

in seventeen “o” four.

12. Those that stay | are not as active.

The worst problems for birds in winter | are getting enough heat …

The heat that you make | is made mostly in your muscles.

So one way of keeping warm | is to move about …

При отсутствии знаков препинания можно сделать паузу при следующих условиях:

• Если группа подлежащего перед сказуемым состоит из нескольких слов (яв-

ляется развёрнутой):


Those that stay | are not as active.
The worst problems for birds in winter | are getting enough heat …
The heat that you make | is made mostly in your muscles.
So one way of keeping warm | is to move about …
• Если в сложном предложении после главного идёт придаточное:
Activity uses energy | that is needed to keep warm.
• Если есть распространённые однородные члены предложения:
The worst problems for birds in winter | are getting enough heat | and holding
on to the heat once it is made.
В предложении So one way of keeping warm | is to move about … ещё может
быть сделана пауза после So.
13. Трудные для произношения слова (звуки, ударение): bumblebees, particular,
scientists, airborne, intriguing, muscles, insects, locust.
Деление на синтагмы: Until fairly recently, it was a mystery how certain large bees,
bumblebees in particular, were able to fly.

Тренируемся в выполнении задания 1
Вариант 1 (Т53)
Вариант 2 (Т54)

Задание 2
Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 2

1. 1. Цель задания 2 раздела «Говорение» — проверка умений диалогической речи:
осуществлять запрос информации, использовать лексику и грамматику, соответ-
ствующие коммуникативной задаче и уровню сложности задания.
2. Задание 2 — базового уровня.
3. Для задания 2 используется тест с развёрнутым ответом.
4. За задание 2 можно максимально получить 5 баллов (по одному баллу за
каждый правильный ответ).

2. 1 — общий вопрос; 2 — общий вопрос; 3 — разделительный вопрос; 4 — спе-
циальный вопрос; 5 — специальный вопрос; 6 — альтернативный вопрос; 7 —
специальный вопрос; 8 — специальный вопрос; 9 — специальный вопрос; 10 —
альтернативный вопрос.

3. 1. Does the Holiday Inn hotel have a lot of useful facilities?
2. What hotel has a lot of facilities?
3. What does the Holiday Inn hotel have?
4. What kind of facilities does the Holiday Inn hotel have?
5. Does the Holiday Inn hotel have a lot of or few facilities?
6. The Holiday Inn hotel has a lot of useful facilities, doesn’t it?

4. 1. Are there any sports facilities nearby?
2. Does the guide speak Russian?
3. Is breakfast included?
4. Do/Will you provide the necessary equipment?
5. Will/Does the train arrive at 10 or 11?
6. Have you ever admitted teenagers?

5. 1. How long does the trip last?
2. Where and when does the trip start?
3. Who is responsible for the trip?
4. What are the most popular routes?
5. How much does the trip cost?


6. 1. Why do people enjoy travelling?
2. What makes a perfect holiday?
3. He prefers travelling by car, doesn’t he?
4. What places are you attracted to?
5. Is this film interesting?
6. How far is the hotel from the centre?
7. How long does the course last?


Пункты плана Начало вопросов
1. Location
2. Duration Where
3. Price How long
4. Guided excursions How much
5. Number of visitors in a group Are there
How many

8. Возможные ответы:
1) location of the art gallery
2) opening hours
3) price
4) guided tours
5) number of people in a group

9. Возможные ответы:
1) Where is the art gallery located/situated?
2) What are the opening hours?
3) How much does a ticket cost?
4) Are there guided tours?
5) How many people are there/can there be in a group?

10. Возможные ответы:
1) Where is the fitness club located/situated?
2) What are the opening hours?
3) How much is the season ticket?
4) Are individual sessions possible?
5) Is a swimming pool available?

Тренируемся в выполнении задания 2

Вариант 1. Возможные ответы:
1) Where is the school located/situated?
2) How much does the course cost?
3) Are my cameras suitable for the course?
4) Is extra equipment provided?
5) Are evening classes possible? Does the schedule include evening classes?

Вариант 2. Возможные ответы:
1) How long can a ride be?
2) How much does it cost per person?


3) Are there any age limits?
4) Is taking photos possible?
5) Are any special clothes necessary? Do we need any special clothes?

Вариант 3. Возможные ответы:
1) Where is the cinema located/situated?
2) What are the operation hours?
3) How much does the ticket per person cost?
4) Snacks are available, aren’t they?
5) Are there any discounts for students?

Задание 3

Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 3

1. 1. Цель задания 3 — построение монологического высказывания в заданном
объёме в заданной ситуации общения (описание фотографии); построение
логичного и связного высказывания; использование стратегий описания, со-
общения, рассуждения; точное и правильное употребление языковых средств
оформления монологического высказывания.

