Работали ли дети в 19 веке в россии на английском с переводом сочинение 7 класс

In the early 19th century when children worked in textile factories they often worked for more than 12 hours a day.

Family had many children, so every child had to do housework. Elder children had to babysit young brothers and sisters. They also ringing water from the well, cleaning house, cooking, feeding and looking for domestic animals. I think the children at that time had a hard life. I’m glad the laws have changed and now children can’t work at such a young age.

В начале 19 века, когда дети работали на текстильных фабриках, они часто работали более 12 часов в день.

В семье было много детей, поэтому каждый ребенок должен был заниматься домашним хозяйством. Старшие дети должны были нянчиться с младшими братьями и сестрами. Они также черпали воду из колодца, убирали дом, готовили еду, кормили и следили за домашними животными. Я думаю, что у детей в то время была тяжелая жизнь. Я рад, что законы изменились и теперь дети не могут работать в таком юном возрасте.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

У всех на руси были большие семьи (по много детей )—занимались в основном земледелием. От мала до великого—знал свою работу. В пять лет дети уже пасли коров, овец. Могли доить коров. Кто постарше с родителями вместе обрабатывали поля на лошадях, пахали земли, сажали и ухаживали за урожаем. Приходило время—начинали убирать урожай. Зимой делали другие работы—ткали ткани, крутили на веретене нити—вязали одежду—И ДЕТИ С ПЕЛЁНОК УЖЕ ПОМОГАЛИ РОДИТЕЛЯМ ВО ВСЁМ .

Everyone in Russia were large families (many children )—were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work—weaving fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes—AND CHILDREN FROM the CRADLE has HELPED PARENTS ALL over .

У всех на руси были большие семьи (по много детей )—занимались в основном земледелием. От мала до великого — знал свою работу. В пять лет дети уже пасли коров, овец. Могли доить коров. Кто постарше с родителями вместе обрабатывали поля на лошадях, пахали земли, сажали и ухаживали за урожаем. Приходило время — начинали убирать урожай. Зимой делали другие работы — ткали ткани, крутили на веретене нити — вязали одежду — И ДЕТИ С ПЕЛНОК УЖЕ ПОМОГАЛИ РОДИТЕЛЯМ ВО ВСМ .
Everyone in Russia were large families (many children )—were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work—weaving fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes—AND CHILDREN FROM the CRADLE has HELPED PARENTS ALL over .

Child labor in factories (plants), mining has been common in many industrialized countries in Europe and America in the XIX century. Children worked alongside adults up to 14-18 hours a day (sometimes with 5-6 years of age), with them paying for it is several times less. There there were many restrictive internal regulations, for example, forbidden to look in the window at the workplace (which hung from grates or covers on the windows), to play in the breaks for meals.
In Britain, there were more workhouses, where the poor (children and adults) worked forcibly to close the prison conditions. On the most difficult conditions of child labor, he wrote British historian Henry Dzhibbings (Eng.) In the book «Industrial History of England». [4] One of the first attention to the problem of child labor in Britain drew the famous reformer Robert Owen — in 1816 he acted on this in Parliament. Since the end of the XVIII century, and during the XIX future of craft apprentices ( «British slaves,» as the writer called them) are usually recruited in workhouses, and when they fall into the «doctrine» in urban factories, do not receive any salary, clothes. Hours of work were limited to only complete exhaustion after the use of various coercive methods to continue working (for example, after beating overseers). Children often worked up to 16 hours, sometimes at night, and on Sunday a clean machine. They fed their very cheap and bad food that was often also to feed the pigs. They slept on dirty beds alternately. Some tried to escape from the factory, and to alert the flight, suspected of this intention children shackle: they worked and slept in chains. Subjected to the same treatment, and young women. Many, unable to withstand overwork, died, and was buried at night in some wild place, so that people could not know the extent of this «slavery». Some kill themselves

