On beaches and at pools around the world children егэ



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В11 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 03 (part 1)

Swimming Pools


The first heated swimming pool was constructed by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.
(past simple passive,т.к. он был построен, а не он построил. Действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом.)



Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities had built six indoor pools with diving boards.
(past perfect, т.к. действие завершилось к 1837 году.)



The oldest surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.
(степень сравнения)



After the start of modem Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools took off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.
(past simple,т.к. действие произошло в определённый момент в прошлом)



Most children enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.
(child – ед.ч,  children – мн.ч.)



If they could, kids would choose to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.
(2й conditional)



However, not everyone has their own backyard pool.
(для he, she, it (3елицо), everybody, nobody, everyone, no one — мыиспользуем has)


esse edit

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Работа включает 15 заданий, из которых 1 задание (Bl) на установление соответствия и 14 заданий (А1-А14) с выбором одного правильного ответа из трех предложенных. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение всех заданий данной работы — 20.

На выполнение работы отводится 30 минут.

По окончании выполнения заданий не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Бланк ответов № 1.

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успеха!

подпись: blТренировочный вариант 1.1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. I enjoy buying things to wear.

2. I can’t do without sweeties to eat.

3. I like movies and spend a lot on DVDs.

4. I really appreciate a good company.

5. I always need something to read.

6. I wish I could go and see everything worth seeing around the world.

7. I easily spend my money on jewellery.









Вы услышите телефонный разговор. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не Coomeemcmeyют(2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not Stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The caller calls his classmate working for the English Language Centre.

1) True 2) False





The center offers courses in different languages.

1) True 2) False





The program is free for full-time students.

1) True 2) False





The next semester starts in three months.

1) True 2) False





It’s possible to apply for a course through the Internet.

1) True 2) False




А6 The centre requires the evidence of the applicant’s financial credibility.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 One can use mail to send the application documents to the centre.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях А8-А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Ben indicates as one of the biggest environmental problems in Kenya.

1) loss of forest trees

2) growing numbers of cattle

3) lack of cultivated land

According to Ben, the animals which change their habitat

1) are threatened by the people.

2) tend not to leave their hunting areas.

3) may be dangerous for the people around forest areas.

Ben says that an animal that was rejected by its pack

1) needs extra attention.

2) should be avoided by people.

3) has to be destroyed.

Ben mentions the charcoal production as

1) an easy way to earn extra money.

2) the business in which most Kenyans are involved.

3) the main reason of deforestation.

Ben describes Wangari Maathai as the woman who…

1) helps her people to live in new environment.

2) invented safari parks.

3) started ecotourism business.

Ben assures that the BBC Wildlife channel documentaries on safari parks are

1) a cliche.

2) accurate.

3) not as good as the real thing.

The KWS wardens are trained to

1) serve and protect safari visitors.

2) feed the wild animals.

3) find the animals visitors want to see.

По окончании выполнения заданий Bl и Al-A14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания Bl, А1-А14 располагаются в разных частях бланка. Bl расположено в нижней части бланка. При переносе ответов в задании Bl (в нижней части бланка) цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Тематический вариант 1.2

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. I grew up together with my cat.

2. Each cat has a character of its own.

3. Cats are easy to take care of.

4. Cats are very independent.

5. Cats are most beautiful creatures.

6. My cat understands me like no one else.

7. Cats may make great company.









Вы услышите разговор мужа с женой. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not Stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Al A heavy rain has just stopped.

A2 The couple lost a cherry tree in one of the previous thunderstorms.

A3 The couple has candles in case of electrical power failure.


Electricity went off when Phillip finished mashing the potatoes.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Mark refused the invitation for dinner.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The power company promised to repair the power line soon.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Mrs. Romero lives in the next house.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях А8-А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. ‘

A8 In which way Cynthia’s life in her childhood was different from the lives of other children in her town?

1) Her life was less adventurous.

2) She could travel with her mother.

3) She has been to far-off countries.

A9 What feeling does Cynthia have before a new trip?

1) подпись: 3) fear.Fatigue. 2) Overexcitement.

AlO When did, according to Cynthia, she start to write?

1) At the time she remembers herself from.

2) After winning a poetry contest.

3) After moving to Columbia.

All Which of the following Cynthia DOESN’T mention when she speaks about the possible ways she travels in?

1) On foot. 2) By camel. 3) By train.

A12 As a travel writer Cynthia finds it difficult to

2) find a place to write in when travelling.

3) talk to as many people as she wants to.

4) judge her personal impressions and observations.

A13 Cynthia considers her trip to New Guinea the most thrilling one because

1) she was learning to survive in most unusual conditions.

2) it was the longest one.

3) she met very dangerous people there.

A14 Cynthia’s advice to future travel writers is

1) try to be good enough for TV programs.

2) learn writing skills from Hemingway and Mark Twain.

3) be honest in your writing.