2. В задании 3 предусмотрен базовый уровень сложности.
3. На подготовку к данному заданию даётся 1,5 минуты.
4. В задании 3 надо раскрыть 5 пунктов плана.
5. Начать ответ надо со вступительной фразы, закончить — заключительной (в

плане не отражены).
6. Фраза I’ve chosen photo No. … вступительной не является. Это техническая

фраза для экспертов.
7. Объём задания 3 должен составлять 12—15 фраз (2 минуты).
8. Максимально за задание 3 можно получить 7 баллов.
2. Travelling may be interesting (thrilling, amazing, exciting, entertaining, …).
Photos may be original (intriguing, funny, moving, old, coloured, vivid, expressive, …).
The situation in the photo may be unusual (common, difficult, dangerous, tricky,
funny, …).
He/She/It looks great (surprised, excited, miserable, happy, satisfied, …).

3. Возможный ответ:

Place People Action

college classroom young people, college students, writing, listening to, smiling,
casual clothes, to be interested laughing

4. a) — 5; b) — 6; c) — 1; d) — 8; e) — 4; f) — 7; g) — 3; h) — 2.
5. 1. in the picture you can see …

2. in the foreground/background …
3. in the centre/middle of the picture

4. on the right/left

5. to the left of sb/sth

6. in the upper part/at the top

7. in front of the boy
8. I’m interested in
9. I’m fond of
10. I’m keen on doing


6. Возможные ответы:

1. The man on the right with his back to us is my granddad.
2. This person on the left is my best friend Peter.
3. In the foreground of the photo you can see my family having a picnic.
4. In front of the schoolboy there are books and a notebook.
5. The building which is straight ahead, at the far end of the street, is a famous

6. The building behind us is our university.
7. The picture shows a young girl who is writing a letter to her friend.
8. The photo makes me laugh every time I see it.
9. My mum is fond of knitting and my dad is keen on reading detective stories.

7. река — in the background, палатка — behind the friends, in the background, рюкзак
рядом с палаткой — near, next to, люди — in the middle, in the centre, in front
of the tent, in the foreground, мальчик слева — on the left, девочка справа — on
the right.

9. Следует использовать форму настоящего продолженного времени (Present

Возможные ответы:

1. The friends are having a picnic. The friends are singing. The boy in the middle
is playing the guitar and his friends are listening to him. The friends are telling
stories and laughing.

2. The family is having dinner. The mother is offering a new dish.
3. The children in the picture are eating ice-cream. The kids are having a

4. We are walking in the park. My friends are throwing up leaves. They are running

and jumping in the park.

10. белый — white чёрный — black
красный — red жёлтый — yellow
серый — grey коричневый — brown
зелёный — green розовый — pink/rosy
синий — blue голубой — blue/pale blue
светло-синий — light blue/bright blue светло-голубой — light-blue
тёмно-синий — dark blue/dark navy тёмно-голубой — dark blue

11. платье — dress, frock, gown рубашка — shirt
юбка — skirt майка с коротким рукавом — T-shirt
джинсы — jeans шорты — shorts
майка без рукавов — tank top, U-shirt длинный рукав — long sleeve
короткий рукав — short sleeve спортивный костюм — sports suit/
костюм — suit, costume (жен.) tracksuit
пиджак — jacket куртка — jacket, blazer (спортивная
пальто — coat куртка)
туфли — shoes плащ (дождевик) — raincoat
перчатки — gloves шапка — hat
шарф — scarf кроссовки — trainers
брюки — trousers, slacks (жен.)/ сапоги — boots
AmE pants


12. Возможные ответы:
1. It’s a hot day and we are all wearing light summer clothes. The boy in the mid-
dle is wearing a yellow T-shirt, we are all wearing shorts and trainers.
2. It’s just a family dinner and all the people in the photo are dressed casually.
The mother is wearing a blue dress with short sleeves. It’s her favourite dress,
she likes the blue colour. My sister is wearing a tank top and jeans. We can’t
see what my niece is wearing, but I think it’s a T-shirt and jeans.
3. The kids are both wearing jeans. The girl is wearing a white tank top, the boy
is wearing a light green T-shirt. It’s a hot day.
4. It’s autumn and we are all wearing jackets. Some of us are wearing caps and
scarves but no one is wearing gloves. Our jackets are red, yellow and brown —
like the leaves we are playing with.

13. 1 — 2; 2 — 2, 3, 4; 3 — 1; 4 — 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; 5 — 1, 8, 10.

14. Возможные ответы:
1) where and when the photo was taken: the picture was taken, in the suburbs of/
in the country, during summer holidays, in July, as you see.
2) what/who is in the photo: the picture shows, my cousins, the weather is hot,
wearing shorts and T-shirts.
3) what is happening: are running/jogging, to look happy, to spend free time
together, obviously.
4) why you keep the photo in your album: keep this photo, because, to love, to
remember, nice rest.
5) why you decided to show the picture to your friend: to show this photo, to give
an idea of the atmosphere.

15. I have chosen photo No. 1. Would you like to see my holiday photos, Nastya? This
is one of them. Have a look. I took this picture in July last summer when we were
in the country. In the picture you can see my cousins Peter and Vera. It was very
hot in July and they are wearing shorts and tank tops. As you see, they are running.
They are keen on sports and every day they run. Sometimes they hold competition
who is faster, Vera or Peter. To tell you the truth, it doesn’t matter who is going to
win. Obviously, they are always happy to spend their free time together. I keep this
photo in the album because I love my cousins and I want to remember that summer.
I decided to show it to you because this photo gives an idea of the atmosphere of
our holidays — very optimistic and very good-natured. Do you like this photo? I hope
you do.