Child labor in factories (plants), mining has been common in many industrialized countries in Europe and America in the XIX century. Children worked alongside adults up to 14-18 hours a day (sometimes with 5-6 years of age), with them paying for it is several times less. There there were many restrictive internal regulations, for example, forbidden to look in the window at the workplace (which hung from grates or covers on the windows), to play in the breaks for meals.
In Britain, there were more workhouses, where the poor (children and adults) worked forcibly to close the prison conditions. On the most difficult conditions of child labor, he wrote British historian Henry Dzhibbings (Eng.) In the book «Industrial History of England». [4] One of the first attention to the problem of child labor in Britain drew the famous reformer Robert Owen — in 1816 he acted on this in Parliament. Since the end of the XVIII century, and during the XIX future of craft apprentices ( «British slaves,» as the writer called them) are usually recruited in workhouses, and when they fall into the «doctrine» in urban factories, do not receive any salary, clothes. Hours of work were limited to only complete exhaustion after the use of various coercive methods to continue working (for example, after beating overseers). Children often worked up to 16 hours, sometimes at night, and on Sunday a clean machine. They fed their very cheap and bad food that was often also to feed the pigs. They slept on dirty beds alternately. Some tried to escape from the factory, and to alert the flight, suspected of this intention children shackle: they worked and slept in chains. Subjected to the same treatment, and young women. Many, unable to withstand overwork, died, and was buried at night in some wild place, so that people could not know the extent of this «slavery». Some kill themselves

Portfolio: Work in groups. Did children work in your country in the 19 th century? Use your history books or the Internet to find out. Write a short text about what kind of jobs they did and what their lives were like.


Перевод задания
Портфолио: Работа в группах. В вашей стране в XIX веке работали дети? Используйте свои учебники по истории или Интернет, чтобы узнать. Напишите короткий текст о том, какой работой они занимались и какой была их жизнь.

Child labour in Russia was hardly a product of late nineteenth−century industrialization. Children’s engagement in productive activities had existed well before modernized factories began to appear in Russia’s primarily rural landscape. From time immemorial, children had worked in agriculture, as well as in cottage industries and all other types of domestic manufacturing. In addition, Russian children worked in manorial and state factories and mines. The principal goal of having children engage in productive labour during these earlier times seems to have been less economic than educational. Child labour had been a widely accepted and common practice.
The passage from Nekrasov’s poem captures the harsh realities of child labour in nineteenth−century Russian factories. Child industrial labour outraged many great writers of the era, including Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. A late nineteenth−century observer wrote that in order “to see the conditions of children in the mines, one needs to enter the machine plant, or the lamp workshop, where the atmosphere is suffused with the smell of gasoline used for lamps, which causes headache and nausea. Inside [the mine] one can see an entire chain of small boys, moving around the gasoline lamps, wiping and fueling.”
The long public discussion of the 1860 s and 1870 s about child labor in industry finally yielded the 1882 law, the first decisive act to restrict the industrial employment of children. The following years and decades witnessed the introduction of labor protection and welfare legislation concerning all industrial workers. Starting with the 1882 law, the government limited the employment of children in all private industries. The laws banned the nighttime labor of children and their labor in perilous industries, including underground work in mines.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of a labor contract is allowed with persons who have reached the age of 16 years. All teenagers aged from 16 to 18 years old can perform any work, except having harmful or dangerous working conditions. In some cases teenagers can work from aged 14 with an admittance of one of the parents. So if you are 14 years old or more you can work officially with the conclusion of a labor contract if one of your parent doesn’t mind. But there are not many teenagers who want to work until they finish school. They can work in summertime.

В соответствии с Трудовым Кодексом Российской Федерации, заключение трудового договора разрешается с людьми, достигшими 16 лет. Все подростки с 16 до 18 могут выполнять любую работу, кроме работы с вредными или опасными условиями. В некоторых случаях подростки могут работать с 14 лет с разрешения одного из родителей. Так что, если вам 14 лет и более, вы можете работать официально с заключением трудового контракта, если один из родителей не против. Но не много подростков хотят работать пока не окончили школу. Они могут работать в летнее время.

2. The pictures show English children in Victorian times. What do you think their lives were like? Listen and read to find out. — На картинках показаны дети в эпоху королевы Виктории. Как вы думаете, какова была их жизнь?

Children in Victorian times

VICTORIA was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, children from poor families worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs weren’t easy and were often dangerous.

Many children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this job.

A lot of children also worked in cotton factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix them. This was very dangerous.

Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal or they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.

The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.

Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

Дети в Викторианскую эпоху

Виктория была Королевой Англии с 1837 по 1901 год. В ранние годы правления Виктории, дети из бедных семей работали с пяти лет и кормили сами себя и свои семьи. Работа не была легкой и была часто опасной.

Многие дети работали трубочистами, потому что они были маленькими и худыми. Они карабкались по узким трубам, чтобы почистить их. Уличные дети или сироты обычно делали такую работу.

Многие дети работали на текстильных фабриках. Когда хлопчатобумажная нить рвалась, дети залезали внутрь машин и устраняли порыв. Это было очень опасно.

Другие дети работали в угольных шахтах. Они толкали тележки с углем или открывали и закрывали двери для проветривания тоннелей.

Хозяева были часто жестоки. Дети работали много часов за очень маленькую зарплату. Многие дети заболевали или с ними случались несчастные случаи.

Лорд Шавтесбери помогал остановить взрослых, которые использовали детский труд. Он открыл бесплатные школы для бедных детей. К концу Викторианской эпохи все дети, пока им не исполнится 10 лет, ходили в школу.

I’m sure children’s life in Victorian times was more difficult than nowadays. Children had to work too hard and in bad conditions. Sometimes they were even punished by cruel masters. I think it was difficult to be a child in Victorian times.

Я уверен, что жизнь детей в Викторианскую эпоху была более трудной чем сегодня. Детям приходилось слишком много работать, притом в плохих условиях. Иногда даже их наказывали жестокие мастера. Я думаю, что быть ребенком в Викторианскую эпоху было сложно.

3. a) Read the text and complete the sentences. — Прочитайте текст и дополните предложения

  1. Children’s work in cotton factories was dangerous. — Работа детей на текстильных фабриках была опасной.
  2. Chimney sweeps had to be very small and thin. — Трубочисты должны были быть очень маленькими и худыми.
  3. Children in mines pushed trucks of coal. — Дети в шахтах толкали тележки с углем.
  4. Masters made children work long hours. — Хозяева заставляли детей работать долгие часы.
  5. Lord Shaftesbury started free schools for children. — Лорд Шафтесбери открыл бесплатные школы для детей.

b) Explain the words in bold — Объясните слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

  • chimney sweep: a person who cleans chimneys — человек, который чистит трубы, трубочист
  • orphan: a child who doesn’t have parents — ребенок, у которого нет родителей, сирота
  • cotton factory: a place where cotton is used to make material — место, где их хлопка делали материал, текстильная фабрика
  • cotton thread: a long thin string of cotton — длинная тонкая полоска хлопка, хлопчатобумажная нить
  • fix: repair — ремонтировать
  • truck: a vehicle on wheels used to transport heavy things — повозка на колесах, используемая для транспортировки тяжелых грузов, вагонетка
  • coal: a hard black material used as fuel — твердый черный материал, используемый в качестве топлива, уголь
  • tunnel: a long narrow passage under the ground — длинный узкий лаз под землей, туннель
  • Master: an owner or boss — владелец или начальник, хозяин
  • cruel: mean and hurtful — мелочный и вредный, жестокий
  • adult: a person over the age of 18 — человек возрастом более 18 лет, взрослый

4. Make notes under the headings. Then talk about children’s lives in Victorian times. — Сделай пометки под заголовками. Затем поговорите о жизни детей в Викторианскую эпоху.

  • working conditions: very hard and dangerous; — рабочие условия: очень сложные и опасные;
  • working hours: very long; — рабочие часы: очень длинные;
  • jobs: they could clean chimneys, work in coal mines or in cotton factories; — работа: они могли чистить трубы, работать в угольных шахтах или на текстильных фабриках;
  • wages: too low; — заработная плата: очень низкая;
  • masters: were often cruel. — хозяева: были зачастую жестокими.

