Prior experience in robotics вопрос егэ

Study the advertisement.

Join our Robotics Club today! Glance into the future!

You are considering joining a robotics club and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

1)  minimum age of students

2)  number of students in a group

3)  prior experience in robotics

4)  monthly fee

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Спрятать пояснение


1)  What is the minimum age of students of your robotics club?

2)  How many students are there in a group of your club?

3)  Is it necessary to have  prior experience in robotics?

4)  How much is the  monthly fee?

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания Баллы
Вопросы 1−4

Вопрос по содержанию отвечает поставленной задаче, имеет правильную грамматическую форму прямого вопроса; возможные

фонетические и лексические погрешности не затрудняют восприятия

Вопрос не задан, или заданный вопрос по содержанию не отвечает поставленной задаче

И/ИЛИ не имеет правильной грамматической формы прямого вопроса,

И/ИЛИ фонетические и лексические ошибки препятствуют коммуникации

Максимальный балл 4

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели.

Время экзаменов неумолимо приближается, но это, поверьте, не повод впадать в панику или отчаяние! Я думаю, что в течение целого года вы плодотворно трудились, накапливая драгоценные знания. Я в свою очередь, хочу помочь вам систематизировать полученный в процессе подготовки опыт. В этой статье я собрала наиболее часто встречающиеся формулировки в Задании 2 Устной части ЕГЭ.

Напомню, что в этом задании вам предлагается ознакомиться с рекламным объявлением и задать пять прямых вопросов на основе ключевых слов и предложенного рекламного объявления.

Формат задания – условный диалог-расспрос.

Время на подготовку –  1.5 минуты

Время на выполнение задания – 20 секунд на один вопрос

Максимальный балл – 5 баллов 

С критериями оценивания данного задания и примерами выполнения, Вы можете ознакомиться на этой странице.

Model answer

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

ЕГЭ Устная часть Задание 2

You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) duration of the tour

2) the starting point

3) places to visit

4) the price for a group of 10

5) discounts for students  

Sample answer:

  1. How long will the tour last?
  2. What is the starting point of the tour?
  3. What places are we going to visit during the tour?
  4. How much does the tour for a group of 10 people cost?
  5. Are there any discounts for students?

Внимание! В формате КИМ ЕГЭ 2022 произошли изменения: в Задании 2 нужно задать четыре прямых вопроса вместо пяти. Время, выделяемое на подготовку, не изменилось и составляет по-прежнему 1,5 минуты. Время ответа – 20 секунд для того, чтобы задать один вопрос. Максимальный балл – 4 балла, то есть, за каждый правильно поставленный вопрос учащийся получает 1 балл.

Model Answer EGE 2022

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

                                      Where will it take you?

You are considering taking up biking and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following.

  1. tuition fee;
  2. number of students in a group;
  3. duration of the course;
  4. special clothes.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Sample answer:

  1. What is the tuition fee of the biking course?
  2. How many students will there be in the group?
  3. How long is the course?
  4. Are any special clothes required to join the course?

Подборка типичных вопросов

 Устная часть

 Задание 2

  1. Location of the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – месторасположения

Where is your shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel located (situated)?

2. Directions to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – способ добраться

How can I get to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel?

What is the best way to get to your school?

3. Distance from the city center – удаленность от центра

How far is your gym/hotel/club/school from the city center?

4. Duration / length of the tour/flight/classes – продолжительность тура /перелета / уроков

How long is the tour / flight?

How long are the classes?

How long will the tour last?

5. Dates for departure – даты вылета (отправления)

What are the departure dates? / When does the tour start?

6. Opening hours / working hours / operation hours – часы работы

What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library?

When is the shop /gym /museum / library open?

When are you open?

When do you work?

What are the working hours of the shop?

When does the shop / gym / museum work?

NB! The shop is closed on Sunday. / The shop is open on weekdays.

