Qualities of good leader егэ ответы



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  21  ( part 3)

 Qualities of a Good Leader 

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders.

First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of A22 utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect A23 for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is A24 enthusiastic about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

A good leader is A25 committed to excellence. Second A26 best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a A27 cool head.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked A28 up to as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.


1) upright

прямой, вертикальный

2) upturn

Такого прилагательного не существует

3) utter

полный, совершенный

4) utmost

крайний, предельный


1) for

Respectfor — уважение к чему-либо/кому-либо; из четырех слов respect употребляется только с FOR

2) to

3) of

4) by


1) enthusiastic

Полный энтузиазма; из четырех слов только enthusiastic употребляется с ABOUT

2) devoted

3) fond

4) keen


1) conscious

2) committed

BeCommittedtoбыть преданным чему-либо/кому-либо; из четырех слов только committed употребляется сTO

3) delighted

4) respected


l) hand


2) head


3) class


4) best



1) fresh

2) cold

3) cool

Keepacoolheadоставаться спокойным в сложной ситуации, иметь холодную голову; устоявшееся выражение

4) chilly


1) after

Lookaftersmb — присматривать за кем-либо

2) over

Looksmbover — оглядеть кого-либо с ног до головы

3) up

Lookupsmb— нет такого сочетания

4) upto

Lookuptosmb — смотреть с уважением на кого-либо

Задание 43 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders.

First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of UPRIGHT / UPTURN / UTTER / UTMOST importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect FOR / TO / OF / BY the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is ENTHUSIASTIC / DEVOTED / FOND / KEEN about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

A good leader is CONSCIOUS / COMMITTED / DELIGHTED / RESPECTED to excellence. Second HAND / HEAD / CLASS / BEST does not lead to success.

The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a FRESH / COLD / COOL / CHILLY head.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked AFTER / OVER / UP / UP TO as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders.

First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of UTMOST importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect FOR the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is ENTHUSIASTIC about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

A good leader is COMMITTED to excellence. Second BEST does not lead to success.

The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a COOL head.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked UP TO as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

1) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The Kookaburra

The Kookaburra’s rolling, laughing call is one of the ___ (RECOGNIZABLE) sounds in the animal world.

2) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The birds raise a wild chorus of crazy laughter just as dawn breaks, that is why in the hinterlands of Australia they ___ (KNOW) as the ‘bushman’s clock.’

3) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Australians value the Kookaburra, not only as an intriguing member of the strange fauna, but for its habit of ___ (FEED) on snakes and lizards.

4) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Last week wildlife carers in far north Queensland ___ (FIND) a pair of albino blue winged kookaburras and handed them into Eagles New Wildlife Hospital.

5) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

While there are some albino laughing kookaburras at zoos, there ___ (NEVER BE) a blue winged albino. Mr. Kunz, the founder of the Hospital, says it is a ‘once in a lifetime’ discovery.

6) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

‘Because they can’t see properly, the baby kookaburras have problems finding food,’ he said. ‘So now we ___ (FEED) them by hand.’

7) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Mr. Kunz added that soon the birds ___ (TEACH) to hunt their own food at the wildlife sanctuary.

8) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles are the most popular and widespread word game in the world. However, their history is ___ (REAL) short.

9) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

They were created in the 19th century in England, but the ___ (APPEAR) of the first published crossword puzzle took place in 1913 in a Sunday newspaper in New York.

10) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The author of the puzzle was Arthur Wynne, a ___ (JOURNAL) from Liverpool.

11) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

During the early 1920’s other newspapers picked up the ___ (NEW) discovered pastime and within a decade crossword puzzles were featured in almost all American newspapers.

12) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

In 1924 the first collection of puzzles was printed in book form and they immediately gained ___ (POPULAR).

13) Вставьте слово, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

A major breakthrough in crossword puzzle development came with the personal computer, although many computer specialists used to say that it was ___ (POSSIBLE) for a computer to create a crossword puzzle.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of ___ importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others.

1) upright
2) upturn
3) utter
4) utmost

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect ___ the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

1) for
2) to
3) of
4) by

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A good leader is ___ about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication.

1) enthusiastic
2) devoted
3) fond
4) keen

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. A good leader is ___ to excellence.

1) conscious
2) committed
3) delighted
4) respected

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Second ___ does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

1) hand
2) head
3) class
4) best

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a ___ head.