5. Discuss the following. — Обсудите следующее.

  1. Do you think it was right for children to do these kinds of jobs? — Ты считаешь это было правильно для детей заниматься такой работой?
  2. Why do you think children did these jobs? How did they feel? — Почему, как ты думаешь, дети занимались такой работой? Как они себя чувствовали?
  3. Would you do any of these jobs? Why (not)? — Ты будешь делать такую работу? Почему (нет)?
  1. I don’t think it was right or children to do these kinds of jobs, because the working conditions were very hard and even dangerous. But sometimes they had no way and they had to work to survive. — Я не думаю, что это было правильно для детей выполнять такую работу, потому что условия работы были очень тяжелыми и даже опасными. Но иногда у них не было выбора и они должны были работать, чтобы выжить.
  2. I think children had no way. They had to work hard to feed themselves or help their poor families. — Я думаю, у детей не было выбора. Они должны были много работать, чтобы прокормить себя и помочь своим бедным семьям.
  3. I’m not going to do such hard job. We live in modern world and child work is prohibited and strictly limited by the law. Teenagers can work officially with the conclusion of a labor contract and if one of your parent doesn’t mind if they are 14 years old or more.
  4. And this work shouldn’t have harmful or dangerous working conditions. — Я не собираюсь заниматься такой тяжелой работой. Мы живем в современном мире, и детский труд запрещен и строго ограничен законом. Подростки могут работать официально с заключением контракта, если один из родителей не против и если им 14 лет и больше.

6. Portfolio: Work in groups. Did children work in your country in the 19th century? Use your history books or the Internet to find out. Write a short text about what kind of jobs they did and what their lives were like. — Портфолио: Поработайте в группе. В 19 веке в твоей стране дети работали? Используй книгу по истории или интернет, чтобы разузнать. Напишите короткий текст о том, какую работу они выполняли и какая у них была жизнь.

In the 19th century in Russia thousands and thousands of children had to work in factories. They usually came from working class families. Children made 15 percent of the workforce. The working conditions were very bad and sometimes dangerous and working hours too long and harmful for their health. Their wages were also unfair. In villages it was very typical of children to help their parents in their farm work especially in spring and harvest season.

В 19-м веке в России тысячи и тысячи детей вынуждены были работать на фабриках. Они обычно происходили из простых рабочих семей. Дети составляли 15% от всех трудовых ресурсов. Рабочие условия были очень плохие и иногда опасными, а рабочие часы — слишком долгими и вредными для их здоровья. Их заработная плата тоже была несправедливой. В деревнях было нормальным явлением, если дети помогали своим родителям в их работе на ферме, особенно весной и в период уборки урожая.

Child labor in factories (plants), mining has been common in many industrialized countries in Europe and America in the XIX century. Children worked alongside adults up to 14-18 hours a day (sometimes with 5-6 years of age), with them paying for it is several times less. There there were many restrictive internal regulations, for example, forbidden to look in the window at the workplace (which hung from grates or covers on the windows), to play in the breaks for meals.
In Britain, there were more workhouses, where the poor (children and adults) worked forcibly to close the prison conditions. On the most difficult conditions of child labor, he wrote British historian Henry Dzhibbings (Eng.) In the book «Industrial History of England». [4] One of the first attention to the problem of child labor in Britain drew the famous reformer Robert Owen — in 1816 he acted on this in Parliament. Since the end of the XVIII century, and during the XIX future of craft apprentices ( «British slaves,» as the writer called them) are usually recruited in workhouses, and when they fall into the «doctrine» in urban factories, do not receive any salary, clothes. Hours of work were limited to only complete exhaustion after the use of various coercive methods to continue working (for example, after beating overseers). Children often worked up to 16 hours, sometimes at night, and on Sunday a clean machine. They fed their very cheap and bad food that was often also to feed the pigs. They slept on dirty beds alternately. Some tried to escape from the factory, and to alert the flight, suspected of this intention children shackle: they worked and slept in chains. Subjected to the same treatment, and young women. Many, unable to withstand overwork, died, and was buried at night in some wild place, so that people could not know the extent of this «slavery». Some kill themselves

