Подготовка к экзамену по физике в университет


Физика - теория, формулы, тесты и задачи.

Физика — один из основных школьных предметов. Физика изучает и описывает процессы происходящие в окружающем нас мире и потому она очень интересна. Также физика очень важна и после поступления в университет, навыки полученные при изучении физики широко используются в огромном классе университетских дисциплин на многих специальностях, от инженерных и научных до архитектурных и IT специальностей. В этом разделе размещены учебные материалы по физике необходимые для успешной подготовки к ЦТ и ЕГЭ. Учебные материалы по физике включают: теорию и задачи по всем темам школьной физики, а также справочники, дополнительные задачники и учебники по физике. По приведенным здесь учебным материалам по физике возможна самостоятельная онлайн подготовка к ЦТ и ЕГЭ. Для успешной подготовки к экзаменам и обучения физике обязательно нужно изучить все темы школьной программы по физике приведенные здесь, выучить теорию и формулы, и в полном объеме выполнить приведенные задания по физике.

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Physics is a difficult subject, and many students have trouble with it. If you have a physics test coming up, however, you can do well with good study strategies. Start by reviewing your class material and identifying all the concepts that will be on the test. Then run through practice problems and break down all the material that you’re having trouble with. Draw up an effective study schedule so you don’t have to cram at the last minute. With these strategies, your test should be no problem.

  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 1


    Reread the notes you took on homework and class readings. If you’ve been keeping up with your classwork, then identifying the correct material for the test is much easier. Go back and read over the material from the units that are on the test. Look for concepts that you highlighted, underlined, or spent a lot of time on in class. These are all indications for material that will appear on the test.[1]

    • If a test is on Chapters 3-5, for example, then go back to the work you did on those chapters. Look at the reading notes you took and the notes from class to identify what you need to know from those sections.
    • If your teacher told you to underline or circle anything in your notes, then it will probably be on the test. Take note of any words or concepts you highlighted.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 2


    Write down the key concepts that will be on the test. This creates a comprehensive list of material that you need to know for the test. As you read through your notes, jot down all the equations, concepts, vocabulary, and formulas you need for the test. Then, use this information to create your study guide.[2]

    • Don’t worry about organizing these concepts or putting them in a specific order yet. Just get the concepts on paper so you can organize them later on.
    • Also write down basic information about each concept. For example, don’t copy down the velocity formula without also noting when you would use the formula.


  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 3


    Make a study sheet that covers all the key concepts. When you’ve identified all the key concepts, organize the information into a study guide for the test. This is a comprehensive, but concise, list of everything you need to know for the test. Write down each concept, plus a few bullet points that tell you what you have to know about it for the test. The exact layout of the guide depends on the material on your test.[3]

    • Break the material into themes so you can scan the sheet easily and find what you need. For example, dividing the sheet into formulas, symbols, and key words is a good structure for a physics exam.
    • Don’t try to pack every detail on each concept into your study guide. Just list the concepts and some key information. If you need more details, you can look them up later as you study.
    • Note down where in the textbook or notes you can find these concepts in case you need more information.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 4


    Look at older exams to see what types of questions your teacher asks. This is a good practice to get a feel for the types of tests your teacher gives. If you’ve had tests before, review them to see if your teacher likes to focus on specific concepts of skills. They may place a lot of emphasis on being able to solve problems and less on rigorously knowing theory and derivations.Use this information to adjust your studying to the teacher’s testing style.[4]

    • This is especially important if the upcoming test is a cumulative final. You have to understand old material to pass the test.
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  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 5


    Do practice problems to find topics you’re weak in.[5]
    Your classwork and homework are the best guides for the types of problems you’ll see on the test. Go back and do some practice problems in each category. If you don’t have any trouble on one problem type, then you know you don’t have to spend a lot of time studying it. If you’re weak in a particular area, then you know where to focus your studying efforts.[6]

    • If there are multiple types of problems, do a few in each category. Don’t stop at just one, because that might be an easy one.
    • Make sure you understand why you’re getting the correct answer. If you’re just making lucky guesses, then this might not work on the test. Understand the concepts you’re using to find the answer.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 6