“open” и “closed” – это прилагательные

7. Discounts / Reductions for children/for groups/for big orders – скидки

Are there any discounts / reductions for children under 5?

Is it possible to get any discounts?

Are discounts for groups of students available?

What discounts are provided for big orders/ for pensioners /for the elderly?  – Какие скидки предоставляются для больших заказов / для пенсионеров?

Do you provide any family discounts?

8. Special offers – специальные предложения

Are there any special offers available at your school ?

What special offers do you provide in your shop?

9. Price / Cost of the item – цена

What is the price of the bicycle? / What is the best price of the car?

How much is the bicycle? / How much are these trainers?

How much does the phone cost? / How much do these jeans cost?

What is the single/double room price per night?

10. Entrance fee / tuition fee входная плата / плата за обучение

What is the entrance fee? / What is the tuition fee?

How much is the ticket? / How much are the tickets?

How much does the ticket cost? (3 л., ед.число)

How much do the tickets cost? (мн.число)

11. Courses available – доступные курсы

What kinds of courses are available (at your center)?

What courses do you offer?

Do you offer morning or evening courses?

Are morning/afternoon/evening courses available?

Evening courses are available at your school, aren’t they?

12. Price for a two-week course – стоимость двухнедельного курса обучения

What is the price for a two-week course?

How much is a two-week course?

Is the price for a two-week course reasonable?

How much should I pay for a two-week course at your computer center?

13. If a placement test is included – включен ли тест распределения учащихся по уровню знаний

Is a placement test included in the program of the course?

14. If textbooks are included – включены ли в стоимость курса учебники

Are textbooks included into the price of the course?

15. Number of classes per week / per day – количество уроков в неделю/в день

How many classes are there per week?

How many classes a day do you offer?

How many classes per week do I have to attend at your language school?

16. Number of students in the group – количество студентов в группе

How many students are there in the group?

How many students are going to be in the group?

17. Beginning of the course – начало курса обучения

When does the course start / begin?

Is the course going to start next week / in July?

18. Availability of something – возможность чего-либо

Is the table for 6 people available for Sunday evening?

Is the audio version of the book available?

Is shipping / delivery to my town available? – Возможна ли доставка товара в мой город?

Can you deliver it (them) into my hometown?

19. Hotel facilities – услуги в отеле

What facilities do you offer at your hotel?

What facilities are available / provided at your hotel?

What facilities does the hotel have?

What kinds of facilities are there at your hotel?

20. Possible accommodation – виды размещения / проживания

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

21. Online reservation / advance booking – бронирование по интернету / предварительный заказ

Can I book tickets in advance?

Can I make a reservation online?

Is it possible to make a reservation online?

22. If a wakeup call available – возможность услуги «звонок для пробуждения», когда сотрудник отеля телефонным звонком будит вас в условленное время

Is a wake-up call at 3 a.m. available?

Can you give us a wake-up call, please?

Is it possible to have a wake-up call at 4 a.m.?

23. If breakfast is included – включен ли завтрак в стоимость

Is breakfast included in the price of the tour?

24. Available kinds of payment – возможные способы оплаты

What kinds of payment are available / possible at your hotel?

Can I pay cash (or in cash: in dollars, in Euros, in roubles )? – Могу я оплатить наличными?

Can I pay by credit card / by check?

to pay with a credit card / to pay by credit card

25. Credit card acceptanceвозможность оплаты кредитной картой

Can I use my credit card for payment?

Do you accept / take credit cards for payment?

Is it possible to pay by credit card?

26. Cancellation [ˌkæns(ə)’leɪʃ(ə)n] – отмена бронирования

Is cancellation possible?

Can I cancel the order?

Is there any possibility to cancel the order?

Is it possible to cancel the order?

How can I cancel the order?

to cancel [ˈkænsəl] — отменять

27. Refund for a ticket – возврат денег/компенсация

Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss the concert / the flight / the train?

Is it possible to get a refund for the ticket?

28. If taking pictures permitted – разрешена ли фотосъемка

Is taking pictures allowed /permitted at the gallery?

