Peter seldom goes to the library ответы егэ

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

A)  Peter seldom goes to the library.

B)  Peter is satisfied with his term studies.

C)  Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.

D)  Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.

E)  Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.

F)  Jane has always been the best student in the group.

G)  Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:



Задания Д A1 № 332

Вы услышите диалог дважды. Определите, является ли следующее утверждение верным, или неверным, или о нем нет информации.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Peter seldom goes to the library.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

Расшифровка записи

Jane: Hello, Peter! What are you doing here in the library? I often come to the reading room but I have never seen you here before!

Peter: Hello, Jane. That’s right — you could not have possibly seen me here. I come round to change my books or look through some journals now and then during the term time, but that is it. The end of the term is different, of course.

Jane: Why so?

Peter: Well, you know, the exams are coming and I am getting a bit nervous.

Jane: Have you missed many classes then?

Peter: Not many, really, but the fact is that I did just the bare minimum even for my major! There is a lot of information which went over my head completely. My group mates have lent me their notes but they are of very little use. They are really brief, as a rule, so I cannot make out a single thing of them!

Jane: So, you have missed not classes, but opportunities if I can put it this way.

Peter: I guess you can. Do you think I will be able to catch up with the rest of the group? I doubt it. I have been using my computer much to put all the information in proper schemes and tables but that does not seem to be helping much.

Jane: It is totally up to you! If you are determined to succeed, you will have to spend days and nights with books and your computer.

Peter: What worries me is the language course. It seems totally impossible!

Jane: Yes, that will be the most difficult one for you. You simply cannot expect to take in all the words and grammar rules in just a few nights.

Peter: Do you think I will fail it then?

Jane: Peter, be more optimistic! If the teacher sees you have tried to do at least something, she will appreciate it, I am sure.

Peter: Thank you, Jane; you are such a good friend! How about you? Are you ready for your exams? I bet you are!

Jane: Actually, I am not so sure about Literature. I think I am on the teacher’s blacklist for not meeting deadlines with some of the essays.

Peter: You will pass, do not worry!

Jane: Well, let us hope for the best!

Спрятать пояснение


A−1. Peter: Hello, Jane. That’s right  — you could not have possibly seen me here. I come round to change my books or look through some journals now and then during the term time, but that is it. The end of the term is different, of course.

В−2. But the fact is that I did just the bare minimum even for my major! There is a lot of information which went over my head completely.

С−2. Do you think I will be able to catch up with the rest of the group? I doubt it. It seems totally impossible!

D−3. Нет информации.

E−2. Peter, be more optimistic! If the teacher sees you have tried to do at least something, she will appreciate it, I am sure.

F−3. Нет информации.

G−1. I am not so sure about Literature. I think I am on the teacher’s blacklist for not meeting deadlines with some of the essays.

Ответ: 1223231

Задание № 2415

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1— 7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Нажмите , чтобы прослушать запись

1. Peter seldom goes to the library.

2. Peter is satisfied with his term studies.

3. Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.

4. Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.

5. Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.

6. Jane has always been the best student in the group.

7. Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

Показать ответ


1 — True «That’s right — you could not have possibly seen me here. I come round to change my books or look through some journals now and then during the term time, but that is it.»

2 — False «But the fact is that I did just the bare minimum even for my major! There is a lot of information which went over my head completely.»

3 — False «Do you think I will be able to catch up with the rest of the group? I doubt it. It seems totally impossible!»

4 — No information

5 — False «Peter, be more optimistic! If the teacher sees you have tried to do at least something, she will appreciate it, I am sure.»

6 — No information

7 — True «I am not so sure about Literature. I think I am on the teacher’s blacklist for not meeting deadlines with some of the essays»

Ответ: 1223231

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Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).


Play диалог

A) Peter seldom goes to the library.
В) Peter is satisfied with his term studies.
С) Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.
D) Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.
E) Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.
F) Jane has always been the best student in the group.
G) Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

A) Peter seldom goes to the library. TRUE
В) Peter is satisfied with his term studies. FALSE
С) Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates. FALSE
D) Peter prefers to work at his computer at home. NOT STATED
E) Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam. FALSE
F) Jane has always been the best student in the group. NOT STATED
G) Jane has some problems with one of her subjects. TRUE