    Review problems that you had trouble with. While doing practice problems, you’ll probably encounter some that are difficult for you. This indicates that you’re weak in this particular area. Go back and review the concepts behind those problems.[7]
    Understand why you’re getting them wrong, and how to find the right answer. This way, you’ll gradually work through the areas that you’re weak in.[8]

    • After you’ve reviewed problems in a particular category, go back and try to solve more practice problems. If they’re easier this time, then your review efforts were successful.
    • If you’re completely stuck on a problem, try talking to your teacher after class for help.
  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 7


    Understand the key formulas you’ll have to use. Physics, like math, uses a number of equations and formulas to solve problems. The unit that your test is on will probably introduce a few new ones, or new situations where you have to use past formulas. Study each formula on the test. Understand when and why to use it, and how to plug numbers into it correctly. With a good understanding into each formula, you can use them correctly to solve problems.[9]

    • Physics teachers caution against simply memorizing formulas, because you don’t actually learn anything. Rather, try to understand the concepts behind each formula. This makes figuring out hard problems much easier.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 8


    Note the key vocabulary words you have to remember. Physics uses many key words that tell you which formulas to use and what to solve for. Make sure to include important vocabulary words on your study sheet and define them. Include words that are specific to this section, and also basic words from past work like mass.[10]

    • Some key words sound similar, so be sure you can recognize each one. For example, weight is not the same thing as mass. Develop a good understanding of the differences between the two to avoid making the mistake on the test.
    • Memorize the situations that key words refer to. For instance, buoyancy refers to an object’s ability to float, so you know this is what you’re calculating for when you see this word.
  5. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 9


    Learn the meaning of each symbol on the test. Physics uses symbols to denote certain quantities and units. If you don’t know the symbol meanings, then you won’t be able to solve most of the problems on the test. Review the formulas in this test section and see which symbols you need to know. Add them to your study sheet and understand what they mean so you don’t get confused.[11]

    • For example, an uppercase Q refers to heat measured in joules (J). If you didn’t study your symbols, you wouldn’t know how to solve this equation.
    • Depending on how many symbols you need to know, you may need a separate sheet just for them. This will prevent your study guide from getting too crowded.
    • Pay special attention to Greek and other non-Latin letters. Learn how to properly write them so they can’t be mistaken for other letters.
  6. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 10


    Time yourself doing practice problems after studying. While you shouldn’t rush, tests do have time limits, so get a feel for what it’s like to solve problems under pressure. After you’ve studied a bit, set a timer and do a few practice problems. Find out on average how long it takes you to solve problems. If you work slowly, practice speeding up so you don’t run out of time on the test.[12]

    • Ask your teacher if they can tell you how many questions will be on the test. Then, you can work out how fast you have to answer each question. If your teacher says there are 20 questions and the class period is 1 hour, then you have 3 minutes for each question.
    • On the test, it’s best to skip problems that you get stuck on and completing the rest of the test. Then return later to try them again.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 11


    Find a comfortable study space free from distractions. A good study environment is important for effective test prep. Go somewhere without loud TVs, radios, or people that will distract you. Make sure there is adequate light so you don’t strain your eyes. When you find a good area to work in, make it your regular study spot so your brain knows that it’s time to focus.[13]

    • If your home is noisy and you don’t have much space to yourself, try studying at a local library instead.
    • Some people do study better with a bit of background noise. In this case, try putting the radio on low so it doesn’t disturb you.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 12


    Keep up with all your class and homework assignments. The best way to study effectively is do all the necessary work before the test is even announced. That way, studying is more of a review than trying to learn new things. This gets rid of a lot of stress leading up to exams.[14]

    • A good strategy is looking over all your class material for an hour or so after class to review what you did. Then you’ll absorb the material and have to study less later on.
    • Ask your teacher throughout the semester for help if you’re having trouble on class or homework assignments. Solving problems early on avoids panic before the test.
  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 13


    Study a little bit every day leading up to the test. Avoid last-minute cramming sessions. This stresses you out, and also you won’t learn the material as well. If possible, start preparing about a week before the test. Draw up a schedule of material so you can do a little each day to avoid getting overwhelmed.[15]

    • On the first day, review your materials and draw up your study sheet. Then break the material into sections that you’ll study each day.
    • If the test is on Friday, a good schedule would be making the study sheet on Monday, reviewing problems on Tuesday, memorizing symbols and vocabulary on Wednesday, and going over the study sheet on Thursday.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 14


    Go over your study sheet the night before the exam. If you’ve studied a bit every day, then you shouldn’t have to cram the night before the exam. Just review your study sheet. Try to define all of the key concepts and formulas on it to test your knowledge. If this goes well, then you’ve studied all you can. If you get stuck on some material, then look it up to refresh yourself.[16]

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    How can I easily learn physics?