По окончании выполнения заданий Bl и Al-A14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания Bl, А1-А14 располагаются в разных частях бланка. Bl расположено в нижней части бланка. При переносе ответов в задании Bl (в нижней части бланка) цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 2. Чтение

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Работа включает 9 заданий, из которых 2 задания (В2 и ВЗ) на установление соответствия и 7 заданий (А15-А21) с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение всех заданий данной работы — 20.

На выполнение работы отводится 30 минут.

По окончании выполнения заданий не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Бланк ответов № 1.

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успеха!

подпись: в2Тренировочный вариант 2.1

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. подпись: 5. secrets of popularity
6. shades make difference
7. recipes for all tastes
8. deceiving likeness
Secrets of storing for better taste

2. Element of culture

3. From fields to tables

4. From local use to international trade

A. The first mentioning of coffee goes as far back as the ninth century. At first, coffee remained largely confined to Ethiopia, where its native beans were first cultivated. But the Arab world began expanding its trade horizons, and the beans moved into northern Africa and were mass-produced. From there, the beans entered the Indian and European markets, and the popularity of the beverage spread.

B. While processing, a coffee bean absorbs heat, and the color shifts from green to yellow and then to varying shades of brown. Depending on the color, the beans are labeled from light to very dark. Darker beans are generally smoother, because they have less fiber content and the flavor is more sugary. Lighter beans have more caffeine, which result in a slight bitterness, and a stronger flavor.

C. Coffee is one of the world’s most widely consumed beverages. People often have it in the morning, when they feel tired or want to stay awake in the evening. Many office workers take a coffee break when they have low energy. It happens because coffee contains caffeine, a bitter, white crystalline chemical that has a vitalizing effect in humans.

D. For the best quality of brewed coffee it is necessary to buy whole beans and grind them before brewing. If you keep an open package of beans in the freezer it remains fresh for a month. Ground coffee should be used up within two weeks and also kept in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. But an absolutely fresh coffee can be made from green beans that just need to be roasted first.

E. For occasions when one wants to enjoy the flavor of coffee with almost no stimulation, decaffeinated coffee is available. It is processed from beans while they are still green by either soaking beans in hot water or steaming them. Decaffeinated coffee usually loses some flavor over regular coffee, but it looks the same and can easily mislead inexperienced users by its smell and even taste.

F. . The adoption of coffee created a unique social atmosphere that depends heavily upon coffee, espresso in particular. Coffeehouses, the places where people can get together, have traditionally been used not only for drinking coffee, but also as artistic and intellectual centers. For example, caf£s of Paris which are popular tourist attractions because they are also associated with artists, intellectuals and writers.

G. A coffee bean is the seed of the coffee plant, which ripens around eight months after the emergence of the flower, by changing color from green to red, and they should be harvested. In most countries, the coffee crop is picked by hand. After this coffee beans are wet processed and then dried. Finally the last layers of dry skin are removed; the beans are sorted by size and density, roasted and sold to consumers throughout the world.








подпись: взПрочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке A-G — лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

The Show Begins

My Uncle Jim took me to all the Broadway shows in New York City, and I was star struck! Actually he wasn’t my real uncle — that’s just what we called him. He was a close friend of my parents. He was a bit stocky with red hair, A.

I remember the theaters on Broadway, B. The curtains were made of this real heavy, dark red material. There were huge chandelier lights hanging from the ceiling. The walls were dark, paneled wood. The seats were red and cushy C.

The orchestra sat at the base of the stage in a pit. I usually went down to the front to see the musicians D. They were all crammed into such a tiny space. I played the flute myself and my dad kept encouraging me that if I kept it up, E. But truly, I didn’t want to be tucked away down there. I wanted to be on top, front and center.

Most people dressed rather finely, and certain fragrances took center stage as various women passed by. The sounds of the audience F

At their seats were clearly heard while last minute patrons filled in. There was electricity in the air and then the lights would go down and up, and you knew it was time for the show to get started. The lights dimmed. The music began. And you were swept up into a whole new world. I loved it!

1. and set real close together

2. getting ready and warming up

3. laughing and chattering away

4. which were so old and posh

5. and he had a beard and moustache

6. I wasn’t that good at music

7. I could be playing down there someday







Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

The Slob’s Holiday

My husband and I went to Reno for our holiday last year. ‘Isn’t that place where people go to get a quickie divorce?’ asked my second son. ‘Yes’, I said, trying to look enigmatic and interesting. ‘You are not getting divorced, are you?’ he asked bluntly.

‘No,’ I said, ‘we are going to an outdoor pursuit trade fair.’ The children sighed with relief and slouched away, muttering things like ‘boring’. I call them children, but they are all grown up. My eldest son has started to develop fine lines around his eyes — fledgling crow’s feet. A terrible sight for any parent to see. Anyway, the piece isn’t about children. It’s about holidays.