1) fresh
2) cold
3) cool
4) chilly

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked ___ as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

1) after
2) over
3) up
4) up to

Подготовка к разделу «Лексика» — это ежедневный кропотливый труд. А как сделать этот процесс максимально эффективным? Узнаете из нашей статьи «How to become a good leader ЕГЭ: детальный разбор и ответы». В ней вы найдете много устойчивых выражений, которые часто встречаются в рамках заданий 32-38, предлогов и прилагательных. Готовьтесь к ЕГЭ вместе с нами!

Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями! Если же вам необходим преподаватель, который поможет структурировать ваши знания, расскажет о всех особенностях выполнения заданий, о которых не говорят в школе, и подготовит к прохождению непростого испытания ЕГЭ по английскому, то мы будем рады вам помочь. Ведь теперь у нас доступна подготовка к ЕГЭ онлайн. Кликайте по ссылке, заполняйте форму и ожидайте нашего звонка!

Сначала посмотрим на сам текст «How to become a good leader ЕГЭ», который представлен на сайте ФИПИ.

how to become a good leader ЕГЭ

A32. Первое задание посвящено синонимичным глаголам say, tell, speak, talk. О них более подробно вы можешь прочесть здесь. Там же вы найдете списки устойчивых выражений с каждым из этих глаголов. Думаете, что знаете о них все? Выполните наш тест, чтобы узнать, насколько хорошо вы в них разбираетесь.

It is not hard at all to 32 ______ the difference between a good and a bad boss.


  • talk
  • speak
  • say
  • tell

В данном задании проверяется знание устойчивого выражения tell the difference – отличить.

Ответ: tell

A33. При выполнении этого задания руководствуемся значениями имеющихся слов. 

Exceptional leaders – those who are respected and 33 ______ by their team – have a lot of secret skills that they put to use every day.


  • amazed
  • admired
  • impressed
  • enjoyed

be amazed by smb– удивлен, поражен кем-то/ be amazed at smth — удивлен чем-то
be admired by – вызывающий восхищение кого-то
be impressed by – впечатлен чем-то
be enjoyed by – пользоваться (о правах), наслаждаться

Exceptional leaders – those who are respected and admired by their team –have a lot of secret skills that they put to use every day. — Исключительные лидеры — это те, кого уважает и кем восхищается команда — обладают множеством секретных навыков, которые они применяют каждый день.

Ответ: admired

А34. Следующее задание проверяет знание предложных управлений. Таблицу со всеми управлениями, которые могут встретиться на ЕГЭ, вы можете найти здесь.

depend on smth/smb – зависеть от чего-то/кого-то

That means your success depends greatly 34 ______ interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.


  • in
  • from
  • on
  • for

Ответ: on

A35. Запомните устойчивое выражение achieve a goal – достичь цели. Еще больше интересных фактов о глаголе achieve и его синонимах вы найдете здесь.

It’s a part of how we navigate social situations and then make decisions to 35 ______ goals.


  • complete
  • master
  • manage
  • achieve

Ответ: achieve

A36. Перед нами группа из 4 предлогов: according, including, concerning, regarding, но только один из них является составным, то есть требующем to после себя. В данном случае это according to – согласно.

Значению и употреблению этих предлогов мы посвятили целую статью. Скорее переходите по ссылке и читайте. Также вы можете пройти наш тест и узнать, насколько хорошо вы разбираетесь в данной теме.

36 ______ to the research, managers with the strongest emotional intelligence were much more likely to succeed.


  • According
  • Including
  • Concerning
  • Regarding

Ответ: according

А37. Сначала посмотрим, что стоит после пропуска. Там мы видим предложное управление of, которое есть только у одного из нижеупомянутых глаголов: remind smb of smth – напоминать кому-либо о чем-либо.

Exceptional leaders are ones who regularly 37 ______ employees of the main goal.


  • revise
  • remind
  • review
  • recall

Однако давайте также посмотрим, что означают другие глаголы, ведь они также могут встретиться в последующих тестах.

revise — проверять, просматривать, перечитывать (перед экзаменами), дорабатывать (статью, книгу, письменную работу)
review — рецензировать (о книге, статье)

Более подробно узнать o remember, remind, recall, recollect вы можете здесь.
Также не забудьте потренироваться и выполнить наш тест, посвященным разнице между эти глаголами.

Ответ: remind

А38. В последнем задании нам предлагают еще одно устойчивое выражение make sure – убеждаться/ делать так, чтобы.

Great leaders 38 ______ sure their daily behavior is a model for their team.


  • keep
  • make
  • hold
  • take

Ответ: make

Хотите знать все о выполнении заданий 32-38? Мы собрали для вас все детальные разборы на одной странице. Здорово, не так ли? Они непременно пригодятся в ходе подготовки к ЕГЭ!

