Problems in neighbourhood сочинение

Table of Contents

  1. The Relevance of the Problem


Life in neighborhoods involves adaptation to specific conditions since for normal social interaction, concessions and compromises are natural aspects of healthy communication. However, in conditions of obvious irritants and neighbors’ incorrect behavior, many questions arise to one another, which creates inconveniences for a normal lifestyle. In my neighborhood in Woodlands Hills, LA, I have to deal with the problem of slamming doors, which leads to anxiety for pets and makes life filled with constant stress. The three most likely causes of this problem are faulty door locks, too poor soundproofing, and a careless and indifferent attitude towards neighbors’ calmness. The most responsible cause is indifference to neighbors’ calmness because the first two reasons can be corrected, while carelessness and selfishness are human qualities that are difficult to influence.

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The Relevance of the Problem

The biggest problem in my neighborhood is slamming doors, and this behavior causes anxiety to all pets. Most of my neighbors slam their doors every time they come or leave their apartments. When people do this deliberately, sound and vibration irritate significantly. My dog gets anxious and barks regularly, which upsets the neighborhood continuously. Door slamming is startling and becomes a severe irritant if this a frequent occurrence. In addition to noise, ceilings and walls tremble, which makes everyone nervous. Moreover, this can happen at any time of the day.

My position on this acute problem is unambiguous and tough. Constant noise is unacceptable and disrupts the normal rhythm of life for residents and their pets. We live in a large apartment complex, and this exacerbates the problem. Moving from the complex sometimes seems the best solution to avoid further stress. This has a significant impact on my life and mood. As a result, rest and quiet pastime are impossible in such conditions. Various causes may be the drivers of the slamming door noise problem. To evaluate them, a comparative analysis of these aggravators needs to be conducted.

The Main Causes

One of the reasons for the problem under consideration may be faulty door locks. My neighbor confirmed that her door was slamming for this reason: “I have to fix the door; it seems my lock is broken” (Sheridan). However, after the locksmith replaced her broken lock, the problems in the entire complex were not resolved. This is unlikely that other neighbors slam their doors due to the same issue. Our neighborhood is in a busy place, and, according to Park and Lee, “the ease of penetration of possible intrusion routes” is the main incentive for burglars (101582). In other words, in case of the malfunctioning of many doors, theft would occur frequently. A broken lock is a clear incentive for criminals to enter the house. Therefore, this is illogical to consider this reason as the key one.

The problem of faulty locks seems less likely than poor soundproofing. As Kim and Yoo note, constant noise can occur due to “living in a room with insufficient soundproofing” (1067). Walls and ceilings tremble with the sound of slamming doors. Nevertheless, this issue is relevant to many apartment complexes, and residents adapt to it. Pyatkov et al. argue that “possession of a dog from the point of view of the law – faultless behavior” (235). Dog barking is usually not spontaneous and is triggered by a specific stimulus. Moreover, pets gradually get used to a particular living environment. Therefore, poor soundproofing is not the core of the problem.

Some residents’ annoying behavior seems to be the most compelling reason for the existing issue. Neighbors’ careless and indifferent attitude towards others’ calmness is a selfish position. According to Mutiara, “these unspoken norms of social life sometimes function quietly in the neighborhood” (268). As a result, stress is accumulated due to constant irritation and powerlessness to change the situation. Unlike the problem of broken locks and poor soundproofing, others’ behavior cannot be fixed. In their research, Lee et al. found that “neighbor noise and outdoor noise was found to be equally annoying” (6005). Indifference to others’ comfort is annoying, but this is not a reason for being held accountable. Therefore, this reason seems the most obvious aggravator of the problem.

Our neighbors’ inability to respect one another creates social tension. This is a vicious circle in which, in addition, pets are involved. Pyatkov et al. argue that in animals, “emotions and sufferings can manifest themselves with noise” (236). This behavior is natural for animals but unacceptable for humans. Everyone has the right to a peaceful and quiet rest. Although, as Mutiara remarks, “sound is shaped subjectively,” the issue in our neighborhood is evident (268). This disrespectful attitude is a consequence of the modern selfish way of life. Thus, the noise of slamming doors is not a mechanical but a human problem.

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The problem of slamming doors in our neighborhood is an acute issue that concerns not only people but also pets. Based on the analysis, three reasons have been considered: faulty locks, poor soundproofing, and neighbors’ indifference to others’ comfort. The assessment of the problem has shown that the first two problems are removable while changing the attitude of neighbors is problematic. Disrespect for others is a key aggravator of the issue in question. The reaction of pets to noise is natural, but the situation itself is annoying. Stress and anxiety are accumulated, which creates discomfort and prompts to move from the neighborhood.

Works Cited

Kim, Jisun, and Seunghyun Yoo. “Perceived Health Problems of Young Single-Person Households in Housing Poverty Living in Seoul, South Korea: A Qualitative Study.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, p. 1067. doi:10.3390/ijerph18031067

Lee, Pyoung Jik, et al. “Attitudes to Noise Inside Dwellings in Three Megacities: Seoul, London, and São Paulo.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, no. 16, 2020, p. 6005. doi:10.3390/ijerph17166005

Mutiara, Median. “Noise Complaints between Japanese Neighbors and Migrants in Rural Japan: From the Perspectives of Noisemakers.” Social Sciences, vol. 7, no. 12, 2018, p. 268. doi:10.3390/socsci7120268

Park, So Yeon, and Kyung Hoon Lee. “Burglars’ Choice of Intrusion Routes: A Virtual Reality Experimental Study.” Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 74, 2021, p. 101582. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101582

Pyatkov, Dmitry, et al. “Noisy Behavior of Residents of an Apartment Building as a Matter of Neighborly Law (the Case of Relationship Between Dog Owners and Neighbors).” Religación, vol. 4, no. 22, 2019, pp. 234-249.