Jane: Hello, Peter! What are you doing here in the library? I often come to the reading room but I have never seen you here before!
Peter: Hello, Jane. That’s right — you could not have possibly seen me here. I come round to change my books or look through some journals now and then during the term time, but that is it. The end of the term is different, of course.
Jane: Why so?
Peter: Well, you know, the exams are coming and I am getting a bit nervous.
Jane: Have you missed many classes then?
Peter: Not many, really, but the fact is that I did just the bare minimum even for my major! There is a lot of information which went over my head completely. My group mates have lent me their notes but they are of very little use. They are really brief, as a rule, so I cannot make out a single thing of them!
Jane: So, you have missed not classes, but opportunities if I can put it this way.
Peter: I guess you can. Do you think I will be able to catch up with the rest of the group? I doubt it. I have been using my computer much to put all the information in proper schemes and tables but that does not seem to be helping much.
Jane: It is totally up to you! If you are determined to succeed, you will have to spend days and nights with books and your computer.
Peter: What worries me is the language course. It seems totally impossible!
Jane: Yes, that will be the most difficult one for you. You simply cannot expect to take in all the words and grammar rules in just a few nights.
Peter: Do you think I will fail it then?
Jane: Peter, be more optimistic! If the teacher sees you have tried to do at least something, she will appreciate it, I am sure.
Peter: Thank you, Jane; you are such a good friend! How about you? Are you ready for your exams? I bet you are!
Jane: Actually, I am not so sure about Literature. I think I am on the teacher’s blacklist for not meeting deadlines with some of the essays.
Peter: You will pass, do not worry!
Jane: Well, let us hope for the best!

Упр. 36 | 37 | 38

Английский язык (Вариант 8)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A) Peter seldom goes to the library.

B) Peter is satisfied with his term studies.

C) Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.

D) Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.

E) Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.

F) Jane has always been the best student in the group.

G) Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам: 


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Выделите её и нажмите Ctrl + Enter

Тест прошли 909 раз

Время потраченное на тест: 0 час 0 минут 0 секунд

1. A1

A1. Peter seldom goes to the library.




Not stated

2. A2

A2. Peter is satisfied with his term studies.




Not stated

3. A3

A3. Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.




Not stated

4. A4

A4. Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.




Not stated

5. A5

A5. Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.




Not stated

6. A6

A6. Jane has always been the best student in the group.




Not stated

7. A7

A7. Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.




Not stated

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Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услы­ши­те 6 вы­ска­зы­ва­ний. Уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между вы­ска­зы­ва­ни­я­ми каж­до­го го­во­ря­ще­го A–F и утвер­жде­ни­я­ми, дан­ны­ми в спис­ке 1–7. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дое утвер­жде­ние, обо­зна­чен­ное со­от­вет­ству­ю­щей циф­рой, толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть одно лиш­нее утвер­жде­ние. Вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

1. Perfume can’t be a good present for many reasons.

2. Best presents are presents that create shared memories.

3. Practical presents are not good presents.

4. This sort of present can be good for everybody.

5. Good perfume is the best present that is always easy to get.

6. This present is a good way out, but not always perfect.

7. Think of a person’s lifestyle while choosing a present.

Вы  услышите  интервью.  В заданиях  А8–А14  обведите  цифру  1, 2 или  3, соответствующую   выбранному   Вами  варианту  ответа.  Вы  услышите запись дважды.

A8 What, according to Michael Mitchell, is the biggest plus of Vintage Inns?

1)  Picturesque locations.

2)  Nostalgic landlords and landladies.

3)  Tourists from all over the world.

A9 What point does Michael Mitchell make about Vintage Inns’ gardens?

1)  They are perfect for any season.

2)  All Vintage Inns must have them.

3)  They are an alternative to dine in good weather.

A10 Why does not Michael Mitchell do anything to advertise his inns?

1)  They are close to local places of interest.

2)  They are not far from city centers.

3)  They are situated around London.

A11 What is typical of all the Vintage Inns?

1)  Traditional old style.

2)  Victorian design.

3)  Good food and atmosphere.

A12 According to Michael Mitchell, Vintage Inns menus

1)  preserve traditional style in cooking.

2)  modernize traditional dishes.

3)  offer mainly international food.

A13 When is the menu likely to be more varied?

1)  Saturdays.

2)  Weekdays.

3)  Sundays.

A14 What is the booking policy of Vintage Inns?

1)  It is not an accepted practice there.

2)  You need to book well in advance.

3)  Booking is possible only on Fridays.


Раздел 2. Чтение

Уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между за­го­лов­ка­ми 1–8 и тек­ста­ми A–G. За­пи­ши­те свои от­ве­ты в таб­ли­цу. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую цифру толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть один лиш­ний за­го­ло­вок.

1. Footballers’ diets             5. Secret born in the USSR

2. Ideal football shape         6. Stress or relaxation

3. Length matters                 7. Flying fruit

4. Puree instead of pasta     8. Referee’s perspective

A. Good footballers must have something in their genes. Scientists have discovered a link between the length of a footballer’s ring finger and their ability as a player. They compared the ring and index fingers of top players. Players whose ring fingers were longer compared to their index fingers were more likely to be elite players. Some of the players found to have long ring fingers are Bryan Robson, Ossie Ardiles, Glenn Hoddle, Sir Stanley Matthews and Gazza.