Child labor in factories (plants), mining has been common in many industrialized countries in Europe and America in the XIX century. Children worked alongside adults up to 14-18 hours a day (sometimes with 5-6 years of age), with them paying for it is several times less. There there were many restrictive internal regulations, for example, forbidden to look in the window at the workplace (which hung from grates or covers on the windows), to play in the breaks for meals.
In Britain, there were more workhouses, where the poor (children and adults) worked forcibly to close the prison conditions. On the most difficult conditions of child labor, he wrote British historian Henry Dzhibbings (Eng.) In the book «Industrial History of England». [4] One of the first attention to the problem of child labor in Britain drew the famous reformer Robert Owen — in 1816 he acted on this in Parliament. Since the end of the XVIII century, and during the XIX future of craft apprentices ( «British slaves,» as the writer called them) are usually recruited in workhouses, and when they fall into the «doctrine» in urban factories, do not receive any salary, clothes. Hours of work were limited to only complete exhaustion after the use of various coercive methods to continue working (for example, after beating overseers). Children often worked up to 16 hours, sometimes at night, and on Sunday a clean machine. They fed their very cheap and bad food that was often also to feed the pigs. They slept on dirty beds alternately. Some tried to escape from the factory, and to alert the flight, suspected of this intention children shackle: they worked and slept in chains. Subjected to the same treatment, and young women. Many, unable to withstand overwork, died, and was buried at night in some wild place, so that people could not know the extent of this «slavery». Some kill themselves

У всех на руси были большие семьи (по много детей )—занимались в основном земледелием. От мала до великого—знал свою работу. В пять лет дети уже пасли коров, овец. Могли доить коров. Кто постарше с родителями вместе обрабатывали поля на лошадях, пахали земли, сажали и ухаживали за урожаем. Приходило время—начинали убирать урожай. Зимой делали другие работы—ткали ткани, крутили на веретене нити—вязали одежду—И ДЕТИ С ПЕЛЁНОК УЖЕ ПОМОГАЛИ РОДИТЕЛЯМ ВО ВСЁМ .

Everyone in Russia were large families (many children )—were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work—weaving fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes—AND CHILDREN FROM the CRADLE has HELPED PARENTS ALL over .

У всех на руси были большие семьи (по много детей )—занимались в основном земледелием. От мала до великого — знал свою работу. В пять лет дети уже пасли коров, овец. Могли доить коров. Кто постарше с родителями вместе обрабатывали поля на лошадях, пахали земли, сажали и ухаживали за урожаем. Приходило время — начинали убирать урожай. Зимой делали другие работы — ткали ткани, крутили на веретене нити — вязали одежду — И ДЕТИ С ПЕЛНОК УЖЕ ПОМОГАЛИ РОДИТЕЛЯМ ВО ВСМ .
Everyone in Russia were large families (many children )—were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work—weaving fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes—AND CHILDREN FROM the CRADLE has HELPED PARENTS ALL over .

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Portfolio: Work in groups. Did children work in your country in the 19th century? Use your history books or the Internet to find out. Write a short text about what kind of jobs they did and what their lives were like.


Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Extensive Reading 3 — History. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Портфолио: Работа в группах. В вашей стране в XIX веке работали дети? Используйте свои учебники по истории или Интернет, чтобы узнать. Напишите короткий текст о том, какой работой они занимались и какой была их жизнь.


Child labour in Russia was hardly a product of late nineteenth−century industrialization. Children’s engagement in productive activities had existed well before modernized factories began to appear in Russia’s primarily rural landscape. From time immemorial, children had worked in agriculture, as well as in cottage industries and all other types of domestic manufacturing. In addition, Russian children worked in manorial and state factories and mines. The principal goal of having children engage in productive labour during these earlier times seems to have been less economic than educational. Child labour had been a widely accepted and common practice.

The passage from Nekrasov’s poem captures the harsh realities of child labour in nineteenth−century Russian factories. Child industrial labour outraged many great writers of the era, including Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. A late nineteenth−century observer wrote that in order “to see the conditions of children in the mines, one needs to enter the machine plant, or the lamp workshop, where the atmosphere is suffused with the smell of gasoline used for lamps, which causes headache and nausea. Inside [the mine] one can see an entire chain of small boys, moving around the gasoline lamps, wiping and fueling.”

The long public discussion of the
1860s and 1870s about child labor in industry finally yielded the 1882 law, the first decisive act to restrict the industrial employment of children. The following years and decades witnessed the introduction of labor protection and welfare legislation concerning all industrial workers. Starting with the 1882 law, the government limited the employment of children in all private industries. The laws banned the nighttime labor of children and their labor in perilous industries, including underground work in mines.