Sheridan, Chloe. Personal Interview. 2021.

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Actually, the neighbourhood where I live is very big and beautiful place. I love my neighbourhood. There are plenty of shops, cafe, library and restaurant in my neighbourhood. I live with my family and we have very big and beautiful house in my neighborhood. Near our house has big supermarket where I always can find anything I want. Because in this supermarket service is very good and prices are very cheap. I like walking and riding bicycle with my friends and family in the evening.

Как написать хороший ответ? Как написать хороший ответ?

  • Написать правильный и достоверный ответ;
  • Отвечать подробно и ясно, чтобы ответ принес наибольшую пользу;
  • Писать грамотно, поскольку ответы без грамматических, орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок лучше воспринимаются.

Мореплаватель — имя существительное, употребляется в мужском роде. К нему может быть несколько синонимов.
1. Моряк. Старый моряк смотрел вдаль, думая о предстоящем опасном путешествии;
2. Аргонавт. На аргонавте были старые потертые штаны, а его рубашка пропиталась запахом моря и соли;
3. Мореход. Опытный мореход знал, что на этом месте погибло уже много кораблей, ведь под водой скрывались острые скалы;
4. Морской волк. Старый морской волк был рад, ведь ему предстояло отчалить в долгое плавание.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Образовательные – совершенствовать лексические навыки, навыки аудирования, активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.

Практические – учить логически строить высказывание на основе прослушанной и переработанной информации.

Развивающие – развивать творческие навыки

Воспитательные – развитие навыков к сотрудничеству

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка

Тип урока: Комбинированный урок

Организационный момент, введение темы

Teacher: I hope everybody is ready to work. Try to guess what we are going to talk about. Have a look at the title and pictures of ex.1 p86. Try to predict what we are going to talk at our lesson today. (учащиеся высказывают свои предположения) rubbish on the streets, lack of park/trees, heavy traffic on the roads, street hawkers, stray animals, overcrowded public transport, smells and noise, graffiti, beggars, dog mess, cars/motorbikes parked on the pavements.

Ex1 p.86 Look at the phrases in the world list. Which of these problems can you see in the pictures? Are there similar problems where you live?

Listening for specific information

T: Listen to three people talking about things they find annoying in the place they live. What is each person’s problems? (Bob, Helen, Peter)

Bob: It makes my blood boil when people throw rubbish on the streets. In my area, it’s so messy! Sometimes, it seems as if there’s rubbish everywhere — on the pavements, in the gutters, even in people’s gardens. I mean, why can’t people just put their rubbish in a bin -there are plenty around! It’s a disgrace!

Helen: It really gets on my nerves that public transport is so crowded in my city. It’s impossible to drive into the city now, because there’s nowhere to park, so basically everyone goes to work or school by bus. I guess that’s good for the environment, but there should be more buses at peak times or they should build an underground train system or something. It’s just so horrible standing up all the way to school and sometimes I can’t even get onto the bus in the first place. I just can’t put up with it anymore.

Peter: It really annoys me that there are so many stray dogs in the streets in my town. Apart from the fact that I feel very sorry for the poor animals that are left out on the street, it’s a public health problem! Just the other week, a child was bitten by a stray dog! I mean, surely it’s not difficult for the council to have the animals picked up by an animal protection agency? It’s a disgrace!

T: What problem does Bob annoy?

What about Helen?

What about Peter?

Актуализация лексики по теме

T: Look at the phrases expressing annoyance, agreeing/ disagreeing.

(Чтение фраз) упр.4 стр.86

Показ слайдов с музыкой

Этап применения знаний . Составление мини-диалогов

T: And now use these expressions in your mini-dialogues concerning these problems

(rubbish in the streets, dog mess, stray animals, heavy traffic on the roads, lack of the parks, smoking on the balcony)

It’s time to relax – физкульт.мин. под музыку

Predicting the content of a dialogue:

Ex.5(a) Listening to the dialogue

T: Where does the conversation take place?

What do you think Bob wants?

Reading for specific information

What is annoying Bob? – His neighbour’s smelly rubbish bin

What’s Tom’s reaction to Bob’s complaint? — Tom is annoyed

What does bob persuade Tom to do what he wants? – He talks about the potential health risks

T: As you see these problems are common for cities and towns. What solutions do you propose?

Imaging yourself a mayor of the town and write the solution to one of these problems.

If I were a mayor I would …

You have done a great work!

Do you like the lesson?

What’s your opinion?

(Stick leaves on the tree : green — excellent, yellow – good, brown – so-so. Who was the best? What marks have you put?(смайлики))

Узнаете какие проблемы могут быть в месте, где ты живешь.

Познакомитесь с идиоматическими выражениями, связанными с частями дома.

Научитесь выражать возмущение, согласие и несогласие с возмущением.

Будете совершенствовать навыки аудирования с пониманием основного содержания, пониманием запрашиваемой информации, полным пониманием запрашиваемой информации.

Совершенствовать лексико-грамматические и орфографические умения и навыки.

Термины и понятия урока № 28

cars/motorbikes parked on the pavements – транспорт на тротуарах

heavy traffic — затрудненное движение транспорта

overcrowded public transport – переполненный общественный транспорт

graffiti — граффити

stray animals – бродячие, бездомные животные

lack of parks/trees – недостаток парков и деревьев

smells and noise — запахи и шум

rubbish on the streets – мусор на улицах

street hawkers – уличные продавцы

beggars — попрошайки

dog/bird mess — собачий, птичий помет

everything but the kitchen sink — все подряд

have a roof over our heads — иметь крышу над головой

lead sb up the garden path — водить за нос, обманывать

throw money down the drain — тратить деньги попусту

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме урока:

  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский в фокусе. Английский язык. 11 класс. Учебник, стр. 23 – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Языковой портфель. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Контрольные задания. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.