The first thing to be said about holidays is that anybody who can afford one should be grateful. The second thing is that planning holidays can be hard work. In our household it starts with somebody muttering, ‘I suppose we ought to think about a holiday.’ This remark is usually made in July and is received glumly, as if the person making it has said T suppose we ought to think about the Bolivian balance of payment problems.’

Nothing much happens for a week and then the potential holiday-makers are rounded up and made to consult their diaries. Hospital appointments are taken into consideration, as are important things to do with work. But other highlights on the domestic calendar, such as the cat’s birthday, are swept aside and eventually two weeks are found. The next decision is the most painful: where?

We travel abroad to work quite a lot but we return tired and weary, so the holiday we are planning is a slob’s holiday: collapse on a sunbed, read a book until the sun goes down, stagger back to hotel room, shower, change into glad rags, eat well, wave good-bye to teenagers, have a last drink on hotel terrace, go to bed and then lie awake and wait for hotel waiters to bring the teenagers from the disco.

I never want to be guided around another monument, as long as I live. I do not want to be told how many bricks it took to build it. I have a short attention span for such details. I do not want to attend a ‘folk evening’ ever, ever again. The kind where men with their trousers tucked into their socks wave handkerchiefs in the direction of women wearing puff-sleeved blouses, long skirts and headscarves.

I also want to live dangerously and get brown. I want my doughy English skin change from white sliced to wheat germ. I like the simple pleasure of removing my watch strap and gazing at the patch of virgin skin beneath.

I don’t want to make new friends — on holidays or in general; I can’t manage the ones I have at home. I do not want to mix with the locals and I have no wish to go into their homes. I do not welcome tourists who come to Leicester into my home. Why should the poor locals in Holidayland be expected to? It’s bad enough that we monopolize their beaches, clog their pavements and spend an hour in a shop choosing a sunhat that costs the equivalent of 75 pence.

So, the slob’s holiday has several essential requirements: a hotel on a sunny beach, good food, a warm sea, nightlife for the teenagers, a big crowd to get lost in, and the absence of mosquitoes.

As I write, we are at the planning stage. We have looked through all the holiday brochures, but they are full of references to ‘hospitable locals’, ‘folk nights’, ‘deserted beaches’, and ‘interesting historical sights’. Not our cup of tea, or glass of sangria, at all.

подпись: а15The parents’ choice of holiday destination made the narrator’s children feel

1) jealous.

2) excited.

3) alarmed.

4) indifferent.

подпись: а16The narrator’s words ‘A terrible sight for any parent to see’ refer to

1) the way children behave.

2) the fact that children are aging.

3) the way children change their image.

4) the fact there is a generation gap.

A17 When the need for holiday planning is first announced in the narrator’ family, it

1) is regarded as an important political issue.

2) is met with enthusiasm by all the family.

3) seems like an impossible task.

4) is openly ignored.

A18 To find a two-week slot for a holiday potential holiday-makers have to

1) negotiate the optimum period for travel.

2) cancel prior business appointments.

3) re-schedule individual summer plans.

4) make a list of the things to be taken into account.

A19 The slob’s holiday is the type of holiday for people, who

1) do not want to go on holiday abroad.

2) go on holiday with teenagers.

3) do not like public life.

4) prefer peaceful relaxing holidays.

A20 When the narrator says ‘I also want to live dangerously’, she means

1) getting lost in the crowd.

2) going sightseeing without a guide.

3) choosing herself the parties to go to.

4) lying long hours in the sun on the beach.

A21 The main reason the narrator doesn’t want to mix up with locals is because she

1) doesn’t let tourists to her house at Leicester.

2) doesn’t want to add to their inconVeniencies.

3) is afraid to make friends with local people.

4) values her own privacy above all.

По окончании выполнения заданий В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания. В2, ВЗ, А15—А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В2 и ВЗ цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Тренировочный вариант 2.2

подпись: в2Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Dance is in my heart, in my blood and in my mind. I dance daily. The seldom-used dining room of my house is now an often-used ballroom. The CD-changer has five discs at the ready: waltz, rock-and-roll, swing, salsa, and tango. Tango is a complex and difficult dance. I take three dancing lessons a week, and I am off to Buenos Aires for three months to feel the culture of tango.

B. Clothes play an important role in my life. My passion for fashion began when I was in elementary school. I attended a private school with uniformed dress code. At first I felt bad that I could not wear what I wanted, but soon I learned to display my creativity and style through shoes and accessories. They can make each of us unique, in a uniform or not.

C. I believe that music has a bigger place in our society than it is given credit for. The single word ‘music’ covers so many styles. Rock bands and classical musicians make listeners get the meaning from the music. Music tells stories about life and death, expresses feelings of love, sadness, anger, guilt, and pain without using words.

D. Even as an eighteen year old young adult, I still feel the magic of Christmas. I believe in a real Christmas tree. My family has had a real Christmas tree every year of my life. When you get home and smell the sweet pine needles, something magical goes into your soul, raises your spirits. Every year we buy a real tree to fully embrace the spirit of Christmas.