B. Fitness training is absolutely necessary for a first-rate football team. Jogging up and down the stadium a few times is not enough. What footballers really need is a quick start. Footballers can get this ability to start running very quickly by using a training method called ‘plyometrics’. In the 1960s, athletes in the Soviet Union used plyometric exercises to improve their results in jumping. Step by step, the method has become very important for many sports that include sprinting and jumping.

C. In the past, footballers used to have a big fried breakfast — or even a roast dinner — before a football match. In the new era of professional football, the menu of modern players has been radically reformed. Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, is known for his scientific method of feeding his team. When he first came to the club in 1996, he at once changed the players’ dinner menus. Sugar, red meat, chips, fried foods and dairy products were out. Vegetables, fish, chicken and plenty of water were in.

D. French diet specialists heavily criticised the pre-match diet of the England players in Euro ‘96. Their menu of tomato soup and spaghetti was said to be more likely to produce wind than a win. Potatoes, according to French scientists, make the best meal on the day of a game. They have glucides, which give the player a lot of energy. They also include useful vitamins. According to one piece of research, a player should eat 200-300 grams of mashed potatoes, boiled for 20 minutes, exactly three hours before going to the game.

E. Physics can explain a football wonder — the banana kick. This happens when a ball suddenly changes its direction at the end of its flight. At a certain speed, the air flowing over a flying ball becomes ‘turbulent’. This means that the air moves irregularly over the ball. As the ball slows down, the air becomes ‘smooth’ again. This slowdown makes the ball turn dramatically, creating the wonderful ‘banana’ kicks that the spectators like so much.

F. These days, footballs are made in a design based on the ‘Buckminster Ball’. The American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller came up with the design when he was trying to find a way for constructing buildings using a minimum of materials. The ball is a series of geometrical figures, which can be fitted together to make a round body. The modern football is in fact a Buckminster Ball consisting of 32 pieces. When they are joined together and filled with air they make a perfect sphere. 

G. Research has shown that watching the World Cup is good for our health even if your team goes out on penalties. The scientists suggest that a common interest and a nationalistic pride are very important. The competition makes people less concentrated on their own problems. They are also more patient and can cope with crises much easier. Watching football can, however, also be disappointing, especially when it comes to the decisions of referees and officials. Besides, watching penalties can be very nervous.

Про­чи­тай­те текст и за­пол­ни­те про­пус­ки A–F ча­стя­ми пред­ло­же­ний, обо­зна­чен­ны­ми циф­ра­ми 1–7. Одна из ча­стей в спис­ке 1–7 — лиш­няя. За­не­си­те цифры, обо­зна­ча­ю­щие со­от­вет­ству­ю­щие части пред­ло­же­ний, в таб­ли­цу.

London Zoo

London Zoo is one of the most important zoos in the world. There are over 12,000 animals at London Zoo
and A ______ ! Its main concern is to breed threatened animals in captivity. This means we might be able to restock the wild, should disaster ever befall the wild population.
Partula Snail, Red Crowned Crane, Arabian Oryx, Golden Lion Tamarin, Persian Leopard, Asiatic Lion and Sumatran Tiger are just some of the species London Zoo is helping to save.
That is why it is so important that we fight to preserve the habitats that these animals live in, as well as eliminate other dangers В ______ . But we aim to make your day at London Zoo a fun and memorable time, С ______ . In the Ambika Paul Children’s Zoo, for instance, youngsters can learn a new love and appreciation
for animals D ______ . They can also learn how to care for favourite pets in the Pet Care Centre. Then there are numerous special Highlight events E ______ unforgettable pony rides to feeding times and spectacular animal displays. You will get to meet keepers and ask them what you are interested in about the animals they care for,
 F ______ . Whatever you decide, you will have a great day. We have left no stone unturned to make sure you do!

 1. such as hunting exotic animals and selling furs

2. as well as the ins and outs of being a keeper at London Zoo

3. which take place every day, from

4. because they see and touch them close up 

5. despite the serious side to our work

6. which demand much time and effort

7. that is not counting every ant in the colony

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания A15-A21. В каждом задании

обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами

варианту ответа.