Look at these photos.

There is something wrong in the neighbourhood.

What are we going to discuss today?

Which of these problems do you have in your neighbourhood?

Let’s study the new vocabulary you need during this lesson.

cars/motorbikes parked on the pavements – транспорт на тротуарах

heavy traffic — затрудненное движение транспорта

overcrowded public transport – переполненный общественный транспорт

graffiti — граффити

stray animals – бродячие, бездомные животные

lack of parks/trees – недостаток парков и деревьев

smells and noise — запахи и шум

rubbish on the streets – мусор на улицах

street hawkers – уличные продавцы

beggars — попрошайки

dog/bird mess — собачий, птичий помет

everything but the kitchen sink — все подряд

have a roof over our heads — иметь крышу над головой

lead sb up the garden path — водить за нос, обманывать

throw money down the drain — тратить деньги попусту

Define the problems of the neighbourhood. Drag and drop.

rubbish on the streets

lack of parks/trees

heavy traffic on the roads

cars/motorbikes parked on the pavements

smells and noise

overcrowded public transport

Let’s do the fill-word with the words denoting problems in the neighbourhood.

Read the text and the best variant to the gap.

Even if you live in the heart of the city, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t 1 ……………… up gardening. We can’t all afford a large garden, but we can all create a space where we can follow the seasons. Whether it’s a window box, a balcony or a tiny yard, anyone can have the pleasure of looking 2 ……………… plants.

A window box is a small box of plants that literally sits outside your window. Here, the choice of plants is what counts. You want a splash of colour all year 3 ……………… , so choose flowers that bloom at different times of the year. Daffodils, for example, are beautiful spring flowers and will soon have you looking forward to summer. Their bright colours will also attract butterflies, bringing a touch of life. If you’ve got a balcony, you’ve got a little more freedom. In this case, the key is to 4 ……………… maximum use of the space you’ve got available. Put taller plants against the walls of the house, with shorter plants and flowers along the 5 ……………… of the balcony.

You can also add a water feature; a small fountain creates interest and can have a cooling effect on a hot summer’s day. If your neighbours’ balcony is next to yours, why not use a fast-growing plant like wisteria to form a natural barrier, giving you more privacy?

Those of you who are lucky enough to have a small yard can really go to town. Think about how you’re going to use it. Do you want to be able to sit and enjoy the sun? Or do you want to be 6 ……………… to entertain friends and have a barbecue? Divide the yard into separate areas and plan each one carefully. Garden furniture is very important. A table that folds in half can give you a lot of flexibility, and chairs that fold away also allow you to change your garden to 7 ……………… your mood. As 8……………… as plants are concerned, choose varieties that don’t mind a bit of shade, unless your yard gets a lot of sun. Yards often have walls that keep the sun out for long periods and you don’t want your careful plans spoiled because a few of your plants start to die.

1 1) take 2) set 3) put 4) make

2 1) on 2) up 3) after 4) down

3 1) round 2) over 3) along 4) across

4 1) get 2) make 3) have 4) do

5 1) edge 2) boundary 3) rim 4) frame

6 1) capable 2) possible 3) able 4) probable

7 1) fit 2) suit 3) copy 4) go

8 1) much 2) long 3) few 4) far

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the gaps.

1. Neighbourhood task teams have had an immediate impact in ______ crime.

2. They have a long-term ______ on crime levels.

3. We’re ______ anti-social behaviour.

4. We’re working with partner agencies to help ______ solutions.

5. The creation of a neighbourhood resource centre has ______ a big difference.
6. The centre offers a ______ of activities to all ages.
7. The police can work with the ______, and are seen in a whole new light.
8. There’s been a marked ______ in crime and vandalism.
9. These are important ______ to local communities.

Complete the dialogue with appropriate phrase. Put them in the right order.

The first and the last two exchanges in the dialogue are done for you. Drag and drop.

  • Well, I’m sorry to say this, but it stinks and I just can’t put up with it any more.
  • But bin bags cost money! It doesn’t cost me anything to throw my rubbish straight into the bin.
  • Also, the smell attracts flies and other insects, so it could become a health risk.
  • Well, it’s about your rubbish bin actually.
  • It’s full of rubbish! What do you expect?
  • What’s the problem?
  • You could put your rubbish in a bag first, so it smells less. That’s what I do.
  • I see. Sorry about that.
  • Yes. I appreciate that, but the smell is offensive and very annoying. It drives me crazy!

Bob: Can I have a word with you for a minute, please?

Tom: Sure. What is it?

Tom: That’s a fair point. OK. I’ll use bin bags from now on.

Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in capital letters.

The home is full of 1________ (HIDE) dangers. Not many people would think that curtains or the TV are especially 2__________ (SAFE). Children, however, can strangle 3_____________ (THEY) on curtain cords and can be crushed under 4__________ (FALL) TV sets. So, make sure curtain cords are out of reach of 5__________ (CHILD) and attach your TV to the wall.

There are many things that you can do to keep your home safe. For example, never hide a pair of house keys in a ‘secret’ place in your garden. Burglars know where to look! Never give 6__________ (PERSON) information to 7 ___________ (IDENTIFY) telephone callers. And establish a 8 _________ (DAY) routine that 9 ___________ (SURE) that you will never leave your house without first locking all the doors and windows.

Match the headlines (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7).