E. People often try to get rid of the number thirteen. Many hotels and office buildings across the world do not have a 13th floor! I believe that the number thirteen is not an unlucky number. I was born on January, 13 and do not consider myself unlucky in any way at all! I believe that this number should have all the rights and respect we give the rest of the numbers.

F. Many kids that go to public schools don’t wear a uniform. They like to show off the new expensive clothes and often have trouble picking out outfits for school in the morning. They are more worried about whether their shirt matches the belt, rather than if the homework is completed. I believe that this is a fault of our school system and only causes problems.

G. They say that the music of your youth is the soundtrack of your life. I am 50; I enjoy new artists and new music, but I still find words of wisdom in singles of sixties and seventies, still believe that ‘you can’t always get what you want, but sometimes, you get what you need,’ that ‘all you need is love’. I like to listen to the songs I grew up with.






. — F


подпись: взПрочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Past and present

I believe we are not alone.

Even if I am on the other side of the world from the farmhouse I live in, I still dream of the ancient vines out the window, and the shed out back that my grandfather’s father built in 1870 with eucalyptus trunks. As long as I can recreate these images, A.

All of us need some grounding in our modern world of constant moving, buying, selling, meeting and leaving. Some find constancy in religion, others in friends or community. But we need some daily signposts that we are not different, not better, B.

For me, this house, farm, these ancient vines are those roots. Although I came into this world alone and will leave alone, I am not alone.

There are ghosts of dozens of conversations in the hallways, stories I remember about buying new plows that now rust in the barnyard and ruined crops from the same vines C.

All of us are natural links in a long chain of being, and that I need to know what time of day it is, what season is coming, whether the wind is blowing north or from the east, and if the moon is still full tomorrow night, D.

The physical world around us constantly changes, E

. We must struggle in our brief existence to find some transcendent meaning and so find relief in the knowledge F

You may find that too boring, living with the past as present. I find it refreshing. There is an old answer to every new problem, that wise whispers of the past are with us. If we just listen and remember, we are not alone; we have been here before.

1. I never quite leave home

2. But human nature does not

3. That we are now harvesting

4. But we as well as our heart did not

5. Not worse than those who came before us

6. Just as the farmers who came before me did

7. That our ancestors have gone through this before







Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15-А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру I9 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Unleashing the power of creativity

I have always been an optimist and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place. And the life did not disappoint me — many times it proved me right.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved learning new things and solving problems. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in the seventh grade, I was hooked. It was a clunky old Teletype machine and it could barely do anything compared to the computers we have today. But it changed my life.

When my friend Paul Alien and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision of ‘a computer on every desk and in every home’, which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators and cost as much as a new modern Japanese car. But we believed that personal computers would change the world. And they have.

And now, after 30 years, I am still as inspired by computers as I was back in the seventh grade.

I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness — to help us solve problems that even the smartest people could not solve on their own.

Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into All of the world’s knowledge. And the only thing these youngsters should do is make the right choice, which is not always an easy choice. Computers are helping us build communities around the things we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matter where they live — next door or on the other side of the world.

Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love doing. He calls it ‘tap-dancing to work’. My job at Microsoft is as challenging as ever, but what makes me ‘tap-dance to work’ is when we show people something new, like a computer that can recognize your handwriting or your speech, or gestures, or one that can store a lifetime’s worth of photos or home videos and they say, ‘I didn’t know you could do that with a PC!’

But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC, there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. There are still far too many people in the world whose most basic needs go unmet. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world.

I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. My wife, Melinda, and I have committed ourselves to improving health and education in a way that can help as many people as possible.

As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less bitter or tragic than the death of a child anywhere else. And that it does not take much to make an immense difference in these children’s lives.

I am still very much an optimist, and I believe that progress on even the world’s toughest problems is possible — and it is happening every day. We are seeing new drugs for deadly diseases, new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to the health problems in the developing world.

I am excited by the possibilities I see for medicine. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness to solve tough problems, we are going to see some amazing achievements in this area in my lifetime.

A15The narrator considers himself an optimist as he

1) has a strong religious belief.

2) believes in the power of human mind.

3) believes the world is perfect.

4) knows how to develop one’s creativity.

A16 After the narrator first used a computer he

1) got fascinated with its size.

2) used it to solve his problems.

3) could no longer do without it.

4) was amazed at its unlimited possibilities.

A17 The initial dream of the narrator and his friend proved to be

1) naive. 3) wishful thinking.

2) manageable. 4) optimistic but unreal.

A18 The narrator believes that computers are perfect to

1) be human friends.

2) create new fields of knowledge.

3) provide people with creative ideas.

4) be used as an instrument to solve human problems.

A19 The narrator ‘tap-dances to work’ because he enjoys

1) meeting new people.

2) watching dancing contests.

3) teaching people basic computer skills.