    Sean Alexander, MS

    Sean Alexander is an Academic Tutor specializing in teaching mathematics and physics. Sean is the Owner of Alexander Tutoring, an academic tutoring business that provides personalized studying sessions focused on mathematics and physics. With over 15 years of experience, Sean has worked as a physics and math instructor and tutor for Stanford University, San Francisco State University, and Stanbridge Academy. He holds a BS in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an MS in Theoretical Physics from San Francisco State University.

    Sean Alexander, MS

    Academic Tutor

    Expert Answer

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    unlocking this expert answer.

    Take time to review the basic concepts and formulas so you know how to apply them to the problems. Recognize the situations when you would use each formula, because the test may not tell you which formula to use.

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  • Avoid distractions while you’re studying. Turn off the TV and find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.



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Physics is a difficult subject, and many students have trouble with it. If you have a physics test coming up, however, you can do well with good study strategies. Start by reviewing your class material and identifying all the concepts that will be on the test. Then run through practice problems and break down all the material that you’re having trouble with. Draw up an effective study schedule so you don’t have to cram at the last minute. With these strategies, your test should be no problem.

  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 1


    Reread the notes you took on homework and class readings. If you’ve been keeping up with your classwork, then identifying the correct material for the test is much easier. Go back and read over the material from the units that are on the test. Look for concepts that you highlighted, underlined, or spent a lot of time on in class. These are all indications for material that will appear on the test.[1]

    • If a test is on Chapters 3-5, for example, then go back to the work you did on those chapters. Look at the reading notes you took and the notes from class to identify what you need to know from those sections.
    • If your teacher told you to underline or circle anything in your notes, then it will probably be on the test. Take note of any words or concepts you highlighted.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 2


    Write down the key concepts that will be on the test. This creates a comprehensive list of material that you need to know for the test. As you read through your notes, jot down all the equations, concepts, vocabulary, and formulas you need for the test. Then, use this information to create your study guide.[2]

    • Don’t worry about organizing these concepts or putting them in a specific order yet. Just get the concepts on paper so you can organize them later on.
    • Also write down basic information about each concept. For example, don’t copy down the velocity formula without also noting when you would use the formula.


  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 3


    Make a study sheet that covers all the key concepts. When you’ve identified all the key concepts, organize the information into a study guide for the test. This is a comprehensive, but concise, list of everything you need to know for the test. Write down each concept, plus a few bullet points that tell you what you have to know about it for the test. The exact layout of the guide depends on the material on your test.[3]

    • Break the material into themes so you can scan the sheet easily and find what you need. For example, dividing the sheet into formulas, symbols, and key words is a good structure for a physics exam.
    • Don’t try to pack every detail on each concept into your study guide. Just list the concepts and some key information. If you need more details, you can look them up later as you study.
    • Note down where in the textbook or notes you can find these concepts in case you need more information.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 4


    Look at older exams to see what types of questions your teacher asks. This is a good practice to get a feel for the types of tests your teacher gives. If you’ve had tests before, review them to see if your teacher likes to focus on specific concepts of skills. They may place a lot of emphasis on being able to solve problems and less on rigorously knowing theory and derivations.Use this information to adjust your studying to the teacher’s testing style.[4]

    • This is especially important if the upcoming test is a cumulative final. You have to understand old material to pass the test.
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  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 5


    Do practice problems to find topics you’re weak in.[5]
    Your classwork and homework are the best guides for the types of problems you’ll see on the test. Go back and do some practice problems in each category. If you don’t have any trouble on one problem type, then you know you don’t have to spend a lot of time studying it. If you’re weak in a particular area, then you know where to focus your studying efforts.[6]