There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

  • Keeping it warm
  • Home security tips
  • Energy saving tips
  • Hygiene in the home
  • Security and personal safety
  • Hidden home hazards
  • Secure your home
  • Making a home hazard-free

The home is full of hidden dangers. Not many people would think that curtains or the TV are especially unsafe. Children, however, can strangle themselves on curtain cords and can be crushed under falling TV sets. So, make sure curtain cords are out of reach of children and attach your TV to the wall.

There are many things that you can do to keep your home safe. For example, never hide a pair of house keys in a ‘secret’ place in your garden. Burglars know where to look! Never give personal information to unidentified telephone callers. And establish a daily routine that ensures that you will never leave your house without first locking all the doors and windows.

Germs are not only found in public places but also around the home. Too often, people do not wash their hands after going to the toilet or before preparing food. To keep your home clean, wipe down surfaces regularly using disinfectant and a clean cloth. There is no need to buy expensive disinfectants: vinegar and hot water is a cheap and effective alternative.

Burglars prefer houses which are easy to break into. They like to work under the cover of darkness and avoid places where forcing entry would be too noisy or time-consuming. So, install outside lights with motion detectors, invest in a burglar alarm, and put security devices such as bars and locks on windows and doors.

Every year, millions of children are injured at home. Fortunately, most incidents are easily preventable. Lock cabinets and drawers where medicines and cleaning products are kept. Put child safety gates at the top of the stairs and cover sharp corners and plug sockets to prevent cuts and electrocutions.

Do you have a high energy bill every month? Well, there are plenty of things you can do to cut down on your energy consumption. Wash your laundry using cold water. Install low-flow showerheads. Identify air leaks in your home and repair them. An easy way to find air leaks is by using a candle. When the flame slants, you have found the air leak.

Trees in our gardens help to shelter our homes from cold winter winds. Therefore, strategically placed trees can really help stop a house from getting cold. Consult a professional gardener on where to plant trees to best shelter your home.

Read the text and choose the best variant from the list.

An Unusual Mobile Home

A yurt is the 1) traditional/ usual / ordinary home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, China and Central Asia. The word ‘yurt’ or ‘yurta’ 2) firstly/ originally/ only comes from the Turkish word meaning ‘dwelling place.’ It is 3) large/ tall/ circular in shape and is easy to assemble, take down and transport. Made of a 4) stone/ metal/ wooden frame and covered with felt, it is a popular place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes find it used in other countries too, as it is an 5) well-known/ inexpensive/ simple form of temporary housing. In Europe, 6) variations /variant/ amount on Mongolian and Central Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of different purposes, from permanent housing to school rooms.

Read the text and mark the sentences T (for true) or F(for false).

Noisy neighbours biggest problem

a) A quarter of people in the UK have problems with their neighbours. T / F

b) Researchers interviewed over 20,000 people about their neighbours. T / F

c) Over half of people in the UK feel stressed about their neighbours. T / F

d) Most people do not know how to get advice about neighbours. T / F

e) The biggest complaint about neighbours was noise. T / F

f) Less than a quarter of people spoke to neighbours about problems. T / F

g) The article said the problem went away after talking to a neighbour. T / F

h) A consumer organization recommended people keep a diary. T / F

Study the idioms and find the best variant to the statement.

1 This house is in a very bad state, but at least we have a . over our heads.

2 Look how big her suitcase is! She’s taking everything but the kitchen .

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Министерство образования и науки Луганской Народной Республики

ГБОУ Стахановская специализированная школа I — III ступеней №9 им. А Стаханова


по теме “PROBLEMS IN NEIGHBOURHOODS” для 11 класса

Учитель: Самотугина В.В.


Стаханов 2015-2016 г.

Цель: — формировать лексические навыки, обучать диалогической речи; — совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения; — развивать память, логическое мышление, коммуникативные навыки; — воспитывать чувство ответственности за экологическое состояние своего района и толерантное отношение друг к другу;

Оборудование: CD запись, магнитофон, картинки, карточки.


Teacher: Nice to see you. What’s the date today? Who is absent? What was your home task for today? Student: My home task for today’s lesson was to tell the class about the problem of the homeless. Teacher: Unfortunately we can often see people sleeping in a shop doorway, in a train station or on a park bench. Tell why do you think these people don’t have a home or become the homeless? Describe what are their lives like? Checking H/W



Teacher: Read the title on the board.” Problems in neighbourhoods”.What do you think it means?

Student: “Problems in neighbourhoods” means the problems we are facing nowadays in our native town or the district we live in.

Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the problems in our neighbourhoods and the aim of the lesson is to improve your speaking and listening skills.

2.BRAINSTORM Teacher: What problems have your neighbourhoods got? Write your ideas on the board.

3. DISCUSSION Teacher: Read the list of problems.

Rubbish on the streets, lack of parks/ trees, heavy traffic on the roads, street hawkers, stray animals, overcrowded public transport, smells and noise, graffiti, beggars, dog/bird mess, cars/ motobikes on the pavements.

Teacher explains or reminds the meaning of some words/ phrases if it is necessary .(hawkers= street sellers; beggars= people who are asking for money from passers-by; stray animals= animals such as dogs or cats that are lost or have no home)

Teacher: Which of the problems can you see on the picture? Are there similar problems in your town? Discuss in groups what we can do to improve the situation. Give your suggestions.

Teacher: Some problems in the neighbourhoods bother the residents and they find them rather annoying. Take the cards and study the ways of expressing annoyance.

Teacher: Listen to three people talking about things they find annoying in the place they live. What each person’s problem? Which of the phrases in the table did they use to express their annoyance?

Bob: It makes my blood boil when people throw rubbish on the streets. In my area, it’s so messy! Sometimes, it seems as if there’s rubbish everywhere ― on the pavements, in the gutters, even in people’s gardens. I mean, why can’t people just put their rubbish in a bin – there are plenty around! It’s a disgrace!