16. I’ve chosen picture No. 3. Do you remember I’ve told you about my autumn holidays,
Kate? Now I want to show you some photos of my holiday. Look at this photo. Isn’t it
nice? This photo was made in October in the countryside. In this photo you can see
my classmates. And at that moment they were just throwing up leaves and shouting.
They looked so happy and excited. It was really great, it was fun and that’s why I
took this photo. As you see, I keep it in my album because I want to remember this
unusual day and my merry classmates. I decided to show you this photo because
I have told you about my holidays so many times that now I’d like you to see how
great it was. I hope you like this photo, Kate. As for me, I like it very much.

Задание 4

Подготовительные упражнения к заданию 4
1. 1. Основными видами монологов являются повествовательные, описательные,
рассуждения. Наиболее сложный вид — монолог-рассуждение.
2. В задании 4 от экзаменуемого ожидается монолог-рассуждение.


3. Задание 4 проверяет умения сравнивать, сопоставлять, высказывать своё мне-
ние и аргументировать его, делать вывод.

4. Уровень сложности задания 4 — высокий.
5. Задание 4 оценивается по трём критериям: 1) решение коммуникативной за-

дачи, 2) организация текста, 3) языковое оформление текста.
6. В любом монологе должно быть вступление и заключение. Это никогда не про-

писывается в критериях и инструкции, потому что это общее правило для мо-
нолога любого типа или вида как в иностранных языках, так и в русском языке.
7. Нет, подробно описывать сначала одну фотографию, а потом другую нельзя.
В этом случае будет выставлено 0 баллов, так как основная коммуникативная
задача в задании 4 — это сравнение и сопоставление двух фотографий. Об
этом говорят и пункты плана.
8. Экзаменуемый может сказать, какую из фотографий он предпочитает, если об
этом спрашивается в четвёртом пункте плана. Однако в абсолютном большин-
стве заданий в четвёртом пункте ставится проблемная задача, т. е. спрашива-
ется о том, какое действие, профессию, образ жизни и т. д. из изображённых
на фотографии, а не саму фотографию предпочитает экзаменуемый.
9. Нет, для многих пунктов плана одной фразы явно недостаточно. В целом для
получения высокого балла рассказ экзаменуемого должен содержать 12—
15 фраз. Если он будет состоять из пяти фраз, то за задания 3 и 4 будет
выставлено 0 баллов.
2. 1. Location — a particular place.
2. Action — the process of doing something.
3. Character — a person in a book, play, film, picture printing, etc.
4. Similarity — a way in which two or more people or things seem alike.
5. Difference — a way in which two or more people or things are not like each other.


People Things

friendly, brave, calm, ambitious, cruel, gentle, comfortable, medical, dusty, wooden, historical,
greedy, helpful, kind, naughty, talkative, careful, new, narrow, fresh, long, soft
serious, clever

4. Собственные ответы учащихся.

Men Women Both

handsome, bald slim, beautiful, pretty good-looking, tall, attractive,

6. A nice, small, new, black, leather bag.
7. 1. Some of his poems are very good.

2. None of the old friends came.
3. She stood in the middle of the floor but neither of them saw her.
4. Everyone says it’s better than any of the new ones.
5. How can anyone of us forget it?
6. She doesn’t know it either.
7. Before any of them could say another word he left the house.
8. I know neither French nor Spanish.


8. 1. We sat there in silence for maybe another five minutes and then we left.
2. The others had been talking a few moments when he raised his hand.
3. There isn’t any other way.
4. His first impulse was to cross to the other side to avoid them.
5. Would you like another cup of tea?
6. Mr Brown and Mrs Black and three other teachers were there.
7. Other people may disagree but I feel the whole thing has gone far enough.
8. We can do it another time.
9. We must help others less fortunate than ourselves.

10. I went swimming while the others played tennis.
9. 1. I like these shirts, I’ll take both of them.

2. Every morning she got up at 6 a.m.
3. We both want to go to the party.
4. Paul and John are both right.
5. Each of the houses is slightly different.
6. Both these books are expensive.
7. Each of us has a company car.
8. Both of them are right.
9. You can park on either side of the street.
10. Take one of the books on the table—either of them will do.
11. I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.
12. Each and every one of you deserves a reward.
13. I asked all the children and each told a different story.
14. You must decide on one thing or the other.
10. 1. In the picture there is a boy and two girls.
2. In the middle of the picture there are two men and a girl.
3. In both pictures there are people.
4. In the left-hand picture the girl is reading whereas in the right-hand photo the

girl is writing.
5. In the foreground one can see a woman who is knitting.
6. In picture number 1/In the first picture a woman is painting/drawing while a

girl is looking at her.
7. In the second picture there are two girls, each of them has a book in her hand.
8. None of the boys looks sad.
11. Возможный ответ:
In the left-hand photo there is a teacher and a schoolboy standing at the black-
board in the classroom. In the right-hand one we can see a driver who is sitting
in his vehicle cab.