    • If there are multiple types of problems, do a few in each category. Don’t stop at just one, because that might be an easy one.
    • Make sure you understand why you’re getting the correct answer. If you’re just making lucky guesses, then this might not work on the test. Understand the concepts you’re using to find the answer.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 6


    Review problems that you had trouble with. While doing practice problems, you’ll probably encounter some that are difficult for you. This indicates that you’re weak in this particular area. Go back and review the concepts behind those problems.[7]
    Understand why you’re getting them wrong, and how to find the right answer. This way, you’ll gradually work through the areas that you’re weak in.[8]

    • After you’ve reviewed problems in a particular category, go back and try to solve more practice problems. If they’re easier this time, then your review efforts were successful.
    • If you’re completely stuck on a problem, try talking to your teacher after class for help.
  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 7


    Understand the key formulas you’ll have to use. Physics, like math, uses a number of equations and formulas to solve problems. The unit that your test is on will probably introduce a few new ones, or new situations where you have to use past formulas. Study each formula on the test. Understand when and why to use it, and how to plug numbers into it correctly. With a good understanding into each formula, you can use them correctly to solve problems.[9]

    • Physics teachers caution against simply memorizing formulas, because you don’t actually learn anything. Rather, try to understand the concepts behind each formula. This makes figuring out hard problems much easier.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 8


    Note the key vocabulary words you have to remember. Physics uses many key words that tell you which formulas to use and what to solve for. Make sure to include important vocabulary words on your study sheet and define them. Include words that are specific to this section, and also basic words from past work like mass.[10]

    • Some key words sound similar, so be sure you can recognize each one. For example, weight is not the same thing as mass. Develop a good understanding of the differences between the two to avoid making the mistake on the test.
    • Memorize the situations that key words refer to. For instance, buoyancy refers to an object’s ability to float, so you know this is what you’re calculating for when you see this word.
  5. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 9


    Learn the meaning of each symbol on the test. Physics uses symbols to denote certain quantities and units. If you don’t know the symbol meanings, then you won’t be able to solve most of the problems on the test. Review the formulas in this test section and see which symbols you need to know. Add them to your study sheet and understand what they mean so you don’t get confused.[11]

    • For example, an uppercase Q refers to heat measured in joules (J). If you didn’t study your symbols, you wouldn’t know how to solve this equation.
    • Depending on how many symbols you need to know, you may need a separate sheet just for them. This will prevent your study guide from getting too crowded.
    • Pay special attention to Greek and other non-Latin letters. Learn how to properly write them so they can’t be mistaken for other letters.
  6. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 10


    Time yourself doing practice problems after studying. While you shouldn’t rush, tests do have time limits, so get a feel for what it’s like to solve problems under pressure. After you’ve studied a bit, set a timer and do a few practice problems. Find out on average how long it takes you to solve problems. If you work slowly, practice speeding up so you don’t run out of time on the test.[12]

    • Ask your teacher if they can tell you how many questions will be on the test. Then, you can work out how fast you have to answer each question. If your teacher says there are 20 questions and the class period is 1 hour, then you have 3 minutes for each question.
    • On the test, it’s best to skip problems that you get stuck on and completing the rest of the test. Then return later to try them again.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 11


    Find a comfortable study space free from distractions. A good study environment is important for effective test prep. Go somewhere without loud TVs, radios, or people that will distract you. Make sure there is adequate light so you don’t strain your eyes. When you find a good area to work in, make it your regular study spot so your brain knows that it’s time to focus.[13]

    • If your home is noisy and you don’t have much space to yourself, try studying at a local library instead.
    • Some people do study better with a bit of background noise. In this case, try putting the radio on low so it doesn’t disturb you.
  2. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 12


    Keep up with all your class and homework assignments. The best way to study effectively is do all the necessary work before the test is even announced. That way, studying is more of a review than trying to learn new things. This gets rid of a lot of stress leading up to exams.[14]

    • A good strategy is looking over all your class material for an hour or so after class to review what you did. Then you’ll absorb the material and have to study less later on.
    • Ask your teacher throughout the semester for help if you’re having trouble on class or homework assignments. Solving problems early on avoids panic before the test.
  3. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 13