Helen: It really gets on my nerves that public transport is so crowded in my city. It’s impossible to drive into the city now, because there’s nowhere to park, so basically everyone goes to work or school by bus. I guess that’s good for the environment, but there should be more buses at peak times or they should build an underground train system or something. It’s just so horrible standing up all the way to school and sometimes I can’t even get onto the bus in the first place. I just can’t put up with it anymore.

Peter: It really annoys me that there are so many stray dogs in the streets in my town. Apart from the fact that I feel very sorry for the poor animals that are left out on the street, it’s a public health problem! Just the other week, a child was bitten by a stray dog! I mean, surely it’s not difficult for the council to have the animals picked up by an animal protection agency? It’s a disgrace!

Students’ answers: The amount of rubbish everywhere makes Bob’s blood boil. It’s disgrace. Overcrowded public transport and lack of parking really gets on Helen’s nerves. She just can’t put up with it anymore. Stay dogs really annoys Peter. It’s disgrace.

Teacher: Listen again and say what ways of solving the problems do they suggest?

Students’ answers: Bob suggests people to put their rubbish in a bin, he thinks there are plenty of them around. Helen believes there should be more buses at peak times or the council should build an underground train system in the city. Peter feels sorry for the poor animals on the street and thinks that it’s not difficult for the council to have the animals picked up by an animal protection agency.


Teacher: Use the following ideas to discuss, as in the example.

Example: You see someone dropping litter on the pavement. A: It really gets on my nerves when people drop litter on the pavement. B: Yes, it gets on my nerves, too. Why can’t they use the bins?

The ideas: 1. Your neighbour’s dog has fouled in front of your house. 2. You walk past an alley that stinks of rubbish. 3. You have been asked to by a pirate CD/DVD while you are at a café. 4. You are on a busy bus squashed up against other people.

Students’ answers: 1. A: It drives me crazy when people let their dogs foul on the pavement outside my house.

B: Yes, it drives me crazy too. Why can’t they scoop it up?

2. A: It’s a disgrace the stink that comes from all that rubbish.

B: Yes, it’s awful. Why can’t they clean the streets more regularly?

3. A: It makes my blood boil when people ask me to buy pirate CDs and DVDs.

B: It doesn’t really bother me.

4. A: It really annoys me when they allow too many people to board the bus.

B: Yes, it gets on my nerves too.

Teacher: Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. Where does the conversation take place? What do you think Bob wants?

Students’ answers: The conversation takes place in the neighbourhood. Bob wants his neighbor to do something to stop his rubbish smelling so much.

Teacher: Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. What is annoying Bob? 2. What is Tom’s reaction to Bob’s complain? 3. What does Bob suggest as a solution? 4. What is Tom’s first reaction to Bob’s suggestion? 5. How does Bob persuade Tom to do what he wants?

Teacher: You are going to work in pairs. You can use the phrases from the cards and the previous dialogue as a model to make and act out your own dialogue by the following situation: Your neighbour’s dog is keeping you awake at night. Teacher may ask some questions to help the students to make the dialogue. What is annoying you? (the dog is keeping me awake at night)What can be your neighbour’s reaction to your complain? (the dog sometimes barks. ) What can you suggest as a solution? (let the dog sleep inside the house)What can be your neighbour’s first reaction to your suggestion? (the dog can make a mess , he would have to spend time for cleaning) How can you persuade your neighbour to do what you want?(my wife and son are having difficulty sleeping and they are tired during the day)

Suggested student’s answer :

A: Can I have a word with you for a minute, please?

B: Sure. What is it?

A: Well, it’s about your dog actually.

B: What’s the problem?

A: Well, I’m sorry to say this, but it is keeping me awake at night and I just can’t put up with it any more.

B: But he’s a dog. Of course he sometimes barks!

A: You could let him sleep inside the house. That’s what I’d do.

B: But he would make a mess and I would have to spend all my time cleaning!

A: Yes. I appreciate that, but the barking is so annoying. It really gets on my nerves.

B: I see. Sorry about that.

A: Also, my young son is having difficulty sleeping and has been very tired during the day.

B: In that case, maybe I should take the dog in at night.

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. You were very active and creative. Your marks are ..… (comment the marks).HOMEWORK: Write ten words/expressions you have learnt in this lesson and make sentences using them.

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Экологические проблемы нашего района/ The ecological problems of our district с переводом на русский язык.