Разбор следующего текста «Solo travelling» уже совсем скоро. Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

1. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Guest

‘The landscape seen from our windows is certainly charming,’ said Annabel; ‘those cherry orchards and green meadows, and the river winding along the valley. However, nothing ever happens here. Rather dreadful, isn’t it?’

‘On the 32 __________,’ said Matilda, ‘I find it soothing and restful; but then, you see, I’ve lived in countries where things do happen, especially when you’re not ready for them happening all at once.’

‘That, of course, makes a 33 __________,’ said Annabel.

‘I’ll never forget,’ said Matilda, ‘the occasion when the Bishop of Bequar 34 __________ us an unexpected visit.’

‘I thought that out there you were always prepared for emergency guests turning 35 __________,’ said Annabel.

‘I was quite prepared for half a dozen Bishops,’ said Matilda, ‘but this particular one was a distant cousin of mine, belonging to a branch of the family that had quarreled bitterly with our branch. To make 36 __________ worse, my husband was away, talking sense to a village community that one of their leading men was a were-tiger.’

‘A what tiger?’

‘A were-tiger; you’ve heard of were-wolves, haven’t you, a mixture of wolf and human being and demon? Well, in those parts they have were-tigers. 37 __________, as we gave up witchcraft prosecutions about three hundred years ago, we wouldn’t like to have other people keeping on our discarded practices.’

‘I hope you weren’t unkind to the Bishop,’ said Annabel.

‘Well, of course he was my guest, so I had to be polite to him, but he was tactless enough to rake up the incidents of the old quarrel, and from that moment we were scarcely on speaking 38 __________.

32. 1) contrast

2) contrary

3) inside

4) opposite

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) statement

2) splash

3) move

4) difference

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) paid

2) sent

3) made

4) gave

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) to

2) over

3) up

4) in

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) issues

2) matters

3) problems

4) situation

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) Although

2) However

3) Finally

4) Despite

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) conditions

2) relationships

3) relations

4) terms

Ответ:______ .

2. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Side by Side

Melissa dropped into a chair in front of her manager’s desk. ‘I don’t know how people with kids can do this job,’ the 25-year-old radio advertising sales rep said. Her boss, Laurie Thompson, had heard such self-doubt before. Her six salespeople often popped into her office to give vent to their 32 __________ about a tough day of cold-calling.

Laurie nodded. She didn’t have children, 33 __________ herself instead to a sales career, cycling, sailing and spending time with her husband.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever have kids, 34 __________ that would really disappoint my parents,’ Melissa said.

‘Why? Because you’re an only child?’ Laurie asked. Melissa explained her parents would be disappointed because they 35 __________ for grandkids. Then she added, almost as an afterthought, ‘I was adopted.’

From the time she was tiny, Melissa knew that she was adopted. Her new parents were always open with their daughter about where she came from. Along the way, Melissa grew 36 __________ to questions from people who had learnt she was adopted. So she wasn’t at all 37 __________ about answering her boss that afternoon.

‘Have you ever had a desire to meet your real parents?’ Laurie asked.

‘Not really,’ Melissa said. ‘It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I haven’t got around to it. And I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. My parents are wonderful.’

Melissa laughed and was about to leave when Laurie asked her another question.

‘When were you born?’

‘April 14, 1981.’ Then, feeling she’d taken 38 __________ enough of her boss’s time, Melissa said goodbye and headed home.

32. 1) happiness

2) joy

3) frustrations

4) tears

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) preparing

2) concentrating

3) involving

4) devoting

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) therefore

2) despite

3) however

4) although

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) wanted

2) needed

3) desired

4) longed

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) accustomed

2) annoyed

3) anxious

4) ashamed

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) conscious

2) embarrassed

3) interested

4) reluctant

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) over

2) on

3) up

4) in

Ответ:______ .

3. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. The 21st century has 32 __________ in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in ‘one world’. While the physical divide is still present, the 33 __________ of the Information Highway on how we communicate is simply staggering. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere and anytime.

Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion. An example of the remarkable effects of globalization is the invention of the telephone. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for a letter. Anybody can talk to anyone who has another phone 34 __________ of distance or location on the planet. With the aid of satellites, smart phones allow us to make a phone call, send a video, or even receive an email. These 35 __________ in communication have revolutionized the lives of millions of people.