    Study a little bit every day leading up to the test. Avoid last-minute cramming sessions. This stresses you out, and also you won’t learn the material as well. If possible, start preparing about a week before the test. Draw up a schedule of material so you can do a little each day to avoid getting overwhelmed.[15]

    • On the first day, review your materials and draw up your study sheet. Then break the material into sections that you’ll study each day.
    • If the test is on Friday, a good schedule would be making the study sheet on Monday, reviewing problems on Tuesday, memorizing symbols and vocabulary on Wednesday, and going over the study sheet on Thursday.
  4. Image titled Study for a Physics Exam Step 14


    Go over your study sheet the night before the exam. If you’ve studied a bit every day, then you shouldn’t have to cram the night before the exam. Just review your study sheet. Try to define all of the key concepts and formulas on it to test your knowledge. If this goes well, then you’ve studied all you can. If you get stuck on some material, then look it up to refresh yourself.[16]

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  • Question

    How can I easily learn physics?

    Sean Alexander, MS

    Sean Alexander is an Academic Tutor specializing in teaching mathematics and physics. Sean is the Owner of Alexander Tutoring, an academic tutoring business that provides personalized studying sessions focused on mathematics and physics. With over 15 years of experience, Sean has worked as a physics and math instructor and tutor for Stanford University, San Francisco State University, and Stanbridge Academy. He holds a BS in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an MS in Theoretical Physics from San Francisco State University.

    Sean Alexander, MS

    Academic Tutor

    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by
    unlocking this expert answer.

    Take time to review the basic concepts and formulas so you know how to apply them to the problems. Recognize the situations when you would use each formula, because the test may not tell you which formula to use.

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  • Avoid distractions while you’re studying. Turn off the TV and find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.



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Репетитор по физике

Университетский преподаватель, Аспирант или ординатор очной формы обучения

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НИУ Высшая школа экономики (2021)


Диплом победителя олимпиады по физике

Сертификат об участии в круглом столе для молодых ученых

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Частный репетитор
Научный сотрудник
Ассистент профессора
Преподаватель физики в онлайн-школе

О себе

В работе с учениками и студентами строг и требователен. К каждому подхожу индивидуально, подстраиваясь под манеру получения знаний. Обладаю большим далее …


Сыну очень нравится заниматься физикой с Никитой Романовичем. Доступно все объясняет. Оценки улучшились. Спасибо!

Ещё отзывы

Репетитор по физике Жохова Мария Александровна - фотография

— верифицирован

— зарегистирован в ФНС


Репетитор по физике

Частный преподаватель

Стаж с 2012 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭУниверситетский курсPhysics in English — курс на английском языке


МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова (2014)

Опыт работы

Частный преподаватель с 2012 по настоящее время
Machine Learning Engineer с 2020

О себе

Я работаю частным репетитором почти 10 лет и с каждым годом все больше и больше люблю свою профессию. Впервые я начала работать, будучи еще далее …


Мария занималась со мной физикой ( механика 1 курса европейского технического вуза ). В короткий срок ( было примерно 10 занятий) я сумел подготовиться к экзамену и сдать его почти на максимальный балл. Большое ей спасибо! Занятия были интересные, сфокусированные на моих конкретных пробелах в Физике, по ходу решения задач мне разъясняли необходимую теорию, что конечно способствовало лучшему пониманию. Ещё мне было очень легко приятно общаться с Марией, за что отдельное спасибо.

Ещё отзывы

Репетитор по физике

Аспирант или ординатор очной формы обучения, Частный преподаватель

Стаж с 2020 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курс


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МПГУ (2024)


Диплом 1 степени за лучший доклад на конкурсе молодых ученых на XV Международной школе-семинаре «Фундаментальные исследования и инновации: нанооптика, фотоника и когерентная спектроскопия» (2020)

Диплом 1 степени олимпиады «Физтех», 11 класс (2014)

Диплом 2 степени олимпиады «Курчатов», 11 класс (2014)

Неоднократный призёр регионального этапа ВОШ

Опыт работы

Куратор курсов «Программирование на Python» и «Аналитик данных» (1 год)
Лаборант-исследователь в НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» (6 лет)

О себе

Готова помочь практически со всем спектром задач, связанных с изучением физики. Цели, что были достигнуты моими учениками по итогу занятий: успешная далее …

У репетитора

1250 руб

Сходненская + 2 ст.