The Ecological Problems of Our District Экологические проблемы нашего района
The term “ecology” was introduced into scientific language and the life of our society many years ago. Everybody knows that ecology depends on our humane attitude towards nature and it’s no secret that nowadays the world ecological situation is difficult. The degree of pollution of water, air and soil increases year after year and is considered to be a serious international problem. We all have heard about latest ecological catastrophe in Japan and its consequences and deeply realize how important it is to prevent such dangerous events in future. Термин экология был введен в научную терминологию (досл. — язык) и жизнь нашего общества много лет назад. Каждый знает, что экология зависит от нашего гуманного отношения к природе, и не секрет, что сегодня мировая экологическая ситуация сложна. Уровень загрязнения воды, воздуха и почвы возрастает год за годом и рассматривается как серьезная международная проблема. Мы все слышали о недавней экологической катастрофе в Японии и о ее последствиях, и глубоко осознаем, как важно предотвратить подобные опасные события в будущем.
Speaking about the problems of pollution I can’t help saying about the ecological problems of our district. I have been living in the east of Moscow for many years and have had a lot of chances to watch the negative environmental impacts. Говоря о проблемах загрязнения, я не могу не сказать об экологических проблемах нашего района. Я живу на востоке Москвы много лет, и у меня было много возможностей наблюдать случаи негативного воздействия на окружающую среду.
Needless to say, that the main problem is the pollution of air. A lot of people in our district have their own cars and a lot of companies, especially transport ones, use lorries in their work. These transport facilities carry loads and passengers from one destination to another and at the same time do a lot of damage to nature. The car exhaust fumes mix with air and we have to inspire this harmful mixture. I am very glad that lately the number of cars and garages in our yards has decreased but suppose that it would be better to use another transport, to move the garages to the suburbs or to arrange days of pedestrian traffic if we really want to clear the air. Нет нужды говорить, что основная проблема – это загрязнение воздуха. Многие люди в нашем районе имеют собственные автомобили, и масса компаний, особенно транспортных, использует в своей работе грузовики. Эти транспортные средства перевозят грузы и пассажиров из одного пункта назначения в другой в то же время наносят вред природе. Автомобильные выхлопные газы смешиваются с воздухом, и мы вынуждены вдыхать эту опасную смесь. Я очень рада, что недавно количество автомобилей и гаражей в наших дворах сократилось, но полагаю, что было бы лучше использовать другой транспорт, перенести гаражи в пригород или организовывать дни пешеходного движения, если мы действительно хотим очистить воздух.
In the district there are some heat stations and they also influence the condition of the air around. В районе расположено несколько тепловых электростанций, и они также оказывают воздействие на состояние воздуха вокруг них (син.: вблизи).
I have already told you about two sources of pollution but I consider that the major source is not a plant, a heat station or cars. First of all, the state of the environment depends upon people. We know that our streets and yards are polluted with great amount of garbage. A lot of teenagers and adults are used to setting scrapes of paper, cigarette ends and another small-sized garbage down and don’t think that these things decay, pollute the ground, smell and look very unlikely. And, watching these teenagers and adults, small children do the same. Я уже рассказала вам о двух источниках загрязнения, но считаю, что основной источник загрязнения – это не завод, тепловая электростанция или автомобили. В первую очередь состояние окружающей среды зависит от людей. Мы знаем, что наши улицы и дворы сильно замусорены. Многие подростки и взрослые привыкли бросать на землю обрывки бумаги, окурки и другой мелкий мусор и не задумываются о том, что эти вещи разлагаются, загрязняют почву, пахнут и очень некрасиво выглядят. А, наблюдая за этими подростками и взрослыми, маленькие дети делают то же самое.
I urge everyone not to leave garbage on the ground, as, to my mind, it is the first step to clear our streets and to love our nature. We must do our best to save the beauty and the cleanness of our nature for future generations and for ourselves. Я призываю каждого человека не оставлять мусор на земле, так как, по моему мнению, это – первый шаг к тому, чтобы очистить наши улицы и нашу природу. Мы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить красоту и чистоту нашей природы для будущих поколений и для нас самих.


If you’re having problems with crime or vandalism in your area, or if you simply want to keep your area free of these problems, you might be interested in joining a neighbourhood watch group.

Neighbourhood watches are primarily about improving safety in an area. So as well as working to reduce crime, they also do work on fire safety and preparedness for things such as flooding. They also work to build communities through events. At its root Neighbourhood Watch is about neighbours looking out for each other.

As a member of a neighbourhood watch, you’ll meet with others in the group and you’ll be encouraged to look out for anything suspicious that goes on in your area and report it if necessary. Neighbourhood watch groups usually meet regularly to: discuss issues of concern, report anything of significance, discuss new initiatives or listen to talks from relevant speakers.

The aim is to prevent problems in your area by working together as a community.

Neighbourhood watch can help to reduce crime, vandalism, antisocial behaviour and general trouble in the area you live in.

Some people argue that it can make you feel safer in your home because people care about the area they live in and want to keep it safe.

It can also help you to get to know your neighbours and form a good relationship with them. This helps to build a sense of community where you live. The ability to call on your neighbours can be a big bonus if you’re going through a tough time in your life and need some extra support.

In the lesson you came across the following words and words combinations:

neighbourhood watch — соседский дозор

primarily – в основном, в первую очередь

to improve — улучшать

to reduce – сокращать, уменьшать

preparedness — готовность

suspicious — подозрительный

to report – сообщать, докладывать

issue – вопрос, проблема

concern – беспокойство, опасение

significance – важность, значимость

to prevent — предотвращать

to call on – полагаться, рассчитывать

tough – тяжелый, суровый 


If you’re moving to a place where there are more (or closer) neighbors than you’re used to, do you really know what you are getting yourself into? Is it great or not-so-great having neighbors? That’s the real question at play, isn’t it?! If you haven’t given it much thought before, perhaps it’s time to do so now – before you make the big move. Let’s think about the disadvantages and downsides of neighbors…

Having neighbors isn’t necessarily a nightmare, but it can be rather inconvenient, especially if you like your privacy and alone time. In some instances, these discomforts and inconveniences can be worked through, but then again, in some instances, they can’t be. Sometimes, having neighbors just sucks!

If you aren’t too sure whether neighbors are your cup of tea or not, consider the following disadvantages you might be faced with when you move in. 

14 disadvantages and downsides of having neighbors:

1. You have to deal with their noise.

One of the biggest issues that people need to think about when moving into neighborhoods with many neighbors is noise. What you think is acceptable noise might be entirely unacceptable for someone else. Sometimes neighbors can just be plain inconsiderate with noise. Maybe they watch TV or listen to music at high levels, or perhaps have loud arguments and don’t seem concerned about how that might make the neighbors feel. Not nice to deal with, is it?

2. There’s pressure to maintain your home on a level with theirs.

How well do your neighbors look after their property? How well do you look after your property? Would you say that your efforts are on par? If your neighbors are nit-picky, they may make your life hell with their comments and complaints about your home maintenance and upkeep. We all know it is important to take care of the home’s exterior, but if you have a busy week and run out of time to cut the lawn and the neighbors start complaining, you could become a little annoyed. 