Can I take pictures at the museum?

Is it possible to take photos during the performance?

29. Age restriction / minimum age limit – возрастные ограничения

What is the minimum age limit to ride this attraction?

Are there any age restrictions to get this job?

How old should I be to apply for this job?

30. Membership in a movement / club / organization – членство в движении / клубе / организации

How can I join your club?

How can I become a member of your organization?

What do I need to join your movement?


— обратите внимание, что если в одном из пунктов, предложенных в задании, присутствует слово «IF», то это сигнал того, что Вам нужно построить вопрос общего типа

— на экзамене задавайте вопросы общего (General Question) и специального типа (Special Question)

— не забывайте употреблять вспомогательные глаголы

— не рекомендуется задавать косвенные вопросы типа: “Could you tell me…”

— не нужно начинать свой ответ с этикетного диалога: “Hello. My name is Ann and I’m calling to find out more information about …”

My bounty for you!

By the way do you know what the word «bounty» means?

Bounty means bonus = prize = award = gift = present

Не забудьте подписаться на мой канал!

Буду рада, если данная статья Вам понравилась.

Спасибо, что читаете!

Вы можете дополнить список вопросов из Задания 2 Устной части, оставив запись в поле комментариев после статьи.

Related posts:

Шпаргалка по заданию 2 (Вопросы)

Where does ……. start? What is the starting point

of the (cruise/ excursion)?

Is ……. available? Are (plural noun) available?

What courses are available at your school?

How long is …..? How long does (the tour) last?

How often is/are …….?

How often do (the flights) leave? How often do

(buses) leave?

How often are the excursions?

7) Way to …/ directions to…./ the

best way to get there

How can I get to….?

What is the best way to get there?

When does your (shop) open AND CLOSE?

When do you work? What are your opening

hours? When is (the club) open?

9) Discounts/ Price reductions

Do you have discounts for (students/ groups)? Are

discounts for (students/ groups) available? Are

there any discounts for ….?

10) distance from the city centre

How far is (the hotel) from the city centre?

11) Entrance fee,

Ticket price,

price for one

price per hour

How much is the entrance fee? How much does

the entrance cost? How much is the ticket? How

much does a ticket cost?

How much is a ticket for one person?

How much is one hour? How much does one hour


How much does tuition cost? How much is the


What facilities does the hotel offer? What

facilities do you offer? What facilities are there?

What facilities are available at the hotel?

14) If …… is included/ if ….. are


Is …. included into the price? Are …. included

into the price?

Where is …… located/ situated?

16) Online booking/ advance

booking/ online reservation

Is online booking (online reservation) possible? Is

advance reservation possible? Is it possible to

book online/ in advance?

17) double single room price (per


How much is a double/single room per night?

18) price of a three-week course

How much is a three-week course?

Is it possible to get a refund for the ticket if I miss

the concert?

20) Possible accommodation

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

21) Photo permission/ taking pictures

Is taking pictures allowed? Is it allowed to take

photos (during the tour/ excursion)?

Is there a minimum age for this film/show? Is

there any age restriction for this performance?

23) Instructor’s help

Instructors available

Is it possible to get an instructor’s help? Is an

instructor’s help available?

Are instructors available (at the pool)?

When does the event take place? When is the


25) Number of actors/ participants/

students in a group

How many (actors/ participants/ students) are

there (in the group)?

26) Availability of costumes

What costumes are available (for the actors)?

What transport can I take to get to the ….? What

transport can I use to get to the …? How can I get

to the ….?

28) Excursion time

Excursion times

What time is the excursion? When does the

excursion start?

When do excursions start?

Are there any special exhibitions now? What

special exhibitions are there at the moment?

30) If translation into English is


Is translation into English available?

How many stops does the bus/ train make?

32) Number of … (shops, boutiques)

Is it possible to book (an excursion) by phone/ on

the phone?

34) Size of the (garden, pool, ….)