Репетитор по физике

Университетский преподаватель

Стаж с 2005 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭУниверситетский курсPhysics in English — курс на английском языке


Ульяновский государственный университет (2006)

Университет Западного Онтарио (2012)

далее …

Опыт работы

Преподаватель физики и математики, английского языка

О себе

Подготовка к экзаменам и олимпиадам по физике и математике, выработка навыков для успешного обучения в высшей школе. Возможны занятия на английском далее …

Репетитор по физике

Университетский преподаватель

Стаж с 2007 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курсPhysics in English — курс на английском языке


Новосибирский государственный университет (2006)

Опыт работы

Новосибирский государственный университет

О себе

Профессиональный репетитор и преподаватель ВУЗа.
Результаты ЕГЭ-2021 и ЕГЭ-2020: 100, 97, 93, 88, 86, 83, 70, 66, 60, 47

Ко мне приходят далее …


Отличный педагог, все терпеливо и понятно объясняет ребенку, были очень довольны. Педагога рекомендуем!

Ещё отзывы

Репетитор по физике

Частный преподаватель

Стаж с 1999 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курс


— Скидка 20% – на первое занятие.

— Скидка 10% – на занятия с 8:30 до 15:30 в будни с 1 сентября до 31 мая.


МФТИ, Московский Физико-Технический Институт (государственный исследовательский университет) (2002)


2002–2003: Стажировка, EUV, Frankfurt (Oder)

Опыт работы

1996–2001: Преподаватель ЗФТШ (Школа при МФТИ)
2004–2007: Ведение корпоративных курсов английского (по совместительству).
2003–2009: Программист. Scanvec Amiable Inc. (Silicon Graphics Corp. USA).
2003–2022: Частный репетитор по физике и математике.

О себе

Репетитор по математике и физике. Для школьников (6–11 кл.), абитуриентов и студентов. Я – выпускник МФТИ с опытом работы в ЗФТШ, золотой медалист, далее …


Очень хороший репетитор. Интересный, с ноткой юмора. Сложные и непонятные вещи может объяснить на бытовых примерах. Михаил не просто помогает решать и дает теорию, а разбирает проблемные вопросы «изнутри», то что создаёт сложности у ученика. И еще он помогает свести затраченное время на решение задачи к минимуму…

Ещё отзывы

У репетитора

3300 руб

Улица 1905 года

У ученика

2700 руб

Аэропорт + 284 ст.

Репетитор по физике Зайцев Иван Владимирович - фотография

— верифицирован

Репетитор по физике

Аспирант или ординатор очной формы обучения

Стаж с 2014 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курс


Отличный репетитор! Иван Владимирович за короткий срок помог мне подготовится к пересдаче экзамена. Всем рекомендую!

Ещё отзывы

Репетитор по физике Пендюрин Даниил Игоревич - фотография

Репетитор по физике


Стаж с 2018 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курс


МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана (2023)

Опыт работы

Репетитор по физике и математике (5 лет)
Преподаватель в школе программирования «КодКласс» (1 год)
Преподаватель в онлайн-школе «Фоксфорд» (1 год)

О себе

Провожу занятия по подготовке к сдаче ОГЭ, ЕГЭ и ДВИ, а также с целью увеличения знаний по предмету, повышения успеваемости в учебных заведениях.
О далее …

У ученика

1400 руб

Бульвар Рокоссовского (Московское центральное кольцо) + 284 ст.

Репетитор по физике Лотова Анна Михайловна - фотография

— верифицирован

Репетитор по физике

Частный преподаватель

Стаж с 2013 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ОГЭУниверситетский курс


МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана (2018)

Опыт работы

Преподаватель робототехники

О себе

Провожу короткие и длительные курсы. В коротких курсах помогаю справиться с непонятной темой, решить домашнее задание, подготовиться к контрольной далее …

Репетитор по физике

Частный преподаватель

Стаж с 1988 года

Школьная программаПодготовка к ЕГЭПодготовка к ОГЭПодготовка к олимпиадамУниверситетский курс


Московский физико-технический институт. С отличием. (1987)

Военно-Воздушная инженерная Академия им. проф. Н.Е.Жуковского (1989)


Провожу также занятия по математике.