3. The neighbor’s home maintenance and lack of pride may bring down your property value.

On the flip side, your neighbor might be the one who falls behind on home maintenance. You could find this particularly grating, especially if you are focused on keeping your property value up along with the good image of the neighborhood. 

4. Their kids might be a bad influence on your kids.

If your neighbor’s kids befriend your kids, you might at first think it’s a great thing. But what do you do if you suddenly discover that their kids are being a bad influence on your kids? It could become tricky if you tell your children to stop socializing with the neighbor’s children. 

5. You need to “keep it down” to be considerate.

As a neighbor, you have to be considerate. If this concept drives you nuts just thinking about it, you might not be too keen on neighbors. This means you have to keep the noise levels down, and you have to be careful not to overdo it on party nights. Having close neighbors can be downright inconvenient if you like the freedom to make as much noise as you want.  

6. There’s a distinct lack of privacy.

Lack of privacy is probably the biggest downside to having neighbors. Whenever you walk outside, depending on the privacy you have created, you are basically on show. Your neighbors can hear when you and your partner have an argument. They can see when you go out and come back home. They can see who features in your life on a day-to-day basis. A general lack of privacy can be quite uncomfortable. 

respect privacy

7. Their pets might disturb the peace or even come into your property.

If your neighbors have pets that bark all night or intrude on your property, you might start to become annoyed. Dealing with neighbors’ pets can be a tricky one as it’s not the pet’s fault. You might find yourself getting into heated arguments with the neighbors about their pets. 

On the flip side, what if your pets are the ones that misbehave? Perhaps your dog howls and whines when you are not home, or your cat sneaks in their windows and steals people’s dinners. You might have to find innovative ways to make your pets more comfortable in their own home, if you want to be a good neighbor. 

8. Some might be nosy and interfering. 

There’s nothing worse than a nosy, interfering neighbor, is there? Perhaps your neighbor comments that you water your garden at the wrong time of the day or try to advise you on how you are painting your roof or installing your security system. While you could simply ignore this, it could also work on your last nerve.

9. You feel obligated to chat and be “friends”.

When there are neighbors around, there’s always the social obligation to chat and be friendly. Your neighbor might see you arriving home from work and venture out to have a conversation with you. While this could be friendly and polite, it can also start to get annoying as you always feel you have to chat. 

10. You quite simply might not get along.

What if you just don’t get along with the neighbors? Maybe they have different beliefs or lifestyle choices, and you just can’t see eye to eye. Then what? It could be many years of awkwardness and stiff smiles – that’s what!

11. They can be over-sensitive and moan/complain about everything you do.

Sometimes neighbors just like to nit-pick. There’s always that one neighbor that likes to moan and complain about everything the other neighbors do. Perhaps they don’t like that you park on the street instead of inside the garage, or perhaps they aren’t too keen on the fact that you had a barbecue without letting them know it was planned. Whining neighbors can be downright inconvenient. 

12. There’s probably not much of a view.

If you have a neighbor, you don’t have a view. Well, you do, but it’s a view of the neighbor’s house and all the other houses around you. Finding a home with no close neighbors has more of a view.

13. They hog the trash cans.

The struggle over the trash cans can get real if your neighbors don’t respect the fact that you, too, need somewhere to dispose of your trash. It’s an age-old fight that’s been happening between neighbors…and it could become your reality. 

garbage household bins

14. You might have to sign for their deliveries when they’re not around.

Having neighbors means that you need to be neighborly. This means that you might have to sign for their packages if the delivery guy arrives when they aren’t around. And that means that you have to make contact and see them. If you like to keep to yourself, this can be extremely annoying, especially if it keeps happening. 

All in all

After considering the above 14 points, do you think that you really want neighbors? Unfortunately, many of us don’t get to choose if we have neighbors or who they actually are. If you’re worried about whether you should move into a house with many neighbors or fewer, it’s safe to say that fewer neighbors are far more alluring, right?!

2 pages, 922 words

Urban Decay: barricading our cities, And our minds Everyone bemoans the way street crime, visible poverty, deteriorating infrastructure, decaying homes and boarded-up businesses are becoming increasingly common features of city life, but we rarely ask ourselves how this deterioration in the world around us is affecting the way we look at the world. In not asking that question, we underestimate the importance of urban decay as a problem in its own right, and the degree to which it promotes other social ills. Inner city decay is part of a dangerous and silent progression that is not being given the attention it deserves: the fragmentation of our society into potentially or actually hostile camps, barricaded off from each other. And it has the potential, in the end, to exercise an important influence on the course of national politics. In order to see why, we have to start by looking at how decay happens. It begins with an anti-urban bias, a belief, deeply-rooted in Canada and the United States, that cities are, at best, a necessary evil, and the likely scene of violence, social disorder, dirt and tension.

Rural and small-town life, by contrast, is associated with cleanliness, sturdy reliability and family values. The conclusion: We may need cities for our livelihoods, but they are not good places to live. These conceptions have been promoted by a profusion of media images. Consider The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, or that odious M”us lix commercial that romanticizes fruit-picking. More to the point, for the past half-century the notion that we can live better outside the inner city has been energetically and effectively advocated by a development industry that gained its foothold on wealth and power — and continues to augment that wealth — through suburban development. New subdivisions are sold by purveying the image of a home in quasi-rural surroundings, but conveniently located near the city.

