Популярные виды спорта в россии сочинение на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Спорт в России/ Sport in Russia с переводом на русский язык.

Sport in Russia Спорт в России
Lots of people in the world are fond of sports and games. Some like keeping fit and healthy, some like doing sport to become more organized and disciplined, and some like sport because it’s a competitive activity. Многие люди в мире любят спортивные состязания и игры. Некоторым нравится заботиться о своей фигуре и здоровье, некоторые любят заниматься спортом, чтобы стать более организованными и дисциплинированными, а некоторые любят спорт из-за соперничества.
Russian people are no exception. They also like different types of sport both doing them and watching. Moreover, sport has always been very popular in our country and there are hundreds of Olympic champions who come from Russia. Among them, Larisa Latynina, Lyubov Yegorova, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Ilia Kulik, Elena Berezhnaya and many others. Российский народ не является исключением. Они также любят различные виды спорта, как заниматься ими, так и смотреть их. Кроме того, спорт всегда был очень популярен в нашей стране, и существуют сотни олимпийских чемпионов, выходцев из России. Среди них, Лариса Латынина, Любовь Егорова, Евгений Кафельников, Илья Кулик, Елена Бережная и многие другие.
Nearly every Russian city has a number of stadiums, swimming-pools, tennis courts, skiing slopes, ice rinks, and many other sports facilities. Почти каждый город России имеет ряд стадионов, бассейнов, теннисных кортов, горнолыжных трасс, катков и многих других спортивных сооружений.
Traditionally all sports in the country are divided into professional and amateur. Professional sportsmen take part in different important competitions and championships. Lots of world records in sports have been set by Russian sportsmen, especially by weightlifters, swimmers, gymnasts, figure skaters, tennis players, runners, jumpers and other professionals in their field. Apart from that, Russian sportsmen have won lots of gold, silver and bronze medals for their country in the Olympic Games. Традиционно все виды спорта в стране делятся на профессиональные и любительские. Профессиональные спортсмены принимают участие в различных важных соревнованиях и чемпионатах. Многие мировые рекорды в спорте были установлены русскими спортсменами, особенно тяжелоатлетами, пловцами, гимнастами, фигуристами, теннисистами, бегунами, прыгунами и другими специалистами в своей области. Кроме того, российские спортсмены завоевали множество золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей для своей страны на Олимпийских играх.
Thanks to the growing popularity of sport, there appear more and more fitness centers, where not only professional sportsmen but also the amateurs can do yoga, aerobics and bodybuilding exercises. It’s useful fro every person, as it helps to keep fit and in good shape. Other amateurs prefer simply to ride a bicycle or roller-skate in the nearest parks. More expensive and risky activities, which are available for amateurs in Russia, include scuba-diving, horse-riding, car-racing, skiing and some other sports. Благодаря растущей популярности спорта, появляется все больше и больше фитнес — центров, где не только профессиональные спортсмены, но и любители могут заниматься йогой, аэробикой и упражнениями бодибилдинга. Это полезно для каждого человека, так как помогает поддерживать себя здоровье и хорошую форму. Другие любители просто предпочитают кататься на велосипеде или роликовых коньках в ближайших парках. Более дорогие и рискованные мероприятия, доступные для любителей в России, включают подводное плавание, верховую езду, авто — гонки, катание на лыжах и другие виды спорта.

Millions of people all over the world go in for sports. People in this country are sport-lovers, too. Many sports are popular in Russia, such as hockey, soccer, track-and-field, weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, shooting and many others. Sporting activities are a part of daily life in Russia. Most Russians growing up in the North, grow with outdoor winter sports and activities, such as skiing and skating. In all parts of Russia fishing is extremely popular. All water sports are wide-spread, including swimming, diving, sailing, water skiing, canoeing. In all schools there is a gym and a sports ground. Sports is a subject on the curriculum of all schools and universities.

Much attention is paid in this country to organized sports. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of our sportsmen participate in the Olympic Games. Russian athletes have won more medals than any other team in all Olympics since 1956. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics the united teams of the former Soviet republics won 45 gold medals.

National and international matches are regularly held in Russia. They attract large numbers of fans. There is a lot of live broadcasting of matches and championships in this country. Many of them are televised live.

Topical Vocabulary

— to go in for sports

заниматься спортом

a sport-lover

любитель спорта


легкая атлетика


тяжелая атлетика


фигурное катание

cross-country skiing

лыжный кросс

sporting activities


a part of daily life

часть повседневной жизни

outdoor sports and activities

спорт и физкультура на открытом воздухе

to be wide-spread

быть широко распространённым

a sports ground

спортивная площадка

a subject on the curriculum of smth.

предмет в программе чего-либо

— to pay much attention to smth.

уделять большое внимание чему-либо

organized sports

организованный спорт

sporting societies and clubs

спортивные общества и клубы

an international tournament

международные соревнования

to participate in the Olympic Games

принимать участие в Олимпийских играх

to win a medal

выиграть медаль

— to attract large numbers of fans

привлекать большое количество болельщиков

live broadcasting

прямая трансляция по радио

to be televised live

транслироваться по телевидению (о прямом репортаже)

Answer the questions:

  1. What sports do people in Russia go in for?
  2. What proves that much attention is paid to organized sports?
  3. Do Russians take part in the Olympics?
  4. Are there many fans in Russia?