О себе

Окончил Московский физико-технический институт с отличием, кандидат технических наук. Провожу занятия со школьниками по физике, включая подготовку к далее …

У репетитора

3000 руб


Используйте сервис подбора вместо просмотра множества анкет

Репетиторы, отсортированные по станциям метро

Как готовиться к вступительным экзаменам в ВУЗ по физике, Саулит В.Р., Падалко В.Ю., 1970.

Цель настоящей книги — помочь поступающим в высшие учебные заведения правильно и сознательно подготовиться к вступительным экзаменам по физике. Основное внимание сосредоточивается на тех вопросах, положениях и законах физики, в понимании и применении которых наблюдается наибольшее количество ошибок. В книге содержатся характерные задачи. Отдельные серии задач специально подбирались для всестороннего раскрытия методики применения важнейших законов, которая иногда недостаточно хорошо усваивается поступающими. Для облегчения усвоения общей методики решения большинство задач снабжено подробными решениями. Заменить учебник книга не может. Книга предназначена для лиц, самостоятельно готовящихся к вступительным экзаменам по физике на естественные факультеты университетов и в технические вузы, а также может быть использована учащимися подготовительных курсов. и старших классов средних школ.

Как готовиться к вступительным экзаменам в ВУЗ по физике, Саулит В.Р., Падалко В.Ю., 1970


«Физика» из серии книг «Как готовиться к приемным экзаменам в вуз» выходила уже пятью изданиями. За это время программа вступительных экзаменов претерпела значительные изменения. Некоторые вопросы изъяты из программы, некоторые добавлены; частично изменен и порядок расположения вопросов в ней. Произошли за это время изменения и в школьном учебнике. В нем исправлены некоторые ошибки, написаны новые параграфы, сделаны дополнения. Взамен «Сборника вопросов и задач по физике» под ред. П. А. Знаменского вышел аналогичный сборник В. П. Демковича. Нужно отметить, что за последние годы произошло и общее повышение уровня преподавания физики в школе. Например, многие учителя излагают механику в векторной форме. Естественно, что их ученики (особенно это относится к выпускникам физико-математических классов) на экзаменах оказываются в более выгодном положении. По всем этим вместе взятым причинам указанное пособие в значительной степени перестало удовлетворять целям, которым оно должно служить.


Общие советы и замечания.
I. Механика.
II. Колебания и волны. Звук.
III. Жидкости и газы.
IV. Основы молекулярно-кинетической теории строения вещества.
V. Теплота.
VI. Электричество.
VII. Оптика.
VIII. Строение атома.
Приложение I. Международная система единиц.
Приложение II. Задачи.
Приложение III. Зависимость массы насыщающего пара в 1 м^3 воздуха от температуры.

Бесплатно скачать электронную книгу в удобном формате, смотреть и читать:

Скачать книгу Как готовиться к вступительным экзаменам в ВУЗ по физике, Саулит В.Р., Падалко В.Ю., 1970 — fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

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— pdf — Яндекс.Диск.

Дата публикации: 25.03.2021 03:07 UTC


Саулит :: Падалко :: 1970 :: экзамен :: подготовка :: физика

Следующие учебники и книги:

  • Физика, 8 класс, Рабочая тетрадь №2, Грачёв А.В., Погожев В.А., Боков П.Ю., 2016
  • Физика, 8 класс, Рабочая тетрадь №1, Грачёв А.В., Погожев В.А., Боков П.Ю., 2015
  • Физика, Сборник задач, Учебное пособие, Виноглядов В.Н., Корнеев В.Т., 2018
  • Задания для итогового контроля знаний учащихся по физике в 7-11 классах, Кабардин О.Ф., Кабардина С.И., Орлов В.А., 1995

Предыдущие статьи:

  • Контрольные и проверочные работы по физике, 7-11 классы, Методическое пособие, Кабардин О.Ф., Кабардина С.И., Орлов В.А., 1997
  • Физика, Задачник, 10-11 классы, Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений, Баканина Л.П., Белонучкин В.Е., Козел С.М., 2011
  • ВПР, Физика, 11 класс, 2020
  • Задачи по общей физике, Иродов И.Е., 2020

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