Picture Common features Different features

Action eating, enjoying, smiling fruits and juice — ice cream
(choice of dessert)

Location at home — in the park (envi-

Characters two people (number of people) a child and an adult — two chil-
dren (age)



Linking expressions: similarities Linking expressions: differences
both, likewise, as well as, and, so do/does
but, while, although, whereas, on the one hand,
on the other hand, unlike, in contrast (to/with)

14. I’d like to compare and contrast the two pictures. The pictures show people who
have a dessert. In the first picture we can see a girl and her mother having break-
fast at home, while in the second picture we see two children eating ice cream
in the park.
The photos have a few things in common. Firstly, there are two people in both
pictures. Secondly, in both pictures people are eating. Thirdly, the people are en-
joying what they are eating, they are smiling.
However, there are some differences. In the left-hand picture there is a child and
an adult, whereas in the right-hand picture there is no adult. I guess, the next
difference is the environment. In the first picture people are at home while in the
second one they are in the park. The third difference is the choice of dessert. In
picture number 1 they are eating fruits, whereas in picture number 2 the children
are eating ice cream.

15. I’d prefer the dessert in the first picture because it’s healthier.

Ключи к контрольным работам 137


Задание по аудированию

Говорящий ABCDE F

Утверждение 7 5 1 3 2 4

Аудиотексты (Т55)
Speaker A
I honestly think using computers in education is a bad idea. I know computers are
supposed to help you do your homework and things but in reality things turn out not
the way they should be. Lots of my classmates just download stuff for reports from
the Internet, cutting and pasting without even reading it at times. I guess this is called
plagiarism and it is not fair plus this also doesn’t help develop your skills and you learn
nothing this way.

Speaker B
I don’t know how I’d manage my homework without my computer. I have an awful
handwriting and my teachers can’t make out what is written so I word-process practi-
cally everything. In this way my homework always looks neat. I’m a good student and
I never use ready papers from the Net but that handwriting thing was a total nightmare
until I started typing it. I honestly don’t mind it and it even takes me less time to type
than to write it myself.

Speaker C
Many teachers in our school ask us to word-process the essays and reports which they
ask us to write. They say they have to read tons of stuff and they will have problems
with their eyesight if they read our handwriting. I can understand their point but there
is a disadvantage of it as well. The thing is we forget how to write by hand and then
in most word processors there are spellcheckers so we forget spelling and this is re-
ally horrible.
Speaker D
I need my computer for my studies all the time. You see, I have been learning Span-
ish for some time already and my elder brother has installed some programs to learn
the spelling and vocabulary and they are so useful! I use these programs every day.
Besides, I have a friend from Spain and we communicate via Skype regularly so I can
practice the language. Add e-mail plus online research you have to do for school re-
ports and essays.

Speaker E
I must admit computers make a lot of things connected with studies much easier.
We can surf the Net and find any necessary information in literally no time. There are
many more pluses but at the same time, nothing is perfect and computers have some
minuses too. The biggest disadvantage I think is that computers make students lazy
and instead of going to a library and doing proper research students just use stuff
downloaded from the Internet.

Speaker F
I think computers make the educational process much more interesting. Our teacher
uses various presentations and thus we can understand the information better. Slide
shows also attract everybody’s attention. There are many opportunities to use comput-


ers in the classroom and kids are always interested in things connected with them so
they begin to pay more attention to the lessons where teachers use computers and
they get better results this way.

Задание по чтению


Задание по грамматике
19 — ninth; 20 — was destroyed; 21 — moved; 22 — has been held; 23 — fastest;
24 — making; 25 — starting.


Задание по аудированию

Утверждение ABCDE FG

Соответствие диалогу 1 3 2 2 2 3 1

Аудиотексты (Т56)

Jim: Hi, Bella! Good to see you!
Bella: Oh, hi, Jim, I’m happy to see you too. How are the things?
Jim: Oh, not bad, thanks. You know, I have great news! I’m going to have a pet!
Bella: Oh, finally? Congratulations! I thought your mother would never ever let you get

one. What made her change her mind, I wonder?
Jim: Oh, it’s all about my baby sister Julia. You know my parents adore her. She’s

the apple of their eye. She is three years old and my mom has read in some
magazine that it’s high time for Julia to start taking care of somebody. So here
you go.
Bella: That’s interesting. If you ask me, I think a doll might be enough for Julia. You
know these dolls advertised on TV — they can talk, you can feed them, put them
to sleep, change their nappies.
Jim: No, mom says it must be a pet, preferably a cat or a dog. As for me, I’d be
satisfied with either.
Bella: What about Julia?
Jim: She’d rather have a cat but my mom is more inclined to buy a dog, a Scottish
collie maybe. They aren’t at all aggressive. On the contrary, they eagerly play with
kids and feel very protective towards them.
Bella: Well, Jim, I think it’s very important. A cat might not be as friendly as a dog.
Cats are very independent creatures, I believe.
Jim: There are some lazy breeds, very calm ones, but they have long fur. With a cat
it’s more of a problem than with a dog.
Bella: Okay, whatever your mom finally chooses. Who is going to take care of the pet?
You don’t really think it’s going to be Julia?
Jim: Well, she can feed it and play with it and accompany me for a walk if it’s a dog
after all.