4) doing his job very much.

A20 The narrator believes that

1) a lot of people in the world need help.

2) it is impossible to make the world better.

3) people in the world have too many needs.

4) the computer is the only way to improve the world.

A21 The narrator predicts the development of new

1) unknown diseases. 3) technologies in medicine.

2) methods in education. 4) creative ways of thinking.

По окончании выполнения заданий. В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В2, ВЗ, А15—А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В2 и ВЗ цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Part 7

You are going to read an article from a travel magazine about beaches. For questions 43-52, choose from the authors (A-D). The authors may be chosen more than once.

Which section…
43. recommends paying the entrance fee?
44. states that the beach has featured in advertisements?
45. says visitors may be surprised by the water temperature?
46. points out that the water is quite shallow?
47. suggests visitors should take photos of the beach?
48. says visitors can walk on the beach in their bare feet?
49. mentions a pleasant smell from the trees?
50. advises visitors to get to the beach early in the day?
51. states that it is not always possible to visit the beach?
52. warns visitors to the beach to protect their skin?

Four of the world’s best beaches

Which are the best beaches on Earth? Here are our top four.

A Rodas Beach, the Cies Islands, Spain
Some of Spain’s most spectacular beaches lie in Galicia on the Atlantic coast, and perhaps the most stunning of these are on the Cies Islands. These unspoilt and uninhabited islands are a national park, with public access limited to the summer months, and contain the perfectly-shaped Rodas Beach with its pure white sand and clear blue sea. At first sight it almost seems tropical, until dipping your toe in the water encourages you to spend a lazy day on the beach rather than dive in for a swim. There you can enjoy the quiet, the warmth of the sun and the scent of pine from the nearby woods, and later on have an excellent meal in the reasonably-priced fish restaurant close to the beach.

В Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands, Australia
Australia is famous for wonderful beaches, and Whitehaven must surely be one of its very best. Set against a background of amazingly-green tropical forest, and with views across the clear blue ocean to distant small islands, the sandy white beach is like something from a picture postcard or a TV commercial. As you would expect in such a sunny climate, the water is pleasantly warm, ideal for swimming on or below the surface. The sand, in contrast, always remains cool as it is of a type that reflects the sunlight, so you won’t need sandals. As the island has no permanent inhabitants, and most day trippers leave by boat quite early, in the late afternoon and evening you can have the place almost to yourself.

C Matira Beach, Bora Bora, Tahiti
Matira Beach on the Pacific island of Bora Bora has incredibly white sand, beautiful fish swimming in clear blue-green water, and stunning sunsets. The air temperature hardly varies around the year, and neither does that of the ocean – which is only waist-high even hundreds of metres from the shore. And unlike windier beaches nearby, Matira is quite well sheltered. There isn’t, however, much shade, so it is advisable to use plenty of sun cream, and the sand can feel uncomfortably hot unless you wear beach shoes or something similar. There is no charge to visit the beach, yet it rarely becomes crowded at any time of day. Everyone should go there at least once in life, and when you do, make sure you have your photo taken as the sun goes down

D Anse Source d’Argent Beach, Seychelles
This must be one of the most photographed beaches in the world, so don’t forget to get some shots of your own, especially of the sea and the sand framed by the background of enormous pink rocks, with tall palm trees right behind them. It’s easy to see why commercials have been made there. The patches of brilliantly white sand between those beautiful rocks make it the perfect place to spend a relaxing day, and it is well worth the small amount it costs for access. The best spots – those with both sunshine and shade – quickly get taken, so make sure you arrive well before the sun starts to beat down and the sand heats up.

For this task: Answers with explanations :: Vocabulary

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1. You are going to give a talk about travelling.

  • why most people like travelling
  • whether it is easier to travel nowadays than centuries ago, and why
  • what country or continent you would like to visit

I am going to give a talk about travelling. I think most people like travelling because it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. It gives you an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

That’s no doubt that nowadays it’s easier to travel than centuries ago, because there had been a great growth in industry, production technologies and inventing gadgets. So now we are plenty of planes, trains, big journey ships and cars. Travelling with their help is faster and more comfortable than travelling on foot or using horses.

As for me, I would like to visit Japan. I am very interested in the customs and traditions of this country. This country seems another world to me. It is an Asian country and differs a lot from European countries and Russia as well. There is a kind of mystery in it I’d like to uncover.

I hope my dream will come true some day.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

2. You are going to give a talk about your career choice.

  • what jobs, in your opinion, will be popular in the future, and why
  • what sort of job you would like to do
  • what school subjects will be important for your future job

I am going to give a talk about my career choice. I would like to say that nothing will be as popular as working in IT.

To my mind, the IT sphere has been getting really widely spread lately. The list of new technologies expands very quickly: neural networks, machine learning, data analysis and so on. So, as IT continues developing it requires new high quality specialists. There’s a great variety of technologies nowadays, so it delivers a great number of jobs as well.