Translate into English:

  1. Многие люди в России занимаются спортом и любят спорт.
  2. Многие виды спорта, такие, как легкая атлетика, футбол, хоккей, фигурное катание, плавание и другие, широко распространены в России.
  3. В каждой школе есть спортивный зал; школьники занимаются также спортом на открытом воздухе.
  4. Большое внимание уделяется водным видам спорта: прыжкам в воду, парусным гонкам, гребле на каноэ и т. д.
  5. Российские спортсмены принимают участие в международных чемпионатах и Олимпийских играх.
  6. Российские спортсмены завоевывали золотые, серебряные и бронзовые медали.
  7. Международные соревнования часто транслируются по радио и телевидению.
  8. Многие болельщики смотрят международные матчи, которые проводятся в России.


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Sports in Russia. Спорт в России

Sports in Russia

Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey and football matches, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports events. Certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

In the past it was never admitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that our sport was totally amateur. Now everybody knows that sport can be a profession and a business.

But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy.

Doing sports is becoming more and more popular. Some people do it occasionally — swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter — but many people go in for sports on a more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming pool or a gym at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a treadmill. Some people jog every morning, some play tennis.

For those who can afford it there are clubs where they give lessons of scuba diving or riding. In spring and summer young people put on their rollerskates and skate in the streets and parks.

Спорт в России

Спорт всегда был популярен в нашей стране. В России есть различные спортивные общества и клубы. Многие из них принимают участие в различных международных турнирах и известны во всем мире. Большое количество мировых рекордов было установлено русскими спортсменами: гимнастами, тяжелоатлетами, теннисистами, пловцами, фигуристами, бегунами, прыгунами в высоту. Наши спортсмены принимают участие в Олимпийских Играх и всегда выигрывают много золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей.

Миллионы людей смотрят соревнования по фигурному катанию, хоккейные и футбольные матчи, автомобильные гонки, теннисные турниры и другие спортивные мероприятия. Конечно, смотреть спортивные мероприятия и заниматься спортом — разные вещи.

В прошлом никогда не признавалось, что профессиональный спорт существует в нашей стране. Официальная точка зрения была, что наш спорт был полностью любительским. Теперь все знают, что спорт может быть профессией и бизнесом.

Но спорт может быть также удовольствием. Кроме того, он помогает оставаться в хорошей форме, чтобы быть в форме и быть здоровым.

Заниматься спортом становится все более и более популярным. Некоторые люди делают это время от времени: купание — летом, катание на лыжах или коньках — зимой, — но многие люди занимаются спортом и на более регулярной основе. Они пытаются найти время, чтобы пойти в бассейн или тренажерный зал не реже одного раза в неделю для занятий аэробикой и йогой, бодибилдингом или просто тренироваться на беговой дорожке. Некоторые люди делают пробежку каждое утро, другие играют в теннис.

Для тех, кто может себе это позволить есть клубы, где дают уроки подводного плавания или езды верхом. В весенние и летние дни молодые люди стают на роликовые коньки и катаются на улицах и в парках.

Sports in Russia

Sport has always been popular in Russia. There are various sports societies and clubs in our country. Many of them take part in various international tournaments and are known all over the world.  

World records were set by Russian athletes: weightlifters, gymnasts, swimmers, runners, figure skaters and many others. Our athletes take part in the Olympic Games and win many medals. In the past, it was not recognized that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that the sport was completely amateurish. Today everyone knows that sport can be professional and a lot of money is involved in it. 

Many Russians like to watch sports competitions in hockey, football, figure skating. Of course, watching sporting events and playing sports are two different things. 

However, sports can be fun. It helps to stay fit and healthy. Going in for sports is becoming increasingly popular. Some people go to the gym once a month, while others do not miss a single workout. They are trying to find time to go to the pool or yoga. Many people run every morning. 

In our country, there are many places where you can go in for sports. Someone takes riding lessons, someone plays tennis. In spring and summer, young people ride bicycles and roller skates in the parks. 


Спорт всегда был популярен в России. Есть разные спортивные общества и клубы в нашей стране. Многие из них принимают участие в разных международных турнирах и известны во всем мире.  

Мировые рекорды были установлены российскими спортсменами: штангистами, гимнастами, пловцами, бегунами, фигуристами и многими другими. Наши спортсмены принимают участие в Олимпийских играх и выигрывают много медалей. В прошлом не признавалось, что профессиональный спорт существовал в нашей стране. Официальная точка зрения состояла в том, что спорт был полностью любительским. Сегодня все знают, что спорт может быть профессиональным и в нем участвуют большие деньги. 

Многие россияне любят смотреть спортивные соревнования по хоккею, футболу, фигурному катанию. Конечно, смотреть спортивные мероприятия и заниматься спортом – это две разные вещи.  