Перевод ответа
Детский труд в России вряд ли был продуктом индустриализации конца XIX века. Участие детей в производственной деятельности существовало задолго до того, как модернизированные фабрики начали появляться, в преимущественно сельской местности России. Испокон веков дети работали в сельском хозяйстве, а также в надомном производстве и во всех других видах домашнего производства. Кроме того, русские дети работали на усадебных и казенных заводах и шахтах. Основная цель вовлечения детей в производительный труд в те ранние времена, по−видимому, была менее экономической, чем образовательной. Детский труд был широко распространенной и общей практикой.
Отрывок из поэмы Некрасова отражает суровые реалии детского труда на российских фабриках XIX века. Детский труд возмутил многих великих писателей того времени, в том числе Антона Чехова, Максима Горького и Федора Достоевского. Наблюдатель конца девятнадцатого века писал, что для того, чтобы «увидеть, в каких условиях находятся дети в шахтах, нужно войти на машинный завод или в ламповый цех, где в атмосфере присутствует запах бензина, используемого для ламп, который вызывает головную боль и тошноту. Внутри [шахты] можно увидеть целую цепочку маленьких мальчиков, которые ходят вокруг бензиновых фонарей, протирают и заправляют топливо».
Длительные публичные дискуссии 1860−х и 1870−х годов о детском труде в промышленности, наконец, привели к принятию закона 1882 года, первого решающего акта, ограничивающего промышленную занятость детей. В последующие годы и десятилетия было введено законодательство об охране труда и социальном обеспечении в отношении всех промышленных рабочих. Начиная с закона 1882 года, правительство ограничило занятость детей во всех частных отраслях. Законы запрещали детский труд в ночное время и их труд на опасных производствах, включая подземные работы в шахтах.


Лучший ответ

In 19 century most of children lived in villages in my country. That detennined kind of jobs they did. They started taSJork in early childhood and did more and harder work as they grown up. In the early childhood they helped to do household duties: bringing water from the well, cleaning house, cooking, feeding and looking for domestic animals. Also they could work as a cettleman.
After some years they started to help parents on agricultural jobs: planting seeds, reaping, plowing and a lot of others.
At the same time they could become apprentice of craftsman. So they can work as apprentice in smithy, pottery’ or even fisherman boat. Girls are used to sew and knit.
In my opinion their life was difficult ahd joyless, as they need to work hard all they life since early childhood. They had time to have fun only late in the night, after all job is done, on Sundays and on church’s holidays.
В 19 веке большинство детей в моей стране жили в деревенской местности. Это определяло виды работ, которыми они занимались. Они начинали работать в раннем детстве и делали все более трудную работу и все больше времени по мере взросления. В раннем детстве они помогали с домашними обязанностями: носили воду из колодцев, убирали дома, готовили, кормили и ухаживали за домашними животными. Также они могли работать пастухами.
Через несколько лет они начинали помогать родителям на сельскохозяйственных работах: посев, жатва, рыхление земли и многое другое.
В тоже время они могли стать учениками ремесленника. Поэтому они могли работать подмастерьями на кузнице, гончарной мастерской или даже на лодке рыбака. Девочки часто вязали и вышивали.
По моему мнению, их жизнь была тяжелой и безрадостной, так как им было необходимо тяжело трудиться всю свою жизнь, начиная с раннего детства. У них было время повеселиться только поздно вечером, после того, как сделана вся работа, по воскресеньям, а также по церковным праздникам.

5 лет назад

Английский язык 5 — 9 классы Kaaztyut Kaaztyut




Everyone in Russia was large families were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work wove the fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes


Отв. дан
2019-01-22 09:05:39

  1. Everyone in Russia was large families were mainly engaged in agriculture. From small to great-knew their job. In five years the children were tending cows, sheep. Could milk the cows. Who are older along with their parents cultivated the fields with horses, plowed the land, planted and cared for the crop. The time came—started to harvest. Winter was doing other work wove the fabric, spun on the spindle of the yarn—knit clothes

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