Bella: You can’t expect a three-year-old child to take full responsibility for a pet, can

Jim: Of course, not! It’s me who is going to be responsible for the pet, that’s the best
thing about it! Theoretically it’s Julia’s but actually it’s mine!

Bella: When are you going to buy it?
Jim: On Saturday. We are going to the pet shop mother’s colleague has recommended

to us. He says it’s a good one. You can buy food there and everything else it might
Bella: That may turn out pretty expensive, you know.
Jim: I don’t think my mom will care about it. Plus, I have my own savings and I can
buy something for the pet myself if it’s necessary.
Bella: Fine, then. Phone me on Saturday evening and tell me all about it.
Jim: I will.

Задание по чтению



Задание по грамматике
19 — feels; 20 — is played; 21 — children; 22 — was going; 23 — happened; 24 —
leans; 25 — applauding/to applaud.


Задания по лексике
Задания 26—31
26 — recognizable; 27 — observation; 28 — fascinating; 29 — nearly; 30 — eleva-
tors; 31 — weddings.

Задания 32—38

32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Задание по письму
Проверяется по критериям оценивания ответов на задание 39 ЕГЭ (см. Приложе-
ние 1. Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов единого
государственного экзамена 2017 года по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ (письменная часть).


Задания устной части проверяются по критериям оценивания ответов 1—4 раз-
дела «Говорение» (см. Приложение 2. Демонстрационный вариант УСТНОЙ ЧАС-
ТИ контрольных измерительных материалов единого государственного экзамена по



Раздел 1. Аудирование Раздел 2. Чтение

№ задания Ответ № задания Ответ

1 517634 10 4618253

2 2113231 11 241537

31 12 2

42 13 1

53 14 4

63 15 4

72 16 2

82 17 3

92 18 2

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика*

№ задания Ответ № задания Ответ
19 happily
20 isformed, wasformed 29 natural
21 confidence
22 earliest 30
23 4
24 later 31 2
25 3
26 hasbeen 32 2
27 3
28 were 33 4
isrepresented 34

its 35

personality 36

winner 37

interesting 38

* Написание ответов (без пробелов и знаков) соответствует инструкции ФЦТ по заполнению бланка отве-
тов № 1.


Аудиотексты (Т57)

Сейчас вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Каждый текст прозвучит
2 раза. После первого и второго прослушивания у вас будет время для выполнения
и проверки заданий. Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное вос-
произведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены.
По окончании выполнения всего раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои ответы в
бланк ответов № 1.

Задание 1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего
A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное
соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы
услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознако-
миться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start.
Speaker A
I know there are many people who blog for pay, but there are others who blog for the
fun involved in it. You see, people generally blog about things they know and love and
therefore look at blogging as an escape from their daily lives. That’s true about me.
Let’s take my brother as an example. He is a freelance writer and does nothing but
write all day. Still, he finds blogging to be fun, because it can be a personal project
requiring no client approval.

Speaker B
In my opinion, blogs are an excellent vehicle for income. Of course, I understand that it
takes great time, effort, and dedication to build a blog that will bring in enough money
to live on. At the same time, it’s a very flexible job. I have a blog on fitness which
brings me a little money through ads. I plan to study and earn my living like this for
some time but then I’ll need a more stable job. I’ll try to make my blogging income
bigger. Let’s see.

Speaker C
I’m a very shy person and I don’t go out very often as it’s difficult for me to talk to
strangers in real life. Communicating online is easier for me. I guess, people may write
blogs for money but basically people write blogs so other people will read them. I like
to think that someone somewhere is going to read my blog, my ideas and my thoughts,
so in the process of writing blogs I’m trying to connect with others who share a com-
mon interest with me.

Speaker D
I was looking for a new hobby, and fortunately, my teacher offered me to try blogging.
You see, I want to be a journalist in the future but I wasn’t sure if I could succeed
in this job. He said it would be a great chance for me to try writing for other people
and see if it was a good career for me. I can’t say that a lot of people read my blog
but I have a few devoted readers. I enjoy blogging and I believe I’ll be able to work
in the media.

Speaker E
I’ve been blogging for some time already and I must say blogging is getting easier and
easier because of the technical progress. You see, there are many different blogging
platforms and programs available to make the blogging process easy. For me, Word


Press is the best option because it’s free and offers great flexibility. When used with
a program such as Windows Live Writer, blogging couldn’t be easier for even novice

Speaker F
I don’t blog as I think it’s a waste of time, but my brother has a blog. It’s not that he’s
interested in having many readers. He’s an IT specialist and he writes blogs profes-
sionally to help search engine ranking. He says search engines pay more attention to
a website than just content. The more frequently updated a website is and the more
links there are to and from it, the better it seems to do. Most bloggers post 3 times
per week to keep the site fresh.
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
(Pause 15 seconds.)