35) Size of the/a group

Number of students in a group

Number of people involved

How big is the/a group?

How many students are there in the /a group?

How many people are involved in the


36) If there is a food court

Is free parking available? Is there free parking (at

your hotel)?

38) Special clothes

Special clothes available

Are any special clothes needed (for the classes)?

Do I need to bring any special clothes?

Are there any special clothes available?

Do you have any evening classes? Are there any

evening classes available?

What do I need to do to become a member of your

(organization/ club)? What should be done to

become a member of your (organization)?

What does being a member of your organization


What tasks are suggested to the members? What

tasks do you suggest to the participants?

Is there any payment needed?

43) If breakfast/ lunch is included

If meals are included

Is breakfast/ lunch included?

Are meals included?

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Подборка типичных вопросов Устная часть

 Задание 2

Формат задания – условный диалог-расспрос.

Время на подготовку –  1.5 минуты

Время на выполнение задания – 1минута

Максимальный балл – 5 баллов 

  1. Location of the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – месторасположения

  • Where is your shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel located (situated)? 

  1. Directions to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – способ добраться

  • How can I get to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel?

  • What is the best way to get to your school?

  1. Distance from the city center – удаленность от центра

  • How far is your gym/hotel/club/school from the city center?

4. Duration / length of the tour/flight/classes – продолжительность тура /перелета / уроков

  • How long is the tour / flight?

  • How long are the classes?

  • How long will the tour last?

  1. Dates for departure – даты вылета (отправления)

  • What are the departure dates? / When does the tour start?

  1. Opening hours / hours of operation / working hours – часы работы

  • What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library?

  • When is the shop /gym /museum / library open?

  • When do you work?

  • What are the working hours of the shop?

  • When does the shop / gym / museum work?

NB! The shop is closed on Sunday. / The shop is open on weekdays.

“open” и “closed” – это прилагательные

  1. Discounts / Reductions for children/for groups/for big orders – скидки

  • Are there any discounts / reductions for children under 5?

  • Is it possible to get any discounts?

  • Are discounts for groups of students available?

  • What discounts are provided for big orders/ for pensioners /for the elderly?  – Какие скидки предоставляются для больших заказов / для пенсионеров?

  1. Special offers – специальные предложения

  • Are there any special offers available at your school?

  • What special offers do you provide in your shop?

  1. Price / Cost of the item – цена

  • What is the price of the bicycle? / What is the best price of the car?

  • How much is the bicycle? / How much are these trainers?

  • How much does the phone cost? / How much do these jeans cost?

  • What is the single/double room price per night?

  1. Entrance fee / tuition fee – входная плата / плата за обучение

  • What is the entrance fee? / What is the tuition fee?

  • How much is the ticket? / How much are the tickets?

  • How much does the ticket cost? (3 л., ед.число)

  • How much do the tickets cost? (мн.число)

  1. Courses available – доступные курсы

  • What kinds of courses are available?

  • What courses do you offer?

  • Do you offer morning or evening courses?

  • Are morning/afternoon/evening courses available?

  • Evening courses are available at your school, aren’t they?

  1. Price for a two-week course – стоимость двухнедельного курса обучения

  • What is the price for a two-week course?

  • How much is a two-week course?

  • Is the price for a two-week course reasonable?

  1. If a placement test is included – включен ли тест распределения учащихся по уровню знаний

  • Is a placement test included in the program of the course?

  1. If textbooks are included – включены ли в стоимость курса учебники

  • Are textbooks included into the price?

  1. Number of classes per week – количество уроков в неделю/в день

  • How many classes are there per week?

  • How many classes a day do you offer?

  1. Number of students in the group – количество студентов в группе

  • How many students are there in the group?

  1. Beginning of the course – начало курса обучения

  • When does the course start / begin?

  1.  Availability of something – возможность чего-либо

  • Is the table for 6 people available for Sunday evening?

  • Is the audio version of the book available?