The nature of business has also improved by 36 __________ and bounds owing to globalization. Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important information can reach any part of the globe in 37 __________ time. Business establishments, whether big or small, use the Internet to expand their company’s growth. With the ever improving technology come new markets, higher 38 __________ for products, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise.

32. 1) started

2) began

3) ushered

4) launched

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) cause

2) impact

3) consequences

4) result

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) regardless

2) despite

3) notwithstanding

4) because

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) breakups

2) breakdowns

3) breakouts

4) breakthroughs

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) bonds

2) gaps

3) jumps

4) leaps

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) some

2) any

3) no

4) every

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) access

2) demand

3) claim

4) rise

Ответ:______ .

4. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, ‘He or she is a born leader’? Whether a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. 32 __________, there are some clear characteristics that are found in all good leaders.

First of all, a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of great importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A real leader ‘walks the talk’ and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect 33 __________ the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is 34 __________ about their work and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

A good leader is 35 __________ to excellence. Second 36 __________ does not lead to success. A perfect leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Good leaders remain calm under pressure. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a real leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a 37 __________ head.

These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership and naturally put people in a position where they’re looked 38 __________ as leaders. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

32. 1) Although

2) Besides

3) Otherwise

4) However

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) for

2) to

3) of

4) by

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) enthusiastic

2) devoted

3) fond

4) keen

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) conscious

2) committed

3) delighted

4) respected

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) hand

2) head

3) class

4) best

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) fresh

2) cold

3) cool

4) chilly

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) after

2) over

3) down on

4) up to

Ответ:______ .

5. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены, возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Learn How to Sing

Everyone needs to be able to sing. It’s fine if you naturally have perfect 32 __________, but if not, the embarrassment ruins birthdays and other events. People who can sing take this musical ability 33 __________ granted. If you can’t sing, people make fun of you, until the teasing just isn’t amusing any longer.

Luckily online courses make it possible to improve your singing voice over the Internet! With the help of technology, these classes are as good as having a real live singing teacher right in your living room. Singing lessons at home are 34 __________ because you can fit them around your life. They are taken at any time in the privacy of your own home, and if you are very embarrassed, you can do them when nobody else is about to hear. Moreover, vocal lessons you take in your own home allow you to succeed rapidly. You get your singing education at your own 35 __________ and it’s up to you to decide how fast you will go. This means the course is fully customized for you.

No matter how bad your voice is singing courses can help you, although if you do not have the talent, they will not 36 __________ you into the next pop star. Most singing courses start off with the simplest of exercises, and as you progress, give you more advanced instructions to help improve your singing skills. Soon you’ll find yourself singing the most complicated melodies, and this will 37 __________ up your confidence!

Perhaps you would like to sing in a public forum onstage? Does learning about different singing styles and harmonies sound interesting to you? Whatever singing category you are interested 38 __________, online courses can assist you with your singing goals.

32. 1) vocal

2) pitch

3) hearing

4) ear

Ответ:______ .

33. 1) like

2) as

3) for

4) by

Ответ:______ .

34. 1) convenient

2) comfortable

3) suitable

4) appropriate

Ответ:______ .

35. 1) time

2) risk

3) rate

4) pace

Ответ:______ .

36. 1) lead

2) take

3) turn

4) put

Ответ:______ .

37. 1) raise

2) build

3) increase

4) restore

Ответ:______ .

38. 1) by

2) with

3) in

4) at

Ответ:______ .

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  speak

2)  talk

3)  tell

4)  say

How to become a good leader

Being a good leader takes work. It is not hard at all to 30 ______ the difference between a good and a bad boss. Exceptional leaders – those who are respected and 31 ______ by their team – have a lot of secret skills that they put to use every day.

Firstly, building relationships – both with your team and your partners – is crucial in leading a team. That means your success depends greatly 32 ______ interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions, as well as understand the emotions of others. It’s a part of how we navigate social situations and then make decisions to 33 ______ goals. Several studies have found that a strong emotional intelligence is a top factor for a leader’s success. 34 ______ to the research, managers with the strongest emotional intelligence were much more likely to succeed.

Exceptional leaders are ones who regularly 35 ______ employees of the main goal. A team needs to know what they’re marching toward. With a larger vision in mind, their day-to-day work has more purpose.

Great leaders 36 ______ sure their daily behavior is a model for their team. They’re reliable (meaning they always follow through on what they’ve promised), they respect people’s time (meaning they don’t make others wait unnecessarily), and they retain a thoughtful, objective approach to problems or issues.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  amazed

2)  impressed

3)  enjoyed

4)  admired

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  in

2)  on

3)  from

4)  for

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  achieve

2)  manage

3)  complete

4)  master

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  Regarding

2)  Concerning

3)  Including

4)  According

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  review

2)  revise

3)  recall

4)  remind

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  hold

2)  make

3)  take

4)  keep

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна

Спрятать пояснение


To tell the difference  — различить, устойчивое выражение.