1 page, 280 words

The Essay on Urbanization: City and Urban Areas

The shift or movement to the city creates many opportunities for the people. It is very easy to find jobs in the city area and people can even operate as small businessmen. I would like to talk about my own city. Many multinational companies have been opening their offices in the city which has resulted in better job opportunities for all the people. People move to the urban areas in an effort to …

The fact that these semi-rural paradises rapidly become urban areas distinguished from the city proper mainly by their monotony only serves as a basis for promoting a subsequent round of flight to the new urban fringe. In short, we are a society in a perpetual state of flight from the city. In practice, most people who can afford to move out of the inner city do so. To be sure, there are middle-class and wealthy people residing in selected downtown areas — gentrified older neighbourhoods or up-scale condominiums, especially in the most prosperous cities. But the vast majority of people with money to spend prefer to live outside the inner city. In the neighbourhoods that are not gentrified, that leaves those who cannot afford to move out.

Poverty is not necessarily accompanied by social problems, any more than wealth guarantees the absence of social problems. But when a metropolitan area is divided into neighbourhoods where poverty predominates and others where comfortable circumstances are the rule, it is inevitable that there will be a concentration of social problems in the poor areas. At the same time, the exodus from those areas makes it inevitable that, as the problems escalate, the resources for dealing with them will dwindle. Where social problems predominate, lawlessness follows. Increasing crime and growing poverty lead to the decay of some downtown neighbourhoods. Houses are boarded up.

Some neighbourhoods become so crime-ridden and decayed that they turn into no-go zones, and, hey presto, the bias against cities that started it all begins to look factual. Confronted with growing evidence of the nastiness of city life, growing numbers of people take counter-measures. First they lock their car doors when they drive through what, in their minds at least, has become The Ghetto. But of course their neighbourhoods are not free of crime either, and when they are hit by crime they imagine that it has been committed by a refugee from the hideous streets of the inner city.

4 pages, 1732 words

The Term Paper on Our Nation’s Hidden Problems – Hate Crimes

It happens every day, people are made fun of, people are bullied and the bully-ers, and some people are just flat out victims of straight hate crimes that lead to death. “A Hate Crime is a criminal offense committed against persons, property or society that is motivated , in whole or in part, by an offenders bias against an individual’s or a group’s race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, …

The solution, or so may of them begin to believe, is to fortify their homes against outsiders. It begins with high fences, heavy gates and barred windows, then proceeds to the hiring of private police to patrol the neighbourhood. When that still does not produce the yearned-for feeling of security, the next step is gated communities: whole subdivisions, entire condominium developments, or apartment complexes protected from the outside world by armed guards or electronic security. Such developments have already proliferated in the United States and are gaining a foothold in Canada. A similar mentality is evident in retail trade. Shopping malls have always been highly controlled environments, carefully designed for the sole purpose of circulating potential customers as quickly as possible from one purchase to the next.

From the outset, penniless lingerers were kept at bay. Security personnel forbade lengthy stays in the food court. Benches in the mall corridor looked attractive, but had been designed, possibly by sadists, and apparently with the objective of encouraging short rest periods. In time, such measures have been augmented by electronic security and guards who double as bouncers instructed to deal summarily with anyone deemed an undesirable presence. What is happening here is not only growing fear of the poor, but also the privatization of public space, which is given an added push by government cut-backs.

Public streets are moved indoors into malls and become private preserves. Parks and streets in gated communities are barred to anyone who does not live there. User fees are charged for the use of other parks and public facilities so that, in practice, they become the property of those who can afford the fees.

All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

Concerns about the growth of juvenile delinquency exist throughout the world. Of course, there has been a positive trend in this matter in many countries in recent years, but the problem of juvenile delinquency still requires a careful approach to the understanding of its roots, and development of different ways to resolve it. Connecting the problem of juvenile delinquency with changing our neighborhood, it is possible to say that the roots of many criminal acts committed by adults can be found in their childhood or adolescence; thus, changing the life of children today, we can make our community and neighborhood better in future. In such a way, we are going to discuss the way how it would be possible to change our neighborhood and community for the better.

To begin, it is important to say that the problem of employment of minors in their free time is still actual problem in our society. Many children have a lot of free time after their classes, but they cannot find positive ways how to realize their potential, and this leads to the growth of juvenile delinquency. As a result, imagining myself as a change agent, I would open a place where kids can both play and learn. It seems to me that such a kind of activity would help children to develop their natural and intellectual qualities, and it would also help parents to keep their children off the streets.

Observing possibility to open a place where kids would have all the opportunities to be involved in different activities, I can say that this kind of activities not requires a huge sum of money or a presence of unlimited resources because even parents, who have free time and have specialized education, can be tutors in this place. It can be a kind of center, where not only children can implement their talents in practice, but also their parents can find a lot of interesting things to do with children.

In addition, it is very important to stress the fact that the problem of juvenile delinquency will never cease to be relevant. Everyone understands that the lack of attention to juvenile offenders today will result in a surge of adult crime after a certain time. Thus, a place, where children would be involved in socially important activities, can reduce the growth of criminality in several times. Moreover, Jonson-Reid (2004) stated that being a part of a mechanism of social development, children would be protected from the negative impact of surrounding reality, when street gangs may offend any person at any time.

According to Geiger & Fischer (1995), many scientists, psychologists, teachers, and researchers came to the conclusion that children have become more violent and angry in recent years, and every year the situation is getting worse and worse. The reasons for this phenomenon are very simple: violent movies, violent video games and the Internet form the child’s mind and give various serious unfavorable consequences in their combination. It is true that a street has a powerful influence on children, and a school really can not resist it, but the appearance of additional institute of socialization in the face of additional center where children can play and learn could change situation for the better in rather short period of time.

To conclude, there has been discussed a way to change our community and neighborhood for the better by the opening a place where kids would be free from negative impact of streets, and would have opportunity to grow as talented and well-educated people.

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