  • Is shipping / delivery to my town available? – Возможна ли доставка товара в мой город?

  1. Hotel facilities – услуги в отеле

  • What facilities do you offer?

  • What facilities are available / provided at your hotel?

  1. Possible accommodation – виды размещения / проживания

  • What kind of accommodation do you offer?

  1. Online reservation / advance booking – бронирование по интернету / предварительный заказ

  • Can I book tickets in advance?

  • Can I make a reservation online?

  • Is it possible to make a reservation online?

  1. If a wake— up call available – возможность услуги «звонок для пробуждения», когда сотрудник отеля телефонным звонком будит вас в условленное время

  • Is a wake-up call at 3 a.m. available?

  1. If breakfast is included – включен ли завтрак в стоимость

  • Is breakfast included in the price of the tour?

  1. Available kinds of payment – возможные способы оплаты

  • What kinds of payment are available / possible?

  • Can I pay cash (or in cash: in dollars, in Euros, in roubles )? – Могу я оплатить наличными?

  • Can I pay by credit card / by check?

  1. Credit card acceptance – возможность оплаты кредитной картой

  • Can I use my credit card for payment?

  • Do you accept credit cards for payment?

  • Is it possible to pay by credit card?

  1. Cancellation [ˌkæns(ə)’leɪʃ(ə)n] – отмена бронирования

  • Is cancellation possible?

  • Can I cancel the order?

  • How can I cancel the order?

  1. Refund for a ticket – возврат денег/компенсация

  • Is it possible to get a refund for a ticket?

  1. If taking pictures permitted – разрешена ли фотосъемка

  • Is taking pictures allowed /permitted?

  • Can I take pictures at the museum?

  1. Age restriction / minimum age limit – возрастные ограничения

  • What is the minimum age requirement to ride this attraction?

  • Is there any age restriction to get this job?

  1. Membership in a movement / club / organization – членство в движении / клубе / организации

  • How can I join your club?

  • How can I become a member of your organization?

  • What do I need to join your movement?

You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) duration of the tour

2) the starting point

3) places to visit

4) the price for a group of 10

5) discounts for students  

Sample answer:

  1. How long will the tour last?

  2. What is the starting point of the tour?

  3. What places are we going to visit during the tour?

  4. How much does the tour for a group of 10 people cost?

  5. Are there any discounts for students?


Для общих вопросов опорное задание
начинается с  одного из союзов –
if или whether.

Опорное задание


Yes/No –questions (if/whether)

If any safety
briefing is delivered

Is any safety
briefings delivered before the jump?

Do you
deliver any safety briefing before the jump?

If any
documents are needed

Are any
documents needed?

Do you /ask
for any documents?

Should I give
any documents?

Do I have to
give any documents?

If there are
any age restrictions

Are there any
age restrictions?

Are there
any  restrictions concerning the age?

refreshments are included

Are any
refreshments included?

Do you
include any refreshments?

If there any
special requirements

Are there any
special requirements?

Do you
require anything special?

If special
clothes are needed

Are any
special clothes needed?

Do I have to
bring any special clothes?

Should I
bring any special clothes?

reservation is free

Is the
reservation free?

Is the
reservation free of charge?

Do I have to
pay for the reservation?

If there are
height or weight restrictions

Are there any
height or weight restrictions?

Are the
heights or weights restricted?

meals/books are included

meals/books included into the price?

Do you
include meals/books into the price?

If breakfast
is included

Is breakfast
included into the price?

Do you
include breakfast into the price?

If gift
packaging is provided

Is any gift
packaging provided?

Do you
provide any gift packaging?

If there is
any extra charge for room service

Is there  any
extra charge for the  room service?

If training
is provided

Is training

Do you
provide training?

If any
certificate is awarded

Is any
certificate awarded?

Can I get any

If it is
possible to take a guided tour

Is it possible
(for me) to take a guided tour?

Can I take a
guided tour?