Ответ: 3

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017. Досрочная волна

What are the characteristics and qualities of a good leader? This article aims to answer this question. Every manager wants to know how to be a good leader.

The ability to lead requires a great combination of attributes, skills, traits, and characteristics that will make your staff happy to follow you.

Some of the characteristics of a good leader are obvious. Other leadership qualities are a little bit hidden but are still as important to every great and effective manager.

In our previous article, we published a leadership skills list. Here we will show you 5 of the best leadership characteristics, attributes, and qualities of a good leader and how important they are.

What are the characteristics and qualities of a good leader?

  • Good leaders communicate effectively

Communication skills are the basic skills of every business area and level, including good leadership. One of the main parts of manager’s job is to communicate. But what is the most important here is to do this in the right way that will be beneficial for the company.

For some people “effective communication skills” sounds like something that all of us can do. What do you think? Do we have the same ability to make people do what we want just with conversations? A good leader is a great communicator.

Effective communication skills are among the top characteristics and qualities of a good leader. Every day you have to communicate with staff, with business partners, competitors, other level managers, customers and other different people.

What will happen if your communication is ineffective? How will this influence your business? The answer is obvious. That is why effective communication skills are some of the best qualities and characteristics of a good leader.

A good manager uses communications to establish and modify relationships in the way he wants.

He uses communications to inspire, to motivate, to delegate, to create, to give hope, to win respect, to lead, and for almost everything else in the business.

If you think you are not a good communicator, learn technics and tips to improve your communication abilities. As the main leadership characteristic, communication skills can be improved significantly.

Examples of Good Communication Skills are: listening skills, body language, being clear, concise, positive, patient, confident and respectful. These leadership attributes are not easy to learn but are a must for every great leader. These traits partially answer the question what are the qualities of a good leader.

  • A good leader has the ability to resolve problems and to find out solutions that work

We always face different types of problematic situations in our personal life and work. But how we resolve these problems?

A good leader has to resolve problems in the most effective way for the company. He has to minimize the risks and the bad consequences of problems and have to recognize and use the opportunities even in the most difficult situations.

Learn to look problems from different perspectives.

Reading between the lines and seeing what is not so obvious is one of the best characteristics of a good leader. You have to be able to come up with the right solutions.

Yes, it sounds difficult. But the ability to resolve problems is on the top of the qualities of a good leader. Learning how to resolve problems is a lifelong process.

Some of the abilities that you need for successful problem-solving skills are: defining and analyze the problems, monitoring, making decisions, generating and selecting alternatives and more. The combination of these abilities forms qualities of a good leader.

  • The ability to organize people and resources

The ability to organize is one of the essential qualities of a good leader and manager. Organizing other people will always be one of the most difficult and challenging manager tasks.

If you want to be a good leader you should have the ability to organize your team and resources. Learning and developing organization skills is a must for every leader.

Some of the main organization skills are prioritization, goal setting, identifying problems, time management skills, meeting deadlines, scheduling, task delegating, planning, providing feedback, researching, task analysis and more.

The successful combination of these attributes is a part of the greatest characteristics of a good leader.

  • Delegating task to the right people

Delegating tasks and responsibilities to the right people is one of the good qualities of a leader too. You are not able to do all tasks on your own. You have to delegate effectively.

Delegating doesn’t mean to find out someone who will do the task instead of you. This is a big NO.

A good leader knows well the strengths and weaknesses of every member of his team.

This helps him to pick the best people for the job. Development and success of the company depend on the proper delegation.

Effective leadership requires to ensure that delegation happens properly and to manage the delegation process. Delegating tasks is a crucial characteristic of a good leader.

  • Good leadership requires charisma and ability to motivate

Charisma and ability to motivate are vital characteristics and qualities of a good leader.

Most effective leaders are charismatic. Charisma is the main tool and attribute of a good leader. Charisma allows you to influence your staff via your interpersonal traits.

Leadership charisma motivates people and makes them want to follow you and to like you.

Then, how to be a good leader without charisma?

Motivate and keeping people motivated is one of the vital qualities of a good leader too. To be effective leader you have to know what motivate the people of your team (their beliefs, interests, aims, goals, hopes).

Download Qualities of a good leader Infographic in PDF for free.

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