ReunionThe last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station. I was going from my grandmother’s in the Adirondacks to a cottage on the Cape that my mother had rented, and I wrote my father that I would be in New York between trains for an hour and a half, and asked if we could have lunch together. His secretary wrote to say that he would meet me at the information booth at noon, and at twelve o’clock sharp I saw him coming through the crowd.
He was a stranger to me — my mother divorced him three years ago and I hadn’t been with him since — but as soon as I saw him I felt that he was my father, my flesh and blood, my future and my doom. I knew that when I was grown I would be something like him; I would have to plan my campaigns within his limitations. He was a big, good-looking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again.
He struck me on the back and shook my hand. “Hi, Charlie,” he said. “Hi, boy. I’d like to take you up to my club, but it’s in the Sixties, and if you have to catch an early train I guess we’d better get something to eat around here.” He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey, after-shave lotion, shoe polish, woollens, and the rankness of a mature male. I hoped that someone would see us together. I wished that we could be photographed. I wanted some record of our having been together.
We went out of the station and up a side street to a restaurant. It was still early, and the place was empty. The bartender was quarrelling with a delivery boy, and there was one very old waiter in a red coat down by the kitchen door. We sat down, and my father hailed the waiter in a loud voice. “Kellner!” he shouted. “Garcon! You!” His boisterousness in the empty restaurant seemed out of place. “Could we have a little service here!” he shouted. Then he clapped his hands. This caught the waiter’s attention, and he shuffled over to our table.
“Were you clapping your hands at me?” he asked.
“Calm down, calm down,” my father said. “It isn’t too much to ask of you — if it wouldn’t be too much above and beyond the call of duty, we would like a couple of Beefeater Gibsons.”
“I don’t like to be clapped at,” the waiter said.
“I should have brought my whistle,” my father said. “I have a whistle that is audible only to the ears of old waiters. Now, take out your little pad and your little pencil and see if you can get this straight: two Beefeater Gibsons. Repeat after me: two Beefeater Gibsons.” 
“I think you’d better go somewhere else,” the waiter said quietly.
“That,” said my father, “is one of the most brilliant suggestions I have ever heard. Come on, Charlie.”
I followed my father out of that restaurant into another. He was not so boisterous this time. Our drinks came, and he cross-questioned me about the baseball season. He then struck the edge of his empty glass with his knife and began shouting again. “Garcon! You! Could we trouble you to bring us two more of the same.”
“How old is the boy?” the waiter asked.
“That,” my father said, “is none of your business.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” the waiter said, “but I won’t serve the boy another drink.”
“Well, I have some news for you,” my father said. “I have some very interesting news for you. This doesn’t happen to be the only restaurant in New York. They’ve opened another on the corner. Come on, Charlie.”
He paid the bill, and I followed him out of that restaurant into another … А15. The narrator was looking forward to meeting with his father because he

1)  hoped that his parents would get back together.

2)  expected to get a valuable present from him.

3)  wanted to stay with him in New York.

4)  missed the feeling of being with him.

А16. The narrator’s request to meet was accepted by his father

1)  unwillingly.

2)  with great pleasure.

3)  in business-like manner.

4)  with much hope and expectation.

А17. The narrator wanted to be photographed with his father because

1)  it was the happiest time of his life.

2)  he was proud of his father’s good looks.

3)  he wanted to boast of his father to his friends.

4)  he wished to remember their moments together.

А18. The father did not invite his son to his club because

1)  the son was pressed for time to catch a train.

2)  it was necessary to book in advance to enter the club.

3)  the man feared that his son would not behave properly.

4)  it was a closed club with no children allowed.

А19. The father’s behaviour in the first restaurant was inappropriate as he

1)  was too boisterous in an empty restaurant.

2)  could not afford to pay the bill.

3)  tried to boast of his knowledge of foreign languages.

4)  treated the waiter in a rude manner.

А20. The waiter in the next restaurant refused to bring them more drinks as

1)  the son looked pale and faint.

2)  the boy was too young to drink alcohol.

3)  the restaurant was closing soon.

4)  the waiter got angry with the son.

А21. The title of the story “Reunion” actually implies that the

1)  son found his lost father after decades of separation.

2)  son now would be living together with his father.

3)  son made an attempt to re-establish relations with his father.

4)  “father – son” relations is what both sides feel the need for.

) Peter seldom goes to the library.B) Peter is satisfied with his term перевод - ) Peter seldom goes to the library.B) Peter is satisfied with his term русский как сказать

) Peter seldom goes to the library.
B) Peter is satisfied with his term studies.
C) Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.
D) Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.
E) Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.
F) Jane has always been the best student in the group.
G) Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


) Петр редко идет к библиотеке.B) Питер удовлетворен срок обучения.C) Петр надеется сделать также в курсе как его одноклассников.D) Питер предпочитает работать на своем компьютере дома.E) Джейн не ожидает Питера, чтобы передать его языковой экзамен.F) Джейн всегда был лучшим учеником в группе.G) Джейн имеет некоторые проблемы с одним из ее подданных.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


) петр редко ходит в библиотеку.b) питер доволен срок обучения.c) питер надеется сделать, так как в ходе его одноклассников.d) петер предпочитает работать на его компьютер дома.e) джейн не ожидает, что питер передать его языковой экзамен.f) джейн всегда был лучшим учеником в группе.g) джейн есть некоторые проблемы с одним из своих подданных.

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