If it is 
necessary to arrive in advance

Is it
necessary to arrive in advance?

Should I
arrive in advance?

Do I have
arrive in advance?

If all
ingredients are natural

Are  all
ingredients natural?

If any skills
or qualifications are required

Are  any
skills or qualifications  required?

Should I have
any skills or qualifications?

Do I have to
have any skills or qualifications?

If there is
any discount for online booking

Is there  any
discount for online booking?

If there is
free internet access

Is there 
free internet access?

Do you
provide free internet access?

Whether rings
are available in all sizes

Are the 
rings available in all sizes?

If silver
membership includes swimming

Does  silver
membership include swimming?

Whether Blue
Sky Airlines fly to Barcelona

Do Blue Sky
Airlines fly to Barcelona?


Процесс составления специальных вопросов к
является самым простым, надо только определить, что нужен
вопрос такого типа.

Опорное задание


Wh-questions ( what/which/how + noun group)

What free
time activities
are offered

What free time activities are offered?

types of films
are included in the program

Which types
of films are included in the program?

What kind
of packaging
is available

What kind of
packaging is available?

What kind of
introductory training is provided

What kind of
introductory training is provided?

How many
are offered

How many
excursions are offered?

vegetarian dishes
are on the menu

vegetarian dishes are on the menu?

performs on Saturday

Which group
performs on Saturday?

dates in July and August
are available

Which dates
in July and August are available?

What films
are on at weekends

What films
are on at weekends?

Составление специальных вопросов к
второстепенным членам предложения.
Чуть сложнее. Нужен обратный порядок

Опорное задание


joining and annual fees

What are the 
joining and annual fees ?

modern conveniences
the flat has

What modern
conveniences does  the flat have?

When the 
tour guides

When do the tour
guides arrive?

Where the
is situated

Where is  the
hotel  situated?

the couch gets in touch with participants

How does/can
the couch get  in touch with the participants?

Специальные вопросы на основе инфинитивных
легко узнать по инфинитиву с частицей to    ( в качестве сказуемого будут can/could, may, should, will, have to и др. )

Опорное задание


Wh-questions + to(what to/where to/how to, etc.)

Who to
contact to apply

Who do I
have  to contact to apply?

How to
get to the library

How can I 
get to the library?

How to
apply for the job

How can I 
apply for the job?

to bring to party

What should
I  bring to the party?

to meet

When will we


Опорное задание



What courses
are available?

What courses
do you offer?

What courses
can we attend?

of student discounts

Are student
discounts available?

Are there any
discounts for students?

discounts for students do you offer?

of price reductions

Are any price
reductions available?

Are there any
price reductions?

of tours

What tours
are available?

Are any tours

Are there any

of schools between July and August

Are any
schools between July and August available?

Are there any
schools between July and August?

What school
do you offer schools between July and August?

of flats for rent

Are any flats
for rent available?

Are there any
flats for rent?

Can we rent a

of tables for 6 persons for Saturday night

Are any
tables for 6 persons for Saturday night available?

Are there any
tables for 6 persons for Saturday night?

Can we book a
table for 6 persons for Saturday night?

of college rooms

Are there any
collage rooms available?

Are there any
collage rooms ?

Does the
collage offer any rooms for its students?

of discounts if ordered online

Are there any
discounts  if we order online?

Can we get
any  discounts if we order online?

of rooms

Can we book a
room for ……?

Are there any
rooms available for ……..?

of price reductions for early booking

Is there/ can
we get any price reductions if we book early?

Is there/ can
we get any price reductions for early booking?

of sauna or swimming pool

Does the
hotel have a sauna and a swimming pool?

Is there any
sauna or swimming pool in the hotel?

of flights on 5th August

Are there any
flights on 5th August?