Однако спорт может приносить удовольствие. Он помогает оставаться в хорошей форме и быть здоровым. Заниматься спортом становится все более популярным. Некоторые люди ходят в спортивный зал раз в месяц, другие не пропускают ни одной тренировки. Они пытаются найти время, чтобы сходить в бассейн или на йогу. Многие люди бегают каждое утро. 

В нашей стране есть много мест, где можно заняться спортом. Кто-то берет уроки верховой езды, кто-то занимается теннисом. Весной и летом молодые люди катаются в парках на велосипедах и роликовых коньках. 

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There are so many sports in Russia as the country is very successful in the field. The country is also famous in the world for being strong in sport. During the Soviet Era, the USSR national team won 14 medals of its 18 Olympic appearances. That was a huge fact that explains how Russians really love sports, strong and take it seriously.

Although Russian people love any kind of sports, the most popular sport in Russia is football. Then ice hockey comes the next and several others. To elaborate, below are 7 most popular sports in Russia today.

1. Football

Although ice hockey may be famous in Russia as the country has so many places to do the sport, football comes first. The number of Russian men play the sport is huge and children even play it regularly. Meanwhile, women will join the crowd when it comes for supporting national team. Everyone can see how many Russian people supporting the national team during FIFA World Cup 2018. (Also read: incredible facts of FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia.)

Besides, football in Russia is quite competitive. There are also some talented foreign players who have been and are playing along with other talented local players in Russian league. Moreover, beach soccer is one of famous sports in the country after its international growth in the late 1990’s.

Also read: facts of the oldest football club in Russia and most supported football club in Russia.

2. Ice Hockey

As mentioned before, Russia has so many frozen places during winter. Thus, many Russian people use them as the places to play ice hockey. For those who are serious about this sport, there are 123 hockey arena in Russia. The number is pretty huge for sport arena. There even is a yearly match among ice hockey national teams in CSKA Ice Palace, Moscow. Many people go to watch the match to support their favorite teams. (Read: things Russian folks like to do in winter.)

Some serious ice hockey training has bread so many talented players and even they have best players of all time. The training results in them winning so many ice hockey champion and 5 of which give them gold medals. Moreover, it is said that Russian ice hockey teams always dominate the championship.

3. Bandy

This sport is also famous among Russians because it is traditional Russian hockey and a national sport as well. Moreover, according to a survey, it is the third most famous sport in Russia. Although most of modern rules to play this game were written in England, Russians claim to invent the game. This is because there has been bandy-like game in Russia before the standardized rules. Moreover, there is one important difference in the rules which is the boards that come from Soviet rules.

Bandy is much of ice hockey. With so many spectators, women and men play the game and take part in several championships. Russian women’s team won six silver medals in the six first world championships. Then, they brought home gold medal in 2014.

4. Figure Skating

Another game on ice is on the list. Russia has a long history with this game. Nikolai Panin-Kolomensky won gold at the London Olympics in 1908. Then, at the Innsbruck Olympics, Soviet figure skaters Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov won the pairs title in 1964. Russia or Soviet has since won gold for pair titles until 2006. It is the longest streak ever in the world’s championship ever. Then, a Chinese pair won gold in 2010 Winter Olympics. However, a Russian pair returned claiming the domination of gold winning in the championship in 2014.

5. Tennis

Do you know Maria Sharapova? Where do you think she comes from? Along with Dinara Safina, she is one of top Russian female tennis players. She is also the highest earning female athlete. There are still so many Russian female players who achieve international success.

In addition to female tennis players, Russia has two former male tennis players, Marat Safin and Yevgeny Kafelnikov. Several other successful male tennis players also take a huge number in the country.

6. Rugby

According to International Rugby Board (IRB), Russia is at 17th position in the world for the sport. There are over one hundred clubs with more than 20,000 players in the country. Besides, one of the strongest and largest Rugby team in Russia is in Krasnoyarsk a large Siberian City. The city holds several domestic matches with local media being among the crowd reporting the events.

Rugby has been in Russia long before Russian revolution. However, they went professional in 2005 with the launch of Professional Rugby League.

7. Gymnastics

Gymnastics and acrobatics has been tradition in Russia. Thus, it is not surprising that gymnastics become one of popular sports in Russia. Moreover, the country won several championship both for rhythmic gymnastics and artistic gymnastic. (Read: modern entertainment that Russians love to see today.)

Russia has been in Olympics since 1994. Thus, there are so many gymnasts in Russia. One of the most famous gymnasts is Evgenia Kanaeva. She won three-time all around world champion. She was also the first and the only gymnast winning gold medals back to back at the Olympic games for rhythmic gymnastics category. For artistic category, there was famous Svetlana Khorkina who played from 1996 until 2004 Summer Olympic. During her time, she has won 7 Olympic medals and 20 World Championships medals.

Those are 7 most popular sports in Russia today.

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Popular Sport in Russia:

In Russia, one of the most popular sports is ice hockey. It is a beloved national sport and has a rich history and tradition in the country. The sport is played professionally by many teams and is widely followed by fans. Additionally, the Russian national ice hockey team is considered one of the strongest in the world, regularly competing in international tournaments. The passion for ice hockey can be seen in the packed arenas during games and the high level of support from fans. Overall, ice hockey is an important part of the sports culture in Russia.

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