Задание 2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содер-
жанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть
на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).
Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды. У Вас
есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start.
John: Hi, Lora! Haven’t seen you for ages! I didn’t know you are back from France

already. How are you? How was your exchange programme?
Lora: Hi, John, it’s good to see you. Well, I’d love to say I’m fine but I’m not.
John: Why? Can I help you?
Lora: Thank you, John, you are such a good friend, but I don’t know if you can help.
John: Just talk to me, alright?
Lora: Okay. First of all, I miss my host family a lot. They are very nice and kind peo-

ple. I was homesick at first, and they helped me get used to living in France, took
me to a lot of beautiful places and showed me how great France is. They made my
stay very comfortable and pleasant.
John: Do you mean that you missed your parents in France and now you miss your
host family back in London?
Lora: Exactly. I haven’t told anyone about it because I’m afraid that people will laugh
at me.
John: Oh, Lora, I think it’s normal that you feel this way. After all, you spent there
about half a year. It’s a long time and of course you miss some people there. Why
don’t you Skype them? They probably miss you too.
Lora: John, it’s a good idea! I wonder why I haven’t thought about it!
John: That’s because you are upset. My advice is to keep in touch with those people.
Is there anything else that worries you?
Lora: Well, I’ve made a lot of friends in France but I had a lot of friends here too. We
didn’t communicate much while I was in France and now it seems to me they have
forgotten me. Whenever I call them, they are busy with something interesting.
John: I guess it was hard for them to learn to do without you. Just be patient. I’m
sure the girls are longing to talk to you but they are shy, maybe. They’ll call you
soon, believe me.


Lora: I don’t know, John. You might be right.
John: If you feel bored, you can always call on me. Why don’t we go to the cinema

tonight? There’s a new blockbuster with Bruce Willis on.
Lora: I’d love to. And then we can get a pizza and just talk a bit. I can tell you more

about my life in France and show you some pictures of the castles.
John: Good idea, Lora. I love medieval history. Look, I’ll check the time and text you

in about an hour, okay?
Lora: I’ll be waiting.
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you’ll hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
(Pause 15 seconds.)

Задания 3—9

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствую-
щую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У Вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.
Presenter: Hello, everybody and welcome to our daily programme “Five minutes with a

star”. Our today’s guest is known to everybody. It’s a popular cook and TV presenter
Max Hodge. Hello, Max!
Max: Hello.
Presenter: Max, you are most known for your typical healthy English cuisine which has
garnered you numerous TV shows and restaurants. How did it all start?
Max: Well, I was born in Essex and I got my education in London. I started as a pas-
try chef in one of numerous London restaurants and I must have been a very good
chef as I got noticed by the BBC and in 2000 I had my first TV show. That started
the ball rolling.
Presenter: Can you tell us about your healthy food campaign?
Max: Of course. I started it about ten years ago. My son went to school and I saw that
English school lunches left much to be desired. I launched an online petition Healthy
lunch. Naturally, my movement to get kids eating nutritious, fresh foods gained big
support from the British public, and resulted in the government’s dedication of £ 280
million to overhaul the national school lunch programme.
Presenter: You must be proud of that achievement.
Max: Yes, I am. At the same time, I’m afraid that the UK is not the only country where
school kids were offered fast food for lunch. I’d love to start a similar movement in
the USA, for instance. A lot of kids now have food-related illnesses like diabetes.
People warn their kids about crossing the street, but they don’t warn them about
food. Parents need to make their kids more streetwise about food.
Presenter: You’ve managed to show everybody how important healthy eating is. What
can all people do to revolutionize the way we eat? What’s the first step?
Max: The first step has nothing to do with peeling, chopping or grating. I’d recom-
mend people to clean up their kitchen as their first move. You see, the kitchen is
there to do a job, and it’s not your front room. A lot of people say their kitchen is
messy. So get rid of the mess and get your space back and get your kitchen sorted
Presenter: Okay, our kitchen is spick-and-span. What happens next?


Max: Next dump those sugary sodas and unhealthy snacks. Shopping is a big deal. If
you don’t buy these things, they won’t turn up in your kitchen. I’ve seen so many
fizzy drinks and snacking foods — fizzy drinks are delicious! As are snacking foods,
but they should not be used as forms of H2O or substitutes for food; they should be
treats. Families need to get control of the fizzy drinks. That alone is extra calories
in the day and not necessarily the right ones.

Presenter: A lot of people nowadays admit that they can’t cook. What would you ad-
vise to them?

Max: I’d say — team up with a friend or relative who knows how to cook. Spending
time with the families on my TV show was very upsetting for me at times because
there are two to three generations that cannot cook! It’s just a sign of our times. So
if you’ve got a mom or friend to cook with, then get them to come round to show
you. It’s skin-on-skin things that change the world.

Presenter: But what if people don’t have time to cook?
Max: Then cook a fresh meal at least once per week. Try to cook one time per week;

two or three times a week would be amazing! Also choose the right recipes so you
can do it efficiently and affordably. If you are cooking for four to five people and
if you are buying pre-packed food — KFC, McDonald’s, etc. — that stuff is really
expensive. I can do it for a quarter cheaper for a lovely, tasty meal. My recipes are
really inexpensive.
Presenter: Thank you, Max.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
(Pause 15 seconds.)