2.       Directions
to …..
        как добраться          
How can I get to the hotel/cinema?

3.       Discounts 
………   есть ли скидки          Are there any discounts
for students? Do you have…..?

4.       Distance
…….  Расстояние                  How far is the
hotel from the city centre?

5.       Coverage
of  (или
noun + coverage) …       Рамки, охват, границы,
сфера действия  Нр:  insurance coverage    How much
money does the insurance cover?
Or What is the coverage of

the insurance?

6.       Reservation/booking 
online/advance reservation/booking a room/ticket   заказ,
резервация Can I reserve a room
online/in advance?

7.       Number
of …
          (-number of cruises run daily; -number of lessons per week)
How many cruises do you run daily? Или How
many cruises are run daily?       How many lessons per week are given? Или  ….are there peer week?

8.       Connection
        связь между объектами            What public transport
connections are there between ……. and…..?                  

9.       Necessity/possibility
to + verb…..                       
Necessity/possible или  
Can /Should I/Do I have to ……        Is it necessary to book in
advance?        Do I have to book in advance?   Should I…..?


10.   Restriction     
ограничения    Нр:
age restriction; restriction foe children         Is there any age restriction
for those who want……?

11.   Permission   разрешение   Is it allowed to take pictures in the museum?   или     Can I……..?

12.   Refund for…    
возмещение/компенсация убытков       Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss….?

13.   Duration (of)    
курс обучения,
круизапутешествия     How long/How
much time….? How much time does the intensive course last?

14.   Salary   salary
of a photographer     How much does ……..get/earn?   What is the ………salary?

15.   Options    вариант, возможность, возможность выбора   Нр: bungee jumping options, payment options, meals options,
delivery options.

16.   Location                          Where
is the hotel situated/located?

17.   Working/opening
часы работы   
When….и What hours   museum
working hours   What are the museum working hours ?

18.   Type/kind/sort      
What kind/type/ sort of …… ?

19.   Range  (близко к
предыдущему, )     Нр: price range    What is the price range  of the room? What
prices are there within the possible range?

20.   Variety     начинаются cо слова What  
Нр:  variety of drinks;  What
drinks do you serve? What courses do you offer?

21.   Facilities и accommodation  чаще со словом availability of  Нр: hotel/college facilities   What facilities are available in
the hotel?  What college  facilities do you offer? What college  facilities
are  offered?

22.   Dates/time   What
are the dates of ………?   When does the………..start?

23.   Price/cost/fee   Нр: entrance fee       What is the
entrance fee?  How much is the ticket?   How much does the ticket cost?


Устная часть ЕГЭ. Задание 2

Клише для успешной сдачи задания 2 в устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Подборка типичных вопросов              Устная часть

 Задание 2

  1. Location of the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – месторасположения

Where is your shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel located (situated)?

  1. Directions to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – способ добраться

How can I get to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel?

What is the best way to get to your school?

  1. Distance from the city center – удаленность от центра

How far is your gym/hotel/club/school from the city center?

4. Duration / length of the tour/flight/classes – продолжительность тура /перелета / уроков

How long is the tour / flight?

How long are the classes?

How long will the tour last?

  1. Dates for departure – даты вылета (отправления)

What are the departure dates? / When does the tour start?

  1. Opening hours / hours of operation / working hours – часы работы

What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library?

When is the shop /gym /museum / library open?

When do you work?

What are the working hours of the shop?

When does the shop / gym / museum work?

NB! The shop is closed on Sunday. / The shop is open on weekdays.

“open” и “closed” – это прилагательные

  1. Discounts / Reductions for children/for groups/for big orders – скидки

Are there any discounts / reductions for children under 5?

Is it possible to get any discounts?

Are discounts for groups of students available?

What discounts are provided for big orders/ for pensioners /for the elderly?  – Какие скидки предоставляются для больших заказов / для пенсионеров?

  1. Special offers – специальные предложения

Are there any special offers available at your school ?

What special offers do you provide in your shop?

  1. Price / Cost of the item – цена

What is the price of the bicycle? / What is the best price of the car?

How much is the bicycle? / How much are these trainers?

How much does the phone cost? / How much do these jeans cost?