As for me, I am really interested in tourism and want to become a tour guide in the future. There are two reasons why I have chosen this job. First, I like travelling and sightseeing. Besides, I am very sociable and enjoy communicating with different people. I think this kind of job gives me such an opportunity.

I think geography and history are the most important subjects for my future job as I have to know much and to tell people about the nature and history of different places, about their customs and traditions and different architectural styles. Besides, it would be also very useful to know foreign languages as there are often a lot of foreigners on excursions.
That’s all I can say about my career choice, thank you for listening.

3. You are going to give a talk about your career choice.

  • what job and education opportunities young people have after finishing the 9th form
  • what job you would like to do in the future, explain your choice
  • what advice your parents have given you about your career choice

I am going to give a talk about my career choice. After finishing the 9th form students have different opportunities. They can go to the tenth form and then to university, or they can find a job and help their parents, also they can go to a college or to a vocational school. As for me, after finishing the ninth form I would like to go to the tenth form and then to university.

I am really interested in tourism and want to become a tour guide in the future. There are two reasons why I have chosen this job. First, I like travelling and sightseeing. Besides, I am very sociable and enjoy communicating with different people. I think this kind of job gives me such an opportunity.

My parents advise me to become a doctor but I’m not sure that the job is appropriate for me. First of all, I am good at geography, history and English and very sociable too. Second, tourist business is actively developing and they think it will be easy to find a job. So, I think my parents will support my career choice and help me to enter into good university.
That’s all I can say about my career choice, thank you for listening.

4. You are going to give a talk about environmental problems.

  • why people worry about environmental problems nowadays
  • what the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is
  • what young people can do to improve the ecological situation

I am going to give a talk about environmental problems. People discuss environmental problems a lot nowadays. There are lots of TV programmes and newspaper articles that explain that if we don’t stop polluting the air and if we continue to destroy the forests, the situation will become very dangerous for all of us. Global warming is one of the examples.

There are some environmental problems in our town, too. The first one is that we suffer from air pollution as there are too many mines, factories and cars in the streets. Another problem is our river. It’s very dirty and it’s dangerous to swim there. There’s rubbish on the beach and on the banks of the river.

Ordinary people and teenagers like me can’t solve global environmental problems but we can clean up our town and keep our parks and river banks tidy. Many of us can work as volunteer workers. As for me, I never throw plastic bottles or ice cream packages on the ground. We should do everything we can to save nature and ourselves.

That’s all I can say about environmental problems, thank you for listening.

5. You are going to give a talk about animals.

  • what wild animals live in your region
  • why people build zoos in the cities and towns
  • whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why

I am going to give a talk about animals. Many wild animals, such as the fox, brown bear, wolf, hare, lynx, and beaver live in our region. Today it’s common thing to protect different species of animals, especially if they’re in danger, because everyone can hear that the number of endangered species steadily grows. In such a way the question is how humanity can stop extinction. So, people build zoos in the cities and towns; create special areas — national parks.

I don’t think it would be a good idea to keep any wild animal as a pet. They cannot be pets. Most owners do not know how to look after a wild animal properly and books on the subject are not always accurate. Wild animals need special food and they often get sick when they do not live in their natural habitats. Furthermore, they can be dangerous.
That’s all I can say about animals, thank you for listening.

6. You are going to give a talk about books.

  • what kind of books modern teenagers enjoy reading
  • whether libraries are necessary nowadays or not, and why
  • what book you have read recently, and what it was about

I am going to give a talk about books. I think it’s an interesting and actual topic in our life. Modern teenagers enjoy reading fantasy novels because they find them thrilling. When they read this kind of books, they lose touch with reality and immerse into a magic world of dragons, witches and other mythical creatures.

To my mind, libraries are necessary nowadays and people will go there at all times. Also, libraries function as cultural centers and homes for rare books. They organize music concerts and poetry parties for local people.

People like reading and so do I. I have read “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens recently. It was about an orphan who was born in the London’s slums. The main character fell into a den of thieves, but was finally rescued by a wealthy benefactor. The novel described scandalous investigations in workhouses which, actually, functioned as semi prisons, and where children were exploited for labour.

That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.

7. You are going to give a talk about your best friend.

  • what people need friends for
  • how long you and your friend have known each other
  • what you enjoy doing together

I am going to give a talk about my best friend.  I think that everyone needs good friends, otherwise life becomes boring. We all need people to laugh and to cry with, to go out and to have fun with, to play active and board games with and finally to share darkest secrets with.

As far as I am concerned, I am lucky to have a loyal friend. We’ve known each other since first grade. He is open, sociable and sympathetic. However, sometimes we do quarrel and argue with each other.

All in all, we have much in common and spend much time together. Both of us enjoy sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and pay special attention to studies. Also, we enjoy going for walks, playing computer games and riding bikes. I’ll hope we’ll be friends forever.

That’s all I can say about my best friend, thank you for listening.