This is the end of the Listening test.
Время, отведённое на выполнение заданий, истекло.


Приложение 1


Единый государственный экзамен по ИНОСТРАННЫМ ЯЗЫКАМ

Демонстрационный вариант
контрольных измерительных материалов

единого государственного экзамена

(письменная часть)

подготовлен Федеральным государственным бюджетным
научным учреждением



Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 2/32)

Единый государственный экзамен по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ

Пояснения к демонстрационному варианту

контрольных измерительных материалов единого государственного
экзамена 2017 года по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ

При ознакомлении с демонстрационным вариантом письменной части кон-
трольных измерительных материалов ЕГЭ 2017 г. следует иметь в виду, что
задания, включённые в него, не отражают всех вопросов содержания, которые
будут проверяться с помощью вариантов КИМ в 2017 г. Полный перечень во-
просов, которые могут контролироваться на едином государственном экзамене
2017 г., приведён в кодификаторе элементов содержания и требований к уров-
ню подготовки выпускников образовательных организаций для проведения еди-
ного государственного экзамена 2017 г. по английскому языку.

Работа состоит из четырёх разделов: «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика
и лексика», «Письмо».

Раздел 1 («Аудирование») содержит 9 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на вы-
полнение заданий раздела 1 составляет 30 минут.

Раздел 2 («Чтение») содержит 9 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на выполне-
ние заданий раздела 2 составляет 30 минут.

Раздел 3 («Грамматика и лексика») содержит 20 заданий. Рекомендуемое
время на выполнение заданий раздела 3 составляет 40 минут.

Раздел 4 («Письмо») состоит из 2 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на выпол-
нение заданий этого раздела работы — 80 минут.

Назначение демонстрационного варианта заключается в том, чтобы дать воз-
можность любому участнику ЕГЭ и широкой общественности составить пред-
ставление о структуре будущих КИМ, количестве заданий, об их форме и уров-
не сложности. Приведённые критерии оценки выполнения заданий с развёрну-
тым ответом, включённые в этот вариант, дают представление о требованиях
к полноте и правильности записи развёрнутого ответа.

Эти сведения позволят выпускникам выработать стратегию подготовки
к ЕГЭ.

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 3/32)

Демонстрационный вариант
контрольных измерительных материалов
для проведения в 2017 году единого государственного экзамена


Инструкция по выполнению работы

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырёх
разделов (аудирование, чтение, грамматика и лексика, письмо), включа-
ющих в себя 40 заданий.

На выполнение экзаменационной работы отводится 3 часа (180 минут).
Ответы к заданиям 3—9, 12—18 и 32—38 записываются по приве-
дённому ниже образцу в виде одной цифры, которая соответствует но-
меру правильного ответа. Эту цифру запишите в поле ответа в тексте
работы, а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1.

КИМ Ответ: 2 32 Бланк

Ответы к заданиям 1, 2, 10, 11 записываются по приведённому ниже
образцу в виде последовательности цифр. Эту последовательность цифр
запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем перенесите в бланк
ответов № 1.

КИМ Ответ: A B C D E F 11 5 2 4 1 7 3 Бланк

Ответы к заданиям 19—31 записываются по приведённому ниже
образцу в виде слова (нескольких слов). Ответ запишите в поле ответа
в тексте работы, а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1.

КИМ Ответ: H A S S U R V I V E D . 23 H A S S U R V I V E D Бланк

Раздел 4 («Письмо») состоит из 2 заданий (39 и 40) и представляет
собой небольшую письменную работу (написание личного письма и пись-
менного высказывания с элементами рассуждения). В бланке ответов
№ 2 укажите номер задания и запишите ответ к нему.

Все бланки ЕГЭ заполняются яркими чёрными чернилами. Допуска-
ется использование гелевой, или капиллярной, или перьевой ручек.

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи
в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы.

Баллы, полученные вами за выполненные задания, суммируются.
Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наиболь-
шее количество баллов.

Желаем успеха!

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 4/32)

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данны-
ми в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное
соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои
ответы в таблицу.

1. I try not to miss anything in the cinema.
2. It is possible to create the cinema atmosphere without going out.
3. Movie stars are very attractive.
4. The best moving pictures are in our heads.
5. When thinking about cinema I remember an accident.
6. Stage provides me with more exciting experiences than screen.
7. It feels good to make a dream come true.

Говорящий AB CDE F


2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утвержде-
ний А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие
не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то
есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни от-
рицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного
вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. Tom and Alice used to go to the same school a few years ago.
B. Tom has no homework at school.
C. Alice thinks the Arabic language is rather fashionable.
D. Tom’s been studying French at his father’s request.
E. Alice is wondering what leisure activities Tom has.
F. Tom is planning to start writing poetry.
G. Tom takes a train to visit his parents on holidays.

Утверждение AB CDE F G

Соответствие диалогу

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 5/32)

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа
цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту от-
вета. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 Sarah’s love for animals started when she …
1) first went to Africa.
2) became a college student.
3) was a young girl.