What is the single/double room price per night?

  1. Entrance fee / tuition fee – входная плата / плата за обучение

What is the entrance fee? / What is the tuition fee?

How much is the ticket? / How much are the tickets?

How much does the ticket cost? (3 л., ед.число)

How much do the ticketcost? (мн.число)

  1. Courses available – доступные курсы

What kinds of courses are available?

What courses do you offer?

Do you offer morning or evening courses?

Are morning/afternoon/evening courses available?

Evening courses are available at your school, aren’t they?

  1. Price for a two-week course – стоимость двухнедельного курса обучения

What is the price for a two-week course?

How much is a two-week course?

Is the price for a two-week course reasonable?

  1. If a placement test is included – включен ли тест распределения учащихся по уровню знаний

Is a placement test included in the program of the course?

  1. If textbooks are included – включены ли в стоимость курса учебники

Are textbooks included into the price?

  1. Number of classes per week – количество уроков в неделю/в день

How many classes are there per week?

How many clases a day do you offer

  1. Number of students in the group – количество студентов в группе

How many students are there in the group?

  1. Beginning of the course – начало курса обучения

When does the course start / begin?

  1.  Availability of something – возможность чего-либо

Is the table for 6 people available for Sunday evening?

Is the audio version of the book available?

Is shipping / delivery to my town available? – Возможна ли доставка товара в мой город?

Can you deliver it (them) into my hometown?

  1. Hotel facilities – услуги в отеле

What facilities do you offer?

What facilities are available / provided at your hotel?

What facilities does the hotel have?

  1. Possible accommodation – виды размещения / проживания

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

  1. Online reservation / advance booking – бронирование по интернету / предварительный заказ

Can I book tickets in advance?

Can I make a reservation online?

Is it possible to make a reservation online?

  1. If a wake— up call available – возможность услуги «звонок для пробуждения», когда сотрудник отеля телефонным звонком будит вас в условленное время

Is a wake-up call at 3 a.m. available?

Can you give us a wake-up call, please?

  1. If breakfast is included – включен ли завтрак в стоимость

Is breakfast included in the price of the tour?

  1. Available kinds of payment – возможные способы оплаты

What kinds of payment are available / possible?

Can I pay cash (or in cash: in dollars, in Euros, in roubles )? – Могу я оплатить наличными?

Can I pay by credit card / by check?

  1. Credit card acceptance – возможность оплаты кредитной картой

Can I use my credit card for payment?

Do you accept credit cards for payment?

Is it possible to pay by credit card?

  1. Cancellation [ˌkæns(ə)’leɪʃ(ə)n] – отмена бронирования

Is cancellation possible?

Can I cancel the order?

Is there any possibility to cancel the order?

Is it possible to cancel the order?

How can I cancel the order?

  1. Refund for a ticket – возврат денег/компенсация

Can I get a refund for a ticket if I miss the concert?

Is it possible to get a refund for a ticket?

  1. If taking pictures permitted – разрешена ли фотосъемка

Is taking pictures allowed /permitted?

Can I take pictures at the museum?

Is it possible to take photos during the performance?

  1. Age restriction / minimum age limit – возрастные ограничения

What is the minimum age limit to ride this attraction?

Are there any age restrictions to get this job?

How old should I be to apply for this job?

  1. Membership in a movement / club / organization – членство в движении / клубе / организации

How can I join your club?

How can I become a member of your organization?

What do I need to join your movement?


— обратите внимание, что если в одном из пунктов, предложенных в задании, присутствует слово «IF», то это сигнал того, что Вам нужно построить вопрос общего типа

— на экзамене задавайте вопросы общего (General Question) и специального типа (Special Question)

— не забывайте употреблять вспомогательные глаголы

— не рекомендуется задавать косвенные вопросы типа: “Could you tell me…”

— не нужно начинать свой ответ с этикетного диалога: “Hello. My name is Ann and I’m calling to find out more information about …”

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