8. You are going to give a talk about your school holidays

  • when you have school holidays
  • what school holidays you would make longer, and why
  • what you enjoy doing during your school holidays

I am going to give a talk about my school holidays. They occur four times a year: in spring, in autumn, in winter and in summer. It is a brilliant opportunity to take some rest from your studies, to gather new strength and to revise the material learnt.

As for me, I would make longer spring holidays because it’s one of the most exciting times during the year. People often go for walks in the park, have picnics or sit by the lake in order to enjoy the natural beauty of the world. Besides, spring is a good time to revise the material learnt and to prepare for exams.

So, school holidays are the time for travelling, fun and pleasure. I enjoy reading books, listening to music, swimming, sunbathing and playing different games during my summer holidays. In autumn I like to walk in the park and admire the colourful beauty of autumn leaves. Winter is a good time for skating, skiing and sledding. I like to play snowballs or make a snowman.

All in all, every student enjoys school holidays and spends much time out.

That’s all I can say about my school holidays, thank you for listening.

9. You are going to give a talk about your school.

  • what you like about your school most of all
  • how many lessons you usually have
  • what school subjects you have chosen for your exams, and why

I am going to give a talk about my school.  There are a lot of things I like about my school. First, I really like my teachers. They are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty.

As a rule I have six lessons a day. When all my lessons are over, I usually have one or two extra classes. We are getting ready to take our school-leaving exams.

As for me, I have chosen English and Social Science because the knowledge of these subjects can help me to enter the Military University. Also, I have a chance to get a prestigious job and to find out more about my country.

That’s all I can say about my school, thank you for listening.

10. You are going to give a talk about travelling.

  • why modern people travel so much
  • what tourists usually do while travelling
  • what places in your region you recommend tourists should visit 

I am going to give a talk about travelling. Today most people travel so much for different purposes. First of all, it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. Secondly, they travel on business or visit their relatives and friends. Nevertheless, I think it gives modern people an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

So, while travelling tourists usually spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. Also, they walk, bathe and laze in the sun. Most tourists take pictures of everything that interests them – the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

In Kemerovo region I recommend to visit historical cultural and natural museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”, the Kemerovo Regional Museum of Regional History and Folk Life and the museum-reserve “Krasnaya Gorka”. To my mind, tourists will be great to visit Kemerovo Drama Theatre and the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library named after Fedorov V.D.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

11. You are going to give a talk about sports.

  • why a lot of young people do sports nowadays
  • what sports clubs and teams there are in your school
  • what you do to keep fit  

I am going to give a talk about sports. I believe doing sports has become more popular nowadays. First, sport helps young people to stay in a good shape, keep them fit and healthy. Besides, people have more opportunities to do sports now. We have more gyms and sports grounds.

As for sports clubs and teams in my school, there are football, basketball and volleyball teams. Sports competitions usually take place in my school.

As for me, I don’t do much to keep fit. I just do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day and do boxing three times a week. Also, I try to eat regularly and to avoid eating sweet things.

All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.

That’s all I can say about sports, thank you for listening.

12. You are going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle.

  • why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers
  • what else besides sport  young people do to keep fit and healthy
  • what you  enjoy doing in your free time

I am going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. I think the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes modern teenagers realize the importance of going in for sport. To my mind, sport is a good way to keep fit too.

Besides sport young people need all types of vitamins to keep their body healthy. It also deals with the right way of eating. Keeping to a diet has become very popular today. To keep fit and healthy it is important to relax and to do things that they enjoy.

As for me, I enjoy walking, riding a bike, swimming in summer. In winter I am eager for skating and skiing. Sometimes I prefer to stay at home and relax. Reading, listening to music and playing computer games are my hobbies.

All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.

That’s all I can say about healthy lifestyle, thank you for listening.

13. You are going to give a talk about films.

  • what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy
  • where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why
  • what film you have seen recently, what  it was about

I am going to give a talk about films. To tell the truth, modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, science fiction films and even horrors are among teenagers’ favourite films. Besides, some of teens prefer watching action films and, unfortunately, crime films.

In my opinion, watching films on the Internet is more convenient because I can always pause the film when I really need it. For example, if I have to answer the phone call. More than that, watching films on the Internet is free, that’s why I can do it every day if I want to.

Personally, I watch films online very often. I have seen “The Match” recently. The film is a patriotic action movie about love between the Dinamo team captain and a German language schoolteacher during World War II. Although, the Soviet team wins, the ending of the film is tragic.

That’s all I can say about films, thank you for listening.

14. You will give a talk about school uniform.

  • whether it is important to wear uniform at school, and why
  • what clothes you wear to school
  • what you like most about your school

I am going to give a talk about school uniform. I think it’s important to wear school uniform because it is an integral part of school life in many countries. First of all, when children wear a school uniform, they realize that they are at school not at a swimming-pool or stadium. It adjusts them to school atmosphere and helps to study harder. Secondly, school uniforms prevent social inequality. It means that both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Finally, children don’t have such problem as what to wear in the morning. 
As for me, I wear black trousers, a white shirt and a dark blue vest with emblem of our school.