4 At her first job Sarah wanted to make money for her …
1) documentary film.
2) African trip.
3) future education.

5 When Sarah first tried to study monkeys, she …
1) befriended many animals.
2) became well-known.
3) failed at her attempt.

6 Sarah went to Africa for the second time together with …
1) her mother.
2) an African scientist.
3) her colleague.

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 6/32)

7 The monkeys learned to trust Sarah because she …
1) played games with them.
2) fed them for a long time.
3) tried to copy their behaviour.

8 It took Sarah two years to …
1) be accepted into a group of monkeys.
2) establish a camp on the shore.
3) study the basics of monkeys’ behaviour.

9 Sarah considers her African years as the best time of her life because she …
1) was able to join the world of animals.
2) learned to climb trees naturally.
3) had a lot of fun there.

По окончании выполнения заданий 1—9 не забудьте перенести
свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ спра-
ва от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры за-
писываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных
символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со-
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 7/32)

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A—G и заголовками
1—8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру
только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. For information and urgent help 5. Key under your skin
2. World without buttons 6. Big brother is watching you
3. To monitor and treat the disease 7. Disadvantages of tech
4. A built-in charger 8. Phone always on you

A. Sure, we’re virtually connected to our phones 24/7 now, but what if we could
be literally plugged in to our phones? That’s already starting to happen. Last
year, for instance, artist Anthony Antonellis had a chip put in his arm that
could store and transfer data to his handheld smartphone. And researchers are
already experimenting with sensors that turn human bone into living speakers.

B. In the future patients will be able to use implantable technologies to diagnose
and even treat diseases. Scientists in London are developing swallowable cap-
sule-sized chip that will control fat levels in obese patients and generate ge-
netic material that makes them feel “full”. It has potential as an alternative
to surgery to handle obesity. Also it can monitor blood-sugar levels for diabet-

C. The U.S. military has programs to identify any person using face scanning
device. Some people see it as a doubtless advantage: improved crime fighting,
secure elections and never a lost child again. However, such technologies can
hammer against social norms and raise privacy issues. And one day there might
be a computer to see all, know all and control all.

D. One of the challenges for implantable tech is delivering power to devices which
are inside human bodies. You can’t plug them in as you do with your phone
or computer. You can’t easily take them out to replace a battery. A team in
Cambridge is working on specific bio batteries that can generate power inside
the body, transfer it wirelessly where needed, and then simply melt away.

E. Soon tattoos will not only make you look cool but will be able to perform use-
ful tasks, like opening your car or entering smartphone codes with a finger-
point. Researchers have made an implantable skin fibers thinner than a human
hair. Scientists are working on the chip that can be put inside a finger through
a tattoo-like process, letting you unlock things or enter codes simply by point-

© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 8/32)

F. The British research team is developing pills with microprocessors in them that
can text to hospitals directly from inside your body. The pills can share inside
info to help doctors know if you are taking your medication properly and if it
is having the desired effect. Moreover, in case of emergency, it can send a
signal to the computer and the ambulance will come straight away.

G. Lately touchscreens are everywhere — from computers, phones, tablets to car
systems and vending machines. Even doorbells now include touch screen con-
trols. One has to wonder: are we moving to a world of only touchscreen
devices? And the answer is probably yes. We are coming to an age where
every flat or even curved surface could be made a touchscreen and we can
operate from it.


© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации


Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2017 г. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 11 класс. (2017 — 9/32)

11 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложе-
ний, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7
лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части
предложений, в таблицу.

Visiting the Royal Parks

London has a well-deserved reputation as one of the greenest cities in Europe,

with a huge number of open spaces across the center of the city. Tourists

A can always relax in a lovely, quiet London park.

The Royal Parks, such as St James’s, Green Park, the Regent’s Park, Hyde

Park, Richmond, Greenwich, Bushy Park and Kensington Gardens, are beautifully

maintained and popular with locals and visitors alike. Many are former hunting

estates of English monarchs, preserved as open space B .

They are ideal places to relax and sunbathe in summer, enjoy gorgeous flower beds

in spring C .

The Royal Parks provide fantastic green routes in London

D and through some of the most attractive areas of the

capital. Picnics in the parks are also a popular activity especially during the busy

summer months.

Dogs are welcome in all the Royal Parks, although there are some places

E . These are clearly indicated within each park and are

usually ecologically sensitive sites, children’s play areas, restaurants, cafés and

some sports areas. Ground nesting birds are particularly sensitive to disturbance

by dogs and people. So it is necessary to observe the warning signs

F . In Bushy Park and Richmond Park dogs should be

kept away from the deer.

The Royal Parks are for everyone to enjoy.

1. that are displayed during the nesting season
2. while the city has grown up around them
3. and admire the changing leaves as autumn arrives
4. where they are not allowed or should be kept on a lead
5. who are tired of the noise, crowds and excitement of sightseeing
6. who does not know the route to the place of destination
7. that take cyclists away from traffic


© 2017 Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки Российской Федерации

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