There are a lot of things I like about my school. I really like my teachers. I believe that they are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty. All in all, I feel like that my school is part of my family.

That’s all I can say about school uniform, thank you for listening.

15. You will give a talk about travelling.

  • why people like travelling
  • what means of transport is the best for travelling, in your view
  • what places in Russia you would like to visit

I am going to give a talk about travelling. I think most people like travelling because it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. It gives you an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

I believe the best means of transport is your own car. It is very convenient. Firstly, you don’t have to wait for your bus or train at the station. It saves your time. Secondly, you can choose the route yourself to take the most of your trip and enjoy most picturesque places. Besides, you can stop any time you feel tired to stretch your legs after a long sitting or have a bite if you are hungry.

As for me, I would like to visit Tver by car. It is the city near the place where one can find the source of one of the most beautiful rivers – the Volga.

I hope my dream will come true some day.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

16. You will give a talk about foreign languages.

  • why a lot of young people learn foreign languages
  • how people can improve their language skills
  • what foreign languages you would like to learn and why 

I am going to give a talk about foreign languages. I think lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays because international relations in all spheres of economy are becoming stronger and stronger. So, companies need specialists of all kinds with the knowledge of foreign languages. That’s why people who want to be successful in their career study languages.

To my mind, people can improve their language skills, if they practice every day or 3–4 times a week. Also, they can watch their favourite TV shows or the news, listen to the radio, read books, magazines or browse news on the internet in the language they want to improve!

As for me, I would like to learn English, because it is one of the most useful and important language in modern world. All in all, the knowledge of English will help me to get good education and be successful in my career. Besides, I can communicate with my English pen friends (writing messages and chatting via Skype).

That’s all I can say about foreign languages, thank you for listening.

17. You will give a talk about television.

  • why people spend time watching TV
  • what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or  browsing the Internet, and why
  • whether there is a TV programme you really like

I am going to give a talk about television. To my mind, television plays a big role in our society. It provides a great opportunity for people to learn latest news, watch educational programmes, children’s programmes, old and new films and soaps operas on TV.

I think, most teenagers prefer browsing the Internet to watching TV. Firstly, they can chat with friends all over the world, read news, find necessary information for their studies. Secondly, teenagers can send letters to their friends without the need of buying an envelope, and the letter will be delivered in a few seconds. Finally, they like social media sites.
As for me, I don’t spend much time watching TV. However, there is a TV programme I really like. It is a musical show “Voice” (Голос). Singers compete with each other presenting their wonderful voices and their interpretations of famous songs.

That’s all I can say about television, thank you for listening.

18. You are going to give a talk about school life.

  • what your weekday is like
  • what you like about your school most of all
  • whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why

I am going to give a talk about school life. My weekday usually starts at 8 am. As a rule I have six lessons a day. All the students of my class have lunch after the fourth lesson. When all my lessons are over, I usually have one or two extra classes. We are getting ready to take our school-leaving exams.

There are a lot of things I like about my school. I really like my teachers. I believe that they are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty. All in all, I feel like that my school is part of my family.

As for me, I prefer classroom learning to online learning because I get to have face-to-face interactions with my classmates and teachers.

That’s all I can say about school life, thank you for listening.

19. You are going to give a talk about the seasons and weather.

  • what season is the best time in the region where you live
  • whether you agree with the proverb «There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes»
  • what you usually do when it is nasty and cold

I am going to give a talk about the seasons and weather. I think late spring is the best time in Kemerovo Region, because the ground is covered with emerald – green grass and the first flowers. Besides, the trees are in full blossom. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.

However, I agree with the proverb “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”. It means that people like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season. It depends on his character, mood.

As for me, when it is nasty and cold, I usually read books, play computer games and listen to music. All in all, I can organize my free time in any weather.

That’s all I can say about the seasons and weather, thank you for listening.

20. You are going to give a talk about books.

  • whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not
  • what kind of books you like reading
  • why many people prefer e-books to paper books

I am going to give a talk about books. To my mind, reading is not so popular nowadays as it was a couple of decades before. There are several reasons for this. First, teenagers now have far more ways to entertain themselves. We have an opportunity to play computer games, listen to countless number of songs and watch any films we like on the Internet.

As for me, I like reading very much. My favourite kind of books is adventure stories. I like adventure stories because they make my monotonous life more exciting and interesting, give me an opportunity to travel around the world.

Most people nowadays prefer e-books to paper ones, as paper books cost more and occupy a lot of place in your home. Some really huge paper books are too heavy to be taken with you. As for the e-book, you can take it with you wherever you go.

All in all, despite the fact that reading is not so popular nowadays, it continues to remain one of my favourite pastimes.

That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.

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